
How the second pregnancy differs from the first. Features of the second pregnancy: the first signs, the woman's well-being and the timing of childbirth. Take prenatal vitamins


Will the second pregnancy have features or not? This question is visited by every mother who already has a baby, but who again saw two eloquent stripes on the test. Someone hopes that it will be better, someone is afraid of new difficulties. But in any case, the desire to know about what you will have to face is quite natural and reasonable.

It is worth realizing that as the second child will not necessarily be similar to the first, so the second pregnancy may differ from the first, or it may repeat it completely. Two pregnancies are two children, and each of them has its own story of birth. Nevertheless, certain patterns characteristic of the second pregnancy exist, and we will try to systematize this knowledge into a single system.

Insidious lottery: factors that cannot be predicted

Do you want to know if the second pregnancy and childbirth carries the characteristics that plagued you during the first pregnancy? But this is just practically unpredictable. Only a lottery of luck will determine whether you will have changes in character, taste preferences, toxicosis and edema.

  • Toxicosis is an unpredictable thing, as it turned out. He may never visit you for both pregnancies, or he can completely exhaust you in both pregnancies. Or maybe the first time it was, but the second time it wasn't, or vice versa. Although in fairness, we note that the second time the chances of avoiding it are higher, especially if a boy has settled in the stomach. No wonder they say that toxicosis and the sex of the child are correlated.
  • Taste preferences. If you remember how in the first pregnancy you enthusiastically ate salami ice cream, then this does not mean at all that in the second pregnancy all this will happen again. Perhaps what you are drawn to the second time will be radically different both from your daily addictions and from the preferences of the first pregnancy. And taking into account the intake of complex vitamins, "strange" addictions in women come to naught, since all the necessary substances are supplied in the required amount.
  • Edema and gestosis. It is difficult to judge whether the features of the second pregnancy for a woman depend on the presence of similar problems in the first one. If for the first time the entire pregnancy was accompanied by edema not associated with diseases of the kidneys and heart, then this was a manifestation of the peculiarities of this particular pregnancy. And the second time, gestosis can bypass you. Or vice versa, by typing excess weight, or having matured for seven years, you can increase the likelihood of problems with gestational manifestations of diabetes and simply with gestosis. But the chances of getting edema in the second pregnancy are higher.
  • Mood swings, drowsiness, fatigue- also very individual characteristics that depend on too many factors to predict their occurrence during pregnancy.

Features of the second pregnancy that you will feel

But in addition to these unpredictable factors, there are such features of the second pregnancy, which are undeniable and even spelled out in medical encyclopedias.

  • Early tummy. Due to the fact that the uterus of a woman who has given birth will never shrink to its previous size, but will forever remain almost twice as large, the appearance of a visually fixed abdomen will occur long before the middle of pregnancy. If for the first time the spicy position could be hidden until the fifth month, then in the second pregnancy the tummy will begin to grow already at the beginning of the second trimester.
  • A multiparous woman feels the movements of the baby a month earlier, starting at 16 weeks. Most often this is due to the fact that the pregnant woman already knows what these sensations are like and will not confuse them with anything.
  • The second pregnancy, the features of which should be noted separately, is accompanied by a lower position of the uterus. If you look at the perspective of sensations, then the child will put more pressure on bladder but less on the stomach. As a result, you can avoid heartburn, but you will have to go to the toilet quite often.
  • Varicose veins and chronic diseases will not get better, but worse - easily. Therefore, the second time it is necessary to monitor your health much more carefully, taking into account the weaknesses found during the first pregnancy.
  • Labor activity, which marks the last stage of pregnancy, is often easier the second time and, pleasantly, faster. The body that remembers the first birth is easier to adapt to this situation again, and the woman already knows what to expect from the process of having a baby.

Features of the second pregnancy after a short period of time

The second pregnancy and childbirth, the features of which are not only that it happens a second time, but also that too little time has passed from the first time, deserve a separate explanation. Weather is great option for brave mothers: quickly "shoot", providing each of their children with a friend of the same age, a wonderful plan.

However, the second pregnancy in a row is fraught with many difficulties. The woman's body has not yet fully recovered, especially if she is actively breastfeeding. Therefore, a vitamin and mineral supplement is needed to maintain the balance and health of the mother and both children. With such a pregnancy, toxicosis often occurs and the sex of the child is much more difficult to predict, because according to one of the theories, the weather is most often born of the same sex.

Another difficulty of the second pregnancy in a row is not only the depletion of the woman's body with nutrients, but also the physical condition of the reproductive organs. Therefore, careful monitoring by doctors is necessary to avoid premature birth.

The fatigue of pregnancy and the stress of the first years of the baby's life merge into one continuous fatigue, and the first baby constantly strives to climb into his arms, which is categorically not recommended. However, all this is surmountable and requires only a little more effort on the part of both parents.

Psychological features of the second pregnancy

In addition to the physiological characteristics during the second pregnancy, there are also peculiarities of her perception both by the woman herself and by her close environment. The fact that the second pregnancy pushes psychological features into the background does not mean at all that they do not exist.

  • Most often, the second pregnancy is much calmer, since the woman already knows what and when to expect from this process. However, the attention of the woman herself and her relatives is too much focused on the problems of the older child and everyday aspects of life. And in the aggregate, the calmness of the woman and the distraction of the family to third-party problems create the illusion of indifference to the appearance of a second baby. But this is far from the case.
  • Another aspect of the second pregnancy is the parents' desire this time to predict the sex of the unborn baby, because they have a child of the same sex. Why not? There are many methods for this, and you can choose the one that suits you.
  • The burden on the shoulders of the family falls on the delicate preparation of the older child for the appearance of a brother or sister. This is a very responsible action that should be thought out and implemented for the further well-being of your family.

No matter how the second pregnancy develops for you, the main thing is that you already have the experience of going through all its stages. Take into account all the omissions of the first time, so that the second pregnancy will delight you with ease, and we sincerely wish you good luck!

The first pregnancy is a time of uncertainty. With her, all sensations are new, joyful or disturbing. Having become pregnant for the first time, a woman is acutely aware of all the changes that are happening to her.

What happens during the second pregnancy? Does it have any features and differences from the first?

Second pregnancy

Usually the second pregnancy differs from the first psychologically. Waiting for a second child is first and foremost conscientious motherhood... Although the second children are often unplanned - contraception failed, they hoped that it was too early for the body. But having become pregnant a second time, a woman perfectly understands what awaits her.

She knows about difficulties and joys, is ready for problems and consciously approaches them.

There are other psychological differences as well. Often, having become pregnant for the first time, especially at a young age, a woman unconsciously seeks to designate her new position. Hence the expectation of the growth of the abdomen, and clothes for pregnant women in the second month, and complaints that they did not give way on the bus in the first trimester. The second pregnancy is more often perceived as a natural process and the attitude towards it is calmer.

Physical differences

There is a widespread belief that the second pregnancy is easier, childbirth occurs faster, and the birth process itself is much more pleasant. But this is far from the case.

In the second pregnancy, the features of its course are difficult to predict. This is an individual process that can proceed in completely different ways - easier or much more difficult. Sometimes both pregnancies go the same way. Not a single doctor can say for sure what awaits the expectant mother a second time. But there are patterns that are observed in most women:

  • body changes;
  • features of well-being;
  • deviations in health;
  • the feeling of the baby's movements;
  • the onset of the first contractions;
  • generic process;
  • postpartum changes.

Body changes

More often during the second pregnancy, body changes are more obvious. If there was a tendency to gain weight, the fullness will become noticeable faster. The same applies to a growing belly. Usually it becomes visible at the end of the fourth month, while the first pregnancy is not always noticed even in the fifth or sixth.

