
Thematic class hour on February 23. Class hour on the topic “February 23. IV. Information block "Code of Honor"

breast cancer

Form: competition game


1. Introduce children to the military branches.

2. The development of memory, attention, organization, independence, the ability to coordinate interests in the process of overcoming certain, relevant age characteristics, difficulties.

3. Formation of a team, elimination of disunity between boys and girls.

Class hour progress

1. Class organization.

2. Post subject.

Once a year, at the end of winter,

All men are an object of admiration!

And the reason for the big mess -

Fortitude and glimpses of genius

They are immediately visible

Once a year, on the eve of spring.

Once a year, at the end of winter,

All men - both military and civilian -

From Rostov to Kolyma

Waiting for gifts, flowers and applause.

You are on the crest of a wave today -

Like heroes of a great country!

On this day, military personnel, veterans, warriors, grandfathers, dads, boys, all men are congratulated. This day is celebrated in all military branches: land (infantry), sea (sailors), air (pilots). Our warriors protect the expanses of the Motherland on land, in the sea and in the air.

III. Main part.

Back in 1918, famine and devastation reigned in the country. There were numerous detachments of the white army in the country. And of course. A strong army was needed to defeat the enemy. And so, in order to protect our Motherland, we decided to create a Red Army and, of course, our army won.

So February 23, 1918 was the birthday of our Red Army. And now we celebrate this day as Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The Soviet army and the Navy are like 2 siblings. This is very well written in the poem "Sons of the Fatherland."

Mother Fatherland, you have 2 sons,

Two mighty sons of a giant.

These brothers are friends with true friendship,

Strong, inseparable their embrace.

If there were hard days

The brothers of the Motherland closed,

In the biggest storm

Defended happiness and freedom.

And so that life is brighter and more beautiful,

Day and night the sons are on guard.

The date has a special meaning -

Sons of the brave birthday.

All the Soviet people on this date

He sends greetings to the sailor and the soldier.

There are also many professions and ranks in the army. The most significant are sailors, soldiers, pilots. And I suggest you guess what these professions are.

Hello! "Jupiter"? "Diamond"!

I almost can't hear you!

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello Hello…


What are you growling like a bear?

Nothing left to endure!

And your wound is so light

That will heal for sure! (nurse)

The buckle on the belt sparkles

And shine from afar.

Striped shirt

It's called a vest.

Gloomy in the sea-ocean,

Waves crash here and there.

Ships sail in the fog

Our land is guarded. (sailor)

My faithful friend - my mortar -

Fascists never get tired of beating.

The enemy trembles when the mines whistle

He will not defend his Berlin! (mortar)

At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries out his service in secret,

On the path, on the shore

Blocking the path of the enemy. (border guard)

These are just a few professions, and there are still a lot of them in the army.

In our country, young men. Those who have reached the age of majority, i.e. 18 years. They serve in the ranks of the Russian Army, protect our Motherland. Among them there are many graduates and 92 schools. Someday our boys will be soldiers and serve in the army.

Today our girls congratulate you.

Boys, boys

You don't know for sure

You can't even imagine

What are our hopes for you?

And we only dream of seeing you strong.

We want to see you only beautiful,

Healthy, strong, disciplined.

IV. Competition program for boys

Defenders of the Fatherland must be able to do everything, be organized. Are all our future warriors ready for the trials they may face? This is what we will see today.

It's no secret that a soldier must be able to dress quickly and put himself in order. We will test these skills.

Competition 1. "A soldier has a day off - buttons in a row"

Before you go on leave, you need to put the form in order.
Participants sew on 1 button each at speed. Both speed and precision are taken into account.

Competition 2. The cannon suddenly ran out of ammunition. You need to make them yourself: you need to crumple a sheet of newspaper with one hand, in no case do not help with the other. Crumple into a ball - this will be a projectile. One hand behind your back! Get ready, let's get started!

Competition 3. And now our gunners must hit the target with their own shells. Get ready, let's start!

Competition 4. A soldier must have a very good memory. Each unit needs to memorize as many words as possible from those that the signalmen will give you

Contest 5. telephone operators

Two groups of players are seated in two parallel rows. At the signal of the leader, the signalers begin to pass the saying into the ear of the first, the first - to the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received a "telephone message", must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that will quickly pass the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative will pronounce it more accurately and better.
Tongue Twisters:
- Tell me about the purchase - About which purchase? About the purchase, about the purchase, about your purchase;
- Forty-forty ate cheese with a beautiful red crust, forty-forty short term flocked and sat down under the hill;

Competition 6. It was reported that a saboteur had entered the territory of each unit. His route is known. Within 20 seconds, the girls show one of the players from each team the plans for the routes of the saboteurs. These two participants must remember the direction and shape of the lines, the position of the surrounding objects (each of their plan) and reproduce them on the board or on sheets of paper.

Competition 7. One member per team is called. Each participant draws a portrait of his saboteur on the board in this order: head circumference, nose, ears, eyes, hair, mouth. Then the participants change places, try to remember the portrait of the saboteur and, after they are blindfolded, it is necessary to neutralize the saboteur, that is, erase it from the board, in the following order: hair, mouth, left ear, nose, right ear, right eye, left eye.

Competition 8. Scrabble quiz

1. The main song of the country. (Hymn)

2. Solemn movement of troops and military. (Parade)

3. Military position of V. Putin. (Commander-in-Chief)

4. They call on her and he mows her down. (Army)

5. Morning team. (Rise)

6. Ment from the USA. (cop)

7. Special militia. (OMON)

8. On the shoulders of the military. (epaulettes)

9. Soldier's House (Barracks)

10. Sea cook. (Cook)

11. Competition of knights. (Tournament)

V. Conclusion.

At the end of the class hour, the jury sums up the results. The winner is announced.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that today is a special day - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. Both I and the girls of our class congratulate our boys - future soldiers, sergeants, officers, our defenders of the Fatherland.

Dear boys, men!

Congratulations on the Defenders of the Motherland Day!

Happy Holidays to you

Congratulations to the soldiers

But we always want to see you

Only in civilian clothes!

And, if already in shape, then only

In sports - for running,

Football and active life!

The girls give the boys cards and gifts.


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1. Expand the horizons of students.

2. Contribute to the education of such personality traits as kindness, mutual assistance, the ability to yield, to defend one's opinion.

3. Develop ingenuity.

Equipment: top; plates with names of sectors; figurines of soldiers for scoring; bells (inform about readiness for an answer); signs with the names of teams, cards with the image of objects for the game "Find Your Pair". Rules of the game

In each team, the children choose a captain. The captains participate in a draw to determine who has the choice of the first sector. In the future, they take turns launching the spinning wheel, choosing a sector. The moderator asks a question. The team, ready to answer, gives a signal with a bell. If one team doesn't answer, the other team will. One point is awarded for a correct answer.

If the team volunteered to answer and gave the wrong answer, it receives a penalty point.

