
February 23 is set to commemorate. Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23). History of the holiday. Suggestions to change the semantic meaning of the holiday


The history of the holiday originates on January 28 (January 15 according to the old style) 1918. On this day, against the backdrop of the ongoing World War I in Europe, the Council of People's Commissars (the de facto government of Soviet Russia), headed by its chairman Vladimir Lenin, adopted a Decree on the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA).

In the first days of January 1919, the Soviet authorities remembered the approaching anniversary of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the Red Army. On January 10, the chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, Nikolai Podvoisky, sent a proposal to the presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, timing the celebration to the nearest Sunday before or after January 28. However, due to the late submission of the application, no decision was made.

Then the Moscow Soviet took the initiative to celebrate the first anniversary of the Red Army. On January 24, 1919, its presidium, which at that time was headed by Lev Kamenev, decided to coincide with these celebrations on the Day of the Red Gift. This day was arranged by the relevant commission under the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in order to assist the fighting Red Army soldiers. The Day of the Red Gift was scheduled for February 16, but the commission did not have time to hold it on time. Therefore, the Day of the Red Gift and the Day of the Red Army, timed to coincide with it, decided to celebrate the following Sunday after February 16, i.e. February 23.

In 1920-1921. Red Army Day was not celebrated.

On January 27, 1922, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee published a resolution on the 4th anniversary of the Red Army, which stated: "In accordance with the resolution of the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets on the Red Army, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee draws the attention of the executive committees to the upcoming anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (February 23)."

In 1923, the decision of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, adopted on January 18, said: "On February 23, 1923, the Red Army will celebrate the 5th anniversary of its existence. On this day, five years ago, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of January 28 was published the same year that laid the foundation for the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, the stronghold of the proletarian dictatorship. However, this statement was not true, because. the said decree was published in the central newspapers almost immediately after its adoption.

The 10th anniversary of the Red Army in 1928, like all previous ones, was celebrated as the anniversary of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the Red Army of January 28 (15 according to the old style) of January 28, 1918, but the very date of publication, contrary to the truth, was directly connected with February 23.

In 1938, in the "Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks", a fundamentally new version of the origin of the date of the holiday was presented, which was not related to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars. The book stated that in 1918 near Narva and Pskov "the German occupiers were given a decisive rebuff. Their advance on Petrograd was suspended. The day of repulse to the troops of German imperialism - February 23, became the birthday of the young Red Army."

Later, in the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated February 23, 1942, the wording was changed: "The young detachments of the Red Army, who entered the war for the first time, utterly defeated the German invaders near Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. That is why February 23 was declared the day birth of the Red Army.

In 1951, the last interpretation of the holiday appeared. In the "History of the Civil War in the USSR" it was indicated that in 1919 the first anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated "on the memorable day of the mobilization of the working people for the defense of the socialist Fatherland, the mass entry of workers into the Red Army, the broad formation of the first detachments and units of the new army."

In the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 N32-FZ "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia", February 23 is officially called "The Day of the Red Army's Victory over the Kaiser's troops of Germany in 1918 - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland."

In accordance with the changes made to the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia" by the Federal Law of April 15, 2006, the words "Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany (1918)" were excluded from the official description of the holiday, and it is also set out in a single including the concept of "defender".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Employees of the Russian Armed Forces, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other hostilities are congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and flowers are laid at the monuments of heroic soldiers.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia, it is customary to congratulate men of all professions and ages, including young men who will defend the Fatherland in the future.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, Russia and women are honored, as many of them, risking their lives, protect their compatriots from various dangers and cataclysms.

In the hero cities, festive concerts are held on this day, and in the evening the sky will be lit up with festive fireworks.

history of the holiday

The holiday originated in revolutionary times - the Civil War and the threat of military intervention flared up in Russia, which demanded the creation of a regular powerful army from the new Bolshevik government.

Therefore, the Council of People's Commissars in January 1918 issued a decree on the creation of a workers' and peasants' Red Army. The call to stand up for the defense of the motherland was published on February 23, and then widespread mobilization began, which helped to resist the enemy troops.

