
Sensations in the abdomen at 31 weeks pregnant. All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy. What happens in the body of the expectant mother


Finally, the 31st week of pregnancy has come. Women are already on maternity leave, and they have free time, which they use not only to relax, but also to prepare for childbirth. At 7-8 months of pregnancy, it is useful for future parents to enroll in special courses, where they talk about this in detail. After all, there is very little left before the birth of the baby.

Baby development

At the end of the 30th week, the fetus is almost formed. Its weight is approximately 1.6 kg, and its full height reaches 39 cm. During this period, the nerve endings begin to work in the embryo, and the brain improves. Pain sensitivity increases, and the protective reaction improves. If you watch a baby, you can see amazing things. For example, ultrasound shows how he closes his eyelids when his pen reflexively touches his eyes.

At 30-31 weeks, the fetus is very mobile. He develops a kind of daily routine, in which periods of activity are replaced by rest. The baby moves so strongly that his tremors often wake up mom at night, and dad can easily feel them with his hand on his tummy.

At seven and a half months, the baby in the mother's belly is growing rapidly. His facial features are formed, and the neck is lengthened. Internal organs continue to improve. The size of the pancreas increases. She is already able to fully provide the fetus with insulin. The kidneys and liver of the unborn baby are actively working.

The thirty-first week is a time when changes occur rapidly. The fetus is intensively preparing for independent life. He begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat. As a result, the baby's skin gradually loses its red color, gradually turns pale and smoothes. If you carefully study the seventh month, it becomes clear that the lung tissue of the child is improving daily. Even at 30 weeks, it is almost impossible for a newborn to spread his lungs and breathe on his own. And 31 weeks of pregnancy greatly increases this chance.

The child distinguishes sounds well. He likes to listen to music or the calm voice of his parents when they read or sing a song. Baby feels emotional condition and begins to worry, get nervous when mom is ill.

After 30 weeks, many babies take the optimal position for childbirth. They turn their heads down, tucking their legs under them. Some keep spinning up last day. Take it easy, the child will definitely have time to roll over as it should.

How does the expectant mother feel?

The woman gets tired quickly. Since 31 obstetric week- this is a full 7 months of pregnancy, the fetus is already large. The uterus stretches and presses on internal organs. Because of this, it becomes more difficult for mommy to breathe deeply. Physical activity can cause shortness of breath and the gait becomes clumsy. After 30 weeks, you should try to monitor your posture and rest more.

At this time, pain in the pelvic region is sometimes disturbing. Most often they are caused by natural causes. The body begins to prepare for childbirth, and the pelvic bones gradually move apart. To relieve pain, sit on comfortable chairs with a back and change your body position more often. Try to walk more, fresh air is simply necessary now.

The seventh month of pregnancy boosts a woman's metabolism. It often throws into heat even in a cool room. This is a positive phenomenon, since toxic substances come out with sweat, and the body is cleansed.

  • At 30-31 weeks great value has food. The fetus in the uterus squeezes the stomach, heartburn appears. A woman needs only healthy food enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • Steam or oven cook food and control how much you eat at a time. Eat small meals every 3 hours to avoid heaviness in the stomach.
  • Try to include fiber in the diet and do not refuse first courses, the child needs it.
  • To avoid swelling, exclude fried and salty foods. After 30 weeks, the load on the kidneys increases greatly, and such food aggravates it.

For 9 months of gestation, a woman recovers by about 10-12 kg. This is affected by the amount amniotic fluid, an increase in the uterus, placenta, blood volume, and not just the formation of a fatty layer. If the weight gain is much greater, this is an alarm signal. After all overweight provoke a strong load on the heart, which adversely affects the health of the fetus and woman.

At 7-8 months, expectant mothers are often haunted by a feeling of hunger. Keep it down and don't overeat. From unnecessary food, the baby can become fat. This will greatly complicate childbirth and may lead to his obesity in the future.

What other changes are taking place?

At 31 weeks, some women notice that colostrum is leaking from their breasts. This does not happen to everyone and does not affect the production of milk, as well as future breastfeeding.

After 30 weeks, the load on the woman's body increases, and this causes discomfort and alarming symptoms. The main ones are:

  • horse racing blood pressure:
  • vaginal discharge;
  • uterine contractions.

In late pregnancy, blood pressure often jumps. No matter how much the device shows, it is necessary to tell the doctor about the changes in order to exclude malfunctions in the work of the heart and other organs that adversely affect the fetus. He will appoint necessary tests and figure out the cause of the problem. It should be noted that pressure surges are affected by malnutrition. It rises from salty, fatty foods, after drinking a cup of coffee or strong tea. This is another reason to watch your diet.

The thirty-first obstetric week is characterized by an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge. If this happens, the main thing is to distinguish them from the possible flow of amniotic fluid. It's hard to do by eye. Water, like ordinary discharge, is clear, without an unpleasant odor. Get an examination by a gynecologist so that the baby continues to be completely safe.

