
Household appliances cards. Summary of the GCD on the topic “What progress has come to” (middle group) Drawing on the topic of electrical appliances in the senior group


Summary of the integrated lesson in the preparatory group "Magic Electricity"

Educational areas:

"Social and communicative development"; " cognitive development"; "Artistic and aesthetic development"; " Speech development".

Program tasks:

To update and supplement children's knowledge of electricity through search and cognitive activities, to contribute to mastering the methods of practical interaction with regular objects, to expand children's ideas about the use of electricity in everyday life, following the rules safe behavior handling electrical appliances; continue to teach children to freely express their thoughts, assumptions, using complex forms of sentence construction (complex, common) in speech, continue to teach children to be creative in drawing electrical appliances of the future;

Develop social and communication skills (ability to work in a team), imagination, activate vocabulary;

Raise interest in search activities, evoke joy from discoveries obtained from experiments.

Vocabulary work: electricity, electric current, electrical appliances, danger, rules for using electrical appliances.

Equipment and materials: Cinderella (toy), cut pictures, cards "Rules for the use of electrical appliances", model cards for didactic game“Impossible, you can”, Balloons, plastic sticks according to the number of children, pieces of woolen cloth, a musical toy, a battery, paper butterflies, album sheets, felt-tip pens.


Motivational-orienting stage

Educator: Guys, I'm glad to see you all healthy, in a good mood. I really want to good mood you have the whole day. And now we greet and smile at each other.

game situation.

Cinderella comes to visit the children.

Cinderella: Hello guys! Help me with my household chores and get to the ball.

Educator: Guys, how to help Cinderella?

The desire of children to find the answer to the question "How to help?" determines the purpose of their future work.

Search stage

Children are invited to answer the question of how to help Cinderella.

Educator: Children, we are surrounded by objects that, like good wizards, help us everywhere.

Guys, who are they?

How can you name these items?

Practical stage

The teacher organizes a conversation with the children:

What electrical appliances do you have at home?

And what is the invisible sitting in the socket and making home machines work?

What is electric current? And where does it come from?

Electricity is generated in large, powerful power plants. To get electricity, such stations use the power of water, heat, sun, wind. Then the electric current flows through wires hidden deep underground or very high above the ground, comes to our homes, getting into switches and sockets.

The electric current makes a long journey through the streets and lanes, along the wires and is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and small, very small particles flow through the wires.

This wire is a track. From above, she is dressed in a rubber shirt, and under it is a bundle of thin copper wires, through which current enters houses, hospitals, schools, kindergartens.

Educator: Guys, Cinderella really wants to go to the ball. Let's help Cinderella cope with household chores faster. You must make gifts for Cinderella, and you will find out which ones when you collect the pictures.

D / I "Collect a picture" (in pairs)

Kirill, what electrical appliance did you get?

Do you have Julia?

Cinderella, did you like our gifts?

Cinderella: Yes, I liked it, but I don't know what they are for.

Educator: Now the guys will tell you what each electrical appliance is for.

Y/N "What is it for?"

Educator: Cinderella, now you have many helpers, but they need to be used correctly. Our guys know these rules and will teach you now.

D / I "Impossible-possible"

Cinderella: Now I know everything about electrical appliances that help you quickly do homework, and how to use them. Which means I can get to the ball. Thank you guys.

Cinderella says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Fizkultminutka "Current runs through the wires"

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and run in a circle.

Current flows through wires

Light brings us to the apartment

For devices to work

refrigerator, monitors,

Coffee grinder, vacuum cleaner

The current brought energy.

Educator: There is electricity that is not dangerous, quiet, inconspicuous. It lives everywhere. I invite you to the laboratory where we will learn how to work with good electricity.

Experience No. 1 "Ball on the wall"

Conclusion: Electricity lives in our hair, we caught it, when we began to rub the ball on our hair, it became electric, so it was attracted to the wall.

