
What does a child look like at 23. Possible deviations from the norm. Increase in the size of the abdomen and uterus


In the twenty-third week of pregnancy, your future child begins to grow even faster and gain weight. His nervous system and lungs are ripening - they are already preparing to take their first breath after birth. Some symptoms may be troubling, but overall, you should be feeling good. Your belly grows more and more, the baby inside makes itself felt more and more with kicks and jerks - now you can even feel how he hiccups!

Signs and symptoms of 23 weeks pregnant

Some symptoms may be troubling in the twenty-third week of pregnancy, but they are usually not so severe as to significantly affect the quality of life. The condition of the expectant mother during the entire second trimester is much better than in the first trimester, when she was worried about nausea and constant malaise.

Possible symptoms at 23 weeks gestation:

· In some areas of the body, the skin darkens: in the genitals, anus, armpits, on the inner surface of the upper thighs. The nipples and areolas become darker. A dark line descends from the navel to the pubis. Spots may appear on the face - the so-called "pregnancy mask". Pigmentation is more pronounced in women with dark skin.

Due to an increase in blood levels androgens acne may appear, sometimes hair begins to grow in the chin area, upper lip.

· And now about a pleasant symptom. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the blood flow to the skin is increased, so it looks healthier, more beautiful, and youthful. Others can note that the expectant mother is "glowing". Puffiness also brings some benefits: it helps the skin to stretch and smooth. If a woman had wrinkles before pregnancy, they may become less noticeable or disappear altogether.

Increased appetite- normal condition in the second trimester of pregnancy. Expectant mothers are ready to sweep away everything on the shelves of kitchen cabinets. Therefore, you need to take care that healthy food is there. It is worth eating in small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day. This will help you feel full at all times and reduce heartburn.

What happens to the fetus at 23 weeks gestation?

At twenty-three weeks, your baby looks like a fully formed newborn, only smaller - about the size of a grapefruit. The length of its body from the crown of the head to the toes is 29 cm, its weight is 500 grams.

Every week the fetus becomes more and more cute, it gradually turns into a plump baby, because a layer of fatty tissue grows under its skin. While the child's skin is covered with small wrinkles - they arise due to the fact that the skin grows faster than the surface of the body - and thin delicate hairs - lanugo... By birth, the wrinkles will straighten, the lanugo will fall out. The body of the fetus is covered with a special cheese grease: it protects the skin from amniotic fluid and facilitates the passage of the baby through the birth canal of the mother during labor.

If you could see your baby now, then you would notice that tiny nipples are visible on his chest.

All the main sensory organs of the fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy have already been formed, at present they continue to improve. He hears even better how mother's heart and intestines work, how blood moves in her large vessels, mother's speech and the speech of people around her, dogs barking, car horns and other sounds. The baby's eyes feel the light, but it is always dark in the womb, even when mom goes outside during the day. In order for the unborn child to notice the light, you can attach a bright flashlight to the stomach - in response you will receive a series of pushes and kicks. Thanks to the already quite well-developed sense of touch, the fetus can experiment with this sensation: grab the umbilical cord, touch the face, suck the thumb.

And your unborn child has a well-developed sense of movement, which is responsible for vestibular apparatus the inner ear is the "organ of balance". A fetus at 23 weeks gestation can feel like you are doing sports, dancing. The eyes are fully formed, but they are not yet colored. Although genetically it is already predetermined.

Since the fetus is still not very large, at 23 weeks of gestation, it still has enough room in the uterus. He can still do a wide variety of movements, including somersaults. In the coming weeks, he will actively grow, and he will become more and more cramped.

The skin of the fetus becomes more and more opaque due to the fact that a fatty layer grows under it, pigment is deposited in it melanin... Nevertheless, through it partially shine through internal organs... It has a red color due to translucent vessels.

As for the internal organs of the unborn child, now the processes of maturation are continuing in them. They prepare for the independent life of a baby after birth. This is especially true of the lungs, new vessels are actively growing in them, a surfactant is produced, which is necessary for their expansion - surfactant... While the fetus trains and "breathes" amniotic fluid.

Remember, when you underwent an ultrasound scan, the machine began to emit strange sounds, and the doctor said that it was a fetal heart beating? So, now the heartbeat of your unborn child is so strong that in order to listen to it, you do not need an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus. At 23 weeks of gestation, a conventional stethoscope is sufficient.

New nerve cells are formed in the brain, new connections are formed between them. Thanks to this, movements, sensitivity are improved, coordination of movements improves, and the tremors in the abdomen begin to be felt more and more. Some researchers say that a baby's nervous system is so well developed at 23 weeks gestation that it can be in REM sleep. The fetal skull is made up of individual bones - this allows the brain to grow.

The pancreas actively produces insulin- a hormone that lowers blood sugar levels.

What traits can a child inherit from their parents?

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, it is not clear what color the child's eyes and hair are, but these signs are genetically laid down from the very moment of conception. Let's talk about the main features that a child can inherit from their parents through genes, and how this happens.

Eye color

It used to be thought that there are only two genes responsible for eye color - "blue" and "brown". In this case, "brown" is dominant, that is, if the child received it from at least one parent, he will be brown-eyed. And in order for a blue-eyed child to be born, he must receive one recessive "blue" gene from both parents. If the 'brown' gene fails to completely suppress the 'blue' gene, the child will have green color eye.

Today, such reasoning is recognized as too simplistic, because it is now known that eye color is determined by the totality of many genes, and it is not always clear how they work. Human eyes can have very different colours, from light blue to dark brown. There are a lot of shades. And, yes, in rare cases "surprises" are possible when a brown-eyed child is born to blue-eyed parents.

By the way, many children are born with blue eyes, but then, as pigment accumulates in the iris, they darken and turn brown.

Hair color

This trait is also encoded by many genes. Hair color mainly depends on the ratio of two pigments in them - eumelanin and pheomelanin, and this, in turn, is determined by genes:

· If there is a lot of eumelanin, the hair will be black.

