
The elasticity and turgor of the patient's skin. Thick, tight skin. Skin turgor of the face and body: an important characteristic of the skin condition Reduced skin turgor


More and more often you can hear the newfangled concept of "skin turgor" in the media. It is actively used in their vocabulary by modern cosmetologists, dermatologists and massage therapists. In a word, modern woman must know what skin turgor is, and moreover, must take care of its preservation!

The word turgor itself comes from Latin turgere , What means " be swollen, full ". Initially, this word was not commonly used, but was used only in science.

Wikipedia gives the following definition: “Turgor is an indicator of water content and the state of the water regime of living organisms. A decrease in turgor is accompanied by the process of autolysis (decay), wilting and aging of cells. "... Of course, after such a definition, it becomes clear that nothing is clear! It is only clear that turgor is very important for maintaining the youthfulness of our cells, and therefore our skin.

If speaks more simple language, then turgor of the skin is its elasticity, its density, its ability to withstand external mechanical stress (pulling, pressure), its tightness. The skin with a weak turgor is thinned, sagging, it can be easily grasped with the fingers and significantly pulled, after pulling for some time there are traces of our grasping with our fingers.

In short, we are talking about the skin of aged people. That is, the longer we maintain this density and elasticity of the skin, the longer we will stay young! But, surprisingly, increased skin turgor is also not the norm. We observe increased turgor when the skin is swollen. For example, a leg is swollen - it is almost impossible to grab the skin in the place of swelling, it is stretched and swollen.

Now let's see why the skin loses its "fullness", its elasticity, strength and youth. As always, it's all about hormones! Namely, on estrogen - the most important female hormone.

There are very important cells in our skin called fibroblasts("Blast" means germ or embryo), they are involved in the production of elastin (a protein that allows our skin to stretch, is responsible for its elasticity), collagen (a protein that is responsible for the elasticity and strength of the skin), as well as hyaluronic acid (affects smoothness and tightness of the skin).

As you may have guessed, over the years, our hormonal state changes, the number of fibroblasts decreases, and the skin begins to lose its former elasticity and strength. Fibroblasts play this important role in the youth of our skin, that modern medicine even offers such a service: a piece of your skin is taken, fibroblasts are isolated from it, they multiply under special conditions, and then inject them back into your skin. But such a coordinated method does not suit us!

You need to strive to live in harmony with yourself and your body, and if possible, prolong youth not by the intervention of doctors, but by the correct lifestyle, proper nutrition and daily care of your body!

  • HUANHE Pearl Powder- among other properties, it is also useful for improving skin turgor


Loss of normal skin turgor does not occur overnight, it happens gradually and quite imperceptibly. After all, usually we do not notice how the people who live next to us are getting old, but the changes in people whom we have not seen for a long time are striking. Years go by, hormone levels fluctuate and the lifestyle that we preferred year after year begins to reflect on our face.

With a drop in estrogen levels, the skin becomes drier, loses its ability to retain moisture, the number of fibroblast cells decreases significantly, and, therefore, there is a natural decline in the level of collagen and elastin in the skin, which leads to sagging of the skin, it becomes thin and uneven. At first, thin, barely noticeable, and then deeper wrinkles mercilessly circle our eyes and mouth. This picture is insidiously adorned with hyperpigmentation in the form of brown spots on our skin.

In short, your once bright face loses its youthful glow. No matter how hard we try, we are not able to stop this process. We all will someday become old and wrinkled, and we need to come to terms with this and accept it, BUT, it is in our power to postpone this moment as much as possible. The correct lifestyle and good habits work wonders.

So, we are acquiring useful habits to maintain normal skin turgor and preserve youth.

