
Perspective plan 2 junior group. Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group. Dance with dolls


Irina Timofeeva
Forward planning in the second younger group



(mathematical development)


n / a Topic of the week Integration of educational areas Directly educational area Number of hours

1 I'm in kindergarten


2 ABC of safety

3 Seasons: Golden Autumn P. R

Topic: "Morning. Big small. One - many "

Goals: to introduce part of the day - morning ; teach to guess riddles based on visually perceived information; compare familiar objects in size (large - small, use these words in speech; highlight signs of similarity of different objects and combine them according to this criterion (big small); to compare the aggregate of objects, to distinguish where there is one object, and where there are many.

4 Week of play and toys P. R

Topic: "House of toys"

Target: mastering the skills to establish correspondence in color and shape, to rearrange objects in order to obtain figures of a certain shape and a number of figures. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 45) 1

5 The world around us - the forest P. R

R. R Topic: "Miracle tree"

Tasks: mastering the skills to distinguish from groups subject having one, two, three given properties (color, shape, size). (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 29) 1

1 The world around us are our pets (poultry, animals and their babies) ETC

R. R Topic: "Day. A circle. Number 1 "

Goals: to acquaint with a part of the day - day (to teach how to use this term correctly in speech; with the number 1; with a geometric figure - a circle; teach to examine the circle in a tactile motion way; circle the dots, understand that circles can be different sizes; guess the riddle, understand the poetic images underlying the riddle.

2 The world around us is wild animals

and their cubs P. R

R. R Topic: "Visiting Three Bears"

Tasks: the development of skills to correlate a real image with a schematic and vice versa, to distinguish and compare three objects, using words "big", "slightly less", "little". (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 27) 1

3 In the world of people - my world P. R

R. R Topic: “Evening. High - low, large - small, one - many;

Goals: to introduce part of the day - evening (teach how to use this term correctly in speech); learn to compare familiar objects in size (high - low, use these words in speech; consolidate concepts "big" and "little", the ability to relate objects in size; continue to learn to determine where there is one subject, and where there is a lot, to express the results of the determination in speech.

4 Country and city where I live P. R

R. R Topic: "Night. Number 1. Circle "

Goals: continue to teach to compare sets of objects, to distinguish where there is one subject, where there are many; teach to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, to understand poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; see the shape of objects, correlate it with the name of a geometric figure - a circle; to acquaint with part of the day - night. Learn correctly, use this term in speech; exercise in drawing objects of a rounded shape.

1 My house, furniture. Smart assistants - household appliances P. R

R. R Topic: “Number 2. Left, right, on, under. Thick, thin "

Goals: introduce the number 2; learn to distinguish and name spatial directions from myself: left, right, on, under; compare familiar objects by magnitude: thick - thin; continue to teach to highlight the signs of similarities and differences.

2 Smart assistants - household appliances P. R

R. R Topic: "Fox and Bear are going to visit"

Target: develop spatial representations (on the right, in front of, behind, the ability to compare objects, using the technique of imposition and application; compose subject silhouettes from parts of geometric shapes; find a way out problem situations; reinforce children's knowledge of household appliances. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 49) 1

3 All works are good (world of professions) ETC

R. R Topic: "Autumn. Number 2. Triangle "

Goals: continue to introduce the number 2; teach to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, to understand poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; to examine the form tactilely - by the motor path; draw triangles point by point; call the season - autumn; to acquaint with a geometric figure - a triangle.

4 Week of health P. R

R. R Topic: "How We Traveled"

Target: develop the ability to consistently perform actions, adhering to conventional signs (color, shape); sort items conditionally; navigate in the number of items. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 37) 1

1 Seasons: Winter-Winter P. R

R. R Topic: “Number 3. Big, smaller, small. Triangle"

Goals: continue to introduce the number 3; learn to name the numbers in order, pointing to objects; relate the last number to the entire recounted group of subjects; guess the riddle based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; compare familiar objects in size (large, smaller, small); see geometric shapes in the form of objects.

2 Atelier mod (clothes, shoes) ETC

R. R Topic: "How we played together with Katya and Masha"

Target: develop the ability to independently compose geometric shapes of a given color and size; express in speech the way of performing an action; choose certain figures from many others, add silhouettes according to a sample pattern and your own idea. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 55) 1

3 Winged Friends: wintering birds P. R

R. R Topic: “Number 3. Left, right. Big, smaller, small "

Goals: continue to introduce the number 3; to learn to distinguish equality in the number of objects, expressing the results of the definition in speeches: equally, as much as; guess the riddle based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; continue to learn to compare familiar objects in size, to denote the corresponding parameters with words (large, smaller, small)... Distinguish and name spatial directions from yourself (left, right, top, bottom, middle).

4 New Year's miracles ETC

R. R Topic: "How friends celebrated the New Year"

Tasks: develop the ability to distinguish objects by size (wider - narrower, compare them, find connections between objects, use words "such as", "not like that"; understand spatial relationships (left, right, in between, in the middle); determine the subject by its part; independently invent and put together subject silhouettes from parts. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 42) 1


2 Winter quarters of animals P. R

R. R Topic: “Comparison of numbers 2 and 3. Large, smaller, small. Logical task "

Goals groups by the number of objects included in them, to express the results of the definition in speech; guess the riddle based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; portray objects of different sizes... Continue to teach how to compare familiar objects by magnitude: large, smaller, smallest; develop visual attention.

3 Our kitchen (tableware) ETC

R. R Topic: "Classification of dishes"

Target: to form a generalized concept "tableware"; teach to carry out an elementary classification of dishes according to their purpose, shape, size; reinforce the ability to identify and name colors: red, blue, yellow, green, develop drawing skills with a felt-tip pen; continue to teach how to hold the felt-tip pen correctly; develop creative imagination. (Abstract) 1

4 Hypermarket (Food) ETC

R. R Topic: "Winter. Number 4. Square "

Goals: introduce the number 4; square with a geometric figure; learn to name the number in order, relate the last number to the entire recounted group; examine the square with a tactile-visual way, draw squares by points; distinguish and name the season - winter; guess the riddle based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle.

1 From carriage to rocket (transport) ETC

R. R Topic: “Number 4. Square. Logical task "

Goals: continue to introduce the number 4; to learn to name the number in order, pointing to objects, to express the results of counting in speech; relate the last number to the entire recounted group; see the shape of objects, correlate it with the name of geometric shapes; guess riddles based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle.

2 Sport P. R

R. R "Mathematical Journey"

Target: To consolidate the ability to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to use the words one, many. Continue to learn to distinguish and name a circle and a square. (Abstract) 1

3 Defenders of the Fatherland P. R

R. R "Our Army"

Target: Learn to compare two equal group subjects based on intercomparison, understand the word "equally"; shape spatial relationships "on the", "above", "under"; consolidate the main colors: red, yellow, blue, green; develop the ability to answer questions, expand vocabulary in words: army, sailors; to form primary ideas about the Defenders of the Fatherland; foster a sense of pride in soldiers and a desire to be like them. (Abstract) 1

4 Russian folk art ETC

R. R Topic: "Comparison of numbers 3 and 4. Rectangle"

Goals: learn to distinguish between equality and inequality groups of subjects expressing the results of the definition in speech; call numbers in order, pointing to objects; relate the last number to the entire recounted group; examine the form by the tactile-motor and visual way; introduce a rectangle to a geometric shape.

1 Mom's holiday- mother's day P. R

R. R Topic: "Spring. Number 5. Big, smaller, smallest "

Goals: introduce the number 5; continue to learn to name the numbers in order, pointing to objects; relate the last number to the entire recounted group; distinguish and name the season - spring; compare familiar objects in size, identify and correlate objects of contrasting sizes.

2 Seasons: Spring P. R

R. R Topic: "Spring came"

Target: Improve the ability to compare 2 objects in length by superimposition and application and use words "Longer - shorter"; Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name group of subjects; activate words in the speech of children - "lot", "one", "no one"; Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, colors; Exercise in the ability to distinguish spatial directions relative to oneself, designate them in words: front, back, top, bottom, left, right; Learn to distinguish one and many movements and designate their number in words "one", "lot"; Improve the skills of comparing 2 equals groups objects in the way of application and use in words: a lot, equally, as much - how much, more - less. (Abstract) 1

3 Long live the politeness and kindness of P. R

R. R Topic: “Number 5. Morning, afternoon, evening, night. Logical task "

Goals: to consolidate the skills of counting within five; the ability to distinguish and name parts days: morning afternoon Evening Night. To distinguish signs of similarity in objects and combine them according to this sign; continue to learn to name the numbers in order, pointing to objects, refer the last number to the entire recounted group; teach to guess the riddle based on visually perceived information, to understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle.

4 P.R Theater Week

R. R Topic: "How a turnip was pulled out of the ground"

Tasks: orientation in conventional images and the sequence of actions performed. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 40) 1

1 Knizhkina week P. R

R. R Topic: Comparison of numbers 4 and 5. Oval. Logical task "

Goals: learn to distinguish between equality and inequality groups by the number of objects included in them, expressing the results of comparison in speech; guess the riddle based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle. Examine the oval in a tactile way, draw the oval point by point; to acquaint with a geometric figure - an oval; continue to teach to compare objects in size.

2 We all want to fly into space ... P. R

R. R Topic: Final game "Journey".

Target: to consolidate the knowledge previously acquired by children, ordinal counting, knowledge of numbers and geometric shapes; the ability to find patterns and navigate in space; find a pair, focusing on the shape of the object; develop fine motor skills of the hands. one

3 Why Muchchki (Week of Learning) ETC

R. R Topic: "Who is smarter"

Tasks: correlate real images with schematic ones and vice versa, develop spatial representations (right, left, between, above, below); master the order. one

4 Underwater world (fish, river) ETC

R. R Topic: "Seasons. Oval. Left, right "

Goals: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name the seasons (autumn winter spring Summer); distinguish and name spatial directions from oneself (left, right)... Learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information, understand the poetic comparisons that underlie the riddle; see the shape of objects, correlate it with the names of geometric figures: oval, circle.

1 Victory Day P. R

R. R Topic: "How we welcomed guests in kindergarten"

Target: develop the ability to distinguish and objects by size (big, small, low, high); independently design objects of the appropriate size; arrange objects in space (one above the other or one above the other); memorize the color of the cards; navigate the number of items; independently invent and compose silhouettes from geometric shapes. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p. 58) 1

Family Day 2

R. R Topic: "New teremok, or how animals chose an apartment for themselves"

Target: mastering the skills to choose objects by color and shape, color and size, shape and size .. (Z. A. Mikhailova, I. N. Cheplashkina, T. G. Kharko, p.) 1

3 We are young ecologists MONITORING

4 Hello summer!

Prospective planning for design 2 junior group

Topic: "How to deal with these cubes and bricks?"
Tasks: Provide children with the opportunity to independently get acquainted with cubes, bricks, prisms (distinguish shapes, name them); lead to an understanding of the functional purpose of the material - to build a variety of structures. Learn to experiment and independently discover the design properties of a building material. Develop imagination. Encourage you to connect and place parts in space in different ways.
Vocabulary work: cube, brick, house, tower; big, small, yellow, red, blue, green.
To foster interest in constructive activity from building material and the desire to build the simplest models of real objects.
Equipment: desktop building material: cubes, bricks, prisms (10 pieces of each type for one child).

