
Abstract New Year's toy. Synopsis of OOD in the form of a fairy tale “Christmas tree toy. Cognitive learning activities


Subject: Making a New Year's toy.

Objectives: to teach how to make a Christmas tree toy;

Develop paper handling skills: bending, gluing;

Correction of fine motor skills of fingers by folding paper, gluing;

Education of accuracy, respect for the material.

Equipment: signal cards, paper, step-by-step samples, briefing notes.

1.Organizing time.

1. Say "Hello" with your hands.

Let's say "Hello" with our eyes.

Let's say "Hello" with our mouth.


It will become a happy circle!

2. Guys, today at the lesson I wish you good luck and I want everything to work out for you. When I walked to you today, the sun was shining. I would like to meet you soon. My mood is upbeat and cheerful.

What mood did you come to work with? Raise your hands, who's in a good mood?

Who's bad?

3. Report of the duty officer.

4. Game.

Guys, do you want to play?

See what's on your desks? (circles)

What color are these circles? (blue, yellow)

When you hear a word that is suitable for the word "autumn", raise the yellow circle, for the word "winter", raise the blue circle.

When will you raise the yellow circle?

When is blue?

(Snow, falling leaves, frost, skiing, September, skates, mushrooms, sun, December, snowflake, pen, rain, snowdrift, puddle).

2. Message topics, goals.

1.- Today a letter was delivered to us. Diana, read from whom. (From Santa Claus)

Let's see what he wrote to us.

Blizzards suddenly came

They circled and sang:

Winter has come to us

And here comes

New Year

And it's time to cook

Elke festive outfit:

“Only, mind you, the toys themselves

Get it right, kids!"

Well, I'm done writing

I'm in a hurry for you kids.

And with me a cart of gifts

I'll be there soon, Santa Claus.

So, guys, what task did we get from Santa Claus? (dress up, decorate the Christmas tree.)

Why decorate a Christmas tree?

2.- Today we will make Christmas decorations and decorate our little Christmas tree with them. You will communicate with each other using a quiet voice. You need to do the work so that Santa Claus likes it.

3.Main part

1.- Guys, when does the New Year start?

How are you preparing for the New Year?

2. Display and analysis of samples.

Look, we will make such a toy today. The toy will consist of four parts. All parts are connected to each other with glue.

3. Explanation.

I will explain and show how the toy is made. And you listen carefully and remember the sequence of work. We need four circles.

We take a ready-made circle. We bend it in half. Well smooth out the fold. We will do the same with three circles.

We glue each half to each other. You also need to glue the thread so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.

4. Repetition.

Guys, what should we do first?

And then?

What is the thread for?

5. Finger gymnastics.

Guys, let's get our fingers ready for work.

Two kittens met: meow-meow!

Two puppies: woof-woof-woof!

Two little pigs: oink-oink-oink!

Two foals: and - hoo!

Two bulls: mu - wow!

Look how the horns turned out!

6.Instruction on safety precautions while working with glue.

We have to work with glue. Let's remember the rules for working with him.

We are working on slip sheets.

We take a little glue on the brush.

Apply glue to the parts in a thin layer.

Excess glue is removed with a napkin.

Do not take the brush with glue into your mouth.

At the end of the work, put the brush on the stand.

7. Performing work (quiet music is turned on, the help of a teacher).

4. Results.

1. Analysis of the work of children.

Guys, we decorated our Christmas tree with you. Look how smart and beautiful she is. Let's give our Christmas tree a song.

