
Synopsis of traffic rules middle group fgos. Abstract of an open lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “Rules of the road - rules of life. child with yellow


game lesson for children 4-5 years old in the preschool educational institution "We play, the rules traffic studying"

This summary is intended for educators of the middle group, children from 4 to 5 years old. The presented work will help children learn the rules of the road.
Target: Formation of knowledge about the rules of the road.
1. Continue to develop the ability of children to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practical activities.
2. To consolidate in children the idea of ​​​​road signs, traffic lights, sidewalks and other attributes related to the rules of the road.
3. To identify the level of readiness of preschoolers to solve traffic situations.
4. Activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; cultivate ingenuity and resourcefulness.
5. Raise the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, careful and prudent.
Equipment: city ​​street layout, tree with signs, small traffic lights, colored circles.

Lesson progress:

Children stand near the model of the city street (without road signs, emergency situations on the road are created from cars).
Educator:- In one distant fairyland there is a small toy town. Lived - did not grieve the inhabitants of this town. They were in great friendship with road signs, followed all traffic rules, respected and listened to the main traffic light. Therefore, order and peace on the streets have always reigned in this city. But one day an evil and mighty hurricane hit the city and took away all the road signs. Look what happened in the city. (Children look at the layout, discuss the emergency: there are no road signs, car accidents, the traffic light has disappeared).
Educator:- Yes, guys, the city is not in order. Signs must be rescued and returned to their place. That's just how to do it?
Children: we need to look for signs.
Educator: The hurricane took the signs far away, you need to go. And to find out where we will go, we need to guess the riddle:
What a miracle - blue house
The windows are bright all around.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.
Children: bus.
Educator: What type of transport is a bus?
Children: passenger.
Educator: who do the buses carry?
Children: people.
caregiver Q: Where should we get on the bus?
Children: at the bus stop.
Educator: how do we find a stop?
Children: according to the sign, a bus or the letter A is drawn there.
Educator: look, there's a sign here.
Children: bus stop.
Educator: here we found the first sign.
In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking.
Wants to be a passenger.
Educator: and here is our bus.
But before getting on the bus, let's remember what we know about the rules of behavior at the bus stop. Let's play the game "Allowed-forbidden"
Play and jump at bus stop...
Shouting loudly at the bus stop...
Be calm on the bus...
Give way to elders...
Leaning out the window...
Respect traffic rules...

Educator: take your seats soon. - In the meantime, we are going to solve riddles.
This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive. (bike).

You can see them everywhere, you can see them from the windows
Moving down the street in a fast stream
They carry a variety of goods.
Brick and iron, grain and watermelons. (truck).

