
Family trips with kids. Family Camping trip parents with children commercial tour

Pathology of the uterus

My wife and I are experienced hikers. Now our daughter is growing up, and I want her to see her native land not on a video from the Internet, but with her own eyes.

Evgeny Lesnov

likes to go hiking

We will not take her on long trips for many days, but we are already planning a short weekend trip. To prepare for it, I wrote a small instruction. My experience will be useful to all young families who are not afraid of mosquitoes and smoke in their eyes, as well as to those who do not have the time and opportunity to go to nature for a few days.

Why go out of town with the whole family

Many do not dare to get out into nature because of stereotypes: mosquitoes, ticks, no washing, 20 km on foot, nowhere to charge the phone, no internet, stone age. But it is not necessary to leave far and for a long time: a forest begins 20-30 km from the city.

Preparing for a hike does not take as much time and effort as it seems. And most importantly: the new conditions for you, and even more so for the child, are a cool training of team spirit. Now this is called team building: companies pay a lot of money to learn cohesion, and you just need to leave the city.

I tell you how to get ready, what to expect from the suburban forest and how to comfortably spend a weekend in nature.


Tent. If you do not have your own tent, it is not necessary to buy it - rent it. There are rental companies in every city. For example, I used the prices of the Rentmania service in the article.

Most likely, you will be offered several to choose from: take the tent that is lightest. A triple tent weighs an average of 3.7 kg. A day of renting such a model costs about 800 R.

Be sure to check if the bottom is intact so as not to wake up in a puddle. Just in case, grab a repair kit - a patch and glue - to quickly patch up holes in the tent. All this should be given to you at the box office - without these spare parts, the tent set will not be considered complete. Call the rental in advance and check this point.

Width="2000" height="1446" class=" outline-bordered" style="max-width: 1000.0px; height: auto" data-bordered="true"> On Rentmania, renting a three-person tent costs 500 R per day

The frame of the tent consists of pegs that are inserted into one another and form an arc - they must also be included. Well, pegs for the ground - a waterproof awning of the tent is attracted to them, there should be at least eight of them.

Travel rug. This is a kind of flooring in a tent that protects the tourist from the cold of the earth and the sleeping bag from damage. The size of the rug is designed for one person, so you need to take it for everyone, even for a five-year-old child. Renting a rug costs an average of 200 R per day.

There are two types of mats: regular polyethylene foam and self-inflating.

Ordinary rugs are voluminous and light - up to 400 grams. Self-inflating are more compact, but 600 grams heavier. The skeptic will say: “Just think, 600 grams!” But if you do not pay attention to the weight of the equipment, there is a chance that you will not lift the backpack even at home, let alone drag it somewhere. Therefore, experienced hikers try to lighten every thing: sawing off half a toothbrush, drying meat and buying ultralight jackets and tents.

Sleeping bag. This is your travel blanket. Choose a sleeping bag based on the weather forecast, and then look at the tag. Three temperatures are indicated on it: comfort, optimum and extreme. Each manufacturer has its own temperature standards. There are sleeping bags for summer, and there are for spending the night in the mountains - respectively, and their temperatures are different. Focus on the "comfort" indicator - at this temperature in such a sleeping bag you will not freeze. Rent costs about 600 R per day.

Clothing and footwear. Never buy new shoes on a hike - these are almost always guaranteed corns. “Garden” sneakers will do: in such trips you rarely have to cross a river or climb a sheer cliff. It is better if the shoes are from genuine leather. The same with clothes: it is better to wear comfortable, “tested” so that nothing is rubbed.

If the temperature is below +15 °C, I advise you to choose clothes according to the principle of three layers:

  1. Base layer: Cotton T-shirt or thermal underwear that wicks away moisture and protects from the sun. Don't forget a hat, like a hat.
  2. Warm layer: fleece pants, jacket and gloves.
  3. Wind and moisture protection layer: light and thin windbreaker, jacket and pants made of water-repellent materials

Trekking poles. Take them if you don't have experience hiking more than 10 km. Sticks are also useful for those who have sore knees: they transfer the weight of the body to the hands and unload the joints. Renting sticks costs an average of 150 R per day.

