
Calendar plans 2 ml. Pediatric development. GCD. Speech development. "The bunny is jumping"


Ekaterina Kulikanova (Sorvacheva)
Planning on the topic “My kindergarten” in the second younger group

Subject: "My kindergarten»

Target: Arouse in children the joy of being in kindergarten: develop children's understanding of kindergarten, as the closest sociocultural surrounded: about employees kindergarten , subject environment, about the rules of behavior in preschool educational institutions; to form friendly, friendly relationships between children, between children and employees kindergarten; promote the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by involving children in joint activities.

Final event: Entertainment “It’s good in our garden”, Photo album "Our beloved kindergarten» .

Morning Situational conversation on the topic "What do we like to do in kindergarten» . Target: to develop in children the skill of listening to their interlocutor, Didactic a game: "Journey through group» Target: introduce children to group, objects and corners located in group, learn to express your thoughts. Individual Job: "Say it the other way around" Target: continue to develop perseverance and endurance. (Miroslav, Anyuta, Seraphim). Morning exercises.

Observing the work of an assistant teacher.

Target: consolidate knowledge about the work of a nanny (washes, arranges dishes); develop a desire to help adults. Working with paired pictures “What does it look like? Independent activity of children in activity centers. Encourage children to play a variety of games.

GCD 1. Drawing.

Subject: "Our beautiful group»

Target: introduce children to brush, gouache, water and paper.

To promote the development of noticing the mood prevailing in group, and display it in colors. Allow children to choose their own colors. Develop a desire to paint with a brush.

Methods: verbal (conversation, practical (working with gouache).

Facilities: Landscape sheet, gouache, napkins

2. Reading fiction.

Subject: “Reading a poem by A. Blok "Bunny". Memorizing a poem by A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come"

Target: help children remember A. Pleshcheev’s poem "Autumn has come", develop the ability to understand the content of a poetic text, connect it with real pictures of nature. Arouse sympathy for the bunny, cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Methods: verbal (reading a poem, retelling for children, memorizing a poem

Facilities: poem by A. Blok "Bunny", poem by A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come"


Observation: Behind the site kindergarten

Target: draw children’s attention to the changes that have occurred in nature with the flowers, trees, and shrubs known to them that are located on the territory kindergarten.

Labor activity : Watering sand for play. Target: to develop the ability to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, to encourage adults to provide assistance

Outdoor game: "Find your house"

Target: to develop the ability to navigate in space, to run around one group.

Didactic game : "What changed?" Target: Develop memory, observation, attention.

Tour of kindergarten"Meeting wonderful people" Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the people around them. Gymnastics after sleep.

Situational conversation about how I like it in the garden. Target: develop in children the ability to reason and express their thoughts about what they see. Work in cognitive center: Mosaic is a game for developing fine motor skills. Introducing a board-printed game "Lotto".

Walk in the evening

Bird watching. Target: to form in children general ideas about birds, to introduce certain species of birds. Outdoor game "Run to the flag". Target: develop children’s ability to perform play actions and navigate in space. Develop the ability to correctly perform basic movements when running. Conversation "We always play together". Target: cultivate friendly relationships, develop a sense of empathy, develop basic skills in resolving controversial situations.

Morning Situational conversation "How to behave at the table". Target: cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Didactic game: "Choose by color" Target: consolidate ideas about four colors. Learn to highlight colors, distracting from other features of the object.

Construction from wooden construction kit parts. Target: develop children's constructive abilities.

Individual work : Word game “Does this happen or not?”- development logical thinking. (Katya, Kostya, Polina. M). Morning exercises.

Situational conversation about the rules of conduct in group. Target: to cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards each other, to promote the establishment of emotional contact.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills: Saying nursery rhymes “Water, water, wash my face”- while washing. Game based on a fairy tale "Turnip". Independent games with table theater figures.

Drawing "My favorite toys"

GCD 1. Musical activity. (see music director appendix)

2. Design

Subject: "Tower".

Target: consolidate children’s ability to add parts by increasing the height of the building (4-5 parts, select a flag that matches the color of the building. Teach to build according to verbal instructions, play with buildings. Develop speech activity

Methods: verbal (conversation, explanation) visual (examination).

