
A mask for plump lips. Size matters! Plump lips at home and everything about them! Lip massage at home


Plump and sensual lips look attractive, sexy, and are a wonderful face decoration. But nature has not endowed everyone with them. Many girls solve this problem with surgery or injections. These procedures allow you to immediately see the result, but they have a lot of disadvantages. Among them, the high cost is in the lead and the risks of getting something different from what they initially wanted. You can make your lips plump on your own; you don't have to take drastic measures.


Lip massage

One of the most simple ways make lips look more voluminous. Massaging the surface increases blood flow. If you carry out the procedure regularly, the volume will increase slightly. This massage is recommended before applying lipstick, cosmetic balm or gloss. Before the procedure, you need to clean the surface, if necessary, use a special makeup remover, wash your hands thoroughly.

The main types of massage:

  1. Plain fingers. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Lips are slapped over the entire surface with clean fingers. Then light pinching is carried out. The massage is completed by stroking.
  2. With a toothbrush. You need to use the softest bristles possible so as not to injure delicate skin... Soak a brush in olive or peach oil, massage lips, blot with a napkin.
  3. Ice cubes. You can use blanks from ordinary water or frozen herbal decoctions, juices. The cube must be driven over the surface until it completely melts. It is convenient to carry out this massage over the sink.
  4. Contrast massage. Pour hot and cold water into separate bowls, add a pinch of baking soda, stir. For massage, you can use a toothbrush, sponge, or sponge. Alternately moisten the item in cold and hot water, massage for 15-30 seconds.

Cosmetics for lips

Cosmetics manufacturers know how to plump lips. Produced special means, which are aimed at enhancing blood circulation. As a result, the vessels expand, the volume increases.

What can be bought in stores and pharmacies:

  • lipsticks and gloss;
  • gels;
  • caring balms;
  • special creams;
  • scrubs and peels.

Cosmetics contain irritating or warming substances. In small quantities, they are not dangerous, they will help to make the lips plump, plump, provided that they are not used too often, as the skin of the lips may suffer. Peeling, small cracks will appear on the surface, this is ugly, and sometimes painful. It is important to use such products according to the instructions.

Lip plunger

An unusual name for an uncomplicated device. It is a cap that sucks in, stretches and expands. It is also called a lip trainer. It's easy to use and really helps. If you get used to it, pick up the suction time, you can achieve amazing, but temporary results. On average, the volume lasts about a day, which is also not bad.

The disadvantages of this device include possible errors. If the cap is applied crookedly or incorrectly, the result will be uneven. Moreover, not only the lips can be different, but also the areas of one of them. With prolonged retraction, bruises, cracks and other problems are possible, which cannot be eliminated in one day.

Home remedies for plump lips

Masks and homemade scrubs are a great alternative to expensive cosmetics. They are easy to do at home, change lips, increase volume and seduction. But it is worth noting that the effect is short-lived. It is good if the increase is noticeable for 7-10 hours, sometimes less. Fine sea salt or candied honey is used as a scrub. Not a large number of applied to a wetted surface, massaged for several minutes. Masks are a bit tricky as they contain several ingredients and require proportions.

Important! If there is an allergy to any product in the composition, then the mask cannot be used. It is forbidden to apply a burning and irritating agent to damaged, cracked lips. The consequences can be dire.

Pepper mask for plump lips

Chili pepper - 10 g
Glycerin - 15 g
Olive oil - 10 g
Lanolin - 10 g
Honey - 20 g

Heat honey to a liquid state, combine with ground pepper and other ingredients on the list. Grind the mixture until smooth, apply on lips, leave for 15 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad. After the mask, lubricate the lips with olive or coke oil. The mixture is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for a month.

