
Signs of autumn senior group planning planning. GCD in the senior group “Autumn chores of a person. Activities around the world


Activities around the world

Topic: "Autumn chores of a man»

Target: to give children an idea about the autumn preparations of a person for winter in the garden, in the garden; introduce the planting of trees, shrubs, flowers in autumn period, with harvesting seeds; to cultivate a desire to help adults in the preparation of vegetables and fruits for the winter; develop an aesthetic perception of the environment.

Materials and equipment:

Pictures of vegetables various groups, sheets of paper. Colored pencils, paints, colored paper.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, story, visual, practical.

Lesson progress:

- Guys, let's imagine that winter immediately came after summer?

What would be?

(Birds will not have time to fly south, animals will not have time to prepare for the cold and will die, insects will not have time to hide and not wake up in winter, people will not be able to harvest from fields, gardens, orchards, fruits and grain will die, etc.)

That's right, guys, in nature everything goes according to plan. Hot summer gives way to cool autumn, frosts gradually increase, and only where winter comes.

Autumn is a very important period of the year. In autumn, everyone works: birds, insects, animals, and we, people, also work hard to prepare for the harsh winter.

How do people prepare for winter? (children's answers)

That's right, first of all, it's harvesting.

(Children look at illustrations depicting grain harvesting)

In hot summer days farmers harvest precious grain from the fields. In autumn, they will have to put this grain in storage. Scientists are developing modern methods of combating grain diseases.

The bins of the Russian land are rich, all winter the people will eat healthy and tasty cereals, semolina and millet, buckwheat and pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat and barley flakes. Need flour - buy in the store for every taste: wheat, rye, corn.

Grain will be preserved in winter - there will be flour, there will be flour - there will be pasta, and noodles, horns and spaghetti.

There will be bread, and rolls, and gingerbread, and cookies, and pies.

What vegetables are harvested in the fields?

(Tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants, beets and carrots, cabbage, garlic, peas, beans, peppers, pumpkins, radishes, etc.)

Examining pictures and stories of children about what vegetables were collected in the village and in the country.

How does your family store vegetables in winter?

(Potatoes are poured into cellars, carrots and beets are stored in sand, onions and garlic are woven into braids, cucumbers and tomatoes are salted in jars, cabbage is salted in barrels, etc.)

Once I went to my grandmother in the village, I see: in her house there are many different bunches of herbs hanging - drying, and in the house there is such a wonderful herbal aroma.

Who guessed what kind of grass grandmother dried for the winter? (children's answers)

That's right, these are medicinal herbs and fruits that are very useful in winter.

The teacher's story about medicinal herbs (thyme, St. John's wort, oregano, linden, rowan, hawthorn, nettle)

It’s good to sit by a warm stove on a frosty day, and drink a decoction of fragrant herbs with fragrant honey.

Do you have medicinal plants in your family?

In autumn, a person still has a lot of different things to do.

In the garden, people clean up dry tops, remove leaves, fertilize the soil with ashes, apply fertilizers, dig up the ground, and cut branches.

Today, on a walk, we will plant plants, decorate our site with new trees.

And what needs to be done to prepare the house and apartment for winter?

Animals change their coats for the winter, but what does a person need?

(Buy a warm coat, knit a hat, mittens, etc.)

Well done boys! We are well prepared for winter.

Thank you, mother earth, for your generous gifts! The winter is not terrible for people.

IIh. Applied activity

And now I propose to make preparations for the winter, to preserve whatever they want - berries, vegetables, fruits. The teacher gives a jar template and children at will (draw vegetables, stick fruits, jam, etc.)

Topic: "Autumn walks along the paths"

Topic of the week: "Autumn chores" (gifts of autumn, work in autumn).

educational areas

Group, subgroup



"Autumn chores" (gifts of autumn, work in autumn)


Education of cultural and hygienic skills, self-service .

Topic: "Most careful."

Target: To contribute to the improvement of cultural and hygienic skills previously mastered by children, to teach them to monitor their appearance.

Construction game for children "Vegetable store".

Target: Continue to learn how to build buildings from various building materials.

game cf. mobility p/z. "Carp and pike".

Target : to develop speed of attention, dexterity, to contribute to the implementation of basic movements when running.

sensory development .

Topic: "Who will remember more

Target:reinforce in children the ability to visually recognize in

surrounding space color, shape, size pre-

dmetov, develop visual attention, memory.

Add to group:


1.cognitive development. Acquaintance with the objective world and the phenomena of social life

Topic : A conversation about autumn.

Tasks. To clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and people's work, to clarify the signs of autumn, to remind children of the name of the autumn months, to clarify knowledge about other seasons. To learn to listen to music about autumn, to determine its character and mood in connection with changes in nature. To learn to correlate the description of nature in poetry or prose with the definition of the season, to develop auditory attention, speed of thinking

A. V. Adzhi p.38, lesson number 2

2. Artistic - aesthetic development. Music (according to the plan of the music worker)

3. Choreography (hall)


Wildlife Watching: Watching: Herbaceous Plants Fall

Target: To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world, to learn to distinguish between herbaceous plants in appearance. Offer to talk about the changes that occur with plants under the influence of low temperatures.

P / s "Partridges and the hunter"

Target: to develop speed of reaction, dexterity, to bring up interest in the correct performance of the task.

P / s "We are funny guys"

Target: to develop speed qualities, speed of reaction, attention, to promote the hardening of the body, using natural factors.

Independent games for children.


Ind. movement development work with Vanya Ch, Sonya Ts, Masha G.

Topic: "Hit the target."

Target: to consolidate the ability to correctly swing from behind the head

Take-out material:

Sports Equipment,

Subject and plot toys.

hardening activities



Reading thin. literature. Ch. Perro "Boy-with-finger" translated from French by B. Dekhterev.

Target: Invite the children to retell their favorite fragments of the fairy tale based on illustrations, explain the meaning of the actions of the characters, and evaluate them.

