
Methodological development of the event “initiation into chemists”. Congratulations on Chemist's Day. Comic scene on Chemist's Day.


In addition to joint calendar holidays, each team hosts corporate events on the occasion of the company’s birthday, professional holiday, especially successful contract, etc. Typically, such events are organized in the form of a buffet with congratulations from the management and performances by invited creative groups.

But, if you want to have an evening with game program and honoring employees, then this scenario corporate party"Let's compliment each other" will be very appropriate. The script contains entertainment, team games that unite the entire team and create a high spirits for everyone.

Corporate party scenario.

The evening begins with B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other”

Leading: Good evening, gentlemen! Isn't it true, wonderful words! And they fit perfectly with our evening, and you, of course, know that they belong to the pen of Bulat Okudzhava. This wonderful poet did not even imagine that the relevance of his words would only increase every year. Indeed, in our age of high speeds and crazy technologies, completely simple human concepts recede into the background: communication with colleagues, intimate conversations with girlfriends, meetings around the fire with friends - they are being replaced by virtual and mobile communications. We live experiencing a constant lack of warmth, attention and ordinary human participation. However, everything is in our hands! And we have gathered here not to be sad, but to give each other this deficiency and be charged with its positive energy for future use!

A game for getting to know each other and bringing guests together “Truth in a Ball”

(you can watch the game or choose another option more suitable for the company in)

Toast for rapprochement and acquaintance.

Presentation of humorous nominations to employees.

Leading: Based on the results of this survey and questionnaire, which was conducted in advance, I am pleased to announce that this year each of you has received the following nominations (lookOption 2 )…..

(diplomas or medals are awarded)

Leading: Well, as they say, “the awards have found their heroes.” Tell me, what usually accompanies any celebration in addition to stormy applause and solemn fanfare?

The players answer.

Leading: Of course, we haven’t prepared the presentation of beautiful and unusual bouquets, then we will collect them right here.

Team game "Bouquet and song collage"

This game is suitable for mass reach of guests, since here we will “collect” bouquets. To begin with, we call five or six of the most active guests and invite them to collect a bouquet of “flowers”, that is, recruit colleagues for their team dressed in a certain color of clothing: yellow, red, blue, orange, etc. The teams may turn out to be unequal in number - that’s okay. What matters is how they know how to demonstrate their talents. But first, let the presenter briefly tell you what each of the colors means. For example, green is the color of health, optimism and hope. You can ask the green team how they are doing with hope and health, etc. then the teams each receive one paper daisy, on the petals of which there are reverse side lines from poems and songs are written where flowers or colors are mentioned, as well as the names of excerpts for the team “color” dance. The teams themselves decide who reads the poem, who sings, but they all perform the dance to the song where their color is mentioned (the music is provided by a DJ). Thus, each team gives its own small concert. The winners are determined by applause.

Game with the audience "Let's give compliments"

Host: As we see flowers, they are truly a unique gift. Only compliments can compare with them. Shall we exchange?

Men say adjectives that describe women beginning with the letter “F,” and women praise men with the letter “M.” The last one to answer wins.

Leading: You noticed that men were still a little more inventive, apparently, they have more experience, and maybe even more imagination. After all, when a man seeks the favor of a lady he likes, he can sometimes be magically inventive. I would like to ask: men, what properties do you attribute to the ideal woman in your fantasies?

Answers follow, among which the presenter literally seizes on the word “weak.”

Leading: Well, since a woman is weak, then a real man, in my opinion, is the one with whom she can afford this quality. Let's get creative! You, strong men, what wish of a weak beloved woman would you fulfill if God gave you the power to create magic?!

Of course, men begin to fantasize. In this case, the presenter must work not just as a commentator, but also make sure that the ladies present express their opinion about male fantasies.

Song compliments between the male and female half of the team.

Leading: How wonderful men are as wizards, aren’t they, ladies! Let's reward them for their good intentions with at least applause! Of course, if the ladies wish, you can kiss them on the cheek! However, I dare to remind you that the main goal of our evening is “to compliment each other”! That's why I'm announcing a “compliment auction”! I will ask you to remember all the poems and songs where a man or woman declares their love.

For example, song compliments. The female half of the hall suggests: “Oh, what a man he was, a real colonel.” And the male one replies: “Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart...”

If the audience is ready to exchange poetic compliments, then carry out this option:

Men:“I loved you silently, hopelessly...” The ladies do not remain in debt and quote Tsvetaeva: “Thank you with my heart and hand for being with me - without knowing it yourself! - love you so much!...” The one who utters the last compliment wins.

There is no need to rush people here; on the contrary, stock up on tips and encourage guests to make as many quotes as possible. Those who remember the most beautiful or witty quotes can be given small gifts.

Leading: Isn’t it true that poetry tunes our souls in a special way! However, music has a similar influence on us. It is not for nothing that these two manifestations of human sensitivity get along so well with each other and give birth to a song.

Concert number - a love song sounds.

Corporate table chant "Let's be happy?! Hurray!"

Leading: Mutual compliments have already brought us many pleasant moments, haven’t they? Perhaps someone already wanted to scream with happiness?! I propose to do this according to the rules of corporate ethics: amicably and with enthusiasm. I read out the quatrain, and after my words “Let’s be happy,” you all shout loudly: “Hurray!”

Leading: Let them accompany you everywhere

We have favorable winds!

Let love warm us

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: May it be with us this evening

There will be kind words!

We don't mind, we're glad to meet you

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let time run, rejoicing,

After all, now is the time!

Games, dancing, kissing.

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: We wish everyone to have fun,

Right up until the morning!

May the holiday last forever

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Funny photo session "Share your smile."

Leading: How much you smiled just now and this is the best result I could hope for as a presenter. Let's hold a “Smiling Competition”! The conditions are simple: you need to smile! First, let's compete in the breadth of a smile! Even wider! Now show me a smile from the bottom of your heart! Even more soulful! Class! Some even had tears in their eyes, but these are tears of happiness!

It was just a rehearsal real competition will only start now. And this will be an express photo competition for the most charming smile.

