
Revitalize old skin on hands. How to restore the health of the skin of the hands? How to moisturize your hands at home


Very often, a modern woman does not have enough time to come to grips with her appearance, and hand care in this case is generally minimized. But it is the hands that give out the true age of a woman. They have a huge load, they are more exposed to negative factors - mechanical stress, the influence of chemicals that we encounter every day at home and at work. All this leads to premature aging of the skin of the hands, the appearance of wrinkles, age spots. How to restore the skin of the hands at home? Let's take a closer look at this topic in this article.

How to prevent premature aging of the skin on the hands?

To get started, we suggest you take advantage of some tips from professionals:

  • Include fish, fresh vegetables, flax seeds, nuts in your diet. They will saturate your body with vitamins necessary for the skin.
  • Use gloves when cleaning when using household chemicals.
  • After cleaning, wash your hands, apply nourishing cream.
  • Use in winter fat cream for hands, and in the summer in the heat, use sunscreen.
  • Systematically make masks, baths for hands.
  • In winter, try not to leave the house without gloves, as keeping your hands warm is the best prevention of skin peeling and brittle nails.

Important! Hand rejuvenation should be carried out systematically. This can be considered as a treatment, and any treatment is a complex of various daily procedures, medication, proper nutrition.

For hand care, there are two options for such activities - prevention and recovery.


Prevention is the daily protection of hands from adverse factors. It is at this stage that it is worth remembering to protect your hands with gloves and a nourishing cream.

Important! If you do not like to work with gloves, then apply protective cream, such as “Silicone”, which will prevent most of the harmful substances from penetrating into the skin.

As a preventive measure, you can:

  • Use olive or vegetable oil. It is enough to rub it into the skin once to provide protection for several hours.
  • In order to prevent premature aging skin, it needs to be nourished, moisturized, massaged daily. Do prophylactic hand baths. While taking the bath, you need to lightly massage your hands, you can use a facial scrub. Then rinse your hands with soap and apply a nourishing cream to which you can add a few drops of lemon juice. This will restore whiteness to the skin of the hands.

Bath mix options:

  • decoction of nettle, calendula - cleanses pores, heals microcracks;
  • sea ​​salt - relieves irritation;
  • milk - cleanses pores, eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • infusion of blueberries, blackberries - tightens pores, strengthens blood vessels;
  • cabbage pickle with flax seeds - heals cracks, softens the skin of the hands;
  • decoction of St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves and berries - tones the skin, relieves inflammation, gives the skin softness and elasticity.

Important! You can add a few drops of aromatic oil, such as grapefruit, to the bath.


This is an important stage that cannot be described in a few lines, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

Cosmetic procedures

Modern beauty parlors or nail salons have many different offers to solve this problem. If you are going to use their services, then entrust this matter to professionals. You should not contact a person about whom you know nothing and there are no reviews.

Important! Remember, a professional master will test the composition for allergies before starting the procedure, while an amateur will not do this.

An unknown cream or composition applied to the skin can give an unexpected reaction and instead of tightening and refreshing the skin of your hands, you will get an appointment with a dermatologist.

So, how to quickly restore the skin of the hands and what can the salon offer us?

  • Chemical peel hands are offered to women who have crossed the thirty-five-year milestone. This procedure allows you to quickly restore the balance of collagen and tighten the skin. It is carried out with the use of massage oils.
  • Mechanical peeling is offered to women after 40 years. This is a mechanical resurfacing of the skin using magnesium oxide crystals, which removes the top layer of the epidermis, thereby improving blood circulation.
  • Biorevitation is a subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid. The result is noticeable after the first procedure. The skin is smoothed, becomes elastic, fine wrinkles disappear and the subcutaneous water balance is restored.
  • The laser rejuvenation procedure effectively tightens and refreshes the skin of the hands.

Recovery at home

There are several simple procedures that it is advisable to carry out 1-2 times a week so that the skin becomes soft and velvety:

  • Don't throw away coffee grounds- This is an excellent tool that removes the top dead layer. In addition, it refreshes and tightens the skin. Just rub the thick into the skin, leave to dry, and then rinse with warm water. After that, smear your hands with a nourishing cream.
  • Vegetable masks will help saturate the skin with vitamins - cucumbers and carrots are well suited for this purpose. Vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater, a little olive or olive oil is added to the gruel. vegetable oil. Apply to the skin for 10 minutes, rinse with water, then treat with a nourishing cream.

