
How to clean your silver earrings. How to clean silver earrings


With constant wearing, jewelry, especially earrings and chains, darken, dust settles on them. Not everyone knows how to clean earrings at home, and grandfather's methods do not always have a positive effect on precious metal. In this article, we will consider effective ways return the jewelry to its original appearance.

How do I clean my earrings?

How to clean gold earrings at home

Dust tarnished gold is not best decoration... If you see that your gold earrings have lost their luster and become dark, you can contact your nearest jewelry store. There they will be cleaned quickly and "painlessly" special means which you can purchase for your next home cleaning. But what if there is no way to get into the salon? If your earrings are solid gold and without stones, the following methods will work:

· Cleaning with soapy water. In a special bath, make a concentrated soap solution, leave the earrings for a couple of minutes, and then wash well. Rinse under running water;

· Ammonia. If the soap solution does not remove the dirt on the jewelry, you can use ammonia. Apply a few drops to a cloth or directly on the object and rub gently. Then rinse with clean water;

· A solution with table vinegar. Vinegar cleanses gold perfectly. To do this, mix in a 1: 1 ratio of water and vinegar, in this solution rinse the product with a cloth. Rinse.

You shouldn't brush your gold pieces with toothpaste. This method is suitable for dining and jewelry silver, on the gold, scratches may remain, due to which the decoration will fade forever.

How to Clean Stone Earrings: Ways and Precautions

Jewelry with precious and semiprecious stones require special care. It is better to go to a salon where the jewelry will be cleaned. special paste... Another way to clean in salons is an ultrasonic bath. However, the answer to the question, you can clean earrings with natural stones with ultrasound, sometimes the masters themselves find it difficult to give. The stone is not always solid, it may have microcracks. With ultrasonic vibrations, they will become larger, which will lead to the destruction of the stone.

At home, stones are best washed under running water, gently cleaning them with a soft cotton swab or disk. Moreover, if the stone is not held by special turns, "paws" of metal, but is glued like a rhinestone, it is impossible to wet it very often and lower it under water. In no case do not wash such items with a toothbrush and do not allow a sharp drop in temperature (do not wash the jewelry alternately in hot or cold water). This can cause the metal or stone to crack.

Silver is a beautiful noble metal perfect for Russian women famous for their porcelain skin. But, unfortunately, it is not without its drawbacks. So silver has one unpleasant property - to darken. True, there is a mass different ways, allowing you to return silver items to their original appearance.

Before answering the question, how to clean silver earrings, it is necessary to determine why the metal from which they are made darkens.

Today silver jewelry again at the peak of popularity. Not only silver crosses are in great demand, but also rings, earrings, brooches and others. jewelry... Silver cutlery has been considered a sign of good taste, well-being and wealth for many years in a row. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are classified as family heirlooms.

Jewelry silver, unlike table silver, needs more regular cleaning. Silver earrings are in constant contact with the skin, so they quickly turn black. If you are wearing earrings without taking off, then you will have to clean them at least once every three months. Homemade silverware has less contact with environment, therefore, you have to clean it much less often. Fortunately, there are a number of ways allowing you to clean your silver earrings.

How to clean topaz earrings?

You can use all kinds of methods to clean regular earrings. Here's how to clean topaz earrings, not every woman knows. You should be careful with jewelry with stones. However, you can also clean topaz earrings at home... It is best to purchase a special liquid for this purpose, which is used by jewelers to clean silver items. This option is especially good for people who love silver and have not only earrings, but other jewelry made from this metal.

To clean your topaz earrings less often, store them in a special box away from heat sources. Do not expose earrings to direct sunlight as silver ages and tarnishes quickly when exposed to them.

How to clean silver earrings?

Many are interested in the question how to clean silver earrings at home... This option is good for those people who wear silverware occasionally. Soap solution is the most affordable and economical way. In order to clean silver earrings, they should be soaked in soapy water for several hours. and then rinse in clean water. If dirt remains in some places, you can remove them with an old toothbrush.

Rubbing alcohol can also be used to clean silver earrings... It is necessary to leave silver items for an hour, both with or without stones, in alcohol. Dirty areas should be rubbed with a toothbrush and then rinsed with water.

Cleaning silver earrings in ammonia Is another available cleaning option. It is necessary to add a tablespoon of ammonia to a glass of water. The earrings are placed in the resulting solution for half an hour. Then you should also rub the products with a brush and rinse with clean water.

After the earrings have been cleaned, they should be thoroughly dried using paper napkin or towels, and then rub to a shine with a soft rag.

For many women, earrings have become an indispensable adornment. Some fashionistas wear them all the time, but is it really safe? Earrings, whether made of silver or gold, tend to get dirty. If you do not regularly clean the product, you can get an inflammation of the earlobe, and this is a rather painful disease. It is enough to keep the product clean by periodically wiping it with a sponge dipped in a solution of dishwashing detergent. But this is not enough. It is also important to know how to clean earrings made of different materials... Let's figure it out.

