
Methodical instructions, the fourth step. Guidelines, fourth stage Guidelines for independent workFourth stage


Dmitry Sergeevich Verishchagin


(DEIR - 4)


Not much time has passed since the release of the first three books, but they have caused a staggering flood of letters and calls. And this is wonderful - because such an interest means that the time for further energy-information development has come.

Not so long ago, only about 10 years ago, our people were not yet ready to accept new knowledge. We were all too preoccupied with the prospects of perestroika and getting out of the yoke of the communist power structures. Then it seemed that just a little more - and we will begin to live as it should be for a people who have the most advanced space and nuclear technologies in the world, the largest reserves of raw materials and the most unspoiled nature. But only a few years passed, and we were deeply disappointed, because none of those who promised so eloquently did anything for the country, and most of the people turned out to be, as they say, overboard. It became clear that if you do not help yourself, then there is nothing to expect from society, the state, firms, numerous charlatans and budgetary structures choking from lack of money. It's time to learn and get critical benefits on your own. Such advantages are provided by the DEIR system, further energy information development.

About the history of the emergence of the system, it was written quite fully in the preface to the first book, but I would like to add a few words regarding the knowledge presented in this volume. But first of all, let me repeat briefly the main points of the development of events. The system itself began to exist in 1982, when I, who had previously worked near Yekaterinburg as part of the psychotronic weapons project, the Druzhba code, by the will of fate and at the suggestion of my colleague, switched to another project developed near Novosibirsk. This project was aimed at creating a system of methods that allows any person, not a psychic, to control large groups of people, and, of course, was carried out at the request of the party elite, concerned about the progressive decline of their authority.

Four people began to develop the project - Peter Keldorovsky, Alexey Gryshchak, Sergey Desmentsov and myself. I would like you to remember the names of these people because they were the first. All of them had outstanding psychic abilities and best suited to the task at hand. But everything did not go quite according to the technical conditions specified by the customer. That is, the task was completed - and the system allows everyone to master the methods of extrasensory perception, which were previously considered the property of only a few, especially gifted people. But here's one side effect... Unfortunately, it consisted in the fact that a person who underwent training lost the ability to be controlled from the outside. He inevitably became free. But this feature, of course, could not but cause a repressive reaction of the customer: in fact, why do they, the state elite, need free people ??? Absolutely unnecessary, and even very harmful.

Therefore, with the delivery of the project, we pulled and ventured into it only when the government became weak. But during the delay, we included in the system some techniques aimed at maintaining and regulating health, systems for developing charisma and raising energy, and also, at the initiative of Keldorovsky and Desmentsov, a system for increasing the energy of the soul and consciously managing the events of the surrounding world.

The system of increasing the energy of the soul is the subject of the fourth stage of the DEIR system. Here everything is very important and everything brings almost immediate and amazing results. Starting from the fourth stage, you become completely independent of the society around you, you have at your disposal unlimited personal power, the ability to be creative and access to intuitive data. This is a complete entry into a new stage of evolution and a guarantee of conscious existence after death. Even the energy-informational structure of the etheric body of a person who has passed this stage is radically different from the structure of the etheric body of an ordinary person. Ascend this stage to calmly and confidently transform your life in the way you desire. It was developed by Peter Keldorovsky and Sergey Desmentsov, wonderful and dedicated people.

Those who master the DEIR system will receive hope. They will become free and strengthen their health. They will master luck and be able to live longer. Their abilities will exceed those of an ordinary person.

Happiness to all of you and good luck!

Dmitry Verishchagin on behalf of himself and on behalf of

Peter Keldorovsky

Alexey Gryshchak

Sergei Desmentsov


From Strengthening the Soul to True Spirituality "Evolution continues," I say again to my new and old readers. For those of them who first learned about the existence of the DEIR system from this fourth book, I strongly recommend that you turn to the first three books of this series, which are called "Liberation", "Becoming" and "Influence" - without them, understanding the material presented in this book will be very difficult. And the readers of the first three books, who became my correspondence students, have, of course, already understood what I mean when I talk about evolution.

“Man is the crown of creation,” materialistic scientists have been telling us for many years. But they were wrong. In fact, it turns out that a person in the form in which he exists now, in general, is not a crown, but only a semi-finished product. Far from perfect, not harmonious and by no means completed its evolution being. Now, at the turn of the millennium, at the turn of the epochs, humanity has suddenly become cramped and small the stage of evolution it has reached today. Therefore, people rush about, do not know where to get away from longing and despair, therefore many are haunted by the feeling of a dead end into which their lives have entered.

Imagine a caterpillar that has not yet turned into a butterfly, but has already felt that for some reason it is disgusting to remain at this stage of development. In nature, unlike human society, everything is wise: the caterpillar will survive bad moment and then spread its wings and fly. It's more difficult for people. Not all "caterpillars" in human form will survive to the butterfly stage. Firstly, because people do not know about the next stage of development awaiting them, they do not see prospects, which is why they fall into despair and lose their vitality. Secondly, people, out of dissatisfaction with their position as "caterpillars", instead of quietly evolving, begin to destroy themselves - some with alcohol and drugs, some with the pursuit of power and money.

And only a few know: do not despair and panic, you must quietly and patiently prepare for the flight.

In our time - a truly critical time - only those who can calmly and dignifiedly move to a new stage of human evolution will survive. Who will replace the Reasonable Man? Spiritual Man, Conscious Man, Advanced Man, Energy Information Man? Let the scientists of the future decide this, and the essence is not in the name. The main thing is that it will be a completely different, new being, and the upcoming stage of evolution is really a qualitatively new stage. Just as a butterfly is not just a prettier and grown caterpillar, but a fundamentally new creature, so new person will be a fundamentally different creation of nature, endowed with those qualities that the majority now cannot even dream of. Moreover, outwardly, a person, apparently, will not change much, but his inner content will become qualitatively different. Clairvoyance, telepathy, and perhaps even telekinesis and teleportation will become for a new person born today the same everyday reality as the telephone, TV and computer are now.

We must move to this new quality as soon as possible. We must become beings of a different order now. Only in this is the guarantee of the survival of mankind. Now many people like to talk about the supposedly approaching end of the world. However, we have every reason to believe that the planned end of the world has already been canceled. Why? Yes, because humanity was not at all hopeless. In the face of the abyss, some of its representatives suddenly saw the light and changed their minds. As a result, here and there, not yet very noticeable and rather slowly, but already tangibly, sprouts of a new humanity arise - gradually, like grass through asphalt, it makes its way. Together with him, the hope for the survival of the human community also breaks the road. Here and there people appear, thanks to whom humanity will survive - people who have already passed or are about to move to a new evolutionary stage and help others in this.

Needless to say, readers of the first three books of the DEIR series can also include themselves among them. After all, these three books are a manual for beginners "caterpillars", which outlines the technology of transition to the "butterfly" stage.

You have already passed three steps and already feel what lies ahead for you, don't you?

Yes, you have already achieved a lot - but still, the process of your reincarnation is not yet completed. You are still more like a moth, which uncertainly waves its weak wings and does not yet master the art of free flight. Of course, compared to most people, whom, as you remember, in one of the books we likened to unborn embryos, you are already quite an adult and even a giant. But compared to a full-fledged person of the future, you, of course, are still just a child. A grown up child who, it would seem, already has everything for adult life- and arms, and legs with developed muscles, and eyes, and ears, and even the ability to walk, speak, read ... But this is still not enough for adulthood. Need experience. You need maturity.

What is maturity in terms of energy information processes?

There is truly boundless space and true freedom. There your inner vision a new active component of the surrounding world will open, absolutely inaccessible to the perception of ordinary people. These are the so-called World Currents.

Not every person gets access to the World Currents. But I am sure that my persevering readers will pass this test as well.

Yes, there are such laws, the understanding of which has not been available to you until now. That is why, until now, we have not talked about them, but talked about the laws of shaping our destiny and our future at a level that was already quite real for you. You have indeed received the keys to your destiny and your life - keys that no one can take away from you. But - I will tell you one more "terrible secret" - there is also a future that does not depend on man. It is determined precisely by the World Currents.

Let me explain: there are events that you already know how to form on your own with 100% certainty that everything will be as you need it. This refers to events that somehow depend on the people around you. And there are events where you have to be content with only a small fraction of the probability. For example, a person who, according to the DEIR system, has increased his sensitivity to the perception of the energy-information field, does not have to pull out a "happy" ticket at the exam at the institute, or at least make sure that the answer is accepted by the examiner completely uncritically, as they say, "with a bang ". Many of my students have used these abilities successfully. You turn off your thoughts, and the hand, first ethereal, and then real, itself reaches for the right ticket - it knows where it lies. Or you simply subordinate the examiner to yourself, and he enthusiastically follows the course of your thoughts. That is, in this case, it is not at all difficult to organize an event for yourself - an “excellent” mark in any subject. With some experience, effort and knowledge, it is possible to create such an event as the cancellation of an exam. This works especially effectively when several students who are advanced in terms of energy information actively want it. Then the events just follow the right path. And it's up to you to organize it.

But let's imagine that you pulled out a lucky ticket - and it was at that moment that the lights went out throughout the institute. "Five" your "covered". What does it mean? It means that forces of a higher order intervened, to which you still do not reach, and these forces, inaccessible to you, violated all your plans.

Or even better: you passed the exam with excellent marks, and then a crisis broke out in the country, and your institute was closed. Here it’s not just a five, but the diploma is “covered”. Powers of an even higher order intervened.