  1. Moisturize your skin according to its age and condition. If before 25 you did not know what a moisturizer is, then after 25 it is simply disrespect for your skin. Over the years, the skin becomes more and more dry, and even those with oily skin in their youth can become owners of very dry and dehydrated skin in adulthood. Therefore, it needs to be moisturized, and the older you are, the more intensely. For age creams, for example, hyaluronic acid and other beneficial substances are added. Choose creams by age, and also do not forget that you can moisturize your skin not only with a cream, but also by creating a comfortable microclimate for your skin in the room. A humidifier will help you create a humid atmosphere in your apartment, while a moisturizer will draw moisture not from your skin, but from the space in the room and create a water mantle on the surface of your skin.
  2. It is necessary to moisturize the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It is very important to drink the amount of water that our body needs per day. On average, this is about 2.5 liters, it all depends on your weight, your level of activity, the climate of the country in which you live. Water can also work miracles. Just drinking the right amount of water every day can prevent many diseases, keep your body clean, and keep your body young.
  3. Sun exposure is an important factor premature aging skin. Be sure to use sunscreens on the beach and UV-filtered moisturizers for any sun exposure. Do not sunbathe during peak hours (11 am to 4 pm).
  4. The layer of dead cells on our skin gives it untidy look, makes it dull and rough. Scrubbing and exfoliation cleanses the skin of old dead cells and, at the same time, activates the production of new cells. The skin becomes softer, younger and more elastic. Remember to do these treatments regularly.
  5. 5. Retinoid, or artificially synthesized vitamin A, is able to penetrate deep into the middle layers of the skin and reverse the signs of aging. It stimulates collagen production, accelerates cell renewal to combat wrinkles, uneven skin, acne and pores. Take note of this beneficial substance. But in order to use it externally or internally, you need to consult a specialist.
  6. No matter how fully you eat, it is still very difficult to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals every day. You need to strive to get a lot of useful food from food, carefully choose what else would be useful to feed your body, but you should also not neglect dietary supplements.
  7. Follow the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, exercise, spend time at fresh air, do not be nervous about trifles, smile more often ... ... even if you have wrinkles from this, but your skin color will be amazing! :)


Our skin is an indicator of the internal state of the body. Therefore, skin care starts from the inside out. Before thinking about what kind of cream to smear on your face, you need to analyze whether I am giving my skin everything that is useful from the inside.

So, let's try to compile a list of foods that are very beneficial for our skin.

  1. Vitamin B2 is sometimes called vitamin female beauty... Do you want your skin to retain its firmness and elasticity? Then make sure that the body receives a sufficient amount of this magic vitamin for your skin. Foods rich in this vitamin: pine nuts, liver, mushrooms, mackerel, almonds, cottage cheese, spinach. Vitamins do not accumulate in our body, so they must regularly enter our body in the required amount.
  2. Healthy skin also means healthy blood vessels and capillaries. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, we need the so-called bioflavonoids. They are found in many fruits and berries, for example, in the white part of the rind of citrus fruits, rose hips, apricots, cherries, grapes, and grapefruits. In addition, buckwheat contains many bioflavonoids.
  3. Lack of fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 will manifest itself in the form of dry and loose skin. To prevent this from happening, regularly pamper yourself with fish (mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, trout).
  4. It is believed that aging is caused by meat. Scientists disagree with this opinion. Protein is the most important building block of our body, without it our skin will become gray and featureless, so do not deprive yourself of a small piece of lean meat every day.
  5. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant, which means it slows down the aging process. Vitamin A is involved in the processes of skin regeneration and cell metabolism. It prevents the formation of wrinkles, improves blood circulation in our skin and improves skin turgor. Contains vitamin A in dairy products, liver, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, parsley, sorrel, spinach.
  6. Folic acid will protect our skin from pigmentation and also enhance the immunity of our orgasm. And strong immunity will surely provide us with excellent skin condition! Therefore, eat more foods rich in this acid: spinach, lettuce, parsley, green peas, citrus fruits.

Have you noticed that the same products are repeated at some points? What a storehouse of vitamins is contained in spinach, lettuce, parsley, citrus fruits. Make a healthy habit of consuming these foods regularly.

Another magical product is wheat germ. Eating every day one tablespoon of sprouted grains, you can save yourself from many diseases, give your body health, and your body - beauty! Love yourself, take care of yourself, and then it will not be difficult for you to maintain skin turgor and stay young until old age!


  1. Rub a quarter of an apple on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of honey, and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix everything and distribute on cleansed skin.
  2. Dissolve one capsule of spirulina in water until sour cream, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to face. This mask dries quickly, so after a few minutes you can reapply another layer of the mask.
  3. We rub the floor of the cucumber on a fine grater. Beat the egg white until frothy and add the grated cucumber and half a teaspoon of olive oil to it. Apply to the face.
  4. Peel and seed a few white grapes and press with a fork, add whipped yolk and 1 tablespoon of white clay. Apply to the face.