The chest usually does not increase so sharply, but nevertheless, changes in the bust are visible to the naked eye.

Stretch marks appear most intensively during the first pregnancy. Then they can be added little by little or not at all. But there are also reverse situations when stretch marks are formed precisely during the second pregnancy and in a large number.

During the second pregnancy, diastasis often occurs - the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Because of this, a small belly can persist for a long period after childbirth. Regular physical exercise, and in case of significant discrepancy - plastic of the abdominal wall.


Most often, toxicosis in its manifestations is similar to the previous one. It can be weaker or stronger, but the differences are not too significant. Repeated toxicosis is usually tolerated more easily. After all, a woman already knows what helps her the most and what smells and tastes should be avoided.

It relieves well the condition and the realization that toxicosis is not eternal.

Back problems

Back pain is a frequent companion of an interesting position. In subsequent pregnancies, they are more common and felt stronger. If there were back pains before, and after childbirth the woman did not engage in treatment, then in the future they are inevitable.

Joint pain

This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in any trimester, especially if there is swelling. Usually, women who are aware of their characteristics try to observe the drinking regime, monitor their weight, and consult a doctor in time.

Sometimes, during the second pregnancy, restless legs syndrome is added. This is a condition in which a woman cannot sleep due to excruciating pain in her legs and is forced to constantly move them, which leads to temporary relief.

Carrying a baby is one of the main causes of this unpleasant syndrome; about 20% of expectant mothers are susceptible to it. Postpartum pain in the legs most often disappears, but in rare cases it can persist for a long time.


This unpleasant disease often appears after the first birth. Its reasons are usually:

  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • wrong actions of a woman in a persistent period.

During the second pregnancy, hemorrhoids appear in many women and are accompanied by painful sensations. Exacerbations of this disease can be avoided if you follow the doctor's recommendations, do not abuse spicy and sweet foods, and move more.

Changes in blood iron levels

After the first birth, many women experience a decrease in the level of iron in their blood. This is due to its increased consumption during childbirth and blood loss during childbirth. If a woman has not undergone a rehabilitation course of treatment, then she develops iron deficiency anemia.

This disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • low pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • a tendency to frequent illnesses;
  • a change in taste and smell;
  • brittle nails and hair, dry skin.

Especially often, iron deficiency anemia develops if not enough time has passed after the first birth, and the body has not had time to recover. With a lack of iron in the body, not only the woman suffers, but also the growing child. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of anemia increases.

Calcium exchange

As with iron, when a baby is carried, the body's calcium reserves decrease. If you do not take vitamins and calcium supplements, its deficiency develops during the second pregnancy. This is manifested by problems with teeth and hair, brittle nails, increased fragility of bones and pain in them.

Fractures can occur even with minor injuries. In addition, calcium is essential for the proper formation of the child's skeletal system.

Baby wiggle

In the second pregnancy, the woman feels the baby's movements 2-3 weeks earlier. This usually happens at 16-18 weeks. Often mothers expecting a second baby claim that they feel his movements even at 14-15 weeks.

The beginning of labor

The onset of labor is an individual process, there is no single pattern. Gynecologists say that in the case of a second pregnancy, labor may begin 1-2 weeks later due to the greater extensibility of the uterus. But usually they are expected in the same time frame as the first ones.

The duration of the generic process

Unlike the first birth, which can last up to 12 hours, the second in most cases goes away faster - in 5-8 hours. Although sometimes the opposite happens.

In the second pregnancy, you need to be ready for a faster delivery and go to the hospital in time.

Postpartum period

Usually, the postpartum period in multiparous women is easier. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Less complications thanks to the experience of the first birth.
  2. Understanding how to deal with emerging difficulties.
  3. Ability to establish lactation and avoid lactostasis.

In addition, caring for an older child also helps a woman cope with postpartum difficulties and distracts from unpleasant moments.

It is important to understand that the course of any pregnancy is highly dependent on the psychological mood. future mother... With self-confidence and expectation of a healthy child, both the first and second pregnancies will bring only pleasant memories to the woman, despite their differences.

After the birth of their first child, soon most mothers think about a second pregnancy and, in this regard, many questions arise. Will the second pregnancy be the same as the first? What are the signs of a second pregnancy? Is it hard to give birth a second time? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to all these questions, because there are hundreds of factors affecting an expectant mother.

First and second pregnancy - is there a difference?

First of all, it is safe to say that second births will differ from the first. Having one child in her arms, a woman is usually busy around the clock with only him, giving the baby the lion's share of her time and attention. This fact often does not allow a seemingly experienced woman to notice the first signs of a new pregnancy. In addition, they can often differ from the changes in the body already familiar to her.

The amount of time that has passed since the birth of the first child is of great importance here. Human memory is not ideal and after 5–7 years a woman will experience a new pregnancy as for the first time. If conception occurred almost immediately after the first birth, the weakened body, most likely, will find it difficult to bear another child. This is due to various anemias, deficiencies of vitamins, minerals and other factors.

Usually, a second pregnancy can be recognized by early dates... A woman already knows how to recognize fetal movement, and notices its first movements almost a month earlier. The fetus in this case is usually located lower than in the first pregnancy, which is due to the already stretched ligaments and muscles of the abdominal cavity. This avoids stomach and breathing problems, but creates certain problems for the urinary system. However, these troubles are solved by a special course of physical exercises, as well as wearing a bandage.

Carrying a second child usually occurs at a more mature age. If by this time a woman has suffered or has chronic diseases, then the general toxicosis of pregnant women is more difficult for the expectant mother.

Most women are also concerned about the issue of pain. It all depends on the time that has passed since the first birth. If not passed more than a year, the second childbirth usually proceeds as "on the knurled". The reason for this is not fully understood, but some doctors believe that during the period of bearing a child, certain neural connections are formed in the woman's brain, which are activated during the second gestation, if it occurs soon. If more than a year has passed since the first birth, most likely the pain will be the same, although the labor process may be faster.

The most common signs of a second pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy may differ from those already familiar if the first time a woman gave birth to a boy, and the second time she became pregnant with a girl. However, these feelings are individual and cannot be a guiding factor in determining gender.

In general, the symptoms of the second pregnancy may be similar to the first, but there may be changes:

Of course, any doctor will say that it is advisable to plan a second pregnancy (as well as the first one, by the way). The optimal time for conception will be the second or third year after the birth of the first child. During this time, the woman's body will have time to recover, there will be a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals. These recommended periods can be increased up to five years if caesarean was used during the first birth.

When planning a second pregnancy, keep track of your weight, noting for yourself how many kilograms you have gained or lost weight.

Studies show that an increase in body weight of only 6 kilograms over the norm can provoke diabetes or hypertension.

Having become pregnant for the second time, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors, strictly adhere to the daily regimen (a lot depends on how much the expectant mother sleeps). If you have to sit for a long time, it is advisable to have a low stool under your feet or any other support that relieves the muscles in the pelvic region. It is necessary to make life easier for the spine as much as possible, to avoid unnecessary stress on the legs. In case of a pathological course of pregnancy, in no case do not lift heavy objects (including your first child). If it is vital for the baby to climb into your arms, you must first sit down without bending over, then slowly, straightening your legs, rise.

Second birth

Actually, childbirth during the second pregnancy is similar to the first, although there may be some peculiarities. Usually the second birth is much faster (5-7 hours). Except purely physiological reasons(early dilatation of the cervix), this is also facilitated by the psychological readiness of the mother, her experience and skills. However, if a caesarean section was used for the first time, the duration of labor will remain the same.

