
Half a year of family life, what a wedding. Wedding anniversaries - names by year. What to give for your anniversary? What trees can be planted


Vika Di

Birthdays happen not only for people, but also for families - for them it is a wedding. Wedding anniversary represents an excellent occasion to remember everything that preceded it: acquaintance, the birth of love, the understanding that this is “your” person with whom you will be able to create a strong, friendly family.

It is unlikely that even experienced married couples will be able to list the names of wedding anniversaries by year. life together from 1 to 100 years, most people know only silver (25 years) and gold (50 years) weddings.

Few people know that the day on which the marriage is registered is considered to be its very first anniversary, which is called the green anniversary, which is reflected in such wedding accessories like the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere - they certainly include there must be greens.

Green boutonniere of the groom

Every new married couple is interested in what age is which wedding. But so that the next wedding anniversary does not become just an excuse for a banal party, you need to know what wedding dates mean by year, what significance is attached to them by tradition. We offer you a calendar of wedding dates in Russia by year, so that each married couple celebrated this significant anniversary for the family with full understanding of what kind of wedding it was and what its symbolic meaning was.

Wedding dates by year, their names and meaning

The table below shows which wedding anniversaries there are. If we consider the gradation of weddings over the years, we cannot fail to note the ingenuity of those who came up with names for them.

The first ten dates have rather modest names, but the further you go, the more common are the names of precious stones, symbolizing the value of marriage who withstood the storms of life.

Year Wedding name
Calico (gauze)
Cast iron
Copper (wool)
Tin (pink)
Steel (coral)
Lace (lily of the valley)
Tin (pink) - name coincides with the 10th anniversary
mahogany wedding
Solnechnaya (coffee)
Copper (the name coincides with the 7th anniversary; sometimes you can see the automobile version, but this is clearly a modern addition)
Coral (linen, linen)
bone china
Mother of pearl
Willow (willow)
52 Topaz - a type of wedding after 52 years of marriage
53 Uranium – 53 years of marriage
54 Wedding of Zeus - 54 years lived together
56 What type of wedding at 56? In Russia it is not customary to celebrate it, therefore there is no name.
57 Aluminum. What does the wedding age of 57 say? The fact that the spouses managed to maintain their union even after more than half a century of marriage.
58 The date 58 years from the wedding day is usually not celebrated and has no name.
59 The date 59 years from the wedding day is usually not celebrated and has no name.
Diamond (platinum)
61 Rich wedding - 61 years family life.
62 Aquamarine wedding – 62 years of family life.
63 Mercury (same as 38 years old)
64 Cheerful
66 Neon – 66 years of family life.
67 magical
68 Chamomile - 68 years of family life.
69 It is not marked and has no name.
Gracious (grateful)
Crown, or second diamond
76-79 They are not marked and have no name.
81-84 They are not marked and have no name.
85 Wine - 85 years of family life.
86-89 They are not marked and have no name.
90 Granite is 90 years of family life.
91-94 They are not marked and have no name.
95 Ruby (diamond) – 95 years of family life.
96-98 They are not marked and have no name.
99 99 years of family life is a fantastic period preceding the 100th wedding anniversary.

A very interesting phenomenon - partial anniversaries, although it is difficult to explain the history of their origin.

So, after 6.5 years a zinc wedding is celebrated; after 12.5 years - nickel, after 37.5 years - aluminum, after 67.5 years - stone

If you compare the names and wedding anniversaries accepted in Russia in English, German, and French, you will notice some differences, although the names of the main dates (5, 10, 20, 25, 50 years) are the same. However, many names show national specificity: for example, the symbol of the 4th anniversary in our country is flax as the most common raw material for linen in the old days, and in England– linen, but silk; in England the symbol of the 70th anniversary is platinum, but here we have grace, etc.

Silk as a symbol of the anniversary in England

List of wedding anniversaries by month

A wedding is such a significant event for newlyweds that it never erased from memory, and they want to feel like they did then again and again. Well, this is a great opportunity for them to celebrate their mini wedding anniversaries.

The very first one, or rather, the green one, is the very day of marriage.

The week after it is popularly called honey week - how can one not remember European tradition honeymoon when the newlyweds go on their honeymoon!

Unlike the designation of wedding anniversaries by year, no names have been invented for the first 12 months of married life, so newlyweds can celebrate their green wedding on the date on which the marriage took place. Why such an anniversary is called green is quite clear: a young family is like a green sprout, which will get stronger, grow and give new shoots. That is why a green plant in a pot would be a wonderful symbolic gift.

Green plant for wedding anniversary

Green is a symbol of freshness (feelings), youth (family), and also inexperience. However, the latter has already lost its relevance in our time: often, before officially registering a marriage, a couple lives together for quite a long time, runs a common household, so she already has experience of living in a family, even without a stamp in the passport. And this is very good - there will be fewer disappointments, because the newlyweds have had time to properly study each other, and this will help avoid unpleasant surprises.

There are no rules about monthly anniversaries.

Whether to gather friends for a party to watch a wedding video or arrange a romantic evening for two - this is decided by the newlyweds themselves. By the way, they will be called that only until the first real wedding anniversary - calico. You can spend your anniversary in an unusual way with the help of small interesting details: order a heart-shaped pizza!

What does a wedding anniversary mean?

In the old days, the wedding took place after the wedding in the temple, that is, they were virtually identical. Nowadays, marriage is social ceremony, but more and more couples want to seal their relationship with church marriage. It is not always possible to combine marriage registration at the registry office and a church wedding on the same day. Perhaps this is for the best, because a church ceremony requires a completely different mood, and the wedding bustle makes it difficult to achieve it.

