
How to draw electrical appliances. Household appliances cards. Course of the lesson: the teacher reads a poem


Directly - educational activities for older children preschool age 6-7 years "Things that help us"

teacher Belobaeva Elena Valerievna

Description: abstract directly educational activities for kids preparatory group, the purpose of which is to summarize the knowledge of children about household appliances, their purpose and use in the modern world.

Target: Generalization of children's knowledge about household electrical appliances, their purpose and use in the modern world.
- involve children in game and speech interaction with peers;
- activate the names of household appliances, verbs;
- encourage self-compilation short texts– descriptions;
- improve the ability to divide words into syllables of different syllabic structures;
- Familiarize yourself with the safety rules when using electrical appliances.

Materials and equipment: cards for the game "One - many", pictures depicting modern household appliances and their ancient counterparts, envelopes with chips, cards with words divided into syllables, the ABC of Safety training program, music for physical minutes, a laptop.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting electrical appliances, guessing riddles, completing tasks for sound-syllabic analysis of words, making attributes for the game. Organizing time.
Children stand in a circle "Greeting".
- Shall we play today?
- Let's play!
- Are we reading today?
- Let's honor!
- We will not forget to dream?
- Let's not forget!
- Will we help each other?
- We will!

The teacher is talking:
Guys, who needs help and why? (children's statements)
- How do you help your mother, grandmother at home?
- So, you can be called assistants?
- And who else can be called assistants?

Educator:- Do you know that not only people, but also things can be helpers! Listen to the poem:
We love our house very much
Both cozy and familiar.
But not everyone could
Do a lot of things.
We need to clean the house
cook, wash,
And to iron the linen...
How to cope with all the work?
And it's wonderful that now
We have helpers.
They make our work easier
Save our time.
And they have brothers
Eat electricity.
Everyone understands and without dispute,
These are household appliances.
- Household appliances are our faithful helpers. Or you can name the appliances that are in your house (children's answers). Household appliances are complex devices that perform a wide variety of household tasks. Do you want to know more about them? I was sent invitation coupons to a hardware store, but this is a bit of an unusual store! There's a big sale today! Parse coupons, consider them, maybe you will find a pair for yourself to make it more fun.

Game exercise "One - many" Children are divided into pairs according to the principle of one refrigerator - three refrigerators, etc. They get to the store in pairs, on the chairs there are cards (price tags) with the name of household appliances (ho-lo-dil-nick, te-le-vi-zor, etc.)

Educator:- Don't you find, somehow strange, there is neither a product nor buyers? But what to do? Let's play ourselves! Children who have one item in the picture will be household appliances, and others will be customers, and you also need to choose a cashier.

The teacher explains the task to each subgroup:
- household appliances must take a picture with the image of a household appliance, take the right place in the window (find the appropriate card - price tag), make an advertisement for themselves.
- buyers independently in a subgroup repeat the rules of behavior in the store, take wallets with money - chips. They are explained that they must listen to the advertisement and purchase the item they like, the main thing is that they have enough money for it (1 chip - one syllable in a word, two chips - two syllables, etc.)
- the cashier (adult or child) checks the correctness of the calculation.

The game "Dispute of electrical appliances"- the teacher invites each child to take on the role of one of the electrical appliances and prove that he is the most needed in the house. For example: “I am a vacuum cleaner, I am the most necessary electrical appliance, you can’t clean the apartment without me”, “And I - washing machine how difficult it would be for my mother, if it wasn’t for me, she would wash all the clothes with her hands!

Buyers choose a product.

Syllabary Store Game- buyers choose the electrical appliance they like, go to the cashier, pay for it with chips. They can take out a loan if there are not enough chips.

Educator:- Congratulations on your new acquisitions!

Tell me about shopping!
About what about purchases?
about shopping, about shopping
About your shopping!

The game "My Purchase". Buyers should brag about their purchase. For example, today I bought a new TV, I will watch cartoons and fairy tales.

Musical physical minute "Fixies".

Educator:- It's good that there are things that help us! Some wash clothes, others help in the kitchen, others collect dust, and others store food. I wonder how people used to do without such devices? (children's reasoning)

Didactic game "Before and now"
The children are given cards. Task: to find an analogue of a modern device.