In most cases, the second pregnancy proceeds without complications, but there may be exceptions:

Most problems can be avoided if you register on time, keep healthy image life, control emotional condition, adhere to the recommendations of doctors. Remember: Mother Nature has awarded us the opportunity to give birth not only to two, but to three, four or more children, as our great-grandmothers had. So just tune in for good and expect your second baby.

The persistent opinion of some women that the second pregnancy is easier than the first is not entirely correct. Psychologically, of course, it is easier, but there are a fairly large number of different complications that the expectant mother cannot predict. Plus, since a second pregnancy and childbirth most often a woman experiences at a more mature age, possible chronic diseases can also have an impact.

Every fifth woman, after the birth of her first baby, already after a couple of years thinks about her second child. Doctors, in turn, support this desire in every possible way, and advise planning the next pregnancy no earlier than 2-3 years after the first. This time is enough for the female body in order to restore strength and not completely forget the previous birth, besides, as obstetric statistics say, it is thanks to this break that the second birth is somewhat easier. After undergoing a caesarean section, the break should be at least 5 years, since during this time the suture on the uterus should be completely tightened. In the case when more than 5 or 10 years have passed, the birth is considered the first.

Doctors are unanimous in the opinion that each case is individual, and there is actually a difference between childbirth. Getting pregnant with a second child can be easier or more stressful. This largely depends on the woman's age, her diet and professional activity.

There are also very frequent cases when the second pregnancy, the beginning of which occurred in the first six months after childbirth, does not make itself felt until the moment when the woman begins to feel the movement of the baby. The people around have been watching the tummy that appears for a month, and the expectant mother herself has not yet understood what is happening to her. The positive aspects of the second birth are also obvious. This is also a colossal experience that the mother has already gained in raising a growing baby, as well as the responsibility and discipline of a woman in dealing with a newborn.

Experienced mothers are much less worried about repeated childbirth, and already existing experience, on the contrary, helps them to better navigate the symptoms and manifestations during the second pregnancy.Before planning a second conception, even an experienced woman will not be superfluous to consult a gynecologist and family doctor. If necessary, both partners will need to be tested to determine sexually transmitted infections. In their absence, childbirth, as a rule, goes without complications.

However, there are a number of factors that can trigger certain complications during pregnancy. Doctors pay more attention to such women. These factors are:

  • unplanned pregnancy with a second baby, when the time from the birth of the first child to the next conception is less than a year. This most often occurs when partners have used the period of lactational amenorrhea as contraception. It is not at all necessary to terminate such a pregnancy, because by observing all the instructions and advice of the doctor, you can successfully endure and give birth to a healthy baby;
  • women with kidney, heart or lung disease are at risk. In such pregnant women, the period of toxicosis passes longer and more difficult, labor is not active, and premature birth is also possible;
  • under the close supervision of doctors, there are also women whose second pregnancy is accompanied by chronic diseases;
  • Rh-conflict between the blood groups of the mother, father and unborn child. This factor can be prevented by administering antibodies at 28 and 34 weeks of gestation.

Features of the second birth

If your first birth was difficult, then do not think that the repeated will be the same. In medical practice, there are certain features of the course of the second pregnancy and second childbirth. Among them:

  1. It will not be possible to hide your position for a long time. The fact is that the second pregnancy manifests itself faster, since the uterus is already somewhat stretched and it is easier for it to lean forward under the influence of amniotic fluid and the fetus. And hence the feeling that the stomach is growing rapidly.
  2. You will feel the first movements of the baby during the second pregnancy already at 17 weeks, while during the first pregnancy, they appear only at 20 weeks.
  3. In the second pregnancy, the abdomen is more lowered even at the initial stages. It is recommended to wear a bandage to reduce stress on the lower back and legs.
  4. Full dilation of the uterus during the first birth is achieved in 12-18 hours, and during the second - within 5-8 hours. Due to the fact that the vaginal muscles are more elastic, the pain of labor is also reduced. Accordingly, only a specialist can determine the approximate date of delivery during the second pregnancy, taking into account all risk factors or characteristics of the pregnant woman's body.
  5. If during the period of the first gestation a woman was strongly bothered by toxicosis, then this time it may manifest itself more intensely. This also applies to swelling in the legs, and an increase blood pressure... It is extremely important for the expectant mother to follow a diet, control blood pressure, and have urine and blood tests.
  6. Often during the second pregnancy, the Rh-conflict between the mother and the child is diagnosed. In this case, a woman should every month determine the amount of antibodies in the blood, undergo an ultrasound scan to control the amniotic fluid and the size of the placenta (it should not be thickened).
  7. The gender of the children also influences the course of pregnancy. For example, when a woman is carrying a boy, toxicosis practically does not manifest itself. A second pregnancy from another man may also be different.
  8. Obstetricians say that the second child is born, as a rule, larger than the first by about 200-500 g. This is due to the fact that comfortable conditions have already been created in the uterus for the development and growth of the baby.
  9. Contractions and the birth of the placenta the second time are not so painful, but much more intense.
  10. You should also be aware that if a woman has a second pregnancy, but the first child (the previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage or abortion), then the birth should be considered the first.

Re-pregnancy risk factors

Repeated pregnancy and second childbirth are more difficult in cases where there are certain factors that have a direct impact on the gestation period and labor. These include:

  • previous miscarriages or abortions;
  • not completely cured infections of the internal genital organs;
  • caesarean section during the first birth;
  • not tightened postpartum sutures on the uterus;
  • mother's age. Doctors consider the most optimal age for carrying and giving birth to a child from 18 to 30 years. For those who are over 30 years old, it will be somewhat more difficult to bear a child. In any case, constant monitoring by a gynecologist is required.

Factors affecting perception repeated pregnancy:

  • the more time passes between childbirth, the faster the woman forgets her feelings. And a new pregnancy will be given to her as for the first time;
  • in the case when, after the first labor activity, the young mother did not develop new diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, significant weight gain or endocrine changes, then the repeated period of bearing the child may not have significant differences;
  • pregnancy with a boy and a girl has its own differences.

Signs of a second pregnancy

If the next pregnancy proceeds similarly to the previous one, and the symptoms do not differ significantly, then this does not mean that everything will be one to one this time too. Genetically, the baby differs from the previous one, and the conditions for its bearing are different, which means that pregnancy also manifests itself differently:

  1. The first trimester of a second pregnancy is usually accompanied by similar and familiar symptoms. Toxicosis can be both mild and vice versa. Pain in the mammary glands and their increase appear a little earlier, this also applies to reactions to odors.
  2. At the beginning of the second trimester, the tummy is already visible and very soon the expectant mother will feel the first movements of her baby. However, a woman may develop chronic diseases due to the fact that her body is no longer so active and easily copes with everything at the same time: both with infections and with bearing a child.
  3. The third trimester is characterized by a significant ptosis of the tummy, due to which the mother can breathe a sigh of relief. Painful sensations appear in the pelvic area, as the bones began to move apart earlier. The weight of the mother and child has increased, which means that varicose veins are inevitable. It should be noted a positive point, labor activity in multiparous women is faster than the first time.