A characteristic feature of our time has become the wedding in church of couples who have been married for decades

A wedding is one of Christian sacraments, during which grace descends on the bride and groom, and their family life seems to be filled with a new, divine meaning.

Wedding supplies

It should be recalled that only married couples whose marriage is registered in the registry office can get married. There are many restrictions: Both newlyweds and their witnesses must be baptized; you can't get married in days church holidays, during Lent, as well as on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. There is also a whole series mandatory conditions, in particular, a wedding dress should not have open shoulders and a deep neckline (therefore, brides are recommended to cover their shoulders with a scarf), etc.

List of wedding anniversaries by year

Wedding anniversaries are a wonderful occasion to look back on the path we have traveled together, remember all the good things, what happened in family life, and draw a line under everything that overshadowed it. It is extremely rare to find couples who annually celebrate the corresponding wedding anniversary for 20-30-40 or more years. Most celebrate mainly round wedding dates or the most significant ones.

Living together

The table shows the names of wedding anniversaries based on the years lived together. The most frequently noted are the following:

  1. 5 years - wooden wedding, which is considered the first real anniversary of a young family who managed overcome all crises initial period. A family resembles a strong and reliable wooden hut, so it is better to choose all gifts for this date from wood, for example, kitchen utensils (cutting boards, coasters, etc.), decorative items (photo frames, boxes, figurines, etc.), furniture ( table, stool) or tree in a pot.
  2. 10 years – tin (pink) wedding. The combination of symbols seems somewhat strange, but if you think about it, they characterize the two sides of the marriage. In the old days, many household items, comfortable and durable, were made from tin, and here is family life over the past 10 years settled and strengthened. Pink is a romantic color; he reminds that love in family life has not gone anywhere, it has simply changed and manifests itself differently. A 10-year anniversary will help you remember romantic love again.
  3. 15 years - glass wedding – has deep symbolism. On the one hand, glass is very durable, try to cut something on it - nothing will work, except perhaps with a diamond. On the other hand, glass breaks very easily, and it is often impossible to glue the fragments together. A good analogy with family life.
  4. 20 years - porcelain wedding; Porcelain, although seemingly fragile, is very durable and its beauty is admirable.
  5. 25 years - the silver wedding is perhaps the most famous anniversary. It is no coincidence that its symbol is silver, a noble precious metal. All the metals that symbolized previous anniversaries served as evidence of the strength of the union, but only silver symbolized its precious properties.
  6. 30 years - pearl wedding. After the silver anniversary, they are usually celebrated every 5 or even 10 years. Pearls with their delicate tints recall all the shades of feelings that once united a couple in love.
  7. 35 years - coral(linen, linen) wedding,
  8. 40 years - ruby,
  9. 45 – sapphire wedding– all these anniversaries can be celebrated at the request of the spouses and their loved ones, but the real culmination will be
  10. 50 years - golden wedding- the most important anniversary in family life. If a married couple has lived for half a century, then everything has worked out for them. Noble gold symbolizes not only and not so much material wealth, but the value of family ties, when spouses feel like one, and their relationship has stood the test of time.
  11. 60 years - diamond(platinum) wedding, which combined the symbolism of the most durable gemstone and the most expensive precious metal, so it requires no explanation why they appear in the name of the 60th wedding anniversary.
  12. 70 years – blessed(grateful) wedding. Spouses who have lived together for an entire human life have something to thank fate for, because grace has descended on them.
  13. 75 years old – crown, or the second diamond wedding,
  14. 80 years – oak,
  15. 90 years – granite wedding- all these dates emphasize the strength of marriage.
  16. 100 years - red wedding. A completely unique anniversary, which is probably celebrated only by a few. Since ancient times, the color red has meant celebration, joy, and fun; it also symbolized wisdom, love, vital energy, that is, everything that accompanied the life of a married couple for a century.

This is what a transcript of wedding anniversaries looks like. She forces again think about value family ties and the need to strengthen them, and will also help you when choosing a gift if you were invited to a wedding anniversary.

Wedding anniversary gift

Which wedding dates are celebrated and which are not celebrated?

Whether to celebrate marriage anniversaries or not, each married couple decides independently, but you should remember the example for children: such impressive anniversaries as the silver or golden wedding of parents, become important events and in their lives.

Using the classification of weddings by year, you can decide on the style of anniversary celebration

Usually its name is the key point for organizing and decorating the celebration, and gives guests a hint what kind of gifts best correspond to this date.

Celebrating wedding anniversaries - buffet

Most often weddings are celebrated by year occurs at intervals 5-10 years, but there are anniversaries that are not generally celebrated. These are 16, 17, 28, 32, 33, 36, 41-43, 51-54, 56-59, 61-64, 66-69, 71-74, 76-79, 81-84, 86-89, 91 -94, 96-98 years from the wedding date. Why this happened is difficult to say, but this is the tradition. However, there are still so many worthy wedding anniversaries that there is room to roam!

28 July 2018, 17:51

For many people, wedding day is the most joyful day in their lives. Or one of those, because the birth of a joint child is much greater happiness. The name of weddings has very deep roots and even modern educated minds cannot come up with a better name. After all, in the old days, people felt nature much better and, identifying each person with it, they found those truths that modern psychologists teach for a long time in educational institutions. The names of wedding anniversaries by year are also determined by the gifts that are customary to give to spouses.

But what is this for? After all, modern people are accustomed to celebrating only anniversaries without attaching importance to the intermediate ones. Previously, people believed more in the signs that their ancestors taught them and strictly followed them. Perhaps, or maybe some higher forces preserved the marriage of those who did everything according to the rules. That is why absolutely everyone knew the names of wedding anniversaries by year and they did not need special reminders.

