
Essay-story on the theme “Walk in the woods. A sample story about a baby shirt A short story about a beautiful summer lawn


Lapatina Svetlana Vasilievna, tutor of the extended day group, Municipal Educational Institution Tumskaya Secondary School No. 46 Branch "Oskinskaya Basic General Education School".
Description: Your attention is given to the author's story for junior schoolchildren "Summer Adventure". This story may be of interest to educators, class teachers when conducting classes, class hours around the world.
Target: Development of the basic moral qualities of the child's personality.
1. To acquaint schoolchildren with the story, to promote the development of interest in reading.
2. Fostering love for the homeland, native land, and animals among schoolchildren.
3. Fostering feelings of compassion, care, desire to help.

The story "Summer Adventure".

The last day of school ended, and second-grader Dimka, cheerfully waving his portfolio, skipped home. Suddenly, the sound of a telephone was heard from the pocket of the briefcase. It was my dad who called: “I wish you good health, comrade junior lieutenant, I hasten to tell you very good news - tomorrow we are going to the dacha. Therefore, listen to my command: have a quick lunch and pack your things. Mom and I will be home in an hour. "
Dimka's dad was a military man, and his mother was a nurse, and they worked in the same military unit.
“Yes, comrade general, to collect things! Hurray, we are going to the village! - the delighted boy shouted joyfully into the phone.
Not even half an hour had passed when Dimka had a quick military-style dinner and began to collect his things, while singing a funny song of his own composition.
“When the candy runs out,
Everyone is very upset
And when the oranges run out
Everyone is upset too.

And the holidays begin -
Nobody gets upset
Classes are over
Hurray, I'm going to the dacha,

There they are waiting for me
Interesting ideas,
Happy friends»
By the time the parents arrived, the hallway of the apartment looked like a large storehouse, where a lot of necessary things were collected: there was a soccer ball, a fishing rod, a pump for a bicycle, and a basket for mushrooms.

Finally, the long-awaited morning of the next day came, things had already been sent to the trunk of the car, dad started the car, and the whole family went to the dacha for their summer vacation.
Here the car drove out of the city, turned onto a country road, a large field began here, on which cornflowers and daisies bloomed.

Mom could not resist and exclaimed: "Oh, look how beautiful it is here, let's stop for a minute, I'll pick a bouquet of my favorite daisies."
Dad replied cheerfully: "Yes, Comrade Senior Lieutenant, stop, and you feel what the air is here, real, rustic."
An hour later, the car drove up to the village, now the house is visible, and the neighbor, Aunt Anya, waves her hand in a friendly manner.

“With the arrival of you, my dear neighbors, try some fresh milk from the path,” says the caring hostess and gives Dad a jug of country milk. Aunt Anya's yard is full of all kinds of cattle: a cow, a pig, sheep, geese, chickens, and even has a dog called Blackie.

Dad takes the jug with great pleasure, drinks milk and enthusiastically exclaims: “Thank you
you, Anna Kuzminichna, your milk is delicious - real, country-style! "
In the afternoon, during lunch, Dimka dreamily says: "And it would be nice for us to have, like Aunt Anya's, a cow or at least a little calf." But dad said that keeping the cattle is a very big responsibility, you need to take care of it: to water, feed, walk, prepare fodder, and for this you need to live in the village all year round.
In the evening, Dimka sat down on a bench and began to watch the clouds floating high in the sky.
Here is one of them, the largest, looks like a huge hippopotamus, and this one, smaller, looks like a calf with horns ...

And suddenly, next to the house, on a green lawn, a cheerful and mischievous calf jumped. He was all white, only brown spots were visible on his tummy and back, his muzzle was pink, and on his head there were small horns.

Dimka was very happy, came closer to the calf and said: "Hi, I'll call you Milki, let's play catch-up with you." The calf looked at the boy cheerfully, waved its head and jumped along the path leading to the birch grove.

