
Classes for early preschool age. Passport of an early age group Principles and approaches to the formation of a work program


Encourage children to enjoy being inkindergarten kindergarten environment : about employeeskindergarten kindergarten



Planning on the topic "My Kindergarten"

Educator: Vertyankina

Lyudmila Alexandrovna



Subject : "My Kindergarten"

Target : To evoke in children the joy of being in kindergarten : to develop children's understanding of kindergarten as the nearest sociocultural environment: about the staff of the kindergarten , subject environment, about the rules of behavior in the preschool educational institution; to form friendly, benevolent relations between children, between children and employees kindergarten ; to promote the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by involving children in joint activities.

Final event: Entertainment "Good in our garden", Photo album "Our Favorite Kindergarten".

Morning Situational conversation on the topic"What do we like to do in kindergarten". Target : to form in children the skill of listening to the interlocutor, Didactic a game : "Group Journey" Target : introduce children to group , objects and corners located in group learn to express your thoughts. Individual Job : "Name what it is?" Target : continue to develop perseverance, endurance. Morning gymnastics.

Supervision of the work of the assistant educator.

Target : consolidate knowledge about the work of a nanny(washes, arranges dishes); develop a desire to help adults. Working with paired pictures “What does it look like? Independent activity of children in activity centers. Encourage children to play a variety of games.

GCD 1. Drawing.

Subject : "Our Beautiful Group"

Target : introduce children to the brush, gouache, water and paper.

To promote development to notice the mood prevailing in group , and display it in colors. Let the children choose their own color. Develop the desire to paint with a brush.

Ways : verbal (conversation, practical(work with gouache).

Facilities : Album sheet, gouache, napkins

2. Reading fiction.

Subject : “Reading a poem by A. Blok"Bunny" . Memorizing a poem by A. Pleshcheev"Autumn has come"

Target : help children remember the poem by A. Pleshcheev"Autumn has come", to develop the ability to understand the content of a poetic text, to associate it with real pictures of nature. Arouse sympathy for the bunny, cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Ways : verbal (reading a poem, retelling children, memorizing a poem

Facilities : a poem by A. Blok"Bunny" , poem by A. Pleshcheev"Autumn has come"


Observation : Behind the kindergarten site

Target : draw the attention of children to the changes that have occurred in nature with the flowers, trees, shrubs known to them that are located on the territory kindergarten.

Labor activity: Watering sand for play. Target : to form the ability to keep cleanliness and order in the area, encourage them to provide assistance to adults

Mobile game: "Find your house"

Target : to cultivate the ability to navigate in space, run one by one group .


Didactic game: "What changed?" Target : Develop memory, observation, attention.

Kindergarten tour "Meeting Great People" Target : to consolidate the knowledge of children about the people around them. Exercise after sleep.

Situational talk about how I like being in the garden. Target : to develop in children the ability to reason and express their thoughts about what they see. Work in the cognitive center : Mosaic - a game of formation fine motor skills. Introduction of a printed board game"Loto".

Walk in the evening

Birdwatching. Target : to form in children a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbirds, to introduce certain types of birds. mobile game"Run to the flag". Target : to develop the ability of children to perform game actions, navigate in space. To form the ability to correctly perform the basic movements when running. Conversation"We always play together". Target : cultivate friendly relationships, develop a sense of empathy, form elementary skills for resolving disputes.


Morning Situational conversation"How to behave at the table". Target : to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Didactic game: "Pick by color" Target : reinforce ideas about the four colors. Learn to highlight colors, distracting from other signs of the subject.

Construction from the details of a wooden constructor. Target A: to develop children's constructive ability.

Individual work: Word game "What is this?" - development of logical thinking.

Situational conversation about the rules of conduct in group. Target : to educate children in a benevolent attitude towards each other, to promote the establishment of emotional contact.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills : Saying a nursery rhyme"Water, water, wash my face"- while washing. Independent games with figures of the table theater.

Painting "My favorite toys"

2. Construction

Theme: "Tower".

Target : to consolidate the ability of children to superimpose details by increasing the building in height (2-3 details, select a flag that matches the color of the building. Learn to play with buildings. Develop speech activity

Ways: verbal (conversation, explanation) visual (consideration).

Facilities : wooden constructor.

Observation Walk: Watching the dew.

Target : introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as dew.

Didactic game"Which flower has dew on it?"- describe the proposed flower.

Target : develop the ability to select adjectives, enrich vocabulary.

finger game"Flowers"

Mobile game: "Sparrows and the Car". Target : to promote the development of children to run fast on a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Labor activity: Clear the sandbox of leaves. Target : to form the ability of children to help adults and respect the work of a janitor.

Evening Individual work on the sound culture of speech:"Balloon" Purpose : activate sound in speech"sh".

Labor activity: Learn to wipe ficus leaves. Target : to cultivate a desire to care for plants, to help adults.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills : Game situation : "Let's show the bear where our things are". Target : to form in children the ability to be careful with their things. learning nursery rhymes"Egor's Bunny" Purpose : develop arbitrary memory, speech. Creating a situation for experimental activities “The sand is warm. I feel grains of sand, what do you feel?”(organization of experiment with sand).

Walk in the evening Observation of the sky. Target : to form the ability of children to note that the sky is blue, white clouds are slowly floating across it. Independent activity with remote equipment.

Mobile game "Traps". Target : exercise children in running, develop the ability to maintain a given direction of movement.

Sand Experiment Games“What kind of sand can be built from, why?” Target : introduce children to the properties of sand, form with elementary experimentation skills.

MBDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 16 Rainbow


"What am I!"

in the second group of early age "Teremok"

Educator: Vertyankina

Lyudmila Alexandrovna



Material Description:This essay is for kids. younger age aimed at the development of speech activity, self-understanding, self-awareness of one's individuality.

Tasks: cognitive development.clarification of body parts, their number and purpose;
Socio-communicative development.Development of self-understanding, self-awareness of one's individuality;
Speech development.. development of speech activity;
Physical development.formation of motor skills and abilities; development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm.
Program content:To consolidate ideas about acceptable understandings of children about ways to strengthen and maintain health.
Material: - A basket with surprises. The sun is a soft toy, a rattle, a Baby doll.
Lesson progress:
The chairs are arranged in a semicircle. The teacher rings the rattle, says:
Rattle plays -
Calling all the kids!
Invite children to sit on chairs.
Educator: Good morning kids! I'm very glad to see you. Today we have a baby.
She takes out a baby doll dressed in panties.
Educator: Guys, look what good kid. Does he look like you?
Children's answers.
The teacher shows each part of the doll's body, faces and asks the children to name it.
Big and small game
Educator: Show your baby how big you are now.
(Children stand up to their full height.)
Educator: Now show me how small you were.
(Children squat down.)
Educator: What will you be like when you grow up.
(Children stand on their toes and stretch their arms up).
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Educator: Children, go to your chairs and look at Lyalya.
We will tell Lyalya now and show with our hands what you have.
Game "It's Me".
These are eyeballs. Here. Here.
Show first the left, then the right eye.
These are ears. Here. Here.
They take the left ear first, then the right ear.
This is the nose. This is a mouth.
Show the mouth with the left hand and the nose with the right hand.
There is a back. Here belly
The left hand is placed on the back, the right hand on the stomach.
These are pens. Clap clap.
They clap twice.
These are legs. Top, top.
They stomp twice.
Oh, we're tired. I'll wipe my forehead.
Wipe the forehead with the right hand.
The teacher then asks the children:
- Show me where your legs are? (Children show legs).
- What can your legs do? (Walk, jump, run, stomp
- Show your baby how you can walk, run, play.
Educator: Everyone stand up and repeat after me.
Exercise "Our legs"
Big feet walked along the road: With big steps they follow each other.
Top, top, top
Top, top, top
Little feet run after each other with small steps
They ran along the other path.
Top, top, top
Top, top, top.
Your legs run away - Return to their places.
Only the heels sparkle.
Educator: Well, guys, don't yawn, but repeat everything after me!
The game “Our children are dancing!
Where, where are our pens? They shrug their hands in surprise. Where are our hands? look at each other.
We don't have our hands Hiding our hands behind our backs.
Here, here are our pens! Put your hands forward.
Here are our pens! Turn your palms up and down.
Dancing, dancing our hands! Show flashlights.
Our hands are dancing!
Where, where are our legs? Shake hands in surprise
Where are our legs? look at each other
We don't have legs!
Here, here are our legs! Grab your legs with your hands
Here are our legs! Rhythmically clapping hands
Dancing, dancing our legs! They stamp their feet rhythmically.
Our feet are dancing!
Where, where are our children? Shake hands in surprise
Where are our kids? looking at each other
We don't have kids! They cover their faces with their hands.
Here, here are our kids! Get up to their full height, bred
Here are our kids! hands to the side.
Dancing, dancing our children! Dancing, turning
Our kids are dancing! around you.

Now let's take a break and start playing again.
Let's pat ourselves on the head.
Let's praise: they played well, danced nicely ....
Stroke the legs, arms...
Don't fight your hands
Hands do not get angry.
Better make friends...
Finger gymnastics “Friendly fingers!”
They are friends in our group The pads of the fingers of one hand touch
Girls and boys. pads of the fingers of the other hand.
We will make friends with you
Little fingers. The fingers are interlocked.

Exercise "Shake the baby!"
Children take turns rocking the baby in their arms, saying together with the teacher:
Bye, bye, bye, bye
You doggy don't bark
And don't honk on the horn;
Don't wake up our Lyalya.
Educator: Our baby fell asleep .... And it's time for us to say goodbye. But first, the sun will give you its love warmly.
Sunshine, come on!
light, radiant,
Show yourself.
The teacher takes the sun out of the basket.
Exercise “Give love and warmth”
In turn, the children hug the sun, passing it to each other.
Educator: " The sun loves you, gives light and warmth to Lisa, Ilya, Varya ... And you guys gently hug him and give him your love and affection.

MBDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 16 Rainbow


"Who am I!"

in the second group of early age "Teremok"

Educator: Vertyankina

Lyudmila Alexandrovna



Tasks : to teach children to see the external similarities and differences between boys and girls, to form an adequate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits own gender, to consolidate knowledge about the range of hobbies, interests and various activities of children depending on gender; to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dependence of a person’s name on his gender, activate the dictionary children : clothes (male and female, names of people(male and female); develop color perception, educate children in a friendly and sensitive attitude towards each other.

Material : paper doll with clothing details; 2 baskets with blue and red bows; toys for boys and girls; Carlson suit.


In the group, chairs are pre-arranged according to the number of children in two rows so that the children can sit facing each other. The teacher calls the children to him and invites the boys to sit on one side, and the girls on the other. Children look at each other.

Guys, look at each other, what do you look like?(everyone has eyes, nose, mouth, etc.).

And how do you differ from each other?(children's answers).

The teacher offers the children to play a game (the guys get up, the teacher names the parts of the body, and they cover it with their hands). The teacher invites the children to give each other a smile.

Guys, boys and girls differ in clothes, hairstyles, and even names. Let's now remember the male and female names (I suggest playing the game"Say the Name" ). There are baskets in red and blue colors on the table. Nearby are bows of the same colors. Children choose a bow for themselves and name the appropriate names : to red - female, to blue - male and put in a basket.

Guys, someone will come to visit us today. But you have to guess who it is. (The teacher describes the appearance of the boy and girl. Brings dolls with clothes for them).

Guys, look, but for some reason they are sad. Let's give them names(Children options).

Guys, they also need to help them sort out clothes for a girl and a boy. Let's pick up the boy - Andryushka clothes that boys wear, and the girl Ksyusha - for girls(children dress dolls).

Surprise moment. Carlson appears.

Carlson : - Hello guys!

Children: - Hello!

Carlson : - I am very glad that I came to your kindergarten. Oh, what beautiful girls you have (pats the boy on the head, and what Nice boys, all with bows. (Carlson does everything vice versa : distributes bows to boys, and cars to girls).

caregiver : - Carlson you got it all mixed up!

Guys, let's explain and tell Carlson how girls differ from boys(children talk).

Carlson : - You know the difference between girls and boys so well. And answer me please :

Who loves to play football?

Who likes to play with dolls?

Who loves fixing cars?

Who loves to wear jewelry?

Who has to clean his room?

(Children answer)

Carlson : Oh, what a great fellow you are, now I will know how babies differ from girls.

caregiver : - Guys, let's play with Carlson.

I am a boy and you are a boy(girl) .

I have a nose and you have a nose

My cheeks are smooth and your cheeks are smooth

I have sweet lips, you have sweet lips

I am your friend and you are my friend

I love you (children hugging)

caregiver : - Guys, let's make a river now"Friendship" , for this we will become pairs and we will have fun touching each other with our palms(children with soft and gentle movements touch each other with their palms).