The council of the wisest (jury) consists of teachers, counselors or parents.

Class hour progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

Even the most beautiful and reliable military costume will not make you a winner if you lack honor, courage, kindness. Today we have the opportunity to display these wonderful qualities. I invite you to take part in the game "Forward, boys!". You will not only answer questions, but also participate in duel games.

Presentation of teams and jury

To prove their competence, members of the jury solve a problem, after which they are awarded the title of "council of the wisest" and they receive a corresponding plate on the table.

Challenge for the jury

A gangway was lowered from the side of the ship. Its three lower steps are submerged in water. The distance between the two steps is 20 cm. The tide has begun, while the water rises at a speed of 10 cm per hour. How many steps of the ladder will be under water in 30 minutes? (After 30 minutes, the same three steps will be under water, because the ladder, fastened to the steamer, rises with it.)

(The teacher or facilitator reads the poem.)

Victory is on the shoulder of the brave,

Waiting for that great success

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will go into battle one for all.

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.

Cause time is an hour of fun,

Team 1 to the right

Here the second stand.

The competition has begun!

Sector "Mysteries"

1. Ate, ate oak, oak,

Broken tooth, tooth. (Saw.)

2. We strike regularly every hour,

And you, friends, do not beat us. (Clock.)

3. In the Linen country along the river Sheet

The ship is sailing - then back, then forward. (Iron.)

4. Eyes on the horns, and a house on the back. (Snail.)

5. I only keep on the go,

And if I get up, I will fall. (A bike.)

7. Black Ivashka, wooden shirt. (Pencil.)

8. The blue path is sprinkled with peas,

No one will collect

Neither king nor queen

Not a red girl. (Stars on the sky.)

9. On the mound, in the clearing

Sitting hen with earrings

Whoever passes by

Gives everyone a box. (Berries.)

10. Walks in the sky during the day,

And he sits on the ground to sleep. (The sun.)

Sector "Joke Questions"

1. What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (To the question "Are you sleeping?".)

2. What can be seen with closed eyes? (Dream.)

3. Three drivers had a brother Semyon, but Semyon had no brothers. How could this happen? (The drivers were women.)

4. Where on Earth is the longest day? (They are the same everywhere.)

5. When is the sky below the earth? (When it's reflected in the water.)

6. Which car wheel does not spin when going downhill? (Spare.)

7. Three electric bulbs were on. One of them was extinguished. How many light bulbs are left? (Three.)

8. A blue scarf was dropped into the Black Sea. How was it pulled out of the water? (Wet.)

9. The name of which river is in our mouth? (Gum.)

10. Used sparrows were sitting on the path, 5 more sparrows flew up to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left? (No one.)

Pathfinder Sector

1. How to determine the cardinal points by lichen and moss? (They grow mainly on the north side of trunks and stones protruding from the ground.)

2. How to determine the cardinal directions by anthills? (They are almost always located south of trees, stumps, bushes. The south side of the anthills is flatter than the north.)

3. How to determine the cardinal directions by the resin protruding on the trunk? (Resin is more abundant on the south side of conifers.)

4. How to determine the cardinal points by the bark of separate trees? (The bark of isolated trees is rougher on the north side.)

5. A leaf of which plant will replace a bandage and iodine with a small cut? (Plantain leaf.)

6. Name the forest housing built by a person from branches, twigs. (hut.)

7. Determine whose footprints you see on the card. (Sparrows.)

8. Determine whose footprints you see on the card. (Hare.)

9. What is the name of the device for orientation on the ground? (Compass.)

Sector "House of fairy tales"

1. Kind doctor. (Aibolit.)

2. Bridegroom Flies-sokotuhi. (Mosquito.)

4. The girl who lost her shoe at the ball. (Cinderella.)

5. Mysterious old woman with a stick. (Baba Yaga.)

6. Mysterious friend of Volka Kostylkov. (Old man Hottabych.)

7. The one who scared Miss Bok. (Carlson.)

8. Best friend Carlson. (Baby.)

9. The cat who wanted to be friends with mice. (Leopold.)

10. Bear, Mowgli's friend. (Baloo.)

Sector "Game-game"

Play with friends

Play with us!

Anytime and anywhere

We are happy with our game!

"Find Your Mate"

For this game, you need to prepare in advance drawings-emblems depicting objects that make up a pair (by any sign). Examples of pairs: a cat - a dog, a suit - a dress, a rocket - a flying saucer, a sea - seagulls, a knight - a coat of arms, a primer - a student with a briefcase.

The leader builds each team in two lines facing each other. Emblems are attached to the backs of the players. At the command of the host, “One, two, three - find your pair!” The guys start looking for their mate. The team that pairs up the fastest wins.

"Alpinist's Trail"

In the participant's hand is a tennis racket with a ball on it. The player's task: to climb the table with the help of a stool, get off, walk along an unstable log or a thin 5-centimeter plank. You can't drop the ball the whole way.


On two chairs standing on the same line, put 4-5 identical objects. Opposite, at a distance of 5-6 m, two chairs are also placed. Two blindfolded participants in the game must transfer all objects in turn to their chair (standing opposite).


The first team numbers are captains. They are given a set of equipment for the crossing - two boards. Players stand on two sides of the "swamp" facing each other. On the whistle, the first team number starts the crossing. He puts one plank on the "swamp" in front of him and stands on it with both feet. Then he puts the second plank in front and moves from the first to the second. Picks up the first and puts it again in front of the second. And so on until the transition ends and the baton is taken by a member of the team located on the other side of the "swamp". Whoever stumbles during the transition ("gets bogged down in the swamp"), he returns to the start line and starts the crossing again.

Sector "Sea voyage"

1. Cook on the ship. (Cook.)

2. Head of the deck crew on the ship. (Boatswain.)

3. Collection of geographical maps. (Atlas.)

4. Department of the ship, enclosed between watertight bulkheads. (Compartment.)

5. Kitchen on the ship. (Galley.)

6. Fatherland, Mother country. (Homeland.)

7. Powerful vessel equipped for navigation in ice. (Icebreaker.)

8. What is the name of the sailors' compass? (Compass-accent on the second syllable.)

9. Sailor's headdress. (Speakless.)

10. Signal light in the bay. (Lighthouse.)

Summing up the game

The score goes up to 10 points. Bags of surprises appear on the jury's table. The sacks are tied with bows of brightly colored ribbons, each with a cardboard sign with the inscription "Mined" attached to it. The host invites the teams to "clear" the bags, that is, to give their friends, guests of the holiday songs, poems, ditties, etc. There are gifts in the "cleared" bags.

Additional material

Military aviation protects our sky, it is equipped the most sophisticated technique- These are helicopters, supersonic missile carriers, bombers. And there are such heavy aircraft that can transport troops, weapons, ammunition, fuel by air over long distances, evacuate the wounded and sick, land troops, transport tanks, vehicles and other military equipment.

