
Speech therapy tales by the type of entertaining speech therapy. Speech therapy tales. Exercise "Brush our teeth"


In the book, fairy tales are written and selected that carry a certain lexical or grammatical load. Usage different ways enriching vocabulary, observing the laws of word formation and inflection will help make developing communication with a child joyful and interesting. Speech therapists and educators preschool institutions can use the material of the book to conduct correctional classes.


This book was compiled by speech therapists of DOU 126 of the combined type of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg G. A. Bystrova, E. A. Sizova, T. A. Shuyskaya.
Addressed to parents of preschoolers, educators and speech therapists of preschool institutions.
In the book, fairy tales are written and selected that carry a certain lexical or grammatical load. Using various methods of enriching vocabulary, observing the laws of word formation and inflection will help make developing communication with a child joyful and interesting. Speech therapists and preschool educators can use the material from the book to conduct correctional classes.

Shustrik at grandmother


Little Shustrik is five years old. Once my mother said to Shustrik: "Tomorrow we will go to grandmother's."
Shustrik didn’t sleep all night, he wondered who grandmother had.
We arrived early in the morning. We went to grandmother’s house and saw that the gate was open. And from the gate comes "a shock, in front - a pitchfork, behind - a broom" and hums: "MUUU, milk to whom?"
Shustrik guessed, shouting: "Mom, it's a cow!"
Shustrik entered the courtyard, and in the courtyard "with a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull, with down, not a bird," and with him "beard and horns were running along the path." Who do you think it could be?
Yes, a goat with kids. Shustrik got scared of the formidable goat, hid behind his mother. And the goat bleated: "BE-E-E, do not be afraid of me."
Shustrik sees, there is a shed in the yard, and there someone is chomping, grunting.
"The stigma is a flat cake, horns with hooves, a thick belly, a tail, like shavings," and next to it there are "dirty tricks in a bristly shirt, a tail with pretzels, a nose with a snout."
“This is a pig with piglets,” Mom explains to Shustrik.
Shustrik walked around the barn and sees a perch, and on the perch there is a “tail with patterns, boots with spurs” and shouts: “KU-KA-RE-KU, I'm not an alarm clock, but I wake up. I am not an artist, but a vocalist, I sing at night, I count the time, I collect chickens. " “Mom, mom, here is a cockerel, a golden comb,” Shustrik rejoiced and did not notice how someone pinched his heels and giggled, and he was wearing “white clothes, and red boots are shod on his legs” and with him “without a command to the formation gets up, goes to the pond. Who goes in a long chain, who loves discipline so much? "
"Oh, I'm scared!" - shouted Shustrik.
“Don't be afraid,” Mom said. This is a goose with geese and goslings. "
"Let's get out of here!" - Shustrik exclaimed.
And here is the grandmother standing on the porch, and next to her “he arched his back in an arc, meowed. Who it?" This cat Vaska purrs, says: "Murr-mur-mur, go to the house." I am friends with the owner and watch the house. "
“Sharik, Sharik,” Shustrik called.
And Sharik's grandmother says: "Meet Shustrik, make friends with him."
I liked Shustrik very much at his grandmother's.

E. Sizova.

About dishes

Word formation

Sugar bowl reasoned somehow:
- Here I am - made for sugar. That is why I am called SUGARNITSA. A SOLONKA - for salt, a SALADBOW - for a salad, a BREADBOX - for bread, a SUPTRAY - of course, for soups, and a SAUCE - for different sauces.
- Yes, yes - the OILER picked up - I am needed for butter, and my girlfriend HERRING - for herring. But tell me how to explain the words TABLEWARE and COOKER? There are such words, but I don’t know such food!
- You even call me KETTLE, - responded the KETTLE - I not only know everything about tea and sing you all with tea. The word TABLEWARE as if asks: “Put it HERE! TABLEWARE!" And it's even easier with a COOKER. She is the main assistant to the cook: together with the cook she can taste any dish and persuades the cook: COOK, EAT-KA!

T. Shuyskaya

Baba Yaga


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, they had a daughter. The grandfather became widowed and married another wife. Was at my daughter Kind mother, and became an EVIL stepmother. Once the father left somewhere, and the stepmother said to the girl:
- Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for you.
And this aunt was Baba Yaga, a bone leg.
The girl was not STUPID, but SMART, she went to her own aunt before. My own aunt lived CLOSE, and Baba Yaga lived FAR. Her own aunt taught her how to act and avoid trouble.
The girl went. Whether she walked the LONG or SHORT road - I came to the hut, and in it Baba Yaga was sitting and weaving.
- Hello, auntie!
- Hello, dear!
- My mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me.
- Okay, sit down while weaving.
The girl sat down to weave: Baba Yaga was weaving a THICK fabric, and the girl was weaving FINE.
And Baba Yaga punishes the worker:
- Go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece, but mine is good: I want to have breakfast with it.
And the girl hears everything! Baba Yaga moved away from the door, and the girl took it and ran away. The cat sits at the gate - guarding the girl. The girl gave the cat a ham - and he released it. Grabbed Baba Yaga - no girl! She began to scold the cat, and the cat answers her:
- As long as I've been serving you, you didn't give me BAD bones, but the girl fed GOOD ham.
Baba Yaga began to scold and beat her other workers. The dogs tell her:
- We serve you as long as you serve, and you only threw HARD crusts to us, and the girl gave SOFT bread.
The gate says:
- We have been serving you how much, and you spared us butter, gave LITTLE, and the girl poured a LOT of butter under our heels. Birch says:
- I have been serving you for as long as you are, and you poured hot water over me, while the girl poured COLD water over me.
The worker says:
- As long as I've been serving you, you didn't give me a LITTLE rag, but the girl gave me a LARGE scarf.
Baba Yaga sat in a stupa, rushed in pursuit.
The girl bent her ear to the ground and hears that Baba Yaga is close, took and threw down a towel: the towel was NARROW - the river spilled WIDE.
Baba Yaga creaked out of anger, returned home, took her bulls and drove them to the river. The bulls drank the whole river, and Baba Yaga again set off in pursuit.
The girl bent her ear to the ground and hears that Baba Yaga is close, took out the comb and threw it behind her. The scallop was RARE - the forest was thick: the bushes are LOW and the trees are HIGH. Baba Yaga began to gnaw the forest, but she broke her teeth, and returned home with nothing.
The girl ran home, everything is as it is, she told her father. He got angry with his wife, drove her away from the yard, and he himself began to live with his daughter and make good money.