(To conduct the competition you will need: a camera, pre-copied children’s photos from funny expressions faces - different, one for each participant, projector or monitor. The participant is given a photo of the child, his task is to repeat the facial expressions in front of the camera. Then a slide is quickly made from all the photos and shown to the whole room. The audience chooses the best one.)

A scene for a corporate event at the IT company "Dialogue at the Monitor"

Scenario for the chemical evening “Do-it-yourself miracles.”

Teacher's opening speech. Dear Guys! Today, seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students have gathered here. Each of you has your own task. Eighth-graders prepared interesting experiments, showed various “miracles* and revealed the secret of each miracle.” Ninth graders, you are not just spectators, be on the alert, carefully follow everything that is happening, be prepared to answer the questions that the eighth graders will ask you. Your role, seventh graders, is to decide for yourself one question: is the science of chemistry interesting, do you want to study it? Of course, in chemistry, as in any science, in addition to the entertaining, there will also be difficult things. But it’s difficult, but interesting - that’s what thinking person It is precisely necessary that our mind should not be in idleness and laziness, but should constantly work, work and work. At the very end of our meeting, I will ask you one single question, and you will answer it, Now let's get started To miracles."

Four students come out.

1st student. It's hot here, I'm thirsty. Who 6 ask for water?

2nd student. I would drink a lot haZiva without syrup.

3rd student . Oh, I like it with syrupjust a little bit, a little bit.

4th student. Brothers, I need a cow -I want fresh milk!

The 5th student comes out. In his hands he has a large flask with liquid.

5th student. Are you guys thirsty? In countno fabulous liquid, I can handle miracles, II'm teaching chemistry. Put up the glasses! ExperienceWe will definitely carry it out, everything is according to plan.

The guys take glasses from the table and place them in them, in which solutions of the necessary substances are placed on the bottom. The 5th student pours from the flask to everyone WHAT He Asked.

5th student. Here's water, here's soda, here'sfresh milk, it turned out very cleverly, and the secret easy to find out.

The guys pretend that they want to drink the contents of the glasses.

5th student . Stop guys, wait a minutethere was no trouble, please don't drink anythingno water, no water. There are serious prohibitions in this strict office. Remember everything, friends: hereYou can't drink or eat.

1, 2, 3 We are familiar with miracles, we can do them ourselves.

5th student . The first miracle happenedwas it in the glasses?

1st student. And the answer is quite simple - it wasMy glass is empty.

2nd student . I have soda in my glass.

3rd student . Along with it is methyl orange.

4th student. Mine contains barium chloride.

5th student. What does this mean? Guess,ninth grade. We count on you! Not composedIt's hard for you to understand what's in the flask...

All ninth graders: Acid!

5th student . You probably know her rank?

9th Class. Sulfuric!

They leave. The 6th student comes out.

6th student. I'm already in the wonders of chemicalsI'll make a fire without fire, without matches. OnI add a bed of splinters and firewood and the fire is ready. I'll take itput some cotton wool in your hand, soak it in alcohol, put it on the firedrop: burn, if I want!

He does everything he says, and the fire lights up.

6th student. I'll tell you my secret, NikaThere's no secret here. Hid here under the fireincendiary mixture. We are familiar with miraclesWe can make them ourselves!

Leaves. 1st student appears

7th student. I have a calm experience, withoutfire and flame. I will ask questions. Nineclass, attention!

Conducts an experiment with phenolphthalein.

7th student. I'm not afraid of acids, evenvery strong. But in alkali solutionsI like raspberry. Brighter than the juice of all raspberries, who am I?

9th Class. Phenolphthalein!

The next experiment is with methyl orange.

7th student. In alkalis I am very yellow,and in acids it is very red. And the environment is neutralnoah - the color orange, beautiful. Indicatorvery important, what is my name?

9th Class. Methyl orange.

Experience with a piece of universal indicator paper.

7 - and student. This yellow piece of paper will indicate everythingwithout difficulty: it will turn blue - there is alkali in the flask, paintNo - acid. If the environment is neutral - notwill change color then. We are for these instructions as shall we call her?

9th Class. Universal!

Leaves. The 8th student comes out.

8th student. We are familiar with miracles - dowe can do them ourselves. Ninth grade, attention, there will beyou have a task. Pours onto a regular boardwater, and a glass of melted snow is also placed there.

The 1st student comes out.

1st student. I pour salt into a glass, and you,my friend, please interfere. I count to fiveA You twist everything with a stick.

He slowly counts so that the glass has time to freeze.

8th student. The chemical glass froze, process...

9th Class. Endothermic

The 8th and 1st students leave. The 9th student comes out.

9th student. All water, snow and solution,boring conversation... I have other plans:I'll light a flame on the grid.Sets fire to a pile of sand soaked in alcohol.

I don’t know how to do that yet, snakes will crawl out of the sand. Scary, biting, won't you cry from fear? Aren't you afraid? Well, look. Not all at once. Wait. To see the snakes, you need to warm them up well, but while I wake them up, I’ll tell you something else.

He speaks and at the same time demonstrates experience,

One summer I had a sore throat for a very long time. They prescribed me to rinse with furacillin for a sore throat. Still, the sore throat went away, even though I fought it for a long time. And there are two bottles of that furacillin left. Today we whitewashed the walls and washed our hands of lime. I decided to pour the old medicine into this water. I was terribly surprised, I even shuddered when the lime water turned reddish-red. I brought the rest to school, and now furacillin determines the alkali for us, just like phenolphthalein. Does not change color in water, does not change in acid, in alkalis furacillin is bright, like an orange.

He turns again to the experience with “black snakes”.

Alcohol burns and produces a lot of heat. It decomposes soda with heat into carbon dioxide. It chars the sugar - that's where the blackness comes from. This carbon dioxide inflates the sugar with bubbles. Everything is clear, it’s clear here, snakes, why they crawl. We are familiar with miracles, we know how to do them ourselves.)

Leaves. The 2nd and 10th students appear.

10th student. Smile quickly, smilebe more cheerful. We are opening our pho today tailor shop

2nd student. We are ready to beginsimple work. We can get it instantly your photo.

Invites one of the seventh graders.

10th student. Here on this blank sheet of paperWatch attentively. Smile more cheerfully - this is Necessarily.

2nd student. We can develop this photographI eat it easily: I sprinkle the photo with a little bullets verizer.