· If there is little eumelanin, the hair will be brown.

· If there is very little eumelanin, the hair will be light.

· If there is little eumelanin, but a lot of pheomelanin, the hair will be red.

Hair color can change with age. This sometimes happens in adolescents.

Hair texture

Human hair is straight, wavy, and curly. And this trait is also inherited. As in the previous two cases, there is no single gene, hair texture is determined by the interaction between several genes.

Right- and left-handedness

If both parents are right-handed, chances are their child will also be right-handed. If one or both parents are left-handed, they are also more likely to have a right-handed child. There are very few left-handers among people - about 10-15%. It is believed that right- or left-handedness is determined by about 40 genes. Each of them individually has a small impact, they act in combination. But the external environment also has a certain influence. Sometimes left-handers are "retrained", sometimes the child chooses the leading hand by accident. There are people who prefer to do some things with their left hand and others with their right. And then there are ambidexters who use both hands equally well.

Can you inherit intelligence from your parents?

This question is difficult to answer, because intelligence itself is a very complex thing. It is composed of various functions of the brain. Different scientists can understand by the word "intelligence" something of their own and evaluate it in different ways. Most likely, both heredity and external factors play a role, starting with upbringing and education, ending with nutrition and physical activity.

So if there were no geniuses in your family, all is not lost. It is important to educate the child correctly, raise him in favorable conditions and give him a good education.


A child's growth is 80% determined by genes, with over 700 involved genes currently known and new ones expected to be discovered. Therefore, before birth, it is difficult to assess how the child will grow up when he grows up. The remaining 20% ​​are attributable to factors environment, the most important of which, of course, is nutrition.

Will the child be as "athletic" as mom and dad?

This question is as complex as that related to intelligence. “Sportiness” is the same collective concept, it is influenced by different indicators. In general, scientists believe that achievements in sports are determined by genes by 30-80%. The remaining 20–70% is attributable to external factors. After all, it is not enough to have good genes to become an Olympic champion; you need to train hard.


What is the likelihood that your child will have about the same number of moles as you do, and some of them will be in about the same places? Apparently, the probability is quite high, this is confirmed by everyday experience. But scientists almost did not deal with this issue. Because there was no particular reason. Moles - they are moles, benign pigmented neoplasms that every person has.

By the way, interesting fact : Immediately after birth, you will not find a single mole on your child's body. They will appear over time. The peak of the formation and growth of moles usually occurs at adolescence when hormonal changes occur in the body. New moles can also appear during pregnancy.


At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the unborn child already has its own papillary pattern on the fingers. It appeared a long time ago - at about 9-10 weeks of pregnancy - and will remain unchanged throughout life. Why a drawing on the fingers is needed is not fully understood, it is believed that it helps to enhance the sensations during touching.

Do genes determine a fingerprint? Yes. Several genes are important, they are responsible for the development of different layers of the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, blood vessels. But other factors also have a certain influence, for example, different influences during pregnancy. Therefore, even twins with identical DNA do not completely match the fingerprints.

Fetal movements in mom's tummy

At the twenty-third week of pregnancy, all expectant mothers already feel well how the baby moves, pushes and kicks inside the abdomen. Now these are no longer vague incomprehensible sensations, reminiscent of the movement of gases in the intestines. These are full-fledged tangible kicks, it is difficult to confuse them with anything:

· Now, if the child is very active, you will be able to observe his movements even through clothes.

· If someone puts their hand on your stomach, they may feel the baby move inside. Most likely, there will be many who want to, but perhaps you do not want at all to be touched to your belly. This is completely normal, just tell everyone that you don't want to.

· You can feel even when your baby is hiccuping!

· At 23 weeks, the unborn child already has its own regimen. He sleeps, then wakes up and begins to actively push. Moreover, the regime of the fetus often does not coincide with the regime of the expectant mother. When a woman lies, sleeps, a real football match begins in the stomach. And when he does business, sports - the baby calms down.

How to understand that everything is in order with the unborn child, how should he move inside the mother's belly normally?

Here are some things everyone should know about. expectant mother:

· Most women begin to feel the first tremors of the baby from 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. During pregnancy with twins - a little earlier.

· There is no clearly defined norm for how many movements the fetus should make during a certain period of time. From 16-24 to 32 weeks, its activity should increase, and then remain approximately at the same level until birth.

· The statement that the child becomes less active by the end of pregnancy is a myth. You should continue to feel his movements even when labor begins.

· If you feel that the child has become less active, that something is not as usual, you need to see a doctor immediately. You can't wait and wait for the next day.

· Do not rely on home heart rate monitors and smartphone apps to record fetal heartbeats. If a child does not move, but his heart beats, this does not mean that everything is all right with him.

Why is it important to constantly monitor the movements of the baby in the abdomen? Because this is an important manifestation of the fact that he is healthy and that everything is fine with him. About half of women who had a stillbirth reported that the fetus began to move less in the abdomen. This is serious. At any time of the day, you must immediately go to the hospital. “To see what will happen next, and if it does not correct itself, go to the doctor” is a wrong approach.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks of gestation

Usually at the 23rd week of pregnancy, ultrasound is not done - the term of the second planned ultrasound examination is already over. Usually, doctors recommend testing for women who did not have time to do it in time, or who need additional monitoring due to the increased risk of certain problems.

The pictures show a child who, as it were, squatted down. In profile, you can see some details of his face, see the arms, legs and small bones in them, the spine, skull, brain, internal organs, chambers of the heart. You can determine the gender if the baby does not "hide" the genitals from the sensor. During Doppler ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the blood flow in the chambers of the heart and large vessels. The device emits characteristic hissing sounds - this is the beating of the tiny heart of your unborn child.

The picture during an ultrasound scan at 23 weeks of gestation looks like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 23 weeks gestation?

At 23 weeks gestation, the uterus continues to grow and rises about 3.8 cm above the navel. The height of the fundus of the uterus (the distance from the upper edge of the pubic articulation to the highest point of the uterus) is approximately 23 cm (21 to 25 cm).

