
How to choose an obstetrician? Types of childbirth. How to choose a maternity hospital: basic tips What you need to know when choosing a maternity hospital

Breast cancer

Nobody likes the unknown. She scares us, but in childbirth it is not necessary at all: fear intensifies pain and more energy is wasted. So you need to use every opportunity to create a pleasant and familiar environment for yourself during childbirth. And you need to start by meeting the doctor who will deliver the baby. True, there is one nuance here: a personal doctor is possible only during contract delivery.

Define criteria
Before looking for a doctor, future mom must decide how she sees her childbirth and what, in fact, wants from the doctor? Does she want to give birth as naturally as possible or does she agree to some kind of intervention? Maybe the woman is in the mood for vertical childbirth or is planning to spend the first stage of labor in some other way (for example, in a bath)? Does she expect active help from the doctor or does she want from him only observation and non-interference in the birth process? You can draw up a whole birthing plan for yourself, in which you write all your wishes, doubts and questions. And only after understanding something about your childbirth and about what kind of help is expected from the doctor, you can start looking for a specialist who will help to carry out all this.

Where to find it
The ideal option is if the same doctor will manage the pregnancy and deliver. This is possible only in large medical clinics or in maternity hospitals, which have their own consultation centers. For nine months of constant communication, the doctor and the expectant mother will become, if not friends, then close acquaintances for sure. A woman will trust her doctor, and he will find out all the features of her body, as well as the state of health and even the nature of her future baby.
But you can choose a doctor just before childbirth, they conclude a contract already from the 36th week of pregnancy. We advise you not to postpone your acquaintance, you need to meet with the doctor at least several times to make sure how much you suit each other. After all, sometimes the first impression is deceiving, and it will be too late to change the doctor during childbirth.

First meeting
At the first meeting, in addition to all medical aspects, it is necessary to pay attention to the character of the doctor. Some women need a kind doctor, others a strict one. Someone would prefer a talkative doctor, and someone - a laconic one. There are mothers who feel good with a cheerful person, while others need a serious specialist. All this is also important, because a woman should be comfortable in the company of her doctor, she needs to establish contact with him. If the expectant mother takes her husband with her to childbirth, then his opinion will also be important here, because then three people will already interact during childbirth. Therefore, it is necessary to come to the first meeting with the future dad.
There is one more thing - the doctor will also evaluate the couple, with whom he will then have to work, so it should be taken into account that he, too, should be comfortable with future parents.

Pay attention
Then we look at whether the doctor is positively disposed? Yes, there are doctors who immediately see a problem and not a solution in every complaint, expect the worst, and even voice their concerns to the expectant mother. You need to part with such a doctor, because how the pregnancy and childbirth will proceed depends largely on the psychological mood of the mother. And where to get it if the doctor scares the woman all the time?
The doctor should also be friendly to the expectant mother and take into account her opinion.

Important little things
Discuss with the doctor all the moments that excite you: how to call him for childbirth, by what time he will arrive, whether he will be on vacation and whether he will not go out of town. Find out how the doctor treats labor pain relief, stimulation of contractions, puncture of the fetal bladder, etc. Tell him about your wishes, because the doctor cannot read the minds of his patients and, not knowing what the woman wants or does not want, he will act as he used to. not the way she expects. It is necessary not only to voice your preferences, but also to find out how the doctor treats them, so that later it does not turn out that the doctor either did not hear the woman, or did not agree with her, but simply did not focus on this.
If the mother does not yet know what she wants from childbirth and the doctor, then you need to ask the doctor to talk about how he prefers to lead the childbirth, what he considers necessary to do and what not, and why. After that, it will be easier for a woman to form her own opinion.

If you find a doctor with whom you are on the same wavelength, hold on to him tightly. With such an assistant, childbirth will be much more productive than without him!

Waiting for the birth of a child is probably the most important period for a woman. At this time, it is important to pay special attention to the state of health. It is equally important to choose a hospital where the baby will be born, and a doctor who will help him and his mother with this.

In the old days, women had to give birth in the hospital at the place where they were registered, but this is already in the past.

Modern expectant mothers can choose the hospital themselves, but many doubt whether such an opportunity really exists.

According to the law, it is, only a future woman in labor needs to know what to consider when choosing.

Basic principles

Do not postpone resolving the issue. It is believed that the search for a suitable clinic should start closer to the 30th week. pregnancy. But there are other opinions as well. So when should you start thinking about which maternity hospital to choose?

