
How to become a good kind girl. In striving to be a good girl, the main thing is not to overdo it. What a perfect girl should be


The right woman commands respect and attracts attention, so many strive to become such. To do this, you just need to act differently, weighing your every decision and step. We will now talk about how to become correct.

Rules for girls

Follow these tips to become the right girl.

  • Always deal with people according to your conscience. Do not betray them, harm them or humiliate them. Treat them with courtesy, courtesy, and try to help them.
  • Do good deeds. They must be performed not only for relatives and friends, but also for strangers. To do this, you can become a volunteer of one of the charitable organizations, of which there are now countless numbers in every city.
  • Find your ideal. Many people who became correct had their own idol. They imitated him and learned from his actions good deeds... Therefore, it is worth finding your ideal and learning good from him.
  • Watch your speech. The right girls always think before they say something. Therefore, analyze your thoughts and express them in understandable language, without using slang expressions and strong words.
  • Behave with dignity. The right girl does not get into arguments, much less get into fights. When there is difficult situations she is always looking for a solution that will not harm others and her reputation.
  • Follow your daily routine. A plan will help you become correct. It should be drawn up for every day, where all the cases that you have to solve during the next day will be scheduled.

Rules for wives

Many women dream of becoming the right wives, there are also recommendations here.

  • Become a good hostess. A good wife should look after all family members and keep the house in perfect order. You need to be able to clean, wash, iron, prepare food, shop in supermarkets, and do other daily chores.
  • Become good friend... The right wife should always listen to her husband, understand his problems, empathize and support, instilling confidence in him. Also, he should always be sure that he can talk to you as with a friend, entrusting his secrets and ideas.
  • Become a good mother. A good wife is vigilant about the upbringing and health of children. She also takes care of their education and makes sure that they do not get involved with bad company.
  • Become a keeper of the hearth. The right wife should create a cozy nest where the family would hurry to return every day. Here we mean not only comfort and cleanliness in the house, but also the microclimate between you, children, husband and relatives. It is important to treat them with respect, smoothing out conflicts if necessary.
  • Become an understanding wife. Respect your husband's habits, hobbies, and hobbies. You should not lecture him that he lies on the couch a lot, cannot hang a shelf, or often spends time with friends on a fishing trip or at a bar. Better find a reason to praise him.
  • Become desired. A good wife looks after not only her husband and children, but also herself. After all, every man wants to see a well-groomed and beautiful woman, that is why it is so important to correspond here, otherwise problems in family life cannot be avoided. Take time each day to do beautiful hairstyle, perfect makeup and choose an outfit that will emphasize all the advantages of your figure. Become gentle and kind. It is important to show not only care for your husband, but also love. He should see your tenderness, kindness and passion towards him. So feel free to show these feelings.

You can find more tips in our other articles.

Anna Basis

Surely every girl at least once dreamed of seeing in the mirror the reflection of the ideal version of herself. After all, the admiring glances of men, self-confidence, close and warm relationships with parents, girlfriends and a beloved man are worth striving for the ideal and starting to work on yourself. It remains to figure out how to become perfect girl, and what should it be? It is unreasonable to be guided by the accepted standards of beauty, it is important that the striving for perfection does not interfere with preserving her own individuality, because without it the girl will lose her “zest”. Therefore, each female representative has her own "directions of ideality" and she will have to work on herself in accordance with them.

How to Become the Perfect Girl Outwardly

One phrase reads: "Nobody wants to know what kind of soul you have if you are not the owner of a beautiful appearance." Therefore, every girl is obliged to strive for a fit, athletic figure, well-groomed body and face. Row useful recommendations: how to become the perfect girl in appearance.

Skin care. Loving your skin, even if it is not perfect, while constantly caring for and fighting imperfections. Regular cosmetic masks, a visit to a beautician, and the inclusion of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet will help with this.

Figure. Do not chase the imposed and unrealizable standards female beauty, which "rushes" from the covers of glossy magazines. You need to accept your body and work tirelessly on it, give up fatty foods and fast food, and exercise regularly.
Hair. How can there be a perfect girl without a luxurious head of hair? The length of the hair is not so important, let it be a bob or a bob, the main thing is cleanliness and a well-groomed look. A visit to a competent hairdresser-stylist will allow you to choose the right hairstyle and hair color.
Snow-white smile. Smooth and healthy teeth is a girl's business card! This will be helped by regular visits to the dental office and daily brushing of teeth in the morning and evening.