By the end of 30 weeks, mommy has training contractions. The uterus hardens and painlessly tenses for a few seconds. This is a normal occurrence and should not be alarmed. Breathing exercises help to alleviate the condition.

If the contractions cause pain or are accompanied by bloody discharge, call an ambulance immediately. Perhaps premature labor has begun, and you and your baby urgently need specialist help.

Help of a doctor during this period

To minimize any complications, it is important to visit a doctor for a check-up during all months of pregnancy. In the last trimester, this is done once every two weeks. The specialist listens to the fetus with a tube, counts its heartbeat, measures the tummy of the expectant mother and, if necessary, prescribes tests.

At 7 months, a vaginal swab should be taken to determine if the pregnant woman has a genital tract infection.

  • In the later period, women are often tormented by thrush. It often occurs in response to malnutrition and is accompanied by secretions resembling cottage cheese and itching.
  • If these signs appear, pay attention to how many sugary foods you are eating and avoid them completely.
  • In addition, under the guidance of a doctor, undergo treatment, otherwise the baby may be infected during childbirth.

Most often, the gynecologist recommends an ultrasound scan at 31 weeks of gestation. This research is very important. It helps to determine how the baby is located in the uterus, find out the maturity of the placenta and check if the baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord. On the device, it is clearly visible what gender the baby has, how its organs develop and whether there are any deviations in them. It is interesting to watch how the baby plays in the mother's stomach, sucks her thumb, rolls over and even smiles.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks carefully examines the condition of the uterus and helps to see how the preparation for childbirth is going, is everything in order. The child is getting bigger every day, and the woman begins to experience difficulties. It is uncomfortable for her to sit and lie down. The fetus squeezes the veins, the blood flow is disturbed, and this affects the well-being.

The doctor pays close attention to mothers who are 31 weeks pregnant. What happens to them at this moment is of great importance and can affect future births. Be sure to attend scheduled examinations and consult a gynecologist for any question.

Despite the fact that the big tummy, in which the baby is located, brings certain difficulties, pregnancy is a wonderful time that passes very quickly. Therefore, rest more, enjoy your position and try to mentally prepare for the upcoming birth.


Hormonal changes, an increase in the uterus and a load on the musculoskeletal system provoke pain in different parts of the body. The intensity and frequency of these sensations depend on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. It is very important not to endure the pain, it is better to immediately tell the doctor about it, even if it was minor. Only a gynecologist can tell if there is a threat of pregnancy.

  • Lower back pain occurs due to the increase in the weight of the pregnant woman and the load on the back. To minimize discomfort, doctors advise using a bandage that fixes the stomach and relieves the lumbar region.
  • Pain in the intestines and in the anus is a common ailment when the 31st week of pregnancy comes. Occur due to the pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs, food processing slows down, which leads to constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Pain in the calf muscles appear due to the increased load on the legs and swelling. Sometimes the cause of cramps is a lack of calcium.

Childbirth at 31 weeks

31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy are fraught with various dangers, one of which is premature birth. The early birth of a child threatens his life, because the body is not yet ready for independent functioning. However, with the provision of quality medical care and the availability of the necessary equipment, the baby will be able to survive and develop normally. The causes of premature birth can be various pathologies in the development of the fetus, bad habits, the age of the pregnant woman, miscarriages in the past, stress and physical overstrain.

To the symptoms premature birth pain in the lower abdomen, spotting, discharge of amniotic fluid, frequent urination. A sure sign that the baby is preparing to come out into the world is strong and frequent contractions. You need to urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own.

Allocations at the 31st obstetric week of pregnancy

With a successful pregnancy, the expectant mother daily finds odorless light milky discharge and various inclusions on her underwear.

A sharp change in the color of the vaginal secretion, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching or pain is a reason to go for a gynecological examination.

Quite often, at 31 weeks, pregnant women suffer from thrush, an infection that affects the vaginal mucosa. This disease can be effectively treated. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to prevent intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Pressure and swelling

After the 30th week of pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor blood pressure and swelling. The fact is that in the last few months before giving birth, some women are at risk of developing late toxicosis - preeclampsia. This is a very serious disease, in which the life of not only the child, but also the mother is at risk. Need urgent medical attention, any delay can be fatal.

What are the symptoms of gestosis? These include nausea, vomiting, fainting, weakness, high blood pressure, fluid buildup in the body. If a woman is constantly sick and at the same time she has severe swelling at the 31st week of pregnancy, this may be late toxicosis. When the diagnosis is confirmed, doctors perform a caesarean section to save the life of the mother and child.

intimate life

In the absence of ailments in the expectant mother, it is possible to continue intimate relationships. However, it is worth remembering that the 31st week of pregnancy is on the calendar and any negligence in this matter can lead to undesirable consequences. In order not to harm the health of the child, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her well-being.

Doctors may prescribe sexual rest if it is a twin pregnancy or there is a risk of premature birth of a child.