Topic: "Truck" (building material)
Objectives: to teach children to construct buildings from building material, to make it stable, using the techniques of attachment and overlay. Continue to strengthen companionship in Group. To develop the ability to do a common cause together: to build a truck from building material. Develop imagination, speech activity.
Vocabulary work: to consolidate in the speech of children the words - cube, brick, cylinder, cargo, body, cabin.
Foster an interest in design.
Topic: "Slide for Katya doll" (from building material)
Objectives: to teach how to build a slide, putting details (cubes, prism, brick) to each other, to make the building stable. Learn to distinguish and name the four primary colors.
To develop the desire for game communication, speech activity, the ability to communicate with adults and peers.
Vocabulary work: activate the words in the speech of children - a brick, a cube, a prism, the name of flowers.
To cultivate a respect for the designer.
Equipment: doll, for each child - 3 bricks, 1 prism, 1 cube.
Topic: "The Magic Snake" (from building material). Objectives: Continue to familiarize with the details of the constructor. Strengthen the ability to connect bricks. To acquaint children with the method of building a curving snake. Develop the ability to work in a team.
Vocabulary work: snake, bricks, build.
Cultivate perseverance, fine motor skills.
Equipment: toy snake, snake sample collected by the educator; wonderful bag, bricks, half-bricks different color, toy gnome.
Topic: "House - Teremok" (building material)
Tasks: teach children to build buildings from building material, put bricks tightly to each other, make a building with ceilings.
To develop the elementary ability to reflect in buildings an idea of ​​familiar objects. Develop the desire for game and speech communication, activate speech activity(large - small) cube. Develop the first skills of dramatization.
Vocabulary work: activate words in the speech of children - a brick, a plate, a house.

Topic: "Bus for animals" (building material)
Tasks: to teach children to construct a building, attach parts and superimpose on each other, use various parts of the constructor, make the building stable. Develop speech activity.
Vocabulary work: activate words in the speech of children - a brick, a plate, a cylinder.
Foster a desire to beat the building.
Equipment: small toys, for each child - 2 cylinders, 2 plates, 6 - 8 bricks, two toy hares, a toy - a dog, a model of the road.
Topic: "They treated the elephant with a candy" (paper construction - origami)
Tasks: teach the elementary origami technique, fold the square in half diagonally, find the middle of the square, bend the opposite corners of the square to the middle, practice carefully gluing the work on the panel.
Develop perseverance, accuracy, interest in a new type of activity.
Vocabulary work: candy, elephant, origami, paper.
Foster a desire to work.
Equipment: squares of colored paper 15x15 cm, glue, cardboard, picture of a baby elephant.
Topic: "Portrait of a friend" (made of paper)
Objectives: to teach how to build images of a snowman from circles of different sizes, using the method of constructing a series series, conveying the image of a funny and beloved hero winter fun... Develop children's interest in paper design.
Vocabulary work: friend, friendship, paper construction, snowman.
To foster in children an interest in paper design.
Equipment: a large flannelgraph, a set of parts for a plane constructor, a screen - a snowdrift.
Topic: "Garage with a gate" (from building material).
Objectives: To teach children to build a garage by showing the actions of the teacher.
Develop visual memory, kinesthetic perception through tactile - motor examination of the object.
Vocabulary work: garage, gate, green, plate.
To foster in children an interest in the implementation of collective buildings and joint play with them.
Equipment: Floor building material (bricks) 4 pieces, plates 1 piece each, trucks, garage drawing, geometric bodies - cube, triangular prism, brick; geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle.

Topic: "Transport on our street" (building material)
Tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish the shape of objects; to develop actions for analyzing the image of an object - a house consisting of two parts (square, triangle) and a train with completed and unfinished cars, mastering actions to complete the unfinished image of cars.
To develop speech, to form the ability to answer questions of an adult; enrich the motor experience of children; encourage the independence of children, the manifestation of initiative.
Vocabulary work: train, carriage, hare, bear, forest.
To cultivate pleasure in joint activities and communication with an adult.
Equipment: construction set elements, glove dolls - hare, fox, wolf, bear; bear mask.
Topic: "Teremok for nesting dolls" (building material)
Tasks: to teach children to make buildings with ceilings, to build a teremok, placing bricks vertically in a quadrangle, placing them tightly to each other. Continue to learn to listen to the teacher's explanation, to understand him, to act at his request, to construct meaningfully.
To develop the motor skills of the muscles of the hands, the elementary ability to reflect ideas about familiar objects in buildings.
Vocabulary work: "in front", "behind", "on the side", "on top", "back wall".
Foster a desire to complete the work, responsiveness.
Equipment: nesting dolls, for each child - 11 bricks, 2 prisms.
Topic: "Furniture for bears" (building material)
Tasks: teach children to build a building according to a model, transform it by lengthening, distinguish and name building parts. Clarify children's ideas about pieces of furniture and their purpose; to consolidate the knowledge of children of the parts that make up the furniture; teach to describe furniture, room;
Develop the desire for game communication, develop attention, logical thinking, speech
Vocabulary work: activate words in speech - building, cube, brick, furniture.

Equipment: doll furniture, object pictures from the Furniture series, toy bear, picture depicting bears from the fairy tale "Three Bears".
Topic: "Fence around the house" (building material)
Tasks: Teach children to build a fence, put bricks tightly to each other, connect evenly, put on a long narrow side. Continue to learn to highlight the details of the building material: cube, brick, prism. Develop arm muscles; attention, memory, eye. Facilitate the speech activity of children in class.
Vocabulary work: activate words in the speech of children - the side is narrow, the name of the parts of the constructor, a fence, a brick, long, short, narrow.
To cultivate mutual assistance, sympathy; love and respect for animals.
Equipment: Set of toys "Pets" (cat, dog, goat, horse, cow, pig, sheep,). Doll Granny - Riddles. Building material set.
Topic: "Boat" (from building material).
Tasks: To teach children to perceive the image in the picture, to answer the teacher's questions about its content, repeating individual phrases and words after him. Strengthen: skills in constructing a boat from bricks and prisms; knowledge about the basic colors: red, blue, yellow, green; properties of wooden objects - they float, do not sink.
Develop thinking, memory; vocal apparatus, develop the ability to pronounce onomatopoeia loudly and quietly.
Vocabulary work: hull, nose, prism, brick, builder, captain, sailor.
Cultivate attention, concentration, perseverance; desire to take an active part in the construction.
Equipment: boxes with building materials, a toy bear, wooden planks.
Topic: "Fence for toys" (building material)
Tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to build a fence, placing bricks vertically in a circle, placing them tightly to each other.
To develop in children the desire to build buildings.
Vocabulary work: activate the words in the speech of children: bricks, narrow side.
To foster a desire to build, to beat buildings.
Equipment: toys, bricks.

Topic: "Building a farm" (building material)
Tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to close space, rhythmically arrange bricks on a plane with their narrow short side, alternate them in color, develops imagination, selects the necessary details, compares details.
Develop thinking, imagination, speech.
Vocabulary robot: activate children's speech with words - building material, side, narrow, short, long, farm, dog, cat, cow, goat.
To cultivate the ability to follow through.
Equipment: wooden building set, toys: dog, cat, cow, goat.
Topic: "Two-storey house" (building material)
Tasks: continue to teach children to build buildings from building material according to the conditions proposed by the educator ( high buildings with overlappings), make the structure strong, lay out the parts evenly, pressing tightly against each other, select them by size; continue to introduce constructive details to children. Develop Creative skills children.
Vocabulary work: house, two-story, foundation, cubes, bricks, prism.
Generate interest in design.
Equipment: an envelope with photographs of different two-story buildings, a camera, small toys for decorating the building (models of trees, nesting dolls), four cubes, 11 bricks, two prisms.

Topic: "Once upon a time there was an airplane" (made of paper)
Objectives: to continue teaching children how to make paper crafts and familiarize them with its properties. Induce joy from reading a poem. Help every child achieve results.
Develop fine motor skills, educate accuracy.
Vocabulary work: airplane, paper, origami.
Raise the desire to build, play with buildings, imagination, independence.
Equipment: a square of white paper 15 * 15 for each child, a toy plane, an origami plane.

MDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type" p. Kajerom

Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group


Ryzhenko E.G.

Children preschool age learn the world more with heart, emotions, feelings than mind. That is why the main activity of kids is play. Preschoolers are happy to try on various roles, relying on their little life experience.

Children can imitate the characters of their favorite cartoons, fairy tales, repeat the behavior of adults, for example, transform into a doctor, shop assistant, teacher. In order for games to bring educational and educational benefits, planning of such work is provided in kindergartens. It will help the teacher to effectively organize the activities of four-year-old pupils a card index of theatrical games in the second junior group. How to compose this Toolkit how to use it - in our article.

Theatrical games for children in the younger group of preschool educational institutions

Why do kids need dramatized games? Such activity solves a whole range of tasks set by the program and the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • social adaptation is formed (children learn to communicate with peers, listen to others, argue their own opinion, etc.);
  • cognition of the world around (preschoolers get acquainted in the process of playing with a variety of areas of knowledge);
  • speech development (kids learn to form sentences, control the strength of their voice and intonation, etc.);
  • development of creativity and aesthetic taste.

It should be clarified that theatrical games are not only performances. Content includes different shapes and types of work with children. These games can be:

  • articulatory;
  • finger;
  • pantomimes;
  • recitation of small literary forms;
  • puppet shows;
  • mini-performances.

Planning theatrical activities in a preschool educational institution

The educational process according to the Federal State Educational Standard provides for the conduct of all the games listed above in a group of children of the specified age. Therefore, the teacher will have to think over a plan for organizing such activities. The card index of theatrical games in the second junior group with goals will help in this. This guide should be compiled in a structured manner, choosing the most interesting activities... Below are some effective and entertaining theatrical games.

Articulation gymnastics

This type of activity contributes to the development of articulation, strengthens the facial muscles.

Card file of theatrical games for children in a preschool educational institution

The card file of theatrical games in the second junior group may contain the following types of work aimed at:

Development of the speech apparatus

"Hamster". When the teacher says the words: "Eat quickly, hamster, freshly torn pod," the children puff out their cheeks, roll the air from one side to the other.

"Dog". Children are encouraged to stick out their tongue "like a dog."

"The cat drinks milk" - an imitation of licking milk with his tongue.

Finger games

Development games fine motor skills, widely used in kindergarten. Finger theater will be an interesting type of such activity for four-year-olds. With the help of small dolls, you can play with fairy tales familiar to kids, for example "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Koza-dereza" and others.

Shadow theater also promotes the development of speech and creativity. It will still be difficult for children of the fourth year of life to demonstrate a whole fairy tale like that. But you can offer the kids to repeat individual elements, for example, to depict the flight of a bird, a dog, a deer.


Gestures and facial expressions promote development emotional sphere child, communication skills, adaptation in a peer group. The organization of such activities can take place both in the playroom, during music lessons, and on a walk.