If in the previous weeks of pregnancy strangers looking at you, you might think that your tummy is noticeable due to good nutrition, now it is enlarged so much that the reasons become obvious. Perhaps one of your relatives or "seasoned" friends will tell you that your belly is too small or too big for a twenty-three week period. Do not take such remarks personally. Only a doctor can correctly assess the size of the abdomen and the course of pregnancy.

In the twenty-third week of pregnancy, the uterus presses heavily on bladder, because of this, some women develop stress urinary incontinence... Leaks can occur during abdominal straining, laughing, coughing, sneezing, physical exertion - in other words, in situations where intra-abdominal pressure increases. Sometimes urine is difficult to distinguish from amniotic fluid. Smell is a reliable criterion. While amniotic fluid is odorless, urine is quite strong and characteristic.

During pregnancy with twins, the height of the fundus of the uterus can be different. There are no clear rules, it depends on the size and location of the fruits.

Hormones at 23 weeks gestation

Pregnancy hormones continue to cause changes in metabolism, appearance future mother and her health.

Some women have emotional problems and frequent mood swings, although these are more common in the first and third trimesters. Severe joy can be replaced by irritation. From time to time, sadness, excitement, anxiety rolls over, I want to cry. In such cases, support from loved ones, men, is important. Some expectant mothers develop depression - this is already a more serious condition, it requires the intervention of a doctor. Apply for medical help if bad mood and apathy persist for several days.

In pregnant women, memory deteriorates - this has been proven in scientific research. You can forget about some cases, about where you left this or that item. Sometimes it interferes with work and daily activities. Some tips will help you:

· Create a diary. Write down all the tasks for the day in it, so as not to forget anything.

· Buy stickers and place reminders in a prominent place. They can be stuck above the desk, on the refrigerator, in other places where you often visit and will definitely see them.

· You can install a reminder app on your smartphone.

· Try not to take on a lot of things, do not do several things at the same time.

· Leave keys and other items that you often need in visible places, where you will not have to look for them. Try to keep order so that each item is in its place.

How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

In the second trimester, it is normal for a woman pregnant with one fetus to add about 450-500 grams per week. By the 23rd week of pregnancy, a woman, on average, manages to gain 5.4–6.8 kg, and during pregnancy with twins - about 10.4 kg. If you feel that you are gaining weight too quickly or too slowly, do not jump to conclusions on your own. See your doctor.

If the mass previously increased evenly, and then suddenly began to grow very quickly, this is a clear reason to immediately seek medical help. Perhaps it preeclampsia- a serious complication of pregnancy associated with an increase blood pressure.
Pregnancy calculator: calculate the rate of weight gain by week

How to eat right?

The nutrition of the expectant mother at 23 weeks and throughout pregnancy should be characterized by three adjectives: healthy, complete and varied. Eating right can be expensive, but there are some tips to help you save money:

· Branded products- not necessarily the best. Usually they are sold in beautiful packages and are much more expensive than their "regular" counterparts. The trick is that oftentimes you only overpay for the brand, but not for the higher quality. You can buy equally healthy food on the market. The main thing is to have a reliable supplier and seller. Buying from a car that has stopped in your yard, and the driver has laid out fish or pieces of pork neatly, as if on a counter, on the hood, you run the risk of getting an infection that can be dangerous for your unborn child.

· Take a snack with you to work... Often during lunchtime, workers go to the nearest café. Food you bring home from home is cheaper and often healthier. The savings over a single snack might not be that great, but imagine how much you can save in the coming weeks.

· Buy a lot at once... Usually, if you buy a lot of products at once, it comes out cheaper. You just need to provide for their storage so that they do not deteriorate.

· Choose the cheapest and healthiest drink... Its chemical formula is H2O. Yes, this is ordinary drinking water! All sorts of sugary juices and sodas are wasteful and unhealthy because they contain added sugars that load the body up with empty calories. Because of them, the risk increases gestational diabetes.

· Try to cook at home with fresh ingredients.... The ready-to-eat and convenience foods that you can buy at the supermarket are of course convenient. They can be quickly reheated and eaten. But they contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and other substances that are not good for the health of mom and baby. Homemade food is healthier and generally cheaper.

Physical activity

Physical activity important at any stage of pregnancy. It helps to maintain good health, reduce the risk of certain complications, and prepare for childbirth. And also physical exercise Is a great way to relax. Yoga is especially helpful in this. Here are two easy exercises to help you quickly regain your peace of mind:

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. You can turn on calm pleasant music. Try to relax as much as possible. Imagine that you are in a beautiful place, for example, in the mountains, in the forest or on the banks of a river.

During the second exercise, they usually lie on their backs, but for a woman at 23 weeks pregnant, this position is contraindicated, because the uterus can compress the vessels, this will lead to dizziness and fainting. You can sit or lie on your side. Focus on your feet. Try to relax them as much as possible. Then focus on the shins, thighs, pelvis, abdomen, chest, arms, neck, and finally the head. Work each part of the body until you are completely relaxed. At the same time, you can imagine how pleasant warmth is spreading through the body.

Is it okay to have sex?

Contrary to popular belief, sex is not contraindicated at any time during pregnancy. Restrictions arise only in certain cases:

· If the pregnancy is proceeding with complications, you need to consult a doctor.

· If the expectant mother or man has signs of a sexually transmitted infection, it is necessary to be examined.

· If a woman feels tired, experiences severe symptoms, and she is not up to intimacy.

· About two weeks before the expected date of birth: Sexual intercourse can trigger labor.

The main rule of sex in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy: a woman should not lie on her back. You should not practice exotic positions in bed, during which the expectant mother can get hurt to the abdomen.

In general, intimacy during pregnancy is even useful: it gives a woman positive emotions and relieves of worries, strengthens the bond between partners. Do not be afraid: you will not be able to harm your unborn child, because he is in the uterus high enough and reliably protected by the cervix, the fetal bladder.