Structural modeling activity . Games with the designer "Lego"

Target: teach children to highlight parts of the designer, distinguish and use various ways connection of parts. Develop fine motor skills, learn to play with your buildings.

Target : to teach children to find an occupation of interest, organize game interaction, develop free communication skills.


Tasks: Update and concretize children's knowledge about the life of birds in the fall. Discuss how you can help birds in the cold season.

Didactic game"Who will see more?"

Ind. OBJ work.

Topic "When You Shouldn't Obey Your Elders"

Target: Review and discuss with children dangerous situations possible contact with strangers Explain to the child that a pleasant appearance stranger does not always mean his good intentions.

Labor activity.

Labor in the corner of nature.

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to care for indoor plants (wipe the foxes from dust, water them along the edge of the pots).

Add to group :


inventory for work in a corner of nature.

Working with parents

Reminder for parents"Age features of children of senior preschool age".

Target : Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents

Team work adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas

Organization of the development environment for

independent activities of children

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime




Reception and examination of children. Morning gymnastics.

Speech development. Theme: "Beginning of autumn"

Target: enrich students' vocabulary, teach them to feel the beauty and sonority of their native word, develop creative imagination, logical thinking, communication skills, speech.

Musical-didactic game for children: "Who will name more."

Target: Expand and consolidate knowledge of musical instruments ( appearance, sound, name).

Medium mobility game n/a . « run quietly».


Formation of the foundations of security.

Situational conversation about the rules of behavior in the group.

Consider the situation with the children, discuss what danger threatens, find out. what caused this situation

Add to group:

Paintings depicting autumn scenery


1. Cognitive development.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations Lesson 1

Tasks: Continue to learn how to make the number 6 from units. Introduce the number 6. Clarify the methods of dividing the circle into 2–4 and 8 equal parts, learn to understand the relationship between the whole and the parts, name and show them (half, one second, one fourth, one eighth, etc.). Develop the ability to move in space in accordance with the conventions.

I.A. Pomoraeva Formation of elementary mathematical representations. preparatory group. Page 27


Drawing from nature "Rowan branch"

Software content. To form the ability to convey the characteristic features of nature: the shape of the parts, the structure of the branch and leaf, their color. Strengthen the ability to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet. Practice painting with watercolors. To fix different methods of drawing with a brush (with the whole pile and the end). Learn to compare the drawing with nature, to achieve greater accuracy fromT.S. Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. preparatory group

3. Physical development. Physical education. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor).


Acquaintance with traffic rules "Crossroads"

Target: continue to acquaint children with the rules
crossing the road.

P / s : "Wolf in the ditch"

Target: contribute to the improvement of basic movements when performing jumps. Learn to act on a signal.

P / s : "Run to the named tree"

Target: develop speed of reaction, speed qualities, learn to maneuver between objects.

Independent games for children.

Target: to form health-saving competencies in children: to expand the capacity. experience, to form the ability to organize games, to independently control the compliance of their game actions with the rules.

Individual work on environmental education . Theme: "In the garden"

Target: develop memory, the ability to find a generalizing word

Labor activity . Labor order

Leaf cleaning.

Purpose: To update children's knowledge about the attributes and tools designed to perform various types labor.

Take-out material:

Sports equipment, equipment for labor activity.

hardening activities

Wellness exercises after sleep. hardening procedures.



1. Reading thin. literature. "Autumn in the forest" I. Sokolov-Mikitov


2 .Story-role-playing game : "Atelier" plot "Demi-season clothes"

Target: improve the ability of children to unite in game groups, to direct the attention of children to the quality of the roles played, to develop coherent speech. gaming activity

Sky watching

Target: encourage to express their own conjectures, assumptions about the causes of certain phenomena; consolidate knowledge about inanimate nature).

P / i. "Tops - roots »

Target: know the names of vegetables, be able to distinguish between root crops; respond quickly to the signal.

Artistic activity. applique, modeling autumn trees using unconventional technology.

Target: improve children's skills related to working with paper, teach children to do work carefully, follow safety rules

Add to group :

viewing objects and illustrations,

attributes for a role-playing game,

necessary material for thin activities

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas

Organization of the development environment for

independent activity


Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime




Reception and examination of children. Morning gymnastics.

Physical development. Exercise "Heron"

Target: develop a sense of balance.

Development game fine motor skills d/z. "Make a pattern" (from seeds, pebbles, leaves)

Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers, creative imagination.

Medium mobility game n/a . "Where we were we will not say, but what we did we will show."

Target : To teach children to call an action a word; use verbs correctly develop creative imagination, ingenuity.

FEMP. D / y "Count, remember, pick up the number"

Target: Learn to match numbers and numbers.

Add to group:

viewing objects and illustrations


1. Speech development. Speech development, literacy training.

Topic. ConsonantM. №5

Tasks: Learn to identify the place of sound in words. Learn to analyze and compose syllables and words.X Analyze soundM. To teach to take the initiative in order to acquire new knowledge.

D.G. Shumaeva “How good it is to be able to read!..”, p.22

2. Artistic and aesthetic development. Painting.

Topic: Drawing "Golden autumn"

Software content. To teach children to reflect in the drawing the impressions of the golden autumn, to convey its color. To consolidate the ability to draw a variety of trees using different colours for barrels (dark brown, dark gray, black, greenish gray) and brush techniques (all pile and end). Learn to place the image all over the sheet: above, below, to the right, to the left. Develop creativity.

T.S. Komarova Visual activity in kindergarten. Preparatory group.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development. Music.


Observation of inanimate nature: Wind characteristic observation

Target: encourage children to use knowledge and skills. related to the identification of the main characteristics of the wind, to propose to characterize the strength and direction of the wind based on the results of the observation.

P / s: "Hunters and Ducks"

Target . Introduce the rules of the game, improve the technique of performing basic movements, develop accuracy, dexterity, large motor skills of the hands, increase joint mobility.

