
Story about Valentine's Day. Valentines day history of the origin of the holiday. Modern veneration and modern celebration


Valentine's Day history goes far into the past. Modern woman must be well educated and know many things, otherwise she risks getting into a puddle sooner or later. Even in such a simple moment as Valentine's Day.

Are you celebrating Valentine's Day? Me not. In general, I don't really like these holidays - February 14, February 23, March 8. Here New Year I love! And it smacks of some kind of obligation and for some reason a little melancholy. As if only in these 3 days people mean something to each other. No, I understand that in a normal relationship, this is just an additional holiday, but all the same .. We decided 10 years ago to introduce instead of this holiday the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. And so, just on that day, July 8, my colleague for the first time went to his mistress - a girl he had liked for a long time. To celebrate, he told everyone about it the next morning. We told him - well, you, of course, found the day! And he - yes, something somehow turned out ugly. That is, the logic - if I went not on the 8th, but on the 7th or 9th, I would have celebrated the holiday with my family, then it seems not so scary. So it is better to arrange all the holidays on any days and more often and less to do "show". Although, to each his own, I do not impose my opinion on anyone.

Valentines day origin story

The history of this holiday was formed from 2 moments. The first is the Roman Lupercalia. A pagan rite, a festival that originated around the 3rd century BC. At this time, there was a real epidemic in Rome - many women either had dead children or miscarriages. For the time when the cities were small - according to various sources, the population of Rome was only about 150 thousand people - the situation was serious. To save the city from extinction, the priests of the god Luperk decided to arrange a public flogging of women (again, the woman is to blame - not only has she lost her child, but she is also to blame for this !!). To this end, the priests sacrificed goats and dogs, and from the skins they made belts with which they, running naked around the city, flogged all the women they met. After that, a tradition arose - every year from 13 to 15 February - the so-called. Lupercalia with flogging of women with goatskin belts. Interestingly, over time, the tradition softened a little and women themselves willingly substituted their bodies, believing that such a flogging would bring fertility and easy childbirth.

The Romans usually borrowed everything from the Greeks. Lupercalia including. V Ancient Greece there was also a similar holiday named after the god Pan - Panurgy. By the way, if you read or watched the series "The Countess de Monsoreau", based on the novel of the same name by Dumas, then the donkey of Goranflo's father was called Panurge. So one of the nicknames of the god Pan - the patron saint of shepherds and cattle breeding - was Luperk ("lupus" - wolf). Hence the name Luperkaliev. But! Hence the name of the Roman brothels - Lupanaria. More precisely, not from here - it's just a homonym, but a funny coincidence. How do you get the picture?)

Valentine's Day Story

But there is also a second point. In 496, Pope Gelasius I banned Lupercalia. Over time, Valentine's Day came to replace him. And it happened like this. In 269 AD, Emperor Claudius II lacked soldiers for his military campaigns. The reason was that the warriors thought more about their families, the wives left at home or the girls with whom they were going to marry, and fought badly. To this end, the emperor forbade marriages for Roman legionnaires. But people tend to fall in love - therefore, marriages began to be concluded in secret, and the wedding ceremony was performed by a priest named Valentine, for which he later paid with his life, this happened on February 14. However, the story is dark - someone claims that Valentine was executed by the emperor for refusing to renounce Christ, and someone who was already 3 Valentine is a priest, Bishop of Interamna (the ancient name of the modern Italian city of Terni) and a certain martyr, executed in Africa, then a Roman province. For a holiday in honor of one of these Valentines, Lupercalia was decently replaced.

As for the so-called "valentines" - love notes - there are also 2 versions here. The first says that Saint Valentine sent a letter to the jailer's blind daughter, who, trying to read it, regained her sight. The second version - the author of "valentines" is the Duke of Orleans, who in 1415, sitting in prison, escaped boredom and sent his wife love letters. The wife's name was Valentina Visconti. Well, her husband actually cheated on her with everyone in a row, including the wife of his own brother, King Charles VI.

In 1969, the Catholic Church removed Valentine from the list of saints who must be remembered in the liturgy. But his day is celebrated in national holidays.