© photo: Sputnik /

It was first planned to celebrate the first anniversary of the creation of the Red Army on the day the decree was signed, then they moved it to the Sunday following February 16, which fell on February 23 that year.

For two years they did not remember the military holiday - they realized it in 1922, and a year later, on February 23, the fifth anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated on a large scale throughout the country.

The holiday has changed its name more than once over its 100-year history - at first it was called the Day of the Red Army, and in 1946 on February 23, by Stalin's Decree, it was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, all the military were honored, to which almost every citizen could attribute himself after the war. Over the years, they began to congratulate all men on the holiday, even those who had never served in the army.

Cancel February 23 Russian authorities after the collapse Soviet Union did not, but simply renamed the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Since 2002, Defender of the Fatherland Day has received the status of an official holiday, and February 23 has become a holiday for all those who defended, defends or will defend the country, and not just a professional day for the military.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated not only in Russia - it is also celebrated in a number of the CIS, including Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.

How to congratulate

Over the past century, February 23 has become a sort of unofficial "All Men's Day".

Everyone honors men on this day - the Internet is full of original and cool congratulations. For instance:

On this day we wish all men

Sea of ​​smiles, joy, warmth.

We wish our defenders strength

And an endless bowl of goodness.

Let all hardships become trifles,

And on this day, everyone is proud of you.

Let your family be by your side

Saved from melancholy and all sorts of troubles.

We wish bright blessings to our heroes.

You are the best bright example of courage!

Health to you, success and fearlessness,

Victory in any of all possible areas.

Bold, honest, even brave,

Smart, kind, fearless at heart.

With a woman - gentle, in business - serious,

All tasks are difficult for you.

We congratulate you on the holiday of courage,

Roy kind words let it circle over you:

Happiness, health, love and patience,

Faith, luck, hope, luck!

And also like this:

Dear men, we congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a peaceful life, without wars, losses and tragedies. Let your strength grow, skills and abilities multiply, achievements exceed all expectations. Let those around you please, the family gives strength and inspiration, work brings the desired results. Courage to you, fortitude and a lot of luck!

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Now on February 23 we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, and earlier it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. That, perhaps, is all that most of us know about the history of this holiday. And, meanwhile, this story is completely ambiguous, and there are still disputes between historians about the occurrence of the date February 23. In today's article, I will try to briefly tell you the history of the holiday, which we celebrate on February 23, and highlight controversial points.

The origins of the holiday should be sought in 1918, since it was in this year that the decrees on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) and the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet (RKKF) were signed. The First World War was on, and the young Soviet state needed an army for protection. However, none of these decrees was signed on 23 February. The Red Army was created on January 28, and the RKKF on February 11.

It was believed that it was on February 23 that the Red Army won a major victory over the German troops near Pskov and Narva. However, many historians questioned this fact and considered it an invented myth. The fact is that there is no documentary evidence of this fact. There is not even any mention of any significant victories in the newspapers of those days. And even a year after these events (it would seem, on the anniversary of the holiday), the newspapers did not write anything about this. Such references began to appear only much later.

In 1922, a decree was signed on the solemn celebration on February 23 of the fourth anniversary of the birth of the Red Army. And in previous years, for some reason, the holiday was not celebrated.

Yuon K.F. 1923 Red Army Parade

In 1923, the 5th anniversary of the Red Army was widely and solemnly celebrated throughout the country.

It turns out that despite the fact that the Red Army itself was created in 1918, and the holiday originates from there, it began to become a truly famous holiday only 4 years later.

Since 1946, the holiday has been called Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

In 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopts the federal law"About the days of military glory of Russia". According to this law, February 23 is listed as " Day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany in 1918 - Defender of the Fatherland Day".

But already in 2002, the State Duma adopted a resolution on renaming February 23 simply to Defender of the Fatherland Day, and since then it has become a non-working day (official holiday). Thus, the connection with the victories of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops on February 23, 1918 was removed from the description of the holiday, as an unreliable fact.

Why Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on February 23

So why is Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated on February 23rd? Where did this date come from? Indeed, in fact, it is neither the birthday of the Red Army, nor the birthday of the RKKF.

