
Prepare a fur coat for storage at home. How to store a mink coat at home. Yellowness on white fur and fading of dark fur coats


Do you want to know how to store mink coat? The right decision, because dear and quality item can last a very long time if the storage of the fur product is organized correctly. winter care for the mink is simple, just dry it at room temperature and do not put it in the closet if the fur is still damp. In summer, it is important to protect the mink fur from moths, direct sun rays and mechanical damage.

A fur coat is an expensive thing, so it must be kept in a special case, and when cleaning it, use only special cleaning products. Proper care for a mink coat - this is a guarantee of its durability.

How to care for a fur coat? At the end of the season, cleaning the fur product by professionals or at home is a must, because the fur and lining become dirty, and the white mink may turn yellow.

How to care for a mink coat at home? You will need dry hair shampoo, talcum powder or regular semolina. A special brush will be useful so that you can clean the mink coat at home, you can buy it at a hardware store.

All these coat care components are widely available and absolutely inexpensive, which increases their popularity among women.

The order of how to properly store a fur coat is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to shake the product so that the fur straightens out and the dust is mechanically removed from the surface. Do not shake the fur product too aggressively so as not to damage the seams. Be sure to clean the fur.
  2. Further, the fur product must be hung on a coat hanger, and dry shampoo, talc or semolina should be applied to the contaminated surfaces. Loose substances must be carefully combed out with a brush. Caring for a mink product at home can be even easier if you use special dry products for fur.
  3. After cleaning, the fur product must be dried with high quality, leave it on the balcony, but make sure that there is no direct sunlight. During the drying process, you should not use various kinds of clothespins, as they have a deforming effect on the fur. Thus, you will prepare a fur coat for the summer season at the highest level.

How to clean a white mink coat? Usually, it is suggested to apply talc or semolina from yellowness, these substances will not damage the fur and degrease it.

If possible, it is better to clean a white fur coat in a dry cleaner, where there is such a specialized service. The fur will get rid of both yellowness and specific odors. A white mink coat needs more professional care, since at home it is possible to remove pollution in such a way that the coat will no longer be worn.

After reviewing the above information, you now know how to clean a fur coat for the summer and how to prepare it for storage.

Lining cleaning and odor removal

How to clean a mink coat if it is long?

In this case, the cleaning of the product is performed according to the following plan:
  • if you are interested in how to clean the lining of a fur coat, then wipe it with a brush, remove dust and dirt;
  • where necessary, you can walk with a special stain remover or foam for cleaning clothes;
  • you need to allow the lining of the mink product to dry completely before sending the product for storage in the closet.

Avoid getting foam, sprays, and lining stain removers on the fur. It is best to store a fur coat made of mink, carefully laying it out on the floor, turning it inside out and covering the pile with a cloth.

Fur absorbs odors - cigarettes, perfume, gasoline, food. Therefore, when wondering how to care for a mink coat and how to remove the smell that has settled on it, you should immediately fence it off from specific aromas. But you can get rid of unwanted odors by cleaning the fur product with ordinary medical talc and airing it in the air for several days.

It helps to clean the mink coat with powder, on which a small amount of essential oil and lemon is applied at home.

It is also a good idea to have a mink coat professionally cleaned. Here, although you will lay out a certain amount of money, you are guaranteed high-quality cleaning, which will extend the life of your fur product for even more long time.

If there is no opportunity to send a fur product to dry cleaning, then you need to use only proven methods of how to clean a mink coat at home and, of course, properly store a mink coat.

How to store a fur coat in summer? Ideally, the fur should always be in a room where the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees and air flow is provided.

Is this realistic for a simple city apartment? Unlikely. Many do not want to store a mink coat at home, so they "trust" its safety to the dressing room, where it is possible to ventilate the room with an air conditioner.

If it was decided to leave the fur coat at home, then it is advisable not only to purchase an air conditioner, but also to carefully examine the condition ventilation system. If there is a forced ventilation system in the room, the thing will be preserved much better.