P / i. "Carp and pike".

Purpose: to develop speed of attention, dexterity, to facilitate the implementation of basic movements when running.

Independent games for children.

Purpose: to form health-saving competencies in children: to expand the capacity. experience, to form the ability to organize games independently.

Individual work on the development of speech:

Di. "Letter Lotto"

Target: development of phonemic hearing, the ability to determine the first sound in a word, the development of attention and listening skills

Labor activity. labor in nature. Foliage cleaning on a group plot

Target: to organize the use of relevant labor skills by children, to teach them to choose rational methods of work. to negotiate cooperation, to cultivate industriousnessand responsibility

Take-out material:

Sports Equipment,


hardening activities

Wellness exercises after sleep. hardening procedures.



Reading thin. literature. V. Suteev "A bag of apples"

Target: to help children, relying on the text, understand the characters, teach them to use various means of expressiveness of speech, facial expressions.

theatrical activity. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Target: develop children's imagination, Creative skills, independence. Learn to distribute roles, develop acting skills.

Watching the evening weather

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to identify and reflect the state of the weather in speech. Describe the changes that have occurred over a certain period

P / i. "Corners"

Target: improve basic motor skills, encourage children to do the exercise as best as possible.

Individual work on art activities Egor, Nastya, Dima N to exercise in the technique of plasticineography, to consolidate the ability to depict a landscape

Cultivating a culture of behavior during an afternoon snack. The upbringing of the KGN.

Target:to consolidate the skills of a culture of behavior at the table: sit straight, do not put your elbows on the table, silently drink and chew food, use a knife, fork and napkin correctly.

Add to group (viewing objects and illustrations):

attributes for theatrical activities;

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas

Organization of the development environment for

independent activity


Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime



Reception and examination of children. Morning gymnastics.

aesthetic development. Listening to a fragment of works by A. Glazunov, P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

Target: be able to listen carefully to a piece of music, turn on the imagination, remember the images associated with autumn, describe them using figurative expressions, lines from poems

Didactic game for children "Say with the word" autumn "

Target: develop attention, speech.

Medium mobility game n/a . "Ocean is shaking".

Purpose: to develop imagination.

Acquaintance with the world of nature, ecology. "From which tree is the leaf

Target: to know the features of the shape and color of the leaves of trees in autumn, to be able to quickly navigate through the pictures on a signal and find the right tree

Add to group:

Disk with works. Glazunov, P. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons"

Pictures with the image of trees.


1. Cognitive development. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Lesson 2

Tasks: Introduce the composition of the numbers 7 and 8 units. Clarify the idea of ​​the number 7. Clarify the methods of dividing a square into 2, 4.8 equal parts, learn to understand the ratio of the whole and the parts, name and show them. Reinforce the concepts of triangles and quadrilaterals. To consolidate the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

I.A. Pomoraeva Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Preparatory group. Page 30

2. cognitive development. Introduction to the natural world.

Topic. Excursion to nature in early autumn. How do plants prepare for winter?

Tasks. To teach children to identify trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants in height. To give knowledge about the fruits and seeds of specific trees, bushes, herbaceous plants. Clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living conditions of plants in the fall.

Bondarenko T.M. "Environmental activities" p. 56, lesson number 8

3. Physical development. Physical education (according to the plan of the instructor in physical education).

4. Choreography (hall).


Watching people's clothes in autumn

Target: learn to establish cause and effect relationships. Develop observation

P / s: "Run Silently"

Target: To improve the ability of children to move silently, to develop creativity in motor activity. To teach to monitor your posture, to encourage the desire for victory and self-improvement.

P / s "Homeless Bunny"

Target: Contribute to the improvement of children's performance of play activities. Develop coordination of movements, agility, speed of reaction. Teach children to watch their posture while moving.

Independent games for children. Purpose: to form health-saving competencies in children: to expand the capacity. experience, to form the ability to organize games, to independently control the compliance of their game actions with the rules.

Individual work on the development of speech: "Say the opposite"

Target:learn to select opposite meanings for the signs of autumn

Labor activity (labor order)

Collect leaves and dry grass for the herbarium.

Take-out material:

Work equipment,

Object and plot toys at the request of children

hardening activities

Wellness exercises after sleep. hardening procedures.



Reading thin. literature . Ya Taytsa "I'm here"

Target: : to develop in children an interest in thin. literature, to arouse the desire to listen to the work, to understand its content.

Conversation "Who grows bread?"

Target: To form children's ideas about the process of growing and making bread, how bread came to our table.

Role-playing game "Bakery"

Target: creation of a game environment, production of attributes, development of relationships, formation of friendliness

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Purpose: to teach children to find an activity according to their interests, organize game interaction, develop free communication skills.

Watching the autumn rain

Target: to teach children to identify and describe the nature of rain, to select suitable definitions and epithets, to help draw a general conclusion about the features of rain

Ind. work "Don't knock down the flag" ( learn how to snake between objects, observing safety rules).

P / i. "Hide and Seek"

Target: improve children's ability to play on the whole playground, correlate their actions with the actions of other players, the driver, improve the ability to navigate in space.

Individual work on teaching literacy with Nastya K, Leroy G, Dima exercise "Find the sound".

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to identify sound and find its location in a word.

Add to group:

Attributes to the role-playing game

viewing objects and illustrations

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas


development environment for

independent activity


Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime



Reception and examination of children. Morning gymnastics.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world. “Why harvest and transplant plants?”

Target: To systematize children's ideas about the variety of vegetables, fruits, berries and the ability to divide them into groups, to know how they grow and how they are harvested.

Give an idea of ​​how vegetables and fruits come to our table; pay attention to the content of people's labor, to their coherence and mutual assistance in work, to the mechanization of labor

Board-printed game for children "Lotto" (vegetables, mushrooms, berries, fruits)

Target: develop, attention to knowledge about vegetables and fruits, etc.