The ground forces are motorized infantry, motorized riflemen, tankers, artillerymen, signalmen, mortarmen, rocketmen. These troops are armed with tanks, armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft and rocket launchers, and missiles.

The Strategic Missile Forces are equipped with the most powerful modern equipment - missiles. Some rockets are underground, in mines, but there are also more modern rockets that can move on the ground on wheeled tractors and by rail.

Today our fleet has ships of the latest design. The most formidable ship is a nuclear submarine. Submarines are armed with missiles and torpedoes. These steel giants swim underwater for several months, sensitively listening to the ocean with special instruments.

There are bumps on the forehead

Under the eye - lanterns.

If we are boys

Then we are rich.

Scratches. Splinters.

We are only afraid of iodine.

Here, without hesitation, tears

The commander himself is pouring.

Let the head be green

And in plasters leg,

But there are still strengths

To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn, in the morning we

Back to battle, on patrol...

Scars from those battles

Remained so far.

V. Berestov

One day the children went to sleep

The windows are all blacked out.

And woke up at dawn -

There is light in the windows and there is no war!

Let's not forget those heroes

What lie in the damp earth,

Giving life on the battlefield

For the people, for you and me...

Glory to our generals

Glory to our admirals

And ordinary soldiers -

On foot, swimming, horseback,

Tired, hardened,

Glory to the fallen and the living -

I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

S. Mikhalkov

The date has a special meaning -

Sons of the brave birthday.

All the Russian people on this date

He sends greetings to the sailor and the soldier.

V. Matveev


1. What is common between a tree and a rifle? (Trunk.)

2. Why are the spear and shield inseparable friends and enemies? (They are always together. The shield strikes, the spear protects.)

3. Who said: "It is hard to learn, easy to fight"? (A. V. Suvorov.)

4. What is the name of the "fighter of the invisible front"? (Scout.)

5. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Cabin boy.)

6. What were the shoulder badges called in the Russian army and navy? (Epaulettes.)

Explain phraseological units

Knight without fear and reproach. (A brave, generous person.)

Knight of the cloak and dagger. (Secret killer and robber.)

Ride stirrup in stirrup. (Ride along.)

Knight for an hour. (A weak-willed person, incapable of a long struggle for a noble goal.)

Stand up. (Don't agree with anyone.)

Shoot from a cannon at sparrows. (Spend a lot of energy on trifles.)

Poems about dad

Dads ran to school

Wow, how many people are here.

Where will the competition be?

Where are the awards given out?

Our dad is a great master.

Can make a shelf.

Only compete with us

He doesn't think to hurry.

And our dad is well done,

The best specialist at work

We'll put it on the start

And let's make it win.

Our dad with great success

Participated in competitions

Jumping halfway with a skipping rope,

Halfway ran.

We have competed

And we wish you goodbye

Strengthen everyone's health

Muscles are stronger to pump up.

Don't watch TV

Sweat more with kettlebells

Don't lie on the couch

Jump on a skipping rope.

We wish all dads

Don't get old and don't get sick

Do more sports

Have a sense of humor.

Details Category: February 23

P.A. Rumyantsev


Preparatory work:


class plan

I. Opening remarks.

III. Working with concepts.

2. I have the honor.

VI. Final word.

VII. Summarizing.

Class hour progress

I. Opening remarks

(Children answer.)

(Children's statements.)

III. Working with concepts

(Group response.)

(Children speak up.)

2. I have the honor

(Children's statements.)

VI. Final word

I don't know, he laughs.

Apartment, family?

No offense to the state?

(Children's statements.)

VII. Summarizing


2. Rashidov O., Babchenko A. Who will go to fight for Russia? // Russian reporter. 09/06/2007.

3. Piece S.A. Patriotism is the source of the spiritual strength of a warrior

Honor is the desire to be a noble, supreme being in terms of inner virtues, to do deeds worthy of glory, without any coercion from outside and without any other reward, except for the approval of one's conscience.

P.A. Rumyantsev

An hour of communication dedicated to the moral and ethical traditions of the Russian army.

Goals: to expand the understanding of graduates about military service, about the ethical traditions of the Russian army; form a positive assessment of such qualities as patriotism, citizenship, a sense of duty; develop a positive attitude towards military service; to cultivate respect for the Armed Forces of Russia, for military personnel; to awaken in future conscripts the desire for military service, the readiness to become the defender of the Fatherland.

Preparatory work: distribute the texts of the information block among the presenters (4 students).

Registration: write on the board the topic of the class hour, tasks for working with the concepts: “honor of the uniform”; "field of honor"; "court of honor"; "code of honor"; "life - to the Fatherland, honor - to no one."

class plan

I. Opening remarks.

II. Interactive conversation on the topic "What do you know about serving in the Russian Armed Forces?".

III. Working with concepts.

IV. Information block"Code of honor".

1 "Yes, there were people in our time..."

2. I have the honor.

V. Discussion on the topic “I have the honor!” Is it already irrelevant?

VI. Final word.

VII. Summarizing.

Class hour progress

I. Opening remarks

Classroom teacher. The entire thousand-year history of Russia is a struggle for the integrity, independence and independence of the native land. Serving the Motherland has always been associated in our minds with the words "honor" and "valor", "courage" and "glory". The embodiment of these concepts was the Russian army. Our army was for the younger generation a school for testing and testing their strength. And also the school of part, valor, courage. Is service to the Motherland associated in your mind with these words? What events in Russian history evoke such associations? Do you know about the Days of Military Glory of Russia?

(Children answer.)

II. Interactive conversation on the topic "What do you know about serving in the Russian Armed Forces?"

Classroom teacher. What has changed in our time? Why do most guys not want to serve in the army? (Change in the values ​​of today's youth, negative stereotypes, lack of patriotism...)

In what ways are they trying to get a reprieve from the army?

(Children's statements.)

Do you want to become officers? Do you know where in Russia you can get the profession of an officer? (There are 57 military educational institutions in Russia: 10 academies, 9 universities, 38 institutes.)

Do you know what the conscription term is? (12 months.)

Can this period be shortened further? (Specialists in the field of modern weapons believe that it is impossible to conscript young people for a shorter period, bearing in mind that the complexity military equipment increases, and in a shorter period of time it is simply impossible to teach anything.)

What part of the Russian Armed Forces is recruited on a professional basis and voluntarily, and what part - at the expense of conscripts? C2/3 under contract, 1/3 conscripts.)

Do conscripted military personnel take part in battles in hot spots? (Not.)

Why does a modern conscript need high intelligence, mental stability, physical endurance? (The Russian Army is now armed with the most modern technology which requires a high level of intelligence, mental stability, physical health.)

III. Working with concepts

Classroom teacher. Service in the army has always been honorable in Russia. It has always been associated with the concept of honor. Unfortunately, in our time, this concept is devalued or completely forgotten. In the dictionary of S. Ozhegov, “honor” is “the moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride; its respective principles.