I must say right away that there is no exact answer to this question. And there are several versions.

Version one.

I have already voiced this version above. For a long time it was the official version. This is a victory near Pskov and Narva over the Kaiser troops on February 23, 1918. However, this fact was not confirmed.

Version two.

Initially, they wanted to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army precisely on the date of its creation on January 28th. However, due to bureaucratic delays, they did not have time to this date, and it was decided this year 1919 to combine Red Army Day with Red Gift Day (collection of material resources for the Red Army), which was celebrated on February 17 the previous year. However, in that year 1919, the date of February 17 fell on a Monday, and it was decided to transfer these 2 holidays to the next Sunday, which was February 23. Allegedly, since then, Red Army Day has been celebrated on February 23.

Version three.

There is another interesting version related to the transition of the calendar to new style. March 8 was a holiday for all internationalists. Before the revolution (according to the old style), we celebrated this holiday on February 23rd. And after the transition to a new style, the habit of celebrating something on February 23 remained. They were looking for some close dates, they remembered the day of the creation of the Red Army, so an excuse was found for February 23 (I immediately remembered November 7 and 4). So we got 2 holidays, popularly known as men's and women's days.

So I briefly told you the story of February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - with different versions of the origin of this holiday regarding the date of the celebration.

Be that as it may, February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - is a beloved nationally celebrated day, on which we congratulate all men, since they are all our defenders!

V Lately the holiday is increasingly losing its political and military coloring, turning simply into the day of Men. On this day, we thank our men for their strength, masculinity, love, care, support, support, simply because they are there and take care of us.

Congratulate all the men who are with you, regardless of their age.

And my help to you original congratulations- free musical postcard Happy Defender of the Fatherland! The postcard is cheerful, a little humorous, so it should invariably cheer you up! And in the postcard, no less interesting gifts don't forget to check them out!

Musical card Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day

To watch and listen to musical greetings, click on the picture:

Who does not know how to send a postcard, read

I have other, more serious musical congratulations Happy Defender of the Fatherland.

It is known for certain that this holiday originated at the dawn of the existence of the Soviet state and traces its history to January 28 (15th according to the Julian calendar) of January 1918, when, against the backdrop of the ongoing World War I in Europe, the Council of People's Commissars, headed by Vladimir Lenin, adopted a decree on the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA).

But the versions of why Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated on February 23 differ. According to one of them, in the first days of 1919, the Soviet authorities remembered the approaching anniversary of the decree. On January 10, Nikolai Podvoisky, chairman of the Higher Military Inspectorate of the Red Army, sent a proposal to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the army, timing the celebration to coincide with the next Sunday before or after January 28.

However, due to the late submission of the petition, it was decided to combine the celebration of the day of the creation of the Red Army with the Day of the Red Gift - the latter was arranged to help the fighting Red Army soldiers. Red Gift Day was scheduled for February 17, but it was also not possible to hold it on time, and both events were decided to be celebrated on the following Sunday after February 17, that is, February 23.

Initially, Red Army Day suffered the fate of other one-time holidays - it was forgotten almost immediately after it was held and was remembered again only in 1922. A truly national holiday was the fifth anniversary of the Red Army.

It should be noted that in the decree on the celebration of this date, issued in 1923, for the first time it was explained that on February 23 the Red Army would celebrate the fifth anniversary of its existence, since the decree on its creation was published on that day, although this statement was not true, since how the said decree was printed in the national newspapers almost immediately after its adoption.

Gradually, the celebration of the Red Army Day turned into a tradition, but in the 1930s a fundamentally new version of the origin of the holiday date was presented. From now on, it was asserted that in 1918, near Narva and Pskov, detachments of young Red Army soldiers, who entered the war for the first time, utterly defeated the German invaders on February 23. That is why this day was declared the birthday of the Red Army. However, there is documentary evidence that on this day the Russian troops did not win over the Germans.

But by that time the holiday had already taken root so much that no one went into the historical details of its origin. Only after the victory over fascist Germany, they again decided to rename the date - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. It became customary to honor all military people on this day, because after the Second World War, almost any citizen could count himself among them.