Harbingers of childbirth with repeated pregnancy

Symptoms that signal an approaching birth are always almost the same and do not differ. To determine on her own that childbirth is about to begin, a woman can on the following grounds:

  • about 2 days before childbirth, the woman's mucous plug departs, as evidence of the beginning of the cervical dilatation. Outwardly and in consistency, it resembles the protein of a chicken egg, sometimes with a brownish tinge and is similar to premenstrual discharge. In cases where the fetus is large (up to 5 kg), the cork can literally fly out, and the woman in labor clearly feels it. But mostly it comes out gradually and in parts. When the cervix does not mature very actively, the mucous plug begins to stand out a week or even two before childbirth. However, this is rather an exception to the rule, and most often this harbinger notifies the woman a few hours before the onset of labor;
  • regular contractions. The contraction of the muscles of the uterus continues periodically and rhythmically. Contractions before childbirth differ from false contractions in that they cannot be soothed by taking a warm bath. And if they are also accompanied by abundant secretions, then childbirth is already very close;
  • one of the harbingers of childbirth is frequent urge to use the toilet. Thanks to the work of hormones that stimulate labor, a woman's intestines are actively emptied, in addition, contractions can be accompanied by vomiting and nausea;
  • sometimes the approaching childbirth makes itself felt with dull pains in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region;
  • very often there is also a birth chill;
  • fetal activity changes. Before giving birth, the baby can move both very actively and slowly;
  • characteristic harbingers of childbirth can also be a decrease in appetite and a decrease in the total body weight of the expectant mother;
  • change of mood as a result of changes in endocrine system... Fatigue can be replaced by sharp activity, and vice versa;
  • nesting instinct. Feeling at the subconscious level that very soon the baby will be born, the woman begins to prepare children's things, set up a playpen, sew, clean and spend more time doing household chores;
  • Well, the most obvious sign that childbirth is beginning, of course, is the flowing away of the water. This harbinger, perhaps, is noticed by all women in labor. Amniotic fluid can suddenly gush out of the fetal bladder, and it can also slowly leak. In this case, there is no pain, but a woman should immediately go to the maternity ward.

Nutrition during pregnancy

A multiparous woman with experience should already know what to eat during pregnancy and what to refuse. Food should be prepared only from natural, high-quality and fresh products. For the next 9 months, you should forget about smoked meats, canned food, spicy and sour dishes. The products must be free of colorants, preservatives and taste stabilizers.

The uterus is enlarged, which means that you need to eat fractionally, so as not to create an additional load on internal organs... From morning until lunchtime, it is better to eat meat and fish with cereals, and after 12 noon - fermented milk products and vegetables. Now we need to remember that the main thing that the female body needs is proteins and vitamins.

The daily dose of proteins for the first 5 months for a multiparous woman should be at least 100 g, then their amount should be increased to 120 g. Vegetable and animal fats in a woman are enough and 80 g per day. Nobody cancels healthy carbohydrates, such as: wholemeal bread, cereals. Berries and fruits, as well as plenty of vegetables. It is better to forget about fast carbohydrates for a while. Pasta, sweets and baked goods will add unnecessary weight to you.

Do not forget about the observance of the water regime. The ideal amount of liquid per day is 2 liters. If you do not have the ability or desire to drink so much pure water, replace it with herbal teas. By the way, the liquid in vegetables and fruits is also counted in the total. Vitamins and minerals are best consumed only with the permission of the attending physician. Yes, they are extremely necessary for a woman and her child during the second pregnancy, but the excess nutrients will not lead to good consequences.

The list of essential and important nutrients for a pregnant woman includes:

  • zinc, which helps to avoid premature birth and low birth weight. It is found in sufficient quantity in stewed beans, peas, spinach;
  • calcium is directly involved in the formation of the fetal skeletal system, improves the functioning of nerves, blood vessels and muscle tissue. Calcium is rich in yoghurts, cottage cheese and broccoli;
  • in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is extremely important to saturate your body with folic acid, which helps the embryo to develop. Eat legumes, grains, and spinach;
  • at the proper level, iron helps to maintain the development of the placenta, which is rich in red meat, green leafy vegetables and chicken (but not breast);
  • thanks to the protein, the normal formation of fetal tissues occurs;
  • Sources of vitamin A include eggs, raw carrots, lettuce, and natural cereals. These foods are rich in nutrients for both mother and child;
  • tomatoes, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers and oranges will help replenish vitamin C reserves.

Always keep your baby in mind and wash the apple (or any other product) before eating. The fact is that unwashed fruits and vegetables, raw seafood and eggs, as well as unpasteurized milk can cause disease-causing bacteria.

Limit your intake of caffeine in the form of coffee, energy drinks, and other foods containing this component. Doctors warn that exceeding the daily dose of caffeine (more than 200 mg) can lead to miscarriage.

Diseases of the mother's digestive system during pregnancy provoke disease nervous system fetus and other negative moments that can lead to its death.

Second birth after cesarean section

The number of artificial childbirth operations performed in last years has increased significantly. This is not a whim of doctors, but an extreme necessity, in order to save the life of a newborn and his mother.

Some women to avoid pain with natural delivery, obstetricians are asked to intentionally perform the operation. Therefore, today a cesarean section is a natural alternative to vaginal delivery.

In this regard, in our country, the process of carrying out the operation is optimized and facilitated as much as possible:

  • purchased a new modern technology and materials;
  • there was a lightened anesthesia;
  • the risks of complications during childbirth are minimized.

Obstetricians also prescribe this procedure in cases where natural childbirth can lead to serious complications. If these are not observed, then, of course, it is better to resort to natural childbirth, since their advantages are obvious:

  • reduced risk of bleeding;
  • the likelihood of thrombosis and infection is minimal;
  • the newborn manages to avoid breathing problems and more easily adapt to the external environment;
  • a woman's lactation period is easier, and babies suck mother's breast better and more actively.

If the first childbirth of a woman ended with an operation, then she needs to plan a second pregnancy only after the stitches have healed, otherwise rupture of the uterus cannot be avoided.

In any case, childbirth with a scar on the uterus should be carried out in an inpatient department and with a full team of doctors, who at any time can quickly carry out the operation, save the lives of the mother and the baby.

So, when deciding to give birth to a baby naturally after a cesarean section, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative factors that can affect the natural labor activity.

The positive aspects include:

  • woman's age up to 40 years;
  • you have already given birth on your own, or you have given birth with a suture on the uterus;
  • labor activity began on its own after the discharge of waters;
  • there are no prerequisites for the operation.

Negative points:

  • you have more than two cesarean sections in your account;
  • premature fetus (for less than 38 weeks);
  • large fruit (over 4.5 kg);
  • the use of medicines to stimulate labor.

If the doctors decide to operate before giving birth, then it is necessary to discuss with them the names of pain relievers, as well as the likelihood of using epidural anesthesia. The fact is that some drugs can slow down the labor process to such an extent that the operation will have to be performed again. Moreover, the need for epidural anesthesia disappears when the cervix has opened up to five fingers. Certain pain relievers can cause significant harm to the baby, as they easily penetrate the placenta.

A woman preparing to become a mother for the second time after a cesarean section should try as much as possible to ensure that her birth is natural. At the same time, the stimulation of labor should also be natural, using all kinds of methods for this. If doctors begin to use medication stimulation, the operation will most likely not be avoided.

Second pregnancy. Video

It will take some time by the time you are ready to get pregnant and have your second child. During this period, your age, psychological state will change, but the most important thing that the site for mothers site wants to draw your attention to is the reproductive function of your body will be restored.

Often, women who are preparing for the birth of their second baby are concerned with the same questions: what is the difference between the first and second pregnancies; how it proceeds; Is it true that giving birth a second time is faster and easier? Let us tell you right away that no one, even the most experienced doctor, can give the answer to these questions.

You got pregnant and are carrying a completely different baby at a different time. This is a new pregnancy and how the body will perceive it depends on many factors. Although repeated pregnancy and childbirth have some peculiarities of the course, which we will pay attention to in this article.