Headlamp. It’s worth taking at least one per family: with a phone in one hand, it’s inconvenient to rummage around the tent in search of some little thing like a hair clip or a lighter. And it can also be hung from the ceiling - you get a chandelier. If you rent, do not rely on the honesty of the landlord - buy two sets of batteries. Renting a headlamp costs an average of 200 R per day.

Safety. Before leaving, be sure to warn relatives and friends: tell where exactly you plan to go. If your phone runs out of power and you don't return on the appointed day, you will be looked for in a specific location, and not throughout the region.

I advise you to download a map of the area on your phone, but it is better to print it out and stick it with tape so that the paper does not get wet. Be sure to bring a compass and a flare gun or smoke torch.

What to consider when traveling with a child

When hiking with a child, you will move three times slower, you should take this into account when planning your route. Plan the road to the beginning of the route so as not to get tired before the hike - it is better to get to the forest by bus or car. And the path itself should be without long ascents and descents, otherwise you will have to carry both the equipment and the child. In order not to freeze at night, connect the sleeping bags together and sleep the three of us under one large blanket.

Remember that the child will definitely check all the clothes for durability. Therefore, if possible, take wear-resistant pants. If there is no possibility, an old “country” set of clothes will do, which is not a pity. Camping will bring more joy if no one swears because of a hole in their knees.

First aid and hygiene

If the shoes are still rubbed and a corn appears, find it - it grows near the swamps. Clear moss from hard lower parts stem, dry and grind into powder. This powder disinfects the wounds and absorbs excess moisture. This method will work if there is no patch on hand.

Here is a list of medications that you can take with you:

  • bandages, including elastic;
  • cotton wool and plaster;
  • hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine;
  • cream with d-panthenol - the ointment is absorbed for a long time;
  • furatsilin;
  • dolobene or analogue - from bruises;
  • ketanov, paracetamol.

On a weekend hike, you should not take shower gel and shampoo - you just don’t have time to get dirty, and there are problems with a shower in the forest. But clean hands are important. Take a medium pack with you wet wipes or just a bar of soap and a towel if there is a body of water nearby. In general, there is no dirt on the hike: as experienced hikers say, “I wiped my spoon and hands with grass - and everything is clean.”

How to pack a backpack

Instead of a thousand words:

The volume of the backpack is ~70 liters. You can rent for 200 R per day.


I advise taking products with a minimum water content: cereals, canned meats with fat such as stewed beef. At the same time, there must be a reservoir within walking distance from the camp. Take cereals at the rate of 85 grams per person per day and the same amount of canned food.

Necessary little things

Here are a few more things to keep in mind while hiking:

  • woolen socks, even in summer;
  • mug, spoon, bowl, knife;
  • raincoat;
  • means of protection against insects;
  • a large pot for soup, porridge;
  • small pot for tea, coffee;
  • hand chain saw - useful if there is no dead wood on the ground to fell a dry tree;
  • lighter, matches, candle;
  • gas stove;
  • gas bottle 450 g

Approximate cost of rent

I calculated how much a weekend trip with an overnight stay would cost if the equipment was rented rather than bought. This list does not include groceries, personal care products and medicines - only those things that can be rented.

Project "Family weekend trip"

The Weekend Family Camping project is social in nature and aims to createpositive dynamics of changes in the family microclimate, throughactive physical culture and health work - a family weekend trip.

Formulation of the problem:

Modern society with its conditions dictates such rules that parents, due to existing economic reasons, have a lot of employment at work. Therefore, the importance of organizing and holding family vacations on weekends is increasing.

Provide " healthy life» to their children, to teach them to protect and develop their physical health, to take care of the world around them is one of the main components of the process of development and upbringing of children by parents.

Being born healthy is not enough, you also need to acquire knowledge and skills. How to preserve and strengthen the resources of your body. The main example is the adult, the family, family traditions, habits, conditions in which the child lives and develops.

