
Delicate handles. How to keep delicate hands in the summer cottage. How to take care of your hands in winter at home


However, our face receives a lot more care, and all because when we put the mask on our face, we can continue to do our own thing (provided that it is not an apple mask that flows down the cleavage). Putting a mask on our hands, we become completely incapacitated. But this problem can be easily solved if you wear special cotton gloves or make it easier: put on cellophane gloves (in which we usually dye our hair), and ordinary woolen gloves on top. Of course, with such "heaters" you can't wash the dishes, but you can, for example, vacuum. In addition, such gloves can be worn at night, and the effect of the mask will increase many times. But, if you don’t have the strength to make a mask at night, you can simply grease your hands abundantly with fat cream, on top, of course, gloves. If you nevertheless decide to make a mask, keep in mind that you need to take it a little, otherwise it will start to flow out. Perhaps, at first, you will need an assistant, since it can be quite difficult to contrive yourself. But over time, it is quite possible to master this procedure, the main thing is practice.

In the cold season, hand problems increase. Frost and wind are doing their job: the skin becomes too dry, begins to crack, and the nails break and exfoliate. To prevent all these troubles, try to always wear gloves. Also, never apply cream later than half an hour before going outside. And of course, do not forget about special masks, they will help get rid of many problems.

1) A mixture for restoring dry skin of hands. Mix equal proportions of glycerin and vegetable oil, apply to hands overnight and wear gloves. This mask also strengthens the nails, making them harder and healthier.

2) Sour cream mask. Mix 1 tbsp. fresh sour cream, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. vodka and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to hands, cellophane and gloves on top. Keep the mask for 10 - 15 minutes. It will not only eliminate dryness and flaking, but also whiten the skin a little.

3) Mix 1 tsp. powdered milk, 2 tbsp. boiled lukewarm water and 1 tsp. honey. Apply to hands and nails for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water. This mask softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands, nourishes skin cells and eliminates flaking. The mask should not be used more than 2 times a week.

4) Mash 2 tbsp. l. yeast with milk or sour cream until gruel is formed, apply a thin layer on the skin of the hands and keep for 10 minutes. The mask is suitable for aging skin of the hands, devoid of moisture and prone to wrinkles. With constant use, it nourishes the skin with minerals, makes it elastic and relieves irritation. You need to carry out the procedure 1 - 2 times a week, the course of skin restoration with regular use - 1 - 2 months.

5) Nourishing mask. Mix warm vegetable oil with a spoonful of linden honey. Apply the mask to your skin and wrap plastic wrap around your hands or wear gloves. After 20 minutes, the skin will be silky, fresh and smooth.

6) 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal boil for 7-8 minutes in a liter of water, strain. 10-15 minute hand bath from this broth will soften chapped skin and relieve redness.

7) Grate medium-sized carrots on a fine grater, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. olive oil, mix everything thoroughly and apply a thick layer on cleanly washed hands. Place compress paper on top and wear warm mittens for 40 minutes.

8) For dry hands do a moisturizer three times a week nourishing mask: grate a leaf of white cabbage and mix with 50 gr. pounded banana. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. honey and apply on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and lubricate your hands with cream.

9) Make a mixture of egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. oat flour. Apply the mask to your skin and wrap plastic wrap around your hands or wear gloves. It is better to leave the mask overnight. The handles will be soft and delicate.

10) If the hands are constantly red, make daily mustard baths: 1 tsp. dry mustard per 1 liter of hot water. Keep your hands for 2 - 3 minutes in hot or cold water (finish cold).

When caring for your hand skin, do not forget about your nails - they need special care and strengthening.

1) Whisk the yolk of one egg thoroughly, 1 tbsp. castor oil, 1 tsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. glycerin. Apply the mixture to nail plates and wear cotton gloves. This mask will help make your nails strong and give them a healthy look pretty quickly. It has excellent strengthening and regenerating properties.

2) Dissolve 2 tablespoons. gelatin in 2 cups of boiling water, cool mixture to room temperature. Immerse your fingertips and nails in it for 10 to 15 minutes. This mask is very effective for strengthening nails and improving their appearance.

3) In 100 ml of warmed vegetable oil, add 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​or table salt. Dip your fingertips into the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes. This mixture strengthens nails remarkably.

4) With the weak, brittle nails rub overnight into the heated nail plate almond oil... Or make nightly baths with 2 drops of this oil diluted in milk or kefir.

5) Do not forget about lemon: if you rub its juice into the nail plates, they will not only harden, but due to the whitening effect, they will look just great. The result is visible after the first application. By the way, if you don't want to mess with the juice, you can just stick your marigolds into a thick slice of lemon and hold for 5-10 minutes.

Often after a long stay in the cold or as a result of prolonged work at the computer, our hands become bluish-reddish. This is due to impaired blood circulation, and in order to improve it, you need to do a little gymnastics and massage. Before starting, you should wash your hands and apply cream to them.