Carlson : - Thank you guys for interesting games. But I came to you with not empty hands, but with gifts(takes out toys for girls and boys). He offers to sort out for them which toys girls play with and which boys play with.

Carlson says goodbye to the children, and wishes to always be good and kind.

It is very important to develop the muscles of the child from a very early age so that in the future he has the correct motor skills and a good reaction. This is especially important for the development of the palms and fingers of the child, because his future life depends on it.

Indeed, the hand has a large "representation" in the cerebral cortex, therefore finger gymnastics is of great importance for the development of the child.

"A child's mind is at his fingertips"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky


It is proved that the level of development of mental processes is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine motor skills of the hands. There is a close relationship between the coordination of small hand movements and speech. The level of development of speech is always directly dependent on the degree of development of small movements of the fingers.

To determine the level of development of speech in children of the first years of life, the following method : the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers, three. Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children. If the fingers are tense, bend or unbend only together, or, on the contrary, are sluggish and do not give isolated movements, then these are not talking children. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech and, consequently, thinking cannot be achieved.


Watching the newly arrived children, I noticed that many children have insufficiently developed fine motor skills. hands : some could not properly hold a spoon while eating, others could not hold a pencil or brush when drawing. It is difficult for children to assemble a mosaic, play with a ball, fasten and unfasten zippers and Velcro on clothes.

Therefore, I began my work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands with the help of finger gymnastics, work with plasticine, paper (tear, crumple, roll, didactic material(mosaic, stringing beads, large puzzles, etc.)

Finger games develop not only hand dexterity and accuracy, but also the child's brain, stimulate creativity, imagination and speech.

When performing small movements of the fingers, there is pressure on the fingertips and activation of the immature cells of the cerebral cortex responsible for the formation of the child's speech.

That is why when performing various movements with the fingers, the development of speech occurs, and hence the thinking of the child, since at this age this connection is very strong.

Games we play:

"Pet the cat"

The cat's coat is soft

You pet her a little.

(With relaxed fingers of one hand, stroke the palm of the other hand.)

With the help of an adult, they show a simple figure with one hand.(rays, claws, ringlet, beak)


We chop cabbage, chop,

We three or three carrots,

We salt-salt cabbage,

We press cabbage.

(Imitate movements in accordance with the text.)


A gray bunny is sitting

He moves his ears.

Like this, like this.

He moves his ears.

(Spread the index and middle fingers to the sides, squeeze the rest into a fist. Move"ears")

The figurines learn to draw first with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands together.

"Bunny found a book"

Bunny found a book

And opened and read

And closed, forgot everything.

And opened again

And repeated everything

And closed, forgot again.

(The palms are pressed to each other, the fingers are horizontal. On the word"discovered" - palms open, little fingers pressed to each other. At the word"closed" - palms pressed against each other.)

Cats and mice

Here is the fist, show the fist of the left hand

And here is a palm, open your fingers, palm up

The cat sat on the palm."claws" the right hand is led along the palm of the left

One, two, three, four, five. with the right hand bend one finger at a time with the left

The mice were very scared, rotate their fist

The minks quickly fled to hide the fist under the right armpit


Rode, rode a locomotive hands in"lock" , thumbs rotate

Hooked up the wagon, drove. clasp your index fingers

I rode, rode a steam locomotive

Hooked up the wagon, drove ...


The sun is shining very bright

And the kids got hot.

We get a beautiful fan -

Let it blow cool.

(T. Sikacheva)

Connect straight fingers. Relax your arms from the elbow, turning them into a large fan that fans your face with a breeze.


A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts:


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

(folk song)

Alternately unbend all fingers, starting with the thumb.

“This finger is a grandmother…”

Target. Teaching the child the exact movements of the fingers of the right and left hands. To develop in a child the ability to bend fingers in order of priority, starting with the little finger. Develop the ability to finish the selected word.

"Snail, snail..."

Target. Develop the ability to coordinate the movements of the fingers of the right and left hands(turn fingers alternately); perform movements in accordance with the text.

“Like in our meadow…”

The game is aimed at developing the ability to make rhythmic movements with hands and fingers while pronouncing the nursery rhyme.


The game is aimed at consolidating the ability of children to perform various finger movements.

And many others.

The purpose of classes on the development of dexterity and accuracy of the fingers is to develop the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain and synchronize their work. In the right hemisphere of the brain, images of objects and phenomena arise, and in the left hemisphere they are verbalized, that is, they find verbal expression. And this process occurs due to the "bridge" between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, according to scientists, the faster and more often nerve impulses go through it, the more active thought processes, more precisely attention, higher abilities.

Finger games affect finger plasticity, hands become obedient, which helps the child to perform small movements necessary in drawing, and in the future when writing. Scientists consider finger games as a combination of finger plasticity with expressive speech intonation. And this means that finger gymnastics affects not only the development of speech, but also its expressiveness, the formation of creative abilities.

Finger games, according to scientists, are a reflection of the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena.

Nina Karpova
Early Childhood Passport

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 65"


early age groups




Karpova Nina Kamaletdinova Alfiya

Aleksandrovna Khaserovna

Assistant teacher

Chemidronova Galina Ivanovna

Pedagogical credo educators:

“If children are dear to you, you are responsible for their fate!”

The motto of educators:

What should a teacher be like? Of course you have to be generous. He must give himself to the children without regret!

Motto groups:

We are little drops

good, funny,

Cheerful, playful

And very groovy!


List groups:

(2015-2016 academic year)

1. Gusev Daniil

2. Gebeev Shamil

3. Grebneva Zlata

4. Grishin Dima

5. Degrig Lilia

6. Slava Davydov

7. Dudin Fedor

8. Zhitnikov Maxim

9. Kanagina Valeria

10. Kuznetsov Artem

11. Mavliev Rifat

12. Steshov Alexander

13. Toshchev Artem

14. Fileeva Kira

15. Khaliulova Alexandra

16. Tsareva Xenia

17. Chileeva Daria

Features of the development of children early age:

Early age This is a special and very important period in a child's life. This is the period of development of fundamental vital functions. The child learns to walk, talk, handle and interact with different objects. In this difficult period, attentiveness and proper upbringing are very important, since the nature and functions of the child's brain are not only a hereditary process, but also a consequence of interaction with the environment.

Features of the development of children early age

from 1 to 2 years

In the interval from 1 to 2 years, the developmental features of children early age are in next: the child begins to form important and complex functions of the brain, his behavior begins to form and his character begins to take shape. He begins to walk without support, which gives him the opportunity to explore the world around him more and more, and also gives him the opportunity to communicate directly with other children.

This is age, in which many social traits are formed, such as empathy and love for loved ones.

The growing interest in knowledge intensifies, and, given the increase in the period of wakefulness of the child, gives him more opportunities and endurance to devote himself to the study of the subject that interests him.

Undoubtedly, it is important that the child under two years of age begins to improve speech and understand more words by imitating adults. For example, the first simplest word forms appear and definitions: a cow is "Mu Mu", doggy - "WOF WOF" etc. Gradually, the child begins to imitate the phrases and intonations of adults and begins to increase vocabulary.

Also during this period, the child begins to listen to his inner feelings and learn to distinguish between his mood and feelings.

Features of the development of children early age in the period described above require the fulfillment of the following recommendations:

It is necessary to use games during which the child can develop speech and communication skills - this is a very important process in the development of children of this age. During the game, you need to use a simple and understandable speech for him, ask him to repeat the words after you and explain the meaning of the words he said.

Offer your child a choice "Will you be a pear or an apple?", you should not rush him with an answer - he must choose for himself.

It is also important to play games that develop motor skills, such as cubes, pyramids.

Draw with your child, teach him to distinguish colors.

Talk to him, but do not complicate your speech in terms he does not understand. Questions should be asked "How do you feel?", "Are you interested?", "You feel good?" to teach him to distinguish his sensations. Do not let the baby move objects and furniture.

also in game form you can clean up the house with him and do household chores.

Teach him to recognize facial expressions, this can also be easily done using games.

Explain to your child the meaning of the word "it is forbidden" and his reasons.

GCD grid

Days of the week Early age group

Monday 1. 8.50-8.58 / 1 p.m.

cognitive development:

2. 15.10-15.18 / 1p.

15.18-15.26 / 2 p.

Physical development:

Movement development.

Tuesday 1. 8.50-9.00

Artistic and aesthetic development:


2. 8.50-9.00 / 1p.

15.20-15.30 / 2p.

Speech development

Wednesday 8.50-9.00 / 1 p.m.

Speech development

Expansion of orientation in the environment. The development of speech.

cognitive development

Actions with building material.

Thursday 1. 8.50-9.00/

Artistic and aesthetic development


2. 8.50-9.00 / 1p.

15.20-15.30 / 2p.

cognitive development

Activities with didactic material.

Friday 1 8.50-9.00 / 1 p.m.

Speech development

Expansion of orientation in the environment. The development of speech.

Physical development:

Movement development.

Daily regime (cold period)

Regime moments

Early age group

1. Reception of children, inspection, independent activities, games. 6.00-8.00

2. Morning exercises. --

3. Preparation for breakfast, breakfast. 8.00-8.25

4. Preparation for GCD 8.25-8.40

5. NOOD: 1.

3. 8.50-8.58 / 1p.

6. Preparation for 2nd breakfast, 2nd breakfast 9.06-9.20

7. Preparing for a walk. 9.20-9.35

8. Walk. 9.35-11.35

9. Return from a walk. 11.35-11.45

10. Preparing for dinner, lunch. 11.45-11.55

11. Getting ready for bed. Dream. 11.55-15.00

12. Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep, air and water procedures. 15.00-15.10

13. Games, independent activity.

GCD 15.10-15.18 1p.

15.18 / -15.26 2p.

15. Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea. 15.40-16.00

16. Preparing for a walk. Walk. Children leaving home. 16.00-18.00

Daily regime (warm period)

Regime processes

Early age group

Getting up, morning toilet, coming to kindergarten

2. In a preschool

3. Reception, inspection, games, (duty, morning health work 6.00-7.50

4. Outdoor morning exercise---

5. Preparation for breakfast, I breakfast 7.50 -8.20

6. Games, preparation for a walk, walk 8.20-9.00

7. Joint activities of the teacher and pupils 9.00-9.09

8. Mass outdoor event (weekly, Wednesday) ---

9. Second breakfast 9.30-9.50

10. Return from walk 11.00-11.20

11. Preparation for dinner, lunch, preparation for bed 11.20-12.00

12. Daytime sleep 12.00-15.00

13. Gradual rise, air, water procedures, gymnastics after sleep, games, independent activity 15.00-15.25

14. Preparation for afternoon tea, afternoon tea 15.25.-15.50

15. Games, independent activity. Preparation for the walk, walk, leaving the children home 15.50-18.00

16. Home: return from a walk 18.00-18.30

17. Preparation for dinner, dinner 18.30-19.00

18. Calm games, hygiene procedures 19.00-20.30

19. Night sleep 20.30-6.30

Subject-spatial developing, educational, gaming environment in group

early age

Object-developing, playing environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, which in turn models the content of the child's spiritual and physical development.

During childhood, a small person actively learns the world around him. And our task is to make the environment for the child bright, interesting, memorable, emotional, active, mobile. A properly organized subject-developing, game environment helps an adult to provide harmonious development child, create an emotionally positive atmosphere in group, arrange and conduct GCD games and thus accustom children to independent games with gradually becoming more complex content.

Therefore, for the full development of children, it is important to create a developing environment in kindergarten, where children can play, read, dramatize, engage in physical education. Our educators offer you to get acquainted with some corners early childhood kindergarten groups.


1. Information stand for parents;

2. Expert advice (consultations);

3. Tips for educators (consultations);

4. Stand "Menu";

5. Stand "Happy birthday";

6. Second reception notebook early age groups;

7. "Schedule of Organized Educational Activities";

8. "Daily regime";

9. Individual lockers for undressing;

10. Chairs for undressing.



1. Indoor plants;

2. Natural material;

3. Passport of indoor plants, calendar of nature;

4. Inventory for the care of indoor plants;

5. Vases for flowers;

6. Didactic games on ecology;

7. Demo materials

8. Seasonal albums "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn".

9. Catwalks: pets, wild animals;


1. Nesting dolls;

2. Pyramids;

3. Mosaic;

5. Lacing;

6. Subject plot pictures;

7. Velcro allowance (panel "Turtle", "Flower", musical panel "Animals", "Magic Cube");

8. Frames in liners with geometric shapes;

"Physical development"


1. Rubber balls (different sizes) ;

2. Tambourine big and small;

3. Skittles (big and small);

4. Cubes;

5. Gate, for rolling the ball;

6. Massage tracks and mat;

7. Flags, rattles, ribbons.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"


Musical developing subject-spatial

educational environment in early age group

First block


Tape recorder, 6 cassettes with recordings of song repertoire, music by listening, rhythm, for organization regime moments, with modern children's songs, and fairy tales, electronic game "Who lives in the house", d/i "Who sings"

Second block


Musical book with illustrations for familiar songs,

- unvoiced instruments: guitars, bells

Floor book with illustrations of the song repertoire, unvoiced piano, didactic games: "What do I play", "Doll walks and runs", "Who lives in the house";

voiced musical instruments:

Maracas, wooden spoons, rattles, harmonica, castanets, bell, tambourine, drums;

Floor book with illustrations of the song repertoire, didactic

Third block


Handkerchiefs, ribbons, aprons with plastic pockets, character cards, emotions ( "bi-ba-bo").