According to V. Dahl, "honor" is "the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience." I propose to clarify the meaning of the concept of "honor".

The first group, explain what the concept of "honor of uniform" means. Is it possible to tarnish the honor of a uniform? (This concept meant, first of all, the honor of the regiment and appeared when each branch of the army received its own uniform, uniform, the honor of which the officer was obliged to defend. This, in particular, explains such an impressive number of duels in the Russian army of the 19th century. Pride for the country, courage, fidelity to duty, discipline, fidelity to tradition, banner. military uniform, he can no longer dispose of himself at his own discretion. By his behavior they judge the state and the army.)

The second group, explain what a "field of honor" is. What is protected in this field? (This is a battlefield, a battlefield where the battle goes according to the rules, where opponents respect each other; a battlefield for the honor of the Fatherland.)

The third group, what is the court of "officer's honor"? What could be his sentence? (Informal moral court of colleagues, can punish with contempt, boycott, expulsion from the community of officers.)

The fourth group, you got the cadet motto: “Life for the Fatherland. Honor - to no one! How to understand this expression?

(Group response.)

Classroom teacher. Fifth group, explain what is behind the concept of "code of honor." (A set of unspoken laws that are accepted by all members of the community, decency, respect, morality.)

(For 5 minutes, the children discuss the answers.)

IV. Information block "Code of Honor"

Classroom teacher. The Russian army has always been strong in spirit. For centuries, she was famous for her valor, courage and self-sacrifice, serving the Fatherland "faith and truth", "duty and honor." And the same principles prevailed in society. As long as these concepts were preserved, the security of the Fatherland was guaranteed. When they faded, disappeared (at least temporarily), everything collapsed. The Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin said well about this: "... Russia will exist, grow and flourish if the spirit of honor, service and loyalty reigns in it."

"The spirit of honor, service and fidelity" - what is included in this concept? A small historical background, which was prepared (names, surnames).

1. "Yes, there were people in our time..."

Sample text for leading (1,2):

“Yes, there were people in our time, a mighty, dashing tribe, heroes, not you ...” This is how the veteran of Borodin spoke about the Russian army ... Many prominent people spoke about the strength of the spirit, the military professionalism of the Russian warrior.

Prussian King Frederick II: "It is not enough to kill a Russian soldier, he must be knocked down."

Napoleon: "Give me a Russian soldier and I will conquer the whole world."

Bernadotte, a former marshal of Napoleon, then the king of Sweden advised the Swedes: "Imitate the Russians, nothing is impossible for them."

But he spoke best of all about the Russian soldier A.V. Suvorov - just two words: "Wonderful heroes!"

Loyalty to the oath, loyalty to duty, patriotism - this is what has always distinguished the Russian warrior.

A few examples from history.

1380 Kulikovo field. Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, having taken off his grand ducal vestments and put on the armor of a simple warrior, stood in the general formation of the Big Regiment and, together with his army, held the terrible blow of the Tatar cavalry for 3 hours.

1812 General Nikolai Raevsky. In a hopeless situation near the village of Saltanovka, he personally led his corps into the attack, taking with him two sons, 16 and 11 years old. Struck by the general's determination to spare neither himself nor his children, the soldiers overthrew the enemy in a fierce battle.

1854 Admiral Vladimir Kornilov, organizer of the defense of Sevastopol. Mortally wounded, bleeding, he manages to say: “Tell everyone how nice it is to die when the conscience is calm. I am happy that I am dying for the Fatherland.”

1904 Captain of the first rank V.F. Rudnev, the commander of the Varyag cruiser, found himself alone with the Japanese squadron, rejected the demand to surrender, entered the battle and, having won a moral victory, glorified the Russian fleet and the Russian national character for centuries.

1904 Small destroyer "Guarding" against 2 cruisers and 4 large destroyers of Japan. The Japanese, surrounding the destroyer, offered him to surrender. The Russian sailors did not even respond to this proposal, and the St. Andrew's flag was nailed to the mast just in case. During the battle, out of 52 crew members, 46, including all officers, were killed, four wounded sailors were captured by the Japanese. An attempt to take the dilapidated ship in tow failed. Two Sailors: Ivan Mikhailovich Bukharev and Vasily Sergeevich Novikov

rushed into the engine room, battened down the room and, sacrificing their lives, opened the kingstones.

1941 Great Patriotic War. Battle for Moscow. 28 Panfilov heroes. A total of 28 people, including one officer. Armament - fuel bottles, grenades, several anti-tank rifles. Right and left - no one. Could run up - and look for the wind in the field. They could have given up and no one would have known. They could lie at the bottom of the trench - and come what may. But neither one, nor the other, nor the third happened. We repulsed two tank attacks: one - 20 tanks, the other - 30. They burned half! According to all conceivable and unthinkable calculations, they should have lost, because almost 2 tanks per brother. But they didn't lose. Won!

Today, many do not believe and ask: why?

Classroom teacher. Try to answer this question. Why did our soldiers sacrifice their lives, did not give up, did not sit out in the trenches? Why such self-sacrifice? Are today's warriors ready for such feats?

(Children speak up.)

It is no secret that today in Russia the attitude towards the army is ambiguous, many even have a negative one. And this is not surprising. The army suffers from the same diseases as our entire society. Hence the hazing, and the lack of patriotism, and the immorality that has become common among officers. It is no coincidence that many officers now advocate the creation of an officer's "Code of Honor". And it is the experience and traditions of the tsarist army of Russia that are offered as a model.

2. I have the honor

Classroom teacher. Where are these rules of honor written down? How were they passed down from generation to generation? Tell about it (names, surnames).

Sample text for leading (3,4):

The "rules of honor" of the Russian officer were reflected in the instructions to the pupils of the cadet corps, in the regimental instructions, in the "dueling code", in the "reminders" of commanders for subordinates. The code of honor was not written down in any one book. It was a set of unwritten rules that had been developed over the centuries, passed down from father to son in noble military dynasties. Moral traditions in the officer corps of the Russian army have always played essential role. Brought up on the concepts of honor, the officers protected the honor of their uniform, the honor of the regiment, their personal honor. In 1911 in St. Petersburg there was a clear list of establishments that an officer had the right to visit and where he should not appear. The first included: the Imperial Aero Club, the Imperial Automobile Society, the yacht club, the noble assembly, the literary and artistic society. Among the establishments prohibited for officers to visit were private clubs and meetings where there were gambling, variety shows, the Yar restaurant, small cinema, restaurants and hotels of the lower ranks, all taverns, tea houses, pubs, as well as buffets of the 3rd class at the stations railways. In the theater, at a party, on a train, in a restaurant or on the street - everywhere an officer had to remember that he was wearing the uniform of the Russian army. At family gatherings, everyone behaved simply, as in a single cultural family. Usually officers and members of their families shook hands. The law was respect for women. Not a single officer sat down if women were standing.