Based on the fairy tale by A. Afanasyev.

Why don't the birds all fly south, or
why is a crow called a crow

Once upon a time, all the birds lived in a friendly big family. Together with the spring, they appeared in our area, frolicked and chirped, by the summer they brought out the chicks, and in the fall, with the approach of cold weather, they gathered in one large flock) and flew to the south, to warm lands.
Only one big gray bird was always dissatisfied with everything: even then it was not so, and it was not that way. If she screams, she rakes, she raises a noise, and at this time she will misbehave. Somehow a gray robber started up in the fall:
- I'm not going anywhere! Are we, birds, afraid of winter ?! We are dressed wherever: the plumage is rich and warm, and under it there is still soft fluff - we will not freeze! And as for food, we will feed ourselves: there are so many good people left outside the houses, but there are a lot of berries on the bushes and trees! Why fly somewhere, torment yourself with flights ?!
And how did it happen: some birds began to listen to Gray, gathered around her, as in a theater, opened their beaks in surprise, did not notice anything around them. And in the meantime, the last flock flew away to warm lands, winter has come. There is nothing to do, we need to adapt, prepare for the first wintering. One Gray grumbles:
- Stupid birds, it's all your fault, because of you I wasted the time for the flight! Oh, I missed it, but I wouldn’t miss it - I’d be basking in the sun!
The birds got angry:
- Look, you are so smart! Confused us, you blame us for everything! "I missed it, I missed it" ... RAVEN! Let's not hang out with you anymore!
So it has been since long ago: the CROW received its name, and the birds that then listened to her, although they remain like a crow, winter, they do not lead friendship with her.
And who gave the name to the crow? Who stayed for the winter? Remember soon, but if you can - draw.

T. Shuyskaya

Animal dispute

The benefits of pets

The cow, horse and dog argued among themselves which of them the owner loved more.
“Of course, me,” the horse says. - I plow him and carry a harrow, I bring firewood from the forest. He himself rides to town on me: he would have disappeared completely without me. "
“No, the owner loves more than me,” the cow says. "I feed his whole family with milk."
- "No, me," the dog grumbles, "I guard his house."
The owner listened to this dispute and says:
- “Stop arguing in an empty way. I need all of you, and each of you is good in his place. "

K. D. Ushinsky.

How to find a track

Trees in the forest

The guys went to visit their grandfather the forester and got lost. They look - Squirrel is jumping over them.
From tree to tree. Guys - to her.
- Squirrel, Squirrel, tell, Squirrel, Squirrel, show How to find the path
To grandfather's lodge?
- It's very simple, - Belka answers. - Jump from this FIR-tree over there to that one, from that one - onto the BEREZKA curve. A large OAK is seen from the BEREZKI curve. The roof is visible from the top of the OAK. This is the gatehouse. Well, what about you? Jump those!
“Thank you, Belka,” the guys say. - Only we do not know how to jump on trees.
Draw how Squirrel jumped to grandfather in the lodge.

V. Berestov.

Wonderful stream

Word formation

A small stream originated from the forest springs. Clean and cold, cheerful and young, he ran through the forest. Stopped by a birch - a boletus grew under a birch, turned to an aspen - a boletus turned red under an aspen. A brook ran through the forest - and strong boletus appeared in the forest, splashed water on the moss - and the moss was decorated with moss. A brook jumped out to the spruce forest - waves were agitated there:
- Do not rush, brook, give some water for more fungus!
But where could he - he does not hear the trickle! It rolled off a hummock, skirted a large stone, rolled down a hill and ... dissolved in the waters of a forest rivulet.
T. Shuyskaya
Cabbage leaf
Pets. Onomatopoeia
Controlling the Accusative and Dative Cases
The CALF nibbled the grass near the fence. A COCK came up to him and began to look for grains in the grass nearby. Suddenly he sees a cabbage leaf.
- KO! - the COCK was surprised and pecked him.
He didn't like the cabbage leaf. He decided to offer the CALF to try and says to him:
- KO!
And the CALF did not understand what was the matter, and asks: - MU-U?
- CO, - says the COCK and again points his beak at the cabbage leaf.
- MU-U? - the CALF does not understand. So they stand near the cabbage leaf
- KO! MU-U! TO WHOM? The GOAT heard this and how it will bleed:
- ME-E-E! ME-E-E!

L. Yakhtsh


Animals of Africa

This is a hippopotamus. Only not he, but she is a hippopotamus. Her name is Beauty. She was brought from Africa.
Hippos live there in the river. They eat grass along the banks, dive in warm water.
The hippopotamus has a huge mouth. It will open - like a suitcase. In the mouth, teeth stick out like stakes. For another animal, these teeth like horns could fit. The weight of the hippopotamus is one hundred pounds. What a colossus! And a thin old man is in command in the zoological garden.
Bad for a hippopotamus in winter, he loves heat, warm water. The old man warms him the water for the pool.
Only at night does not let the hippopotamus into the pool so as not to catch a cold.
The hippopotamus, if he wanted to, would have gone through the fence - but does not dare: the old man does not order. The hippopotamus looks longingly at the water, puts its head on the fence - and the boards crackle. And the old man will shout:
- To the corner, I went to the corner!
And one hundred percent hippopotamus will back away, only looks at the owner with an offended eye.

B. Zhitkov.

Long and short


LIVED two friends. One was called LONG and the other SHORT.
LONG had LONG legs, Long hands... He wore LONG pants LONG shirt... The LONG one was holding a LONG stick.
And the SHORT one had SHORT legs, SHORT arms. He wore SHORT pants and SHORT shirt. In the hands of the SHORT-WHO was a SHORT stick.
LONG and SHORT were completely different, but they loved each other very much and never fought. Draw LONG and SHORT.



They tied a donkey in a burdock. Burdock for donkey is the most delicious food. He ate the whole burdock near him, but he won't reach the most delicious - the rope is short. As the ASS yells: - And-A! And-A! And-A!
The voice is nasty, loud. You can hear it five kilometers away. Go quickly, master, bandage the donkey somewhere else. On the eaten.

E. Charushin.



Dandelion is not like a sun with golden rays. And next to it is a fluffy ball.
Tanya blew on the ball. The fluffs flew. That is why it is called dandelion.
Tanyusha came home with a gold wreath on her head.
In the evening the girl fell asleep. And the dandelions closed their flowers until the morning.
Draw a dandelion. What is dandelion compared to?