It is worth remembering that healthy deep sleep- the guarantee of attractiveness and positive mood. It is important to train yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Otherwise, fatigue and irritability will certainly affect your appearance. It will help to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws in appearance and shape. correct makeup and your own style of dress.

And, of course, how can you become a perfectly beautiful girl without this confidence? When a girl considers herself attractive, others think the same way. Complimenting your appearance in front of the mirror every morning will boost your mood for the whole day.

How to be the perfect girlfriend for your man

Building strong mutual relationships is impossible without working on yourself. Therefore, if you have a loved one and a desire for a happy relationship, you will have to work hard and understand how to become the ideal girl for your man. To begin with, it does not hurt to carefully study his character: habits, hobbies, principles, desires. In the future, this will help to find common interests and goals. Simple Tips will tell you how to become the perfect girl for a guy or a man:

Trust and respect for each other is the foundation of a strong relationship, without them the couple has no future. does not deceive a man, does not arrange scandals in front of strangers, and in domestic quarrels there is no place for obscene language and mutual insults. Even if a man is wrong, a girl striving for perfection will not belittle his dignity and constantly recall these unpleasant moments.
Refusal of commercialism. Men are wary of those who pursue material gain. If a man is serious about a girl, he himself will make every effort so that she does not know the need for anything.
Getting rid of bad habits. It would be strange to see an ideal girl smoking like a locomotive with a glass of strong drink in her hand. It is unlikely that at least one man will like her. Therefore, in order to get closer to the ideal, you will need to eradicate the habit of smoking and alcohol abuse.

Mutual support. No wonder the expression was invented that behind every successful man there is a woman. Women's support and understanding energizes men to overcome life's challenges and obstacles.

How to become the perfect girlfriend for him? Be feminine! This is the quality thanks to which a guy feels like a man and is ready for feats for the sake of his beloved. You don't have to fulfill men's responsibilities, solve complex problems, constantly strive to excel and take on a leadership position in a relationship. This will only push him away and not make him feel needed.

Respect for hobbies, friends, and family is essential. Without this, the couple is doomed to constant scandals and misunderstandings. You need to know about the guy's favorite hobbies and be sure to try to find something interesting for yourself in them. Even if this does not succeed, the study of his hobbies will become a common topic for joint conversations. Friends for men are sacred. Under no circumstances should you criticize friends or the man himself with them. It is also not worth forbidding them to meet, the man will still do as he needs, and the girl will “lose a few points” in his eyes. Men do not choose relatives, so you have to find mutual language with them. And it is better to leave the opinion about them to yourself and not spoil the relationship with your beloved.

It will help to become an ideal girl in a relationship, she will allow you to change herself and him in better side and overcome difficulties.

How to be the perfect girl in everything

Striving to be perfect in everything involves not only a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, but also hard hard work on your personal qualities. But in return there will be pleasant changes. An ideal girl in everything will arouse pride and admiration among relatives, friends and acquaintances, increase her self-esteem, realizing the uniqueness and significance. This will change the social circle, as a developed, interesting and positive person attracts their own kind. There will be new opportunities in your career and personal life. Experiencing the desire to become the perfect girl in everything, you need to pay attention to the following:

Continuous development. At any age, it is useful to learn new things, to discover unknown facets in yourself. These are courses, travel to other countries, professional and personal trainings, reading books, learning languages. What makes a girl's personality interesting and self-sufficient.

Good manners. It is important to learn to restrain yourself in the right situations, not to “lose face”, not to complain about life and not to cry in the presence of strangers. To eradicate arrogance in yourself, to learn to value your time and the time of others, such people command respect. Do not get distracted by unnecessary gossip and chatter, it is better to do useful things. To work on their speech, everyone is pleased to listen to a person with competent pronunciation and without rubbish words.
Thrift. In the progressive XXI century, household girls are worth their weight in gold, so the ability to maintain home comfort and prepare delicious meals will be appreciated.

Nothing attracts people like. No man can resist a sincere charming smile. The ideal girl is distinguished by the constant manifestation of attention and care for friends and family. Even if someone is ashamed to ask her for help, she will show her participation and offer herself. And she constantly pleases her loved ones with sincere compliments and gifts, people appreciate such attention.