What kind of tree is

The whole crown is in silver -

Bloomed with us today

MBOU DO "Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth"
Leninsky district of Kemerovo
Plan - abstract

"Christmas decorations"
Designed by:
additional education teacher
Karpitskaya Olga Stepanovna

Outline plan
open art class
additional education teacher
Karpitskaya Olga Stepanovna
Topic: "Christmas toys"
Form of the lesson: conversation, explanation, practical work.
Activity goal: Formation of students' educational and communicative
Substantive goal: To expand children's knowledge about the variety of Christmas tree
toys and their origin.
Improve technical and
fine arts and craftsmanship. Introduce children to the wonderful world
art, to develop their imagination, creativity, imagination.
1. Cultivate emotional responsiveness, aesthetic feelings, interest
to creativity, to fine arts.
2. Develop creativity and imagination, sense of shape, color and
3. To form the ability to independently compose a drawing. fasten
knowledge and skills previously learned.
Methods: frontal and individual.
Materials and equipment:
For the teacher: Visual material, handouts.
For students:
Worksheet in the form Christmas ball.
Colored wax crayons.

1. Organizational moment - 2 minutes:
checking the readiness of students for the lesson, their emotional state
to work;
introduction to the lesson plan.
2. Presentation of new material - 8 minutes:
storytelling about the holiday "New Year", about Christmas decorations;
­ Interesting Facts.
3. Repetition of the material covered - 3 minutes:
ornament, types of ornament;
work with image material.
6. Practical work- 15 minutes:
The teacher invites the children to depict the patterns on the worksheet in the form
Christmas ball. Draws attention to the main steps in the drawing.
After 15 minutes of class, a physical minute is held.
The teacher discusses safety precautions.
In the process of independent work, the teacher provides
students complete creative freedom, providing individual
help. Loud music sounds.
5. Summing up the lesson - 2 minutes:
Children discuss work with the teacher. At the end of the lesson, it is arranged
Exhibition. The teacher does not forget to praise each child, to note that
what worked best. Mood reflection.

6. Cleaning jobs.
Abstract of an open lesson
"Christmas decorations"
1. Teacher (P): Hello guys, today we have unusual occupation, To
guests came to us, your parents and the administration of the palace of creativity.
Guys, how are you feeling?
Suggested Response (PO): Good.
(P): Let's look at each other, and give smiles, and your
mood will be even better!
(P): You guys all know what time of year it is!?
(PO): Winter.
(P): That's right, winter has come. Guess the riddle:
If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday?...
(PO): New Year.
(P): Quite right, well done! New Year is the brightest and
joyful holiday He is loved by both adults and children. It is considered special
the most magical, because new year's eve make wishes and
give presents to each other. And very soon this long-awaited
celebration. Guys, are you looking forward to this holiday?
(PO): Yes.
(P): Prepare for this holiday in advance. And one of the moments
preparation is the decoration of our home. And the main decoration of the house to
this holiday is?
(PO): Christmas tree.

2. (P): Guys, listen carefully to the riddle:
Though not bumps, not needles,
Do they hang on the branches of a Christmas tree?
(PO): Christmas decorations.
(P): Well done. Having guessed the riddle, you named the topic of our lesson,
"Christmas decorations".
(P): Tell me, guys, how do you decorate the New Year tree?
(PO): Toys, garlands, tinsel, etc.
(P): Great, great. Did you know that before the Christmas tree was decorated not
(PO): What about?
(P): Earlier in Russia, the Christmas tree was decorated with apples, nuts, gingerbread and
sweets. And how much joy the opportunity caused in children to disrupt
Christmas trees, something tasty! Over time, the Christmas tree began to decorate
toys made of straw, fabric in the form of various animals, people, etc.
And only in the 19th century, in Germany, the first glass Christmas trees appeared.
toys. According to one legend, it happened completely
accidentally. Once upon a time there lived a master glass blower. And that's when it's time
to decorate the Christmas tree, it turned out that he had no money either for sweets or for
nuts. But how could he leave his children without a holiday? Thought
master, thought and finally came up with. Waiting for the children to fall asleep
he took up his usual work and blew all kinds of
toys: apples, sweets, gingerbread, and all this sparkled,
shimmered and sparkled. They say that these decorations are so good for children
I liked that none of them were upset that they could not be eaten! idea
masters turned out to be so successful that it soon became fashionable, and then
has become a tradition.
And today you will be real masters of Christmas decorations, namely
balls. For each of you, I prepared these paper balls. Your
task to decorate them. How will you decorate them?
(PO): Patterns.
(P): Right, let's remember what other word can be called
patterns that decorate various objects?
(PO): Ornament.

