
How is the second pregnancy child's development. The first signs of a second pregnancy. Useful video about planning a pregnancy

Pathology of the uterus

There is a lot of conflicting information related to the course and characteristics of childbirth. This is fully justified, because all processes occurring in the body are individual and unique. When a second "interesting situation" occurs, you will be able to confirm or refute the persistent beliefs associated with the second pregnancy from your own experience.

Differences between the first and second pregnancy

  • The belly will be slightly lower, which is due to the ligaments stretched after the first time. They cannot hold the growing uterus with full strength.
  • It will be much easier for you to breathe. you may be able to avoid heartburn, but pressure on the pelvic organs will increase, the urge to urinate will become more frequent, constipation will appear earlier, and discomfort in the lower back may increase. For the prevention of discomfort, it is necessary to constantly wear it, including after childbirth.
  • The baby's movements will be noticeable 2-3 weeks earlier.... However, childbirth, contrary to the usual beliefs, may not come earlier. The onset of labor has nothing to do with the number of pregnancies. Labor begins when there is sufficient accumulation of certain hormones in the body.
  • It is believed that the second child will be larger... This is indeed the case. Your body, which has received such a serious experience, is in the mood for bearing and creates more comfortable conditions for the offspring.

Differences between the first birth and the second

The main difference between the second genera and the first is their duration:

  • If the second pregnancy occurs a year later, childbirth will be quick or even rapid... This is due to well-formed connections in the brain.
  • The second birth will last no more than 12 hours if the interval between pregnancies is no more than 8 years.
  • If you give birth for the second time 8-10 years after the first birth, the body re-forms neural connections, and labor can take more than 18 hours like the first ones.

With repeated births, the cervix opens faster, but the contractions will be stronger, they can become more painful, but the period of pressure is shorter and the baby appears earlier. The postpartum period has its own characteristics. The afterbirth, as a rule, is rejected faster, but the contractions of the uterus will be quite noticeable, even painful. This is best shown when feeding your baby.

The psychological state is no less important. As a rule, a woman carrying a second child knows well what awaits her and remembers all the stages passed. She has no fear of the unknown, she knows how to behave. Such confidence gives additional strength and makes it easier to endure any difficulties.

Have you noticed the differences between the first and second pregnancies? Which one was easier?

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Having experience carrying a baby, most women are already consciously planning a brother or sister. And the next childbirth with full restoration of the woman's reproductive system and good health are easier. However, the second child in the family is not always planned and desired. Let's figure out the intricacies of the situation.

Pregnancy with second child during maternity leave

According to the law, a woman who has not completed maternity leave for the care of the first child, has the right to draw up appropriate payments for pregnancy and childbirth for the second baby. She needs to apply for a second decree to end the parental leave for the first child and grant maternity leave with the second.

But there is another option for legal action when a woman goes on vacation during her second pregnancy, if it comes right after the first one. Another family member may go on maternity leave that is not yet completed in order to maintain the payment of benefits for the first baby until the age of one and a half years. This can be a father, grandfather, grandmother, that is, a relative caring for the child.

In any case, the state provides social benefits for the second baby. The main one is Maternal capital... The right to receive it Russian families have after the birth of their second child. This norm has been in effect in the Russian Federation since 2007. Maternity capital can be used to educate children, improve housing conditions, and increase the funded part of a woman's mother's pension. As you can see, the state is like social guarantees stimulates fertility.

But if in material terms it is profitable to give birth to a second baby, then in physiological there are risks of bearing crumbs with a small interval between pregnancies. After all, the reproductive system of a woman has not yet had time to recover during the transition from decree to decree. Gynecologists recommend keeping a pregnancy gap of at least 3 years.

A woman will discover the onset of a second pregnancy much earlier. Her tummy will also grow faster due to the stretched walls of the uterus.

In addition to the risk of gaining even more extra pounds, blood pressure may rise, gestational diabetes mellitus occurs. The risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn actually increases. This happens if a woman had a Rh-conflict during her first pregnancy, that is, if she has a negative blood Rh factor. During the next pregnancy, Rh antibodies can cross the placenta and damage the blood cells of the second embryo. Sometimes the consequences of this phenomenon can be fatal. Therefore, gynecologists recommend planning the conception of a second child for women with a negative Rh factor and making special injections to prevent the formation of Rh antibodies.

