
Synopsis of an introductory lesson on theatrical activity “So the summer has passed


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 32 "Birch"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

Senior group


Educator: Yatsenko D.A.

Tasks :

Exercise children in the formation and use of adjectives in a comparative degree,

Exercise children in the selection of actions and signs for objects,

Strengthen the ability to form verbs in the past tense,

Develop logical thinking and connected speech

Exercise in the ability to coordinate the numeral with the noun and adjective,

Raise interest in the changes in nature that are taking place summer.

Lesson progress:

Q. Guys, hello! Today we will have a very interesting conversation, and the riddle will help you find out what we will talk about:

I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers, "swim!" - I invite you.

And you all love me for this, I ...

V. Finally, the red summer has come! We've been waiting for it for so long!

Tell me what summer is like?(Children answer)

What summer? (warm, bright, colorful, joyful, hot.).

What is the sun like in summer? (yellow, hot, bright, warm.).

What is the grass like in summer? (green, fragrant, high, low, soft.).

What is the water like in summer? (warm, cool, pleasant, refreshing.).

What rain in summer? (warm, long-awaited, torrential. short. lingering.).

What are the children like in summer? (cheerful, joyful, funny, noisy.).

What is the sky like in summer? (blue, bright, light, cloudless, stormy.).

What are the clouds like in summer? (high, white, blue, thunder, rain.).

Well done. Berries and fruits ripen in summer. Let's tell you what kind of juice you get from fruits, choose a picture for yourself and name the juice.

Children: Apple - apple juice, orange - orange juice, tangerine - tangerine juice, lemon - lemon juice, pineapple - pineapple juice, pear - pear juice, grapes - grape juice, peach - peach juice.

V. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about summer. How do you think, how can such sayings and proverbs be explained: “In the summer, the dawn meets the dawn.” (Large daylight hours.) "In June, the sun is high, and far from morning to evening." Why do they say: in the summer every bush will let you spend the night? (Because summer nights are very warm) (Children's answers)

Q. And now let's have a little rest and play.

Mobile game "Kosari".

3 drivers are selected - mowers, the rest playing - flowers. Each playing child receives a colored ribbon indicating a flower: yellow ribbon - dandelion, white ribbon - chamomile, blue - cornflower. Ribbons are fixed in children at the back of the belt. Drivers agree in advance who will pick which flower. The players pronounce the text and imitate the movement: the flowers, standing still, sway, move their hands-leaves, grow. Mowers make energetic movements with their hands to the side - forward and walk between the flowers across the field.

Flower words:

Green, green meadow, everything blooms around,

And the dew shines, and the scythe rings.

Dandelion, cornflower and chamomile grow here.

Mowers words:

I will mow the grass with a scythe and pick up a bouquet.

One two Three…

To the words: “One, two, three ...” - the flowers scatter, trying to run to the agreed place. The mowers only pluck the ribbons of their own color from the fleeing ones, since according to the contract, each mower collects either only dandelions, or daisies, or cornflowers. The winner is the one who plucked the most ribbons corresponding to a given flower.

V: Now tell me what everyone does in the summer.

What is the sun doing? (shines, warms, bakes, heats, dries.).

What are the clouds doing? (stand, swim, approach, rain.).

What does the grass do? (smells, turns green, dries, grows, lies.).

What do flowers do? (grow, bloom, smell, delight, decorate.).

What do fruits do? (grow, ripen, fall, pour.).

What are the birds doing? (they fly, sing, chirp, rejoice, take out, teach chicks, take care of them.).

What are the children doing? (they sunbathe, swim, warm themselves, play, jump, have fun, rejoice.).

Guys, let's play the game "What about yesterday?".

Today fruits ripen, and yesterday. (matured).

Today children sunbathe, and yesterday. (tanned).

Today the birds sing, but yesterday. (sang).

Today the clouds are floating, and yesterday. (floated).

It's raining today, but yesterday. (Walked).

Today lightning sparkles, and yesterday. (sparkled).

Today thunder rumbles, but yesterday. (thundered).