Educator:- Why couldn't there be modern devices before? (there was no electricity, electric current)
- What is another name for all household appliances? (electrical appliances)

I see a socket down on the wall
And it becomes interesting to me.
What kind of mysterious beast is sitting there,
Our devices to work orders?
The animal's name is electric current.
It's very dangerous to play with him, my friend!
Keep your hands away from the current
Do not rush to put your fingers in the socket!
If you try to joke with the current,
He gets angry and can kill.
Current - for electrical appliances, understand
Better never tease him!

To use electrical appliances, you need to know the safety rules.

Viewing the plot "Electrical Appliances" from the training program "The ABC of Safety".

The teacher invites the children to look at some rules for using electrical appliances. After watching, the teacher asks what rules the children can formulate, why you can’t do this:

Do not stick foreign objects, especially metal ones, into the electrical outlet! Why? Because the current, like on a bridge, will cross over them to you and can kill you.
- Do not touch bare wires with your hands! Why? An electric current flows through a bare wire that is not protected by a winding, the impact of which can be fatal.
- Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands! Why? You can get an electric shock because water is a conductor of electricity.
- Do not leave the included electrical appliances unattended! Why? Because the included electrical appliances can cause a fire. When leaving home, always check if the lights are out, if the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron, etc. are turned off.

The teacher invites all the children to the circle:

Guys, what assistants did we talk about today?
What are they for, why are they important?
- What rules for the use of household electrical appliances have you learned?

Did we play today?
- Played!
- Did we read today?
- Honored!
- Did they help each other?
- Helped!
- Have we forgotten anything? Maybe missed something?

Children:- We forgot to dream!

- Then I suggest you draw in your free time household appliance of your dreams and come up with a riddle about him, you can do this together with mom and dad.

Topic: "Appliances"

Target : to form in children ideas about household electrical equipment and its purpose.

preliminary work: learning a poem by Yu. Sklyarova"Mr Refrigerator", "Electrical Appliances" , learning physical exercises"A vacuum cleaner" .

Materials and equipment: pictures ofhousehold electrical appliances(telephone, refrigerator, tape recorder, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, TV, iron, stove, hair dryer, mixer); different in size andform mobile phones ; images of various fixed phones; landline phone, TV remote control; pictures depicting vintage and modernhousehold appliances.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by Y. Entin"Before what progress has come»

Before what progress has come,

To unseen miracles

Went down to the depths

And rose to heaven.

Forgotten chores,

Stopped running

The robots are pushing

Not a person.

Before what progress has come,

Physical labor is gone

Yes, and the mental one will replace

mechanical process.

caregiver : Guys, do you know what kind of work robots can do?

2. Main body

Conversation about household appliances.

caregiver : Scientists are trying to make a person's work easier, to give him more time for rest, doing what he loves. For this purpose, designedhousehold appliances , Appliances , the same kind of domestic robots.

Let's hear a poem about them

We love our house very much

Both cozy and familiar.

But not everyone could

Do a lot of things.

We need to clean the house

cook, wash,

And to iron the linen...

How to cope with all the work?

And it's wonderful that now

We have helpers.

They make our work easier

Save our time.

And they have brothers

To feed on electricity.

Everyone understands and without dispute,

These are electrical appliances.

1. Exercise "For what do you need an electrical appliance

The teacher shows the pictures domestic technique and asks the children to name them (electric lamp, telephone, refrigerator, tape recorder, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, stove, hair dryer, mixer); clarifies forwhat do these devices need?.

1. Electrical A lamp is needed to give light.

2. A refrigerator is needed to store food.

3. The vacuum cleaner helps to clean the apartment, removes dust.

4. Washing machinedesigned for washing clothes.

5. Iron - for ironing clothes.

6. Electric stove - for cooking food.

7. Hair dryer - for drying hair.

8. Mixer - for making creams.

Shows different sizes andshaped mobile phones, offers to compare them in form(square, rectangular, oval)and by color; shows pictures of various landline phones and asks how they differ from a mobile phone.

