
Why is one breast larger than the other. Asymmetry of the mammary glands: how to fix it? The most effective methods for preserving the beauty of the breast, despite lactation


The mammary glands, like any other organs of the human body, are not exactly the same in size. If the difference is small, it is considered normal and does not require medical intervention. When one breast is one or two sizes larger than the other, such a violation negatively affects the woman's psyche and requires examination. But such an anomaly happens quite rarely, and most often the asymmetry of the mammary glands is associated with the lactation period and disappears after it is completed.

Types of asymmetry

Women of any age face a difference in the size of the mammary glands. Often their asymmetry is invisible to others, and the girl herself does not pay attention to it. But with a noticeable difference in volume, direction of the nipples and the diameter of the halo, serious complexes can develop, leading to deep psychological problems.

In medicine, there are many cases where one breast is noticeably different from the other. This feature can be congenital or acquired.

Symmetry character The reasons Explanation
CongenitalAsymmetry depends on the hormonal development of a young girl. Occurs when her body is faced with various disorders and diseasesIt is necessary to pay attention to important female hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen. These hormones are responsible for the proper growth of the mammary glands. Estrogen regulates the proper development of the cell structure. Progesterone is responsible for the required number of alveoli, milk ducts and milk itself
AcquiredAsymmetry occurs due to injuries, abortions, sharp fluctuations in weight, past diseases and diseases of the mammary glands themselves. This type includes changes in the shape and size of the breast during pregnancy and lactation.During pregnancy and lactation, there is a sharp release of hormones. The mechanical effect on the chest also affects its abnormal growth and formation. Injury in the chest area increases the risk of breast asymmetry

Existthree degrees of asymmetry:

  • light: imperceptible;
  • medium: one mammary gland is one third larger than the other;
  • severe: when the second half is larger than the first or much lower than it.

Asymmetry is subdividedfor the following types:

  • underdevelopment of only one breast;
  • different degree of sagging;
  • different nipples and pigmentation;
  • bilateral asymmetric hyperplasia;
  • unilateral underdevelopment of the chest and muscles.

How to fix the size difference yourself?

If the asymmetry is small, it can be corrected with simple measures:

  1. 1. Fulfill physical exercises aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles. By giving them a tone, you can achieve the necessary pull-up.
  2. 2. Wear a corrective bra. It is an addition to exercise.
  3. 3. Do vacuum massage which helps improve blood circulation in the chest area.

A slight difference in size is easy to fix visually by applying little tricks, such as:

  • push-ap bra;
  • jacket or dress with polka dots;
  • clothes with diagonal stripes and scars on the fabric;
  • print, checkerboard and other patterns on clothes;
  • collar in the form of a collar;
  • neckerchief and shawl collar.

All these clothing additions and graphic coloring mask the problem.

If one breast is significantly larger than the other, resort to surgical methods, which are the most effective way to fix this problem. But he has many contraindications, including the age of up to 25 years.

Pregnancy and lactation

Breast asymmetry during pregnancy and lactation is due to the anatomical structure and hormones.

The female breast contains a large number of alveoli, which are formed by glands that secrete breast milk. The fluid is excreted through the ducts into the lactiferous sinuses. They store milk. Connective and adipose tissue passes between the ducts and alveoli, which is responsible for the size of the female bust.

Reasons why there is a difference in breast size during pregnancy and lactation:

  • improper preparation for the feeding process;
  • incorrect feeding;
  • cracks in the nipples;
  • development of diseases of the mammary glands (mastitis, mastopathy).

Changes occur during pregnancy hormonal background and proliferation of glandular tissue. Because of this, the mammary glands swell, increasing in size. Often at this time, the left breast becomes larger than the right (or vice versa). This should not be cause for concern, as it is a temporary condition and usually disappears after breastfeeding ends.

During lactation, the following factors have a difference in size:

  1. 1. One breast produces more milk than the other.
  2. 2. The baby does not grasp the nipple correctly.
  3. 3. Milk remains in the breast because the baby does not suck it out completely.
  4. 4. Pumping is wrong and uneven.

With breastfeeding, you should not worry that the difference in size will remain forever. And even more so stop the period of natural feeding. After the end of lactation, the asymmetry will disappear or will be noticeable only to the woman herself. Physical exercises will come to her aid, which will tighten the muscles and give them a tone.

Measures to eliminate asymmetry during lactation

So that the mammary glands are not different sizes, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist:

  1. 1. Feed the baby from two breasts for the same duration.
  2. 2. Express the remaining milk.
  3. 3. Maintain nipple hygiene by treating them with anti-inflammatory ointment so as not to infect.

Updated: 02/21/2020

In nature, there are no absolutely identical things. And there is not a single person in whom both halves of the face and body along the vertical axis would be identical, there is always a difference, albeit insignificant. But if in the case of some paired organs we do not attach much importance to this, then we often experience extreme concern about others.

It is the second group that includes the situation when one breast is larger than the other, and the difference reaches 1-2 sizes. Such a clear asymmetry of the mammary glands often plunges the fair sex into despair. Often, because of this shortcoming, a woman has to give up many of the joys of life - starting with trying on an elegant dress with a deep neckline and ending with intimate relationships.

Is it normal? Why is this happening and what should I do to regain a beautiful bust with the correct proportions? Is there a health hazard? The site goes into detail:

What is breast asymmetry and what are its causes?

The roots of this phenomenon have long been studied and classified by physicians. In general, they are divided into acquired and congenital. True, it is rather difficult to get to the bottom of the origins of the latter: here the matter may be in genetic disorders, and in hormonal failure, and in intrauterine or birth trauma. Doctors still cannot say for sure why in some girls the breasts are initially formed incorrectly. And if in adolescence (13-16 years) it is too early to draw any conclusions, since during this period the difference in the size or shape of the mammary glands is quite acceptable, then by the age of 17-20 it should become much less pronounced. If this did not happen, then, alas, the problem itself is unlikely to “pass”.

But with the acquired asymmetry, everything is much more specific. The prerequisites for such a deformation are as follows:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding is the most common cause in this group, we will discuss it in more detail below.
  • Mechanical trauma - moreover, damage can be received in early childhood and forgotten over time, as a result, the blame is "shifted" to congenital pathology.
  • Concomitant pathologies of the spine - kyphosis, scoliosis.
  • Breast cancer (BC) - in this case, one breast begins to increase as a result of the fact that a neoplasm grows inside it. You should not be scared and immediately write off all your imbalances for oncology. But an examination by a mammologist will not hurt - especially since, for preventive purposes, it must be carried out annually in any case.
  • The consequences of the operation - asymmetry may appear after any surgical intervention in the bust area. Sometimes this is an expected result - for example, with a mastectomy, sometimes - a nuance of the rehabilitation period (uneven swelling), and sometimes - an unforeseen complication or a consequence of a surgeon's mistake.
  • Hormonal changes during menopause, during menstruation or due to endocrine diseases.

Regardless of the reasons, outwardly the defect can manifest itself as:

  • the difference in the size of the left and right breasts. The most common, but, unfortunately, not the only variant of asymmetry;
  • differences in the shape of the glands - including one of them;
  • different levels of the location of the nipples, different diameters of the areolas, their disproportion in relation to the rest of the bust;
  • a pronounced deficiency of adipose or glandular tissue in certain areas of the mammary glands;
  • - when one breast sags below the other;
  • various combinations of all of the above.

The good news is that all these violations are successfully corrected, however, the treatment tactics in one case or another can be radically different.