According to Sokolov-Mikitov.


Concordance of an adjective with a noun

I went out of the forest to the meadow and was surprised. How many colors! They are like a festive round dance.
On a green meadow, chamomiles turn white, dandelions turn yellow, peas turn blue.
And above all, all the more fun - purple bells. They sway, bow in the summer breeze. They are the ones who joyfully greet me. All summer these lovely flowers of our meadows bloom.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

Lilies of the valley


A flower hid in the shade of the trees. There is a high leg between the two leaves. There are several white bells on it. This is a lily of the valley. We love lily of the valley for its beauty, for its delicate scent.
Lily of the valley fruits ripen in autumn. These are large red berries. They are poisonous. Medicine is made from lilies of the valley.

According to Yu. Dmitriev.

The pranks of the old woman-winter

Single-root words

Winter got angry. I decided to freeze everyone. Winter blew out cold, scattered the leaves.
The birds had nowhere to go, and flew over the mountains. Over the seas, where there is no evil winter. Others huddled in the cracks. Winter did not freeze them.
Wickedly went to the animals. Powdered the earth. Orders the frost to freeze the animals. Animals huddled in the winter hut.
The wicked winter has not forgotten the fish either. Frozen rivers and lakes. But I didn’t freeze the fish, it’s not cold under the ice.
Winter fell upon people. Frost covered the windows with patterns. And people flooded the stoves. Prepare firewood. They are being taken in carts and praised by the frosts. Children are not afraid of winter either. They run in the yard. Enough winter viciously for someone's ear or nose. And he will rub it - and his face will flare up.
Winter began to cry. Winter tears fell. It means that the end of winter is near.

According to K. Ushinsky.

How to name a hare

Animals and their babies

The BUNNY was born. Mother wondered what to call him. I wanted to call it TIGER.
The KITTENS learned the name of the BUNNY, and did not want to play. The GOATS learned the name of Bunny and did not want to play. Zainka burst into tears. He told his mother that the GOATS were immediately scattering from him. Then his mother named him the WOLF. Zayinka went for a walk, saw the CALFS. I wanted to play with them.
- "What is your name?" - ask him a question.
- “My name is WOLF,” says ZAINKA.
The CALFS began to gore the HIT.
- "Gotcha, evil WOLF!" - shouted the CALFS.
Zainka came home, licks his lined sides. CALFS beat him. The mother thought and called the Zainka the Hare.
Zainka went to play. The animals learned that his name was HARE and took him into the game. Both Zayinka and the animals really liked this name. So he was assigned to him.

Target: developing interest in speech therapy lesson and the education of motivation for learning, the development of phonemic perception, the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, the development of memory, attention.

Visual aids: image of a boy, card articulatory gymnastics, the image of the fairytale palace, the image of the gnome and the queen of the magic speech.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

Hello guys! We sit down in our seats, calling one polite word at a time (hello, thanks, etc.). Well done!

2. Work on a fairy tale.

Today, children, I will tell you a story. Listen carefully:

Once upon a time there was a boy Vanya Arbuzov. He lived in the city of Moscow. He was 5 years old. The boy was special, as he spoke very badly, did not know how to pronounce a lot of sounds.

Picture 1

Once my mother took Vanya to a speech therapist at Progymnasium No. 1661. But there Vanya made a scandal and said that he would never study, because he already speaks very well. Mom brought Vanya home and told him to sit in the room and think about his bad behavior. And Vanya was not going to think! He took the toys and started playing. But soon Vanya got tired of playing, the boy closed his eyes ... and suddenly he found himself in front of the gates of a beautiful castle.

picture 2

On the gate it was written: "Knock 3 times and say [smoke-dam-dom, lump-dom-dwarf, crab-mak-duck] quickly and clearly!" (Guys, try and you repeat these words. Well done!) Vanya also said the words and knocked 3 times, but nothing happened. I repeated it again, but the gate did not open! Then Vanya started crying out of resentment. Suddenly ... a beautiful sorceress appeared in front of the boy (Vanya recognized her, because she had a magic wand in her hands).

picture 3

Hello! - said Vanya.
- Good day! Vanya Arbuzov!
- How do you know my name?
- I know everything about children 5-6 years old.
- Tell me, please, is it possible to get into this beautiful castle? Isn't this your castle?
- Yes, this is the castle of the Magic Speech. And I am the Queen. Children enter the castle and can complete the task written on the gate. Did you fulfill it?
- No, I didn't succeed! - and the boy wept bitterly.
- And also children who want learn to speak well! And this is important! Do you want it?
- Yes! I want to study! I will try very hard!
And the sorceress touched her magic wand to the gate. The gates flew open, and Vanya found himself inside a beautiful castle.
- The first thing you will see is the room of the Magic Man living in the mirror. He can do everything: speak beautifully and correctly, draw, sing, dance ... he can teach you a lot!

picture 4

Vanya went into the mirror room and immediately saw a little man who sang:
Hello my dear friend
I'm a mirror man!
Today we will study.
All sounds are purely speaking.
And you can quickly learn
If you are friends with gymnastics!
- Are you ready to repeat after me?
- Yes! I'm ready! - answered Vanya Arbuzov.
- Look in the mirror.

Exercise "Smile"

  • Stretch your lips into a smile
  • Keep it down to 10.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Exercise "Brush our teeth"

  • To smile
  • Show teeth
  • Open your mouth
  • Use the tip of your tongue to "brush" the lower and upper teeth in turn.

Exercise "Swing"

  • Smile, open your mouth
  • Show teeth
  • Place the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth
  • Place the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth
  • Change position alternately 10 times.

Exercise "Horse"

  • Pull out lips
  • Open your mouth
  • Click with a "narrow" tongue (like horses click)

Well done, well done! So you need to do this at home every day, looking in the mirror. If you fulfill this condition, then after a while you will find yourself in the second castle of the Magic Speech! Are you going to study?
- Necessarily!
- I give you this beautiful mirror for your diligence. It will help you with tongue gymnastics. Goodbye my boy!

Vanya woke up and saw that he was in his room. He went up to mom and said:
- I'm sorry mommy. I misbehaved. Let's work with a speech therapist. I want to go to the second castle of the Speech Queen.
- Where? - Mom asked in surprise.
- I wanted to say ... that I want to learn to speak beautifully. - And he smiled.
- I'm glad son!
And Vanya began to study!

