
What is yellow silver? The use of silver of different samples

Pathology of the uterus

First, you need to make sure that your item is really made of real silver. There are cases when, under the guise of pure silver, they sell products made of brass or copper, on which a thin layer of pure silver is applied. As this layer begins to wear off, a discoloration may be observed. An examination can be carried out for you in any jewelry workshop and it does not take much time at all.

Real silver is usually quite inert, for example, it does not dissolve in hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acids, silver does not oxidize with oxygen even at high temperatures. There is even a common myth that silver darkens solely due to copper impurities in the alloy. However, pure silver also has its weaknesses. So, silver reacts very actively with sulfur compounds: in moist air in the presence of even the slightest trace compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, a deposit of poorly soluble silver sulfide is formed. The reason for the appearance of a yellow tint on the products may be the release of sulfur from vulcanized rubber, which is used for seals in shop windows. Also, silver can react with sulfur sodium thiosulfate, which is used in the food industry as a complexing agent and antioxidant, as well as in the textile industry to remove traces of chlorine after bleaching. Generally speaking, there are many products that have sulfur in their composition and contribute to coloring when in direct contact with silver products. It can even be some types of cardboard used for packaging, paper, textile materials. Silver sulfide has dark color, therefore, it can lead to staining in yellowish shades only when it is formed in the form of a very thin film, and with a slightly greater thickness, silver products simply darken.

The yellow color may also be the result of the formation of its compounds with bromine and iodine on the surface of silver. Silver bromides and chlorides are light yellow and yellow accordingly, under the action of light, they slowly blacken.

Finally, your silver can be plated with a thin layer of rhodium. Rhodium is a fairly expensive metal. white color, which almost does not react with anything and therefore reliably protects products from reactions with various substances from the environment around us. Rhodium is often plated on white gold items. Some manufacturers also coat silver items with it so that they retain their presentation for a long time before being sold. Rhodium is a platinum group metal, it is quite expensive, and therefore the coatings are usually very thin and can wear off over time, exposing the surface of silver, which can then react with other substances and become colored. So your rhodium-plated jewelry may well retain its beauty and brilliance for a long time, and then suddenly turn yellow.

All of the above applies to pure silver or high-quality silver products. In silver alloys low samples there is a significant amount of copper, which is much less inert than silver and therefore can contribute more rapid change alloy color and darkening.

Thus, silver may turn yellow due to the reaction with various substances that can be released from certain foodstuffs, from construction and finishing materials and even due to reactions with human sweat. By the way, the composition of sweat can vary markedly depending on emotional state person, as well as during pregnancy. It is usually difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the color change. If your silver is real, then the coloration is usually easily removed with normal silver cleaning. If you especially value your jewelry, then it is best to take it to a jewelry workshop for cleaning. In order for silver to retain its color and luster for a long time, try not to expose it to water, and especially various means. household chemicals, store it separately from other jewelry, preferably in airtight containers.

All women are not indifferent to jewelry and almost every woman has in her collection silver earrings or a chain with a pendant. But over time, even this noble metal can lose its luster and turn yellow. How to clean silver from yellowness, you will learn from this article, after which you will no longer have to worry that you will not be able to wear favorite decoration again.

Why does silver turn yellow?

Pure silver reacts very sensitively to sulfur, and if compounds with this chemical element are present in moist air, a coating forms on the product - silver sulfide. It also has a yellow tint. And since sulfur compounds are used quite commonly - in shop windows, in the food industry, and also in the textile industry - to remove chlorine after bleaching, the yellowing of your jewelry is understandable.

Other reasons:

  1. The yellow color may be a consequence of the formation of a film during the chemical reaction of our noble metal with bromine and iodine.
  2. Another cause of yellowing can be rhodium. This white metal is coated silver products and white gold items. Rhodium practically does not react with anything and, on the basis of this, reliably protects the surface of the jewelry. And since the material is very expensive, the coating is very thin - over time it wears off and then the decoration reacts with elements that “make” it turn yellow.
  3. Silver of lower samples is characterized by an admixture of copper, which is more inert, so such products quickly lose their luster and turn yellow.