Invites the next one.

10th student. Again a blank sheet of paperWe have another way, a photo of the proglaWe smoke with a hot iron.

He irons the sheet and shows everyone the photo.” Invites more seventh graders.

2nd student. There is also a third way, thisNote to yourself that nothing to a piece of paperWe won't touch.

This photograph is developed under a bell in an ammonia atmosphere.

10th student. Look, can everyone see it? AThe secret is quite simple.

2nd student. Here he helped us in our workfamiliar indicator.

Shows the first picture.

They painted with acid.

Shows the second picture.

Ammonia gas.

Shows a picture under the bell.

2nd And 10th students. We are familiar with chu desami, we know how to make them ourselves.

They leave. The 4th and 3rd students appear.

3rd scientist and k., Here's another fun: whowill he give his hand to be cut off? Sorry for the handreading, then the patient is needed for treatment.

A seventh grader is invited.

4th student. We operate without pain, however,there will be a lot of blood.

3rd student. For every operation you needsterilization. Help, assistant, give me iodine!

4th student . One moment! (Gives “iodine”).

3rd student. We will moisten it with “iodine” generously,so that everything is sterile. Don't turn around, papatient, give me the knife, assistant!

Does with a knife"incision", "blood" flows.

4th student. Look, just a trickleblood flows, not water. But now I'll wipe my handku - not a trace of the cut.

- 3rd student. This Experience we explain for nowwe can’t, I’ve been promoted to ninth grade - explain We'll find some agreement.

They leave. The 5th student comes out. He reads out several verses from P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” about the firebird.

5th student. We remembered the fairy tale slightly,

about the horse, about the hunchback.

There's a firebird feather

It brought Vanya happiness.

It's time to marvel

like the firebird's feather burns.

He lights the alcohol in the cups for evaporation, the alcohol contains dissolved salts of sodium, potassium, kedah, strontium, etc. Then he covers the cups with a thick sheet of cardboard.

5th student. Answer, ninth grade, byWhy did the fire go out? Without what will the flame die? To him needed...

9th Class. Oxygen!

The 5th student leaves. The 11th student appears and places the finished model of the volcano on the table. Lights a spirit lamp, heats a glass rod

11th student. And now, friends, for youfrom history a story. Slept early at night or in the morningtownspeople, suddenly a flame appeared from the crater of the volcano. Rumble and roar, streams pour through the mouthlava. So under the lava and under the ashes he diedglorious family. I'll show you, as best I can, the death of family of Pompeii.

Touches with a heated stick, a “volcanic eruption” begins.

11th student. You guys will remember this eruption

By the way, what type of reaction is this?

9th Class. Decompositions!

All participants leave.

1st student. Our time is up.

2nd student. But we didn't show you everything,what we can do.

3rd student . We can still bend the stacklinen tubes and drill rubber plugs.

4th student. Speak chemical language.

5th student. convert copper coins into"silver".

6th student. Make a thunderstorm V test tube

7th student . Receive hydrogen and oxygen.

8th student. Explode explosive gas.

9th student. Making black powder and more much more.

10th student. This is what you will learn in bu next year.

11th student. If you are passionatestudy the most interesting science - chemistry.

Teacher. Our entertaining hour is over. In a year, seventh grade, you will be able to do all this if you want. Have you noticed that ninth graders often had to finish sentences and speak in rhyme. It's easy if you know what to say. So, now I have the same question for you that I promised to ask at the beginning of our meeting. Interesting secrets are hidden in this office. I'm looking forward to seeing you next year. What will everyone tell me? I...

7th grade. I'll come"

Teacher, so come! I am waiting for you!

Every year on the last Sunday in May, all workers in the chemical industry celebrate their professional holiday– Chemist’s Day. As a rule, workers in the chemical industries are very serious people, but they know how to relax and have fun. That's why organizing a corporate party dedicated to Chemist's Day– the activity is very interesting and fun.

At the end of May, the weather is warm and sunny - it’s time to organize a holiday in nature. Fun competitions and exciting competitions, including various thematic tasks, will allow your employees to take a break from work for a while and apply their knowledge and skills in other areas.

Scooter racing or sack running, crossbow or bow shooting, where prizes can be all kinds of accessories related to the chemical industry. They will be an excellent entertainment program for fans of active recreation. And those who love tranquility more will be able to enjoy nature in beautiful picturesque places under the gentle rays of the spring sun. Fresh air combined with active competitions and games will undoubtedly whet the appetite of everyone present. Therefore, the organizers of the holiday need to take care of creating a menu and preparing various dishes.

If your company employs older employees, you can organize a celebration indoors by inviting an experienced presenter or singer.

At the very beginning of the holiday, the host can make the following toast:
- Chemistry– this is the science of “real magic”. She is capable of performing real miracles. And, I believe that on this day all women should say “thank you” to chemists for your contribution to the creation of all kinds of cosmetics, shampoos, creams, varnishes. Men can also thank chemists and chemistry for shaving foam and car oils. Now let’s together remember all the services the chemical industry has rendered to the population: name those things, objects for the creation of which we should thank chemists, and without which our life today would be impossible.

(all participants, together with the presenter, unanimously list the inventions of chemists).

Thanks friends. Now we can safely say that life without chemistry does not exist! And our evening today could not exist without congratulations and toasts. (The following are congratulatory speeches addressed to chemical industry workers from representatives of various enterprises).

As entertainment program you can use different themed games and competitions, for example this one:
- I can see even with the naked eye that your team is united and very friendly. Therefore, now you can easily cope with this joint task. It's called " Brainstorm“, however, everyone must play for themselves. I will read the question, and the one who knows the answer must raise his hand, like in school. The one who answers correctly gets this funny face. The winner will be the participant who can collect greatest number faces

It is imperative to ensure that no one leaves without memorable photographs and original gifts, which will remind you of a fun celebration for many years to come Chemist's Day. In addition, a corporate event is another way to sum up the work of the enterprise team, during which you can thank employees for their hard work, recognize the most diligent colleagues, and talk about future plans.

A worthy end to such a party can be a festive fireworks display, which, regardless of the chosen place of celebration, will leave an unforgettable impression that will make the hearts of your employees beat joyfully for a very long time. for a long time. Thanks to a well-organized and conducted holiday, your staff will be able to gain strength and positive emotions before the upcoming work.

State educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Kotovsky Industrial College"

Subject cycle commission 240125,230115

"Chemistry and special chemistry"

Methodological development

Initiation into chemistry

Prepared by:

Pavlinova N.P.

Kotovsk, 2012


This methodological development compiled for the ceremonial class hour: “Initiation into chemists.”

Toolkit allows you to identify and manifest Creative skills students of a new intake in the field of chemistry, vocals, poetry, dance.

I would like to note the high quality of preparation for the event: the use of modern technologies in the presentation process, the active participation of senior and first-year students in competitions and demonstrations of chemical experiments, and the sound of live music added interest and liveliness to the event.

Reviewer Chemistry teacher,

Analytical Chemistry, Sr.

methodologist of State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education

Kotovsky Industrial College

I.V. Ulukhanov.


Methodological guide for organizing a ceremonial lesson or class hour intended for Initiation of first-year students into chemistry.

This event promotes respect for the educational institution and specialty, traditions and laws of the department, the formation of artistic, partner qualities, an active and responsible approach to life, and future profession.

The participants of the dedication were inspired by the solemnity of the event, the sound of the music, the resourcefulness and humor of the presenters, the slide presentation, and the performance of the students.

The purpose of this event is to congratulate all first-year students and meet senior groups.

    Acquaintance with the traditions, customs of the educational institution, student fraternity.

    Awakening interests in learning and creativity.

    Revealing the individual abilities of students: organizational, directing and vocal.

Form of work: Holiday class hour (lesson) - dedication.


Objectives of the event………………………………………………………...5

Scenario for the evening “Initiation into chemists”……………………...6



Objectives of the event:

    Introduce first-year students to the ritual of initiation into chemistry

    Show a sense of respect for the first year students of the new intake

    Reveal the organizational skills of students

    Promote self-realization of students.


    Slide presentation (thematic)

  1. Greeting cards, certificates of chemists.


Presenter 1 – Bespalova A.

Presenter 2 – Teselkina S.

Student No. 1 – Makarova I.

Student No. 2 – Deryabina I.

Student No. 3 – Barvenashvili A.

Team No. 1 and Team No. 2.

Slide presentation: Voloshina N..


LeadingI: Chemistry is a science that can work miracles. In this wonderful definition of chemistry, which only by chance was not included in textbooks, one must firmly understand that chemistry is a science. One of the founders of which is M.V. Lomonosov, 300 – summer anniversary which is celebrated this year.

LeadingII: And like any science, it requires the most serious, most responsible attitude.

Chemistry is the science of substances and transformations so extraordinary that to the uninitiated they seem like a miracle.

The secret of this magic is knowledge of the chemical craft.

Today we are initiating first-year students into chemistry.

Scene "The Alchemist"

Presenter 1: In the silence of secret dungeons,

By the light of flickering candles

The alchemist was looking for the right way,

How to get gold faster.

He dreamed of the philosopher's stone

Find it so that he can use magic

Any force metals

Shine in a golden glow.

Days, centuries and years flew by,

Thrones and kings changed,

Treasured Philosopher's Stone

He never managed to find it.

Many drugs have been discovered

Glass, ceramics, metal.

After all, there are many different secrets

The alchemist learned through experiments.

Leaning towards the mysterious retorts,

He discovered the properties of substances,

And the secrets of alloys and solutions

They finally opened up to him.

And his work was not in vain:

Alchemy from magic

She gave us a simple and clear path.

This is how chemistry came to people.

But it became true science,

When they contributed to it

And Lomonosov, Boyle and Butlerov,

Discovering the vastness of laws.

Crown chemical theories

Mendeleev's law became

The scientist became famous throughout the centuries,

He made many discoveries.

Without chemistry, like without science,

Life is unthinkable for us now,

After all, every day, everywhere, everywhere

She supports us.

Calling us to new horizons.

Learn, dare and discover

New laws are free,

Continue the legacy of the scientists!

LeadingI: Before presenting our dear first-year students with certificates of chemistry, we will make sure that they already can and know. The teams “Water” and “Elements” are invited to the stage. Our guests will act as justice. (The composition of the jury is announced) Greetings from team No. 1 - We are called Water, help Mendeleev! Teams No. 2 - Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward and only all together.

The chemist's gaze is inquisitive, he loves order

Among its retorts, beakers and instruments,

So mysterious to prying eyes,

He strives to comprehend the whims of secret forces.

He has already restored many of them,

Watching their game, a participant in their discord.

And soon he commands, the ruler of these disputes,

Recognize and honor the law that he revealed.

Envying you, discerning scientist,

Whose keen eyes see the world naked,

As on the day of creation, the source of all other days,

Lead me too to the mysterious kingdom!

I believe! Only in it will the cure be found

From all the countless sorrows and sorrows.

LeadingII: There are task cards on the tables. And now we offer the teams the first warm-up test.

I team

II team

Underline one feature of the body, two – substances from the list of bodies and substances: nail, copper, aluminum wire, thermometer, water, alcohol, ruler, test tube, sulfur

Underline one feature of the body, two – substances from the list of bodies and substances: flask, iron, gold, cylinder, plastic, paper, notebook, copper wire, sugar

LeadingI: My boots are:

They miss ash-two-o.

About what substance we're talking about? (Students' answers).

That's right about water. How is the formula for water written? How can you recognize water among other substances?

Experience No. 1: On the table are three glasses with solutions of acid, alkali and water:

Recognition using litmus paper.

In acid it is red,

In alkali - Blue colour,

In water the color does not change.

LeadingII: An owl sits on a branch

Exhales tse-o-two.

What substance are we talking about? Who knows? Yes, indeed, the owl and other animals, and humans exhale carbon dioxide - CO 2. This can be easily verified using a reagent such as lime water. If carbon dioxide is passed through it, it will become cloudy. How many of you want to do this experiment?

Experience No. 2: The student blows into a tube lowered into a test tube with lime water (calcium hydroxide solution). The solution becomes cloudy.

LeadingI: Guys, which of you can make wine from water, and water from wine? But I can! Would you like to see?