(P): Well done, remember. What types of ornament are there?
(PO): Geometric and vegetal.
(P): Great. And what lines are used in ornaments?
(PO): Straight, wavy and zigzag.
(P): Great, everyone remember. Today in class, you are on your own
choose what your ornament will be, from what patterns, shapes, lines
it will consist. Everyone will have their own unique ornament.
To get started, let's get your pens ready.
Carefully and quietly get up from your seats.
(P): A new year is coming,
Children lead a round dance,
Balls are hanging on the tree
lanterns glow,
The ice floes sparkled
Snowflakes are spinning.
(P): So, your pens are ready to go. Move the chairs
closer, everyone's backs are straight, we follow the posture. Before you lie
sharpened pencils, what can not be done with them?
(PO): Wave, poke, knock, etc.
(P): And what else can not be done with any materials?
(PO): Gnaw.
(P): Right, because the tummy will hurt.
Guys, you will also draw with wax crayons today, all of you
you know that they are very brittle, so you need to hold them by the tip
So, let's get to work, first draw with a simple pencil. For
for those who find it difficult to come up with their own patterns, there are helpers. Everyone has
such hints lie here, you can take any idea as a basis and
add your patterns.
(P): Whoever has the ornament ready, paint with wax crayons.
Guys, show me, please, your Christmas decorations, what are they
turned out beautiful. You all did a great job, you all did a great job

task, and for your diligence I want to give everyone these
shiny stars that will perfectly complement the ornament of your
Guys, now each of you has a new Christmas toy,
which you can decorate your Christmas tree. Now with your smiles and
mood, show if you liked our lesson?
Wonderful! Everyone was happy with their work!
Our lesson has come to an end, we are restoring order in the workplace.
See you soon!

Svetlana Novikova

Senior group

Target. Generate interest in artistic creativity.

Tasks. Development of productive activity and creative potential of children, development of aesthetic perception, imagination and fantasy. Develop fine motor skills hands Develop positive emotions and feelings.

Practical result. Multi-colored, beautiful Christmas balls.

Materials, tools. threads, small balloon, PVA glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloth, snowflake decoration and multi-colored sparkles.


Guys, please tell me what holiday is coming soon?

Children: New Year.

Guys, what do you need to remember the holiday?

Children:(gifts, Christmas tree, treats, Christmas toys, etc.)

Tell me guys, do you know what the first New Year's toys were? (children's answers).

These were sweets, apples, nuts, dough figures.

But then there were toys made of cardboard, paper, cotton wool. But soon after that, people learned how to make glass toys. These were balls and stars and cones, watches, icicles and much more. But glass toys turned out to be very fragile, and therefore plastic toys are now most often made.

Zaga dki.

On the tree, everything you want is there:

There are countless toys there.

Candy, rain and crackers,

Garlands, stars and top.

Among the shining tinsel,

Round ones sparkle ... (balls).

The garland has a neighbor.

He sparkles in coniferous green

And New Year's meeting light

The glass side reflects. (Christmas ball)

Guys, today I want to offer you to make christmas ball to decorate the Christmas tree in your home. And we will do it from threads.

1. Inflate a balloon.

2. We wrap it with threads in different directions.

3. We coat well with glue on all sides.

4. Let it dry.

5. We pierce the ball with a needle.

6. Carefully remove the ball from the threads.

Fizkultminut ka.

Christmas toys

The holiday is approaching, (raise their hands up and, lowering down,

The tree is dressing up. (spread to the side.)

We hung out the toys: (clap hands.)

Beads, balls, crackers. (squeeze and unclench fingers.)

And here the lanterns hang, (the handles at the top are “lanterns”.)

Glitter pleases the guys.

7. Decorate with sparkles, snowflakes,

8. Tie a thread

The Christmas ball is ready.

Related publications:

Tasks: To form ideas about the changes in nature that occur in spring. Clarify and expand ideas about spring flowers.

