
How to issue a gift certificate? What are gift certificates? How to pack a gift certificate

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Everyone has a family, close people, friends, and therefore there is often a reason to give a gift or arrange a surprise.

This is a birthday, meeting or wedding day.

And you always want to present something special that will remain in the memory of a loved one. Not always we can afford to buy an expensive and necessary thing.

For cases where it is not possible to purchase expensive gifts, you can do it yourself gift Certificate.

Keep in mind that your creative skills can be at any level.

Surely, he has not yet been given such an unusual certificate, so your gift will be exclusive.

The main idea of ​​such a certificate- this is the fact that we give the beloved the right to fulfill his desire.

Certificate of Pleasure

If yours loves hunting and fishing, devotes a lot of time to these hobbies and this is a reason for quarrels, then a hand-made certificate from you will be a gift for him.

Give a gift of night fishing

With this certificate, you give him the opportunity to travel with an overnight stay for fishing or hunting without your dissatisfaction and unnecessary calls. And of course, that you will be waiting for him with a catch and a great mood.

Give the gift of relaxation

We associate massage with something pleasant and rare.

Although we all love when they make it to us, we enjoy it.

Give your loved one a handmade certificate for a massage that will delight them.

Specify the massage time, or perhaps your certificate is valid indefinitely, at any time.

Pleasant music, beautiful clothes and image, relaxing oil, candles.

Give intimate pleasure

Another option for a gift certificate is the fulfillment of an intimate desire. This is quite a bold gift. Suitable for you if you like experiments.

You will surely enjoy this experiment. And you can give it beautifully, with candles, champagne. And such a gift will remain in memory for a long time.

Many wishes in a frame

You can make a certificate for several wishes, print it out, frame it and decorate it beautifully, and put it in an envelope. And so to give to a loved one.


On desire, you can make a book. It will consist of leaflets where desires are written, you need to make a list of such desires in advance. For example, compliment day, striptease, favorite dish, breakfast in bed, etc.

Make holes in the cards and fasten with ribbon or string. And mark the wishes fulfilled. You can print everything at home.


The certificate may not be related to desires, it can describe why you love or adore your husband.

To issue in the form of a postcard, your loved one will be pleased that you yourself came up with and made it yourself.

Master classes and ideas

A hand-made certificate will always be a pleasure to receive, as it is beautiful, unusual, and will leave warm memories and pleasant feelings in your memory for a long time that no one has such a gift.

What steps should be taken in making such a gift?

Making a certificate using scrapbooking technique

Now at the peak of popularity is such a technique as scrapbooking. In general, this is not such a complicated process, but fascinating, in the end, an individual beautiful work is obtained. Everything you need for work can be bought in the needlework department, or even a specialized hobby store.

For the certificate itself, you will need to purchase:

  • special decorative paper
  • colored markers, gel pens,
  • colorful beautiful ribbons.

How is such a certificate made?

  1. Take two sheets of paper. The main sheet will be lighter, and the one that is darker is blue or brown with a pattern.
  2. We cut it with curly scissors, make it smaller than the first one. It turns out when we glue on top of the first sheet, like a frame.
  3. If there is a dark sheet on top, then we will need a light pen - silver, white, gold, and we already write what we give according to this certificate, what desires or surprise.
  4. We fold in the form of a bundle, with a tube and tie a bright ribbon on top.

Here is our beautiful certificate.

If you have the time and desire to do something more unusual, then you will need more pieces of fabric to create a surprise.

She will need to paste over the cardboard, make an envelope out of it.

We also make the certificate itself from several types and colors of cardboard, you can choose different combinations.

More tender, contrasting, you can use the color of passion - red.

Glitter and whatever else you can think of. Connect fantasy.

You can go minimalistic and make a postcard using discreet colors without going overboard with embellishments.

Inside, also write whatever you want to give or just say.

And you can make a box for a surprise.

You will need the same materials, cardboard and decor. You can also decorate to your liking.

Tip 1. If you give a gift certificate to your husband for several wishes, then you can do it in the form of a booklet.

It will take more time and work, but the result will definitely please you.

Each desire will have its own page, it is possible to decorate everything in a common style, or each page in its own way. As you wish. It will be unusual, and you can give such a booklet for any event.

Tip 2. You can use ready-made templates when writing text inside postcards and certificates.

But it is better to write wishes based on what you know well.

You also need to consider what your lover wants and dreams about.

  • Perhaps he does not like cinema, but wants to attend the opera.
  • Or maybe your loved one does not like sweets, then you will not add chocolate inside the surprise.
  • Desires must be real, because you still have to fulfill them, and, of course, with pleasure.

This must be taken into account.

Tip 3. The size of the gift certificate will depend on the number and volume of desires and wishes.