A strong intention and desire to change yourself and become the ideal girl will help you overcome all obstacles along the way. When work on oneself becomes a habit, it will no longer be hard work, but pleasure. And tips on how to become the perfect girl will help you with this:

You need to look good and take care of yourself both on holidays and on everyday days.
Change, add variety to the usual life. So, changing your hairstyle or hair color, updating your wardrobe or preparing a new culinary masterpiece will add color to the gray everyday life and cheer you up.
You should reconsider the attitude towards your personality. Self-love is the main quality of an ideal girl. Even if there are a lot of claims, it is necessary to gradually and carefully get rid of them, overcome yourself, then self-respect will appear. And a self-respecting girl will not date a man just for the sake of a relationship and endure a negative attitude towards herself. She deserves worthy man and knows about it.

Let the advice and recommendations allow you to see yourself from the other side, fall in love and start self-improvement in the near future. Despite the huge number of articles and books on how to become an ideal girl, the main thing is to be yourself, not to focus on the shortcomings, but to find and develop your merits in order to become a self-sufficient person.

February 11, 2014 5:18 pm

Around the beautiful and good girls there are always a lot of men spinning. Serious competition means having to be better than the rest of the unshaven characters in her life. How to be the best for her?

She will have someone. Can not pretty girls to be alone. She has someone or even a couple of men in mind. She can date someone. But what did you want? Tidbits do not go unnoticed. You have to be the best, special and different. Then you can conquer her.

How to be the best for a girl?

Give unexpected compliments

She has beautiful eyes, perfect legs, sexy figure, sensual lips, amazing hair and a charming smile? You are late. She had just been told this by three other unshaven competitors. It's best to avoid obvious compliments. They won't impress her. Try to be more original.

Say something unexpected new girl: about a radiant smile, a sweet mole, wet-shiny eyes, a mysterious look, a melodic voice, an easy gait. Focus not only on her appearance, but also on her internal qualities. She is funny, funny, smart, quick-witted, kind, shrewd, erudite, crazy, unpredictable. Tell her that.

Have stories in stock

Girls like to say, "Tell me something interesting" 70% of your competitors will be confused, but not you. In this case, you have prepared a few curious and interesting stories... Different stories can be told depending on the girl. Try to guess what the new baby wants to hear. About travel, your friends, music, art, show business or literature. When communicating, new anecdotes, quotes and the ability to weave fables will come in handy. Prepared, erudite and clever man Is a stunning and exhilarating blend for any woman.

Play and flirt

Be nice to the new baby. She had met enough boors in her life. A woman falls in love with a masculine attitude towards her. Gallantry, tact and politeness are the gentleman's friends. But this does not mean "deflection" under the woman. Only respect for the girl as a person.

In addition to nobility, you need the ability to flirt. Excitement, flirting, jokes, intrigue, improvisation, gestures and body language. It is a game that increases the heart rate and blood flow to certain parts of the body.

With all due respect, do not forget to pry on the girl without affecting her pride. Be funny, cocky, teasing.

Show versatility

Athletes talk about sports, musicians talk about music, businessmen talk about business. Talk about a lot of things. Don't get carried away by talking about work or past relationships. Jump from topic to topic and try not to bother her with one thing. Give the girl the opportunity to talk about something. This is a conversation, not a monologue. Listen carefully to her words.

Entertain baby

A sense of humor is a great quality. Do not be lazy to joke, tell jokes, come up with interesting pastime. Girls need to walk, give them drive, emotions and a positive mood.

Be unpredictable

Behave like good guy and then as bad. Express extraordinary things. Change plans unexpectedly. Offer unusual dates and things. Show emotions. Open up and show new sides of your character. Say the words: "no" and "I said so." Frighten her with your severity and show tenderness. Lead an active lifestyle and don't be domesticated. A wild wayward mustang on the prairie is much better than a sleeping horse in a stall.

She will shudder when she meets a man who is not afraid to be himself. Who is strong and positive. A strong and complete man. With dominant behavior. With a smile on my face and a kind heart. She will be emotional and unpredictable with only one goal - to please you.

Why be perfect?

Every girl dreams of being an ideal wife, mother, friend, sister. We all strive to achieve excellence in work, study, personal life and society. We strive for self-development, achievement of the assigned tasks and this is very great. Our days are not aimless, they are filled with meaning, we daily move towards perfection and, achieving our goals, we feel joy, since we did not give up halfway. It is not easy to be perfect, it is hard daily work, but it is so nice to become a little better every day and to be an example for others.