Facilities: wooden constructor.

3. Physical culture. (see physical instructor appendix)

Walk of Observation: Observation of dew.

Target: introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as dew.

Didactic game “Which flower does the dew lie on?”- describe the proposed flower.

Target: develop the ability to select adjectives, enrich your vocabulary.

Finger game "Flowers"

Outdoor game: "Sparrows and the car". Target: to promote the development of children to run quickly at a signal, but not bump into each other, start moving and change it at a signal from the teacher, find their place.

Labor activity: Clear the sandbox of leaves. Target: to develop children’s ability to help adults and respect the work of a janitor.

Evening Individual work on the sound culture of speech with Kostya. M, Miroslav. Z, Arseny. WITH: « Balloon» Target: activate sound in speech "sh".

Labor activity: Teach Sasha. C. wipe the ficus leaves. Target: cultivate a desire to care for plants and help adults. Gymnastics after sleep.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: Gaming situation: “Let’s show the bear where our things are”. Target: to develop in children the ability to be careful with their things. Learning nursery rhymes "Bunny Egorka" Target: develop voluntary memory, speech. Creating a situation by experimental activities “The sand is warm. I feel grains of sand, but what do you feel? (organization of experiment with sand)

Walk in the evening Watching the sky. Target: to develop the ability in children to note that the sky is blue, white clouds are slowly floating across it. Independent activity with remote equipment.

Outdoor game "Traps". Target: exercise children in running, develop the ability to maintain a given direction of movement.

Experimental games with sand “What kind of sand can you build from, why?” Target: introduce children to the properties of sand, develop basic experimentation skills.

Week planning: “Fairy tales” in the second junior group No. 2

Creating conditions for the implementation of the theme of the week.Book corner: Looking at illustrations in books,

Design of a thematic exhibition. Posting in the book corner r.n.s.

Center for board and printed games: games of the child’s choice (puzzles, mosaics), (lotto, fourth wheel, classification, generalization, etc.).

Center for Children's Creativity: enrichment of coloring books with images of R.N.S. heroes, templates, stencils, coloring books by theme, pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens.

Enrichment of the subject-development environment with illustrations and pictures according to R.N.S.

Drawing, modeling at the request of the child.

Listening to music (from cartoons based on R.N.S.).

Center for theatrical games: equipping with hats. Acting out small plots of familiar fairy tales.

Final event: table theater "Kolobok"

Interaction with parents: Joint creativity of children and parents “Through the pages of favorite fairy tales.” Goal: to attract parents to joint visual arts with children at home.

(Making an illustrated book), consultation “The role of fairy tales in the lives of preschool children.”

Monday 6.02.

1 half day


2 half day

Duty in a natural corner: watering plants, loosening the soil as needed (Tanya, Vanya)

Reading RNS“Geese - Swans” Goal: learn to listen carefully, empathize with the heroes of the fairy tale, and answer questions.

Ball game"Animals and their young"

Goal: to consolidate the names of baby animals in children’s speech, consolidate word formation skills, develop dexterity, attention, and memory.

Looking at illustrations to friends fairy tales

C: instill love for folk art, recognize, name fairy tale

Developing k/g skills behave culturally at the table (eat carefully and independently, chew food thoroughly, use a spoon, hold it in your right hand, do not crumble, wipe your mouth with a napkin in a timely manner, without reminders), when leaving the table, quietly push up your chair, thank adults; Morning exercises

Cognitive- “Journey to the land of fairy tales” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge of content and Russian heroes folk tales“Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.

Observation behind the roadway

Objectives: – consolidate knowledge about the roadway – highway; note the wide variety of cars and their names; form an idea of ​​the rules traffic.

P/n: “Burners” Purpose: to teach to follow the rules of the game, to act on the teacher’s signal.

“Obstacle course” Objectives: to teach to coordinate movements with each other; develop an eye.-

Work assignments- Raking snow with shovels, clearing paths.