What to do to keep your breasts beautiful while breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the female bust undergoes significant changes, but even greater transformations await him during breastfeeding (HB). And, alas, these changes are often not in better side: the mammary glands may increase or decrease unevenly, acquire a different shape from each other, lose the symmetry of the location of the nipples and areolas. This "behavior" is due to a number of factors:

Hormones. During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, prolactin is produced in the mother's body. In combination with estrogen, it can provoke a change in size and appearance bust. In addition, due to the rapid growth of tissues, the chest often hurts, and stretch marks may appear on the skin. It is extremely difficult to completely avoid such a situation, you can only reduce discomfort and minimize negative consequences - for this you need to choose good supportive bras and be sure to use moisturizing care products so that stretched skin does not crack and striae do not form on it.

Uneven feeding: it is important to initially build the correct mechanism of lactation. If the right and left breasts receive different stimulation, they accumulate an unequal amount of milk. As a result, there is a difference in size, which often persists even after the end of this process. Here it is important to take into account and correct the following situations:

  • One mammary gland regularly produces food for the baby, while the other works intermittently (including this happens due to mastopathy or past injuries). As a result, the woman begins to use the "more dairy", and ignores the second.
  • During the night feeding, the mother gives the child only one breast.
  • The baby, according to his “understanding”, sucks one gland well, but not the second (for example, due to differences in the shape of the nipple).
  • Cracks in the nipples on one breast, as a result of which the woman tries to use it as little as possible.

To avoid asymmetry after breastfeeding, alternate glands when feeding, and monitor the uniformity of the volume of milk - express "excess" and avoid stagnation.

When the surgeon steps in

If one breast is much larger than the other and this is not oncology, not a feature adolescence and not an endocrine disease - the defect can be corrected only with the help of an operation. This is a fairly popular area of ​​mammoplasty, therefore, today many techniques have been developed for literally any case, which differ in the methods of execution, types of access, location and models of endoprostheses, etc.

The results of plastic surgery on asymmetric breasts:

For the patient, a big plus is that in most cases you can choose the direction of the surgeon's work - either to increase the breast that is smaller (and, if desired, the overall size of the bust), or to reduce the one that is larger. Do this in one of the following ways:

  • . A relatively simple operation, with the help of which today almost any kind of asymmetry is corrected, except for the most complex and atypical ones. Depending on the situation and the wishes of the woman, either one endoprosthesis is placed, or two, but of different sizes.
  • - transplantation of adipose tissue into the chest area, which is previously taken from the abdomen or sides. Advantages - low invasiveness of the procedure, no need for general anesthesia, and own fat, unlike implants, is never rejected by the body and does not cause the formation of capsular contracture. But this option is only suitable for a slight (no more than 0.5-1 size) increase or slight shape correction. In addition, lipofilling is impossible for girls of a thin physique, in principle, since there will be nowhere to get the material for transplantation.
  • - reduction of one of the mammary glands. Spend if bust initially big size and to obtain the desired symmetry, it is not advisable to put endoprostheses. The operation is complex, and, as a rule, visible scars remain in the lower part of the breast, but there is currently no alternative to it, and according to most patients, the final aesthetic result outweighs all the shortcomings.
  • . Allows you to remove the asymmetry caused by uneven ptosis (sagging) of the mammary glands, which often happens after pregnancy and lactation. Since the volume of the bust decreases somewhat as a result of the lifting, mastopexy is usually combined with the installation of implants.
  • . A simple manipulation that can be carried out both in isolation and in combination with any of the above procedures.

The desired operation (or several) is selected for each patient individually and depends on her physique, other physiological characteristics and personal preferences. The only difficulty is that some of these techniques make it difficult or completely eliminate further lactation, so for those who plan to become a mother soon, surgeons recommend waiting and postponing the correction until the end of breastfeeding.

Cause of asymmetry How to fix
, while the second is normal Enlargement of a smaller gland with an implant
with the optimal size and normal development of the second Reduction mammoplasty
Uneven ptosis - one of the breasts sags relative to the other Lift, sometimes with endoprosthetics
Ptosis associated with hypertrophy or hypoplasia Total mastopexy + reduction mammoplasty or implant placement
Differences in the shape and size of the nipples Reduction of the larger nipple and correction of its shape to complete symmetry with the second
Areola asymmetry Larger areola reduction
Tubular shape of one of the breasts The most difficult case. Usually, at first, the problematic gland is dissected in a special way, and then an implant is placed, along which the incised tissues are straightened.

If one breast has become larger than the other after plastic surgery

This situation is possible for one of three reasons:

  • Uneven swelling. Injured tissues do not recover immediately, and the first time after plastic surgery, the presence of severe swelling is considered the norm. Often it is localized only on one half of the body, and sometimes it can “migrate” from one to the other, even during the day. If this continues for weeks or even months (which is still normal), many begin to worry and worry. Here you need to be patient - as a result, after a while, the proportions of the bust will normalize.
  • Surgeon's mistake. A rare, but the most unpleasant option, when the difference in size appeared due to the incorrect work of the doctor. Unfortunately, to fix everything, you will need a new operation.
  • Patient's high expectations. Turning to the surgeon, the woman hopes that after plastic surgery her breasts will become absolutely symmetrical. However, this is not always possible to achieve - a small difference in size usually persists even with a perfectly performed operation. You have to be ready for this. In the absolute majority of cases, the aesthetic result suits both the patient and the doctor, but if the first was initially too fixated on her problem, she can find a new reason for dissatisfaction and complexes even in subtle differences.

Answers to important questions

  • Do all women have breast asymmetry? Yes. As we said before ideal proportions does not exist in nature. Moreover, those who have a difference of only millimeters and are absolutely invisible from the outside are very few. For the vast majority of women, the "scatter" is 0.5-1 size, and only extremely rarely - 2 sizes or more.
  • Is it normal? It is difficult to answer unambiguously. Of course, you should not worry about small “inconsistencies” in the volume or position of the right and left breasts. But clearly expressed disproportions that do not fit into our ideas about beauty can be a good reason for a visit to the surgeon. At the same time, if they do not cause psychological discomfort to their owner and are not associated with a particular disease, there is no point in doing something with them just to “meet the norm”.
  • Is it dangerous? If we are talking about congenital asymmetry or acquired for obvious reasons (for example, after breastfeeding) - you do not need to be afraid for your health and think too much. Another thing is when one breast has increased dramatically in size for no apparent reason. In this case, it is urgent to be examined by a mammologist and an endocrinologist to rule out any serious pathologies.
  • Can asymmetry be corrected without surgery? There are a couple of "female tricks" that will help if the difference in volume does not exceed 1 size. The most innocuous option is to use special bras with pockets for push-up pads, with one cup for the chest. bigger size- leave without an insert-enlarger. In theory, you can try vacuum massage, which will improve blood circulation, as well as sets of exercises aimed at increasing the volume and strengthening the pectoral muscles. But doctors look at this with skepticism and unanimously assure that neither sports nor hardware techniques are able to significantly change the size and shape of the breasts - especially if you need a selective effect on only one of them. You should be especially careful when using various corrective ointments and gels. If they give an effect, it is very modest and short-term, and the consequences of their use can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the skin of the decollete.

Reviews and comments

  • 4 March 2020, 16:40 – Larisa:

Complexes appear not only from the absence of breasts, but also from its appearance, we want everything to be symmetrical, beautiful and neat. I want to please men and that the reflection in the mirror pleases. After giving birth, one breast was greatly stretched, and the second changed shape. The situation was corrected with the help of plastic surgery, for which many thanks to Fuad Farhat. After the operation, I began to feel completely different, more confident and beautiful, which I have been missing for the last couple of years.