Guys let's see howprogress has changed the phone

1. Familiarization with the componentshousehold appliances.

Shows a landline phone and explains that it has a wire, case, handset, buttons; shows the image of the TV and names it parts : wire, screen, case, wiring diagrams; offers examine the TV remote control and ask the children about its purpose.

2. Exercise "What can be done withhousehold electrical appliances

The teacher asks what actions can be performed

with TV (turn on, switch, turn off, wipe, repair);

with a refrigerator (turn on, turn off, wash, wipe, fill, defrost, freeze, cool, close).

3. Exercise "One - many"

The teacher calls thing in the singular and asks the children to name the same thing in the plural number :

Iron - .... (irons, stove - ...., vacuum cleaner - ...., refrigerator - ...., TV - ...., telephone - ...., tape recorder - .... etc.

4. Exercise " Find pairs of objects»

Shows a picture and asks to find an old and modern items the same destination.

caregiver : guys, let's turn into vacuum cleaners for a minute and put things in order group

Physical education minute

Fathers, how much dust!(Spread hands to sides)

Where were you before?

You completely forgot me...(Wave with both hands)

Okay, okay, don't be scared

all clear. (Clap hands)

Amazingly dirty!(Run around in circles)

Just great!

By the way, (stop, bend down)

I'll take a look under the bed.

Then I walk on the carpet(They walk in all directions, as if they are vacuuming)

And again I freeze in the corner.(Stay without moving)

5. Exercise "Guess a riddle"

There are round buttons on the sides of the box.

Right next to it, in the corner

Handle with a tube on a cord.

He speaks without language

Hearing well without ears.(Telephone)

Where will I go

There is order.

No wrinkles, no folds.(iron)

The trunk is crawling on the floor.

Like candy, the floor sucks.

Clean in the house: the dust was blown away

Everyone knows (vacuum cleaner)

What a wonderful movie!

It just came to the house.

Borya, Masha, Vitya, Lisa

Watching together (TV)

In the summer, dad brought us

Frost in the white box -

And now the frost is dry

We have summer and winter

Protects products:

Meat, fish, fruits.(Refrigerator)

6. Reading a poem by Yu. Sklyarova:

It's Mr. Fridge, eggs, fish, vinaigrette

Good-natured and big, It contains both food and viands,

It contains porridge and cutlets, andwhat is not there.

Milk and noodle soup. And it's always cold

It contains sausages, cheese and butter, so that the food does not spoil.

Questions session.

8. Drawing by design"My Dream Refrigerator"

On the demonstration stand, pictures of the refrigerator are displayed. Draw the refrigerator of your dreams. It can be of different sizes (large, small, different colors(blue, yellow, pink, etc.). We will put your work at the exhibition.

3. Reflection

General discussion on issues.

What kind household electrical items you know?

Why do you need household appliances?

The teacher organizes an exhibition of drawings and asks the children to evaluate the work of their comrades, paying attention to originality, accuracy, similarity with the original.

Guys, thank you for being active, attentive and omniscient today.

"Electrical Appliances". GCD on cognitive and speech development for kindergarten

GCD for children of senior and preparatory preschool age "In search of Nolik"

Work description:
I offer material that I hope will be of interest to teachers and educators working with children of senior and preparatory age for school (5-7 years old). Children go on an exciting journey - a search to find Nolik (the hero of the cartoon "Fixies"), who hid in the band's wall clock.
Target: Update children's knowledge on the topic "Electrical appliances"
- correctional and educational: to learn to form a diminutive form of nouns,
- correctional-developing: to develop cognitive interest; develop logical thinking children through guessing riddles, develop dialogic speech, develop auditory attention and memory;
- correctional and educational: to cultivate a culture of dialogue; ability to listen carefully
Equipment: subject pictures on the topic, envelopes with tasks from the Fixies, a ball, an audio recording of a physical minute, pictures depicting the heroes of the cartoon "Fixies", green, yellow and red palms

GCD progress:

Children stand in a circle
We know from childhood
Words are very wise
Say hello when meeting
- Good morning!
- Good morning, my good friend!
-Good morning to all the people around!
-Good morning to the sky and birds!
- Good morning smiling faces!
I really want everyone to have today good morning, good afternoon and good evening! Especially for our children, because they came to Kindergarten play, chat and learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Now join hands and create a chain of friendship
Children holding hands say the words:

We are the friendliest kids
And we are not friendlier in the world!