Does not fly, but buzzes
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of a beetle
Two funny lights. (automobile).
caregiver: stop. We get off the bus. We are on the street.
Slide show (city street).
Educator: look and tell me what the street is?
Children: there are a lot of cars, people are walking.
Educator: Every street has a carriageway. What do you think it is for?
Children: There are cars on this part of the street.
caregiver: - That's right, the roadway is needed for traffic. There are special paths on both sides of the roadway. What are their names?
Children: - Sidewalks.
caregiver Q: What are sidewalks for? (Answers of children).
Educator:- That's right, for people. Adults and children walk along the sidewalk. Is that why they are called?
Children: - Pedestrians.
Educator: look, and the dolls Tanya, Katya and Vanya are walking towards us. They are very sad. Their hands and feet are bandaged. Let's ask what happened to them and see.
Doll Tanya: I played with the ball and it rolled onto the roadway.
Slide show (the girl runs out onto the roadway, chasing the ball).
Children: You can not play near the road.
Educator: that's right, guys, you can't play near the road, otherwise misfortune may happen.
Doll Katya: And I was driving in a car not wearing a seat belt and got out of the car when it had not yet stopped.
Slide show. (The car has not yet parked and stopped, and the girl is already in a hurry to get out, and the adults are sitting).
Children: you need to ride in the car with seat belts, do not get out of the car before adults.
caregiver: right, in the car, children should sit in child seat, wearing seat belts and not getting out before adults and everyone should get out only when the car has stopped.
Doll Vanya: I crossed the road in the wrong place.
Slide show (the boy crosses the roadway in the wrong place, because his attention was attracted by friends on the other side of the road).
Educator: What if you need to cross the road? Where can it be done?
Children: you need to cross the pedestrian crossing.
Educator:- Yes, guys, you need to cross the road in special places called pedestrian crossings. How do you recognize this place? (Answers of children).
Educator: - Right! There is a sign "Pedestrian crossing" and white stripes are drawn. First they look to the left, having reached the middle, they look to the right.
Educator: Tanya, Katya, Vanya, go to the doctor and promise not to violate the rules of the road again. And then we'll go by car.
Game - warm-up "Machine"
Educator:- Cars, cars are driving on our street. (Children drive in a circle, stop).
Educator:- Cars are tiny. (Children sit down).
caregiver: - Cars are big. (Children stand up and raise their hands up).
Educator:- Hey cars! Full move! (Children move quickly in a circle).
Educator:- Keep behind the wheel, look ahead! Turnaround coming soon! (The teacher shows a sign, the children go the other way).
Educator: Stop, cars! Stop, engines! Stop all drivers! (Children stop).
caregiver: - Well done, that everyone followed the traffic rules! That's why we got to the forest so quickly.
caregiver: And here are the missing signs.
The teacher puts up a tree on which signs hang: “Pedestrian crossing”, “No entry”, “Phone”, “Caution, children!”, “Turn”.
Children explain the signs.
Educator:- Do you think these road signs are needed in the forest? (Answers of children).
Educator:- Why? (Answers of children).
caregiver: - That's right, guys! Road signs are not needed in the forest, because there are no streets and vehicles. They must be returned to the city and put in their places.
caregiver: And we haven't found everything yet.
Three colored circles
They flash one after another.
Glowing, blinking -
Help people and machines.
Children: traffic light.
Educator: Of course, this is a traffic light. And here are the traffic lights. Look what happened to them?
Children: - Broke.
Educator:- Yes, guys, the colored lights at the traffic lights are broken and they need to be collected.
Educator: Why do you need a traffic light?
Children: so that there are no accidents on the roads.
caregiver: - That's right, guys! A traffic light helps to regulate traffic, establishes order on the streets.
Educator: Do you know what colors a traffic light has....?
Children: three.
Educator: Now let's check if you know well what each traffic light means? Red light?
Children: Stop, it's dangerous! The path is closed!
caregiver: - Yellow.
Children: - Warning! Wait for the signal to move!
Educator: Does the green light say?
Children: - The way is open for cars!
caregiver: There are traffic lights for pedestrians. They only have two colors. What do you think?
Children: red and green.
caregiver: Correctly. Cross the road to you on the street always and help and prompt these bright colors! And here are the lights from our traffic lights. We must fix them. But we need to hurry up and get back to kindergarten quickly. Take road signs and broken traffic lights. And here lies Magic wand, which will help us quickly find ourselves in kindergarten. Closed all eyes. Creeble, crabble, booms. Open your eyes. Now you will start repairing traffic lights. Do you remember what order they are in?
Children: red, yellow, green.
caregiver: - Correctly! Red, yellow, green. Let's start fixing the traffic lights.
Educator: - The traffic lights have been fixed! Let's put all the signs in the city in their places. Now order has come to the fairy-tale town and all the inhabitants rejoice. (Children sit on chairs).
caregiver: - You are rewarded with sweet gifts for being so kind, sympathetic, attentive and well aware of the rules of the road.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for middle school children preschool age"Rules of the road - rules of life."

Work description: This material will be useful to educators kindergarten middle groups, this compendium is designed for children of middle preschool age, the compendium is used in safety classes.

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Rules of the road - rules of life."