Important! This mask is also suitable for the face.

  • Lemon juice is an excellent tool for rejuvenating and tightening the skin - it is used as an additive in hand masks. Mix one yolk with a spoonful of olive oil and add lemon juice to it. Apply the mask on the skin of the hands, leave for a few minutes, and then rinse.
  • The secrets of rejuvenation at home include mandatory special care in the winter. From the cold, the skin flakes, coarsens, wrinkles and cracks appear on it. In order to restore the skin, the following mask is made: a little milk and olive oil are added to the boiled and mashed potatoes. This gruel is applied to the hands and wrapped with thermal film. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and lubricate the hands with a nourishing cream.

Homemade hand cream

Homemade hand cream made from natural products softens the skin, absorbs well and is easy to prepare:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of a string decoction with 50 grams of butter and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Important! Such a cream will make your skin smooth, heal small cracks and wounds.

  • Mix 4 tablespoons of glycerin, lemon wedge juice, a tablespoon of vodka and crushed oat flakes in such quantity to make a slurry.

Important! This cream will eliminate the dryness of your skin and make your skin soft and velvety.

Hand masks

In order for the hand mask to bring maximum effect, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Always use only fresh produce.
  2. Do not make a mask if the skin is damaged.
  3. Before the mask, remove the nail polish and clean the skin with a scrub.
  4. After applying the mixture, put on cloth gloves and leave the product for at least half an hour.

What masks are especially effective in restoring hand skin at home?

Moisturizing masks

From lack of moisture, the skin ages, becomes dull, wrinkles appear. Moisturizing masks will help us to cope with this:

  • Paraffin therapy will cure cracks, effectively restore the skin of the hands. Paraffin break into pieces, melt in a water bath, in warm wax dip and immediately remove your hands, repeat 7 times. Leave the paraffin on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, lubricate your hands with cream.

Important! To get the result, you need to do 5-10 procedures.

  • The honey mixture saturates the skin, restores its youth and freshness. Mix the following ingredients: 1 egg yolk, juice of a slice of lemon, 50 g of honey and 30 g of olive oil.

Important! This mask is best left overnight.

Nourishing masks

With a lack of vitamins, roughness, small cracks appear on the skin, it loses its elasticity. Therefore, the main goal nourishing masks- enrich the skin with minerals and vitamins. Especially effective are glycerin, milk or whey, citrus extracts, vegetable oils, beeswax, boiled potatoes.

Mask options:

  • Melt 1 teaspoon of honey, add the same amount of glycerin, starch and dilute the mixture with herbal decoction until sour cream is thick. Apply the resulting slurry to the skin.
  • Mix 1 egg yolk with the juice of a lemon wedge, add glycerin and a little sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture on your hands. After the mask, the skin will become soft and velvety.

Hand Rejuvenation Recipes

There are many recipes for various masks, creams and other products that can restore youthfulness to your skin at home without the services of cosmetologists. Here are some of the proven effective ways:

  • Grind the pulp of watermelon and cucumber into a pulp and apply to the skin, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  • Fruits are good for skin care. You can grate a pear or peach, apply thick layers on the skin, rinse with water after 20 minutes.
  • Mash a few strawberries, mix them with a spoonful of sour cream (preferably homemade) or cream, add a few drops of olive oil. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 tablespoon of strong green tea, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon zest. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour and apply on hands. Keep for 15 minutes, then wash off.

Important! For effective care and restoration of hand skin at home, you can make a home scrub:

Of course you remember what is usually written in fiction
“She was impeccably elegant and dazzlingly pretty, but her hands betrayed her true age.”

It's true: hands age faster than the face, because the skin of the hands is subjected to severe tests throughout life, day after day. We cook, do laundry, wash dishes, work in the garden, etc. And we don’t always use protective gloves… And, unfortunately, we often forget that our hands require no less careful care than our face.

1. Moisturize your hands
It is very important that your hands are soft and your skin supple. Use a vitamin nourishing hand cream 2 times a day. Choose a cream that absorbs quickly and does not make your hands greasy, so it will be easier for you to use it daily.