Required Research

Twice a week, the gynecologist conducts an appointment at which he assesses the well-being of the mother and baby. Before going to the doctor, a woman must pass the necessary tests:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear on the microflora of the vagina;
  • antibody titer (only if there is a Rh conflict).

Regular examination by a doctor is an opportunity to maintain your well-being in the norm and prevent the development of diseases. The doctor monitors the condition of the fetus by listening to its heartbeat, and also monitors the mother, measuring pressure, weight, and abdominal circumference. All data is recorded on an exchange card, which a woman must carry with her. On the later dates childbirth can begin at any time, and when the pregnant woman enters the maternity hospital, the obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to understand from the medical record which method of delivery to choose - natural or artificial.

baby ultrasound

For many expectant mothers, the thirty-first week of pregnancy is the time for the third planned ultrasound. This research method, along with a triple test (blood test for hCG hormones and free estriol, alpha-fetoprotein protein), gives a complete picture of the child's health status. With its help, the doctor can identify developmental abnormalities, as well as analyze the state of the child's place: placenta previa and the degree of maturity of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid.

Sometimes it happens that at the first scheduled ultrasound, the doctor cannot name the sex of the child due to the “closed” position of the fetus or outdated equipment. For parents expecting girls and expecting boys, the third ultrasound examination is an opportunity to find out who will soon join the family.

31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy is the end of the seventh month.

There is not much left before the birth. What is your mom up to this week? What changes occur in the body of the unborn baby?

31 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo, how does the baby develop and feel?

Together with the tummy, the mass of the unborn child increases. On average, by this time he weighs 1400 g, his height - 39 . The skin is thickened, now blood vessels are no longer visible under it. And although premature birth at this time is not considered normal, the baby in this case has every chance of surviving.

What has been formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

The visual system continues to improve. Now the baby is already well acquainted with the concept of light and darkness, but he will learn to distinguish shades only after birth.

If the mother is near a source of bright light and puts her hand on her tummy, the baby will definitely pay attention to her.

Pigment accumulates in the iris of the eye. The lung tissue becomes more mature. Neurons in the brain form many new connections, thanks to which the baby learns to consciously respond to stimuli. At this point, the child has learned to express joy and displeasure.

The baby gains an average of about 20 g in a day. He has grown so much that he can no longer move freely in the tummy as before. But his thrusts became much stronger and more confident.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

Doctors use ultrasound at this time to determine the growth of the baby in dynamics. Thanks to the indicators obtained, it can be concluded whether the child is developing correctly. The condition of the cervix and placenta is also necessarily examined.

Moms can see that the baby's facial expressions are actively developing. He may wince, smile, frown and stick out his tongue and even yawn.

Video: Ultrasound 31 weeks pregnant

Fetal heart rate at 31 weeks

From the very beginning of pregnancy until delivery, doctors closely monitor the work of the baby's heart. Its indicators allow us to draw conclusions about how the baby is developing, whether there are any deviations.

In the third trimester, the heart rate should be 140-160 per minute. Usually, ultrasound is used for these purposes, but if more accurate data is needed, a woman is prescribed cardiotocography.

What happens in a woman's body?

The body of the expectant mother gets tired much faster and more often.

What symptoms may bother you this week:

  • The uterus has risen 10 cm above the navel. The size of the abdomen is already quite impressive, but the fetus, along with the placenta and uterus, continues to grow. This process will take another 10 weeks.
  • The hormone relaxin causes weakening of the joints of the pelvic bones. This makes the pelvic ring more stretchable and facilitates the birth process. A “side effect” of such stretching is a peculiar gait that appears in all pregnant women without exception.
  • If earlier heartburn was of a non-permanent nature, now it can become a constant companion of a pregnant woman.
  • A high level of progesterone affects the nasopharyngeal mucosa, causing it to swell. Therefore, most pregnant women experience nasal congestion.
  • At this time, the appearance of vivid dreams about the upcoming birth is possible.

The mother's blood never mixes with the baby's. This is facilitated by a thin placental barrier.

Changes in a woman's body at 31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 31 weeks pregnant

The shape of the abdomen by this point should be ovoid. With polyhydramnios, the stomach becomes spherical, which is not very good. Stretch marks may appear on the skin of the abdomen and chest. To prevent tears in the abdomen and chest, throughout pregnancy, you need to care for the skin with moisturizers. cosmetics. Proper nutrition also plays a significant role in skin elasticity.

The nipples can change their shape - they become larger and darker. Considering that the breast size has almost doubled, a woman needs to wear good quality supportive underwear at all times. This will reduce the load on the spine and thereby reduce pain in back.

Movement during pregnancy

It is impossible not to notice the movement at this time. The baby makes about 25 movements per day. Periods of activity alternate with sleep.

There is less and less space in the uterus, so during sipping, the baby often causes pain to the mother. The best remedy to relieve pain is considered a change of position.