Synopsis of GCD on artistic creativity (application with design elements) "New Year's Holiday". "Elegant Christmas tree" (drawing.

Synopsis of GCD on Artistic Creativity. Application on the theme "New Year's card". Topic: "New Year's card" Objectives: To teach children to do.

Synopsis of an open lesson on artistic creativity. Modeling "Kolobok" Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the properties of plasticine - soft material, easily rolled out, crushed; arouse interest in the sculpting process.

Synopsis of an open lesson in the preparatory group. GCD on artistic creativity with integration. Author: Soboleva Elena Valerievna, teacher of MADOU Kindergarten No. 30 "Sparkle", Severouralsk, Kalya settlement Abstract of direct educational.

Abstract of a lesson for children of the preparatory group on artistic creativity "Dishes" Purpose: generalization of knowledge about dishes, drawing dishes. Tasks: to consolidate ideas about the purpose of dishes; enrich the vocabulary on the topic "dishes"; develop.

Summary of classes on artistic creativity for the middle group. Modeling "Bear"(4–5 years). Purpose: To form aesthetic tastes, develop creative abilities and thinking. Tasks: Learn to sculpt an object consisting of.

Municipal budget institution

additional education

"Center for additional education of children "UNITER"

Ruzaevsky municipal district

Open class


Developed and conducted: teacher

additional education

Pligina N.V.

Ruzaevka 2015

"Making a New Year's Toy"

Topic of the lesson : "New Year's toy."

Lesson type : learning new material and consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills.


    creating conditions for students to develop creativity, fantasy, creative thinking in practice;

    acquaintance with the history and traditions of the New Year holiday;

    teach children how to make paper Christmas decorations step by step;


    consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills;

    teach to work according to the model, templates;

    cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste;

    foster a culture of work;

    cultivate accuracy and accuracy in work, perseverance and diligence;

    develop attention, the ability to compare, analyze;

    develop motor skills of the hands and fingers

    the use of health-saving elements in the classroom (physical education minutes, change of activity);

    monitor the implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements in the classroom.

Lesson form: traditional.

Methods: explanatory-illustrated, reproductive

For the teacher: computer, projector, demonstration screen, safety regulations, sample of the finished toy, handout.

For students: colored paper, scissors, glue stick, templates, loop tape..

Course progress.

    Introductory part.

1.1 Organizational moment.

Check if everything is ready for the lesson

1.2 Safety briefing.

Safety precautions when working with scissors.

1. Store the scissors in the indicated place in the specified position.

2. Do not work with dull scissors and loose hinges.

3. Do not hold scissors with the blade up.

4. Do not leave scissors with open blades.

5. While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the blade.

6. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.

7. Pass the closed scissors rings forward.

8. Do not cut with scissors on the go. Do not approach a friend during work.

    Theoretical part.

Topic message. Conversation.

Good afternoon guys! Today we have an unusual activity. It is related to the holiday. On the night of December 31 to January 1, we will celebrate the most magical and wonderful New Year's holiday! Are you looking forward to this holiday? Of course, in all countries of the world this holiday is considered special, because on New Year's Eve people make wishes and give gifts to each other. New Year is the most cheerful, bright and joyful holiday, it is loved by both adults and children.

Hearing the beat of the clock, we listen to how it leaves old year We are looking forward to the new year with bated breath. We all believe that everything will work out in the new year, the year will be successful and happy. With great desire we choose gifts for loved ones, prepare delicious dishes, decorate our house and arrange a holiday for ourselves and our loved ones.

And one of the moments of preparation is the design and decoration of our house. How do you guys decorate your houses?

May the new year bring you good luck
Solve complex problems
And bring success with it
Happiness and love to boot!

Today we will make Christmas decorations with our own hands. Does anyone know how the tradition of decorating Christmas tree toys?

Nadya Tretyak will tell us about the history of the emergence of the tradition of decorating Christmas trees. She prepared a post on the subject.