2. Protect your hands at all times
Protect your hands from the cold and from excessive sun exposure. Always use gloves when doing housework, using household chemicals, or doing other jobs where your hands are exposed to aggressive chemical or mechanical stress.

3. Scrub your hands once a week
Scrub your hands to remove dead skin cells. This will help your skin stay fresh, soft and supple.

4. Using mild soap
Use mild hand soap that doesn't dry out your skin.

5. And, of course, use homemade hand masks regularly. Today we will share with you a rejuvenating complex that will help make your hands young and beautiful.

1 day. Whiten, cleanse and moisturize the skin of the hands.

Whitening mask
+ 3 tablespoons oatmeal (crushed)
+ 2 tablespoons unsweetened yogurt,
+ 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and let stand for a few minutes.
Then apply to the skin of the hands, as you usually apply the cream, and leave for 20 minutes.
Wash off the mask with warm water after 20 minutes.

Attention! Always do this mask before going to bed. Lemon has a whitening effect on the skin, but you can go out under the direct rays of the sun after 8 hours, and if you need to go out earlier, then apply plenty of sunscreen on your hands before going out.

Moisturizing mask
After you wash off the previous mask, proceed to this one.
+ 1 teaspoon olive oil,
+ 1 tablespoon honey.
Mix both ingredients in a bowl. Apply the mixture on the skin of the hands, as you usually apply the cream. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Day 2 We nourish the skin of the hands.
Here we offer you the choice of making one of two nourishing baths.
You can take cream or olive oil.
Pour your chosen product into a bowl, heat in the microwave to about 40 degrees (NOT HIGHER!).
Dip your hands in the bowl so that the liquid covers them up to the wrist and watch TV for 20 minutes.
Then wash your hands with a small amount moisturizing soap.

Day 3 We rejuvenate the skin of the hands.
+ 1 egg yolk,
+ 1 tbsp dry milk
+ 1 teaspoon almond oil,
+ 1 teaspoon of honey.
Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply to your hands as you normally would a cream and leave for 15 minutes.
Wash off with warm water.

Use this complex once a week if you need to get your hands in order.
To maintain the beauty of your hands, you can repeat this complex 1-2 times a month.

Women's hands do many different jobs, wash dishes, wash, clean. Even when using gloves, you can not avoid negative impact on the skin detergents, water, dirt, solar radiation, wind, heat and frost. Therefore, the skin of the hands needs no less care than the face, it is not for nothing that it is believed that it is the hands and neck that primarily give out the true age of a woman.

Over time, the skin on the hands can become rough, dry, cracked and covered with age spots. This is not only ugly, but also negatively affects the woman herself - no one wants to look older. And although age-related changes are inevitable, they can be delayed as much as possible if you know how to rejuvenate the skin of your hands in simple and affordable home ways.

The main methods of protecting hands with available means

Our mothers and grandmothers in childhood often said that you shouldn’t go out with wet hands, because painful “chicks” will appear on them. And they were absolutely right. Chapping wet hands in bad weather and neglecting to wear gloves in cold weather are the main causes of rough, dry and red skin. It not only looks unaesthetic - cracks can become open gates for infection.

Another bad habit is washing dishes and cleaning the apartment with your bare hands. Without gloves soft skin exposed to aggressive detergents and cleaners chemicals. The result of such neglect of one's beauty and health is soft brittle nails, unstable manicure, "shaggy" cuticles and very dry, prematurely aged hands.

If in youth such “exploits” can pass without much harm, then at the age of 45 such inattention threatens with more serious consequences. In addition to purely aesthetic problems, troubles with the health of the skin and joints can arise, eczema and dermatitis can develop, which are difficult to cure. And everyone already knows about the harmful effects of cold water on the joints.

So the rules to be used to protect the hands from early aging can be formulated as follows:

  1. Be sure to wear protective gloves when cleaning and washing dishes. It is best to use sufficiently long nitrile products - they are beautiful, durable, the dishes do not slip in them, and the fingers do not lose sensitivity.
  2. After any water procedures, hands should be wiped dry and cream applied.
  3. Do not go outside without warm gloves or mittens in the cold season. Moisture and wind will quickly add to your hands from a dozen years.
  4. In the summer, don't forget to wear a sunscreen with a high SPF. The skin of the hands, no less than the face and décolleté, needs to use sunscreens, otherwise the appearance of age spots that age the appearance very much, as well as high dryness of the skin, cannot be avoided.
  5. Use hand cream regularly. It doesn't matter what price range the product is in, what matters is that it suits your skin and that it is used consistently.

