
Plans for the week in the second junior group. Plan for every day in the second junior group. Theme of the day: "Let's play sports"



Compare objects by height and size;

Establish equality;

- consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle), how do they differ from each other;

To teach creative thinking, develop ingenuity, attention, thinking, observation, develop eidetic abilities;

To encourage manifestations of activity and independence;

Cultivate a desire to help others.


Demo: magnetic board, 5 snowflakes (made of paper), Christmas tree ( artificial manufacture), typesetting, snow ball, sled, Winter, Snowman, 1 hare, 2 squirrels, 3 bears of different heights, 3 beds of different sizes; a bag with medals, a box, the melody "White Snowflakes".

Handout: plates with cards-quilts, patches-tabs geometric shapes; geometric shapes different in size, color (circle, square, triangle).

The course of the lesson in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten

1.Psycho-gymnastics " Good morning

Teacher: Good morning everyone! How many good kids and guests are here! Let's say hello.

2. Surprise moment.

Educator. Children, look here - balloon. Oh, and then there's the letter. And what lies on it?

Children. Snowflake.

Educator. I wonder why she came to us?

Children examine the snowflake, notice the letter written on it.

« Dear kids! Your friend Snowman is writing to you. Knowing that you are so quick-witted, smart, I turn to you for help. My beautiful Winterland is in danger. The evil sorceress threatens to melt, destroy and turn everything into water if we do not fulfill her tasks.

Educator. Children, can we help our friend?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Kids, I propose to imagine yourself as small snowflakes. Close your eyes and turn around.

Children transform into snowflakes.

Educator. Well, snowflake, flew to the Winter Country. Show the way, where your snowflake sisters with tasks are waiting for us.

3. The main part.

Children "fly" to quiet, gentle music. The snowflake "led" the children to the place where her friend is - a snowflake with the first task. The teacher reads the tasks.

I. Exercise:

The picture shows a snowman.

Look at the snowman and tell me what it consists of?

How many circles does it have? Are they all the same?

How many eyes? hands? What are the hands made of?

What does he have instead of a hat?

What could be his nose?

What do you think will happen if the bunny cannot resist and eats a carrot that serves as a snowman's nose? (The snowman will not be able to breathe; The snowman will cry, he feels bad without a nose, the squirrel will bring a bump to the snowman, which will be instead of a nose, and they will scold the bunny ...)


Don't worry, kids, the bunny will never do that, because he loves the Snowman very much. He cannot harm him.

Having completed the first task, the children, together with Snezhinka, the teacher, “fly” to the next stop to the music. The snowflake stops at the Christmas tree and lies on the chest, which is under the Christmas tree.

Educator. Oh what a nice chest! Perhaps the task is in it. Let's get a look.

Children with a teacher open and find a snowflake, read the next task.

II. Exercise:

Educator. Children, I know that you all love winter. After all, it happens in winter the best holiday for kids - Christmas tree holiday. But the holiday has already passed, the tree has taken off its festive outfit and misses her jewelry. Here we have such a tree. Let's cheer her up. I have jewelry, but they are unusual.

Look what is it? (Geometric figures.)

We need to decorate the Christmas tree with toys that look like geometric shapes.

The chest contains geometric shapes. different color, size. Each figure has a garter with a ribbon. Each child takes one geometric figure by the ribbon, names it, indicates the size and color. Hangs by a branch on a Christmas tree.

The teacher gives instructions to hang "above", "below".


Which beautiful tree! She dreamed and remembered winter forest, where the wind walks, a snowstorm.

To the music, Winter enters the hall, carrying sleds.


Good afternoon, kids. I came to visit you to see how you are doing here. I know that you are trying to help, to save our magical winter country.

What a beautifully decorated Christmas tree you have. And why are there no animals under it? I will give you animals. Here are the hares, and here are the squirrels. Let them make the tree happy.

Educator. Let's count the bunnies. How many? (One)

And now let's count the squirrels. (Two) Who else? Can someone count all the animals?

Children answer questions.


I so want to spin around the Christmas tree. Let's make a circle. Look, I have a snowball. I suggest you play with it. When the music sounds, we pass the ball from hand to hand. And when the music stops, the one who has the ball dances with it.

Children play with the snowball several times.( classes in kindergarten)

Winter. How are you guys. But it's time for me to go. Trees and animals are waiting for me in the forest. Goodbye, children.

(The winter is coming.)

Educator. Oh, guys, I see that our bunny is completely sad. Come closer to us.