The ideal is different for everyone, but there are generally accepted concepts and principles that have developed over the years in society that an ideal girl should correspond to.

Let's consider them in more detail.

How to be perfect?

What should be the ideal girl? What needs to be done to achieve the ideal? Many girls who have decided to become ideal are racking their brains over these questions.

So, the ideal girl:

  • does not have bad habits. The ideal girl will not poison her body with alcohol and nicotine.
  • controls your appearance. The perfection girl does not go out with a dirty head in an old dressing gown, she always looks perfect.
  • playing sports. Yoga, Pilates, fitness, swimming, golf, gym classes - there are a lot of options, the main thing is to lead an active lifestyle and always be in shape and tone.
  • erudite and comprehensively developed. The perfection girl reads many books of different genres and trends, watches films, solves crosswords and Sudoku, puzzles and charades, attends courses on learning Spanish, Thai massage techniques, cooking and gardening. With such a girl you will always find a common theme, she is a fascinating conversationalist, she has a wonderful sense of humor.
  • controls his figure and nutrition. An ideal girl does not eat in a fast food cafe, she lives according to the principle “I eat in order to live, but I do not live in order to eat”, her dietary restrictions do not go to extremes and do not irritate others. The perfection girl eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinks vitamins, does not count calories every minute.
  • perfect girl smiles all the time, she exudes cheerfulness and great mood... After communicating with such a girl, my soul is easy and joyful.
  • does not lie, does not be rude, does not rude, does not shout. She knows how to control herself, control her feelings, and even if she is overwhelmed with anger, rage and other negative emotions, the girl will not throw them out on the people around her.
  • respects his parents, seniors, loves kids and animals. Open for communication and contact with people.

The path to achieving the ideal is long and thorny; for a start, you can take the following actions:

  • Plan your day, do not waste time on purposeless sitting for days on the Internet or playing on a computer or phone. If you have a free moment, then it is better to spend it reading a book.
  • Let every hour of your day be rich and interesting, learn something new, learn something.
  • Get rid of bad habits, sign up for a language course or go to a driving school.
  • Take care of yourself, do something pleasant and useful for your body every day (mask, peeling, manicure).
  • Make a list of goals and a list of your accomplishments. It is very important to complete the assigned tasks, and not to deviate from the path and not give up.

The ideal girl is the pride of her chosen one, he values ​​her, loves and is afraid of losing.

What girl doesn't dream of achieving perfection for her beloved?

What does it take to become an ideal girl for a loved one:

  1. Be yourself, do not play a role, do not shut yourself up, do not imagine yourself as Marilyn Monroe or a princess. You are you, be sincere and open to your loved one.
  2. Always watch your appearance , appearance is not the most important thing, but guys love well-groomed girls who go in for sports, have impeccable style and taste, do not overdo it with makeup. Everything should be in moderation.
  3. Develop, improve yourself. Take time for education, work, courses. Guys in the company of such a girl are always interested and have something to talk about, she will support the given topic of conversation.
  4. Smile, be positive and cheerful. It is pleasant to spend every minute with such a girl, she illuminates our days like a small sun.

Do not forget that your beloved chose you, you are a couple, and this means that he liked you the way you already are.

Trying to be perfect for your boyfriend is a good idea, but don't overdo it. In pursuit of the ideal and self-improvement, you can change beyond recognition, you will no longer be the girl he loved, so remember the basic rule: "Everything is good in moderation."

How to Become the Perfect Teenage Girl? How to become perfect at 14?

Can you be the perfect girlfriend when you're only 14 or a little over? Of course yes! All ages are submissive to the ideal.

Self-improvement is a long work and it is better to start it from a young age, then by the age of 20 you will achieve more than your peers.