Target: the formation of a consciously correct attitude to the observance of the rules of the road as a pedestrian.
Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road, to teach them to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practical activities. To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of road signs, about traffic lights; about the fact that people walk on sidewalks, cross the road at crossings, with an enabling traffic light signal. Continue to cultivate attentiveness, the ability to navigate when crossing the road.
Integrative tasks:
- expand and consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights, traffic rules;
- continue to acquaint children with road signs;
- Encourage the desire of children to take the initiative in order to gain new knowledge.
- introduce the profession of people who monitor the implementation of traffic rules.
- to enrich the dictionary of children with the names of road signs, transport.
- develop gaming activity children;
- to attach to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers.
"Reading fiction»:
- expand the vocabulary of children with poems, riddles;
-Improve performance skills when reading poems.
"Artistic Creativity":
- improve the ability to use scissors when cutting strips;
- to cultivate independence, to develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned methods of application.
Demo material: traffic police inspector doll, road signs, toy rod, multimedia installation.
1. Organizational moment
The teacher and children gather in a circle:
Hey! Guys, come on
Look at each other
Say hello with your palms
Smile a little.
A warm-up is being carried out (verses by S. Mikhalkov).
On two wheels I roll, (They go in a circle one after another.)
I turn with two pedals, (They walk, raising their knees high.)
I hold on to the steering wheel, I look ahead, (They hold an imaginary steering wheel with their hands.)
I know the turn is coming soon. (Turn around and walk the other way.)
At the end, they sit down on chairs.
Teacher: What is your mood?
Children: Good.
2. Main body
I know that you love to play and now I want to play a game with you. The game "Stand up, those who ..." is being played. Children sit on chairs arranged in a circle, listen and perform the task of the teacher:
Stand up those who like to play cars?
Stand up those who come to kindergarten on foot?
Stand up those who come to kindergarten by bus?
Stand up those who are brought to kindergarten by car?
Stand up, those whom mother brought today?
Stand up, those whom dad brought today?
Stand up those who come to kindergarten alone, without adults?
Look, guys, now you are all sitting, which means that you all come to kindergarten with adults, with mom or dad, with grandma or grandpa. Why do you think? (children's answers). That's right, you and I know that a street, a road is a place where you need to be very careful so that trouble does not happen.
Remember what are the names of the rules that people must follow if they are going to go out and go or go somewhere? (children's answers). That's right, it's the rules of the road. What do we know about the rules of the road?
"To never get into difficult situations,
You need to know and follow the rules of the road!”
Educator: Now we will check how well you know the rules of the road. To cross the road, you need to know the rules of the road. Who knows how to cross the road?
Children: Children give individual answers.
Walk along the sidewalk as far as possible from the carriageway;
When crossing the road, you should stop at the carriageway and look to the left, then to the right and again to the left;
You can only cross the road when the traffic light is green;
The road is crossed in safe places - at the traffic lights, on the "zebra";
Educator: We repeated the basic rules of the road, guys, today I also want to introduce you to the profession of people who follow the rules of the road. Maybe one of you knows? (children's answers). Let's see who it is (draws the children's attention to the screen of multimedia equipment). traffic police inspector. Now look carefully at the hands of the traffic police inspector. What is in his hands?
Children: wand.
caregiver: right, wand.
Guys, tell me why a traffic police officer needs a staff?
Children: in order to control the movement of cars and pedestrians on the roads.
Educator: well done, answered correctly.
And now let's play the game "On the road": you are all cars and must move in the same direction, in a column. And I, the traffic police inspector, will show you the direction of the road with the help of a rod and words. Dasha will be the first car. The rest of the cars are behind her. Let's take a closer look at my rod.
Assignment: “The column of cars goes straight, turns right (the inspector raises his right hand), turns right again (raises his right hand again), goes straight (points his hand straight), turns left (raises his left hand), goes straight (directs his hand straight ahead), turns left (turns back).
Educator: Everything was done correctly. You guys are great! Such a difficult task, and you did it all! So you know the rules of the road well!
Physical education:
The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch,
First look left, then look right.
You turn left, smile at a friend next to you.
Stomp with your right foot: 1, 2.3,
Shake your head: 1, 2.3
Raise your hands up
And clap: 1, 2, 3.
Didactic game "Assemble a road sign." From the puzzle, children collect road signs and tell which sign they have collected.
3. Practical part (making a staff).
Explanation of methods and sequence of work.
Collective production of a wand.
Educator: Well done! Everyone did their job. Thank you guys for making the wand.
As a keepsake, I want to give all of you badges - medals that certify your knowledge of the rules of the road.
4. Bottom line
Today in the lesson we repeated the rules of the road, played games and got acquainted with the wand, and in order for you to remember it better, we made it with you.

Car park project

in middle group

Municipal treasury

preschool educational institution

Tishansky kindergarten,

Talovsky district, Voronezh region.

Developed by: teacher Pavlenko G.A.

Explanatory note

Among all the dangers of a natural and anthropogenic nature, the problem of road safety is particularly acute. In the list of causes of death from accidents, the first line is firmly occupied by road traffic injuries.

Unfortunately, the study of the rules of the road (SDA) does not fully educate children for safe behavior on the roads. Education of a full-fledged road user contributes to the formation of a transport culture and the development of the right skills and habits of behavior on the roadway, which is what this program is aimed at.

instill skills safe behavior on the road, just talking about caution, you can’t. Safe behavior and rules of the road should be taught to a child from the moment he begins to walk on his own. A preschooler has children's toys, children's theater, children's books, finally, but he does not and cannot have children's traffic. Therefore, already in kindergarten, it is necessary to study the rules of the road with children and form their skills of conscious behavior on the streets of a big city.


To form the skills of conscious safe behavior on the roads, compliance with the laws of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians through a set of activities using the children's "Auto City".


1.Develop perspective plan activities for preschoolers in the car park for each age group;

2. Involve parents in educating children about proper behavior on the roads, providing advice on this issue in order to increase responsibility for the safety and life of children.

3. Increasing the level of pedagogical skills of educators in working with children of preschool age in teaching the rules of the road.