Cute bunny, let the kids pet you. (Children touch the bunny, stroke it).

What colour is he?

What is our bunny: soft or hard? (children's answers)

Children, look, our bunny is very sad, perhaps an evil witch offended him.

What happened, little one? (The teacher pretends to listen to him).

The bunny said that he was sad because it was cold, and his warm blanket, which kept him warm in winter, was torn. He doesn't know what to do. Kids, help the bunny, patch up the blanket.

And now I invite you to sit down at the tables.

On the table are plates with blanket cards, geometric shapes: circles, triangles.

The teacher takes a snowflake and reads the tasks.

III. Tasks:

a) patch up the blanket for the bunny.

Children, you need to choose patches for your blanket, put on holes that have such shape.

Children choose inlay patches (geometric shapes) according to the shape of the hole.

During the task, I ask the children what color the blanket is, what geometric shape this patch looks like ...


Well done, kids, the task was completed correctly. Bunny is very grateful to you. Now he can sleep comfortably. But Snowflake tells me that it's time to move on.

Music sounds, children-snowflakes "fly" for a big Snowflake, which shows the way.

Children, let's look for the next snowflake with a task. And here is the snowflake, let's quickly see what needs to be done here.

I V. Tasks:

Educator. Kids, the evil witch did something nasty. She mixed everything up in the fairy tale "Three Bears" ......

Let's remember what their names are? Let's determine which of them is the father, who is the mother, and who is the son?

How will we do it? (Compared to the height).

Who is tall? Less? Least?

The bears were just about to go to bed. Let's find the right bed for everyone.

Which bed do you think daddy bear should lie on? (To the big one)


Go, Masha, pick up a bed for papa bear.


And what kind of bed should a mother bear lie on? (To the middle)

And on which bed should the little bear cub lie down? (for small)

Go, Misha, pick up beds for them.

How many bears will go to bed? Let's count (calls the child and gives the task to count).

How many beds? (Children count.)

Educator. - Well done, children. Bears are grateful to us for help.

Music sounds. Kids with Snowflake "fly", looking for the following tasks.

Educator. Oh, children, where did our Snowflake go?

There are no more snowflakes anywhere, which means that we have already completed all the tasks that the evil sorceress has prepared for us.

4. Final part. Meeting with heroes.

Music sounds in group room the Winter doll and the Snowman come in.

Winter. Thank you guys for your courage, ingenuity. Now nothing threatens our Winter Country.

Snowman. Dear kids! All our residents are very grateful to you for your help. And accept from us these medals that you really earned. See you again. Goodbye.

(Children, the teacher say goodbye to the heroes and return to Kindergarten).

5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

Kids, what country were we with you?

Whom did we help?

What do you remember the most?


Shymkent I / d-s № 73 "Aizhan"

Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in 2 junior groups


Goals: Encourage children to communicate, develop speech; To form children's ideas about the parts of the day

educational: - cognitive:

Give the first impressions of the spring sun.

Vocabulary: enrich children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs;

Developing: develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking;

Educators: educate love for nature.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational part.

in-l: Children, today guests have come to us. Let's say hello to them.

Good morning to us!

Good morning!

Good morning everybody!

2. Dunno enters.

Educator: Guys, who came to us? Dunno

Dunno: I mixed up the pictures with the image of the parts of the day and I can’t figure them out.

Educator: Let's help the dunno. See what is it?

Children: Sun.

Teacher: When does the sun rise?

Children: In the morning.

Teacher: What can you do in the morning?

Children: Do exercises, wash, have breakfast, go to kindergarten, school, work, etc.

Educator: Morning has come, the sun has risen

Everyone woke up and stretched.

Teacher: And what is shown in the next picture?

Children: Sun, river, flowers.

Educator: What do you think has come if the sun is high in the sky, it shines brightly.

Children: Day.

Teacher: What do we do during the day?

Children: We walk, play, study, have lunch.

Teacher: When does the sun go down?

Children: In the evening.

Teacher: What can you do in the evening?

Educator: When the moon appears in the sky, the stars, what comes?

Children: Night.

Teacher: What do we do at night?

Children: Sleep.

Educator: Guys, you are great

Physical education: the game "Day-night".

3. Guys, what seasons do you know?

Looking at pictures of the seasons.

B: Now sit down, I have something for you. See what do you think it is? What does it look like? (to the sun and clouds)

B: Yes, it looks like the sun. So it shines in winter: weakly, dimly. What time of year is it now? (that's right, spring) In spring, the sun is bright, radiant, warm, cheerful. What is missing from our sun? (rays)

The sun today is sad, dim, not smiling, the clouds hid the sun's rays.