Despite the cold weather, February is the most romantic month of the year. The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day, or as it is also called, Valentine's Day, appeared in our country relatively recently, but quickly took root.

They are waiting for Valentine's Day to confess their love, make a marriage proposal, and please their soul mate with gifts. Lovers try to express their feelings vividly, coming up with unusual and memorable surprises: Stuffed Toys, original "valentines", launching lanterns into the sky, a romantic dinner or an extraordinary passionate night.

Do you know the history of the origin of the holiday? We will tell you the official version and lesser known details, as well as help you choose a gift for the occasion.

Valentine's Day: the story of the origin of the holiday

Church chronicles lead the curious to the 5th century at the time of Pope Gelasius I. Legends say that Valentine's Day appeared long before that: the ancient pagans had a semblance of Valentine's Day - a festival of eroticism. It took place on February 14-15 and was dedicated to three Roman gods at once: Juno, the she-wolf-nurse of Romulus and Remus, Faun.

Ancient celebrations did not involve special outfits, gifts, or passionate confessions. It was a terrible bloody celebration, all participants in which were almost or completely naked. The goal is to preserve the Roman state, to prevent its extinction.

And the high mortality rate of newborns and babies of the empire was a harbinger of the threat. Families with three or fewer children cursed. From words to deeds, they began the next morning after the feast of Juno: they brought gifts to the gods, they smeared the youths with sacrificial blood. And near the walls of Rome, they had to beat all damned women of childbearing age with belts.

It was believed that the ceremony increased the chances of having a healthy baby. Now such an action seems barbaric to us, but then it was the norm.

By the way, there is a separate article on Wikipedia about the celebration of Lupercalia - a feast of fertility in honor of the goddess of "feverish" love, which was celebrated annually on February 15th.

There was also a beautiful tradition of the festival of eroticism, similar to the modern celebration. In those days in Rome, boys and girls were brought up separately, dating was not supposed. However, resourceful youth found a way out of the situation.

On the eve of February 14, the girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and threw them into huge bowls, and the boys picked a note at random. So couples were formed for the festival, who could meet for a year after the celebration. Many got married.

Several centuries later, the Catholic Church made every effort to make the people forget the pagan traditions. The festival of eroticism seemed to be the height of debauchery and disgrace for the canonists. In order to distract the parishioners, they came up with Valentine's Day and a beautiful legend about it. Allegedly in the III century, when Claudius II ruled, on the eve of the war there was an acute shortage of soldiers, so the emperor forbade the young men to marry.

As legend has it, a certain priest named Valentin secretly married young people. When the secret was revealed, the cleric was sentenced to death. While in prison, he fell in love with the executioner's blind daughter and healed her with the power of his feelings. And before the day of the execution, he left a note with a declaration of love, signed "your Valentine."

Valentine's Day Traditions

In Europe, Valentine's Day became widely known in the 13th century, in the USA - at the end of the 18th century, in our country - in the 90s of the last century.

On the eve of February 14, the counters are filled with hearts of all kinds: pillows, toys, candies and so on. They are traditionally bought as a present.

But this is trivial!

In America at the beginning of the 20th century. men handed marzipans to their darlings, which at that time was considered expensive, but tasteful. In Japan, the holiday has gained popularity since the 1930s, from that time to this day, chocolate is considered the most common surprise. In France, as a rule, jewelry is presented, and in Denmark - dried white flowers.

There is a beautiful belief in Britain: if an unmarried woman wakes up before sunrise, stands at the window and looks at all the passing men, the first person she sees will be her future husband.

But in Saudi Arabia, Valentine's Day is completely prohibited, everyone who dares to celebrate it is fined.

The United Kingdom has its own tradition - the dedication of laudatory and sublime poems and songs to Valentine. The British, especially children, walk the streets, singing odes, in return for sweets. In Wales, it is customary to give beautiful, ornate wooden spoons in the form of flowers, hearts and castles.

Also on this day it is customary to anonymously send to the object of your love "valentines", in which wishes and confessions of feelings are written in a modified handwriting, and the addressee must guess from whom the card is.

One of the most common and beautiful gifts consider roses. By the way, their number in a bouquet and color suggest different meanings:

  • 1 flower - love,
  • 12 - gratitude,
  • 25 - congratulations,
  • 50 - selfless love.