Why are stressful during pregnancy dangerous?

During pregnancy, the emotional state of the expectant mother is already not stable. The situation is aggravated by external influences. This is how it works modern world- there are a lot of stress factors around:

· Unusual sensations from the fact that a woman will soon become a mother. The perception of one's own body and personality changes.

· Changing the relationship with the partner.

· Fear and worries about the child, fear of harming him.

· Physical discomfort.

· Financial difficulties.

· Problems at work, high loads.

· Constant lack of time, rush, time pressure.

· If a woman already has children, their reaction to the mother's pregnancy is not always positive and predictable.

· Especially high emotional stress is experienced by working expectant mothers, women who have separated from their partner.

· Lack of own housing and other social problems.

How can a mom-to-be's stress affect her baby?

Scientific research shows that frequent stress in a pregnant woman can have multiple consequences:

· Effects on pregnancy: there is evidence that increased anxiety and depression increase the risk of premature birth, low birth weight.

· Influence at mental development baby: High levels of stress hormones during pregnancy can lead to problems with thinking, memory and concentration in the baby. And very high levels of stress can even lead to neurological disorders.

· Influence on the behavior of the child: if the mother often experienced anxiety and depression during pregnancy, the child is usually more restless, reacts more violently to loud sounds.

· Influence on the health of the child: increased anxiety during pregnancy increases the risk of various skin rashes in a child, bronchial asthma, breathing disorders.

How to deal with stress at 23 weeks gestation?

First of all, you need to lead healthy image life, exercise, eat well and get enough sleep. Seek help from other people: relatives, your partner, good friends... You can visit a psychologist or enroll in a special group for pregnant women. Yoga, tai chi, meditation, relaxation techniques, warm baths, pleasant music and in general any interesting activity, hobby.

Do not fight with bad mood with the help of food. It is easy to get an eating disorder with all the consequences that come with it.

· Use a soft bristled toothbrush during pregnancy to help protect swollen gums from damage. During these nine months, the expectant mother needs to see the dentist at least once.

· Some mothers-to-be try to cope with swelling by reducing their fluid intake. In no case should you do this. Dehydration is dangerous for your unborn baby. On the contrary, you really need liquid right now. If you think that the swelling has become too strong, it is better to immediately consult a doctor without unnecessary initiative.

· Has your foot size increased? Buy new shoes... It is important that it is comfortable: in the second trimester, the center of gravity of the body shifts, the gait becomes clumsy. You can easily stumble, fall and be injured. No high heels and studs!

· It is not too late to take a short trip. The well-being of most expectant mothers allows it. Pamper yourself: after all, you have a birth ahead of you and there are still so many worries.

· Have you already decided what you will name your child? What name do you want to give him: one of those that are popular now, or unusual? Why not think about it now? However, some expectant mothers do not bother: they come up with a name for the child after giving birth. They say that when a woman sees what her baby looks like, the right name "comes" by itself.

· Do not forget about "food safety rules" during pregnancy. Meat, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs must be thoroughly thermally processed. Milk and dairy products - only pasteurized. If you eat raw vegetables or fruits, wash them well.

Write a letter to your unborn child

It is very interesting and touching. Just imagine: your child will remember the message that you wrote before he was born. When he grows up, he will be able to read it. Here's what you can write about in a letter to your unborn child:

· Tell us how you are waiting for it, and how you feel now.

· Imagine spending the day together. Describe what you will do, where you will go.

· Write pleasant wish, tell us what dreams you have related to your baby.

· Think about what it means to be a mother in your mind. Who is a good mother? How will you raise your unborn child?

The message can be arranged, put in a beautiful box and put away somewhere until the child grows up and can not read it.

What kind of research do you need to go through?

The antenatal clinic doctor may invite you to an appointment to assess your condition and the course of pregnancy, measure the abdominal circumference, the height of the fundus of the uterus, your weight, blood pressure, pulse. You may be prescribed general blood and urine tests, and other tests if indicated.

When do you need to see a doctor?

Any unusual and incomprehensible symptoms should be the reason for a visit to the doctor. It is always better to play it safe and disturb the doctor once again than to miss a serious complication of pregnancy.

Nutrition During Pregnancy - Video Guide

23 weeks - the beginning of 6 months of pregnancy... Very soon, the fetus will cross an important line - the line of viability (in case of premature birth, it will be able to survive). Now the main task of the baby is to grow and gain strength, and the mother's is to provide her baby with everything necessary for full development.

What happens to a baby at 23 weeks of gestation

The weight of the crumbs at the end of the week is about 500 g, the height is about 25 cm. The fetus has already grown to half of what it should be at birth (the average height of a newborn is 50 cm). But he still has to gain a lot - at least 5 times more than it is now. In order for the baby's body to have enough building material for the formation of muscle cells, bone tissue, body fat, the mother needs to eat right. Her daily diet should contain meat, dairy products, hard cheese, eggs, vegetable oils, cereals, vegetables, fruits.

The most important thing that happens to the baby at the 23rd week of intrauterine life is the ripening of the lungs. They are not yet ready to breathe on their own, but if a baby is suddenly born in a week or two, there is a small chance that with the help of doctors, special drugs and modern equipment, he will survive.

To better prepare for life outside the uterus, the fetus trains the chest and breathing muscles. Within an hour, the baby makes 50-60 breathing movements (inflates and deflates the chest). Of course, all this happens not consciously, but more reflexively.

In addition to preparing for independent breathing, the baby actively trains its digestive and urinary organs. He swallows amniotic fluid, which is absorbed in the intestines into the blood, then the blood is filtered in the kidneys, where urine is formed. The fetus "writes out" urine, thereby replenishing the volume of water in its "pool".

