
How to learn to embroider with bulk embroidery. Stitch embroidery for beginners: a step by step guide. Tools and materials for satin stitch embroidery



Once upon a time, every self-respecting woman had to master the art of embroidery. Young girls in different countries The world has been preparing embroidered things for a dowry for years. After some time, or rather, in the middle of the 1st half of the 20th century, this occupation gradually lost its popularity. Having the opportunity to build a career, women preferred to forget about needlework. But by the end of the century, embroidery again became a popular hobby, and seemingly long-forgotten techniques reappeared, such as three-dimensional embroidery invented by English needlewomen. Volumetric embroidery (stumpwork) is widespread in England in 1650-1700. technique.

In its appearance, this type of embroidery is somewhat reminiscent of a bas-relief or sculpture. Perhaps that is why she was given a strange name, which is composed of 2 English words, in translation meaning "stump" and "work".

The essence of this technique is that individual parts of embroidery, namely: flowers, elements of people's clothing, birds or insects, were first embroidered on a piece of one fabric, and then attached to another, main one. On this main fabric, the remaining elements of the image were embroidered in advance, and sometimes later, so that in the final version the work looked voluminous. In the technique of volumetric embroidery, craftswomen often made large paintings on religious themes, as well as clothes for church servants. But usually volumetric embroideries were used as decorations for handicraft boxes, handbags, clothing and interior items.

Now volumetric embroidery has become a very popular needlework. The volumetric embroidery technique is interesting because it allows you to combine many techniques - from artistic smoothness to weaving with a needle. If a needlewoman knows a large number of embroidery techniques, she is able to perform very interesting and rich work. This is probably why volumetric embroidery is gaining its former popularity. The technique of volumetric embroidery allows craftswomen working in this technique to create genuine works of art. Plants, animals and people, embroidered on the fabric in volume using special seams, look like they are alive.

Unusual way of embroidery

Volumetric embroidery is an ancient needlework that was once widespread in Western Europe. As a separate type of needlework, it appeared solely thanks to the painstaking work of English craftswomen who sought to invent the ultimate simple methods manufacturing bulk flowers. So, through practice and experimentation, embroidery was created that helps to embody fresh flowers with a needle and all kinds of threads. Craftswomen working in this technique create true works of art - paintings that look like paintings. Floral and plant compositions embroidered on the fabric, animals and people look like they are alive. This recognition effect is achieved through the use of special seams, which are performed with various threads and ribbons.

Flowers, leaves and other elements of three-dimensional embroidery are made separately in detail using a very thin wire, and then connected and attached to the main fabric. As a matter of fact, a special wire plays in this type of needlework very important role. Embroidery can begin with it or it can be inserted along the contour of a flower petal, butterfly wing or leaf. Then it is sheathed with smooth stitches, which allows the part to keep its shape and creates volume.

Some elements of volumetric embroidery are performed directly on the fabric with all kinds of volumetric stitches. In the process of embroidery, a thin cotton fabric is placed under the main fabric, which prevents the products from deforming. The unique approach of this unusual type of needlework, this method of embroidery is an extraordinary combination of a simple cotton thread with woolen and silk threads at the same time to create one product.

Due to the fact that quite thick woolen and silk threads, as well as ribbon-like yarn, are used in the work on products in the technique of bulk embroidery, the space is rapidly filled with stitches. Various other materials also give volume and structure to embroidered works. If desired, volumetric embroidery can be combined with embroidery with ribbons and beads. They are used to give the embroidered image natural structure characteristic of plants.

The volumetric embroidery technique attracts many because it gives you the opportunity to quickly see the brilliant results of your work. It requires much less time than embroidering pictures with a small cross or artistic smoothness. In part, it is this quality that attracts beginners in embroidery. But the art of free volumetric embroidery is available to beginner needlewomen for many other reasons, giving them complete freedom of action. This technique does not adhere to any firm rules; it is possible to embroider according to a pattern printed in advance on the fabric.

Firms that produce all kinds of needlework kits offer embroidery lovers a variety of blanks for bulk embroidery. Moreover, each seam recommended for making a drawing can be safely replaced with any other, if only the replacement would allow you to get the desired effect according to the plan.