All masks are applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

I hope the information you received from this article will help you maintain skin turgor for years to come!

Skin turgor is a cosmetic term that is used to determine the degree of firmness and elasticity of the skin, as well as its general condition. Elasticity and firmness is determined by the health of the body, its age, as well as the presence in it of the necessary nutrients: micro and macro elements, minerals and vitamins.

Therefore, the older a person is, the more he lacks collagen and elastin, as a result of which creases, folds and wrinkles appear, ptosis of soft tissues and their laxity are observed, and cellular metabolism slows down. In this article, we will explain what skin turgor is and how to improve it.

What is skin turgor and how to determine its condition

Turgor or skin tone is the tension of the cell membranes and the pressure of the cells. The tone of the skin indicates its ability to resist mechanical stress (pulling, stretching, pressure). In other words, it is the ability of the skin to return to its original elastic state. How to determine if the skin tone is normal? To check the tone, you can pull off a section of the skin, leave it in this position for about 5 seconds, and then release it. If the epithelium expands quickly, then its tone is normal. If the dermis is straightened out with difficulty, then its atony is observed.

Dermal turgor depends on the activity of fibroblasts and the female hormone estrogen. The hormone controls fibroblasts, which promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which function like a rubber band, and return the skin to its original state after mechanical action on it. The hormone estrogen is the protector of the female body. Thanks to him, the woman is beautiful, young and feminine. With increasing age, menopause occurs and the production of the hormone fades, which leads to atony, flabbiness and loss of elasticity.

Weak tone is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • dehydration;
  • dryness;
  • ptosis;
  • poor expansion of the dermis after pressing and pulling.

If the cause of skin atony is age, then it is quite difficult to resist the natural aging process. This requires multiple hardware procedures that are capable of starting the metabolic process in the cells of the dermis. In addition to hardware procedures, there are other methods of rejuvenation, but they are quite radical, since they contribute not only to rejuvenation, but also to the appearance of complications that sometimes are not worth the procedure itself.

When the skin tone deteriorates for other reasons, it is easy to eliminate them and restore the skin. These methods are simple enough as they can quickly lead to positive effects.

Reasons for a decrease in the tone of the epidermis

A decrease in skin turgor can occur for the following reasons:

  • dehydration of the epidermis;
  • lack of moisture;
  • passivity of fibroblasts and their inability to synthesize collagen and elastin in the required quantities;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • chronic bacteriosis, which leads to dehydration of the body;
  • inability to retain water in cells;
  • chronic stress;
  • chronic fatigue and insomnia;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • diseases internal organs(liver, heart, digestive system, kidneys);
  • diet and fasting;
  • bad habits (smoking and alcohol).

The role of hydration in facial skin care

It is well known that water is the source of life. It helps the skin to maintain its blooming and healthy appearance. When water enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is absorbed into the blood, and from the blood it enters the cells and intercellular space. And now it seems that the dream of forever elastic and youthful skin has been realized. However, not all so simple. The water content in the dermis depends not only on the water consumed and received by the body. An important characteristic of the skin is its ability to retain water, as well as the proper functioning of the kidneys and osmotic pressure in the cells. The first thing that can be done to improve the tone of the epidermis is to maintain the balance of substances in the lipid mantle, which prevents evaporation and loss of moisture.

It is the imbalance of the substances of the lipid mantle and moisture that contributes to the failure of dehydration of the skin, and, in short, to dryness. But the good news is that dryness and dehydration of the skin are reversible conditions. Since over the years the skin retains water worse and worse, its turgor worsens, so outside help is needed.

There is a misconception that oily skin never dehydrated. However, it is not. Any type of skin can be dehydrated and in this case the words dry and dehydrated are not synonymous. Dry skin suffers not so much from a lack of moisture as from damage to the protective hydrolipid mantle. That is, sometimes she no longer lacks moisture, but fat.

Hyaluronic acid helps prevent moisture loss. It is a natural component of the intercellular space, binds water molecules and promotes the regeneration of skin cells.