1. Screen (table and floor);

2. Various types of theater: bi - ba - bo, finger, puppet, on flannelgraph;

3. Attributes for dressing up: aprons, skirts, scarves, hats;

"Social and communicative development"


1. Upholstered furniture;

2. Modules: kitchen, washing machine, table;

3. Privacy corner;

4. A set of children's dishes;

6. Strollers;

7. Crib.


1. The designer is small and large;

2. Plastic floor constructor;

3. Mosaic;

5. Toys with laces and fasteners;

6. Small toys to play with buildings: figurines of people and animals, models of trees;

7. Transport is small, medium, large: cars and trucks.

"Speech Development"


1. Thematic selection of children's fiction;

2. Didactic games for the development of speech;

3. Visual material for GCD.


1. Federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation". – 0-13 Moscow: Prospect, 2015. - 160 p.

2. SanPiN - 13 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements C 18 for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations." - M .: LLC "Publishing house "National Education", 2015. - 80 p.

3. Federal state educational standard preschool education. – M: UTs Perspektiva, 2014. - 32 p.

4. The educational program of preschool education of the municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 65".

5. Zemtsova O. N. "Let's start talking". Series "Smart Books". Edition "Developmental Learning". LLC Publishing Group"ABC - Atticus", 2014. 64 p.

1. Tape recorder

2. TV

3. Laptop

When choosing a kindergarten, many questions arise, for example, about groups in a kindergarten, their types, number, and also where the child will be distributed.

What groups exist in kindergartens

Parents are concerned about the distribution of the child in age categories. Therefore, they are interested in what groups are there in kindergarten, is it divided into first and second, or is it the only one?

As a rule, children from 1.5 to 3 years old are distributed in the first junior group. The second junior accepts children from 3 years. If the kindergarten you have chosen accepts children only from the age of two, then the younger group is alone in the kindergarten, without divisions.

It is generally accepted that an ordinary kindergarten includes four groups: nursery, junior, middle and senior. But there are kindergartens where these groups are further divided into additional junior groups, which were mentioned above, preparatory groups, where the emphasis is on preparing children for school. There are speech therapy groups, but they, as a rule, are in specialized kindergartens. Such groups are designed to correct certain functions of the child. If there are such units in the kindergarten, then it is obliged to have first-class specialists in their field, which, unfortunately, is not found everywhere.

Distribution of children into groups according to age

Today, in most kindergartens, the optimal division of children into age groups has been made. Groups are formed:

1. nursery - children from 1.5 to 2 years old;

2. the first youngest - 2-3 years;

3. the second youngest - 3-4 years;

4. medium - 4-5 years;

5. - 5-6 years old;

6. preparatory - 6-7 years.

The distribution of children according to these categories is necessary for the convenience of maintaining statistics, and, most importantly, to improve the quality of the educational process, since children from a similar age category in the same team learn skills more easily.

Short stay group

This group is an additional type of groups in kindergarten. Today you can already hear about such a group. This, of course, is a luxury that is available mainly only in private kindergartens and kindergartens of the elite category.

Groups for incomplete stay in kindergarten are needed for those mothers who, for some reason, are not ready to send their child to kindergarten for a full day. In addition, such groups are usually completed with only 10-12 children, which adds convenience and confidence to parents.

Adaptation period in the early age group MBDOU "Solnyshko"

"Hello, I'm here!"

Educators: Sergeeva N.V.

Klyushina O.V.

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment and adapting to new conditions. This is a universal phenomenon of all living things, which can be observed both in the plant and animal kingdoms.
Adaptation - from the Latin "I adapt" - is a complex process of adaptation of the body that occurs at different levels: physiological, social, psychological.

Adaptation of the body to the new conditions of social existence, to
The new regimen is accompanied by changes in the child's behavior, sleep disorders, and appetite.
The adaptation period is a serious test for young children:
stress reactions caused by adaptation permanently disturb the emotional state of children.

 Consistency of actions of parents and educators to ensure
a full-fledged process of adaptation of young children in a preschool educational institution.
 The need to alleviate the symptoms of adaptation of young children.
 Organization of the process of adaptation of young children in preschool.

 Under what conditions is the most effective adaptation of young children in the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution.
 Development of ways to organize successful adaptation of young children in preschool.

 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.
 Creation of conditions for the protection and promotion of children's health, facilitating
adaptation to the conditions of preschool educational institutions.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of severity of acute
phases of the adaptation period: light, medium and heavy.

Easy adaptation period lasts 1 - 2 weeks. The child gradually
sleep and appetite are normalized, the emotional state, interest in the world around are restored,
relationships with adults and peers. Relations with close people are not violated, the child is quite active,
but not excited. Decreased body defenses
expressed slightly and by the end of the 2nd - 3rd week they are restored.
There are no acute illnesses.
During moderate adaptation violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced, getting used to the nursery or kindergarten lasts longer.
Sleep and appetite are restored only after 15-40 days, the mood is unstable for a month, the activity of the baby is significantly reduced: he often cries, is inactive, does not show interest in toys,
refuses to work, silent. This continues for up to a month and a half.

A state of severe adaptation especially worries parents and caregivers The child can be ill for a long time and seriously: that is, one disease almost without interruption replaces another, the body's defenses are undermined and no longer

fulfill their role - do not protect the baby from infections. Frequent illnesses combined with inappropriate behavior of the child, which borders on

neurotic state. Appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, maybe

there is a persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying

feed the child. He falls asleep badly, cries and cries in his sleep,

wakes up with tears; his sleep is light and short. While awake

the baby is depressed, not interested in others, avoids other children or behaves aggressively.

Improvement in his condition is very slow, within a few

months. The rate of development of the child during this period slows down in all


Factors that determine the nature of adaptation.

What factors influence the success of a child getting used to the nursery?

    the health status of the child;

    ability to communicate with adults and peers;

    the formation of objective activity i.e. the ability to act with objects;

    Another important factor to be taken into account is
    can complicate the period of adaptation of the child to the nursery. He is associated with
    psychological characteristics parents, especially mothers, and character
    family relationships. If the mother is anxious and suspicious and takes care of the child too much, reacts affectively to all his conditions, if she has a conflicting character and prefers an authoritarian style of upbringing, if parents experience difficulties in communicating with others, if quarrels often occur in the family - all this may be the reason neuroticization of the child and his difficult adaptation to the preschool institution.

Organization of the process of adaptation of young children in preschool educational institutions.

1. Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group.

2. Work with parents, which is desirable to start even before the child enters kindergarten.

3. Proper organization of gaming activities during the adaptation period,
aimed at the formation of emotional contacts "child - adult" and "child - child" and necessarily includes games and exercises.


Card games are very useful for the early development of babies, they not only form the first knowledge about the world around them, but also stimulate memory, logic, speech development, as well as fine motor skills of the fingers.

COGNITIVE GAME "WHO EATS WHAT?" Card games are very useful for the early development of babies, they not only form the first knowledge about the world around them, but also stimulate memory, logic, speech development, as well as fine motor skills of the fingers. Children's magazines "ZAYKINA SCHOOL" and "TALE FOR THE NIGHT":

"This boy listened to his mother"
Purpose: in fun game develop fine motor skills.
Course progress.
The session is for one child. The teacher, following the text of the nursery rhyme,
bends the baby's fingers alternately, starting with the big one. Taking it in hand
little finger, tapping them. Extends the child's fingers. With the movement of your fingers
shows how the fingers “ran” and “clapped their hands”, encourages
baby to imitate.
This finger listened to mom.
This finger ate porridge.
This finger is hidden.
And this finger is hidden.
And the little finger found them.
And he knocked: knock-knock-knock!
All fingers run.
Clapped their hands, danced.
"Clockwork Toys"
Purpose: to increase the emotional tone of children.
Course progress.
The teacher gathers the children around him or seats him on the rug and says that
now show them something. Starts and starts up a clockwork toy. This is
amuses kids, causes laughter and joyful exclamations.
"Fingers are dancing"
Purpose: in a fun game to develop the muscles of the hands and fingers.
Course progress.
Conducted with a group of children (3-4 children) sitting in front of the teacher.
An adult invites children to show their hands: “Raise your hands,
move your fingers, hide in your fist.
Our fingers will dance.
- Here they are, here they are.
We will hide our fingers in fists.
- Fists, fists
Olya and Kolya
(puppet show)
Purpose: to bring joy to children, to develop their attention.
Material: two parsley dolls, a ball with an elastic band and
a simple screen is used. Toddlers are planted so that they have everything
good visibility. One adult behind a screen, the other with children.
"The nursery rhyme" Bye-bye "
Purpose: to teach children to catch the rhythm of speech, to bring them joy, to give
opportunity to play with the big doll.
Course progress.
The teacher shows the children a dog and a big Lyalya doll. Offers
children hold toys in their hands, stroke the dog, shake the doll, stroke the tail, paws, ears of the dog, show how she barks. Stacks
doll to sleep. The dog is barking. The doll wakes up. The teacher takes the doll in his arms, shakes it rhythmically, slowly reads, turning to the dog:
Bye bye, bye bye
Doggy don't bark
Belopapa, don't whine
Don't wake my Lyalya.
Games in the adaptation period with young children are of great importance, we played every day!
The main task games during this period - the formation of emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher. The child should see in the teacher a kind, always ready to help person (like a mother) and an interesting partner in the game. Emotional communication is based on
joint actions, accompanied by a smile, affectionate intonation.

Come to me
Game progress. The adult takes a few steps away from the child and beckons him to him, affectionately saying: "Come to me, my dear!"
When the child comes up, the teacher hugs him: "Oh, what a good Kolya came to me!" The game is repeated.
Parsley came
Material. Parsley, rattles.
Game progress. The teacher brings Petrushka, examines it with the children.
Parsley rattles a rattle, then distributes rattles to children. Together with Petrushka, they shake their rattles and rejoice.
Blowing soap bubbles
Game progress. The teacher on a walk blows bubble. Tries
get bubbles by shaking the straw rather than blowing into it. Counts how much
bubbles can be held on the tube at a time. Tries to catch all the bubbles on the fly before they hit the ground. Then teaches each child
blow soap bubbles.
(Tightening the muscles of the mouth is very helpful for developing speech.)
round dance
Game progress. The teacher holds the child by the hands and walks in a circle,
Around the rose bushes
Among the herbs and flowers,
We are circling, we are circling a round dance.
Before that we were spinning
that fell to the ground. BOOM!
When pronouncing the last phrase, both "fall" on the carpet.
Game option:
Around the rose bushes
Among the herbs and flowers,
We drive, we drive a round dance.
How do we end the circle
We suddenly jump together. GAY!
Adult and child jump together.
Let's spin
Material. Two teddy bears.

Game progress. The teacher takes the bear, firmly
pulls him close and spins with him. He gives another bear to the baby and asks him to also spin around, clutching the toy to himself. Then the adult reads the rhyme and acts in accordance with its content. The child performs
him the same movements.
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning
And then I'll stop.
I'll spin around quickly,
Quietly, I'll circle around
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning.
And fall on the rug!
Hide the bear
Game progress.
The teacher hides a large toy familiar to the child
(for example, a bear) so that it is slightly visible. Saying: "Where is the bear?", Looking for him with the child. When the baby finds the toy
an adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find. After playing with the bear, he hides himself, and then the child hides.
Sun and rain
Game progress.
The children squat down behind the chairs, the teacher says: "The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children run around the group.
On a signal: "Rain! Hurry home!" run to their places and
sit down at the chairs. You can play with an umbrella..
sun bunnies
Material. Small mirror.

Game progress. The teacher sends sunbeams with a mirror and says at the same time: Sunbeams play on the wall.
Beckon them with your finger, they will run to you!
At the signal "Catch the bunny!" the kids are trying to catch him.

The group created all the conditions for protecting and strengthening the health of babies in order to facilitate the adaptation period

There is always an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group, they tried to create and organize a rational day regimen in the group for the physical and psychological comfort of the baby.

We put a lot of effort to form the habit of neatness and cleanliness using various techniques (games, nursery rhymes, reading, etc.)

Well and porridge!
So in the mouth and asks!
Nose and cheeks were full.
The chin also got it.
And a little finger.
I tried a little.
Ate a little
forehead with crown,
The rest was eaten by the ears!

