
New Year's riddles for children 3 4 years old. New Year's riddles for children. Winter is the best riddles


Riddles are far from being a childish genre. In ancient times they played important role In human life. The logic puzzle is a kind of intelligence test. If you guess right, you’ll go from fools to princes, and you’ll get a princess and half a kingdom, as usual, in the bargain! And today, at a matinee for a child and at a party for a parent, at any walk, New Year's riddles will come to the court.

We have something for every taste: serious and comic, simple and complex, for children and for adults, with or without answers. All of them are about the New Year 2019 and its symbol - the pig. Entertaining and instructive, with or without rhyme, a little sad and funny. Enjoy your holiday with our creative riddles!

Riddles about the New Year (question-answer)

It's time to prepare a festive dinner. What does every housewife throw into the pot first?

What kind of fashionista comes to every house and sits like a guest at the table?
She is dressed in a warm fur coat, a special dark red color.
(Herring under a fur coat)

How many boiled eggs can you eat on an empty stomach on January 1st?
(One egg because the rest will not be eaten on an empty stomach)

The pig, a symbol of the coming year, is a kind, patient, intelligent creature. And the question is: can she call herself an animal?
(No, since pigs cannot talk)

About the symbol of 2019 - the pig

We make the Pig in the new year. Nobody remembers the old one anymore New Year... The symbol of 2019 is a household mother with many children, a well-fed, smooth pig in a yellow dress, and a slender adorable pig in a gold outfit, and an economical piggy bank. Riddles about different pigs and piglets are waiting to meet you!

Cool and pitiful to tears!

She got not shiny
Iridescent icon.
She has a real
An indispensable patch.
It's a pity: for him
Don't buy her anything.

Who got drunk on New Year's Eve?
Who, grunting, climbed into the shower dressed?
Not guessing, not a pig,
And he looks like a pig (husband)!

But the riddle about the pig is not from the gastronomic side, but from the astronomical one.

I'm dressed in gold
I decorate every home.
I am the symbol of the year, friends!
Who am I? Right! (Pig!)

The guest who took a walk asked the pig:
Tell me: Are you an intelligent pig?
You will be able to sparkle in a thin conversation
So how can I do this?
And the pig thought: what's the use?
You lie under the tree all night!
And the only one who listens to you
Delicious baked (pig ...)

Pink ears, slender hooves,
How can you not fall in love with such a pig?
The graceful piglet was given to her by nature.
Here it is, a real, cool symbol of the year!

Funny with a trick (for adults)

When adults are alone at home, despite their age, they also love to play pranks. They arrange a banquet for themselves, come up with and guess riddles for the new year. All sorts of tricky questions and puzzles are especially popular. They are suitable for both corporate parties and ordinary fun company... Joke for good health! All jokes are handed out for free!

Question:“What is the most wonderful gift a woman dreams of getting for the New Year? There is a hint! The length of the gift is 15cm, and its width is 7cm. " Guess your beloved's wish!

Answer: one hundred dollar bill.

Someone was dancing on the table yesterday.
Someone filmed and uploaded it to YouTube.
Someone slept through the New Year in Olivier.
Let's say "Thank you" for that (pig.)

Question: "Who is the warmest dressed in this room?"

Who is not afraid to freeze
Minus thirty to the bone?
Maybe a fox fur coat
Someone hid from the guests?

Look at each other
And answer me now:
Where is this fur coat,
What is invisible to the eye?

(herring under a fur coat on the table)

Question:“Have you ever wondered why a snowman, like a real man, has a bucket on his head and not a hat?”

The answers may be as follows: it can be assumed that such a headdress is very practical - it does not get wet, does not fly off from the wind, the snowman looks good. Or maybe this family tradition, and the bucket is passed down from generation to generation. Of course, anything can happen!

But in fact it was like this ...
Once on New Year's Eve, the wife asked her husband to take out the trash. Reluctantly, he looked up from the TV, which was showing an old funny comedy, got dressed and went out into the yard ... Two weeks passed. On the night of the old new year, the doorbell rang. The wife opened - an unshaven, lost husband stood on the threshold. He handed his wife an empty bucket. She appreciated the joke, took the bucket and with great pleasure put it on her beloved husband's head ... unusual story for the whole family.

Why is this happening? Another comic poem:

If at night your doors
Beasts opened without a key
They began to eat salad with peas,
It is impudent to demand potatoes,
Chomp and laugh loudly
Don't be reflected in the mirrors
And tap with a hoof
And slightly double in the eyes,

Look at the calendar:
It's not winter already in the yard!
Don't put it off, come on
Call an ambulance!

New Year's riddles for children

Children believe in miracles! Not only kids 3-4 years old and preschoolers, but also very adult senior schoolchildren. They believe in a fabulous grandfather who will certainly come and give a miracle. Just like that, he will open the bag and give the most valuable thing he has for free (that is, for nothing)! Let the childish naive belief in a miracle remain longer! The New Year lives in our riddles. Each of them is not only funny entertainment with friends, but also a good lesson.