Hyaluronic acid is capable of:

  • influence the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • transport water through the cells and tissues of the dermis;
  • redistribute water in the intercellular space, cells and tissues.

How to increase skin turgor

Deterioration of skin turgor occurs slowly and gradually. After all, we do not notice how we are aging ourselves, but on the other hand, the external changes of people whom we rarely see are striking. Old age is a natural stage in the life cycle, we will all grow old someday, but we have a good skin turgor in our hands. To do this, you just need to follow some rules:

  1. Moisturize your skin regularly. Indeed, every year the skin becomes drier and even oily skin can become dry over time. And what older man, the more intensive the hydration should be.
  2. You need to moisturize your skin both internally and externally. You need to drink about 2 liters of water per day, in addition to juices, tea and coffee, and soups.
  3. Avoid UV radiation as it leads to photoaging and skin damage. Use sunscreen regularly.
  4. Exfoliate the epidermis once or twice a week. Peels and scrubs improve the structure of the skin, free it from keratinized particles, improve it appearance and complexion.
  5. Use makeup with retinoids. They are able to penetrate deep into the dermis and prevent its aging, and also contribute to the regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.
  6. Take vitamin - mineral complexes and dietary supplements. No matter how well a person eats, he is not able to fully compensate for the deficiency of various substances.
  7. Correct lifestyle. This is a guarantee of long youth and beauty, since the good habits that you once acquired will only bring you benefit and a long life without old age.

Nutrition and skin turgor

It is well known that good nutrition is the key to good looks. After all, skin care begins with proper nutrition. In this context, the set of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the beauty of our skin are very important.

So, what is needed first:

  1. B vitamins, especially B2, which is a beauty vitamin. This vitamin contributes to the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, so it should always be present in our diet. Foods rich in vitamin B2 include almonds and other nuts, spinach, liver, cottage cheese, fish and mushrooms. Not all vitamins are synthesized and accumulated in our body, so their intake from outside should be regular.
  2. Bioflavonoids for healthy blood vessels. Vessels are carriers of nutrients and oxygen to tissues, cells and organs. Therefore, they must be healthy and supple. It is important to strengthen their walls with proper nutrition. To do this, you need to introduce into your diet: citrus fruits, apricots, grapes, rose hips, grapefruit.
  3. Fatty acids - Omega 2 and Omega - 6. Fatty acids contribute to the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis. They are found in fatty sea fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna.
  4. Lean meat. In everyday life, there is an opinion that people age from meat. However, this is not true. Our body needs protein throughout its life, which is a building material. Lack of building protein leads to grayness and dullness of the face, without it collagen and elastin fibers are not able to form.
  5. Vitamin A. Along with vitamins E and C, it is a very powerful antioxidant, which means that it prevents the aging of the body and triggers regenerative renewals in the body. Vitamin A is found in sorrel, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, dairy products, liver, and spinach.
  6. Folic acid. Protects our skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, increases the work of the body's defenses. Therefore, you need to add foods rich in this vitamin to your diet: green peas, citrus fruits, lettuce, spinach.

Cosmetics and turgor improvement

It is possible to increase the tone not only with the help of nutrition. To improve it, use the procedures of hardware cosmetology.

The following procedures improve skin turgor well:

  1. Mesotherapy. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of meso cocktails under the skin, depending on the problem that needs to be eliminated. The composition of cocktails is selected by the cosmetologist individually for each patient.
  2. Acupuncture. Manipulation with fine needles helps to improve the tone of the epidermis. During the procedure, biologically active points are innervated.
  3. Ozone therapy. The essence of the procedure lies in the intravenous administration of ozone, which promotes tissue and cell regeneration, renewal and rejuvenation of the body as a whole.
  4. Microcurrents and myostimulation. Low frequency microcurrents have a mild therapeutic effect. As a result, blood circulation, lymph outflow improves, blood supply increases, which tightens the epidermis and makes it firm and elastic.
  5. Photolifting. It has a specific radiation on the dermis, after which its condition improves, the production of elastin and collagen increases.
  6. Biorevitalization. This popular procedure involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the dermis. It improves the tone of the dermis, enhances metabolic and regenerative processes.