Would you like the sun to smile? Well, then we need to release the rays and drive the clouds away. You are ready?

1-For the cloud to fly away, we need to do one good deed: here are different figures, help me figure out which one looks like the sun.

2-Well done! The next task is to tell poems about the sun.

The sun looks out the window

Shines into our room

We clapped our hands

Very happy with the sun.

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window

kids love you


3-Well done. Another ray appeared from the sun. It's time to release others. To do this, we need to think and tell what happens in the spring?

Game "Tell me a word"

D: The snow is melting, dripping from the roof, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing.

4- Smarties! The beam appeared, well done. But we still have clouds. What can we do to make them disappear? Let's play together with the sun.

Looks at us in the window

Sweet sun.

Bright, don't be bored

Better play with us.

Children clap their hands and jump on two legs.

Educator: Sun, sun,

Don't hide in the cloud.

Don't hide in the cloud

The cold bored us.

The teacher opens a large umbrella . Children run under an umbrella and hide from the rain.

Rain, rain

Cap, cap, cap

Don't piss track

Soon we will go for a walk

And let's wet our feet

Happened. The clouds have flown away. Look, it seems our sun has begun to warm. Guys

In the spring, migratory birds return - swallows, rooks, larks. Our birds love to eat grain.

What do we have on the table? (Grain-millet) What color is millet? (yellow, like the sun) And let's draw the sun on the rump. Let's cook the fingers

Finger gymnastics"Give us, the sun, heat."

We stretched out our palms

And looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)

Give us, the sun, warmth,

To have a strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to themselves.)

Our fingers are tiny

They don’t want to wait a minute, (They bend and unbend their fingers rhythmically.)

Knock - knock, with hammers, (They bend down and alternately rhythmically knock their fists on their knees.)

Clap - clap, with spatulas, (Rhythmically clapping on the knees.)

Jump - jump like bunnies

They jump on the lawn. (Knocking with half-bent fingers on the knees.)

See how we will do it. (Teacher show)

And now we will depict the sun on the croup. Try to draw everything yourself, what kind of sun will you get?

Well done! What smart people you are! I'm glad you all made it.

It's spring here! What is shining in the sky? What about the sun? (bright, radiant, affectionate, warm, cheerful, spring)

Well done guys, let's sing a song about the sun for our guests.

Abstract open class in the second junior group on the topic of:

"Help the Bunny"

Integration educational areas:

1. Physical development.

2.cognitive development.

3. Socio - communicative development.

4.Speech development.

5. Artistic - aesthetic development.

Physical development:
- Consolidation of the formation and improvement of the main types of movements (jumping, crawling).
- Contribute to sustainable emotionally positive well-being and activity of children.
- Contribute to the strengthening of the small muscles of the hands.

Cognitive development:

To form a cognitive interest in the surrounding reality.
- Consolidation of knowledge of colors (white, orange, green).
-Create conditions for visual perception of the representation of the diversity of causal relationships in the world.

Social and communicative development:
-Development of the desire to listen to the teacher's speech about understandable cases from life (go through snowdrifts, crawl through bushes, etc.).
-Encourage the development of children's ability to engage in verbal communication.
- Stimulate the emotional meaningful communication of the child with an adult.

Formation of the ability to use building material, work together with it when building a bridge.
- Develop skills to interact and get along with each other in a short joint task.
- Awaken in children an interest in game creativity in the process of interaction with an adult.

Cultivate goodwill, responsiveness.

Artistic and aesthetic:

To consolidate the ability to accurately paint vegetable stencils with a sponge.

Learn to mix colors.
-Develop fine motor skills hands

Speech development:

Promote interest in fiction: riddles, poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, finger games.

Learn to speak clearly, words, phrases.

Develop, enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Preliminary work:

To teach children to pay attention to the shape of objects when performing elementary actions with toys and objects in Everyday life. Examination of one and many objects. Didactic games: "Find an object of the same shape in the group", "Who lives where", "Who screams how". “Who eats what”, “Repair clothes for bunnies”. Acquaintance with r.n. fairy tale "Zayushkina hut", puppet show based on the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", looking at illustrations, looking at paintings (wild animals in the forest in summer, autumn and winter, winter in the forest). Reading the fairy tale "Teremok", puppet and table theaters based on the fairy tale "Teremok", Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok". Riddles about wild animals. Learning nursery rhymes about animals. finger games.