Scarlet petals - passionate feelings, pink - friendly, white - purity. Mixed bouquet of red and white roses - mutual love of two people.

What to give a girl for Valentine's Day?

Of course, the most the best present Valentine's Day for the lady of the heart will be beautiful decoration- necklace, bracelet or earrings. A great gift is a ring. It is important to understand that it shows more than feelings. It is presented if a man wants to make a marriage proposal.

Not ready for such drastic changes? Hence, it is worth limiting ourselves to some other jewelry... A great alternative on Valentine's Day is a tour for two, for example, to Paris or Venice.

There are more modest ways to please a sweetheart on Valentine's Day: a bouquet of roses and a soft toy or a music box. Adult women can be presented with statuettes depicting animals in love, angels. True, many consider such figures to be philistine.

The beloved will undoubtedly be delighted with a set of underwear. But if you find it difficult to choose the right size, then fishnet stockings or a negligee will be a good substitute.

Perfumes and cosmetics also deserve attention on February 14th. If you know the brand that the girl prefers, feel free to present it. Otherwise, experimenting is not worth it.

How to choose the right one can be found in a separate article.

In no case should you give anything that is related to everyday life: multicooker, coffee machines, dishes, and even more so pots and pans.

It's still a romantic day. Also, do not hand over empty jewelry boxes. Secretly, any woman hopes, unfolding, that there will be a ring, earrings or chain inside. Why disappoint her?

What to give a guy for Valentine's Day?

It is a little easier for the beautiful half of humanity to make a choice on Valentine's Day. Any man will appreciate a romantic dinner of festive dishes related to this day. A heart-shaped cake or pancakes, an original salad - the nuances depend on the flight of imagination and culinary talents.

Aromatherapy can be used to create an intimate atmosphere. Read how to choose the right aphrodisiac oils.

It is worth paying attention to your hobby young man- gadgets, folding knives, hunting, fishing.

Depending on this, you can choose a gift: a mouse or a portable charger, a fishing rod or an optical sight.

Young ladies with "crazy" hands often knit socks or scarves for the holiday, embroider monograms on handkerchiefs. All this, of course, is touching, but men rarely sincerely rejoice at such presentations.

A good choice: leather belt, purse, cigarette case or original lighter. And a little thing bought in an adult store will pleasantly surprise and bring a lot of pleasure to both partners.

A celebration dedicated to the greatest feeling on Earth came to our country not so long ago. In mid-February, a day appeared on which loving friend friend, people exchange presents, send letters of confession, and words of love are heard everywhere. It has been celebrating the 14th of February for more than a hundred years. Valentine's Day was established back in 496 and since then has been revered by lovers on all continents.

The most romantic holiday owes its appearance to a Christian priest who lived in one of the Roman provinces in the 3rd century. The legendary Roman army at this time actively participated in campaigns and conquests, and the legions were constantly in need of replenishment. Long campaigns and hardships exhausted the soldiers, many of them began to refuse to participate in hostilities, preferring quiet family happiness. In order to strengthen the morale of the legionaries and preserve the army, the emperor issued a cruel decree forbidding Roman soldiers to tie the knot. The lovers could not connect and secretly suffered.

In this difficult time, a priest sympathetic to loving hearts helped the soldiers to unite with their chosen ones and conducted secret wedding ceremonies. His name was Valentine. In the cruel Roman society of that time, there were ill-wishers who reported to the authorities about the secret activities of the priest, and he was sentenced to death.

The future saint was thrown into a dungeon, where he was to spend last days... Legend has it that the beautiful daughter of a prison warden conquered a person sentenced to death with her beauty, and he gave her a small note in which he told about his feelings. It was signed simply: "Your Valentine."

History of the origin of valentines

Tradition says that the tradition of exchanging romantic messages owes its existence to the last letter of the priest Valentine. From that time on, on a certain day, you can talk about secret feelings to the subject of adoration with the help of beautiful letters and homemade postcards.

Particularly popular homemade postcards used in the VIII century. Lovely words of love written on handmade lace and multi-colored postcards made an indelible impression.