  • December 1, 2019, 19:17 - Nastya:

Good article, a lot of things are described, but I tend to think that the only way restore proportions is plastic surgery. My proportions were not violated from my youth, but after breastfeeding, my breasts became very different and this problem cannot be solved with the right underwear. I did not decide on the operation for a long time. In my opinion, I turned to the best clinic in our city, when you trust a surgeon, it means a lot. I was sure that I was in good hands, Frau clinics employ surgeons with great experience. I am more than satisfied with the result of the operation.

  • 15 August 2019, 18:02 - Julia:

After lactation, the asymmetry of my breasts became even more noticeable, although before feeding I somehow didn’t even worry about it very much. Fuad Farhat at the consultation suggested a facelift plus a reduction in the right gland (it was a little larger). After the operation, there was still a week ... The edema subsided only after two months completely, but the chest turned out wonderful and the shape was just perfect. I am very pleased with the result, thank you doctor)

  • June 7, 2019, 04:59 – Lara:

I think if a woman has a strong complex about her breasts, which really prevents her from living, or her breasts are in a terrible state, then the operation can really help. And if this is not an urgent need, then it may be possible to do without an operation, yet this is a certain risk and not as scanty as it is commonly believed. In this case, the main thing is to find a competent and experienced surgeon. I judge by myself. The chest is small, it does not reach the first size, I have had complexes all my life ... in the end I decided to increase it. Made by Fuad Farhat. The rehabilitation went off with a bang, no side effects and negative consequences - the doctor is just a magician, he returned me to believe in myself, I am so grateful to him for this

  • June 5, 2019, 22:16 - Your name:

Quote: Margarita

Girls, at the age of 17 I didn’t think about my breasts at all))) I also have asymmetry, but 99% of women have it by nature. After childbirth, everything becomes much more deplorable. I have always had asymmetry, and when I gave birth, then another problem was added to this problem - the size of the boobs became different. And then I could not stand it anymore))) I began to look for a surgeon. But I was operated on only 2.5 years later))) Alexander Grudko did my breasts. When you grow up, you will find out who it is))) It's too early!!) He put a slightly smaller implant in one breast and a slightly larger one in the other. Plus eliminated the asymmetry by the method of "internal" tightening. As a result, I have a perfect shape and size breasts!!!

How old are implants?

How can you find out the price? I want no drugs. Pump some fatty tissue into one breast. I'm afraid of drugs....

Quote: Xenia

Quote: Anatoly

You are right: how to show yourself on the beach???? Is that a shame????
  • January 15, 2018, 05:43 - Kseniya:

Quote: Anatoly

My girlfriend has different breasts too, I like it. You are very obsessed with the chest. Most men don't care about boobs...

Men may not care, but we want to be beautiful.
Which is quite realistic, especially since implants are now similar in quality to breast tissues and their behavior during movements.
  • January 14, 2017, 23:47 – Oksana:

I had an asymmetry in breast size, one was larger than the other, I eliminated it by installing different implants, after which the mammary glands became even and the same.
The operation was performed by Maxim Nesterenko, I turned to him because after looking through his work, I saw several patients with the same problem as mine, and all of them had a positive outcome of the operation. My size turned out to be about 3.5, at first I was afraid that it would turn out big, but the doctor said that most girls want even more breasts after the operation, so I took a chance and did not waste time on trifles)) it turned out very beautiful and appetizing)) In general, everyone I was satisfied, I don’t complain about my well-being and, as it turned out, I worried in vain before the operation, it’s not so scary)

  • May 9, 2016, 23:08 – DolceVita:

I had beautiful, high, fluffy breasts in my youth. Symmetrical. But my skin is dry, thin, I didn’t go in for sports, my chest began to sag. But that's not the whole problem. She sagged asymmetrically. So one is taller than the other and both looked terrible. Maybe for someone this is normal, we all do not get younger over the years. But I was wildly uncomfortable, I'm not old enough to hide my body. It had to be corrected by surgery. Yes, that the operation is bad. There was one consolation, general anesthesia, that I would fall asleep and wake up beautiful, without embarrassment of my body. The operation was carried out by Ekaterina Vakorina, in Moscow. It was she who brought me into shape, now the chest is the same, beautiful. It was worth it. Yes, it’s a little expensive for me, but I love and appreciate myself, so I don’t spare money. I care about how I look. The chest rose, took shape in beautiful hills. The shape is even better than I had in my youth, I think.

  • 28 February 2016, 16:16 – Lily:

Quote: Karinka

Yes, everything has already been decided, and even the date of the operation has been set. After the operation, I will definitely tell you about my impressions and emotions. Although they already fill me up. One of my mother's acquaintances did a circular facelift with Alikova Alla, so, in fact, I did not have much choice who to do breasts. I'd rather go to a trusted specialist. Well, plus, of course, I read a bunch of reviews and comments, so I have no doubts about the surgeon.

And now I can’t even believe that I was “so worried”! Now everything is over and now I have normal breasts! Still, you need to contact a surgeon by acquaintance, then the result is guaranteed. In addition, a woman will always understand women - this was another argument in favor of Alikova Alla! And the work is a must see!

  • 25 February 2016, 20:58 - Yulechka:

Quote: Light

Good luck to you! Yes, I was operated on at the Real Clinic. I have not done laser hair removal. Although even before the plastic surgery I was definitely convinced that I needed it, and that after the plastic surgery, in 5-6 months I would do a polishing for myself, but no. My scars are not visible, which I am very happy about. And don't worry, everything will be fine. The main thing is to tune in correctly and be confident in the surgeon.
  • 24 February 2016, 20:06 - Sveta:

I have already understood that no other methods will help me. Therefore, she firmly settled on plastic. I have already been to the consultation several times, I am aware of what will be done and how. Alla Alikova told me almost everything step by step. Now I have already passed the tests, the date of the operation has been set. And she, by the way, in 2 days! I'm a little worried, but I control myself. Still, this is such a crucial stage in my life that, of course, it does not pass without excitement. I will be getting 280 ml Alergan implants. Plus, I will also have an areola and nipple correction. My contours are also not even, after all, if you do it, then let it be done as it should be. The incisions will be made just around the nipple and with a T-shaped incision. I hope that my tissue will heal well and there will be no particularly visible marks left. Has anyone done laser resurfacing after breast augmentation? Or is there no particular need for this?

  • 22 February 2016, 18:04 – Karinka:

Quote from Lili

I took fat from the abdomen. There were no marks left on the stomach or on the chest. Still, in terms of trauma, breast lipofilling is a less traumatic operation than breast plastic surgery.
  • 20 February 2016, 16:54 – Lily:

Quote: Light

I chose the clinic for quite a long time. It's not a fast process. But it was worth it. For the most part, I have already talked with those women who have already done plastic surgery in the Real clinic, and not only on the breasts. I was concerned about postoperative care. And I can tell you that they take care of it there, it’s over, it’s wonderful, I didn’t want to leave. First, before the operation, a nurse came to me and brought me a dinner menu. To make me want to eat after the operation, what's for breakfast. It is very nice. And indeed, for dinner they brought delicious food, hot, piping hot. The nurse is always there, if something is needed, just press a button, she is on duty around the clock. And at night I called her a couple of times, because I wanted to drink some water, and once an anesthetic injection. Very nice care, caring, you feel in good hands. Moreover, after the operation, there is still a feeling of weakness, then it will hurt, then something is needed. I want to feel calm. I spent 2 days in the hospital, and by the evening or even by the afternoon of the second day I was discharged home. Naturally, after survey of the surgeon.
  • 18 February 2016, 17:28 – Karinka:

Quote: Light

What a nightmare! I just don't have words for how people can do this! But don't worry! I think plastic surgery will help you. Have you already had a consultation? What did the surgeon advise you to do? Have you already decided what plastic surgery you will do? Why did you decide to stay on Alikova?
  • 18 February 2016, 11:03 – Olechka:

Girls, I still decided not to risk my health, I consulted with my sister, she sent me to a good mammologist. In general, the doctor examined everything, felt it and said that everything was in order. That's the difference, which is, it's really not big at all. And since my breast growth has long ceased, no more changes are expected. I have just like a mountain off my shoulders, honestly!