You can decorate, even if it is thick or thin, in addition to decorative elements, with your general photographs. This will be an even more unique surprise.

How to decorate a gift certificate

You can decorate the certificate different ways, using what is already at home from decorations, or by purchasing the necessary.

  1. On the cover, you can write a title, for example, "Certificate of desires for a beloved husband." You can also add a clarification on how much he desires.
  2. If you decide to use points, then you need to indicate how much the certificate is for, whether there is a period of points.
  3. Further, you can list the desires themselves in a row, or you can use a separate page for each desire, decorating the content of the page according to the topic.

Of course, now you can order the manufacture of such a gift, if there is absolutely no time. But the certificate will be more pleasant and valuable if you make it yourself, when you put your soul and warmth into it. And surely no one will.

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A great gift idea is a gift card. It can be presented both to your beloved and just to a work colleague, a gift certificate is also suitable for the role of a present. class teacher your child. And no child will refuse a gift card from a children's supermarket. There are many variations, from a grocery store to a beauty salon. The main thing here is to guess who and what gift card to buy. It remains to make a little creative and give a gift card in an original way.

For beautiful ladies

Since lovely ladies most often expect perfumes, jewelry and furs as a gift, you can use these preferences to create an original gift card design. You can intrigue your beloved and present her a card in an oblong velvet case. She dreams of vacation. Give her a coconut with a spa certificate attached. A gift card from a fur boutique can hide in the paws of fur rabbit key chains that are now fashionable.

To be completely original, a certificate can fly to your favorite salon on a toy helicopter, and you, accordingly, will be in the role of a wizard pilot. When the theme of the gift card is travel, you can buy a globe and attach a certificate to the place you plan to visit. Pack everything beautifully and throw your beloved the whole world at your feet.


There are several winning themes for a gift to a man: auto theme, hobby and travel. If your choice fell on a car dealership gift card, then you can attach it inside a toy jeep and let it meet the hero of the occasion. A certificate in the "World of Fishing" can be folded using the origami technique in the form of a charming fish. But gift coupons valid in the country that the birthday boy plans to visit would be nice to present along with a brand new passport cover.

You should not refuse the classic version - a strict envelope made by yourself. Sheet A-4 is folded three times, on the middle side you make an application in the form men's shirts, tie, you can even stick real buttons.

For kids

Presenting a gift card to children is no less important than to adults. Interesting idea– hide the certificate for extreme entertainment in the package with the inscription "Cure for Boredom". The certificate can be printed on thick cardboard and cut into puzzles. Only after collecting all the details of the game, the hero of the occasion will understand that this gift with a sequel and the main entertainment is ahead.

More traditional options - gift card inside soft toys or in a box of your favorite sweets. In this situation, it is important how the card itself looks: the design should be bright and hint about the upcoming acquisition.

Classic variant

The option with a gift card is just perfect if the gift is intended for a colleague, boss, a stranger, or when the birthday person is in another city. In this situation, you should not be original, classic options will do.

The gift certificate can be printed in A-4 format and placed framed. Alternatively, a card in the form of an old scroll with wax seal. Boxes look rich self made. You can place a gift card in a decoupage wooden box or in a beaded envelope.

The gift card can be given via email. This option is perfect. If the addressee lives in another city or even another country. It remains only to choose a beautiful animated greeting and send the codes and details of the gift certificate.

A good gift is special. It is difficult to guess what will be enthusiastically accepted at the moment of delivery by a loved one or a recent acquaintance. Money is universal remedy for a present, but often they are banal inappropriate bills. How to give money in an original way for a birthday, anniversary or major holiday? The solution is a certificate.

What is a gift certificate

As a subject, a certificate can be issued in different ways. The shape, color, materials are limited only by the imagination of its ideological author - a person offering a product or service. Much depends on the designer developing appearance, from the choice of typographical possibilities. You can find the following options:

  • from the size of a small card to A1 format (large paper);
  • plastic, paper (sometimes laminated);
  • original shapes, colors, materials

In fact, the certificate is the same money. They are provided on the principle of a credit card, where the main conditions of use are indicated:

  • the amount that is at the disposal of the gifted person;
  • the maximum period of provision;
  • list of directions and possibilities of using gift money.

How to present a certificate

It remains to solve only one question: how to present a certificate in an original way. If the store, the organization offering the service approached the development of the form and material individually, then there will be no difficulty in making an impression. This approach to the design of a gift souvenir is distinguished by reputable or highly specialized firms / manufacturers. It remains to independently come up with a text (eyeliner) before delivery.