Don't forget the role of simple home treatments for hand rejuvenation. They are effective and useful, they are easy to perform, and the result exceeds all expectations.

If possible, do not refuse massage and hardware procedures.

Important! Put on the kitchen sink and in the bathroom dispenser bottles that will contain scented liquid soap and hand cream. Then after any wash you will have an incentive to immediately apply the cream. This will quickly have a positive effect on the condition of the hands.

Importance of using cream

Constantly using hand cream, we do not allow the skin to dry out, lose moisture and lipid layer. Apply the cream at least twice a day, and even better - after each contact with water.

In the home range, it is desirable to have several varieties of creams for different purposes:

  1. Moisturizing to restore the normal condition of the skin. It is most often used as a daytime hand cream.
  2. Protective, under gloves when performing all sorts of household chores. This composition includes silicones and other film-forming substances that prevent water and aggressive components from entering the skin.
  3. Nourishing, more often applied at night to restore lipid balance.

It's good to have an inexpensive Korean gel with snail mucin at your disposal. It perfectly helps to heal small cracks, wounds, cuts and sores, and is also an indispensable remedy for burns that happen to all women when working in the kitchen. Snail gel quickly relieves pain and heals injuries without leaving scars.

Simple masks "from the fridge"

With weathered, dry and chapped skin with signs of aging, homemade hand masks are great. It is not difficult to make them, the main components are always in the refrigerator or in kitchen cabinets.

  1. Oil wrap. For it, you need to take any vegetable oil or make a mixture of olive oil, avocado, grape seed, almond or any other stone oil in equal proportions. The oil is applied to clean, dry skin of the hands, massaged and knitted gloves are put on overnight.
  2. Potato mask. This is a great way to get rid of "chicks" and chapping, to make the skin young, smooth and fair. For her, potatoes are boiled in milk, mashed, adding the yolk of a chicken egg, a tablespoon of heavy cream and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. A warm mixture is applied in a thick layer to the hands, covered with a gauze napkin and held for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off and apply a rich nourishing cream.
  3. Berry mask. The skin of the hands needs renewal, so the mask with fruit acids works very effectively. For her grind a few berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, and so on), mixed with a small amount of yogurt or sour cream, add starch or pounded oatmeal to thicken and apply on hands. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water, apply cream.
  4. Honey-oil mask. In its composition, it is very similar to facial products. To obtain it, take the yolk of a chicken egg, a tablespoon of natural honey, a tablespoon of olive oil, mix and add fatty cottage cheese to enhance nutrition and obtain a whitening effect. This composition is applied in a thick layer and left for 20 - 30 minutes. The remains are removed, the hands are rinsed and smeared with cream. The mask can be used daily for very rough, wrinkled, aging and dry skin.

Masks will be effective only if they are used regularly by courses. The minimum course consists of 10 procedures, they are done every other day, but if it is necessary to quickly update and rejuvenate the skin of the hands, they can be done daily until the desired result is achieved.


After the age of 50, the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases dramatically, the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner, as a result of which the hands look bony, the veins begin to protrude, and the joints look very bulging and noticeable. A rejuvenating hand massage will help delay aging and restore beauty to the skin.

Making it at home is quite easy. To begin with, massage oil or hand cream is applied to clean skin, and then the massage itself is done with such movements as we put on tight gloves.

It is necessary to work out each finger, paying special attention to the joints. Massage relieves pain, increases blood flow and nutrient supply, and the cream applied after it is perfectly and deeply absorbed, restoring the production of collagen fibers.

Important! Consistent use of sunscreen and whitening products will help to cope with the appearance of age spots, which most betray age.

Paraffin therapy

Although it is believed that paraffin baths are made in beauty salons, with their help it is quite possible to rejuvenate the skin of the hands at home. To do this, you can purchase special equipment for paraffin therapy or simply buy creams with the effect of paraffin.