Today children bathe, and yesterday. (swimmed).

Let's do finger gymnastics.

1,2,3,4,5. Healthy fingers.

We go for a walk in the forest. Fingers go on the table.

For blueberries, for raspberries. We bend one finger from the little finger.

For lingonberries, for viburnum,

We will find strawberries. We connect the palms with a basket.

We'll take it to mom and dad.

Q. And now, guys, I suggest you draw summer as you imagine it. After that, the teacher asks a couple of children what they will draw.

Summary of the lesson.

What season were they talking about?

What is the best way to spend summer?

What do you like most about this time of year?

Sub-group lesson for pupils of the compensatory group aged 5-7 years

Correction-developing tasks:
-formation of ideas about summer and its features;
-development of visual and auditory attention and perception,
- activation of the color and thematic dictionary,
- development of creative imagination,
- learn to answer questions, develop coherent oral speech.

Educational tasks:
- the formation of interest in classes;
-expanding awareness of the environment and developing curiosity,
- learn how to behave appropriately in different situations.

Dictionary: Yellow, red, green; summer, heat, rain, puddles; scooter, bicycle, roller skates; June July August

Materials and equipment:
Materials on magnets multi-colored circles, demonstration material “Stories from pictures: Seasons. Mosaic-Synthesis”, leaflets with circles.

1) I will name the topic of the lesson later, you will help me. Let's play first.

2) The game “Claps”
I will say different words. If you hear the word "summer", then you need to clap. Let's check: winter, summer.
Snow, heat, sun, summer, summer, June, July, August.
Well done, you listened carefully and completed the task.
How many times have I said the word "summer"?
What word was "extra"?
What did the last 3 words have in common?

3) Post topic.
Guess what the topic of our lesson is? What we're going to talk? That's right, summer. The topic of our lesson is "Summer and summer activities".

1) Story by picture
Who is in the picture? What are the guys doing? What season?
What else can you do in the summer?

2) Letter from Dunno.
Now I will read you a letter from Dunno about summer:
Hello guys. Summer has come. The sun is shining hot, there is snow all around.
Donut and I go swimming, but Znayka does not like to swim, she sleds down the mountain. A berry ripened in the forest - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cucumbers.
Summer January is my favorite time of the year!
Did you like Dunno's letter? Why were you laughing?
What did the Dunno mix up?

2) A story about summer, drawing up a "palette".
What color is summer? Name your color and explain.
For example, I think summer is white because there are white clouds in the sky in summer. (A white circle is displayed.)
Summer is green (A green circle is displayed.), Because there are green leaves on trees and shrubs around, etc.
What colors have we chosen to tell about summer? - red, white, blue, green, yellow.
What can you say about summer, what is it like?
Summer is colorful.

3) Guess riddles about summer activities.
I. Brushevsky
Two pedals, one wheel
We are sitting in the middle.
Frame, chain, leather saddle.
We can ride it!
We eat how we want
But let's see where we're going.
Not with a moped motor,
A simple one is (... a bicycle).

For a ride on my horse
Gotta take it today.
I'll go fast
With a breeze to the garden.
(Kick scooter)
I can jump and roll
And if they quit, I'll fly.
Laughing faces all around
Everyone is happy about the round ... (ball).

What can you do in summer? That's right, in the summer you can ride a bike and scooter, play ball.
What do a bicycle, a scooter, a ball have in common? What figure unites them?
A circle.
The wheels are round and the ball is also round.

4) Fizminutka (with a massage ball)
We take the ball in our hands, squeeze it with our fingers.
Roll between the palms, throw up and catch.

5) I gave you leaflets with circles. (Children are given leaflets, 3 circles are drawn on each.) Think about what summer items you can finish drawing.

6) Exhibiting drawings, the teacher comments on the work of children.

III Outcome
What season are we talking about? How long is summer?
What are the summer months? What color is summer, why?
What task did you like?