Medium mobility game n/a . "Owl".

Target: Teach children to act on a signal.

Conversation with children on the topic of moral and patriotic education:

Purpose: To instill in children respect for employees kindergarten, careful attitude to the work of adults, the desire to provide all possible assistance.

Add to group

viewing objects and illustrations

Desktop and printed games, lotto, puzzles;


1. Speech development. Speech development .

Topic. Reading the fairy tale by K. Paustovsky "Warm bread"

Target. To acquaint children with the literary tale of K. Paustovsky "Warm Bread".

2. Artistic and aesthetic development. Sculpting/Applique

Topic. "Vase with fruits and flowers"

Tasks : to consolidate the ability of children to cut out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. Develop visual control over the actions of the hands. Learn to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet, look for the best way, match images by color. Cultivate artistic taste.

Material: sheets of paper, colored paper of different shades, scissors, glue.

3. Physical development. Physical culture on a walk. (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)


Air temperature monitoring:

Target : learn to independently determine the weather and show its influence on the flora and fauna (a strong wind tears leaves from trees; it is difficult for sparrows to jump, feathers swell from the wind, the length of the day decreases, therefore it becomes cooler, etc.).

P / s "Nuts, acorns, cones"

Target : Contribute to the improvement of children's performance of game actions. Develop attention

P\u003e "Who will take fewer steps"

Purpose: to develop dexterity of movements

Individual work on FEMP "Name the Neighbors"

Target: develop attention, consolidate counting skills.

Take-out material:

Subject and plot toys,

Sports Equipment.

Tempering Activities

Wellness exercises after sleep. hardening procedures.



Reading thin. literature. . Riddles about the gifts of nature. “For mushrooms” by K. Balmont, “A mushroom army in the forest ...” A. Chasovnikov.

Target: to develop in children an interest in thin. literature, to arouse the desire to listen to the work, to understand its content.

DI: "Good bad" (TRIZ)

Target : to teach to see the contradictions in nature, the ambiguity of phenomena, the relationship of living and non-living things; develop speech, thinking

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Target: to teach children to find an activity according to their interests, to organize game interaction

Precipitation monitoring

Target: refine your understanding of precipitation

P / i. "Ring"

Target : to teach children to perform game actions in accordance with the rules to develop attention, speed P / and "Traps"

Target : learn to act on a signal, develop dexterity, speed.

Socially useful work Together with the teacher, cleaning the fallen leaves on the site and near it, help the children of the younger group.

Add to group:

viewing objects and illustrations

attributes for experienced - experimental activities;

work equipment.

Working with parents

Individual conversations with parents about the need to vaccinate against influenza.

Irina Lenkina
Calendar planning "Autumn" in senior group

Theme of the week: « Autumn» .(4 weeks from 26.09 to 30.09)

09/26/16 Joint activities with children

morning With Lesha M, Sasha D/i "Lotto". Target: improve the ability to play according to the rules, match the pictures. Conversation « Autumn is golden» . Target: consolidate children's knowledge of signs autumn remember poems, proverbs and sayings about autumn, develop observation, activate vocabulary on the topic.

Examining the illustrations "Nature autumn» (consolidation and expansion of ideas about autumn) . Di "When does it happen?". Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons.

NOD Day group: 1. Cognitive development "Ecological path autumn» . Expand ideas about the objects of the ecological trail, about seasonal changes in nature.

2. Drawing "What do you like to draw the most". Contribute to mastering the ability to think about the content of your drawing, to remember the necessary ways of depicting.

3. Music.

Walk Watching Seasonal Changes

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the relationship of animate and inanimate nature; highlight changes in the life of plants and animals in autumn time; form an idea about autumn months.

Labor activity: cleaning the kindergarten site from fallen leaves.

Goals: to contribute to the creation of a joyful mood in oneself and children from the work done; cultivate an ecological culture.

Outdoor games "Third wheel".

Goals: follow the rules of the game; develop agility and speed.


Goals: to promote the ability to navigate in space; develop interest in the game.

Individual work

Target: speech game "Find the sound in the word". Target: to consolidate the ability to highlight a given sound in words with Radimir, Grisha G.

Independent games with remote material.

evening With Artem K. game "Lace". Target Self-care after a nap. Target: to form the ability to independently and consistently dress.

Reading poems about autumn. Target: development of perseverance, attention, broadening one's horizons.

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables" (Yu. Tuwim). Target: development of fine motor skills of hands.

S/r game "Let's go, let's go to the forest autumn» . Target: to promote the ability to invent a story, beat it, distributing roles and using the attributes necessary for "trips".

Theme of the week: « Autumn» .

27.09.16 Joint activities with children

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in regime moments)

morning With Dasha V, Andrey L. D / and "Count". Target: improve score within 5.

Conversations about healthy eating: « autumn vitamins» . Target: Formation in children of ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, about healthy and wholesome food.

D\game "Mysteries from the Garden". Target: The development of speech and the activation of the vocabulary on the topic, to expand ideas about the significance of adult labor for society. desktop printed games: "Collect a picture of autumn» , "What tree leaf". Target: consolidation and expansion of ideas about autumn.

NOD Day group: 1. Development of speech “Consideration of the plot picture « autumn day» and writing stories about it. Target: to improve the ability of children to compose narrative stories in the picture, adhering to plan.

2. Application (1 subgroup) . Target

(2 subgroup) .

3. Physical culture.

Walk Observation of the work of the janitor. Goals: expand knowledge about the work of adults autumn; develop respect for work.

Labor activity "Transplantation of flowering plants from a site in group(marigolds, daisies).». Goals: to help master the ability to carefully dig up a flower and, together with the ground, carefully transplant it into pots.

Outdoor games "Cat and Mice". Goals: continue to improve compliance with the rules of the game; activate physical activity. "Corners". Target: to consolidate agility, speed of running.