When else can you see electricity in your hair? (when we brush)

Experience No. 2 "Electricity in clothes"

Take plastic sticks from the tray and touch paper butterflies.

What do you see?

Take a piece of woolen cloth and rub it over the stick. Like this (teacher showing). Slowly bring the wand to the butterflies and gently lift.

What happened to the butterflies now?

Conclusion: Electricity lives in clothes - it is not dangerous.

Experience No. 3 "Battery"

Educator: Look, I have a steering wheel in my hands. I press the buttons, but he is silent. Why do you think the melody is not heard?

The battery also contains non-hazardous electricity. Battery powered toys are a lot of fun and interesting to play with.

Reflective-evaluative stage

Guys, did you like our lesson?

And what did you like the most? What new did you learn?

What have we learned about electricity today?

Who did you help today?

I liked that you were active today and worked well. I think that at home you will tell your loved ones what experiments we did today.

Subsequent work

Finger gymnastics

What's the noise in this kitchen?

(Bending the little fingers.)

We will fry meatballs

(Bending the ring fingers.)

We will take the meat grinder

(Rotation of the middle fingers around another.)

Let's quickly check the meat

(Rotation of index fingers around another.)

Beat together with a mixer

(Thumb rotation.)

Everything we need for the cake

(Connection of little fingers.)

To bake a cake soon

(Connection of ring fingers.)

We turn on the electric oven

(Connection of middle fingers.)

Electrical appliances are amazing!

(Move with index fingers.)

It would be hard for us to live without them.


Topic: "Appliances"

Target : to form in children ideas about household electrical equipment and its purpose.

preliminary work: learning a poem by Yu. Sklyarova"Mr Refrigerator", "Electrical Appliances" , learning physical exercises"A vacuum cleaner" .

Materials and equipment: pictures ofhousehold electrical appliances(telephone, refrigerator, tape recorder, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, TV, iron, stove, hair dryer, mixer); different in size andform mobile phones ; images of various fixed phones; landline phone, TV remote control; pictures depicting vintage and modernhousehold appliances.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time

The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem by Y. Entin"Before what progress has come»

Before what progress has come,

To unseen miracles

Went down to the depths

And rose to heaven.

Forgotten chores,

Stopped running

The robots are pushing

Not a person.

Before what progress has come,

Physical labor is gone

Yes, and the mental one will replace

mechanical process.

caregiver : Guys, do you know what kind of work robots can do?

2. Main body

Conversation about electro household appliances .

caregiver : Scientists are trying to make a person's work easier, to give him more time for rest, doing what he loves. For this purpose, designedhousehold appliances , Appliances , the same kind of domestic robots.

Let's hear a poem about them

We love our house very much

Both cozy and familiar.

But not everyone could

Do a lot of things.

We need to clean the house

cook, wash,

And to iron the linen...

How to cope with all the work?

And it's wonderful that now

We have helpers.

They make our work easier

Save our time.

And they have brothers

To feed on electricity.

Everyone understands and without dispute,

These are electrical appliances.

1. Exercise "For what do you need an electrical appliance

The teacher shows the pictures domestic technique and asks the children to name them (electric lamp, telephone, refrigerator, tape recorder, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, stove, hair dryer, mixer); clarifies forwhat do these devices need?.

1. Electrical A lamp is needed to give light.

2. A refrigerator is needed to store food.

3. The vacuum cleaner helps to clean the apartment, removes dust.

4. Washing machine designed for washing clothes.

5. Iron - for ironing clothes.

6. Electric stove - for cooking food.

7. Hair dryer - for drying hair.

8. Mixer - for making creams.

Shows different sizes andshaped mobile phones, offers to compare them in form(square, rectangular, oval)and by color; shows pictures of various landline phones and asks how they differ from a mobile phone.

Guys let's see howprogress has changed the phone

1. Introduction to constituent parts household appliances.

Shows a landline phone and explains that it has a wire, case, handset, buttons; shows the image of the TV and names it parts : wire, screen, case, wiring diagrams; offers examine the TV remote control and ask the children about its purpose.