Mustard mask for plump lips

Mustard powder - 10 g
Vaseline - 10 g
Oil (any) - 5 ml
Honey - 15 g
Lemon juice - 5 ml

Combine honey with lemon juice and honey, dissolve, add mustard and petroleum jelly to them. Rub the ingredients of the mask, apply to the lips. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

Menthol mask for plump lips

Fresh mint - 20 g
Instant coffee - 5 g
Cosmetic oil - 15 g

Rinse the mint, dry the leaves, put in a blender and grind until gruel, combine with instant coffee and butter, stir until smooth, leave for 15 minutes. Lubricate lips, leave for 20 minutes, remove.

Makeup secrets for plump lips

You can visually enlarge, add seductive volume and make your lips plump with the help of cosmetics. You just need to master some makeup tricks. But in no case should you outline your lips more than they are, or use contrasting eyeliners in bright colors.

Lip augmentation tricks:

  1. Outline the lips with a pencil, departing from the contour of 2 mm. This will greatly enlarge the surface to be painted, but it will not look vulgar.
  2. Shade the strip between the contour and the lips.
  3. With a brown pencil, make several vertical stripes on the lower lip, shade slightly.
  4. Apply lipstick in a light shade. Dark color visually makes lips smaller and thinner. You can use matte lipsticks.
  5. Cover the central part of the lower lip with gloss, a small strip 3 mm wide is enough. She will add volume.

The contour should always be outlined, even before applying the usual transparent gloss, but the pencil should be chosen neutral and almost invisible, that is, nude. It will help to correct the shape, increase the volume, and prevent the shine from spreading.

Video: How to enlarge lips

Special exercises

You can increase the volume of your lips with the help of special gymnastics. It is quite simple, consists of several exercises that must be repeated in the morning and in the evening. Pleasant side effect will rejuvenate the face and smooth out fine wrinkles, including mimic ones.

What exercises help:

  1. Fish. To achieve a visible result, you need to do it for about 5-7 minutes. Pull the lips forward, alternately squeeze and unclench with force.
  2. Waves. Compress the lips with effort, move in one direction and the other, but do not open the mouth. Repeat 15 times.
  3. Candle. Draw in full lungs of air, slowly blow through the mouth with a tube.
  4. Smile. Stretch your closed mouth with a smile as much as possible, hold it for 30 seconds, return to its original position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  5. Whistling. Roll up your lips with a tube. Whistle with a maximum voltage of 15 seconds. Take a break for 15 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Precautionary measures

The skin on the lips is very delicate. It is prone to peeling, irritation, and easily damaged. An allergic reaction may occur to home and commercial products. When using aggressive methods, you need to be extremely careful. A slight tingling sensation, burning sensation, which increases blood circulation, is allowed, but in no case is pain.

If the sensations are unpleasant, you do not need to endure it, you should immediately stop the procedure. Seductive and sensual lips are only those that are healthy. Sores, cracks, tumors will never adorn the face. You need to remove funds from the lips with any oil. If an allergic reaction occurs, an antiallergic drug should be taken, topically, a cream with panthenol can be applied.

Modern medicine offers a large number of tools and manipulations aimed at correcting and enlarging the lips. However, not all representatives of the fair sex can afford to resort to services. plastic surgery... If you prefer naturalness and do not accept surgery, try a lip augmentation yourself.

The most affordable way to make sponges bulky is proper care.... It is very important that special cosmetics are used for daily procedures that enrich the skin with nutrients. You don't have to buy creams, lotions and balms, you can make them yourself from natural ingredients.

Lip augmentation masks

Masks will help to make plump lips without surgery.

  • Honey mask. Mix together one teaspoon of honey, shea butter and rose oil. Add a few drops of lemon. Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin. The procedure is best done at night. The result of using the mask is smooth elastic lips.
  • Cayenne pepper mask... A couple drops of any essential oil with a warming effect, half a spoonful of petroleum jelly, 8 crushed nicotinic acid tablets, and a third teaspoon of cayenne pepper. The mixture is applied exactly for a minute and washed off. Due to the ability of hot pepper to activate capillary blood circulation, after using the mask, the lips will become plump and increase in volume.
  • Peppermint mask... The principle of this remedy is similar to the pepper mask. Peppermint oil enhances blood circulation in the lips tissues, increasing their volume and creating a seductive volume.

