
New Year's parties for children 3 4. The game "We are not afraid of frost"


Svetlana Romakhina
Scenario New Year's party for children 3-4 years old

Scenario New Year's party for children three - four years old.

To the music, the children enter the hall.

presenter: Guys, admire our Christmas tree - the beauty that is on it beautiful toys! (Children look at the tree)

It's nice to have guests here today.

And, not looking at worries, everyone found a free hour.

Happy New Year and wish you all the best

good health to you: both big and small!

Look how elegant our Christmas tree is beauty,

Children:one. Hello dear tree, you are visiting us again

The lights again sparkle on your thick branches.

2. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree! Here she is!

Slender, beautiful, bright, big!

3. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, what a marvel! How beautifully decorated!

A lot of cones, lanterns, Santa Claus is sitting under it!

4. We will take you, elegant, into our circle,

Let's sing a funny song about you!

KHOROVOD "Herringbone"

presenter: Coming New Year- time of joyful worries,

good time news, the time of fabulous guests!

It looks like the snow is crunching. Someone is rushing over here.

The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello, kids, girls and boys.

In the meadow, at the edge,

I live in my hut.

Call me Snow Maiden

All snowflakes are my family.

Snow Maiden:

It's time for fun and laughter

And we all gathered here

And the tree here will be lit for you

Let's just tell her...

Everything: Light up!

Christmas tree lights up

Vedas: So our beautiful Christmas tree lit up! Do you want to play with the Christmas tree?

Christmas tree game.

Vedas:: And now we'll put out the Christmas tree,

We will blow on needles!

(children blow, the tree goes out)

Vedas: To still light the fires,

Gotta tell everyone "burn!":

Children: Shine Christmas tree!

(children talk and clap, the tree lights up)

presenter: How the branches are shining now.

Come on little kids

Get into a round dance

And sing about the New Year!


Snow Maiden:

I came to you for a holiday

And she brought the box.

I'll look into the box

What can I find there now?

And here is the little key

The key is on a scarlet ribbon.

Santa Claus gave me a key

And punished to save.

(approaches the box, the music sounds, the Fox comes out)

A fox: Hello guys,

I hurried to you as best I could

(The fox goes to the box)

A fox: What's in it? Tell…

Snow Maiden: Secret.

A fox: Like this always:

I want from today

They didn’t wait for the Christmas tree, but for me

To dress up the fox

They danced merrily around.

So you will be in the forest

Make me laugh, fox.

I'll take your key.

Snow Maiden: Hey! Ay! Ay! Wait! Give it back!

Wait! Do not run away! (The fox runs away)

Fox deceived us

She took him to the woods.

I will go to the thicket of the forest

And I'll find our key there.

Guys, will you come with me?

Children: Yes!

Vedas: We go and stumble, (Steps in the snow)

Can't find the way

We try, we try

Don't let us go astray. (Marching.)

And here there are blizzards

Snowdrifts swept (knees high)

We try, we try

Don't let us go astray. (Marching.)

Vedas: Oh, how cold. Guys, let's warm up.

"We'll warm up a little"

Snow Maiden: Quiet! Shh! The fox is coming.

We all need to lay low.

A fox: I'm going, ringing the key,

Here is the key I have.

How I fooled everyone

Lured into the thicket of the forest.

I can hide the key

Dig a hole in the snow.

(digs a hole under the tree and hides the key)

Snow Maiden: What to do? How can we be?

How to defeat a fox? Let's scare her!

Girls bark like dogs and boys shoot like hunters!

(children make noise)

A fox: Oh, sorry, honey. I did joke.

Here is the little key

The key is on a scarlet ribbon.

Please forgive me

Take me to the tree. (gives the key to the Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: What will forgive her friends? You can't quarrel!

A fox: Well, thank you, and now everyone get up in a circle soon.

Dance "Snowballs"

Snow Maiden: I'll look into the box,

What else can I find there? (opens box with key)

There are magical mysteries here.

Guess it guys.