Suddenly a sly red fox appeared from the grove, she saw a boy and a calf and said: "Hello, friends, let's all be friends together, come visit me, I will treat you with ripe strawberries and delicious grass."
The fox was very cunning and she conceived a bad thing: she decided to lure into the forest and eat a stupid and trusting calf. She took out her phone and began to call Wolf: "Hello, kumanyok, I invite you to visit me for dinner today, I have such a nice calf here."
Dimka heard the words of Lisa and thought: “Oh, and you and I, Milka, got ourselves into an unpleasant story. Now, if we had an invisible hat, then we would have left the forest clearing quietly and imperceptibly. " And before the boy had time to think, he had not one, but two invisible hats in his hand.

He put on one hat himself, and gave the other to his friend Milky.
And the friends went completely unnoticed along the road, and the fox was running ahead, hurrying to meet the wolf as soon as possible.
A swamp appeared at the edge of the forest, the fox hurried, stumbled and fell into the swamp mud. “Oh, save, oh, help,” the red-haired cheat shouted. Friends had every right to go further and not pay attention to the cries of the insidious fox, because as it says folk proverb:
"Don't dig holes for another - you'll get into it yourself."

Only now it felt sorry for Dima and the fox calf, they took off their invisible hats and began to help her get out of the swamp. Dimka broke the thick oak branches and pulled them to the edge of the swamp, and the calf bowed its head, grabbed the fox by the neck of the calf and climbed ashore.
"Thank you, friends, for your kind heart, for helping me in difficult times, I ask you very much: forgive me, from today I promise to do only good deeds."
It's good that everything ends well, tired but satisfied friends went home, only Milka's calf lost its ringing bell somewhere.
The warm summer day ended, it was late, and dad brought out a warm sweater to his son, and Dimka, sitting on a bench, leaning his head against the fence of the front garden, slept in a sound, serene sleep. “I was running away, junior lieutenant, that's what real country air means, it's time to go to the barracks,” said dad, gently took Dimka in his strong arms and carried him into the house.
A wonderful summer morning came, it was shining brightly warm sun, beautiful butterflies fluttered. Dimka woke up, stretched sweetly, looked out of the open window and saw a miracle: a calf was galloping briskly on a green meadow, and a bell jingled merrily on his neck.

Summer was just beginning, and many wonderful summer adventures awaited the boy.

Before us is a shirt. It is small in size and stature, so only a child can wear it. Buttons on the right - this means it men's clothing... A flannel shirt, warm, it is better to wear it in winter, early spring or late autumn, when it is cold. She is blue, in a cage.

Parts of the shirt: two long sleeves, ending with cuffs, which are fastened with buttons. There is also a collar and two pockets.

The shirt was sewn by tailors; for this they needed scissors, thread, a thimble.

The shirt can get dirty, torn, so you need to be careful and take good care of your clothes. A dirty thing is washed, dried and ironed.

(Such a story can be composed about any item of clothing.)

Sample dictionary

Nouns:coat, dress, suit, trousers, shirt, jacket, sweater, jacket, skirt, apron, sundress, tights, stockings, socks, scarf, shawl, cap, hat, belt, belt, mittens, gloves; size, height, color; floor, bodice, hem, back, collar, cuffs, fastener, tie, elastic band, zipper, hook, button; bike, jersey, drape, wool, fur, chintz, satin, silk; atelier, fitting, showcase, mannequin, fashion model, model, style, figure, thimble.

Adjectives:high, medium, low, plump, thin, light, tight; downy, woolen, chintz, silk; clean, dirty, new, old, smart, festive, everyday; short, long, child, adult; knitted, sewn, leather.

Verbs:try on, scribble, overwrap, flog, cut, hem, darn; putting on, taking off, dressing, undressing, buttoning, unbuttoning; knit, thread, fold.

Didactic games

1. "Name". What items of clothing do you know?

2. "What are they wearing?" What do girls (boys) wear?

3. "What are you wearing?" What is Tanya wearing? What is Vova wearing?

4. "Whose clothes?" The dress - women's clothing, Shirt.

5. "Let's help the doll get dressed." The child dresses the doll and comments on his actions.

6. "Three seasons". The child explains why clothes are summer, winter and demi-season.

7. "When do we put it on?" Fur coat - in winter, chintz sundress - in summer, jacket - in spring, autumn.

8. "What are they sewing from?" Thing - material: fur coat - from fur, blouse - from silk ...

9. "What are they sewing?" Material - thing: wool - winter dress, skirt, suit ...