After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday is still celebrated in a number of CIS countries. Already in modern Russia in 2002, a law was again adopted to rename the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In addition, it was decided to make this date a holiday, regardless of what day of the week it falls on.

According to the traditions that have been preserved since Soviet times, on this day in Russia veterans are honored, flowers are laid at memorial places, festive concerts and events are held, fireworks are organized in many cities and, of course, all former and active military men are congratulated.

Most Russians, however, are inclined, in contrast to March 8 - International women's day- to consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as a day of real men, defenders in the broadest sense of the word. On February 23, all women, girls and girls congratulate their close men - fathers, brothers, husbands, friends - and give them small memorable gifts.

Although, of course, if you look at it, this day cannot be fully considered masculine, because many women have served and are serving in the army, also being defenders of the fatherland. So if among your acquaintances there are women who have a military rank, do not forget to congratulate them on the holiday.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site

celebrations, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland, originate from the beginning of the last century. Today, on such a day, all men, without exception, are honored, because regardless of their age and the presence of an army rank, each of them is inherently ready to join the struggle for peace in their native land. The history of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday will help to penetrate deeper into the spirit of celebration, to understand its importance.


In 1918, with the victory of the revolution, the former military units were to be disbanded. On January 15, a very significant event happened. The Council approved the decree on the creation of the Red Army. On January 29 of the same year, the fleet was formed. The new fighting force was able to repulse the previously existing order.

After the meeting of the people's forces, it was planned to hold campaigning events, they were being developed. Defender of the Fatherland Day was originally conceived as a one-time action.

first anniversary

On January 10, 1919, N. I. Podvoisky, who chaired the Supreme Council of the Red Army, sent a petition to celebrate the first anniversary of the founding of the Red Army and to carry out the planned actions on the day the document was approved.

The celebration was planned for the nearest Sunday from this date, in order to welcome the procession of military detachments.

The history of Defender of the Fatherland Day claims that the document was considered after some time. Before the supposed solemn events there was too little time left.

On January 28, 1919, L. B. Kamenev, who chaired the meeting of the Moscow Council, informed those present that the Red Army had been created a year ago, but due to technical obstacles, the events would be held on February 17.

The planned celebrations did not fall on a weekend. Therefore, the celebration, according to the facts that keeps it, was held on Sunday the 23rd.

The further fate of the celebration

Celebrated 4 years later on his 5th birthday. According to the sources of history about the formation of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday, the celebrations were national in scope. Activities were held the day before. A demonstration parade of troops and a festive meeting of the Moscow City Council were held.

Historical facts

In the year of the fifth anniversary, they tried to tie the date of the celebration to some historical plots.

The history of Defender of the Fatherland Day says that in 1923 a decree was recorded that the date determined earlier was the day the document on the formation was issued. During the same period, a decree was issued on celebrations, anniversary army education.

Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia in those days assumed the involvement of the entire leadership of the party in organizing a national holiday and planning large-scale solemn actions.

Date falsification

Historically, Defender of the Fatherland Day was not timed to a specific date, and in 1923 attempts were made to substantiate the events with historical plots. And this was achieved with special zeal.

On February 5, a document of the Revolutionary Military Council was published, which stated that on February 23, 1918, a force was created to protect the Motherland from German invaders.

The issued issue of the newspaper "Military Thought and Revolution" stipulated the creation of the main division of the new military power, formed in 1918 on February 23. Defender of the Fatherland Day is now celebrated on this date due to the publication in the "Military Bulletin" of a photographed copy of the document. Here there was a fact of substitution of the convocation, that is, the date was changed from January 15 to February 23.

Evidence of date change

The fact that the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day was inconsistent was recognized even at that time by some commanders of military units.

Military leader K. E. Voroshilov did not hide his doubts about the correctness of the chosen date. In the issue of the Pravda newspaper dated March 5, 1933, he said that the recognition of the date for the convocation of the Red Army was made without reason and was practically not confirmed by the facts of historical realities.