Pregnancy with the second child after cesarean

Obstetricians-gynecologists advise in such cases to plan the conception of a second child no earlier than 18 months later. A woman's body needs restoration. The body must gain strength, because with a cesarean section, women in labor lose three times more blood. This leads to the development of anemia as a result of iron deficiency. This condition is dangerous, because iron is one of the main minerals for the full development of the baby.

After surgery, a scar remains on the uterus. If the second pregnancy comes too early, then he may disperse. This is already just a disaster that can end in the death of the fetus.

Therefore, before planning a second baby, you need to consult a specialist who will assess the condition of the scar. For this, the methods of hysteroscopy and hysterography are used.

A doctor may allow a repeat birth after a cesarean section if the scar has formed from muscle tissue and is almost invisible. If it is formed from mixed fibers, then it is considered insolvent. In this case, the second pregnancy is associated with the risk of scar dehiscence.

When a woman is all right, then the second time she can give birth in a natural way. This decision is made by the observing obstetrician-gynecologist. The approach in this matter is strictly individual. Doctors pay special attention to twin pregnancy that occurs after cesarean. Indeed, in this case, the uterus stretches more, the likelihood of scar dehiscence increases.

If the conception of the second baby occurred earlier than two years after the first cesarean, that is, there is a risk of scar discrepancy, and medical abortion... This is only possible for up to 49 days.

I don't want to give birth: what to do?

Childbirth for a woman is a great stress, intense physical exertion and a moral test. If the first were difficult, then the woman long time does not want to hear about the second baby. Some women categorically refuse to give birth a second time and after 5, and 7 years after the first.

Even if the first birth was not difficult, most women, under the burden of maternal responsibilities, try to choose a reliable form of contraception in order to avoid an accidental second pregnancy soon. But things don't always go according to plan. And not every mother, even after the first pregnancy, in a few years is happy with the onset of the second. This is quite normal, because she immediately begins to remember the difficulties of bearing the first baby, childbirth, the state after them. Of course, it is common for any reasonable person to doubt, to calculate everything in advance. Many women today carry the entire burden of family financial security on their shoulders. Therefore, the second child often disrupts career plans, makes him stop or take a big step back.

If the gestation period is short, there is little hope for the support of her husband, then the woman should consult with the person whose opinion she values. It can be a mom or a close friend or colleague. In any case, the final decision on whether to leave the child or not is made by the woman herself, but first it is necessary to carefully weigh everything.

If the husband does not want a second child

Men tend to calculate all the nuances associated with family expansion. First of all, we are talking about financial issues. When the wife is on maternity leave, taking care of the material support of the family and part of the household responsibilities are placed on his shoulders. This is the main reason for the unwillingness to have a second child.

If the wife really wants to give birth, then the best option is to negotiate. It is necessary in a calm atmosphere (preferably on his full stomach) to explain to your spouse how important the second baby is to you. You need to listen to his arguments "against" and immediately find counter-arguments on them. It is possible that after listening to your position, the husband will change his point of view. Maybe it won't happen right away. You can try to win over your husband's relatives. A good option- mother-in-law or father-in-law. A woman knows who has the most influence over her spouse. Perhaps the words of the mother that she always dreamed of a granddaughter or grandson will influence the point of view of her husband. And if the mother-in-law also promises to help morally and materially, then the chances of achieving her goal will increase.

You can try another way to change the categorization of the second half. There is no need to convince, but we must try to make him see and observe more often those families in which two children have grown up and get along well. These can be godfathers, relatives, colleagues. But a wise woman who wants to have a second baby must secretly call on a father or mother from such a family for help. Let them carefully and unobtrusively tell about their doubts in the past about the appearance of a second child and about today's joy from having two children. Another positive example can change the position of the spouse.

Psychologists advise women in such situations to have another option - to bargain. True, it is not acceptable to everyone. For example, promise to change your job or leave it altogether if your spouse has insisted on this for a long time, and financial issues are not a problem for you. You can try to "exchange" the possibility of a second baby for a trip that the husband has long dreamed of, or agree to a purchase that the woman previously considered inappropriate. Give in and bargain. In a word, everything is individual, and each wife knows better the weaknesses of her husband, understands which "lever" must be pressed.