Quote: Anastasia

Oh, I can't even imagine what it's like. But I haven’t given birth yet, but now here are the reviews here, and the articles that I read, I took note of. So you had surgery at the age of 23? Probably scary? How did you prepare mentally?
  • 16 February 2016, 23:24 – Karinka:

Quote: Anastasia

I think that it is hardly possible to get asymmetry when the chest is already done. This is possible, only there is a surgeon who is not experienced and did something wrong. But it's generally a tin then. Or just in 15-20 years, when the tissues begin to fall, ptosis appears, then, perhaps, this asymmetry may appear again. But these are my assumptions, I do not confirm this. I completely agree that it is necessary to feed with both breasts, or consult a doctor in order to avoid such consequences, and then not resort to plastic surgery.
  • 15 February 2016, 23:30 - Yulechka:

I think that every woman has slightly different breasts. It doesn't matter, it's just that for some it's more noticeable, for some it's less. Me too right breast was slightly larger than the left. It's always been that way, I don't even know why. But it didn't really bother me. In addition, my breasts were barely the first size, so I turned to a plastic surgeon, Georgy Chemyanov, who just made me an increase and leveled, so to speak, my breasts. now it's the same for me. It is possible, of course, that there is still some slight difference, but it is so small that it is not noticeable at all!

Quote from Lili

How big is the difference between your breasts? Is it really that much noticeable? When did you start noticing it? What kind of implants did you have?
  • 27 January 2016, 17:22 – Dasha:

Quote: Anastasia

Is it psychologically difficult? I just did a breast reduction - reduction mammoplasty. It so happened to me that it was precisely because my breasts were size 5 that I already had one sagging, the other seemed to be invigorating, but the difference in size was already felt. In short, we don't know. It's been fixed to my luck!
  • January 25, 2016, 19:49 – Dasha:

Is there really no way to fix this on your own? I am not talking about home recipes and methods, because it is clear that it is impossible. But maybe there are other methods besides plastic surgery?

Quote: Light

I don't know what I would do to a man who punched a girl in the chest! And indeed any child! Terrible! Did you give birth? Has it had any effect on breastfeeding?
  • 25 January 2016, 16:43 – Lily:

Quote: Anastasia

I have a congenital asymmetry. Finally, I can say that she was and all this is in the past tense. Because until recently, I lived with this horror. And I was just glad that both of my breasts were not big. And the one that was bigger was only half a size different from the other. But when one breast is of the first size, and the second is practically not, then this is very noticeable. It seems to me that even if I had one breast of the third size, and the other of the second and a half, the difference would not be felt and not evident. She wore hooded clothes all this time. And by the way, until the age of 23 I had to walk like this, when one breast is larger and the other smaller. Previously, it was impossible to do the operation. But now I'm happy because I finally got it! And now I am content with my second size with a half and I don’t even think about anything and don’t worry, because my breasts are perfect))) I had 280 ml implants installed.

First, I congratulate you! And secondly, why didn’t they do it earlier, if it’s not a secret? How long have you had surgery? How did you decide? It seems to me that at that age I would not have decided on plastic surgery. Did you give birth? Where did you make the incision to place the implant? I had a T-shaped incision.
  • January 24, 2016, 13:34 – Lily:

Quote: Karinka

The fact that there are no traces is cool. But I can’t complain about my thin scars either. Everything worked great, no problems. Under the bust, they are not noticeable at all. They are not visible under the swimsuit, so I myself forgot that I have them there. You know, somehow you get used to it and you get used to it, and you forget that cuts were made under the breast. Where did you get the fat from? Are there any changes in six months?
  • 23 January 2016, 12:16 - Anastasia:

Quote: Olga

So, is it quite common that women have breasts of different sizes after feeding?

If you have such an asymmetry that you already need to look closely, then everything is fine with you. Now, if, like mine, there was such asymmetry that I didn’t even have to look closely. And how hard I experienced puberty, oh, it’s all. When all the girls have breasts, it means that they are growing, but I have only one and then barely. But that's even better. When the doctors already said that I had such a pathology, I was very glad that my right breast was no longer growing. She did everything possible, almost to the point of bandaging herself, just to stop her growth.
  • January 21, 2016, 21:57 - Sveta:

Quote from Lili

Feed with both breasts and you will be happy. Even if the child does not want to take a second breast, is naughty, still insist on taking it. If we plan a second one, then I probably won’t breastfeed him. Many people can condemn me and throw stones at me, but I don’t want to do breasts anymore. It may sound selfish, but I really want to have such breasts and remain. Although Chemyanov immediately told me that even after breast augmentation I would be able to breastfeed my child, that there would be no problems with this. A muscle implant was placed. The surgeon told me that this is better for me. And that the chest, on the contrary, will acquire even more feminine forms. And it should not sag, because after all the size is not so huge for me that the breasts immediately sag. In extreme cases, you can make a correction. But I don't know, to be honest. Breastfeeding is one of the most common reasons why a woman has different breasts. Well, there is also congenital or acquired. But pregnancy is the most common cause. Yes, I had surgery under general anesthesia. It heals, as for me, quite quickly, especially when compared with the last century. Two weeks is enough to fully recover. And after a month, the compression underwear is already removed and you can get a finished breast)))))

I will be operated on at the Real Clinic! Only at Alikova! Wow! Listen, if not difficult, share your impressions about the clinic? How is the care after surgery? How long have you been in the hospital? And so the cynic is good, everything inside is so neat, but just the one who has already been there, he knows better. How are the impressions? I already had a consultation with a mammologist. And at my mum during a menopause the mammary gland began to change.
  • 18 January 2016, 15:51 - Sveta:

I have asymmetry due to the fact that at school I was hit hard in the chest. Because of this, an injury occurred that affected the further development of the mammary gland. As a result, my breasts are larger than the second. I'm getting ready for the operation. I'm doing my analysis now.

Quote: Karinka

I also have asymmetry. I had plastic surgery six months ago. You could say it's double. I had the fat removed and injected into my breasts because one of my breasts was much larger than the other. Managed to fix it. results for several years. And then I will decide whether to put implants or not. maybe I'll do lipofilling again.