Earlier in Russia, only 200-300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with a vegetable from the garden, which, of course, was silvered and gilded. Of course it was potatoes. Then people learned how to make glass balls. The art of making them was kept in the strictest confidence and was passed down by masters from generation to generation. These balls, sprinkled with silver and gold dust, were very expensive and could only be afforded by a few. All sorts of goodies-sweets were hung on the Christmas tree: sweets, apples, nuts - each country has its own Christmas decoration. And how much joy the opportunity to pluck, cut something tasty from the Christmas tree caused in the children! And there was gingerbread too! Earlier in Russia, even in rich families, children did not eat sweets randomly, every day, but received sweets for the holiday in a bag or hung on a Christmas tree and received them as a prize.

Glass decorations appeared only in the 19th century in Germany. According to one legend, it happened quite by accident. Once upon a time there lived a master glass blower. And when it came time to decorate the Christmas tree, it turned out that he had no money for either sweets or nuts. But how could he leave his children without a holiday? The master thought, thought, and finally came up with. After waiting for the children to fall asleep, he took up his usual work and blew all kinds of toys out of the glass: apples, sweets, gingerbread - and all this sparkled, shimmered and sparkled. They say that the children liked these decorations so much that none of them were upset that they could not be eaten! The master's idea turned out to be so successful that it soon became fashionable, and then became a tradition. And Christmas decorations began to be made of paper, wax, cotton wool, and foil. Interior decoration for the New Year is a very exciting, but at the same time responsible process, and in order to make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance.

So, the first Christmas decorations were exclusively edible. They were apples, tangerines, oranges, carrots, potatoes, eggs, nuts, waffles, gingerbread, curly sugar and candies. This is no coincidence. Each of them symbolized something important. For example, an apple personified a plentiful harvest, an egg - continuous life, nuts - the mystery of divine providence, waffles - a holy blessing ... In addition, citrus slices, cinnamon sticks and candied fruit were attached to the branches of the Christmas tree. All these goodies were eaten on New Year's Eve, and the wrapper remained hanging. In the old days, a Christmas tree decorated in this way was credited with the magical ability to drive away evil spirits. And coniferous branches decorated with apples were strengthened above the threshold and at the windows in order to protect the family from witchcraft and attract happiness.

But there are also purely Russian features. So, in Russia, Christmas decorations were also made from rags, straw, flax, colored ribbons, spikelets, rowan tassels. Often they made dolls, about which the people have a special idea. Ragdoll, usually faceless and seemingly unremarkable, was a protection from diseases, troubles and evil spirits. That's what they called her: the coast. Homemade dolls were treated with care and respect. They believed that well-being, prosperity and even harvest depended on them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Christmas trees were decorated with cotton toys, paper garlands, papier-mâché figurines, etc. The production of Christmas decorations in Russia was very insignificant - in St. Petersburg and in Klin. The first specialized glass Christmas tree production in Russia was opened under, in the estate of Prince Menshikov, at the beginning.

Cotton toys were made from twisted pressed cotton, which was wound on skeleton frames in the form of animals and people. The painted blanks were covered with a starch paste with mica, which made them hard and slightly shiny. These toys - fruits and vegetables, fairy-tale characters and animals - were usually placed on the lower branches of the Christmas tree - children could touch them and even play with them. Masks and toys were made from papier-mâché using a simple technology: wetted paper was glued in layers on a frame, and dried products were painted.

glass balls in our country they were also an expensive pleasure: in the past, one ball cost, almost like a modern car. Therefore, in Russia they even sold special albums for creating home-made toys, where they were cut out and glued according to the instructions. In addition, only we made glass icicles.

In 1925, the celebration of the New Year in Russia was banned and resumed only in 1935. But the New Year was made a Soviet holiday - accordingly, New Year's toys also changed. Figurines of children, clowns, ballerinas, birds, animals, fruits and vegetables, of course, remained. And instead of angels, pioneers, Budenovites, Red Army soldiers, women in red scarves appeared. There were toys-pendants in the shape of a star with a sickle and a hammer, balls with stars. The era of aeronautics was reflected on the Christmas trees with airship toys with the inscription "USSR", airplanes, parachutes with tiny paratroopers.