If you toss a coin into the air, you can be 100% sure that it will land on the ground. The law of gravity will work, it won't go anywhere. You can predict this event without fear of being wrong. You flip a coin - you create a cause, and it falls - you get an effect. You create this event yourself. But if you want the coin to land heads, then you have to be content with a 50% chance. It is 50 percent realistic that it will fall like an eagle, and another 50 percent will have to be left to chance, or, more precisely, to those forces that you are not yet able to control, because you have not grown up to their level.

So, there are forces that cannot be controlled at all, no matter what level you grow up to. And in the case of humanity, a coin, figuratively speaking, is thrown just somewhere at the level of World Currents, and we cannot yet interfere in the process of tossing this coin.

But actually it's not scary. When you can't change the law, you don't need to change it. You just need to be able to fit into it. A person who has reached a certain degree of maturity can recognize the "plans" of the World Currents. Let him not interfere with these plans - but, having learned about them, he can either use the current for his own purposes, or get away from sharp turns and sharp corners, hide from too turbulent streams. This is a whole art. To master it means to gain strength and power.

Rice. 2. Humanity is negligibly small in comparison with the universal scale of the World Currents.

What does that require? It is necessary, first of all, to know the laws of the Big World. It is very important that you understand that when I say "know the laws", I do not mean theoretical knowledge, which is perceived only at the level of logic. Imagine a person who theoretically knows about the existence of fire, but has never seen it, has not felt its heat, light, has not seen a flame bursting upwards, has not raised his hand to the fire and has not withdrawn it, fearing to burn himself. What is the use of such knowledge? To use something, you need to feel it. Therefore, in this case, “to know” means to feel. To feel extremely sharply, brightly and convexly - to feel the very existence of these laws, as they say, on your own skin.

However, the word "skin" is rude and inappropriate here. It is more appropriate to say that you will have to feel these laws with your soul. And this is the whole point. To feel these laws, the soul must be ready. The soul must gain strength, power, height and grow to the level of these sensations. Therefore, whether you understand the higher laws or not - it entirely depends on how your soul behaves.

By the way, about the soul. And what is it, actually, such? You and I are no longer one of those people who believe that the soul is something ephemeral that came to us from the lexicon of poets and sentimental ladies. Most people do not feel their soul, and therefore they believe that it is something so unreasonable and almost separate from them, living either behind the clouds, or in the heels and in complete unconsciousness and incomprehension, receiving retribution for some kind of unconscious and therefore incomprehensible sins.

It's a delusion. The soul is an integral part of a person, which can be trained, which can be developed, which can be endowed with consciousness. The soul can grow, gain new knowledge - and awareness of itself in the world - if you, of course, want to lead your soul along the path of learning and endowing with consciousness. When the soul is strong and developed, when it realizes itself, then only our free will depends on us both during life and even after death.

It's just that the soul is a matrix, it's a crystal that grows throughout a person's life. By itself, she is unaware of anything, because she is only a scheme, a holographic structure that has absorbed all the patterns of personalities that once existed. She simply remains unconscious after the death of the physical body, from birth to birth.

Rice. 3. Our consciousness only penetrates the infinitely capacious crystal of the soul.

But a soul endowed with consciousness does not fall into unconsciousness after death. She continues to be aware of herself. She decides her own future. Thanks to contactees, mediums, outstanding people who remember their previous incarnations, and scientific research, it is known that many truly spiritual personalities themselves choose whether to remain free energy entities after death or reincarnate on Earth in the next incarnation, go into the distant unknown or stay here, to help the living.

Now you understand why most people do not remember either past lives or past deaths? Because only developed, strong, conscious souls retain self-awareness and memory of the past even after death. Only souls endowed with awareness never fall into unconsciousness - they consciously, in their right mind and sober memory go through life and death, forgetting nothing and every moment making a conscious choice of their future. This is the free, conscious, independent existence of the soul in the world. How much you will be capable of such an existence - depends only on you.

On the pages of this book, we will deal with just that - the growth and development of the soul, the achievement of conscious control over the movements of the soul. You will be able to give your soul the proper strength and awareness.

What is strength? Again, this is far from an abstract concept. As you already know from previous books, the power of your etheric body is communicated by two streams - the pure energy of the Earth and the pure energy of the Cosmos. In this book, you will learn something new about this energy and force. You already know how to feel energy flows, close them and direct them as you wish. Now you have to move on to the next stage - to the ability to decentralize your energy structure. What does this mean and why is it needed? This means to focus your consciousness simultaneously in the upper chakra, Sahasrara, and the lower chakra, Muladhara. This is necessary, because how decentralized you are - your power is so great, you become so omnipotent.

So easily I give you one more discovery made by me and my like-minded people within the framework of the DEIR system, further energy-information development. This is indeed a serious discovery and one of the most important components of the system, because for an ordinary person such a configuration of the energy structure is absolutely atypical, if not unnatural. At the same time, it is organic and natural for a person of a new formation - a person of the future. An ordinary person receives energy to provide consciousness and soul mainly from the middle chakras. This, as it turned out, is an absolutely inefficient way of receiving energy, which is not at all conducive to development - the energy received in this way is only enough to keep the flame of the soul somehow warm and not extinguished. In order to build a fire that will gain strength, power, freedom and illuminate everything around with bright light, it is necessary to focus the consciousness simultaneously in the lower and upper chakras. The upper chakra, open for conscious perception of energy, will give you a source of spirituality, a rich and subtle perception of the world. The lower chakra, open to conscious perception of energy, is a source of strength for accomplishments.

The constant inclusion of these chakras in your consciousness makes your etheric body and your soul independent of the physical body. The physical body loses its power over the soul: the state of the soul no longer depends on appearance body, its diseases, its age, its metabolic processes, its past experiences. This is freedom, this is happiness.

So, the purpose of this book is to achieve maturity at a new stage of evolution, gaining the strength of the soul, raising the level of its vibrations, reaching an understanding of higher laws, gaining freedom and independence for the soul, endowing it with consciousness, comprehending higher laws. In addition to the freedom and ability you already have to act in human society, you will also get the opportunity to interact with higher-order causes, which means reaching a level of effective control and interaction with the world of inanimate nature and random events. You must learn this if you want to fully realize yourself.

Chapter 1

So, we are starting to master the fourth stage of the DEIR - a system for further energy-information development. But first, let us once again recall and systematize our main achievements in the first three steps. I hope that those readers whom I have not yet convinced of the need to turn to the first three books, having read this information, will want to read them themselves, if only in order to simply catch up with the development of regular readers of our series.

Three steps to freedom

First stage DEIR

After all, what is freedom? This is the ability not to succumb to the patterns and stereotypes of human society, this is the ability to live in accordance only with one’s true desires, goals, one’s own meaning of life and achieve what one’s own personality, and not the outside world, requires. Only a person with a protective shell can live like this. A person who does not have such a shell is forced to dance all his life to someone else's tune like a puppet. Take a closer look: the world around you is full of just such puppets who live their lives absolutely unconsciously and die just as unconsciously. They do not know who they are, why they came into this world, they exist according to a program imposed by society. Such a miserable existence cannot be called a full life.

The person who created the protective shell is freed from other people's programs. His mind, his consciousness, his intuition are fully included in the world- and a person begins to behave consciously, to do what he needs, he ceases to be an automaton and begins to fully live in accordance with the tasks and interests of his own essence.

Rice. 6. It is worth closing the energy flows of the upper and lower chakras - and no one else will interfere in your inner world. Never. You will become unavailable and free.

Let us give an example of how an ordinary person and a person of a new evolutionary stage, who has created a protective shell, behaves in a similar situation.

AT last years in our country the cult of the material has developed, and in particular the cult of money. Even seemingly strong and intellectually developed people cannot resist the "golden calf", not always realizing that this passion can end badly for them. Therefore, many young people, choosing a profession, find themselves in captivity of this program, which focuses them exclusively on material well-being, and are guided only by material considerations. In fact, it is almost impossible for a young unsettled person who does not have a concept of a protective shell to resist the program that society is now imposing: one must be rich at any cost, because happiness is in money! So society thinks, and many naive young people believe.

And for such a young man, the environment literally drips on his brain: you have to be a lawyer, a banker, a businessman! In such a situation, an ordinary person simply does not have enough strength to turn to himself, to his true essence and ask himself if he needs it. We also considered in detail the energy mechanism of the society imposing its program on a person in the first book.

As a result, a person’s intuition and self-awareness are turned off, he, like a robot, like a zombie, in an insensible state, chooses a profession according to the principle: “everyone went, and I went.” As a result, one of three fates awaits such a person: 1) he studies the future profession imposed on him with disgust, through force, constantly overcoming himself, as a result he does not receive full training, cannot become a good specialist - which means that his career will not take place, ambitions will not will be satisfied, there will be no wealth, he will begin to feel like a failure, hence the eternal dissatisfaction, often leading to alcoholism; 2) he studies well, but at the moment of graduation, the demand for specialists of his qualification disappears in the labor market, he becomes unemployed and either complains, cries, gets drunk, or still thinks about what he needs and looks for another occupation; 3) he studies hard, becomes an excellent student, makes a career, earns a lot of money, but either loses his health, or his life becomes hell due to racketeering, telephone threats, attacks in entrances, etc.

All three options are typical for a person who fulfills in life not his own, but someone else's program.

And here is an example of how my student behaved in a situation of choosing a profession, a young man mastering the DEIR system and creating a protective shell for himself. At one time, his relatives and friends also tried to push him either into businessmen or bankers, and everyone around him buzzed over his ear that he had to earn a lot. He was absolutely calm and simply did not notice the society raging around. Alien zombie energy just bounced off his protective shell. He knew for sure that this was not his way and he would not run after the frantic crowd. He behaved, it would seem, contrary to all logic and common sense: he wrote poetry and knew that he would not do anything else. “You are crazy,” shouted relatives, “you will disappear, you will beg, what kind of poetry in our time, who needs it, you won’t feed yourself on this!” But he was so sure that his inner essence was leading him on the right path that he paid no attention to these lamentations.