1) Slowly iron the entire hand from the fingers to the wrist. Imagine that you are pulling on a little tight gloves over your fingers.

2) Also work with each finger separately, then bend your hands. Slowly make a fist and unclench it sharply.

3) Perform circular motions with your thumb, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Rotate the brushes clockwise.

4) Grasp your wrist with one hand and shake it well. Raise the brush up and down freely. Repeat 20 times.

5) Take a pen or pencil and roll it between your palms. This will improve blood circulation.

Surely each of us has heard that the age of a woman can be guessed by looking at her. I believe that on this basis it is possible to determine only how much a woman takes care of herself. Agree that unkempt nails, overgrown cuticles, cracked skin will not hide under a chic dress or styling. I will not say anything about jewelry. They certainly will not decorate such hands. Let's see what kind of care our pens need in autumn period when the memories of summer vacations still warm the soul, but the coming cold makes us take care of ourselves more carefully, because temperature changes and changes in weather conditions negatively affect the condition of our skin and our delicate hands are under threat.

In the autumn period, the hands especially need nutrition and protection. First of all, these are:

- gloves and nourishing hand cream.

For this I want to offer a simple but very effective mask. Mix equal proportions of honey and lemon and apply on hands for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse and massage in your nourishing cream.

Antibacterial soap. It kills germs, but injures the skin of the hands, so do not get carried away with it, as well as alcohol wipes:

- use products with moisturizing ingredients.

When washing dishes, cleaning, etc. use rubber gloves. Although many manufacturers of detergents add moisturizing ingredients, they still do not help dry hands.

Who does not know that if it is cold, then washing your hands in hot water, you warm up much faster? What's true is true, but:

- hands literally dry from hot water, let it be at least warm.

In winter, our hands often peel off from the cold, so the next important point leaving:

- scrub.

We can make it ourselves: 2 tablespoons can be mixed with two tablespoons of sugar or ground coffee. Massage movements rub into the skin of your hands and then apply the same nourishing cream to the rinse.

Gradually we came to ours. In the autumn, we consume much less vitamin and from a lack of trace elements often nails begin to break and exfoliate:

- be sure to drink vitamins and eat foods rich in calcium.

The cuticle cracks very often and often to blood, which is accompanied by pain and heals for a long time. To avoid this, do not try to bite off or tear off the protruding piece, trim it carefully with tweezers and do not forget to use cuticle oil. There are a lot of them now. Buy as a pencil and place in your makeup bag. and gentle hands are provided for you!

Well-groomed hands are the hallmark of many women. Today we will talk about how to properly care for your hands so that they remain tender even in winter.

Our hands are exposed to various irritants every day: sun and cold, household chemicals, damage such as cuts and other injuries. At the same time, the cold has the most negative impact on the hands: the skin turns red, coarse, cracks.

How to take care of your hands in winter at home?

Hands need regular care. Just a few simple rules and your pens will always remain beautiful.

  • Wear warm gloves in winter
  • Nourish your hands with the cream in the morning and evening.
  • When cleaning the house with detergents, wear rubber gloves. Cover your hands with nourishing cream, put on rubber gloves on top, and on them plastic bag- and here is a wonderful mask for the cleaning time
  • When getting ready for bed, apply to your hands fat cream and put on cotton gloves, leaving the mask overnight.
  • Use oils. Anyone you have or like will do. The task of the oil is to nourish, moisturize and protect the skin.
  • In winter, use a thick oil. Shea, cocoa will do, Coconut oil, wheat germ oil.
  • Sesame and grape oil is light, suitable for spring and summer.
  • Pay attention to the cuticle - rub the cream into it in a circular motion, from the base of the nail to the tip of the finger. Such a massage will not interfere with the nail plate either.

We select a manicure for velvet pens

It is also necessary to choose the right type of manicure.

Hot manicure

Hands can be “warmed” with a hot manicure. The first step in such care is the adoption of a special hot hand bath with lotion. When the hands are steamed, the master proceeds to the second stage - moisturizing the hands with cream and massage. If you use aromatic oils, the skin will become velvety.

European manicure

European manicure is perfect for a hot one. You can also try SPA manicure, which is based on products with ceramides that protect the skin of the hands. Such a procedure will help cleanse the skin of dead cells, massage will have a beneficial effect on the skin, and aromatic oils will improve mood. You will be able to notice a positive result after the first visit to the SPA.

Thermal gloves - make your hands soft!

The procedure with the use of thermal gloves designed to care for the skin will also be beneficial for the hands. New technology will be a real discovery for you. Thermal gloves work as follows: the master applies nourishing creams to your hands and puts on gloves that enhance the effect of the mask. Under the influence of heat, the mask will make your hands look well-groomed and beautiful. As a result, you can enjoy your gentle and soft handles. This procedure will cheer you up, because you will get real pleasure!