10. "Who owns this thing?" Swimsuit - for a girl, swimming trunks - for a boy, trousers - can belong to both a boy and a girl.

11. "Name the parts of the clothes." Fur coat - two floors, back, two sleeves, collar.

12. "What will happen?" The child tells what kind of clothes can be obtained from such parts: two sleeves, a collar, pockets, buttons. Shirt, jacket, coat, fur coat, robe, jacket.

13. "What is the difference?" Shirt from a jacket: shirt - man's, it fastens from left to right; the jacket is for women, it fastens from right to left. Jacket from coat: they have different length, and, as a rule, they are sewn from different materials.

14. "What's missing?" Children are shown a picture of clothes or real clothes without a sleeve, collar, etc.

15. "Where is this part?" Long sleeve - for a warm dress, short - for a summer dress, blouse, robe.

16. "Choose right." Clothes for winter, summer ...

17. "For what?" Pocket for a handkerchief, buttons for fastening.

18. "What do you need?" To sew, you need to have material (fabric), scissors, a needle, thread ...

19. "Name the color." Things or pictures are shown, for example: summer dress- white with blue flowers, shirt - blue with white stripes.

20. "What properties of clothes do you know?" It protects from cold, rain.

Clothes get dirty, torn; it can be washed, cleaned, dried, ironed.

21. "How to store?" Clothes are stored in the wardrobe, in the closet: the top one is on hangers, the underwear is on the shelves.

22. "Share". The teacher invites the child to sort it out into groups: underwear, outerwear, hats, shoes.

23. "Demonstration of models". They come out in twos: a fashion model and a fashion designer; each couple talks about their clothing model.

24. "Clothing store".“Buying a thing”, the child must name the material, color, size, height, style.

(The teacher needs to monitor the grammatical correctness of the speech of children: agreement in gender, number, case; use of the necessary prepositions, etc.)

Tongue twisters and poems

1. I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt, I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper.

2. Ivashka has a shirt, a shirt has pockets.

3. Mom knits a long scarf, because the son is a giraffe.

4. A cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood.

The hooded cuckoo went.

5. Timoshka took the iron: “Come on, warm yourself, my friend.

I will iron my brother's shirt and pants. "

6. I sewed a shirt for Mishka, I will sew pants for him.

We need to sew a pocket to them and put a handkerchief.

7. We rinsed the linen and did not get tired a bit.

We will rinse again, we will help mom.

8. Varya's mittens disappeared on the boulevard.

Varya returned from the boulevard in the evening,

And she found Varvara's mittens in her pocket.

9. Dressed up the legs in new boots.

You walk, legs, straight along the path,

You walk, stomp, do not slap in the puddles,

Do not go into the mud, do not tear your boots.

1. So as not to freeze, five guys are sitting in a knitted stove.

2. Two sisters, two plaits of fine sheep yarn.

How to walk - put them on so that five and five do not freeze.

3. If it is raining, we do not grieve, briskly slap in the puddles.

4. I walk on my head, although on my feet,

I walk barefoot, although in boots.

5. I walk in the rain and in the heat, my character is like that.

6. Sitting astride, I do not know who.

7. Five boys, five closets,

The boys went to the dark closets.

8. We always walk together, like brothers,

We are at dinner under the table, and at night under the bed.

9. Sitting on top of little Katyushka's head

Not a moth, not a bird - he holds two pigtails.

10. Steel horse, linen tail.

Answers: 1, 2. Mittens. 3. Boots. 4. A nail in a boot. 5. Umbrella. 6. Hat. 7. Fingers and gloves. 8. Slippers. 9. Bow. 10. Needle and thread.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Neatness paints a person.

2. Measure seven times - cut once.

3. The needle is small, but it hurts.

4. It is not the clothes that color the person.

5. Clothes are better new, and a friend is old.

6. Do not judge by clothes, by deeds.

7. On clothes they meet, on the mind they see off.

8. On the head and hat, on the leg and boots.

9. He is looking for mittens, and they are in the belt.

10. The shirt will wear out, and the good deed will not be forgotten.

11. The sundress does not run after the caftan.

12. The boot is good, but the leg shakes.

13. And the caftan warms up when there is no fur coat.



Autumn months: September, October, November. The first of September is the beginning of autumn, on this day the children begin their classes at school.