Important! Do not be alarmed if suddenly your silver jewelry or cutlery turned yellow. It is possible to clean silver from yellowness, and with improvised means.

Silver Purification Methods

There are many methods to remove yellowness from silver. Consider the simplest and most effective.

Method 1

  1. Take toothpaste or tooth powder.
  2. Spread it on a toothbrush with not very hard bristles so as not to scratch the jewelry.
  3. Clean the product with a brush.
  4. Rinse well with water and dry with a cloth.

Method 2

If your jewelry has a complex pattern or it is a chain, it is difficult to clean with the previous method. Please use the following algorithm:

  1. Take 2-3 cups of water in a saucepan.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Without turning off the fire, add 1 tbsp. l. soda.
  4. Dip the product in boiling water several times.
  5. Wipe with a dry soft cloth.

Method 3

If you don't want or don't have time to mess around with boiling, then use this method:

  1. Take cotton wool and ammonia.
  2. Wipe off the silver.

Important! It is not necessary to wipe the decoration after such cleaning.

Method 4

A very homely and easy way to quickly clean silver from yellowness:

  1. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda into your palm.
  2. Put your decoration there.
  3. Use your fingers or a cotton swab to rub the product with soda.
  4. Rinse with water and dry with a cloth.

Method 5

  1. Take a cup and put food foil on the bottom.
  2. Pour 2 tsp into a container. soda and pour boiling water.
  3. Place the product in the mixture for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Remove the clean, white jewelry and gently dry with a soft cloth.

Important! For gold-plated silver, do not use abrasives. Simply soak a flannel cloth in vinegar or denatured alcohol and wipe it off. You can also use turpentine and wine alcohol.

Method 6

To clear silver from yellowness, if it has acquired a pronounced shade, will help special means for cleaning. Examples of such funds are:

  • German Dipping Bath for Silver;
  • its Italian counterpart Silbo;
  • the most effective domestic remedy is FLUR.

Important! To clean silver from yellowness, just follow the instructions on the package.

Silver storage

In order for silver items to retain their shiny appearance for as long as possible and not turn yellow, they must be stored properly:

  1. For cutlery, these are special cases covered with a soft cloth from the inside.
  2. For jewelry - it can be decorative box, also with cloth inside.

Important! Wash or clean and dry the products thoroughly before storing them.

Silver is a light-colored metal, which is easily adhered to by impurities. It may turn yellow or blacken, lose its luster. You can clean the product in jewelry workshops, or you can do it at home, because not only jewelry is silver, but also cutlery, which also needs effective care and quick cleaning from blackness.

Why silver begins to blacken

There can be several reasons for the darkening of silver or a change in the intensity of its brilliance. First of all, it really does not like humidity, it must be stored in a dry room. Jewelry can become darker and lose its luster from prolonged contact with human skin, because our sweat contains sulfur compounds, which chemically react with prolonged contact - it begins to oxidize, due to which chains, bracelets or rings are first covered with a thin film of a grayish color, and then it gets darker and darker.

The amount of copper as a chemical element is individual in the sweat of each person, therefore there are also people on whom silver does not darken at all even from prolonged wear.

Another reason for the discoloration of silver products is the composition itself. jewelry or cutlery, as a rule, such a metal is not used in its pure form, its alloys with other substances are used in production, for example, gold or copper, zinc or platinum. The less pure silver in the alloy, the more prone the product is to darkening.

In jewelry stores, we can often find 925 sterling silver, which means that the proportion of silver in this alloy is 92.5%. Such an alloy does not oxidize very much (however, this depends on the care of the product and on its storage, as well as on the individual characteristics of the person wearing it).