The most valuable for communication and health promotion is active physical culture and health work - a family weekend hike.

Hiking is one of the most active forms of joint recreation. This is communication with nature, a change of scenery, psychological unloading and physical activity. Hiking brings parents and children closer together, providing an opportunity to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation.

Justification of the problem:

Lack of interest of parents in the organization of motor activity of children;

Ignorance of parents about the importance of joint motor activity with children;

Insufficient knowledge of parents about the physical skills and abilities of children of this age;

Inattention of parents to a healthy lifestyle in the family.

Objective of the project:

The project is aimed at creating a culture of health in the family, strengthening and developing close communication and interaction between the institution of additional education and the family to ensure favorable living conditions and raise a healthy child by organizing and conducting weekend trips.



To form elementary knowledge and ideas about various types sports.

To form interest in tourism as a means of active family recreation.

To involve parents in the life and interests of children, to show them the importance of communication for comprehensive development children.


- To form in parents and children a conscious attitude towards their health.

To expand the pedagogical knowledge of parents on the importance of physical activity children and parents, healthy lifestyle (HLS), tourism.

To teach adults to conduct joint outdoor and sports games with a child in free independent activity.


Cultivate the ability to perform physical exercise aimed at overcoming the difficulties of the physical nature of patience, endurance.

To educate the careful attitude of children to the flora and fauna.

Expected Result:

1. Parents will be convinced from their own experience that joint sports activities are useful and necessary not only for a child, but also for an adult.

2. Increasing the activity of parents in holding various sports events.

3. Development of the physical qualities of children, increasing the speed of formation of important motor skills in children, which will lead to the preservation and strengthening of health.

4. A steady interest in physical education classes will be formed.

5. Improving the family atmosphere.

Increasing the level of activity of parents' participation in joint sports and recreation activities.

- Enrichment pedagogical education adults in matters of health and education of children.

Formation of a culture of health in children and adults.


Parents will not agree to participate in the project;

Bad weather conditions at the time of the trip.
Project type: practice oriented.

Project participants:

Parents (legal representatives) and pupils of the associations "Rucksack", "Tourists", "Sports tourism", "Mountain bike tourist" MBU DO CVR, teachers of additional education.

Stages of project implementation

This project will be implemented in three phases:

1. The first stage, preparatory (September 2016).

It is supposed to carry out all the necessary activities aimed at organizing the preparation of a family tourist trip.

    1. Working with parents - familiarization with the goals and objectives of hiking trips ( parent meetings, questioning, communication in the VKontakte group).

1.2. Drawing up an annual plan for family hiking trips.

1.3. Working with teachers - holding consultations for teachers of groups going on a hike.

1.4. Selection of the necessary information material for parents, distribution of booklets.

1.5. Preparation of sports equipment, development of a route plan, discussion of the route plan by creating a route on the Google Maps cartographic service and posting it on the VKontakte page, surveying the place of the tourist trip.

1.6. Drafting a travel plan.

2. The main stage, the direct conduct of hiking trips (October 2016 - May 2017)

2.1. Coordination with the participants of family hiking trips dates and venues.

2.2. Familiarization of all participants with the content of the trips. Discussion of the necessary equipment, sports equipment that you need to take with you.

2.3. Notification of participants of the campaign about the place and time of collection throughViber, application for mobile phone.

2.4. Joint collection and departure to the place of the tourist trip, own implementation of the scenario.

3. Final stage, evaluation (June-September 2017)

Summing up the implementation pedagogical project.

3.1. Analysis of work on the organization and conduct of family hiking trips. Drawing up an analytical report.

3.2. Further planning of family hiking trips with the prospect of creating a city club "Family weekend trip".

3.3 Presentation of the project.

Expected Result:

1. During the implementation of this project, the unity of the institution of additional education and the family in matters of raising a healthy child will be established. Parents will be convinced from their own experience that joint sports activities are useful and necessary not only for a child, but also for an adult.

2. The number of parents wishing to participate in all forms of organization of physical culture and health-improving work carried out in the institution of additional education will increase.