If you exhaust all your arguments and wise tactics, and the partner's position does not change, then you should think about whether it is necessary to keep the marriage with such a person?

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

The persistent opinion of some women that the second pregnancy is easier than the first is not entirely correct. Psychologically, of course, it is easier, but there are a fairly large number of different complications that future mom cannot predict. Plus, since a second pregnancy and childbirth most often a woman experiences at a more mature age, possible chronic diseases can also have an impact.

Every fifth woman, after the birth of her first baby, already after a couple of years thinks about her second child. Doctors, in turn, support this desire in every possible way, and advise planning the next pregnancy no earlier than 2-3 years after the first. This time is enough for the female body in order to restore strength and not completely forget the previous birth, besides, as obstetric statistics say, it is thanks to this break that the second birth is somewhat easier. After undergoing a caesarean section, the break should be at least 5 years, since during this time the suture on the uterus should be completely tightened. In the case when more than 5 or 10 years have passed, the birth is considered the first.

Doctors are unanimous in the opinion that each case is individual, and there is actually a difference between childbirth. Getting pregnant with a second child can be easier or more stressful. This largely depends on the woman's age, her diet and professional activity.

There are also very frequent cases when the second pregnancy, the beginning of which occurred in the first six months after childbirth, does not make itself felt until the moment when the woman begins to feel the movement of the baby. The people around have been watching the tummy that appears for a month, and the expectant mother herself has not yet understood what is happening to her. The positive aspects of the second birth are also obvious. This is also a colossal experience that the mother has already gained in raising a growing baby, as well as the responsibility and discipline of a woman in dealing with a newborn.

Experienced moms worry much less about re-birth, and already existing experience, on the contrary, helps them to better navigate the symptoms and manifestations during the second pregnancy.Before planning a second conception, even an experienced woman will not be superfluous to consult a gynecologist and family doctor. If necessary, both partners will need to be tested to determine sexually transmitted infections. In their absence, childbirth, as a rule, goes without complications.

However, there are a number of factors that can trigger certain complications during pregnancy. Doctors pay more attention to such women. These factors are:

  • unplanned pregnancy with a second baby, when the time from the birth of the first child to the next conception is less than a year. This most often occurs when partners have used the period of lactational amenorrhea as contraception. It is not at all necessary to terminate such a pregnancy, because by observing all the instructions and advice of the doctor, you can successfully endure and give birth to a healthy baby;
  • women with kidney, heart or lung disease are at risk. In such pregnant women, the period of toxicosis passes longer and more difficult, labor is not active, and premature birth is also possible;
  • under the close supervision of doctors, there are also women whose second pregnancy is accompanied by chronic diseases;
  • Rh-conflict between the blood groups of the mother, father and unborn child. This factor can be prevented by administering antibodies at 28 and 34 weeks of gestation.

Features of the second birth

If your first birth was difficult, then do not think that the repeated will be the same. In medical practice, there are certain features of the course of the second pregnancy and second childbirth. Among them:

  1. It will not be possible to hide your position for a long time. The fact is that the second pregnancy manifests itself faster, since the uterus is already somewhat stretched and it is easier for it to lean forward under the influence of amniotic fluid and the fetus. And hence the feeling that the stomach is growing rapidly.
  2. You will feel the first movements of the baby during the second pregnancy already at 17 weeks, while during the first pregnancy, they appear only at 20 weeks.
  3. In the second pregnancy, the abdomen is more lowered even at the initial stages. It is recommended to wear a bandage to reduce stress on the lower back and legs.
  4. Full dilation of the uterus during the first birth is achieved in 12-18 hours, and during the second - within 5-8 hours. Due to the fact that the vaginal muscles are more elastic, the pain of labor is also reduced. Accordingly, only a specialist can determine the approximate date of delivery during the second pregnancy, taking into account all risk factors or characteristics of the pregnant woman's body.
  5. If during the period of the first gestation a woman was strongly bothered by toxicosis, then this time it may manifest itself more intensely. This also applies to swelling in the legs, and an increase blood pressure... It is extremely important for the expectant mother to follow a diet, control blood pressure, and have urine and blood tests.
  6. Often during the second pregnancy, the Rh-conflict between the mother and the child is diagnosed. In this case, a woman should every month determine the amount of antibodies in the blood, undergo an ultrasound scan to control the amniotic fluid and the size of the placenta (it should not be thickened).
  7. The gender of the children also influences the course of pregnancy. For example, when a woman is carrying a boy, toxicosis practically does not manifest itself. A second pregnancy from another man may also be different.
  8. Obstetricians say that the second child is born, as a rule, larger than the first by about 200-500 g. This is due to the fact that comfortable conditions have already been created in the uterus for the development and growth of the baby.
  9. Contractions and the birth of the placenta the second time are not so painful, but much more intense.
  10. You should also be aware that if a woman has a second pregnancy, but the first child (the previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage or abortion), then the birth should be considered the first.