Synopsis of the frontal ELA for the development of speech using non-traditional techniques drawing on the theme "Here it is what our summer is!" for children of senior groups of preschool educational institutions. Attached is a list of used literature and graphic materials. Topic: Summer. Compose a story based on a picture. Program content:Educational Purpose: Teach children to write a story based on a picture. Corrective Goals: Learn to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number; expand the vocabulary of children on this lexical topic, exercise in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, in the use of present tense singular and plural verbs. Development goals: Develop coherent speech, logical thinking, imagination, general and fine motor skills. educational goals: To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end. Equipment: printed image of Boniface, summer-themed paintings depicting summer nature, plot paintings depicting summer holidays, a bright box, a ball, salt, summer-themed coloring pages, gouache, brushes, non-spill glasses with water, napkins, oilcloths for tables. Lesson progress:Speech therapist: Children! Look who's visiting us today! Do you recognize this hero? (Boniface) That's right, this is a lion who goes to rest with his grandmother during the holidays. What season do you think is approaching if Boniface goes on vacation? A riddle will tell you: I am woven from the heat, I bring warmth with me, I warm the rivers, “swim!” - I invite.

And you all love me for this, I ...

Topic conversation.

Speech therapist: Do you all love summer?

Which one of you is looking forward to summer? Why?

Who will you spend the summer with?

How are you going to rest?

Where do you think is the best place to relax in summer?

How should you prepare for a trip?

If you stay at home and don't go anywhere, what will you do?

Speech therapist: Please tell our guest why you love summer so much?

The game "I love summer ..."

I love summer because in summer the sun shines brightly and heats hot.

I love summer because in summer the days are long and the nights are short.

I love summer because warm wind blows in summer.

I love summer because it often rains warmly in summer, sometimes with thunderstorms.

I love summer because in the summer after the rain there is a rainbow in the sky.

I love summer because in summer you can ride a bike.

I love summer because you can sunbathe and swim.

Speech therapist: Yes, it really is summer. great time! I suggest you play the game. If I'm right, clap your hands, if I'm wrong, stomp your feet.

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

In summer, children go sledding.

In summer, buds open on the trees.

In summer, children make a snowman.

In summer, children float boats in the streams.

In summer, children sunbathe and swim.

In summer, children wear light clothing.

In summer, children make birdhouses.

In the summer, the fields are harvested.

Speech therapist: Boniface is very fond of outdoor games and invites us to take some rest.

Physical education minute(Movements are performed in accordance with the words)

By the river(v full version document)

Speech therapist: What else is summer famous for? Look at the pictures (Pictures with summer landscapes are exhibited)

Exercise "Choose the word-action."

In the meadow... many fragrant flowers.

On the trees …. many green leaves.

On the paths.... many clever grasshoppers.

In grass …. many hardworking ants.

Over fragrant flowers .... many colorful butterflies.

On dandelions... honey a lot of hairy bees.

In the crowns of trees cheerfully ... voiced birds.

Over the summer is bright ... the sun.

Speech therapist: You have pictures on the table on which objects are drawn. Look at them carefully and think of affectionate words for them.

ball game "Call it kindly."

The sun is the sun

river - river

Forest - forest

Grass - weed

leaf - leaflet

flower - flower

Mushroom - mushroom

berry - berry

dragonfly - dragonfly

bird - bird

Speech therapist: During his journey, Boniface heard some interesting words and expressions, but he does not know their meaning. Hope you can help him. Exercise "Why do they say that?" The summer is red, because the flowers are beautiful. The summer is sunny, because the sun shines brightly. The summer is berry, because there are many berries. The summer is rainy, because it often rains. that you can play sports in the summer. Finger gymnastics "Summer"(fingers are bent one for each account) (in the full version of the document) Speech therapist: Today we will come up with a story called "Our Summer". Pictures will help us with this. But they are not simple. Consider them. They depict summer holidays, how adults and children relax in the summer. In summer, you can walk a lot on the street, ride a bike, build sand castles, play ball, run barefoot, visit grandparents. Boniface really wanted to bring his grandmother a gift, but did not have time to prepare anything. But look, he has a big, bright box with him. I wonder what's in it? (Coloring pages. Tables are covered with oilcloths, gouache, salt, brushes, non-spill glasses with water, napkins are exposed) We need help and make gift summer cards. To do this, we will paint our pictures with gouache, and until it dries, sprinkle salt on top. We will get such unusual postcards! In addition, you must tell our traveler what is drawn on your postcard, and he will definitely pass them on to his grandmother. The stories should not be similar to each other. (2-3 stories are heard) The speech therapist evaluates the children's answers to the questions and analyzes them. Then the summer-themed music turns on. Children listen with their eyes closed. Speech therapist: Thanks to the wonderful music, your beautiful drawings and fascinating stories, we were able to feel the approaching summer. Boniface is very glad that he stayed with us. Says “Thank you” to all of us and hurries to the train. See you soon! Summary of the lesson. What time of the year were they talking about? What is the best way to spend the summer? What do you like most about this time of year? BibliographyAppendix