Where to start for a teenage girl:

  • Don't be rude and don't be rude. Teenage years- this is a difficult time for girls, they sincerely believe that they are not understood or ignored. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your parents, be more loyal. Your family is the most Dear people who love you very much and wish you only the best, so try to understand their position and discuss without clarifying the relationship, unnecessary quarrels.
  • Take care of your look and style. Do not be zealous with makeup, it is better to slightly emphasize your eyes with mascara, and your lips with gloss, and not disfigure yourself and add several years visually with tons of makeup. Choose comfortable clothes, do not buy pretentious and very bright things, otherwise you risk looking like a parrot or Christmas tree... Do not “decorate” yourself with tattoos and piercings, over the years you will only regret it.
  • Track your academic progress and grades in school. Education and intelligence are highly valued and, if you do not yet realize this, you will definitely understand when you get older.
  • Do some sports. You grow and develop, and an active and sporty lifestyle will help shape your figure to the envy of all your friends.
  • Read more books. So you will become a wonderful conversationalist and form your views on various topics and questions.
  • Do not use obscene words, watch the correctness of your speech and pronunciation.
  • Don't have bad habits. Drinking and smoking is not fashionable, and the right lifestyle is always highly valued.
  • Don't gossip. Discuss others only those who have nothing to talk about, as they are narrow-minded and limited.

Guided by these rules, you will achieve harmony with yourself and society. Isn't that perfect?

An ideal girl and wife is a reliable rear of her boyfriend and husband, she loves and is loved, such a girl is appreciated and afraid of losing, she is dear.

In order not to destroy the relationship and be in harmony with your chosen one, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Appreciate and respect your boyfriend's opinion. Everyone has the right to respect and acceptance of their views.
  2. Trust in a relationship- the guarantee of their longevity. You should not torture your boyfriend with scenes of jealousy, search his pockets, monitor mobile phone, a page on a social network.
  3. Loyalty. If you love your boyfriend, why do you need another one? If you like the other and are attracted to him - it means that your boyfriend is not your soul mate at all, you should not torture a person and hide feelings for another, this is dishonest in relation to him.
  4. Respect and do not discuss his family, relatives and friends. These people have known him for many years, they are important for your boyfriend, you should not create a situation where the guy has to be torn, choose between you and your mom or a friend. The choice may not be in your favor at all.
  5. Listen and listen. Be a good listener and advisor, encourage and support your loved one in problem situations... Motivate your chosen one to achieve their goals. He needs to know that he can always rely on you.
  6. Do not limit his freedom and do not be obsessed only with your relationship. The fact that you enjoy spending time together is great, but everyone should have their own personal space, for example, you can spend a couple of hours on a weekend with your friends in a cafe, and he with colleagues in a bowling alley.

Beauty is a subjective concept, but well-groomed girls always attract attention and become the envy of their friends.

What should be done to achieve the ideal externally?

  • Control the condition of your hair and skin. Make regular homemade and purchased masks, drink vitamins, mineral complexes... Trim the ends of your hair regularly and pluck your eyebrows. It is also important to control nutrition, very often acne, acne, rash are the result of improper diet and abuse of sweet, starchy, spicy.
  • Monitor the condition of your fingernails and toenails.
  • Remove excess hair. Exists a large number of ways - waxing, laser, cream, machine tools.
  • Find the most suitable one for your skin.
  • Pick your own style. Combine the colors of your clothes wisely. Watch also the state of things. Fashionable expensive things, but dirty or with holes, raise doubts about the neatness and tidiness of the girl.
  • Find your perfume. Smells play a big role, but do not overdo it, do not pour a bottle of perfume on yourself every morning.

How to become perfect for yourself and for everyone? Is it possible to be perfect in everything?

If you want to become perfect for yourself and for those around you, then follow all the tips above in order to become the perfect girl, ideal for your boyfriend and in relationships, and also remember that it is necessary:

  • Be confident. Never question your strengths and capabilities, you will definitely succeed!
  • Don't be complex. We all have our drawbacks. Accept yourself for who you are.
  • Love yourself. How can you like someone and find your soul mate if you don't love yourself? But love should not be transformed into selfishness or narcissism, everything should be balanced.

Remember that how many people - so many opinions and everyone has their own ideals. It is impossible to be perfect in everything, but this is not a reason to relax and give up. Striving for self-improvement is an exciting and, most importantly, a productive process.

Helpful advice from a psychologist

All psychologists say that working on oneself is an obligatory process in the formation of a personality. But do not forget that there are no ideals, do not get hung up and do not mock yourself, the process of self-improvement should bring joy, and not be torture.

And the basic rule is - be yourself, do not create an idol for yourself, do not imitate. All people are unique and inimitable.

Why be perfect?