2. Exercise "What can be done withhousehold electrical appliances

The teacher asks what actions can be performed

with TV (turn on, switch, turn off, wipe, repair);

with a refrigerator (turn on, turn off, wash, wipe, fill, defrost, freeze, cool, close).

3. Exercise "One - many"

The teacher calls thing in the singular and asks the children to name the same thing in the plural number :

Iron - .... (irons, stove - ...., vacuum cleaner - ...., refrigerator - ...., TV - ...., telephone - ...., tape recorder - .... etc.

4. Exercise " Find pairs of objects»

Shows a picture and asks to find an old and modern items the same purpose.

caregiver : guys, let's turn into vacuum cleaners for a minute and put things in order group

Physical education minute

Fathers, how much dust!(Spread hands to sides)

Where were you before?

You completely forgot me...(Wave with both hands)

Okay, okay, don't be scared

all clear. (Clap hands)

Amazingly dirty!(Run around in circles)

Just great!

By the way, (stop, bend down)

I'll take a look under the bed.

Then I walk on the carpet(They walk in all directions, as if they are vacuuming)

And again I freeze in the corner.(Stay without moving)

5. Exercise "Guess a riddle"

There are round buttons on the sides of the box.

Right next to it, in the corner

Handle with a tube on a cord.

He speaks without language

Hearing well without ears.(Telephone)

Where will I go

There is order.

No wrinkles, no folds.(iron)

The trunk is crawling on the floor.

Like candy, the floor sucks.

Clean in the house: the dust was blown away

Everyone knows (vacuum cleaner)

What a wonderful movie!

It just came to the house.

Borya, Masha, Vitya, Liza

Watching together (TV)

In the summer, dad brought us

Frost in the white box -

And now the frost is dry

We have summer and winter

Protects products:

Meat, fish, fruits.(Refrigerator)

6. Reading a poem by Yu. Sklyarova:

It's Mr. Fridge, eggs, fish, vinaigrette

Good-natured and big, It contains both food and viands,

It contains porridge and cutlets, andwhat is not there.

Milk and noodle soup. And it's always cold

It contains sausages, cheese and butter, so that the food does not spoil.

Questions session.

8. Drawing by design"My Dream Refrigerator"

On the demonstration stand, pictures of the refrigerator are displayed. Draw the refrigerator of your dreams. He can be different size(big small, different color (blue, yellow, pink, etc.). We will put your work at the exhibition.

3. Reflection

General discussion on questions.

What kind household electrical items you know?

Why do you need household appliances?

The teacher organizes an exhibition of drawings and asks the children to evaluate the work of their comrades, paying attention to originality, accuracy, similarity with the original.

Guys, thank you for being active, attentive and omniscient today.

Target: to form in children ideas about household electrical equipment and its purpose.


Educational: to generalize and expand children's knowledge of household electrical appliances; learn to tell and compare them, name action words, plural nouns. Deepen interest in fiction. Learn to manifest Creative skills in his own artistic activity.

Educational: develop mental activity, mental operations of comparison and generalization, curiosity, creativity.

Educational: cultivate respect for the objects of the immediate environment.

Integrable educational areas : "Communication", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Health", " Artistic creativity" (Painting).

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction, motor, game, productive.

preliminary work: learning the poem by Yu. Sklyarova “Mr. Refrigerator”, “Electrical Appliances”, learning the physical education minute “Vacuum Cleaner”.

Materials and equipment: pictures depicting household electrical equipment (telephone, refrigerator, tape recorder, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, TV, iron, stove, hair dryer, mixer); mobile phones of different sizes and shapes; images of various fixed phones; landline phone, TV remote control; pictures depicting old and modern household appliances.

Dictionary activation: household appliances, electrical engineering, mobile phone, landline phone, refrigerator, tape recorder, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, TV, iron, stove, hair dryer, mixer, electric light bulb.