In an ordinary city apartment, storing a mink coat is possible due to the following actions:

  1. Get a cover for fur products. This is a dense bag made of synthetic fabric that allows you to maintain the temperature and keep the mink coat in the summer, even if it's hot.
  2. Free up space in your closet or dressing room. It is very bad for fur if the products are stored tightly adjacent to each other. This leads to creases in the fur, and damage to the fur product. The mink should hang freely. If there is no such possibility in the closet, put the mink product on a rack-rack in a case.
  3. Provide sun protection. This thing should not be stored in the sun, as its excessive exposure is fraught with a change in the color of the coat. Periodically, it can be taken out to the balcony and ventilated so that the fur does not stale, this will help improve appearance.
  4. It is important to take everything out of the pockets before sending it to storage, untie and fasten the belt on the shoulders, if any, and do not wrinkle the fur of the product when sending it to the case.

How to save a fur coat from moths? There are many options for products, from balls to special sprays. It is recommended not to apply non-specialized products directly to the fur, but to spray them in the closet itself. A moth remedy for a fur coat is an important part of the storage process.

It is noted that the preservation of a fur coat from the influence of moths is the primary task of the spring-summer season, since not a single representative of the fair sex wants to find a damaged thing by winter.

Together with a mink product, it is better not to store scarves and garments smelling of perfumes and other perfumes. Do not forget to take lipstick, small change and other items out of your pockets so that the fur coat does not deform, and you do not need to clean the fur coat at home.

Caring for a fur coat in the summer includes not only airing the room where it is stored, but also periodically removing the fur product from the cover, shaking and airing the product itself. Knowing how to properly store a mink coat and how to clean a mink coat at home, you will wear it for many years.

Fur products in modern world are becoming increasingly popular, especially those made of mink. This is because they are of high quality.

When choosing a fur coat for yourself, you should remember that, despite the constant changes in the fashion world, such products always remain at the peak of popularity, so it is advisable to make more efforts to preserve them than to spend a lot of money on acquiring a new thing.

Fur coat - not only warm and cozy winter outerwear but also an indicator of a woman's status. Fur, especially mink, will not tolerate a careless attitude towards itself. The fur is quite susceptible to adverse conditions. When buying an expensive item, we do not even allow the thought that it may become unusable. Now the long-awaited summer has come. Many people still have a fur coat without a cover in the closet. How to properly prepare it for "flying": how to store a mink coat in the summer, how to clean the fur? About everything in order.

Harsh whims for fur coats: conditions

High air temperature, high humidity, poor ventilation - negative factors for the appearance natural fur. It can turn yellow, fade, become brittle and lose wear resistance. The hairs will simply begin to fall out, and bald spots will form in their place.

Caring for a mink coat in summer is a must-have for a fur coat's whim. Each owner of an expensive little thing must fulfill this wish without fail. It's more of a requirement though.

Caring for a fur coat in the summer

The winter season is finally over, it's time to hide the fur coat until the next cold season. How to store a mink coat in summer? First of all, it is necessary to take preliminary measures:

You now face another problem: where to store? See below for possible storage locations.

Fur care in winter

In order for the fur coat not to lose its original attractiveness, you need to be able to properly store it. Mink - fur is not for every day. When purchasing a mink coat, take care in advance that there is a down jacket in the wardrobe. With daily wear, mink products quickly become unusable. If you put on a fur coat, then avoid:

  • crowded places;
  • places where chemical treatment against frost was carried out;
  • wet snow;
  • elevated levels of humidity.

Before you are going to put on a fur coat, "walk" it on the balcony. Ideal for a frosty evening. The skin and fur will air out.

If you are caught in wet snow, be sure to dry your fur coat when you return home. Stick to these rules:

Stages of preparation for fur storage

  1. Carefully inspect the apartment. The goal is to find a spacious and cool place.
  2. Take coat hangers and hang a fur coat on them. Close with a cover. It must be made of natural fabric so that the fur can "breathe".
  3. Put protective cloth moth-proof tablets in your pockets.
  4. Periodically air the fur coat and inspect it.

