
Do-it-yourself paper car applique. Application machine made of colored paper is a task for little men. Features of transport application in different age groups


Good day to my dear readers and friends with you Tatyana Sukhikh! Looking through my notes, I suddenly noticed that I picked up some entirely girlish plots for creative activities with children - flowers, fish ... Today I decided to rectify the situation and offer a topic for boys: an appliqué machine made of colored paper. Although many little princesses like to play with toy vehicles from time to time ...

Perhaps the creation of vehicles through the application is the best lesson for mastering the concepts of geometric shapes. Children, for the first time composing their first typewriter from a square, rectangle and circles, along the way will remember the names and shape of the details of their work.

For those who trust only methodological literature, I can offer an excellent selection of "smart" materials.

"" has collected a good mini-library of didactic materials for those interested in the methodology of organizing creative activities with children:

Educational game poster with stickers " We go, we swim, we fly"- an exciting journey into the world of transport. This educational material has one feature: the stickers are reusable, so you can vary the tasks for the child. The poster is suitable for the smallest children who are learning to speak.

Creativity set "Needed Cars" consists of beautifully and brightly traced details for the application. True, the background must be selected separately. Excellent material for children who are just learning the art of appliqué.

An interesting set for children of average and senior group"Paper Painting: Machine". Available instructions and ready-made parts - all that remains is to cut and paste so that a three-dimensional image is obtained, which can even be inserted into a frame like a picture.

In UchMag, I looked for two sets for my little pupils:

"Cat in the car"- a wonderful image that will be interesting to recreate for the guys. I'll have to cut them out for them, but they can glue the parts themselves. "Technology in the City"- A great set for creativity. All created pictures will remain in the album, which will allow parents to keep samples of children's work as a keepsake.

Features of transport application in different age groups

It is worth noting that learning to work with paper and scissors takes place strictly in stages in kindergarten, which I have repeatedly written about. We never give children tasks that are too difficult for their age. Our work is built taking into account the anatomical features of the child's hand, psyche, and capabilities.

I also advise parents not to run ahead of the locomotive, but to select classes according to age indicators.

Using the example of transport, I will tell you what stages the application training goes through from the junior to the preparatory group.

1-2 junior groups work only with glue and finished parts. The smallest ones on the picture I made in advance only glue one or two missing details. No more! For example, I made a firetruck paper composition using templates. Children receive on the desktop an image of a car, glue and any detail: wheels, a fire escape, a cabin window. Their task is to stick the part in the right place, neatly and correctly.

Middle group in the first half school year also works without scissors, but gets all the necessary details to create a composition. Children must choose a background, lay out all the details and glue everything in turn. The guys can be offered to make an application from non-standard materials, which I also wrote a lot about.

Templates can be printed from the Internet, which is extremely convenient. And you will always have ready-made material for classes with your child at hand.

By the way, about the question, when can you give scissors to children? At home, under your control, you can start learning how to work with this dangerous object at least from the age of two, if you want. We, the educators, will only be happy to accept such a developed baby in the kindergarten. But in a kindergarten, it is impossible to follow 20 children who are holding a cutting object in their hands. Therefore, at the discretion of the teacher, he can teach how to use scissors with blunt ends sometimes in middle group, but more often still in the older one.

The older group is already mastering scissors with might and main, so first we make simple cars with the guys, practicing cutting skills. The child does everything himself: cuts out the details, chooses the background and glues the details. At first, you can also use printed images of the car, on which the children glue their parts on top.

Fire truck in applique class

The most spectacular of colored paper is a fire truck. You can do it in different ways, adding or removing details, according to the age of the child. After all, the “fire station” is a red rectangle with wheels and the numbers “01”, which you, if you wish, supplement with a fire escape, a window in the cab, a “flasher”, etc.

The preparatory group already has the skills to work with scissors, glue and paper. You can do whatever you want with kids this age! So, we apply all the studied unconventional techniques and materials, we combine them, we give the opportunity to show our own view of things.