From time immemorial, the uniform in Russia personified the idea of ​​statehood, the Fatherland itself. Therefore, to this day, a special meaning is embedded in the concept of "honor of the uniform."

A historical fact is known, which says that in 1821, during dinner at one of the balls, Colonel of the Life Guards of the Moscow Regiment G.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, contrary to existing rules, unbuttoned his uniform. This trifling violation was enough for his forced resignation. Emperor Alexander I ordered: “The uniform (i.e., the right to wear it) should not be given to Korsakov, for it has been noticed that it worries him.” And this is not a whim of the autocrat, but a sign of respect for the uniform, in the army, for the state.

Courage, courage, honesty, self-respect, nobility were highly valued among the officers. To humiliate an officer, to encroach on his honor was dangerous. He had to defend his honor with weapons in his hands.

In this regard, the "Dueling Code" is also interesting. The duel gave the unspoken right to defend one's honor. The main reasons for fights were: swearing, slapping, compromising an officer or his wife, other insults, including refusal to greet each other.

The very possibility of paying with one's life for insulting an officer played a large role in maintaining a sense of one's Dignity and respect for it in others.

The right to a duel contributed to the purification of the officer's consciousness from elements of plebeianism and sycophancy. For the insulting words “I’ll bend you into a ram’s horn,” uttered publicly at a regiment review, Captain Vasily Norov, a military officer, holder of many awards, demanded satisfaction from Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich himself, the future emperor. And the rest of the officers of the Life Guards of the Jaeger Regiment decided to resign in protest.

Another example: in 1823, brigade commander Mordvinov challenged his commander, chief of staff Kiselev, and insisted on deliberately deadly duel conditions (a distance of 8 steps, an unlimited number of shots). And the general accepted the challenge of his subordinate so that no one could doubt his honor. Mordvinov was killed in this duel. The tsar forgave General Kiselyov. And he, by virtue of nobility, until the end of his life paid the widow of the murdered maintenance from his own funds.

High ideas of honor were also manifested in relation to veterans.

For example, we can cite the memoirs of one of the veterans of the Life Guards of the Kexholm regiment.

Moving in a marching column through the streets of the town ... the battalion commander noticed an ancient old man who, at the sight of our uniforms, took off his hat and stretched out.

What are you, grandfather? asked the battalion commander. Why are you standing still?

But what about, - the old man answered, - after all, this is my native regiment. In such a uniform, my father, I still went to the Turks.

The battalion turned his horse and rushed to the regimental commander. The general ordered to unfold all 16 banners, and we solemnly marched to the music, with unfolded banners, passed in front of the veteran ...

It is difficult to describe the feelings that seized all of us at this solemn moment. The eyes of young and old warriors shone, their hearts were seized with a sacred awe. On the same day, the exact place and time of the meeting with the veteran was recorded in the regiment's journal. So was born in our regiment new tradition.

Knightly honor demanded a noble attitude of officers not only to each other, but also to the soldiers. All honest Russian officers and generals were famous for their humane attitude towards soldiers.

Russian officer ethics also demanded in the main "field of honor" (in war) to adhere to humane methods, to observe the "laws of war", to avoid its inhuman forms, to show mercy, not to shed excess blood.

It should also be noted the healthy desire inherent in the Russian officer corps to distinguish themselves in a combat situation, to receive well-deserved awards, signs of encouragement and attention. Such a “valiant and noble ambition”, supplemented by a love of glory useful for the Fatherland, was one of the driving (inspiring to heroic deeds) forces in the development of the army, its stamina, invincibility in battles.

According to Ivan Ilyin, chivalrous service to the Motherland, which is characteristic of Russian officers and makes their representatives "genuine nobles", must be cultivated throughout society. In the article “On the Chivalrous Spirit” (1928), the philosopher, in particular, noted: “In all the great turmoil of our days, among the ruins, troubles and losses, in strife and temptations, we must remember one thing and live alone: ​​maintaining and planting the spirit of chivalrous service ... For this spirit is, as it were, the air and oxygen of Russian national salvation ... Outside the chivalrous spirit of national service, everything is aimless, everything is futile, everything is harmful; outside it, no one will liberate or revive anything, but will only create new discord, new confusion and a new civil war to the death of Russia and to the joy of her primordial and world enemies.

V. Discussion on the topic “I have the honor!” - no longer relevant?

Classroom teacher. Let's discuss whether the concept of "I have the honor" is relevant for our army now?

First, try to explain this paradox: on the one hand, young people evade service, and on the other, there is a huge competition for cadet corps, Suvorov schools. What does it say?

The glorious traditions of our army - are they preserved today?

Do you know the heroes, defenders of modern Russia?

Has the idea of ​​honor and duty changed in the modern Russian army?

Do you think that in our army it is necessary to adopt an officer's "Code of Honor"?

Only contract servicemen now serve in hot spots. What makes modern guys go to war, put their lives in danger?

How would an officer of the tsarist army react to an insult to a veteran?

How do we treat veterans today?

How do we treat those who evade military service?

How do we feel about our history? Why don't we rebuff those who sling mud at our history and insult our shrines?

How can you characterize the moral state of contemporary Russian society?

There is a saying: "Every nation gets the government it deserves." Can we say that every nation gets the army it deserves?

For what actions would you not shake hands, stop saying hello?

Do duels improve morals? If duels were now allowed, what would be different in our society?

Can there be a moral army in an immoral society?

Is the expression “I have the honor!” relevant today?

(Children's statements.)

VI. Final word

Classroom teacher. "Who will go to fight for Russia?" - this is how two correspondents of the Russian Reporter magazine called their report from a hot spot in the Caucasus. Listen to an excerpt from this report.

Today, the army in Russia, if only a cut, then only a small part of society - not the most socially successful. These are guys who have been in Moscow a maximum of once. They do not understand the terms "glamour" and "goth". They do not know how to speak fluently and are unlikely to distinguish Marquez from Borges. In a street conflict, they will always strike first, and after the third glass they will divide the world into those who have sniffed gunpowder and “shpakov” ... They have their own, understandable system of values: a person who steals is a “rat”, a comrade who shirks from work, - “Hose”, the girl that didn’t wait is a bitch, and the one that waits and writes is a saint and “I’ll tear anyone for her.” It is unlikely that they will think about the order for a long time.

It was these people, smelling of sweat and shoe polish, who pulled out two Chechen campaigns on their shoulders and will pull out - God forbid, of course - new war.

Here is their mentor. Young veteran Anatoly Lebed. A career officer, graduated from a helicopter school, served in Afghanistan. I went to Chechnya as a volunteer. In 2003, in the mountains near Ulus-Kert, he was blown up by a mine. The hospital cut off his leg. Then back - to Chechnya.