4. Interaction with the traffic police and other organizations to organize work to prevent child road traffic injuries.

The main blocks of passing the car town program:

1. "We are pedestrians."

2. "We are passengers, the traffic controller and his assistance to pedestrians and drivers."

3. "My first vehicle."

For preschoolers one of the most effective ways teaching children the skills of safe behavior on the roads is the organization of activities in the children's car park, where practical activities can be held.

The children's car park is located on the territory of the kindergarten, is intended for practical training and is a complex of the following elements:

1. Asphalted area with roadway markings;

2. Technical means of regulation - traffic lights, road signs;

3. Transport (bicycles, scooters);

4. Benefits (inspector's suit, baton, armbands, whistles).

Markup elements:

1. Separation of traffic flows in opposite directions;

2. Stop - line;

3. Crossing the footpath.

Forms of work:

Games - classes;

Story - role-playing games;


Meeting with the traffic police inspector;

Game exercises;

The game is a competition;





Activities carried out with children have a practical pedagogical focus on ensuring safety, the formation of self-esteem in children, self-control and self-organization in the field of traffic. The task of teachers is to teach how to behave correctly and safely on the streets and roads.

Games and exercises on the territory of the motor city are held after a preliminary acquaintance with the elementary rules of the road on mock-ups, where children have the opportunity to first get acquainted with traffic signs, rules of conduct. On the territory of the autocity, they first introduce the children to the layout of the site, to the organization of traffic on it (marking, road signs, traffic lights), to the need for strict adherence to the rules (do not enter the oncoming traffic lane, keep the distance, interval, comply with the requirements of road signs, signs, traffic lights or traffic controller).

Intensifying advocacy among preschool parents on the rules of the road and the prevention of child road traffic injuries.




Photo exhibitions

Participation of parents in entertainments, holidays held in the motor city;

Parent meetings on the topic: “What are the rules of the road for?”, “Discipline on the street is a guarantee of pedestrian safety”, “Children's safety on the streets of the city”;

Information stands on traffic rules;

Notes for parents.

Work with children:

Practical training on the territory of the motor city under the guidance of an adult - driving vehicles, orienting on road signs, completing tasks;

Conversations, writing stories. Reading fiction, artistic and creative activities, games, modeling, targeted walks, cultural and leisure activities, work on arranging and cleaning gaming equipment.

Prospective planning of events.


Acquaintance with the pedestrian route "zebra", traffic lights.

To give an idea about the types of transport, about the carriageway of the street and footpaths.

Learn to distinguish and name the colors of a traffic light, their sequence and purpose in traffic, talk about its purpose.

To form the habit of stopping before crossing the road.

Long-term work plan for the section "Rules of the road" in the middle group

the date

Program content

Team work


1. "Introduction to the layout of the auto city"

Purpose: To introduce children to the layout of the auto town, tell what a layout is, consider all the details of the layout.

1. Reading thin. works.

2. Invite children to build a street (road, houses) from building material and beat it.

3. Talk to children about how they get to kindergarten.

4. Exercises on the layout and flannelgraph.

5. Building games "Build a street", "Build a car"

6. Conversations with looking at illustrations.


1. "Meet the Street"

Purpose: to supplement children's ideas about the street with new information: houses on it have different purposes, people live in some, institutions are located in others - shops, a school, a post office, a kindergarten, etc. Cars move along the carriageway of the street. The movement of cars can be one-way and two-way. The carriageway of a street in two-way traffic can separated by a line.

2. “Rules of conduct on the roadway; what is sidewalk
Goals:To expand children's knowledge about the street: the road is divided into two parts - the roadway and the sidewalk. To consolidate knowledge about traffic rules on a suburban highway: walk along the side of the road towards the oncoming traffic.

1. Exercises on the layout. Games for orientation in space.

2. Games for the development of skills to make requests.

3. Conversations with consideration of situations. Completion of thematic tasks.

4.D / and "Who broke the rules"

5. Reading thin. works.

6. Inventing stories with different situations.

7.Excursion. Monitoring the movement of vehicles and the work of the driver


1. "What are the cars"

Purpose: to introduce children to special purpose machines: " Ambulance”, “Fire”, “Police”, “Bread”, “Products”, “Furniture”, etc. Explain that the bus, trucks and cars are refueled with gasoline, and the tram and trolleybus are powered by electricity. Expand the concept that passenger transport travels along a certain route.

2. "When we are passengers"

Goal: to ensure that children learn the concepts of "Pedestrian", "Passenger" and get an idea about correct behavior in public transport

1. Reading and looking at books.

2. Conversations using illustrations.

3.Drawing and coloring of various machines.