His poems very soon sounded like the texts of bard songs. Not much time passed, and he received a call from the publisher with a proposal to publish a collection - this can be considered a miracle, because this practically does not happen. It turned out that the publisher's plan was frustrated, another author failed, the vacant niche had to be filled with something, so the editor grabbed, as if by accident, the first novice author that came across. But we understand that this is far from an accident: this is how the energy-information field helps a person who goes his own way. After the release of the collection, a very famous composer approached our hero and offered to cooperate. Now the young poet is becoming a popular songwriter, he has money, his life has become very interesting and eventful. And all this happened easily and simply, as if by itself. This is what it means to be independent from alien influences, from programs of behavior imposed from outside.

For my readers, who have the shell of the first stage of DEIR, judging by the numerous responses to the book, life has fundamentally changed. But you can't stop there. Because you still have to learn how to live this new life- after all, its laws are fundamentally different from the laws of life of an ordinary person. For this, the second stage of the system of a new stage of energy-informational development serves.

Second stage DEIR

The man felt free. Nobody and nothing influences him anymore. And here it is important to properly dispose of this freedom. A person who has received freedom and does not know how to dispose of it can be confused, and then fall into apathy and get bored. Recall the many stories of released prisoners who yearn for prison. They do not know what to do with freedom, it was easier for them in prison - they fed there, everything was decided for them there, they did not have to think about how to organize their life.

Again, I will give examples of how different people behave after mastering the first stage of the DEIR. To be honest, among my students there were those who got stuck on the first step and for some reason could not move on. I continue to follow the fate of two of them. Both of them, having mastered the first stage, underwent major changes In my life. Moreover, changes that at first glance may seem negative: one lost his job, the second left his wife.

Fortunately, there are more positive examples. As a rule, my students, having mastered the first stage, do not suffer for a long time because of the collapse of the old life - they successfully create new families, find new jobs, start their own business and live for their own pleasure, as one can only dream of.

But even after passing the second stage, you can not stop. After all, as scientists have long known, our world is arranged in such a way that all people are connected with each other at the level of their subconscious. Even having become free from other people's influences, we cannot find ourselves in a vacuum, we still live in this world, interact with others and influence them. And all our knowledge will be worthless if we do not learn to influence those around us in a beneficial way, with the maximum benefit both for ourselves and for them, and, ultimately, for the whole world.

Third step DEIR

A person who has mastered the third stage of DEIR harmonizes his environment and the space around him. After all, if the behavior of others is not brought to harmony, it is very easy to fall under the influence of others again or find yourself in a situation where others can cause us some harm, and we will not be able to resist it. Therefore, the third step is learning to influence other people with the help of both energy-information methods and the usual behavioral techniques known in psychology.

Rice. 9. Placement of the engram of action in the brain of the "target".

Why is it so necessary? Let me give an example as an explanation. One of my students could not watch without heartache how his little daughter suffered from a kindergarten teacher. The teacher hated the children, insulted and humiliated them in every possible way, tried to break their souls, drove them to hysterics. My student, who had mastered clairvoyance, saw that the teacher had an absolutely black aura. If at least an elementary culture of energy-information interactions were developed in our society, such people would simply not be allowed near children. But - alas - the "black" teacher was in good standing with the authorities. Meanwhile, the daughter of my student, as a child sensitive and vulnerable, suffered more than other children: she began to get sick, cry for no reason, she lost her appetite, problems with sleep began - in general, the child developed a neurosis.

What was to be done? There was no way to pick up the child from the kindergarten. My student, being a very advanced person, understood that the methods of struggle used in such cases by ordinary people - complaints to the mayor's office, scandals in the office of the head of the kindergarten, not only would not bring success, but would worsen the situation. Then, using the methods outlined in the third book, he began to control the mind of the head of the kindergarten.

Not much time passed, and one morning, when he, as always, took the girl to Kindergarten, suddenly it turned out that the evil teacher was fired. At the same time, the head of the kindergarten, approaching my student, confidentially reported: “You know, she has a completely black aura. We had to get another teacher." My student knew for sure that the manager had never been fond of either parapsychology or bioenergy, and the word "aura" was hardly present in her vocabulary before.

The new teacher was kindness itself, and the child's condition quickly returned to normal.

So the third stage of the DEIR system introduces another very important component to our freedom - now we easily and naturally, without any risk to ourselves, exist and act within society, and people driven by the pathological structures of society do not interfere with us.

Evolution - Hurdles

If you have understood everything correctly from the first three stages of DEIR, if you have mastered them well in practice, then you can congratulate yourself: you have already moved to a new stage of evolution. Life has changed qualitatively, dissatisfaction with life has disappeared, illnesses have disappeared, communication with their own kind has normalized, as well as the financial situation. However, everyone has their own pace of evolutionary development, and if your life is still far from ideal - do not be discouraged: the main thing is that the direction is chosen correctly, and if you do not stop, your increased strength and time will do the rest.

Nevertheless, it would seem that if a new stage has already been reached, what problems can there be? And yet problems continue to arise in front of you. But these are not ordinary human problems such as scandals with restless neighbors or lack of money. You now face a very special problem - although, in essence, the same kind that you encountered when moving to the second stage of the DEIR, namely, the problem of moving to new stage development.

And now we again face a new stage of ascent, which means that we again face the “difficulties of the transitional period”.

But what is this new stage before us? To understand this, let us first understand how life developed on Earth in general, in what way the evolutionary process progressed. We will not go into details and details, we will recall only the largest stages in the course of evolution.

First, single-celled ones appeared on Earth - the first bacteria and other cells. Then - after about 2 billion years - the first multicellular organisms arose: worms, sponges and others. Another half a billion years passed, and creatures with a skeleton appeared - vertebrates. For some time they lived in the sea, and then life came to land - vertebrates began to live not only in water, but also on land. The formation of the skeleton meant the ability to move quickly and efficiently. To move effectively in the water, aquatic vertebrates had gills and fins, and "land" vertebrates - lungs and limbs. But then the vertebrates reach the great apes in their development - and there is a jump to the next stage: the ape acquires intelligence. And a monkey with intelligence is no longer a monkey, but a man.

Not so much time passes on the scale of the universe, some 15 million years, and a person acquires his modern appearance.

End of free trial.

Today, education at the DEIR school is divided into 5 basic steps. The fifth stage, in turn, is divided into 3 parts. Each stage has its own task and represents a whole class of highly effective skills. Education according to the DEIR system begins with the 1st stage. The system of teaching at school does not allow jumping over stages, since the material of the next stage is based on the material of the previous one.

As you progress through the steps and acquire the appropriate skills, various ones become available to listeners.


Target: achievement of freedom of consciousness, control of one's own energy.

Results: increase in strength, improve health, resistance to external negativity, harmony with oneself, disclosure of potential, more free time, greater focus on personal, rather than inspired values ​​and goals.

At the first stage, we learn to perceive, feel, cleanse and protect our own energy. Using knowledge of the human chakra structure, we establish a reflex at the energy level, which automatically protects us from energy damage and negative egregorial influences.

The first step is aimed at mastering your inner energy space. We stop wasting our energy on external foreign influences and begin to use it in its entirety to normalize our health and well-being. We become masters of our energy and learn to manage it to achieve complete inner comfort.

Our mental state improves, blood pressure normalizes, various sores go away. We begin to be perceived differently by other people.


Methods: Programs for good luck and luck, for the effectiveness of your own actions, for self-confidence. Alternative reference state. Technique for removing faulty (karmic) programs. Techniques for directed correction of health problems.

Results: Improving health, removing introjects blocking the achievement of the goal, quickly and most effectively achieving goals with the automatic involvement of social opportunities.

As Jung wrote in the last century, all behavioral instincts of the living world, including humans, are controlled by subconscious programs. In humans, behavioral programs have been developed in the subconscious throughout its evolution and are aimed at providing basic human instincts.

The second stage of DEIR gives us the language of communication with the subconscious, and now we can explain to the subconscious what we are striving for in life. We learn conscious dialogue with the Subconscious. We consciously form for him programs of behavior leading to the achievement of our true desires. And the Subconscious, using the most powerful mechanisms developed over thousands of years of evolution, leads us to our goal. As a result, we become successful and self-confident.

Skills acquired at Stage II:

    creating an integral sense of purpose;

    target checks on tinity in the Reference Condition;

    setting the program for Luck and Luck;

    the impact of the program;

    creating an integral feeling of the program for the Efficiency of Own Actions;

    creating an integral sense of "I am the goal"

    A sense of self-confidence and a sense of self-righteousness;

    creating an Alternative Reference State;

    use of the Alternative Reference State;

    placement of the Integral Sense of Purpose in the etheric body through the Alternative Reference State;

    sensations of the point "I Am";

    reading intent;

    creating programs for big goals;

    formation of an integral feeling of a karmic chain of events;

    checking the integral sensation for karmicity through the Reference State;

    removal of the karmic structure from the Etheric Body;

    checking the correctness of the removal of the Karmic Structure from the Etheric Body;

    correction of the field structure - creation of an anti-karmic program;

    correction of behavioral programs through the Alternative Reference State;

    alternative working out of karma;

    local removal of energy from the Etheric Body;

    creating a health matrix;

    creating a general health program through the Reference State.


Do you want to understand and be understood more deeply? Influence also needs to be learned.

Content: The skill of influencing the situation, techniques of influencing other people, the art of influencing without words.

Methods: Management of attention, starting impulse, drawing up programs and structures, reading intentions and desires, transferring intentions to another person.