Apply a paraffin mask

Also especially relevant in winter period time becomes a paraffin wrap or mask, which today is one of the most popular procedures for women. The mask is especially popular because during its application you get real pleasure, and the result meets your expectations.

A paraffin mask is perfect for women of mature age, as it rejuvenates the skin of the hands, paraffin therapy also becomes indispensable in winter for wrapped skin of the hands, and even in the treatment of diseases of the joints of the hands. Thus, a paraffin mask is an excellent preventive measure that can be used regularly.

The procedures described by us in this article are a fairly small part of those options for masks and other services that you can use in a beauty salon. You can take care of your hand skin in winter at home, and you can also make an appointment with a specialist who will do all the work for you. All you have to do is enjoy the incredibly pleasant and uplifting procedures!

Every woman dreams that her hands always look young and well-groomed. At the same time, we often forget about the need for regular procedures to achieve an effect. The skin of the hands is very vulnerable. It does not have sebaceous glands and, over time, can lose elasticity and become covered with wrinkles. To prevent this, you need to take care of yourself beforehand.

  1. Wash your hands with lukewarm water and special gel or toilet soap, then pat dry, paying special attention to the areas between your fingers. Hot water degreases the skin, while cold water makes it rougher.
  2. For moisturizing, use creams with glycerin, herbal extracts. After 30 years, as well as in summer, the care product should have light protection filters, this will prevent the appearance of age spots.
  3. In cold weather, be sure to wear warm mittens or gloves. Even a short exposure to cold is sufficient to redden and chapped skin.
  4. Elbows require special care. Dip them in bowls of warm vegetable oil for 5 minutes, rub with a pumice stone, then apply the cream.
  5. Exfoliate once a week to get rid of dead cells. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a teaspoon of granulated sugar and rub into the skin for 1-2 minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and soap, moisturize with a greasy cream.
  6. With severe dry skin, special compresses are needed, which are left overnight. They can consist of sour cream, honey, steamed oatmeal, etc.

Your hands will no longer give away their age, because they will be given due attention.

Women's hands should be soft, gentle and pleasant, because with these hands women touch themselves, caress their men and children. Just do not forget that in addition to this, women also work with their hands. You need to wash the dishes, the floor, the headset, the family service, the laundry, and the garden. How can you preserve the tenderness and health of your palms when they are under such a heavy load?

The skin of the palms needs protection, because it is especially vulnerable, although it is with the hands that we are most often faced with harmful agents. Try to use gloves when washing, rubbing, cleaning.

You need to wash your hands only in warm water, not cold and certainly not hot. It is better to use mild or liquid soap with a moisturizing effect. If your hands are very sensitive or have already suffered from something, then it would be more correct to use baby soap - it is delicate. Forget about hand washing laundry soap or dishwashing detergent - they dry the skin very much, because they contain a lot of alkali and surfactants. Hands should be wiped dry.

Try to use a moisturizer often. For too dry hands and sensitive skin can be used for children. If this is not enough, then purchasing a fatty nourishing cream will help you, apply it on your hands in a thick layer and put on gloves, go on like this for several hours. It is advisable to do this at night. This unique method will enhance the effect of the cream, then nutrients will penetrate deeper into the skin.

If the palms are rough and need softening, then paraffin, such as cosmetic paraffin, will help you with this. In general, you can buy it at any pharmacy and quite inexpensively. To use it for your own purposes, the paraffin must be melted in a water bath. After that, gently apply with a brush to your hands and cover them with plastic wrap. You can use two sachets, for example. At this stage, you should provide a warm cover for your hands - this can be a scarf or mittens. Just 30 minutes is enough for the paraffin to soften the skin of your hands, so when you remove it, apply the nourishing cream and enjoy the result.

If the problem is the same, but the paraffin option is not suitable, then there is another, simple and convenient. You will need a glass of milk and a tablespoon of flaxseeds, which must be mixed and boiled. When the milk becomes warm, then palms should be lowered into it. 15 minutes is enough to achieve the desired result. After washing your hands with lukewarm water, use something on your palms. cosmetic oil... If hand problems are serious, then you can do this procedure before bed and wear gloves at night so that the oil is absorbed deeper.

Unfortunately, all people age and their skin, whatever one may say, but gradually deteriorates. The skin of the hands is especially susceptible to this process; it will stop rough, dry and rough. Probably, many women of elegant age have encountered keratoderma - a disease that turns the skin of the hands into a coarse, thick crust. The stratum corneum does not peel off, but it cracks and clings to everything. It is very unpleasant, and at times it is also painful.

What to do with your hands?

Care! There are special remedies containing salicylic acid and urea that will soften the stratum corneum and exfoliate it. Ichthyol creams and ointments will also help soften suffering skin.

To cope with dead skin, you can make special baths. They will need milk serum, which contains acid to help soften rough skin and remove it afterwards. Kind of it's homey chemical peeling... These baths are very useful and effective. And you can use them not only for the hands, but also for the legs, because rough growths also appear on them.

Fight for healthy and beautiful hands!