A modern person should explain why the name of weddings is personified with one or another adjective. This is what we will do. So, the name of the weddings:

The wedding day is called green. Because a young family, like the greenery with which in the old days any beginning was compared, is very beautiful, fresh, light, but at the same time fragile and immature. It is better if a lot of flowers and greenery are given on this day.

1 year is a Calico wedding. This material was valued for its lightness and thinness, but at the same time, it was quite everyday and inexpensive. So the family has not yet grown stronger, but the romance of the first months of marriage is already beginning to fade away, and everyday life takes its place. This day is very important because... right now they are opening a bottle of champagne, which was tied on the table of the newlyweds on their wedding day with another bottle. By the way, the second one is opened for the birth of the first child in a marriage. Gifts must be chintz.

2nd anniversary - Paper. Naturally, a fragile union that can withstand ups and downs only in a tight lump. On this date, spouses must write a message to each other on colorful paper or a postcard with a declaration of love. The second name for weddings, which was invented for this anniversary, is glass, but is rarely used, because... there is another anniversary with the same name. Also associated with the fragility of the material. Spouses must exchange glass figurines representing love. Gifts made of glass or paper (wine glasses, decanters, wallpaper, paintings, etc.)

3 years after the important day comes the Leather Wedding. By this time, the spouses should already feel great about each other. Therefore, the comparison of ancestors was with skin. Gifts, respectively, are made of leather.

4 years after marriage - Linen or rope. On this day, a married couple was tied hand and foot with ropes on nearby chairs. If they were unable to extricate themselves, then their union is strong and long. Gifts: linen items or weaving.

5 years. Wooden date. First anniversary date. Usually, the first child was born around this anniversary. Therefore, it got its name from eternal symbol fertility, flowering and new life. The fact of the birth of a baby always cemented the union and the spouses grew closer to each other. Also, by this time, his own house and furniture in it should have appeared. Gifts made from wood.

6 years lived in harmony - Cast iron wedding. This metal has always been valued for its heat-resistant properties, but was very fragile when impacted. The family is the same. In order to strengthen the union, on this day it was necessary to thoroughly clean the house and pay special attention to all cast iron objects. Guests were not always invited.

6.5 years. Zinc Union. During this period, disagreements often arose. Therefore, just as galvanized dishes are sometimes polished to shine, so relationships should be polished with love and attention from one to the other. The date was always celebrated to demonstrate to the guests that everything was wonderful with them. Gifts are usually made from galvanized items.

7 years after marriage. Copper wedding. Copper is a valuable metal, but not a noble one. Therefore, the spouses have all their valuable dates ahead. It is better if one of the guests gives a symbol of prosperity and prosperity - a copper horseshoe.

8 years of living together. Tin date. By this time it is full of warmth and durability, like durable metal tin. Tin gifts will be the most suitable option.

9 years of married life are called the Chamomile or earthenware wedding. Since ancient times, chamomile has been considered a flower that speaks of true love. Also, faience has always been personified with a prosperous union. It is better if you celebrate this day in nature. And if the weather does not allow it, then there must be a bouquet of daisies in the house.

10 years together is called the Pink or Tin Anniversary. The second anniversary was necessarily celebrated with those who were present at the wedding. Scarlet roses were considered the unchanging flower of passion, and tin was compared to spouses who are able to adapt to each other by this time. Gifts red, scarlet or pink flowers meant a wish for love and passion, and from tin - compliance and mutual understanding.

11 year marriage. Steel wedding. The union is already undergoing a hardening process, after which only death can separate.

After 12.5 years, it is customary to celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is most often celebrated in the 12th year of marriage.

13th wedding anniversary - Lace or lily of the valley. Since ancient times, this number was considered unlucky, but the name is a hint of romance and beauty at any time and in any trouble.

14 years of marriage. Agate wedding. Drago valuable stone, although not very expensive.

15 years of married life -- Relationships by this time should be transparent and smooth.

If you have lived together for 18 years. Turquoise wedding. Usually, in this year of married life, the first child became an adult and began for the family. new stage life.

20 years together. Porcelain wedding. Warm and cozy, a homely union.

21 years after marriage. Opal date. A beautiful stone that represents soft and strong relationships.

22nd anniversary - Bronze wedding. "Prize" anniversary, which precedes more noble dates. Valuable and strong relationships.

23 years old. Beryl Anniversary.

24 years after the wedding day, the Satin Time is celebrated. Soft and gentle relationships, but not noble or hardened enough. Although, satin was highly valued for its beauty and softness. It was holiday stuff.

25 years -- Silver Anniversary. Noble relationships.

26 years after marriage Jade date.

The 27-year-old union is called the Mahogany Wedding. The nobility and value of such a union.

29 years old - Velvet date. A very valuable material in ancient times. Even brocade could not displace velvet from the wardrobe of noble people.

30 years after marriage - Pearl. Created over the years bit by bit the union. Long-term relationships that ultimately turn out to be a real treasure.

31 years spent in love - Dark wedding. An anniversary that shows all the work done on the strength of a given married family.

34th anniversary of Amber. Also valuable a natural stone, which shows both the time frame and the beauty of love.

35 years. Coral or linen anniversary date. Linen items have always been strong and of good quality. Coral is the personification of the eternal.

37 years after marriage Muslin date.

37.5 years - this is the Aluminum Union. More popular than the previous one and celebrated six months earlier.

38th wedding anniversary Mercury wedding. Soft and flowing, but indestructible.

39 happy years of marriage - Crepe date.

40 year relationship - Ruby Anniversary. A noble stone is a noble and honorable union.