Decorated with toys

Balls and crackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine

And festive. (herringbone)

Christmas tree with toys

Clowns with crackers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday? (New Year)

A fox: Oh, and dexterous people

Lives in this garden.

I swear, rest

Let me look into the box

I see forest animals:

Bear, wolf and hare.

Hey little animals. come out

And dance at the tree.

merry dance

Snow Maiden: Now, little animals, all sit down.

Have fun with us.

Snow Maiden: Guys, I brought you beautiful and unusual snowballs as a gift.

The game is being played - "Collect Snowballs". Children collect snowballs in hoops to a cheerful melody.

After the game, the Snow Maiden praises everyone children.

presenter: Snow Maiden, did you bring gifts from Santa Claus to our children?

Snow Maiden: (takes the box) My box is not simple, but magical.

very i I love children,

And I give gifts to everyone.

A fox: Oh, yes, there are gifts here!

How many, look!

(giving gifts).

Snow Maiden: Be happy guys

The Snow Maiden will come to you for the holiday in a year again.

Related publications:

Today, I want to offer you a scenario of our New Year's holiday with a small photo report. In this holiday, I play a role for kids.

Scenario New Year's party for children of the middle-older group Children run into the festively decorated hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Presenter: The New Year is already on the threshold. May it be kind, peaceful and happy.

Scenario New Year's party for children of the first junior group New Year's Eve. (Children stand behind the curtain) Vedas: Hello dear guests! It's time to start the holiday! Oh, where are our children? Without them.

Scenario New Year's party for children of the second younger group Scenario of the New Year's party for children of the 2nd junior group 2015. (To the music, children and a goat mother enter the hall, stop near the Christmas tree).

Scenario New Year's party for children of senior preschool age New Year's holiday Act. persons: (Presenter, Baba Yaga, Koschey, Hut on chicken legs, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden) (A merry New Year sounds.

(Children enter the hall. Stand around the Christmas tree)

What kind of guest came to us
How pretty and slim.
Above the star is burning
And there is snow on the branches.
What is this?

Children: Christmas tree!

Yolka: Hello! Hey! Hello to you, I am a Christmas tree, I am glad to meet you here on this new year's hour I also congratulate you.

You came to the joy of the children,
we will celebrate the new year with you,
let's sing a song together,
Let's have fun dancing.

(Song at the discretion of the music director).

Presenter: Oh, guys, there is a letter hanging on the Christmas tree! I wonder who it's from? Let's read.
“You look under the tree, you will find a bell there.
Do not twist, do not twist, but gently shake.
The bell will sing and call guests to you.
I'm loading gifts, I'll be there soon. Santa Claus".
Where is the magic bell? Yes, here he is!
To make it more fun
shall we invite guests?

Children: Yes!

(Rings. A bunny runs out)

Bunny: Hello guys!
I ran to you from the forest
On crisp snow.
(looks around) I'm very afraid of foxes
Sly red-haired sister.

Don't be afraid, bunny
Don't be afraid, coward. At our party, all the guys are cheerful. We will not allow you to offend.

Well, I'm staying with you
I'm not afraid of kids.
I will play with you
Songs to sing and dance.
Hey my bunny friends
Run out quickly
Don't be afraid, fools
And play more fun.

(The game "Hare and the Wind").

Well, bunnies are good
They danced from the heart.

(The Fox appears.)

A fox:
What are the songs? What are the dances?
Are there masks here and there?
I am the mistress here fox!
I refuse to have fun!

Oh! The fox is very evil.
We will study it now. (Snowballs)
You make out the snowballs
And throw them at the fox!

(Game "Snowballs").

A fox:
What kind of container is this?
Well, now I'll ask you.
I will cancel the fun
I'll kick everyone out of here!

You fox, don't make noise
Look at the boys.
How nicely everyone is dressed
Agree? Well, it's just amazing!

Lisa: Who's handsome?

Host: Guys! Both girls and boys.

A fox:
Well they are really good
Babies are babies.
Why are you so dressed up
And why did they come here?

Everyone sing and have fun
Lead a noisy round dance.
Because today is a holiday!
What holiday?

Children: New Year.