It gets colder in the fall. The sun is no longer as warm as in summer. The sky is often dark, gray, gloomy, it rains; the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer.

Nature is changing: the grass turns yellow and dries; on trees the leaves turn yellow or turn red, leaf fall begins, and the ground is covered with a golden carpet.

People harvest from fields and vegetable gardens, make various preparations for the winter from vegetables and fruits (pickles, jams, compotes); food for pets is also prepared. Insects disappear, many birds have nothing to feed on, and they fly away to warm regions in order to return to their native places in the spring. These are rooks, starlings, swallows, cranes, wild geese, ducks. Wild animals are also preparing for winter: squirrels hide nuts, mushrooms, cones in their hollows; bears accumulate fat to last for the winter, and are looking for a place to build a den; hedgehogs are buried in dry leaves.

It gets colder every day; adults and children wear warm clothing: jackets, sweaters, hats.

Autumn story outline

1. Names of months.

2. Condition of weather, sun, sky.

3. Duration of days and nights.

4. The state of the surrounding nature (grass, trees, rivers, lakes).

5. Classes for adults and children.

6. Bird life.

7. Life of domestic and wild animals.

8. People's clothing.

Sample dictionary

Nouns:autumn, leaves, harvest, vegetables, fruits, hay; puddles, slush; scythe, shovel, blanks, harvester, stack.

Verbs:turn yellow, wither, fall off, crumble, dry out, drizzle, pour(about rain); fly away, dig, collect, mow.

Adjectives:cold, shallow, pouring(rain); yellow, red, dry(leaves); gloomy, darkened, cloudy(sky); pedestrian(feed); insulated(clothes).

Comparative:warmer - colder, shorter - longer, darker - lighter, brighter.

Didactic games

All games are suitable for any time of the year, so they provide examples not only about autumn, but also about winter, spring and summer.

Each game begins with the words: "I will name (tell) ... - you name (tell) ..." Sample - the first game, then these words are omitted for brevity.

1. "We remember the months"(the game is played when the children are already familiar
with this vocabulary).

I will name the season and you will name the months: autumn - September, October, November; summer - June, July, August etc.

I will name the month and you will name the season: January - winter, March - spring ...

Which season do you like best? Why?

2. "We know the weather."

a) Hot - summer, cold - in winter, it becomes warmer in the spring, colder - in the fall, warm rain in summer cold rain - in the fall, thunderstorms(thunder and lightning) - in summer or late spring, etc.

b) In the summer - it's hot, the sun is shining brightly ...

c) What kind of weather do you like? Why?

3. "What is the sky, the sun?"

a) Sky affectionate, blue, azure, clear - summer; gloomy, dark, I'll cover it up with clouds - in the fall; motionless, gray, like steel - in winter; sky clears up Sun warms up more and more- in the spring; Sun shines brightly and heats well - summer; gradually fades, often overcast - in the fall; shines, but does not warm - in winter.

b) I will name the season, and you will tell about the sun, the sky at this time.

c) Which sky, sun do you like best? Why?

4. "Days and nights, which is longer - which is shorter?"

a) Days become shorter- in the fall, longer- in the spring, the shortest nights - summer, etc.

b) In winter - the days are short and the nights are long.

c) What days do you like? Why? When do you sleep longer - in summer or winter?

We are guided by the clock.

5. "Let's talk about nature."

a) Leaves turn yellow, turn red - the beginning of autumn; the ground is covered with a carpet of leaves - mid-autumn; the trees are almost all bare - the end of autumn.

There are many flowers in the meadow; the rivers were covered with ice; buds bloom on the trees; grass is breaking out of the ground; streams run ... there is green grass all around, there are many flowers in the meadows ...

c) What time of year do you like best? Why?

6. "What are they doing?"

a) In the fall - harvest, prepare food for pets, etc.

b) They plant vegetables in vegetable gardens - at the end of spring, combine harvesters work in summer; children sledding - in winter; sunbathe on the beach - in summer, etc.

c) What are your parents doing at home? How do you help them? What are siblings and grandparents doing? What do you enjoy doing the most? Why?