44 years of marital harmony is called the Topaz Date.

At 45 years old, the Sapphire or Scarlet Anniversary is celebrated.

The 46th wedding anniversary is called the Lavender Wedding.

47 years after marriage is the Cashmere Anniversary.

48 years since the wedding - Amethyst date.

If you have lived together for 49 years, then your wedding anniversary is Cedar.

50th anniversary - Golden anniversary date. A noble union and very honorable at all times.

55 years of marriage are usually called the Emerald Wedding.

60 years together - Platinum or Diamond wedding. Strong metal and valuable stone.

The Iron Date is celebrated at 65 years old. A strong, hardened union.

At 67.5 - Stone Anniversary. Like a mountain that only time can destroy.

70 years in love is a grateful and blessed date. Gratitude for the years we lived together, for our children and grandchildren. Blessed, because Everything is there and all you need is the happiness of your family.

After 75 years, it is worth celebrating the Crown Wedding. The crown was associated with power and honor.

80 years have been called the Oak Union. There was no tree stronger than oak. But it is warm and eternal.

100 years is not only a century together, but also a Red Anniversary Wedding. A date celebrated by one Ageev family. These centenarians lived together for more than a century and called the hundred-year union Red. After all, red used to be considered beautiful, elegant, festive and a sign of noble people.

Wedding anniversaries are celebrated every 5 years. Despite this, many celebrate them in a modest family society, because the older the family, the more relatives there are: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

But whatever the name of the weddings, may eternal love reign in your family. We wish you mutual understanding and together survive the century since your wedding!

Wedding day. This is the very first anniversary. It is the wedding day itself and the starting point for new anniversaries. The green wedding is celebrated during the first year after the conclusion of the marital union every month on the wedding day.

Green wedding - one month from the date of marriage (and also two, three, four...)

Everyone knows about such anniversaries of the married life of spouses as a golden, silver, or diamond wedding. Even a considerable number of people have heard about a wooden or, for example, chintz wedding. But the fact that the month from the date of marriage is called a green wedding is a revelation for many. It’s unfair, considering that almost all young spouses treat this date with reverence and celebrate it. By the way, to be completely precise, not only a month anniversary is called a green wedding. But let's talk about everything in detail.
The first day of marriage itself, that is, the day of the wedding itself, is considered a green wedding. And you can celebrate it monthly throughout the first year of marriage, of course, on the very date when the union was concluded. That is, a green wedding is not only exactly a month from the day when he and she officially became spouses, but also exactly two months, three, four, and so on, up to eleven. A haven for wonderful romantic celebrations, isn’t it?
Symbolism green wedding obvious. The couple have just started their family life, they cannot get enough of each other, their feelings are fresh, like spring greenery that has just appeared. And marriage itself during this period can be compared to a young green twig in which life is born. It is also significant that in many cultures, including ours, green color traditionally associated with youth, purity, freshness, and inexperience.

Is a green wedding celebrated and how?
Everything is clear with the celebration of the wedding day, but what about the anniversary in a month, two months and beyond? Most newly married spouses (one would like to kindly call them “green”!), without even knowing about the existence of the concept of a “green wedding,” celebrate it. You’ve been together for exactly a month now - how can you not celebrate such a date? The same applies to the following months. As for the traditions of celebration, there are no strict frameworks here, but there are some recommendations.
Good way to celebrate a small but very significant anniversary of the marital union - spend a tete-a-tete evening in a romantic atmosphere. Where and how exactly? Depends on the preferences of the spouses, financial capabilities, characters. This could be a home-cooked dinner by candlelight, or a trip to a restaurant that feels like a date. The main thing is a romantic atmosphere, tender glances and touches, flowers, appropriate music. If you want, you can celebrate a green wedding in the circle of your closest relatives and friends, but it is better, at least on some monthly anniversaries, to organize holidays for only two.

What to give for 1 month from the wedding day and in the following months?
An excellent gift for a young wife from her husband for a green wedding - flower bouquet. A woman can emphasize with her gift her care for her chosen one and tenderness towards him, for example, by preparing something delicious. Indoor plant- another gift option, no matter from the wife or husband. Moreover, it coincides with the symbolism of the wedding anniversary that we are talking about. But if your heart asks, and finances allow, then you can give each other more serious things - from rings to romantic trips.
What to give for a green wedding if you are a relative or friend? Tradition speaks in favor of plants. Especially a good gift there will be a living tree - a symbol of a young family. Parents can be recommended to give their young spouses a myrtle tree. In the past, in some countries there was beautiful custom: on the wedding day, the bride’s parents planted a myrtle tree, and when the marriage was a month old, they gave it to their daughter’s husband. With this gift they seemed to say: “May your feelings always be fresh, like an evergreen myrtle, and may your family grow.”

A wedding is not only a day of uniting two hearts. This is an ancient custom with deep roots and traditions. The tradition of celebrating weddings by year arose about 2 centuries ago. Then only wealthy people who had the money and leisure to hold a celebration could afford it.

Gradually, this custom penetrated into all layers of society and acquired its own characteristics. In our area, only anniversary ones are usually celebrated, while some anniversaries are simply skipped and left unattended. But each mark is an important part of family life and has its own nuances, so information about them will be extremely useful.