If the fetus drinks too much amniotic fluid, it may develop hiccups. Mom feels it like a slight shudder in her stomach. This is a completely normal phenomenon (an unconditioned reflex to irritation of the diaphragm), which should not be feared, on the contrary, the appearance of hiccups suggests that the nervous system of the baby is fully developing. Although there is a slightly different opinion. Some researchers argue that too frequent hiccups in the fetus may be an indirect sign that it does not have enough oxygen (that is). In any case, it is worth telling your gynecologist that the baby is hiccuping. He will already decide whether follow-ups are needed to confirm the fact of hypoxia or not. By the way, such studies include Doppler, and for more later dates- cardiotocography (CTG).

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the hematopoietic and immune systems of the baby continue to work actively. Lymphocytes are formed in the lymph nodes and thymus. However, the fetus's immunity is still very immature, so the baby receives all the antibodies from the mother (they penetrate the blood-placental barrier).

The fruit also changes externally. In his skin, a pigment begins to form, which is responsible for the color of the skin. In the meantime, the skin is red, lined with a network of blood vessels, but not as transparent as before. Fat is slowly deposited under it, filling in folds and wrinkles.

Mom's condition at the 23rd week of pregnancy

The weekly weight gain of a woman remains stable at 400-500 g. The total weight gain for 23 weeks is about 6 kg. The reasons for the too rapid increase in the body weight of the expectant mother may be overeating, multiple pregnancy as well as fluid retention -. If the weight stands still, this is also not very good, because it may indicate that the baby is not growing, or that oligohydramnios has developed.

The fundus of the uterus at 23 weeks is at or 1 cm above the navel - this is about 23 cm from the articulation of the frontal bones. The abdominal circumference also increases, but since this value depends on the woman's complexion (initially, one mom's waist could be 60 cm, and the other's - 80 cm), it is impossible to name the estimated figures. However, it is not the volume of the abdomen itself that is important to the doctor, but the growth of the parameter in dynamics (this week should be approximately plus 2 cm).

At 23 weeks, many expectant mothers have training contractions - periodic short-term contractions of the muscles of the uterus. Thus, the body prepares for childbirth - it builds up muscle mass and strength (after all, during childbirth, it will have to push out a not at all small baby). With each week, the number and severity of these contractions will increase.

Expectant mothers need to know: training contractions are never accompanied by pain, fluid or blood, they do not show a clear regularity, an increase in duration and intensity.

What to fear at 23 weeks of gestation?

Everything also remains (it is not as large as in the first trimester). Therefore, when there is, or bleeding, you must immediately go to the hospital. In addition, expectant mothers should remember about the possibility:

Visit to the gynecologist and tests

As always, before the next visit to the gynecologist, the expectant mother needs to pass the general one. All other studies - according to indications. The doctor can give a referral for an ultrasound scan, (if any, etc.), blood tests for hemolysins, hormones, sugar.

Examination by a gynecologist at the 23rd week of pregnancy is usually carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Conversation - clarification of complaints.
  • Measurement of blood pressure.
  • Weight measurement.
  • Measurement of abdominal parameters - IRR and coolant.
  • Examining the legs for edema and

The second trimester of pregnancy continues - the most pleasant period. You notice that your skin is smooth and beautiful, and your hair is unusually thick. And the spouse cannot fail to notice such changes. You begin to feel your child better, and it is difficult to confuse his movements with the work of internal organs. Of course, the baby is not yet mature enough for life without a mother, therefore childbirth at this stage of pregnancy is very unfavorable - no more than 16% of babies have a chance to survive. However, every day the crumb becomes more and more, organs and systems mature, and he is looking forward to meeting his mother!

How many months have passed? Five obstetric months and three weeks have passed since the start of pregnancy. During this time, you and your baby have achieved tremendous success: the fetal brain by this time has increased tenfold, almost all organs and systems have formed.

The fetus at 23 weeks reaches a length of 28-29 cm, its weight is about 450 g. The skin gradually thickens, it becomes so thin and transparent. The fluff on the body begins to darken. Marigolds are actively growing, they are already approaching the edge of the bed.

What's happening?

The formation of the child's organs and systems is coming to an end, in the future they will only grow and mature. Usually at this time it is already possible to determine exactly who fate gave you - a boy or a girl. In addition, your baby is becoming more and more active, and there is a lot of space in the tummy for her - therefore, the movements of the fetus become more and more conscious and coordinated.

Fetus at 23 weeks of gestation and its development

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, the child gradually begins to gain fat, although it still looks unusual - the skin is thin and wrinkled, the facial features are angular, the arms and legs are thin, this is especially noticeable on the fingers of the hands.

Internal organs are also actively developing. The baby's lungs are not yet developed, but he is already taking training sighs - they are irregular, they can reach sixty times a minute. During inhalation, amniotic fluid is swallowed, which passes through the practically formed intestine, where meconium begins to form - the feces of a newborn baby, which usually leaves the intestines immediately after childbirth.

The fetal pancreas begins to function - it produces insulin. The spleen, which previously, together with the liver, carried the main load on hematopoiesis, begins to transfer this function to the bone marrow. In the spleen, immunity cells begin to be produced, and it also begins to fulfill its direct responsibility - cleaning the blood from old and defective erythrocytes.

By this time, gender differentiation has already taken place - in this period it is usually already clear whether you will have a boy or a girl. But due to the small size of the fetus and genitals, mistakes are possible, so it is better to determine the sex of your baby a little later.

Recent studies by scientists claim that even such a tiny baby is already able to dream. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby sleeps almost all the time, and most of the time he sees dreams, as evidenced by studies of the electrical activity of his brain. In addition, the child begins to distinguish between sounds, light and shadow. It is during this period that the communication of the mother with her child is very important - after all, her voice seems to the child the most beautiful and dear, it calms the baby.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Below you can find photos from an ultrasound scan at 23 weeks of pregnancy.

Proper nutrition

The belly at the 23rd week of pregnancy is still not very large and does not give mommy much discomfort, but the uterus can already squeeze the stomach. That is why, from about this time, mothers begin to complain of heartburn. In order to try to avoid this unpleasant condition, you need to eat healthy food, try not to eat fried, salty, pickled foods.

