
Big handmade bell. DIY wind chimes: ideas. What can you make a bell out of?



At all times, people wanted to protect themselves, their loved ones and bring good news to their homes. For this, special amulets were made that could ward off misfortune and attract good luck. One of the most common were rag dolls which the hostesses made with their own hands. The bell amulet not only keeps bad news out of the house, but also gives its inhabitants cheerfulness and a good mood.

It is believed that the history of the amulet is connected with the Valdai region. It has long been so customary that the chime of small bells foreshadowed good news. They were hung on their wagons by coachmen carrying mail. Dressing the bell in fabric, forming a doll, the housewives also tried to attract positive news to their home. In the charm of the Bell, two images came together at once: in addition to the ringing, promising good news, he personified the domakha - the wife of the brownie, who was called upon to keep the family hearth from sadness and grief.

Bell doll attracts good news to the house

Historians still argue about the time of the appearance of the Bell doll. Most experts agree that the amulet was born around the 15th century, when the Veche Novgorod bell was broken in Valdai. Legends say that the famous Valdai bells were cast from its fragments, which became a symbol of good news. There is also an assumption that the Slavs knew about the bells and knew how to use them long before the baptism of Russia. This suggests that the history of the amulet Bell is more ancient than is commonly believed.

Valdai bell was broken during transportation

The bell differs from other Slavic charm dolls both in the cut of details and in the figure. Materials for its manufacture are taken bright and colorful, skirts are fastened in a circle, which is completely uncharacteristic for ancient amulets. In addition, the doll-protector from bad news has a pronounced waist and is shaped like a bell. Our ancestors believed that all evil spirits are afraid of the ringing of bells like fire.

There is an assumption that the chrysalis Bell was a talisman not only in a metaphysical sense, but also in a literal sense. The bell inside her worked like an alarm. The doll, placed at the front door, notified the owners about the arrival of guests.

The doll has three skirts, which symbolize three worlds: reality (real), rule (the abode of the gods) and nav (the realm of the dead). At the everyday level, this means that well-being has three components: if the body is light, the soul rejoices, and the spirit is calm, then the person feels happy.

The doll should be bright and resemble a bell in shape.

Such a charm was also distinguished by its lively and cheerful disposition, which is why it was often called a dancing doll. The bell really looks like it will spin and dance at any moment.

Doll Bell looks like she's dancing

The Bell Doll is designed to keep bad news out of the house. Most often it was hung in the hallway. Fervently ringing every time the doors opened, the amulet gave its owners joy and good mood. The protective doll represents female spirit, and therefore it is forbidden for men to make it and touch it. Usually the bell was made by the hostess for her house. In addition, the amulet could be a great housewarming gift.

Video: meaning and features of the Bell doll

How to make a charm Bell with your own hands

Before you start making a charm doll, you should remember important rules:

  • do not use new cuts of fabric, it is better to take rags from old worn clothes;
  • in order not to charge the amulet with bad energy, do not pick up scissors, needles or other piercing and cutting tools during work; fabric and threads are torn by hand;
  • when making a craftswoman, you need to be in good mood, her positive thoughts should be directed to the doll itself and to the one to whom it is intended;
  • while tying knots on each of them, you need to make a wish word (happiness, joy, love, good luck); the number of nodes must be even;
  • the doll cannot be painted or embroidered with a face, it is believed that in this way no evil can move into them.
  • Video: making a Bell doll

    Necessary materials

    To make the doll special and become not just an ornament, but also a talisman, you need to carefully select the materials. To work on the Bell you will need:

  • three pieces of fabric round shape, whose diameter is 22, 20 and 15 cm; matter must be chosen bright and beautiful, and one shred must be red; it is better if the largest piece is made of a denser fabric, so the doll can keep its shape;
  • a flap of white matter about 12x3 cm in size;
  • threads (necessarily red), ribbons and braid;
  • to decorate the scarf, a piece of fabric in the shape of a triangle with sides 15x15x21 cm is useful;
  • synthetic winterizer (you can use cotton wool or straw);
  • small bell.
  • Among the shreds for skirts, there must be at least one red color

    Step-by-step production of a Bell doll

    A ball is formed from a synthetic winterizer (cotton wool, straw). With the help of a thread, a small bell is attached to it. The resulting blank must be placed in the center of the largest round piece of fabric.