Pregnancy planning

It's good if the second planned pregnancy comes after your body is ready for it after the first birth and breastfeeding. The process of restoring reproductive function depends on how the first pregnancy proceeded, how much time has passed since the birth of the child, whether the birth occurred naturally or ended caesarean section.

Even if you feel healthy, planning a second pregnancy, you definitely need to undergo an examination: visit a gynecologist, a therapist, and take additional tests for all infections with your partner if necessary. If there are no health problems, then usually the second birth and pregnancy pass without complications and easier.

During the first pregnancy, it often does not matter who is born - a boy or a girl. Many parents who decide on a second attempt use every opportunity to. And even if none of the methods will give you one hundred percent result, then at least try and check it out.

When does a second pregnancy require special attention?

There are some prerequisites that may indicate possible complications during pregnancy. You should pay attention to them.

  • It so happens that a child is not even a year old when a woman suddenly realizes that she has become pregnant again. This is a second unplanned pregnancy. This often happens when partners after childbirth hope for lactational amenorrhea (a natural method of contraception while breastfeeding). This is not a reason to terminate a second accidental pregnancy. We are confident that if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, the pregnancy will end with a successful birth.
  • Women who have had kidney disease or heart, liver, lung disease are at risk (burdened obstetric history). They are prone to premature birth, toxicosis, weak labor. Therefore, during the second pregnancy, they will be under the special supervision of a gynecologist.
  • The second pregnancy, complicated by chronic diseases, requires careful monitoring. Additional tests or studies may be needed.
  • You should not give up the desired pregnancy with a negative Rh blood in the mother and positive in the father. The rhesus conflict in modern medicine can be prevented. After giving birth, the woman is immediately injected with antibodies, and they are also recommended for pregnant women at 28 and 34 weeks. Timely delivery of tests, adherence to the doctor's recommendations will help pregnancy with a negative Rh factor to end successfully.
  • If enough time has passed after childbirth, then the pregnant woman is considered primiparous, and the second birth is regarded as the first.

Features of the course of repeated pregnancy

Each subsequent pregnancy is influenced by those physiological changes in the woman's body that have occurred in it after childbirth. A difficult first pregnancy does not mean that the second will be the same. There are characteristic features of the course of repeated pregnancy.

  • Pregnancy becomes more noticeable earlier. If you wanted to hide it from others for as long as possible, then it is unlikely that it will work. The ligaments of the uterus are stretched after the first birth. It deviates anteriorly under the influence of amniotic fluid and the fetus. In this case, the abdominal wall is no longer as elastic as before childbirth, and is weakened, so it seems that the abdomen is growing faster.
  • If during the first pregnancy you could hear the first movements of the baby only at 5 months (20 - 22 weeks), then this time you will feel the first tremors earlier - at about 17 - 18 weeks. This date is taken into account by the gynecologist when calculating the date of birth.
  • In the second pregnancy, the fetus is located lower. This increases the pressure on the lower back and spine, so it is advisable to wear a bandage from mid-term.
  • If enough has passed between pregnancies short term and in your arms Small child, try to raise it less. You should also be careful about physical activities.
  • There are interesting observations regarding the shape of the abdomen. A sharp and high abdomen during the first pregnancy in women with a narrow pelvis becomes saggy during the second. In the first pregnancy, the belly sinks a few weeks before giving birth, and in the second, a couple of days.

Pregnancy following a cesarean section requires special care on the part of the doctor. In this case, there is a danger of rupture of the suture on the uterus.

The site site advises you to maintain an interval of up to 2 years. This will allow the postoperative scar to mature, atrophy and thin out.

But if you got pregnant earlier, then not everything is so scary. Usually the uterus returns to normal after six months. A period of up to 2 years is needed in order to avoid the low location of the placenta due to the suture or its detachment in the later stages. In most cases, the second pregnancy after cesarean ends with an operation. But there are cases when a woman is allowed to give birth a second time naturally.

With repeated pregnancy, the sensitivity of the uterus to hormonal changes is quite high, so childbirth can occur as early as 38 weeks.

Second birth

Very often, mothers who are pregnant a second time with twins (twins) are afraid to give birth prematurely. But thanks to the first pregnancy, the uterus can stretch more, and, as a rule, childbirth occurs on time.

Be prepared for the fact that this time the fetus will be larger than the first by an average of 200-500 g. Especially if a boy is born second. This is due to the fact that favorable conditions have already been created in the uterus after the first pregnancy.

The births will be different from the first ones. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, all three periods will pass faster and easier.

  1. The opening of the uterus occurs more intensively. In the second birth, the period of preparation of the cervix is ​​4 - 8 hours, while in the first birth it took up to 12 hours. There is a simultaneous opening of the internal and external pharynx during the second birth, so this process is more painful. The first time, it all happened in two stages.
  2. Contractions are not as painful as in the first birth, but they are more intense, while intensifying more actively and faster. The woman in labor is already familiar with attempts, so she has the opportunity to control their course during the second birth. The first baby, born naturally, made the cervix more elastic, so it will be easier for the second baby to go through the birth canal.
  3. The birth of the placenta, as in the first birth, is almost painless. Serial contractions are not as strong as in the first birth.

You should be aware that even if this is the second pregnancy, but the child is the first (abortion, spontaneous miscarriage, etc.) could be the reason for the termination of pregnancy, then childbirth is considered the first, and the woman belongs to the category of primiparous.

Someone might think that if a woman has a second pregnancy, she is already experienced, knows everything and is not afraid of anything. But in reality, it is scary and difficult no less than the first time, and there are many myths about this, some of them are true, some are not.

There is a widespread belief that the second experience is easier than the first, but I must say right away that this is only a myth. Perhaps it is easier psychologically, because there is already some experience, but there are more prerequisites for complications and troubles in this case.

The peculiarities of the second pregnancy are that it occurs at a more mature age, when there may already be chronic diseases. If the first time there were problems, for example, Rh-conflict, now it may worsen.

The second pregnancy immediately after the first does not mean the most good conditions, the mother's body is weakened after childbirth, vitamin deficiencies and anemia are very common.

If you have a second pregnancy, the second birth is likely to be much faster than the first, but this does not mean that it will be less painful, on the contrary, it will be more painful. If you have conception after a long period of time, its peculiarities are that it will proceed almost like the first, the body seems to forget everything, and childbirth will also be about the same.

Re-pregnancy after the first one in a year or less means that childbirth will be quick, if not impetuous. How can this be explained? During gestation, and then childbirth, neural connections are formed in the woman's brain, which provide a kind of scheme according to which pregnancy and then childbirth should proceed. If not enough time has passed, these ties remain strong enough, everything flows "on the knurled", if the period between children is long, the ties will have to be formed anew.

It's good if you have a planned pregnancy. Preparation for it should be no less serious than for the first one. It is worth paying particular attention to planning for those women who have an obstetric history (there were problems in the female part), or have common chronic diseases. Having learned everything about the second pregnancy with a particular pathology, it will be possible to take the necessary measures in a timely manner and undergo the necessary examinations.

Timely planning for many is a reason to try to conceive a boy or girl. If at the birth of the first baby in the family this issue does not really bother you, you really want to plan the pregnancy with the second child so that its gender is desired. Of course, there are no reliable ways to choose the gender of a child, but you can at least try.

Second pregnancy, does timing matter?

Quite often, having given birth to a child, women either become pregnant too early (second unplanned pregnancy), or, on the contrary, postpone it for too long. Of course, the second conception in a row is not very good for the mother's body, which has not yet recovered from the first birth, but it is also not worth putting it on the back burner.