4. Folding split pictures with transport.

5. P / and "Sparrows and the car", "Colored cars"

6.Collective application with special transport.

7. Monitoring of transport on the street.


1. "Traffic light"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the operation of a traffic light. Learn to comply with the requirements of traffic lights: red, red and yellow at the same time, green, green flashing and yellow. To consolidate the knowledge of crossing the street at traffic lights.

2. "The traffic light is our true friend"

Objectives: Tell the children about the purpose of the traffic light, about the history of its appearance.

Clarify children's knowledge of what traffic lights mean.

To acquaint children with a pedestrian traffic light and its signals.

To consolidate the existing ideas about the traffic light, its purpose and principle of operation. Develop an interest in traffic rules.

Acquaintance of children with the rules of crossing the road where there is no traffic light. Fix the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street .

1. Reading thin. works.

2.D / and "Who will assemble the traffic light faster"

3. Exercises with a valid traffic light.

4. Conversations with looking at illustrations.

5. Application "Traffic light"

6. P / and "Stop - go" Finger theater "Traffic light"

7. Practical work, work in the auto city


1. "Horse transport"

Purpose: to introduce children to horse-drawn vehicles (horses, donkeys, deer), with cases where and when they are used. Explain that on such transport it is necessary to follow the rules of the road.

2. "Special Purpose Machines".

Objectives: To introduce children to special purpose vehicles: “ambulance”, “fire”, “police”, “bread”, “food”, “furniture”, etc. Explain that buses, trucks and cars are fueled with gasoline, while trams and trolleybuses are powered by electricity.

1. Reading thin. works. Layout games.

2. Consideration of illustrations using horse-drawn transport.

3. Compilation of paired pictures. P / and "horses"

4. Conversations about the difference in caring for horse-drawn vehicles and mechanical ones.

5. Construction of garages for cars and pens for horse-drawn vehicles.


1. "Pedestrian crossing"

Purpose: to introduce children to the types of pedestrian crossings: ground - zebra, above ground - tunnel, underground. Define the term "pedestrian". Explain that pedestrians have their own rules. Learn to make eye contact with other pedestrians and drivers. Fix the rules of behavior on the street.

2. "Be careful pedestrian!":

Objectives: To introduce children to dangerous situations that may occur in certain sections of the pedestrian part of the street and with appropriate precautions.

To tell about various ways fencing dangerous areas of the sidewalk.

1. Reading thin. stories about pedestrian crossings.

2. Excursion to the nearest road with crossings.

3. Invite children to draw a transition that they use more often when crossing the road with their parents.

4. Playing game situations.

5. Thematic conversations with illustrations.

6. P / and "Stop"

7.Practical work in the motor city.


1. "Crossroads"

Purpose: to give the concept of the intersection, that it can be regulated and unregulated, to fix the rules for crossing the intersection: look left, stop in the middle of the road, look right, cross only straight, not obliquely.

2. “We are walking across the road. Children should know this."
Goals: To consolidate in children knowledge of the rules of the road and the correct crossing of the road (how to bypass the bus, car).

1. Reading thin. writings about the observance of traffic rules.

2. Exercises on the layout. C / r game "Driver"

3. Games on the transport site "We cross the street"

4. Offer children books on the rules of the road to look at the illustrations and discuss them.

5. Invite children to build a street with an intersection from building material and beat it.

6. Inventing stories with children on the topic "What would happen if ..."


1. "Where and how to cross the street"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the situation on the street and tell how to behave on the street, learn to identify dangerous places on the road, to see objects that block the visibility of the road (trees, bushes, standing vehicles). Develop the habit of observing the rules of safe movement in designated places and the rules of safe crossing of the roadway.

2. "We are pedestrians. We are the drivers
Goals : To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules and the ability to comply with them in the game, in the world around them.

1. Games to determine the distance to an object (far, close, very far, very close)

2. Games to determine the change in the direction of movement of people and vehicles: it goes slowly, quickly, turns left, right, goes, runs, stops.

3. Compilation of stories by children "How we crossed the road"

4. Reading thin. works. Exercises on the transport site.

5. An evening of entertainment according to the rules of the road.

6.Viewing a video film according to the rules of the road.


1. "Road signs"

Purpose: to teach children to pay attention to road signs, to introduce the types of road signs: prohibitory, informational, warning, prescriptive, with the purpose of the signs "Traffic light", "Pedestrian", "Caution: children!", "Pedestrian crossing".

2 . "Boulevard of Road Signs". They themselves do not see, but they indicate to others.