Each craftswoman has the right to use the methods of embroidery available to her in the work on her work. Various types of stitches are used in hand embroidery, but mainly they are short and long stitches of the satin stitch, a variety of buttonhole and overcast stitches, French knots, a very simple “back to the needle” stitch, various variations of chain stitches and many other types. Although the ability to embroider with satin stitch does not hurt anyone, even the simplest skills in this technique will come in handy when working in bulk embroidery. The ability to embroider with satin stitch, in general, is the whole difficulty in volumetric technique. The ease of working in this technique makes it possible to fully realize their creative potential. Even an embroiderer who does not have much experience is able to create a bouquet of flowers in an evening.

Today, three-dimensional embroidery is sometimes referred to as "3D embroidery" after the example of three-dimensional space. All directions of this type of needlework can be classified as follows:

Classic stumpwork embroidery;

Embroidery ribbons;

Italian trapunto technique;

Brazilian embroidery;

A mixture of all these styles in one.

Man began to embroider a very long time ago, at the time of his first steps towards modern civilization. The roots of this occupation go back to such a deep past that a dusty curtain of hundreds of thousands of centuries hides these steps on the path to beauty.

Volumetric embroidery in a classic style stampwork sometimes called a removable appliqué, as the details are supposed to be sheathed various types buttonhole seam or satin roller, sewing a wire into it to give the desired shape. The inner space of the part must be filled with double-sided smoothness. After that, the embroidered detail must be cut as close as possible to the contour and assembled into a finished composition (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Volumetric embroidery in the classic stumpwork style

Ribbon embroidery in our country is known to many lovers of needlework, but a small number of craftswomen are engaged in it. Most consider this type of embroidery quite difficult, although the pleasant embroidery with wonderful silk ribbons progresses very quickly and easily. It is only important to choose the right fabric through which you can freely thread the ribbon. Next, it should be inserted into a needle instead of a thread and sewn with certain stitches intended for this type of needlework (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Volumetric embroidery with ribbons

In all likelihood, a person took up the art of embroidery in the era of the formation of primitive culture, in those days when he made the first stitch when trying to sew clothes for himself and protect himself from the cold.

Volumetric embroidery in the Italian trapunto technique is rather a stitch of a volumetric product than embroidery. This technique is widely used in the finishing of multilayer patchwork products. It allows you to decorate bedspreads, pillows, curtains and garments with exquisite and elegant patterns. Seams in the trapunto technique are performed with the simplest stitch “forward needle” (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Volumetric embroidery in the Italian technique of trapunto

Brazilian volumetric embroidery, unfortunately, is practically unknown. It is simple, but very exciting to perform. In this embroidery, you can use different types of stitches with threads, such as: satin stitch, all kinds of chains, French knots, stem stitches of various modifications, pico stitches, braided stitches, loose stitches and many others. All these seams are simple, but their combination produces an impressive effect.

Each of these seams is used to perform a specific element on a small fragment of the work, which gives a certain effect. In particular, the "placer" seam can be used to represent land or shade; the “chain” seam for the most part designates the contours of the parts for subsequent embroidery with their stitch. The well-known French knot and its variations (pistil stitch or French knot on a stem) are used to depict the centers of flowers, flower pistils, small leaves, earth in pots and a number of other elements. The combination of all techniques in Brazilian embroidery allows you to create a picture as a result (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Brazilian volumetric embroidery

Mixing all the previously mentioned styles in one is widely used by embroidery enthusiasts in the Republic of South Africa. In their works, 3D satin stitch embroidery is combined with ribbon embroidery, ordinary double-sided satin stitch and very simple seams in the form of hand stitching (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Mixed style of three-dimensional embroidery

Basic techniques of volumetric embroidery

Volumetric embroidery allows you to create both small souvenir items and paintings. In this art, needlewomen use various techniques and techniques of artistic embroidery, including simple, finishing and decorative seams and many other various seams. Before getting acquainted with the description of the seams and the technique of their implementation, it is advisable to remember the definition of some basic terms of the craft - they are common to many types of embroidery.

Already in the middle of the XII century. many European castles struck with the luxury of their decoration. All sorts of embroideries played an important role in decorating medieval interiors.

Puncture They call the place where the needle with the working thread enters or exits the fabric.

Working drink called a thread threaded into a needle, through which in given time stitches are made.

Stitch - This is a piece of working thread, located on the surface of the fabric between 2 punctures. In the process of embroidery, the stitches alternately appear on the front, then on the wrong side of the fabric.

The stitch on the right side of the fabric is called the front stitch. Accordingly, the stitch on the wrong side is called the wrong side.