In verse:

The light bulbs are powered by the electric current itself.

Around the Christmas tree in the New Year
There is a round dance at the school.
What is where are friends?
I don't see anyone.

I notice that under the mask
The pig is smiling!
I'm glad to see friends.
What is this? (Masquerade)

It melts quickly on a warm palm
Lacy small piece of ice.
It is a pity that there are no repetitions.
Each is unique (snowflake.)

An expensive ribbon is spread on the tree.
Different colors the lights are flashing.
They are connected by a miracle - wiring.
The light bulbs are powered by the electric current itself

She is a beautiful queen.
Green and young
And on the crown it sparkles
Star of bethlehem.
(Christmas tree)

Some from a fairy tale, some from a miracle
Did he come to us from nowhere?
With a beard so fluffy
And a childishly pure soul?
Who brought the presents?
Let's shout loudly: (Santa Claus!)

And when the guests come
And they will pour champagne
Pull her ponytail -
Will holiday fireworks!

What winter holiday are they talking about?

This holiday is friends with the tree,
Hanging the lights in a row
He's a green needle
Embroiders her outfit.

Children are not given in the hands,
Repeat their rhyme.
Dads laugh festively
They make a snowball that has fallen out.

Moms in the kitchen finish the cut
A full bowl of Olivier.
Answer me who knows
What a holiday in the yard?

(New Year)

Look, whose tracks are in the snow?
Never understand them to the enemy.
Confused, paths messed up
Even the wolf can't find him quickly.

But these are the tracks of the predator.
Run away so that there is no trouble!
It's better not to joke with this beast
A hare can be swallowed right away.

Someone covered their tracks with their tail.
To prevent the hunter from entering the house
Predators of unprecedented beauty
Sly Patrikeevna (foxes.)

Who sleeps in the den and can't hear us?
That's right guys, this is (Misha!)

Game "Cool". Finish the rhyme

Luck and success await you
If you eat from the tree (nut.)

You will travel the world
If you take off the (candy.)

You will become unrealistic.
If you can find (lemon.)

If you can "excellently" you study,
If you gobble up the can (mustard.)

Suddenly there is a sausage on the tree,
Do not share with anyone, but eat (yourself!)

I hope your sense of humor is okay?
You liked funny riddles?

You can guess very quickly.
This famous artist.
The news will show, the film,
Even the President's address.
In the meantime, the Chimes are striking,
He will show (festive fireworks!)

Good old new year is coming soon!
Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden will come.
Guess what's in the wonderful bag
Will grandpa bring it this time?
And don't just wrinkle your nose!
This is a rhetorical question!

A person has always been attracted by everything interesting, mysterious. In riddles, folk wisdom, the salt of the earth, is collected drop by drop. Over the years, she has perfected, honed rhymes, deepened the idea, polished like a diamond. How many mysteries are there? how many Christmas decorations or how many stars are there in the sky? There is a solution, but it is not given unambiguously. It's like printing the same picture and expecting a different result.

Try to compose yourself! First short riddles... Look for answers in poetry or prose. Try writing simple kids or cool adults for a quiz. This is a great exercise for the mind.

Children have always loved and love to guess riddles, especially New Year's ones. After all, New Year's riddles are always interesting and give joy to children. They make them think, strain their memory, in other words, try. And when they guess or remember the correct answer to the New Year's riddle, they are in seventh heaven with joy that they have succeeded. On this page you can find many interesting New Year's riddles for kids... Many of them are familiar to you from childhood, many of them you may not know. Read riddles to children, let them try to solve. If they don't succeed right away, don't rush to answer. After all, nothing will stay in memory for a long time like the New Year's riddle solved independently, especially if you had to work hard to solve it. And here are the most interesting and simple New Year's riddles for children which are very easy to understand and remember.

Our Snow Maiden knows a lot of different New Year's riddles for children and always makes them up. This is part of the script and the play with the kids. But the New Year is always much more interesting if the children solve at least half of them. After all, they then begin to feel smarter and smarter. And the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus always praise them for their resourcefulness and ingenuity. So do not be lazy, but at least just read them to your children one more time, and your work will certainly be rewarded with a happy smile on New Year's Eve.


Christmas tree on New Years holiday
Calls for adults and children.
All people are inviting
On New Year's ... (round dance).

We bought them for the tree,
In the New Year they gave her.
Like fabulous buds
They shine in the branches ... (lights).

We will decorate our Christmas tree,
All girlfriends will be more beautiful.
In the New Year we will sew with you
Christmas tree dress with .... (tinsel).

Santa Claus bag big
Behind his back,
Summons all the people
Happy ... (New Year).

There is a roar everywhere on this holiday!
Explosion, followed by cheerful laughter!
A very noisy toy -
New Year's ... (cracker.)