How to clean pearl earrings?

Pearls are a fragile material that requires careful handling. A neutral shampoo solution is suitable for cleaning pearls. It is enough to moisten a cosmetic brush with it and rub each pearl with it. Then you need to walk with a damp cloth.

How to clean silver earrings?

For cleaning silver, a solution of ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio is suitable. You need to lower the jewelry for 30 minutes, then rinse and dry.

How to clean gold earrings?

To clean gold earrings, you need an ammonia solution. The earrings should stay in this solution for a couple of hours.


Unfortunately, jewelry is more susceptible to damage than others. Usually the fastener is not made of precious metals, therefore, over time, rust forms on it. Exposure to any liquids is not allowed. You need to clean stones, beads and other jewelry. For cleaning you need to use detergent for dishes. After diluting a little detergent, you need to dip the cloth in the solution and gently clean the jewelry.

If the methods given in this article did not help, then the best solution to the problem would be to contact a jewelry workshop. And remember to keep an eye on your earrings regularly. Clean earrings are a guarantee of beauty and health.

Silver is a noble, durable alloy that is also cheap. Often inherited. Despite the fact that this alloy is characterized by rapid darkening, it happens that the product reaches new owners in good condition. This is because people knew how to clean silver earrings and did a great job with it. If your jewelry has lost its attractive appearance, below we describe the most effective ways to get it back.

Reasons for the appearance of black plaque on silver jewelry of various samples

Blackening for silver is like rust for iron. It appears through contact with sulfur, household chemicals, cosmetics, sebum, sweat and even water. The earrings are in close contact with the skin, so they darken rather quickly. To avoid premature blackening, remove jewelry before contact with water and household chemicals.

How quickly silver darkens depends on the fineness of the alloy. Earrings are not made of metal itself, but of alloy. Because silver itself is soft and easily deformed. Therefore, copper is added to him, the sample also depends on its amount. The more it is, the lower the sample and the shade becomes yellowish. Most often, 925 alloy with a minimum copper content is used for earrings.

High-quality cleaning of silver with ultrasonic devices and folk methods

You can clean the earrings from silver at home or take them to the workshop. But the process itself is not complicated, especially if there are no precious stones in the product. Let's take a closer look at both options.

  1. In a jewelry workshop, ultrasonic cleaning is popular, using special baths. This way you can quickly remove plaque and dirt, and most importantly - safely.
  2. Another popular method is a steam generator. Allows you to remove various dirt without damaging the surface of the product. It is often used where ultrasound has not produced the desired result.
  3. They use special napkins, which, by the way, can be purchased and used on their own, which the owners often do. They are impregnated with a substance that cleans the surface to a shine.

Traditional methods for home use

Using folk recipes you can clean the silver earrings. And here there is one big advantage - you do not spend extra money. Everything can be done with the means available at home. The methods below are designed to remove dirt from silver, but may not work with gemstones.

  • Heat the table bite to a warm state and immerse the product in it for 10 minutes. Now take out, rinse and wipe dry.
  • Take a half glass of water and add a tablespoon citric acid... Now place the earrings inside and slowly heat to hot temperature. In this state, hold for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take out, rinse in clean water and dry.
  • Immerse the jewelry in ammonia for 3-5 minutes. Take out, rinse and polish to the desired result.
  • You can also remove dirt using laundry soap.
  • Every home has a toothbrush and toothpaste. Apply it to the product and leave it on for 10 minutes. Now soft cloth rub the surface easily. Rinse and dry.
  • Buying an ultrasonic cleaner will allow you not to worry about how to clean your silver earrings in the future.
  • Previously, silver items were cleaned with ash. To do this, lightly rubbed the surface with it, after which it was thoroughly washed with clean water, followed by polishing.

See also the video:

How to remove iodine stains on earrings

Different situations occur at home. It happens that iodine spills at the most inopportune moment, on favorite decoration... Of course, you can see that the color of the item has changed after the incident. It turned yellow-brown. To remove the top layer of plaque, make a soapy solution and add ammonia. Dip the silver earrings in there and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse in water while wiping off the remainder with a cloth.

If a dull shade forms, do the following. Line the bottom of the container with foil, add soda and salt on top, top up with hot water. Soak the jewelry for a few minutes, remove, rinse and dry.
Do not use hydrogen peroxide on silver items. The alloy will react and a new plaque will appear as a result.

How to clean silver earrings with a stone

Silver earrings with stones are cleaned differently at home. Any abrasive substances can harm. By doing everything with brute force, the harm can be even more extensive, up to the fact that the stone will fly out.

Therefore, to clean a product with stones, use alcohol, soapy water or laundry soap. For the process to be successful, do not forget to dry the jewelry after the procedures. It will not be superfluous to polish with woolen or other soft and cloth.