Individual work "Movement development". Target: to develop the skills of throwing the ball at the target with Danil P, Varya L.

Free games for kids fresh air with pull-out material (blades, panicles).

evening With Nastya G, Arseniy P mushroom molding. Target: create conditions for the correct modeling of mushrooms, using rolling techniques. Role-playing game "Pharmacy". Target: To consolidate the ability to invent a plot, beat it, distributing roles and using attributes.

P / and " "Don't get caught". Goals: exercise in running in different directions; develop slow and fast running.

Reading followed dramatization: Y. Tuwim "Vegetables". Target: to improve the ability to understand the meaning of the work. Independent play activity children in the center mathematical development. Target: create conditions for the development of logic, thinking.

Theme of the week: « Autumn» .

09/28/16 Joint activities with children SDS

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in sensitive moments)

morning Individual work “let's draw trees (trunk, branches, leaves, keeping proportions) with Alena M, Lesha M. Conversation on topic: "My friends" Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about friendship, mutual assistance, naming friends among pupils groups.

Work in the corner of nature. Target: continue to improve the skills of caring for plants in group(water, wipe the dust from the leaves).

Di "Harvest". Target: Continue to improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits.

NOD Day group: 1. FEMP "Score within 5". Target: improve counting skills within 5.

2. Physical culture in the air.

Walk Observation of mountain ash. Target: continue to acquaint children with mountain ash, its structure.

Labor activity "Collection of leaves of poplar, mountain ash, willow for autumn crafts» . Target: to improve the ability to accurately collect and distinguish between leaves of different trees.

Outdoor games "The kite and the mother hen", "Who's next?" Target: develop the ability to run, holding on to each other, listen to the teacher's signal.

Individual work "Movement development" with Sasha K, Dasha V. Target: practice jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Free play activities for children on a walk.

evening Individual work with subgroup children on the development of speech - strengthening the ability to compose short stories on the topic « Autumn» .

Listening to music "Sounds autumn» . Target: create conditions for evaluating music by its character (sad, cheerful, what mood does listening to musical excerpts create.

Finger gymnastics. Target: development of fine motor skills of hands.

Labor activity in play areas groups. Target: improve the desire to help adults, put things in order after the game. Games in the gym. Target: creating conditions for development motor activity.

Theme of the week: « Autumn» .

09/29/16 Joint activities with children

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in sensitive moments)

morning Individual work with Dasha V., Sasha D. on FEMP. Target: to establish correspondences between the number of objects, number and figure. Experimental activities - experience: Why are the leaves green? Target: empirically find out why the leaves of plants have green color and why leaves turn yellow in autumn.

Walking on a ribbed path to prevent flat feet.

Preparing for breakfast. (Continue to improve the ability to arrange glasses and napkin holders).

NOD Day group: 1. Development of speech (diploma). "Determining the number of syllables in a word". Target: create conditions for the development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word.

2. Application (2 subgroup) "Cucumbers and tomatoes are on a plate". Target: continue to improve the ability to cut objects round and oval shape from squares and rectangles.

2. Social - communicative development (1 subgroup) .

3. Physical culture.

Sun watching walk. Target: to help discover the links between certain signs of the weather, seasonal changes in the life of the flora and fauna, the influence of the sun on living and inanimate nature.

Labor activity "Clearing paths from debris and leaves". Target: to develop the desire to work together, helping each other.

Outdoor games "Catch the ball", "Carp and pike". Goals: continue to improve the ability to independently agree on the distribution of roles; exercise in the ability to catch and pass the ball, follow the rules safe behavior when playing with the ball.

Individual work with Nastya G, Vika F. D/i "What tree is the leaf from?". Target: consolidate knowledge about different types of trees, learn to correlate leaves and trees.

Free play activities for children with remote equipment.

evening With Sasha K, Varya L. work in notebooks on the development of speech. Target: improve the ability to choose the right word - description. D/I "Guess what plant". Target: to improve the ability to classify plants according to a certain attribute.

Reading a poem by G. Novitskaya "Silence". Target: continue to improve the ability to emotionally perceive and understand the figurative content of poems. Games in the math corner. Target: creating conditions for the development of thinking.

Theme of the week: « Autumn» .

30.09.16 Joint activities with children

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in sensitive moments)

morning With Radimir, Grisha d / i "Count". Target: improve score within 5. Chat on topic: "What does it mean to be polite?" Target: to explain to children what a truly polite person is, why he not only knows "magic" words, but always tries to please other people.

P / s "Listen to the pops". Target: development of attention, memory, speed of reaction. Independent games of children in the center of role-playing games. Target: Create conditions for the development of the plot, action.

NOD Day group:

1. Drawing « Autumn forest» . Target: create conditions for display in the picture autumn impressions, for drawing a variety of trees, leaves.

2. Music.

Walk Observation of the work of the driver. Goals: clarify ideas about the work of drivers, managers different types machines; develop cognitive activity; nurture interest in and respect for the work of adults.

Labor activity "Harvesting and drying of leaves and plants (for herbariums and applications)».

Goals: fix the names of trees and plants; cultivate love for the plant world; learn correctly, collect the leaves of plants.

Outdoor games "Paints", "The kite and the mother hen". Goals: exercise to run in a chain, holding on to each other, and listen to the leader's signal; develop attention, speed, dexterity.

Individual work - guessing riddles about autumn natural phenomena(Vika, Andrey). Target: expand the horizons of children, develop vocabulary.

Free play activities for children.

evening With Vika F. work in copybook. Target: improve the ability to draw a straight line. Reading thin. literature. “Learning a poem by I. Maznin « Autumn» . Consolidate children's knowledge of the signs autumn in the process of looking at illustrations, evoke an emotional response to the pictures autumn nature.