Christmas balls -
The best gift for children.
Fragile, fabulous and bright
This festive… (gift).

Santa Claus came to visit us
With a fragile, snow-white guest.
He called her daughter.
This girl ... (Snow Maiden).

In the New Year she came
Delicious smell brought
And thorny needles
These are gifts ... (Christmas trees).

He will come to us in the new year,
He will bring gifts
Who is he? We ask a question.
This is grandfather ... (Frost).

It sparkles in the sky
Decorates our tree.
Will never fade
On New Year's Day ... (star).

Santa Claus for New Year
He will bring a Christmas tree to the children.
And it's like a fire on it
Blazing red ... (ball).

On New Years we are not sad
We are sitting under the Christmas tree
And to each other with expression
We say ... (congratulations).

Not sick, but put on a white shroud. (Winter).

Snow in the fields, ice in the rivers
The blizzard walks. When does this happen? (Third).

Running along the path
Boards and legs. (Skis).

White bees
They sat down on the ground,
Fire came
They were gone. (Snow).

He walks, but there are no legs;
Lies, but there is no bed;
Lightweight, and the roofs ache. (Snow).

Flies - is silent,
Lies - is silent,
When he dies
Then it will roar. (Snow).

Feeling no legs for joy,
I am flying down the snowy hill.
Sport has become dearer and closer to me
Who helped me with this? (Skis).

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These horses are red,
And their names are ... (Skis).

We are glad to overtake each other.
Look, my friend, do not fall!
Good then, easy
High-speed ... (Skates).

I rush like a bullet, I go ahead
Only ice creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me? (Skates).

Downhill a horse, uphill a piece of wood. (Sled).

We stood all summer
Winters were expected.
The pores have waited -
We rushed off the mountain. (Sled).

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you
Their name is ... (Mittens).

In the yard - a mountain,
And in the hut - with water. (Snow).

The tablecloth is white
She put on the whole field. (Snow).

Warms in winter
And in the spring it smolders. (Snow).

Dies in the spring
Comes alive in the fall. (Snow).

A white veil lay on the ground,
Summer has come - it's all gone. (Snow).

White, but not sugar.
No legs, but walking. (Snow).

It neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.

I am water, but I also swim on water. (Ice).

Warms in winter
Smolders in the spring
Dies in summer
Comes alive in the fall. (Ice).

Pure, clear as a diamond
But there are no roads
Born of a mother
And he gives birth to it. (Ice).

No hands, no eyes
And he knows how to draw. (Freezing).

Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
I painted all the windows without asking.
But who is this? Here is the question!
All this does ... (Frost).

Who paving the bridge on the river - without an ax,
no nails, no wedges and no boards?

The forest has grown
All white
You can't enter it on foot,
Do not enter on horseback. (Frosty pattern on the window).

What is growing down with the top?

White carrots grow in winter.

A strange star fell into the sky
She laid down on my palm - and disappeared.

Not snow, not ice
and he will take away the trees with silver.

Walks in the field, but not a horse,
It flies free, but not a bird.
(Wind, blizzard).

I twist, hum, I don't want to know anyone.

She ran - made noise
She fell asleep and brightened.
What's this? (River in summer and winter).

In a new wall
In a round window
Glass is broken during the day
Inserted overnight. (Ice hole).

Snow in the fields, ice in the rivers
The blizzard walks when it happens?
(In winter).

In winter and summer
One color. (Fur tree, pine tree).

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn't sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round.
(Fur tree, pine tree).

In spring bloom, in summer I bear fruit,
I don’t fade in autumn, I don’t die in winter.
(Pine, spruce).

Twelve brothers walk one after another,
Do not bypass each other. (Months).

Three, three arrived,
The horses in those three are white
And the queen is sitting in the sleigh
Belokosa, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve
She covered everything with silver.
(Winter months).

Upside down - full,
Downside down - empty. (Cap).

All children and some adults love solving riddles. Especially if these small literary works are presented in a humorous manner. As a rule, riddles are timed to coincide with some kind of holiday or memorable date and carry a certain semantic load.

Including, solving funny and humorous riddles in poetry or prose is often included in the program of the Christmas tree and any other event at home, at school and other childcare facilities. As a rule, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus or other characters of the holiday make up funny New Year's riddles for children, praise them for their ingenuity and resourcefulness, and, of course, give gifts.

This kind of entertainment allows boys and girls to feel confident and smarter. In addition, there is always a competitive motive in solving riddles, which makes kids react faster.

What are the benefits of riddles for children?

Despite the fact that many people consider solving riddles to be pointless entertainment, in reality, this is far from the case. This activity not only allows you to have fun and interesting time, but also contributes to the development of the intelligence of children at any age.

In the process of guessing riddles, the child develops a representation, imagination, as well as spatial-figurative, logical, abstract, non-standard, associative and creative thinking. Since the correct answer in most cases lies in the text of the riddle, the kids learn to listen carefully and hear, which can be very useful for further learning at school.