What else can affect the state of silver? The substances with which it comes into contact:

  • some of the products that we use daily - washing powders, washing gels;
  • cosmetics;
  • food products - salt, chicken eggs, onions;
  • household gas;
  • rubber.

What other contaminants are “friendly” with silver products

In addition to the fact that silver turns black, it can also turn yellow, becoming like copper (from hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide), or turn green from contact with iodine. Sometimes dark spots form on it.

Do they get rusty?

Rust on noble silver happens, but quite rarely. Old ones usually rust silver coins, less often Jewelry or cutlery. You can clean the product from rust citric acid or tooth powder.

How professional cleaning works in jewelers' workshops

Silversmiths and salons use special cleaning wipes or liquid cleaners, such as Johnson's or Leuchtturm's "Silver Quick" cleaning fluid, to clean silver items. Contaminated or darkened products are dipped into such a solution for a small amount of time (it is indicated on the bottle), then they are taken out, washed with clean water and wiped dry. In such liquids, they are cleaned as decorations with precious stones, and without them. After cleaning silver in such compositions, a thin transparent coating remains on the products, which for some time protects earrings and chains from darkening. Similar compounds can be bought at jewelry stores, as well as in the household chemical departments of ordinary department stores, and used at home every time your silver items need cleaning.

Napkins for cleaning from yellowness and darkening - what are they

There are two types of napkins designed for noble light metal - with or without special impregnation. Their main material is microfiber, a soft fabric that does not harm the smooth, shiny surface of silverware. Unimpregnated wipes are polished, impregnated are cleaned. It is rather problematic to clean silver jewelry with stones and inserts or dishes with a complex protruding pattern, as well as chains with small links, with napkins.

What are wet wipes

A special solution is applied to special wipes, which is based on finely dispersed active substances. Silver cleaning wipes can be disposable (if cleaned quickly, one wipe is enough to clean 15–20 items) or reusable. Such wipes are forbidden to clean jewelry with stones, especially pearls, amber and mother-of-pearl.

What can not be cleaned

Silver cannot be processed with hard, abrasive agents - they leave scratches on this metal. We use only gentle methods. Aggressive products are allowed only when cleaning a heavily soiled canteen.

Is it possible to clean at the same time as gold

You should not clean silver products along with, they are suitable for different means and cleaning methods.

What products do not pose a danger to the smooth surface of tableware and decorations

Silver can be safely cleaned with special tools designed for this (Aladdin, Talisman, Silbo, Silver Solution), and in addition - citric acid, soda (sometimes a mixture of salt and soda), soapy water. Ammonia is often used for these purposes (in some cases, tooth powder, crushed chalk are added to it), vinegar, even soda - Coca-Cola is more often used.

How to clean silver at home from blackness


When cleaning silver, you should not use pure ammonia (aka ammonia), so let's prepare the following mixture: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of ammonia in half a liter of water, add a few drops to make the products shine liquid soap or hydrogen peroxide (this is an optional step). We moisten a woolen cloth in the resulting liquid, wipe the decoration, wipe it dry. For silverware, it is quite delicate, but very effective way getting rid of blackening.


We dilute baking soda in water, lower jewelry there for 5-7 minutes, take it out, wipe it dry. Soda cleans dirt well and does not harm the smooth surface of products.


For cleaning from dark spots heated 6% table vinegar is well suited (the acid contained in it dissolves impurities, while not damaging itself a precious metal), moisten a piece of cotton cloth or suede, wipe the blackened silver jewelry with a damp disk until the blackness disappears, then with a dry cloth.


The ideal option is Coca-Cola: pour a little soda into a separate bowl, put the silver there that needs to be cleaned, leave it for 3-4 hours, take it out, wipe it. There is another variation of this method - bring the Cola to a boil and lower the decorations into boiling soda, then 5-10 minutes will be enough for cleaning. However, if silver jewelry or cutlery is heavily soiled, Cola may not be able to cope.