In Europe and America unusual holiday became popular in the XII - XIII centuries. Loved ones were congratulated with the help of songs, poems, dances and valentines. A little later, the tradition of exchanging gifts appeared. Each country has its own celebration customs as well as its traditional gifts:

  • Japan - in this unusual and mysterious country, it is customary to give lovers of chocolate products. This one is still at the beginning of the last century, and until now, Japanese men and women receive sweet treats as a gift;
  • France - in one of the most romantic countries in the world, loved ones are presented with jewelry, and Jewelry are received by representatives of both sexes;
  • USA - red roses and pastries are the most popular gifts in America;
  • Australia - celebrations in honor of all lovers in this distant country are fun and bright. Festivals are held everywhere, and lovers receive flowers and colorful cards as gifts.

The holiday is also merrily and romantically held in Russia. Lovers exchange unusual valentines, colorful gifts and tender confessions. The Russians liked the wonderful holiday, and although not everyone knows how beautiful and touching the history of the holiday on February 14 is, Valentine's Day is celebrated annually.

Valentine? Love is in the air, and people confess their feelings. To do this, you don't even need to pronounce the words, you can say everything with an eloquent look, and you will undoubtedly be understood. Romance, flowers, gifts, heart-shaped sweets and burning loving eyes ... Do you know where and when Valentine's Day came to us?

history of the holiday

This holiday has existed for a very long time - more than 1500 years. So, on February 14, Valentine's Day in Europe began to be celebrated somewhere in the 13th century. America joined the celebrations in 1777. The countries of the former Soviet Union discovered Valentine's Day only in the early 90s.

So, whose holiday is this and why is it called that?

This story begins in 269 in the Roman Empire. Then the state was ruled by the harsh emperor Claudius II. And the main goal of the Empire was the conquest of lands. The sovereign military leader faced the problem of shortage of soldiers in the army for military campaigns. And Claudius II found an explanation for this - marriages. The emperor came to the conclusion that the legionnaires, whose wives and children are waiting at home, are less interested in the victories of the Motherland. Where should they think about conquests, when they need to take care of feeding their families. And Claudius II found a wonderful, as he thought, way out: he issued a decree prohibiting marriage. Thus, he tried to maintain a soldier's morale.

However, the ban on starting a family could in no way prevent men from falling in love. And, fortunately for the legionnaires, there was a man in the empire who supported them. It was a Christian priest from the city of Terni - Valentine. Despite the strict prohibition of the emperor, he secretly performed wedding ceremonies of legionnaires with their beloved in his church. Probably, Valentine was a real romantic, since he not only united people by marriage, but also helped the lovers in every possible way: he helped compose tender messages and gave flowers on behalf of the legionnaires to the objects of their passion.

Of course, everything floated out and became known to the Emperor. And since in the Roman Empire the law was above all, the activities of the priest were sharply suppressed. Valentine was put in jail. And soon the emperor signed a decree on the execution of the priest.

The last days of Valentine, which he spent in prison, are shrouded in an aura of romance. They say that the daughter of the chief of the guard was in love with him. However, Valentine, who gave an answer to her feelings, could not. On the last night before being hanged, February 13, he sent her a letter in which he told about his feelings. The girl read the message only after the execution of her lover.

Saint Valentine

Valentine's Day is named after him. Of course, there is no evidence that everything was exactly as described above. After all, no material evidence of this has survived. But it is clear that the young Christian priest died in the name of love. And for his short life, so much of this feeling was released to him: love for beautiful woman, to God, to the people he helped. He was a wonderful person with a huge soul, striving to do good. It is not surprising that Valentine's Day is named after him.

Later, the Catholic Church considered Valentine a Christian martyr who died for the faith, and declared him a saint. And in 496, Pope Gelasius I announced that February 14 was Valentine's Day.

However, with the reform of the worship of 1969, St. Valentine was removed from the Catholic liturgical church calendar... The same was done with some other saints, about whose life there was no reliable information. However, even before that time, the church did not approve of the celebration of this day.

Celebrations of love

Valentine's Day is a holiday that has existed for more than 16 centuries. However, since the 18th century and much earlier, the most diverse national celebrations of love have been known.