When a child ponders the riddles offered to him, he may have several possible answers at once, which have to be compared. At this time, the ability to determine the similarities and differences of certain objects or concepts and to establish logical connections between them develops.

In addition, do not forget that solving riddles is, first of all, word play, which means that it contributes to the development of speech and a significant expansion of the vocabulary. Children who are fond of such entertainments, in the overwhelming majority of cases, speak and read much better and faster than their peers, thanks to which they successfully cope with any undertakings, including during schooling.

The Christmas tree is an almost perfect event to give kids riddles. Next, we bring to your attention funny New Year's riddles for children with answers, which are perfect for entertaining boys and girls during the holiday.

Short and funny children's new year and winter riddles with answers

Little children especially like short riddles because they are easy to remember. On the eve of the New Year, they are usually associated with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, gifts, an elegant Christmas tree and Christmas decorations as well as in winter, snow and ice. To entertain the little ones, you can offer them the following short literary works:

This friendly chain runs around the Christmas tree.

She claps her hands loudly and squeals with joy. (Round dance)

From the sky - a star, on the palm - water. (Snow)

The tablecloth is white - she clothed the whole world. (Snow)

As transparent as glass, and cannot be inserted into a window. (Ice)

It’s a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing)

I am water, but I also swim on water. (Ice)

White carrots grow in winter. (Icicle)

Planks and legs run along the path. (Skis)

Downhill a horse, uphill a piece of wood. (Sled)

Funny children's New Year's riddles in verse

Riddles on any topic often have a poetic form. Such short rhymes not only captivate kids, but also introduce them to the concept of rhyme and form a sense of rhythm. Many guys who have literary talent are happy to compose such riddles on their own and offer their parents and friends to guess them. For a group of children, the following comic New Year's riddles with answers are great:

This snake in the New Year

Will crawl to our tree,

Will wink a hundred thousand times

Hundreds of multi-colored eyes. (Garland)

Santa Claus is standing by the tree,

Hiding a laugh in his beard.

Don't weary us too long

Untie it soon ... (Bag)

He comes on a winter evening

Light candles on the tree.

Overgrown with a gray beard,

Who is this? .. (Santa Claus)

If the cat decided to lie down,

Where it is warmer, where the stove is,

And covered his nose with his tail -

Waiting for us ... (Frost)

Appeared in the yard

It's in cold December.

Clumsy and funny

Standing at the rink with a broom.

I'm used to the winter wind

Our buddy ... (Snowman)

With Grandfather Frost next to,

Shines festive outfit.

Asks us riddles

Leads a round dance, sings.

A jacket made of snowflakes,

Who is this? ... (Snow Maiden)

Greetings, dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and kids :) Continue again new year theme(Well, what else can you talk about on New Year's Eve, when everything around is saturated with this magical atmosphere?). In one of the previous articles, I laid out a selection of simple new year poems, which can be learned with preschoolers, if you have not seen them, then you can watch. Today I bring to your attention winter riddles about the new year, a snow maiden for children and toddlers with rhyme answers. The following riddles for the new year with answers for children and adults will help you have a fun and unforgettable time at new year holidays... If you know riddles that I did not write, then write in the comments, I will read it with pleasure and ask the kids :)

By the way, if you are making an Advent calendar (I wrote more about our Advent calendar in this article), then you can include in one of the tasks guessing children's riddles about winter. Let's together turn the expectation of the New Year into a fairy tale and we ourselves will visit the role of wizards? :) If you have two or more children in your family, then I advise, before making New Year's riddles for kids, agree with them that you need to guess in turn so that everyone is interested) I think the introduction is enough, it's time to move on to winter children's riddles about the new year, a snow maiden for toddlers and older children with rhyme answers.

Riddles for the new year with answers for children and adults

The holiday comes to us at night
Although it's very late,
The clock chimes, twelve strikes,
Coming ... (New Year)

This holiday is bright, bright
In any weather!
We are gifts under the tree
We search and find! (New Year)

The lights on the tree are shining
Adults and children are happy:
This is coming to visit us
The long-awaited (New Year)


As in a fabulous picture,
Snowflakes are falling from the sky
It means coming to us
Bright holiday (New Year)


You need to get up near the tree
And the desire to make.
The day will come, the hour will come
Will fulfill everything (New Year).


Why the chimes strike
And the fireworks soar up?
What kind of holiday is coming?
It's a holiday - (New Year)


Why the chimes strike
And the fireworks soar up?
What kind of holiday is coming?
It's a holiday - (New Year)


Thunder is a clapperboard.
The rain is toy.
A round dance under the snowflakes
Comes into the house (New Year.)


We have been waiting for him for a whole year,
We call them new every time.
We decorate the Christmas tree in the hall,
To dance at the carnival.
The whole nation loves the holiday.
This holiday is ... (New Year.)