Experience No. 3: There are three glasses on the table. In the first glass there is an alkali solution (imitation water). In the second (“empty”) glass there are a few drops of phenolphthalein at the bottom. In the third (“empty”) glass there is a small amount of concentrated sulfuric acid.

The presenter pours the contents of the first glass into the second - the solution acquires a crimson color - it turns out to be “wine”, then the contents are poured into the third glass, the solution becomes colorless - “wine” turns into “water”.

LeadingII: Do you think it’s possible to taste this “water”? (Students' answers).

That's right, you can't. The chemistry laboratory has its own rules and commandments that must be applied. To help you remember them better, we have presented them in verse. Chemistry is one of the most interesting subjects, believe me. The rules of survival in the chemistry classroom are announced to you by senior students.

Student 1: Even the most violent and stubborn

He keeps the entire lesson in silence.

Here are some tips for you, children,

How to behave during chemistry.

Student 2: Remember firmly: chemicals are not flowers,

This is neither chewing gum nor watermelon.

You have to smell them carefully

And you can't taste them.

Student 1: You need to take them little by little for experiments.

And pour it into the test tube with a spatula.

And you don’t need to touch them with your hands at all!

We must never forget about this.

Heating a test tube on fire,

You need to be very careful.

Remember: neither dry cleaning nor washing

They won’t take those stains out.

It's better to mount it on a tripod.

If you carry out the experiment without falsehood,

Then you will get a new reagent.

Sometimes different in shape, color,

And you don’t know which one in advance.

Now look for answers

What, where does chemistry come from?

Student 1: Everything you remember, girls,

Try to do it clearly.

And then for the “bruises” and “bumps”

You don't have to blame yourself.

LeadingI: The teams will now read out their completed tasks.

LeadingII: So, the next task: there are chemical utensils on the tables. One representative from the team needs to name it correctly (team representatives go to the tables with dishes, they are given time to think)

Test tube holder

Conical flask

Alcohol lamp

Dispenser spoon

Test tube

Gas outlet pipe

mortar and pestle

glass rod

Measuring cylinder

Porcelain cup

Iron spoon for burning substances

Crucible tongs

Test tube rack

LeadingI: Well, for now – chemical mysteries.

Find me among the marble,

I give hardness to the bones,

You will find me in the lime,

Now you will definitely call me.


Praise and honor to this metal!

It turns out to be “tinplate”,

Lightly cover the steel with it,

Then the dishes are suitable for canning.


The letter “I” is my name,

I'm friends with platinum

And a crown for beauties

I'm coming in with the gold.


Silvery-white and very active,

It burns under water, by the way.

Gives sparkle to sparklers,

And in New Year Brings joy to children!


LeadingII: We ask team representatives to come up and list all the dishes on the table.

LeadingI: I think everyone knows what a volcano is and has seen its eruption on TV or in movies. This is a breathtaking, amazing sight. Well, those who have not yet imagined this natural phenomenon, do not worry: I will show you an active volcano in miniature.

Experience No. 4: On the demonstration table is a model of a volcano. A porcelain crucible is mounted into the crater, into which crushed ammonium dichromate (NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 is poured.

The presenter strongly heats the end of a glass rod in a burner flame and lowers it into a crucible with ammonium dichromate and holds it there until the reaction begins. Then he takes out his wand. The reaction proceeds spontaneously with the emission of sparks and “volcanic ash” - Cr 2 O 3

Volcano No. 2 is represented by a model of a volcano in the crater of which there is a porcelain cup with a mixture of Ferry, a glass of water, 2 spoons of soda, dye, into which the presenter pours acetic acid.

LeadingII: The next stage is “Chemical-geographical quiz”

I team

II team

What chemical elements are named after parts of the world?

List elements named after countries

What chemical element is named after the island?


Which element is named after the peninsula?


Which element is named after Russia?


Which element is named after the city? Ancient Greece?


LeadingI: While the guys are “throwing their brains around,” there is a chemical charade for you, dear viewers.

Two chemical elements

In the metagram I wished for you

With “X” is a metal element,

Well, with “B” - it is already non-metal.

(Chrome – Bromine)

Can you hear me

Sometimes in the summer sky.

Change “G” to “X” - so what?

The element is in front of you.

(Thunder - Chrome)

With the letter “Y” I am an element,

With "G" - only a moment of eternity.

Take five minutes

Try to guess.

(Yod – Year)

LeadingII: Let's listen to the teams and see how well the guys know geography. The jury gives the floor. (The jury sums up the results).

LeadingI: Until now you have been spectators entertaining experiences in chemistry. And I suggest you conduct an interesting and very necessary experiment in geological research.

Imagine that you are geologists and you have found an unfamiliar mineral that resembles marble in color and structure. You need to check if this is actually the case.

Experiment No. 5 (laboratory):

You need to take a few drops of hydrochloric acid with a pipette or glass rod and drop it onto the marble. A reaction will begin with the release of carbon dioxide.

Host: You can repeat a similar experience at home, which will not only surprise, but also please your mother.

To conduct the experiment, take a teapot and table vinegar (do not confuse it with vinegar essence: it is dangerous, as it can cause skin burns). Add to the water in the kettle a small amount of table vinegar. You will hear a hissing sound and see carbon dioxide bubbles being released. If you heat the water in the kettle, you will notice that the process will go faster. After a few minutes, pour out the water, rinse the kettle with clean water and solemnly hand it to your mother. Let her be glad that as a result of the chemical experiment you conducted, the kettle not only was not damaged, but was also cleared of scale, which reduces its boiling.

LeadingII: The next competition is “I am a chemist”. Receive team assignments.

I team

II team

What does Si mean in chemistry and music?

Chemistry and mathematics: Cylinder

Chemistry and Biology: Mole

Chemistry and biology: Boron

LeadingI: Have you heard the Russian proverb “there is no smoke without fire”? And I can show the opposite: you will see smoke, but at the same time I will not set anything on fire.