    A bell is tied to a lump of synthetic winterizer and placed in the center

    The fabric is wrapped around a lump of synthetic winterizer and tied. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the edges of the skirt lie flat and the center does not shift.

    The fabric wraps around the padding polyester

    The second largest round flap is also wrapped and secured with a thread.

    The second patch wraps around the head

    The third flap is fastened and tied in the same way. The base is ready.

    The last piece of fabric is wrapped and secured with a thread.

    Folded white cloth

    The folded workpiece is applied to the head so that at least 1 cm of the hem remains below the neck.

    White cloth is applied to the head

    The white part is trimmed and secured with a red thread.

    White fabric tied with red thread

    Hands are formed from the corners of white fabric

    At the final stage, a scarf is tied. This can be done in two ways: with or without a warrior. For the first option, a warrior is first put on the head, and the scarf itself is then tied under the doll's handles.

    Photo gallery: options for tying a scarf

    In order for the doll to be hung, a braid is attached to the handles.

    How to charge and activate the bell doll

    The bell without activation will simply remain funny toy or original souvenir. In order for the doll to become a real amulet and work to protect the house from bad news, it must be properly charged. You need to start while you're at work. The craftswoman must communicate with the craft, share bright thoughts with her, putting her soul into the product. So the amulet will become a conductor of good news and will only bring joy to the owners.

    To activate the Bell doll, you can contact the goddess Lada

    Slavic goddess Lada - guardian hearth. Therefore, to activate the Bell doll, you need to contact it specifically. It is better to do this with a full moon, since the heavenly body during this period symbolizes wealth, happiness and a house filled with good.

    Before the ceremony, you need to prepare a saucer with milk and a slice of bread. They must be placed before front door where the chrysalis will live. Then they light a candle and say the words of the conspiracy:

    Goddess Lada, Ladushka, sweet family, come to our (your names) house, bring love with you. Bring harmony and peace to our house, family strong foundations.
    For children - health, and for me (your name) and my husband (husband's name) - plenty of love, goodness and a happy life. Low bow to you, Lada, but the table is full of gifts.


    Milk and bread should be left in the passage for a day, and then given to animals

    Bread with milk must stand at the entrance for a whole day, and then they must be offered to be eaten by a pet in order to pay tribute to the patron spirits. After that, the Bell doll gains strength, with the help of which only good news will come to the house.

    Who does not want to protect their home from bad news and ward off trouble from their relatives? The Bell doll helped our ancestors in this. Charged with positive energy and made according to all the rules, this amulet acquires a powerful force that can attract good news to the house and make its inhabitants happy.

    We present to your attention a master class on creating ritual doll Bell. This doll came to us from Valdai, according to legend, it carries the powers of a talisman against diseases and other evil spirits. Cheerful and perky, the Bell doll is considered a doll of good news and good mood.

    Our ancestors have long attributed healing and protective properties to the ringing of the bell. AT hard times, whether it was an invasion of the plague or an enemy force, they always rang the bells so that troubles were bypassed. And on holidays, bells were added to the harness, and then their chime was heard throughout Valdai.

    The doll was considered a good gift for weddings and christenings. After all, by giving such a doll to a loved one, you wish him family well-being, happiness and health. We will show you how to make a bell.

    Making a bell charm

    To make a bell with our own hands, we need the following materials and tools:

    • three scraps of fabric for skirts;
    • a piece of fabric for a shirt;
    • a piece of fabric for a scarf;
    • wide braid on the warrior;
    • ribbon on the belt;
    • synthetic down ball;
    • threads for dressing;
    • scissors;
    • ruler;
    • compass.