Goal: to teach how to achieve a task through joint efforts,

Ind. Slave.- D/i “Compare” C: learn to find twigs different lengths, thickness. (Milena, Sonya, Aliana)

Development of basic Movements-“Over a hummock” - learn to land on bent legs (Daniil, Katya D, Aliana)

2 walk

Outdoor games "Snow Carousel". Purpose: to practice local orientation.

"Traps with a ball." Goal: develop coordination of movements

Create conditions for board and printed games with fairy-tale characters.

"Guess the fairy tale"

“What kind of fairy tale is this?”

"Cubes with fairy tales." Goal: Development of memory, attentiveness, fine motor skills.

Reading Russian folk fairy tales“Cat, Rooster and Blackbird”: develop interest in folk art, listen carefully fairy tale.

Tuesday 7.02.

1 half day


2 half day

Conversation"What do they teach us? fairy tales?: cultivate positive character qualities in children - kindness, attentiveness, courage, bravery.

Toys out of the box

Goals: to involve in game situation; please children with an interesting story; wake motor activity children in free dance.

Finger game"Our children are friends..."

Our children are friends

Girls and boys.

We'll make friends with you

Little fingers.

Purpose: Ask your child to remember and tell what hands are for. “In order to do all this, the fingers must be nimble, fast, and skillful.

Nursery rhymes, jokes:“Cockerels”, “What are you doing, hare?” “Spanking in single file.” Goals: Continue to introduce nursery rhymes and jokes. Clarify children’s knowledge about nursery rhymes. Teach children to expressively convey the movements of characters.

Dramatization game: “Masha is having lunch.”

Goal: Strengthen the ability to eat carefully, improve food culture skills.

teach children to be polite, form respectful attitude to each other; create situations that promote the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others

1. Speech development -

Retelling the fairy tale “Turnip” Goal: to teach children, together with adults, to retell the fairy tale “Turnip”, to learn to correctly name the quality of objects according to their meaning, to consolidate the names of baby animals in the active dictionary, to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Club work“I, you, we” (according to planning) - “Pinocchio visiting children” summary

Observation -behind the sun Goals: continue to get acquainted with natural phenomena; give an idea of ​​the signs of winter. Reading a nursery rhyme and performing the corresponding movements

“The legs started walking - tramp, tramp, tramp!

Right along the path - top, top, top!

Come on, more fun - top, top, top!

That's how we do it - top, top, top!

Boots stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp!

These are our legs. Goal: To develop the ability to monitor the development of an action; create conditions for memorizing nursery rhymes.

Work- Preparing bird food together with the teacher.

Goals: to teach children, with the help of adults, to feed birds, to develop fine motor skills, cultivate desire participate in bird care

P/i-“Who will reach the flag faster?” Goal: to teach to perform actions strictly according to the teacher’s signal

P/n:“Sparrows and the car” - development of motor activities

Development of basic Movements- Throwing cones into the distance – Sonya, Tanya, Maxim, Daniil

Ind. Job– D/i “Guess the fairy-tale hero from his cue”

(Yarik B., Andrey)

2 walk

p/n "On the sleigh." Goal: to practice running in different directions and the ability to navigate in space. "Knock the ball down." Goal: teach throwing a ball while running, perform tasks on command.

Examination of illustrations for S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Teremok”. Goal: To teach children to look at illustrations, conduct a conversation, answer questions, and develop dialogic speech.

Ind. Slave with Fedya Sh. D/i “Pyramid” Goal: Continue to teach how to assemble a pyramid of 4-5 rings of the same color, successively decreasing in size; develop finer differentiation when selecting objects in decreasing order.

S/r. "Kindergarten"

Goal:: to expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees.

Ind. Slave. D/i “Find a pair” (mittens, boots, gloves) – develop attention, consolidate knowledge about the color, shape and size of objects

Wednesday 8.02.

1 half day


2 half day

Looking at the exhibition of books in the book corner.

D/i “Guess the fairy tale from the illustration”

A dramatization of A. Prokofiev’s poem “Like on a hill, on a mountain.” Like on a hill, on a mountain, On a wide, in a yard, Some on sleds, Some on skis, Some higher, Some lower. Some are quieter, Some take a running start, Some are on the ice, And some are in the snow. From the hill - wow, Up the hill wow! Thump! Breathtaking! Goals: to involve children in the performance, to give an emotionally positive charge; learn to retell the story.