Working in the book corner (book repair). Target: create conditions for a careful attitude to books, (if a book is spoiled, try put it in order). Role-playing game "Score". Target: improve the ability to invent a plot and beat it, use different attributes (introduce a new attribute - cash register)

Free play activity in the center artistic creativity (sculpting, drawing, application)

Tatiana Gerasimovskaya
Daily planning in the senior group "Golden Autumn"

Gerasimovskaya Tatyana Sergeevna

Daily planning in the senior group« Golden autumn»

I bring to your attention a calendar senior group planning(Developed on the basis of the program "Birth to School") on the topic of « Golden autumn»

Monday. 09/03/2018.

Morning: Morning exercises by plan instructor F. TO.

Observation of the weather - give a description, mark in the calendar of nature.

Conversation: "What do I know about autumn phenomena» - Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn. Learn to establish relationships between the length of the day, air temperature and the condition of plants, the availability of food for animals and their adaptation to winter.

Di "Choose an Action"- development of speech. "Ball autumn and magical, will be in the hands of you to jump and questions set:

Leaves autumn(what do they do ... the leaves turn yellow, fall off ...

Learning a poem by A. Pleshcheev « Autumn has come...»

Work in a corner of nature - water indoor flowers.

Dining room duty - to instill a culture of table setting for meals.

Individual work: Exercise children in coloring coloring - learn to color in one direction, without going beyond the contours of the picture.

Working with parents: Individual conversations on parenting issues.

1. Cognitive development familiarization with the natural world Topic: "Signs autumn»

Program content: Clarify ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn; learn to look for signs autumn and summer in pictures and paintings; reflect the impressions received by available means;

V/h) ecology Diagnostics Target: "Identification of existing knowledge on environmental education"

2. Physical culture (on a walk) on FC instructor's plan

Walk: Topic: "Watching the Puddles".

Target: clarify the idea of ​​signs autumn about changes in nature.

Work: helping the janitor clean up fallen leaves

Outdoor games "Third wheel"

Individual work on the development of basic movements Target: improving jumping skills moving forward - The exercise: jumping on two legs to the flag.

Working on pronunciation (b)-(b*) distinguish between sounds.

Return from a walk KGN Game situation, "What are Dunno's habits".

Lunch organization, canteen service.

Organization of children's sleep: relaxation before going to bed - listening to the musical composition of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" ("September")

Reading: Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Jug" in arr. Y. Kapitsa.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleeping in beds Complex 1*** "Sipping";"Beetles"; "Swing"; "Mahi on the side"; Breathing exercise The goal is to create a cheerful mood.

Hardening - Washing with cool water.

Education KGN when dressing. Target: to consolidate the skills of self-dressing and fastening Velcro and zippers.

Organization of an afternoon snack, duty in the dining room - to provide all possible assistance in setting the table.

Looking at paintings autumn landscapes - to develop the ability to view paintings, share impressions.

Relaxation exercise « sun bunny» , "Cheerful breeze"

Di "What changed autumn in nature» -development of observation.

Riddles on the topic « Autumn»

Walk Observation "What has changed on the street in the evening?"

Outdoor games "Owl". Individual work on the development of basic movements Target: continue to learn to jump on two legs moving forward ex. "Hares"

Working on pronunciation: learn to select words for sounds (b)-(b*) distinguish between sounds.

Work on the site - to collect large garbage - to cultivate diligence.

Independent motor activity of children on the site

Tuesday 04.09.2018.

Morning: Morning exercises by plan instructor F. TO.

Conversation on the topic “The rain of mischievous leaves swirled over me,

how good it is, where else can you find it ”- exercise children in the difference between plants in autumn outfit, enrich the aesthetic experience, cause a joyful experience from the perception of the beauty of nature autumn.

Di "Dress the Tree"- choose from the leaves of your tree scattered on the floor and place them on the branches

game exercise "Find a Pair"-collect leaves that are similar in color

finger game:

The wind walked through the forest, the wind leaves thought:

Here is oak, here is maple, here is rowan, carved

Here from a birch - gold, here the wind threw the last leaf from the aspen onto the path.

Working with parents: Individual conversations on the topic "Family Education"(formation of parents' knowledge about the mistakes of education and ways to overcome them).

1. FEMP Theme: “Counting items. Orientation in space. Building a house with a window.

Program content: Reveal understanding of spatial relationships in group real objects and group of objects shown in the picture, an object-play action on the differentiation of spatial relationships. Continue to consolidate the skills of building a house different sizes, develop the plot of the game; learn to reflect in the construction of their ideas about familiar objects, conveying the main details in the construction (wall, roof, window, door); to consolidate the ability to carry out the construction in the desired sequence.

2. Physical development physical education on FC instructor's plan

3. Artistic and aesthetic development of modeling Topic: "Mushrooms.".

Program content: To consolidate the ability to sculpt objects or their parts of a round, oval, disk-shaped shape, using the movement of the entire hand and fingers; learn to convey some characteristic signs: deepening, curved edges (mushroom caps, thickening legs; develop coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination, imitation, fix verbs in speech "search", "pluck", "gather".

Walk: Topic: "Watching the Fall"

Making bouquets from autumn leaves , collection of leaves for the herbarium, cones for crafts.

The game "Changing Places"

Target: exercise in running, learn to act on a signal. Ex. "Make a Figure", "Hit the target"

sand construction: magic lumps

Working on pronunciation: learn to select words for sounds (P)-(P*) distinguish between sounds.

Learning a poem by A. Pleshcheev « Autumn has come»

Return from a walk, Formation of the KGN. Game situations "Hurry and Pictures"; "Get it by youself"; "What it is?".

Organization of lunch, education of cultural and hygienic skills at the table

Organization of children's sleep: Listening to an audio recording of a fairy tale "Havroshechka"

Evening: Gymnastics after sleeping in beds Complex №2 "Shading"; "Beep"; "Half-fish"; "Boat"; "Listen to your breath"- to create a cheerful mood.