Target: we continue to consolidate knowledge and ideas about summer, its signs; update summer memories, teach how to write a story based on them; develop coherent speech, creative imagination, voluntary attention; to cultivate the ability to observe the surrounding world, love and respect for native nature.

Lesson progress

Educator:- It's autumn again. We met after the summer holidays. You all grew up, got prettier, tanned and rested. It seems to me that we are all glad of our meeting, as we have time, we miss each other, (pauses) listens to the opinions, statements of children.

Educator: Reads a riddle

The sun bakes
Linden blossoms
Rye is ripening
When does it happen?

Children's answers: Summer.

Educator:- Smarties! Of course, it's summer. And today I invite you to remember how we spent the summer. About what a wonderful time of the year it is and why we love it.

Didactic game for the development of coherent speech. Drawing up children's stories from several sentences on the topic: “What is summer”.

Children's stories.

Educator:- Great stories. I realized that you had a wonderful rest and are ready to continue our lesson. Please listen to the music of A. Vivaldi "Summer" and after listening, share your emotions and impressions.

An audio recording of A. Vivaldi “Summer” sounds

Children's stories about their impressions received during listening.

The teacher involves all children in the discussion. If children find it difficult, asks leading questions.

Educator: Thank you guys for such wonderful stories. For your emotions, for knowledge of summer natural phenomena. I suggest you remember about which you have kept silent or forgot.

Guesses riddles.

  • Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)
  • First - a flash, after a flash - a crack, after a crack - a splash. (Thunderstorm)
  • Large, fractionally frequented, watered the whole earth. (Rain)

Educator:- Well done, you correctly named these summer phenomena. Please listen to I. Bunin's beautiful poems, in which he beautifully described these phenomena.

The rain stopped. Doesn't tremble anymore
A cloud of lightning-thunderstorm.
Look how the sky is shining
Through the turquoise trees!

Shadows fall from the bushes
And the flowers are full of water;
Smells like fresh lilac
It smells sweetly of mignonette.

The wide pond froze exactly;
As in mirror silver
reflected in it deeply
Huts, willows on the mountain.

And in the distance it's already reddening
Sunset light - and warmth
Night blows through the window,
Like a gentle wing.

Educator:- Guys, let's remember what phenomena we can still observe in the summer?

The teacher makes riddles:

A tiny yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)

In the morning the beads sparkled
We wove all the grass with them
And let's go look for them in the afternoon
We are looking, we are looking - we will not find! (Dew)

Educator: - Well done, they gave the correct answers, but there is one more phenomenon (very rare, but it happens).

I say to my brother
- Oh, peas are falling from the sky!
Here's an eccentric - brother laughs -
Your peas, because this is ... (Hail)

Discussion with children of natural phenomena, finding out the reasons for their appearance in the summer.

Dynamic pause in progress(Cloud).

After the game, we return to our places, and a word game is played on the theme “Good-bad”.

For instance:

  • What is summer - good! And what a short - bad!
  • It's good that it's hot in summer! And what sunstroke- Badly!
  • That summer rain is good! And getting wet is bad!

We continue the game for any summer theme while the children offer it.