In addition to movements, the mother may notice periodic twitching of the abdomen. The reason for this phenomenon is hiccups in a child. This often happens after he swallows amniotic fluid. There is nothing dangerous in this. On the contrary, in this way the digestive system is trained to work independently.

Video: 31 weeks pregnant

What can and can not a woman during pregnancy?

To maintain energy and well-being, moderate amounts are very useful. physical exercise. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not bring yourself to exhaustion. No need to try to redo all the homework, this can be bad for your well-being.

Hiking, swimming, fitball exercises are considered the best option for physical activity at this time.

Avoid any pressure on the abdomen. Tight clothing can provoke vasospasm, which can cause insufficient weight gain in the child and developmental delays. For the same reason, it is not recommended to sleep on your back..

It is important to learn how to get out of bed slowly. Sudden movements can bring pain. If you follow your posture, you can significantly reduce back pain.

It is harmful for pregnant women to be in a smoky room. In this case, the baby can not get away from nicotine smoke penetrating into his body. The same applies to the evaporation of paints and varnishes.

31 weeks pregnant - how to understand that everything is fine?

There are several criteria by which you can determine that the pregnancy is proceeding normally:

  • Constant weight gain.
  • The presence of movements.
  • The distinct sound of a child's heart.

If fears haunt a woman constantly, it will be useful for her to talk to someone about it. By sharing their worries, they will no longer seem so serious.

Popular questions about pregnancy - answers a specialist

Obstetric and embryonic terms - what is the difference?

The difference between these terms is on average two weeks. Embryonic name the exact gestational age from the moment of fertilization. obstetric term begins on the day of the start of the last menstruation of a pregnant woman.

Allocations at 31 weeks of gestation - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

At normal pregnancy a woman should have uniform discharge of a light color. Any change in color or consistency indicates a possible problem. This should be taken seriously, since the penetration of microbes into the genitourinary system can lead to damage to the fetal bladder.

If at 31 weeks of pregnancy the heartbeat of the fetus is not heard?

If at the appointment with a gynecologist using a conventional stethoscope it is not possible to listen to the work of the heart, additional examinations will be required using ultrasound or cardiotocography.

If the heartbeat is not recorded, doctors will make a diagnosis - intrauterine fetal death.

If at 31 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

This may be due to training contractions (Brexton-Hicks contractions). They prepare the body for future childbirth and do not pose any danger to the fetus.

However, too strong and prolonged pain in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back - a reason to see a doctor immediately.

Kolyat or hurt the ovaries at 31 weeks - the reasons?

Side pain in pregnant women is associated with stretching of the joints and ligaments. Such pain occurs with a sharp change in position, during sneezing. Therefore, pregnant women should try to move slowly and smoothly.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 31st week of pregnancy, it stopped feeling sick, I don’t feel pregnant; did it bleed?

If a pregnant woman has any suspicions, and even more so blood has gone, this is a serious reason to visit a gynecologist. The fact is that the appearance of blood, even in small quantities indicates problems with the placenta.

31 weeks of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

To avoid complications, doctors carefully monitor the pregnant woman from the moment of fertilization until the very birth. If this multiple pregnancy, which often happens with IVF, a woman can be placed in a hospital.

How to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking?

Many believe that amniotic fluid is excreted in large quantities. In fact, they can leak literally drop by drop. And even this will be enough for the infection to enter the uterus through the damaged area.

In appearance, amniotic fluid resembles ordinary water, slightly sticky, with a slight yellow tint. To distinguish them from vaginal discharge you can use the test to determine the amniotic fluid.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 31 weeks or does it rarely freeze during this period?

At this time, pregnancy fading is extremely rare.

The first symptoms of fetal death include:

  • The disappearance of all signs of pregnancy.
  • Stopping weight gain.
  • No movement.

Are SARS, flu and other diseases dangerous at 31 weeks of pregnancy?

Colds at this time are not dangerous if they are monitored by a doctor. The main thing to watch out for expectant mother, this is an increase in temperature above 38 degrees.

You also need to beware of diseases. genitourinary system. In this case, there is a risk that the infection will cross the placenta. Then the baby will be born already infected.

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good ...

In order for good health to last as long as possible, mom needs to visit her gynecologist on time and take all the necessary tests.

In preparation for the main event of their lives, it will be useful for mothers to study information about childbirth and about proper care for the baby. In the future, this knowledge will only benefit and save you from possible mistakes.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus will be about 1.6 kg, full height - 38-39 cm. The baby's nerve endings begin to function, pain sensitivity appears. The mother may have night sleep disturbances due to active and strong fetal tremors. It is time to explore the issues of anesthesia during childbirth.

How many months?

The 31st obstetric week is the eighth lunar month of pregnancy. From conception went approximately 29 weeks. Read interesting about the timing here: Terms of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic - how to determine and not get confused in terms -

Fetal development

In the first trimester of pregnancy, each week brought enormous changes to the development of the fetus. Now your baby has long been formed all the organs and systems. The main direction of further development is the improvement of the brain and nervous system. For example, the fetus develops nerve endings. This means the appearance of general and pain sensitivity. The nerve fibers themselves are getting better and better every day to conduct brain signals to the nerve endings and back. This is a complex process that goes unnoticed for us, but in fact controls our entire life.