We offer a theatrical pantomime game: "What we ate (did, sculpted, where they were) - we won't tell, we'd better show you soon!" The rules of the game are simple: the teacher asks the children to choose a card with a picture at random. Then, in turn, each child demonstrates with the help of facial expressions and gestures what is drawn on his card. The rest of the participants guess.

Recitation of nursery rhymes, jokes, poems

The card file of theatrical games in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard necessarily includes such forms of work as playing with nursery rhymes and jokes. Children take part in such fun games with pleasure. For kids three or four years old, the following works are recommended: "Magpie-white-sided", "Our chickens in the morning ...", "Little gray cat", "Ladies-frets-ladushki" and others.

Theatrical performances

The card file of theatrical games in the second junior group includes puppet and staged performances. But such an activity requires lengthy preparation and proper organization. In addition, certain material and technical equipment is required.

An effective way to develop the creative abilities of four-year-old children, to consolidate their communication and speech skills is to use in pedagogical practice such a type of activity as theatrical games in the second junior group. The card file helps the teacher to structure the planned activities with the kids, to organize the work correctly and effectively.

Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group


Targets and goals

Material and equipment



"A fairy tale on the table"

"Let's go to the garden"

Arouse interest in theatrical activities; develop the emotionally sensitive sphere of children; encourage them to express their feelings, to communicate; to teach to listen attentively to the poetic text and to correlate its meaning with expressive movements to the music.

Teach to express emotions through movements and facial expressions; to acquaint with the fairy tale "Teremok"; encourage active perception of the tale; teach to listen carefully to the tale to the end and follow the development of the plot.

Promote the development of memory, encourage people to speak about the performance they like; teach expressive intonation; give an example of elementary puppetry.

Learn to move beautifully to calm music, making smooth movements; to learn to feel muscle freedom, relaxation, to encourage onomatopoeia.

Getting to know each other.

Game "Say your name".

Game "Say hello".

Dressing up in costumes of the main characters of the fairy tale.

Staging of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Round dance game "Mice in Minks".

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Game "Mice in Minks".

Listening to calm autumn music.

Play exercise"Expressive movement".

Game-improvisation "Leaves in the garden".

Musical and rhythmic composition "Autumn".

Ball, music center. Decoration of an autumn meadow (trees, flowers).

Costumes - a mouse, a hare, a frog, a fox, a wolf, a bear, scenery for a fairy tale (a tower, a backdrop with a landscape "Forest Glade").

Dolls and decorations for the fairy tale "Teremok".

Musical accompaniment.

Scenery autumn garden, music of birds in the record, autumn leaves, musical accompaniment.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"In the footsteps of a fairy tale"

"Vegetables in the garden"

"Zainka in the garden"

Give an idea of ​​the grain harvest; to acquaint with the fairy tale "Spikelet »; to assess the moral deeds and behavior of the heroes (the cock loves to work, the little mice are lazy, disobedient); to acquaint with the table theater; intensify speech.

Learn to remember a familiar fairy tale, answer questions

according to its plot, to characterize the heroes; together, together with the teacher, retell the fairy tale, showing the character of the hero with the help of intonation.

Give an idea of ​​the harvest of vegetables; encourage children to express the images of heroes in movement, facial expressions, emotions; teach to improvise to music; teach coordination of movements; give a charge of positive emotions.

Involve children in a game situation, create a positive emotional mood, give an example of a dialogue with the hero; teach children to navigate in space, performing simple movements.

Acquaintance with the content of the tale "Spikelet".

Table theater show.

Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale with a discussion of the characteristic features of the characters.

Conversation on the fairy tale "Spikelet".

Children together with the teacher retell the fairy tale "Spikelet", lead the dolls from time to time.

Game "Mice in the pantry".

A conversation about what is ripening in the fields and gardens.

Round dance game "Our garden is good."

Etude - improvisation "Vegetable story".

Concluding conversation about the ability to be friends.

Conversation about autumn.

On a visit to the hare.

Game "In the garden zainka".

Surprising moment.

Table theater.

Illustrations for the fairy tale.

Decorations for a fairy tale.

Puppet theater (heroes of the fairy tale "Kolosok").

Vegetable caps (carrots, cabbage, beets, peppers, onions)

for an outdoor game.

Hare costume; dummies of cabbage; gifts for children - peeled fresh carrots.

"On a visit to grandma"

"Lucky, lucky horse"

"The cold has come"

"Goats and Wolves"

Involve children in the game plot; activate auditory perception; encourage motor and intonation imitation; teach to act improvisationally, within a given situation; learn to act with imaginary objects.

Expand the range of actions with objects; encourage onomatopoeia; exercise in imitation; learn to switch from one action to another; give the opportunity to express themselves individually in general games

To give an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe “cold” mood in music and encourage emotional responses to it; exercise onomatopoeia; teach expressive articulation; encourage participation in dramatization games.

Teach the perception of the plot of the game; encourage participation in the game plot; exercise onomatopoeia; teach children to interact with each other in the game; teach to move expressively in an outdoor game.

On a visit to grandmother.

Conversation with grandmother about a goat, a dog.

The game "Friend".

Study "Hen, Chickens and Cockerel".

Children are taking the train home.

Reading a poem

A. Barto "Horse".

Musical and rhythmic movements "Horses are galloping".

Conversation about autumn.

Warm-up game "Chill".

Study-exercise "How the Wind Howls".

Game-dramatization "Poured a little white snow".

Children dance to the Russian folk melody "Polyanka" using familiar dance moves.

Grandfather Matvey comes to visit, conversation.

Warm-up game "Goat, ay!"

Game "Drive away the evil wolf".

Game "Goats and Wolves".

Decorations of village life: house, grandmothers, chicken coop, and its inhabitants (toys: cockerel, hen, chickens,); vegetable garden (beds with herbs and vegetables); goat toy, puppy toy.

Toy horse; instruments of the children's noise orchestra.

Musical accompaniment.

Sleigh toy; a hat for the heroes of the dramatization game Vanya and Tanya.

Snowy forest scenery; costumes of heroes (grandfather Matvey, goat Mila); goat bell; hats for kids and wolves for outdoor games.

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

"Puppet show"

"Winter has come"

« New Years Adventure»

Teach attentively, listen attentively to the teacher's story and answer questions about his plot.

Teach the rules of conduct in the theater; teach to tune in to the perception of the tale from the first sounds of the musical introduction, listen carefully to the tale; teach to tell about your first impressions immediately after the end of the performance.

Develop the imagination and associative thinking of children; learn to speak up; to teach expressively to move to the music, feeling its rhythm or smoothness of sound.

To please children, create a fabulous atmosphere of the class; to expand the range of perceived musical and dramatic images; encourage to motor activity.

Reading the tale "Little kids and the wolf".

Game "Goats and Wolves".

Conversation about the theater.

Puppet show "Little kids and a wolf". (goat, wolf, leading-adults; kids-kids).

Conversation about winter.

The motional improvisation "The Sleighs Are Flying" will be performed to the music of "Sanochki".

We came to visit the gnomes.

The game "Who is behind the tree?"

Movement improvisation "Sledding", "Snowballing".

Conversation about the New Year's holiday.

Children go to visit the Snow Maiden.

The game "Squirrel round dance".

Gifts from the Snow Maiden.

"Dance near the Christmas tree".

Book with the fairy tale "Little kids and the wolf" (in processing

A. Tolstoy).

Screen; dolls (goat, seven kids, wolf); decorations (backdrop "Forest and Village", goat's house, bush) and attributes (basket for a goat).

Musical recordings (for the compositions "Sleighs are flying", "Who is behind the tree?", "Sledding", "Snowballing"); artificial Christmas tree decorations.

Suit of Snow Maiden; magic ball; squirrel hats for outdoor games.


"Cleaning the forest"

"Hares in the meadow"

"Frost - Red Nose"

Give an idea of ​​the life of birds in winter; to form a sympathetic attitude towards wintering birds; teach to be embodied in role and role-playing behavior; use onomatopoeia in role-playing behavior.

To please children; involve in fun game; learn to switch from movement to singing and back; coordinate action and word; learn to move in accordance with the rhythmic features of the music; learn to pronounce words clearly.

Encourage the imaginative embodiment of the role; teach to move expressively; to give an intonational-figurative idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"; teach expressive facial expressions and movements in sketch games.

To please children; evoke an emotional response to the game; introduce songs to the dramatization; enter into Magic world theater; to acquaint with the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"; teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale.

Inviting children for a "winter walk".

Children dance to the music of birds.

Sparrows come to visit.

Held puppet show on a stick.

Musical and rhythmic movements "Birds are flying".

On a visit to Lesovichk.

Warm-up game "Forest cleaning".

A treat on a self-assembled tablecloth.

Children in hare hats go to the "snowy meadow".

Game "Bunny Paws".

Reading the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare".

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Sketches "Hares are having fun", "Hares have seen the hunters."

Children ride "winter forest" to the music.

Santa Claus enters to the formidable music.

Game "Freeze".

Song-game "We will play a little".

Puppet show "The Fox and the Hare".

At the end, Russian narration sounds. melody "Zainka to the Posenichkam".

Snowy lawn decorations; beanie hats; feeders; corn.

Musical recordings (for compositions ("Cleaning the Forest"); shovel, self-assembled tablecloth; Lesovichko's costume; broom; serving for tea.

Decorations of a snowy meadow; hares for outdoor games; a book with a fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

Musical records (for compositions " Winter forest"," Santa Claus ", to the fairy tale" The Fox and the Hare "); scenery for the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

"It's sweeping in the yard, it's hot by the stove"

"The winds blow in February"

"Familiar Tales"

"Dexterous mouse"

Introduce children to the Russian and Komi national traditions; teach staging; teach to interact with each other in the game plot.

Tell about the army; show soldiers as defenders; engage in role play; learn to move rhythmically in accordance with the rhythm of verse and music; exercise onomatopoeia; teach to follow the rules.

Induce a positive attitude towards theatrical play; activate the imagination of children; encourage emotional responses to the proposed role.

Give an applied concept of a lullaby; introduce children to a lullaby; to awaken the imagination of children; introduce S. Marshak to the fairy tale, teach how to answer questions about the content; involve in the game plot; teach to act independently in the game.

Visit the upper room.

Staging "In the Svetlitsa" (teacher, children).

Round dance "Meadow duck".

Scene "Two Crows".

Conversation about soldiers.

Children march to the music "March of Wooden Soldiers". (P.I.Tchaikovsky).

Game "Pilots".

Game "Journey through fairy tales".

Scene "Mom the goat is coming home."

Staging game based on the fairy tale "Spikelet".

A scene from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare".

A mouse comes to visit.

A song for a mouse.

Telling a fairy tale

S. Marshak "The Tale of the Clever Mouse"

Game "Mice in Minks".

Gifts for children.

Decoration of a Russian hut (rugs, broom, stove, grab, table, samovar, cups, benches); folk costumes; serving for tea; gifts for children (stucco horses, soft toys, bunnies and chickens).

Toy soldiers; suits (sailor, tankmen, pilots); music recordings

(March of Wooden Soldiers "PI Tchaikovsky, recordings for the exit of a sailor, tanker, pilot).

Disc for playing, whirligig; hats for heroes of fairy tales; flannelegraph and pictures for a fairy tale; doll Cockerel.