The same fire engine can be created from buttons, paper wads, flagella, using the trimming technique, etc.

Older preschoolers can make applications with many details, they must be able to achieve the most realistic look of the image, understand what to add to the composition and what is superfluous.

As you can see, such a simple activity - the application of a typewriter - is an important work of a child on his own development.

If you are raising a baby at home, then I advise you to view the tutorial kindergarten for each age and plan your classes according to the example of the teacher’s work plan. In general, the daily routine in the kindergarten is very thoughtful, we all have time, and by school the children acquire the necessary minimum of skills and knowledge.

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The application always looks more interesting if it has voluminous details. We made an application for a machine with sewn-on wheel buttons and balloons on real threads.

Yesterday our little neighbor had a birthday. So for him we made this unusual application instead of a postcard.

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Voevodina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Goals: Learn to name freight car, and basic parts: cab, body, wheels, window. To consolidate the ability to use glue, do the work carefully, be able to correctly position the parts on the sheet.

Material for the lesson:

Truck toy, toy cat, pictures from truck.

Blanks for applications: truck, cabin, body, wheels, windows, glue - PVA, brushes, napkins.

Together with the children, we remembered the poem by A. Barto " Truck".

“No, in vain we decided to ride the cat in the car,

The cat is not used to riding truck».

Today in the lesson, the guys and I once again examined the pictures with the image truck, we talked about what this type of transport is needed for.

Then we examined the toy truck and named parts. of which it consists (cabin, body, wheels, windows) know what controls truck driver.

I suggested that the children consider a sample truck and prepared blanks of carved silhouettes. I suggested sticking all the parts of the car - the cab, the body, the windows and the wheels - on the sheet.

She reminded me that glue must be used carefully, that it is imperative to use a napkin. At the end of the work, the guys looked at trucks of their friends. Everyone really liked the lesson, the children said who would give their work to dad, grandfather, mom, etc. It was a pleasure.

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Making crafts with a small child is a pleasure. There are many options and materials, you just need to choose the right ones and use your imagination. In addition, crafts develop the motor skills of the fingers and the imagination of the baby. On the Internet you can find many ideas and recommendations for choosing crafts, as well as step by step master classes. They will certainly help you decide on an application that will appeal to both the child and the parent.

It is fun and pleasant to make children's applications from colored paper and cereals with a child: a truck and a car, a powerful KAMAZ, a horse and gold fish, frog-traveler - motives for creativity are simply inexhaustible. The applique is voluminous and looks cute and funny. If the baby is just a few years old, perhaps it is worth simplifying the process - download and print a stencil for such an application from the Internet, and an older child can draw it on their own.

Children who do not yet know how to cut complex details and cannot choose crafts on their own, can use the following ideas:

  • fish in the aquarium;
  • autumn/spring/summer/winter landscape;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • butterfly;
  • flower meadow;
  • house;
  • a car.

Applications for children consist of geometric shapes. Can be used colored paper, cardboard, self-adhesive paper, foil, cereals and others interesting materials. To make the child have fun, it is best to turn the process of work into a game. After the fake is ready, you can decorate one of the walls or the baby's desktop with it.

Application "Car" from colored paper

For this simple but beautiful car for the little ones you will need:

To make the car look colorful, it is best to choose bright colours papers: yellow, red, blue, green. For this application, we will take blue and yellow colors for the body and black for the wheels. To make such simple craft , You do not need to print the template.

  1. Draw a square (3.5x3.5 cm) and a rectangle (4x6 cm) on a sheet of blue paper.
  2. On a sheet of yellow paper, draw a small rectangle for the window (1.5x2 cm) and a large rectangle (4.5x10 cm).
  3. Cut out round wheels from black paper (two parts). younger child school age cope with the drawings on their own, and the baby preschool age it is better to prepare all the details, and then hand him the finished components of the application.
  4. Lubricate a large yellow rectangle with glue and attach horizontally to a white base sheet.
  5. Place the blue rectangle vertically next to the yellow one.
  6. Glue a yellow window on the blue rectangle.
  7. Glue the blue square to the blue rectangle.
  8. Add wheels under the structure. The car is ready!