The baby begins to develop natural protective reactions. For example, if now, with a reflex movement of the hand, the fist accidentally hits the eye, the eyelids will spontaneously close to protect the eyeball.

In addition, the child's body is preparing for the upcoming life outside the mother's body. The fetus continues to develop subcutaneous fat. Thanks to this substance, the baby's skin gradually loses its bright red color, becomes a little paler. However, the full color of the baby's skin will be determined only for some time after childbirth. There is a gradual smoothing skin which makes newborns look so chubby.

The facial features of the fetus become more defined, individual. Marigolds grow to the fingertips, and their growth does not end there. Many mothers are amazed at how long their baby's nails are at birth, but this is actually completely normal.

At this time, many children are already positioned quite correctly. The head is below, the buttocks are under the mother's breasts, the arms and legs are crossed and pressed to the body. Wearing a brace will help your baby stay in this position and not roll over again.

However, we must not forget that the fetus can be located differently and turn over until the very birth. If at a later date the baby still has not taken the necessary position, the bandage will have to be abandoned in order to give the child the opportunity to turn around as it should.

The movements of your grown baby are now felt almost constantly. Muscle contractions are also training before birth. The strongest jolts can even wake you up at night. Be patient and calm about it. Later, especially immediately after childbirth, many mothers admit that they miss the feeling of life inside themselves and the movements of their baby in the tummy.

Why are conversations necessary?

Many parents do not understand: why talk to a child who has not yet been born? After all, he does not understand anything and will not begin to understand soon! Answer: to learn how to do it after the baby is born. Of course, there are a huge number of "talking" toys and educational cartoons almost from birth. But your voice and your communication are indispensable. Unfortunately, parents often do not understand this and limit themselves to ordinary words like “don’t cry”, “quietly”, “sleep” and “eat”. And then they wonder why the child pronounces sounds poorly, does not obey and cannot normally establish contact with peers. And all these problems begin in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Calm conversations and stroking the abdomen have another practical meaning. Almost all mothers notice that with such actions, the movements of the fetus become less sharp. Given that now the baby is sometimes pushing very painfully, talking and stroking will bring relief to the mother herself.

These are not strictly scientific data, but observations, but they are true: even a child who has not yet been born needs your attention and communication. This applies to parents and other relatives as well.

What's going on with mom

The gestation period of 31 weeks for most women becomes the beginning of the vacation. If you are pregnant with twins, this time comes two weeks earlier. Many women plan many different things at this time. But it turns out that most of all I want to relax and sleep. This is a completely normal state.

Since the beginning of pregnancy, weight can increase by about 10 kg. This is a very average figure. Some mothers don’t even gain so much in all 40 weeks, but they feel great. There are women with more weight gain. This needs to be taken very seriously for several reasons:

  1. Excessive fullness makes it difficult for you to move.
  2. The load on the heart, already increased, increases even more. This is an unfavorable factor for the health of the fetus and yours.
  3. If excess weight is the result of abundant nutrition and improper diet, not only you, but also your baby can get fat. A large fetus means difficulties during childbirth and the risk of developing obesity in a child at a later age.
  4. A significant increase in weight may indirectly indicate internal edema. This is one of the signs of late toxicosis. About this dangerous complication of pregnancy.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

You need to spend some time thinking about what lies ahead in a few weeks. Childbirth is a complex process. Since the main fear of future women in labor is the fear of pain, study the issue of childbirth with anesthesia.

There are several methods to alleviate the suffering of a woman at different stages of childbirth. For example, antispasmodic therapy will allow you to relax certain muscles and reduce the pain of uterine contractions.

During epidural anesthesia, a catheter is inserted into the spine. Drugs reduce pain, but retain sensitivity.

Narcotic anesthesia is used when it is impossible to use epidural anesthesia, for example, with a herniated disc.

However, it should be remembered that any drug through your blood will get to the child. There are no harmless medicines. Therefore, it is better to tune in to this: if the pain is tolerable, then it is better to refuse anesthesia. It is possible and necessary to use painkillers only with unbearable pain, as it makes it difficult to concentrate on childbirth and hear the recommendations of doctors and midwives.

Interestingly, many mothers after the birth of their first children admitted that their pain was much less than expected and did not last long enough to become unbearable.

scientific fact. According to some reports, higher animals who gave birth with anesthesia immediately abandoned their babies. Under the influence of anesthesia, the production of a special attachment hormone decreased to a critical level, and the maternal instinct simply disappeared.

There are also non-pharmacological methods of labor pain relief. These include aromatherapy, acupuncture, acupressure. These methods do not have 100% scientific confirmation of their effectiveness and not in every maternity hospital available. In addition, any impact on biologically active points should be performed only by a professional, otherwise there may be side effects and have unpleasant consequences.