Developing k/g skills Accustom to leaving the table only after finishing a meal, thank adults.

FEMP- “Visiting a fairy tale” Objectives:
Continue the formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification).
Form ideas about the properties of objects: color, shape, size. The ability to identify and explain signs of similarity and difference between objects, and to combine them into groups based on common characteristics.
Reinforce the concepts of one and many.
Develop the skill of answering questions completely.

Physical Culture-Target: improving basic types of movements through story-based physical education classes, developing in children the need for active motor activity.

Tasks: secure in game form skills of performing cyclic exercises (running, walking, jumping, crawling in a group under a rope, crawling on all fours, stepping over; induce a positive emotional mood in children.

Observation- behind the trees

Objectives: to develop knowledge about plant life in winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

P/n- “Hares and the wolf.” Goals: to teach to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps

and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place.

P/i- "The snow is spinning"

Goal: Learn to correlate your own actions with actions game participants. Develop auditory attention, motor activity. Cultivate a desire to play outdoor games.

Ind. Job- consolidation of concepts - the same, equally, as much as with Alina, Andrey

Work- Removing snow from benches and tables in the area.

Goal: To teach how to use tools for their intended purpose.

Development basic \movement.- practice running along a narrow path, between lines with acceleration and deceleration. (Sonya, Yarik M. Katya P)

2 walk

"Run to the flag" - teach to perform actions strictly according to the teacher’s signal. To develop children's attention and ability to distinguish colors. Practice running and walking.

D/I “Assemble a fairy tale” Purpose: to teach how to assemble a whole from several parts

Coloring on the theme "Fairy Tales".

Examination of illustrations for fairy tales by different artists.

Dramatization game. "Three Bears". involve children in dramatizing the plot; teach to listen to the text carefully, following the actions of the teacher; learn to perform actions independently.

D/i “Arrange the heroes according to fairy tales” (Turnip, Kolobok)

Goal: Development of thinking abilities. The ability to distinguish whether characters belong to a particular fairy tale.

Thursday 9.02

1 half day


2 half day

Conversation: Books need to be protected"

Looking at illustrations in books.

Goal: to continue to teach children to look at their favorite books and illustrations, to teach them to enjoy meeting a book and familiar characters; consolidate the ability to convey your impressions to peers.

Help to understand the purpose of nursery rhymes, jokes, pesters

“People really need sleep.” To develop children’s interest in their health; learn to take care of yourself; consolidate knowledge that sleep is necessary for a person, remember the rules of behavior before bedtime; develop the ability to make simple conclusions. GAME "LET'S PUT THE BEAR TO SLEEP"

Goal: to introduce the child to object-game actions with a bear, the functional purpose of the bed, to form imitative actions

Physical Culture

To evoke a positive emotional response to sports exercises in children, to instill a love for physical culture;

Foster a desire to engage in physical exercise;

Improve the sense of rhythm and musicality;

Be able to imitate the said heroes, form a motor culture.

Iso -“Kolobok on the window” Purpose: to teach children to create an expressive image of a kolobok using the appliqué technique: sticking on the finished shape and drawing in the details with pencils. Show window design options - draw curtains, decorative elements for shutters. Develop a sense of composition form.

Observation for the properties of snow

Goal: continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow (cold, white, crunchy). Labor activity

Shoveling snow from the path.

Goal: to teach how to use shoulder blades correctly.

Outdoor games

"Counter dashes."

Goal: develop accuracy, agility, endurance.

P/i “Geese-geese” Purpose: to consolidate words, teach to play by the rules.

Work Clearing paths of snow. Purpose: To expand children's understanding of winter natural phenomena; teach children to carry out simple work tasks; teach correctly, use spatulas.

Development Basic movement.- jumping up from a place” to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

2 walk.P/i “Cat and Mice” Purpose: to teach coordinated actions at the teacher’s signal, to practice running.