A fox:
It's such a miracle, just a miracle
This holiday is the New Year.
Can I stay with you
Have fun and laugh?

Get in the circle, everyone
Hold on tight to your hands.

(Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest").

A fox:
We are in our hall today
They danced so beautifully
But it hurts me to tears
Where is Santa Claus?

He should have come a long time ago
Can't find us!

A fox:
Santa Claus, wow! Hear, I'm calling you!

(Santa Claus enters.)

Santa Claus:
Ay! Ay! I'm coming!
I am a cheerful Santa Claus
New Year's guest to you.
Don't hide your nose from me
I am good today.
And they call me for a reason
The child's grandfather.
I bring gifts
Sledges, skis, books.
My head is gray
And eyelashes in the snow.
If I came here
Let's have fun!
(stand in a circle)

Snow Maiden:
Decorate the Christmas tree
Stars and flags.
Do not burn on the Christmas tree
Only lights.
We'll clap our hands
We will stomp our feet
To light the Christmas tree for us
I propose to sing a song!

(Song "New Year").

Santa Claus:
We plant together 1-2-3, our Christmas tree, burn!

The tree glows, sparkles.
Let's have fun kids!

Snow Maiden:
We sang and played
But we haven't danced in a long time!
I invite you, friends,
On the funny dance I!

(Dance "Nuka, Christmas tree").

Santa Claus:
How well you are having fun.
And you are not afraid of me?
So you're not afraid at all?
You beware of the cold.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, how Santa Claus loves
Pinch the kids on the nose.

Santa Claus:
Yes, I'll pinch my nose -
He will become beautiful
Or bright red or bright blue.

(The game "I'll freeze").

Santa Claus:
Show me your pens. I will freeze.
Bubbles are watermelons. I will freeze.
Noses - snub noses. I will freeze.
Well, you must! Didn't freeze anyone!

And let's guys, let's play catch-up with Grandpa! (In a circle).

Santa Claus (singing):
I, Frost - Red Nose.
Overgrown with a beard.
I'm looking, looking for children.
Come out quickly!

(Children dance, run to the chairs).

Santa Claus:
Oh, how hot it became in the hall,
How well we played!

Guys, let's blow on Santa Claus to cool him down.

And now to us, children,
It's time to read poetry.

(Free verses).

Santa Claus:
Well, it's time for me to pack up
On the road - the road to go.
It remains only to give gifts to all the guys.
Where is my big bag? Did I leave him in the forest?

Snow Maiden: What are you, D-ka, gifts are lost?

Santa Claus:
Don't worry too much
Everything will be great for us.
I'll whisper with a Christmas tree -
Green needle.
And she will help us
There will be gifts for kids.

Christmas tree:
You brought gifts to children, good Santa Claus.
Yes, he dropped the bag, and the snow covered him.
And I covered it with a branch and saved the gifts.
Bend over, take a look!

Santa Claus:
Snow Maiden, come here!

Snow Maiden:
And under the tree is a treasure.
Here are some gifts for the kids!

(Presenting gifts).

To the music, children run into the hall and stop near the chairs.

Happy New Year
Both big and small.
Good luck to everyone, we wish you well
And frosty clear days!
Let it sound today in the hall
Your cheerful, sonorous laugh.
Happy New Year
With new happiness
Everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

What is our tree?

Fluffy, fluffy!

And what else?

Fragrant, fragrant!
Our tree to the top
They dressed up everything.
Here are the toys and crackers,
Here are the balls hanging on it.
Hello dear guest!
You are smart and bright
We've been waiting for you all year
Finally, you have arrived!
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
For the tree to want
Come visit us again.

Tree song.

look inviting
Christmas tree us.
under the green branches
We will circle now.
We meet cheerfully
At the Christmas tree New Year
Around the green Christmas tree
We lead a round dance.

Round dance around the Christmas tree.

On the feast of the Christmas tree New Year's fairy tale does not end
And under the Christmas tree today the fairy tale begins

The Snow Maiden enters, dancing.