7. "What are the habits of pets in different time of the year?"

a) Cows graze on the lawn - in summer; animals feed on hay in winter; grass, hay - in late autumn.

b) In winter, animals are not driven out to pasture, they are always in the barn.

c) Do you love animals? Why shouldn't they be offended? Who has a cat or a dog at home? Are there other animals? How do you look after them?

8. "Habits of wild animals".

a) Squirrel stores nuts - in the fall; the bear runs away from the bees - in the summer. (Why is he running away?) A white hare runs from a fox - in winter; a hare sits under a bush and trembles - in summer, autumn. (Why does the hare change color?) Elks come to haystacks, closer to human habitation - in winter. (When it is cold and there is a lot of snow, people help herbivores to survive by feeding them hay.) Predatory animals catch up with weakened and sick animals, feeding on their meat - at any time of the year.

b) A bear sleeps in a den in winter, picks berries in summer, looks for honey. (You can ask questions about a fox, a hare, a hedgehog, a squirrel.)

c) What kind of wild animals have you seen? How do they benefit?

9. "What do we know about birds?"

a) Birds fly away to warmer regions - in autumn; fly closer to their homes, look for help from people (when they are cold and hungry) - in winter ...

b) In spring, migratory birds return from warm regions ...

c) Has anyone helped any bird? (A case from life.) Does anyone have a bird in a cage at home? Tell us about her.

10. "How do we dress?"

a) Warm hat, fur coat - in winter; dress with short sleeves- in summer. Light jacket - in spring, autumn; warm boots, boots - in winter.

b) What put on on yourself in the summer? How dress doll, brother?

c) What clothes do you like best? Why? Which is easier to wear?

11. "What kind of snow can there be?"

a) The sun is shining, it has become warmer - the snow is wet, soft, sparkling,

sticky, shiny; frost - crumbly snow, hard, crunchy, covered with a hard crust (crust).

b) Wet snow - when the sun is shining ... You can make a snowman, a snow woman from it.

c) What do you like to play with snow? Why?

12. "When does this happen?" The sun, icicles, puddles - in the spring; leaf fall, dried grass - in autumn: bright sun, hot sand - in summer.

14. "Name the three main words." winter: snow, frost, sledges; about summer: beach, river, boat etc.

15. "What happens?" In winter - blizzards, blizzards, snowdrifts; in summer - heat, rain, thunderstorms; in the spring ...; autumn ...

Tongue twisters and poems

1. Autumn painted the aspen,

I like the aspen very much.

She shines with gilding

But it quickly flies around.

2. It suddenly became twice as light,

The yard is like in the sun.

This dress is golden

Have a birch on the shoulders.

3. Leaves from trees in the forest are crumbling,

The rain is knocking dejectedly on the roofs.

A bright summer says goodbye to the earth,

Gloomy autumn looks out the window.

4. In the morning we go to the yard - the leaves are falling in rain,

They rustle underfoot, everything is flying, flying, flying.

The cranes flew by, everything flies!

It must be

Our summer is flying away.

5. Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly,

Underfoot rustle, rustle, soon the garden will be naked.

6. The leaves from the maple have flown, the maple is trembling from the cold.

There is a golden carpet on the path by the balcony.

7. Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind;

Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys,

The brushes are bright red wilting rowan trees.

(A.K. Tolstoy)

8. Rowan berries turn red, damp fog creeps over the fields,

And the last wedge of the crane is crying lonely about summer.

9. Cranes are flying high over the empty fields.

To the forests where they spent the summer, they shout:

"Fly with us!"

And in the grove, sleepy and empty, aspen trees tremble from the cold,

And for a long time a golden leaf flies after a flock of cranes.

10. Autumn days, big puddles in the garden.

The last leaves a cold wind whirls.

There are yellow leaves, there are red leaves,

We will collect all the different leaves in a bunch.

It will become beautiful in the room - mom will tell us: "Thank you!"

11.The swallows disappeared, and yesterday at dawn all the rooks flew

Yes, like a net, they flashed over that mountain.

(A. Fet)

12. Gloomy, rainy autumn has come,

All the cabbage was removed, there is nothing to steal.

The poor bunny is jumping by the wet pine trees,

It's scary to get into the clutches of a gray wolf ...

Thinks about summer, presses his ears

He squints at the sky - you can't see the sky ...