Experiment No. 6. The presenter takes two glass rods, moistens one in a concentrated ammonia solution, the other in concentrated hydrochloric acid. He brings the sticks closer to each other, but so that they do not touch. A stream of “smoke” appears above the sticks (ammonium chloride is formed)

NH 4 OH (conc.) + HCl (conc.) = NH 4 Cl

LeadingII: (looks out the window): Attention! A “flying saucer” has just landed on the territory of our technical school. A capsule fell out of it. Here she is. Brothers in mind gave us their message. Let's read it. (The presenter opens the capsule, takes out a piece of paper rolled into a tube, unfolds it, and shows the children a blank sheet of paper). Strange: nothing is written here. Did the star brothers really fly from distant planets just to give us a blank sheet of paper? There is some kind of mystery hiding here. Looking out the window. I see that the “plate” quickly took off and flew into outer space. Who will explain what all this means? Who will decipher this letter?

LeadingI: I think it's not just a piece of paper. This is secret writing. Let's try to do an experiment.

Experience No. 7: The text is pre-written with phenolphthalein on a pink sheet of paper and dried in air. The presenter sprays sodium hydroxide on the paper. The text appears in crimson color. The presenter reads:

“We wish to become chemists,

Our friends, students!

And only get “five”

Greetings to you!


LeadingI: A word from the team representatives about the completed task. The first-year students prepared a musical number as a gift:

Performing a song to the tune of “If only there were no winter”

If we didn't have


How would we live now?

It's hard for us to imagine.

What would the doctor prescribe?

Wouldn't there be a cure?

And I didn’t paint any paintings

An artist would be without paint.

And I wouldn’t grow up in the fields

Bread without fertilizers.

What would we wash ourselves with now?

Without shampoo-gels?

If we didn't have

Fabrics, leather, fur,

What should we wear now?

That would be fun!

No perfume or lipstick

Our girls

no fireworks, no firecrackers,

No candy, no porridge.

If there was no glass,

We would live without light.

Chemistry gave us everything -

We are shod and dressed.

Let's study chemistry

Until the last point

Let's love chemistry

Like a mother's daughter!

Presenter 1: Chemistry will give us light,
Comfort, clothes, decent lunch.
It will give you something that does not exist in nature,
We just have to know it perfectly.

LeadingII: The jury gives the floor. (The jury sums up the results).

Teacher: Today we have lifted the curtain on the amazing secrets of a wonderful science - chemistry. I see you were interested. And now comes the most important moment: our first-year students will take the oath to Chemistry.

Chemist's Oath

We swear!

We swear!

We swear!

Teacher: The right to present a certificate is granted to the manager. department.

The Khimiki anthem is being performed

We were born to shed everything that pours,

Spill what cannot be spilled.

Our office is called a chemistry room.

We always have to study chemistry!

Higher and higher and higher
We are going to the heights of science.
And if we don't go astray,
Then we will get a diploma in chemistry.

Chemist's Oath

Love chemistry lessons dearly and never skip!

We swear!

Learn all the laws and rules of chemistry. Do not spill powdery substances, do not spill liquid substances, do not release gaseous substances, and do not waste alcohol in a spirit lamp.

We swear!

Discover a new chemical element! Make a new chemical discovery!

We swear!

To live, study and produce chemicals, as M.V. Lomonosov bequeathed.

We swear! We swear! We swear!


Methodical manual for the ceremonial class hour (lesson) - Initiation into chemists has been developed class teacher groups X-IV-8 N.P. Pavlinova and with the help of senior students, the technical school library.

The presenters were: Bespalova A. and Teselkina S.

Musical director: Samorodova Irina Sergeevna.

Thanks to such an event, the mental attitude of first-year students changes. Senior students are more respectful of the students of the new intake.

The event brought the children together, allowed them to identify new talents and demonstrate their creative abilities.

Those gathered plunged into the wonderful world of chemistry, music, humor, and poetry.


    O.Yu. Liforova Holiday script.

    E.N. Chupina Holiday script.

    Scientific and methodological journal of the deputy director for educational work, 2011-2012.

    Teacher's handbook. M. 2010,

Timiryazevskaya high school

Chemistry teacher: Aubakirov Askar Umurbekovich


Scenario for “initiation into chemists”

Progress and content of the event:

Music sounds, 2 presenters (Tamasha and Christina) come out.

1 presenter : There is nothing else in nature

Neither here nor there in the depths of space.

Everything - from small grains of sand to planets

It consists of uniform elements.

2 presenter : Like a formula, like a work schedule,

The structure of the strict Mendeleev system,

The living world is happening around you,

Enter it, inhale it, touch it with your hands.

1 presenter : Good evening, Dear friends!

2 presenter : We are pleased to welcome you to the festival-competition - “Initiation into Chemists”.

1 presenter : The participants in today's competition will have to reveal all their abilities to us.

2 presenter : And, of course, you will evaluate the abilities and skills of the contestants - dear viewers and the strict, fair jury, which we will now present to you(11th grade on the jury).

1 presenter : And now it’s time to meet our contestants. Let's welcome them. Meet smart, beautiful, charming and resourceful participants.(8th grade teams take the stage).

2 presenter. Before we start the evening, let's once again remember the rules of survival in a chemistry laboratory:

1 presenter : if you have something liquid in your hands, don’t spill it, don’t scatter powdery stuff, don’t let gaseous stuff out.

2 presenter. if you turned it on, turn it off, if you opened it, seal it, if you took it apart, reassemble it, if you can’t assemble it, call a craftsman

1 presenter : if you haven’t taken it apart, don’t even think about putting it back together

2 presenter. If you don't know how it works, don't touch it.

1 presenter If it doesn't concern you, don't interfere

2 presenter. If you can't understand something, scratch your head

1 presenter if something explodes, check if you are still alive

2 presenter. If you have not learned these rules, do not enter the office

1 presenter So we begin...

2nd presenter. Chemistry is the science of substances and their transformations, so extraordinary that to the uninitiated they seem like miracles.

1st presenter. The secret of her magic is knowledge of the chemical craft.

2nd presenter. Teams from 8 grades participate in the competition. I give them the floor to greet them.

(Team greetings. Valued at 3 points.)

1 presenter Thanks to the teams for the greetings

2 presenter . And now, the competition"Warm-up" which will take place in two stages. Each team is asked questions, any team member answers after 5 seconds of reflection. The jury awards 1 point for the correct answer.


1st presenter (questions to the 1st team).