Educator: Now, guys, sit down at the tables.
Guys, do you know that our fingers can speak?
Educator: I'll teach you now! They will tell us the topic of our lesson.

What's the noise in this kitchen?
flexion of the little fingers
We will fry cutlets. flexion of the ring fingers
We will take the meat grinder rotation of the middle fingers around each other
Let's check the meat quickly. rotation of the index fingers around each other
Beat together with a mixer thumb rotation
Everything we need for the cake connection of the little fingers
To bake a cake soon connection of the ring fingers
We turn on the electric stove. joint of middle fingers
Electrical appliances are amazing! index finger movement
It would be hard for us to live without them. Shrug
(taken from internet)
Educator: Have you guessed the topic of our lesson?
They are our faithful helpers. These are complex devices that are powered by electricity and perform a wide variety of household chores. Some do laundry, others help in the kitchen, others collect dust, others store food, and so on. Electrical appliances save our time and energy. Imagine that suddenly all electrical appliances would disappear from the house. How much more difficult it would have been for people then!
Educator: Guys, listen to the music and guess what cartoon it is from? Can you name its main characters? (Simka Nolik Papus Masya Dedus DimDimych Nipper Bug Fire Y Spool Verta Professor Chudakov) Do you want to play with fixies?

And here they are! (a picture with the image of fixies is displayed)

Who are fixies? These are fictional characters who live in electrical appliances, take care of them, repair them, and therefore prolong the life of appliances, and fixies, in turn, are powered by energy from these appliances. Fixies help appliances, and appliances help fixies
Do you want to play with them? (Yes!)
Our task will be to find the smallest fixie - Nolik. He hid somewhere in the group, and his family came up with tasks for you and sent them by registered mail!

Educator: In order to find Nolik, we will need to assemble the puzzle. On the other side of it will be written where he hid.

The first task of the Fixies family: we need to solve all the riddles about electrical appliances.
Riddles. Fixing subject pictures on the board.

Guess it fast, my friend
What is a snow trap?
Protects in the heat for us
Milk, sour cream, kvass. (Refrigerator)

In linen country
Along the River Bed
The ship is sailing
Back, then forward.
And behind him such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen. (Iron)

Walks, wanders on carpets,
Runs nose around corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and rubbish is his dinner. (A vacuum cleaner)

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies. (TV set)

Only me, only me
I'm in charge in the kitchen
Without me, no matter how hard you work
Sitting without lunch...
(Electric stove)

There are round buttons on the sides of the box.
Right next to it in the corner is a handle with a tube on a cord. (Electric kettle)

If the button is pressed
There will be music /music center/

Look at my barrel
The top spins in me.
He doesn't hit anyone.
But it will kill everything! (Mixer)
(taken from internet)

The guessing child fixes subject pictures on the board.
The first piece of the puzzle is pinned to the board.

Educator: Fixies have prepared questions for us. By answering them, we can get another piece of the puzzle.
What is each electrical appliance for? (Survey of each child)
- What electrical appliances are in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the hall?
- What is the power supply for electrical appliances?
- Where does electricity live in every house?
- Why can't you touch the sockets?
- What rule do you need to know and be sure to follow when you leave home?
Children respond with two or three sentences. For example: There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. It stores food for a long time and does not deteriorate.

Putting another piece of the puzzle together

Educator: Guys, here is the next envelope with the task.
Name affectionately electrical appliances. I throw a ball, I call an electrical appliance, and you speak affectionately

Iron - iron, telephone - telephone, tape recorder - tape recorder, kettle - teapot, refrigerator - refrigerator, vacuum cleaner - vacuum cleaner, socket - socket
We continue:
Repeat and complete my sentence:
Grandpa gets milk from (the fridge) in the kitchen
Mom is washing clothes in a (washing machine)
Julia is watching the program " Goodnight kids" on (TV)
Grandma cooks cabbage soup on (Electric stove)
Dad cleans the carpet (with a vacuum cleaner)
Mom whips the cream (with a mixer)
Mom dries wet hair(hair dryer)

Connecting the next puzzle

Educator: Well done guys, open the next letter.