Snow Maiden:
Hello guys, hello animals!
I am the Snow Maiden, all people have been friends with me for a long time.
I love frost and wind and snowstorms in winter.
Happy New Year, I wish you a lot of joy.

Sing a song with the children.
The fox tries to approach the Christmas tree, the host pulls her up.

A fox:
I tell you, skip
Let me go to the tree.
How is the ball, but without me?
I prepared for three days:
I sewed a fashionable dress,
I even bought some shoes.

Sings a song.

Snow Maiden:
Okay, Liska, come in and sit quietly,
Don't harm us!

A fox:
Well, of course, what are you, what are you!
I'll sit quietly and look at the tree.
You have a feast for the eyes and gifts - deliciousness!
By the way, I have a question:
Did Santa Claus come?

Snow Maiden:
No, but he must come.
He stopped on the way.
Let's call together
Santa Claus.

Santa Claus!!!

Santa Claus enters

Song. Greetings. Round dances. Games with children. Sits down to rest
puts the bag in front of him.

A fox:
Grandpa, what's in your bag?

Santa Claus:
Fairy tales!

A fox:
Wow, fairy tales! Is there anything tasty? Well, for example, a hare or a chicken?

Santa Claus:
There is no chicken, but there is a Gingerbread Man!

Children sing the song "Kolobok" and perform movements.

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather,
I didn’t catch a tooth, that’s what a Gingerbread Man I am!

A fox:
He boasted to everyone - you and me, the fox, all boasted and boasted.
Well, after, everyone knows what he has come to.
The fox wants to eat him, the Gingerbread Man runs, the Fox follows him.

Santa Claus:
On the holiday of the Christmas tree, the New Year's fairy tale does not end, On the holiday of the Christmas tree, the New Year's koloboks meet.
All the koloboks run out. Dance of koloboks

A fox:
I don't understand anything! Now I'll catch you all!

All the koloboks run away, the hedgehog remains

Oh, how many hares are here
Oh, hares seem to me!

A fox:
Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man! Come out, I'll eat you!

I have a thousand needles sticking around
I have a conversation with any enemy is not long!
Hey, I shout to the fox, I'm not afraid of the wolf!
I'm telling you: do you want to eat a needle?
Grabs the fox by the tail

A fox:
No, Kolobok, I'm full! Get off my tail!

Runs away, but comes out on the other side of the tree.

I am the Fox, today in anger,
Complain to the Snow Queen!
The lights go out, the children fall asleep.

Snow Maiden:
Oh Frost! Trouble! The children were cold and asleep. This The Snow Queen she cast her spell on them, and the Fox persuaded her. After all, we forgot about her and didn’t invite her to the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus:
Trouble, Snow Maiden! Hey you, carved sleigh, Hey you, dashing horses! To the north of us
take me to the realm of the Snow Queen

There is music, a song. Big and small snowmen are dancing.

I'm the Snowman guys.
I'm used to the cold, the cold
In this realm of ice
We've been snowing all day.
And fly, fly snowflakes,
Like white fluff.

Dance of the snowflakes, they squat down on one knee.

Is everything okay in the kingdom? Is everything calm in the palace?

You will be satisfied with us. Everything is calm in the palace.
Noise is heard

Who is making noise in my chambers? Who's bothering me here?

Santa Claus:
Stop you, Snow Queen!
You listen to us without anger
Don't be angry with us, don't be angry!
Better come to our ball!
Light the Christmas tree for us again
And wake up all the children.

It is strange to hear these words! But I agree, I will
And I'll bring the Snowmen with me.

Melody "Sanochki", ringing of bells. Snowmen, Santa Claus and the Snow Queen come out from behind the Christmas tree.

What about Santa Claus!
In a good moment you brought me here
I forgive everyone today.
I light the fires on the tree.
All the guys, wake up, and start a merry dance!

Round dance. A game

Santa Claus:
There are beads left in my bag, come on out and have fun with us all!

Bead dance, play with beads.
Playing with piglets.

Santa Claus:
Well, you are funny people!
It's our turn to play.
Granddaughter, where is my bag?