How to plump beautiful lips with heat and cold? Use a simple technique: alternately apply ice and heat to the surface of your lips. This unique and easy method activates blood circulation in the tissues and makes the smile appear seductively swollen. To enhance the effect, the procedure can be combined with a light massage. You can surprise those around you with lush lips.

How often can masks be done?

There are practically no restrictions on the use of masks. Homemade masks are good because they use natural ingredients. However, it is important to consider the fact that masks and massage are contraindicated if any:

  • damage (scratches, scars, cuts);
  • inflammation, including herpetic eruptions;
  • allergic reactions.

You can apply masks three times a week, as well as on the eve of an important event.

Use of cosmetics

You can visually make your smile more voluminous without resorting to massage or masks. You can use cosmetics to make your lips look plump. Your "weapon" in the fight for a seductive smile will be a contour pencil, lipstick and gloss. It is important to remember that the shade of the pencil should match as much as possible with the tone of the lipstick.... If you use a pencil of a darker shade, you can get the opposite effect - a vulgar smile of small volume.

There are several tricks using which even thin lips can be visually made larger. Before lipstick, outline the contour of the upper lip with a white cosmetic pencil and apply tone cream that matches the skin tone as much as possible. Next is to apply lipstick or gloss. The effect of this simple trick is really amazing! By the way, a similar trick is very often used by stars to make upper lip plump.

It should be noted that when choosing cosmetics, you should give preference to lipstick and gloss of light shades with a glossy or satin effect, and use special augmentation products or plamers. With their help, you can make natural lips look sexier and plumper.

Gymnastics for the lips

You can make your lips visually plump not only with the help of cosmetics. The increased volume effect can also be achieved by using special exercises ... Of course, this method is not that fast, but its effectiveness lasts much longer. There is a simple but effective set of exercises with which you can achieve a lasting effect of increasing the volume of the lips.

A set of exercises

To make your lips lush and beautiful, here are some exercises for them:

  1. Open your mouth a little, stick out your tongue as much as possible, and count to five.
  2. Take in more air around your cheeks and close your mouth tightly. Try to chew while moving your lips in all directions.
  3. Pull your lips out with a tube, open your mouth slightly, and then close your lips as tightly as possible.
  4. Inflate your cheeks strongly, gradually release the air in short bursts, so that vibration is felt at the moment of exhalation.
  5. Whistle your favorite song every day for five minutes.

According to reviews, in order to make lips plump at home, it is necessary to perform each exercise 10-15 times daily for 3-4 weeks. When doing gymnastics, it is very important not to stretch the skin near the mouth, so as not to get additional wrinkles along with the increased volume..

Worried about thin lips? Forget this problem! It is quite simple today to become the owner of a seductive smile without surgery. It is enough to use our tips on how to make plump lips at home without much effort!

Girls who strive for the ideal in appearance use different means to get closer to the cherished canons of beauty. Lip augmentation is one of the main questions of interest to many girls, how to make them plump.

The easiest way is to use a glass. It does not give such a significant effect as specialized means, but if there is no other possibility, you can use it.

Before starting the procedure, you need to moisturize your lips. Vaseline, colorless lipstick or balm will do.

After that, you need to take a regular glass, firmly attach it to your lips, and then draw in air strongly with your mouth and close your mouth. After a few seconds, you can relax your lips.

It is important that the procedure should be repeated no more than four times at a time. And in order for the results from the procedure to be more noticeable, it is recommended to do it for two to three weeks.

Plump lips with a bottle

Here's how to make your lips plump at home using a bottle. A regular bottle is required for the procedure. Before starting lip augmentation, you should treat them with any moisturizer.

The procedure itself is very similar to a lip augmentation with a glass. Press the bottle tightly to your mouth, open your lips slightly and draw in the air from the container. After a few seconds, the mouth is relaxed.

You should repeat no more three times contract. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to perform the exercise for a week or two. This method can quickly achieve results. However, it will not have a long-term effect.