3. Parents will become organizers, active assistants and participants in various sports events.

4. Not only adults, but also children will greatly benefit from the project. The physical qualities of children will develop effectively, the speed of formation of important motor skills of children will increase, and health will be maintained and strengthened. There will be a positive dynamics in the growth rate of children's physical fitness.

5. The overall incidence of children in the institution will decrease.

6. Due to the close interdependence of the physical and mental development the child's activation of motor activity will lead to an increase in the level of intellectual development.

7. There will be a steady interest in sports tourism classes.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the project:

Increasing the level of activity of participation of parents in joint sports and recreation activities;

Enrichment of pedagogical education of adults in matters of health improvement and upbringing of children;

Formation of a culture of health among children and adults;

Increasing the growth rate of children's physical fitness.

To organize and conduct a weekend trip, preparation of all project participants is necessary

Preparing for the trip: children

Preliminary preparation of children is carried out immediately before the trip. Teachers discuss with the children the meaning of a hiking trip, the rules for conducting it, the content of the trip, discuss the necessary equipment and appropriate clothing. V joint activities teachers conduct observation of natural objects, consider illustrative material, read natural history literature, undergo appropriate physical training.

Preparing for the hike: parents

It is important to have a conversation with parents before the hike, especially if the children and parents are going hiking for the first time. Parents are directly involved in organizing the trip. They talk at home with children, set them up, share their own experiences, prepare dry rations, choose clothes and shoes, maintain interest in wildlife, the desire to know more and be able to do it yourself. Therefore, teachers conduct the necessary consultations, individual conversations, and tell parents about how the trip will go, what they will do, what you need to take with you. detailed information about the trip is posted in advance on the page "VKontakte" and on information stands. All ongoing preliminary work is aimed at mutual trust, mutual understanding and interaction between the institution of additional education and the family in matters of raising a healthy child.

Preparing for the hike: teachers

Two or three teachers are involved in the preparation and conduct of the campaign. Each of them not only accompanies children, but also solves pedagogical problems. Teachers organize, conduct and participate in joint sports activities for children and adults, from setting off on the road to leaving the forest.

Time to go

On the day of the trip, parents and children, teachers, gather on the territory of the MBU DO CVR at a predetermined time. All the necessary sports equipment, equipment is selected depending on the season, negotiated and prepared with the participants of the trip the day before. Children and adults with backpacks and sports equipment go along the route. The total duration of the hike is 2.5 - 3 hours. Teachers prepare all the necessary sports equipment and equipment for outdoor games, relay races, attractions, sports games.

The main part of the tour.

Parents and children are divided into equal teams. Joint relay races are held between teams. At the end of the joint relay races, children and parents start eating. Further independent activities of children and adults. Someone plays, someone collects natural material for crafts. The results of a joint tourist trip are summed up, and all participants of this event are awarded. Children and parents will receive a lot of positive emotions, a charge of vivacity, strength for the next working week, and most importantly, a great desire to spend joint outdoor activities as often as possible.


Thus, family hiking trips not only introduce a healthy lifestyle, develop physical qualities and skills, but also develop children ecologically. Adults and children get to know each other better: character traits, dreams and abilities. A microclimate is being created, which is based on respect for the personality of a person, care for everyone, trusting relationships between adults and children, parents and teachers, i.e. interrelation of physical, mental and social components of health is provided.

In the process of implementing this pedagogical project, all the necessary theoretical and practical material is selected. Material is being collected on the provision and dissemination of pedagogical experience for representatives of interested parties on this topic.

Pedagogical experience will be distributed: at the teachers' council, methodological associations of the city; through publications in pedagogical journals and online communities.

Annex 1

Questionnaire for parents

How do we relax with family?