Fireworks! Fireworks!
The rainbow flies up.
From the sparkling lights
The devils of shadows are dancing.
What is this holiday at the gate?
Merry (New Year.)


Our holiday is cheerful, bright!
Give kids gifts!
The Christmas tree will be brought home.
It only happens in winter.
The kids are waiting for him so much!
This holiday ... (New Year)


If there are Christmas trees in houses
In bright beads and lights,
If we dance in a circle
What are we meeting?
(New Year.)


Riddles about the Snow Maiden for children with answers

With Grandfather Frost next to,
Shines with a festive outfit.
Asks us riddles
Leads a round dance, sings.
A jacket made of snowflakes,
Who is this? ... (Snow Maiden!)

Grandfather has a granddaughter, Santa Claus,
Not Tanya, not Lena and not even Rose,
Not Alya and not Shurochka ... Her name is ...
(Snow Maiden!)


In a bright blue fur coat,
The whole hat sparkles
How will she go to dance with you
Mommy will smile.
He asks everyone riddles
And he gives out candy. (Snow Maiden)


If Santa Claus comes

He brings his granddaughter with him,
With a long white braid
A face of wondrous beauty.
So that she stood next to
I gave out gifts to everyone,
She started a round dance.
What do the people call her? (Snow Maiden.)


Who calls Frost:
"Where are you, Santa Claus?"
Who doesn't recognize this -
The dress is woven from stars!
And in his hands - a box.
Same - ...! (Snow Maiden)


Granddaughter comes with grandfather,
He gets the guys into a round dance.
She dances and sings with them
He gives gifts to everyone
With a thin figure
Girl ... (Snow Maiden)


Comes to visit us,
He leads round dances
New year celebrates
He helps his grandfather.
Slim figure -
Granddaughter - (Snow Maiden).


He walks next to Santa Claus,
maiden - beauty
And our guys are very,
I like that girl.
What is her name, tell me
that dances and sings
And gifts with my grandfather
that girl is giving away!
(Snow Maiden)

Children's riddles about winter, about the new year for children with answers

Again blizzards, bad weather,
And again the snow of commotion.
But we like the time of year
With a frosty name: (winter).


If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies
If the tree goes into the house,
What a holiday? ...
(New Year)


Who's never late for anywhere?
(New Year),


Christmas tree on New Years holiday
Calls for adults and children.
All people are inviting
On New Year's ... (round dance).


Snow in the fields, ice in the waters
The blizzard walks. When does this happen?
(in winter)


Powdered the tracks
Decorated the windows.
I gave joy to children
And I gave it a ride on a sled.


There is a roar everywhere on this holiday!
Explosion, followed by cheerful laughter!
A very noisy toy -
New Year's ... (cracker.)


Christmas balls -
The best gift for children.
Fragile, fabulous and bright
This festive… (gift).


Name, guys,
A month in this riddle here:
His days are shorter than all the days,
All nights are longer than night.
To fields and meadows
Snow fell until spring.
Only our month will pass
We are celebrating the New Year.
(month december)


It pinches the ears, pinches the nose
Climbs into boots frost.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water already, but ice.
Even a bird does not fly
The bird freezes from the frost.
The sun turned to summer.
What, tell me, is this in a month?
(month january)


Snow falls in bags from the sky,
There are snow drifts around the house.
That snowstorms and blizzards
They ran into the village.
The frost is strong at night
In the afternoon, a ringing is heard.
The day has increased markedly.
Well, so what month is this?
(month February)


He paints on glass
palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
but playing pranks like a little one.


Invisible, careful
He comes to me
And he paints like an artist
He has patterns on the window.


He draws without hands, bites without teeth.


Horse runs
And the skin lies.
(river under ice)


He flies in a white flock
And sparkles on the fly.
It melts like a cool star
On the palm and mouth.


Warms in winter
Smolders in the spring
Dies in summer
Comes alive in the fall.


I look out the window
Lies a white cloth.
Lies all winter
And in the spring he will run away.


He's fluffy, silvery,
But don't touch him with your hand:
Will become a drop of pure
As you catch it in the palm of your hand.


On trees, on bushes
Flowers are falling from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Only not fragrant.


He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees on the way.


He walks, but there are no legs,
Lies, but there is no bed,
Lightweight, and the roofs ache.


What are the stars through
On a coat and on a scarf,
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand?


I'm snowy, I'm white
The guys made me
During the day they are always with me
They go home in the evening.
Well, at night under the moon
I am very sad alone.
(snow woman),


I was not raised - I was blinded from the snow.
Eyes - coals, hands - knots.
Cold, big, who am I?
(snow woman)


They fly faster than the wind
And I fly three meters from them.
Now my flight is over. Clap!
Soft landing in a snowdrift.


And not snow, and not ice,
And he will remove the trees with silver.


Pure and clear like a diamond
There are no roads
He was born of a mother
And the mother gives birth.