We tried to ensure that children understand the meaning of fulfilling regime moments through the game, the word of art, folklore.

Darkness, Darkness, baby!
You sit down on
Don't go sullen
Sit and think!

What's your name, friend?
And my name is "Pot"!
I save all children
from various troubles.
If we are friends,

Will you walk dry!
You walk, play, read,
But don't forget about me!
Sit down, don't rush
Make a surprise, baby!

Let's roll up our sleeves

Open the faucet - water.

My eyes, my cheeks,

My ears and palms!

Look, little ones

On your palms.

Ah, what palms!

Clean hands!

The main tasks of education at this stage

Lay the foundations of the future personality:
1. educate children in self-confidence and their abilities, develop activity, initiative, independence;
2. to lay the foundations for a trusting attitude of children towards adults, forming trust and affection for the educator;

3. lay the foundations for a friendly attitude of children towards each other;
4. maintain children's interest in the surrounding reality;
5. awaken in children emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side
surrounding reality (nature, surrounding objects, paintings,
illustrations, music).

Our model of organization of the adaptation period.
1. Individual approach to the child:
a) the use of fun toys, surprise toys;
b) accounting for household habits;
2. Games with a teacher.
3. Lesson games, exercise games, dramatization games, sand games.
4. Encouraging the child to communicate with peers:
a) the child's games next to peers;
b) accustoming to unite in the game with another child;
c) situations, communication;
d) use of folklore;
e) elements of theatrical activity;
5. Accounting and use during the period of adaptation of the habits and stereotypes of the child's behavior (family photo albums).
6. Control over the physical condition of the child.
7. Elements of hardening measures.

So, in the first days of the baby’s stay in a preschool institution, it is necessary to form a positive attitude in the child
go to kindergarten.
It depends, first of all, on the ability and efforts of educators to create
atmosphere of warmth, comfort and benevolence in the group. If a child from the first days feels this warmth, his worries and fears will disappear, much
easier to adapt.

Savinsky village


1.5. Interaction with parents as a condition for successful adaptation to
A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the consistency of actions
parents and caregivers, convergence of approaches to individual
characteristics of the child in the family and kindergarten.
The main forms of work of a kindergarten with a family during the period
1. Parent meetings.
2. Questioning.
3. Conversations.
4. Home visits.
5. Exhibitions.
6. Folders-sliders.
7. Algorithms "I'm getting dressed, "Learning to fold things", "I'm washing my face".
8. The presence of parents during the adaptation period in the group.
10. Club "Young Family".
Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact
with family. It is difficult to immediately find out all the habits and characteristics of the child, but in
an introductory conversation with parents, you can find out what are the characteristics
his behavior, interests and inclinations.
It is advisable to recommend that parents bring their child for the first time only to
walk, so it is easier for him to get to know the teachers and other children.
Moreover, it is advisable to bring the baby not only to the morning, but also to
evening walk, when you can draw his attention to how moms and dads
come for the children, as they joyfully meet. In the early days worth
bring the child to the group later than 8 o'clock so that he does not witness tears and
negative emotions of other children when parting with their mother. Parents, giving their child to kindergarten, are worried about his fate.
Sensitively capturing the state and mood of their loved ones, especially mothers and children
is also worried.
Therefore, the task of the educator is to calm, first of all, adults. To invite
to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys,
tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce the regime
days, discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period.
Parents must be sure that the teacher will fulfill their requests from
regarding the food, sleep and clothing of the child, that all medical and
tempering procedures will be carried out only with their consent.
In turn, parents should listen carefully to the advice
teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes.
If a child sees a good, benevolent relationship between his
parents and caregivers, he adapts much faster to the new

municipal autonomous preschool educational

institution kindergarten No. 53 of the city of Novosibirsk


on the organization of activities in the early age group

for 2016 - 2017 academic year

Compiled by: Fomina O. S.

Novosibirsk, 2016



1.1. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the working program.

1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the working Program.

1.3. The main characteristics of the developmental features of young children.

1.4. Planned results of mastering the work program by young children.


2.1. Educational activities in accordance with the directions

child development.

2.1.1. Educational area "Social and communicative development"

2.1.2. Educational area "Cognitive development"

2.1.3. Educational area "Speech development"

2.1.4. Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

2.1.5. Educational area "Physical development"

2.2. Interaction with families of pupils

2.2.1. Interaction with parents (legal representatives of pupils)

2.2.2. The main forms of interaction with the parents of pupils

2.2.3. Plan of work with parents in the early age group for the educational

2.3. Variable part.

2.3.1. Ecological circle "Know-it-alls"

2.3.2. Theatrical circle "Tales with the brownie Kuzey".


3. Logistics support of the working program

3.1. Methodical materials, means of education and upbringing in the early age group

3.1.1. Material support for the variable part of the program

3.2. Organization of life in the early age group

3.2.1. Daily regime

3.3. Designing educational activities in accordance with the directions of development of young children

3.3.1. Model for the implementation of educational areas during the day

3.3.2. Ensuring the educational process.

    1. Approximate list of entertainment and holiday

    1. group traditions.

3.4. Organization of the developing object-spatial environment




Working programm for young children is a normative document of the educator and a condition for the implementation of the main educational program of MADOU No. 53. The main general educational program (hereinafter referred to as the working Program) of a preschool educational institution was developed in accordance with international legal acts:

the Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990);

Declaration of the Rights of the Child (proclaimed by Resolution 1286 of the UN General Assembly of 11/20/1959);

Laws of the Russian Federation and documents of the Government of the Russian Federation:

Article 30 Constitution of the Russian Federation Articles 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 28, 32, 33

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012;

“On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998 (as amended and supplemented);

"National Doctrine of Education" (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2000);

Documents of the Federal Services:

“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations. SanPiN" (Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26);

Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia:

 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs – Educational Programs of Preschool Education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”.

The program defines the goal, objectives, content, technology and organization of the educational process in the early age group No. 1 "Lily of the Valley" in working conditions preschool on a five-day working week from 7.00 to 19.00, i.e. 12-hour stay of the child in kindergarten with days off - Saturday and Sunday. This group has a general developmental focus.

The program includes three sections: an explanatory note, the design of the educational process and the organization of the educational process, each of which reflects the mandatory and formed parts. The compulsory part of the program is 60% of its total volume; formed part - no more than 40%.

The program ensures the development of the personality of children preschool age in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual and psychological and physiological characteristics, and is aimed at solving the problems of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children and defines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education).

The program is aimed at:

Creation of conditions for the development of young children, opening up opportunities for positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal development, development of initiative and creative abilities through cooperation with adults and peers and activities corresponding to preschool age;

Creation of a developing educational environment.

The program was approved by the preschool educational institution independently in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The educational process is carried out in accordance with the directions of the development of the child, presented in five educational areas:

Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

The educational process is carried out in Russian.

The Work Program is an integral part of the main general educational Program of MADOU No. 53, which is based on the Program edited by N. E. Veraksa "From Birth to School".

The Work Program is implemented in joint forms of interaction between children and adults in the process of regime moments and educational activities.

Educational activities are carried out in individual, subgroup and group forms in various types of activities: communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive research (research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them), as well as speech ( speech games, situational conversations, the perception of fiction and folklore), self-service and elementary household work (indoors and outdoors), construction from various materials, including constructors, modules, Fine arts (drawing, modeling), musical (perception of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) in various forms.

The Work Program is based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and children.

  1. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the work program.

presenter goal work program - creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of a basic personality culture, comprehensive development mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for schooling, ensuring the safety of the life of a preschooler.

Achievement of the goals ensures the solution of the following tasks:

  1. Protect and promote the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

    To create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations for the development of the abilities and creativity of each child, as well as to intensify cognitive activity by involving children in children's experimentation;

    To form a culture of the personality of children, to develop their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, to form the prerequisites for educational activities;

    Improve speech skills and abilities, based on introducing children to theatrical activities;

    Ensure the variability and diversity of the content of educational programs and organizational forms at the level of preschool education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of children;

    Provide psychological and pedagogical support to families and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health;

The work program is formed taking into account the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, the main general educational program of MADOU No. 53.

  1. Principles and approaches to the formation of the working Program.

The principal foundations of the program include a number of approaches.

Ecological and cultural approach in personality-oriented education. The educational process acts as a developing ecological and cultural environment, which is understood as a synthesized system of values ​​- cultural, cognitive, humanistic, moral, aesthetic.

An activity approach that allows children to reveal their natural inclinations and abilities through participation in various activities. At the same time, the child does not passively learn the cultural norms of behavior and actions, but actively participates in their construction, bringing them to the level of an act.

An integrated approach that ensures the development of children in all five complementary educational areas.

The educational process is based on the following principles, which are taken into account in the education, upbringing of children and in the design of the developing environment:

The principle of developmental education, according to which the main goal of preschool education is the development of the child.

The principle of scientific validity and practical applicability - the content of the program corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy.

The principle of integration of the content of preschool education is understood by us as a state (or a process leading to such a state) of connectedness, interpenetration and interaction of individual educational areas which ensures the integrity of the educational process in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

The complex-thematic principle of building the educational process, focused on combining a complex of various types of specific children's activities around a single topic in close relationship and interdependence with the integration of children's activities.

The principle of variability - children develop the ability in simple and complex situations to make an independent choice based on agreed rules.

The mini-max principle ensures the progress of each child at its own pace and focuses on building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education.

The principle of creativity focuses on the acquisition by children during the game and any type of activity of their own experience of creative activity.

The principle of natural conformity ensures the formation of gender-role behavior in the children's community and life.

The principle of cultural conformity, which builds the content of the program, is aimed at the consistent assimilation of national and cultural traditions and the development of value orientations and meanings on this basis in the process of introducing the Don region and native city to the world.

1.3. The main characteristics of the developmental features of young children.

In the third year of life, children become more independent. Objective activity continues to develop, situational business communication between a child and an adult; perception, speech, initial forms of voluntary behavior, games, visual-effective thinking are improved. The development of objective activity is connected with the condition of cultural modes of action with various objects. Correlative and instrumental actions develop. The ability to perform instrumental actions develops arbitrariness, transforming natural forms of activity into cultural ones based on the model proposed by adults, which acts as not only an object for imitation, but also model that regulates the child's own activity.

In the course of joint substantive activities with adults speech comprehension continues to develop. The word is separated from the situation and acquires an independent meaning. Children continue to master the names of the surrounding objects, learn to fulfill simple verbal requests from adults within the visible visual situation. The number of words understood increases significantly. The regulation of behavior is improved as a result of adults turning to the child, who begins to understand not only the instructions, but also the story of adults.

Active speech of children develops intensively. By the age of three, they master basic grammatical structures, try to build simple sentences, and use almost all parts of speech in conversation with adults. The active dictionary reaches approximately 1,000 - 1,500 words.

By the end of the third year of life speech becomes a means of communication between the child and peers. At this age, new activities are formed in children: playing, drawing, designing.

The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is the actions that are performed with game objects that are close to reality. In the middle of the third year of life, actions with substitute objects appear.

The appearance of visual activity proper is due to the fact that the child is already is able to formulate the intention to portray any object. Typical is the image of a person in the form of a "cephalopod" - a circle and lines extending from it.

In the third year of life, visual and auditory orientations are improved, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks: to make a choice from 2-3 objects in shape, size and color; distinguish melodies; sing.

Improved auditory perception in the first place phonemic awareness. By the age of three, children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.

The main form of thinking becomes visual-effective. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the problem situations that arise in the life of a child are resolved through real action with objects.

Children of this age are characterized by unconsciousness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, during this period involuntary behavior begins to take shape. It is due to the development of instrumental actions and speech.

Children develop feelings of pride and shame, elements of self-awareness associated with identification with the name and gender begin to form. Early age ends with a crisis of three years. The child is aware of himself as a separate person, different from the adult. An image of I is formed in him. The crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, impaired communication with adults, etc. The crisis can last from several months to two years.

1.4. Planned results of mastering the work program by children of early childhoodage.

The planned results of the development of the Program by children are carried out on the basis of the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO and the main Program implemented in the early age group in all educational areas of children's development. Indicators of mastering the Program by children in educational areas correspond to the tasks presented in each educational area of ​​the standard.

1.4.1. Targets for early childhood education:

The child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions;

The child uses specific, culturally fixed objective actions, knows the purpose of household items (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior;

The child owns active and passive speech included in communication; can address questions and requests, understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys;

The child strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; there are games in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;

The child shows interest in peers; observes their actions and imitates them;

The child is interested in poems, songs and fairy tales, looks at pictures, strives to move to the music; shows an emotional response to various works of culture and art;

The child has developed large motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movements (running, climbing, stepping over, etc.).