3. Work on the content of the tale

  • Guys, did you like the fairy tale?
  • What was the name of the main character? (Vanya Arbuzov)
  • What uvula exercises did Vanya do? ("Smile", "Swing", "Horse", "Brush our teeth")
  • Let's do these exercises while looking in the mirror.
  • Good!

4. Summing up

  • Do you want to work with a speech therapist and learn to speak well?
  • Well done!

Differentiation "href =" / text / category / differentciya / "rel =" bookmark "> differentiation of sounds).

Fairy tales for teaching literacy (in sounds and letters).

Slide 9. 2. Logos aimed at developing the polysensory nature of a child with speech impairment ("fairy tale" plus "objective activity") (,):

Finger (development fine motor skills, graphic skills).

Slide 10... 3.Logo-trainings, saturated with certain phonemes, word forms, lexical and grammatical categories (author's tales of speech therapists teachers,)

Lexico-grammatical (enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of knowledge of grammatical categories).

Slide 11... 4.Logos with simulated content ().

Fairy tales that contribute to the formation of coherent speech.


In my work I also include additional fabulous material.

For better memorization and pronunciation of words, a speech therapist uses various techniques and aids that help a non-speaking child to act more and speak less: toys that are worn on the child's fingers, toys from a kinder surprise); various desktop-printed aids volumetric screens, mini-models, gloves with pasted characters of a fairy tale, a fairy tale on a carpet, masks, cards with graphic symbols, different kinds theaters, such as: with dolls on sticks, mitten, cardboard;

Slide 13... An excellent tool for the development of movements is playing "Theater of fingers and tongue". Articulatory gymnastics, accompanied by movements of speech-motor rhythmics to pronounced sounds ("Morning of the cat Muzyk").

Slide 14. A fairy tale on your fingers

Very good training of finger movements is provided by folk games with fingers (magpie-white-sided, goat, etc.). Finger tales are included in fairy tales lessons. For example, after reading the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" you can play like this. "The chicken went out for a walk ..." (Appendix)

The child learns the world through movements and emotions, and speech-motor exercises with elements of psycho-gymnastics will help him overcome pathological problems. To the fairy tale "Three Bears" exercise "Morning", Appendix, exercise to the fairy tale "Teremok" for the development of general motor skills and the formation of the ability to relax muscles in contrast to tension, Appendix

Slide 15.16,17,18. Articulating tales(development of breathing, articulatory motor skills). It is quite difficult for a 2-4 year old child to perform “tongue gymnastics” with full dedication, they quickly get bored. But if all such difficult and not interesting work is presented in the form of small speech therapy tales that develop the correct articulatory pattern of sounds, then everything changes: the eyes shine, and the children follow the story with interest and want to help the main character of the plot. "The Tale of the Funny Tongue", "Frog-Green Belly (multimedia presentation accompanied by illustrative slides for children)" Tales of the Tongue ", Stories of the Funny Tongue. From experience I can say that children liked this form of presentation of articulation exercises and gave positive results.

Slide 19.

Logos can be used not only by speech therapists, but also by educators. It is useful to include speech therapy games in the recommended "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by fairy tales: "Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip", "Three Bears", "Teremok" "Zayushkina izbushka".

If we achieve noticeable results in breathing, auditory or visual attention, in the ability of children to feel and understand others, this will inevitably have a beneficial effect on speech.

Phonetic (voiced) fairy tales Didactic tasks: development of speed of reaction, sense of tempo and rhythm, articulatory motor skills.
Methodology of carrying out. The teacher reads the text, children accompany the story with sounding gestures, onomatopoeia, finish phrases. For sounding fragments of fairy tales, poems, you can also use musical instruments, choosing them in accordance with the content of the work and the nature of the game character.
Phonetic warm-up for the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken", Appendix; to the fairy tale "Three Bears"; Appendix, an example of dubbing the tale "About the naughty goat", Appendix.

Slide number 20

The logo must be present and special exercises on the breathing training, development of general speech skills... For example, the "Merry Journey" logo (exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials), Appendix

To develop voice power... Game: "The bunny hears our ay - he will quickly be found in the cold forest" (based on the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut"). Purpose: to teach to raise and lower the strength of the voice. The goal that is voiced for children: the bunny was upset and lost in winter forest, help him

Exercises for the development of speech breathing

-completing individual words in a phrase;

“Ok, ok, ok, I have ... (bun).

Ka, ka, ka, no longer ... (kolobok).

Ok, ok, ok, the fox ate ... (bun). "

-pronouncing individual phrases of fairytale heroes; “Say the phrases” (based on the fairy tale: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Chicken”).

The goal that is voiced for children: we will plant a turnip, say the words:

“Let the turnip be big, strong”, “let the turnip be tasty, sweet”;

The hen went out for a walk and nibbled on the peas: “Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! It is easy to peck the grains! "

-Respiratory and articulation training"Talkative Stream"

Didactic tasks: development of articulatory motor skills.

Methodology of carrying out. Children join hands, walk one after another and recite the song of the brook: "Over the pebbles - ding-ding-ding, over the snags - bul-bul-bul, over sedge - sh-sh-sh-sh”.


Slide 21.

Working with a fairy tale contributes to the development of the prosodic aspect of speech (voice timbre, its strength, tempo, intonation, expressiveness), forms ideas about the basic principles of building a coherent message (appeal-urge, appeal-question, appeal-message). The use of logo tales as a means of correcting and developing the communicative function of speech increases the speech activity and communicative orientation of the speech of children with disabilities.

Slide 22. References

1. Arushanova, and speech communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers / - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 1999. - 272 p.

2., O.M. Kislyakova Speech therapy rhythm. Methods of working with preschoolers suffering from OHP. - SPb .: KARO, 2002.

3.Gavrilushkina, on the development of communicative behavior of preschoolers in a kindergarten / // Child in kindergarten. - 2003. - No. 1.

4. Gribova, OE To the problem of communication analysis in children with speech pathology / // Defectology. - 1995. - No. 6. - P. 7

5.Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, based on fairy tale therapy / -Evstigneeva. - SPb .: SPEECH, 2001 .-- 310 p.

6. Ivanovskaya, fairy tales for the development of speech: A fairy tale in nature-oriented education /,. - SPb .: KARO, 2008 .-- 64

7.Aspects complex lessons based on fairy tales with children 2-3 years old.-SPb .: Paritet, 2006.