White grandfather, no whiter.
Old, hunchbacked,
Lies near the hut.
Lies all winter - no one will raise.
Spring will come, he will leave himself.


Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts if he bites.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ... (Frost)


Under my feet
Wooden friends.
I fly at them with an arrow,
But not in summer, but in winter.


We looked out the window
Already, my eyes can’t believe it!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ... (Snowstorm)


The hedgehog looks like her
You will not find leaves at all.
Like a beauty, slender
And on New Year's - it is important.
(Christmas tree)


In winter, during the hours of fun
I am hanging on the bright spruce.
Shooting like a cannon
My name is ... (Clapperboard)


I rush like a bullet forward
Only ice creaks
Yes, the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me? ...(Skates)


Barely breathed in winter -
They are always with me.
Two sisters will warm you
Their name is ... (Mittens)


It stands, prickly like a hedgehog,
In the winter in a summer dress.
And will come to us
On New Year's Eve -
The guys will be happy.
The hassle of the merry
Mouth full:
Prepare her outfits.
(Christmas tree)


The men are resting
They have white caps on them,
Not sewn, not knitted.
(Trees in the snow)


Two sisters, two braids
From sheep wool thin.
How to walk - put on like that,
So as not to freeze five and five.


They are spanked, rolled,
And in the winter they carry it.
(Felt boots)


The runners are running
Socks pulled up.


Running along the path
Boards and legs.


Glass is broken in the round window during the day,
Inserted by evening.
(Ice hole)


There was a blanket
Soft, white,
The earth was warming.
The wind has blown
The blanket was bent.
The sun is hot
The blanket leaked.


It sparkles in the sky
Decorates our tree.
Will never fade
On New Year's Day ... (star).


Santa Claus for New Year
He will bring a Christmas tree to the children.
And it's like a fire on it
Blazing red ... (ball).


On New Years we are not sad
We are sitting under the Christmas tree
And to each other with expression
We say ... (congratulations).


We bought them for the tree,
In the New Year they gave her.
Like fabulous buds
They shine in the branches ... (lights).

Santa Claus bag big
Behind his back,
Summons all the people
Happy ... (New Year).

Santa Claus came to visit us
With a fragile, snow-white guest.
He called her daughter.
This girl ... (Snow Maiden).


He will come to us in the New Year,
He will bring gifts
Who is he? We ask a question.
This is grandfather ... (Frost).

New Year's riddles for kids with answers

It stands, prickly like a hedgehog,
In the winter in a summer dress.
And will come to us
On New Year's Eve -
The guys will be happy.
The hassle of the merry
Mouth full:
Prepare her outfits.
(Christmas tree.)

Not a birch, not an aspen
And as beautiful as a picture.
In our room stands -
Above, the star is burning.
(Christmas tree.)
I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights
Smart, funny,
On New Year's Eve, I am in charge.
(Christmas tree.)

I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sequins - any jewelry.
But on my, believe me, great trouble
They only wear my outfit once a year.
(Christmas tree.)

We bought a hanger
With a star on top.
Hung on a hanger
Not hats, but toys!
(Christmas tree.)

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And they call that guest ...
(Christmas tree.)

Who is dressed up once a year?
(Christmas tree.)

All the pins and needles
Yes, not a hedgehog,
There are paws
But there are no legs
Beads all
Yes, not a girl:
On New Years she -
(Christmas tree.)
You will always find her in the forest
Let's go for a walk and meet.
It is prickly like a hedgehog
In the winter in a summer dress.
And will come to us
On New Year's Eve -
The guys will be happy
The mouth of the merry is full of trouble:
Prepare her outfits.
(Christmas tree.)

She was born in the forest
It grew and flourished there.
And now its beauty
Brought to us for Christmas.
(Christmas tree.)

The needles glow softly
The coniferous spirit comes from ...
(Christmas trees.)

The frost grows stronger in the forest,
A blizzard is blowing in the fields
Welcomes us for a holiday
Sparkling ...

Round dances rang
On New Year's Eve, everyone ...

Celebrating New Year
Gray wolves, -
They lead a round dance
At the smart ...
(Christmas trees.)

Let it be like a prickly hedgehog
But for the guys, I'm the best.
(Christmas tree.)

She thawed out in the warmth,
Spread the needles
Let's dress up like a beauty
Now we are our ...
(Christmas tree.)

She has all the branches
Festive colors.
(Christmas tree.)

What a beauty -
Stands, sparkling light.
How magnificently cleaned
Tell me who is she?
(Christmas tree.)

I stood in the snowy forest,
But I got into the house on New Year's Eve.
Garlands lit up on it,
We had fun around her.
(Christmas tree.)

What kind of tree is -
Is the whole crown in silver?
Bloomed with us in winter
On a frosty day in December.
And nuts and candy
And the balls hang on it.
There is a tree on this
Everything for the joy of the guys.
Fruits ripen in summer
In summer the garden is full of apples,
And on the tree on this
And they hang in the winter.
(Christmas tree.)