It is better to do this in the early stages of gestation, and here's why:

  • This will buy you time to collect information about all clinics, their doctors, and analyze it .;
  • By finding a doctor and a hospital in advance, you can consult with him from the most early dates pregnancy, getting to know the doctor better. So it will be easier for you and the doctor during childbirth;
  • Women who are expecting a baby are often susceptible to poor health, which becomes more pronounced over time. On the late date the expectant mother can expect any whims from health and mood.

What should be considered when choosing a clinic?

Closeness to home

At first glance, it may seem that this factor is not so important. But it must be taken into account. First, consider what kind of transport you are going to get to the hospital before giving birth - by car or by means of an ambulance.

Do not forget about the dad of the future baby, who will need to visit you and the child. Determine how important the location of the clinic is to you and where it should be located.


Not all, even modern hospitals, have specializations. Carrying a baby and childbirth is a process that does not always go smoothly. It can be complicated by many factors that depend on the pregnancy itself, on the state of health of the mother or baby.

In this case, you need to choose a maternity hospital where doctors with additional knowledge and experience work. Experts will help you cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

Delivery room

It often depends on its equipment how easy the delivery will be. Some women in labor give the baby life in normal conditions, and some need a ball, shower, wall bars, etc. All of these devices can help relieve pain during labor.

If all this is important to you, ask if the clinic can provide you with everything you need when the need arises.


Each maternity hospital carries out disinfecting measures after a certain period of time. You should find out if such events are held in the selected maternity hospital, for how long they are planned, and if they do not fall on the time when you will need to give birth.


Conditions in different maternity hospitals can be completely different. Of course, a young mother needs comfort, so it's worth finding out if the clinic is capable of providing it to you. Ask how many more women in labor will lie with you in the same room, and whether the latter is equipped with a shower and toilet. If not equipped, find out how far away the bathroom is.

Are visits to relatives in the hospital prohibited? It is important to consider this when you choose a maternity hospital, because your loved ones may be refused if they need to see you and your newborn. It is advisable that there is a pharmacy in the building of the clinic in case you or your child need any medication.

It will be useful to have a kettle, refrigerator, microwave oven in the ward. Some maternity hospitals have TVs. If you have given your sympathy to the clinic without such "luxuries", focusing on personal preferences, find out if it has a buffet, a canteen.

Optional equipment

In addition to good conditions for some expectant mothers, the availability of additional medical equipment in the hospital plays an important role. It may be needed in case of emergency, when the baby or his mother needs special help. This issue should be discussed with the gynecologist conducting the pregnancy.

Knowing the state of health of you and your baby, the doctor will be able to tell if you will need it during or after childbirth. additional help... If you are too suspicious, it is better if the hospital is equipped with this equipment.

Paid or free

Every woman in labor knows that it is impossible to give birth completely free of charge. Having preferences concerning not only the doctor, but also the "scenario" of childbirth, the conditions of the delivery room, ward, medical equipment, it is often necessary to pay considerable bills.

And even this does not always give guarantees. good relationship with a doctor, successful delivery, worthy of medical care. Not all women in labor have the means to pay for childbirth under a contract.

In this regard, some expectant mothers and their relatives prefer to pay for services by giving money to the doctor personally (i.e. a bribe). Such an approach gives confidence that he will pay due attention and do his job well. Practice shows that this is not always the case. Therefore, it is better to take advantage of legal ways to reduce costs.


One of the main methods offered by the legislation today is childbirth according to the certificate. As a citizen of the Russian Federation, you have the right to receive it in the antenatal clinic at the gestational age of 30 weeks (if the pregnancy is multiple - 28 weeks). His woman should give it to the staff of the hospital in which the childbirth will take place. After their completion, the Social Insurance Fund pays compensation to the hospital.

Is it possible to choose a maternity hospital, giving birth according to a certificate, and how to do it? There is such an opportunity. You can do this in the same way as if you were looking for a hospital without him. Both private paid clinics and state ones are available to you. If you have not been observed in a state antenatal clinic, you should apply there for a certificate, because in private medical institutions it is not issued.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get to the maternity hospital, which the woman has chosen, because the implementation of this law has not yet been brought to perfection. There are frequent cases when contractions begin and the expectant mother " ambulance»Delivers to the nearest state medical facility, regardless of her will.

To avoid this, try to go to the hospital before labor begins. It is not always possible to do this, because not all babies are born at the time indicated by the doctors. If possible, drive to the clinic to ensure you arrive at the correct hospital.

Choosing a doctor

It is not enough to decide which maternity hospital to choose, because it is very important that the doctor who will deliver the baby has the qualifications and experience. In addition, you need to find with him " mutual language". It is necessary for the doctor to be able to find an approach to the expectant mother, to give the necessary recommendations, a positive attitude.