Book with S. Marshak's fairy tale "The Tale of the Clever Mouse" ; mice hats; cradle for a mouse.

"Katya's doll has a birthday"

"Chicken with Chickens"

"Mom's children"

"Travel by bus"

Give an idea of ​​how to behave at a birthday party; encourage children to be active and proactive; evoke positive emotions; promote improvisation; teach to enter into a game of dialogue.

To acquaint with the fairy tale Hen with Chickens ”and theater on the flannelegraph; develop empathy; teach carefully, listen to a fairy tale; teach to answer questions about its content.

Develop empathy, sensitivity to others; teach to show a fairy tale on a flannelgraph; teach to retell the content of a familiar fairy tale; give a charge of positive emotions in sketches and games; encourage the embodiment in a game image.

Teach children to interact in a role-playing game and assign roles; develop physical activity in children; teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale, follow the plot; to give an idea of ​​the theater of toys on the carpet.

On a visit to the doll Katya.

Children show a concert for a doll.

Game "Hostess and Guests".

Dance with dolls.

Fairy tale on a flannelgraph « Chicken with chicks ».

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Singing "Chickens"

Song "Cat" for a kitty.

Children tell the tale "Cat and Kittens" on a flannelgraph.

Sketches "Kittens wake up", "Kittens frolic", "Kittens hunt for a mouse."

Round dance game "How the cats danced."

Travel by bus to the village.

"The Tale of the Clever Mouse". (toy theater).

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Game "Mice in Minks".

We're going home.

Dolls; served toy table; gifts for dancing (gnomes, snowflakes).

Flanelegraph; pictures for the theater.

Soft toy cat; flannelegraph and pictures for the fairy tale "Cat and Kittens"; hats of cats for outdoor games.

Attributes for role-playing game(a counter with goods, strollers with dolls and bears); equipment for toy theater.

"Basket with snowdrops"

"Jokes and Nursery Rhymes"


"Spring on the street"

To please children and involve them in the game plot; encourage children to motor improvisation; activate them auditory attention and perception; teach independence in role-playing behavior; instill an aesthetic taste.

Introduce children to Russian folk tradition; show the possibilities of a molded whistle; to introduce a fairy tale in a stucco toy theater; encourage children to role-playing; teach jokes and nursery rhymes to speak clearly and emotionally.

Introduce children to the Russian national tradition; exercise in finger gymnastics; learn to pronounce words clearly in nursery rhymes; include children in the game plot; evoke a positive emotional response to works of folklore; to please the children.

To develop the emotional and sensory sphere of children: to teach to respond to sounds and intonations in music, to listen to contrasting intonations in speech; encourage physical activity; show independence in choosing and playing a role; exercise in onomatopoeia.

Children go to the "snowy meadow".

Game-improvisation "Snowflakes".

Round dance game under a pine tree.

Dance with snowdrops.

Reading to children “I love my horse”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki”.

Conversations about what you read.

Musical and rhythmic movements "Horses are galloping".

Reading the nursery rhyme "Ladushki".

Finger gymnastics "Foxes walked along the path".

Song-game "Ladushki".

Russian folk joke "The fox walked through the woods."

Conversation about spring.

Listening to the phonogram of birds singing.

Round dance "The sun is warming up".

Decorations of a snowy meadow, white capes for snowflakes; animal hats for outdoor games; Forest Fairy costume.

Toy horse, decoration of the meadow.

Fox hat (for an adult); soft toy fox; children's toy stove, saucepan, frying pan; bast shoes.

Spring lawn decorations; vase with Flowers; flower hats for outdoor games; phonogram "Sounds of the Forest"; musical recordings for sketches and dances of birds and flowers.

"Such different rains"

"Remember the fairy tale"

"Hedgehog Puff"

"Come out to the green meadow"

To develop emotional responsiveness to music: auditory performances, rhythmic and modal-intonational feeling of children; exercise in finger gymnastics; teach role-based embodiment; teach clear and expressive speech; to please the children.

Stimulate the imagination of children; develop memory; evoke associations; teach to retell a fairy tale using objects (toys); teach to answer questions about the content of the tale; develop the emotional side of the speech of children; create an emotionally positive attitude to the fairy tale.

To please children; create an emotionally positive attitude towards works of small folklore forms; teach children to speak in front of peers; develop aesthetic taste; encourage improvisation; to acquaint with the fairy tale "Puff".

To please children; involve in the game; teach to act in the game in a group and one at a time; teach to move expressively to music in accordance with the text; to awaken the imagination of children; encourage physical activity.

Finger gymnastics game "Fingers walk".

Conversation about the rains.

Rains come to visit (mischievous, sloth).

The game "Rainy-Sunny".

Travel to the toy store.

Scene based on a fairy tale

(at the teacher's choice)

Pykh comes to visit the children.

Questions about the tale.

Reading L. Gribova "Puff".

Game "Help the hedgehog to collect mushrooms"

To the music, children pick mushrooms and berries for the hedgehog).

Walk along the "green meadow".

Song-game "In the meadow". Song-etude "Brooks

Musical records for games and etudes; sultans for playing in the rain; umbrellas.

Soft toys (cats, foxes); molded toys (horse whistle, lamb whistle, bird whistle); mom-cat hat (for an adult); mouse hat (for a child).

Soft toy hedgehog; theater dolls, dummies of mushrooms and berries.

Musical records (folk melodies, sounds of the forest); baskets; sultans, capes for streams.

Game-lesson for children 3-5 years old. "A cat and her kittens"

Goals: to acquaint with the fairy tale "Cat and Kittens" and the theater on the flannelgraph; develop empathy; teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale; teach to answer questions about its content.

Material and equipment: flannelgraph; pictures for the theater (kittens, cat, dog, booth, tree, bowl of milk).

Course of the lesson

The teacher puts the children in a semicircle near the flannelegraph and tells a fairy tale about a cat and kittens.

Fairy tale on the flannelgraph "Cat and Kittens"

Once upon a time there was a cat, and she had five kittens. All day kittens ran around the yard, played. Mother cat came to the yard and called her kittens: “Meow! Meow! Time to go home, kittens! " The kittens ran up to their mother, purred affectionately - asking for milk. Mom gave her babies milk, and the kittens fell asleep.
One day, the mother cat, as always, sent all five kittens out into the yard to play. The kittens came out and immediately noticed a large booth. She had never been in the yard before. A huge head protruded from the booth - it was Rex the dog. Rex saw the kittens and growled angrily: "Rrrr ..." The kittens knew everyone in the yard, but Rex was seen for the first time. They decided to get to know each other. But as soon as they came closer, the dog rushed at them. The kittens scattered all over the place. Rex did not know who to run after - the kittens scattered on different sides. And finally he managed to drive all the kittens up a large tree.

At this time, the mother-cat, as always, went out into the yard to call the kittens for lunch. Suddenly she sees that the yard is empty. The cat called for kittens in vain - no one responded. The cat went to look for its kittens. I walked around the whole yard - there are no kittens anywhere. Then she saw a large booth and was surprised: yesterday this booth was not there. And suddenly the cat mother heard an angry growl: "Rrr ..." The huge dog's head was very close to her. And from somewhere above there was a frightened meow. The cat saw her kittens on the tree and understood everything: that's who offended her children.
The angry cat scratched Rex's nose with all its might with its paw, the dog howled and rushed to his booth. And the kittens climbed down from the tree and approached their mother. They realized that their mother would always be able to protect them from danger. Mother cat watched the kittens drink milk, and thought:
"What beautiful children I have."

And Rex realized that in his yard he must live peacefully with everyone.

After the fairy tale, the teacher asks the children questions: did they like the fairy tale, who were its heroes, what happened in the yard, how did the cat take care of the kittens, how did she protect them?

At the end of the lesson, children sing the song "Cat" (music by A. Alexandrov).

The pussy came up to the children
Milk asked
She told the children:
Meow meow meow.

They treated me with milk
The little kitty ate
She sang a song:
Mu-ur, mu-ur, mu-ur.

Game "Mice in Minks"

Description of the game: an active game develops reaction, attention, memory, is well suited for use during walks in kindergarten.

Rules of the game:

1. The circles ("minks") are laid out one less than the number of children participating in the game.

2. The presenter gathers the children in a chain and leads them away from the "burrows", saying the following words:

“Little mice are going for a walk,

We went out into the clearing - to sing and dance - the mouse Ira, the mouse Petya, the mouse Lena(all children are listed) .

They danced and danced, their paws were already trampled!

It suddenly became completely dark, evening knocked on the window.

We ought to run home, to occupy our burrows! "

3. With the last word of the leader, each child should take his own circle - "hole". One circle - one child.

4. The one who did not have time to occupy his "hole" becomes the leader or is eliminated from the game.

Improvisation game "Leaves in the garden

(Children repeat the movements after the teacher)

Leaves, leaves are circling in the garden,

(Leaf children dance, spin.)

I'll go to the autumn garden to the leaves.

Leaves, leaves, fly boldly,

(The leaves are flying.)

And let the autumn wind blow stronger.

Leaves, leaves, the breeze stopped,

(The leaves sat in a circle.)

He collected the leaves in a cheerful circle,

The leaves have quieted down, quietly rustling

(They sit, waving their wings.)

And they are in no hurry to fly into the gray sky.

Suddenly the wind blew alarmingly, hummed,

(They rise and fly.)

He told the leaves from the paths to take off,

Leaves, leaves fly in the wind,

Take off from the tracks, rustle, rustle.

Staging "In the Svetlitsa"


We have a bright hut, the gorenka is new,
Come in, come in, don't stumble over the sill.
Already in our house there is someone to do housekeeping:
Two aunts are lying on the benches, two girls are sitting by the stove,
Yes, I myself, Ulyana, and dexterous, and blush.

Child 1.

Our mother stove is evenly warm.

Child 2.

He warmed the whole house.

Child 3.

Baked, boiled and fried.

Child 4.

Here are the cottage cheese pies.

Child 5.

Here is milk tea.


Let's start dancing - for you!

The Russian folk melody "Utushka lugovaya" is played. Children are in a round dance. Children act out prepared scenes .. The texts of the scenes are Russian folk nursery rhymes.


1. "Nenila Pig"

N e n and la.

Pig Nenila praised her son:

(Nenila points at her son.)

That's cute
That's pretty cute -
Walks sideways

(Sonny walks awkwardly.)

Ears upright
Crochet ponytail,
Piglet nose!

(He puts his finger to his nose - "patch".)

2. "Two crows"

Roles and Performers: Reader - Child senior group; two crows are children of the younger group.

Note. Children of the younger group, playing the role of crows, sit astride a bench, as if on a roof, facing away from each other.

What is it.

On the edge, on the shed
Two crows sit, both look apart:
We quarreled over a dead beetle!

The hostess Ulyana shows the children what gifts she bought at the fair.

U l i n a.

I bought different goods at the fair, and find out which ones. I will ask you riddles. Whoever guesses the riddle gets the gift.


Soft lumps, fluffy guys
The yellow ones run out onto the path ... (chickens).

Clink-clink, who runs the smooth road?
It's a swift clatter ... (horse).

Well, who is this, find out,
The drum is playing ... (Bunny).