There is a version that the first was the Roman festival of eroticism Lupercalia. It was held in honor of the goddess Februat, who was considered a symbol of "feverish" love. The purpose of this celebration was to find your other half. Therefore, at the end of it, many new marriages were created.

The day before the feast of Lupercalia, which was held on February 15, was celebrated the triumph of the Roman goddess of motherhood, marriage and women - Juno. On this day, all unmarried girls had to write and put it in a large urn. And men - draw out a letter. It was believed that every man had to take care of that beauty, whose ardent and passionate message he got.

In ancient Greece, the holiday was called Panurgy. It was a festival dedicated to the deity Pan, who was considered the patron saint of flocks, fields and fertility. Pan was portrayed as a little merry fellow playing the pipe and chasing beautiful nymphs with his love.

All of the above is a pagan contribution to Valentine's Day. Whose holiday served as the basis, it is not possible to determine. Most likely pagan traditions different nations found their reflection in the modern celebration.


At the end of the 17th century, the English court chronicler recorded that Valentine's Day is a holiday during which lovers can exchange passionate notes, present each other with all kinds of gifts, such as rings, sweets, gloves, cakes, etc. But there was important condition: all souvenirs are in the shape of a heart. Whether this was actually so is unknown, but, most likely, it was from there that the tradition began to send special messages on such a day - valentines.

Today this word refers to love letters in the form of hearts. Valentine's cards cannot be signed. The recipient himself must guess who she is from.

On Valentine's Day, people want to show their feelings and tenderness to their soulmate. They give roses, symbolizing love, send cute cards, make an offer. It is a celebration of love all over the world. But every country has its own Valentine's Day traditions.

and Italy

On February 14, both the French and Italians traditionally give flowers and gifts. The difference is, perhaps, in the choice of the latter.

In France the best gifts on Valentine's Day, jewelry is considered. In extreme cases, jewelry is also suitable. The French were the first to come up with original and popular today all over the world congratulations on Valentine's Day - rhymed quatrains. France is a land of love. And its inhabitants justify such a name. February 14 is an abundance of flowers, gifts, Pink colour and declarations of love.

An Italian holiday is a sweet day. Traditionally, it is customary to arrange a sweet treat for your loved ones. Therefore, cakes, sweets, chocolate, yoghurts and other goodies are used.

Love and Germany

What is Valentine's Day in Germany? You will be surprised. But February 14 for the Germans is a holiday of the mentally ill.

On this day, services are held throughout the country at which people can pray for the health of mentally ill loved ones, as well as for the peace of Valentine's soul. The orderlies decorate the wards and corridors of psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons. Therefore, if you see a beautifully decorated building on this day, you should know that this is a “psychiatric hospital”.

But in Lately German youth strive to emulate the rest of the world. And even if unofficially, it still celebrates the holiday of love. In Germany, a pig is also added to the traditional European symbols of the celebration. All kinds of figurines in the shape of this animal, chocolates, soft toys and much more are used.

Celebrations in the USA and Canada

Valentine's Day traditions in America are mostly similar to those in Europe. But still, the main gift for loved ones on this day are red roses. Statistics have shown that in the States on February 14, 20,000 roses are sold per minute. And more than a million of these beautiful flowers are bought a day!

Children are also happy in the holiday - the script of all school plays and plays. The guys dress up as angels and deliver valentines addressed to both classmates and teachers. By the way, a lot of weddings take place in the USA on this day. The famous city of Las Vegas, located in the state of Nevada, is especially popular.

In Canada, on February 14, a girl can propose to her beloved man. And if he decides to refuse, he will face sanctions: from a fine to imprisonment! This does not apply to those representatives of the stronger sex who have already found their soul mate. But if a person is free and decided to refuse a lady in love with him, he will be dragged into a "jail".

A holiday of love in Britain

Real English gentlemen give roses to their ladies. And certainly scarlet. And women who have not yet found their lover prefer to do fortune-telling. It is believed that if you stand near a window on the morning of February 14 and look at an empty street, then the first passer-by who appears on the horizon will look like your future husband. If the girl has time to call him, then he may even become one.