Sometimes the question of how to choose a good doctor in the hospital is decided by itself, if the future woman in labor already knows which specialist she will resort to. By the way, in this case, the question of choosing a clinic can also be decided by itself. If there is no doctor "in mind" yet, you need to find him, approaching the issue with all responsibility.

7 minutes to read. Views 2.1k. Published 16.11.2018

Do you know what determines 70% of the successful course of childbirth? Why is it so important to choose a maternity hospital and a doctor in advance? How to do this without connections and bribes?

Decide on your desires

It is easier to choose a maternity hospital if you decide on your expectations and what moments are most important to you. Someone is more important professional, attentive staff, against the background of which household inconveniences fade into the background. And someone is more comfortable in a separate room "with all the conveniences."

Highlight the main points for yourself, focusing on them, look for a maternity hospital. Collect as much as possible more information... Ask relatives, friends, colleagues about maternity hospitals and doctors.

City forums, reviews of medical institutions and its employees on specialized sites, thematic groups v in social networks- you have to study everything. Try to separate emotions from useful information in reviews. This will help build an objective picture.

It is important if you have serious health problems or the pregnancy is complicated - choose specialized centers. And if they are not in your city, give preference to perinatal centers or maternity hospitals at large hospitals.

If you are a supporter of natural childbirth, try to collect information in which maternity hospital the birth is closest to him. Specify where possible partner childbirth or an unhindered visit to family.

Requirements for a medical institution

Ideally, the one that suits you should be located nearby. So that in any situation you have time to get to it yourself. At the same time, do not worry that you will be "late" - the percentage of rapid childbirth is close to 1.

What other points need to be considered:

  • living conditions;
  • level of equipment;
  • caring for newborns;
  • personnel qualifications;
  • joint or separate stay with an infant.

The choice of the maternity ward “does not threaten” only mothers who decide to do it: they are all 9 months “tied” to one medical institution. And they already know what is there and how.

Living conditions

Specify how many people the wards are designed for, whether it is possible to lie “without neighbors”. The presence of a shower and a toilet in the ward is an important issue. It is often difficult to move around in the first days after childbirth. If the amenities are on the floor, find out how far from the rooms they are.

It is worth collecting information about nutrition, the ability to receive transmissions from loved ones. It is important to know in advance if family visits are allowed.

Equipment level

When choosing a maternity hospital, you need to be guided by the availability of modern equipment. Is there an intensive care unit in the institution, is it possible to urgently carry out a cesarean section.

  • How are the prenatal wards equipped?
  • Is it possible to relax on a gymnastic ball or on a special wall during fights?
  • How many people the delivery room is designed for.

Newborn care

This is one of the most important criteria when choosing a maternity ward. Find out more about the qualifications of employees, about the conditions in which children are. What temperature and humidity is maintained in the department.

Specify separately which vaccines are used for the first vaccinations. Are there special boxes for premature babies.

Personnel qualifications

How competent doctors and midwives are there for you will greatly determine the success of your delivery. Check with the institution itself what qualifications the specialists work in it, do not hesitate to ask questions.

Also, collect information about the attitude of the staff towards women in labor, how correct and polite they are. In many ways, the mood for childbirth depends on the good attitude of doctors and midwives.

If most of the reviews on the Internet or the stories of friends speak of rudeness and indifference - do not choose this institution. No technique can help in the event of inaction or negligence by doctors.

Stay with your baby

Most maternity hospitals practice joint or partial joint stay of the mother and baby. Children are brought in for several hours in the morning, afternoon and evening. At night, the woman herself chooses to leave the baby with her in the ward or not.

Specify how much babies are brought in a day or they are with mothers around the clock. Find out if the hospital teaches the basics breastfeeding, are there any breast pumps. Is it possible, if necessary, to use the mixture brought by relatives, bottles and nipples.

The comfort level of the mother and baby in the postpartum monogram unit determines where to give birth.

Why do you need a generic certificate

The right to admission to the maternity hospital is given by the compulsory medical insurance policy. But without an exchange card, a birth certificate, a woman and a child will have to be in a quarantine department, some of the services may be unavailable.

According to the birth certificate, you can choose any state maternity hospital, no matter how far from you it is. In theory, you can apply for medical services in another region. Thanks to him, all the costs of the institution for your childbirth are reimbursed from the social insurance fund.

The document is issued in a consultation or obstetric center where you were registered and observed. It is important to do this in the first trimester and see your doctor regularly.

If you have a birth certificate, an ambulance will take you to the maternity hospital of your choice, and not to the attendant or nearest. An exception will be cases when a medical institution is closed for quarantine or sanitation.