Silver - noble a precious metal, to whom the hearts of almost half of the inhabitants of our planet are given, regardless of their gender and age. The opinion that gold is the unrivaled metal in popularity is erroneous. It is silver that is often chosen by stylish women of fashion (you can buy silver earrings at). This metal, due to its shade, is ideal for any color of clothing, style and type of outfit.

Silver is most often preferred by:

  • representatives of the weaker sex of a young age;
  • girls who prefer an informal style;
  • lovers of large jewelry (for example, earrings), which are not produced in gold due to their high cost and, as a result, potential lack of sales;
  • men who consider gold to be too flashy, "unmanly" metal.

Unfortunately, unlike gold, silver oxidizes with constant wear due to contact with human skin, due to chemical reactions that occur. This means that silver jewelry needs to be cleaned well from time to time, as it darkens over time. The extreme oxidation state of silver gives it an almost black color. Often, in despair, products are simply thrown away.

How to deal with darkening of silver? To resort to the services of a jewelry workshop means to say goodbye to a certain amount. However, silver is actually quite easy to clean at home, and the money saved can be spent on delicious desserts to cheer you up.

Cleaning of silverware

Most often, silver earrings will need to be cleaned, since their contact with the human body (and therefore sweat secretions, steam from human breath, palms, etc.) occurs in the most intense degree. This means that their owners will often ask themselves the question - how to clean silver earrings at home?

General advice: keeping the silverware to be cleaned in solution during the cleaning process is always recommended in a glass container. Most often it is an old glass. Plastic or metal containers can contribute to unwanted chemical reactions.

Let's list the most affordable ways to clean silver earrings from blackness with your own hands at home:

  1. Ammonia (ammonia).
  2. Goya paste.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Shampoo.
  5. Toothpaste.

Many people do not know that ammonia copes well with darkening on silver. However, for silver lovers, we recommend that you always have a bottle of ammonia in your medicine cabinet or storage area for your jewelry. Pour the ammonia into a glass and leave the jewelry in it for about a day. In the best of circumstances, after 24 hours, you will remove the shiny products, which you just have to rinse with running water. If you are worried about a possible smell, wash the products in shampoo (soap is not recommended!).

Goya paste is not widely spread among the modern population. Many have never heard of her. However, if someone from your acquaintances came across it, then he will certainly name it as a unique agent for purifying silver, which has almost magical cleansing properties. Perhaps only this tool is able to cope with the most extreme stages of darkening of silver. Rub the piece of fabric with goya paste (the fabric will turn green), then rub the darkened product using physical force of your fingers. The result will amaze you before your eyes! If the darkening is too radical, you will need to spend much more time, or carry out several cleaning procedures, between which you will need to keep the product in one of the solutions listed above. After completing the cleaning process, rinse the product in running water with shampoo.

Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile and affordable agent for the purification of silver with medium darkening. The fact is that this tool is able to separate, process, burn and destroy plaques on silver that arise from human waste products. Natural, harmless fats and sweat secretions are constantly formed on the skin, which are not dangerous for humans, but significantly spoil the appearance of jewelry.

Conduct an experiment and you will be quite surprised: put your silver earrings in a glass of hydrogen peroxide, which, as it seems at first glance, do not need to be cleaned at all; after half an hour, you will see a sediment visible to the naked eye at the bottom of the glass, which will look like dirt. This is a plaque that is always present on jewelry in contact with the body, which we do not notice. Hydrogen peroxide is capable of separating it from the metal.

It is not recommended to keep the products in peroxide for too long. After cleaning, it is enough to rinse them with running water, but it is even better not to rinse them at all, since hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic and ingress small amount peroxide in your ear piercing will be very useful and even necessary for you, since exactly the same plaque is contained inside your piercing. Knowledgeable owners of any type of piercing (earlobe piercing is also a piercing, if you didn't know) regularly clean the punctures in the skin, for which chain-shaped earrings with a decoration on one end and a point on the other are ideal.

Shampoo and toothpaste work well with the very early stages of dirt and plaque on silver. For older and stronger oxidation states, these agents are not suitable. Perhaps, lovers of silver earrings and chains, who do not take them off while taking a shower, noticed that after washing their hair with shampoo or washing the body with shower gel, their jewelry begins to shine brightly in the light of evening lamps and in the sun. Just leave your silver earrings in a glass of shampoo (preferably thick) for a day. Your product will have an amazing shine! Toothpaste used for dry cleaning. Use the same cleaning method as with the goya paste: rub the item with a piece of cloth with toothpaste applied to it, then rinse with running water and shampoo.

Some tips to avoid darkening your silver earrings:

  • take off jewelry at night, especially in the hot season;
  • do not remove earrings when you wash your hair or take a shower;
  • do not wear silver earrings to work if it is associated with production and being in all kinds of workshops;
  • in any case, do not wear silver jewelry if you go to the beach of the sea or ocean; salty sea ​​water can cause irreparable damage to silver, as a result of which you will forever say goodbye to your favorite products.

Do not forget to take care of silver, and it will delight both you and your distant descendants.