Planned results of the development of integrated qualities: shows high activity and curiosity; in the process of joint with an adult research activities actively learns and names the properties and qualities of objects; knows the names of household electrical appliances and their purpose; knows how to listen to an adult and perform his tasks, answer when asked; in the process of his own activity (drawing) he strives to create an expressive and interesting image.

Lesson progress:

    Organizing time

The teacher reads excerpt from Y. Entin's poem "What progress has come to"

How far has progress been

To unseen miracles

Went down to the depths

And rose to heaven.

Forgotten chores,

Stopped running

The robots are pushing

Not a person.

How far has progress been

Physical labor is gone

Yes, and the mental one will replace

mechanical process.

Educator: Guys, do you know what kind of work robots can do?

    Main part

    Talk about electrical appliances.

Educator: Scientists are trying to make a person's work easier, to give him more time for rest, doing what he loves. For this purpose, electrical household appliances, household appliances, the same kind of home robots have been invented.

Let's hear a poem about them

We love our house very much

Both cozy and familiar.

But not everyone could

Do a lot of things.

We need to clean the house

cook, wash,

And to iron the linen...

How to cope with all the work?

And it's wonderful that now

We have helpers.

They make our work easier

Save our time.

And they have brothers

Eat electricity.

Everyone understands and without dispute,

These are electrical appliances.

  1. Exercise "What do you need an electrical appliance for?"

The teacher shows pictures with the image of household appliances and asks the children to name them (electric lamp, telephone, refrigerator, tape recorder, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, stove, hair dryer, mixer); clarifies what these devices are for.

1. An electric lamp is needed in order to give light.

2. A refrigerator is needed to store food.

3. The vacuum cleaner helps to clean the apartment, removes dust.

4. The washing machine is designed for washing clothes.

5. Iron - for ironing clothes.

6. Electric stove - for cooking.

7. Hair dryer - for drying hair.

8. Mixer - for making creams.

Demonstrates mobile phones of different sizes and shapes, offers to compare them in shape (square, rectangular, oval) and in color; shows pictures of various landline phones and asks how they differ from a mobile phone.

- Guys, let's see how progress has changed the phone

    Familiarization with the components of household appliances.

Shows a landline phone and explains that it has a wire, case, handset, buttons; shows the image of the TV and names its parts: wire, screen, housing, wiring diagrams; offers to look at the TV remote control and asks the children about its purpose.

    Exercise "What can you do with household electrical appliances?"

The teacher asks what actions can be performed

with TV ( turn on, switch, turn off, wipe, repair);

with fridge ( turn on, turn off, wash, wipe, fill, defrost, freeze, cool, close).

    Exercise "One - many"

The teacher calls the object in the singular and asks the children to name the same object in the plural:

Iron - .... (irons), stove - ...., vacuum cleaner - ... .., refrigerator - ...., TV - ... .., telephone - ...., tape recorder - .... etc.

    Exercise "Find pairs of objects"

Shows a picture and asks to find ancient and modern objects of the same purpose.

caregiver : guys, let's turn into vacuum cleaners for a minute and put things in order in the group

Physical education minute

Fathers, how much dust! (Spread hands to sides)

Where were you before?

You completely forgot me... (Wave with both hands)

Okay, okay, don't be scared

all clear. (Clap hands)

Amazingly dirty! (Run around in circles)

Just great!

By the way, (stop, bend down)

I'll take a look under the bed.

Then I walk on the carpet (They walk in all directions, as if they are vacuuming)

And again I freeze in the corner. (Stay without moving)

    Exercise "Guess the riddle"

There are round buttons on the sides of the box.

Right next to it, in the corner

Handle with a tube on a cord.

He speaks without language

Hearing well without ears. (Telephone)

Where will I go

There is order.

No wrinkles, no folds. (iron)

The trunk is crawling on the floor.

Like candy, the floor sucks.