Using a special plumper

If you need a more effective lip augmentation product than a glass or bottle, resort to a plumper. A plumper is a special vacuum device called a lip augmentation suction cup. It is small in size and looks like a kind of plastic cap, rather wide.

No special skills are required to handle the plumper:

Important! If there is any damage / irritation on the lips, do not use the "suction cup"... Also, people with weak blood vessels and diabetes should be treated with caution.

Exfoliating scrub

One of the most effective and useful tools for lip augmentation is a scrub. Lip scrubs exfoliate dead skin cells, refresh and visually make lips look fuller and fuller. In addition, you can make a scrub at home without spending a lot of money, for example, from ground coffee mixed with face cream.

It is required to apply a scrub to the lip area once a day, preferably in the morning, so that it provides lips with volume for the whole day.

Lip augmentation with toothpaste

Not everyone knows that lip augmentation at home can be done with regular toothpaste. It moisturizes and plumps them. It is enough to apply a small amount of it on a toothbrush, and then rub it on the lips with circular massaging movements. After that, rinse off the paste with water.

Cinnamon balm

Next useful and efficient way lip augmentation at home - homemade cinnamon balm. It will not only make the lips visually larger, but will also nourish them.

To prepare the balm you will need:

  • cinnamon (oil / fine powder);
  • petrolatum;
  • any lipstick;
  • almond oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Approximately the same amount of petroleum jelly and lipstick must be melted in the microwave oven and mixed.
  2. Then add cinnamon to the mixture (a few drops of oil / 0.5 tsp powder).
  3. Optionally, you can add essential oil for the smell.
  4. Then the balm is transferred to an empty container, applied in a thin layer several times a day.

Pepper mask

To prepare such a mask, only three ingredients are required: honey, petroleum jelly and a small amount of red pepper.
All these components must be mixed well and rubbed into the lip area with gentle movements. You can wash off the mask after 7-10 minutes.

Menthol mask

Effective remedy a menthol mask is also considered for lip augmentation. Due to the menthol content in it, it provides blood flow to the lips. This, in turn, contributes to an increase in their volume.

You will need the following ingredients:

The crushed mint should be added to the mixture of corn oil and menthol, mix well, add coffee, mix again until smooth. The mixture should be kept on the lips for 50-60 minutes., covering them on top with cling film for greater effect.

Nicotinic acid mask

A distinctive feature of the mask with niacin is that it gives an instant effect that lasts about five hours on the lips. To prepare the mask, you will need niacin tablets (they are sold in pharmacies) in the amount of eight pieces. You will also need a small amount of red pepper (about half a spoon) and petroleum jelly.

Nicotinic acid tablets must be crushed into powder, mixed with red pepper and petroleum jelly so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. The mask should be kept on the lips for no more than two minutes, then carefully remove the remnants of the mixture with a cotton pad or napkin. For the effect to be more noticeable, it must be used regularly.

Glycerin mask

At home, you can also make your lips plump with a glycerin mask.


  • petrolatum;
  • lemon juice (fresh);
  • granulated sugar;
  • glycerol;

Enough 5-7 g (slightly more than a teaspoon) of each component. Glycerin should be taken less - about half a spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. All components of the future mask are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  2. The container with the mixture is kept in a steam bath for 2-3 minutes.
  3. For effective lip augmentation, the mask should be left on the lips for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the product thoroughly with cool water.

The action of such a mask will last for several hours, so it is recommended to use it repeatedly for greater effect.

Mint juice

You can also use peppermint oil extract to plump your lips at home.

There are several ways to enlarge lips with this tool:

  1. The easiest method is to add a few drops of peppermint oil to the lip gloss you use daily.
  2. Also from oil peppermint can be done ice cubes: add 3 drops to 100 ml of water. butter and make ice cubes from this mixture. With these cubes, you need to wipe your lips every day in the morning.
  3. In addition, you can massage using oil: rub the product on the lips with a not too hard toothbrush for several minutes.

Mint juice is convenient to use precisely because everyone who wants to enlarge their lips can choose a method of application that is suitable specifically for him. But you should treat this tool with caution - peppermint oil is a strong allergen.