Only warmer, if only drier ...

It is very unpleasant to step on water.

(A. Blok)

13. Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,

And the bare bushes look sadly.

The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows,

Only the winter is turning green in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,

The wind howls in the field, the rain is drizzling.

The waters rustled a fast stream,

The birds flew away to warm lands.

(A. Pleshcheev)

14. Already the sky was breathing in autumn, less often the sun shone;

The day was getting shorter, the mysterious forest canopy

With a sad noise it bared itself, the fog fell on the fields,

A noisy caravan of geese stretched southward.

Was approaching

It's a rather boring time: November was already at the yard ...

(A. Pushkin)

15. Soon white blizzards snow will rise from the ground,

The cranes fly away, fly away, flew away.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove, and the birdhouse is empty,

The stork flaps its wings, flies away, flew away.

A patterned leaf sways in a blue puddle on the water,

A rook walks with a black rook in the garden along the ridge.

Falling down, the sun's rare rays turned yellow,

Rooks fly away, flew away, flew away.

(E. Blaginina)

1. The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet, the rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?

2. Who knocks on the roof all night long,

And mutters, and sings, lulls?

3. They fly without wings, run without legs, sail without a sail.

4. In spring they grow, in autumn they fall.

Answers: 1. In the autumn. 2. Rain. 3. Clouds. 4. Leaves.


1. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with fruits.

3. Autumn - eight changes.

4. In an autumn storm, there are seven weather conditions in the yard:

Sows, blows, twists, whistles and roars, pours and sweeps snow

5. Spring is red and autumn is dirty.

6. Autumn - stocks, winter - picking up.

7. Autumn will command, and spring will tell you.

8. Autumn uterus: jelly and pancakes;

And spring is a stepmother: sit and look.

9. Autumn is boastful, spring is fair.

10. The autumn fly bites more painfully.

11. The sparrow is rich in autumn.

12. In the fall and the cat has a pie.


Winter months: December January February.

December is the beginning of winter, the last month of the year; January is the middle of winter, the first month of the year; February is the end of winter.

In winter it gets colder, the sun shines, but no longer warms. The sky is gloomy, as if covered with a light haze. The days are shorter and shorter and longer and longer than the night. Snow falls on roofs, trees, the ground seems to be covered with a white carpet. When there are snowstorms, large snowdrifts form. In frosty weather, the snow is dry, crumbly, covered with a hard crust - an infusion. In sunny weather, it is wet, shiny, sparkling, sticky. It is good to sculpt snowmen from such snow, you can play snowballs.

All nature seems to freeze. All around are bare trees and bushes. Greenery is nowhere to be seen. Rivers and lakes are covered with ice. You can skate, but it is better to go to a special skating rink, since the ice on the rivers is formed unevenly, you can fall into the wormwood. When there is warming, the snow melts, icicles appear on the roofs. (You can't suck them - your throat will hurt.)

Migratory birds fly away to warmer regions in autumn. Those who hibernate are cold and hungry in winter. They (tits, jackdaws, pigeons, etc.) fly up to a person's dwelling. People feed them: they throw grains, bread crumbs, seeds into the feeders or on the ground. Pets are kept in the barns. They are looked after, fed and watered. Children help adults, and in their free time they go sledging, skiing and ice skating.

It is especially difficult for wild animals in snowy winters. Predatory animals (wolves, foxes), when they lack prey, come to villages and try to get into the farmyard. Herbivores (moose, deer, hares), like birds, go to people who help them survive by feeding and, if necessary, treating them.

People wear warm clothes in winter: fur coats, warm hats, scarves, boots, mittens, gloves.

Winter story outline

The plan given in the story of autumn (p. 152) is valid for any time of the year.

Sample dictionary

Nouns:snow, ice, cold, snowflake, snow flakes, patterns(from frost), blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, snowdrift, icicle, ice floe, ice rink, ice hole, ice hole(hole), fishing(under the ice), feeder, hay, crust, haze, ice.

Verbs:freeze, blow, howl, starve, feed, curl, whirl(snowflakes), thaw, paint(patterns).

Adjectives:fluffy, deep, soft, sparkling, crumbly, wet, sticky, cold(snow); hard, smooth, shiny, slippery, transparent(ice); snowy, beautiful, shimmering(asterisk-snowflake); under-ice(fishing).