Discharge and pain

The grown tummy causes the center of gravity of your body to shift greatly. Because of this, the deflection in the lower back may increase. And while walking and in a standing position, you probably lean back. With twin pregnancy, this is especially noticeable, since the total weight of the babies, uterus and amniotic fluid is higher. This condition leads to the fact that every now and then you have a little pain in the lower back or the entire back. This condition is almost inevitable and is considered normal.

Light pains, especially in the lower abdomen and its spontaneous tension, speak of training contractions. Here you need to pay attention to the frequency and periodicity. If the contractions are repeated at regular intervals and / or more than four times within an hour, this is an alarming sign.

Vaginal discharge should be scanty, clear, or white color without strong odour. Quite a lot of colostrum can be secreted from the breast. This process is different for every mother.

What not to worry about. If there is still no colostrum, you should not worry - this is just a feature of your body. In some cases, colostrum begins to be produced only on the eve of childbirth.

In case of any deviations from the norm, be sure to consult a doctor. Sharp pain, profuse watery discharge and bleeding mean you need emergency medical attention.

Video: Pain at 31 weeks pregnant:

preterm birth

At 31 weeks pregnant, your fetus is not yet considered full-term. If a child is born at this time, he will be generally viable, but in many ways underdeveloped. Such a newborn will survive only if there is a qualified medical care and special equipment.

Doctor's observations

At least once every two weeks you need to visit a antenatal clinic. A day or two before that, be sure to take routine blood and urine tests, for which the doctor issues directions in advance. Such frequent checks are essential. Pregnant women may experience a variety of health issues. Many diseases at first do not make themselves felt, they are asymptomatic. But in blood and urine tests, unwanted changes in the body will already be visible, so laboratory control is very important.

You may be scheduled for a scheduled ultrasound (if you have not had it before). During the study, the doctor will determine the main parameters of the fetus, check the symmetry of the development of the limbs (the arms and legs must be the same length). Plus, checking the location of the placenta, the general condition of the fetus, the presence / absence of any pathologies.

Photo of tummies

ultrasound. 31 weeks pregnant (3D)

Ultrasound photo:

  1. Nutrition: meat, fish, cereals, dairy, vegetables, fruits. Be very careful about the expiration date of products. With food poisoning, many toxins are formed in the body, which will inevitably enter the blood of the fetus and harm it.
  2. Limit salty, sweet and completely eliminate fatty foods and fried foods.
  3. If you have oligohydramnios or, conversely, an excess of amniotic fluid, you should not go on a water diet. The amount of amniotic fluid has nothing to do with how much you drink.
  4. There should be plenty of fresh air around you. Ventilate the rooms where you are, walk more often.
  5. Dress strictly for the weather. Hypothermia will easily lead you to a cold, while overheating can cause you to feel dizzy and even faint.
  6. Even if your only desire is to sit, lie down and sleep, do not forget about physical activity. It is needed to eliminate and prevent periodic edema, dilated veins in the legs and to train the heart. But your loads should be moderate, without sudden movements and tension.
  7. Swimming is considered the best method of physical training. Water supports you and does not allow you to overexert yourself. It is believed that this particular sport helps the baby to take the correct position in the uterus.
  8. Sexual life can continue as usual if it gives pleasure to you and the father of the child. Contraindications remain the same: oligohydramnios, the threat of premature birth, multiple pregnancy.
  9. To avoid shortness of breath, walk and climb stairs slowly. Full breathing will be restored only closer to childbirth, when your stomach drops a little.
  10. Completely give up sitting cross-legged, so as not to disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  11. Wear a brace to ease the strain on your back and lower back.
  12. Compression underwear and stockings will help you to endure discomfort in the lower back and abdomen easier, reduce the load on the blood vessels of the legs.

During maternity leave, try to carefully prepare for the meeting with your baby.

Video guide: 31 weeks of pregnancy what happens, movements, shortness of breath, pain, labor pain relief

We visit the pool

The third trimester of pregnancy (from 26 to 39 weeks) for each woman proceeds individually. Expectant mothers by this time are already getting used to the constant feeling of heaviness and sluggishness, adapting to new forms. 31 weeks of pregnancy for many is accompanied by severe fatigue and fatigue. That is why maternity leave is issued after the 30th week of pregnancy, when a woman can no longer perform the necessary work.

Maternity leave

31 weeks of pregnancy is the first week of the expectant mother's legal rest. Many women have already taken maternity leave. Having received a well-deserved rest, they enjoy the last months of their freedom. Some people prefer to walk more in their free time. fresh air eat a healthy diet and do the necessary physical activity. But most often, expectant mothers, due to constant fatigue, spend a lot of time lying in bed or on the couch, trying not to burden their tired back. Despite this, it should not be forgotten that physical activity necessary for pregnant women to prepare the body for the complex process of childbirth.