Objectives: To continue to acquaint children with road signs, with their purpose. Learn to remember signs. Pay special attention to the pedestrian markings "zebra"


1. Reading thin. works.

2.D / and "Find the same", "Guess the sign"

3. Invite children to draw road signs.

4. Thematic conversations with illustrations, posters.

5. Exercises with a tablet and a mockup.

6. Games on the transport site.

7. Shape: Car City Games.


  1. O.V. Chermashentseva "Fundamentals of safe behavior for preschoolers" Volgograd 2008
  2. N.N. Avdeeva "Safety" Childhood-Press 2005
  3. Turtin O. "Why do we need a traffic light." M., 1976
  4. "Lessons on the rules of the road" under. ed. E.A. Romanova, A.B. Malyushkina 2008.

Fiction for children.

1. V.Mihoded. "Traffic Light Lessons"

2. Ya. Pishumov “It’s just your sign”, “Machines”, “Look, the guard stood on our pavement”

3. V. Golovko "Rules of traffic"

4. S. Mikhalkov "My Street", "Traffic Light", "Stubborn Frog", "Uncle Styopa", "Cyclist", "Bad History"

5. M. Druzhinina. "Our friend traffic light"

6. Ya.Pishumova. “It’s just such a sign”, “Cars”, “My car”, “Yurka lives on the other side”, “Look at the guard stood on our pavement”, “All the boys are all the girls”

7. A. Severny "Traffic light"

8. V. Golovko "Rules of traffic"

9. N. Konchalovskaya "Scooter"

10. V. Timofeev "For pedestrians"

11. V. Alekseev "Three friends of a pedestrian at any time of the year"

Abstract of the lesson. (according to traffic rules)

“Walking along the city street” (middle group) Educator: Sat A.V.

Target: Strengthening children's skills to comply with the rules of the road. The ability to act on a signal.

Fixing road signs.

Decor : Designate a pedestrian crossing, a pharmacy, a shop and a bus stop.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys! We have already studied the rules of the road. We know traffic lights and some road signs. And today we will once again recall the rules of behavior on the streets. When we go for a walk with our loved ones.

Imagine. That we are not in kindergarten, but on the streets of our city. In our city, as in the present, there are schools, kindergartens, hospitals and alleys. Transport will move along the streets of our city.

And in our city there is a policeman who keeps order on the roads. Now everyone close your eyes and imagine that you are on the streets of our city. I count to five, I can't reach ten: one, two, three, four, five - open your eyes again! (Children close their eyes, and at this time a policeman enters the hall)

Cop: Hey guys! My name is Kuular Nazyn Viktorovich. Today we will repeat the rules of the road, road signs and walk along the streets of our city. You are ready?

1 child: 2 child:

Our friend is a traffic light If a sign with a red stripe

Red, yellow and green, don't go, it's dangerous here

He is staring at everyone. No Pedestrians!

The intersection is busy

Restless traffic light. 3 child:

The old people go and the children Here is the overpass

They don't run and they don't rush. People walk all day

A traffic light for everyone in the world. You, the driver, do not be sad,

A true friend and brother. Pass the pedestrian!

At a traffic light signal;

We walk across the street. 4 child:

And the drivers nod to us: In the middle of the road, children

"Come on, let's wait." We are always responsible for them.

On the red light - there is no road, so that their parent does not cry,

On the yellow - wait. Be careful, driver.

When it's lit green light,

Bon Voyage.

And now we will see if you have learned this rule well. Let's play a game of attention "Traffic light". ("Policeman" shows circles of three colors. Green color- stomp your feet, imitating walking. Yellow- we clap our hands. Red color - we sit quietly without movement).

What good fellows you all are! Guys, what is the name of the inspector who regulates traffic? (Adjuster)What traffic controller signals do you know and what do they mean? (“The traffic controller shows a signal with a wand, raises his right hand with a wand up - this corresponds to a yellow traffic light signal - clap his hands. The traffic controller stands facing or back to the movement - this corresponds to a red signal - we sit in silence. Turned sideways - you can go like green traffic light - stomp your feet.)

The game "Act on the signal of the traffic controller."

Police officer: Well done! We played, now we can go for a walk around our city. But before we go for a walk, let's remember the rules of behavior on the street. I have a few questions about the rules of the road for you:

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk.)

Where and how are pedestrians required to cross the street? (On the pedestrian crossing, at a calm pace.)

Why can you only cross the road when the traffic light is green? (It is dangerous to walk on red and yellow for life and another.)

Why can't you play on the road? (It's life threatening)

Is it possible to ride on the roadway and why? (No, you can’t. Answers of children.)

Where should you wait for the bus? (At the bus stop)

What good fellows you are, you know how to behave on the street! I'm happy with you! And now get up two by two, we are going for a walk around our city.