Rapport seam - this is a regularly repeating part of it, which can be different in length and width. Rapports of simple seams, as a rule, go one after another in a straight line, making up a line. Usually the rapports of such stitches do not have a width, if you do not take into account the thickness of the working thread.

It is advisable to master the technique of performing the simplest seams so that in the future it will be easier to cope with the implementation of complex decorative seams and patterns. Moreover, this skill can be useful in bulk embroidery, where sometimes the most fantastic combination of types of seams is allowed.

All simple seams in their magnificent variety meet only a few general requirements, they must:

Be as simple as possible in its structure and execution;

Respond to the parameters of the fabric in terms of strength and durability;

Decorate appearance products;

Do not tighten the fabric, gathering it with wrinkles. The only requirement for the execution of simple seams is the following: their stitches must be laid evenly, neatly and evenly along the seam line. When laying a seam, you must carefully ensure that the thread does not sag, otherwise the stitch will have unkempt appearance. This is especially true for those stitches that make up the lines of parallel seams.

In hand embroidery, only 4 main types of simple seams are used:

"forward needle";

"back the needle", or "behind the needle";


Overcasting (hemming, or edge overcasting).

Plain stitches are more often used for finishing or decorating embroidery, so they should be tight. Simple seams as decorative contour seams are used in many types of embroidery in cases where it is necessary to sew and emphasize the outline of the pattern for finishing, or to additionally decorate the product. In addition to the previously mentioned simple seams, such seams as: tambour, stalk and “twisted cord” seams are also practiced in this capacity. Usually these seams are made in 2-3 additions with floss, silk for embroidery, iris or woolen threads.

Seam "Forward needle"

This seam is very simple in execution and looks like a dotted line. Its rapport is 1 facial and 1 purl stitches (Fig. 6 a). The seam is supposed to be done by moving the needle from right to left. The entire seam forms a successive alternation in a straight line of stitches of equal length. In patterns with an arbitrary pattern, the “forward needle” seam can also be laid along a smooth curved line. To make a seam, a needle with a working thread is brought out to the right into the contour of the pattern from the wrong side. For the front stitch, you need to count the desired number of threads of fabric, and then pull the needle to the wrong side. Then, skipping the same number of threads on the wrong side, again bring the needle to the front side without pulling the working thread. This technique should be repeated 2 or 3 times so that 2-3 stitches fit per 1 cm of the seam. A needle-forward stitch is often used to outline the outline of a design in cross stitch or satin stitch. Therefore, this seam can be used as an additional decoration when performing volumetric cross-stitching. In addition, it is this stitch that is used when performing three-dimensional embroidery in the Italian trapunto technique (Fig. 6 b).

Figure 6. Making a “forward needle” seam: a) repeat of the “forward needle” seam; b) execution of the seam "forward needle»

Seam "For a needle"

The seam “for the needle”, its second name is “back of the needle”, is also very simple to perform, its stitches must be typed in the direction from right to left.

Needle stitches should be the same length. The seam can be done in two ways.

In the first method, the needle with the working thread should be brought to the front side of the next puncture with a needle into the fabric 3 mm to the right of the 1st puncture site. This will be the 1st front stitch. Pull the thread along the wrong side, bring it to the front side 3 mm to the left of the 1st puncture. This is the first purl stitch.

Most likely, the craving for beauty was characteristic of man already at the dawn of civilization. The Neanderthal man, who lived in Europe about 50-40 thousand years ago, provided himself with clothes from skins, sewing them together with tendons and decorating them with the simplest patterns from the same tendons.

Performing the 2nd stitch, lay the working thread from left to right, and prick the needle into the puncture site, which completed the 1st facial stitch. Pass the needle again under the fabric on the wrong side and bring it to the right side 3 mm to the left of the 2nd stitch. Then re-insert the needle into the puncture with which the previous stitch was completed. From the front side, this seam looks like a continuous line of stitches, similar to a machine stitch. Therefore, this method of making a seam “for a needle” is also called a “line” seam, or a line seam (Fig. 7 a, b).

Picture 7 a, b. Seam "by the needle": a) the execution of the seam, b) the appearance of the seam on the front side

The purl stitches of the “needle” seam are pieces of the working thread that evenly overlap each other by only half of the previous stitch. In the correct rapport, the front stitch of the seam “for the needle”, or line seam, is equal to half of the purl stitch. The length of the stitches usually depends on the thickness of the fabric and the working thread.