Snow Maiden:
So this is where he stood.

Santa Claus:
Oops, lost gifts!

Snow Maiden:
Squirrels told me just now, these are all fox tricks
The fox comes out with an empty bag, has eaten too much and hiccups.

Santa Claus:
Oh, you red-haired cheat, you acted very cleverly! Where are you doing gifts?

A fox:
I ate them all, imagine!

Snow Maiden:
Everything? Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! You need to call a doctor! We need to save the fox!

Santa Claus:
I'll fly Lisa myself and I'll teach her a lesson!
Come on, play some music!
Start dancing, you bastard!

A fox:
I won't!
But with the beginning of the music, he dances and asks:
Queen, help out, save the poor fox!

From fairyland
From the north end
Appear before me, block of ice!

Snowmen are carrying a block on a sleigh.
The queen breaks it:

Become, fragments, gifts from the Christmas tree!

According to

Irina Roslyakova
Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 3-4 years old

Scenario of the New Year's holiday"Visiting the Christmas Tree" for children 3-5 years old.

Target: generalization and systematization of knowledge children about New Year's Eve.


1. Pin views children about the holiday, its traditions.

2. Develop coherent speech, memory; create at children's festive, fun mood.

3. Educate friendly relations in a collective.

Holiday progress:


Happy New Year

Both big and small.

Good luck to all, I wish you well

And frosty, clear days!

Let it sound today in the hall

Your cheerful, sonorous laugh.

Happy New Year

With new happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Children, what is our Christmas tree (answers children)


Our Christmas tree was decorated to the top with everything.

All toys and crackers, all balls hang on it.

Hello, dear guest, you are smart and bright

We've been waiting all year for you, you've finally arrived!

Poems children:

1. We are all very well

Fun today.

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday.

2. Let's dance merrily,

Let's sing songs

For the tree to want

Come visit us again.

3. Hello, hello Christmas tree

Hello New Year!

Around the green Christmas tree

We will stand in a round dance.

The song "Green, fluffy."

presenter: We begin, we begin a cheerful masquerade.

Get ready, get ready, quickly run to the hall.

We all dressed up in masks, now we can not be recognized.

Everyone turned into someone and girlfriends and friends.

Children, can you guess riddle:

"Cheeks are white, tender, like roses.

And she lives with Santa Claus.

He calls her his beloved granddaughter

Who is it? Who knows?" (Snow Maiden)

presenter: Have you seen the Snow Maiden in the forest?

And over there, behind the tree, is her forest house.

What kind of house by the path, he is not familiar to me.

Well, now I'll take a look out the window with one eye.

This house is interesting, this house is not easy.

The Snow Maiden comes out:

In this house of yours

We live together with my grandfather.

And we are not afraid of the cold.

We are glad to frosty days.

There is no stove in our house, the grandfather is afraid of the light.

Fire and I'm afraid

After all, I'm called a snow maiden.

Hello, friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

Congratulations to all friends

And with all my heart I wish

I have the brightest days for you!

And now I'll see if all my friends have gathered for the Christmas tree?

All in unison: And our little animals brought gifts for the Christmas tree

Hare: We are funny bunnies

Daredevils, not cowards

We love to jump and jump

And dance under the tree.

We jumped up to congratulate you on the New Year and decorate the Christmas tree. (hangs up a carrot)

A fox: I'm a fox-fox,

Red beauty.

Coat, eyes, nose

And a fluffy tail.

On the holiday has come

And she brought gifts. (chicken on the tree)

Bear: Although our orders are strict,

Mom and dad are sleeping in a den.

I won't disturb them

I'm going to celebrate the holiday.

I brought a barrel of honey.

Wolf: I'm a wolf - click teeth.

(I brought a fish to the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden: Here, thank you, well done friends,

You made me happy.

And the tree is happy too.

It's so fun all around, all the guys will sing about the Christmas tree.

The song "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter."

presenter: What happened to the Snow Maiden?

What was she sad about?

Snow Maiden: AND the holiday has begun, but there is no Santa Claus.