Year Anniversary name Peculiarities
0 years (wedding day) Green The name symbolizes the immaturity of the newly formed family. The newlyweds will still have to go through many difficulties and prove that their marriage is truly reliable. Flowers are used as symbolism; they decorate the room where the ceremony and banquet hall are held.
1 year Calico wedding This material is lightweight and inexpensive and symbolizes only the beginning of a marital relationship. As a gift for such an anniversary, chintz materials can be presented, this could be clothes or souvenirs. During the celebration, according to custom, you need to drink the champagne that is left after the wedding ceremony.
2 year Paper or glass The title suggests that the relationship is still fragile. Only by being together will the spouses be able to create a strong family; it is advisable to have offspring by this date. Glassware is perfect as a gift and will also come in handy in every home.
3 year Leather The symbol of such an anniversary is leather; it is already a more durable and reliable material. A couple can exchange leather gifts, these can be wallets, bags, shoes and other items. It is customary to celebrate such an anniversary outdoors.
4 years Linen or rope The symbol of such a date is flax. It shows wealth, purity and security of married life. When celebrating an anniversary, the table must be covered with a linen tablecloth and candles placed. Products made using weaving techniques, such as baskets or souvenirs, are presented as gifts.
5 years Wooden The first anniversary of the spouses. Such an anniversary is called a wooden one and shows that the relationship has passed the initial stage. Wood products are given as gifts. According to customs, the couple must plant a tree on such an anniversary. It will serve as a reminder for the next generation and strengthen the marriage bond.
6 years Cast iron This material is the first strong symbolism of a young family. A considerable period of time spent together shows that the relationship has gained a certain weight and is important for the spouses. But the anniversary symbol also shows that the relationship needs to be looked after, as if the cast iron is dropped, it may break. It is customary to give metal materials, such as frying pans, as gifts.
6.5 years Zinc Although such an anniversary is not common, according to some traditions it should also be celebrated. Such an anniversary symbolizes a relationship between spouses that is pure, like zinc. You can celebrate with your family, or spend time in solitude with your significant other.
7 years Copper This number of years in marriage is symbolized by copper. This metal shows that there is respect and love between spouses. According to traditions, it is customary to give a copper horseshoe.
8 years Tin At this stage, the life of the spouses takes on new colors. The couple has most likely already had a child and strengthened their family. It is customary to give tin gifts.
9 years Earthenware or chamomile Faience symbolizes the strong union of the couple. This material is not hard, therefore, to strengthen the relationship between the couple on this day, the spouses must complain to each other about themselves. The second symbol of such a wedding is the chamomile, which blooms only in warmth - just as relationships warm in hard times.
10 years Tin or pink Tin is a flexible material, and a couple's relationship should have the same trait. But roses mean passion and romance, which has not faded away after so many years of marriage. On such a date, it is customary to give tin materials or red roses. Such an anniversary should be celebrated on a grand scale.
11 years Steel Such an anniversary symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life together and shows that the relationship between the spouses has overcome adversity and become stronger. Usually celebrated with relatives and close friends. A set of pots, trays and other steel utensils is presented as a gift.
12 years Nickel Sometimes such an anniversary is called a silk anniversary. According to tradition, it is celebrated after 12.5 years of living together. The date shows that, despite the passing of years and obstacles, the relationship between the spouses remained as bright as a nickel. For such a holiday you need to give shiny nickel dishes.
13 years Lace Lily of the valley and lace are used as symbolism. They both characterize the tenderness and tenderness of relationships, as well as the purity of marriage.
14 years Agate The first time the symbol is a gemstone. An agate wedding shows that the relationship has gained weight and the spouses love and respect each other. On such a date, a husband can give his wife jewelry with such a stone.
15 years Khrustalnaya The fifteenth anniversary of married life is named after the crystal. By such a date, there should be crystal dishes on the table, and the husband and wife should exchange crystal glasses. The guests, in turn, must break glassware. Gifts should also be selected based on the name.
16 years Topazovaya Topaz was popularly considered a powerful amulet that would protect the family from all adversity. Such an anniversary is not common and, according to some traditions, it is not celebrated.
17 years No name Not celebrated
18 years Turquoise Often this year the child of the spouses becomes an adult and the couple begins a new stage of life. All quarrels and disagreements are behind us, and a happy future awaits the spouses. As a gift, it is customary to give turquoise-colored items, for example, bed linen.
19 years Pomegranate Pomegranate is the personification of love and honesty in marital relationships. It is customary to give gifts in red. You can celebrate in the company of close friends and relatives or in solitude.
20 years Porcelain Porcelain is an expensive material that glows brightly in the dark, thereby showing the way in difficult times. On such a date it is necessary to give cups, plates, and porcelain-based services.
21 years old Opal Such a stone symbolizes a strong and reliable relationship between spouses. According to traditions, such an anniversary is celebrated by the spouses together.
22 Bronze Bronze is a combination of two metals and shows the unification of two different people into a single whole, their flexibility and ability to yield in controversial situations. People who have lived together for 22 years have learned harmony and respect.
23 years old beryl Beryl symbolizes the beginning of a new path. It is believed that by this date the couple’s relationship moves to the next stage. If a husband and wife lived happily for such a long period of time, then the relationship is truly built on love and fidelity.
24 years Satin Satin-based fabric is lightweight, and the relationship of a loving couple should also have this characteristic. On such a holiday, it is customary to give gifts made of material based on atlas or with its content.
25 years Silver Such a date shows that the spouses are united by a noble and reliable relationship. Silver is an expensive metal and shows the strength of family ties. Such an anniversary should be celebrated with luxury. One of the customs for such a holiday is the purchase of silver rings for spouses, which are worn next to the wedding rings.

It must be taken into account that not all anniversaries have their own symbolism and are celebrated, since, according to ancient beliefs, this can lead to misfortune and the breakup of the couple.