8.E. Karelian. Let's help Pinocchio to speak: From the experience of a speech therapist // Preschool education, 1999 No. 6 - p. 14-17

9. Naboikina games with a "special" child. - SPb .:, 2006.

10. The practice of fairy tale therapy / Ed. .- SPb .:, 2004.

11.http: // www. ***** / art. html # butterfly


The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And the guys behind her -

Yellow chickens.

"Co-co-co, co-co-co,

Don't go far

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains.

They walk with two fingers - the index and middle - of each hand. Pinching movements with all fingers of each hand.

Run with all fingers of both hands.

Clap their hands.

Threatening with the finger of the leading hand.

Rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, the thumbs fix the palms at the edge of the table.

Children collect grains alternately with two fingers of each hand or both hands at the same time: thumb - index, large - middle, etc.


Develop correct breathing.

Teach basic self-massage techniques.

Expand articulatory capabilities.

Develop a positive emotional background.

Optimize the general tone of the body, remove pathological clamps.

Teddy bears sleep sweetly

Children lean against the backs of chairs or lower their heads on their folded hands on the table, close their eyes.

And they sniffle relaxedly.

They breathe calmly and deeply.

The sun glanced through the window, Everyone closed their eyes a little.

They close their eyes tightly.

Bear cubs, stop sleeping

They open their eyes wide.

It's time for you to get up.

Get up from their seats.

The cubs all woke up, stretched, smiled.

With tension, they stretch their arms up, lower them, stretch their lips in a smile.

Bears love cleanliness. Everybody goes to wash.

They walk in place.

Open the tap

Simulate the movement of a hand when opening a tap.

Nose, wash yourself

Perform stroking rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands along the nose from top to bottom on both sides,.

Wash both eyes at once

Circular massaging movements are performed over the eyelids.

Forehead and cheeks,

Smooth the forehead from the center to the temples.

Rub their cheeks.

Wash yourself, neck,

Rub the neck, turning the head left and right.

Handles, wash well.

Rub their hands.

As if with a brush, with a tongue, we will begin to brush our teeth.

The mouth is opened, the upper and then the lower teeth are stroked horizontally and vertically.

The cubs smelled:

Take a full slow breath through the nose, hold the air for 2 seconds, exhale slowly through the mouth.

Something smells incomprehensible.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Very tasty. It's honey! Mom is waiting for us for breakfast.

They sit on the chairs.

The cubs lapped honey,

Lacquer movements are performed with the tongue, the mouth is kept open.

Then the lips were licked.

Lick the lips back and forth, keep the mouth open.

They lick sweet honey from the palate with their tongue back and forth,

Stroke the palate with the tongue.

The tongue is not lowered, it is strongly pressed up.

The mouth is kept open.

Suck the tongue to the palate.

It is necessary to drink hot tea, But first cool it down.

Draw a cup with a brush.

You cubs

don't be lazy, blow first,

They inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, pull the lips with a tube, direct the air stream to the "cup" in the hand.

Then have a drink

Simulate "drinking" from a "cup".

And then smile.

They stretch their lips into a smile.

Breakfast is eaten, the cubs are acting like turkey poults.

Perform quick movements with the tongue back and forth.

They teased each other and began to study.

They calmly sit down at the tables.


There is a teremok in the field (hands above the head are the "roof")
He is not low, not high, not high (squat - "low", stand up - "high")
There is a lock on the door, and a lock (they put fingers together in a "lock"
Who would help open the lock?
On the left is a bunny, on the right is a bear. (nod their head left and right)
Move the latch! (pulling hands to the sides, but fingers in the "lock")
On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf (nodding their heads to the left and to the right)
Click on the lock! (squeeze fingers tighter)
Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf
Open the teremok, teremok! ("Open the lock", spread their arms to the sides)


Corydalis(based on a German song)

Corydalis by the barn -

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my chickens?

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my guys?

KO - KO - KO!

We are here, we are close, mom!

PI - PI - PI!

Then someone dug a hole

PI - PI - PI!

We all fell into the pit!

PI - PI - PI!

And they are not lost at all!

PI - PI - PI!



There was a bear under a tree

And I kept looking at the sky.

And a song - "burchalochka"

He sang softly:

BU - BU - BU - BU - BU - BOOM,


BO - BO - BO - BO - BO - BOM,

BA - BA - BA - BA - BA - BAM.


The tale "About the naughty goat"

A goat lives with my grandmother - sharp little horns and quick legs. Runs around the yard, chases the birds, amuses granny. Grandma told him: “Don't go, goat, to walk in the forest, there is a terrible wolf. Don't go, goat, into the forest! " And the goat did not obey and ran away, only one could hear how it clattered its hooves along the road (children perform alternate slaps on the knees with their right and left hands). He jumped over the fence (children raise their hands up, clap their hands, then hit their knees) and ran along the pavement (children alternately knock on their chests with their fists), runs, shouting: "I'm not afraid of anything, I'd better run further ..."

Educator: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
Educator: Swamp! Can't you get around it?
Children: You can't get around it!
Educator: The road is straight! ("Chap-chap-chap" - children rhythmically pull back the right and left cheeks at the same time).
Goat: I'm not afraid of anything, I'd rather rush on ... (children perform alternate slaps on the knees with their right and left hands).
Educator: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
Educator: River! Can't you get around it?
Children: Do not get around!
Educator: The road is straight!
Children(tongue): Bul-bul-bul!
Goat: I'm not afraid of anything, I'd rather rush on ...
Educator: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
Educator: Forest! Scary forest.
Children: Ooh.
Educator: Dense forest. Children: Shhhh.
The goat got scared and started to run. It runs across the river (children: "bul-bul-bul"), through the swamp (children: "chap-chap-chap" pull the right and left cheeks), along the pavement (alternately knock on the chest with their fists), over the fence (children raise their hands up and hitting the knees), in the yard (alternating slaps of the right and left hands on the knees).
Educator: He came running to us, "oh," said.
Goat: Oh!
Children and the goat: I will obey granny. I won't run into the forest again.


Exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials) "Merry Journey" logo

MBDOU " Kindergarten"Rainbow"

Card file of speech therapy fairy tales for children 5-7 years old

Speech therapy tale (Tale for sound automation [R])

Once upon a time there was a Fox, she went out into the garden in the morning, and it was all overgrown with nettles. It was then that the Fox remembered that the Wolf was walking past her garden, and came up with it!

Let the Fox thinks, when the Wolf passes by, I will invite him to visit!