The British are famous for their quirks. They congratulate not only their soulmates, but also pets. Horses and dogs are especially fond of. On February 14, you can buy heart-shaped food in pet stores to please your pets.

Love day in japan

This holiday in Japan is somewhat similar to our day on February 23rd. Japanese men get a lot on this day more gifts than women. The girls present their lovers with wallets, razors and the obligatory Honmei chocolate. Such sweet gifts came from the largest confectionery factory of the same name. It is believed that "Honmei" chocolate can only be presented to the most beloved man. So this is a kind of recognition.

In Japan, a competition is held annually on February 14. Young people go up to a special rostrum and shout words of love to their girls, as far as they can. Of course, a valuable prize awaits the winner.

Love traditions of Denmark and Holland

On this day, festive parties dedicated to St. Valentine and all lovers are held throughout Denmark. Numerous concerts, game shows, exhibitions are held. The whole country is celebrating. Danes have interesting tradition... On Valentine's Day, men send a dried flower with which their beloved is associated. So girls learn a lot about themselves and about the tastes and fantasies of their chosen ones.

If you really want to get married, you need to go to Holland. There is a tradition there that on February 14, if a girl made an offer, she cannot be refused. Of course, tying a man in marriage against his will is unlikely to work. But even if the offer is refused, then there is an opportunity to ask the chosen one for a silk dress. Moreover, any brand and at any price. No man can refuse this. The only condition is that the dress must be red. It is believed that only such an outfit can comfort an outcast woman. So the Dutch women in any case will not be left out.

Friends day

In Estonia and Finland it is Friendship Day. Of course, lovers celebrate it too. But the peculiarity of the holiday is that real friends also receive cards and gifts. This is done so that almost everyone can join the holiday, not just happy lovers.

One way or another, but on this day, as in the whole world, people send valentines, cute little things, gifts, soft toys, sweets and other gifts made in the shape of hearts. Flowers are less popular here, as practical Finns and Estonians prefer material expressions of their feelings of love and friendship.

Ban on love

Iran and Saudi Arabia are the only countries in the world where Valentine's Day is officially banned. The traditions of the holiday are considered here pernicious and pernicious, confusing young minds. Saudi Arabia even has a Commission for the Prevention of Sin and the Implementation of Virtue. It was she who issued the decree banning the celebration of Valentine's Day. The commission concluded that "this Western holiday exalts man's original sin."

Therefore, all shops and supermarkets of the country on February 14 are not entitled to sell flowers, valentines, plush toys and any other attributes of the holiday. And everyone who decides to celebrate this celebration will face a huge fine.

Valentine's Day in Russia

As mentioned above, in Russia Valentine's Day is celebrated not so long ago. However, many have already liked the holiday. Especially those who are in love. Russia has already had its own holiday traditions... This day is perceived as a triumph of joy and love. In all corners of the country, lovers send valentines, present gifts and flowers, arrange romantic evenings by candlelight and date under the moon.

By the way, Russia also has its own Valentine's Day. Orthodox holiday called Valentine's Day. Russians celebrate it This holiday is a tribute to the legendary love of Fevronia and Paul. And in 2008 he was declared official of fidelity and love.

Valentine's Day in Russia when and how the history of the holiday appeared briefly. Not so long ago in variety Russian holidays he wedged in - the great and terrible Valentine's Day, in the common people called Valentine's Day. He wedged in from the west, very briskly and actively, and, one might say, hand in hand with Halloween.

With the second holiday, everything is relatively simple: this is just an excuse for young people to dress up as ghouls, witches and ghouls, and for clubs - to arrange themed parties, once again earning extra money on this.

New Holidays

In fact, Halloween does not hide its intentions. Valentine's Day turned out to be much more cunning. Frankly speaking, this day, like the aforementioned Halloween, is a rather bloated holiday and has absolutely nothing to do with either our culture or history.

And yet, subtly hiding under the veil of love (this is Valentine's Day, after all!), On February 14, he actively trades in all sorts of nonsense in the form of valentines, plush hearts, chocolates ... or even something more significant! And try not to buy!