Also, the modern cosmetic market offers many drugs to improve the turgor of the face. But to improve the turgor, some creams will not be enough. For this, it is necessary to improve the work of the hormonal system. Also, in tandem, you can use masks, creams and serums that increase the tone of the skin.

They give a good effect cosmetic massage, self-massage and contrast shower, which improve blood circulation and blood microcirculation.

Among the cosmetic products, the following can be noted:

  1. Mousse from the brand "Skincode" "Cellular Body Firming Mousse" returns elasticity and firmness to the skin, tightens soft tissue and improves their structure.
  2. Cream from the brand "Estee Lauder" "Slim Shape +" will help to tighten the epidermis and make it smooth.
  3. Effective anti aging cream- body gel from the Darphin brand “HydroForm Contouring Gel” perfectly removes cellulite, makes the skin even, smooth and elastic.

Surgical intervention

This is the most radical method of eliminating flabbiness and atony. Not everyone resorts to plastic surgery, since they have significant contraindications and side effects... This type of plastic surgery is called platysmoplasty. It is used mainly for pronounced ptosis of soft tissues. Surgical intervention is carried out in two ways:

  • traditional (classic);
  • endoscopic.

It should be noted that the endoscopic method is the most gentle and leaves behind invisible sutures.

So, you can enhance skin turgor with the help of hardware procedures, cosmetic products and plastic surgeries, but at the same time, do not forget about a balanced diet, a correct lifestyle, good sleep and rejection of bad habits. And remember, youth and beauty are the work of a lifetime. The sooner you start caring for your face, the longer it will remain young and beautiful.

Skin elasticity(elasticity, tension, turgor) - the ability of the skin to resist mechanical stress. This ability is provided by the state of the elastic elements of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the water-salt composition, the state of colloids, their hydrophilicity, the degree of blood supply and lymph circulation, which, in turn, depends on many reasons: age, gender, state of the nervous and endocrine systems, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, metabolic processes, etc.

About skin turgor can be judged to a certain extent by the results of examining the skin of the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body. With normal turgor, the skin is even, smooth. The resulting folds during conversation, smile, movement in the joints of the hands are easily straightened. A clearer idea of ​​turgor is obtained by palpation by grasping the skin and fat folds on the back of the hand, abdomen, cheeks and other places.

Captured big and with the index fingers, the fold is slightly compressed for 1-2 s and is slightly pulled back. The density of the fold is assessed, its elasticity - resistance to squeezing, the speed of straightening after taking the fingers away. With a good turgor, the fold of the skin is easily captured, it is moderately dense, elastic, after releasing it easily and completely straightens, there are no marks on the skin from the fingers. This state of turgor is considered normal, and the doctor concludes: "Skin turgor is preserved."

Skin turgor- the tension of the skin and fat folds, may be increased and decreased. In a healthy person, an increase in turgor is not observed, a decrease is possible with prolonged fasting, restriction of fluid intake, prolonged exposure to high temperatures environment... At the age of 55-60, skin turgor also decreases: skin wrinkling increases, many fine wrinkles on the face, neck, back of the hands and other places, the skin becomes thinner, its transparency increases on the back of the hands.

Such leather it is very easily captured in folds, it is more easily and significantly pulled back, it does not return well to its original position, the fold straightens out very slowly.

In a healthy person skin turgor may decrease depending on the degree of fatigue and fatigue after heavy physical and emotional stress, stressful situations. For these reasons, the so-called "sunken face" appears - the skin turns pale, an earthy tint appears, the skin folds on the face intensifies, facial features sharpen, the eyes become "sunken". This also happens with prolonged fasting, with acute and chronic debilitating diseases, intoxication, diarrhea, vomiting, malabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and infectious diseases.

Dense, tense skin that does not fold into a fold is possible with its edema for many reasons (inflammation, trauma, impaired blood and lymph circulation, endocrinopathy, allergies, etc.). With inflammation, trauma, the skin is painful. Dense, painless, not trapped in a fold, the skin becomes with the intensive development of connective tissue after a burn, injury, with scleroderma.
Excessive stretch of the skin when pulling the skin fold is observed in cases of congenital weakness of the connective tissue (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome).