She went out in the morning to the garden, looks, and the Wolf runs past. She says to him: "The top is a gray barrel, come to visit me, we will drink tea with you."

The Wolf began to enter the garden and saw that the Fox had nettles in the garden, apparently, not visible. And he asked the fox: “Little fox, why do you need so many nettles in the garden? Why do you need it? " The fox was cunning and says to the Wolf: “nettles have magical properties. Whoever picks up nettles will stop being afraid and become the bravest beast in the forest. "

Here the Wolf says to Fox: "Can I rip it off, try it?" And the Fox says to him: “Just pick a little. In the meantime, I’ll go and put on the tea. “And Lisa went home. The wolf, meanwhile, plucked one twig of nettles and thinks: "No, you need to pick more to be the bravest beast of all."

So twig by twig, the Wolf plucked all the nettles from Fox in the garden. And the Fox at this time looked out the window as the Wolf tore the nettles. The wolf, having plucked the last twig, thought that the Fox would swear and ran away.

Lisa went out into the garden and was glad that she no longer had nettles in her garden !!!

Speech therapy tale "Bunny"

On the forest edge lived a hare and a hare with small hares. They had a vegetable garden near their house, where they grew vegetables with the sounds of P and Pb - tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, turnips, dill, parsley and carrots.

In the fall, the hare gathered a harvest and decided to sell part of the vegetables at the market, and keep some for himself. The hare kept the vegetables, in the name of which there is the sound Pb, - radishes, turnips. The hare decided to sell vegetables with the sound P in the name on the market - tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, parsley and carrots.

Early in the morning the hare went to the market. He walks, sings songs, and a hedgehog runs towards him with a large bag behind him.

"Hello, prickly!" - says the hare to the hedgehog.

"Hello, big-eared!" - the hedgehog answers.

"What's in your bag?" the hare asks.

“Toys for my hedgehogs,” the hedgehog answers.

“What kind of toys?” The hare asks.

“Yes, they are different,” says the hedgehog, “there are toys whose names have the sound Ж, but there are also those whose names include the sound Ш - cars, nesting dolls, losharikas, turntables, bears.”

The hare said goodbye to the hedgehog and went on. On the way, he met many familiar animals. First, he met those animals whose names began with a strong consonant - a wolf, a dog, a goat and a mouse. And then I met such animals, the names of which began with a soft consonant - a bear, a fox, a squirrel and a turtle.

And finally, the hare came to the market. He quickly sold his vegetables, and with the proceeds decided to buy various dishes for the house. From a raccoon, he bought such dishes, the names of which began with voiced consonants - forks, spoons, saucers.

And the hare bought dishes from the badger, the names of which begin with voiceless consonants - a saucepan, plates, a frying pan. In the evening, when the hare came home with new dishes, the hare and the bunnies were very happy with his purchases.

Assignments and Questions

1. Name what vegetables the hare grew in his garden?

2. Name what vegetables the hare was lucky to sell to the market?

3. What vegetables did the hare keep for himself?

4. What kind of toys with sound are you carrying a hedgehog for a hedgehog?

5. What familiar animals did the hare meet on the way?

6. What kind of dishes starts with voiced consonants?

7. What kind of dishes starts with voiceless consonants?

Speech therapy tale "Brave mosquito"

(for passive articulatory gymnastics)

Speech therapy tale Brave mosquito Once upon a time there was a mosquito. He did exercises every morning. And he cleaned his proboscis like this.

"Proboscis" 1

And then he smiled cheerfully at himself.

The lips are fixed with two fingers.

And all the insects that lived next to him.

The lips are fixed with four fingers.

But once a frog settled next to it, it opened its mouth wide and thus frightened insects very much.

The mosquito plucked up courage and flew to look at her. He made a terrible face, sparkling with a clean proboscis.

The upper lip is lifted so that the upper gum is exposed, the position is fixed with two fingers.

When the frog saw this, she was so confused, she even got scared and opened her mouth in surprise.

The lower lip is lowered so that the gums are exposed, the position is fixed with two fingers.

The frog immediately galloped away from these places and never returned. Insects began to trumpet victory in honor of the mosquito. Raised their tongues, welcoming the winner.

"Merry snake"

And the mosquito waved its clean proboscis in response.

The tongue protrudes forward.

Since then, all the insects in the morning began to clean their proboscis and pull their tongues forward.

Speech therapy tale "Lovely Obzhorka"

(to a set of exercises for practicing sounds [k] - [g] - [x])

Speech therapy tale Lovely Obzhorka Caterpillar Obzhorka wanted to eat all the time. She ate everything that came into her field of vision: leaves, flowers, twigs, and fruits. And when she had eaten, she fell asleep sweetly. And so it was every day. And then one day she woke up and froze with fear, an elephant was pulling its trunk towards her.


But our caterpillar was not taken aback and smiled back at the elephant.


Oh! What a polite elephant! I'll look at myself in the mirror, ”said the caterpillar. - Oh, what a pale look I have!

And the caterpillar decided to exercise so that it looks healthier when the elephant returns.

"Spatula" and "Needle"

She became very hungry and immediately began to eat. She ate, ate and ate ... But soon she again looked in the mirror and began to brush her teeth, waiting for the elephant.

"Let's clean the lower teeth"

Then Obzhorka got a little angry,

"The pussy is angry"

curled up into a coil and fell asleep sweetly.


It's time for Obzhorka to turn into a chrysalis. And the twig on which the doll was sitting, gently lulling her and swinging it up and down, like on a swing.


In one fine moment, the most beautiful butterfly flew out of the chrysalis, she was so beautiful that everyone around froze when she flew past. And one day she saw an elephant. She sat in his ear, and he held his breath so as not to frighten off such beauty.

Speech therapy tale "Hardworking ladybug"

(to a set of exercises for practicing sounds [w] - [w] - [u] - [h])

Speech therapy tale Hardworking ladybug Once upon a time there was a ladybug. One day she came out of her house and saw bright sun... And it saw a ladybug. Smiled and tickled her with warm rays. And when the sun lit up the back of the ladybug, everyone saw that she had no specks. All the insects in the neighborhood began to laugh at her.

What kind of ladybug you are if you don't have black spots, they said.

You're just a red beetle, ”the others echoed.

Even the sun disappeared behind the clouds. And the ladybug began to cry, but then the sun came out again-

looked. The ladybug stopped crying, put her face to the sun, and they began to smile at each other.


It takes a long time to get spots. Do not be afraid of difficulties, - said the sun and gave ladybug book.