1. Do you spend all your weekends in nature?

2. Do you spend your free time with your children?

3. Does your child spend a lot of time in front of the TV?

4. Do you have a computer at home? Does the child know how to use it?

5. Can the child play independently?

6. Does it involve you in the game?

7. Do you organize joint holidays?

8. Do you leave the city?

9. Do you often walk with your child?

10. Are you interested in spending your free time with the whole family?

11. Do you attend folk festivals with your children?

12. Do you think it is necessary to revive folk traditions across family education?

Annex 2

Data processing


FULL NAME. parents

Answers on questions

Svetlana Vladimirovna

Marina Nikolaevna

Oleg Petrovich

Evgeniy Gennadievich

Elena Erikivna

Irina Valerievna

Elena Nikolaevna

Lyubov Stepanovna

Natalya Ivanovna

Natalia Nikolaevna

Olga Alexandrovna

Marina Yurievna

When analyzing the answers of parents to the questionnaire, it was concluded that the children of the majority of respondents most often spend their free time:

a) at the TV, on weekends they play computer games

b) everyone loves holidays, but they note the monotonous and boring nature of entertainment, they rarely go out into the countryside and out of town with the whole family, they prefer walking around the city and going to the children's park.

c) all respondents expressed a positive attitude towards the revival of folk traditions through their study and active participation in them.

Annex 3

Annual plan for a family weekend trip


the date of the




Weekend ski trip


Parents, Trofimenko Sergey Ivanovich


Weekend hike dedicated to " world day tourism"

Abdrakhmanova Zulfiya Minekanovna

Parents Andrey Voropanov


Weekend hike

Abdrakhmanova Zulfiya Minekanovna



Weekend hike dedicated to the "Defenders of the Fatherland Day"

Abdrakhmanova Zulfiya Minekanovna

Parents, Trofimenko Sergey Ivanovich


Walking tour dedicated to the "International women's day»


Abdrakhmanova Zulfiya Minekanovna



Bicycle trip dedicated to "Children's Day".

Trofimenko Sergey Ivanovich

Abdrakhmanova Zulfiya Minekanovna

Appendix 4

Scenario for a family weekend trip

Event progress

Leading. Dear friends! No one will refuse to go hiking along the forest paths, admiring the wonders of nature, learning something new and interesting every time. What could be better than meeting nature? The expanse of fields, thickets of forests, the blueness of lakes, observing the life of animals, bird concerts in the mornings and evenings!

Every year we hold a holiday of initiation into tourists. Before you are accepted as a tourist, you need to pass tests. All the knowledge you gained during the lessons will be useful to you today, and you will demonstrate whether you are ready to be tourists. We wish you success!
(Younger students are divided into groups of 2-4 people. Students and parents participating in the event.

1st stage "Orientation"

Each participant is given a compass and asked the following questions:
1. How to determine the azimuth of an object?
2. How to navigate in the forest without a compass?
3. How to navigate by the sun?
4. How they help you navigate the terrain
5. How do you orient yourself in a hike through the trees? The judges make an appropriate entry in front of the participant's name (“passed”, “failed”).

2nd stage "Topography"

Cards with topographical signs are placed in front of the participants. Each is asked to name 3-4 characters.

3rd stage "First aid"

Participants draw tickets and take turns answering the following questions:
1. What to do if a friend sprained his leg or arm?

2. What assistance should be provided in case of a fracture?

3. What to do if a friend has lost consciousness?

4. Name your actions in case of first aid for a burn.

5. How to help a friend if he gets scratched or hit?

6. What to do if a friend rubbed his leg?

Stage 4 "Folding the backpack"

Before the participants on the ground lie various items. Of these, you need to choose the necessary ones for the trip and put them in the backpack correctly.

Stage 5 "Do you know mushrooms and medicinal plants?"

1. Name edible mushrooms.

2. Name inedible mushrooms.

3. What healing properties mushrooms do you know?

4. What non-edible mushrooms are very similar to edible ones?

5. Name medicinal plants known to you.

6th stage "Cooking dinner"

(Distribute the duties of the students in preparing dinner, give out products and menus. Under the guidance of older students and the leader of the campaign, the children prepare lunch, set the “table”, invite everyone to try the prepared dishes.)

Leading. Today you cooked your first dinner on the fire. It will be the most delicious and will definitely be remembered by you along with annoying mistakes (oversalted, undercooked, etc.), which you will remember as the funniest thing that happened to you on your first trip. Bon Appetit!