We speak with him at the airfield in Kirzhach, where Anatoly is parachuting along with his soldiers. Three times holder of the Order of the Red Star, twice holder of the Order of Courage, Hero of Russia, he is short and muscular. Not at all like a kind uncle officer - rather, like a devil. He has a shaved skull, a dandy cropped beard and a black Mazda 6. There is something frightening and attractive at the same time in this one-legged man. Such people are out of the ordinary social relations. It is useless to talk to them about morality and about money. It is difficult to imagine them in civilian life. And it is difficult to imagine a peaceful life without them, fighting somewhere on the outskirts of the country.

You seem to like it all?

I don't know, he laughs.

Apartment, family?

I have a family, but they don't give me an apartment yet.

No offense to the state?

Come on, - he dismisses, - why is there a state! State out - the guys are standing. That's what I'm fighting for. We must have time to teach them so that they don’t mumble when their throats are cut. Well, for the people - for grannies, for the homeless, so as not to mock them. You have to think about those who are nearby, then it turns out normal work. Let them betray it at the top - at least us, at least themselves, at least

relatives, the main thing for us is to fulfill our task. Everyone has their own fight in life, someone has already had it, someone else is ahead ...

The title of this report poses the question: “Who will go to fight for Russia?” Can you answer it?

(Children's statements.)

VII. Summarizing

Classroom teacher. What facts surprised you? What did you already know? What will make you think?


1. Skobelev M.D. Education of the troops / On the duty and honor of the military in the Russian army // Collection of materials, documents and articles. Moscow: Military Publishing House, 1991.


  • to consolidate children's knowledge about the formation of the Russian army, its formation,
  • develop respect for Defenders of the Fatherland,
  • contribute to raising the prestige of the army.

February 23… The holiday is over 80 years old. For more than eighty years, the strong half of humanity has been celebrating the holiday of strength, endurance, patriotism and kindness. To commemorate the victory over the German invaders near Narva and Pskov, on February 23, a decree was issued on the celebration of the Red Army Day, later it was renamed the Day Soviet army and Navy. It has been celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day for several years now. For a long time in Russia, the military profession has been one of the most respected and honorable. To serve the Fatherland is to protect the peaceful life of our people, it is to preserve the honor and dignity of our Motherland.

The male! What does this word say. A man is courage, courage and will!

No wonder the word “man” and “courage” are close and consonant.

Today's competitive program dedicated to men: dads and boys.

It is especially nice to see dads at our holiday, because they do not often delight us with their presence!

The game is played by two teams. On the board is a playing field of several squares. Each square contains a task and has a corresponding name.

The team that makes the first move (by lot) chooses a square - a task. The task is performed by both teams: a sign is placed in the playing field to the team that correctly and quickly completes the task (if both teams completed it correctly and simultaneously, then the sign is placed on the team that chose the task).

The team that puts the signs in a row in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) wins.

1) Understand me:

Imagine the following situation: on one bank of the river there is a scout who urgently needs to report valuable information to the headquarters, and on the opposite bank his friend with binoculars is standing. That is, he sees everything, but hears nothing.

Two people from the team are called: the most artistic and the most quick-witted - these will be the scouts. There shouldn't be any sounds. The message is transmitted only by gestures and facial expressions.

A) The sentry guards Pepsi-Cola.
b) I have sour milk.

2) Sappers:

All specialties are equally important in the army, but among them there are those that require increased attention and caution. One of them is a sapper. Agree, the sapper has no right to make a mistake. There is even a saying: "A sapper makes mistakes only once in his life." It is possible to make mistakes in our "sappers" competition, but keep in mind that a mistake will be a defeat for the team.

A sapper from each team is invited. Everyone will receive a bomb, and we will watch how the “sappers” cope with the task.

Several boxes are required for the contest different sizes. Let's say there are five boxes. A piece of paper with a question is pasted on each box. The boxes are then stacked one inside the other. It turns out that - something like nesting dolls from the boxes. There should be two sets of such “matryoshkas”. So, bombshell for the first team...

A “sapper” comes out, receives a “bomb”, reads the question written on the box, answers it, opens the lid glued with adhesive tape, and reads the correct answer on it. If the answer is correct, he takes another smaller box out of the box, reads the question written on it, answers it, and so on. If the answer is wrong, then the "sapper" "blew up" and left the game. Now another "bomb for demining" is received by a "sapper" from another team.

Questions for "bombs":

  1. How many stars on the chase does the senior lieutenant have? ( Three.)
  2. “Where does the Motherland begin?” ( "From the picture in your primer.")
  3. What Russian prince won a major battle with the Swedes when he was only 20 years old? ( A. Nevsky.)
  4. How many years have passed from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War? ( 20 years old, 1921–1941)
  5. Which of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was the most famous commander? ( Marshal Zhukov G.K.)
  6. How many stars does the Colonel have in pursuit? ( Three.)
  7. What did the dark-skinned girl gather in the garden in the song of the same name? ( Grape.)
  8. What famous Russian commander called his soldiers a miracle - heroes? ( A.V. Suvorov.)
  9. In what year did World War II start? ( In 1939.)
  10. The most famous Soviet intelligence officer, who reported the exact date of the attack of Nazi Germany on Soviet Union. (R. Sorge.)

3) Battle trophy:

In the Russian army of the 9th century, grenadiers were tall, physically strong soldiers specially trained to throw grenades. Now our grenadiers will demonstrate their accuracy.

Need a ball to play plastic bottle with water, two small bottles of gas water and glasses according to the number of players. Two teams, having received a bottle of gas water, stand 3 meters from the target. The target is a bottle of water standing on a raised platform. The player tries to knock down the bottle with the ball. If he hits, he passes the ball to the next one and drinks a glass of gas, if he doesn’t hit, the ball goes to the other team. The team that drank the gas water faster wins.

4) Spoon for dinner:

Players approach an overturned stool, each participant stands with his back to the leg of the stool, he is blindfolded. In the hands of the participants on a tablespoon. On a signal, they take three steps forward, turn around and try to put the spoon on “their” leg as soon as possible. The team in which everyone manages to do this first wins.

5) Black box:

There is a card in the black box. There is a word on the card. Players from each team take turns asking questions, the leader answers them “yes” or “no”. Whose team guesses ahead wins.

(Helmet or Flask).

6) Question - answer:

  1. Which troops retired? ( Cavalry.)
  2. What are military shoulder badges called? ( Shoulder straps.)
  3. What year is considered the year of the birth of the Red Army? ( 1918. )
  4. What do wood and a rifle have in common? ( Trunk.)
  5. What is the warehouse of military equipment called? ( Arsenal.)
  6. Who is the creator of the Russian army? ( Peter I.)
  7. Complete calmness. ( Calm.)

7) Encryption:

Decipher a cipher message containing an important intelligence report.


15, 1, 25, 1, 13, 16
1, 20, 1, 12, 10
15, 1, 9, 15, 1, 25, 6, 15, 16
15, 1
17, 16, 13, 5, 6, 15, 30.

(The start of the attack is scheduled for noon).