The hostess Ulyana gives toys to children who have guessed riddles. Ulyana invites children to the table for tea. After that, the hostess and guests say goodbye.

Staging "Guests Say Goodbye"

U l i n a.

We sang and danced, we were not tired of having fun.
Only time passed, it became dark in the upper room.
Come, guests, visit the day after tomorrow.
Let's bake cheesecakes, butter pancakes,
Come and taste our delicious pies.
In the meantime, we say goodbye, on the doorstep we will part.
Be healthy.

(Ulyana goes into the house.)

The teacher finishes the lesson, summing up: where the children were, what they saw, what they did.

Staging of the fairy tale "Spikelet" in kindergarten



Cool mouse.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there were two mice, Cool and Vert, and the cockerel Vocal Neck. The mice only knew that they were singing and dancing, spinning and spinning. And the cock would rise a little light, first wake everyone up with a song, and then set to work.

Once the cockerel was sweeping the yard and saw a spikelet of wheat on the ground.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert, look what I found!

Storyteller: Little mice came running.

Mice: You need to thresh it.

Cockerel: Who will thresh?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll thresh.

Storyteller: And he set to work. And the mice began to play rounders.

The cock finished threshing.

Cockerel: Hey, Cool, hey, Vert, look how much grain I have ground!

Storyteller: Mice came running and squealed with one voice.

Mice: Now you need to carry grain to the mill, grind flour!

Cockerel: Who will carry it?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll take the grain to the mill.

Storyteller: I put a sack on my shoulders and went. And the little mice, meanwhile, started a leapfrog. They jump over each other, have fun.

The cockerel returned from the mill, again calling the mice.

Cockerel: Here, Cool, here, Vert! I brought flour.

Storyteller: Little mice came running, they are watching, they will not be praised.

Mice: Oh yes cockerel! Well done! Now you need to knead the dough and bake the pies.

Cockerel: Who will knead?

Storyteller: And the mice are again their own.

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Apparently I'll have to.

Storyteller: He kneaded the dough, brought firewood, lit the oven. And when the oven was fired up, he put pies in it. The mice do not waste time either: they sing and dance. The pies were baked, the cock took them out, laid them on the table, and the mice were right there. And I didn't have to call them.

1st mouse: Oh, and I'm hungry!

2nd mouse: Oh, and I'm hungry!

Storyteller: And they sat down at the table.

Cockerel: Wait, wait! First, tell me who found the spikelet.

Mice: You've found!

Cockerel: Who threshed the spikelet?

Mice(quietly): You thrashed!

Cockerel: And who carried the grain to the mill?

Mice: You too.

Cockerel: Who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? Did you heat the stove? Who baked the pies?

Mice: All of you. All of you.

Cockerel: What did you do?

Storyteller: What to say in response? And there is nothing to say. Steep and Vert began to crawl out from the table, but the cockerel does not hold them back. There is nothing for such idlers and lazy people to treat with pies.

Round dance game "Our garden is good"


You, carrot, come out, look at the people.

(Carrots go in a circle.)

We will sing a resounding song, we will start a round dance.

Everything. One or two, heel, dance with me, buddy.

(Children get up, lead a round dance.)

(The carrots are dancing.)


Early in the morning I get up, go out to the beds.

(The teacher walks around the garden.)

I'll stand and see if everything is all right.

(Children are sitting in the garden.)

You cabbage, come on, come out bolder

(Cabbage and beets go in a circle.)

And bring the beets with you as soon as possible.


(Children lead a round dance.)

Three or four, sing louder, dance with me.

(Cabbage and beets are dancing.)


Our garden is good, you will not find such,

(The teacher walks around the garden.)

A lot of pepper grows, young onions.

(Children are sitting in the garden.)

You, onion, come out, pepper for you.

(Onions and peppers go in a circle.)

Put your hands under the barrel, there are two of you in the salad.

Everything... One or two, heel, dance with me, buddy.

(Children get up and lead a round dance.)

Three or four, sing louder, dance with me.

(Onions and peppers are dancing.)

The teacher praises a good harvest. Children sit on high chairs.

The teacher takes a basket of vegetables and invites you to listen to a vegetable story.

Game "Zainka in the Garden" (Russian folk song)

Zainka in the garden, small in the garden,

(Children put their hands on a shelf, make a spring.)

He gnaws carrots, he takes cabbage.

Dap, dap, dap - I ran into the woods.

(They turn one after another and jump in a circle like bunnies.)

Download, download, zainka, download, download, small,

In the green forest and sit under the bush,

Dap, dap, dap, under the bush - and silence.

(They sit with a jump and put a finger to their lips.)

Game "Pilots".

Where do the planes fly? (High in the sky.)

You will be the pilots of the plane.

Spread your wings

start the "engine": "f - f - f", let's fly ...

The plane is flying,

The plane hums:

"Ou - oo - oo - oo!"

I'm flying to Moscow!

Commander - pilot

The plane is driving:

"Ou - oo - oo - oo!"

I'm flying to Moscow!

Game "Bunny Paws"


Bunnies went out on the meadow,
The bunnies stood in a circle.

(Bunnies make a spring.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(Bow, circle.)

Bunnies sat down by the hemp,
At the raw hemp,

(Hares squat down.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(They wave their paws.)

The bunnies are knocking with their feet
They don't want to freeze.

(They get up and stamp their feet.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(Bow and circle.)

Bunnies beat their paws with their paws,
They sing a song merrily

(They make plates.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(Bow and circle.)

The game "Friend"

I have a puppy, a black little puppy,

(Children jump like puppies.)

I'll play with the puppy, I'll throw the ball,

(They jump in place.)

Tapping-tapping, tapping-tapping, I'll throw the ball.

He will run with all his might, he will run with all his might,

(They run scatteringly.)

I shout to him: "Friend", the puppy says,

(They jump up, bark.)

Yap-ya, ya-ya, the puppy responds.

Study "Hen, Chickens and Cockerel"

Questionnaire The hens-mothers went out for a walk, walk around the yard, flap their wings, worry. (Educator and children they run slowly, waving their arms, clucking.) Chickens came running for the hens. (Children depicting chickens, finely touching legs, run fast, squeak.) Here came the cockerel into the yard. He walks importantly, slaps himself on the sides, crows. (Several baby cockerels make appropriate movements, crow.)

Suddenly the wind blew, the chickens were frightened, they began to call their mother loudly. (Chickens are flapping their wings restlessly, running along yard, squeak.) Chickens run to their chickens, want to save them from the wind, cover the chicks with their wings. (Children chickens take under wing of their chickens.) So the wind ended, the hens and chickens calmed down.

The cockerel walks importantly around the yard. Chickens and chickens follow him. (Children make appropriate movements.)

Grandmother. So our journey is over. Time for the train, he will take you home. Goodbye!

Children get on the train and go home. The teacher on his own behalf asks if they liked visiting their grandmother whom they saw in the grandmother's yard.

Game "Hostess and guests"


Here are the guests on the doorstep:

(The hostess greets the guests.)

Better dry your feet
I'm glad to see you, come in
What do you want to tell me?


Congratulations, congratulations

(Guests give gifts.)

And we wish you health!


Thank you, that's cute

(They sit on the chairs.)

I also laid the table for you.


Congratulations, congratulations

(Clap their hands.)

And we wish you health!


Now let's go dancing

(The guests go out in a circle.)

We must turn on the music!

The teacher invites children to dance with dolls.

Dance with dolls

V o s p and t e l (sings).

We are on a holiday on our

(Children hold the dolls by both hands, the dolls "dance".)

Together with the dolls we will dance
The dolls are spinning merrily

(Children circle with dolls, lifting them above their heads.)

They have fun with us.
Let's run along the path

(Children hold dolls in front of them, run in a circle.)

Run your legs more cheerfully
Let's run one circle
And then one more time.
The dolls are spinning merrily

(The dolls are dancing.)

They have fun with us.

At the end of the lesson, the doll Katya thanks the children for teaching her and the guests how to behave correctly at the birthday party.

Sketches "Kittens"

1. "Kittens wake up"

Calm music sounds. Children sit on the rug, eyes closed, legs folded (kittens are sleeping). Then they stretch slowly, rub their eyes and stretch again.

2. "Kittens frolic"

Moving music sounds. Kittens are jumping in a circle; stop, dissolve "scratches", scratch in the air with their paws.

3. "Kittens hunt for a mouse"

Disturbing music sounds. Kittens sneak carefully and slowly, on tiptoe; then they run quietly; stop; "Smell" prey; sneak further with dashes.
The teacher puts on the hats of cats on the children and invites them to start a round dance game "How the cats danced."

Round dance game "How the cats danced"


That's how the cats were having fun

(The cats run scatteringly, spreading their claws.)

They forgot about the danger
Have fun by the river
They threw out their shoes.

K about sh k and.

Meow, meow, mur-mur-mur,

Laughing chickens, chickens.


The cats were jumping, frolicking,

(The cats are jumping.)

We immediately found ourselves in the river,

(They jump into a squatting position.)

Murki shouted:
Oh, the skin is wet!

(They shout the words of the text.)

K about sh k and.

Meow, meow, mur-mur-mur,

(They sing pitifully, sticking out their claws.)

Laughing chickens, chickens.


The clothes are dry

(They run scatteringly.)

The cats are having fun again.
Having fun by the river
They threw out their shoes.

K about sh k and.

Meow, meow, mur-mur-mur,

(They stop, claw in the air, spin.)

Laughing chickens, chickens.

Improvisation game "Snowflakes"


Snowflakes, snowflakes fly to the ground,

(Snowflakes are flying.)

Their beautiful white outfit sparkles.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, fly bolder

(They sit down whirling.)

And quietly lay down on the ground soon.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, it's time for you again

(Waving their wings.)

Spin over the field and fly into the sky.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, fly in the wind

(Snowflakes are flying.)

And fall right on the cheeks of the guys.

Round dance game "Under the Pine"

Wood Fairy.

In a clearing under a pine tree,

(The animals dance in a circle using familiar movements.)

The people of the forest danced:
Hares, bears and chanterelles,
Wolves in gray mittens.

Z e r y t a.

That's what a round dance

(Clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Wood Fairy.

The hedgehogs came running here:

(The hedgehogs go out to the center of the circle.)

E f and.

Our fur coats are good

(They become in pairs and whirl.)

We'll curl up in a ball

We are not in the hands.

Z e r y t a.

That's what a round dance

(The animals clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Wood Fairy.

A big bear came out into the circle:

(A bear comes out and sings.)


I can sing songs.
And behind him sleepily

(A bear cub runs out.)

A bear cub is racing.

Medvezhon about k.

That's what a round dance

(The bear sings.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Wood Fairy.

Had fun until the morning

(The animals are in a round dance.)

All the forest kids.
They jumped, danced,
The songs were sung.

Z e r y t a.

That's what a round dance

(The animals clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

(The children sit down.)

Wood Fairy.

You made me so happy, children, with the game that I want to give you a whole basket of snowdrops. Snowdrops are the very first spring flowers. There is still snow in the forest, and snowdrops are already blooming. They are not afraid of the cold, they are very beautiful.