We walk around the city and streets

On the way we meet different buildings

Here is the pharmacy on the way,

But how can we get across the street,

To follow the rules?

After all, we don't even have a traffic light in front of us?

(On the pedestrian crossing.)

And there are a lot of toys,

Let's take a look at the store!

And there are cars on the way

Where would the road go?

And we decided to approach the transition sign!

On the way we met a zoo!

But there is no traffic light and no crossing,

Only sideways to us is the traffic controller

Should we stand or should we go?

(Go - green traffic light)

1 child: 2 child:

I cross the road like this: The car is on the side of the road,

First I'll look to the left Van, big snowdrift

And, if there is no car, They prevent me from seeing very much:

I go to the middle. What is there, on the pavement?

Then I look carefully, maybe it's rushing here now

Right necessarily - At a terrible speed "KAMAZ"!

And if there is no movement, the road is clear to me

Forward! Without delay! Crossing is dangerous!

(Approaching the stop, weighs the sign of the bus stop ) And here is the bus.(The bus is built from chairs in advance ) Let's choose with the help of a rhyme of a driver and a conductor (the driver is given a steering wheel, and a bag with tickets or a cap is given to the conductor). Here we have chosen, and now we all take our places and hit the road. While we go, guess those riddles of mine. Here is the road puzzle:

What is the name of that horse

What lay on the transitions,

Where are pedestrians walking? (Zebra)

The house is walking down the street

Calls everyone to work

Not on chicken legs

And in rubber boots (bus)

Police officer : And now, tell me about the rules of conduct in public transport.

Can you touch the doors while driving? Why? (You have to wait for the driver to open them, he has a special button)

Can you talk to the driver while driving? Why(No, the driver is distracted)

Can you lean out of the window? Why (Can't, it's dangerous)

Can you talk loudly on the bus? Why (No, it disturbs other passengers)

2 child:

And for passengers too.

There are a lot of rules.

Everyone must follow them

And do not drive anyhow!

Gotta go ahead

Don't hold up the people

Do not stand near the door

Do not interfere with those leaving

And hold on to the railings.

Stand straight, do not grimace,

To give way to the elders -

Elders must be respected.

Well done! You are good passengers. Know how to behave, and no one will make remarks to you on the bus.

Quietly, calmly get off the bus and become pedestrians.

Well done boys! You can take your seats. Thank you for being so attentive and obeying all the rules of the road. And in memory of the journey, I want to give you tokens confirming that you are excellent pedestrians! (I hand over tokens to everyone - images of a traffic light )

And now it's time to return to the kindergarten, where your teacher is waiting for you. Close your eyes and count to five.

(Children close their eyes and the teacher takes off his cap).

Educator: (summarizes ) Open your eyes! Well, here you are back in our kindergarten. Where have you been? Who did you meet there? Now you remember all the rules well? Now never forget how to behave on the streets of the city and in transport. Well done!

Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group "Country of the Rules of the Road"

(middle group)

Program tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about the traffic light, about its signals;
  • systematize children's knowledge of road signs, their meaning;
  • consolidate knowledge of land and air transport;
  • develop observation, visual memory;
  • develop the ability to respond fully.


  • a picture depicting the street and various situations on the road;
  • pictures with the image of road signs;

Preliminary work:

  • problem-search conversation: "Our friends on the road";
  • looking at pictures about road signs, traffic lights, transport.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of the "Rules of the Road".

Educator: Let's imagine that you and I are walking along this unusual country. There are many streets in this big beautiful country. A lot of cars and trucks, buses move along them, and no one interferes with anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly follow the rules of the road. And our today's friend, who invited us to this country, will help us remember them. (showing the picture “Traffic light”) But first, you need to guess the riddle.

Three colored circles

They flash one after another.

Glowing, blinking -

They help people.

Children: Traffic light

Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

Children: To regulate traffic

Educator: The traffic light has three lights:

Red light - The most strict, Stop! There is no further road, The path is closed for everyone!;

Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

Green light - says "Come in, the way is open!"

Educator: children, what traffic signal can you cross the road to?

Children: Green light.

Teacher: Well done guys! Let's play a game, shall we?

Educator: It is called "Collect the right traffic light." I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(one child comes out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's get started!

Educator: Look, guys, did he do it right?

Teacher: That's right, sit down! And the traffic light has prepared riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Let the car run quietly -

Children: Pedestrian crossing

Educator: guys, look, our road sign "Pedestrian crossing" is missing. I need an assistant to help find him.

(child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road.

2. Only cars drive here

Menacingly they flash tires

Do you have a bike?

So stop! There is no drog!

Children: Bicycles are not allowed.