8) Crossword:


3. Weapons invented by Kalashnikov.
4. Offensive shouting "Hurrah!".
6. A sport that characterizes climbing mountain peaks.
7. Enemy.
8. The type of troops is the “god” of war.


1. The basic law of the country.
2. Rifle with a short barrel.
3. An ancient Greek hero whose weak point was the heel.
5. Aircraft garage.


Horizontally: 3. Automatic. 4. Attack. 6. Mountaineering. 7. Enemy. 8. Artillery.

Vertically: 1. Constitution. 2. Carbine. 3. Achilles. 5. Hangar.

9 - Glory Stars:

Before you are portraits of six prominent people Russia, who have done a lot to make us proud of our country, its people, and the army. You need to name them.

(Nevsky, Peter I, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Zhukov, Gagarin).

10) Men Without Tears:

Peel the onion, chop and don't cry.

11) Sea knot:

Each representative of the teams on a handkerchief. Tie a sea knot. Tied up? Now exchange knots. The task is this: in 1 minute you must untie the opponent's sea knot.

12 - Mined field:

Blindfolded, go through and not touch a single skittles. The one who hits the most “mines” loses.

13) Whose ball is bigger?

Two participants from different teams receive Balloon and on command begin to inflate them. The one who wins:

A) inflates the largest balloon.
B) inflate the balloon so that it bursts.

14). Remember everything:

Teams are given a sheet of paper and a pencil. The facilitator shows the items prepared in advance and asks the teams to remember everything that is on the table. 30 seconds are allotted for memorization. The objects are then covered and the teams write down what they saw. To play 1.5 minutes. The winner is the one who managed to remember the largest number of objects seen.

(Alarm clock, toothbrush, button, three buttons, cotton wool, cube, pen, calendar, compasses, rubber band, chalk, comb, screw, clock, calculator, ...)

15) Nail:

Team members take turns hammering a nail. Whoever hits the last nail wins.

16) Intellectual warm-up:

What does it mean to take off a glove when meeting to say hello?

(Show that the hands are pure as thoughts and there are no weapons).

Once Peter I visited the army and issued an order: to sew tin buttons on the cuffs of officers and soldiers. What for?

(To wean them from their characteristic bad habit, wipe their noses with their sleeves.).

Friends, today is a holiday, which means that you, the heroes of the occasion, at any moment can find yourself in the center of a festive whirlwind or, quite unexpectedly, receive a wonderful prize. By the way, pay attention to the seat of your chairs, if any of you have a special mark under the seat - “Happy Place”. You? Congratulations! Prize please!

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day is a day of respect for all generations of the heroic army. And since from time immemorial men have been defenders, this is truly “Men's Day”, on which all representatives of the stronger sex accept congratulations.

The ancient folk wisdom of the inhabitants of the Caucasus says: “A man’s hand is beautiful when it is with a weapon!” We cannot allow your hands to be ugly, so as a reminder to you ....

Dear protector! We all know that the army has left an unforgettable mark on your life. We know that you remember two years spent in the army with special trepidation. Today, we want to return you to the days of your glorious fighting youth, for which you are given a can of stew with barley porridge.

There is such a military song: “Let's smoke, comrade in one ...” We think that this is a song about a real friend who always has a light. Here it is - we give it to you. Accept it as a sign that with such a friend we will go on reconnaissance even now.

In conclusion of our meeting, let me, on behalf of all the girls present, wish you boundless happiness, heroic health, eternal love!

Bazyuk Oksana Vasilievna

teacher2 class

first category specialist

Classroom hour

Topic: Lesson of Courage. Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

Target: introduce the history of the holiday and congratulate the future defenders of the Fatherland; create conditions for improving the microclimate in the team; develop a culture of communication.


Raising patriotism, love for the Motherland, respect for the army of the DPR.

Development of thinking, imagination, dexterity.

Equipment: a poster on a military theme, books with military works, pictures with combat battles on a board, symbols of the DPR.

Lesson progress

    Org. Moment

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

What season is it now? (Winter)

What month is it? (February)

What is the weather like in winter? (Cold, frost, snow, snowdrifts)

Let's talk about a wonderful February holiday - the holiday of February 23. Who do we congratulate on this day (Men, soldiers, fathers, brothers).

What is the correct name for the holiday? (Day of the Defender of the Fatherland).

The teacher writes the word "Fatherland" on the blackboard.

Pick up words with the same root for the word "Fatherland" (father, Fatherland, fatherland, father's house).

Why do you think the word "Fatherland" should always be written with capital letter? (It denotes our Motherland, our Russia).

Do you know why this holiday is called so, and when did they begin to celebrate February 23?


In ancient times, heroes fought with enemies. These are the brave defenders of the Fatherland. And every boy should be just as strong and smart and be ready, when he grows up, to defend his homeland at any moment. Since hoary antiquity, warriors and soldiers have been respected by society as defenders of the life and property of civilians in their country. Their life, full of dangers, adventures, long hikes and the rich booty that they brought from these campaigns, aroused curiosity and pride. If you think that February 23 is a holiday for military personnel, then you are deeply mistaken!February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. And every man, whether he is a naval officer or a programmer, a businessman or a policeman, a scientist or a farmer, is a Protector.February 23 is Day of the Defender of his Fatherland, his family.

A long time ago, at the beginning of the last century, German troops attacked our country. After the revolution, there was no longer an emperor in Russia. new country a new army was needed to defend our Motherland from the German invaders.

And so, in 1918, the Red Army was created by government decree. And in order to maintain the spirit of the soldiers, on February 23 they decided to celebrate the birthday of the Red Army.

Years passed. Life changed. Our country survived the greatest tragedy - the Second World War. Our warriors fought boldly and bravely, liberating their Fatherland. It was difficult. Many were starving, there were not enough weapons. Everyone stood up to defend the Fatherland: from young to old. But we survived! The victory is ours! And in 1946 our army was renamed into the Soviet one. And the holiday on February 23 began to be called the "Day of the Soviet Army and Navy."

Another half century has passed. The powerful state called the USSR ceased to exist. The former republics seceded from Russia, wanting to become independent. But the Russian army is still strong. Courageous warriors are still defending our state. And in 1995 the State Duma adopted the law "On the days of military glory." Now we call the holiday on February 23 "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

We are proud of our defenders who guard our peace in peacetime. In the future, you are the younger generation, you will replace your fathers and grandfathers on guard of the Motherland, you will become our defenders, defenders of the Fatherland.

Gradually, the tradition changed and developed in such a way that not only the military, but also all men and even boys began to congratulate and give gifts on February 23. The army holiday has turned into a holiday for men and the male sex in general.

To serve in the army is the honorable right and duty of every man. Therefore, he either was, or is, or will be a warrior. And why not congratulate him, if there is a reason ?!

Congratulations for dads.