What is contract delivery

Some maternity hospitals provide paid services... To do this, you must conclude an agreement with a medical institution. It is better to do this directly without the intermediary services of insurance companies.

If you need emergency interventions or special manipulations in the presence of an intermediary, they will have to be coordinated with him. Which is not very convenient, especially if the birth occurred at night.

The contract stipulates which doctor and obstetrician will take delivery, the possibility of the presence of a partner (husband, other relatives). It also indicates the type of ward in which you will lie, the possibility of visiting loved ones. It will allow you to sue a medical institution if the services were provided poorly.

The contract is more reliable than the usual "contractual" delivery, when at the most crucial moment the chosen doctor may refuse to help you or simply cannot come to the hospital on time.

You can conclude an agreement with any public or private clinic. In this case, you will not need a referral to the maternity hospital from the antenatal clinic. But an exchange card with the results of examinations and analyzes will be needed.

How to choose a doctor

According to the birth certificate, you can choose not only by birth, but also by a doctor. Actually, it is better to start with his choice. A polite, competent specialist is the key to a calm delivery.

How to understand that there is a professional in front of you:

  1. The doctor gives you enough time, does not advise on the run, is not distracted by other patients or phone calls.
  2. Explains medical terms in an accessible way, gives you complete information.
  3. Warns of possible medical manipulations.

Types of maternity hospitals

In addition to maternity wards, there are specialized institutions at regular hospitals and perinatal centers. In case of severe pregnancy or serious health problems in women, when choosing a maternity hospital, you should pay attention to them.

There are the following types:

  1. Profile. They should be addressed in the pathological course of pregnancy - oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, Rh-conflict and others. They have all the necessary equipment in case of an emergency.
  2. Maternity hospitals at multidisciplinary medical centers... They will also allow you to provide the necessary emergency assistance to both mother and child.
  3. Maternity hospitals at research centers and universities... They host research work, medical assistance is provided. Among medical staff there are rare specialists - geneticists, embryologists and others.

Although the generic certificate allows you to choose any medical institution, but often scientific centers or specialized clinics work under a contract.


When choosing an institution for childbirth, remember that there is no universal, best one for all maternity hospitals. It is important to consider your individual needs and how your pregnancy progresses.

Which maternity hospital did you choose for yourself? How it was? Were you satisfied with the conditions and attitude of the staff? Write in the comments. Its Kids team will be grateful for every comment and link in social networks.

The choice of a doctor for childbirth is an important and responsible step, because the life and health of the unborn baby depends on the degree of his qualifications and attention to a pregnant woman. Below are a few tips to help you choose a good professional.

  • Consider several options. Talk to several doctors before choosing your own. This approach will help you to be on the safe side in case your doctor is unavailable when you have contractions.
  • Discuss with them how you would like your labor to go and listen to their recommendations. Choose the specialist whose views coincide with yours.
  • Make a list of issues of interest that you would like to discuss with your doctor. For example: induction of labor, if the need arises, the use of painkillers, can you drink during labor, cutting the umbilical cord, the number of people who will be with you in the ward, etc. Even if the question seems stupid to you, feel free to ask it. After all, this will be one of the most important days in your life for you, and the desire to foresee all the nuances is quite natural.
  • The doctor should respect your wishes, and in case of disagreement, clearly explain his point of view and give you the right to choose. No good specialist will disdain the client and his requests. If it really is not possible to carry out childbirth exactly as the expectant mother wants, or to fulfill one of her wishes, a competent obstetrician will certainly give weighty arguments why a pregnant woman should reconsider her point of view. In addition, a good doctor should talk about different options the course of labor and ask what the pregnant woman agrees to in case of any complications.
  • Some mothers unquestioningly listen to their doctor, following all his recommendations, and some prefer to dictate their terms. Consider which line of behavior you are inclined to, and take this into account when choosing a specialist.
  • Ask your doctor exactly how he will control the course of your pregnancy, how he will cope if a problem arises. Be sure to find out exactly how your labor will take place, and who can be present with you in the delivery room.
  • Honesty is an important factor that will help establish a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient. Take a closer look at your doctor's behavior: can you trust him? Often, doctors send pregnant women to a specific pharmacy for some kind of medicine. Sometimes they do this because the drug is actually in that pharmacy. But, unfortunately, they often receive a certain percentage for such recommendations. And, perhaps, you do not need this drug at all. If your doctor behaves this way: talk to another specialist and see what he has to say about the medication you are prescribed.
  • Pay attention to the cleanliness of the doctor. His office must be clean, his instruments must be sterile, and the doctor himself must look neat.
  • The doctor must be caring. A good doctor will do everything to make you feel as comfortable as possible during examinations and procedures.
  • Read the reviews about the doctor and ask what his colleagues think about him as a specialist.