Paper, plastic or electronic forms compete only in design. How to present a certificate in an original way in this case? You need to turn on the fantasy. They select the words and form of delivery, taking into account the place, age, gender, preferences, status. The options are endless, for example:

  • It is permissible to issue a certificate for a spa as a gift in an aquarium with frozen water. The presentee will need to get a present (if comic and funny congratulations).
  • Skydiving card (for air adventurers) - hide in balloons.
  • Arrange a quest (a holiday game will appeal to lovers of puzzles or adventures).
  • Electronic gift certificates are a code or a link that can be sent by mail, SMS, or other communication programs. It can be accompanied by a surprise effect, a beautiful message, an unusual drawing with animation or musical accompaniment.

Message in a bottle

Such a certificate is more suitable for a man as a gift. If the event is held on fresh air near a river, lake of any body of water, you can beat the appearance of a message in a bottle in many ways:

  1. For a person who is keen on fishing - offer to fish a little, manage to attach a bottle to a rod. To make the object sink, attach a pebble, weight.
  2. Let the message float, pick up right moment and draw the attention of the birthday boy to the river. In this case, one must take into account the nuance: so that the bottle is not carried away, it is better to use a closed reservoir or with a dead end (dam).
  3. The child can be carried away by playing pirates, a scenario with a journey, where the search for a bottle with a message will be a key denouement.

Decorating a certificate with flowers, bows, ribbons will suit women, although men are also able to appreciate the beauty of the moment. Options original ways give congratulations:

  1. Hide the certificate (for example: visiting a SPA-salon, jewelry store) in a large basket of flowers or a bouquet.
  2. Instead of the leaves of a flower or a bud, decorate and present a single procedure or several visits to a beauty salon / fitness club.
  3. Directly accompany the procedures presented with a certificate by agreement with the petals of your favorite flowers or aromas. The lasting effect will keep the feeling of the holiday.

Arrange a quest

A new direction to give a gift - Qvest. Suitable for gambling, active, inquisitive, puzzle-loving friends/relatives. It is necessary to know the habits, the situation where the person is located. The most original gifts:

  1. Arrange a guide to a gift surprise with hints indicating directions on pieces of the certificate (cut a copy).
  2. Order a certificate for a trip (tourist, extreme, driving original transport), without warning the birthday person in advance about the adventures ahead.

How to pack a certificate in an original way

For a gift, sometimes a beautiful envelope or box is enough. Most of all it is suitable for office events, official meetings. Think about how to give a certificate in an original way and package it in order to highlight it for the recipients under conditions of limited time or a large number guests. Below are a few options that can be modified to suit the situation and preferences of the individual.

In the form of a puzzle

You can choose this form of packaging for both adults and children. This is a familiar game. Figure out how to give a gift certificate in the form of a puzzle in an original way. Here are some options:

  1. Those who have completed the puzzle with the image on the back will find a journey to their favorite place or the object that is depicted in the picture. Subsequently, the image on a dense material can even become an interior decoration.
  2. The puzzle may resemble a multi-layered postcard or a toy (for a child). A gift certificate is placed inside or placed on the back of the finished (assembled) picture.

Matryoshka packaging

This form of gift wrapping is when the smallest box is in the largest one. To do this, you can use not only cardboard objects, but glass containers, a transparent laminate with an original design. Packaging or products do not have to repeat the shape of each other. The main principle: a smaller object is placed in a larger one (needle - egg - duck - chest). Such a design can look very original and not at all trite if you dedicate items to a specific theme of the evening, work or hobby of the person receiving the gift.

Use photo frame

This will be inexpensive. The thing will remain memorable, dear forever, if you make it with your own hands. You can buy a regular frame in any photo salon. Use a little imagination - you get an individual gift. The photo frame may well be double-sided. The owner will receive a unique photo, and with reverse sideoriginal surprise. The second option: on the front side, a photograph of the hero of the occasion with a painted or decorated silhouette or face was used.

Video: gift certificate packaging

It is very important not only to choose a gift, but also to present it in an unusual, original way. Not many can boast of indescribable emotions and delight from receiving a present. Consider 5 original ideas how to combine good gift with a draw.

This option of presenting a gift is quite simple in execution and is suitable for a small and light gift - a movie ticket, money, trips abroad, a certificate for purchases.

Need to take big box(it is possible from any technique), decorate it beautifully and festively. The gift must be tied to a bunch of helium balloons and put on the bottom of the box along with them. When the recipient opens the box, a bunch of beautiful balls(usually in a panic, a person begins to catch them), and a long-awaited gift rises on a bunch. The hero of the occasion and everyone around will receive a lot of positive emotions.

Idea two

The idea is designed for students, but if it is slightly corrected, it can be applied in offices, schools and other institutions.

An announcement is posted near the dean's office stating that the person who is going to be played is asked to come to the dean's office about expulsion (transfer to another faculty). It is advisable to persuade the secretary, and if possible, the dean. The person who came to the dean's office waits for the dean for some time, worries. Instead of the dean, friends come out and present a gift. If a person does not understand jokes, then this idea will not work, because the hero of the occasion should receive positive emotions, and not resentment, chagrin.