In addition, the mother's diet should be very diverse - after all, the child is actively growing, which means that it needs a constant supply of nutrients and vitamins. During this period, you need to eat more greens, vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, you should also not forget about cereals and whole grain breads. At this time, it is better for mom to give up simple carbohydrates, you need to significantly limit salt intake. Water must be consumed in large quantities - this is important condition for normal blood circulation in the placenta, for a stable supply of oxygen to your baby.

23 weeks pregnant: baby wiggling

The fetal movements at the 23rd week of pregnancy are becoming more and more active, the baby develops coordination - he tries to grab himself by the legs, by the umbilical cord. Your baby is still very small, he has enough space in the uterus, so he can move quite actively, turn over and change his position several times a day.

If before that your baby was rather sedentary, then by this date you can quite distinguish the tremors of the crumbs from the work of the intestines. Sometimes the baby can be so active that it hurts the mother. This is usually due to the uncomfortable position of the mother - when the position changes, the baby will calm down and the pain will go away.

Mom's feelings

The tummy continues to grow, and you begin to feel a little awkward - due to the shift in the center of gravity, the gait becomes unstable, you can cling to the surrounding objects with your tummy. There is nothing wrong with that, such phenomena are typical for all pregnant women. If the weakness and dizziness are too strong, accompanied by visual impairments, edema and headaches, an urgent need to consult a doctor to exclude late gestosis.

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, weight gain should be from five to seven kilograms, if you add much more - pay attention if you have edema, this can also be a sign of gestosis. Swelling at this time worries many mothers, but they should be moderate and not cause severe discomfort. Weekly weight gain is about half a kilogram.

The baby learns to breathe and swallow by swallowing amniotic fluid. Because of this, the baby often develops hiccups - it kind of jumps up in the tummy. It is not worth worrying about this, fetal hiccups are completely normal.

Due to hormonal changes in a woman's body, the skin becomes drier and thinner, due to which you may notice reddening of the palms, the skin may itch and itch. All these changes can lead to the formation of stretch marks and stretch marks. Now is the time to start actively caring for your skin - after all, with proper systematic care, stretch marks and stretch marks can be avoided. Skin care is best done special means for pregnant women - they do not contain harmful substances that can affect the child.

But hair and nails are becoming more beautiful and stronger - this is also the influence of hormones. Every day you will notice that your hair becomes thicker and shinier, your nails are strong and beautiful. Enjoy this gift of nature - you are as beautiful as ever during pregnancy!

Many mothers-to-be may feel anxious for themselves and their baby. To reduce anxiety, take frequent walks on the fresh air, try to communicate with positive people, go to the playground for babies - there you will meet mothers who have already passed the stage of pregnancy and childbirth, they will calm you down and share invaluable experience. In addition, it will be useful to sign up for classes for expectant mothers - they are usually recommended for attending after 32 weeks of pregnancy.

If this is a second pregnancy

For the second time, mothers endure pregnancy much more calmly - after all, there is already honey agaric, everything is clear. Many people complain that the second time, the unpleasant sensations, pains excruciate more. The baby begins to move much earlier than at 20 weeks, so by 23 weeks he is usually very active, better coordinating his movements and coups. In general, during the second pregnancy, the baby will start doing everything a little earlier than during the first one.

23 weeks pregnant with twins

Twin pregnancy requires more careful monitoring, so you will visit the antenatal clinic on a weekly basis. Since multiple pregnancies usually end with childbirth earlier than usual, babies develop faster in the mother's tummy. The weight of the crumbs may be less than it should be in this period, but not much. Of course, the 23rd week of pregnancy with twins will tire mommy much more, you need to rest more back pain can be quite severe - the tummy of a mom with twins is usually quite large by this time.

Pain at 23 weeks gestation

Pain in this period usually does not bother the expectant mother much - it can be pain in the legs from walking, pain in the back and lower back. Quite often, mommy may be disturbed by painful contractions of the calf muscles - they occur with a lack of calcium and magnesium. In order to get rid of seizures, you need to take special calcium preparations, introduce cottage cheese and other dairy products into the diet. To relieve back pain, it is recommended to wear a special maternity bandage. It is also not recommended to wear shoes with heels - you will have to part with heels before giving birth.

Also, the uterus at 23 weeks of gestation can cause painful sensations- the body begins to prepare for childbirth, the uterus periodically strains and relaxes. During contractions of the uterus, the pain should not be very strong, it quickly disappears when you change position, you can walk a little. Also, pain can occur during laughing, sneezing, coughing. These are the so-called training contractions that will accompany you until the very birth.

Sex at 23 weeks pregnant

Sex at the 23rd week of pregnancy can bring many new pleasant sensations to spouses - due to hormonal changes, a woman's sexual desire increases. You should refrain from sex only in such situations:

  • Signs of genital infections in a partner
  • Recurrent miscarriages in the past
  • The threat of termination of this pregnancy
  • Multiple pregnancy

If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, there is no need to deprive yourself and your husband of pleasure. It should only be remembered that the husband must be neat and gentle - then sex will not bring any problems.

Analyzes and studies at 23 weeks of gestation

During this period, visits to the antenatal clinic are carried out monthly. Before visiting the doctor, you need to take blood and urine tests - they are needed to assess the function of the blood and kidneys. An ultrasound scan at 23 weeks of gestation is performed only if any problems are detected on the part of the mother or fetus. During a visit to the doctor, the woman's weight, abdominal circumference and the height of the fundus of the uterus are measured. An assessment of blood pressure is mandatory. The doctor should also examine the arms and legs for swelling.

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Questions - answers.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, I noticed the release of droplets of sticky liquid from the breast, the nipples were always greasy. What's this?

Colostrum at 23 weeks gestation can be excreted by many mums. Colostrum begins to be produced at about 16-18 weeks: from this moment mommy feels itching, tingling in the mammary glands. Discharge of colostrum droplets most often begins after 32 weeks, but an earlier appearance of colostrum is not a pathology. As soon as you notice that colostrum appears from the breast - start washing the breast several times a day with warm water, wipe it gently and in no case squeeze it out - this can provoke the appearance of contractions and premature birth. Colostrum is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, so personal hygiene is essential.