Material and equipment: note; hoop; napkins; sponges according to the number of children, snowdrifts of white cloth; stencils of cabbage and carrots cut out of paper, building material bricks; a toy train to simulate sound and chairs; bunnies and Christmas trees cut out of cardboard didactic game"Hide the bunny from the fox."

Lesson progress:

Educator: Today I went to the group and found a note! Let's read. If you guess the riddle, you will understand who sent it to you.

Bunny riddle.

What kind of animal is this forest

I stood up like a post under a pine tree,

And stands among the grass - Ears more head? (Hare)

Long ear, a ball of fluff.

Jumps deftly, loves carrots. (Hare)

(In response - a picture of a bunny).

Educator: Now let's read the note. (The teacher reads the contents of the note) “Hello guys! The bunny is writing to you. Unfortunately, I did not have time to change my summer coat for a winter coat, so I caught a cold and got sick. They promised to visit my brothers - hares, but apparently they were in trouble, help them, please!

Didactic game "Hide the bunny from the fox"

Bunnies were walking in the forest, but suddenly they saw a fox. What to do, you need to hide quickly. There are trees growing nearby. But what kind of Christmas tree to hide so that the fox does not notice? Help the bunny to choose a Christmas tree, behind which he will not be seen. (In the course of the assignment, the teacher asks the children why they did not take a small or medium Christmas tree, but chose the largest one?)

Educator: Guys, the bunny is sick. And let's, together with the brothers - hares, we will go to visit him and tell him what to do to be healthy, and we will also take treats with us (cabbage and carrots). You are ready? Then go!

Educator: Guys, get tickets for the train, it will arrive to us soon. To get into the wagons, you need to name the geometric figure of your ticket and find your wagon with the same geometric figure. (The hum of a steam locomotive sounds) And here our magic steam locomotive has arrived. Let's go soon.
Children: Let's go! (The guys alternately call a geometric figure and sit down on a chair with the same designation)
The train rushes and whistles

And the wheels are knocking

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

I'll get everyone to the forest ......

Educator: look, we arrived at a river covered with snow. How much snow is here! What color is the snow?
Children: Snow white color.
To get to the bunny, you have to cross the river. And to cross the river, you need to build a bridge. (Children build a bridge of bricks and cross it over an imaginary river)
caregiver: So we crossed the river. In front of us are dense bushes.
We can't get through here
Here you have to crawl.
(Crawl through the hoop)

Oh, our legs are tired

Let's get some rest now! (Sit down on stumps and do finger gymnastics)
Bunny's white coat
(stroking their chest)
Soft paws.
(Stroking the palm of the hand)
Ears stick out long
(Put hands to the head - “hare ears”)
On the top of the head are bunnies.
(Move the right "ear", then the left "ear")

Educator: Guys, and here is the bunny's house in the distance, come to the house . (They knock on the door, but the bunny does not open, they pushed, and it opened. They ask: what happened to the bunny? It turns out that the bunny did not have time to change the summer coat for the winter one, so he caught a cold and got sick.

(The teacher offers to treat the hare with cabbage and carrots so that he recovers, but when they looked into the basket, they saw that the carrots and cabbage froze in the cold and turned white).

Educator: What do you think we need to do?

Children: Colorize.

Educator: What color is cabbage?

Children: Cabbage Green colour.

Educator: What color is a carrot?

Children: Orange carrot.

Educator: What color paint do we have?

Children: There are colors of green, red and yellow color.

Educator: To make orange paint, I suggest mixing yellow and red paints (you need to add a drop of red paint to yellow paint - experience)

(Children mix colors).

Educator: Children, color carrots and cabbage for him. Get started.
(Children complete the task: dip the sponges into the paint and in the way of priming, paint the vegetables).

Educator: Guys, put the cabbage and carrots in baskets (cabbage - in a large one, carrots - in a small one).

(Children treat the bunny, the bunny is happy, recovers, thanks the children).

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to go back. (Crawl through the bushes, walk across the river along the bridge and get on the train)

Returning to the group, the teacher discusses the work done with the children.
Educator: Children, where did we go today?
Children: We went to the forest.

Educator: Who did we go to?

Children: We went to the bunny.

Educator: Why did we go to the bunny?

Children: Children's answers (help the bunny, treated the bunny with carrots and cabbage, helped the bunny recover, etc.).

Educator: Who else have we helped?

Children: We helped the rabbits hide from the fox.

Educator: kids, what do you like the most? (Answers of children). Well done. You are very kind children, helped the bunny to recover, and he will definitely come running to you for the holiday).