Gallery: applications from colored paper and cereals (25 photos)

How to make an application "Mushroom" from cereals

One of the most common materials that kids like is groats. It can be buckwheat, semolina, rice, etc. For this craft we will need:

  • buckwheat;
  • semolina;
  • glue stick;
  • white base sheet;
  • simple pencil.

To get a beautiful application, you just need to prepare a template. The child himself can glue the sheet and sprinkle it with cereals.

Application "Horse" do it yourself

This craft is interesting to make from different materials: felt, corrugated paper, foil, etc. You can use several materials at once to get a beautiful texture. Application "Horse" does not require ready-made templates.


  • blue, green, pink, black and yellow corrugated paper(velvet paper is also suitable);
  • white cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • plastic eyes;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • sequins or beads.

To make an amazingly beautiful application, you need:

It is not a shame to insert such an application into a frame and decorate your desktop with it.

Application "Aquarium" for the little ones

This craft consists of geometric shapes: circles and triangles. Creating an application does not require much effort and time.

Greetings, Dear friends. Today I will tell and show how to make an application of a truck car with preschool children from colored paper. My children are very fond of cars (daughter, despite the fact that she is a girl, is also not indifferent to transport), so the topic of today's lesson was received with enthusiasm.

Preparation for the lesson will not take much time, for example, it took me no more than 5-10 minutes, despite the fact that I did all the details in duplicate - for my daughter and son (I will write the dimensions of the truck templates from colored paper below).

Well, after the application is ready, you can read (teach) poems about a truck for children and watch a cartoon.

Colored paper applique car truck for kids

We will need:

  • Scissors
  • colored paper
  • Pencil
  • A4 white sheet (or an album, as in our case)

How to make a colored paper applique truck for kids:

That's all, our application of colored paper truck for children is ready.

Colored paper applique templates car truck for kids

You can make other applications of cars from colored paper with the children, for example, according to these templates.

Poem about a truck for children

Truck serious small!
He is more important, perhaps
Than a passenger car
(Even the biggest one).
Cargo is carried by a truck
He is not used to being lazy.
Loaded, lucky, buzzing:
"Get out of my way! Get away!
fit a lot of cargo
In my big spacious body.
I hurry to deliver them on time!
If anyone could help…”

The truck puffs in the garden:
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
I bring you apples
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
In the field the truck buzzes
Protects grain from rain.
And picking potatoes
Delivers to shops.
The truck is at work everywhere.
Cargo to carry his concern.
Rides at night, rides during the day
Rides with the sun, in the rain.
You, baby, then you will understand:
You can't live without work.


colorful truck
Straight on the road
The whole day everything goes-goes
And brings toys to children:
doll, teddy bear,
Ball, cubes and a book.
For lace through the carpet
The truck is driven by a driver
He is not afraid of work
Even though he's only three years old!


Lived in the light of a truck
In a room with a balcony
He is used to carrying loads
In a green box.
I brought a crybaby doll in the morning
new pillow,
Well, I'm wet with tears
Took it dry.
I took the soldiers with me
And ammo.
Drove under the table to where the fight
At the military base.
The tank was pulled out with difficulty
From under the stool
Brought a house for dolls
And cutlets for the cat.
Checkers, cubes, watermelon,
And a bowl of plums
Loaded various cargo
He is industrious.
And when I looked out the window
A timid month from the sky,
Truck, tired of business,
Fell asleep in a box.


I have a truck
He is neither small nor big.
He is carrying cereal for Masha,
For her to cook porridge.
Feed all the animals
In my children's room.
And then my truck
Bring me a stack of books.
So that I can read
Before I go to bed.
Well, when summer comes
He will carry the sand
To make for friends
I managed a couple of Easter cakes.
Yes, one would have so many things
I wouldn't be able to do it.
Well thank you my friend
Nice my truck!

Car cartoon for kids