Wedding anniversary - table from 26 to 50 years

Year Anniversary name Peculiarities
26 years Jade Jade is a rather mysterious stone and a symbol of strong bonds and love. Also, according to tradition, he guards the secrets of marriage. This anniversary is celebrated in a close family circle, and jade souvenirs are used as gifts.
27 years Mahogany The couple's wedding day was a long time ago, and 27 years later, the children have already grown up and, with a high degree of probability, grandchildren have appeared. The name of the anniversary is closely related to family tree. Such a meal is traditionally held with a large number of invited people. Gifts for such a holiday can be wooden products.
28 years Has no name Not celebrated
29 years Velvet Velvet is a symbol of warmth, love and tenderness between husband and wife. According to traditions, the wife should wear something containing velvet during the celebration. Velvet towels or bed linen can be used as a present.
30 years Pearl Such an anniversary shows the cohesion and greatness of the life of the spouses. Pearls are a symbol of the nobility and rich life experience of a husband and wife. It is recommended to celebrate the holiday in a restaurant with a large number of guests.
31 year Dark or sunny The past tense shows that the family hearth has become warm and cozy. The couple fulfilled their duty, continued the family line and can now relax and bask in the sun.
32 years No name Not celebrated
33 years Strawberry Such an anniversary is not common, and according to some traditions it is not celebrated.
34 years Amber Such an anniversary, like amber itself, shows the greatness of a married couple who went through all life’s difficulties and retained their feelings. On such a date it is customary to give amber jewelry or souvenirs.
35 years Coral or linen Coral is the personification of the eternal and shows that the relationship between spouses will always be as ideal. Such an anniversary should be celebrated with relatives and friends.
36 years No name Not celebrated
37 years Muslin The years lived together allowed us to strengthen the bonds of marriage, which, like muslin material, cannot be broken by hands, which shows the strength of the relationship between husband and wife. For such a holiday, it is customary to give curtains, drapes or muslin-based clothing.
37.5 years Aluminum Many people celebrate 37.5 years so that the life and life of the spouses will be as easy as the aluminum alloy itself. It is customary to give aluminum products as gifts - these can be engraved souvenirs or a mirror framed from this metal.
38 years Mercury Although mercury is poisonous, at the same time it can take the form of a vessel, which is a symbol of the spouses’ ability to smooth out all quarrels and conflicts. It is customary to give mercury thermometers, pendulums or silver objects.
39 years Crepe Crepe is a symbol of pure relationships that are built on trust and respect. It is customary to give tablecloths or scarves made of crepe.
40 years Ruby Ruby is a symbol of long-lasting and passionate love. It is customary to celebrate an anniversary in a large company with luxury. As a gift, you can use ruby ​​jewelry, boxes, watches, and red items.
41 years old Zemlyannaya This anniversary is not a common holiday and is celebrated in a close family circle.
42 years Mother of pearl It is customary to give mother-of-pearl jewelry, hairpins or pens, as well as clothes with mother-of-pearl buttons.
43 years Flannel It is not a common anniversary and is rarely celebrated. Clothes made from flannel or other warm and soft fabric can be a gift.
44 years old Topazovaya Topaz is a symbol of transparency and truthfulness in relationships. As a present, jewelry containing topaz would be an excellent solution.
45 years Sapphire According to old traditions, sapphire is a symbol of love and acts as a protector against evil forces. Like this expensive stone, husband and wife are obliged to protect each other from possible troubles. For such a holiday, jewelry containing sapphire is given.
46 years old Lavender Lavender is associated with tenderness and kindness. It is customary to celebrate such an anniversary in a close family circle. You can give a bouquet of lavender, perfume with the smell of such flowers.
47 years old Cashmere This fabric is one of the most expensive, and its production takes a lot of effort. Such work is associated with married life, since maintaining relationships also requires diligence. You can give cashmere clothes.
48 years old Amethyst Amethyst is a symbol of the unique relationship between spouses. Jewelry and other items containing such a stone are used as gifts.
49 years old Kedrovaya Cedar is a long-lived tree and it is a symbol of long family relationships. It is customary to give souvenirs and cedar-based products.
50 years Golden This date is called golden and is celebrated on a special scale. Spouses can exchange jewelry. According to some traditions, on this date it is customary to renew your wedding rings.

Wedding anniversary table - from 51 to 100 years

Year Anniversary name Peculiarities
51 years old Willow It is not a widely known holiday and is celebrated quite rarely. Products containing willow are used as gifts.
52 years old No name Not celebrated
53 years old Uranium According to tradition. such an anniversary is celebrated in privacy or with close relatives.
54 years old No name Not celebrated
55 years Emerald Emerald symbolizes long-lasting happiness and good life couples. The holiday is celebrated in a close family circle. You can give jewelry or souvenirs with emeralds, as well as green items.
56-59 years old No name Not celebrated
60 years Diamond Diamond is the strongest mineral and represents the strength of family ties. Celebrated with relatives and close friends. You can give diamond or platinum jewelry.
61 years old Rich It is celebrated extremely rarely and is not a widely known anniversary.
62 years old Aquamarine Celebrated alone or in a close family circle. You can give souvenirs containing such a stone.
63 years old No name Not celebrated.
64 years old Cheerful Rarely celebrated, it is not a common holiday.
65 years old Iron The anniversary shows how strong and lasting the relationship between the spouses turned out to be. It is customary to give decorative jewelry, dishes and household items based on iron.
66 years old Neon Celebrated very rarely in some countries.
67 years old magical Celebrated modestly in a close family circle.
67.5 years Stone The stone does not change its shape over time, and the relationship of the married couple also remains unchanged. You can give souvenirs made of stone and other products.
68-69 years old No name Not celebrated.
70 years old Blagodatnaya During this celebration, the husband and wife must thank each other for the time spent together and a good relationship. Gifts are chosen at the request of the couple.
71-74 years No name Not celebrated.
75 years old Crown The crown symbolizes the high status of the couple in their family. You can give useful items for everyday life.
76-79 years old No name Not celebrated.
80 years old Oak The oak tree remains in the soil for more than a hundred years, just as the relationship between spouses is long-lasting. It is customary to give wooden jewelry and souvenirs.
81-89 years old No name Not celebrated.
90 years old Granite This stone has a long lifespan and shows that the couple's marriage has come a long way. You can give decor or a vase made of granite.
91-99 years No name Not celebrated.
100 years Red wedding The tradition of celebrating such an anniversary came from the Caucasus. The whole family and close friends are invited to this celebration. Products in red are given as gifts.