The Forest Fairy gives children a basket of snowdrops. The teacher thanks the Forest Fairy and invites the children to dance a dance with snowdrops.
Children take snowdrops and dance with them.

The game "The sun is warming up"

Join hands and stand in a circle so that the kids are opposite each other. Sing a nursery rhyme while doing the movement, encourage children to imitate. Standing still, spring with your feet:

The sun is warming,

It became more fun in the house.

We're in a circle, we're in a circle

Let's get up quickly.

Stamp your feet quickly:

We'll sink a little

Dance more cheerfully, legs,

And like this, and like this,

Dance your legs!

Do not skimp on praise, rejoice together in children.

Finger gymnastics game "Fingers walk"

Once the fingers walked

(Children clench and unclench their fingers rhythmically.)

Fingers, toes.
Fingers along the gully

(Spread their palms, swing them rhythmically from side to side.)

Fingers, toes.
The sun is in a cloud, fingers,

(Children clasp their fingers in front of them.)

Fingers, toes.
It will rain soon, fingers
Fingers, toes.
The rain fell: tra-ta-ta,

(Children shake their hands.)

Leave the yard.
Fingers ran
Fingers under the bridge.
They hid - and they sit.

(They removed their palms behind their backs.)


You guys know that the rains are different.
There is a mischievous rain. Here he is. (Rapid music sounds.) Hey naughty rain, run out!
(The teacher takes the child out and gives him rain sultans.)

D o w e - o z o rn and k.

I can run fast
I will water the weed in the kindergarten.

(To fast music, the rain-child runs and waves sultans.)


There are also other rains. There is a sloth rain. Its droplets drip so slowly that they are too lazy to drip onto the ground. This rain will not run away, will not rush. Hear what he is? (Music of slow rain sounds.) Hey sloth rain, show yourself!
(A child pretends to be a rain-sloth.)

D o w d l - l e n i v e c.

Drip-drip, and I am silent.
I don't want to drip anymore.

(To the music of a rare rain, the rain child rhythmically shakes the sultans.)


These are the different types of rain. In our clearing, the rain is dripping, then the sun is shining. Let's guess when the sun is shining, when the rain is falling. We will listen to music, it will tell us what the weather is like outside. We will walk in sunny weather. In a rainy day - we will listen to what kind of rain it is on the street: a mischievous person or a sloth.

The game "Rainy-Sunny"

Children listen to music. To calm music, they walk in pairs, holding hands. When they hear the music of the rain, they run away to the chairs and continue to listen to the music further. The educator helps the children determine what kind of rain is coming. If it is a mischievous rain, then the children quickly knock themselves on the knees with their palms. If it's rain-sloth, then they knock slowly. The game is repeated several times. On different rains, rain children run out: sometimes a mischievous rain,
then the rain is a sloth.

The game "Walk in the rain"

The teacher invites the children to choose umbrellas and go for a walk in the warm spring rain. Children walk along to the calm music of the rain. Under the rhythmic part - squat lightly.

"Help the hedgehog to collect mushrooms"

Look at the hedgehog

Well, the fur coat is good!

And it sits so beautifully.

A lovely sight, that's such a miracle!

In appearance, you can't tell right away

That needles are very sharp.

Only here is the trouble friends,

Do not stroke, we have a hedgehog!

Let us help the hedgehog, tell him everything we know about mushrooms.

Guys, what edible mushrooms do you know? (Chanterelles, boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom).

Now name the poisonous mushrooms (fly agaric, white toadstool, false mushrooms).

Now we are going to play the game "Guess the mushroom".

I will make riddles about mushrooms, and you will guess, and say whether they are edible or poisonous.

Slide show "Mushrooms".

  1. I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the roots of aspen,

You will recognize me a mile away,

My name is ... (Boletus, edible)

  1. But someone important

On a little white leg.

He has a red hat,

There are polka dots on the hat. (Amanita, poisonous)

  1. I do not argue - not white,

I, brothers, are simpler,

I usually grow

In a birch grove. (Boletus edible)

  1. What kind of yellow sisters,

Hidden in the thick grass?

I see them all perfectly

I'll take it home soon.

Very clean, tasty mushroom -

Both the chef and the mushroom picker are happy.

These yellow sisters

Called ... (Chanterelles, edible)

  1. She stands pale

She has an edible look.

Bring it home - trouble

It is poison that food.

Know that this mushroom is a snag

Our enemy is pale ... (Toadstool, poisonous)

  1. Stood on a strong leg

Now lies in the basket. (White mushroom, edible).

Well done, you guessed all the mushrooms! I think the hedgehog remembered everything, and now he will be happy to pick mushrooms!

Guys, where do mushrooms mostly grow? (In the woods). Imagine that you are tall, beautiful trees that grow in the forest.

Song-game "In the meadow"

Children (walking in pairs).

And we are walking in the meadow,
We carry baskets
We carry baskets
We will collect the strawberries.

(Couples stop.)

GALI (sings, dancing).

I'm walking through the meadow
I'm in a hurry on the green
I see the berry is growing
I see ripe growing.

Children (walking in pairs again).

We will pick up berries,
Let's start a round dance.
You are my little basket
You are intact.

G a l I.

Now let's dance
In our clearing!

(At Gali's call, the children dance in a free dance. The Russian folk melody "Whether in the garden or in the garden" sounds.)


I invite you guys to listen to how the streams ring. (Music of running streams sounds.) Streams, run to us.

(Children in shiny capes run out with little sultans in their hands. The song-etude "Streams" is being performed.) \

Song-etude "Brooks"


Here is a trickle running

(Children stand and gently shake their arms in turn.)

His path is long.
It gurgles, it glitters
And shivers in the sun.

Children - hands.

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run,

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run
And we shine in the sun.


Where are you going, streams?

Children - hands.

We'll run to the river
We'll grumble, and then
We will turn home.

Reb e n o k - ruche e k.

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run,

(Children run, waving their hands.)

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run
And we shine in the sun.

W o s p i t a t e l (with a horse in hand).

Here the horse screamed ...

Children (together with the teacher).


She screamed in the clearing ...

Children. Hoo-hoo!


Who will hear me now?

Children... Hoo-hoo!


Who will ride me?

Children. Hoo-hoo!


Heard Tanya and Vanya ...

Children. Hoo-hoo!


And they raced on a horse

Children. Hoo-hoo!

Scene "Mom-goat is coming home"

Koz a.

Little kids, kids!
Open up, open up,
Your mother came - she brought milk,
Milk flows over the bead,
From the sock into the damp earth.

K o z l y t to and (doing imaginary actions - unlocking the door).

Mom mom!

Koz a.

Do you kids recognize me?

K o z l y t k i.

K o z l y t k i.


Koz a.

Show how you sang.

K o z l y t k and (imitating my mother, subtly).

Little kids, kids ...

Koz a.

Did you open the door to the wolf?

K o z l y t k i.

K o z l y t k i.

Koz a.

Show how he sang.

K o w l y t k and (imitate a wolf, roughly).

Little kids, kids ...

Koz a.

You are obedient kids, go into the house, play, but do not open the door for the wolf.

Warm-up game "Goat, ay!"


Our goat in the forest

Where is she? We shout: "Hey!"

Children. Hey! Hey!


Children, children, I call you:

Helen, where are you? Hey!

Len a... Hey!


Our goat in the forest

Where is she? We shout: "Hey!"

Children. Hey! Hey!


Children, children, I call you:

Sasha, where are you? Hey!

Sasha. Hey!

Note. In the game, the children call the goat: "Mila, ay!", Echo each other: "Lena, ay, where are you?"

Children walk through the forest to the disturbing music. During the search for a goat, the howl of a wolf is periodically heard. The teacher offers the game "Drive away the evil wolf". Children begin to loudly clap their hands, stamp their feet and shout: "The hunters are going, the hunters are going!"

The children finally find Mila, the goat, entangled in the thicket. They help Mila out of trouble. The goat (a child of the older group) is happy.

K o z o h k and M and l a.

I like to wander in the woods

Extending legs

I can deceive the fox

I have horns.

I'm not afraid of anyone

Even with an evil wolf I will fight.

Hey you wolf and fox

Go to the woods.

Questionnaire Mila goat, how brave and formidable you are.

D e d M a t e y. Why didn't you listen to me? You have gone so far that we could not find you. Your bell is lost. Say "thank you" to our guys for finding your bell and helping you out of trouble.

K o z o h k and M and l a.

Thanks to all the guys

I will tell you from the bottom of my heart.

I am very glad to see you,

You are all so good.

I invite you to dance

And sing songs together!

The teacher invites children to play the game "Goats and Wolves".

Game "Goats and Wolves"


In a clearing, in a forest

(The goats dance, holding out their horns.)

Under the green pine

The goats were dancing the polka:

One step, one step, that much more.

(The goats are jumping.)

Dancing, having fun

The danger was forgotten.

At this time, the evil wolves

(Angry wolves go in circles.)

We often walked through the woods.

Trembling, teeth snapped -

(The wolves move their paws in the air.)

Don't get caught by the toothy!

Well, the goats all played

(The goats are dancing in a circle.)

And the wolves were not noticed.

We went around a hundred laps

(The wolves go in circles.)

One Hundred Hungry Bad Wolves.

On the last lap, they got angry

(They catch goats.)

Together we caught the goats!

Mila the goat thanks the children for the game. Grandfather Matvey thanks the children and the teacher for helping to find his beloved goat.

Staging games based on the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Cockerel appears on the screen. The teacher brings the child to the Cockerel, who reads poetry to him.


Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden scallop,
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?

Petsh about to.

I am a cockerel
Golden scallop,
I get up early, early
I sing vociferously
I call everyone to work.
Do you guys know who lives with me?


Yes! These are mice.

Petsh about to.

What are their names?


Twist and Twirl.

Petsh about to.

Did they help me work?


Petsh about to.

Can you help?


Petsh about to.

Help me around the house, please. Let's do everything together: chop wood, sweep it with a broom, shake out the rugs.

Finger gymnastics "Foxes walked along the path"

The cubs walked along the path

(Bend your fingers at the same time.)

In patent leather boots
Up the hill - top-top,

(They clap their hands forcefully.)

And down the hill - top-top top!

Squatting on exercise

(Rhythmically clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

Squatted in order.
To charge top-top,

(They clap their hands forcefully.)

And from charging - top-top-top!

(Lightly shake hands.)


Did you like playing with us, fox? (The fox nods his head: he liked it.) Guys, while we were playing, pancakes ripened on my stove. (The teacher goes to the children's toy stove and takes a toy saucepan and frying pan and begins to bake pancakes.) Here they are - pancakes. (The teacher comes up to the children and starts singing the song "Ladushki", the children get up and dance.)

Song-game "Ladushki"

Okay, okay,

(Children "bake pancakes" (put their palms in clap from one side to the other))

Where were you?
- By Grandma.
Grandma baked us
Sweet pancakes
I watered with oil,

(Children offer open palms.)

Gave children:

(The teacher lays out imaginary pancakes on his palms.)

Ole - two, Kolya - two,
Tanya - two, Vanya - two.
I gave it to everyone!

(The teacher approaches the fox and puts pancakes in his paws too).