Educator: look, there is not enough sign "Movement on bicycles is prohibited"! Who will help find him?

(4, baby comes out)

Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign warns us that it is very dangerous to ride bicycles here.

3. In the white triangle

With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe

This road sign

Know everything in the world

Be careful,

On the road -

Children: Children (5)

Educator: Guys, who will help find him? (one child comes out)

What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign means "Caution, children." The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children can cross the road in this place.

Educator: And where do they usually put such signs?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

Educator: You see how many assistants are on the road at the traffic lights! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who are driving a car?

Fizminutka "We are drivers":

I'm flying, I'm flying

At full speed

(children walking)

I am my own chauffeur

And himself - the motor

(circular movements of the shoulders)

I press the pedal

(bend leg at the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(run in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: ground, air, water.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the ground type?

Children: car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the air mode?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the water type?

Children: ship, ship, motor ship

Educator: well done! Let's play the game "Which picture is missing?". (6) Who will help me?

(child exits)

Educator: Look, right guys? What kind of transport is this? Where does he drive?

Children: on the roads

(7, baby comes out)

Children: in the sky

Teacher: I need another assistant. There is also a picture missing.

(8, baby comes out)

Educator: Look guys, is everything right? What kind of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

Children: on the water

Teacher: That's right guys.

Educator: Well guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about the rules of the road. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like the most?



Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group "Country of the Rules of the Road"

(middle group)

Program tasks:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about the traffic light, about its signals;
  • systematize children's knowledge of road signs, their meaning;
  • consolidate knowledge of land and air transport;
  • develop observation, visual memory;
  • develop the ability to respond fully.


  • a picture depicting the street and various situations on the road;
  • pictures with the image of road signs;

Preliminary work:

  • problem-search conversation: "Our friends on the road";
  • looking at pictures about road signs, traffic lights, transport.

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of the "Rules of the Road".

Educator: Let's imagine that we are walking around this unusual country. There are many streets in this big beautiful country. A lot of cars and trucks, buses move along them, and no one interferes with anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly follow the rules of the road. And our today's friend, who invited us to this country, will help us remember them. (showing the picture “Traffic light”) But first, you need to guess the riddle.

Three colored circles

They flash one after another.

Glowing, blinking -

They help people.

Children: Traffic light

Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

Children: To regulate traffic

Educator: The traffic light has three lights:

Red light - The most strict, Stop! There is no further road, The path is closed for everyone!;

Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

Green light - says "Come in, the way is open!"

Educator: children, what traffic signal can you cross the road to?

Children: Green light.

Teacher: Well done guys! Let's play a game, shall we?

Educator: It is called "Collect the right traffic light." I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(one child comes out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's get started!

(the child arranges the circles in a certain order)

Educator: Look, guys, did he do it right?

Children: Yes

Teacher: That's right, sit down! And the traffic light has prepared riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

Children: Yes

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Black and white stripes

Pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Let the car run quietly -

Children: Pedestrian crossing

Educator: guys, look, our road sign "Pedestrian crossing" is missing. I need an assistant to help find him.

(child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road.

2. Only cars drive here

Menacingly they flash tires

Do you have a bike?

So stop! There is no drog!

Children: Bicycles are not allowed.

Educator: look, there is not enough sign "Movement on bicycles is prohibited"! Who will help find him?

(4, baby comes out)

Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign warns us that it is very dangerous to ride bicycles here.

3. In the white triangle

With a red border

Little schoolchildren

Very safe

This road sign

Know everything in the world

Be careful,

On the road -

Children: Children (5)

Educator: Guys, who will help find him? (one child comes out)

What does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign means "Caution, children." The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children can cross the road in this place.

Educator: And where do they usually put such signs?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

Educator: You see how many assistants are on the road at the traffic lights! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who are driving a car?

Fizminutka "We are drivers":

(children should show movements)

I'm flying, I'm flying

At full speed

(children walking)

I am my own chauffeur

(imitates steering wheel)

And himself - the motor

(circular movements of the shoulders)

I press the pedal

(bend leg at the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(run in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: ground, air, water.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the ground type?

Children: car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the air mode?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the water type?

Children: ship, ship, motor ship

Educator: well done! Let's play the game "Which picture is missing?". (6) Who will help me?

(child exits)

Educator: Look, right guys? What kind of transport is this? Where does he drive?

Children: on the roads

(7, baby comes out)

Children: in the sky

Teacher: I need another assistant. There is also a picture missing.

(8, baby comes out)

Educator: Look guys, is everything right? What kind of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

Children: on the water

Teacher: That's right guys.

Educator: Well guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about the rules of the road. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like the most?