At home, do not forget about these rules:

  • exposure to sunlight adversely affects the fur;
  • at high air temperature, the product dries out, therefore it deteriorates;
  • moisture - 60%, temperature 10-15 ° C - uncomfortable conditions for storing a fur coat.

It is important to observe the correct actions for caring for fur. Otherwise, you will not wear a fur coat for the next winter.

How to clean fur?

How to care for a mink coat in summer? First of all, inspect it carefully. If you find small dirt on your favorite fur coat, do not rush to take it to dry cleaning. You can try to get rid of stains at home. However, first test the product on the inside of the product to avoid unpleasant surprises.

The fur is well cleaned with soapy water. Fill a bowl with water and add shampoo to it. Stir until foam forms. Sponge gently wipe the fur with soapy water. After that - clean. Shake the fur coat well and comb the fur. Wait for complete drying.

If you are afraid to wet your fur coat, use dry starch. It is necessary to sprinkle the place of contamination with it and leave for half an hour. Then gently wipe the fur, brush off the remaining starch with a brush. An alternative to starch is talc.

If there is a lot of dust on the fur coat, buy maple or oak sawdust from the pet store. They must first be moistened with alcohol. Scatter the sawdust over the entire width of the fur coat and lightly rub it in. Shake off the sawdust after a few minutes. After that, be sure to comb the fur.

Storage room in summer

Many modern dry cleaners offer their services for the storage of fur products in the summer. For your favorite coat - this is perfect option. Your fur coat will be stored in a special room equipped with special equipment. In such a place, the optimum temperature and humidity are always maintained. In such conditions, the fur will remain fresh and warm.

However, not everyone can afford this luxury of storage. That is why you will have to “make room” for other clothes in the closet so that the mink coat “feels” spacious and comfortable. But first you need to meet the following conditions:

  • It is necessary to prepare bags with dried grass in advance, put them in the pockets of the product and hang them around. Lavender, lemon or orange peel act as an enemy of the moth.
  • Once a month, a fur coat needs to be taken out and aired.

It is important that the fur coat hangs at a good distance from other things. Make sure it is not exposed to ultraviolet light.

Protect from moths

The nightmare of every owner of a luxurious fur coat is a mole. It is this insect that can ruin a fur coat so that no one and nothing can save it.

The storage of fur products must be treated carefully. Because a fur coat is not a cheap pleasure.

Case or vacuum bag?

How to store a mink coat in summer? Definitely in a case! It is highly recommended not to store either a separate product or fur without a cover. different colors and invoices. The ink material may be imprinted on another.

Safety depends on the temperature environment and humidity, as well as on the quality of the cover. When buying a cover for storing a fur coat, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • The width of the cover should not be less than the width of the fur coat. Pay attention to the length. The cover should be 15 cm longer than the length of the product. This condition is necessary so that the fur coat does not wrinkle.
  • The cover should be chosen with a side insert to prevent squeezing the fur coat.
  • Lightning connector: from shoulders to bottom. So it will be convenient to place the fur coat inside and avoid deformation.
  • If you store several fur coats, it is best to purchase covers with a transparent insert.
  • Fur must not be exposed to sunlight. Ultraviolet has a destructive effect on fur, even through polyethylene.
  • The ideal cover is made of natural fabric: linen or cotton. These fabrics provide air access to the fur.

It is best to purchase a cover in dark shades of black, brown and navy blue. These colors do not transmit ultraviolet rays well. Be sure to make sure that the paint does not pass onto the fur. To do this, take the usual wet wipe and swipe over the case. If you do not find traces of paint, then feel free to purchase a cover.

The cover is not a protection against moths. The fur must first be treated with a special spray or aerosol. Impregnation must be renewed every 3 months. Over time, it loses its original properties.

It is impossible to spray a fur coat, because tears will remain on the fur. The product must be applied only to the cover.

How to store a mink coat in summer? Another hint: be sure to put in pieces of cedar bark. For moths, this aroma is detrimental. This smell does not fade. An alternative would be lavender.

Citrus peel is perfect. The moth cannot bear this smell.

Naphthalene should not be used. Of course, it is effective against moths, but it is a carcinogen. In many countries, there is an active ban on it.