Soon, fox, your mother will come. She went into the forest, kicked the birch bark, and began to weave the little shoes.
The teacher removes a bunch of bast shoes from the wall and shows them to the children, then puts a fox on its paws. Then he puts on the fox's hat and plays with the children, sings a joke.

Russian folk joke "The fox walked through the woods"

The fox walked through the forest

(The children are sitting. The fox walks next to the children.)

The calls of the song were output.
The fox tore the stripes.

(The fox and the children "tear" the bast (make imitative movements))

The fox wove bast shoes.
The fox wove paws,

(They knock on the knees with their palms.)

She said:

(The fox lays out imaginary bast shoes.)

To myself - two,
Husband - three,
And the kids - on sandwiches.

Perspective planning in the 2nd junior group "Development of speech"
N / a
Educational activities
Content of work (activities of children, taking into account their age characteristics
Conditions for individual needs

pedagogical situation


Retelling of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

2. To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound "a".
3. To cultivate a love for tabletop theater.
1.Retelling a fairy tale with the help of table theater.
2. Game "Chickens and cockerels".
3.Game "Guess who is singing a song"
Independent retelling of a fairy tale by children using a table theater.
R / I "Make it right"

page 16

Examining toys - trains, cows, cuckoos, rooster
1. Develop observation skills.
2. Teach to correctly name objects, their individual parts, qualities.

1. Description of the locomotive.
2. Game "Finish the sentence"
3. Game "Train"
Acquaintance with guests - toys: a cow, a cuckoo and a cockerel.
3. Description of toys.
4. Learning a song about a cock.
Definition of the sound "U" in words
D / I "Family"
Ushakova O.S.
"Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 18

Description of toys - kitten, foal, mouse.
1. To develop coherent speech.
2.To learn to form the names of baby animals.
3. Nurturing emotional responsiveness.
1. Acquaintance with animals and their babies.
2. Game "Cars"
3. Game "Who will see more"
4. Imitation of the voices of animals.

Drawing up a story about a kitten (foal, mouse)
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 20

Examination of the painting "We are playing with blocks, building a house"
1. Develop attention.
2. Teach the correct use of singular and plural forms of nouns and verbs.
3. To cultivate friendliness.
1. Conversation on the picture.
2. Drawing up a story about the children in the picture.
3. Game "The breeze is blowing"
4 mimicking sounds
P / N "One - many"
Repetition of the teacher's story according to the picture.
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 23

Description appearance dolls Oli
1. Develop observation skills.
2. To learn to determine the color of an object, use antonyms, coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number.
3. To cultivate the desire to communicate.
1. Speech communication.
2.Description of the doll.
3.R / I "Donkeys"
4 repeating sounds
Comparison of two different dolls
D / I "Dress the doll"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 25

Drawing up a plot story on a set of toys together with a teacher
1. To develop the ability to use words with the opposite meaning.
2. Learn to compose a short descriptive story with the help of an adult.
3. To cultivate respect for objects.

1. Description of toys.
2. Imitation of the sounds of animals.
3. A story about a favorite toy.
4.P / A "Cubs and a she-bear"
D / I "Animals"
Musically - didactic game"Whose Mom's Voice"

Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 29

Drawing up a story about toys - kitten, hare
1. To develop coherent speech.
2. To teach to form diminutive names of young animals.

1. Reading a Russian folk song about a kitten.
2. Drawing up a story about a kitten with the children.
3. Drawing up a story about a hare.
3. Reading a poem about a hare.
4.P / I "Frog"
5. Learning a clean phrase.
D / And "Find a picture"
D / I "Family"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of toys - goat, donkey, steamer
1. To develop speech breathing.
2. Show the formation of the imperative mood of the verbs: jump, ride, introduce antonyms.
2. To cultivate emotional responsiveness.
1. Description of toys.
2.P / A "Wind and Leaves"
3. Narration of a poem about smoke and a pipe.
4. Guessing animals by their voices.
5. Guessing the riddle.
6. Game "What confused Buratino?"
R / S "Find the mistake"
R / I "Guess who it is"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 35.

Retelling of the tale "Turnip"
1. To develop speech breathing.
2. Teach retelling together with an adult.
3. To cultivate a love for tabletop theater.
1.Retelling a fairy tale using table theater.
2.P / A "Let's plant a turnip"
3. Guessing riddles about animals.

Playing out a fairy tale using table theater.
D / And "Pick a pair"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 38.

Description of Olya doll clothing items
1. To develop the ability to focus on the characteristics of the subject.
2. To learn to correctly use adjectives denoting color.
3. To cultivate politeness.
1.Description of the appearance of the doll.
2. Children dress dolls for a walk.
3.R / I "Guess what is drawn"
Find objects in the group that start with the sound "p"
R / S "Find an object"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 40.

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a bear and a mouse

2. Learn to use prepositions in, on, under, about, before.
3. To cultivate love for animals.
1. Drawing up a descriptive story together with the teacher.
2. "Ask politely" game
3.P / I "Bear and Bear Cubs"
R / S "Find by description"
Guess by the sound game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
page 43

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a cat, a bear, a mouse.
1. Develop observation skills.
2. To learn to use words denoting qualities, actions.
3. To cultivate politeness.
1. Description of toys.
2. Guessing animals by their voices.
3. C / R game "Shop"
Find an item by description
Description of the picture with the image of the animal.
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Sledding"
1. To develop attention.
2. To learn to pronounce the sound combination at different tempo, with different volume.
3. To cultivate sociability.
1. Description of the painting.
2. Self-storytelling.
3. Game "Snowballs".
4. Playing the drum.
5. Guessing animals by sound combinations.
R / I "What do we see in the yard"
R / S "Finish the word"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of dolls Dasha and Dima
1. To develop coherent speech.
2.To learn to compose a story on the teacher's questions.

1.Description of the dolls.
2. Game "Ball".
3. Playing the pipe.
4. Playing the bell.
5.R / I "What toy is gone"
R / N "What our doll loves"
D / And "What has changed"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Conducting the game "What's in the bag at Buratino"
1. To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.
2.Exercise in the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns.

1. Description of Pinocchio.
2. Game "What's in the bag at Buratino."
3. Description of toys.
The game "Everything is so different"
Describe the toy
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"
p. 52.

Drawing up a descriptive story about animals from pictures.
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of sounds.
2. To reinforce the names of familiar animals, toys, and their qualities in speech.
3. To educate attention to the intonation side of speech.
1. Sound imitation of musical instruments.
2. Playing the drum.
3. Description of pictures.
4. Game "Horse".
5. Exercise for a long exhalation.
Game "Guess What I'm Talking About"
Description of animals according to the picture.
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Retelling of the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Chicken"
1. To develop speech, attention.
2. To learn to reproduce the content of the tale on questions.
3. Fostering the desire and ability to listen to works of art, to follow the development of the action.
1. Repetition of sounds made by animals.
2. Game "Chicken and Chickens".
3. Reading the fairy tale "Chicken".
4. Retelling of a fairy tale.
R / I "Loud - Quiet"
P / N "Guess by the voice"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Trolleybus and Toys"
1. To develop auditory perception.
2.To learn to compose a story based on the picture, focusing on the sample proposed by the educator.
3. To educate the sound culture of speech.
1. Children answer the teacher's questions about the picture.
2. Description of the trolleybus.
3. Game "Goose and goslings".

The game " Wonderful pouch»
Game "How the cock walks and sings, how the dog runs and barks"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a steamer, a fox, a rooster
1. To develop imaginative thinking.
2. Activate the use of adjectives.
3. To educate the sound culture of speech.
1. Description of the steamer.
2. Description of the rooster.
3. Description of the fox.
4. Game "What is gone"
D / I "Toys scattered"
Find a house game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Carrying out the game "Katya's birthday"
1. Develop observation skills.
2. Learn to pronounce words loudly - quietly, quickly and slowly.
3. To cultivate respect for toys.
1.Description of the doll.
2. Game "Katya's birthday".
3. Game "Dolls draw and walk".
4. Narration of the Russian folk nursery rhyme.
Game "Turn away and guess"
R / I "Loud - Quiet"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a descriptive story about toys - a fox, a teddy bear.
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of words with sound (s).
2. To learn to compare different animals, highlighting opposite signs.
3. To cultivate love for wild animals.
1. Description of animals.
2. Description of the fox.
3. Game "Compare different animals."
4. Game "Compare different animals".
D / And "Find the Difference"
Game "Hedgehog - father, hedgehog - mother"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a plot story based on a set of toys.
1. Develop speech skills.
2. Learn to name the garments correctly.
3. To cultivate neatness.
1.Description of the doll.
2. Description of the dog.
3. Game "Snowflakes".
Infinite Classification Game
D / And "Find a picture"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of vegetables and fruits
1. To develop attention.
2. Learn to write a description of the subject.
3. To educate the sound culture of speech.
1. Description of a bunny with a carrot.
2. Description of vegetables and fruits.
3.P / I "Bunnies and the Wind"
4. Guessing riddles.
The game "How are they similar?"
Game "Whether in the garden"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story about the Faya and Fedya dolls
1. Develop observation skills.
2. Learn to use words with the opposite meaning in speech.
3. To cultivate respect for dolls.
1. Compilation of a short story about dolls.
2. Game "Doll is funny and sad".
3. Game "Call in one word."

D / And "How to tell them apart"
R / S "Fast-Slow"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Retelling of the tale "Little kids and the wolf"
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of sounds.
2.To teach to retell a fairy tale together with the teacher.
3. To cultivate interest and love for reading fairy tales.
1.1. The story of the tale "Little kids and the wolf."
2. Theatralization of a fairy tale.
3. Game "Goats".
R / I "What happens"
R / I "What looks like what"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Description of utensils
1. To develop the correct pronunciation of sound (s).
2.To learn to correctly name individual items of utensils.
3. To cultivate respect for dishes.
1. Description of utensils and what they are for.
2. Game "Who will name more actions."
3. Game "Where can I do what."
4. Game "Finish the sentence".
R / I "I know"
Game "What, where, when"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

The naming of pieces of furniture. Use of spatial prepositions.
1. Develop memory.
2.Exercise in understanding and using spatial prepositions in, on, for, about.
3. To cultivate respect for furniture.
1. Composing a story using prepositions.
2. The game "Who knows how to do what."
Game "Where was the ball"
Game "Useful hide and seek"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Composing a story on a topic from personal experience
1. Develop the ability to listen carefully.
2. Activate adjectives in speech.
3. educate respectful attitude to other people.
1. Guessing riddles.
2. Description of the dog.
3. Game "Pilots and Airplanes".
4. Reading the poem "Fir-trees"
R / I "Shop"
Game "Who came to us"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Cat with kittens"
1. To develop attention.
2. Activate adjectives and verbs in speech.
3. To educate the ability to pronounce sounds in words correctly and clearly.
1. Description of the painting.
2. Game "Cat and kittens"
3. Reading a pure clause.
D / And "Describe the subject"
Tell me game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Chickens"
1. To develop speech.
2.To learn to correctly name what is depicted in the picture.
3. To cultivate curiosity.
1. Description of the painting.
2.P / I "Chickens"
3. Game "Tell me about the walk"
Game "You've got a letter"
Tell me game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a descriptive story about animals from pictures
1. To develop a clear pronunciation of sounds.