We breed 4 tbsp. tablespoons of citric acid in 1/2 liter of water, heat in a water bath, so that the acid is completely dissolved and we get a saturated solution. We dip a small piece of copper into the acid (you can use a copper earring or wire) - and our darkened silver, keep it on fire for about half an hour, take it out, rinse it with cool water. Cleaning silver with citric acid can leave small scratches on it, which are noticeable only with a very careful examination of the product.

This method is effective, but it is not suitable for cleaning products with gold inserts or with precious (semi-precious) stones - sapphire, amethyst, rock crystal, turquoise, serpentine, jade ... In addition, many stones are afraid of high boiling temperatures, for example, turquoise, tourmaline , aquamarine, amethyst.


Let's dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 glass of water, soak silver for 2-3 hours or boil in saline for 10-15 minutes, blackening from silver will disappear.

Tooth powder or cigarette ash

We mix tooth powder or ashes with water to the state of slurry, wipe the silver thing with this slurry, rinse, wipe. It is important to remember that these are abrasives, harsh products, and they are used on silver products with care - scratches can form on the metal, and silver can also tarnish. For products with stones, this method is not recommended.

Detergent and a mixture of salt and soda

We use aluminum dishes: add 1 liter of water detergent, soda and salt, in total - 1 tbsp. spoon. We lower silver products there, put on fire and bring to a boil. We boil until our things are completely cleansed. This usually takes about 20 minutes.

Water from boiled eggs

Boil 2-3 hard-boiled eggs in water, take them out, let the water cool, then put silver items in it for 15-20 minutes, take it out and wipe it dry.

soldering acid

This method will help to clean silver from rust - wet a cloth, wipe, rinse, dry.

Paste GOI

This polishing agent comes in solid and pasty form. We need a pasty mass. The surface of a silver product should simply be rubbed with a soft cloth with paste - calmly, without fanaticism, otherwise we can get unnecessary scratches. Thus, we remove all stains, blackness, yellowness or rust, rinse the product and wipe it dry. Paste GOI - effective remedy, however, like cigarette ash or tooth powder, it is an abrasive and should not be used on silver items with stones, blackened silver, and silver plated with gold plating.

Cleaning with a solution in an ultrasonic bath

Ultrasound removes dirt from silver products in the most inaccessible places, well cleans silver with stones (except for products with opal, amber, emerald, sapphire, moonstone, turquoise) or a complex pattern. A special liquid is poured into the ultrasonic bath and the silver object that we want to clean is placed. As soon as we turn on the device, high-frequency sound vibrations appear in the bath, which affect the dirt.

Video: how to clean silver in different ways?

How to quickly and effectively clean silver jewelry

Jewelry "under silver" can be cleaned with toothpaste or tooth powder, soda and chalk. If the product is copper, you can clean it with a mixture of salt and vinegar. In the event that metal and plastic are combined in jewelry, you need to clean it very in soft ways e.g. with shampoo or dishwashing detergent. Jewelry "under silver" in no case should not be rubbed, you need to carefully wash it in soapy water. It may take more than one pass to do this.

Important nuances

How to work safely

Silver should not be cleaned in "rough" ways, for example, using a toothbrush with paste applied to it or a mixture of ammonia and tooth powder, because unpleasant microcracks can form on the surface of the product. Safe to use for cleaning silver soft tissue such as microfiber.

You should also not use wet soda powder (you can use soda diluted in water), it can also leave scratches.

How to clean cutlery

Silver cutlery can be boiled in a solution of 5% formic acid or 5% sulfuric acid, or cleaned with citric acid. You can also prepare a solution of water and washing powder(we take arbitrary proportions) and boil cutlery in it for 10 minutes, a solution of water and soda is also suitable.

Another way is to clean your silverware with window cleaner. Of course, after this, the product must be rinsed well with running water and wiped dry.