By the middle of the 20th century, the range of Christmas decorations had become very rich, although they were made from less efficient materials than today. But a lot of imagination was invested in them. A variety of birds and animals were stamped from silver-plated cardboard.

3. Practical part.

And now we will make our own unique New Year's toys. I will tell you the sequence of the task, and then you will begin to complete it.. To do this, we need our presentation, which I have prepared for you.

Fizkultminutka (warm-up for hands)

And now let's prepare our hands for work so that our fingers are flexible and dexterous, they need to be warmed up. - squeeze and unclench fists; - squeeze and unclench fingers; - rub palms together - We squeeze our hands into fists and make circular movements with them; - clap your hands.

New Year's ball.

The most common and versatile toys for the new year are Christmas balls. You can make them with your own hands from any thick paper: colored cardboard, colorful postcards or old magazine covers. Monochromatic balls will give a single style to the room, and multi-colored - an atmosphere of fun and fabulous magic.

For the manufacture ofpaper ball You will need:

It is necessary to draw 20 circles on paper, the same size. An equilateral triangle must be inscribed in the circles! For this we will use ready-made templates. Now we cut out this circle with an equilateral triangle inscribed in it, push the lines of the resulting triangle with scissors (so that they bend beautifully and evenly).

You don't need a pencil and ruler anymore. Now it's time for the glue! We glue the resulting blanks, connecting the "ears" in pairs:

You don't need a pencil and ruler anymore. Now the turn has comeglue! We glue the resulting blanks, connecting the "ears" in pairs:

Glue together first5 triangles:

Separately, we glue 4 triangles in the same way, but before gluing the last, fifth, we insertloop for hanging. Inside there should be a large knot, a tied bead, a button or a piece of paper (this will then prevent the loop from crawling out):

We glue the fifth
triangle, we get the finished upper partpaper ballwith hanging loop:

Of the remaining10 elements we will make the middle of our unusual ball. We glue the individual fragments into a strip and close it into a ring. We just have to collect the ball, gluing together the top, bottom and middle.

Glue the top and bottom "lid" to the base in sequence.

Glue, glue, gluedo it yourselfuntil we get a ball. Depending on the initial radius of the circle, the final dimensions of the resultingChristmas ball:

If you make such a ball from a transparent strong elasticplastic, then inside you can put something for beauty. For example, twisted tinsel or evennew year gift!
Balloonscan be donedo it yourselffrom old New Year's cards or calendars, can be painted with watercolors or any other available paints. You can stick foil on the blanks, cover the balls with glitter hairspray ...

4. The final part.

Guys, are you all done? Let's see what we got. (demonstration of manufactured souvenirs). Look how pretty and interesting decorations you got it. (All works are considered and discussed, revealing the most accurate and tasteful). Well done boys! Everyone got the job done. Did you like your crafts? Guys, you have worked hard and made wonderful decorations for your home. I think your loved ones will like it too. And you liked our work.Thanks to everyone who took part in our lesson.Let's put away the tools and tidy up our workspace. Our lesson is over.

Thank you all very much for your participation.

Vlasova Irina Nikolaevna
Synopsis of OOD in the form of a fairy tale " Christmas tree decoration»

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 98 of a compensating type."

Fairy tale: "Christmas tree toy"

(senior group).


Vlasova I.N.

Syktyvkar 2018

Abstract open educational activities.

Fairy tale: "Christmas tree toy" (senior group).

The environmental model is a fascinating activity.

The purpose of educational activities: To evoke in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday: New Year, the desire to actively participate in their preparation; decorate the Christmas tree with toys, making them with your own hands.

Developing: To create conditions for the development of visual perception, a sense of form, the rhythm of the composition. To develop the eye, tactile sensations and fine motor skills of the hands of children.

Educational: Expand the horizons of children by introducing the history of the toy. Improve the ability to work with paper and glue; to form the ability to independently create (make) a Christmas tree volumetric toy.