Late retry has its drawbacks and tends to be more difficult to flow. To give birth 10 years after the first is like the first time.

How long does the second pregnancy last?

There is a myth that the second pregnancy lasts less, and the birth occurs within the normal time frame, but may be a little earlier than the first one. In reality, everything is individual and depends on many factors. Rebirth is really less common, and this is due to the already formed dominant of childbirth.

Signs of a second pregnancy, how does it start?

The symptoms of the second pregnancy are no different from the first, although this does not mean that it will proceed in the same way, most likely, everything will be different. Having become pregnant for the third and fourth, fifth time, each time you will carry a child differently than in the past, this is due to the fact that everything will proceed in new conditions, and your baby will differ genetically from the one you carried before.

You can notice the signs of repeated conception a little later than the previous time or a little earlier, this cannot be predicted, it promises fewer complications and an easier course if you are healthy, young, and at least 2 years have passed between conceptions.

So, the second pregnancy, the beginning of which fell on the period of the first months after childbirth, may not give itself away up to ... until the first movement of the baby. If you are breastfeeding, your delay in menstruation can smoothly flow into a new pregnancy, and if you are so lucky that the first weeks pass without toxicosis, you will not notice its onset. The fact that others will notice the change before you, it is quite possible, this happens even with doctors.

How to determine a second pregnancy in such cases?
The most important thing is to try not to create prerequisites for its onset, that is, to protect yourself. Can't rely on breast-feeding or interrupted intercourse as a method of contraception, it is not very reliable and does not always work. A repeated pregnancy that has occurred against the background of postpartum amenorrhea, the early stages of which fell on a time when you feel tired, do not sleep enough, are immersed in baby care and household chores, can be difficult for self-diagnosis. The slightest suspicion is a reason to do a pregnancy test.

If conception still occurs, you should not have an abortion because of fears that the child will be born inferior. But children of the same age are as difficult as twins.

If you are fully recovered and have regular periods, the first signs may be the same as the first. Toxicosis, delay, gaining weight, changed breasts will give a clear signal that conception has occurred.

But still, in the second case, the symptoms will not necessarily be one to one with the first. For example, in one case, heartburn can be very strong, and in the second, it can occur without it at all. The differences can be just dramatic. This is worth remembering for those women who have suffered and had complications the last time, do not be afraid to get pregnant again, everything can be very good with this attempt, especially if the child is desired.

The second experience differs from the first one also because of the existing changes in the body. The previous child "stretched" your front abdominal wall, its elasticity and firmness is lower - which means that the tummy will be noticeable earlier.

In the later stages, the lowering of the head also occurs in a different way, if in primiparous it can be pressed against the pelvic bones 2-3 weeks before childbirth, in multiparous it can only sink in childbirth.

The second pregnancy with twins takes place in a special way. As a rule, the risk of not communicating twins to due date in the second pregnancy, less. The uterus is ready to stretch more than if you were lucky enough to be the mother of twins for the first time, and the body is tuned to normal flow pregnancy (this applies to those cases when the conception of twins was preceded by one child and delivery on time).

Repeated pregnancy, is the second child necessarily larger?

One of the widespread beliefs among the people is the conviction that the child will definitely be larger the second time.

This is not a myth, but the truth.

Indeed, the fetus often gains 300-500 grams more weight. This difference is especially noticeable if the children are same-sex or a boy was born second.

Why does this happen?

The main reason is that the mother's body already has a full disposition to bear a child and the fetus is created the best conditions for development.

During the second pregnancy, will the movements be earlier?

The first movements of the woman are felt about 2 weeks earlier than the first. This is also not a myth, but true, and is taken into account by doctors when calculating the duration of pregnancy by the first stir.

The reason the baby's movement is felt earlier is because the mother remembers what it was like the last time. If the primiparous first shocks of the baby are felt on average at 20-22 weeks, the fetal movement during the second experience can be felt by expectant mothers as early as 17-18 weeks.

The familiar feeling can no longer be confused with the work of the intestines, as it happened the first time.

Does the belly grow faster during the second pregnancy?

For most women, the belly does grow faster, this is not a myth. However, this is not due to the fact that the uterus is enlarged. It's just that her ligaments were stretched the last time, and the anterior abdominal wall was weakened and not as elastic as in women who did not give birth. Because of this, the uterus has more freedom to lean forward under the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid, and it is understandable that it seems that the growth of the abdomen is happening faster.

It is interesting that the shape of the abdomen in different obstetric pathologies in the same conditions is also different. For example, if a woman has a narrow pelvis, the abdomen will be saggy, whereas on the first experience, it is usually sharp and tall.

Another difference in the abdomen can be noticed in the later stages, if a woman's belly has dropped during the second pregnancy - childbirth will come from day to day.

Was it a cesarean, a second pregnancy also a cesarean?

If you have had a cesarean section, the second experience must be planned, and here it is important to observe the optimal timing for conception. The fact is that the operation leaves a scar on the wall of the uterus, which should have time to mature and get stronger. But the scars, having reached a certain strength limit, atrophy and become thinner over time, that is, there is a weakening of the uterine wall in the area of ​​the scar.

The ideal time for conception, in which the second pregnancy after a caesarean section will proceed in optimal conditions, is two years after the operation.

In many respects, the method of delivery depends on compliance with the terms. In Russian maternity hospitals, the frequency of operative births currently exceeds 10%, and of course, many women would like to try to give birth on their own, and not go under the knife because of the diagnosis of "scar on the uterus" ...

If the second precedent after surgery occurs less than a year after the first, or, on the contrary, many years later, doctors are more likely to choose a second operation.

If the pregnancy occurs after 2 years, the chances of spontaneous childbirth are great.

Such an experience is almost always completed surgically; a woman is rarely allowed to give birth on her own.

Second pregnancy and breastfeeding, compatible?

Quite often, a persistent myth about effective contraception by breastfeeding leads to a kinder surprise almost one and a half to three months after giving birth. It is good if conception does not occur at least in the first six months, but often this happens unexpectedly for the mother and very early. At the same time, quite often the first child himself refuses to breast. Perhaps the taste of milk changes, perhaps the mother feels reluctance to feed.

Still, breastfeeding can continue, it does not pose a threat. You just need to be provided with a truly nutritious diet and constantly take vitamins for pregnant and lactating women. The risk in such cases of calcium and iron deficiency is quite high, therefore it is worth taking so seriously the provision of vitamins and minerals.

Second frozen pregnancy, pregnancy after frozen

Preparing for a second pregnancy in cases where a frozen woman happened to you requires special attention. If the reason is not identified and it turns out that the first time it happened was not accidental, the second frozen pregnancy is quite likely.

Each experience can be repeated for the same reason, for example, due to the presence of an infection, and the more often this happens to you, the more chances that the death of the embryo will become habitual, and you will completely lose hope of carrying the child.

The second attempt after the frozen one does not necessarily end in tragedy, but the risk is present.

How to prepare for your second pregnancy to avoid problems?

It is necessary to first undergo an examination by a gynecologist for the presence of genital infections, antiphospholipid syndrome, genetic obstacles and other reasons that could be the factors that killed the first embryo.

Rh conflict, second pregnancy with negative rhesus

If the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive, each subsequent pregnancy raises the level of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother's blood and increases the risk for subsequent children. Immunoglobulins must be monitored in order to prevent the Rh-conflict, and if it is present, to soften its course, then the baby will definitely be born healthy.

Rh negative is dangerous only for those women who have already given birth to a Rh positive baby or have had abortions. If there was no blood transfusion, no abortions, no miscarriages, if the first child had Rh negative blood, you are not in danger of a conflict with a baby Rh in the second pregnancy.