The main indicators of youth, beauty of female representatives are the elasticity of the skin, its firmness. What do experts mean when they talk about dermis turgor? We will reveal this issue in as much detail as possible. You will also learn why the turgor decreases and how to restore it.

What is skin turgor

Skin turgor (tone) is the internal pressure of cells + tension of cell membranes. It is the tone of the dermis that indicates the ability of the skin to resist mechanical stress (pressure, pulling), the quality of the water balance.

To check the turgor, you can grab a section of the epithelium, hold it for a couple of seconds, and release it. If the dermis straightens out very quickly, then its tone is in good condition. If it takes more time to straighten out, then there are some problems.

The following signs indicate a weak turgor of the skin:

  • thinning;
  • sagging;
  • preservation of fingerprints for a long period of time (after pressing, pulling).

Checking your face turgor using the video below:

The reasons for its decline

What is the secret of the elasticity of the dermis. A feature of the female body is the nuance that the hormone estrogen affects the turgor of the skin. It is on this hormone that the functionality of specific cells of the dermis (fibroblasts) depends. The work of fibroblasts is represented by the production of substances important for the elasticity of the epithelium:

  • collagen;
  • hyaluron;
  • elastin.

Thanks to the listed components, the epidermis has a healthy appearance, dense, contains a sufficient level of moisture.

The main reason for the decrease in turgor is dehydration of the body, the dermis. It is the skin that is capable of losing about 0.5 liters of water per day. Due to the loss of moisture, the skin needs constant hydration.

Hyaluronic acid helps to retain water inside the skin. This substance is a natural component of the epidermis, it is necessary for the regeneration of dermal cells. The resistance of tissues to compression is provided due to the binding of water inside the intercellular spaces. We also note other important functions of hyaluronic acid:

  • stimulation of collagen synthesis;
  • transportation of water through the tissues of the skin;
  • distribution of water within the tissues of the dermis.

The body can lose hyaluronic acid for various reasons:

  1. Poor water quality.
  2. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light is not the epithelium.
  3. Frequent use of preservatives.
  4. Pollution of the environment.

We will indicate other reasons for the decrease in epidermal turgor:

  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Insufficient hydration, inability to retain moisture within cells, decreased hydration.
  • Chronic lack of sleep, stress.
  • Oxygen starvation.
  • Overstrain in the physical, emotional sphere.
  • Bad habits.
  • Permanent dysbiosis.
  • Diseases of the internal organs.

Checking your turgor

How to increase or restore turgor

Hyaluronic acid is produced in smaller quantities by the body after age 25. This means that from this age the fair sex should nourish, moisturize skin... There are many ways to keep your skin looking youthful.

  • Water procedures in the form of a contrast shower help to increase blood circulation, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. It is also useful to swim in lakes, rivers, seas, washing with cold water. Baths with aromatic oils are considered very useful.
  • Water is useful not only in the form of procedures, but also for oral administration. Water is considered the most powerful energy-informational element. It is important to drink clean water throughout for. For every kilogram of weight, the body needs 30 ml of water per day.
  • You also need to restrict without any protection. The epidermis must be protected from direct rays by clothing, creams containing SPF.
  • Also, do not forget about healthy way life. The diet must necessarily contain plant foods.
  • It is necessary to monitor the moderation of physical activity, adherence to the daily regimen.
  • The psycho-emotional state, a positive attitude, a willingness to help people, etc. are also important.

Vitamin therapy

Special attention should be paid to:

  • A (). Its merit in the thickening of the stratum corneum. Thanks to him, the moisture of the epithelium and its elasticity are preserved. It is present in fish oil, egg yolks, animal fats, vegetables, and fruits.
  • V. Vitamins from this group are responsible for metabolic processes inside the epidermis. They are also needed for redox processes. Contained in legumes, fish, dairy products, legumes, cereals.
  • E (tocopherol). This "vitamin of youth" is responsible for the integrity of muscle fibers, prevents capillary fragility, maintains the required moisture level in the dermis. They contain nuts, avocados, seeds, wheat germ oil, vegetable oil.
  • PP (). It is considered necessary for the redox processes of the body, it is responsible for the biochemical balance inside the cells of the epidermis. Present in potatoes, meat, beans, liver, nuts, yeast.