Results: Deepening communication and expanding opportunities to influence others. Immunity to other people's influence, the art of non-verbal influence, the ability to feel the intention of the interlocutor; intuition on the verge of telepathy.

After the First and Second Stages, we are healthy, we have power over ourselves, we are successfully moving forward in society. But very often the solution of our problems is connected with other people. And these people are usually controlled by egregorial structures. You are already free, but they are not yet. Accordingly, at the trio we analyze in detail the mechanisms of influence of thought forms, energy programs, and practical telepathy. You still use all these mechanisms of influence on other people today, but only on a subconscious level. At the third stage, we bring them to the level of consciousness and develop a habit.

As a rule, there is no special need for a truly free person to influence someone personally. But to eliminate extraneous influence is required constantly. Unless, of course, you want to create at least something.

Or around you your influence - or around and in you is someone else's. Here, alas, the third is not given.

Skills acquired at Stage III:

  • the use of passive control methods in an egregorial environment;
  • active cutting off a person from egregorial management;
  • active energy methods of working with attention (Ajna suppression, failure of attention, transmission of a point impulse, impact on an active chakra);
  • active energy methods of work with the starting push (transmission of the Starting push, selection of the Starting push, induction of the opposite action);
  • feeling the "I Am" point
  • reading the intention of another person;
  • transfer of intention to another person;
  • erasing the intention of another person;
  • change of intention in another person;
  • feelings of positive and negative desire;
  • conveying positive and negative desires to another person;
  • compiling and transferring designs to another person;
  • compiling long-term programs for third-party consciousness ( general principles, combined impact options, positive and negative programs);
  • non-verbal influence by one's own behavior (distance, facial expressions, gaze, gestures, voice modes).


4 step- this isdisclosure of the creative, intuitive and energy potential of a person, non-standard thinking. Serious energy restructuring, requiring a special regimen during training.

Termination of "internal dialogue". Access to intuition.

Enormous amount of energy! Materialization of thoughts.

Results: A qualitatively new level of strength, better security of thinking, heightened intuition, stimulation of creative thinking, a vivid perception of the world, a new quality of life.

The fourth step is extremely important and interesting. Figuratively speaking, this is reincarnation. How a caterpillar turns into a butterfly and becomes a qualitatively different creature. Similarly, the methods of the Fourth Stage give us the possibility of internal energy reincarnation, we become qualitatively different. Outwardly, we change little, and in terms of energy qualities, we become accessible to what an ordinary person does not even dream of.

Our intuitive perception of information is enhanced and we acquire a more complete vision of the situation. And besides that, we are now able to develop our own Creative skills and even such skills as, for example, clairvoyance and telepathy.

If you want to change something in your life, you have to change yourself. If you want to achieve permanent change in better side Get ready to change yourself on a permanent basis for this. We doing this.

The fourth stage is a set of skills that combine everything learned in the previous stages into a new alloy that makes achievements stable and renewable. Pencil for drawing fate.


The fifth stage is the final stage of the basic course of further energy-informational development, opening up to a free person the world of the primordial possibilities of his consciousness.

Content: The use of emotional logic and emotional zones of virtual space.

Methods: Creation of a regime of controlled luck/failure banding, techniques for identifying open and closed paths in the outside world, using the attention of the will as a transformative tool, technology of fast and slow thoughts.

Results: increase in luck, clarification of the prospects of the actions initiated, management of a fortunate combination of circumstances, management of emotional variables, individual and collective values, management of chance, transition to crisis-free development.

This step of learning leads us to familiarize ourselves with the laws of a large supra-social world. Where the events that we used to call "coincidences" and "accidents" are regulated. We learn to recognize the regularity of these accidents, as far as it is generally accessible to the human mind, and learn to act in accordance with them. The techniques of the Fifth Step allow us to start any business by checking whether the path is initially open to us or not, and to take appropriate action if the path is closed.

Skills acquired at stage V-1:

  • detection of "good" and "bad" zones in the Virtual Space;
  • displacement of the I Am point into the “good” zone and pumping it up with the Upstream - entering the controlled banding mode;
  • creation of an image matrix - combination of Subjective space and Virtual space;
  • transferring values ​​from the Virtual Space to the test system;
  • ability to ask a question to a test system;
  • creating a grid of values;
  • use of the test system.


Content: Using emotional logic in interaction with the outside world.

Methods: Bringing emotional meanings out, creating emotional vectors, using slow thoughts to control random events.

Results: The ability to control the thinking and social movements of groups, the ability to control randomness.

In Step Five, we master the creation of new emotional values. We delve into the very mechanisms of the emergence of emotions. We learn to manage emotions in order to directly influence the effectiveness of our thoughts. And by controlling the effectiveness of our thoughts, we will be able to control the effectiveness of our actions at our own will - after all, an action is effective only when the thought is strong, correctly directed and effective.

We learn to create Emotional Vectors, both internal - aimed at achieving our own goals, and external - aimed at achieving collective goals.

Skills acquired at stage V-2:

    the transfer of emotional meanings from a person to an object;

    transfer of emotional meanings from an object to a person;

    creating an internal emotional vector;

    detection of “pleasant” and “unpleasant” zones in the Virtual Space;

    creating an external emotional vector;

    sensations of fast thoughts;

    using fast thinking;

    sensations of slow thoughts;

    feeling the difference between slow and fast thoughts;

    using the slow type of thinking;

    switching between fast and slow thinking register;

    changes in the assessment of the past through their meanings - the impact on someone else's subjective reality to correct past events;

    management of external values ​​- impact on the collective unconscious;

    creating outer chakra.


Content: Using emotional logic and a grid of meanings to interact with the irrational side of the world.

Methods: Study of the interaction of consciousness and emotional drives, creation of a grid of meanings. Allocation of the rational part of the subject into a rational mask, creation of a non-mask that accumulates irrational experience, creation of a grid of values ​​for the egregorial layer. Techniques of metaphorical thinking. Techniques for creating orderings of the level of world currents.

Results: The possibility of fundamental comprehension of the irrational, crisis-free development, control of the movement of egregor and extra-egregorial orderings.

Skills acquired at stage V-3:

    selection of figures satisfying drives and frustrating drives for MASK and NON-MASK;

    finding the drive energy source zone in the Virtual Space;

    creation of a MASK: connection of all positive figures with the zone of the energy source of drives, attachment of the subject (point I Am) to this construction, creation of an external anchor for the MASK;

    creating an internal guide grid of values ​​for the MASK: selecting shapes, creating conglomerates from shapes, combining conglomerates into a single structure and merging the structure with the "good" zone;

    creating an external guide grid of meanings in the Collective Unconscious: creating conglomerates from figures, combining conglomerates into a single structure, merging the structure with the "pleasant" zone, taking it out to the ball, throwing it into the Collective Unconscious;

    creating egregorial-active phrases for additional activation of the external grid of meanings;

    creation of a NON-MASK: connection of all figures that frustrate drives into a conglomerate and its connection with the zone of the drive energy source; metaphorical thinking;

    creation of a target World Current.


Correction of complex karmic cases, in-depth study of the virtual space, skills of restructuring the endopsyche.

We work with karma on the 2nd step. But everyone has severe cases of karma, severe karmic problems that require deeper work to get rid of suffering. There is a need not only to remove the karmic complex, as an energy-information formation, but also to correct a defect on the soul matrix - the pre-karmic complex, change pathological stereotypes of thinking, pathological stereotypes of perception and behavior, work with the karma of the family in order to help your loved ones not suffer due to common karmic problems.

Skills gained on TEC:

  • technique for removing karmic programs according to the methods of the 2nd stage;
  • discovering the space of realized karma;
  • removal of residual energy-informational domains from the space of realized karma;
  • destruction of the cavity of realized karma;
  • liberation and realization of energy concentrated in the space of realized karma;
  • breaking dead causal chains;
  • restructuring of demanded connections;
  • formation of productive causal chains;
  • detection of a karmic defect in the Virtual Space;
  • elimination of the karmic defect of the Virtual space;
  • harmonization of the Virtual space;
  • blocking the karma of the clan - determining the quality of situations in the family (identifying the karma of the clan), modification of the karma-forming situation;
  • prevention of false karma.


Tolerance: Fourth Degree

For the first lesson, have an object: a small pebble, which you don’t mind throwing away later. What subjects to choose for assistants will be told in class.

The seminar "Technique of Animating Objects" is dedicated to the creation of energy-information mechanisms ("entities") to help us in a variety of matters, in energy-information work.

Skills obtained at the TOP:

  • cleansing the object of habitation of the essence (object) with energy;
  • vibrational alignment with the object;
  • transfer of fragments of the Subjective space (images) to the object;
  • creating and transferring fragments of the Virtual Space to an object;
  • entity programming;
  • display of power sources;
  • creating a simple training entity;
  • entity reprogramming;
  • immersion of the essence in anabiosis;
  • disassembly of the essence;
  • creating a complex training entity (Defender of Man) with subsequent disassembly;
  • creation of Defenders (on the example of the Defender of Man);
  • creation of Keepers (on the example of the Keeper of Health and the Keeper of Information);
  • creation of Regulators (on the example of the Regulator of Charisma);
  • creation of Guides (for example, the Guide to the goal or the Guide to the worlds);
  • creation of Assistants (on the example of the Assistant in money).