Educator:- Well done! They did a good job with this task. You touched on such interesting topics and noted that in every phenomenon, period, in the process, there are both good and bad sides.

And now I want to invite you to listen to a poem. Kindly answer, please, what summer month is it talking about?

Warm, long, long day
At noon - a tiny shadow.
An ear blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
Ripe strawberries.
What month? Tell me?

Children's answers:- June.

caregiver: - Of course, this is the month of June. And let's remember how it is also called by the people?

Children's answers:(if they find it difficult, the teacher prompts) “Khleborost”, “Blush”.

Educator:- Well done! There is another name, people say “June is a hoarder, the harvest is saving up for the whole year.”

Together with the children we discuss the month of June.

Educator:- Well, not only because of this we love this month for some children, but also because they were born in this month.

The teacher invites children born in the month of June to leave the table. He gives them books as gifts. The children sit down.

Educator:- Please listen to the proverb: “This month - the crown of summer - does not know tired, cleans everything up” and this month is also popularly called “Stradnik”. What is this month?

Children's answers: - July.

Joint discussion with the children of the month of July. Congratulations to children born in July.

The teacher reads a poem by S. Marshak:

The sea splashes, the sun shines
Hot August welcomes us.
Rest from the heart
Kids are having fun.

The teacher invites children born in the month of August to congratulate and present gifts.

Educator:- So we remembered our past summer. People say: “August-summer-sunset” or “In August, summer skips towards autumn”. Yes, indeed, our summer has run, autumn has come. We still have memories (about a birthday, about resting in summer cottages, at resorts, about hiking in the forest, about swimming in rivers, lakes, seas). Guys, let's draw our pictures with you and call them “How I spent the summer!”. But before we go beyond our work, let's once again congratulate our children, whose birthdays fell in the summer months.

Games are played:

1. Loaf

2. “Wish your friend” - ball game.

After the games, the children are taken to their drawings.

The teacher conducts a discussion of his work with each child and draws up an exhibition in the group on the topic “So the summer has passed”.

Recall and repeat the signs of the summer season; teach children to identify the main features of each summer month; develop memory, thinking, the ability to correctly and competently express their thoughts; instill a love of poetry, art and music.

Planned results: learn the main signs of summer.
Equipment: music by Vivaldi, photos of images of summer nature.
Preliminary work: prepare music by A. Vivaldi "Summer", 3 illustrations depicting summer landscapes.

Lesson plan:

I. Org. moment.
II. Repetition of the previous topic, checking homework.
III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
IV. New material.
v. Fizkultminutka.
VI. Consolidation of the material covered in the lesson.
VII. Summarizing.
VIII. Homework assignment.

* Pictured is a painting by I. Levitan "Birch Grove"

During the classes

I. Organizing time.
Say hello to the children, check the readiness for the lesson. Concentrate the attention of children with the help of the game "Look at the neighbor on the desk."

II. Repetition of what was previously learned. Consolidate the knowledge gained in the last lesson, check homework by asking a few questions. Assess the best students.

III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. To the musical accompaniment of A. Vivaldi "Summer" the teacher reads a poem by I. Surikov "The sun shines brightly"
The sun is shining brightly.
The air is warm.
And wherever you look
Everything around is light!
They dazzle in the meadow
Bright flowers.
covered in gold
Dark sheets.
As you may have guessed, the topic of today's lesson is "Summer". We will talk about the summer months, their distinctive features, and remember signs.

IV. New material.

The red summer has come

The teacher makes an introduction. For many of us, summer is our favorite time of the year. Sunny and warm weather allows you to swim in the sea or lake and sunbathe. And it all coincides with the summer holidays. With the onset of summer, we find ourselves in a fabulous world of adventure. Nature is filled with colorful colors and bestows a ripe harvest. Lush greenery, blooming gardens, gentle sun, warm rains - all this summer! Who can name distinctive features summer weather? (it gets noticeably warmer, sometimes there are short-term warm rains with thunder and lightning, and after a short period of time a rainbow appears). How does a summer day change? (The sun rises early, the day is long). How are people's lives changing? (some children go to camps, others have a rest with the whole family, go to the sea or to the forest). What insects have you observed in your region? What games do you like to play in summer? (football, volleyball, hide and seek, tag). What else do you like to do? (ride a bike, build huts). What clothes do you wear in summer? (t-shirts, shorts, dresses, sundresses and a hat). What interesting places did you visit during your last summer vacation.
Next, the teacher suggests considering three illustrations that depict summer and suggests picking up epithets for the word "summer" (Hot, fruitful, rich, generous, elegant, bright, long-awaited, fragrant).