What is toxicosis manifested at 23 weeks of gestation? And then a friend says that my dizziness is toxicosis.

Late preeclampsia (or toxicosis) of pregnant women is very dangerous, it can be manifested by a rapid increase in edema, the appearance of protein in the urine, increased pressure, dizziness and weakness, visual disturbances. If dizziness is combined with any of the listed symptoms, you need to urgently go to the hospital. Timely initiation of treatment for toxicosis can significantly reduce the likelihood of complications.

When the duration of pregnancy passes the "equator", most expectant mothers get so used to their condition that they forget about their position. However, 23 weeks of pregnancy can bring "surprises", so it is important to know what may indicate a violation.

23 weeks pregnant - how many months is it?

Pregnancy care providers always set the duration of gestation based on the date of the first day of the last menstrual period before conception. Moreover, this parameter is always indicated in weeks. Themselves, expectant mothers prefer to count the term in months, and therefore difficulties arise in the translation process.

In order to independently and correctly translate weeks into months, you need to know several features. To simplify calculations, doctors take the length of a month for 4 weeks, and the number of days in each month - 30. Taking these nuances into account, it is possible to calculate, according to which 23 weeks of pregnancy are 5 months and 3 weeks. It is approaching, and there are 17 obstetric weeks before the baby is born.

23 weeks pregnant - what happens to the baby?

The child at 23 weeks of gestation continues to develop and improve. By this time, the pancreas begins to produce the hormone insulin, which is involved in the metabolic process. The spleen also functions, which carries out the synthesis of blood cells. Active changes occur in the brain: the number of convolutions increases, and the grooves become deeper.

Significant changes are noted in the digestive system, which is almost ready to function. Every day the baby can swallow a small amount of amniotic fluid that leaves his body along with urine. Part of this fluid enters the intestines, where it is converted into the original feces - meconium. It accumulates and is released outside only after birth.

23 weeks pregnant - growth and weight of the fetus

Every day the child becomes heavier, and his body length increases. Its weight at 23 weeks of gestation is 500-520 g. In this case, the length of the body, from the crown to the heels is 28-30 cm. Doctors often use such an indicator as the coccygeal-parietal size, which at this time is 18-20 cm. note that the given norms are averaged, and when assessing anthropometric indicators, obstetricians always take into account:

  • the height and weight of the parents;
  • features of the diet of a pregnant woman.

23 weeks pregnant - fetal development

A fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy is improving its skills and abilities. Activation observed nervous system and reflex activity. Future baby reacts to external stimuli: noise, light, music. By the increasing movements, mom can determine whether he likes them or not. By this time, the musculoskeletal system is already developed, so the amplitude and strength of shocks, blows and movements are increasing.

When the 23rd week of pregnancy begins, the baby's regimen is established. A mother may notice that at certain times of the day the child is more active, and at other times he sleeps more. At the same time, the established biorhythms of the baby do not always coincide with the maternal ones: many mothers are forced to adapt to their future baby, who is used to staying awake in the evening, and sometimes at night. After his birth, the mother will be able to regulate the baby's regimen herself.

What does a fetus look like at 23 weeks of gestation?

A baby at 23 weeks pregnant is practically no different from a newborn. Legs and arms become proportional, and front part skull acquires individual features. Skin integument have many folds and are densely covered with fine fine hairs (lanugo). More melanin is produced in the body, which causes the hair on the head to become colored. When conducting an ultrasound scan on the fingers, nail plates, which by this time practically reach the edges.

Stirring at 23 weeks gestation

Normally, the child is active at 23 weeks. There is a lot of free space for action in the uterine cavity. Coups, somersaults, somersaults are often recorded by the mother throughout the day. At the same time, it is important to carry out their periodic counting. Physical activity, according to doctors, plays the role of an indicator of the general condition of the fetus, reflects its well-being.

Fixation must be performed during the daytime when the fetus is active. The optimal period for such measurements is from 9 to 19 hours. During this time, the expectant mother should count at least 10 episodes of movements. An increase or decrease in this indicator may indicate complications of pregnancy, including:

  • fading pregnancy.

23 weeks pregnant - what happens to mom?

Considering such a period as the 23rd week of pregnancy, what happens to the expectant mother, it is necessary to note a significant weight gain. By this time, women are already gaining 5-7 kg from the beginning of pregnancy. Every week, the body weight of a pregnant woman increases by 500 g. It is important to monitor this parameter, since excess weight can affect the well-being of the fetus.

Together with the figure of the pregnant woman at the 23rd week of pregnancy, the gait also changes. The center of gravity has moved forward, so the woman is forced to walk with her shoulders thrown back. When walking, the weight is shifted to the side of the supporting leg, which results in a gait characteristic of pregnant women. To reduce stress on the spine, doctors recommend using a prenatal brace.

23 weeks pregnant - woman's feelings

When pregnancy is 23 weeks, the development and feelings of the expectant mother are due to the changed hormonal background. Moreover, fast growth the genital organ forces the internal organs to shift. Against the background of these changes, shortness of breath and heartburn become frequent phenomena. Women notice that it becomes harder to breathe, and the number of respiratory movements increases. After a hearty meal, pregnant women often record heartburn, belching, which can be caused by a reverse partial reflux of food into the esophagus.

At this time, the bladder is also under the influence of the uterus. Under the pressure of the organ, its volume decreases, the number of urges for emptying increases. As a result of these changes, the volume of urine portions is reduced. This phenomenon is a physiological norm, so there is no need to limit the amount of fluid you drink, but you should control it (2 liters per day).

Belly at 23 weeks pregnant

Normally, the uterus at 23 weeks of gestation should be 4 cm above the navel. Since that time, almost all women experience training (false) contractions. It is irregular, painless and short-lived. Contractions of the uterine myometrium are unproductive and do not provoke the onset of labor in women. When changing the position of the body, they disappear on their own.