In the second method of making a seam “by the needle”, after bringing it out with a working thread to the front side, you need to make the next puncture 2 mm to the right of the exit of the working thread. Stretch it along the wrong side and bring it out 3 mm to the left of the 1st puncture. With this method of making a seam, a dotted or dashed line is formed on the front side with intervals of 1 mm (Fig. 7 c).

Figure 7 c. Rapport of the second version of the seam "by the needle"

The rapport of the seam “for the needle” consists of the front stitch and the purl stitch located under it.

With perfect execution in the repeat of the seam “by the needle”, the front stitch is 0.33 of the wrong stitch. Then the front stitches and the gaps in the fabric between them are uniform, giving the seam rhythm and making it beautiful. With successive repetition, these rapports form the entire seam “by the needle”, which has a very embossed appearance, it is clear when decorating products with it. Sometimes the seam "by the needle" is called the stalk seam inside out.

Classic stalk stitch

This is a seam familiar from childhood and the most common in many types of embroidery, which is a series of dense oblique stitches. The seam is worked on with stitches in the direction from left to right, i.e. away from you, and the tip of the needle while working on the seam is directed towards the embroiderer. The stalk seam is of two types: thin and thick.

Thin stalk seam looks like a lace. They embroider thin and long details of the image (blades of grass or veins of leaves). Sometimes, if necessary, this seam can be used to trace the contours of individual embroidery details.

When performing a stalk seam, it is necessary to carefully fasten the working thread on the wrong side and bring the needle with it to the face at the desired point in the outline of the pattern. Then insert the needle into the fabric to the right of the 1st puncture site - this will be the 1st front stitch of the stalk seam. Then stretch the needle with the working thread along the wrong side of the work and bring the tip of the needle to the front side in the middle of the 1st stitch from its left side. This point will serve as the beginning of the 2nd stitch. When the working thread is completely brought out to the front side, press it with the thumb of your left hand against the hoop near the puncture site. Then re-insert the needle with the working thread into the fabric to the right of the end point of the 1st stitch exactly half its length. Next, draw the needle along the wrong side and pull it to the front side at the place of the puncture that completed the 1st stitch - this is the middle of the 2nd stitch.

Strictly speaking, the essence of the seam is that each subsequent stitch must be started from the middle of the previous stitch. Small stitches of the same size should be tightly stacked to each other. When making a stalk seam with very short stitches, it turns out to be narrow and slightly convex, resembling a twisted lace (Fig. 8 a).

Figure 8 a. Thin stalk seam

Experienced craftswomen, when using a floor or table hoop, usually perform this seam with two hands. However, it is better for a beginner embroiderer not to complicate her life: it is easier for her to lay it with her right hand, holding the working thread with her left when sewing.

The implementation of the stalk seam contains one subtlety: when performing it, the working thread should always be placed only on one side of the needle: either to the right or to the left. In no case should you change the position of the working thread while laying the stalk seam - this will immediately disrupt its rhythm and beauty: it will take on a broken, sloppy look.

When a stem stitch is used as a decorative stitch, it is sewn in small stitches of the same size with a thin, sharp needle. If, however, it is necessary to embroider a line with sharp sharp bends with this seam, in this case it must be sewn, slightly piercing the previous stitch with a needle at the moment when its tip is brought to the front side for a new stitch. Thanks to this simple technique, you can fix the stitch. Then the seam line will turn out to be quite flexible and clear.

A thick stem stitch needs to be done in much the same way as a thin stitch. But each of its subsequent stitches should go to the previous stitch approximately in its middle. The front stitches should be placed almost parallel to the seam line. In this case, the purl stitches should be equal in size to half of the front stitches. A thick seam is somewhat reminiscent of a wide cord (Fig. 8b).

Figure 8 b. Making a thick stalk seam

Modified stalk seam

In bulk embroidery, a modified stem stitch is used, which is somewhat different from the traditional design, although the stitch is also worked from left to right. Instead of arbitrary oblique stitches, when performing the next stitch, you need to insert a needle with a working thread exactly in the middle of the previous stitch, without deviating from an imaginary or drawn seam line. And it is necessary to align each stitch. With this design, the stalk seam is thinner and more elegant, resembling a twisted lace. With this seam, you can fill large planes of the pattern, getting a smooth flooring.