Daddy is the main protector from troubles!Strong, reliable, intelligent, skillful!The whole world is celebrating with you today -Know that you are my hero, beautiful and brave!

On a February holiday, wonderful, maleI only wish you the best!Life is always good and easy for meKnowing that my father is protecting me.

The strongest, the bravestThe most, most expensiveDad is the best in the worldWe are all proud of you!

So accept congratulationsSince February 23.In these bright momentsKnow that we love you.

Happy twenty-third of FebruaryDad, congratulations!Only the best for youI sincerely wish!

More good, warm days,Fabulously pleasantSo that you are always luckyAnd incredible!

Be healthy, don't get sickAnd don't get upsetOnly with best friendsMeet on holidays!

interesting hobbies,new, wonderfulAnd good bossesSong about dad.

How many songs are we together
They sang to their own mother.
And about dad before this song
There were no songs.

Only a mother, only a mother can not be!

Dad is at home - and the house is serviceable,
The gas burns and the light does not go out.
Dad at home, of course, the main one,
If moms, by chance, no!

Dad can, dad can do anything
Swim breaststroke, argue bass, chop wood!
Papa can, papa can be anything
Only a mother, only a mother can not be!

Only a mother, only a mother can not be!

And with the most difficult task
Dad can handle it, give it time!
We then decide with mom
All that dad could not solve!

Dad can, dad can do anything
Swim breaststroke, argue bass, chop wood!
Papa can, papa can be anything
Only a mother, only a mother can not be!
Only a mother, only a mother can not be!

Dad can, dad can do anything
Swim breaststroke, argue bass, chop wood!
Papa can, papa can be anything
Only a mother, only a mother can not be!
Only a mother, only a mother can not be.

author : Larisa Grigorieva Words and music by Alexander Yermolov

The song's title : Children's song about the family "My family".

There are a lot of toys in front of me,
But everyone has known for a long time
It's pretty boring for me to play alone
And completely, completely uninteresting.

But when my family is with me
And the people I love the most
I immediately forget about despondency.
And it always has been, is and always will be...


If mom and dad are around.

And I will be infinitely glad

Well, I'll be most happy
If the whole family is around,
All my family.

And I have to confess to mom and dad,
That sometimes I am, of course,
A little naughty and stubborn
But I love you, I love you endlessly!

Failure doesn't scare me
I will not be afraid of the cold wind,
My family is with me, which means:
I am the happiest person in this world!

There will be a happy and wonderful day,
If mom and dad are around.
I'll be happy, I'll be very happy
If there are sister and brother nearby.

And I will be infinitely glad
If grandfather and grandmother are nearby.
Well, I'll be most happy
If the whole family is around

Performance of parents (dads)

Now we'll play a little!

Scrabble quiz

Teacher: Let's remember what kind of troops exist in the modern army?

The teacher reads riddles. After guessing, a drawing depicting a pilot, sailor, gunner, etc. is posted on the board.


1. The plane is on takeoff,
I'm ready to fly.
I'm waiting for that cherished order
Protect you from heaven! (Pilot)

2. He guards the border,
Stranger does not miss
And all the time looking in both
And the order would be that. (Border guard)

3. We have Topol, Topol-M,
We do not serve Flora at all.
We stand guard over the country
No more war. (Rocketmen)

4. The car rushes into battle again,

Caterpillars cut the ground

That car in a clean field

Operated by ... (Tankman)

5. Can you become a soldier

Swim, ride and fly

And in the ranks to go hunting -

Waiting for you, soldier, ... (Infantry)


1. Loves the Motherland. (Patriot)

2. The main song of the country. (Hymn)

3. A song that is listened to while standing. (Hymn)

4. Solemn movement of troops and military. (Parade)

5. Morning team. (Rise)

6. The coloring of clothes in the voentorg. (Camouflage)

7. On the shoulders of the military. (epaulettes)

8. Chief on the ship. (Captain)

Competition for folk tales.

Children are divided into two teams. The teacher says the first words of the title folk tales, participants must say this name in full. The team with the most correct answers wins.


1. Ivan Tsarevich and gray ... (wolf)

2. Sister Alyonushka and brother ... (Ivanushka)

3. Fenist - Clear ... (falcon)

4. Princess - ... (Frog)

5. Geese - ... (Swans)

6. By pike ... (by command)

7. Frost ... (Ivanovich)

8. Snow White and seven ... (gnomes)

9. Horse - ... (Humpbacked)


When it is needed, it is thrown away; when it is not needed, it is raised (anchor)

She gave everyone clothes, but she herself is always naked (needle)

Not the sea, not the land - the ships do not sail and you can not walk (swamp)

You are given, but people use (name)

Feed - lives, give drink - dies (fire).

I’ll put it under myself, under my head, and it will remain to hide. (Overcoat.)

During the day - a hoop, and at night - a snake. (Belt.)

Not a god, not a king, but you can't disobey. (Commander.)

What is a teenager who studies maritime science called? (Cabin boy.)

What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

What are military shoulder badges called? (epaulettes.)

What military ranks do you know? (Private, sergeant, ensign, etc.)

A turtle is crawling, a steel shirt.

The enemy is in the ravine, she is where the enemy is. (Tank.)

Competition "Fight of tongue twisters"

The task is given: five times quickly and without errors to say any tongue twister.

Let us begin

Let someone speak quickly

The rest please be silent.

The one who makes the least mistakes

He will win in battle.

(Any tongue twister is given at the choice of the teacher.)

Contest "Collect a proverb"

(In envelopes - a proverb cut into words. Who will fold it faster.)

Hero - a mountain for the Motherland.

To live - to serve the motherland.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

If the army is strong, the country is invincible

Congratulations from girls

There is one fun class,

We have ten boys

Congratulations to them today.

That's what we want for them.

Learn only for five

We will help you.

Just, mind you, don't ask

And never fight with us!

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you.

Best for skiing

And beat everyone in football!

May luck be with you

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything

Protect us from others.

In general, lovely boys,

We'll let you in on a secret:

Better than you in the world

Nobody, of course!

* * *

On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

We will not give you flowers:

They are not given to boys.

Girls a lot of kind words

They will leave you in your hearts.

We wish you forever:

So that life is not shy,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

And all the obstacles on the way

To overcome you together.

But first, grow up

And you need to grow up.

Listen, boys, to us,

Accept congratulations!

We know that on this day you

Second birthday.

VII. Practical work

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a big holiday. We will congratulate our fathers and grandfathers, brothers and friends. It is customary to give gifts on holidays. A best gift, as you know, this is the one that you have prepared with your own hands. Let's draw postcards for our men as a gift.

Exercise : Students draw postcards.

VIII. Reflection and grading

What did you find interesting and entertaining?

What else would you like to know about the holiday?

IX. Homework

Finish the postcard, learn a poem about the army, about the soldiers.


What holiday were we talking about today?

What new did you learn about him?

Do not forget to congratulate your grandfathers, dads, brothers on this holiday.