The 23rd week of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in the size of the abdomen - it will not be possible to hide it from others. A dark streak may appear on the surface of the skin, extending from the navel to the pubis. It is formed due to the changed hormonal background and disappears on its own at the end of pregnancy. Numerous stretch marks may appear on the surface of the abdomen - striae, to combat which doctors advise using moisturizers.

Discharge at 23 weeks of gestation is the norm

In the normal course of gestation, discharge at 23 weeks of gestation remains unchanged. They are of medium abundance, transparent in color, sometimes whitish in color. There should be no unpleasant odors. Obstetricians tolerate a sour odor. Coloration of the discharge, change in consistency or volume should be the reason for a medical consultation.

Green, yellow coloration vaginal discharge indicates the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process in the reproductive system. To establish the cause, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. Bloody discharge at this time is rare. However, their appearance cannot be completely ruled out. Among possible reasons development:

  • uterine bleeding;

Pain at 23 weeks gestation

When the 23rd week of pregnancy comes, many pregnant women suffer from lower back and back pain. These painful sensations are associated with increased stress on the spinal column. The pains do not have a clear localization and intensify after a long walk, physical exertion. To reduce their severity, obstetricians recommend wearing a special one, which is removed only at night.

At 23 weeks of gestation, the development of leg cramps can be triggered by a lack of calcium in the blood, part of which is used to build the musculoskeletal system of the fetus. Many women complain that their calf muscles periodically contract. In order to exclude this phenomenon, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes, which contain calcium and vitamin D.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks

Ultrasound at 23 weeks of gestation can be carried out exclusively for special indications. As part of the second screening, this study is carried out between 16 and 20 weeks. During the study, the doctor carefully examines the fetus, sets its size, evaluates the work of cardio-vascular system... Special attention is paid to the placenta, assessing its size, thickness and location, which can change up to 8 months.

At 23 weeks, a pregnant woman really needs the support and understanding of her loved ones. The hormonal changes in her body are causing her mood swings to increase and should be treated with patience and wisdom.

Changes in the body at 23 weeks of gestation

At this time, the growth of the uterus and an increase in the placenta, as well as the volume of amniotic fluid, continue. The weight gain of the expectant mother is from 5 to 6.7 kg. There is also an increase in the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs. At this time, it is located at a distance of about 3.75 cm above the navel.

At 23 weeks, changes occur in the chemical composition of the pregnant woman's blood, due to which the liquid is retained longer in the tissues. The uterus, which is growing every day, puts more and more pressure on the veins, which slows down the circulation of blood in the legs. All this leads to the formation of edema. All excess water will go out of the body in the first days after childbirth, at which point you should reduce the amount of salt you eat, exercise to improve blood circulation and wear supportive stockings. On the contrary, you should not refuse liquid. If swelling appears on the hands and face, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine if they are a sign of late pregnancy toxicosis.

Fetal condition at 23 weeks gestation

By this time, the growth of the baby is from 28 cm to 30 cm, the weight is from 460 grams. up to 520 gr., although these are very average indicators, which may differ in each specific case. At this time, almost all women feel fetal movement in the form of very tangible jolts and rhythmic tremors in the abdomen.

At this time, the child spends most of his time in a dream and wakes up about once an hour, reminding his mother of himself by wiggling. In general, she should feel at least 10 shocks of her crumbs per day. By the 23rd week, the development of the baby's central nervous system is at the level when the devices record the activity of the brain, similar to the activity of ordinary people.

It is believed that the baby has dreams at this stage of pregnancy. The coordination of his movements increases, he sucks his fingers for a long time, feels himself, the umbilical cord, the walls of the uterus. Although outwardly the baby resembles a little old man with red wrinkled skin, his figure is becoming more and more proportional. With eyes that have already opened, he can see light and darkness, reacting to them. He hears sounds, and if they scare him, then he immediately lets his mother know about it with his stirring. On the contrary, on her sweet words and stroking the tummy, he reacts with peace. All organs and functions of the baby are already formed by 23 weeks and perform the functions for which they are intended.

Possible sensations at 23 weeks of gestation

During this time, the headaches that are characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes tend to improve or subside. But an increase in the amount of hormones at 23 weeks can cause frequent mood swings. At this time, Braxton Hicks contractions may occur, which are manifested by a sensation of pain and mild cramps in the uterus. There is no need to be afraid of this, so the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth.

The expectant mother may feel pain and a feeling of heaviness in her legs. Under increasing weight, the foot lengthens and the development of static flat feet, so many shoes become small. Therefore, the expectant mother should use maternity insoles and wear only comfortable, stable shoes.

At 23 weeks, many pregnant women learn what varicose veins and hemorrhoids are. They arise because, due to hormonal changes, the walls of the veins relax, and the uterus, which squeezes the veins of the pelvis, interferes with the outflow of blood through the veins.

During this period, the sexual activity of the expectant mother decreases, since the choice of positions is limited, and more and more caution is required.

Necessary medical supervision

Those who have not done the third scheduled ultrasound at 22 weeks should definitely see a specialist at 23 weeks. This examination is extremely important to assess the heartbeat, height and weight of the fetus, its position in the uterus, the presence or absence of malformations, the amount of amniotic fluid, the location and degree of maturation of the placenta.

If the expectant mother has already passed all the necessary tests, now she can simply devote her time to rest and communication with the baby, giving him her positive emotions, which are so important for him.

According to statistics, about 80% of pregnant women have bowel problems in the form of constipation or diarrhea. To combat them, a pregnant woman can use only natural means - the correct organization of the daily routine and diet. This will be useful for weight control, because overweight and underweight mothers are equally fraught with various abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Many pregnant women feel lower back pain at this time. To prevent the development of such pain associated with an increasing load on the back, the expectant mother should wear a bandage and do special exercises for pregnant women.