Home treatments

You can maintain the condition of the skin not only by regularly visiting beauty salons, but also at home. Of the methods that effectively increase the tone of the dermis at home, we indicate:

  • Peeling of the face, body by means of scrub, gommage. Treatments are recommended twice a week. Thanks to the performed procedures, the skin will be cleansed, blood circulation and metabolism within tissues will be accelerated.
  • Using scrubs. A coffee scrub, a scrub with sea salt is very effective.
  • A contrast shower will help tone the walls of blood vessels, enhance blood microcirculation, and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.
  • ... They help not only to lose weight. One of the beneficial effects of wrapping is to improve the condition of the epidermis, increase its tone. The bath has a similar effect.
  • Aromatic oil baths.
  • Mimic exercises.


To improve the blood supply to the dermis, activate the regeneration process, and improve the outflow of lymph, exercises for the facial muscles are necessary. Plus, you will be surprised to learn that Kegel exercise helps restore skin turgor. Rhythmic contractions of the intimate muscles should be performed daily for 10 minutes. This exercise increases the blood supply to the pelvic organs, activates the production of estrogen, which is responsible for the normal tone of the epidermis.



Preference should be given to the following oils: mint, pine, rose, myrrh, incense, nutmeg, sandalwood. To prepare a bath, 5 - 7 drops of ether are enough. Baths are taken twice a week for 10 - 15 minutes.


It is useful to apply masks. Masks based on such substances will help to increase the turgor of the epidermis: collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, E, coenzyme Q10, elastin.

Masks for elasticity of the skin of the face are described in this video:


Cosmetologists are constantly developing new products (creams, lotions, masks) for skin care.

  • One of the caring products with a light texture and high efficiency is Cellular Body Firming Mousse (Swiss manufacturer Skincode). This tool provides a bright lifting effect, restores its elasticity to the epidermis.
  • "Slim Shape +" (produced by "Estee Lauder") will help to tighten, make the skin smooth.
  • One of the most effective anti-aging products for the face is the HydroForm Contouring Gel (produced by Darphin). It will help restore elasticity to the dermis, strengthen the body contour, soften the epidermis, and reduce visibility. A product based on aromatic oils has been produced.

Treatment without surgery

Physiotherapeutic procedures are considered especially useful for increasing turgor. They improve blood microcirculation, preserve youth, increase the elasticity of the capillary walls. Of the physiotherapy procedures, the most common are:

  1. ... Under the influence of ozone, the epithelium is smoothed, turgor improves.
  2. ... The procedures consist in the introduction of drugs into the tissues of problem areas. The specialist sets the composition of the preparation individually (antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, microelements.
  3. ... Injections with thin needles are painless and help to smooth the epidermis.
  4. ... The hardware method of tightening involves the effect on the dermis of special radiation that stimulates the synthesis of melanin and collagen.
  5. ... Microcurrent pulses with a low frequency have a mild effect on the layers of the dermis, the fat layer. The procedure activates microcirculation, lymph drainage, improves the face contour, tightens the cheeks.
  6. RF therapy. The tissues are affected by radio wave radiation. Under the action of the waves, the protein compounds of the epidermis are denatured, and the collagen fibers stop stretching.

It is considered a popular way to increase the turgor of the dermis. This modern rejuvenation procedure consists in the introduction of a special preparation containing hyaluronic acid and vitamins into the layers of the dermis. Thanks to innovative technology, the skin returns the lost tone, color, elasticity. !


An effective lifting procedure is considered to be contour plasty, which is performed through intradermal, subcutaneous injections. For injections, drugs are used with hyaluronic acid(Restylane, Juvederm, Surgiderm). These drugs increase the production of collagen, restore water balance. The epidermis after injections is smoothed out, becomes "velvety".

Platysmoplasty is considered a radical way to increase turgor. Tightening of the epithelium is performed through surgery. Use this method when expressed. The operation is carried out in two ways:

  1. ... Small incisions are made on the dermis, the specialist tightens the epidermis, excises excess tissue, sutures the incision. After the procedure, the stitches are practically invisible.
  2. Classical... The incision is made along the auricle, it goes up to the scalp. The skin, subcutaneous tissues are moved, fixed in the desired position, excess dermis is eliminated.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, will help.