Idea three

The idea is designed for a small gift that can be easily placed in an inflatable balloon.

The idea is this: you need to buy a large, dense inflatable balloon in advance, write a lot of wishes, poems on separate multi-colored leaves, buy serpentine, small sweets and “stuff” the balloon with all this and, of course, put the main gift inside. The ball is inflated and solemnly handed over to the hero of the occasion, who bursts it and, in the midst of multi-colored madness, looks for his gift, while reading pleasant wishes.

You can decorate the room with multi-colored ordinary balls. Put a gift in one of the balloons and invite the birthday boy to find it. A beautifully decorated room will already please a person, and the search for a surprise will only enhance the effect of surprise.

Idea four

To implement this difficult idea, you will need some preparation and a person with artistic inclinations.

Suppose a person has long dreamed of a beautiful vase, a set of glasses, a large piggy bank, a figurine, a frame, and so on. We carefully take the gift out of the box (it is desirable that the box is recognizable) and hide it in a safe place. We fill the box with glass or other material similar to the one from which this item is made. We pack carefully. It is necessary to wait for the right moment and solemnly take out a gift to the victim of the draw.

The idea is this: the person about to give the gift trips and drops the front box. Everyone hears the distinct sound of broken glass. The birthday boy unpacks the gift and sees the treasured box with the gift, which, according to his information, is unfortunately broken.

It is advisable to wait a few minutes, and then "reveal all the cards" and take out a whole and unharmed gift!

Idea 5

Surely, each of us has met a person more than once who walks from apartment to apartment with a bag of goods and offers to give them to you, subject to the purchase of one of the goods. This is the performance that needs to be played with the hero of the occasion. At that moment, when a person prays and says that he does not need anything, give him such a long-awaited gift.

In our modern life, there are many pleasant occasions to give your family, friends and colleagues nice gifts. V holidays I want to become a magician and give something special to everyone. Choosing a gift is a responsible and sometimes very difficult task. I do not want to be limited to a standard present. Gift certificates come to help in this difficult choice for a modern person. Such a gift will be pleasant and useful to everyone. The main thing is to approach his choice correctly and wisely. All kinds of certificates for gifts are now offered, which can allow the recipient not only to buy the thing he needs, but also to use unique services. This may be a certificate for visiting an expensive SPA-salon, or, for example, a document for the right to fly to hot-air balloon. The main thing is that your gift should be chosen taking into account the taste, character and various preferences of the person. It is worth thinking about how to pack a gift certificate, because original gift requires unusual packaging. Find your present When giving this or that gift, we try to make this moment memorable for a person for a long time. If you have chosen a gift certificate as a present, then the process of giving can be turned into an original game that will definitely remain in your memory. Try to hide your gift in advance in the apartment of the person to whom it is addressed. It's great if all the action takes place in country house. But even an ordinary apartment in a high-rise building can become a labyrinth for finding treasure for some time. It is best to hide the gift in an accessible but rarely visited place. It can be some original jar in the kitchen, standing on the far shelves of the cabinet, or soft toy, which has been gathering dust on the mezzanine for a long time, or an original vase that has long been standing without use on a shelf. Prepare in advance small notes-tips with which the person will look for his gift. You can send SMS, which will contain the first hint, and then constantly send messages in order to facilitate the search. You can arrange a game in which all guests will take part. The main thing is that the search does not drag on too long and brings joy and fun. At the same time, the certificate itself can be packaged in a beautiful envelope, or issued in the form of an original scroll, decorated with a special decorative print on a scarlet ribbon. Such packaging for the certificate will be original and especially solemn. Original packaging A gift certificate, dressed in a beautiful frame, can look no less solemn. To create such a package, we need

  • original frame
  • Wrapping paper or a large piece of fabric in original colors
  • Ribbon, dried flowers
  • Scissors, stapler, tape, glue
  • In the framing workshop you will be helped to choose an original frame for a gift. Order the frame in advance so that you have enough time to wrap your gift. Lay the wrapping paper or fabric face down on the table. For packaging, you can choose the material on which the corresponding pattern is applied. For example, if you give a certificate for the purchase jewelry, try to find wrapping paper with the image of rings, or precious stones. Paper with unusual gold or silver embossing is also suitable. Place your framed certificate in the center of the sheet. Gently fold the loose ends of the paper or fabric toward the center to form a roll. Fix each fold with tape or a stapler. The last layer should be even and cover all the folds. It is best to complement such a package original bow or a ribbon flower in a contrasting color. It would be appropriate to place an original boutonniere made of dried flowers in the center of such a package.