At first I also thought about lipofilling. But in the end, I consulted with the surgeon and decided to still install the implants, plus I would also have a nipple and areola correction done. They are slightly elongated, and the border on the areola is not even. Don't know how the incision is made there?
  • 16 January 2016, 18:32 – Lily:

Feed with both breasts and you will be happy. Even if the child does not want to take a second breast, is naughty, still insist on taking it. If we plan a second one, then I probably won’t breastfeed him. Many people can condemn me and throw stones at me, but I don’t want to do breasts anymore. It may sound selfish, but I really want to have such breasts and remain. Although Chemyanov immediately told me that even after breast augmentation I would be able to breastfeed my child, that there would be no problems with this. A muscle implant was placed. The surgeon told me that this is better for me. And that the chest, on the contrary, will acquire even more feminine forms. And it should not sag, because after all the size is not so huge for me that the breasts immediately sag. In extreme cases, you can make a correction. But I don't know, to be honest. Breastfeeding is one of the most common reasons why a woman has different breasts. Well, there is also congenital or acquired. But pregnancy is the most common cause. Yes, I had surgery under general anesthesia. It heals, as for me, quite quickly, especially when compared with the last century. Two weeks is enough to fully recover. And after a month, the compression underwear is already removed and you can get a finished breast)))))

Quote from Rosa

I will be getting implants. These will be anatomical, the dimensions are still being determined. The surgeon dissuades me from the big one, but I really want it to be a C grade

Well, this is a fairly common phenomenon when the breasts simply decrease in size. Anatomical, as for me, they are the best. The surgeon gave me such rough texture. Well, in general, I don’t feel inside whether they are rough or not rough. But still, as plastic surgeons say, this is how they attach better, roughly speaking, and grow together inside. Have you already taken tests? When are you planning to have surgery? I would advise you to do this in winter so that you can walk calmly in compression underwear so as not to sweat a lot. Because I did it already when most people were wearing T-shirts or light jackets - and this is not very convenient, because the underwear compresses everything, fits snugly to the body, and this can cause some discomfort.
  • 14 January 2016, 23:50 - Anastasia:

I have a congenital asymmetry. Finally, I can say that she was and all this is in the past tense. Because until recently, I lived with this horror. And I was just glad that both of my breasts were not big. And the one that was bigger was only half a size different from the other. But when one breast is of the first size, and the second is practically not, then this is very noticeable. It seems to me that even if I had one breast of the third size, and the other of the second and a half, the difference would not be felt and not evident. She wore hooded clothes all this time. And by the way, until the age of 23 I had to walk like this, when one breast is larger and the other smaller. Previously, it was impossible to do the operation. But now I'm happy because I finally got it! And now I am content with my second size with a half and I don’t even think about anything and don’t worry, because my breasts are perfect))) I had 280 ml implants installed.

Quote: Karinka

Lipofilling can be kept for several years. But as I understand it, anyway, over time, the effect will subside, because the fat can go away. If necessary, then we will do another additional procedure. There are no scars left, no difference from my natural breasts. The puncture sites healed quickly and left no traces.

I wonder if it is possible to get asymmetry if the chest is already done, so to speak? I hope that this has already been ruled out so that I do not have to do a second operation. Why did you decide to do lipofilling instead of placing implants right away?

“I looked into my eyes, but I saw only breasts…”

Dmitry Pasternak

Nature does not like strict limits. In creating man, she bypassed the issue of asymmetry. There are no people with even body proportions, the paired organs of the body are not the same in size and appearance. This also applies to the female bust. In 80% of women, the differences are not visually visible.

But the remaining 20% ​​of the fair half are afraid to look at themselves in the mirror. The mammary glands are so disproportionate that it goes beyond their own perception, which leads to depression and psychological problems.

Why is one breast bigger than the other? Nature gave a bug? Is an error in your system, or is a pronounced asymmetry a sign of serious pathologies, health problems? Let's figure it out.

Types of asymmetry

Pathogenetics identifies bust imbalances caused by increased growth (hyperplasia) and poor development (hypoplasia). Disproportions in the development of the mammary glands are divided into the following stages:

  1. Weak disproportion. The asymmetry between the breasts is almost invisible. This degree is not subject to medical intervention. Corrects the dissonance of specially selected underwear.
  2. Second degree. The mammary glands differ by 1/3 of the size.
  3. Difficult stage. If one breast is 2 or more times larger than the other. Significantly violated the proportion of the body.

In the practice of plastic surgery, different breasts occur in numerous variations (the glands differ in the degree of prolapse of one part, the location of the areola and nipple). Based on the geometric shapes of the bust in the female body, the following types of asymmetry are distinguished:

  • Pronounced asymmetry of the areolas and nipples (appearance, direction of growth, location or volume).
  • Hypertrophy (when one gland has the shape of an elongated tube, and the other is hemispherical).
  • Normal development of one breast and enlargement of the second (second breast descends).
  • Uneven ptosis (drooping). Either the right or left breast is affected.
  • Underdevelopment of one gland with hyperplasia (growth) of another.
  • Bilateral hyperplasia of both mammary glands.
  • Dystrophy of one mammary gland.
  • Hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the bust.

A pronounced disproportion spoils life. It becomes impossible to wear elegant underwear, a woman is embarrassed to appear on the beach, in the pool, sauna. The imbalance becomes a serious obstacle in intimate life. Where to look for the guilty one, who so “jokes” on a woman?

Reasons for the size difference

The asymmetry of the mammary glands is explained by the influence of hormones during puberty and genetic changes in the female body. The formation of the bust ends by the age of 21 (in 3 out of 10 women, development continues until the age of 25-30).

The impetus for the growth of the mammary glands is given by the hormone estrogen. The fact how many years the breast grows determines its final shape. In the process of development, the bust is formed differently, imbalances during this period are the norm.

There are four factors affecting the size and proportions of the glands - genetics, adverse periods, pregnancy, lactation.

congenital anomalies

Malformations of the glands are diagnosed in early childhood. These include anomalies in position, visual appearance, number of glands, nipples. When creating a female bust, genes can "mistake" in 2-3% of pathological cases. This occurs during the embryonic development of the fetus at the 6th week of pregnancy (the time of laying the milk ducts). At 7-8 weeks, nipples and areolas appear.

The stresses of a pregnant woman, the intake of medications by the future mother and the pathological course of pregnancy are involved in changes in the normal cycle of intrauterine breast development in a child. Congenital anomalies include the following deformities:

  • Polythelia. An increase in the number of nipples (this phenomenon is observed in 2% of women and 5.5% of men).
  • Polymastia. The presence of one or more additional mammary glands. They are located along the milk line (the area from the armpits to the groin). It occurs in 1-2% of people.
  • Amastia (agenesis). Lack of one or two mammary glands.
  • Aplasia (Poland's syndrome). Underdevelopment of the mammary glandular substance.
  • Hypoplasia. The lack of volume, the lack is pronounced in relation to the rest of the body.
  • Tubularity of the breast. An anomaly in which the breasts are elongated into tubules (tubes), do not have a hemispherical (normal) appearance. This deformation is called "mushroom" or "goat" chest.

Acquired defects

Throughout life female breast dangers await, threatening asymmetry, deformation of the glands. How does the bust develop?

Puberty (9-16 years). The first modifications occur in the girl's breasts, the nipple region darkens, roughens and thickens. Gradually, the fat layer grows, which increases the volume. When probing the nipple zone, hard seals, lumps are felt. This is the main "builder" of the mammary gland - glandular tissue.

During puberty, the girl's breast develops asymmetrically, which makes the girl and parents worry. Especially if the growth of the glands is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and pain syndromes. But such symptoms are normal, it is a physiological norm.

Early reproduction (16-26 years). The time when the mammary glands acquire their natural characteristics. The glandular structure, milk ducts are actively formed. A young bust differs from an adult in a light pink color of the nipples, a small amount of fat and elasticity.

Now the mammary glands are especially susceptible to injury. Any physical impact stimulates the appearance of cysts and hematomas. With hypothermia, overheating, juvenile (bone) cysts are formed.

When a girl begins an intimate relationship, the bust changes. It rises and falls slightly. Starting from the age of 20, the growth of the breast (glandular component) stops, a new impetus in its development is given by pregnancy. The mammary glands become fat during this period due to the thickening of the layer of fat. Its excess leads to sagging bust.

Maturity (26-42 years). The breast is formed and ready for the main mission - to feed the newborn. Now the glands are rough, sore, enlarge in the second half of the monthly cycle. This symptomatology is expressed in different ways: from mild malaise to severe pain symptoms. The painful syndrome is called "premenstrual tension syndrome" (PSN).