Clean in the house: the dust was blown away

Everyone knows (vacuum cleaner)

What a wonderful movie!

It just came to the house.

Borya, Masha, Vitya, Lisa

Watching together (TV)

In the summer, dad brought us

Frost in the white box -

And now the frost is dry

We have summer and winter

Protects products:

Meat, fish, fruits. (Refrigerator)

Reading a poem by Yu. Sklyarova:

It's Mr. Fridge, eggs, fish, vinaigrette

Good-natured and big, It contains both food and viands,

It contains porridge and meatballs, and what is not there.

Milk and noodle soup. And it's always cold

It contains sausages, cheese and butter, so that the food does not spoil.

Questions session.

8. Drawing according to the idea "The refrigerator of my dreams"

On the demonstration stand, pictures of the refrigerator are displayed. Draw the refrigerator of your dreams. It can be of different sizes (large, small), different colors (blue, yellow, pink, etc.). We will put your work at the exhibition.

3. Reflection

General discussion on issues.

What items of household electrical equipment do you know?

Why do you need household appliances?

The teacher organizes an exhibition of drawings and asks the children to evaluate the work of their comrades, paying attention to originality, accuracy, similarity with the original.

Guys, thank you for being active, attentive and omniscient today.

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Svetlana Sanina

Topic:Household electrical appliances.

Target: Fix the idea of household appliances and safety precautions with them. Continue to develop visual figurative thinking, connected speech, the ability to compare creative imagination, train attention, self-control, and the ability to listen. Cultivate purposefulness and activity.

move classes: teacher reads a poem

We love our house very much

And cozy and familiar

But not everyone could

Do a lot of things

We need to clean the house

cook, wash

And iron the linen

How to cope with all the work?

And it's wonderful that now

We have helpers.

They make our work easier

Save our time

And they have to brothers

To feed on electricity

Everyone understands and without dispute,

This- electrical appliances.

household devices are our faithful assistants. These are complex devices that are powered by electricity. What kind of houses do you have electrical appliances?What do they look like? How do they work? What is the purpose of Appliances(children's answers)

Technique is very cool, but if mom cleans everything, she will get tired. Who should help her? Do you like to help your mother? Do you know how to work in the kitchen? The kitchen is good, but there is a lot of danger.

"Do's and Don'ts" game


1. Is it possible to electrical socket to put foreign objects? Why?

2. Do you think you can touch electrical appliances with wet hands?Why?

3. You can leave electrical appliances unattended?What should be done when leaving home?

Now I will tell you riddles, and you guess.

1. In our house for a whole year, Santa Claus lives in the closet (refrigerator)

2. We have a robot in our apartment, it has a huge trunk, the robot loves cleanliness and buzzes like a TU liner, it willingly swallows dust, does not talk, does not sneeze (a vacuum cleaner)

3. I will not brag, I will rejuvenate all my friends. They come to me sad, with wrinkles, with folds, they leave very cute, cheerful and smooth. So I'm a reliable friend electric(iron)

4. They stuffed her mouth with meat, and she chews it. Chews, chews and does not swallow, sends it to the plate (meat grinder)

5. He can dry hair and neatly lay (hair dryer)

6. The main thing for her is to wash the laundry cleanly. (washing machine)

7. He instantly without problems, we will knock down cream for the cake (mixer)

8. She, without visible worries, will squeeze juice from fruits for us (juicer)

9. We turn it on when we want tea (electric kettle)

Examining illustrations with children electrical appliances. Parsing important points behavior in emergency situations. Call 01. Conversation of behavior in case of fire.

Game "Waiting for guests"

The girl Masha has a birthday. Before the arrival of Masha's guests necessary: clean the apartment, wash the linen, iron the tablecloth, prepare a treat. ( Example: You need a lot of utensils for cooking. Mixer, toaster, microwave, food processor, juicer, electric meat grinder.) Which Masha to choose electric tool for this job?

Game "Let's visit"

Game "Say one word" (Appliances)

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