Vitamin masks

A popular method of lip augmentation is the use of vitamin masks - they not only make the lips plump, but also nourish them. useful substances.

To prepare the mask, you need to purchase liquid vitamins E and A (sold in ampoules) at the pharmacy. In addition, you will need a small amount of honey (8 g) and 5-6 g of olive oil (you can also take vegetable oil instead). You need to mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on the lips, leaving for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask with coffee

Coffee also helps to add volume to the lips - a coffee lip mask will do the job just fine.

To make a coffee mask, you need the following ingredients:

  • ground coffee (1 tsp);
  • cocoa butter (2-3 ml, can be replaced with olive);
  • honey (1 tsp);
  • peppermint oil (3 drops per mixture).

The components should be mixed so that the mass becomes homogeneous, hold on the lips for 10-12 minutes, massage them, then rinse off the mask with warm water. The desired result is noticeable immediately, but it lasts only for a few hours, so it is worth using the mask regularly for 2-3 months.

Mustard mask

Mustard mask consists of the following products:

  • mustard powder (10 g);
  • olive / vegetable / burdock / other oil (1 tsp);
  • fresh lemon juice (5 ml);
  • honey (3 tsp);
  • petroleum jelly (10 g).

Cooking method:

Important! If the mask begins to pinch, you should immediately remove it from the lip area so as not to provoke irritation.

Lip augmentation massage

In addition to the masks, regular massage is done at home for lip augmentation. It promotes blood flow to the lips, which will also give an enlarging effect.

Massaging your lips to make them plump in a few months at home

For the massage, you will need a moisturizing cream (you can also use petroleum jelly) and a clean toothbrush of medium to light hardness. Lips with a cream applied to them must be massaged in circular movements for 3-5 minutes, until a slight tingling sensation. This can be done several times a day. Experts recommend to carry out the procedure before taking a bath or shower.

Ice massage

Lip massage can be performed using ice. The essence of such a procedure is to drive an ice cube over the lips for a couple of minutes, as if massaging the required area with it.
Ice helps to accelerate blood circulation, which will provide lips with volume. It is worth remembering that the effect of such a massage is short-lived.

How to enlarge lips with makeup

To make the lips look bigger, sometimes a well-done makeup is enough:

Lip augmentation with cosmetics is as follows:

  1. First of all, you should moisturize your lips with a balm.
  2. The second step in making up is to apply tonal basis(in a thin layer).
  3. The next step is to use a light highlighter. To make the effect of lip plumpness more noticeable, it is recommended to apply the product not on the lips themselves, but along the contour, gently.
  4. Then, with a well-sharpened contour pencil, it is necessary to thinly outline the lips along the inner contour. Experts advise not to paint over the corners of the lips.
  5. The final step in lip augmentation with makeup is the use of lipstick. It is important to lightly blend the edges of the contour pencil before applying it. Also, for a greater effect, you can not paint over the entire area of ​​the lips, but apply lipstick only to the contours, and then shade it yourself with your finger. So the shade will turn out to be smooth, transitional, voluminous.

Exercises to plump lips

Gymnastics, consisting of several exercises, helps to make lips plump:

  1. You need to inhale as much air as possible, then fold your lips into a tube and exhale slowly through them.
  2. You should whistle for 10-15 seconds, folding your lips with a tube.
  3. Then they smile broadly with their closed mouths, stretching their lips. Repeat 10-12 times.
  4. The lips are pulled forward with effort, then compressed and unclenched with tension.
  5. Lightly knead the lip area with your teeth for 1-2 minutes.

Is it possible to enlarge lips on your own forever

At home, you can use a huge number of masks, exercises and makeup techniques, but you cannot permanently enlarge your lips at home. To make them more voluminous not for a day or two, you will have to resort to the services of cosmetologists - to do operations and / or injections, but injections also give a long-term, but not permanent effect.

So, it is quite possible to enlarge lips for a while at home - you just need to choose the most suitable method and follow the instructions.