Adult age is dangerous for the bust by the development of seals, the appearance of nodules, cavities. Visit the gynecologist regularly to prevent the occurrence of a tumor.

Involution (42-56 years). In a woman, the productivity of the functioning of the gonads gradually fades away, menopause creeps up. The bust responds to aging by reducing the glandular component. The glandular structure is replaced by a fibrous (connective) and fatty structure, as a result of which the mammary glands add volume. Premenstrual symptoms fade, soon disappear, and once luxurious breasts sag and wrinkle.

Fading (56-80 years). The bust continues to lose its magnificent appearance. After the cessation of menstruation, the onset of menopause, the mammary glands rapidly age and degrade.

Old age (over 80 years). The sad stage turns an attractive bust into empty skin pouches. At this time, the risk of neoplasms is high.

Throughout the difficult life stage, the mammary glands can become deformed, acquire asymmetry. Protect this part of the body from blows, physical impact, burns. Sensitive breast tissue forms keloid scars that tighten the skin and lead to a reduction in one breast.

risky situations

In women who increase the bust by installing an implant, in the course of life the foreign body is displaced, leading to a change in the mammary gland. It is also possible to develop capsular contracture (formation of fibrous tissue in the area of ​​the prosthesis). The pathological process leads to compression and compaction of the implant, which deforms the mammary gland.

Throughout her life, a woman is in danger of endocrine disorders (imbalance between the hormones progesterone and estrogen). The problem is detected by taking a blood test for hormones. The following factors indicate the “war” of hormones in the female body:

  • Instability of the menstrual cycle (absence of menstruation, scarcity of discharge or long, heavy menstruation).
  • Violations of the nervous system (the appearance of anxiety, depression, irritability, outbreaks of aggression).
  • A sharp, unreasonable weight gain (it is impossible to get rid of extra pounds, neither diet nor hard training helps).
  • Decreased libido (reluctance to have intimacy, apathy for a partner, sexual intercourse is accompanied by dryness, irritation of the vagina).
  • Changes in the condition of hair, nails (with endocrine disorders, they become thinner, hair falls out, nails become brittle, layered, acquire a yellowish tint).
  • Skin rashes (a constant companion of hormonal problems - acne, inflammation, difficult to treat).
  • Sleep disorders (hormonal failure brings with it insomnia, disturbing, sensitive sleep).
  • Problems of the reproductive organs (with endocrine disorders, a woman is not able to bear a child). Even if you manage to get pregnant, the pregnancy period is difficult, with the threat of miscarriage and fetal fading.

The beauty of the bust is threatened by diseases, mastopathy (a benign cystic-fibrous disease), which provokes the appearance of cysts and nodes, is especially dangerous. The appearance of asymmetry (according to doctors) is a direct indicator of a risk factor for the development of breast cancer in a woman.

The lactation period is dangerous for the healthy state of the breast. Inexperienced mothers, not knowing how to properly feed a child, wearing a tight bra, risk bringing trouble to the mammary glands.

"Dangerous" breastfeeding

Breast asymmetry during the lactation period is a common phenomenon. In the mammary glands, breast milk accumulates unevenly, some breasts are more "greedy" for milk, others are lazier. The situation is aggravated by the mistakes of a young mother:

  • Incomplete expression of milk in one of the mammary glands.
  • Night feeding takes place only with the help of one mammary gland.
  • The formation of cracks on one nipple and the mother’s unwillingness to “disturb” the problem breast.
  • It is more convenient for mom to feed the baby on one side of the breast. The “demanded” breast increases in comparison with the second, because more milk comes to it.

Asymmetry appears in the case of previous breast diseases, and the unequal structure of the nipples also affects (the baby cannot fully suck from one mammary gland, it is not emptied during feeding, which provokes asymmetry). There are times when one mammary gland is not filled with milk at all, this leads to its reduction.

Attention! Improper treatment of milk stagnation (application of vodka compresses, camphor preparations) leads to the cessation of lactation. Camphor, alcohol are antagonists (depressants), they stop the work of the hormone oxytocin (the “supervisor” of breastfeeding).

Feeding rules

It is not difficult to align the mammary glands with HB. You should often put the baby on a smaller breast. If the baby is naughty, briefly give him a large breast, but then go back to a smaller one. If the gland filled with milk worries, bursts, express milk.

Before going to bed, let the baby suckle a large breast, as soon as the baby dozes off, change the breast to a smaller one. During the period of prolonged sucking, the baby will empty it, provoking an increased flow of milk and an increase in the gland.

Feed at night only with smaller breasts!

What to do with nipple injuries. To avoid excruciating pain, seek help and advice from a breastfeeding trainer. He will tell you the subtleties of GW, tell you how to massage the glands.

Basic Rules. Achieve more stimulation with smaller volume breasts. There will be an increase in its filling with milk and a gradual increase. A large mammary gland should not be completely emptied, it should be stimulated less. In this case, milk during lactation will arrive to it in a reduced amount, the volume of the gland will decrease.

As soon as the breasts acquire the same appearance, make sure they empty evenly! The process of "balancing" the breasts is long, the problem will not be solved in 2-3 days. Set yourself up to “fight” with asymmetry in 2-3 months.

Special situations. There are cases where these methods do not work. This includes the inability of the baby to capture the nipple due to its irregular (retracted, flattened) shape. They help mother and baby use special nipple covers. As a result of congenital hypoplasia (growth) of tissues, it is difficult to remove asymmetry on your own. The baby can be fed with one breast, other methods will help to return the proportions.

Breast correction

What if one breast is larger than the other? In plastic surgery, successful methods have been developed for corrective operations designed to restore symmetry. The choice of method depends on the extent of the problem. Mammoplasty techniques are used both independently and in complex combination.

Endoprosthetics. Such plastic surgery is recommended for women suffering from hypomastia (breast underdevelopment). During the operation, a silicone implant is installed using three methods: an inconspicuous incision along the nipple-areola zone, under the breast and in the armpits.

Reduction mammoplasty. The operation is designed to reduce the volume of the bust with mastoptosis (sagging breasts) and hypertrophy (enlargement of one gland). The procedure is carried out in a gentle way (a T-shaped incision is made around the areola, excess adipose tissue is removed). The areola, together with the nipple and blood, nerve vessels, moves to a higher position.

Mastopexy. The operation is recommended for ptosis (omission) of the breast. Mammoplasty involves the removal of excess skin. Mastopexy is performed in four ways: anchor, periareolar, vertical and circular. The event is short - a woman spends 1-2 hours under anesthesia.

The rehabilitation period lasts 1.5-2 months. Pain symptoms are felt after plastic surgery for 4-5 days, they are weak and easily tolerated. During the recovery period, it is forbidden to bathe in the bath, sauna, play sports. Compression garments must be worn during recovery time.

Similar methods have proven effective (in 92-95% of cases, asymmetry can be removed after the first operation). The rest of the percentage falls on complex, neglected cases that require repeated surgical intervention.

Indications/contraindications for plasty

Mammoplasty is performed in the following cases:

When a woman is unhappy with her breasts. These include underdevelopment of the glands, the presence of too small breasts compared to the constitution of the body, asymmetry. The job of a plastic surgeon is to select and install an implant.

After breast removal surgery(missing right or left breast). Iron is removed in malignant tumors. It requires the installation of a prosthesis and the reconstruction of the size and appearance of the breast.

Women who have lost the volume of the mammary glands after pregnancy, lactation, sudden weight loss. Plastic surgeons perform two operations at the same time (requires implant placement and breast lift).