And without Santa Claus and snowflakes do not fly,

And without Santa Claus, the patterns do not shine.

Hush, children, do you hear? Does anyone seem to be coming? I have it now I will call: "Dear, grandfather, ay!"

Children in chorus: Dear, grandfather, ay!

Santa Claus: Ay, ay!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is coming, you don't show me where I am. And I'm hiding behind the tree, my grandfather will not find me. (hiding)

Santa Claus: Ay, granddaughter, ay! My Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: ku-ku!

Santa Claus: Who's there? (looks behind the tree)

Snow Maiden: ku-ku!

Santa Claus peeks from the other side; for the third time he finds the Snow Maiden. "Well, hello, my granddaughter." (Santa Claus looks around and notices snowflakes, sitting animals and children. Lists that the bunnies jumped, and the snowflakes flew in, the bears came) children

Santa Claus: Uh-uh! Yes, you have a lot of guests here, they welcomed me earlier. It's good. We will sing, dance, celebrate the New Year!

I congratulate you, children, wish happiness, joy,

So that you grow and grow wiser, have fun, sing songs.

May your laughter always ring.

Happy New Year, everyone, everyone, everyone!

Poems children:

1. To our Christmas tree oh-oh-oh

Santa Claus came alive

Well, Santa Claus

What cheeks, what a nose.

And on the cap is a star

And a big beard.

2. Our tree is green

And elegant and bright

Immediately thousands of lights flashed on it.

And under the tree, a round dance and dances and sings.

All friends and all girlfriends are invited to the circle.

Santa Claus: Start a round dance, because that's what the New Year is for!

The song everyone has a New Year.

presenter: Santa Claus, do you like a joke? So close your eyes for a minute. Count to five and try to find us.

A game: "Hide and Seek"

Santa Claus: I can't keep warm. Snegurochka touch how cold my hands are.

presenter: Let's warm Santa Claus hands and feet.

Music game: "We'll warm up a little, we'll clap our hands"

Santa Claus blows on children and they sit on chairs.

presenter: Santa Claus, do you really love children?

And you try to catch up with them. (children run around the tree)

Santa Claus: You run fast. All of you are smart and brave. starved

Santa Claus. I'll sit down and rest a bit. Something made me feel hot. I would like cold air and a breeze now. Blow everything on me.

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes, girlfriends, rather fly, let's spin together at our Christmas tree. You fly and cool Frost.

The dance of the snowflakes.

presenter: Well, Santa Claus has cooled down? Now listen to our verses children.

Poems children. (at the teacher's choice)

Santa Claus offers a round dance song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Santa Claus: Did we dance?

Did we sing songs?

Did you dance?

What a wonderful New Year we have!

And I will also tell you a secret that I have prepared a bag with gifts for dear guys. I go for a bag to a neighboring clearing. (leaving and coming)

I'll untie my bag.

Save gifts for everyone.

Whose music will start here

Every gift will be waiting.

Well, it's time for us to leave with the Snow Maiden.

We wish the kids a lot of joy today,

So that you grow big, So that you do not know worries!

Snow Maiden: Well, Santa Claus and I will return to you in a year!

Scenario New Year's holiday for younger children preschool age in kindergarten

"A merry holiday has come to us,
It's New Year's Eve"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material Description: scenario New Year's entertainment for the second younger group, it may be of interest to music directors and educators when organizing a New Year's holiday.
Target: creating joyful festive mood in children
- develop Creative skills children;
- to promote the development of positive emotions.

Children, holding hands, enter the music hall to the cheerful New Year's music and stand in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree.
Characters: girls are snowflakes, boys are bunnies.
Adults: Zimushka - Winter, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.

The course of the holiday.
Educator: A fun holiday has come to us,
He is a mischievous and a prankster.
Invites to have fun
The mood is promising.
Guests - prepared ears,
Listen to poems and ditties.
And also prepared palms,
To applaud louder.
The kids are starting
And poetry is revered to you.
Child: Christmas tree is beautiful
The tree is thick
On fluffy branches
The beads are sparkling!
Child: New year, new year
Will knock on the door,
We will have a holiday
Let's have fun!
Educator: I hear the snow crunches
This is someone coming to visit us.
You sit on chairs
And look at the guest.
Children sit on chairs, a guest enters the hall - Winter !!!