Video on how to make lips bigger

How to make lips look bigger with makeup:

Big lips without botox and surgery. How to do it at home:

Girls with full lips look extremely flirtatious and sensual, they just want to kiss. Modern aesthetic cosmetology offers beautiful ladies to enlarge their lips by injecting botox or hyaluronic acid, but not everyone is ready to go for it. Consider the most effective ways lip augmentation at home.

Lip augmentation masks at home

The effect of the masks is achieved quickly, but it does not last long. Choose the recipe you like and prepare the composition just before an important event. You can also combine masks with each other for a longer lasting result.

Lemon mask

  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • apricot oil - 5 ml.
  • gelatin - 4 gr.
  • vitamin A (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin E (in ampoules) - 1 pc.

Place a drop of vitamin A on your finger and apply it to your lips. Do the same with vitamin E. Squeeze juice from the lemon to make 10 ml, pour gelatin over it, add apricot oil (you can replace it with peach oil if you wish). Insist the composition for 15 minutes, during this time wipe your lips with lemon peel. When the mixture is swollen, place it on your lips, cover with cling film on top. Lie down to rest for 1 hour.

Vaseline-based mask

  • grapefruit juice - 5 ml.
  • olive oil - 6 ml.
  • petroleum jelly - 30 gr.
  • potato starch - 6 gr.
  • cane sugar - 10 gr.
  • honey - 15 gr.

Mix potato starch, grapefruit juice and olive oil, pour in 10 ml. hot water. Combine petroleum jelly with sugar and honey, put in the microwave for 20 seconds. After the time has elapsed, prepare a homogeneous composition by mixing all the ingredients, heat for another 20 seconds. The mask is applied to the lips in a warm form and kept for half an hour. After that, use the balm, then blot it with a cotton napkin and paint your lips with gloss.

Mustard mask

  • dry mustard - 10 gr.
  • petroleum jelly - 10 gr.
  • burdock oil - 5 ml.
  • lemon juice - 7 ml.
  • honey - 15 gr.

Mix honey with petroleum jelly, heat in the microwave to a viscous consistency. Pour oil and lemon juice over mustard, wait 10 minutes. Mix 2 compositions together, cover the lips with the mixture and put cling film on top. Hold for 20 minutes, if it does not pinch - then more. The mask will not only increase the volume of the lips, but also make the contour clear.

Honey mask

  • honey - 30 gr.
  • glycerin - 10 gr.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 5 gr.

Mix the ingredients, melt them in a water bath and leave for 30 minutes. Spread the composition on the lips, then pull them forward with a tube, then return to their original position. The mask is effective when combined with exercise. Continue the procedure for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the composition paper napkin, wipe your lips with lemon balm cosmetic ice and start pinching them.

Sour cream based mask

  • sour cream with a fat content of 25% - 20 gr.
  • honey - 10 gr.
  • fat cottage cheese - 15 gr.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • rosemary essential oil - 4 drops

Add lemon juice to honey and microwave until liquid. Add essential oil, add sour cream, cottage cheese and mix well. Cover lips, keep for 1 hour.

Oatmeal mask

  • oat flakes of medium grinding - 15 gr.
  • coffee grounds - 10 gr.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • butter - 10 gr.
  • dry mustard - 5 gr.

Pour in the flakes, coffee grounds and mustard 30 ml. boiling water, wait 25 minutes. Heat the mixture, if it's cold, add the butter and stir with a fork until smooth. In the last step, dip your finger in olive oil, gently smear on your lips, and pour the rest into the mask. Apply and keep on for 50 minutes. Do not rinse off immediately, massage for another 10 minutes after the procedure. Remove the mixture with a hard cloth or ice water.

Chili Pepper Mask

  • ground chili pepper - 15 gr.
  • honey - 20 gr.
  • grape oil - 30 ml.
  • petroleum jelly - 15 gr.
  • lanolin - 10 gr.
  • glycerin - 15 gr.
  • rice flour - 20 gr.
  • olive oil - 3 ml.