Re-pregnancy risk factors

Repeated pregnancy and second childbirth are more difficult in cases where there are certain factors that have a direct impact on the gestation period and labor. These include:

  • previous miscarriages or abortions;
  • not completely cured infections of the internal genital organs;
  • caesarean section during the first birth;
  • not tightened postpartum sutures on the uterus;
  • mother's age. Doctors consider the most optimal age for carrying and giving birth to a child from 18 to 30 years. For those who are over 30 years old, it will be somewhat more difficult to bear a child. In any case, constant monitoring by a gynecologist is required.

Factors affecting perception repeated pregnancy:

  • the more time passes between childbirth, the faster the woman forgets her feelings. And a new pregnancy will be given to her as for the first time;
  • in the case when, after the first labor activity, the young mother did not develop new diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, significant weight gain or endocrine changes, then the repeated period of bearing the child may not have significant differences;
  • pregnancy with a boy and a girl has its own differences.

Signs of a second pregnancy

If the next pregnancy proceeds similarly to the previous one, and the symptoms do not differ significantly, then this does not mean that everything will be one to one this time too. Genetically, the baby differs from the previous one, and the conditions for its bearing are different, which means that pregnancy also manifests itself differently:

  1. The first trimester of a second pregnancy is usually accompanied by similar and familiar symptoms. Toxicosis can be both mild and vice versa. Pain in the mammary glands and their increase appear a little earlier, this also applies to reactions to odors.
  2. At the beginning of the second trimester, the tummy is already visible and very soon the expectant mother will feel the first movements of her baby. However, a woman may develop chronic diseases due to the fact that her body is no longer so active and easily copes with everything at the same time: both with infections and with bearing a child.
  3. The third trimester is characterized by a significant ptosis of the tummy, due to which the mother can breathe a sigh of relief. Painful sensations appear in the pelvic area, as the bones began to move apart earlier. The weight of the mother and child has increased, which means that varicose veins are inevitable. It should be noted a positive point, labor activity in multiparous women is faster than the first time.

Harbingers of childbirth with repeated pregnancy

Symptoms that signal an approaching birth are always almost the same and do not differ. To determine on her own that childbirth is about to begin, a woman can on the following grounds:

  • about 2 days before childbirth, the woman's mucous plug departs, as evidence of the beginning of the cervical dilatation. Outwardly and in consistency, it resembles the protein of a chicken egg, sometimes with a brownish tinge and is similar to premenstrual discharge. In cases where the fetus is large (up to 5 kg), the cork can literally fly out, and the woman in labor clearly feels it. But mostly it comes out gradually and in parts. When the cervix does not mature very actively, the mucous plug begins to stand out a week or even two before childbirth. However, this is rather an exception to the rule, and most often this harbinger notifies the woman a few hours before the onset of labor;
  • regular contractions. The contraction of the muscles of the uterus continues periodically and rhythmically. Contractions before childbirth differ from false contractions in that they cannot be soothed by taking a warm bath. And if they are also accompanied by abundant secretions, then childbirth is already very close;
  • one of the harbingers of childbirth is frequent urge to use the toilet. Thanks to the work of hormones that stimulate labor, a woman's intestines are actively emptied, in addition, contractions can be accompanied by vomiting and nausea;
  • sometimes the approaching childbirth makes itself felt with dull pains in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region;
  • very often there is also a birth chill;
  • fetal activity changes. Before giving birth, the baby can move both very actively and slowly;
  • characteristic harbingers of childbirth can also be a decrease in appetite and a decrease in the total body weight of the expectant mother;
  • change of mood as a result of changes in endocrine system... Fatigue can be replaced by sharp activity, and vice versa;
  • nesting instinct. Feeling at the subconscious level that very soon the baby will be born, the woman begins to prepare children's things, set up a playpen, sew, clean and spend more time doing household chores;
  • Well, the most obvious sign that childbirth is beginning, of course, is the flowing away of the water. This harbinger, perhaps, is noticed by all women in labor. Amniotic fluid can suddenly gush out of the fetal bladder, and can also slowly leak. In this case, there is no pain, but a woman should immediately go to the maternity ward.