They are applied to clean skin, which is pre-treated with serum - moisturizing, peptide, with collagen or whitening. Cream-paraffin is applied in a rather thick layer, after hardening it is removed with a mask. Due to the creation of special conditions under paraffin, the serum is deeply absorbed into the skin and quickly restores it.

Such products can be applied under cotton gloves at night to enhance the effect.

By paying a little attention to your hands, you can protect them from early aging and keep your skin fresh for many years.

Hands are most often exposed to adverse factors. The sun, wind, frost, household chemicals, disgusting tap water and much more have a detrimental effect on the skin of the hands. Every woman knows this, but not everyone knows the secrets of hand rejuvenation. It is about them that will be discussed.

Prevention and restoration of hand skin

modern woman constantly feels a lack of time and not everyone can devote enough time to caring for their appearance. Well, hand care is generally reduced to a minimum. At best, it can be a simple nourishing cream after washing dishes or taking a bath. And this is no longer a bad thing. The main thing in this matter right choice hand cream, but more on that later.

First of all, we will discuss simple procedures that will help bring the skin of the hands in order. They are easy, enjoyable and, over time, will become a daily routine, like brushing your teeth.

It should be remembered that hand rejuvenation should be carried out systematically. It can be considered as a medical procedure, and any treatment is a system that consists of daily activities and medications. This is the only way to achieve positive results.

For hand care, there are two options for such events. This is the prevention and restoration of the skin of the hands.

  1. Prevention is the daily care of protecting the skin of the hands from the adverse effects of environmental factors. It is at this stage that you should remember about protective and nourishing hand creams. Do not neglect rubber gloves during daily activities. homework. As a preventive protection, you can use olive oil or sunflower oil. It is enough to rub the oil into the skin once in order to tighten it and provide protection for several hours.
  2. Restoration of the skin of the hands is an important stage that cannot be described in a few lines, so it is worth considering it more specifically. The only thing a woman should remember is regular with the addition of sea salt, essential oils(lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, orange). Such baths must be done after skin contact with household chemicals. Pleasant procedure, which you can spend while watching your favorite series.

Home care

The question of how to rejuvenate the skin of the hands worried women at all times. The solution to this issue is quite simple and accessible to every woman. Here are several options that do not require large cash costs and which are quite possible at home.

Recipe with coffee

Do not throw out the coffee grounds that remain after morning coffee. This is an excellent cosmetic product that will help remove the dead layer, refresh the color, tighten the skin on the hands.

Many women even use this tool to clean their faces. It is necessary to get the thick from the cup and simply rub it into the skin as it is done with an ordinary cream. Leave to dry, then rinse with water and treat your hands with a nourishing cream.

Cucumber and carrot mask

You can saturate the skin with essential oils and vitamins with the help of vegetable masks. Cucumbers and carrots are ideal for this purpose. To do this, the vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater. Add a little olive oil to the resulting gruel, treat the surface of the hands.

Leave for 7-10 minutes, then rinse with water, treat with cream or the same olive oil. Do not forget that olive oil is an ideal cosmetic product for both hands and face.

Lemon with olive oil

Lemon juice is an excellent tool for rejuvenating and tightening the skin on the hands. It is used as an additive in hand masks.

To do this, mix the yolk of one egg with a spoonful of olive oil and squeeze out a little lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your hands, leave for a few minutes and rinse. You can apply a nourishing cream after this mask.

These simple procedures should be carried out one, two times a week and the skin of the hands will become tender, velvety, disappear dark spots.

What modern cosmetology offers us

Modern beauty parlors or nail salons necessarily have multiple offers in their arsenal to solve this problem. But, you can entrust this only to professionals. You should not trust your hands to a person about whose activities nothing is known at all.

Questionable creams or masks that such a master offers can have completely opposite results. An unknown cream applied to the skin of the hands can cause an allergic reaction not only on the hands, but also on the entire surface of the skin. It is unlikely that it will be possible to tighten and refresh the skin.

There are many such cases in modern medicine. After that, a long and often expensive treatment may be needed. A professional master, before applying any cosmetic preparation, will definitely conduct a test for a possible reaction. And the amateur will not do this. This should be alarming. What can a modern beauty salon offer a woman?