Here you will see all the wedding dates and their traditions:

Celebrating the anniversary is a long-standing tradition. Each year has its own nuances that will need to be taken into account during the celebration. What gifts are best to give for anniversaries?

A wedding anniversary is like the centuries-old wisdom of the people. Without exaggeration, each of them is capable of giving spouses useful advice. It is customary to celebrate a family's birthday every year. Surely each of us has heard about silver and golden weddings, respectively - the 25th and 50th anniversary of the wedding. Would you like to know about all the wedding anniversaries and their names by year? Then this article is for you!

Names of weddings by year: from green to gold

Marking the next wedding date on the calendar, preparing congratulations on the anniversary, we rarely think about the fact that each year lived from the date of marriage has not only its own name, but also symbolism and meaning. The portal offers you a list of weddings by year so that you know what each year is called and what it means, clearly understand the nature of the celebration and give it a special meaning.

  • 0 years - green wedding. The day of marriage, since the union of two hearts is very young. This holiday is the longest of all possible anniversaries, since it is customary to celebrate it throughout the first year - every month.
  • 1 year -calico (gauze) wedding. The first and probably the most reverent holiday of a young family. The couple have already learned the joys and difficulties of living together. A turning point for many couples, because not everyone can withstand this kind of test of feelings. It’s not for nothing that the phrase “The first year is the hardest” has become a catchphrase. Why calico, you probably ask? It is chintz, a delicate and colorful material, that clearly characterizes the initial stage of not yet very strong relationships in the family.
  • 2 years -paper wedding. Not only because the connection between spouses is as fragile as a piece of paper, but precisely as an opportunity to start everything from a clean page. Gentleness is the main quality for spouses at this stage of family life.
  • 3 years -leather wedding. The feelings of the spouses acquire flexibility and sufficient strength, but still, with disregard and carelessness, they can tear, like leather material. Another version is that husband and wife learned to understand without words and feel each other “with their skin.”
  • 4 years -linen (rope or wax) wedding . After years of marriage, the couple are intertwined like ropes and cannot be broken. It is the strength of the relationship that defines this wedding anniversary.
  • 5 years -wooden anniversary . Its name contains a symbol of eternity, fertility, as well as hearth and home. By this time, the family often has children.
  • 6th anniversary -cast iron wedding. Spouses, like foundry workers, build their family. The first metal is a symbol of the 6th anniversary of marriage, although it is the most subtle, requiring understanding and certain skills.
  • 7 years -copper (wool) wedding . noble metal, family relationships became stronger and warmer. Copper is a symbol of prosperity, wool is a symbol of gentleness towards each other.
  • 8 years -tin (poppy). After a wedding and a long life together, the spouses proudly bear the name of a single whole. It's time to think about renewing relationships and adding more colors, which are symbolized by tin and poppy.
  • 9 years of marriage -earthenware (chamomile) wedding . The blossoming of relations is approaching, but a crisis is also possible. The date is considered as a kind of boundary at the stage of a new life segment.
  • 10 years -pink anniversary. Characterizes beauty and tenderness, passion and strong love.

  • 11th wedding anniversary - steel. The relationship is stable, like this metal, and also smooth and shiny.
  • 12 years from the date of marriage - nickel wedding . The union of two hearts has become so strong that it is able to withstand life’s adversities and difficulties.
  • 13 years -lace wedding. Despite the mystical number, the anniversary is very tender and reverent. Relationships during this period must be protected from all kinds of troubles.
  • 14 years from the date of marriage - agate anniversary . The couple is on the way to a mature relationship. It is believed that a husband and wife find unknown points of contact and receive new wave positive energy.
  • 15th anniversary -glass (crystal) wedding. A clean and transparent relationship that needs to be further strengthened.
  • 16 years old - topaz. Having crossed this line of family life, the spouses gain life experience. Keeping the symbol of this anniversary - topaz - in the house can strengthen family relationships and promote mutual understanding.
  • 17 years - tin. Flexibility and the ability to make concessions are considered the main qualities of spouses who are approaching this wedding anniversary.
  • 18th anniversary - turquoise. The age of marriage. Years together have taught the spouses complete mutual understanding. The children have grown up and have more time to take care of each other.
  • 19th wedding anniversary - pomegranate. Called krypton and hyacinth in some sources, the couple are approaching another family anniversary.
  • 20 years -porcelain wedding. After so many years after solemnly saying “Yes!” On the wedding day, the spouses celebrate a joint holiday. Over such a long period of time, the husband and wife overcame difficulties together and enjoyed pleasant moments, acquired their family traditions and foundations.