Educational area

Indicators of mastering the program by children in educational areas

Social and communicative development

Complies with elementary generally accepted norms of behavior in kindergarten, on the street.

Possesses basic self-service skills. Maintains order in the group.

Follows the basic rules of behavior on the street.

Respectfully treats adults.

She tries to dress herself.

Performs simple tasks.

Takes care of plants and pets together with adults.

Knows some modes of transport.

Carefully play in the sandbox.

cognitive development

Possesses elementary knowledge about the properties of objects, their shape, color, size and quantity.

Distinguish the concept of "one", "many", "big", "small", "close", "far".

They can name everything that surrounds them in a group of furniture, toys.

Establish causal relationships between the world of objects and the natural world.

Formed primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland.

Elementary ideas about the planet Earth have been formed.

Possess elementary ecological ideas.

Carefully and with love treat everything around.

Speech development

Speech is developed appropriately for this age.

Understand the speech of an adult without visual accompaniment.

By verbal direction, find objects in a group.

Sufficiently developed vocabulary of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Nouns and pronouns agree with verbs.

Use verbs in the future and past tenses.

They answer simple questions.

They love to listen to fairy tales, they know some nursery rhymes by heart.

Artistic and aesthetic development

They are interested in art, they are familiar with the Dymkovo toy, matryoshka, Vanka-Vstanka.

Aesthetic perception of surrounding objects is developed.

Labyrinths and lines are carefully traced along the contour with one or the other hand.

Distinguish colors.

Draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique), cross them.

Maintain correct posture while drawing.

Hold the pencil and brush correctly.

They know how to break off a piece of plasticine from a large piece.

They know how to roll sticks and sausages, roll koloboks, flatten them.

They know how to build elementary buildings according to the model.

Familiar with the simplest plastic constructors.

They know how to design turrets, houses, cars.

Perform simple dance moves.

Physical development

Formed initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

They walk and run without bumping into each other.

Freely creep under the crossbar.

They jump on two legs in place, moving forward.

They play mobile games with simple content.


2.1. Educational activities in accordance with the directions

child development.

In the implementation of educational activities, the directions of the development of the child, presented in five educational areas, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, are taken into account.

1. Social and communicative development;

2. Cognitive development;

3. Speech development;

4. Artistic and aesthetic development;

5. Physical development.

2.1.1. Educational area "Social and communicative development"

Social and communicative development is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; formation of readiness for joint activities with peers; the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in a preschool educational organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

Target: mastering the first initial submissions social nature and the inclusion of children in the system social relations; the formation of the foundations for the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for ecological consciousness of the safety of the world around; the formation of a positive attitude towards work through familiarizing children with the work of adults and the direct participation of children in feasible labor activities in kindergarten and at home.


To form the initial instrumental activity, ensuring the development of manual skills, fine motor skills, and the improvement of visual-motor coordination;

To promote the development of children's play through the transfer to the child of the experience of reproducing a game action, using a variety of substitute objects for this. This allows the child to form the ability to transfer actions from one object to another, which stimulates the child's participation in the game and leads to the appearance of the function of replacing one object with others;

Contribute to the formation of the purposefulness of the child's activity through acquaintance with the goals of human activity accessible to his understanding;

In productive forms (drawing, modeling, designing) to help the child formulate his own goal, corresponding to his personal interests and reflecting his emotional impressions, and achieve it;

To form a productive goal-setting or image of a goal, ensuring that the child determines (thinks through and pronounces) by whom and how the result of productive activity that the adult will create with the child’s feasible participation will be used to form cultural hygiene and self-service skills in children;

To teach children to understand and correctly use pronouns, including the pronoun I;

To teach to call each other and adults by their names and respond to their own name;

Give an idea of ​​polite forms of request, gratitude;

Learn to label your own and other people's actions with words; characterize states and moods real people and literary characters (sick, crying, laughing); note the features of the actions and relationships of adults and peers, literary heroes (helps, regrets, takes away);

Create conditions under which the child can achieve his goal by verbally addressing an adult or a peer; always listen carefully to children; actively respond to all their requests, suggestions, questions; use in the work tasks such as “show”, “bring”, “do this and that”;

Transmit traditional culture in communication with children;

Develop confidence in yourself and your abilities; to develop activity, initiative, independence;

To promote the formation of socially valuable relationships with peers;

Build positive relationships with peers;

Promote the development of empathy;

To form an idea of ​​equality as the norm of relations with peers;

Prevent negative behavior;

Provide each child with physical safety from peers;

Form ideas about undesirable and unacceptable forms of behavior. Achieve children to distinguish between prohibited and undesirable behavior (“it is impossible” and “it is not necessary”);

Lay the foundations of a trusting relationship with adults, building trust and attachment to the caregiver;

To form an attitude to the world around, maintaining a cognitive interest in the surrounding reality.

2.1.2. Educational area "Cognitive development"

Cognitive development: the natural world and the human world.

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world, about the small motherland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the features its nature, about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Goals and objectives:

To promote the development of research activities in the framework of the implementation of the subject-manipulative game;

Through manipulation and experimentation (with objects of the man-made world and inanimate nature), observation of objects and natural phenomena to enrich the ideas of children;

Encourage children to take various actions with objects aimed at familiarizing themselves with their qualities and properties (inserting and withdrawing, taking apart, opening and closing, etc.);

Activate the practical experience of children through playing the "problems" of toys and household items;

Expand and enrich children's ideas about objects in the immediate environment (distinguish between some signs (for example, soft, white, sonorous), actions (for example, runs, jumps), states (sick, cries, laughs), etc.);

To consolidate the primary ideas of children about the functionality of objects;

To acquaint with the subject content of group rooms, a site;

Correlate the real objects surrounding the child;

To form a cognitive attitude to the world around by supporting the curiosity and initiative of children in the knowledge of the world.

Cognitive development: mathematical representations.

Cognitive development, in addition to developing the interests of children,

curiosity and cognitive motivation, involves the formation of cognitive actions and ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world - shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, part and whole, movement and rest, etc.

Goals and objectives:

Contribute to the formation of the operation of seriation (ordering by size) at the level of practical action, providing children with the necessary number of toys (pyramids on a cone base, nesting dolls, molds-liners);

To form ideas about the color, shape, size of objects using special didactic toys that can give children reference ideas;

Based on perception, offer to carry out the simplest classifications, for example, by color, size;

To create conditions for the development of age-specific visual-effective thinking, taking into account the fact that for young children, knowledge of the world around them occurs in the process of subject manipulations:

Provide a diverse subject environment that allows you to actively explore the internal structure of various objects (inserts, composite toys, various pyramids, cubes);

Provide children with a variety of containers that can be filled and emptied (jars, boxes, handbags and wallets, empty bottles);

Make sounding toys with children (“noise makers” and “rattlers” from empty bottles, small tightly closed containers, filling them with various seeds, metal objects, sand);

To create conditions for the repeated repetition of the so-called direct and reverse actions is the basis for the formation of the reversibility of thinking.

To create conditions for the study of the principles of movement.

Create conditions that allow each child to learn to correlate and select objects in shape, color, size;

Create situations for understanding the simplest words denoting quantity: many - few, empty - full, as well as a generalized size characteristic: large - small;

To teach to distinguish by eye, without recalculation, one and two objects;

Learn to show the simplest geometric shapes - a circle, a triangle, a ball, a cube;

Learn to show the primary colors - red, blue, yellow;

Create the prerequisites for the formation of an idea of ​​​​an ordered sequence, introducing children to cumulative fairy tales, songs and nursery rhymes with a cyclic plot;

To acquaint children with the concepts of the same, the same, the same, the other, a few, more, a piece.

Maintain interest in assembling structures from various materials and creating structures and compositions, and not necessarily of a subject-imitation plan.

2.1.3. Educational area "Speech development"

Speech development includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of a coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Purposefully enrich the dictionary by expanding the passive vocabulary, translating words into active speech:

Encourage to name real objects, objects, phenomena surrounding the child; their images in the illustrations;

To learn to designate in words some signs of familiar objects (soft, white, sonorous);

To form the ability to designate one's own and other people's actions with words;

Correlate the verbal designation of the action with their own movements and actions with objects and toys; understand the actions shown in the picture (who is doing what? - the boy is jumping, the girl is sleeping, the bird is flying);

To develop the ability to characterize, through the word, the state and mood of real people and literary characters (sick, crying, laughing);

Encourage to note the features of the actions and relationships of surrounding adults and peers, literary heroes (helps, regrets, takes away);

Expand the vocabulary denoting the whole and separate parts of objects and objects (for a mouse - head, ears, nose, mustache, back, paws, tail; for a saucepan - handles, lid, bottom);

Encourage any attempt to repeat individual words after the teacher;

Contribute to the development of the grammatical structure of speech:

Exercise in the understanding and correct use of spatial prepositions (on, under) and adverbs (forward, backward, next);

Encourage the use of diminutive names in speech (car, duck, dog);

Help to coordinate words in sentences. Encourage attempts to build sentences (phrases) consisting of two or three words;

Develop pronunciation side of speech:

Promote the development of speech hearing;

Encourage them to pronounce after the teacher, and then independently onomatopoeia to animals (ko-ko, mu-mu, meow-meow) and objects (train: woo);

Develop phonemic awareness. Distinguish two or three words by ear and find the corresponding pictures (objects);

Differentiate similar-sounding onomatopoeia (ku-ku - ko-ko; mu-mu - mur-mur; ha-ha - ah-ah, etc.);

Develop auditory attention through games and game exercises;

Ensure communicative development by improving dialogic speech as a means of communication:

Create conditions under which the child can achieve his goal by verbally addressing an adult or peer;

To introduce into the life of the group the simplest forms of speech etiquette (greeting, farewell, request) in accordance with the speech capabilities of children; to form the ability to perform elementary actions according to a monosyllabic instruction (“Bring the ball”, “Take a spoon”, “Throw it in the basket”, etc.); to acquaint children with book culture, children's literature, to introduce them to the world of the artistic word: to tell folk and author's tales; introduce nursery rhymes, songs, small author's poems into the daily life of children; arouse children's interest in books, their examination both together with adults and independently; involve children in all possible participation in the telling of an adult (gestures, facial expressions, actions, onomatopoeia, individual words in accordance with the context).

2.1.4. Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Artistic and aesthetic development involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

main goal musical development is the introduction of the child into the world of music, the desire to emotionally respond to it; develop interest in music, musical and creative abilities, create prerequisites for the development of musical and aesthetic consciousness.

Goals and objectives: contribute to the formation of the purposefulness of the child's activity: in productive forms (drawing, modeling, designing) to help the child formulate and realize his own goal, corresponding to his personal interests and reflecting his emotional impressions; to acquaint with a variety of visual and constructive materials, create conditions for their independent study (paints, crayons, felt-tip pens, plasticine, paper of various textures, brushes, stamps, etc.);

To acquaint with sounded toys and the simplest noise musical instruments;

Provide opportunities to act with these toys and instruments (press the keys, pull the strings, blow whistles, hit the drum with the palm of your hand or a special stick), extract various sounds, develop ideas about how to obtain different sound effects;

Make sounding toys together with children - “noise makers” and “rattlers” from improvised means;

Teach children to sing the simplest children's songs;

To create conditions for the expressive free movement of children to music of different character.

To acquaint children with the best examples of book graphics, the works of illustrators;

Introduce children to the world of children's fiction:

Use nursery rhymes, songs, small author's poems in the daily life of children;

Do not refuse children to repeatedly repeat the same well-known work;

Involve children in all possible participation in the telling of an adult (gestures, facial expressions, actions, onomatopoeia, individual words in accordance with the context);

To acquaint with works of arts and crafts;

To enrich the experience of auditory perception of music, the sound of various instruments, the sounds of nature, the voices of birds and animals.

Awaken emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, creating favorable conditions for perception and contemplation, draw children's attention to the beauty of nature, painting, arts and crafts, book illustrations, music.

2.1.5. Educational area "Physical development"

Physical development includes the acquisition of experience in the following types of children's activities: motor activities, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at developing such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility, contributing to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body;

Development of balance, coordination of movement, large and small motor skills of both hands, as well as with the correct, not damaging the body, performing basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), the formation of initial ideas about some sports, mastery of moving games with rules;

Formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, in the formation of good habits, etc.).

Goals and objectives:

Promote full physical development:

Support the need for independent motor activity and enrich the motor experience of children;

Provide the necessary motor mode during the day: create conditions for active movement in a group, on a site;

Create conditions for ball games;

Enrich the experience of children with outdoor games, movement to the music;

Ensure life safety:

Strictly comply with sanitary norms and rules for protecting the life and health of children;

Provide a rational regimen of the day, balanced high-quality nutrition, obligatory daytime sleep;

Strictly maintain the necessary duration of stay of children in the fresh air;

Observe the ventilation mode;

Improve children's health:

To create in kindergarten an atmosphere of psychological comfort, successful adaptation of the child to kindergarten;

Create conditions for hardening the body of children: dress according to the weather, use sportswear and shoes for physical education, lightweight clothing in the kindergarten, subject to the temperature regime;

Temper children using environmental factors in the following sequence according to the degree of exposure: air, water, sun;

To carry out individual strengthening measures and disease prevention by the medical staff.