The color does not change green,
Does not drop leaves from branches.
A cart of gifts under it
Santa Claus hides.
(Christmas tree.)

Coniferous beauty
In winter she dresses up.
Toys hang on it:
Balls, crackers.
(Christmas tree.)

Will come to our house on New Year's Eve
And the smell of the forest will bring.
(Christmas tree.)

I'll put this tree in the apartment,
Like a soldier in a green uniform.
I will decorate it all day -
I'm not too lazy to do this.
Well, when the New Year comes to us,
Someone will bring gifts to him.
(Christmas tree.)

To us she is for the New Year
Comes straight from the forest.
And fragrant resin
The house will fill yours and mine.
(Christmas tree.)

The hedgehog loved to sleep under a branch,
Elk wandered around often
Poured snow more than once,
So that it does not freeze in the frost,
How she missed us!
And now he is staying with us.
(Fir-tree. Akrozagadka.)

Well, the tree, just a marvel!
How smart, how ...

In winter, during the hours of fun,
I am hanging on the bright spruce
There will be a Christmas tree in the corner
By the window on the floor.
And on the tree to the top
Multi-colored ...

Look through the door slit -
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches up to the ceiling.
From stand to crown
Hanging on the branches ...

What a toy
Shoots like a cannon?

Shooting like a cannon
My name is…

The wheel is simple
Became a twisted ribbon.

In January,
On an important holiday,
It's raining
Colored, paper.

Painted chains
Glued from paper
(Fairy lights.)

In January,
On an important holiday,
It's raining
Colored, paper.

The balls were collected on a string
And they tied it into a piece of jewelry.
Now they shine on the tree
Through emerald needles.

The branches rustle faintly
The beads are bright ...

And decorating the top,
It shines there as always
Very bright, large
Five-winged ...

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it is in front of you.
We decorated the top with a ruby ​​...
(A star.)

The garland has a neighbor.
It sparkles in the coniferous greenery
And New Year's meeting light
Glass side reflects.
(Christmas ball.)

Lily of the valley blooms in May,
Aster blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
I lay on the shelf for a whole year
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly ringing.
(Christmas ball.)

He tells everyone to dance, make them sing songs,
He amuses everyone in a row, does not know tired.
All the centuries we have lived, a friendly dance ...
(Round dance.)

The guys gathered in a circle
And together they joined hands.
So near the tree on New Year's
All children drive ...
(Round dance.)

I'm at this school ball
I took an excellent suit with me.
Nobody could recognize me.
But what can you call a ball like that?
(Masquerade, carnival.)

There was a holiday at school, a carnival,
Everyone gathered for a noisy ball!
Goldilocks danced with me
Her face was hidden ...

I love to dress up for the holiday
To turn into magic beasts.
I can wear any suit -
Here I am a kitten, a lion, a bear.
What will I put on my face
So that you don’t recognize me?

I came to the carnival
I didn't recognize anyone there.
What are the faces of everyone?
Hurry up to explain yourself.

Put it on and you won't be recognized
You are a knight, a tramp, a cowboy ...
Whatever you want, you can easily become in it.
And if you take it off, you will become yourself again.


I was not raised.
Blinded from the snow.
Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.
The eyes are coals.
Hands are knots.
Cold, big,
Who am I? (Snow woman)


He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
Overgrown with a gray beard,
Who is this? (Father Frost)


We bought a hanger
With a star on top.
Hung on a hanger
Not hats, but toys! (Christmas tree)


Everyone is singing and having fun
They lead a friendly round dance
Because today is a holiday.
What a holiday? (New Year)


In winter, during the hours of fun
I am hanging on the bright spruce.
Shooting like a cannon
My name is ... (Clapperboard)


Like a cannon will rumble
And paint the sky at night
The cat and the window will shudder,
And again it is dark, dark.
(Fireworks, salute)

Clap - and the candy shoots like a cannon?
It is clear to everyone: this is ... (cracker)

I'm a cracker - a laugh
Gilded belly
Don't tickle me
I'll pop ... candy will sprinkle!

New Year's riddles for children in verse with answers in rhyme

Who came from afar
Is it slightly covered with snow?
Who brought us gifts?
This is Grandfather ... (Frost).