Mix honey, chili and flour, pour in grape oil and microwave for 20 seconds. Put petroleum jelly, glycerin and lanolin in a warm mass, start stirring immediately. If the last added ingredients are not melted well, heat the mixture more. It is important that the mass is hot (within reason) during application to the lips. Wait at least half an hour, it will pinch. If you can tolerate it, be patient, if not, remove it with a hard cloth or hot water. After that, immediately lubricate your lips with olive oil.

Menthol mask

  • fresh mint - 25 gr.
  • liquid menthol - 20 ml.
  • instant coffee (dry) - 10 gr.
  • corn oil - 15 ml.

Grind the mint in a blender to make a porridge, add oil and liquid menthol. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, add coffee and mix thoroughly. Cover lips, place cling film on top and hold for 1 hour. You will feel cold and tingling. After the procedure, wipe your lips with ice for 15 minutes.

Radish and Garlic Mask

  • radish - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.
  • burdock oil - 10 ml.
  • cucumber - 3 slices

Chop the garlic in a crusher, grate the cucumber and radish slices on a fine grater, mix with the garlic. Heat the mixture in the microwave, add juice and oil. Apply the composition to the lips, keep it on for 40 minutes. Don't worry about the garlic smell, the lemon juice overpowers it.

Beeswax mask

  • cosmetic beeswax- 15 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 15 gr.
  • peach oil - 4 drops
  • pickled ginger - 20 gr.
  • gelatin - 7 gr.

Pour 30 ml of gelatin and cocoa. hot water, drip peach oil and wait 25 minutes. Grind the ginger in a blender, melt the beeswax in the microwave, combine all the ingredients. Cover your lips with the mixture, wait half an hour, then begin to massage them intensively. Smile and pull your lips down, then pull them out with a straw, as if you want to kiss someone.

Exercises for lip augmentation

The complex is designed for 1.5 months, subject to daily execution. Don't cut back on reps, don't change lip position, and follow all guidelines.

  1. Take a breath in your mouth and puff out your cheeks, protrude your lips forward. Press with your palms on your cheeks and resist, while your lips are still in their highest position. Do the exercise for 3 minutes, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat 5 more times.
  2. Open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue and stick out your lips with a tube. Count to 40, then return to starting position. Do 12 reps.
  3. Take a breath in your mouth, pout your lips, start rolling the invisible ball, first by the cheeks, then under the upper and lower lips. Do the exercise for 10 minutes while sitting at your laptop or TV.
  4. Take air in your mouth and exhale it sharply, barely opening your lips. Do this 50 times.
  5. Close your lips and clench your teeth to feel the tension in your jaw. Pull out the lower lip, then the upper one, close them with a pipe and make movements left and right, up and down for 15 minutes.
  6. If you can whistle, do it every day for 15 minutes. Ladies who do not like to whistle are advised to let air out of their mouths, only imitating a whistle.
  7. If you have a boyfriend, kiss him often. It is advisable that the guy bites your lips while doing this. This method the most effective of all the exercises presented.

Other methods of lip augmentation at home

  1. Order on the Internet an exercise machine called "Full Lip", which means "plump lips". The shape of the device resembles a nipple, you take it into your mouth, draw in air and a vacuum is formed, which pulls the lips forward. The result will amaze you, the effect lasts for more than 6 hours. The cost varies from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on the country of the manufacturer.
  2. A simple method of a sharp temperature drop will help to enlarge the lips, which will restore blood flow. Wet a handkerchief or towel with hot water, apply to lips for half a minute. Next, take a cube of cosmetic chamomile ice and rub your lips with it for 1 minute. Repeat the paired actions 15-20 times and voila, you are a happy owner of sexy lips!

Are you planning an important event or an exciting party? Need to quickly enlarge your lips at home? Make a mustard, honey, sour cream or pepper mask, then create a sharp contrast in temperatures. Purchase the Full Lips exercise machine on the Internet with delivery on the day of order, or do a daily set of exercises.

Video: how to enlarge lips