Only those silver cutlery that have a special coating can be washed in the dishwasher, silver cutlery should not be mixed with other metal cutlery, and only a gentle detergent can be used.

Cleaning from dirt and dust blackened silver

For such silver there are methods:

  1. We mix 10 g of grated laundry soap (you can also use liquid soap) and 1 teaspoon of soda, dissolve in 1/2 liter of water, dip blackened silver into the solution for 15 minutes, remove, rinse, wipe.
  2. We cut 1-2 raw potatoes, fill it with cold water and immediately dip silver there, leave it to soak for 3 hours, then everything is according to the previous scheme - we wash, wipe, clean.

How to clean silver with gold inserts, with cubic zirkonia

Cubic zirconias and gold inserts tolerate cleaning in soapy water well.

How to process a rhodium-plated item

Rhodium-plated silver is coated with a special solution that prevents oxidation and corrosion. Such silver is very easy to scratch, although it is quite resistant to aggressive dry cleaning. The product does not become dull, so it can be cleaned less often than regular silver. When cleaning, do not use ammonia-containing products, such as ammonia. You can - soapy water and special cleaning wipes.

How to make gold-plated metal cleaner

If the dirt on gilded silver is not strong, you can wipe it with dry suede. If there is darkening, we use a cotton pad soaked in ethyl alcohol or turpentine, or table vinegar.

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The use of silver of different samples

Silver has been known to mankind for many centuries. The cultures of many nations revere this metal and recognize it as a symbol of spiritual purity due to its amazingly noble radiance. Due to its bactericidal properties, the metal was actively used to disinfect water during epidemics and bloody wars. The use of silver in medicine is described in a number of ancient manuscripts of various healers and healers.

In its pure form, silver cannot be used for the manufacture of dishes and kitchen utensils, jewelry and all kinds of awards and banknotes (coins).

It is a very soft metal. Even in the manufacture of very thin plates and winding products for the radio-electronic industry, it must be alloyed.

To sufficiently increase the hardness of the silver alloy, to ensure resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress, other metals are introduced into it: cadmium, copper, nickel and a number of other metals. This technological process is called alloying.

What is silver proof?

The quantitative content of silver (or other noble metal) in the ligature alloy is called a breakdown. All manufactured jewelry, medals, coins will have a sample of the ligature alloy from which they were made.

The vast majority of countries in the world, including Russia, have a metric sample designation system. The sample in such a system indicates the number of parts of silver in 1000 parts of the ligature material (by weight). Great Britain, the USA and Switzerland adopted the carat system. A carat is a measure of a thousandth sample, corresponding to 24 conventional units.

In tsarist Russia, there was a spool system for designating samples. Then the sample denoted the weight of the noble metal in 96 units of the alloy. There was a coin with the inscription: "990 Sample 1 spool".

Why is a test needed?

The sample is guaranteed by the state. It confirms and guarantees that the product has passed the assay control. A brand is put, which is easy to see on every piece of jewelry. But coins, award medals and orders are not subject to hallmarking. This is due to the fact that the sample of their alloys is regulated and controlled by the state. Control is carried out by the Assay Supervision Inspectorate. From the stamp on a silver item, you can get information not only about the composition of the alloy, but also about the country where this item was made.

Types of alloys for specific silver products

Today, in addition to copper, zinc, germanium, platinum and even silicon are added to the silver alloy. This allows you to influence the color of the ligature material, but the main thing is to more reliably protect it from oxidation. Yellow silver is a typical example. The appearance of products greatly spoils the process of metal oxidation. The rhodium plating method helps to resist oxidation, when a silver product is covered with a thin layer of rhodium. In addition to protecting against mechanical damage and corrosion, the jewelry acquires a characteristic luster.

It has become traditional in world practice to use certain types of alloys for the manufacture of specific objects and products. For expensive jewelry with filigree, it is customary to use 960 alloy. Silverware, decorative serving items, often enamelled, contain an alloy. The most common recognized silver alloy. These are jewelry, and items for table setting, all kinds of figurines and entire expositions.