A set of exercises for the prevention of scoliosis in children

Hardening - extensive washing.

Education of KGN, self-service skills when dressing. Target: to consolidate the skills of self-dressing and fastening clothes with different types of fasteners zhek: buttons, Velcro, zippers.

S/r game "Flower shop"- introduce children to a new profession, expand the horizons of children, enrich the vocabulary

Walk Observation How does daylight change at an early autumn

Outdoor games: "Find yourself a mate".

Individual work on the development of basic movements. Target: exercise in running along the track)

Conversation with parents « Autumn crafts with child»

Wednesday 05.09.2018.

Morning: Morning exercises by plan instructor F. TO.

Observation of the weather - give a description, mark on the calendar

Conversation « Autumn forest» - clarification and expansion of children's ideas about autumn forest. Tell how beautiful nature is at this time of the year.

Creative game with construction elements "Amazing Forest"- drawing up pictures on a flannelograph.

Di "Russell Birds"- (sign "The sun"- migratory, sign "Snowflake"-wintering)

Exercise for the development of logic and memory "Who is moving?": the caterpillar crawls, and the grasshopper jumps.

Board game (forest, meadow)

The game "Draw"

Working with parents: Offer parents to read to children the book of G. Ya. Snegirev How animals and birds prepare for winter

1. Development of speech. Our toys (cat, dog, fox). Software content: Continue the formation of the ability to consider objects, highlighting their features, qualities and actions, compose a descriptive story about toys together with the educator; fix the rules for handling toys;

(on plan music director)

3. Artistic and aesthetic development of drawing "Picture about summer". Software content: to fix the techniques of drawing with a brush, the ability to properly hold the brush, rinse it in water, dry it with a cloth.

Walk: Topic: Monitoring shrubs and trees.

Goals: to learn to recognize and distinguish trees and shrubs by characteristic features; form ideas about the root as part of the plant, located underground.

Mobile game "One, two, three, run to the tree"

Individual work on the development of basic movements. Target: to develop the skill of free running, to learn to act on a signal. Ex. "One, two, three run".

Working on pronunciation: learn to select words for sounds (v)-(v*) "Which sound"

Free activity under the supervision of a teacher

“Apchih, Chih and Oh came to visit us”

Reading and discussion of proverbs and sayings about autumn. Solving riddles.

Game situations "What does it mean", What does my cloud look like?

Ind. Slave. "Pantry of forest animals"- from counting sticks - the development of imagination, fine motor skills

Lunch organization, canteen service purpose: consolidate the skill of partial serving for dinner.

Organization of children's sleep: listening to music "Lullaby" from m. f "Umka"

Evening: Gymnastics after sleeping in beds Complex No. 3 "Sipping"; "Logs"; "Barrier"; « ladybug» ; "Walking in Place"- to create a cheerful mood.

Hardening - Washing the nose. Walking barefoot on a rug

Board game "Edible and non-edible mushrooms"- remember the name of mushrooms, their external signs, place of growth (forest, meadow) what benefits or harms mushrooms can bring.

The game "Draw"-development of visual perception

Listening to audio recording sounds autumn forest

Individual work with Lull's circles "Who lives where"

The game "Elements"

stroll: Birdwatching. They chirp cheerfully in the sun, rejoicing in the warmth. Fix the names of migratory birds.

P / s "Birds in the Tree".

Work on the site is to cultivate the ability to bring the work begun to the end.

Independent physical activity of children on the site.

Individual work: Formation of skills to dress quickly and neatly, to put on shoes correctly.

Thursday 06.09.2018

Morning: Morning exercises by plan instructor F. TO.

Conversation "What do we autumn gave What did you put in the basket?- to consolidate knowledge about vegetables, fruits.

Attention game "Vegetable Rainbow"- develop visual attention when drawing up color halves of pictures.

finger game "Harvest"

Labor in the corner of nature.

Preparing for breakfast Dining room duty - table setting.

1. Cognitive development familiarization with socio-cultural values

Topic: “In the human world. My family".

Program content:

To form an idea of ​​​​the family, as about people who live together; to cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones, to arouse a sense of pride in one's family; Activate vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about your family.

2. SDA "Rules of safe behavior on the roadway"

3. Physical development physical culture according to plan instructor of FC Shipovalova E.K.

Walk: Topic: Birdwatching.

Goals: to identify the features of bird adaptation to the seasons; to establish a connection between the nature of food, feather cover and the flight of birds to warmer climes.

Labor clearing paths from fallen leaves

mobile game "Homeless Bunny"

Individual work on the development of basic movements. Target: exercise in speed running. Ex. "Run faster than the wind".

Working on pronunciation: learn to select words for sounds (G)-(G*). Game name toys for given sounds

Pronunciation of a Russian folk song "Like grandmother's goat"

Return from a walk Formation of the KGN game situation "Right wrong"

Game situations "Similar - not similar", "Pick up an object in a pair of size"

Organization of dinner duty., Education of a culture of behavior at the table. Target: learn to use polite the words: "Thank you". "please", "Bon appetit" etc.

Organization of children's sleep: Reading a fairy tale by I. Karnaukhova "Winged, furry, but oily".


Gymnastics after sleeping in bed. Complex №4 "Wake Up", "Herringbone"; "Boat"; "Ball"; "Listen to your breath"- create a cheerful mood.

hardening "Rinse throat and nose"- promote a healthy lifestyle.

Ex. For the prevention of flat feet

Manual labor: let's make vegetables and fruits for plot - role play "Score"

Muses. the game "Garden round dance"

Individual work: "Call it sweetly"- carrots - carrots, onions - onions, etc.

Preparing for a walk, evening stroll: Observing changes in the weather over the course of a day. Di "From morning to evening"- develop observation skills.