Pregnancy: 30-31 weeks, body changes

The body of a pregnant woman at this time undergoes major changes. As a result of hormonal adjustment, relaxation of all muscle tissues of the body occurs. As a result of this, such an unpleasant phenomenon as varicose veins can occur. By this time, the minimum weight gain of a woman should be 8 kilograms, which seriously affects all body functions. Weight at 31 weeks of pregnancy can begin to increase dramatically due to various disorders in the body of a woman, so you should carefully monitor the diet, keep healthy lifestyle life.

Due to the growth of the fetus, the uterus increases in size and rises higher, which can provoke regular heartburn, its symptoms are especially pronounced when a woman is in a supine position. In addition, the rapidly growing uterus creates serious pressure on all the internal organs of the female body, which makes it difficult for them to work naturally. Pregnancy (30-31 weeks) is accompanied by the adaptation of all body systems to a new regimen, which can significantly worsen a woman's well-being. The main discomfort for the expectant mother is caused by regular shortness of breath. It is caused by a lack of oxygen, as the compressed lungs cannot function to their full capacity. For prevention, you should often walk in the fresh air, away from polluted and dusty city streets.

To get rid of heartburn, you need to establish proper nutrition. To do this, you should eat in small portions, but often enough (up to 6 times a day). The volume of food consumed at one time should be no more than 200 grams. Thanks to such a nutrition system, it will be easier for the digestive tract to cope with its function, and the woman's well-being will improve significantly.

31 weeks pregnant - how many months?

At 31 weeks pregnant, the expectant mother has been carrying the baby for 7.5 months. There are about 10 weeks left before the birth, but this is conditional. Not every woman bears a child for exactly 9 months: labor can begin even at 37 weeks - this is also considered the norm. Everything is approximate here, in each individual case it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.

Woman's well-being

Most expectant mothers note the appearance of pain in the hip joints. The hormone relaxin, secreted by the body to prepare the osseous and ligamentous apparatus for the approaching birth, relaxes the hip bones, which provokes pain. The increased weight of a woman also affects the state of the bone apparatus. As a result, she experiences discomfort and pain. Sometimes these symptoms can develop so much that it becomes difficult for a woman to rise to her feet from a sitting position, and it is also difficult to move around. So, it's 31 weeks pregnant. The weight of the child is constantly increasing, so along with this, the well-being of the mother will worsen. Do not worry, these symptoms are quite natural and will continue until the end of pregnancy and even into the postpartum period.

Some women report increased pain in the perineum and in the pubic bone. These symptoms should be reported to the doctor. Headaches can also become more frequent, there are many reasons for their frequent occurrence, and in most cases this is not a pathology. The only exceptions are sharp attacks with blurred vision and darkening of the eyes.

Also one of the most common annoyances on this period is insomnia. It is at this stage that various interruptions in sleep can occur. This may be due to the regimen of the fetus and is not a pathology.

The period after 31 weeks of pregnancy is associated with great psychological experiences. The expectant mother begins to think more often about the upcoming birth, she develops fear and fear for their normal course. You should not give these fears a place, you should calm yourself down by thinking about happy motherhood.

To distract from unpleasant thoughts, you should occupy yourself with interesting things. Many women are waiting maternity leave for shopping trips. It is necessary to collect a bag for the hospital, buy everything you need before the baby is born. You can also do the arrangement of the children's room or corner. This work is creative, it requires a lot of effort, so this pastime will help you forget about bad health and vain fears.

It must be remembered that a pregnant woman should not be nervous, because the baby is already very sensitive to the psychological state of the mother, there is no need to cause discomfort to the child with restless behavior.

Women's consultation at 31 weeks

At the next visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist, pregnant women need to measure weight, blood pressure, and also take a smear from the vagina. Analyzes must be carried out to prevent any health disorders. Many women develop an unpleasant disease due to reduced immunity - thrush. If pathogens of the disease are found in the smear, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, since this disease must be treated without fail before the onset of childbirth.

You should consult your doctor about wearing a bandage: it will greatly facilitate your life by helping to maintain a voluminous stomach. In the case of an incorrect intrauterine position of the child, you will be advised to perform some exercises that contribute to its change.

31 weeks of pregnancy is the period when an exchange card is issued to a woman. This is the main document for admission to the hospital. It contains all the information about the course of your pregnancy, test results, weight, ultrasound results. It is advisable to put the exchange card in the birth bag. In case of premature onset of labor, it will be in the right place. In addition, during this period, you should receive a birth certificate, which is necessary to improve the quality of medical care.

anxiety symptoms

The fetus at 31 weeks of gestation enters the main stage of growth, so the expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her own weight gain, which should be no more than 300 grams per week. If, with a normal and healthy diet, weight increases more than this norm, it is necessary to check with a doctor in a antenatal clinic, because rapid weight gain may indicate internal edema.