At the seminar, you will learn how to create energy-information assistants for yourself, who will perform energy-information work for you, instead of you, better than you. After the 4th stage, the wealth of the inner world and the outer life of a person increases by orders of magnitude. The sphere of interests is increasing, horizons are expanding, activity is increasing many times over. And that means more things to do. It may turn out that a person does not always have time to do what he needs, what he wants. A person needs helpers who will save his time, his strength. Assistants who are able to perform any energy-information work in the best possible way.For example, if you need to make programs for other people. Giving programs to other people takes time, requires attention. You can assign it information keeper . He gets the job done quickly and easily. And you can devote the freed time to more interesting things. But the Guardian can do much more. Not only to transfer information from you to others, but also to find and bring you the necessary information in full and without distortion.BUT Health Guardian will maintain the state of your body in accordance with your Health Matrix and monitor the normal functioning of your internal organs, preventing the formation of pathological ligaments. And even be able to correct the figure, creating and maintaining the shapes and lines of the body you need.Defenders of a person, home, family are able to repel danger, neutralize in advance even only possible aggression, maintaining your comfort, peace and harmony in your home and family, protecting you from external negative influences and encroachments on your well-being.

Guide to the goal will help to achieve the goal in the shortest and easiest way, bypassing possible obstacles, will provide the necessary support for the external environment and maximum satisfaction with what has been achieved.Thought Conduit will make any thought process quick, easy, enjoyable, and most importantly, efficient, accurate and logically complete. He will give you fresh ideas, non-standard assistant will attract material resources for your life and monitor the improvement of your well-being.Sales Assistant help increase assistant will help you successfully move up the career ladder.Relationship Regulator help create harmonious relationship with the people who matter to you.

Dmitry Verishchagin

Maturity. System of skills for further energy-informational development, stage IV

© D. S. Verishchagin, 1995

© Athena, 2009

* * *

DEIR - a system of skills for further energy-informational development of a person - is a consistent system for teaching a person the skills of energy-informational interaction with the world.

We ourselves are fundamentally composed of energy and information that direct signals in our brain and the movement of matter in our body ...

All the movement of the world at its very core is energy and information.

We, like fish in the ocean, are constantly surrounded by a single energy-information field of the Universe and are in a state of continuous energy exchange with it.

By directing energy exchange, you direct your life.

And so it is and has been since the beginning of time.

Energy Information Development Manifesto

Man is, first of all, spirit, soul and mind merged into a single living entity.

The information in us guides our energy, our energy reveals new information to us.

Man is an energy-informational being.

All our limitless possibilities begin with the conscious direction of our energy.

Each new awareness, recognition, discovery gives birth within us new way more perfect energy-informational action.

Each time, having taken a new step forward, we can say to ourselves that we are moving along the path of further energy-informational development of ourselves.

And it depends only on us how far we will go, who we will turn into and in what spaces we will live, as long as time exists in the universe, because energy is indestructible, and information is omnipresent.

We are a free part of the free spirit of our world.

Fourth step

Introduction to the issue

Conscious mental optimization

D. S. Verishchagin

The text has been corrected according to the 1995 manuscript.

General parting words of D. S. Verishchagin

By opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. You will open real reasons health, illness, deeds and human destiny.

Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you. Do not waste your strength in vain pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - the discovery of a new world and the search for your place in it.

You will gain the ability to heal, and this gift will come to everyone in their own way. Use it for good. Help selflessly.

Your soul will go through a process of strengthening, and you will be able to lead other people. Bring them light and joy, not darkness and pain.

You will no longer depend on karma and karmic illnesses. Help others achieve the same.

You will own the true tool for changing the world - faith. May your faith bring good not only to you.

You may need help to make it all the way to the end. Find it in travelers like you. Get to know each other in the crowd. Learn from each other. Remember each other.

Having ascended to a new stage of development, you will be a part of a new energy unity, a unity of free people. Give each other support. Remember each other and share energy with each other, because the price of freedom is high and sometimes beyond the power of one.

Remember us who were the first to enter new world. We are focusing a new energetic unity for you. Contact us in difficult times, and we will come to the rescue. Contact us in a moment of prosperity, and we will be able to come to the aid of millions of others. There is no death. We will respond from beyond.

Add your rays to the light of the new energy unity.

Create a new free humanity. You deserve it.

Fourth stage, new configuration

“Man is the crown of creation,” materialistic scientists have been telling us for many years. But improvement is endless. In fact, of course, a person in the form in which he exists now, in general, is not a crown, but only a semi-finished product. Far from perfect, not harmonious and by no means completed its evolution being. Now, at the turn of the millennium, at the turn of the epochs, humanity has suddenly become cramped and small the stage of evolution it has reached today. Therefore, people rush about, do not know where to get away from longing and despair, therefore many are haunted by the feeling of a dead end into which their lives have entered.

Imagine a caterpillar that has not yet turned into a butterfly, but has already felt that for some reason it is disgusting to remain at this stage of development. In nature, unlike human society, everything is wise: the caterpillar will survive an unpleasant moment, and then spread its wings and fly. It's more difficult for people. Not all "caterpillars" in human form will survive to the butterfly stage. Firstly, because people do not know about the next stage of development awaiting them, they do not see prospects, which is why they fall into despair and lose their vitality. Secondly, people, out of dissatisfaction with their position as a “caterpillar”, instead of quietly evolving, begin to destroy themselves - some with alcohol and drugs, some with the pursuit of power and money.

And only a few know: do not despair and panic, you must quietly and patiently prepare for the flight.

In our time - a truly critical time - only those who can calmly and dignifiedly move to a new stage of human evolution are productive. Who will replace the Reasonable Man? Spiritual Man, Conscious Man, Advanced Man, Energy Information Man? Let the scientists of the future decide this, and the essence is not in the name. The main thing is that it will be a completely different, new being, and the upcoming stage of evolution is really a qualitatively new stage. Just as a butterfly is not just a prettier and grown caterpillar, but a fundamentally new creature, so the new person will be a fundamentally different creation of nature, endowed with those qualities that most people can’t even dream of now. Moreover, outwardly, a person, apparently, will not change much, but his inner content will become qualitatively different. Clairvoyance, telepathy, and perhaps even telekinesis and teleportation, will become for a new person born today the same everyday reality as the telephone, TV and computer are now.

Complete training course of the DEIR School of Skills. III and IV stage Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

Step 3c DEIR skill system. IV stage

DEIR skill system. IV stage

Fixing the displacement of the feeling "I am" in the extreme chakras

So, we have come close to completing the last step of the fourth stage of the DEIR skills system. By now, we have already completed almost everything that needs to be done at this stage. Namely, we have learned to feel the soul and consciousness, we have taught the consciousness to shift along the matrix of the soul and clearly feel this shift. We have accustomed our subconscious to a pleasant complex of sensations corresponding to the correct branching of consciousness - its distribution over the extreme chakras. We united the soul, consciousness and ethereal body into a single whole and thus gained the integrity of ourselves - a wonderful harmonious state, absolutely inaccessible to people. Finally, we have taught our soul, consciousness and ethereal body to use directly the pure energy of the Earth and the Cosmos, and only it.

Here, it would seem, is a paradox - having split our consciousness, distributing it between the extreme chakras, we not only do not divide our essence in two, but, on the contrary, we feel ourselves united, monolithic and fully conscious. In fact, there is no paradox - and, having been imbued with this feeling, you will be convinced that only by distributing your consciousness between the extreme chakras, only by learning to simultaneously feel and realize yourself from the two points of entry of the central flows, it is possible to feel whole. And not only holistic, but spiritualized, conscious, alive and perceiving the whole world at the same time with his whole being, his whole body from the tips of his fingers to the top of his head.

Now, looking closely at people who have not known themselves, you can easily notice how wooden, ossified, inanimate they are. They automatically move their arms and legs, as if they were not a living body, but crutches. Your body has now become alive, spontaneous, instantly reacting to any change in the situation, you directly and vividly react to everything. In general, among such people you are a living person, among crowds of dummies and automatons, into which, unfortunately, most people have turned themselves.

What is left for us to do? It remains only to carry out the final merging of the etheric body, consciousness and soul and fix this state forever. This will help us the skills gained during the passage of the previous steps.

I remind you that this step is done in conjunction with the previous one, without any interruptions.

1. Immediately after the sensations of the previous step become crisp and clear - you have achieved the sensation of merging the upper and lower chakras with the etheric body - evoke in yourself the basic feeling of "I am". This must be done without losing the feeling of the fusion of the etheric body with the extreme chakras.

2. Move the sense of "I am" in the etheric body through the subjective space to the upper chakra. Feel the sense of "I am" merging with the upper fixation point of the etheric body at the entry point of the downstream. Fix the sensations that have arisen at the same time: your state should change abruptly, with a push. You will feel how the cosmic energy literally poured into your soul and consciousness, you were flooded with cosmic light, the energy of the Cosmos permeates your entire being. At some point, you may feel that you have merged with the entire Cosmos, with the entire Universe, you contain the whole world in yourself! It's not really a metaphor, it's true. Having reached certain heights in his evolutionary development, a person becomes one with the whole world. His energy becomes boundless and easily reaches any corner of the universe, embracing the whole world. Now the Universe is you, and you are the Universe. Nothing more and nothing less. Only a person who has reached this state becomes truly great. Compared to this, all earthly goods - wealth, power, fame - are worthless trinkets, children's toys, fun for the feeble-minded who do not know what real greatness is. No matter how earthly glory a person has, for the Universe he is still a speck of dust. You are now commensurate with the Universe.

3. Save, fix the received feeling, enjoy it.

True unification of consciousness and energy sources of the Cosmos.

4. Slowly move the sense of "I am" down in the etheric body through subjective space until you fully merge with the lower chakra. Feel the displaced sense of "I am" merging with the lower fixation point of the etheric body at the entry point of the updraft. Be imbued with the sensation that has arisen: your state will change abruptly, with an impulse, and you will feel how the strength, power, energy of the Earth overwhelms your entire being, flows into your soul and consciousness, permeates you through and through. Now you can feel yourself one with the Earth, with all nature, feel with your soul how you become a sea, a river, a rock, a flower at will. Now all earthly nature, all earth elements will help you like living beings. Yes, these are living beings, the whole world around us is alive, everything in it is alive - plants, seas, and even stones and rocks. You will feel how the whole world is talking to you, learn to communicate with the world in its own language. Most people are deaf to this language, so it seems to them that the world is hostile, and they themselves become hostile to the world around them. You have now become related by soul with the whole Earth. So every blade of grass and grain of sand will be yours best friend, assistant and adviser on your earthly path.