    Operating procedure

    1. The bell doll traditionally has three skirts, symbolizing the three components of a person: body, mind and soul. It was believed that only then a person is happy when his mind is in harmony with the body and soul. We take a flap for the petticoat and draw a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. It is most convenient to do this with a compass.
    2. Each subsequent skirt will be 5 cm smaller than the previous one. Cut out the circles. We should get three circles: 30.25 and 20 cm in diameter. Next, we take the sintepuh and roll it into a small ball, to which we tie a bell.
    3. We put it on the largest circle, on the wrong side. Turn over and see that the ball is exactly in the center of the workpiece. Then we tie it with a red thread.
    4. There is a red thread in the master classes for creating dolls of amulets for a reason. It's all about the protective property of red from the evil eye and other troubles. And it is the red woolen thread that has long been the very first amulet for a baby.
    5. Our doll is already beginning to take shape. In the same way, we put two more skirts on her, tying each with a red thread. From above, we will put a shirt on our amulet doll.
    6. For a shirt, we need a square piece of fabric measuring 20 by 20 cm. We put the opposite corners of the square one on top of the other and put it on top of the doll. We bandage the ball of the head in the place where the previous dressings have already been made.
    7. From the ends of the shirt protruding on the sides, we need to make hands. First, we fold the edges of the fabric inward, then fold it in half and bandage it, stepping back 1 cm from the edge. In the same way, we make the sleeve on the other side.
    8. It remains to make a warrior and a scarf. The warrior at the doll-amulet should traditionally be embroidered. You can take a thick fabric and embroider or use a ready-made embroidered braid.
    9. We put a warrior on the doll's head. For a scarf, we cut out a triangle from thin cotton with sides of 30 cm. We bend the edge of the scarf inward and put it on top of the warrior.
    10. We tie the scarf on the chest of the doll crosswise and tie it at the back. It remains to put on a belt and decorate with ribbons. The bell amulet doll is ready to protect you and your family.

    And finally, I would like to give advice. It is necessary to start making amulets in a good mood, tuning in to positive thoughts. Only then will the doll become a real talisman for you. Good luck and creative success.

    Master Class. Bouquet "Bells"

    The work is done in the technique of quilling, paper-plastic.

    The master class is designed for older children before school age, school age, teachers and parents.

    Purpose: interior decoration, a good idea for a gift.

    At present, the art of working with paper in children's creativity has not lost its relevance. Paper remains a creative tool that is available to everyone.

    Paper is the first material from which children begin to make, create, create unique products. She is known to everyone from early childhood. The steady interest of children in creativity from paper is also due to the fact that this material gives great scope for creativity.

    Today I will share with you a method of making bells.

    Ring the bells, ring.

    You will captivate everyone with your music.

    Give freshness, give beauty,

    Let silver laughter please everyone.

    The flower of the soul, bursting and sonorous,

    It comes in white, light blue,

    And fierce blue, like the eyes of a child,

    And pink, like the gentle color of dawn.

    In my garden, he is a good messenger of happiness,

    He is a fabulous romantic for friends.

    And the heart echoes his pure song,

    And to live with a wonderful ringing is more fun.

    Required to work: colored office paper, scissors, PVA glue, quilling tool, quilling strips 3 mm, wire, crepe paper, teip tape.

    Work process:

    1. Cut out circles from colored office paper (the size is up to you).

    2. Fold the circle in half three times.

    3. Mark the petals with a pencil and cut out.

    4. Here is such a blank. Cut off two petals.

    A small ringing bell carries a lot of symbolic meaning. This cute element of the interior symbolizes the beginning of a new year: whether it's the academic or calendar year. It is for these reasons that a gift in the form of a hand-made bell will be relevant to so many people: schoolchildren, students, relatives and relatives. In our article you will learn a lot useful information about how to make a bell quickly and easily with your own hands, using a variety of techniques, techniques and materials.

    We make a souvenir bell with our own hands from an old cup

    Such a handmade craft can be a wonderful gift for your student or teacher on September 1st.

    You will need the following materials:

    • A beautiful tea cup with a handle;
    • Decorative jingle bells;
    • Satin ribbon to decorate the design;
    • Superglue "Moment";
    • Nice thin lace.

    Tie a small piece of thin string to the decorative bell. Glue this design to the bottom of your tea cup from the inside. Glue another piece of string on the outside of the cup. For it, your cup will be suspended, so fix it as tightly and securely as possible.

    Tie the lace on the outside of a bright wide satin ribbon, tie a large bow out of it and fix it. If you wish, you can make a bow using the kanzashi technique.

    Your bell is ready! Such a bell will perfectly cope with the role of serving last call at the end of the academic year.

    Let's analyze simple and affordable ways to make a toy bell

    As New Year's toys, which can decorate your fluffy Christmas tree or apartment, you can make a bell from disposable cups.

    All you need to do is thread a beautiful string into a colored plastic cup, hang a large bead and decorate the sides with decorative stickers or drawings. As a decor, you can use confetti, tinsel, sequins, rhinestones, beaded decor or New Year-themed napkins. An indispensable addition to such a bell will be a bright or contrasting dark satin ribbon.

    Another simple and interesting way do New Year's crafts in the form of bells is to decorate eggshells.