(After lunch, students rest for 30-35 minutes, share their impressions, older students tell funny stories from past trips.
After the rest, the holiday continues. All tourists go to a pre-prepared tourist obstacle course. Before starting, they conduct a safety briefing while overcoming the obstacle course.

The participant is allowed to enter the obstacle course only after a thorough check of the tied knots.)

Stage 7 "Obstacle Course"

A nylon rope is tied to thick branches of trees at a height of 4-6 m, the free end of which does not reach the ground 15-20 cm.
Two lines indicate an obstacle that students must overcome.
2. Mounted ferry

The main rope is pulled between two trees. For the crossing, the participant is attached with two carabiners to the rope head first.
He must pull himself with his hands to the opposite side.
3. Log crossing

A log 6 m long and 15-20 cm in diameter is installed through a ditch. A nylon rope is pulled between two trees parallel to the log.

Participants take turns crossing to the opposite side (chest harness - carabiner).

4. Crossing the poles

Light poles 2.5-3 m long are installed on trees.
Participants on poles are transported to the opposite bank of the conditional river.
5. Bumps

10-12 "bumps" are located in random order.

The participant, jumping from "bump" to "bump", must overcome the obstacle without stepping on the ground.

At each stage there are senior students who help children and monitor safety. For a tourist obstacle course, it is desirable to choose a place where the leader could control all stages.

After overcoming the obstacle course, everyone comes to a large lawn, where contests are held.

1. Kindling a fire

Light a fire using natural materials (leaves, grass, bark, twigs) using as few matches as possible. The winner is the participant who lights the fire with one match, and the flame of the fire burns out the thread stretched between the two supports.

2. Tie knots

Participants are offered to tie 6 knots (“eight”, “nine”, grasping, oncoming, simple, bowline). The winner is the participant who ties the knots faster and more correctly than all.

3. Quiz

Guiding questions:

  1. What can no tourist do without? (without spoon)

    Two straps hang on me

    There are pockets on the back.

    And go on a hike with me -

    I'll hang on my back.


    How long can you go to the forest? (Until you reach the middle of the forest)

    What marine animal, acquiring one letter, becomes an insect? (Omar is a mosquito)

    And from the wind, and from the heat,

    Will cover you from the rain.

    And how sweet it is to sleep in it!

    What is it?.. (tent)

    What is the thinnest thread? (Web)

    The arrow swings back and forth,

    Shows us north and south without difficulty.


    Does a tree grow in winter? (Not)

    If a person does not want to run in the morning, nothing can stop him.

    Yogi Berra

    In which direction of the world is the head of a sunflower turned at noon? (On the


4. Relay "Who will carry the backpack faster"

Participants are divided into two teams. In each team, participants are grouped into pairs of "tourist-backpack". The team whose "tourists" with "backpacks" complete the relay first wins.

5. Mobile game "Rooster Fight"

A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on the ground. Participants are divided into two teams. One member from each team stands in a circle. Each of them raises one leg, puts his hands behind his back. On a signal, the “roosters” begin to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders, trying not to lose their balance. The team with the most winners wins.

6. Mobile game "rod"

The participants of the game become around the leader. He twists a rope to which a bag of sand is tied ("fishing rod"). Participants make sure that the bag moving near the ground does not touch their legs and jump. Whoever is hooked by the rod is out of the game. The last player left wins.


Leading. Tourist day ends, our holiday ends. You successfully coped with the tasks, mastered the primary skills of tourists. Remember that a real tourist is a friend and a protector of nature, who considers taking care of it his sacred duty. He will not cut down a living tree for the sake of poles and stakes for a tent, but will use dead wood. He will not pollute the rivers with garbage and leftovers, he will not forget to diligently put out the fire and will not turn his visit to nature into a natural disaster for its inhabitants - animals, birds and plants. Take care and protect nature! Then meeting with her will be a real holiday for you!