P / s "Bell"- develop motor activity. "Hit the ball in the hoop"

Individual work: Learn to run at speed

Working on pronunciation: learn to select words for sounds (G)-(G*). The game name the toys for the given sounds. Clap when you hear the sound (g, then the sound (G*)

Free activity under the supervision of a teacher

Friday 07.09.2018.

Morning: Morning exercises by plan instructor F. TO.

Game - quiz about autumn between subgroups:- consolidate ideas about changes in nature autumn, about fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, create a joyful mood in children, cause emotional responsiveness, the ability to develop interest in the world around them.

game exercise "Whoever calls more will accept autumn

Games for the development of logical thinking « Autumn mistakes» .

Working with the calendar of nature - fixing signs autumn.

D. i. "From what to cook compote"

Board game "Vegetable Lotto"- create conditions for the development of children's skills to consciously accept the game task.

Individual work: D.I "Say kindly"(formation of adjectives with diminutive suffixes).

Working with parents:

1 Reading fiction Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Lion and Dog" Program content Learn to analyze a work of art.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development musical activity (on plan music director)

3. Artistic and aesthetic development of drawing Drawing by exemplary: "Apple tree with golden apples» . To form the ability to consider and depict objects in the drawing.

Walk: Topic: "Watching the Trees".

Target: observation of spruce and pine to clarify knowledge about coniferous trees; comparison with other trees.

mobile game "From bump to bump".

P / s "Brook"

Individual work on the development of basic movements. Target: develop basic movements. Ex. "Act on the signal".

Working on pronunciation: learn to select words for sounds (To)-(To*) game name the children on these sounds, "Which sound"

Free activity under the supervision of the teacher.

Return from a walk Formation of the CGN game situation "What is in our closet"

Analysis of weather observations.

Game situations "Tell Without Words", "It happens or it doesn't".

Organization of lunch - duty in the dining room. The goal is to consolidate the skills of children to help in setting the table for dinner.

Organization of children's sleep: KGN. Undress yourself and hang things neatly on a chair. Reading the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Bounce"

Relaxation music - create favorable conditions for sleep.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleeping in beds Complex No. 5 "Pulls"; "Slide"; "Nut"; "The Frogs"; walking in place - create a cheerful mood.

Hardening - washing: cool water.

Walking barefoot on treadmills.

Construction "Hedgehog coat"- develop a creative idea (torso - plasticineography, seeds - thorns

DI "Collect a picture"- develop logical thinking, imagination.

Preparing for a walk, evening stroll:

Observation of seasonal changes in nature, precipitation - develop observation.

D.I "What a wind"(expand vocabulary, the ability to select relative adjectives, portray the hum of the wind).

P/I "Take Your Place"- develop the speed of reaction; "Freeze"; "Traps". (train in loose running, learn to dodge the driver, develop spatial orientation skills).

Work: garbage collection on the site. Target: education industriousness.

Free activity of children in the area with remote material.

Individual work: "Get in the Hoop" (exercise the ability to act on a signal, throw objects at a target).

Working on pronunciation: learn to select words for sounds (To)-(To*) game "Name the transport with sounds (To)-(To*)

Competition: Collect beautiful bouquet for an assistant teacher.

Morning gymnastics. Contribute to strengthening the health of children and the awakening of the body for normal life; create a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Conversation: "We are pupils middle group". About the rules of behavior in the group. Talking to children about the benefits of daytime naps.

Conversation "Mushrooms and berries - gifts of the forest" - introduce a variety of mushrooms and berries. Talk about the benefits of wild berries for the human body.

P/game "find yourself a mate"

develop the ability to navigate group room, speed of reactions., the ability to hear the signal, the desire to play outdoor games.Cultivate friendships.

F/S “We are already quite big”

C: identifying the level of formation of skills for self-dressing and undressing

Greeting: "Let's find a friend ), What is planted in the garden?

Target. To teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (according to their place of growth, according to their use), to develop speed of thinking, auditory attention. News exchange: what they saw on the way to the d / s Planning the day: topic

"Talkers" Topic: "Autumn flowers" examining plants. Purpose: To introduce children to flower garden plants, to teach them to consider them, highlighting parts, color and shape. Develop focused attention, thinking, memory. Cultivate aesthetic feelings. (

"Funny notes"(according to the plan of the musical work.)

Cloud watching.

Target : continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature. Clarify the concept of "cloud". Develop observation, memory.

Outdoor games with running for orientation in space. "From bump to bump." "Cars", "Sparrows and a car".

Goals: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs moving forward; teach to follow the rules traffic; consolidate knowledge about buses.

Individual workwith Roma, Arseniy on the development of basic movements: Walking with the fulfillment of adult tasks: turn, go around objects, “snake”.

Goals: Develop basic movement skills.

Labor assignment sweeping the path leading to the site. Goals: to learn how to use brooms correctly, to cultivate diligence.

Improving gymnastics after sleep: "We woke up."

Purpose: development of motor activity. Continue to teach children to dress themselves, to monitor their appearance.

walking along the massage paths.

Presentation of products of activity, analysis of successes and difficulties, reflection

Game situation "Light, my mirror, help me put me in order."

"I know the world." Conversation"Ah, mushrooms, mushrooms"

Purpose: Acquaintance with mushrooms. Expand children's knowledge about mushrooms (name, place of growth, structure); learn to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms. Develop an active children's vocabulary (names of mushrooms). Cultivate respect for nature, friendliness.

Competition games“Who will pick mushrooms faster”, “Transport the berries”.

Creative game "restoring the poem" (Children independently insert the missing syllables into the poem(zhi and shi). Target: Expand natural-historical ideas

C/R game "A walk in the autumn forest"

Construction Games"Houses for Dunno's Friends"- to develop the creativity of children, the ability to negotiate among themselves. Enrich building experience. Cultivate friendships.

Drawing on stencils "Mushrooms-Berries". Hatching in various directions.

Purpose: to teach children to find an activity according to their interests, organize game interaction, develop free communication skills.