True unification of consciousness with the point of energy flow of the Earth.

5. Saved, fixed the received feeling, enjoyed it.

6. Your sense of "I am" has now dissolved into your chakra-connected etheric body. But this feeling did not completely dissolve, there is still some residue. Return this residue to your usual position and begin to breathe slowly and measuredly, mentally dissolving it.

Like a tree facing the light and holding on to the earth's firmament with its roots, you embrace with your consciousness the pure sources of energy of the Earth and Cosmos.

7. Having dissolved this residue, listen to your state, wait a bit. You will feel how the feeling of "I am" is again weakly manifested in the usual position. Then take a deep breath and hold your breath. Don't breathe for as long as you can. At the moment of holding your breath, you will feel that the feeling of "I am" slowly melts and dissolves without a trace. When you begin to breathe, it may again show up faintly. Hold your breath again and dissolve the feeling of "I am". You need to do this about five times during independent work - and the feeling “I am” will cease to manifest itself in the usual place, it will remain dissolved in the extreme chakras merged with the etheric body.

The technique of splitting the “I am” area along the space of the extreme chakras, like all techniques of the fourth stage in general, will require a significant energy buildup and is very difficult to perform on your own, respectively, it will require some explanations, both theoretical and practical.

Let's try to deal with the theoretical part of the technique. After completing the dissolution of the chakras, we did not have them left as sensory structures separate from the etheric body. Nevertheless, the configuration of the etheric body, which provides the initial focusing of the trigger sensations of the central flows, has been preserved. Accordingly, we will be interested not only and not so much in the chakras themselves, but in their preserved inner space, in which the focus of the flows is located. There are no obstacles to placing the projection of the “I am” point in this zone.

The displacement of the projection of the point “I am” in this case is carried out on the border of the subjective and objective spaces, since the ethereal body in its most saturated state of energy at the time of the exercise is superimposed on the physical body and, thus, on the objective space.

But why are we able to "split the 'I am' realm"? The answer is simple enough. The “I am” area itself is one and is a continuously existing element of the subjective space. Accordingly, we are working with its projection - and just as there can be two or more reflections from one candle, so the “I am” point can have two projections on the border of subjective and objective spaces.

What is the reason for the restructuring itself? Due to several factors. The fact is that, as we already know, the position of the “I am” area and its projections on the objective and virtual spaces is determined by the focusing of the mechanisms of the psyche that are unconscious in the process of their work. At the same time, keeping the “I am” point in its position depends on functional profitability - and it is determined by two factors: concentration of attention and energy saturation, that is, the density of sensations that such a position produces.

Accordingly, the position of the "I am" area in the former space of the extreme chakras is already quite stable, since such a position gives access to the maximum intensity of the trigger sensations of the central flows.

However, in one or another specific area, it is held by our attention, which informs such a position of an independent energy reserve. In order for the point to choose the most energetically favorable position, then attention must be distracted for some time. And in face-to-face classes we use the technique of focusing on the fundamentally elusive moment of breathing for this.

Let's move on to the details of the technique of splitting the "I am" area according to the points of focus of the central flows. We carry out the reduction of consciousness to the point “I am” and strengthen the upward flow, which gives us the opportunity to move the area “I am” to the area previously occupied by the upper chakra. As soon as it began to move into this area, we begin to strengthen the downward flow, bringing the “I am” area closer and closer to the focal area of ​​the central downward flow. When it approaches, we begin to focus the central downward flow around it, and the "I am" area with a rather characteristic sensation "falls through" into the focal area of ​​the flow. We keep it there for some time, being saturated with the ever-increasing and intensifying central downward flow, which changes its qualities and becomes much more powerful than usual. This is necessary for the mechanisms of consciousness to become accustomed to this position, so that the energy benefit of such a position is imprinted in the sensory memory.

Then we strengthen the central ascending flow and bring the “I am” point right down in the channel of the central flows, gradually moving it to the area of ​​​​the former location of the lower chakra. As they approach, concentrate the energy of the updraft in that area, helping the 'I am' point to penetrate into the focal point of the updraft. As soon as it is in the focal point, we hold it there for a while, tracking the change and progressive strengthening of the central updraft.

Now we reinforce the central downward flow again, remove the “I am” area from the focus of the ascending flow upwards to the level of the solar plexus, leave it there (you can increase this balance for the entire etheric body in general) and begin to listen to your calm, measured breathing, trying to catch the moment when the inhalation has already ended - and the exhalation has not yet begun, and the exhalation has already ended - but the inhalation has not yet begun - inhale-exhale, exhale-inhale (these are fundamentally elusive moments, there will be an illusion that the exhalation begins while the breath is still ending, but we all we try to concentrate equally) ... until the “I am” area disappears from this localization and is distributed evenly between the focal points of the central flows.

The mechanism of this restructuring is as follows: as we have already said, the fixation of the “I am” area in its position is provided by attention and the level of energy available in this position. But after we drew a point along the entry foci of the central flows, we left in our memory the memory of extremely energetically favorable locations. That is, if the fixation of the “I am” area in the center of the head was previously, say, 100%, then after this procedure, forty percent remained potentially at the upper focal point, forty percent at the other ... and only twenty plus attention keep it in that position near solar plexus where you left it. By diverting attention, we cause a spontaneous redistribution of the projection of the “I am” area along the focal points of the central flows.

This technique, like the previous ones, is difficult to work on your own, so I would like to advise you to first perform it in two stages: move the “I am” area to the upper focus point of the streams and observe the effects, then to the lower one, observe, make sure that the execution is correct - and only then carry out the entire technique as a whole.

Examination. At phased implementation the flows begin to intensify spontaneously, as soon as you focus on the “I am” area, this position of the “I am” point turns out to be stable. Such an increase in one of the streams significantly changes the quality of the ball, it seems to “pump up” - and your reactions to the world around you. Accordingly, locating the 'I am' area at the downstream focal point will result in a calm contemplative state that nevertheless allows for very quick consideration of problems and quick response to them. When located at the focal point of the ascending flow - the reaction is fast, sthenic, activity is sharply increased and is aimed at transformation environment. Try to observe yourself and the reaction of others with such a polar arrangement of the “I am” area. You will see how much the amplitude and power of your reactions has increased in comparison with them. The quality of the streams will also change once again, they will become both more powerful and more pleasant to the body - but you will find out for yourself.

After completing the exercise in its entirety, your reactions and your energy will be much more powerful, and the increased availability of the energy of the central flows will compensate for the polarity of the reactions, but will retain the possibility of a very fast and powerful switching. In addition, the internal dialogue will stop, which is a manifestation of the so-called "internal critic", which prevents the timely recording of irrational, intuitive data.

That's all. You have completed the last step of the fourth stage of the DEIR skill system. But it’s too early to calm down: to consolidate the effect, you will have to repeat this step for several months at least once every two weeks. At the same time, you yourself will feel how your state changes, how it becomes more and more stable, stable, how your strength and energy become unshakable and unshakable, and you gain complete invulnerability.

Congratulations! you have done in short term huge, colossal work, which usually takes years and decades. You have become an integral being, you have fused your soul, consciousness and etheric body together. In fact, you have become what nature conceives us all to be - an omnipotent Man with a capital letter, a being that combines cosmic and earthly nature, and therefore possesses all the power of the Cosmos and all the power of the Earth. Human civilization, its illusions, have torn us away from our true nature, made us insignificant specks of dust on the false road along which society is walking. It's time to regain our true essence, to become those giants that we should be by the right of our birth.

The new state provides a lot of advantages, as you will soon see. All ordinary human problems related to health, money, relationships with other people completely disappear. If you sincerely want this, all the blessings of life pour on you like from a cornucopia, and you play them like a juggler, not being afraid that the flow will dry up.

A small commentary on the execution of the entire sequence of techniques of the fourth stage in its entirety. They need to be done in the final version in one breath, without distractions. Strictly speaking, this is one of the most difficult exercises of the DEIR skill system in general, taking even in full-time classes more than half an hour of hard work under the constant supervision of a teacher, who does not allow distraction or a drop in energy level. Therefore, during independent work, control should be tenfold, since it is very difficult to replace a live transmission with direct contact.

So the chakras dissolve first. We do not spare energy during this work, we very carefully control the spread of chakra clots throughout the body, then we wait, saturating the etheric body with the energy of the flows.

Next, we carry out the reduction of consciousness to the “I am” area and proceed to splitting its projection on the border of the SUP-OP, first the upper focal space, then the lower one, then we bring the rest of the projection of the “I am” area to the center of the body, dissolve.

After that, we concentrate on the upper projection of the "I am" area, saturate the etheric body with the energy of the NP, transfer the concentration to the lower projection, saturate the EP, while maintaining the strengthening of the central flows, saturate the entire body up to the boundaries of the shell of the first stage, hold this state for several minutes until complete uniformity sensations.

Then we again reduce consciousness to the “I am” area (if it is difficult to focus on the “I am” proper as the central structure of the subjective space, then we use any of the projections - for example, the projection of the “I am” area in the upper chakra).

Again, we find the VIP anchor area (1st step of the 4th step), carry out the displacement of the “I am” projection along the SUP-VIP border to the anchor area and back, then fix it with the help of the respiratory reflex ... Everything is done!