Immediately you will receive not only pouting lips from the second half, legs and condemnation of the rebellious public, they say: “Do you not really love? "," Got some money for a postcard? "," Don't you respect the sanctity of love? ? ? ". And so we, simple-minded, dressed warmer, walk through the crackling February frost in search of a gift for our beloved.

Valentine's Day Gifts

We grab another teddy bear with the classic inscription "I love u" and proudly carrying a trifle to a loved one. And it seems like a trifle.

That a couple of hundred are not worth the nerves that could have been lost if we had not bought this symbolic bear. But just imagine what a colossal income, for example, Chinese factories receive in just three days for these bears of dubious quality.

And here we are, shuffling our boots through the snowdrifts, looking at our bear and wondering what the likelihood is that on the most ordinary day, being sane and sober, we would have brought her a bear cub with a thicker paw and a right eye lower than the left , and even a tail, like a squirrel?

And what are the chances that our loved one would give us a hare made in Vietnam, singing a song from a Soviet cartoon in a hoarse bass. But there he is, this hare.

Sits behind the still closed door in a nice gift bag. And, of course, with the classic inscription "I love u", where can we go without it? Sadly to admit it, all of us, friends, have been skillfully tricked!

After all, even if you look at the history of the holiday called "Valentine's Day" with one eye, you can immediately see that the essence of the celebration was conveyed to us, gullible guys, in a very distorted form. And with something, but pure and sincere love there is no smell at all.

How it all started

And the history of this holiday begins in Ancient Rome, where from year to year on February 15, the festival of eroticism of Lupercalia was celebrated with style and splendor. On this day, at the holy place for the Romans, where the she-wolf, according to legend, nurtured and raised Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, animal sacrifices were carried out.

From their skins they made belts, with which, after a solemn feast in the streets of the city, naked young people flogged the women they met. I must say that under the blows of the scourge, the girls willingly climbed, because it was believed that a pretty spanking would give them fertility, which was very important in those days.

Having received a belt, the women also undressed. This holiday was very popular. So popular that even with the arrival of Christianity in Ancient Rome, when everything pagan holidays were abolished, Lupercalia was celebrated for a long time by people of all ages and social classes.

Valentine's Day history of the holiday (briefly)

At the very end of the 5th century AD, Pope Gelasius I decided to remove this depraved holiday from the calendar of his compatriots. But no one would have agreed to celebrate their favorite celebration so easily.

Then Gelasiy comes up with a subtle strategic move: to make it not so offensive, he simply replaces one holiday with another. The closest holiday to Lupercalia turned out to be the day of February 14, which received St. Valentine as the patron saint.

It was on this day, two centuries earlier, that the simplest priest, Valentin, was executed. His guilt was that, despite the prohibition of Emperor Claudius II (who for some reason was sure that a soldier without a wife and children leads much better military service than his family comrades), Valentine secretly crowned hearts in love under cover of night.

While awaiting execution in the church, Valentine falls in love with the overseer's beautiful daughter, Julia. Before the execution, the priest reveals his feelings to the girl, sending her a love confession.

The Lupercalia are carried over by the Pope a day ago and are mixed with the Martyr Valentine's Day. It must be said that no one would have remembered the day of this saint if it had not been for the urgent need to "knock out a wedge by a wedge" and "finally get rid of the vice from the Romans." Gradually, the festival of eroticism exhausted itself and disappeared, and new traditions came to replace it.

How to celebrate

Such a service was once performed by Gelasius I of the modern world industry. Thanks to active propaganda, Valentine's Day has become very densely embedded in our lives, becoming an official holiday for half of Russians.

According to the research carried out by the All-Russian Center for the Study of public opinion, more than 81% of young people aged 18-24 celebrate this holiday every year. So far, few are ready to fight the "foreign" for Russians, Valentine's Day. It must be said that more than 53% of the inhabitants of Russia consider themselves to be people in love. I would like to say that in itself a holiday dedicated to the feeling of "Love", there is absolutely nothing wrong. But, think, if you really love each other, why do you, in fact, need this binding to a specific date? Of course, a good holiday will not be superfluous. Only here is a holiday with a loved one - every day.

Valentine's Day in Russia how the history of the holiday appeared a short description in this article.