    Take eggshell, bandage and PVA glue. Glue the egg shell inside with a bandage and PVA glue. Thanks to these actions, you will strengthen the egg walls. Leave to dry completely on the battery. Then cover the outside of the shells with white paint.

    Cut off everything unnecessary and superfluous with scissors.

    After that, apply putty on the surface of the shell and you can paint it with a beautiful festive pattern. Let dry completely.

    Next, start coloring the eggs. Paint and go over the bulges of the bell with gold paint. Make a hole in the top for the string. Instead of a cord, you can crochet or knit a chain. air loops and tie to the shell.

    You can decorate the surface of the egg bell with beads, you can make a "spray" of semolina. Spread on top with a brush with glue and sprinkle with semolina.

    You can also make bells out of paper or foamiran. For breast bells, you can use special stencils, with the help of which even the most inept master can cope with the task and create in as soon as possible very nice bells. These coloring pages can be purchased at many magazine kiosks, stationery stores, or simply printed off the web. Such a blank must first be painted by hand, and then carefully cut out along the contour and, if desired, glued onto a thicker sheet of paper or even thin cardboard.

    In order for paper bells to look fun and bright, it is better to stop using ordinary colored pencils or thin felt-tip pens and use acrylic paints or thick markers.

    Add voluminous and convex details and accessories to the decor of the bells. So, on a paper bell, you can glue a multi-layered appliqué flower or a neat silk ribbon bow in contrasting shades. Alternatively, this bow can be strung on a decorative needle-hairpin with a mother-of-pearl pearl at the end instead of the eye of a needle, and with its help pin a bell to a buttonhole or breast pocket.

    A selection of videos on the topic of the article

    All the videos we have selected will help you learn how to make bells quickly and easily with your own hands. Watch the videos and learn even more new tricks and secrets, as well as ideas for creating extraordinary compositions.

    It is better to prepare for the New Year in advance. Make your own hand bells Christmas tree- a good idea. Even in the writings of ancient authors, the ability of bells to drive away evil forces was reflected. There are many options for making wind chimes from scrap materials. We have selected the most original ones.

    We will need:

    • Bandage or gauze.
    • Eggshell.
    • PVA glue.
    • Tassel.
    • Paints (including gold).
    • Putty, beads, semolina (optional).

    Manufacturing Method No. 1

    We take the shell and bandage. We glue the bandage "overlap" with PVA glue.

    We strengthen our bell, it should dry well.

    Primed with white paint so that the shell does not shine through. When the bandage is dry, cut out the petals with scissors.

    Make a hole at the top with a sharp object. The hole is for the string. Glue the husk on top and paint.

    Bells are painted with Easter dyes + watercolors. The leaves of the bells can be safely bent.

    Manufacturing Method No. 2

    We take the shell, bandage and PVA glue. We glue the shell inside. This is also a way to strengthen the shell. Leave to dry on the battery. Then we cover the outside with white paint.

    Cut off all unnecessary with scissors. Cuts easily.

    After we apply putty and you can paint it with a pattern. Let's dry. We paint and go through the bulges with gold paint. We make a hole for the lace on top.

    You can decorate it with beads on top, you can make a “spraying” of semolina. We coat the top with a brush with glue and sprinkle with semolina. Turn on the fantasy and make a toy.

    For 1 bell you will need:

    1. Styrofoam or cardboard (cone, mini size).
    2. Yarn or twine.
    3. Felt.
    4. Palettes.
    5. Decorations.


    1. Glue is universal.
    2. Scissors.
    3. Needle.
    4. Tweezers.

    We will need:

    1. Plastic cups.
    2. A branch of an artificial Christmas tree.
    3. Spray paint.
    4. Glue.
    5. Beads.
    6. Ribbons.
    7. A piece of lace.

    We take two plastic cups(can be from under yogurt). We paint cups and a spruce branch with spray paint. Color can be any: golden, silver, bright red.

    While the cups are drying, prepare the decoration. You can cut flowers from lace, guipure. Sew beads in the middle.

    We coat the flowers with glue and attach to the bell.

    We wrap the edges with yarn.

    We take beautiful ribbon, we collect in the middle on a thread with a needle and make a magnificent bow.

    Fasten the bow with a needle and thread. We hang on a Christmas tree or glue the bells together at an angle, glue to spruce branch and hang it on the wall with tape.