The teacher from the envelope takes out the sheets on them are depicted:
"NOISY" APPLIANCES A sheet of paper shows the contours of electrical appliances that are hidden one behind the other.

Children need to find them, name them and say how they are used. The offer must be (for example)
I have an electric lamp. I turn it on when I sit down to draw,
I have it at home sewing machine Mom loves to sew
I have a washing machine, my mother and I do laundry.
As a family, we love to watch TV in the evenings.
On weekends, my dad and I like to vacuum carpets.
When the laundry dries, my mother irons, and I fold.
When guests come, we boil water in an electric kettle and drink tea with the whole family.

And now I will ask, children, to leave the tables and rest a little.
Let's do Nolik's favorite gymnastics. (The music center turns on with a recording of a charging song)


TV set,
TV set,
Dryts-tyts TV,
Dryts-tyts TV,
Dryts-tyts TV
And two fixies inside.
Dryts-tyts TV,
Dryts-tyts TV,
Dryts-tyts TV
And two fixies inside

caregiver: Well done, guys, rested and we continue

And in the next letter, fixies offer us to place electrical appliances in the apartment
(each child is given a picture with an electrical appliance on magnets, on the board is a diagram of the apartment living room, kitchen, bathroom) The guys equip the bath, kitchen, living room) When the children attach the appliances to the board, they explain why it is convenient for the appliances to be in this or that room.
Well done! We collect the puzzle!

Educator: Guys, listen carefully to the poem.
We have helpers
Do not give up in difficult times.
If mom is all in worries,
We get to work.
Here, at the request of “Help!”
Ironing dresses, ironing trousers,
All are able to our hands.
The vacuum cleaner makes a loud noise.
Our carpet shines like snow.
We haven't forgotten about underwear.
Washed, scrolled.
And then rinsed
Our hands are not tired.
Dry our things
Clothes shine with cleanliness.
We sat down for a minute
Watched TV.
Hear the phone ringing
Someone is in a hurry to visit us.
Put the kettle on the stove
Let's give our guests tea.
Our house is full of music
We dance and sing in it.
How to behave at home
We will learn in the garden. (taken from the Internet)
Tell me, what electrical appliances were discussed in the poem? (iron, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, TV, telephone, kettle, tape recorder)

Educator: Guys, we have completed the puzzle. Let's turn it over and see where Nolik was hiding?
On the back it is written that the zero hid in the clock. The teacher removes the clock from the wall and pulls out a toy-tac-toe from there.
You did a great job with all the tasks of fixies! Thanks a lot!
Guys, let's remember what we talked about today in class? (children's answers)
What did you like most about the lesson? (children's answers)

Teacher: You know that fixies have such a sign - a handle - a rostopyrka. Palm with three spread fingers. Sometimes it is a welcome gesture, but more often it is a sign of a job well done.

Cognitive journey-acquaintance "Electricity and electrical appliances"

Scenario of a cognitive journey

Krivyakova Elena Yurievna, teacher speech therapy group, MBDOU child development center - kindergarten No. 315, Chelyabinsk