All the guys like
Green beauty.
Balls, needles
On New Year's ... (Christmas tree)
Dressed up a tree in the park
All the kids will receive gifts
Santa Claus is about to come
This is a holiday ... (New Year)
Ships and steam locomotives
Dolls and stamps.
The guys are waiting under the Christmas tree
In the New Year ... (gifts)
Become a round dance
Santa Claus is coming soon!
He walks on a quiet street
With my granddaughter ... (Snow Maiden).
They flooded the stove in the house,
White ice bound the river,
Snow covered the house,
Came to visit us ... (winter)
All day he stands in the yard,
Carrot nose, broom in hand,
I got used to cold weather for a long time.
Who is this? … (Snowman)
Flew, circled,
Sank down on the path
And sparkles like a piece of ice
Snow-white ... (snowflake)
I know a lot about winter
I'm not small anymore.
I put on for a walk
Down jacket and ... (boots)
Houses and parks are covered with snow
Everything has become white and white
There is a snowball outside the window
The river hid under ... (ice)
Presses the dog's paws,
Children put on their hats
It pinches the cheeks, pinches the nose
in the yard is ... (frost)
Drizzling outside the window
It spreads along the paths,
In the courtyard of Namela drifts ... (blizzard)
The birds do not sing in chorus,
The animals are hiding in their holes
The blizzard sweeps the trail
And everywhere white ... (snow)
Who is on the glass in winter
Does the pattern paint in December? (freezing) .

Here is such a selection of winter children's riddles about the new year, a snow maiden for toddlers and older children with rhyme answers. I hope you and your baby enjoy solving riddles and they will turn winter evenings in a cozy pastime in the family circle

New Year's cartoon for children: Snowman-mailer

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Best regards, Olga

The Christmas tree needs to be dressed up
Give gifts to everyone,
A lot of joyful chores
This is a holiday ... (New Year)

A hat of snow on the mountain
All the trees are in silver
Ice sparkles on the pond
Coming ... (New Year)

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
Overgrown with a gray beard,
Who is this? …(Father Frost).

Who comes every year
He gives gifts to everyone,
Nibbles cold on the nose -
Let's say together: (Santa Claus!)

He arranged skating rinks for us,
Snow covered the streets,
Built bridges of ice
Who is this? ...


I can be angry, angry
More often - just businesslike.
I cover the rivers with ice
I bring cold to your house.
Dress warmly
I am not the sun - I will not warm you.
And if I walk - everything shines!
The snow crunches underfoot.
From me redder nose.
What is my name? .. (Frost)

Santa Claus would be without him
I didn't get all the gifts.
(bag )

Santa Claus is in a hurry to the Christmas tree,
Pulls the sled behind him.
And on them a sack is heavy,
And in the bag lie ... (gifts)

We're so tired today
Sang songs and danced
It may be winter, but here we are hot
And in the bag they are waiting for us ... (gifts)

Wonderful artist
I visited the window,
Guess guys
Who painted the window.

All dressed up in toys
All in garlands and firecrackers
Not barbed at all
Well, of course it's ... (Christmas tree).

Christmas tree on New Year's holiday
Calls for adults and children.
All people are inviting
On New Year's ... (round dance).

I will not tolerate heat:
I'll twirl the blizzards
I'll whitewash all the glades
I will paint the spruce
I'll notice a snowball at home
Because I ... (Winter)

It is cleverly made of snow
Instead of a nose - a carrot
In the courtyard in winter arose
Who is this? … (Snowman)

We looked out the window
Already, my eyes can’t believe it!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ...


Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
Standing at the rink with a broom.
I'm used to the winter wind
Our friend ...


Who sweeps and gets angry in winter,
Blowing, howling and spinning
Making a white bed?
It's snowy ...

He is with a huge bag,
He walks through the forest ...
Who got up a little light today,
We are carrying a bag of sweets ...
He comes on New Years
Will we light the light on the tree?
Who is this? Here is the question!
Let's say together ...
(Father Frost)

On New Years we are not sad
We are sitting under the Christmas tree
And to each other with expression
We say ...

We looked out the window
My eyes can’t believe it!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ...

Three, three arrived,
The horses in those three are white
And the queen is sitting in the sleigh
Belokosa, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve
She covered everything with silver.
(Winter months)

Early in the morning in the courtyards
Snow rolls the kids
Despite the fact that the blizzard
Put clods on top of each other
Top hat or bucket
Carrots in the nose at the same time
The noise stands and the noise and the scream
Children sculpt ... (snowman)

Riddles-trick about the new year for children funny

To make the night light
We need to help Grandpa.
All children say on holiday
In chorus: "Herringbone ... go out?"
(Light up!)

We will be able to without error
List all winter months.
Let's call it first.
Surely this is the month ... May?

Who is Santa Claus's assistant?
Who's with a carrot for a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin?

Santa Claus came to us,
He brought his young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is ... a mermaid?
(Snow Maiden)

Who is he, with a white beard,
Himself ruddy and gray,
He is the best and kinder!
Have you guessed? - ... Barmaley?
(Father Frost)

Many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is ... Birthday?
(New Year)

Here she is, beauty,
Everything shimmers!
They brought her from the frost,
This tree is ... birch?
(Christmas tree)

Harnessed by Santa Claus
Three horses in a heavy cart.
What are their names, remember! -
... March, April and warm May?
(December, January and February)

Are you my friend or not my friend?
Get in a circle quickly!
Holding hands, kids
Amicably they drive ... a bear by the nose?
(Round dance)