Every girl dreams of being an ideal wife, mother, friend, sister. We all strive to achieve excellence in work, study, personal life and society. We strive for self-development, achievement of the assigned tasks and this is very great. Our days are not aimless, they are filled with meaning, we daily move towards perfection and, achieving our goals, we feel joy, since we did not give up halfway. It is not easy to be perfect, it is hard daily work, but it is so nice to become a little better every day and to be an example for others.

The ideal is different for everyone, but there are generally accepted concepts and principles that have developed over the years in society that an ideal girl should correspond to.

Let's consider them in more detail.

How to be perfect?

What should be the ideal girl? What needs to be done to achieve the ideal? Many girls who have decided to become ideal are racking their brains over these questions.

So, the ideal girl:

  • does not have bad habits. The ideal girl will not poison her body with alcohol and nicotine.
  • controls your appearance. The perfection girl does not go out with a dirty head in an old dressing gown, she always looks perfect.
  • playing sports. Yoga, Pilates, fitness, swimming, golf, gym classes - there are a lot of options, the main thing is to lead an active lifestyle and always be in shape and tone.
  • erudite and comprehensively developed. The perfection girl reads many books of different genres and trends, watches films, solves crosswords and Sudoku, puzzles and charades, attends courses on learning Spanish, Thai massage techniques, cooking and gardening. With such a girl you will always find a common theme, she is a fascinating conversationalist, she has a wonderful sense of humor.
  • controls his figure and nutrition. An ideal girl does not eat in a fast food cafe, she lives according to the principle “I eat in order to live, but I do not live in order to eat”, her dietary restrictions do not go to extremes and do not irritate others. The perfection girl eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinks vitamins, does not count calories every minute.
  • perfect girl smiles all the time, she exudes cheerfulness and great mood. After communicating with such a girl, my soul is easy and joyful.
  • does not lie, does not be rude, does not rude, does not shout. She knows how to control herself, control her feelings, and even if she is overwhelmed with anger, rage and other negative emotions, the girl will not throw them out on the people around her.
  • respects his parents, seniors, loves kids and animals. Open for communication and contact with people.

The path to achieving the ideal is long and thorny; for a start, you can take the following actions:

  • Plan your day, do not waste time on purposeless sitting for days on the Internet or playing on a computer or phone. If you have a free moment, then it is better to spend it reading a book.
  • Let every hour of your day be rich and interesting, learn something new, learn something.
  • Get rid of bad habits, sign up for a language course or go to a driving school.
  • Take care of yourself, do something pleasant and useful for your body every day (mask, peeling, manicure).
  • Make a list of goals and a list of your accomplishments. It is very important to complete the assigned tasks, and not to deviate from the path and not give up.

The ideal girl is the pride of her chosen one, he values ​​her, loves and is afraid of losing.

What girl doesn't dream of achieving perfection for her beloved?

What does it take to become an ideal girl for a loved one:

  1. Be yourself, do not play a role, do not shut yourself up, do not imagine yourself as Marilyn Monroe or a princess. You are you, be sincere and open to your loved one.
  2. Always watch your appearance, appearance is not the most important thing, but guys love well-groomed girls who go in for sports, have impeccable style and taste, and do not overdo it with makeup. Everything should be in moderation.
  3. Develop, improve yourself. Take time for education, work, courses. Guys in the company of such a girl are always interested and have something to talk about, she will support the given topic of conversation.
  4. Smile, be positive and cheerful. It is pleasant to spend every minute with such a girl, she illuminates our days like a small sun.

Do not forget that your beloved chose you, you are a couple, and this means that he liked you the way you already are.

Trying to be perfect for your boyfriend is a good idea, but don't overdo it. In pursuit of the ideal and self-improvement, you can change beyond recognition, you will no longer be the girl he loved, so remember the basic rule: "Everything is good in moderation."

How to Become the Perfect Teenage Girl? How to become perfect at 14?

Can you be the perfect girlfriend when you're only 14 or a little over? Of course yes! All ages are submissive to the ideal.

Self-improvement is a long work and it is better to start it from a young age, then by the age of 20 you will achieve more than your peers.