The subtleties of storing different fur

How to store a mink coat in the summer at home?

Mink - capricious fur. The best option for storage is a cedar cabinet. Since this tree does not allow moisture to pass through and repels moths with its specific smell.

It is necessary to take into account such nuances:

  • The cover for storing a mink coat should be breathable. Polyethylene fabric will not work.
  • A cheap case can be stained, so you need to purchase a quality product.
  • When using an aerosol, stains may remain. To avoid them, you need to make protective bags with your own hands. Each bag should contain lavender, dry geranium, etc.
  • Fur needs free space.

How to store a mink coat in the summer at home? It needs to be aired every 4 months. Moth protection bags need to be changed.

Unlike mink:

  1. Mouton is the most durable. This coat is perfect for everyday wear. It must be stored in a ventilated cabinet. Mouton has one feature - if you do not immediately remove the dirt or stain, then it will be almost impossible to remove it afterwards. The fur coat must be thoroughly and immediately cleaned before storage. The main enemy of the muton is heat. The optimum temperature indicator is 8-12 ° С. Otherwise, the fur will lose its luster and acquire a musty smell. In order to avoid deformation of the Mouton coat, it is necessary to select the shoulders exactly to the width of the shoulders of the product.
  2. Nutria, beaver - the most wear-resistant furs. Such fur coats will last more than one year, while maintaining their original appearance. However, there are nuances in the storage of these two furs:
  • Beaver fur coat should be stored in a cool and dry place. Dampness and heat are enemies that make the fur coat faded.
  • The fur of the nutria is stable, the main rule for care is to protect it from moths.
  • Rabbit fur should be stored like mink.
  • The fur of a raccoon, fox, chinchilla easily lends itself to various creases. Products must be stored only on a hanger. At the same time, the fur coat should be “comfortable” and free in space.
  • A goat fur coat must be hung on wide coat hangers to keep its shape.

Storage conditions for various furs are almost identical.

In case of non-compliance with the rules of storage ...

  1. Moth damage is the first irreparable cause. Sasha from moths is easy to hang in a closet. Is not it?
  2. Creases on the folded product. If you store a mink coat folded, it will wrinkle.
  3. Drying of the mezdra (treated skin on which the fur is located). High temperature, low humidity are enemies for the skin. It can stretch or, conversely, sit down.
  4. Appearance yellow spots on white fur or dark color fading. When ultraviolet rays hit the fur, the color loses its former color.

If you adhere to the requirements on how to store a mink coat in the summer, then terrible irreparable consequences can be avoided. “Fly”, as well as “overwinter”, the fur coat should be correct!

So, in this article, tips were given on what needs to be done to remove a mink coat for the summer.


A mink coat is a sign of luxury. It goes to all women, just to find a good style, it is warm and comfortable.

However, such a thing costs a lot, so you need to know how to store it so that it pleases its owner for many years.

In winter, special conditions for storing fur products do not need to be created. It is enough to properly care for them, do not wear them in rain and snow, dry and ventilate.

Cold affects the fur favorably, and frost kills insect larvae. But in the summer, favorable conditions for storage will have to be created independently.

Most of us know that in the summer, the main task when storing natural fur products is to protect them from moths. However, if you simply fill the pockets of a mink coat with mothballs, stuff it into a bag and put it away, it will not end well.

Even if the moth does not start, the fur will be damaged, creases will appear on the fur coat and it will look extremely unaesthetic.

This can be avoided if the product is not only properly stored in the summer, but properly prepared for storage.

This process includes several steps:

  1. Drying.

Natural fur does not tolerate moisture, therefore, before storing a fur coat, it should be dried well. To do this, it must be hung for several days in a well-ventilated, dry and cool room. Nearby there should be no heating devices of any type, central heating radiators. It is also impossible to speed up the drying process with a hair dryer and other equipment. Moreover, fur also needs to be protected from sunlight. The sun and heat are no less enemies of natural fur than moisture.

  1. Repair.

If the lining of a fur coat is torn or a hook has come off and you haven't had time to fix it yet, it's time to do it when preparing it for summer storage.