Games with building materials: building a magic castle (boys)

View illustrations to L. Tolstoy’s books “The Three Bears”, “The Wolf and the Little Goats” Purpose: To teach children to carefully examine illustrations to fairy tales without stopping, to recognize and name the characters of fairy tales.

Role-playing game: “Going to the toy store” to develop the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another. Develop interest in various types games. Foster a desire to unite to play in groups of 2-3 people based on personal sympathies.”

Learn to roll out sticks from plasticine - Zakhar, Fedya. Vania

Friday 02/03

1 half day


2 half day

Work in a corner of nature: inspection of the ground, conversation about how to find out if a flower is thirsty, help in watering flowers (Lisa, Sonya)

Reading fiction. “Bull-black barrel, white hooves” Purpose: To teach to listen carefully, answer questions about what you read.

Di Guess what's in your hand

Goal: Find out the named object using one of the analyzers.

A game“Who is screaming?”

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​domestic animals, to teach children to imitate their voices; learn to retell the plot of a familiar fairy tale

Musical (according to the plan of the musical director)

Modeling (applique) -"Bowls for three bears." Teaching children how to make bowls different sizes using the technique of rolling out plasticine in a circular motion. Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. Reinforce the concepts of “big”, “smaller”, “small”, “more”, “less”.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers, memory, vocabulary

To cultivate aesthetic feelings, neatness, and a friendly attitude towards others.

Observation-How are passers-by dressed?

Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve goals through joint efforts.

Ind. Slave.with Nikita, Vanya, Katya P.-

D/ game “Long - short”

Goal: to develop in children a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of size.

P/i -"Living Labyrinth"

Goals: learn to form double rows, make a wide circle; train coherence of collective actions, speed of reaction and ingenuity.

P/n - “The little white bunny is sitting” Purpose. Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Work- Removing snow into buckets. Goals: to learn how to correctly fill a bucket with snow to a certain level, to bring the job started to the end, to learn to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop motor activity, to cultivate hard work.

Development Basic Movement- practice jumping on two legs moving forward at a distance of 2-3 meters.

2 walk

P/i “Cat and Mice” Goal : teach coordinated actions at the teacher’s signal, practice running.

Ind. Working with children (on an individual route - PMPC folders)

Assignments related to household work Arrange toys. Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge of the order in which toys are stored. Cultivate neatness, independence, careful attitude towards toys and objects, desire to work

Poetry games.

Goal: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently look for expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture

The effectiveness of interaction with children within the educational process depends not only on the content, but also on the level of organization. The latter is determined by the planning framework. Therefore, the teacher needs to clearly understand the types of plans, the features of their preparation, in order to harmoniously fill each stage of their development with useful and important materials, and also be able to organize their work according to the scheme. Let's consider the methodological subtleties of writing a calendar-thematic plan for the second youngest group (children 3–4 years old).

Why do you need planning in kindergarten?

A work program structuring the activities of a preschool educational institution(DOW), is implemented in portions, which is determined by the work plan, in which the content of the educational process is distributed by hour (day, week). The level of detail of the plan is embodied in its different types:

  • a long-term plan is drawn up in order to get a general idea of ​​the number of hours allocated for familiarization with topics and their development within different areas of education (cognitive, gaming, etc.);
  • the calendar plan is designed to group topics according to the hours per week allocated for each type of activity for preschoolers;
  • the calendar-thematic plan is more detailed in comparison with the previous one, since in it the types of interaction within the framework of topics are prescribed for all types of classes (acquaintance with the outside world, physical education, etc.);
  • the block plan groups topics from different educational areas and describes the types of activities when studying them (for example, the group of topics “I am a person” includes the topics “Parts of the body”, “Imagine of oneself”, etc.);
  • a comprehensive thematic plan is written to indicate the essence of each type of activity when studying a particular topic;
  • a daily plan is necessary for a detailed description of activities, their goals with the progress of implementation in the context of a specific topic at all levels of mastering the material - acquaintance with new information, its practical understanding.

Any type of planning is aimed at organizing work with children in all types of activities

The essence of the calendar-thematic plan

Most detailed instructions To conduct classes, there is a plan drawn up for each day, but to create it, the teacher needs to carefully familiarize himself with the types of work, their goals when studying one topic, that is, analyze the calendar-thematic plan.