Where to start for a teenage girl:

  • Don't be rude and don't be rude. Adolescence is a difficult time for girls, they sincerely believe that they are not understood or ignored. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your parents, be more loyal. Your family is the most dear people who love you very much and wish you only the best, so try to understand their position and discuss without clarifying the relationship, unnecessary quarrels.
  • Take care of your look and style. Do not be zealous with makeup, it is better to slightly emphasize your eyes with mascara, and your lips with gloss, and not disfigure yourself and add several years visually with tons of makeup. Choose comfortable clothes, do not buy pretentious and very bright things, otherwise you risk looking like a parrot or a Christmas tree. Do not “decorate” yourself with tattoos and piercings, over the years you will only regret it.
  • Track your academic progress and grades in school. Education and intelligence are highly valued and, if you do not yet realize this, you will definitely understand when you get older.
  • Do some sports. You grow and develop, and an active and sporty lifestyle will help shape your figure to the envy of all your friends.
  • Read more books. This will make you a great conversationalist and shape your views on various topics and issues.
  • Do not use obscene words, watch the correctness of your speech and pronunciation.
  • Don't have bad habits. Drinking and smoking is not fashionable, and the right lifestyle is always highly valued.
  • Don't gossip. Discuss others only those who have nothing to talk about, as they are narrow-minded and limited.

Guided by these rules, you will achieve harmony with yourself and society. Isn't that perfect?

An ideal girl and wife is a reliable rear of her boyfriend and husband, she loves and is loved, such a girl is appreciated and afraid of losing, she is dear.

In order not to destroy the relationship and be in harmony with your chosen one, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  1. Appreciate and respect your boyfriend's opinion. Everyone has the right to respect and acceptance of their views.
  2. Trust in a relationship- the guarantee of their longevity. You should not torture your boyfriend with scenes of jealousy, search his pockets, monitor a mobile phone, a page on a social network.
  3. Loyalty. If you love your boyfriend, why do you need another one? If you like the other and are attracted to him - it means that your boyfriend is not your soul mate at all, you should not torture a person and hide feelings for another, this is dishonest in relation to him.
  4. Respect and do not discuss his family, relatives and friends. These people have known him for many years, they are important for your boyfriend, you should not create a situation where the guy has to be torn, choose between you and your mom or a friend. The choice may not be in your favor at all.
  5. Listen and listen. Be a good listener and advisor, encourage and support your loved one in problem situations. Motivate your chosen one to achieve their goals. He needs to know that he can always rely on you.
  6. Do not limit his freedom and do not be obsessed only with your relationship. The fact that you enjoy spending time together is great, but everyone should have their own personal space, for example, you can spend a couple of hours on a weekend with your friends in a cafe, and he with colleagues in a bowling alley.

Beauty is a subjective concept, but well-groomed girls always attract attention and become the envy of their friends.

What should be done to achieve the ideal externally?

  • Control the condition of your hair and skin. Do regular home and store masks, drink vitamins, mineral complexes. Trim the ends of your hair regularly and pluck your eyebrows. It is also important to control nutrition, very often acne, acne, rash are the result of improper diet and abuse of sweet, starchy, spicy.
  • Monitor the condition of your fingernails and toenails.
  • Remove excess hair. There are many ways - waxing, laser, creams, machines.
  • Find the most suitable one for your skin.
  • Pick your own style. Combine the colors of your clothes wisely. Watch also the state of things. Fashionable expensive things, but dirty or with holes, raise doubts about the neatness and tidiness of the girl.
  • Find your perfume. Smells play a big role, but do not overdo it, do not pour a bottle of perfume on yourself every morning.

How to become perfect for yourself and for everyone? Is it possible to be perfect in everything?

If you want to become perfect for yourself and for those around you, then follow all the tips above in order to become the perfect girl, ideal for your boyfriend and in relationships, and also remember that it is necessary:

  • Be confident. Never question your strengths and capabilities, you will definitely succeed!
  • Don't be complex. We all have our drawbacks. Accept yourself for who you are.
  • Love yourself. How can you like someone and find your soul mate if you don't love yourself? But love should not be transformed into selfishness or narcissism, everything should be balanced.

Remember that how many people - so many opinions and everyone has their own ideals. It is impossible to be perfect in everything, but this is not a reason to relax and give up. Striving for self-improvement is an exciting and, most importantly, a productive process.

Helpful advice from a psychologist

All psychologists say that working on oneself is an obligatory process in the formation of a personality. But do not forget that there are no ideals, do not get hung up and do not mock yourself, the process of self-improvement should bring joy, and not be torture.

And the basic rule is - be yourself, do not create an idol for yourself, do not imitate. All people are unique and inimitable.