To give the product a smoother texture, elongated stitches of about 1–3 cm should be made. At the same time, a puncture for each subsequent stitch should be made not in the middle of the previous stitch, but on 0.33 parts of its total size (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Modified stalk stitch for bulk embroidery

It is very convenient to embroider thin branches and stems of plants with a stalk stitch, gradually moving from their thin part to the place of thickening. At the moment of the transition, only the stitch size changes without changing the angle of its inclination.

bulk embroidery master class

3D embroidery

In my opinion, for beginners a must:
1. Needle (the thinner the needle, the better, I use a very thin needle for beads), scissors.
2. DMC threads and any fabric from cotton to silk or satin fabrics
3. Wire (thin copper wire from telephone cable)
3. Pencil and drawing template
The difficulty lies in only one thing in the ability to embroider with satin stitch. Even the simplest skills in this technique would be very useful to you.
The main seams used in bulk embroidery:

We take a wire and bend it into the shape of a flower petal. If
you need a different template, for example, you need to make a butterfly wing, etc.
we bend the wire in the form of a wing, etc.
2. Fix the wires on
fabrics. First, we fasten a thread (single thread) of the desired
us colors, I usually pick up the thread of the main color of the design. If you
will make a chamomile petal, then we take a white thread for fastening, i.e.
the color of the thread of the main background, no matter what blotches you still have on
this petal.

3. We sew our template wire to the material. rice. one.
The material can be anything from silk to cotton fabrics. The more material you have, the better.
4. Next come the satin stitches, you can use the same thread as when fastening the template fig. 2

5. Then our wire is covered with a buttonhole
As a result, we get the finished part!

We carefully attach the wires with threads to the material.

Based on the advice of the inventor of the volumetric embroidery technique, Helen Pierce, the Land of Soviets will tell you, how to embroider pansies. Volumetric embroidery in the form of pansies will be an excellent decoration for a basket for needlework, a box for the necessary small things or a handbag.
Pansies come in a variety of colors. Therefore, to create them, we need wool yarn in different colors yellow, blue and purple colors. The number of skeins of each color depends on the number of shades. You can combine colors in different ways. The back petals (2 pieces) are embroidered with dark purple or black threads.
For leaves, we need 4 skeins of green and 2 skeins of light green wool. In addition, you need to take pale green thin silk threads and white, yellow, black and green threads floss. A thin green wire, a main fabric and a medium-weight fabric for the flower elements will also come in handy.
Let's start with the petals. We translate the petal pattern (1) onto the fabric and insert it into the hoop. We sew the contour of the flower with loop stitches, and fill the petal inside the contour with smoothness. We embroider one row in one color, the second in another, etc. At the base of the three front petals, with a black floss, we lay out divergent strokes that fill 3/4 of the petal.
Remove the fabric from the hoop and carefully cut out the petal as close to the stitches as possible. Having made 5 petals, we insert the fabric into the hoop and attach petals to it seam "by the needle". First, 2 back, laying their bases on top of each other, then 2 front (opposite each other) and the remaining petal. We put it with the front side on the rest of the petals, grab a couple of stitches in the center and bend it. The location of the petals is shown in fig. 2. Fill the center of the flower with knots of white, yellow and green.
For buds make two petals. pattern sepals(3) transfer to the fabric and insert it into the hoop. We sew the contour with looped stitches with a dark green thread, and inside the contour we fill the sepals with smoothness. When the sepal is almost ready, turn it over and sheathe the upper cut with buttonhole stitches - they should be located in the direction of the surface. Carefully cut out the sepals.
Now you can start bud assembly. We cut off a piece of wire and bend one end of it with a loop. We fix the loop from the inside of the petal, which we made for the bud. We fold the petal as follows: the wrong side looks out, the edges overlap each other, the wire is closed. We grab the petal along with the wire with small stitches at the base. We wrap the sepal around the base of the bud and sew it with a few stitches of light green woolen thread, grabbing the bud.
We wrap the wire at the base of the sepal by about 8 cm with two dark green threads. Bend the end of the wire, thus securing the thread. With the remaining thread, we will attach the buds to the main fabric.