Educational: To cultivate creative independence, goodwill, the desire to help friends.

Ensure emotional well-being.

Educational areas: cognition, fiction, music, socialization, communication, artistic and aesthetic development (application, design)

Preliminary work: Examining pictures with Christmas decorations and toys, balls. We got acquainted with the history of New Year's toys and the holiday: "New Year", the manufacture of papier-mâché balls.

Corrective work:

Daily finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises.


Phonogram on the phone: "Little Christmas Tree", a recording of a snowman, candy.

Papier balls - white mache, with a loop, PVA glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, rags, different quality decorations - sparkles, raindrops, beads, colored cereals, etc. (Children prepare the material themselves and take decorations to their taste and color.)

The course of educational activities.

Hello guests!

Educator: What is it that we have so bright, beautiful?

Children: parcel, parcel.

Educator: From whom did she come to us?

Children: From Santa Claus. (determined by the picture on the parcel).

Teacher: What is inside? Parcel not opening guys? (children think). Can we smell it?

Children: (smell) It smells like a Christmas tree!

(I open the parcel, but a little.)

Educator: Can we determine by touch so as not to be mistaken?

Children: Prickly! Christmas tree! Tree branch!

Educator: Yes, there is also a letter from Santa Claus. (open and read)

"Dear Guys! I send you greetings and I hope that you will not leave me in trouble!

My assistants and I do not have time to decorate all the Christmas trees with toys. The Christmas trees of my winter kingdom are not dressed up. We need new toys! Help!

Greetings to you Santa Claus!

I give you my assistant Snowman to help you.

Educator: Oh, guys, and here there is an audio letter.

I turn on the voice recorder.

"I'm a funny snowman!

I'm used to helping everyone!

If you are my friends

Open the door, I've come to you!"

Educator: Let's help Santa Claus! Meet the guest! (I bring in the Snowman's toy) on his behalf I say:

"I'm the Snowman guys,

I'm used to snow and cold.

You blinded me cleverly!

Instead of a nose, there is a carrot!

Embers instead of eyes!

This hat is just right!

I came to you for a reason...

Help me friends!

I will be Master

Apprentice - it's you!

What do you know about toys?

Where did she come from?

(children's answers)

Many years since then

How did the toy come to us!

Shine so that she!

Began to hang on the Christmas tree

Elephants and horses

Gingerbread, sweets ... -

Oh how all the kids love them!

And if you made them yourself...

From paper, cotton and foil ...

That, of course - Master you!

Not German, but Russian

And of course great...

Where is the workshop?

Come my helpers!

(children and the Snowman go to the workshop)

Here I have prepared snowballs for you ...

Disassemble your lumps!

(preparing places and material for making toys).

Decorate as you wish -

And hang on the tree for us!

If my friend is suddenly tired - rest

And on the carpet (armchair) - lie down!

The children, the Snowman and the teacher set to work: (prepared-PVA glue, glue brushes, oilcloths, rags, disassemble the lumps, apply glue for the intended decoration, choose the appropriate material: (different quality decorations - sparkles, raindrops, beads, colored cereals and other material of the choice of children) - we decorate a papier-mâché ball together with the teacher and the Snowman, attach a loop and hang it on the Christmas tree and give our decorated balls to the Christmas tree to help Santa Claus.

Let's dance friends!


Children, guests - everyone is here!

What a beauty!

Well guys - thank you!

(We collect toys in a bag for Santa Claus.)

And for helping you - prizes,

Here are the candies!

(distributing candy)

We will come to your Christmas tree!

Let's dance and sing!

And now it's time to go

Santa Claus is calling me!

Goodbye kids!

The snowman leaves. The teacher thanks the children for helping Santa Claus and the Snowman with their toys! And in the evening we will make ourselves more balls for our Christmas trees!

You are my excellent MASTER in the manufacture of Christmas decorations!

Balls, snowflakes and crackers -

new year toys,

Choose any color here:

Silver, gold

Let's decorate the tree and

All guests are welcome!!!