With any method of breast correction, there are a number of indications in which plastic surgery is contraindicated. These include:

  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the heart, lungs.
  • Low blood clotting.
  • Problems in the activity of the endocrine system.

With a woman's tendency to form keloid scars, plastic surgery is allowed, but they are carried out with caution. After plastic surgery, it is undesirable to become pregnant for six months.

A set of exercises for a beautiful bust

The breasts themselves lack muscle tissue. But it is in the lower part of the bust. A training complex has been developed aimed at strengthening the pectoral muscles, which give the bust strength and elasticity.

  1. Pressure. Stand facing the wall, lean on it with your hands at the level of the solar plexus. Press hard on the wall as if you want to move it. As soon as you feel the maximum tension, linger for 10-12 seconds. Take a break, repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. Clutch. Stand straight with your arms raised and bent at the elbows at chest level. Interlock your fingers and tighten your pectoral muscles, trying to spread your arms out to the sides. After rest, duplicate 8 times.
  3. Compression. Connect both palms in front of you, press them against each other for 5 seconds. Repeat 12 times.
  4. Swimming. Sit close to the wall, tighten the pectoral muscles. On the plane of the wall surface, make circular movements, as if swimming in a breaststroke pool. Repeat 100 times.
  5. Push ups. Push-ups can be done in the usual way, from the floor. If you find it difficult, use gentle push-ups with bent knees. You should perform 5 push-ups in 3 repetitions.

The most important thing is not to be discouraged. Modern medicine will always come to the rescue and solve any problems. All methods of mammoplasty have been worked out and give excellent results. It is important to follow the recommendations of doctors and take care of the restored breast.

In contact with


The symbol of fertility in a woman is the breast, and in the instincts of a man there is a special interest in this part of the body. Since ancient times, women have been worried about the shape, size and elasticity of their bust, preferring to change themselves and improve themselves in every possible way.

Starting from puberty and up to the age of 21, a woman's mammary glands grow and change, sometimes it happens that one breast differs in size from the second. In medicine, such asymmetry is not considered a pathology, but, on the contrary, is recognized as a normal natural process. But, despite this, the question of why a woman can have one breast larger than the other will worry her throughout her life. To find answers, you need to understand.

Such a phenomenon as the asymmetry of the female mammary glands has long been studied under the close attention of physicians and scientists. Accordingly, the reasons for such a disproportion of the breast are quite simply explained from the point of view of science.

  • Breast asymmetry is congenital, which does not have any clear causes and causative agents of such a phenomenon. Usually, asymmetry is clearly expressed during the puberty of a girl, but by the age of 20, you may not visually notice much difference. In the event that until the age of 20-21 the asymmetry of the breasts of the girl remained and did not disappear, then it can be considered congenital and the situation can hardly be corrected. In addition, after bearing a child, the situation with the mammary glands can be significantly aggravated.
  • Acquired asymmetry, the following factors lead to such a deformation:
    • injuries of a mechanical nature, which can be received by a girl even in early childhood during falls or blows;
    • tumors, a disease that requires immediate medical intervention, the growth of malignant tissues leads to an increase in one of the mammary glands;
    • gestation, as a result of several reasons, asymmetry of the mammary glands occurs.

Bearing a fetus and lactation, as causes of disproportion of the mammary glands:

In fact, there are no organs in the human body that would be absolutely identical and symmetrical.

What to do if one breast is smaller than the other

Many women are dissatisfied with the aesthetic side of the situation, when one breast is slightly larger than the other and prefer to look for ways to solve such a disproportion.

To begin with, a woman is simply obliged to accurately determine the cause of the asymmetry of the mammary glands, undergo a series of tests, including neoplasms.. In addition, you can consider indirect factors influencing the female breast, and only then look for effective methods problem fixes.

  1. If neoplasms are suspected, you need to immediately visit a mammologist or a local gynecologist. Only after conducting such an analysis as a biopsy, you can accurately make a verdict and make further plans.
  2. During childbearing the construction of the lactation process is of great importance. A woman needs to monitor her hygiene, regularly change her breasts during feeding, it is very important to change her breasts only after the final emptying of the previous one.
  3. When it comes to innate, no way to solve the problem will help even out the size of the mammary glands. In rare cases, the situation resolves itself after lactation, but if this does not happen, you should not expect a miracle. Only work will help to even out the proportions of the female breast.

Often, most women with disproportion of the mammary glands after the completion of breastfeeding a baby seek help from a plastic surgeon. Having a variety of models and forms of implants in the assortment, the surgeon not only aligns the breasts to natural forms, but also tightens them, restoring their former youth and elasticity.

Stress and breast asymmetry

People who are prone to irritation and nervous shocks are faced with such phenomena as stagnant processes of the gallbladder and liver. Thereby negative impact chest muscles are exposed due to impaired blood circulation. Insufficient or completely absent supply of oxygen and nutrients leads to a decrease in the breast.

Therefore, in addition to the above reasons and ways to solve such a problem as breast disproportion, you need to monitor your emotional state. Balance and positive emotions will be the best prevention of female breast asymmetry.

Hello everyone, today we will talk about the asymmetry of the chest. But I haven't forgotten yet. I want to recommend to you the site of my friends who deal with Tony Perotti bags. I constantly look at them, the guys have a choice for every taste.
The "problem" of different muscle volumes, on both sides of our body, is very common not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports. It becomes especially unpleasant when you notice your disproportion in the mirror, but even worse when someone from the outside begins to notice that you have unevenly pumped muscles. And involuntarily the question arises: what to do if one pectoral muscle is larger than the other, as well as other muscles located symmetrically to each other?

In fact, there should be no panic. Human body so arranged that it does not have a clear symmetry. To verify this, it is enough to take a measuring tape, which is used by seamstresses, and carefully measure the muscles on the right and on the left side of the body. Even the ideal athlete, who does not visually see any difference, will still have discrepancies in measurements. By the way, performing bodybuilders (professionals) very carefully monitor the proportions of their bodies and the problem of lagging muscles is very familiar to them. After all, modern bodybuilding, in some way, resembles a beauty contest, where, in addition to relief and volume, there should also be perfect symmetry.

Sometimes the definition of body parameters is affected by illumination and the angle of view. Therefore, ask your friend to look at you from a different point of view. It is possible that all this just seemed to you and you should not worry about trifles.

When nature has nothing to do with

As I already mentioned, it is quite acceptable if you or your friends have a slightly out of proportion body, that is, not noticeable to the eye. But if it is visible to the eye, then it is not quite beautiful. Of course, you don’t want to have such a defect and the first desire is to somehow get rid of it. But first, let's determine the causes of uneven muscles on both parts of the body:

Causes of unevenness muscles

  1. Congenital or acquired disease. In this case, due to a violation of metabolic processes or deformation in certain parts of the body, muscle disproportion occurs. That is, nutrients are not supplied to those parts of the body where it is needed, and there the muscles begin to “dry out”. For example, diseases of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis) deform the spine, as a result of which the proportion of the body (muscles) changes.
  2. Physiological features of right-handers and left-handers. Due to these features, the right-hander uses the right hand or foot much more often, and the left-hander uses the left hand or foot more often ( left side bodies). That is why right-handers on the right side of the body will have slightly more muscles than on the left side, and vice versa for left-handers. Hence the difference in muscle size. After all, each of us noticed that it is much easier for a left-hander to lift any weight with his left hand, and for a right-hander - with his right hand ...
  3. Feature of the profession or sport. In this case, people who constantly load the same part of the body, as a result, get a difference in muscle volume in one or the ionic part of the body (muscle group). For example, a left-handed blacksmith who constantly holds (works) a hammer in his left hand will train the muscles of the left side much more significantly than on the right. The situation is the same for tennis players or fencers. As you already understood, this reason is very strongly connected with the physiological feature of left-handers and right-handers (the second reason).
  4. Wrong exercise technique. The most unpleasant thing is when, due to his inattention and inexperience, an athlete neglects the technique of performing exercises. Because when he does something wrong for a long period of time, he will gradually get an unpleasant result. At least the difference in muscle volume, and as a maximum injury.
  5. As a result of trauma. None of us is immune from injuries, since even a very attentive and experienced athlete (worker) can get it. So, any injury leads either to a violation of blood circulation (this reason is very related to the first one), or to a temporary restriction in movement or immobilization of the part of the body where the injury was received. Thus, if blood circulation is disturbed in one of the parts of the body, then the muscles will not develop evenly, since much less nutrients will be supplied to the injured area through the blood. After all, one of the main conditions for muscle growth is good nutrition (oxygen and nutrients).