To do leaves, transfer the sheet pattern (4) to the fabric and insert it into the hoop. We sew the contour with loop stitches with a light green thread, and fill the area inside the contour with smoothness (the direction of the stitches is from the edges to the central vein). We embroider the veins with pale green silk thread. For the central vein we use a stalk seam, for the side vein we use a smooth surface. Carefully cut out the leaves.
When all the elements are ready, we begin assembly of flowers. We attach leaves to each flower. They can be placed on one side or on opposite sides, half hidden under the flowers. To attach each flower, lay stitches on the fabric remaining on the flowers. We arrange the flowers side by side so that the leaves of some violets cover the flowers. We place the buds on wire stems under the flowers, fixing them with stitches “by the needle” on the main fabric.
Volumetric embroidery "Violets" is ready!

The skill of Indian embroiderers is known all over the world. Embroidery is an ancient traditional Indian craft, which is done exclusively by men.
This is the work of an Indian embroiderer from Agra, Shamsuddin.

The size of the painting is approximately 2.52 m x 1.90 m. The artist has been embroidering the "Good Shepherd" for 18 years, the technique is also quite unusual, see for yourself these are enlarged fragments of paintings

Another no less amazing work of Shamsuddin - "Bouquet of Flowers" (size approximately 2.30m x 1.68m).

The bouquet is embroidered with artistic smoothness. Each flower was first embroidered separately and then skillfully assembled into a bouquet, taking into account the color scheme of the flower and its texture. After assembly, the bouquet was embroidered in its entirety, with careful attention to detail.
Shamsuddin spent 1000 hours to create this magnificent work, and he did it for 11 years.
The vase is decorated with precious and semi-precious stones total weight of 20,000 carats.

Shamsuddin's works are examples of the highest embroidery skill, for which the embroiderer was repeatedly awarded. Unfortunately, Shamsuddin is no more, but the work of the master is continued by his son and students.
Currently, the master's works are exhibited in the private gallery of the Kohinoor jewelry store in Agra.

Volumetric embroidery combines several embroidery technologies. Here smooth surface, beads, ribbons are used. It consists in the use of embroidered cut-outs that are superimposed and fixed on an embroidered or clean base material. This creates volumetric effect. Depending on what types of embroidery the needlewoman knows, all of them can be combined in bulk embroidery. And the more the master knows, the more interesting the work will look. Therefore, for those who start it for the first time, it is important to own at least one, and preferably 2-3 types of sewing on fabric.

Master class on volume embroidery of flowers

Let's try to do something simple using detailed description each stage of the lesson. For example, volumetric embroidery of pansies. It can be made on clothes or used as a decoration for some souvenir.

We will need:

  • Wool yarn in yellow, purple, blue, 2 shades of green.
  • Muline thread white, yellow, green.
  • Silk - light green. Combination different types thread in embroidery details makes it possible to emphasize the relief of the pattern. Color options can be changed as you wish.
  • Fabric for the base and a denser material for volumetric elements.
  • Wire.
  • Hoop.
  • Sewing accessories.

After preparing everything you need, let's start needlework.


1. First of all, let's prepare the petals. Each of them is performed separately. Transfer the template to the fabric

And embroider the outline with a loop stitch.

Inside, the part is filled with a shadow surface as follows. The first row of stitches goes in one color, the second in another. The petal should be finished with a radial divergence of stitches from its base with black floss threads. Their size is equal to 3 quarters of the length of the petal. Then the element must be carefully cut. In the same way, make 5 petals for one flower. They can be made any number, depending on the design of the work.

2. Attaching the petals to the fabric with a needle stitch.

The petals are sewn on 2, first the back, then the front opposite them. The last (5th) is superimposed on the last sewn parts with the front surface, fixed in the central part and turned away. The center of the connection of the petals is indicated by knotted seams.

3. Making a bud. It is made from sepals. The templates are transferred to the fabric. The outlines of the elements are made with loop stitches with green threads, inside the sepals are filled with smoothness. On the top edge of the part with reverse side a looped seam is also superimposed, coinciding in direction with the stitches of the smooth surface. The sepals are cut as close to the edge as possible. Now we need to collect the details. This is done with the help of a wire, which is fixed on the wrong side. The petal is then rolled up and secured with green wool. The other end of the wire is wrapped around the sepals at the bottom. Thus, a wire stem is obtained.

4. The leaves are transferred to the fabric, the contour is embroidered with a buttonhole seam with light green threads, inside - with a satin stitch. A stem stitch is used for the main vein, and a smooth surface is used for the side vein, which are embroidered with silk thread. At the end, all the details are cut out.

5. Drawing up a composition on the main fabric. Leaves can be placed on one or both sides of the flowers. Part of the leaves are covered with flowers, and several flowers can be obscured by leaves. This will give naturalness to the plot.