  • 21st wedding anniversary - opal. WITH Family relationships are characterized by combining love and strength to overcome life's difficulties.
  • 22 -bronze wedding. There is a reason to remember the most joyful moments in life.
  • 23rd anniversary -beryl . Symbolizes peace of mind and tranquility, well-being and prosperity.
  • 24 years - satin wedding . The couple, who lived inseparably for so many years, managed to make the relationship strong and smooth.
  • 25 years -silver jubilee . A huge achievement for the couple, so it's time to celebrate this date on a grand scale. Silver wedding considered the first significant family anniversary.
  • 26th anniversary -jade wedding . This is an excellent occasion for a special rapprochement between a couple, because after so many years of marriage, children, as a rule, create their own families, thereby giving parents the opportunity to live again as newlyweds.
  • 27 years -red wooden wedding anniversary. Generosity, nobility and loyalty. The spouses were simply made for each other, otherwise they would not have been able to overcome this milestone.
  • 28 years - nickel wedding. This anniversary received the name of the most resistant alloy to temperature changes for a reason. It is believed that a relationship that has withstood such a huge period of time with dignity is indestructible.
  • 29th anniversary -velvet wedding. Famous for sublime, soft and harmonious relationships between spouses.
  • 30th family anniversary -pearl wedding . Characterized by the perfection of marriage.

  • 31st anniversary - dark wedding . In some sources it is called solar. This is exactly the mood experienced by spouses who have lived side by side for so many years, raised children and are enjoying their grandchildren.
  • 32 years -copper anniversary . A characteristic feature is the ability of spouses to compromise. Husband and wife know each other's habits and have long understood their half without words.
  • 33rd marriage anniversary - stone wedding. This anniversary is sometimes called the strawberry anniversary.
  • 34 years - amber wedding. Wisdom in relationships comes to the spouses, and their marriage gradually turns from an unstable union into a fortress, just like amber - from resin, centuries later, into a valuable mineral.
  • 35 years -coral (linen) wedding . Coral, as a symbol of purity, durability and infinity, best represents the long-awaited marital anniversary.
  • 36 years - bone china wedding. This anniversary is not celebrated in Russia.
  • 37th anniversary - muslin wedding. In particular, muslin (an expensive fabric that requires a lot of time and patience to create) represents this date from the day of marriage.
  • 38th anniversary - mercury. Symbolizes strong, clear and bright feelings between spouses.
  • 39 years - crepe wedding. It owes its name to a durable material whose threads are tightly intertwined. So the spouses can no longer imagine their lives without each other.
  • 40 years -ruby anniversary . The long-awaited holiday of a mature family with a wealth of shades in relationships, as well as a symbol of passionate, sincere and eternal love.

  • 41 years - iron (earth). Is the best proof of an unshakable marriage.
  • 42nd wedding anniversary by year - mother of pearl. A symbol of the strength of the relationship between husband and wife.
  • 43rd anniversary - flannel. Feelings are compared to flannel, because after years of marriage, softness and family warmth remain.
  • 44 years old - topaz. It got its name in honor of the precious stone (pure, transparent and very strong). The feelings of spouses are also considered this way.
  • 45 years -sapphire anniversary . Characterized by calm Blue colour. Sapphire is able to improve health, which is important for a married couple in this age category.
  • 46 years old - lavender. Like a little tenderness. Calmness and quiet happiness - all this is inherent in a married couple at this stage of life.
  • 47th anniversary - cashmere. We have experienced a lot of good and bad, so this date undoubtedly deserves respect.
  • 48 years - amethyst wedding. Symbolizes luck and prosperity in the family. Amethyst stone has the ability to rejuvenate the body and cleanse the skin. It's like a fresh breath for this anniversary of family relationships.
  • The 49th anniversary is cedar. Pure feelings and also very reliable and durable. Cedar is considered a long-lived tree.
  • 50th anniversary -golden wedding . Half a century together! Gold is the embodiment of something achieved through hard work. Just like the relationship between spouses, which has not lost its value and fidelity after so many years. A most venerable date and, unfortunately, a huge rarity today. Which wedding, based on the years of marriage, can receive more respect?

What anniversaries come after the 50th wedding anniversary?

The celebration of anniversaries does not end at a golden wedding. is in a hurry to introduce you to wedding anniversaries and their names after the 50th anniversary:

  • 55 years - emerald wedding. Luck and eternal happiness are symbolized by the emerald - a precious and very rare stone that simply fascinates with its depth. Similar feelings can be experienced by looking at happy spouses who have been married for more than half a century.
  • 60 years -diamond wedding . The husband and wife managed to withstand the adversity of fate. According to other versions, this anniversary is also called platinum or diamond.
  • 65 years old - iron wedding. Lots of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, all lived together. After so much time, the hearts continue to keep their rhythm in unison. The family “iron” was tempered by joint trials and difficulties, and polished by joyful moments.
  • 70 years - a blessed wedding. Stay together after a long time life path- great grace. The anniversaries probably raised children, grandchildren and had great-grandchildren. Big Friendly family- the best achievement of the spouses.
  • 75 years old -crown wedding . This kind of phenomenon seems impossible, but on this day the spouses will once again be convinced of the correctness of their life choice.
  • 80 years - oak wedding. It is this tree that can stand for a whole century, withstanding bad weather, hurricanes and storms. Oak is associated with eternity, which is very symbolic for the 80th wedding anniversary.
  • 90 years - granite wedding. You won’t celebrate this anniversary without good health, and neither the elements nor time can destroy granite.
  • 100 years - red wedding. A century of love together! Is this possible, you probably ask? And only one couple knows for sure that yes. The Ageev family - 126-year-old Niftula and 116-year-old Balabeim managed to live to see the red wedding and solemnly celebrate it, accepting congratulations from all over the world. We definitely have something to strive for!

You have just walked with us a long way from a young union to eternal love, having learned what kind of weddings there are by year. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you to celebrate your red anniversary with your loved one!