  1. Peeling chemical skin of hands. It is recommended to pay attention to this procedure for women who have already crossed the thirty-five-year milestone. It will help restore the balance of collagen and tighten the skin, renew the layer of the upper epidermis. It is carried out using massage oils that contain glycolic acid and vitamin A analogues.
  2. Mechanical peeling is intended for older women. Cosmetologists recommend doing it to those who are already over forty. This is a mechanical resurfacing of the surface of the skin of the hands, which is carried out using magnesium oxide crystals. After such a procedure, not only the top dead skin layer is removed, but also blood circulation improves.
  3. Biorevitation is a more complex process. Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin of the hands. After that, the skin of the hands is smoothed and the subcutaneous water balance is restored. The result is noticeable after the first procedure. The skin becomes elastic, elastic, small wrinkles disappear, and after several procedures, even deep wrinkles.
  4. You can also apply a laser rejuvenation procedure, which will also effectively help tighten and refresh the surface of the skin on the hands.

Never forget that you are a woman! Taking care of yourself and your appearance should not be relegated to the background. A healthy look and radiant skin is the key to success in business and well-being in the family.

Most women spend a lot of time and money on skin care for the face, around the eyes, and neck. And unfortunately, almost no attention is paid to the hands. But it is this part of the body that is most polluted than the rest. Laundry, washing dishes, wet cleaning, garden beds - all this has a bad effect on their condition. Of course, if you take care of them or at least regularly pamper them with a nourishing cream, wear gloves when doing work, then the impact of negative factors could be minimized. But, without proper attention, the skin of the hands becomes rough, dry, and cracks and peeling appear on it. In the end about beautiful manicure and rings have to be forgotten for an indefinite time.

We will try to tell you how to restore the skin of your hands with the help of such products that can be found in every home.


The coffee grounds left at the bottom of the cup can be used as a scrub. It is better than any expensive cosmetic product will help remove the top layer of dead skin cells, improve the color and condition of the hands. To do this, you just need to rub the rest of the coffee into the skin. After they dry, they can be washed off with water, and then apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Vegetable masks

In order for the skin of the hands to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins, you can pamper it with vegetable masks, for example, cucumber and carrot masks. You just need to grate these two ingredients on a fine grater and add a few drops of olive oil to the resulting gruel. The mixture should be left on the hands for ten minutes, and then washed off. And, of course, do not forget to treat your fingers with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.


This representative of the citrus family is versatile and is used for the production of many cosmetics. It will also help rejuvenate the skin of the hands. To do this, a few drops of its juice must be added to a mixture of egg yolk and olive oil. The mask should be applied to the skin and left for a few minutes.

Honey and oats

Take a spoonful of olive oil, milk and honey. Stir. Add three tablespoons of oatmeal. Leave on your hands for three hours. This mask perfectly nourishes the skin.

any of the selected cosmetic procedures should be done twice a week. And after a short period of time, we will notice that the skin of the hands has recovered and become soft and smooth.


In order to restore the skin of the hands to its former beauty, you can prepare special baths for it.


Lightly heat olive or sunflower oil and dip your hands in it for 15 minutes. Then put on cotton gloves for the night. Such a procedure will help not only rejuvenate the skin, but also strengthen the nails.

ammonia and glycerin

Add a teaspoon of the above ingredients to hot water. Dip your hands in there and after 15 minutes also go to bed with gloves on. And the next day you will forget about dry skin.


You can also put your hands in the broth in which the potatoes were boiled.

It happens that home cosmetics don't help. Modern beauty salons can offer a wide range of services designed to restore the skin of the hands.

Chemical peel

This procedure is usually resorted to by women "under forty", who want to tighten the skin of their hands. In addition, it is also a way to restore the balance of collagen. To obtain a visible result, various oils containing vitamin A, as well as glycolic acid, are used.

Mechanical peeling

It is intended for older women. The technique of its implementation is as follows: the surface of the hands is polished with the help of crystals contained in magnesium oxide.


This name was given to the complex process of injecting hyaluronic acid under the skin. This procedure is not cheap, but the result is worth it: the skin of the hands becomes elastic and elastic, and wrinkles disappear.

Laser rejuvenation

Gives the same effect as the previous procedures. In addition, it can tighten the skin and refresh it.