Involve children in exercises in walking, running, jumping, balance, climbing, crawling, crawling, as well as rolling, throwing, throwing;

Encourage children to make movements that work different muscle groups.

Form the foundations of a culture of health;

to instill the simplest cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills:

Patiently and gradually teach children to properly wash and dry their hands, use the toilet, dress and undress;

By personal example, teach children to be neat appearance and standards of conduct;

Teach children to distinguish between personal items (comb, toothbrush, mouthwash cup, etc.).

At an early age, the child learns various forms tool activity, object-manipulative play is expanding as a form of cognitive activity, experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.), situational-personal communication with an adult, joint games and communication with peers, physical activity, perception of works of art ( visual, musical), literature.

2.2. Interaction with families of pupils.

2.2.1. Interaction with parents (legal representatives of pupils).

The main tasks of the interaction of the kindergarten with the families of pupils:

Studying the attitude of teachers and parents to various issues of upbringing, education, development of children, the conditions for organizing various activities in kindergarten and the family;

Acquaintance of teachers and parents with the best experience of raising young children in kindergarten and family, revealing the means, forms and methods of developing important integrative qualities of the child, as well as acquaintance with the difficulties that arise in family education preschoolers;

Informing each other about the urgent tasks of raising and educating children at different age stages of their development and about the possibilities of the kindergarten and the family in solving these problems;

Creation in the kindergarten of conditions for cooperation diverse in content and forms, contributing to the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents with children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, pride in the results obtained;

Involving families of pupils to participate in joint events with teachers organized in the district (city, region);

Encouragement of parents for being attentive to the various aspirations and needs of the child and creating the necessary conditions for their satisfaction in the family.

These tasks determine the main directions and forms of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

2.2.2. The main forms of interaction with the parents of pupils:

Getting to know the family: meetings - dating, visiting families, questioning parents .

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process: open days, individual and group consultations, parent meetings, design of information stands, organization of exhibitions of children's art, invitation of parents to children's concerts and holidays, creation of memos, online magazines, e-mail correspondence.

Education of parents: organization of a “mother / father school”, “Schools for parents” (lectures, seminars, workshops), holding master classes, trainings, creating a library

Joint activities: involvement of parents in organizing music and poetry evenings, competitions, family concerts, weekend routes (to the theater, museum, etc.), family associations (club, studio, section), family holidays, walks, excursions, family theater, to participate in children's research and project activities.

2.2.3. Plan of work with parents in the early age group for the academic year.

Target: Combining the efforts of the family and kindergarten for the upbringing and development of a preschooler.


1. Distribute pedagogical knowledge among parents;

2. Provide practical assistance in raising children;

3. Contribute to the establishment of a trusting relationship of parents to the educators of the group: adequately respond to the recommendations of the educators of the group, make efforts to establish partnerships with educators to solve the problems of raising a child.

Annual plan of work with parents(See Appendix No. 1).

2.3. Variable part.

2.3.1. Ecological circle "Know-it-alls"

Explanatory note.

A child from an early age is a natural explorer of the world around him. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences. An important place in educational work is occupied by familiarization of children with the world around them. For the successful development of children, it is important that they acquire vital information about the surrounding objects and phenomena from early childhood.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive his creative, research activity will be, other things being equal,” wrote Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky .

The pronounced curiosity of the child is the most important indicator of his successful mental development. Kids are very happy with their discoveries, they enjoy it, they are delighted, they share their impressions with adults.

The relevance of the experimentation method lies in the fact that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment. During the experiment, the child's memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated.

In group No. 1 "Lily of the Valley", a corner of children's experimentation was developed and organized to solve this issue. Classes in this corner are held in the form of circle activities (Club "Know-it-alls") with a group of children (10 people) with a frequency of one lesson per week in the afternoon ( long term plan experimental and experimental activities of young children for a year, see Appendix 2). This circle is an integral component of the variable part of the work program.

The purpose of this circle activity: The development of the cognitive sphere of young children through the acquisition of vital ideas about the world around them through experimentation.


Develop attention, visual and auditory sensitivity.

Develop fine motor skills.

Arouse interest in children to participate in research and experiments.

To form ideas about the properties and qualities of the objective world, about animate and inanimate nature in the process of experimental activity.

Develop skills and abilities in children

Develop the ability to work in teams and small groups.

To enrich the emotional sphere of children, to promote the formation of a respectful attitude towards each other.

Instill in children a love for nature.

Expected results:

Expanded horizons, in particular, they have knowledge about wildlife, about the relationships that take place in it; about objects of inanimate nature (water, air, sun, etc.) and their properties; about the properties of various materials (rubber, iron, paper, glass, etc.);

Cognitive activity is developed, they show interest in search and research activities.

Children show activity, independent thinking, creativity;

Children experience joy, surprise and delight from their small and big discoveries, which give them a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

The emotional sphere, creative abilities are developed, primary labor skills are formed;

Gently pour sand, pour water;

Are able to cooperate with peers;

Cognitive development: experimentation, construction from improvised material, playing with sand, water, etc.

Social and communicative development: solving problem situations, fostering friendly relationships, performing various labor assignments.

Speech development: development of the ability to respond to a conversation, evoke a joyful mood, reading poetry, fairy tales.

Artistic and aesthetic development: musical accompaniment, drawing, modeling.

Physical development: physical education minutes.

Working methods:




Forms of work:


Conversations, work with visual material;

2.3.2. Theatrical circle "Tales with the brownie Kuzey".

Explanatory note.

Books surround a person from early childhood. At first, these are books - pictures, then funny poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, jokes, and then children's magazines. More often these are stories, stories that a mother or grandmother reads to a child before going to bed, and sometimes a fascinating journey into the magical world of a fairy tale. And always behind this is a smart, kind, bright book, the memories of which a person will carry through his whole life.

A fairy tale is important for the development of a child. The fairy tale absorbs and preserves folk wisdom, universal values ​​and ideals. The need to introduce children to fairy tales is undeniable. The book improves the child's mind, helps to master speech, to learn about the world around.

A fairy tale is a fictional story with a happy ending and the obligatory victory of good over evil. Most often in fairy tales there is magic and various incredible adventures in ordinary life. The inaccessible becomes accessible, the unreal becomes real. That is why both children and adults love to read fairy tales.

To evoke more emotions from a fairy tale, to feel it, to understand deep meaning, it needs to be interpreted. For this, theatrical activities are widely used. Theatrical activity allows you to form the experience of social skills. Thanks to a theatrical fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. This is of great help to the circle on theatrical activities, developed in the group No. 1 "Lily of the valley" "Tales with the brownie Kuzey." Classes in this circle are held with a group of children (10 people) with a frequency of one lesson per week in the afternoon (For a long-term plan for the year, see Appendix 3). This circle is an integral component of the variable part of the work program.

Purpose of this circle: the formation and improvement of speech skills, as well as the emotional sphere of children through their involvement in theatrical activities.

Achieving the goal ensures the solution of the following tasks:

Develop children's communication skills;

Develop memory, imagination, fantasy;

Develop interest in theatrical gaming activities;

To form a positive attitude towards fairy tales;

Enrich the emotional sphere of children;

Cultivate a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, mutual assistance, etc.);

Expected results:

The speech of children becomes the main means of communication with peers and adults;

They know how to build the simplest dialogues with fairy-tale characters;

Well developed memory, imagination, fantasy;

Show interest in fiction;

Developed emotional sphere, creative abilities;

Children empathize with the characters of the fairy tale;

Experience the joy of a theatrical display of a fairy tale;

Friendly relations between children are formed in the group;

In the process of work, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:

Cognitive development: acquaintance with the animal world, design;

Social and communicative development: Solving problem situations, active communicative activity, finger games, sedentary games;

Speech development: Development of the ability to respond to a conversation, evoke a joyful mood, reading fairy tales;

Artistic and aesthetic development: listening to fairy tales, musical accompaniment, drawing, modeling;

Physical development: Physical education minutes;

Working methods:



Forms of work:

staging of fairy tales;

Reading fiction;

Drawing, modeling;


3. Logistics support of the working Program.

A large role in the effectiveness of the quality of the educational process is given to the logistics of the preschool educational institution and the equipment of the educational process of the group.

The recreation of the group includes: a room for games and activities, a bedroom, a washroom - a toilet room, a kitchen, a reception room, a wheelchair room, an entrance hall.

The area of ​​the group room is 162.16 sq. m, one child accounts for 8.1 sq. m.

The group has all the conditions for the full development of children. Various zones and corners have been designed and are functioning: a creative corner, a theatrical corner, "Little Builders", a sports corner, a garage, a house, a dressing corner, "Young Naturalist", "My First Book", a corner of solitude, mobile corners (barbershop, shop, " Dr. Aibolit").

On the territory of the institution there are various types of trees and shrubs, lawns, flower beds and flower beds. On the site of the group there are equipped areas for walking, gaming complexes.

The premises are provided with a thermal regime. The air temperature in the group is 22 - 24 degrees. Air temperature control is carried out using a household thermometer at a height of 1 m from the floor. For air exchange in the premises, supply and exhaust ventilation is provided, the group has a ventilation schedule. In summer, in warm, hot weather, one-sided air aeration is provided.

3.1. Methodical materials, means of training and education in the early age group.

For the implementation of the educational process, there is a software and methodological set: programs, teaching aids, reference and encyclopedic literature, educational and visual aids (demonstration and handouts), sets of modern educational games.

All literature complies with federal requirements and is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions.

A list of methodological aids that ensure the implementation of educational activities in an early age group.

Development direction

Teaching aids

Visual and didactic aids

Physical development

Solyanik EN Developing games for children of early age. - St. Petersburg: OOO "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2014

Sports toys:

aimed at strengthening the muscles of the arm, forearm, the development of coordination of movements (tops, balls, hoops, skittles);

contributing to the development of running skills, jumping, strengthening the muscles of the legs, torso (wheelchairs, skipping ropes), soft module, arches;

cognitive development.


Acquaintance with the environment
the world;

moral education

Litvinova O. E. Construction with children of early preschool age. Summary of joint activities with children 2-3 years old: textbook.-method. allowance. - St. Petersburg: LLC "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD-PRESS ", 2015.

Solomennikova OA Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten: the second group of early age. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2016.

Pomoraeva IA Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The second group of early age. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

Planar geometric figures, cubes, pyramids, balls;

Models of vegetables, fruits and other toys:

plot (figurative) toys: dolls, figurines depicting people and animals, vehicles, dishes, furniture, etc.;

didactic toys: folk toys (tumbler, pyramids), mosaics, board games;

fun toys: funny figurines of people, animals, fun toys with mechanical devices;

building materials: sets of building materials, constructors, lightweight modular material;

experiment equipment, play equipment, etc.

Didactic material to introduce children to the seasons (four seasons)

Speech development.

Implementation of speech tasks;

Creative development;

Acquaintance with fiction;

Gerbova VV Development of speech in kindergarten: the second group of early age. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book 1. Moscow: ATS Publishing House, 2015.

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book 2. Moscow: ATS Publishing House, 2015.

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book1. Moscow: ATS Publishing House, 2015.

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book 2. Moscow: ATS Publishing House, 2015.

Manakova M.V. It is necessary, it is necessary to wash! We learn right. Rostov-on-Don, Prof-Press Publishing House, 2015.

Manakova M.V. I am a well-bred child. Good manners for kids. Rostov-on-Don: Prof-Press Publishing House, 2015.

means of visualization (planar visibility): didactic pictures (series of paintings "The Seasons"), subject pictures.

Socio-communicative development.

moral education;

Communicative activity;

Labor education;


Gerbova VV Development of speech in kindergarten: the second group of early age. - M .: Mosaic-Sintez, 2015.

Teplyuk S. N. Games-classes for a walk with kids: For classes with children 2-4 years old. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2015.

- "Child safety" - folding bed

Pogudkina I. S. Developing games, exercises, complex classes for young children (from 1 year to 3 years old) - St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2015.

Gorbushina S. B. Game dedactic aids for the development of fine motor skills and cognitive processes in preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: OOO "PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2016

Photo album of the native city.

homemade toys from different materials (paper, cardboard, thread, fabric, wool), semi-formed (boxes, corks, plastic bottles), natural (cones, shells, pebbles);

family album, photos;

Lotto: "fruits", "berries", "flowers", "animals", "toys", "professions";

"Child safety" - a folding bed;

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Artistic creativity;

productive activity
(drawing, modeling, application);

Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. First junior group. (Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"): teaching aid. - M.: Tsvetnoy Mir Publishing House, 2014.