The ladybug looked at her for a long time, then she began to do the exercises written in the book. At first she didn't succeed, but she pulled out the tongue and spanked it.

"Naughty tongue."

And he became as even as a spatula.


Soon a light cloud came and washed the ladybug with rain. But even then she was not at a loss: she folded her tongue with a cup


and took some rain water for tea. I drank some tea with a bagel


and back to work. She saw a horse in the pictures


cheerful painter,




and even an accordion.


The ladybug was so carried away by the work that she did not notice how black specks appeared on her back.

Ladybug, it's time to go to bed, - the sun turned to her.

Okay, honey, let me treat you to jam for such a wonderful book, - the ladybug answered cheerfully. They drank tea and jam

"Delicious jam"

and went to bed. The sun is over the hill, and the ladybug is under the fungus.


And in the morning a miracle happened! The ladybug flew out of her house and flew to the holiday, where all the inhabitants of the meadow gathered. There the dandelion Big Cheeks opened a new attraction. Everyone could go for a ride on a parachute.


The ladybug was the first to ask the dandelion for a ride, and then everyone saw that she had ... spots. They were round and shiny and looked so beautiful on the red back. Since then, all the inhabitants of the meadow have been visiting the ladybug: some to learn, some to look at a book.

Speech therapy tale "Mysterious butterfly"

(to the initial complex of articulatory gymnastics with erased dysarthria)

Speech therapy tale Mysterious butterfly beautiful butterfly everyone called the Riddle. Do you know why? Yes, because she was very fond of making riddles to everyone and not telling the answer. Once our butterfly flew and saw a chick. He sat under a bush and cried a lot, opening his beak at the same time.


And the butterfly says to him:

He appeared in a yellow fur coat:

Goodbye two shells!

Stopping crying, the chick said: "Is this about me?"

And the butterfly is all its own:

In the summer in the swamp

You will find her.

Green frog

Smiling from ear to ear.

The chick has already begun to smile like a frog.


Do you also know about something big? - he asked.

And then the butterfly was not taken aback:

This beast has a huge height,

The beast has a small tail behind,

The animal has a large tail in front.

Well, of course it's him!

Well, of course it is ...

Elephant! - the chick shouted cheerfully.


Now I see you are all right! Tell me why did you cry so loud? the butterfly asked.

I was left alone, that's why I cried.

There was a small spatula next to the chick. And the butterfly immediately asked a new riddle:

I walk next to the janitor

Raking snow around

And I help the guys

Make a slide, build a house.

This is about my shoulder blade.


I guessed it. Do you also know? the chick asked.

The butterfly invited the chick to go in search of its mother, but he has not yet learned to fly. Then the butterfly asked him the following riddle:

Today everything is rejoicing!

In the hands of the kids

They dance for joy


And the butterfly and chick began to inflate the balloon. Friends cheated him, but he was blown away anyway.

"Inflate the toy"

They even spanked their tongues,

"Naughty tongue."

but the ball was deflated anyway. And when the ball was deflated, a strong wind blew from it, so that all the feathers of the chick flew in different directions. The butterfly looked at him and says:

I do not wander through the woods,

And through the mustache, through the hair,

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears.

The little bird immediately guessed the riddle and combed his hair.


Then the friends swung on the swing.


And did not notice how the time passed.

And what always goes on, but does not leave the place? the butterfly asked.

And again the bird guessed the riddle. And then my mother flew in. She thanked the butterfly for wonderful riddles and invited me to visit her. This is how the mysterious butterfly found friends.

Speech therapy tale "The ill-bred mouse"

Speech therapy tale The ill-mannered mouse There lived an ill-mannered mouse in the forest. He didn't say good morning to anyone and Good night". All the animals in the forest got angry with him - they don't want to be friends with him. The mouse became sad. He went to his mother and asked: "How can I make peace with all the animals in the forest?" Mom answers him that you need to be polite with everyone. The mouse decided to improve, brushed his teeth,

"Let's brush our teeth"

combed his hair.


He sees a bunny swinging on a swing.


He went and squeaked loudly: “ Good morning

The bunny smiled and treated the mouse to a carrot. The little mouse was delighted and went on. A snake is crawling towards him, holding a weight in its tongue, so that it is strong.


And he greeted her. The snake was surprised and dropped the weight. The mouse really liked to be polite. He ran on to say hello to someone else. He sees a crow sitting on a tree, holding a bagel in his mouth.


The mouse loudly shouted to her: "Good morning!" The crow croaked back at him and flew off to tell everyone that the mouse had become polite.

And the little mouse kept running through the forest, shouting "good morning" to everyone, and was so tired that he stumbled and rolled down the hill.


I almost fell into the water. Well, the fence stopped him, which the frogs built.


He rested, looked around, saw: the frogs were jumping, inviting him to play with them.

But the mouse has no time to play - he has not wished everyone a good morning yet. He runs through the forest and sees: on a tree bat woke up. "Good morning!" - the mouse shouts to her. "It's already evening," the bat answers, "good evening, little mouse!" And the little mouse whistled merrily, like a locomotive.

"The engine is whistling"

And he ran home so that my mother would not worry that he had been gone for so long.

Who will help the sparrow

The little sparrow did not obey its mother, went to the edge of the nest, opened its mouth wide, gape and fell out of it.


He got scared, wanted to fly back into the nest, but it was high on a tree, and the tree was on a hill.


The sparrow began to run around the tree, flap its wings, but could not take off - he was still small, he did not learn to fly. The sparrow sat down and cried loudly. What should he do? A snake crawled past.

"Merry snake"

Help me, - asks the sparrow, - I fell out of the nest.

I would be glad to help you, - answered the snake, - but I have no hands, how can I put you in a nest? Follow the path, you will find help there. - And crawled away.

The little sparrow wept even more, but went. A frog rolls the coil towards him.


He jumped around, but how can he help? Mother-sparrow heard crying - she flies around him, mournfully tweets, but can not pick up her son. The horse galloped past, framed its hoof,


so that a sparrow could climb a tree along it, but this did not help either. All grieve together, but they can not think of anything. They hear a woodpecker knocking.


They called him, ask for advice. The woodpecker thought and said:

I know what to do. Go up the stairs and call the children, they have hands, and they can climb trees. They will help you.

So they decided. A sparrow jumped up the steps and sees: the guys are playing football,

"Kick the ball into the goal"

asked them for help. The guys ran up and carried the sparrow to the nest. He no longer fell, and when he learned to fly, he flew to the guys and chirped cheerfully near them - he thanked.