Choose a place to give birth

Be sure to decide on the hospital in which you want to give birth. It is desirable that she is not very far from home, so that during the onset of labor, you can quickly get to her. The clinic must have a license to conduct pregnancy, appropriate conditions and equipment for examining pregnant women.

If you have made the decision to give birth at home, it’s still better to play it safe and choose the hospital you go to if unforeseen circumstances arise. As a rule, when choosing a good qualified obstetrician, home birth goes smoothly, but sometimes, quite rarely, complications occur that only doctors can deal with, so take care of such "insurance" in advance so that you do not have to decide at the last minute. Be sure to provide the address of the hospital of your choice to the midwife.

March 28, 2017 author admin

It is an exciting and anxious time for a woman. She needs to prepare for this event and make important decisions - choose an obstetrician for childbirth andmedical institution... Childbirth can start prematurely, as well as unforeseen situations may arise during childbirth, which is why it is important to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist in advance.

Criteria for a good obstetrician

By what criteria it is worth looking for an obstetrician - gynecologist, consider the main ones:

  1. First of all, these are reviews of close friends, acquaintances, as well as those who have already given birth to patients, the so-called "word of mouth" about the competence of a doctor;
  2. The doctor must necessarily be engaged in practical activities, have work experience, i.e. take childbirth, and carry out operations;
  3. For the doctor, the life and health of both the woman in labor and the baby should be equally important;
  4. In the event of an emergency, he must take delivery by cesarean section, so a woman must trust the chosen doctor;
  5. When meeting, the doctor should carefully listen to your complaints, read the documents, ask questions about the course of pregnancy and more. As a result of the examination, he prescribes the necessary medications and tells you a plan for further action;
  6. You must tell the doctor your wishes in terms of childbirth, but he, in turn, will reasonably explain his point of view, based on familiarization with your medical record and the course of pregnancy. There are times when a woman is tuned in to natural childbirth, and the doctor already sees the prerequisites for a cesarean section;
  7. The doctor should explain to you the appearance of what symptoms are a signal of the onset of labor, in which cases you need to call him;
  8. After you have chosen an obstetrician for childbirth, you need to make an appointment with him. At the first visit to the doctor, you can come with the child's father, his opinion is also important.

The first appointment with a doctor must be held no later than 2-3 months before the scheduled date of birth.

You should ask the selected doctor questions that are important to you, these include:

  • Will the baby be applied to the breast immediately after childbirth;
  • What types of anesthesia are offered by your doctor or anesthesiologist;
  • Does the hospital have paid superior wards;
  • Is the presence of the father allowed during childbirth;
  • Are postnatal wards shared with children;
  • Is labor stimulation applied, in what situations;
  • Is there a children's intensive care unit in the maternity hospital?

There comes a time when a pregnant woman needs to decide which of existing ways childbirth, she plans to give birth. There are the following types of childbirth: traditional, cesarean section, upright, in water, at home. Let's consider each of the types in more detail:

Traditional childbirth

This method has long taken root in Russia, according to doctors, it is the least traumatic for both the mother and the child.


Already during pregnancy, doctors see the prerequisites for a planned operation, these include high blood pressure, vision problems, and incorrect fetal position. Also an indication for caesarean section is that the child is repeatedly entwined with the umbilical cord in the womb. If unforeseen complications occur during childbirth, doctors perform an emergency operation - a cesarean section.

Vertical childbirth

This type of childbirth is gaining popularity in our country, it is common in Asia. During contractions, a pregnant woman can walk, sit, or stand on all fours - this significantly reduces pain. But with vertical way childbirth doctors find it difficult to diagnose the condition of the mother's uterus and the well-being of the child.

Partner childbirth

A popular method in the West, the father of the child is present during childbirth, supports his wife, helps her to survive the painful process.

Childbirth in water

During childbirth in warm water, the woman's internal muscles relax and contractions are almost painless. It is believed that it is easier for a child when he finds himself in a familiar environment, and adaptation to our world is faster. Disadvantages of this method: first, a large list of contraindications for women in labor. Secondly, the doctor cannot fully follow the course of the process. Thirdly, the child can die by choking on water, and the mother from blood loss, since blood does not clot in the water.

Home birth

It is believed that a home birth is the most comfortable for a woman in labor. But, unfortunately, they have a high mortality rate of both children and women, since there is no way to provide proper medical care at home.