Nutrition during pregnancy

A multiparous woman with experience should already know what to eat during pregnancy and what to refuse. Food should be prepared only from natural, high-quality and fresh products. For the next 9 months, you should forget about smoked meats, canned food, spicy and sour dishes. The products must be free of colorants, preservatives and taste stabilizers.

The uterus is enlarged, which means that you need to eat fractionally, so as not to create an additional load on internal organs... From morning until lunchtime, it is better to eat meat and fish with cereals, and after 12 noon - fermented milk products and vegetables. Now we need to remember that the main thing that the female body needs is proteins and vitamins.

The daily dose of proteins for the first 5 months for a multiparous woman should be at least 100 g, then their amount should be increased to 120 g. Vegetable and animal fats in a woman are enough and 80 g per day. Nobody cancels healthy carbohydrates, such as: wholemeal bread, cereals. Berries and fruits, as well as vegetables in a large number... It is better to forget about fast carbohydrates for a while. Pasta, sweets and baked goods will add unnecessary weight to you.

Do not forget about the observance of the water regime. The ideal amount of liquid per day is 2 liters. If you do not have the ability or desire to drink so much pure water, replace it with herbal teas. By the way, the liquid in vegetables and fruits is also counted in the total. Vitamins and minerals are best consumed only with the permission of the attending physician. Yes, they are extremely necessary for a woman and her child during the second pregnancy, but the excess nutrients will not lead to good consequences.

The list of essential and important nutrients for a pregnant woman includes:

  • zinc, which helps to avoid premature birth as well as giving birth to a low birth weight baby. It is found in sufficient quantity in stewed beans, peas, spinach;
  • calcium is directly involved in the formation of the fetal skeletal system, improves the functioning of nerves, blood vessels and muscle tissue. Calcium is rich in yoghurts, cottage cheese and broccoli;
  • in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is extremely important to saturate your body with folic acid, which helps the embryo to develop. Eat legumes, grains, and spinach;
  • at the proper level, iron helps to maintain the development of the placenta, which is rich in red meat, green leafy vegetables and chicken (but not breast);
  • thanks to the protein, the normal formation of fetal tissues occurs;
  • Sources of vitamin A include eggs, raw carrots, lettuce, and natural cereals. These foods are rich in nutrients for both mother and child;
  • tomatoes, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers and oranges will help replenish vitamin C reserves.

Always keep your baby in mind and wash the apple (or any other product) before eating. The fact is that unwashed fruits and vegetables, raw seafood and eggs, as well as unpasteurized milk can cause disease-causing bacteria.

Limit your intake of caffeine in the form of coffee, energy drinks, and other foods containing this component. Doctors warn that exceeding the daily dose of caffeine (more than 200 mg) can lead to miscarriage.

Diseases of the mother's digestive system during pregnancy provoke disease nervous system fetus and other negative moments that can lead to its death.

Second birth after cesarean section

The number of artificial childbirth operations performed in last years has increased significantly. This is not a whim of doctors, but an extreme necessity, in order to save the life of a newborn and his mother.

Some women to avoid pain with natural delivery, obstetricians are asked to intentionally perform the operation. Therefore, today a cesarean section is a natural alternative to vaginal delivery.

In this regard, in our country, the process of carrying out the operation is optimized and facilitated as much as possible:

  • purchased a new modern technology and materials;
  • there was a lightened anesthesia;
  • the risks of complications during childbirth are minimized.

Obstetricians also prescribe this procedure in cases where natural childbirth can lead to serious complications. If these are not observed, then, of course, it is better to resort to natural childbirth, since their advantages are obvious:

  • reduced risk of bleeding;
  • the likelihood of thrombosis and infection is minimal;
  • the newborn manages to avoid breathing problems and more easily adapt to the external environment;
  • a woman's lactation period is easier, and babies suck mother's breast better and more actively.