Speech therapy tale "Hare-gardener"

Speech therapy fairy tale Gardener Hare This story happened in the most ordinary forest. And the most ordinary hare became her hero. And it all happened like this. Once a hare was galloping through the forest. And on the bushes, only the first leaves appeared. Hungry for the wild beasts. What to do? And then the hare remembered that people themselves grow food in their gardens. He decided to start a vegetable garden. He took a shovel and went to the clearing.


The bunny digs the ground and sings songs. He hears - someone hisses nearby:

Hey hare, what are you doing here?

I dig a vegetable garden to grow food for the whole year, - the hare answers.

The snake was surprised at first, and then raised its head, examined everything and praised the hare.

"Merry snake"


“Well done,” the squirrel was surprised and immediately gave advice:

Just do not forget to make the beds to make it beautiful. - And she fluffed her tail and rode further through the trees.

Only the squirrel left - the bear walks and carries a jar of jam.

"Delicious jam"

He immediately understood what the hare was doing, he often looked into the garden to people. I went up to him and gave reasonable advice:

Look, you can't eat the seedlings. And then I'll come to see what you grow. - And the clubfoot left.

Songs are performed: "a", "o", "u", "i", "s", "e".

And before the very evening he looks - the wolf is walking, carrying a cup.

Oh, hare, what a fine fellow you are! the wolf gasped. - What a thought! Just don’t forget to water your cabbage, here’s a cup for you.


The hare laughed, but took the cup. Until the very night, the hayat dug, and in the morning he also made a bridge so that it would be more convenient to draw water for irrigation with a ladle.


All summer the hare worked: watered, weeded, protected the garden from harmful caterpillars. And when autumn came, everyone saw that the cabbage was born wonderfully well. The hare cut off the cabbage, folded it, and it turned out to be a whole slide. I had to invite the horse to treat all the animals and breed them in their burrows.


Next spring we decided to make a garden even more, and all the animals will help. Only one snake hissed because it doesn't like cabbage.

The song of the snake is sung: "sh-sh-sh".

Speech therapy tale "About the Blot"

Speech therapy tale about the Blob

"Tongue on the balcony"

Why? Because when it appeared, everyone considered it his duty to exclaim: “What a horror! What a fat and ugly black Blot! " Who would like this? That is why she preferred to sit in the hollow. But is it good to sit alone? Boring!

She decided to dress up. Then she went to the store, bought paints and painted her hat.


But everyone who saw her waved their hands again and shouted: "What a terrible Blot in an orange hat!"

"Tongue on the balcony"

Then Blot bought blue paint and dyed her skirt.


But no one appreciated this either. She heard again: "What a huge Blot in a blue skirt!" She was very offended, took it and painted her hollow with the remaining paint. She tried very hard, and the hollow became cozy and beautiful.

"Hide the candy" and "Brush our teeth"

And our Blot wanted to go for a walk to a holiday or visit. I took a yellow paint and painted it in a bright sunny color.


Imagine! Of course, she liked herself in this outfit. But as soon as she appeared on the street, everyone who met her shouted in horror: “What a yellow blot! Like a pancake! "


At this time, the Owl-wise head flew by.


The owl did not recognize the Blot in a new outfit and a new home. It seemed to the owl that this was not a Blot at all. “Hello, dear and beautiful Stranger! - said the Owl politely. "Are you a relative of the Moon by any chance?" For the first time in my life I heard the blot good words and smiled. She was very pleased that she was mistaken for the moon. And together they went to swing on the swing.


Fairy tales are of great educational and educational value for children of all ages. Speech therapy tales are of particular importance.

Speech therapy tales are those tales that provide significant assistance in working with children experiencing certain difficulties in speech development... The main purpose of using speech therapy tales is to prepare children with speech disorders for school. Fairy tales facilitate the solution of such tasks as the formation of correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception and coherent speech, the enrichment of the vocabulary, the prevention of the appearance of specific errors in writing, the development of attention, thinking, memory, imagination and communication skills.





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Once upon a time there was a Tongue, and he wanted to go to the zoo. And we will go with him: we will depict all the animals that the tongue meets.

So Tongue came to the zoo and saw that in the pond someone was sitting huge, like a mountain, and his mouth opened wide. It was ... a hippopotamus. Come on and we will turn into hippos and open our mouths wide.


Open your mouth wider,

We play hippos:

Open our mouth wide

Like a hungry hippo.

You cannot close it,

Yes, I count five.

And then we close our mouth-

The hippopotamus is resting.

O. Perova


We imitate frogs:

We pull the lips straight to the ears.

Are you pulling your lips now -

I will see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop

And we will not get tired at all.


I will imitate an elephant!

I pull my lips with a "proboscis".

Now letting them go

And I return it to its place.

I admired the Tongue elephant and went to another cage. And there is no one there, only a long rubber hose lying in the middle. But suddenly the hose began to move, and Tongue saw that it was ... a snake. Let's pretend to be a snake!


We imitate the snake

We will be on a par with her:

Let's stick out our tongue and hide

Only in this way, and not otherwise.

Tongue watched the snake and walked on. He sees that the horse is rolling the children. I wanted to ride myself: "Horse, will you ride me?" And the horse answers: "Of course!" Tongue sat on a horse, shouted "but!" and galloped off. Let's show how Tongue rode a horse.


I'm a funny horse

Dark as a chocolate bar.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the sound of hooves.

Tongue rode, got off the horse and suddenly saw himself in the mirror: “Oh, how shaggy I have become! Probably, he was racing very fast on a horse! We need to comb our hair! " Tongue took out a comb and began to comb his hair. Let's show you how he did it.


I am friends with hair

I am putting them in order.

I am grateful for my hairstyle.

And my name is ... hairbrush.

He put Tongue in order and suddenly thought: isn't it time for him to go home? We need to find out what time it is. Show how the watch works!


Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The tongue swayed so

Like a pendulum of a clock.

Are you ready to play at the clock?

Recognized Tongue what time it is. Unfortunately, it was too late: it was time to return home. And a gift for mom? I bought Tongue a few balloons and began to inflate them, but, unfortunately, some of them burst. Show how Tongue inflated balloons.


I inflated a balloon.

He was bitten by a mosquito.

The balloon burst. No problem!

I'll blow a new balloon.

The end, and who listened and did a GOOD MAN !!!