At this time, various complications of pregnancy may occur. They must be known in order to warn in time. You need to see a doctor if:

  • Ripples are felt in the eyes, which may indicate increased pressure or the development of internal edema.
  • Edema in the legs does not go away in the morning, which indicates problems with the kidneys or preeclampsia.
  • There is constant severe fatigue, indicating late toxicosis.
  • Convulsions, which may indicate late toxicosis.
  • Headaches are also a symptom of either preeclampsia or high blood pressure.
  • Dizziness - is an unfavorable sign of an increase / decrease in blood pressure or preeclampsia.
  • Polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios occurring at 30-31 weeks of gestation can be detected by ultrasound.
  • Acute respiratory diseases of the mother - can affect various problems during pregnancy.
  • Diarrhea in a woman - may occur due to serious hormonal changes in the body, but you should carefully consider this phenomenon, as it may indicate various infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract.

A very careful attitude requires from a woman such a period as 31 weeks of pregnancy. Allocations should be normal, even a slight change should be carefully monitored. You should be wary if there is leakage of amniotic fluid. Norm - if their number is not more than the volume of a tablespoon. Also, keep a close eye on the change in color of the discharge. Even slight traces of blood can indicate a threat to the health of the baby. You should also alert the symptoms of thrush (curdled, mucous discharge with a specific smell).

Fetal condition

During this period, the intensive growth of the fetus begins, its development continues. When the 31st week of pregnancy comes, the weight of the fetus increases (it reaches 1,600 g and grows to 41 cm). The baby becomes cramped in the mother's belly; trying to adapt to new conditions, the child takes a certain position that is convenient for him: a folded position with crossing of the limbs. Many babies during this period take a permanent prenatal position - head down, which should normally be maintained until the onset of labor.

Every day the fetus grows, the features of his face become thinner, the nose takes on a certain shape, the cartilaginous tissue of the auricles and neck thickens. Eyes develop - a child at 31 weeks of gestation can distinguish between light and darkness, open and close his eyes, focus his eyes, and squint. In addition, the child at this time shows the so-called corneal reflex: if the eyes are accidentally touched, the baby reacts by squinting them.

Actively working nervous system fetus: the convolutions of the brain continue to form, the lung tissue becomes more mature, surfactant is released - thanks to this, after birth, the baby can take his first breath. The liver at this age begins to secrete bile, preparing for its main function - cleansing the body of toxins. The pancreas also begins to work, producing insulin.

The skin of the baby is still quite wrinkled, has a red tint. Blood capillaries shine through the skin, as it is still quite thin. The baby's nails are actively growing, by the end of the week they will reach the end of the fingers. It is from such a period as the 31st week of pregnancy that the weight of the child begins to noticeably and rapidly increase due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is necessary for proper heat transfer after birth.

Some babies already have their own sleep and wake patterns. You can note how the child begins to move more actively and calm down at certain times of the day. The movements become stronger, sometimes causing considerable pain to the expectant mother. The child stretches the arms and legs, falling into different directions of the mother's tummy. As a result, you can experience serious discomfort. Too active fetal movement at this time can be a signal of a lack of oxygen for the baby or talk about the uncomfortable position of the mother, causing him discomfort.

You should carefully listen to the behavior of the baby: if the child does not move for several hours, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor. The norm is if the child makes at least 10 movements within 12 hours.


The gender of the baby can be determined with accuracy from the 20th week of pregnancy. Nevertheless, for a period of 31 weeks, the genitals of babies continue to take shape. In boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum. The labia in girls is also still open.

twin pregnancy

Maternity leave for a woman pregnant with twins must be issued as early as 28 weeks. This is due to a double burden on the female body, because the woman's increased weight complements the feeling of discomfort. The length of each of the twins is already about 40 cm, and the weight is about 1500 grams. Since two of them are quite crowded in the mother's stomach, their mobility is limited. Nevertheless, it is necessary to carefully listen to the behavior of the kids, to monitor their movements. Future mothers of wonderful twins must follow all the recommendations of the doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overwork, rest, lead a moderately active lifestyle.

31 weeks of pregnancy with twins is accompanied by increased fatigue of the mother. This state should be tolerated, because two small miracles will soon appear at once!


As a rule, at such a period as the 31st week of pregnancy, the next ultrasound procedure. Its purpose is to make sure that the development of the baby is normal. Ultrasound in this period shows the active formation of the brain, the iris of the eye. The physician should analyze the following developmental parameters.

31 weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound, norms:

  • biparietal size (not less than 73 mm, not more than 87);
  • head circumference (280 to 300 mm);
  • the circumference of the tummy should be from 247 to 301 mm;
  • humerus length (50 - 60 mm);
  • fronto-occipital size (273 to 315 mm);
  • femur length (54 - 64 mm);
  • forearm length (44-52 mm);
  • length of the tibia (51-59 mm);
  • 31 weeks pregnant, fetal weight approximately 1500 g;
  • height - 40 cm.

If any abnormalities are found during ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation, the doctor will individually select the necessary treatment. It is imperative to visit a antenatal clinic in a timely manner to monitor the condition of the fetus, its development and its own health.