1. What bodies are made of... (Substance.)

2. At the center of the atom is... (Nucleus.)

3. The science of substances and their transformations - ... (Chemistry.)

4. A certain type of atom - ... (Element.)

5. The scientist who discovered the law of conservation of mass of substances is ... (Lomonosov.)

6. Giving birth to water - ... (Hydrogen.)

7. Substances consisting of two elements, one of which is oxygen, - ... (Oxides.)

8. Conventional notation of a chemical reaction - ... (Equation.)

9. Valence of the hydrogen atom... (I.)

10. Substances whose molecules consist of atoms of one element... (Simple.)

2nd presenter (questions to the 2nd team)

1. The smallest, chemically indivisible particle of matter is ... (Atom.)

2. Varieties of atoms of an element that have the same charge, but different masses - ... (Isotopes.)

3. The nucleus of an atom contains protons and... (Neutrons.)

4. The scientist who discovered the law of constancy of composition is ... (Proust.)

5. Generating acids - ... (Oxygen.)

6. The property of atoms of an element to attach a certain number of atoms of other elements - ... (Valence.)

7. The number showing the number of atoms of an element in a molecule is ... (Index.)

8. Valence of oxygen atoms... (II.)

9. Phenomena during which new substances are formed... (Chemical.)

10. Substances whose molecules consist of atoms of different chemical elements... (Complex.)

1 presenter Well done, you did a great job with the first stage of the warm-up, now let's move on to the second.

2 presenter. You need Give a name to the substances in question. For each correct answer 1 is givenscore.

1 presenter

An owl sits on a branch

Exhales CO 2 . (carbon dioxide).

2 presenter

My boots

Skip N 2 ABOUT. (water).

1 presenter

NaCl - everyone knows it

They buy in the store,

You can't cook dinner without it -

Needed in small doses in dishes.(salt).

2 presenter

What a miracle look -

This CaCO 3 .

He drives along the board,

Leaves a trail behind.(chalk).

1 presenter Translate the following expressions from chemical language into conventional language:

2 presenter

Not all that glitters is aurum.

(All that glitters is not gold).

1 presenter

White, like calcium carbonate.

(White as chalk).

2 presenter

Grab the ferrum while it's hot.

(Strike while the iron is hot).

1 presenter

The word is argentum, and silence is aurum.

(The word is silver, and silence is gold).

2 presenter

Steadfast stanum soldier.

(The Steadfast Tin Soldier).

1 presenter

Since then a lot 2 Oh it's leaked.

(A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then).

2 presenter. ByeThe jury sums up the results, we have a musical number.

1 presenter So, 9th grade student Sadvakasova Mensulu. Let's meet!!!

2 presenter. We give the floor to the jury.

(After the results)

1 presenter The science of substances and their transformations originated in Egypt, the technically most advanced country of the ancient world. According to the famous historian of chemistry, French scientist M. Berthelot, the name “chemistry” comes from the word “hemi” or “huma,” which the ancient Egyptians called their country, as well as the Nile black soil (compare with the Latin word “hummus” - soil). Hence “chemistry” - black as earth “Egyptian art”, which deals with various minerals and metals. Industries such as metallurgy, pottery, glassmaking, dyeing and perfumery reached significant development in Egypt long before our era. Chemistry was considered a “divine” science, was entirely in the hands of the priests and was carefully hidden by them from all the uninitiated. However, some information still penetrated beyond Egypt.

2 presenter. They partially entered Europe through Byzantium, and then through Spain after its conquest by the Arabs in 711. The Arabs first became acquainted with chemistry in a rather unusual way. In 670, the ships of the Arab fleet, besieging Constantinople (the largest and most powerful city in the Christian world), were burned by “Greek fire” - a chemical mixture that, when burned, forms a strong flame that cannot be extinguished with water. According to legend, this mixture was prepared by a chemistry scientist who fled his native Egypt to escape the Arabs. In 641, the Arabs invaded Egypt and soon occupied the entire country, and a few years later the same fate befell Persia. A huge Arab empire arose. Imitating the ancient rulers, the Arab caliphs began to patronize the sciences, and in the 8th - 9th centuries. The first Arab chemists appeared. The Arabs remade the original name “chemistry” into “alchemy” (adding to this word the prefix “al” characteristic of the Arabic language). Europeans later borrowed this word from the Arabs, and as a result, the terms “alchemy” and “alchemist” appeared in European languages. The term "alchemy" is now used when talking about the period of chemistry from 300 to 1600.

1 presenter What an amazing experience she offers. With this experience, the alchemists received silver, which caused a lot of surprise among the common people.

2 presenter. So let's take a look.

EXPERIENCE OF OBTAINING SILVER . (Pavel Bregeda 10th grade)

1 presenter Thanks for the experience! And we have a second competition"Let's play with words"

2 presenter. You need to use the letters of onewords, make up as many words as possible that have a direct connection with chemistry in 3 minutes. For each word, teams receive 1 point.

1 presenter . I think everything is clear. And the next word...sulfadimethoxine , whichused in the treatment of pneumonia

2 presenter. Good luck. In the meantime, the participants are thinking, we offer a number.

Answers to the competition “Let's play with words”: Oxide, toxin, sulfate, salt, sulfide, sulfite, acid, litmus, phenol, ketone, methyl, copper, methane, decane.

1 presenter So far, everyone is doing well, well done! Now the next competition:

Message from the Alchemists

2 presenter.

For the first command:

For the second command:

Answer: « You can’t taste chemical reagents!”

Teacher: While the participants guess the message, let's watch the dance. (Tamasha and Christina).

Teacher: We give the floor to the jury

1 presenter Attention, next competition "Chemical scholars »

We'll play torests and toes.

2 presenter. Teams are given cards with tasks and asked to cross outextra formulas. Good luck!


a) metals

b) non-metals

c) acids



H 2 SO 4



H 2 CO 3

H 2 S

H 3 P.O. 4

CuSO 4

1 presenter In the meantime, we will watch the demonstration “We operate without pain.”


2 presenter. Contest« Layered cake ». The jury gives two pointsfor eachcorrectthe equation; time -2 min.

1st presenter. Now we will test the culinary skills of our participants. Who can bake a layer cake faster and according to all the rules of chemical art?