  1. Cleaning.

Inspect the product to ensure that there are no contaminants on it that need to be removed. If there are any, it is best to take it to the dry cleaners. In extreme cases, you can try to get rid of pollution on your own. A mixture of vodka and vinegar (1:1) helps to get rid of greasy spots, if you rub her mink against the growth of fur, and then dry it.

Potato starch will help refresh the color. They are sprinkled with fur, then the fur coat is shaken well. However, in this case, the risk that the fur coat will become more attractive to moths increases.

  1. Carding.

Combing the fur too often is not recommended, but occasionally it is even necessary. It is impossible to put away a fur coat for storage without combing the fur. Comb it with a special brush or a metal comb with rare teeth. First, they scratch along the pile, then against it, then smooth the pile in the direction of its growth.

  1. Selection of coat hangers and means against moths.

Not all coat hangers are suitable for storage. It can not be hung on a thin wire hanger to avoid deformation. Shoulders should be strong and wide. Their size should match the size of the fur coat. Most often, the product is sold already with such a hanger, and it is worth keeping.

To protect against moths, naphthalene used to be used, and today it is considered quite reliable and at the same time cheap remedy. But there are other similar products on sale that are not inferior to it in quality and are safer for humans. It is also necessary to prepare a cover. It is desirable that it be made of natural fabric, be sure to be breathable.

  1. Immediate preparation for storage.

Hang a fur coat on a coat hanger, fasten all the buttons. Remove brooches, other jewelry and accessories.

Now it remains to cover and put in the closet. At the same time, make sure that the fur coat is not crowded in it: the distance from it to other things should be at least 10 cm. A number of other restrictions must be observed during storage.

How not to store a fur coat

When preparing a mink product for storage in the summer, you should remember what actions with natural fur products are prohibited:

  • fold (creases will appear, the fur will wrinkle and look old and ugly);
  • hang close to other things, in a cramped closet (otherwise the consequences can be almost the same as when folding);
  • treat with aerosols from moths (this spoils the fur);
  • hang out in an open place, without a closet (natural fur is afraid of light and dust);
  • ironing and steaming, as well as washing (this will sign the “death sentence” for the fur coat).

Knowing which storage conditions are unacceptable for natural fur products, you can create an ideal environment for a fur coat. However, is it feasible at home?

In what conditions is it better to store a mink coat in summer

Ideal conditions for storing fur coats are created in special refrigerators, where the optimum temperature is maintained, good air circulation, and there is a freezing mode for killing moths and their larvae. If you cannot use the services of a fur storage company in such a refrigerator, try to store it properly at home.

Where to store: closet, balcony, camera?

More often, three options for storing a fur coat are considered: a balcony, a closet, a freezer. The first option disappears in the summer, since it is warm outside at this time of the year, and the fur does not like heat. The most favorable temperature regime for fur is in the freezer. However, in order to put a fur coat in it, it will have to be rolled up. It is impossible to deal with a fur coat in this way, so you still have to refuse the freezer. The only option left is a closet.

Try to choose the coolest and most spacious. You can even take a separate locker for a fur coat, setting it in the coolest and darkest corner of the apartment.

A wardrobe with transparent doors will not work, as the fur is afraid of light. The place for storing a fur coat should be dark - this is also a prerequisite.

What to store: case or bag?

There are two options: a case or a vacuum bag. The second option seems ideal, as it saves a lot of space. However, actually using a vacuum bag to store a fur coat is a bad idea. She will be rumpled in it - this is one time, condensate that is detrimental to fur is formed in it - this is two. From simple plastic bags storage of fur would have to be abandoned for the same reasons. There is only one option - a cover. It must meet the following requirements:

  • be not narrower than a fur coat, but exceed it in length by at least 10 cm;
  • be breathable;
  • have a side insert;
  • have a long zipper so that it is convenient to put the fur coat in the bag.

When storing several fur coats, it is advisable to purchase several covers.

An additional requirement is regular airing of the fur coat. This should be done every 30-60 days. You need to hang a fur coat in the shade, in a cool and dark place.