Adverbs:cold, warm, slippery, smooth, fast, slow, even, patient.

Nomination "Prose" - 7-11 years old

about the author

Diana is 9 years old, she is a student of the 3rd "A" class of the Municipal Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 2" in the city of Chistopol, Republic of Tatarstan.

Diana is a passionate person. She enjoys creativity both in class and at home. Likes to tinker, sculpt from plasticine various crafts... And from the second grade I began to write poetry, short stories. It seems to me that she does it beautifully.

Spring came!

After a long and cold winter comes the beauty of spring. Spring is my favorite season. The sun is warming up, the snow is melting quickly, and streams are hurriedly running along the ground. Snowdrops appear from under the snow. Birds sing in the trees, rejoicing in the spring.

Walking on the street, I want to breathe in more and more this fresh spring air, to enjoy the bright sunbeams... In the spring, I like to look at the long, long icicles that hang from the rooftops. They sparkle in the sun like diamonds. They only have a short time to decorate the roofs of houses. They will soon melt forever.

In the spring, all nature comes to life. I walk along my street and am surprised: how beautiful it has become!

There are yellow spots on the lawn, like little suns. These are mother-and-stepmother flowers. Young grass breaks green-green. The first bumblebee flew by. Gently sat on my hand beautiful butterfly... She spread her wings and froze. She's not very comfortable yet. After all, she needs warmth, the sun. Now she will warm herself under his rays and fly again.

How good it is in spring! I want to run barefoot through puddles, dance, sing loudly, have fun. I have a joyful, cheerful mood in my soul. Spring makes me happy with its sounds and colors.

Spring flaunts

Sings outside the windows.

And how we want

"Good summer!" A short story about summer

Good summer! The golden rays of the sun generously pour on the earth. The river runs into the distance with a blue ribbon. The forest stands in a festive, summer decoration. Flowers - lilac, yellow, blue, scattered across the meadows, forest edges.

In summer, miracles happen sometimes. There is a forest in a green outfit, underfoot is a green grass-ant, completely covered with dew. But what is it? Yesterday there was nothing on this clearing, but today it is completely dotted with small, red, as if precious, pebbles. This is a strawberry. Isn't it a miracle?

Hedgehog puffs, rejoicing in delicious food. Hedgehog - he is omnivorous. Therefore, glorious days have come for him. And for other animals too. All living things rejoice. The birds are happily flooding, they are now in their homeland, they do not need to rush to distant, warm lands yet, they enjoy warm, sunny days.

Summer is loved by children and adults. Long, sunny days and short warm nights. For a rich harvest summer garden... For generous fields full of rye, wheat.

Everything alive in the summer sings and triumphs.

"Summer morning". A short story about summer
Summer is a time when nature wakes up early. Summer morning is amazing. Light clouds float high in the sky, the air is clean and fresh, it is filled with the aromas of herbs. The forest river throws off a haze of fog. Skillfully through the dense foliage, a golden ray of the sun makes its way, it illuminates the forest. A nimble dragonfly, moving from place to place, looks attentively, as if looking for something.

It is good to wander through the summer forest. Among the trees, pines are the highest. They ate, too, not small, but they do not know how to pull their top so high to the sun. You step gently on the emerald moss. What is there in the forest: mushrooms, berries, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, mountains, slopes. The summer forest is nature's storeroom.

And here is the first meeting - a large, prickly hedgehog. Seeing people, he gets lost, stands on the forest path, probably wondering where to go next?

"Summer evening". A short story about summer
The summer day is drawing towards evening. The sky gradually darkens, the air becomes cooler. It seems that it may rain now, but inclement weather is a rarity for the summer season. The forest is getting quieter, but the sounds do not disappear at all. Some animals hunt at night, the dark time of the day is the most favorable time for them. Their eyesight is poorly developed, but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing. Such animals include, for example, a hedgehog. Sometimes you can hear the turtle moan.

The nightingale sings at night. During the day, he also performs a solo part, but among the polyphony it is difficult to hear and make out it. Another thing is at night. Someone sings, someone groans. But in general, the forest freezes. Nature rests in order to please everyone again in the morning.