Second pregnancy and childbirth

Rebirth very different from the former. Even the harbingers of childbirth will be different. Shorter in time and brighter, you won't suffer from training fights for a long time, everything will start very quickly.

Many people think that with the second birth there will be less pain, and in general, it will be easier, but the first period is usually, although shorter, but much more painful. During the second pregnancy, the cervix does not open in the same way as the first time. If during the first birth it opens as if in 2 stages, which makes the process less painful, but somewhat longer, then in the second case, the cervix opens at the same time, and therefore quickly and painfully.

Let's sum up the results of the second pregnancy:

1. Postpartum by cesarean section should be postponed for two years.
2. Early conception after ordinary childbirth not dangerous, although not desirable, because it will be hard for you physically and mentally.
3. After abortion, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, with Rh-conflict - requires a special attention to planning.
4. The differences between experiences can be striking. A difficult first pregnancy is not yet a reason to abandon the second.

The first pregnancy is a time of uncertainty. With her, all sensations are new, joyful or disturbing. Having become pregnant for the first time, a woman is acutely aware of all the changes that are happening to her.

What happens during the second pregnancy? Does it have any features and differences from the first?

Second pregnancy

Usually the second pregnancy differs from the first psychologically. The expectation of a second child is, first of all, conscious motherhood. Although the second children are often unplanned - contraception failed, they hoped that it was too early for the body. But having become pregnant a second time, a woman perfectly understands what awaits her.

She knows about difficulties and joys, is ready for problems and consciously approaches them.

There are other psychological differences as well. Often, having become pregnant for the first time, especially at a young age, a woman unconsciously seeks to designate her new position. Hence the expectation of the growth of the abdomen, and clothes for pregnant women in the second month, and complaints that they did not give way on the bus in the first trimester. The second pregnancy is more often perceived as a natural process and the attitude towards it is calmer.

Physical differences

There is a widespread belief that the second pregnancy is easier, childbirth occurs faster, and the birth process itself is much more pleasant. But this is far from the case.

In the second pregnancy, the features of its course are difficult to predict. This is an individual process that can proceed in completely different ways - easier or much more difficult. Sometimes both pregnancies go the same way. Not a single doctor can say for sure what awaits the expectant mother a second time. But there are patterns that are observed in most women:

  • body changes;
  • features of well-being;
  • deviations in health;
  • the feeling of the baby's movements;
  • the onset of the first contractions;
  • generic process;
  • postpartum changes.

Body changes

More often during the second pregnancy, body changes are more obvious. If there was a tendency to gain weight, the fullness will become noticeable faster. The same applies to a growing belly. Usually it becomes visible at the end of the fourth month, while the first pregnancy is not always noticed even in the fifth or sixth.

The chest usually does not increase so sharply, but nevertheless, changes in the bust are visible to the naked eye.

Stretch marks appear most intensively during the first pregnancy. Then they can be added little by little or not at all. But there are also opposite situations, when stretch marks are formed precisely during the second pregnancy and in large quantities.

During the second pregnancy, diastasis often occurs - the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Because of this, a small belly can persist for a long period after childbirth. Regular exercise will help you achieve a beautiful figure, and in case of significant discrepancy, abdominal wall plastic surgery.


Most often, toxicosis in its manifestations is similar to the previous one. It can be weaker or stronger, but the differences are not too significant. Repeated toxicosis is usually tolerated more easily. After all, a woman already knows what helps her the most and what smells and tastes should be avoided.

It relieves well the condition and the realization that toxicosis is not eternal.

Back problems

Back pain is a frequent companion of an interesting position. In subsequent pregnancies, they are more common and felt stronger. If there were back pains before, and after childbirth the woman did not engage in treatment, then in the future they are inevitable.

Joint pain

This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in any trimester, especially if there is swelling. Usually, women who are aware of their characteristics try to observe the drinking regime, monitor their weight, and consult a doctor in time.

Sometimes, during the second pregnancy, restless legs syndrome is added. This is a condition in which a woman cannot sleep due to excruciating pain in her legs and is forced to constantly move them, which leads to temporary relief.

Carrying a baby is one of the main causes of this unpleasant syndrome; about 20% of expectant mothers are susceptible to it. Postpartum pain in the legs most often disappears, but in rare cases it can persist for a long time.


This unpleasant disease often appears after the first birth. Its reasons are usually:

  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • wrong actions of a woman in a persistent period.

During the second pregnancy, hemorrhoids appear in many women and are accompanied by painful sensations. Exacerbations of this disease can be avoided if you follow the doctor's recommendations, do not abuse spicy and sweet foods, and move more.

Changes in blood iron levels

After the first birth, many women experience a decrease in the level of iron in their blood. This is due to its increased consumption during childbirth and blood loss during childbirth. If a woman has not undergone a rehabilitation course of treatment, then she develops iron deficiency anemia.

This disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • low pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • a tendency to frequent illnesses;
  • a change in taste and smell;
  • brittle nails and hair, dry skin.

Especially often, iron deficiency anemia develops if not enough time has passed after the first birth, and the body has not had time to recover. With a lack of iron in the body, not only the woman suffers, but also the growing child. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of anemia increases.

Calcium exchange

As with iron, when a baby is carried, the body's calcium reserves decrease. If you do not take vitamins and calcium supplements, its deficiency develops during the second pregnancy. This is manifested by problems with teeth and hair, brittle nails, increased fragility of bones and pain in them.

Fractures can occur even with minor injuries. In addition, calcium is essential for the proper formation of the child's skeletal system.

Baby wiggle

In the second pregnancy, the woman feels the baby's movements 2-3 weeks earlier. This usually happens at 16-18 weeks. Often mothers expecting a second baby claim that they feel his movements even at 14-15 weeks.

The beginning of labor

The onset of labor is an individual process, there is no single pattern. Gynecologists say that in the case of a second pregnancy, labor may begin 1-2 weeks later due to the greater extensibility of the uterus. But usually they are expected in the same time frame as the first ones.

The duration of the generic process

Unlike the first birth, which can last up to 12 hours, the second in most cases goes away faster - in 5-8 hours. Although sometimes the opposite happens.

In the second pregnancy, you need to be ready for a faster delivery and go to the hospital in time.

Postpartum period

Usually, the postpartum period in multiparous women is easier. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Less complications thanks to the experience of the first birth.
  2. Understanding how to deal with emerging difficulties.
  3. Ability to establish lactation and avoid lactostasis.

In addition, caring for an older child also helps a woman cope with postpartum difficulties and distracts from unpleasant moments.

It is important to understand that the course of any pregnancy depends very much on the psychological mood of the expectant mother. With self-confidence and expectation of a healthy child, both the first and second pregnancies will bring only pleasant memories to the woman, despite their differences.

For most women, the second pregnancy is different from the first. For example, the movements of the second child begin to be felt faster; fatigue during pregnancy may be worse or less. Finally, your life is different now - your first child is already saying, went to kindergarten or even to school; your body and mind have changed. How will the second pregnancy differ from the first?

You will feel the baby's movements earlier

During the first pregnancy, a woman begins to feel the baby move in the fifth month; in the second pregnancy, this occurs already in the fourth month. Probably the reason is that now the woman knows how these movements feel and can recognize them much earlier. In fact, already in the third month, you can feel something that resembles the touch of a butterfly's wings to the inner walls of the abdominal cavity - these are also baby movements that can be difficult to notice.

The belly will begin to enlarge a month earlier

After the first birth, the uterus shrinks, but does not shrink to its previous size, so during the second pregnancy, you will notice a bulging belly faster.