summer months

Next, the teacher asks questions: what summer months do you know (June, July, August). Mystery.
Warm, long, long day
At noon, a tiny shadow
An ear blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
The strawberry ripens
What month is it, please? (June)


Try to determine which of the pictures corresponds to the month of June? (children determine and explain why). June is also called Khleborost, since it is in this month that nature awakens, gardens are dressed in rapidly blooming greenery, rye ripens in the fields, evenings become warm and long. What kind folk omens do you know about june?

  • Fog creeps - prepare a basket for mushrooms.
  • We heard a roll of thunder in a thunderstorm - to protracted bad weather.
  • The rainbow quickly disappeared - by clear weather.
  • Rainbow in the morning - to the rain.
  • There is more red in the rainbow - towards the wind.
  • Strong dews - to fertility, and frequent fogs - to the harvest of mushrooms.
  • The abundance of berries portends a cold winter.


Hot, sultry, stuffy day,
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of bread has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
His days are the peak of summer,
What, say, for a month is this? (July) Determine which picture suits this month. The second name is July-Stradnik. It gets very hot, especially at noon, so be sure to wear a hat and drink plenty of fluids. The forest, during this period, treats us with delicious berries, medicinal plants. Notes of the month:

  • New web - good weather.
  • If there is no dew on the grass - to the night rain.
  • If the spider leaves the nest and makes a new web - to the weather.
  • If July is hot, then December will be frosty.
  • If there is a lot of sorrel in summer, then the winter will be warm.


Maple leaves turned yellow
Flew to the countries of the south
Fast-winged swifts.
What month, tell me? They are looking for a picture on the board depicting August.
August-Zhniven. During this period, harvesting begins. Nature, after long working days, repays us with a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits.

  • The golden color of the dawn and the purple color of the horizon - for good weather.
  • If the sun is bright red at sunrise and soon hides in the clouds, expect rain.
  • If the fog quickly dissipates in the rays of the sun, good weather has been established for a long time.
  • Morning rain for good weather.
  • Late flowering of mountain ash - by a long and warm autumn.
  • Fluff flew from the aspen (mature seeds fly off) - go for the boletus.
  • Ants hastily, in the middle of the day close up the entrances - it will rain.
  • If the bees flew away in the morning in the field, the weather will be fine.
  • If the spider directs its web towards the north, expect a cold snap, and if the web directs its web towards the south, there will be warming.
  • Frogs stay in the water - for dry weather, and crawl out onto land or croak strongly - for bad weather, bad weather.

V. Physical Minute

Homka, hamster, hamster (puff out cheeks)
Striped barrel. (pat yourself on the sides)
Homka gets up early, (stretching movements)
Washes cheeks, rubs neck, (rub face and neck)
Homka sweeps the hut (movements imitate sweeping)
And goes out to charge (marching in place)
One, two, three, four, five (3-4 movements imitating charging)
Homka wants to become strong. (arm muscle tension)

VI. Consolidation.

What season are we talking about today?
Second month of summer?

Well, which one of you will answer:
Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bakes?

Shine first,
Behind the brilliance Crack,
Behind the crackle - Shine.

Painted rocker
It hung over the river.
A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Flying over the lawn
Pat over a flower -
He will share the honey.

Growing in the field
Under the millstone was
From oven to table
Caravan came.

Above the flower flutters, dances
Waving a patterned fan.

On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.

golden sieve,
There are a lot of black houses.

VII. Summarize. Thank the children for the lesson. Submit ratings.

VIII. Homework. Draw your favorite summer month.