Volumetric embroidery, the master class of which is described above, is one of the many options simple jobs for newbies. Here are some examples.

Video tutorials for beginners

Embroidery at all times gathered a lot of admirers. Striving to master the art of creation three-dimensional paintings with the help of threads pushes needlewomen to new achievements to this day. For those who are just starting their first creative steps and want to create a woven masterpiece on their own, it will be useful to get acquainted with the basics of craftsmanship. Fascinating volumetric embroidery with threads can also be done using simple techniques, the understanding of which will subsequently lead to the development of more and more complex elements.

First steps

The bulk embroidery process includes several basic stitches that you should focus on. The first seams of the novice master should be the “forward needle”, “back needle”, stitch, overcast, buttonhole.

In order for the work to acquire the necessary volume, there are several special techniques. A method suitable for beginners is the use of woolen threads. Due to their thickness, they create the desired bulge of the pattern.

The practical application of the initial skills will be justified on a simple flower embroidery.

The work here is done with a buttonhole seam. How it is executed, you can see the attached diagram.

You can’t do without embroidery in embroidery, since it is in this way that it is most convenient to fill the space of the pattern.

Often, the visible creation of volume is achieved by color transitions of threads that are close in tone: each new row requires a change in color. This method is called shading. A schematic representation of this process will allow you not to get confused while working on the product.

For ease of implementation, it is best to take a dense material or canvas, on which a pencil drawing is first applied.

At the first stage, the contour of the pattern is processed using a buttonhole seam. It is necessary to monitor the density and evenness of the line. The petals of the flower are filled with a shadow surface, starting from the edge and moving towards the center. After finishing embroidery, the element is cut out with sharp scissors.

After creating a few details in a similar way, you can assemble your first small composition.

Perhaps it will be straightforward, but later, with the advent of experience, creative work become more and more refined.

Having received the first lessons, do not stop. There are many ways to diversify needlework with new techniques.

Decorating boring things

As a training, you can create not whole pictures, but individual elements on textile items.

For example, slippers decorated with voluminous embroidery will become unusual and will attract the attention of guests.

The work is done with threads of two colors. First you need to make a rose. To do this, the red thread is brought to the front side of the canvas and a miniature stitch is carried out close to the first puncture. The needle remains in the fabric.

The thread is pulled under the point of the needle and tightly wound in 10-12 turns, after which it is fixed with a stitch. This is the first rose petal. The whole flower is created in a similar way.

It remains to embroider the green frame of the rose - the leaves. A pencil sketch is made on the fabric. The central vein of the leaf is drawn. The green thread is brought to the front side on the line of the middle of the sheet. From the center to the edges, stitches are alternately superimposed, overlapping in the center.

This technique is called "fish bone".

When the work is finished, the threads are hidden on the wrong side of the product.

Another of the interesting embroidery methods is demonstrated by the subsequent master class. Here it is proposed to work on a separate element of the embroidered fabric in order to understand the essence of the technique.

fluffy bumblebee

This style of detailing is appropriate when you want to give the element a "fluffy" effect. This is suitable for working on images of animals, insects, flower cores, etc.

From floss threads, silk or any cotton threads, this effect cannot be achieved. Therefore, a positive result should be expected only when embroidery is done with woolen threads.

For work you will need:

  1. Wool threads in black, yellow and white;
  2. Needle;
  3. Muline;
  4. A piece of mesh material;
  5. Metallic thread.

The contour of the future bumblebee is drawn on the fabric.

Embroidery is done with stitches of 4-5 mm, where the thread is not tightened, but remains on the surface in the form of a small loop.

Loops are laid out tightly with a black thread, forming the head of an insect.

Each loop is secured with a perpendicular stitch.

In the course of work, the color of the thread changes, forming a color characteristic of a bumblebee.

The bottom of the calf is decorated with a white thread.

Then each loop is cut.

Free embroidery with a twisted woolen thread is wool embroidery. Volumetric embroidery is an old type of needlework. Today it is a very popular type among needlewomen. And for good reason, because the use of this type of art allows you to see finished work in the form of a living picture, thanks to special seams from various threads and ribbons. When creating any product, woolen threads can be combined with cotton, silk, as well as beads and other types of jewelry.

The beginning of embroidery with woolen thread

First you need to choose a suitable woolen thread for a particular product. To embroider on canvas, you need a thread with a certain size, for embroidering canopies, bags, shoes - with a different size.