Winter: Hello my friends,
I came to you for a holiday.
Very in a hurry
To have time to play and dance.
I see there are snowflakes in the hall,
Well, snowflakes come out,
Start dancing with me.
Girl - snowflake: We are snowflakes - chills,
We are in a hurry to celebrate you,
We want to dance the waltz!
Snowflake girls dance with Winter.

Educator: I liked the way you played. But the kids - pencils, prepared a gift song for our winter beauty.
We will start a round dance,
Let's sing a song for the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree beauty,
All the guys like it.
fluffy branches,
The stars are golden.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Slim, green.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Our New Year's.

For an elegant Christmas tree
We sang a song.
To her on holiday,
It was a lot of fun.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Slim, green.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Our New Year's.

balls sparkled,
Bright lanterns.
At the top of the star
Here's a Christmas tree.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Slim, green.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Our New Year's.
Zimushka - winter: Hurrying up to you for the holiday,
He is a merry fellow and a prankster,
He has gifts in a bag,
And on a fur coat - a bright belt.
He lit the lights on the tree
He rolls the hare down the hill.
He brought to us for the holiday
A whole load of new fairy tales!
Who is this?
Children: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus enters the room.

Santa Claus: Hello kids,
guests and teachers.
I heard a holiday here with you,
And prepared a New Year's tale.
Jokes in the hall, laughter and din,
And the New Year's container - ram.
Kids, get out
And dance with Santa Claus.
Children, along with Santa Claus, dance to a cheerful song.
Santa Claus: I danced and got tired.
I'll sit on a chair
And I will listen to your poetry.
Child: Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
Lit the lights on her
And the needles shine on it,
And snow on the branches!
Child: Happy new year, congratulations,
Let the fun come to you.
We wish you happiness, joy
To all children and guests!
Child: He draws on the window
Stars, palm trees, balls
He says Santa Claus
And naughty like a little one.
Santa Claus: Yes, kids, I'm still that naughty. I rested a little, I like to play very much. Do you like to play kids?
Children answer.
Santa Claus: You go out in a circle,
Let's play a game.
The hands are ready
Let's play a game.
And the game is not easy
"I'll freeze - I'll freeze ..."
Santa Claus: You sit on chairs.
Guys, I don’t see my granddaughter for some reason.
Let's call her together.
Children, along with Santa Claus and guests, call the Snow Maiden.
The Snow Maiden comes out to the music.

Snow Maiden: I'm a Snow Maiden - a girl,
I am your funny friend.
I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus.
Oh, there are many guests in the hall,
And kids can't be counted either.
Here are the bunnies - braggarts,
I invite you to come out
Show the rabbit dance.
boys- the bunnies are dancing.
Snow Maiden: Let's all start a round dance around the Christmas tree. All heroes and kids start a round dance.
- What is New Year?
Text author: M. Plyatskovsky

What is New Year?
What is New Year?
What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance
Pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -

That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!

What is New Year?
What is New Year?
What is New Year?
These are berries and honey.
This is without exception -
From nuts to cookies. -
That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!
That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!

What is New Year?
What is New Year?
What is New Year?
It's a holiday arrival!
This is the laughter of friends cheerful,
This is dancing near the Christmas trees -
That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!
That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!

What is New Year?
What is New Year?
What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs -
That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!
That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!
Educator: Our holiday is coming to an end
We recited poems to you
And danced a little
They led a round dance.
I hope we deserve the prizes.
Santa Claus: They danced well and recited poetry.
Where is my magic bag.

Snow Maiden: Here's a bag under the tree
It is powdered with snow.
The kids will sit
They will be given gifts.
Ded Moroz, Snegurochka and Zimushka-Zima distribute gifts.
Educator: Happy holiday to everyone,
We wish everyone success.
So that all dreams come true
And see you in a year.
All the heroes say goodbye to everyone and leave.