Rules of conduct in nature

1. Do not collect bouquets of flowers, do not pluck protected plants.
2. Do not pick mushrooms unnecessarily. Don't touch the toadstools. Protect old mushrooms: they have spores that will give rise to new myceliums.
3. Do not break the branches of trees and bushes.

4. Keep quiet, listen to the birds singing, the rustle of leaves, perceive beauty with your heart.

5. Leave no trace of your stay in the forest. Put the rest of the food near the anthill, collect or bury the garbage.

6. Do not take home healthy chicks or animals. If you find a wounded animal, help it.

7. Do not destroy old nests, do not litter the hollows of trees: birds and animals can live in them.

8. Feed birds and animals in winter.

Tourist equipment

One of the conditions for a successful trip is properly selected personal and group equipment. Things are stored in a backpack. In case of rain, you need to have a plastic sheet that will protect the tourist and the tent in case of a prolonged downpour.

List of group equipment

1. Tents (depending on the number of hikers).

2. Pots for cooking.

3. Axes (2-3 pcs.)

4. Kitchen knives.

5. Frying pan.

6. Ladle.

7. Food processing board.

8. Matches in waterproof packaging.

9. Lanterns (3-4 pcs.)

10. First aid kit.

11. Equipment repair kit.

12. Camera.

13. Portable radio.

14. Balls, rackets.

15. Batteries for flashlights and radio.

Application No. 5

"Family weekend trip" (photo attachment)

At what age can you go hiking for the first time? Of course in childhood! Especially if this is a special children's trip, in which the child will feel like a full-fledged member of the tour group and, together with other boys and girls, will learn to put up a tent, make a fire, love and understand nature. We invite you to go with us on just such a small but very interesting trip to the banks of the Nerskaya River. The route is available for children from 6 years old (and for especially active ones - from 5!) and will be interesting for children up to 12-13 years old. An exciting journey awaits you and your child, full of funny and kind adventures, games on fresh air and lunch by the fire. Your kids won't remember their best TV day ever! Treat yourself and your child to a whole day of forest fairy tales!

Route features:

1. This is a children's trip and children are the main characters in it.
2. Participation of children in the campaign is possible only together with their parents.
3. The hike instructor is a teacher of the highest category with more than 9 years of experience working with children in the tourist direction.
4. It will be great if your child carries his own small backpack. And it doesn't matter what you put there (from wet wipes to an apple) - he will be pleased to realize that he is a real tourist.
5. If your child is on a special diet (for example, he eats only broccoli or only chips) - write to us about this in the application for participation in the "extra" column.
6. If your child needs a day's rest and sleep, then we can organize the installation of a summer tent for your baby's rest at a halt.

Traveling with the whole family to places that attract with unknown, primeval nature, history is not just a way to relax and satisfy curiosity. Family trips with children are a great opportunity to discover the diversity of the world for small tourists, to get emotionally close, to keep in memory bright emotions from communication in the format of travel. For the team of the club "Perekhod" organizing trips with children is one of the most favorite areas of activity.

Family Hiking Options

We invite you to spend an unforgettable weekend with us, going on unforgettable hikes for a few days. Get a lot of impressions, give yourself the opportunity to take a break from the hectic and routine life of the city. Let yourself enjoy the beautiful landscapes of nature, rivers and lakes, clean air and, of course, a pleasant company.

The main advantage of weekend trips is that you can give yourself an amazing vacation without any difficulty and difficulties, without taking time off from work, and you don’t need to take a vacation.

From our routes, you can choose a weekend hike that suits you best: an active extreme educational hike through the cave labyrinths; trip to the caves; rafting on rivers in rowing boats pella fjord; rafting on rivers in kayaks along the Vuoksa, along the Kirzhach river, along the Nerskaya river; an exciting cycling route along the shore of Lake Ladoga; the unique cycling route Kuznechnoye-Losevo; trekking underground (with elements of speleology) and above (Tula region); forest hike in the Moscow region; Hiking in the suburbs.

The choice is yours, and we, in turn, will help you choose the right route! We hope you enjoy your weekend hikes too!