If the first childbirth of a woman ended with an operation, then she needs to plan a second pregnancy only after the stitches have healed, otherwise rupture of the uterus cannot be avoided.

In any case, childbirth with a scar on the uterus should be carried out in an inpatient department and with a full team of doctors, who at any time can quickly carry out the operation, save the lives of the mother and baby.

So, when deciding to give birth to a baby naturally after a cesarean section, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative factors that can affect the natural labor activity.

TO positive aspects relate:

  • woman's age up to 40 years;
  • you have already given birth on your own, or you have given birth with a suture on the uterus;
  • labor activity began on its own after the discharge of waters;
  • there are no prerequisites for the operation.

Negative points:

  • you have more than two cesarean sections in your account;
  • premature fetus (for less than 38 weeks);
  • large fruit (over 4.5 kg);
  • the use of medicines to stimulate labor.

If the doctors decide to operate before giving birth, then it is necessary to discuss with them the names of pain relievers, as well as the likelihood of using epidural anesthesia. The fact is that some drugs can slow down the labor process to such an extent that the operation will have to be performed again. Moreover, the need for epidural anesthesia disappears when the cervix has opened up to five fingers. Certain pain relievers can cause significant harm to the baby, as they easily penetrate the placenta.

A woman preparing to become a mother for the second time after a cesarean section should try as much as possible to ensure that her birth is natural. At the same time, the stimulation of labor should also be natural, using all kinds of methods for this. If doctors begin to use drug stimulation, then the operation will most likely not be avoided.

Second pregnancy. Video

In many ways, the signs of a new pregnancy will be similar to the previous ones, however, they may have a number of significant differences. The main feature of a new pregnancy is the inability to pay the necessary attention to the symptoms due to the many hassles associated with the first child, family and work. Very often, the first signs are mistaken for simple malaise and fatigue.

The first signs of a second pregnancy

There is a very persistent myth that the next pregnancy is much easier and easier than the first one. This is a serious misconception. Often, the second pregnancy occurs already at a fairly mature age, when chronic diseases appear or the first pregnancy was too difficult and the body did not have time to recover.

A second pregnancy can occur at any time if you have a regular sex life and don't protect yourself properly. And the presence of menstruation is not a leading sign. Often, due to hormonal changes, with repeated pregnancy, menstruation can go through the fetus. In this case, the discharge will be scanty, irregular.

If pregnancy occurs while breastfeeding the first child or during menopause, there may be no menstruation at all, and pregnancy is detected at a decent time, when your "partisan" begins to move. A woman who has a lot of trouble may simply not pay attention to minor ailments.

If you are planning a new pregnancy or have a regular sex life, then you need to take into account the changes that are happening to you.

  • Pay attention to your chest. It primarily reacts to hormonal changes and can increase, soreness appears, nipple engorgement, the areola becomes darker.
  • You may feel very tired and lethargic, which comes with a lot of hassle on a woman's shoulders.
  • Increase vaginal discharge as well as frequent urge to urinate. The discharge should be transparent, light, odorless.

Changes in a woman's body associated with a new pregnancy

In many ways, the signs of the second pregnancy coincide with the signs of the first, however, there are significant differences associated with the characteristics of the organism that has gone through childbirth. If a little time has passed, your body "remembers" everything that happened during the first pregnancy. But, if more than 8 years have passed, the second pregnancy will feel like the first one. By this time, the "dominant of pregnancy" is completely extinguished and the body has time to restore your initial physiological parameters.

  • the uterus during the second pregnancy is more "trained" and tolerates stretching more easily, and the mammary glands react faster to hormonal changes
  • if you have health problems, toxicosis may come earlier
  • a woman who gets pregnant again smells more sharply
  • you will feel the baby's movements much earlier
  • the stomach before childbirth will go down faster
  • training contractions will intensify
  • and the pelvic bones will move apart earlier
  • second pregnancy lasts less than 40 weeks

If you are planning a second pregnancy, it is necessary, in the presence of chronic pathology, to cure the existing diseases or transfer them into permanent remission. Even if you are completely healthy, you should take into account the deterioration of the body by the first pregnancy, so recovery before planning should be complete. Be sure to get tested, especially by an endocrinologist.