This is interesting. Drawing up a plan and following it in work is the responsibility of the teacher. And control of the practical implementation of the prescribed scheme remains with the senior teacher, methodologist and director of the preschool educational institution.

Table: mission calendar-thematic plan

Target ComponentsWhat specific educational issues does it help solve?
  • Create conditions for practical implementation educational program, according to which the preschool educational institution coordinates its work;
  • improve the level of professional skill of the teacher, for whom drawing up a plan is a way of modeling different types of work with students;
  • find optimal combinations of methods and techniques of educational interaction with children;
  • determine elements of the subject-development environment that are suitable for studying a specific topic
  • Find a suitable way to integrate educational areas based on the play area, which is most suitable for children 3–4 years old;
  • choose the optimal combination of techniques in different types of interaction with children based on their personal characteristics (for example, in groups where there are many too slow children, physical education minutes in classes should not be too calm, it is better to give preference to exercises for training running and jumping);
  • change the number of ways to interact with children depending on the level of their general development;
  • transform the plan through the use of different teaching tools (for example, when learning about the topic “Mushrooms,” children not only see pictures, but also illustrate fairy-tale scenes on the topic with figures on a flannelgraph, that is, on a board covered with flannel or other plain white fabric)

A calendar-thematic plan helps you choose methods of interaction with children, based on their personal characteristics.

What are calendar-thematic planning objects

Since the purpose of the calendar-thematic plan is to regulate the sequence of acquaintance with topics according to different types directly educational activities, then the objects of this type of planning will be classes on:

  • formation complete picture peace;
  • speech development;
  • familiarization with the surrounding world;
  • fine arts (drawing, appliqué sculpting);
  • physical education;
  • music;
  • reading fiction.

Methodological techniques necessary for the calendar-thematic plan

In the plan, a specific combination of techniques is selected for each topic, allowing an adult to effectively interact with children in all types of activities. Therefore, the teacher varies the techniques of the four blocks:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical;
  • gaming

Let's look at specific examples of their implementation.

When drawing up a plan, the teacher takes into account verbal, visual, practical, and playful ways of interacting with students

Verbal techniques block

The word of adults, perceived by children 3–4 years old by ear, is essential for their speech development. It helps children replenish their vocabulary, transferring it from passive to active through attempts to construct their own monologue statements, as well as gain ideas about combinations of words in phrases and sentences (not only simple ones, like last year, but also complex ones). All this makes a group of speech techniques a mandatory element that accompanies any (!) type of interaction between children.


In children 3–4 years old personal experience in any area there is too little to do without an explanation from an adult on how to solve this or that problem: learning to jump rope, hold a pencil or play football. In addition, the explanation also performs a disciplinary function: the children learn to first listen, think, and only then act.

In the second younger group, explanations should be drawn up at a level understandable to children (familiar words, sentences with a simple syntactic structure, etc.). If we are talking about explaining instructions, for example, the rules of a game, then the teacher needs to remind them of their essence every time before starting play activity and whenever possible use the same set of words and sentences.

Explanations accompany other types of techniques, including visual ones, when, for example, a teacher explains to children what is shown in the picture


This speech technique for children 3–4 years old may seem irrelevant, but this is not entirely true. Anyone who has encountered the study foreign language, knows that its assimilation occurs faster and better if the student is “in the environment,” that is, he assimilates speech in casual communication, which in 90% of cases is carried out in a dialogical form. Considering this condition in the context of children of the second younger group, who are actively mastering the vocabulary of their native language and its grammar, we conclude: if children are included in conversation and dialogue, then mastering the skill of correct speech will go faster.

In my practice, I begin to introduce the technique of conversation gradually, first asking children to answer questions with one or two words and over time leading them to compose answers of 1-2 sentences. For example, when we start studying the topic “Vegetables” at the beginning school year, updating existing knowledge, that is, the introductory stage of the lesson on getting to know the world around us, I conduct in the form of a conversation on the following questions:

  • “What color is a cucumber?”
  • “What does a tomato look like?”
  • “What does watermelon taste like?”