The fruit is below

Due to the stretching of the abdominal muscles during the first pregnancy, they cannot support the baby as well during the second pregnancy. This has its advantages - due to the low position of the fetus, it will be easier for you to breathe, and in addition, you will experience fewer digestive problems than in your first pregnancy.

  • Cons: For the same reason, the uterus will press harder on the bladder, which means you will experience more frequent urge to urinate. Kegel exercises can help alleviate the discomfort associated with this symptom slightly. It's pretty simple: tense your vaginal muscles for a few seconds and then relax. Do this 10 times in a row. Do at least ten of these sets a day.

Due to the low fetal position, in addition, you may experience more severe pain in back. Ask your doctor to show you exercises that will ease your pain.

  • Of course, during the second pregnancy, you continue to care for the first child. Walking and playing with him is good for your health and is great for relieving stress. If he asks to be in your arms, do not pick him up while standing. Sit down and then help him climb into your lap.
  • Eat right - you probably already know how important it is to stay alert throughout your pregnancy. A diet rich in herbs, vegetables, fruits, fermented milk and whole grains promotes good digestion and provides the growing child with essential nutrients for his health. Also, don't forget to take prenatal vitamins.

Second births are usually easier and faster than the first. In the weeks before giving birth, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions or training contractions more often than during your first pregnancy. Their difference from the real ones is that they do not increase, the gaps between them do not become shorter, and they disappear after you sit or lie down for a while.

It is believed that the second pregnancy is easier than the previous one. However, this is not always the case. Of course, after the first birth, a woman already knows what to prepare for, and this is certainly a big plus, but it is simply impossible to foresee everything. For example, various unforeseen circumstances, complications and even diseases may arise. This should definitely be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

How is a second pregnancy different from the first?

The second pregnancy, like the first, has its own distinctive symptoms. Some of them pose a threat, while others do not affect the body of the mother and the unborn child in any way.

The main features of the course of repeated pregnancy are:

  1. Anemia. Low hemoglobin is experienced by those women whose time interval between the first birth and the new conception is minimal. The development of anemia is facilitated by increased stress on the body, which is weakened by recent childbirth.
  2. Difficulty carrying a baby due to a weakened musculo-ligamentous apparatus. The fact is that muscles and ligaments stretch over time, so throughout pregnancy you have to wear an orthopedic bandage or use other means to reduce the load on the body.
  3. Threat of pathological termination of pregnancy. As you know, the older a woman is, the greater the risk of miscarriage. This is due to many factors, but mainly the aging of the body or surgery during the first pregnancy. In particular, this applies to a cesarean section, after which scars remain on the uterus.
  4. Varicose veins. With repeated pregnancy, the risk of developing the disease increases.
  5. Toxicosis. If, in the early stages of the first pregnancy, a woman had nausea, vomiting or metabolic disorders, this does not mean that the second time everything will happen again. In the second pregnancy, nausea and vomiting may not be at all.
  6. Fruit size. Many doctors claim that the baby will certainly be larger in the second pregnancy. It is still not known what the reason for this phenomenon is, but there is an opinion that this is due to the mother's body, which, in the second pregnancy, unlike the first, is completely tuned in to bearing a child.
  7. Baby's first activity. Some women note that with repeated pregnancy, the baby actually begins to move 2 or 3 weeks earlier. This is due to maternal experience, the ability to determine the activity of your baby and distinguish it from any other symptoms.

In addition, the "location" of the abdomen can also be attributed to the clear signs of a second pregnancy. It will most likely be significantly lower than the previous time. Of course, in this case, digestive problems do not arise, since there is no strong pressure on the stomach, but now they suffer Bottom part spine and lower back.

First symptoms

At the beginning of the second, like the first, pregnancy, there is a slight increase in body temperature, and menstruation stops. More often manifestations of toxicosis make themselves felt: insomnia, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to odors, mood swings. Due to hormonal changes in the body, libido also increases or decreases.

In addition, there are other signs of a second pregnancy:

  • darkening of the areolas;
  • disruption of the intestines;
  • bloating;
  • breast augmentation;
  • the occurrence of cervical discharge;
  • swelling of the face, arms, and legs;
  • migraine;
  • overweight;
  • pulling pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue.

During the second pregnancy, the appearance of some features is also possible, for example, during this period, the thyroid gland often increases. In this regard, pain and sore throat occur.

Of course, the mentioned symptoms of the second pregnancy may not appear until the first movement of the baby. All this is purely individual for every woman.

Risk factors

Some complications can occur in the early and late stages of pregnancy. The risk group includes women who have or are present:

  • Chronic illnesses. Women with heart defects, lung and kidney diseases are at risk. Such pregnant women have difficulties during the period of toxicosis, and labor activity is weak. Infectious diseases that are not completely cured, complications arising from untimely treatment are also dangerous.
  • C-section. Loose postpartum stitches, scars and scars are dangerous. During pregnancy, because of them, the strength of the walls of the uterus decreases, which leads to complications during childbirth.
  • Pathological termination of pregnancy. In a miscarriage, the fetal blood can enter the mother's bloodstream. In this regard, a woman develops antibodies that, with repeated pregnancy, are able to penetrate the placental barrier to an unborn baby. This threatens not only the child, but also the mother. With repeated miscarriage, there is a risk of infertility.
  • Gestosis. According to research data, women over 35 are very likely to develop complications. In addition, those mothers whose first pregnancy was difficult or ended with a caesarean section are twice as likely to face gestosis.
  • Other changes in the body that occur after the first birth. For example, if the mother had a disorder in the work of one or more of the endocrine glands, the second pregnancy will be more difficult. New symptoms or complications may appear.

The favorable course of repeated gestation is also influenced by the duration of the time interval between births.

Harbingers of childbirth

The general signs of the onset of an approaching second birth are practically indistinguishable from those that arise during the first pregnancy:

  • frequent bowel movements due to the most active work of the intestines;
  • regular false contractions, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of dull pain in the lumbar region or abdominal cavity;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • lowering of the abdomen;
  • feeling cold and chilly;
  • a change in the child's activity inside the womb: from very active movement to almost no movement.

White, yellow, or brown mucous discharge may appear about three to four days before delivery. They appear gradually and in small quantities, or, conversely, stand out rapidly, in large portions. This is due to the strength of the intrauterine pressure, which is due to the weight of the fetus.

Of course, the discharge is not one of the main "precursors", since in some cases they occur 1-2 weeks before the onset of labor. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother.

Finally, one of the main signs indicating the imminent birth of a baby is the departed amniotic fluid. If they leave, you should call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself.

How is the second birth different from the first?

In comparison with the previous ones, the second birth has several features. These include:

  1. The transience of the process of giving birth to a child. Many mothers report that second births are faster. They last no more than 6-8 hours, while the first ones last about 10-12 hours.
  2. Short period of contractions. It is much smaller than the first time. Some women may not even feel the cervix open. This is possible due to the reduction in the duration of the initial (latent) phase of contractions.
  3. Short persistent period. From the standard 30-60 it is reduced to 15-25 minutes. This is due to the experience of the woman, which was received for the first time.
  4. Painful labor. Although the second time the baby is born faster, this does not mean that the pain will be less. Rather, the contractions are more intense and painful. Some women emphasize the painfulness not even of the contractions themselves, but of attempts. This is usually due to the birth of a larger baby.

All of these features are optional. Not a single qualified doctor will be able to give precise answers to questions about which childbirth is easier, faster, or what are the differences. Everything here is purely individual and depends on many factors. For example, some women claim that they did not notice any difference between the first and second births, while others talk about long, but painless second births.