(Teams receive drawings of a layer cake, on each layer of which an equation is encrypted.)

1st team:

a) A1 + … = Al2S3;

b) ... + O2 = CuO;

c) K + O2 = ... .

2nd team:

a) Na + …= Na2S;

b) …+ ABOUT2 = Al2ABOUT3;

c) Ca + N2 = ... .

2 presenter. While our scholars are solving the equation, let’s look at the experiment"VOLCANO"

(Demonstration of experience).

1st presenter. So, to your attention the last competition « Last chance".

2 presenter. Teams take turns answering the question without repeating themselves. The last one to answer wins.

Question: Name the nonmetal elements whose simple substances are gases.

1st presenter. Let the jury sum up the results of the competition and the entire evening.

2 presenter. And we will play with the fans

Game with fans.

· Which element does not have a permanent place in the periodic table? (Hydrogen).

· Which element is always happy? (Radon).

· Which non-metal is wood? (Bohr).

· What chemical elements claim that they can “give birth” to other substances? (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen).

· What elements contain the names of the sea pirates' drink? (bromine, chromium).

· From what metal must two letters be removed to form the known bone of an animal or human skeleton? (Silver).

· The name of which metal carries a wizard? (Magnesium).

What simple substances under normal conditions are in liquid state? (Bromine, mercury).

· How to char wood without fire? (Sulfuric acid).

· How to get water from fire? (When burning hydrogen).

· How to peel an egg without breaking the shell? (Dip into acid solution).

1st presenter.

Chemistry is a wonderful word,

Maybe magical: chemistry.

I even want to sing

Something soulful, chemistry.

Hypochlorites, water and oxides – chemistry, chemistry, chemistry!

Chemistry - no

More beautiful than science is chemistry.

I'm ready with her

To endure even torment is chemical.

It can destroy, or it can build – chemistry, chemistry, chemistry!

2 presenter.

Chemistry - everywhere and everywhere

We find you - chemistry.

In rags and porridge,

And also in nature - chemistry.

Life without you

What is a fire without fire - chemistry, chemistry, chemistry!

I will teach these rules,

And maybe I'll become smart!

Maybe I’ll even discover some kind of law!

I will connect my life with her forever,

Because there is no sweeter one!

Let these words be

Like a sacred vow! Chemistry!

1st presenter. The distinguished jury will take the floor to announce the winners.

(After the jury)

2 presenter. Now we can congratulate the Almaz and Kislota teams on their successful initiation into chemists at the Timiryazev Secondary School. But in order to become real chemists, you still need to take the chemist’s oath.

1st presenter. Chemistry teacher Askar Umurbekovich will help us with this.

chemistry teacher


    Taking it deepoh the gratitude bestowed upon usknowledge

And comprehending the secrets of chemical science,

Klyanlet's eatnames of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov,

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev,

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov

throughout your life not to tarnish the honor of the chemical fraternity,

which we are now entering. Klyan Let's go!

    Klyanlet's eatneatdescendants of their knowledge and increasing them selflessly.

Klyan Let's go!

    Klyanlet's go, ne isuse your knowledge to the detriment of man, nature,to my fatherland and the Alma mater that raised me, not to engage in the preparation and sale of secret remedies and not to give a lethal or forbidden remedy to the one asking.Klyan Let's go!

    We swear, without sparing our teeth, to gnaw on the granite of science.We swear!

    We swear to always follow safety rules when working in the chemistry room.We swear!

    During the test and exam, use only self-made cheat sheets.We swear!

    We swearunquestioningly fulfill this oath.We swear!

May it be for yougiven in a minutegood luck in life, success in your affairsand glory forever!

The one who violated it or gave itmay my oath be renouncedby our entire community and consigned to oblivion for all time.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

1st presenter . Congratulations to our eighth graders, you are now part of our chemistry fraternity. For you and for our viewers, the chemists of our school have prepared a production about two brilliant scientists Maria Skladovskaya and Pierre Curie. Let's get a look.

(Staging in progress)

2 presenter. Our evening is coming to an end logical end, and we propose to end it with the “Hymn of all chemists”!

(After the anthem)

1st presenter. Thanks everyone, see you soon!

2 presenter. And now, DISCO!


contest"Let's play with words"

Exercise: using the letters of this


Your answers:

contest"Let's play with words"

Exercise: using the letters of thiswords, make up as many words as possible that have a direct connection with chemistry in 3 minutes.


Your answers:

    6. _________________ 11._________________

    7. __________________ 12._________________

    8. __________________ 13._________________

    9. __________________ 14.__________________

    10. _________________ 15.__________________

Message from the Alchemists

Exercise: the letters of the text are encrypted with the serial numbers of chemical elements. You need to find this element in the table and write the first letter of its name in the empty box under the number. Whoever can do it faster gives the answers to the jury, the competition is judged on the time and accuracy of the translation, the maximum score is 10 points.

For the "Acid" command:

Message from the Alchemists

Exercise: the letters of the text are encrypted with the serial numbers of chemical elements. You need to find this element in the table and write the first letter of its name in the empty box under the number. Whoever can do it faster gives the answers to the jury, the competition is judged on the time and accuracy of the translation, the maximum score is 10 points.

For the Almaz team:





















contest "Chemical scholars »

Exercise: cross outextra formulas. Good luck!












H 2 SO 4



H 2 CO 3

H 2 S

H 3 P.O. 4

CuSO 4










contest "Chemical scholars »

Exercise: cross outextra formulas. Good luck!

a) metals b) non-metals c) acids












H 2 SO 4



H 2 CO 3

H 2 S

H 3 P.O. 4

CuSO 4










Contest« Layered cake ».

Your task is to complete the reaction equations and arrange the coefficients.The jury gives two pointsfor eachcorrect equationthe equation; time -2 min.

Al + … = Al 2 S 3

+ ABOUT 2 = CuO

K+ ABOUT 2 =

Contest« Layered cake ».

Your task is to complete the reaction equations and arrange the coefficients.The jury gives two pointsfor eachcorrect equationthe equation; time -2 min.

Ca+ N 2 =

Na + …= Na 2 S

+ ABOUT 2 = Al 2 ABOUT 3