However, it is possible that if you perform this technique yourself, you will have to perform this technique several times, tracking omissions and achieving stability. The need for repetition, if any, will be reminded to you by the disappearance of one or more of the signs that we will now consider.

Examination. After the correct execution of the sequence of steps of the fourth stage, the following changes are observed:

the world is perceived brighter, more voluminous, it is felt more powerful, on inhalation and exhalation the same object reminds your fantasy of different things;

the central streams are felt wide, as if caressing the body, the field is enlarged, the projective ball is very powerfully felt;

when the central flow is directed through the Ajna chakra (if it is not created), the energy does not go out, concentrating at the level of the forehead and causing a tangible tension at this level;

when concentrating on the upper or lower area of ​​"I am", the corresponding flow begins to grow steadily;

after splitting the projection of the “I am” area, the internal dialogue will immediately stop, which usually does not allow focusing on the really perceived world;

when standing up in the etheric body, the attempt to turn around, in contrast to the first stage, succeeds (because after the fourth stage the etheric body acquires independence at the border of the OP-SUP), the etheric body is felt better and its sensations are very reliable.

Complaining about life becomes ridiculous - how can a giant complain about life, feeling himself merged into one with the whole Cosmos and the whole Earth? You just need to move your finger to get everything you need - your power is so great that instantly, like a magnet, it will attract everything you want. Do not imagine, do not imagine, but it is easy to direct the will and energy.

You yourself become the creator of your life - and create it to your taste and in every moment of your existence, create freely, easily and with inspiration. In addition, you get the opportunity, unheard of for an ordinary person, to continue a conscious and individual existence even after the death of the physical body.

And the most interesting thing is that direct access to the intuitive data that the energy of the Cosmos carries with it is now open for your consciousness. Since now the energy of the Cosmos has become a direct component of your entire single and integral being, then all intuitive data, all true knowledge about the world, about yourself, about the past, present and future are constantly in your consciousness, can be found in it.

And to get an answer to any question, you don’t even have to strain - just concentrate a little, stop your thoughts - and the answer is ready.

In most cases, it will not even be necessary to formulate this question - intuition itself will lead you to where you need to go at every moment of your existence. Your conscious spiritualized body itself will easily receive intuitive signals, and your legs themselves will lead you straight to where you need to - to the people you need, to the right shops, and so on. You only need to completely entrust yourself to that powerful cosmic and terrestrial energy, which itself is now leading you through life. When you fully trust this energy, and the subconscious, speaking to you with the voice of intuition, it turns out that you have absolutely nothing to fear in this life and in any situation you can feel absolutely calm and serene. And this will help life.

One of my students, a 35-year-old successful businessman named Sergei, was completing the fourth stage of DEIR by correspondence. It must be said that he did not manage to finally consolidate and make stable the state of unity of the soul, consciousness and etheric body. It seemed that he understood everything correctly, and at some moments everything worked out well for him - but then the state he found again left, something was missing for the full effect.

And so he flies in an airplane, and at a high altitude, some problems begin at the plane. And the problems are quite serious, the situation is close to emergency. The plane chatters and rolls, it seems that it is about to fall. The flight attendants do their best to calm the passengers. But still panic sets in.

At some point, Sergey was also ready to panic. But suddenly a powerful shock shook his whole being. At first he thought it was the jar that shook the plane. Then he realized that the push comes from himself, from the very essence of his being. At that moment, he felt that some boundless powerful forces suddenly poured into his being, picked him up as if on wings, and carried him away. At the same time, he did not lose consciousness, did not even close his eyes, but simply sat quietly in his chair, perfectly aware of everything that was happening around him. But suddenly he was filled with serene and joyful calmness. He felt that the forces that had picked him up were in complete control of the situation. And some voice seemed to say to him: "Everything will be all right."

At that moment, Sergei felt such integrity of his whole being and such serene joy that he had never experienced before. Such strength emanated from him, such calm confidence that, despite the turmoil that had arisen, the rest of the passengers could not help but notice it. And when they noticed, they somehow also gradually began to calm down. Soon the crew coped with the emergency situation, and the aircraft successfully completed the flight. Since then, Sergey has never left the feeling he received on the plane of a stable and stable unity of the etheric body, soul and consciousness, as well as trust in his intuition and in the power of the energy of the Earth and Cosmos that carries him through life. For the final entry into this state, he, it turns out, lacked just such a shake-up.

My advice to you: if you, like Sergei, do not succeed right away, mentally live the episode that he experienced in reality on the plane. Experience in your imagination this jolt, this push that, in one fell swoop, fused together the disparate parts of his being. If you live it mentally, the energy-information field will not have to throw something similar to you in reality.

As a result, you will definitely achieve a wonderful stable state of the integrity of your being, the trinity of the soul, consciousness and etheric body, absolute trust in life and in your intuition. Having reached this state, you can be sure that from now on you are standing at a new stage in the evolutionary development of mankind.

And in connection with the awakened intuition, such amazing stories happen to my students all the time, which ordinary people never dreamed of. Here is just one example. Elena Petrovna, a university teacher, divorced her husband many years ago and suffered from loneliness all these years. Having passed the four steps of DEIR, one fine morning she woke up with an absolutely clear and distinct feeling that she now needs to leave the house and she will certainly meet a man who will become her close person. Moreover, the feeling was so clear that Elena Petrovna was one hundred percent sure that this meeting would take place.

She did just that: she walked around the city, took a train ticket, and arrived in Otradnoe. And there, in Otradnoye, there is a beautiful park. Here she walks in the park, walks, and for some reason no one comes across to her there. She was already even worried: well, where is He, after all, he must be! And when she was already completely doubting her intuitive abilities and even, to be honest, she began to worry about her mind (“Ek, I was brought into this Otradnoe for no reason - but did I get my mind off?”), when she already moved back to the station, from the side alley just appeared He, the same man whom she had met until now only in her dreams. They somehow easily and simply met, it turned out, indeed, they are kindred spirits. Now they live together, and both are very happy.

I'm not talking about various little things - when, having gathered in a store, you suddenly clearly realize that this store is closed, and when you go up to it, you really see a piece of paper on the door: "Closed for re-registration." Or you feel that you shouldn't get on this tram - and you don't get on, although it goes in your direction. And the tram, moving away from the stop, derails. And so on. These things happen to our listeners every day. All this begins to be perceived as something natural and quite everyday.

And all this is also waiting for you in the very near future.

Here is a very important point: when you reach the state of the final merging of the soul, consciousness and etheric body, examine yourself with an inner eye, check what your new state is, what happened to your energy. Try to explore the new boundaries of your etheric body. You will be surprised to find that the etheric body no longer follows the contours of the physical body, it is no longer rigidly attached to the organs, systems and parts of the body. Your entire physical body is simply flooded with energy that permeates you through and through. And the ethereal body itself has acquired the shape of a ball, the boundaries of which protrude far beyond the limits of your physical body.

In fact, the etheric body has merged with that protective shell (significantly increasing it in size), which we installed at the first stage of DEIR, closing the energy on the extreme chakras. In such a state, one can live, create, feel, create hundreds of thousands of times more fruitfully than a person does in an ordinary state. In this state, it is possible to move from life to life, from incarnation to incarnation, without losing individuality, awareness, and the fullness of sensations. There is immortal life, eternal creativity, eternal joy of being.

The fourth stage of DEIR has been passed, the complete and final transition to a new evolutionary stage has been completed. There is very little left for us: in the following chapters we will talk about some of the conditions that it is desirable to comply with for a more successful passage of the fourth stage of the DEIR, and also briefly outline what we have to go through at the last, fifth stage of the DEIR skill system.

I am a supporter of as much freedom as possible for everyone, but, unfortunately, the passage of the fourth stage of the DEIR will require you, my readers, to have some restraint in habits. Only for the duration of the passage. What is it connected with?

You should have already realized that our basic sense of "I am" is shifting almost continuously in the space of our etheric body and soul, receiving a kaleidoscope of sensations. Even during the day, this feeling goes through significant evolutions, even within an hour, even within a few minutes. And it is difficult to control it, simply because this shift is inseparable from the process of thinking and feeling the world around. But our task is just to gain control, and this is very difficult, and there is no need to complicate it further. Therefore, there are a number of small restrictions, the observance of which will significantly increase your chances of success.

In addition, the very process of mastering the fourth stage of DEIR carries such a powerful energy that it becomes not only possible, but even pleasant, to comply with the restrictions.

So, the first is, of course, alcohol and other hard drugs. What happens when a person consumes a drug or plunges into the abyss of alcohol intoxication? He experiences a whole range of sensations, not caused by direct activation of the body's receptors, but dependent on a chaotic imbalance of subtle processes in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, the feeling “I am” no longer shifts along the matrix of the individual soul, but passes to a shift along external matrices that are alien not only to this specific person but to all mankind in general. The central point "I am" is found in the matrices, which Indian philosophy rightly called the worlds of demons, rakshasas and yakshas. From this moment on, it is impossible to control it, because essences of a demonic nature acquire power over it, of which there are a great many in the unconscious, who consider it a great joy to “ride” on the focal point of human consciousness. Thank God, they do not immediately gain power over the soul, but they seize power over the consciousness until the alcoholic dope leaves the person and he regains control. But even then the subconscious reacts to the return of the “I am” point in its own way - obeying the most ancient reflex, in fact, tying the focus point of consciousness to our body, it fixes it in the best way it can. And only a very experienced and powerful mind can somehow control it.