Your attention is invited to the scenario of cognitive travel. Section "Child and the world". The scenario of the cognitive journey is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about electricity and electrical appliances, education safe behavior in relation to electricity and electrical appliances, interest in objects around everyday life, the use of acquired knowledge in gaming activity. The prepared material will be useful for teachers of additional education, educators of speech therapy and general education groups.
Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Security", "Socialization".
Types of children's activities: playful, cognitive, communicative, experimental.
Target: Development of interest in phenomena and objects in the surrounding world. Expanding knowledge of safe behavior.
1. Expand knowledge about electricity and electrical appliances.
2. Summarize children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of electricity.
3. Fill up the children's dictionary with new concepts of "hydroelectric power station", "battery", "electric current".
4. Activate the speech and mental activity of children. To promote the ability to clearly and competently articulate their thoughts.
5. Automate sound pronunciation in children with onomatopoeia.
6. Develop visual and auditory attention, verbal-logical thinking, memory, creative imagination.
7. Develop children's social and communication skills in joint activities.
8. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers through the ability to listen to a friend and accept the opinion of another.
9. To develop elementary skills of safe behavior in everyday life when handling electricity.
Expected Result: increasing interest in surrounding objects in everyday life and using the knowledge gained in everyday life.
Preliminary work: conversation "Journey into the past of an electric light bulb"; memorizing riddles and poems about electrical appliances; viewing illustrations depicting electrical appliances; selection of items powered by batteries, accumulators, batteries for the exhibition; children's stories from personal experience.
- a split picture depicting an electric light bulb;
- cards from didactic game"The evolution of transport and things around us" on the example of a group of "lighting devices";
- candle;
- multimedia system;
- a toy set for conducting experiments in different branches of knowledge "Electric siren" from the series scientific toys"Studying the world around";
- exhibition of items powered by batteries, accumulators, batteries;
- easel;
- soft modules;
- models depicting safety rules when working with electrical appliances;
- emblems with the image of a light bulb according to the number of children.
Methods of training and education: artistic word (poems and riddles), demonstration material, use of TRIZ technology elements (techniques: "good - bad", modeling), experimentation.
Terms and conditions: a spacious hall in which you can move freely; chairs according to the number of children; the table on which the exhibition is located; easel with inverted models of safe handling of electrical appliances.

Event progress:

Introductory word of the educator (stimulation for upcoming activities):
Dear Guys! I am glad to see you all healthy and cheerful. Today we will have an unusual journey, in which we will learn a lot of interesting things. And for starters...
Problem situation: pay attention to what is on the table? It looks like they are cut pieces of the picture. Take one part each, try to put together the big picture (children collect).
What happened? (electric lamp).

Educator: Tell me, have people always used light bulbs for lighting? (children's answers).
Dive into the problem: I suggest you plunge into the past and trace how people illuminated their homes at different times.
Didactic game "Evolution of things around us"

Exercise: Before you are pictures of different lighting fixtures. Choose a picture that caught your attention and you liked it. And now, with their help, we will build a path from the past to the present. (Arrange the cards in chronological order, in accordance with the previous conversation: “Journey into the past of the light bulb”).
Educator: We have built a bridge from the past to the present. I will now take a candle, light it, and you follow me. (the child walking last collects pictures). We cross the "bridge" from the past to the "present".
Educator: Here we are in the present (the teacher invites the children to sit on chairs in front of the screen).
I see an outlet up on the wall
And it becomes interesting to me

Educator: Do you want to know how electricity comes to our house?
slide show

The teacher comments: This is a hydroelectric power plant. Under high pressure, water enters the turbine, where electricity is generated using a generator. It is supplied to special substations, and from them it then runs along wires to our homes, hospitals, factories and places where people cannot do without electricity.
Educator: Tell me, why do people still use electricity, besides lighting the room? (suggested answer of children: to use electrical appliances).
Game "Riddles-riddles"
Children take turns guessing riddles. After the children's answers, the correct answer appears on the multimedia screen.
1st child:
I see dust - I grumble,
I'll finish and swallow! (A vacuum cleaner)
Educator: What sounds can we hear when the vacuum cleaner is running? (J)
2nd child:
First load the laundry into it,
Pour the powder and plug it into the socket,
Do not forget to set the washing program
And then you can go to rest. (Washing machine)
Educator: What sounds do we hear when the washing machine is running? (RU).
3rd child:
Wrinkled dress? Nothing!
I'll smooth it out now
To work for me, not to get used to ...
Ready! Can be worn. (Iron)
Educator: What sounds can we hear while the iron is running? (PSh).
4th child:
Live there different products,
Cutlets, vegetables and fruits.
Sour cream, cream and sausages,
Sausages, milk and meat. (Refrigerator)
Educator: Well done, you and I not only solved all the riddles, but also remembered all the sounds that we hear when these electrical appliances are working.
I wonder what sounds we hear when the refrigerator is running? (answer DZ).
Guys, remember what electrical appliances we have not yet named, name them. (Children's answers are accompanied by a slide show). Did everyone remember?
Physical education minute (activation of attention and motor activity, recovery).
Educator: Where is the refrigerator usually located in the apartment? (on the kitchen)
And we will imagine that we are in the kitchen (children perform movements in accordance with the text).
What's the noise in this kitchen?
We will fry cutlets.
We'll take a meat grinder
Let's quickly check the meat.
Beat together with a mixer
Everything we need for the cream.
To bake a cake soon
We turn on the electric stove.
Electrical appliances are amazing!
It would be hard for us to live without them.
Educator: Do you guys know that people have learned to tame electricity, and even hide it in special "houses": accumulators and batteries - they are called "batteries" (Show pictures on the slide).
Experiment (specially prepared table). Now we will conduct an experiment with you and check: is it true that the electrical system can operate on conventional batteries. And make sure that they really "live" electricity (Experiment with the "electric siren" set).