Also evidence of the discrepancy between the real actions that cause the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day is the short course on the history of the CPSU (b) released by I. V. Stalin in 1938, which stated that on February 23, 1918, the enemy aggressor Soviet army gave a decisive rebuff near Narva and Pskov. It was these events that marked the creation of the military force of the state. According to archival sources, no military operations were recorded in this area.

Defender of the Fatherland Day in the post-war years

In post-war times, the celebrations dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day had a special, deep connotation. It simultaneously combined admiration for the might of the Motherland, and reverence for the feat of the soldiers-liberators, and a sense of the unity of the people who overcame the most terrible war of all times and peoples.

During the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, people almost did not work at all, although at that time the day off had not yet been officially established. From lunchtime they covered everywhere holiday tables and the celebration began.

Schools held a special lesson dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Children were instilled with a sense of respect for their people, relying on the heroic examples of courage and bravery of Soviet soldiers. The development of actions dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day was thorough and deep enough.

The choice of the day of celebration, although not quite consistent with the realities of history, but became folk tradition passed down from generation to generation. On the basis of the ideas laid down in it, whole generations of brave, fearless and devoted sons of their land have grown up. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of education with the idea of ​​paying honors to the defender of the Fatherland.

Influence on personality education

Defender of the Fatherland Day has a very powerful moral influence on the development of every person.

Honoring the spirit of the soldiers-defenders, the events that were dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day prepared the Soviet people to overcome difficulties and this helped to rally the people and direct this power towards the struggle for a common goal for all - peace and prosperity of their native land.

The generation, brought up in the spirit of honoring courage, valor in the defense of their Motherland, demonstrated countless feats of people in struggle and labor, ensuring the future of their descendants.

Whole deepest meaning Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia today is to educate truly devoted sons of their homeland on the heroic examples of legendary patriots, to demonstrate the power of the state.

The meaning of Defender of the Fatherland Day today

Since 2002, February 23 has been recognized as a public holiday. The history of the Defender of the Fatherland Day has many names. The current one was approved in 1995.

This testifies to the importance of the triumph in the life of the whole people and the recognition of its colossal influence on the development of the core of the personality of every citizen of the country.

The celebration of this day in the modern realities of life motivates people to become cleaner, more courageous, to feel their personal responsibility in ensuring peace and protecting the Motherland.

The idea that Defender of the Fatherland Day brings unites all people into one invincible force, brings up such qualities of character as will, courage, self-sacrifice, heroism.

Honoring the historical traditions, respecting the feat of arms of the defenders of their native land, everyone puts his shoulder to ensure the peace and prosperity of the Fatherland.

A very important meaning of celebrating this day is to demonstrate the power of the defense of the state, ensuring its independence and future. No wonder so many military reviews are held on February 23 in army units.

Much attention is paid patriotic education All these methods and activities provide decent, respectful attitude people to their native land.

Modern events of Defender of the Fatherland Day

To date, the ongoing events are designed to agitate the younger generation to serve in the army, to instill in them a reverent sense of respect for their country.

Numerous reviews of military units and units contain a plan drawn up for the celebration. Defender of the Fatherland Day demonstrates the enormous power stored in this land. Military equipment, opening before the eyes of people, speaks of the great protection of the population and the integrity of the territory.

Pre-conscription youth is allowed to experience life in the army, preparing for future mobilization for military service. In the minds of the younger generation, this business should be associated with prestige and an integral attribute of a real man.

Classes dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day are planned in schools and other educational institutions of various levels. Moreover, information about the holiday is provided in an accessible form for children of any age.

The teacher must prepare interesting material organizing a lesson. Defender of the Fatherland Day involves instilling respect for the Motherland in children.

More interesting information is presented in the form of films, multimedia and visual materials. Classes held for Defender of the Fatherland Day should help schoolchildren understand what place is given to the honoring of military affairs in the state.

The history of the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday goes back to the origins of the formation of the Soviet state. From that time to the present, the celebration has a very great influence on the education of the younger generation and the formation of a sense of gratitude for every citizen. Honoring the traditions and paying tribute to the importance of holding the Defender of the Fatherland Day, the power and military training in the state. The significance of this holiday has always been very great, and remains so to this day.