The video tells how to properly care for the fur and prepare it for storage.

Why is it important to follow the rules

Failure to comply with the rules for storing a mink coat can lead to negative consequences. In particular, fur can lose its appeal. An even more serious threat is moth. If you do not notice its appearance, the larvae will quickly "cut" your fur coat, making it unsuitable for further use.

Folk remedies against moths

In order to prevent the appearance of moths, you can use not only purchased, but completely safe folk remedies that have been proven for centuries. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

  • Orange peels.

Moths do not like the scent of citrus fruits, so the peel of oranges or other citrus fruits will scare them away from your fur coat. Peels can be laid out on the cabinet floor.

  • Lavender.

For home use, aromatic sachets filled with dried lavender flowers are suitable, and essential oil obtained from this plant. If sachets are used, then they must be put in a fur coat pocket. If preference is given to oil, then an open bottle with it is placed on the floor of the cabinet, it is not put in clothes.

  • Geranium.

Geranium oil can be used in the same way as lavender oil. Another option is to grow indoor geraniums at home. She is unpretentious and will delight with cute flowers. The moth will fly around your house side.

  • Tobacco.

If you grow a houseplant at home - fragrant tobacco, then it will scare away moth butterflies. Smoking tobacco is laid out in fabric bags and distributed in pockets. However, this is not the most The best way saving a non-smoking lady's fur coat from moths, since the tobacco aroma emanating from her can ruin her image.

Moth does not like the smell of cloves, eucalyptus, so their esters can also be used to protect clothes from this insect.

At proper storage mink product will last a long time. First of all, upon completion winter season the fur product must be prepared for long-term storage, then sheathed and put away in the closet. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to protect the fur from clothes moths. For this, proven folk remedies that are available and safe.

In order for the fur product to last for many years, it is necessary to observe some simple rules and recommendations for storage and wear. Many are wondering how to store a mink coat so that it for a long time did not lose its original appearance and thermal qualities. Consider how to create the necessary conditions for keeping fur products at home.

How not to handle a fur coat

  1. A mink coat cannot be soaked and washed entirely, ironed and dried with a hairdryer.
  2. If the fur gets wet, it is strictly forbidden to dry the item on a radiator or heater.
  3. The product should not hang close to other things and come into contact with them.
  4. Do not wear perfume on or near the fur.

How to store a fur coat: simple secrets

Fur preparation

If you are looking for a way to properly store a mink coat at home, then initially you need to take the time to properly prepare the product.

Thoroughly clean the product from dust and dirt. To do this, shake it intensively several times, and then walk with a special brush both on the outside and on the inside.

If the mink surface needs to be cleaned of greasiness, use improvised means for this: talc, starch or flour. They are good absorbents and quickly absorb excess fat.

It will be enough to apply a loose product for half an hour, then shake it off or sweep it with a soft brush. To prevent contamination, take your mink clothes to dry cleaning at least once a year.

After cleaning the fur, the mink item must be well ventilated and dried. To do this, hang a fur coat on a coat hanger and leave it for several days in a dark, cool room with good air circulation. It is better to choose a wooden hanger, suitable in size, so that the sleeves do not deform during storage.

At the end, fasten the buttons and pockets, remove the accessories and place the mink product in the case.

Choosing a good case

Often the owners are faced with the question of which case to keep a mink coat in. First of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to the material, it must pass air well. Cotton and linen cases cope with this: they create an air gap around the fur coat and retain fur qualities.

Plastic bags are absolutely not suitable.

Summer storage

When the cold season ends, you need to decide how to store a mink coat at home in the summer. First you need to choose the right storage location. For this, a spacious closet or dressing room is suitable.

To avoid creases and scuffs of the fur, the product should not come into contact with other things. Then take care of the correct temperature in the room: the air should be cool ( best option- from 0 to + 10ºС), and humidity within 45%.

To prevent the fur from fading, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on it. The storage place should be well ventilated, and once every 2-3 months, take the mink coat for a few hours closer to the windows or to the balcony for ventilation.