Designers boldly use yellow silver in combination with other metals.. In the manufacture of yellow silver jewelry, the artist strives to obtain different shades of color. Therefore, in alloys, the percentage of the content of the alloying component, copper, changes. The more copper in the alloy, the more yellow the shade of the metal in the products.

The yellow hue of the silver color changes to slightly reddish if the copper content reaches 50%. This property of the silver alloy is used in their work by the creators of jewelry.

Many fashionistas and just people who allow themselves to have beautiful jewelry by recognized master jewelers prefer elite 925 silver. In appearance, it is difficult to distinguish it from metal 960. But it is more practical when wearing and using jewelry made on its basis. Connoisseurs have long considered the best dining room. Again attracts practicality in operation: perfectly retains its shape, does not change appearance upon contact with food.

Jewelry made from silver alloys is more durable than gold, and rhodium plating ensures the original beauty of the product for many years. Numerous designer collections use combinations of white, yellow and reddish-pink shades of silver products in their jewelry. This makes each work a work of art.

It should be noted that low-grade grades of yellow silver are actively used in industry, in particular, electrical and electronic. The rapid growth of China's industry led to the fact that this country took first place in the world in terms of industrial consumption of this type of metal. Many leading companies in the world prefer to manufacture electrical and electronic products under their own brand in the Middle Kingdom, hence such a demand.

Samples from 720 to 830 have a fairly high content of copper in their composition and are prone to oxidation. Nevertheless, parts coated with such a metal work in oily environments for a long time and are in demand in mechanical engineering both in Russia and in other countries of the world.

Every home must have any decoration or item made of silver. But, as you know, silver has such a property as to oxidize under the influence of external factors and become black, gray and yellow. However, this semi-precious metal lends itself very well to cleaning, and there is no need to be afraid of this oxidation. If the product has turned yellow, then you can take the following measures at home, how to clean silver with soda. Add soda to warm water and wash the silver in this solution, then rinse with plain water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Also, instead of soda, you can use ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. These are traditional cleaning methods, but there are also original methods for cleaning silver with soda. Pour water into the foil, put a spoonful of salt and soda there, lower the product into the solution: after half an hour the object shines like new. You can use tooth powder for cleaning, it is applied with any brush. If the oxidation is strong, then you can make a special solution of tooth powder, ammonia and soda. Apply with gentle movements.

How to care for silver if it is jewelry with precious stones? Here it is already necessary to approach more seriously, since the stones should not suffer during cleaning. It is better, of course, to give the jewelry to specialists: they know what to do in such situations. If you still need to clean at home, then you must follow some rules. It is not necessary to clean the stone itself, because it can fade. Also, many have gold-plated silver products, how to clean gold-plated silver? This is very difficult to do, because the gilding can be easily damaged. Do not clean with powders, otherwise it will quickly be erased. You can wipe them with ethyl alcohol, turpentine or vinegar.

For the situation with stones, there is nothing better than cleaning silver with ammonia, and in the process it is better to use a cotton swab. A few drops of ammonia are added to the soapy solution, and the jewelry is wiped with this solution. Silver with pearls cannot be cleaned with ammonia, otherwise the pearl may lose its natural color. Many also have gold-plated silver items. In order for silver to regain its original shine, you also need to know how to clean silver with peroxide. You should lower the product into hydrogen peroxide for half an hour, you can also add alcohol there. After that, rinse and dry.

In order to prevent various deformations and oxidation silver jewelry, before starting any homework or anything related to it, better decoration take off. It is also better to remove silver jewelry if there is close contact with iodine, various cosmetic products. Preventive cleaning of jewelry made of this precious metal is recommended to be carried out at least once a year. Then the products can be passed on in excellent condition to their children and grandchildren.