Educator: Guys, who knows where else people use these "houses" to store electricity: batteries, accumulators? (Answers: video camera, flashlights, control panel, camera). The teacher draws the attention of children to the exhibition, examine the exhibits.
Educator: Guys, think about it and tell me what benefits electricity brings to a person? (children's answers).
- Is there any harm? (children's answers).
Rules for safe handling when working with electrical appliances
Children sit down on soft modules opposite the easel.
Exercise: Using the models, we need to formulate the basic safety rules when working with electrical appliances. By showing the models, we formulate the rules.

Rule 1 Do not stick foreign objects, especially metal ones, into the electrical outlet!
Why? Because the current, like a bridge, will move over the subject on you and can greatly damage your health.

Rule 2 Do not touch bare wires with your hands!
Why? An electric current flows through a bare wire that is not protected by a winding, the impact of which can be fatal.

Rule 3 Do not touch the switched on devices with bare hands!
Why? You can get an electric shock because water is a conductor of electricity.

Rule 4 Do not leave the included electrical appliances unattended!
Why? Because the included electrical appliances can cause a fire. When leaving home, always check whether the lights are out, whether the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron and other electrical appliances are turned off.
caregiver reads a poem:
I see a socket down on the wall
And it becomes interesting to me
What kind of mysterious beast is sitting there,
Our devices to work orders?
The animal's name is electric current.
It's very dangerous to play with him, my friend!
Keep your hands away from the current.
Do not rush to put your fingers in the socket!
If you try to joke with the current,
He gets angry and can kill.
Current - for electrical appliances, understand
Better never tease him!
Summing up the educational journey.
So our journey ended - acquaintance with electricity and electrical appliances. What did you like and remember especially in our trip? (children's answers). I wish you to remember the importance of electrical appliances in our lives and not to forget about the insidiousness of electricity. Remember the safety rules for using electrical appliances. And such a cheerful electric light bulb - an emblem will remind us of our journey.

The teacher distributes to the children an emblem depicting an electric light bulb.

Didactic cards Household appliances - A visual aid with beautiful, real, bright pictures introduces children to household electrical appliances.
Download free cards with the image of household electrical appliances.

Total: 19 cards

The cards depict the following household electrical appliances: a chandelier, a wall lamp, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, an iron, a washing machine. toaster, electric heater, food processor, hair dryer, stereo system, TV, computer, cordless phone, laptop, fan, desk lamp, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle.

Didactic cards Household appliances

How to play with cards?

  1. The child can simply show the cards and name the objects depicted on them.When he remembers them, you can invite the baby to look for a card with some device or name the device that you show him.
  2. Older children are offered more complex tasks. Guess the name of the item from the description.
  3. Cut off the names of the devices written on the cards below, mixing them, invite the child to match the pictures to the names.
  4. Take turns answering the question “Which one?” about each subject, competing to see who can give the most answers.
  5. Memory game: lay out several cards, ask the child to memorize them, then shuffle and invite the child to lay out the same cards in the same order.

Find out what else a child should know and be able to do at this age.