If you do not dare to keep a fur coat at home, place it in a special freezer, where the required temperature is maintained and other rules for storing a mink product are observed. Many dry cleaners offer this service in the summer. When asked if a fur coat can be stored in a home freezer, the answer is no; food freezer is not suitable for this purpose.

Every woman dreams of a fur coat, especially a mink product. It looks luxurious, however, and is also worth it. For this reason, you need to know how to store a mink coat properly at home. It will have to be worn only in winter. Accordingly, in autumn, spring and summer, it will hang peacefully in the closet. The question automatically arises - how to save a mink coat from moths and other pests so that it lasts for many seasons?

Product price

It was said above that a mink coat is an expensive product. The price for it may vary and depends on who is its manufacturer, what breeds of fur was involved and on other parameters.

The cost of a short fur coat from the fur of this animal starts from a thousand dollars. Prices for models from the premium segment, for example, or can reach up to 50 thousand dollars or more. Of course, they are not designed for the mass consumer. For such expensive products, appropriate care is also needed.

Who wears mink coats?

This fur product can be safely called universal. They are short, long, with and without a hood, as well as in other modifications. It is worn mainly by the fair sex itself. different ages. By the way, some are also not averse to having this product in their wardrobe. It not only emphasizes its own respectability, but also warms in the cold winter, which, in our country, are not uncommon.

Preparing for storage

There are owners of fur products who simply place the product in the closet, completely forgetting that this should never be done. Mink does not tolerate neglect.

On a note: Due to adverse conditions, which are represented by poor ventilation, high humidity and others, the fur may turn yellow or begin to fall out.

After a couple of seasons of storage, it will be possible to detect large bald spots on the surface of the fur product. As a result of this, the fur coat can no longer be worn, as external defects will be evident to others. The owner of the fur product will no longer be a queen, but will look like a circus worker who left the arena a few minutes ago, forgetting to take off her costume.

Preparation for storage includes the following steps:

  • Buy. It can be bought both in the store where the fur product was bought, and at another point of sale. It is desirable that it comes with a zipper. In this case, the wardrobe item will not be difficult to hang and remove. The plastic cover does not need to be completely airtight. After all, then the fur will not be able to "breathe";
  • After the second season of use, inspect the fur from all sides. As a rule, it is by this time that the fastening of the buttons deteriorates, and the lining may also tear. If this happened, then repair it yourself, or take it to the studio. These defects are not guaranteed, which means that there is no point in making claims to the store;
  • Removal of contaminants. With intensive wearing of a long fur coat, they appear. Do not try to remove it yourself, using newfangled means or means obtained by folk methods. You can simply irretrievably "burn" the fur. Go straight to the dry cleaners. Special technologies and chemistry will restore the former shine to furs. There will be no trace of stains. Generally good tone It is considered to visit a dry-cleaner about once a season. No more, as the durability of the fur is deteriorating;
  • Combing fur. This is a mandatory procedure. If you neglect it, then next season you will be able to see a not very pleasant picture. The pile will be directed in different directions, and in some places it will be completely crumpled. Comb the fur in the direction of the wool. It is best to use a metal comb with sparse teeth for this;
  • Fur ventilation. If there is a yard, then hang a fur coat in it for several hours. Make sure that the product is not accessible to pets and the smallest members of the family. They are extremely curious, and expensive furs can easily fall into their field of vision;
  • Check pockets. Nothing should be left in them. Usually it's money or cosmetics. Moth pills should be put in pockets. It will be a shame if an insect ruins the most important product in the wardrobe;
  • We put it on a hanger. In general, it can be wooden or metal. If there are wrinkles, then get rid of them. Fasten all buttons and hooks. The only thing left to do is to put the fur coat in a case and find a place to store it.

Where to hang a coat?

Answering the question of how to store a mink coat, it should be said about the best places for placing products and furs. In general, you can store anywhere, but the place must meet simple requirements. The first step is to exclude the influence of ultraviolet rays. They negatively affect the quality of the fur. If the temperature is high, this can lead to thinning of the pile and the disappearance of splendor.