Koldina D.N. Drawing with children 2-3 years old. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2015

musical toys: imitating in form and sound

musical instruments (accordions, drums, pipes, etc.);

plot toys: sets of bells, bells;

theatrical toys: puppets-theatrical characters, puppets-gloves, bibabo;

sets of plot figurines, costumes and costume elements, attributes, decoration elements, masks, props;

sound equipment (audio equipment): radio receiver

3.1.1. Material support for the variable part of the program.

1. Vinogradova N.F. "Mystery stories about nature", "Ventana-Graf", 2007

2. Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - No. 2

3. Prokhorova L.M. Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers: guidelines. M.: Arkti, 2008. - 64 p.

4. Ryzhova L.V. Methods of children's experimentation. St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2014. - 208 p.

5. Zubkova N.M. WHO and the little cart of miracles. Experiments and experiments for children from 2 to 7 years. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006. - 30 p.

6. Tomilova S.D. "Complete reader for preschoolers" Moscow: AST, 2015.-702.

7. Gerbova, V. V. A book for reading in kindergarten and at home (2-4 years) [Text] / V. V. Gerbova. - M. : Mosaic-Sintez, 2015. - 256 p.

8. Fesyukova, L. B. We educate with a fairy tale. Conversations on pictures [Text] / L. B. Fesyukova. - M.: Sfera, 2014. - 48 p.

9. E.V. Zvorygin "The First story games kids."

10. Antipina E.A. Theatrical activity in kindergarten. - M., 2003. - 134 p.

11. Antipina E.A. Theatrical activity in kindergarten: games, exercises, scenarios - M .: TC Sphere, 2006. - 128 p.

12. Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. - M., 1991. - 174 p.

13. Bardesheva T. We tell poems with our hands // Hoop. - 1998. - No. 5.

3.2. Organization of life activity in the early age group.

3.2.1. Daily regime.

The cyclic nature of vital processes necessitates the implementation of a regimen that is a rational order of the day, optimal interaction and a certain sequence of periods of rise and decrease in activity, wakefulness and sleep. The daily routine in the group is organized taking into account physical and mental performance, as well as emotional reactivity in the first and second half of the day.

When organizing the daily routine, repeating components are taken into account:

meal times;

laying down for daytime sleep;

the total length of time the child spends outdoors and indoors and during exercise.

Daily routine in cold and warm periods

Get up, morning toilet

In a preschool

Reception of children, independent activity

Independent activity

Organized educational activities (by subgroups)

Preparing for a walk


Return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for dinner

Sleep preparation, naps

Gradual rise, independent activity

Independent activity, organized educational activity (by subgroups)

Preparing for a walk


Return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for dinner

Self-employment, going home


Return home, light dinner, calm games, hygiene procedures

Night sleep

20.30-6.30 (7.30)

Daily routine in summer


Primary activity

Reception of children on the street, games, morning exercises

(on the street)

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast

Joint activity, independent activity

Dinner preparation, lunch

Sleep preparation, sleep

Gradual rise, gymnastics, water procedures, games

Preparing for afternoon tea

Joint activity, walk

Preparing for dinner, dinner

Children leaving home

Mode of physical activity

Forms of work

Types of occupations

Number and duration of classes (in minutes)

Physical education

a) indoors

Two times per week

b) on the street

1 time per week

Physical culture and health-improving work in the daily routine

a) morning exercises


b) outdoor and sports games and exercises for a walk


2 times (morning and evening)

c) physical education minutes (in the middle of a static lesson)

3 daily depending on the type and content of classes


a) physical education

1 time per month

b) physical education


c) health day

1 time per quarter

Independent motor activity

a) independent use of physical culture and sports and gaming equipment


3.3. Designing educational activities in accordance with the directions of development of young children.

Educational activities in accordance with the directions of development of young children are carried out in the form of joint activities, during regime moments, in directly organized and independent activities of children.

The planning and implementation of various cultural practices (educational areas) is based on a complex thematic principle that ensures the unification of a complex of various types of specific children's activities around a single “theme”. Topic is determined by " theme weeks”, “events of the group and kindergarten”, “implementation of projects”, “seasonal phenomena in nature”, “holidays” and “traditions” of the group.

Educational activities are carried out from September 1 to May 31, with the subsequent mandatory organization of summer recreational work for the children of the group.

September is reserved for the adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. To acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest social environment (room and equipment of the group: personal locker, crib, toys, etc.). Get to know the children and the teacher.

Work Program Curriculum designed in accordance with federal regulations.

The curriculum includes five educational areas that ensure the socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of children.

Social and communicative development - moral education, communicative activity, game activity, labor education, safety.

Cognitive development - the child and the world around, FEMP, design.

Speech development - development of speech, reading fiction.

Artistic and aesthetic development - drawing, modeling, art work, applique, music.

Physical development - physical culture.

List of types of continuous educational activities in the early age group (teaching load for a five-day week).


Number of lessons per week

Physical culture indoors

Physical culture on a walk

cognitive development

Speech development



Total per week

Total per month

The volume of the teaching load during the week is determined in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool institutions (SanPiN, as well as the instructive-methodical letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 14.03.2000 No. 65 / 23-16.

In the invariant part of the curriculum, the OD is no more than 60%.

According to the plan, the variable (modular) part is about 40% and includes a regional content component, entertaining activities in accordance with the interests and needs of children.

On all types of GCD, which are held in subgroups, 10-minute dynamic pauses are provided. During this time, children move from one room to another, perform exercises for relaxation and stress relief, for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (finger gymnastics), self-massage of fingers, hands under the guidance of educators and kindergarten specialists.

Continuous educational activities of the early age group are carried out in the first half of the day.

To prevent fatigue in children, it is combined with educational activities in physical culture, music, and artistic creativity.

3.3.1. Model for the implementation of educational areas during the day.

objective activity and games with compound and dynamic toys

experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.),

communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;

self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.), perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures, physical activity;

Physical development

Game conversation with movement elements


Morning exercises



 Situational conversation


Social and communicative development

actions with a variety of toys imitating adult tools;

participation in labor activities, supplying the kids with the necessary equipment;

plot games based on purposeful play action with toys organized by the educator (heal, feed, put to bed, cook food, repair a car, etc.);

with the voluntary participation of the child, create simple designs familiar to him, drawings, which he is subsequently able to reproduce himself;

Constructive and productive activities with an adult

cognitive development







Developing game


Integrative activity


Problem situation

Speech development

observation and elementary labor in nature;

fun games and round dance games for the development of communication;

listening to fiction using bright colorful pictures;

staging and elementary dramatization of literary works;

games for the development of fine motor skills of hands;

didactic games and exercises;

household and game situations;

elementary experimentation.

Artistic and aesthetic development

examination of aesthetically attractive objects;


organization of exhibitions;

production of jewelry;

listening to age-appropriate folk, classical, children's music;

experimenting with sounds;

musical and didactic game;

learning musical games and dances;

singing together.

3.3.2. Ensuring the educational process.

Based on the OOP preschool educational institution and the requirements of SanPin, to ensure the educational process, the following were developed:

GCD grid;

Cyclogram of joint activities;

calendar thematic planning;

Comprehensive thematic planning;

See Appendix No. 4, 5, 6, 7.

    1. Approximate list of entertainment and holiday.

Holidays.New Year, "Autumn", "Spring", "Summer", "Mother's holiday".

Theatrical performances. Performances using finger, table, puppet theater. Staging performances, staging fairy tales, poems and other literary works, as well as songs.

Singing games, dramatization of songs, sports entertainment, fun- magic tricks, surprise moments, fun with paints and pencils. Folklore: nursery rhymes, invocations.

3.3.4. group traditions.

The traditional organizational basis for the implementation of the complex-thematic principle of constructing the PEP is an exemplary complex-thematic planning, the topics of which are focused on all areas of the development of a young child and are devoted to various aspects of human existence:

phenomena of the moral life of the child (Days of "thank you", kindness, friends, etc.);

the surrounding nature (water, land, birds, animals, etc.);

the world of art and literature (children's book, theater, etc.);

festive events traditional for the family, society and state (New Year, Spring Festival, Mother's Day);

the most "important" professions (educator, doctor, postman, builder, etc.);

these holidays can be replaced by other socially and personally significant for the participants of the educational process International and Russian holidays or events;

the recommended time for the celebration does not always coincide with the official date of the celebration; in order to optimize the organization of the educational process, it is distributed over the weeks of the month; the actual date of the holiday is determined independently;

the period of preparation for each holiday is determined independently by us;

Preparation for the holidays is a description of the means of solving the problems of psychological and pedagogical work and achieving the planned results of mastering the working Program.

3.4. Organization of the developing object-spatial environment.

The developing space of the game room consists of several components. The group has all the conditions for the full development of children. Various zones and corners are decorated and functioning. A distinctive feature of the centers is that, along with traditional manuals and equipment (a set of musical instruments, a puppet table theater, paints, albums, pencils, etc.), they place materials that maximize the creative expression of children .

Musical, theatrical centers: microphone (dummy), non-traditional types of theater (glove, finger, table, bibabo), non-standard musical instruments - noisemakers, rustlers, jingles.

Creativity corner include:

"Shelf of beauty", the purpose of which is admiring beautiful things, objects of arts and crafts. For the development of fine arts, children are encouraged to use various materials: plasticine, dough, natural material, skin; various means (crayons, gouache, brushes, feathers, seals, threads, etc.).

Cognitive zone. The main goal of the educational space is to provide information for the child from different areas of culture - mathematics, natural sciences, human social life, ecology, and stimulate the cognitive activity of children. Includes Young Naturalist Experimentation Corners, Nature, Library and Collections. The objective world of this zone ensures the realization of the cognitive needs of children in active and diverse activities.

To achieve this goal, mathematical centers are equipped with working materials: pyramids, cubes, balls - of different sizes and colors, plane geometric figures. There are didactic and educational games in mathematics in convenient for moving containers.

play space realizes the basic need of a preschooler - play. In the course of modeling various life situations, relationships between people, children not only acquire initial social skills, new knowledge about the world around them, but also learn to resolve conflict situations, negotiate, and establish new contacts. Understanding the importance of this space for the full development of the child, a significant place in the group is given to the organization of the playing space. In the play center of each group there are toys and materials simulating family relationships (dolls, doll furniture, dishes) and relationships outside the home (cars, animals, a set of a doctor, a hairdresser, etc.).

Emotional zone designed for children's recreation, independent games and relaxation, emotional and aesthetic development children. This corner is presented in the form of a tent, where soft pillows, a telephone for “communication with parents”, favorite books, and a soft toy are placed.

Motor zone. In this corner there are attributes for physical education: jump ropes, hoops, balls of different sizes, ribbons, gymnastic sticks.

It is important to note that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of change, adjustment and development, stimulating the activity of the child.

To do this, we take into account the following approaches in this aspect:

Accounting for seasonal phenomena (we hang snowflakes in winter, dandelions in summer, colorful leaves in autumn);

Accounting for historical, social, personal events (March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, elements of jewelry appear in the decoration of the group; on days of personal events associated with children's birthdays, the group is decorated with balls and multi-colored ribbons) - these unusual elements of the educational subject environment have a great emotional impact on the child, contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

When designing a developing space, it is necessary to be guided,first of all, on the implementation of the principles of an individual approach to the child:

1. Organization of "privacy zones". The full-fledged emotional and personal development of the child requires the mandatory design of "privacy zones" in the group - special places where the child can store his personal property: his favorite toy, postcard, etc. Of great importance is the presence in the group of a place where photos of children and their families are posted. Systematic exhibitions of children's works contribute to the development of positive self-esteem and self-confidence. Products of children's creativity are placed in locker rooms, in ecological centers, in the corners of fine arts.

2. Age and sex-role addressing of equipment and materials. Following this principle, role-playing games, motor centers (wheelchairs, soft modules), sensory centers (inserts, bushings, pyramids, knockers, etc.) are widely represented in the nursery group.

Considering the gender-role characteristics of children, play spaces are allocated in the group for both boys (various equipment, a set of tools, etc.) and girls (handbags, hats, a beauty salon, etc.).

When building the developing space of the group, along with factory-made items, hand-made manuals are also used: layouts, didactic games, attributes for role-playing games. All components of the developing environment are colorful, neat, attract the attention of children, safe to play. They are located in the field of view of the child, in places accessible to him.

One of the important problems in the improvement of children is the creation of a health-saving developing environment. The group is equipped with a "mini-center" physical education and health, equipped with a set of games and sports equipment, contributing to the physical development of children and the quality organization of hardening events. Based on the sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms recommended by the program, conditions are provided for independent physical activity of children.