So it is clear that alcohol during the period of mastering the fourth step should be abolished. I do not recommend anyone to use it at all, but it is clear that we are all people and human weaknesses are not alien. As one of the greats quite rightly said, everything pleasant in this world is either harmful, or immoral, or causes obesity. The list of human sensual pleasures is small, and we are accustomed to diversify it as much as possible. Therefore, we will offer an alternative, compromise option: we do not drink alcohol at all during the passage of the fourth stage, and after passing - please, but a little and never drunk. But during the period of mastering the method - never at all - otherwise, after taking alcohol, it will take a long time to come to your senses and repeat the fourth step again. And you really will have to - because you have already mastered many techniques of the DEIR system of skills, your strength has increased, and the direction of movement depends on the degree of independence of your consciousness. But the greater the power, the greater the danger lies in wait for a person who has lost control. After all, only experienced drivers are allowed to drive a dump truck, and only top-class drivers are allowed to drive a container ship! And if you do not regain control over your mind, you may be carried to God knows where, and it is clear that this will not bring good. Fortunately, the fourth stage of DEIR itself has such power that it significantly reduces, if not completely eliminates, cravings for alcohol. Just don't give in to the habit and you'll get over abstinence.

The same applies to soft drugs such as nicotine and caffeine used in significant amounts. But nicotine, or rather, smoking as a habit, is harmful to the whole organism as a whole. So take advantage of the opportunity that opens up for you - on the fourth step of the DEIR, you can take advantage of the reduction in cravings for stimulants and stop smoking altogether! I highly recommend this to you, because if you do not pay attention to the reduction in traction, then the habit will take its toll, and once or twice when fixing the fourth step without quitting, you lose this opportunity.

Now about food. Of course, becoming a vegetarian in our time is almost pointless - it's just that such exotic food, in order to be complete, will require more than significant financial costs from you. But during the period of passing the fourth stage of the DEIR, I recommend that you categorically refuse to consume meat and even fish. This does not apply to eggs, butter, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and kefir. We need proteins of animal origin, but, unfortunately, only those that have not been colored in our conscious or unconscious representation will not interfere with the fourth step negative energy. So everything that once belonged to another consciousness will have to be excluded for the duration of the exercises.

Why? I think you already understand this quite well. The fact is that you and I have increased sensitivity and, accordingly, we have a sure chance to feel the remnants of the programs and intentions that meat products carry. This energy, like ordinary people, cannot harm us by itself - simply because our forces are much higher than the forces of an ordinary person. But this does not mean that our consciousness is able to isolate and neutralize fragments of someone else's energy in time. Most likely, it may mistakenly consider them as its own and accept them for execution. In the normal state, this is not scary for us, because, after all, our subconscious mind sometimes uses no less destructive constructions as modules of its work, but during the period of restructuring our own energy-information structure and manipulating the “I am” point, everything is completely different.

Who knows what visions the animal's brain had before the veil fell over it? It can be assumed that this is pain, and fear, and a feeling of contact with the beyond ... And these fragments can be used by our consciousness when shifting the feeling "I am." And of course, the feeling is shifting to not at all favorable areas. Pain and fear are still flowers, but the feeling of contact beyond the last line ... The most dangerous feeling! The displacement of the "I am" point in this direction is called "connection to the grave" in traditional extrasensory perception. A severe lesion that requires careful removal, but what is most unpleasant is difficult to diagnose. And if our consciousness considered the program to be its own, then be calm - it will have enough strength to arrange a “plug-in” in abundance.

Accordingly, if you are not your own enemy, then during the period of the fourth stage, when we need maximum purity of consciousness, no meat. Then, when you become simply insensitive to other people's programs, please. But not during the fourth step.

And the last thing that is often not taken into account by people striving for purity of consciousness is the TV. You understand that the more attention-grabbing media, the stronger it affects the mind! Because, in fact, it is attractive.

But the life of our society is far from ideal as far as it is possible. After all, almost everything that our news consists of is either murder, or violence, or lies, or self-interest and hypocrisy, or deceit and hatred of politicians. Even sports and culture are now riddled with opportunism, competition and deceit. So, perhaps, the only program that has retained the maximum purity and ingenuity is the weather forecast.

And you and I, looking at the TV, get a full charge of this zombifying rubbish directly into the consciousness - even into the subconscious, if we are a little distracted and think about our own. What about advertising that directly induces diseases in us? “Do you have heartburn?”, “What to do if your head hurts?”, “Back pain…” - this, ladies and gentlemen, is the purest suggestion aimed at ensuring that the disease does appear and a person spends an abyss of money on another panacea .

Even the classics on television are not so safe - because they operate with extremely strong subconscious images that sink deep into the soul.

So, in order not to be unfounded, I want to tell you a story that happened more than five years ago with one of my students, a resident of St. Petersburg. He passed the fourth stage of DEIR, possessing excellent energy, because he was engaged in psychoenergetics before. In short, he has an abundance of strength and ability to concentrate. And so, when he began his fourth-level studies, a magnificent Soviet-era film “Running” began to be shown on TV. The most powerful film with the most powerful energy. Only it is unlikely that it is entirely built on warm romantic images.

The student passed the fourth stage, and everything was fine ... until he began to drink and slide into revelry. Thank God that we reacted in time, that is, we were in time before the actual disease - alcoholism - came into its own. And we had a very hard time. But it turned out to be just this: when watching the film, he realized for the first time that, in essence, the figure of the miserable martinet Charnota is much more tragic than the figure of the bloody Khludov. The program for self-destruction of this character, superbly played out in the film, penetrated into the subconscious, was recognized as one's own and accepted as one of the factors in the displacement of the "I am" point. As a result, the man almost disappeared, overwhelmed by inescapable longing and the desire for rampant drunkenness. He had enough power to thoroughly reprogram himself.

And the conclusion from all this is simple - when you go through the fourth stage of DEIR (especially the 1st and 3rd steps), then it is better not to watch TV. Read a poetry book or listen to music. And if you can’t live without a blue screen, then be very careful when choosing a program: the safest are cartoons, programs about animals, about nature, and old, well-known films that do not include images of wars and blood. That is, not "strong", but calm and pleasant.

These restrictions are not mystical or religious in nature, and are only useful during the fourth stage.

All of them are based only on the common sense of a person who does not want to harm himself.

Please, for your own sake, heed my warnings more carefully. Treat the passage of the fourth step with all diligence.

Well, that's all. It only remains for us to talk a little about the last, fifth stage of the DEIR - in the form in which it was created by our group. Of course, the developments were much wider and they have many interesting branches - for example, techniques for creating energetically connected groups or the practice of telepathic communication - but there are only five main steps in the DEIR skills system. You have already met the fourth.

From the author's book The authors of the methodological manual:
Kondakov G.A.
Lomanova N.G.

Guidelines for independent work
Fourth step

These guidelines are intended only for those students who have completed full-time courses at the fourth stage of the DEIR and have a certificate of the established form.
In case of unlawful or incorrect use of the stated methods, the DEIR School is not responsible.


The consciousness reduction exercise is used to focus your attention on the so-called "I am" point. To do this, you must consistently "turn off" the mechanisms of your consciousness ("analyzer", logic, memory, emotions) and focus on the "I am" point. A skill of this kind is acquired only at the full-time courses of the DEIR.
Further instructions are drawn up taking into account the fact that you have the skill of reducing your consciousness.




The purpose of the exercise is to confirm the configuration of the etheric body and consciousness obtained in the full-time courses of the DEIR school

This exercise allows you to maintain the fourth stage configuration. This is necessary for our consciousness to use for its work both the energy of the EP and the energy of the LP in equal proportions, which significantly weakens the influence of the “internal critic” and helps to listen to intuitive data.

To consolidate this configuration on a subconscious level, it is recommended to repeat this exercise 1-2 times a week for 2 months (after the end of full-time courses). It is better to conduct the exercise in a group - this increases its effectiveness.


This area is the area (anchor zone) , where we will direct the point "I am" to increase our creative abilities.


7. Repeat paragraphs. 3, 4, 5, 6 several times, gradually establishing a connection with the breath (when inhaling, the VP intensifies and the “I am” point shifts to the anchor zone, while exhaling, the NP intensifies and the “I am” point returns to the flame of the entrance of the NP).

8. Set the displacement reflex of the “I am” point to the respiratory movements.
To do this, when exhaling, we shift the point “I am” into the flame of the entrance of the NP, fix it there and hold our breath (we do not breathe until it is no longer possible not to breathe). A moment before inhalation, we shift the “I am” point to the anchor zone and on exhalation it returns back. We repeat this exercise several times.

EXPLANATION: This exercise should be carried out immediately after splitting the “I am” point, which once again confirms the configuration you received at the fourth step and increases your creative abilities.


The configuration of the fourth stage increases the energy saturation of the etheric body to the density of chakra structures, which makes it impossible for the existence of chakras in the usual sense. (they just dissolve) . Therefore, to create their analogues in our ethereal body, it is enough to violate its boundaries. (pierce or cut) .

In this case, in the area where the boundary was violated, there is a directed loss of energy, which is perceived by other people as radiation from the chakra structure (Fig. 14).

This gives additional advantages, since it is possible to create a chakra anywhere in the etheric body and give it the necessary properties.


1. The configuration of the fourth stage of the DEIR school significantly increases your energy resources, and accordingly your manifestation in the energy-information space also increases. It puts responsibility on your thoughts. Thinking negatively, you can inflict an energy-informational defeat on unprepared people.

2. Raise energy potential can cause an increase in unworked karma. In this case, we strongly recommend that you turn to the technicians of the second stage of the DEIR school.

3. The energy received must be directed and transmitted to the realization of one's true desires. Therefore, after the fourth stage, it is necessary to know your true goal and it is desirable to set up a program using the techniques of the second stage.

4. In the case when an energy surplus begins to interfere with you, it is necessary to use the techniques of working with the object of the DEIR School to utilize the surplus and redistribute energy in the space of your goals (see the manual for working with the object of the 4th stage).