The thread is selected in two or three strands. Needle middle length, quite thick, with a long eye and a pointed tip.

The base is tucked into the hoop, hands are free. If the seam should be thick, use a two-layer woolen thread, if thin, then a single layer. When embroidering, it is desirable to use a thread no more than thirty-five centimeters. This is necessary so that the stitches look neat, the yarn does not wear out and does not interfere with the labor process.

When working on embroidery with wool, be sure to use wax or conditioner. Their use will allow to compact the thread and avoid twisting and delamination of the fibers.

Technique of volumetric embroidery with woolen thread

The technique is simple and interesting. The variety of types of seams allows you to create wonderful compositions. It is also important to be able to choose suitable color wool. Properly selected shades and the use of unusual artistic embroidery can create a wonderful mood and plunge into the world of magic.

The background is done with stalked, tambour stitches or satin stitch. An interesting combination can be obtained by threading two threads of different shades into the needle. Embroidery with a woolen thread looks very attractive when the pattern itself is filled with one type of seam, and the edging with another.

Volumetric embroidery with satin stitch can decorate the interior of the house. Thanks to her, plants, trees and animals are realistic.

A feature of volumetric embroidery is that it is impossible to make a mistake here. Even if something is not done correctly, it can be corrected without harm to the product. On the contrary, it can become much more beautiful and original.

The wrong side is not visible with volumetric embroidery. Therefore, it is enough to cut off the excess thread at the end of the work. But it is necessary to observe the accuracy of those parts of the pattern that are not embroidered.

Types of seams

There are several types of seams:

  • Contour. These include looped, stalked, tambour, split, coral, "forward - back needle", pearl, false seams.
  • Filling translucent. This is a straight stitch, cobweb, ermine cross, arrows, flies, dots, worms, grains.
  • Filling solid. This is an artistic surface, a goat, bricks.

Cross stitch technology

Craftswomen have always been very fond of cross-stitching. It allows you to get exquisite and unique products. It works especially well with silk, viscose and woolen threads.

Cross-stitching with woolen threads looks simply gorgeous. With its help, you can embroider various pillows, children's clothes, shoes, towels and more. Patterns can be found in magazines, books, or printed on a computer.

Cross-stitching has a positive effect on a person. Finger motility develops, state of mind stabilizes, nervous stress is relieved.

Anyone can learn to cross stitch. The most important thing is to be able to make beautiful neat stitches. The basic rule of cross stitch is to embroider strictly in a certain direction: first the lower stitches are made, then the upper ones.

Technology of embroidery on knitted fabric

Embroidery on knitwear with woolen threads is a rather complicated, but at the same time interesting process. From an ordinary thing you can get an original and unique. If ordinary embroidery is done with a hoop, then they are not used here. Knitted fabric tends to stretch along the length, so you can not pull the product in all directions and tighten the threads. It is advisable to use a lining under the knitwear to prevent the material from shrinking.

A feature of embroidery on knitted fabric is that you can improvise here.

First transfer the drawing to tracing paper, and from it already to knitted fabric. The pattern should be small.

When creating decorative seams, it is not necessary to strengthen knitwear. The seam occupies a small area, which leads to the fact that the material does not shrink.

Successfully decorate knitted material with flowers, leaves, embroidery with woolen threads will help. Flowers on knitwear can be made using. They turn out to be quite voluminous and beautiful. The petals are embroidered with a “loop with an attachment”, the centers of the flowers are embroidered with a knotted seam. You can add cabochons, beads, pebbles, beads and so on.

On knitwear, embroidery with satin stitch, stalk and chain stitches is harmoniously obtained.

Embroidery on clothes

Embroidery with woolen threads on clothes has always been very popular among craftswomen. This was considered not only a beautiful type of needlework, but also had a ritual character. Certain patterns, semantic drawings, according to embroiderers, served as a talisman from evil spirits, from evil people from everything negative. Some designs were to bring good luck and wealth to the home of the wearer.

Embroidery with woolen threads is successfully obtained on knitted clothes: on dresses, baby clothes and so on. Usually used or cross.

To prevent clothes from deforming during the embroidery process, a “loop” seam is used. It is used in places where complex ornaments are embroidered. Hinge height fits the structure knitted product, which creates the effect of "knitting".

Chain stitch is ideal for stocking stitch garments.