But, and if the injury has led to a restriction in movement or immobilization of any part of the body, then in this place the muscles will begin to “dry out” (decrease) due to their lack of fitness. After all, our body is the most greedy of all whom I only know, since it always strives for balance and does not spend extra resources on maintaining unnecessary systems. In this case, this is an unused part of the body (muscle group). For example, a broken arm will lead to a significant weakening of it ...

How to deal with those who have the most noticeable difference in muscle volume

Of course, it is unpleasant to have a disproportionate body, but do not despair - everything can be fixed if you follow my recommendations, but first, let's analyze the main mistake that many athletes make on the way to a proportional body.

As you already understood, the question is what to do if one pectoral muscle is larger than the other? It can happen to each of us. But the worst thing is that many believe that if you give the lagging muscle an even greater load (weight), then it will grow, and therefore the proportion of muscles on both sides will appear. But it's not as easy as it seems, because this method, in most cases, leads only to injury and overtraining (regression), because in fact, most often, everything happens like this:

  1. The weak muscle (lagging behind) so received a good load from your working weight, but if you load it even more, the exercise technique will disappear completely, which means that part of the load will not be taken by the target muscles, but by the auxiliary muscles, tendons and the stronger side of the - for the curve of the exercise. Which can lead to injury.
  2. Due to the heavy loads on weak muscles, there will be more catabolic (stress) hormones that are very detrimental to muscle growth (destroy them).
  3. And yet, a weak muscle, due to the large weight on it, may not have time to recover until the next workout. Therefore, with each lesson, if this continues for several weeks or months, then you are guaranteed overtraining.

By the way, with regard to injuries, thanks to them, many athletes ended their sports careers. Having succumbed to the temptation to do everything faster, they were forced to regret this decision for a long time ... Do not repeat this mistake: "You go slower - you will continue."

It is necessary to follow the correct technique of exercises, because if this is not done, then, as I already said, part of the load will go not to the target muscles, but to the auxiliary muscles and the stronger side. Which leads to muscle disproportion, since the load on them comes different. Therefore, ordinary mirrors, which must be in the gym, help to avoid such an incorrect exercise. Your comrades or a coach, who, watching from the side, can also help you work out the correct technique. After all, it is from the side that everything is clearly visible, and the advice said in time will quickly correct the wrong technique of the exercise. But if everything is left as it is, then it will be difficult to correct what has been omitted, because the wrong skills (technique) are acquired.

You can do an additional approach after the basic exercises, but this is only for those who have a very noticeable difference in body proportion.

It looks like this in practice. After you have completed the exercise for the target muscle group, do one more extra set, but only for the half of the body where the muscle is smaller in size.

However, it is worth neglecting this rule and you, the lagging side, may, on the contrary, begin to regress against the background of not being restored. Since the muscles on the lagging side will not have time to recover until the next workout.

Those who want to work on lagging muscles need to use various simulators and dumbbells.

For example, to increase just one chest muscle, try doing a dumbbell press while lying on your back. To do this, pick up two identical dumbbells and lie with them on the bench. After that, start doing the exercise (lift the dumbbells up), but only with one hand. And the second dumbbell remains in its original position, to maintain the balance of the body, because if this is not done, then it will be difficult to perform the bench press evenly. Therefore, two dumbbells must be used, although you will perform the exercise with only one.

The same can be done with one hand and on the simulator, which is used to train the pectoral muscles. At home, if there are no dumbbells or other devices at hand, then the pectoral muscle can be trained with push-ups from the floor on one arm.

But the biceps can be trained in two main ways.:

a) using a special bench, which guarantees flexion only in the elbow joint, using a dumbbell;

b) the arm can be bent without the help of a special bench. To do this, use your thigh (with emphasis on it) to completely exclude the work of other muscles. And this exercise is also done with a dumbbell.

You can also choose exercises for the development of any muscles of only one side of the body. But these additional methods (additional approaches to lagging muscles) should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when the difference in disproportion is very visible.

Training should be regular, but not every day. You should not hope for success when classes are held sporadically or only once a week (very rarely). With this approach, nothing will change in your appearance, since only regular classes help to achieve results. After all, if you train less than 2 times a week, then your body will not benefit from growing muscle mass. Therefore, I will repeat once again that only regular training and with the same load on both halves of the body align the muscles. You will learn more about the optimal number of workouts per week in the article:.

Those people who play sports or work, where only one (most) part of the body is involved, are also recommended to include general physical training exercises in their workouts. But these exercises must be performed technically correctly and regularly, as only this will lead you to a proportional body ...

As for the sets of exercises for general physical training themselves, they have not harmed anyone yet, but, on the contrary, helped to achieve better results and victories.

You can additionally train the part of the body that has lost muscle mass after a long illness or injury. However, before doing this, be sure to consult with your doctor ... If there are no contraindications, then in any case, you need to use only light weights and 1-2 additional approaches (after the main base of exercises) on the lagging muscle. But do not forget that everything should be in moderation and gradually, therefore, listen to your body. And do not deviate from the basic rule: load the muscles evenly and lift weights technically correctly. After all, it is then that everything, gradually, on your body will even out and will continue to develop evenly.

Do not chase weights, but chase the correct exercise technique, since you need to lift weights not due to jerks, auxiliary muscles, tendons, joints and other tricks, but due to target muscles. That is why many professionals who lift light weights correctly achieve greater results than those who strive to lift the maximum weight. After all, if the neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles is well developed, then the muscles can be hammered with very light weights, reducing them even to 40-60% (or even less) of the working weights, which were raised not due to technology, but due to other tricks.

And whoever understands this begins to master the technique of exercises again and notices with horror for himself that lifting a lot of weight, right, is not so easy. Therefore, it is necessary from the very first training to monitor how you work and pay maximum attention to this.

Of course, everything is comprehended with experience, but try to learn not from your own mistakes, but from others ...

This technique has long been used by American athletes. Even proceeding from this, you already begin to understand why they were the first to fly to the moon. Therefore, their training is not aimed at maximum weights, but at the correct execution technique in order to better work out the target muscles (which need to be developed). And as a result of this training, you will not have imbalances in your body, that is, the muscles will develop harmoniously (in proportion).

A slight difference in the size of the muscles on one side and the other is a completely normal thing, which should not be scared. Moreover, this difference is inherent in each person, its difference is only in size. But in order to correct a large imbalance or to avoid it, it is necessary to train regularly, observing the correct exercise technique. I hope now you will not have a question: What to do if one pectoral muscle is larger than the other, as well as other muscles located symmetrically to each other?

Exercise, eat right and get better - good luck to you!