How to improve skin turgor, see the video below:

The skin is pleasing when you look in the mirror and see it firm and well-groomed. When we talk about skin tone, we mean a combination of concepts such as:
  • moisture or hydration (attachment of water molecules),
  • turgor (osmotic internal pressure in a living cell, which regulates the water balance of the skin),
  • elasticity and oxygen supply.

At the same time, skin tone also depends on hormonal health. Hormonal imbalance is immediately reflected in the skin, as well as age-related decrease in hormone levels - says Natalia Buzhinskaya, general manager clinic "Petrovka-Beauty".

The role of hydration in skin care

It is widely known that water helps keep skin looking healthy and fresh. In short, the situation is like this: we drink water, water comes from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, from the blood into the cells and the intercellular space of the skin. And, it would seem, drink water, and your skin is toned - young and beautiful! But no matter how it is. The water content in the epidermis depends not only on the amount of water received from the dermis, but also on the ability of the epidermis to retain it, as well as on the osmotic pressure in the cells and the correct activity of the kidneys.

The first thing we can influence in this complex system is to maintain the balance of the elements of the lipid mantle of the skin, which minimizes the process of water loss.

Leslie Bauman, in her book "Cosmetological Dermatology", describes an experiment that shows that it is an imbalance in the composition of natural moisturizing factor and lipids that leads to the appearance of such a skin condition as dryness. Fortunately, dry or dehydrated skin is a reversible condition.

With age, the epidermis retains moisture worse and worse, the skin tone is weaker, so outside help is needed.

Many people believe that oily skin is not dehydrated, but this is a misconception. The phenomenon of dehydration is common to all skin types, and although dry skin is more susceptible to this due to a damaged protective hydrolipid mantle, oily skin can also be dehydrated for the same reason (due to aggressive skin care products - lotions with alcohol, extreme climatic conditions, medication courses of treatment, etc.).

Perhaps the point is in the bright tonic effect that ice provides, - commented cosmetologist Ekaterina Glagoleva, - but it is important to remember that powerful vasoconstriction and vasodilation, which occurs after any extreme influences, is fraught with adaptation breakdowns. That is, training for the vessels of the face should be gentle and very regular, otherwise we risk getting couperose capillaries in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks instead of a healthy blush. So if a bath / sauna is contraindicated for you, you blush from a glass of red wine and a light jog - refrain from this advice and take a course of venotonic drugs (on the advice of your doctor).

It is necessary to solve the problem of insufficient moisture in tandem with a beautician, a specialist will establish the cause of dehydration and eliminate the consequences.

How to understand if skin turgor is normal?

Turgor - the ability to recover from deformation - is determined by the state of the dermis, or rather by the activity of its fibroblasts.

“To understand whether the skin turgor is normal is simple: you need to pull the skin on the back of your hand, then release it, if the skin is smoothed out immediately - everything is very good. If at least 5 seconds have passed before full smoothing, then there is a real cause for concern, since your skin turgor has been reduced, ”comments Yulia Vladimirovna Yegorova, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist at the Reform clinic.

A woman's skin turgor depends on the hormone estrogen, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin fibers work like a rubber band, returning the skin to its original appearance and shape when deformed.

How to improve skin turgor?

Special procedures will help to improve skin turgor, for example: meso- and ozone therapy and microcurrents. The development of cosmeceuticals makes it possible to develop complex procedures for skin care, simultaneously solving many problems, such as hyperpigmentation, mimic hyperactivity, vascular problems, because a decrease in collagen synthesis is far from the only problem of aging skin.

Body skin care should include mechanical procedures: light peeling, massage at least 1-2 times a week, a contrast shower that increases blood microcirculation and elasticity of the vessel walls, body wraps. The laxity persists for the longest time in the abdomen, and here you can connect physical exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Baths with aromatic oils help to increase the turgor of the body skin.

Summing up, we can say that tone is a complex concept that characterizes the quality of the skin. With a systematic approach, it is possible to improve the moisture content, turgor and elasticity of the skin and significantly delay the visit to the plastic surgeon. With a reduced skin tone, aesthetic procedures aimed at rejuvenation will have an effect, but the effect of plastic surgery will be visually noticeable.