Selected taking into account sanitary and psychological and pedagogical requirements, the furniture and play equipment in the group are installed so that the child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study, based on emotional state: sufficiently remote from children and adults, or, conversely, allowing you to feel close contact with them, or providing equal contact and freedom. For this purpose, various furniture is used, including multi-level furniture: soft modules that are easy to move. Properly selected and arranged furniture, rationally used space of a group room allow you to save space, create comfort and bring a “zest” to the interior of the room.


From birth to school. Approximate general educational program of preschool education (pilot version) / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

Planning in a modern preschool educational institution. Ed. N.V. Miklyaeva. -M.: Sphere, 2013.-128s.

Express constructor of the educational program. N.V. Miklyaev. / Ed. T.V. Tsvetkova-M.: SC Sphere, 2015.-128p.

Approximate long-term planning of the educational process in different age groups of preschool educational institutions. M.A. Kalinina. / St. Petersburg: LLC "Publishing House" Childhood-Press ", 2015.-176p.

Application No. 1

Plan of work with parents for the academic year.

Forms of holding

the date


SUBJECT: "Welcome to Kindergarten

GOAL: Joint inclusion of teachers and parents in the educational process.

Organization and holding of the first group meeting "Let's get acquainted"

Comprehensive study of the families of pupils.

Design of parental corners.

Round table.



Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N.

SUBJECT:"Adaptation period in kindergarten"

GOAL: To acquaint parents with the features of the adaptation period, to promote the creation of conditions at home for the successful adaptation of children in kindergarten.

"Baby at Home"

"Striving for Independence"

Exhibition of literature on the topic

Creating a photo album "our first days in the garden"




Photo album

Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N


Shcherbakova L.P.

SUBJECT: "The art of education in the family"

GOAL: Improving the pedagogical skills of parents and determining the role of the family in raising a child.

"What kind of parent are you?"

Rights and obligations of parents

parenting tips


Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N

SUBJECT: "Healthy baby"

GOAL: Work out a scheme of interaction with parents on preventive work in order to protect and improve the health of children.

Problems of health improvement of preschool children.

Healthy child in family".

"Vitamins and Minerals".

Visiting families at home to identify the necessary conditions for the development of children




Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N

SUBJECT: "ABC of Communication"

GOAL: Identification of the most effective ways to create a favorable atmosphere in the family.

Verbal ways to encourage and support a child.

Play therapy for children and adults.

Design of the exhibition "Family through the eyes of a child"

Working with parents according to the “Atmosphere in a group” method.



Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N

SUBJECT: "The development of cultural and hygienic skills of children of primary preschool age."

GOAL: To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children.


Parent meeting "Education of hygiene skills in children."

Visiting the families of pupils in order to correct the existing conditions for the development of preschoolers.

Building a culture of food.

Exhibition of methodological literature

Parent meeting (KVN)

home visit

Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N

SUBJECT: "The emotional well-being of the child in the family."

GOAL: Psychological and pedagogical family support in the formation of relationships between parents and children.

The main causes of emotional distress in children.

Presentation of family experience (Osipova).

Joint holiday "mom, dad, I am a friendly family"


Round table

Family kvn

Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N

SUBJECT: "We all come from childhood"

GOAL: Involve parents in the process of raising their children, arming them with knowledge and skills on the issue of play activities for preschoolers

What do our children play?

Exhibition of Literature on the Subject

Why does a child need to play

Home security





Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N

SUBJECT: "Our results"

GOAL: To acquaint parents with successes in the upbringing and education of preschoolers.

Satisfaction of parents with the work of a preschool institution.

Round table "Our results"


tea drinking

Fomina O. S.

Zhuravleva O. N

Application No. 2

The work plan of the "Know-it-alls" circle for pupils of the early age group "Lily of the valley"


1 Week

2 weeks

3 week

4 week




C: Teach children how to handle water. To give an idea that you can wash yourself with water, lower it into it and catch various objects. To cultivate cultural and hygienic skills and the desire to play together.

"We wash and dry Masha's handkerchief"

C: To give an idea that any things will become cleaner if they are washed in water, and also that things dry after washing.

"Properties of Water"

D / and "Transparent - color", "Hide and seek"

C: To give an idea that water has no color, but it can be colored.

"Water Experiments"

D / and "Sinking - not sinking"

C: To give an idea that some objects sink, and some remain afloat.

"Water Experiments"

D / and "What will happen"

C: Explain that some substances dissolve in water.

"Merry Foam"

C: To acquaint children with the properties of foam: “airy”, “light”, “white”,

"Blow Bubbles"

C: develop the ability to compare, tactile sensations, speech breathing, emotional perception, consolidate children's ideas about the properties of foam: "airy", "light".

"Foam Experiments"

D / and "fill the mold with foam", "Multi-colored foam"

C: Develop tactile sensations, tactile senses. Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Properties of Water"

D / and "Freeze",

"Melt", "Cold-warm".

C: To give an idea that water can turn into ice and back into water, while the water has a different temperature.

"What is Air"

C: To give an idea that the air fills the whole space and it is not visible.

"Properties of Air"

D / and “Let's get air into a glass”, “Let's let air out of a glass”

C: To give an idea that air does not let water through, but water can displace air.

"Let's make a breeze", "Sail the boat"

C: Give an idea that the wind is the movement of air .. Give an idea that objects can move with the help of air.



C: To acquaint with the properties of paper, that it is light, can be thin and thick.

"Paper properties"

D / and “Knem the paper”, “Tear the paper”

C: Give an idea that paper can wrinkle and tear.


C: Give an idea of ​​what sand is dry and wet.


C: Give an idea that dry sand can crumble.

"Let's bake a meal"

C: To give an idea that wet sand takes any desired shape.

C: To give an idea that footprints and prints remain on wet sand.

"Wash the stones"


"Light heavy"

C: To give an idea that stones are heavy and light.

"What shape is the stone?"

C: To give an idea that the stones have a different shape.

"Wash the stones"

C: To give an idea that stones sink in water because they are heavy.

"Ice figurines"

C: Fix the properties of water. Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Balloon and Orange"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Shadow by the Flame"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.


C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Ice Gems"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Home Rain"

C: Show and explain the natural phenomenon - rain "


C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Floating Egg"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

Application No. 4

Cyclogram of joint activities.







1. Didactic game for the development of speech (sound culture of speech, vocabulary formation, grammatical structure

speech, connected speech).

2. Joint activity for the development of fine motor skills.

1. Didactic game for the development of sensory skills (olfactory, tactile sensations).

2. Conversation about cultural and hygienic skills (KHS).

3. Familiarization with the objects of the immediate environment (examination of paintings, toys).

1. Didactic game (cognitive activity - OBZh).

2. Skills of cultural behavior (moral education).

1. Didactic game for the development of attention, memory, imagination, thinking.

2. Learning poems, nursery rhymes, invocations.

1. Didactic game for the development of fine motor skills.


1. Didactic game for the development of sensory skills (color, shape, size).

2. Reading fiction.

1. Joint activity in the corner of visual activity

2. Role-playing game

1. Experimental activities (water, sand, stones, waste material).

2. Didactic game for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (number, shape,

orientation in space, magnitude)

3. Entertainment, leisure (sports, music ....)

1. Club activities

2. Role-playing game

3. Collaborative design activities

1. Household work

2. Theatrical activities

3. Didactic games in the musical corner (repetition of songs, listening).

Application No. 5

Calendar thematic planning.


Topic general

A week

Theme of the week


Hello Kindergarten!

our group



Let's be polite

"Me and my family"



Signs of autumn

Signs of autumn

Gifts of autumn

Gifts of autumn


"Who Surrounds Me"



Wild animals

forest birds


"Hello, winter-winter"

Signs of winter

Trees, forest

Winter fun

New Year


"My home, my city"


The house I live in

All professions are important


"Visiting a fairy tale"

We honor a fairy tale (reading, artistic work)

Let's play a fairy tale


Folk toy

Folk toy


"Holiday every day"

Mom's holiday

To grandma for pancakes

All will heal, heal, good doctor Aibolit.

My favorite toys (December-February p. 293)


"I welcome spring"

signs of spring


We are explorers

We are explorers

"Merry Kaleidoscope"


Hello summer

Hello summer

Application No. 6

Complex-thematic planning.


Final event

Hello Kindergarten.


1. Creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten.

2. Acquaintance of children with the premises and equipment of the group room (personal locker, crib, toys), with the rules of behavior in kindergarten (do not push, do not run up the stairs). Formation of ideas about politeness: the ability to say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

3. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the kindergarten, teacher, other children (desire to go to kindergarten, call the teacher by name and patronymic, show interest in the actions of peers, play side by side without interfering with each other, do not take away toys, do not quarrel).

4. To introduce children to each other during the games, to form friendly, benevolent relations between children. Educating every child with the confidence that adults love him, like all other children.

5. To form elementary skills in caring for your face and body. Develop ideas about your appearance. To form the initial skills of role-playing behavior, to learn to associate plot actions with the role.

6. Encourage them to give their first and last name, the names of family members, to speak about themselves in the first person. Enrich ideas about your family. Consolidate knowledge of your name, the names of family members. Formation of primary ideas about family traditions, responsibilities.

7. Development of ideas about the positive aspects of the kindergarten, its commonality with the house and differences from the home environment.

"Golden Autumn"

1. To form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area).

2. Give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Collect colorful leaves with children on walks, examine them, compare in shape and size.

3. Acquaintance with the variety of colors of golden autumn, the formation of skills to peer, admire, enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.

"Who Surrounds Me"

1. Formation of initial ideas about the animal world, development of the ability to recognize domestic, some wild animals, their cubs in the pictures.

2. Consolidation of ideas about how living animals and birds differ from toy ones.

3. Raising a caring attitude towards animals.

2. To get acquainted with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds.

"Hello, Zimushka - winter!"

1. Formation of elementary ideas about winter: it is snowing, snowflakes are spinning, it is getting cold, frost, snowdrifts.

2. Expansion of children's ideas about the features of the life of people and animals in winter.

3. Getting to know winter activities according to age.

4. Organize all types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, educational, research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday.

"My house,

my city"

1. Creation of conditions for familiarizing children with household items (name toys, pieces of furniture, clothes, utensils).

2. Formation of orientation in the immediate environment (recognize your house and apartment, kindergarten and group room, name your family members and group staff).

3. Acquaintance with the name of the city in which the children live, the name of their street.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

1. Acquaintance with folk art on the example of fairy tales.

2. Formation of skills to listen to fairy tales that are small in volume and simple in content.

3. Learn to pronounce onomatopoeic words.

4. Formation of the ability to recognize characters in fairy tales in toys and pictures and name them.

5. Arouse interest in the theatrical game through the first experience of communicating with the character, expanding contact with adults.

6. Formation of elementary ideas in children about folk art on the example of folk toys, household items.

7. The use of folklore in the organization of all types of children's activities.

8. Introducing children to the world of art. Raising interest in displaying the environment (nature, toys, folk art, song folklore)

"Holiday every day"

1. Formation of primary value ideas about the family, family traditions

2. Raising a sense of love and respect for mother, grandmother, the desire to help them, take care of them.

3. Formation of ideas about how important the work of mothers in cooking for the whole family is, what delicious dishes they cook. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of the mother.

4. Development of interest in studying oneself, one's physical abilities, one's health.

5. Creation of conditions for introducing children to the implementation of hygienic and tempering procedures.

6. Formation of elementary cultural and hygienic skills.

7. Expanding the circle of children's ideas about the toy, about the materials from which it is made, about the ways of interacting with it. Education of respect for toys.

8. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere when interacting with toys.

"I welcome spring"

1. Formation of elementary ideas about spring: seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes (the sun shines brightly, it rains, the earth and water are warmed by the sun, they become warm, there is a lot of young tender greenery on trees, bushes).

2. Acquaintance with some features of the behavior of animals and birds in the spring.

3. Formation of elementary ideas about the properties of water (water can be cold, warm, hot; water is clear; water can be poured; some objects sink in water, and some do not sink, we wash ourselves with water, wash clothes, cook food, swim in the lake in summer etc.).

4. Formation of primary ideas about safety in nature

5. Enrichment of the direct sensory experience of children in different types activities.

6. Formation in children of a system of exploratory actions adequate to the subject and setting

"Merry Kaleidoscope"

1. Familiarization with the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten (do not push, do not run up the stairs, play side by side without interfering with each other, leave the kindergarten only with your parents, do not take treats from strangers).

2. Formation of elementary ideas about the rules traffic(cars drive on the roadway, a traffic light regulates traffic, the road can only be crossed with adults), about the rules of conduct on the bus (children can only ride on the bus with adults, obey adults).

3. Introduction to the rules of interaction with plants and animals (you can’t tear any plants and eat, feed animals only with the permission of adults).

4. To form elementary ideas about summer (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes, in the kindergarten area). Expand knowledge about domestic animals and birds, about vegetables, fruits, berries. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in summer. To acquaint with some animals of hot countries.