3. To cultivate love for animals.
1. Description of animals.
2. Game "Repeat sounds"
P / S "Correct the error"
Find the Difference Game
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Drawing up a description of the subject picture
1. To develop the correct sound pronunciation.
2. Learn to compose short stories according to the picture.
3. Nurturing cognitive interest.
1. Guessing riddles.
2. Children tell from pictures.
3. Sound imitation of animal voices.
4. The game "Expand the pictures"
D / And "Remember and Show"
Game "Who is there"
Ushakova O.S. "Development of the speech of children 3-5 years old"

Final educational activity
Tracking the results of the development of children OD "Speech Development"
Travel game "Visiting Dunno"
OP DO MBDOU No. 159 p.19

Kozhukhar Tatiana Alexandrovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU d \ s number 16
Locality: Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region
Material name: long-term plan
Topic: advanced planning in the second junior group on the topic "Friends"
Date of publication: 05.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Theme of the week "Friends". 13.11.-17.11.
Day of the week Mode Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents. Group, subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

Morning Morning exercises # 1. Finger gymnastics. "Fingers woke up in the morning." A conversation about friendship. Who are friends? What are friends for? How many friends should there be? - to foster a sense of collectivism, is kind to comrades. Conversation "My friend" to develop children's ability to compose a short story about their friend, the ability to answer questions with a complete answer with Alexei, Kostya, Vanya P, Sonya, VanyaYerm, Maxim. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior at the table. Learn to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully and independently. Children's games with board games (mosaic), put together a whole from parts (4 parts). Free play activity of children; creation of conditions for independent play activity of children. Remind parents of timely payment for kindergarten. Classes
1.Motor activity.
(physical education instructor's plan)
2. Research and cognition. Topic: "Friends".
Objectives: To develop a sense of self-confidence, a sense of collectivism, emotional responsiveness. To instill the ability to improve oneself as a person through communication with people. Foster a desire to be kind to adults and peers in kindergarten. (Conversation “Who are friends”, game “Name your friends”, “Tell a friend a kind word” _) Walk Observing the wind Objectives: to continue observing the wind with the help of a wind blower, Teaching children to dress correctly and quickly Situational conversation be able to Portable material Children's rake, cubes for
develop the ability to determine the weather (windy or calm). An outdoor game "Cats and Mice" to promote the formation of positive emotions in children, activity in independent motor activity. for a walk, neatly put things in your locker before and after a walk. With Lisa. Varya, Artem, Dasha, Masha, Ksyusha. Alyosha. dress. ”Fasten the dressing and undressing sequence. Remind children to keep their clothes clean. outdoor games, toys for playing with sand, dolls dressed for the weather, cars. Encourage independence in game selection. Work before bedtime Listening to a fairy tale: "A cat, a rooster and a fox." Purpose: to encourage emotional responses to the content of the fairy tale, to help children understand what "friendship" is. Evening Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Reading fiction: "Song of Friends" S. Mikhalkov. Role-playing game: "Bus". Purpose: to promote the formation of friendly relationships between children. Game "Guess what is gone?" for mastering the genitive plural form of nouns with Liza, Dasha, Alla, Vanya E, Darina, Timofei. "Give in to each other." Purpose: Explain to children how important it is in the game and in serious matters not to be rude, to yield to each other. Suggest coloring pages on the theme of "toys", paint a toy that a friend liked. Self-guided play corners encourage play groupings.

Morning Morning exercises # 1. Finger gymnastics "Fingers woke up in the morning." Didactic game “Let's dress Tanya to Summarize the knowledge of children on the topic of friendship. Suggest a role-playing game situation "К
Conversation "Fight or negotiate": to develop children's communication skills in various life situations. Didactic game: "House of Friendship". Purpose: to arouse children's sympathy for the game characters, to be able to help them. walk ". Purpose: To teach children to choose items of clothing suitable for the weather with Varya, Dasha, Alena, Masha, Vladislava. Continue to teach children the ability to negotiate, help each other, expanding children's ideas about friendship. guests have come to us "- to continue to develop interest in joint games, to use substitute items in the game.
1. Musical activity
(according to the plan of the music director.
2. FEMP. Topic: Acquaintance with the concept of "wider-narrower". Count to three. Acquaintance with the arrangement of figures. Tasks:
develop the ability in children to compare two objects, highlight the width parameters (wider - narrower), find similarities and differences; consolidate the count to three, develop creativity. (game "Help the chickens", "Hen and chickens", "I am a cow") Walk Observing the sun. Objectives: to develop the idea that when the sun is shining, it is warm outside; Labor activity: Collection of dry twigs on the site. Purpose: to continue to foster the desire to participate in the work of the "Ball in the basket" Department to develop the ability to throw the ball right on target with Kostya, Ira, Vanya Ef, Sonya, Dasha, Alena. Strengthen the skill to politely seek help from an adult and peers; foster a respectful attitude towards adults and peers. Self-guided walking activities. Games with portable material. Spatulas, cubes and molds for each child for playing with snow, a doll,
Outdoor games: "Mice in the pantry." Purpose: to teach to run easily, without bumping into each other, move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement. cars. Work before going to bed Teach to undress yourself: take off your sandals, socks, shorts, with the help of an adult, take off your T-shirt and put your things neatly on the chair. Evening Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Conversation "Friendship is a wonderful word" to acquaint with the rules of friendship; show the importance of true friends in a person's life; teach goodwill, the desire to understand each other, teach to share the joys and sorrows of friends. Game "Call a friend" Control "Color the picture" continue to develop the ability to hold the pencil correctly. Paint over carefully with Artem, Alla, Timosha, Ksyusha, Varya. Situational conversation about being polite and caring towards a friend fostering a desire to take care of your friend. Help him. Invite the children to bake a cake for a friend. To form the ability to sculpt according to the plan, to consolidate familiar sculpting methods. Arouse the desire to make a nice gift to a friend.

Wednesday 15.11.
Morning Morning gymnastics. № 1. Finger gymnastics. "Fingers woke up in the morning." Д / и "Say kindly" Purpose: To enrich the children's vocabulary with words with diminutive-affectionate suffixes. Watering the plants Involving children in watering the plants in a group. To form an understanding that plants need light and water, they need to be looked after. Together with the teacher, teach how to prepare equipment: bring watering cans, pour water into watering cans. Foster a desire to care for plants. FEMP work - to fix the main features of objects: color, shape, size with Sonya, Ira, Artem, Maxim, Varya, Masha. The game "Find a toy" in subgroups. Purpose: to develop the ability to navigate in a group. Reading fiction. Purpose: to awaken interest in Russian folk tales.
1.Motor activity.
(physical education planner) 2
... Painting. Topic: "The chicken and the kitten made friends."
Objectives: to continue to develop the desire in children to work with gouache. Develop the ability to smear paint with your hand, draw small details with a felt-tip pen. Develop imagination and imagination with blotography. Develop a desire to be friends with each other, to rejoice friendly relations others. Walk Observation of people's clothing (raincoats, jackets, boots, umbrellas in their hands). Why are people dressed like that. Individual work with Sonya P, Varya, Vanya, Nastya K, Anya N. -development Situational conversation “Do I need to be able to dress myself?” Reinforce the sequence Suggest a game situation “We are going to visit” Purpose: to promote the formation
An outdoor game "Blow up, my ball!" continue to develop the ability to form a circle. Act on signal. Labor assignments "sweep the path" foster a desire to work. movements. Purpose: the formation of the ability to perform walking and running without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs. dressing and undressing. friendly relationships between children., the ability to use substitute items in the game. Work before going to bed Reading Russian folk tale"Zayushkina izbushka" Evening Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Reading a poem: “You need to live together in the world.” Purpose: to teach to understand the meaning of the word “amicably”. Individual work with Timofey, Maxim, Katya, Vanya P - game "Who hid?" Purpose: to develop memory, attention. Formation of the ability with the help of an adult to put oneself in order; use individual items (handkerchief, towel, comb). Board games: "Puzzles"; "Lotto". Independent play activities in activity centers develop independence in choosing a game, encourage play groups.


... Morning Morning gymnastics # 1. Finger gymnastics. "Fingers woke up in the morning." Conversation "Hello!" Purpose: to acquaint with the elementary rules of conduct, ethics of communication and greetings; develop communication skills in relation to peers and adults; to educate a culture of behavior. Didactic game "Find an object" Purpose: to teach to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns. Individual work with Maxim, Vanya E, Anya, Nastya, Liza, Timofey and Varya. develop the ability to properly hold a spoon exercise "Katya's doll will not know how to hold a spoon correctly, let's teach her." Formation of the ability to greet and say goodbye, express your own requests calmly, using the words "thank you", "please." Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents Lesson
1. Musical activity
(according to the music director's plan.)
2. Application. The theme "We smile at each other."
Tasks: Clarify what is the most good gift each other is a smile. To develop the ability to draw with pencils, use glue, a glue brush, a cloth, navigate the contour (left, right, middle), educate children to be friendly to each other. Walk Observation of the flora. Purpose: to acquaint with the structure of a tree; to bring up a respect for nature. An outdoor game "Along an even path." Purpose: to develop the consistency of movement of the arms and legs; Game exercise "Rabbits". Purpose: - to develop the ability to jump on two legs, moving forward; to develop dexterity, confidence in Labor assignment: collecting fallen leaves to bring up the desire in children to perform labor actions, to maintain order on the site. children to carry out role-based interaction, to play up their
-to teach to walk freely in a column one by one; develop a sense of balance, orientation in space for oneself. role, assign roles with the help of a caregiver. Work before bedtime Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: teach yourself to take off your clothes, put shoes in your locker. Learning a nursery rhyme: "Voditsa, voditsa, wash my face." Evening Gymnastics after sleep. A game based on the fairy tale "Teremok". Purpose: to develop the ability of children to play independently with figures of a tabletop theater. Play activities: d / and “Dress the doll for a walk”, “Guess by touch”, “Collect the whole”, “Collect the beads”. Individual drawing work with Vanya p, Nastya K, Anya N, Vanya E, Alexey. Purpose: to develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly, sit at a table, and maintain posture. Situational conversation "We are in order" to foster a desire in children to collect toys after games, to put each toy in their house. Play corner: construction set of various types. Enriching the corner of creativity: coloring books, pencils, wax crayons.


Morning Morning exercises # 1. Finger gymnastics. “In the morning my fingers woke up.” A conversation about the importance of hygiene procedures: brushing teeth, hair care, nails. Purpose: to foster a desire to take care of your health. Individual work with Vova F, Irina, Alena, Alla, Maxim. Continue to introduce the names of the utensils. D ball game "Magic words" to instill a desire in children to use kind and polite words in active speech. Acquaintance with oral folk art, reading fairy tales. Purpose: to awaken interest in oral creativity. Class
1. Development of speech. Topic: "Like a chanterelle with a bull-calf quarreled." Tasks:
Coherent speech: develop the ability in children to answer questions and restore the content of a fairy tale; Sound culture of speech: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds (b), (l); Vocabulary and grammar: activate the adverbs "hurt, sad, offensive" in children's speech
2. Recreational game hour (for a walk). Tasks:
walking along the path (imitating the step of a bear), running, game exercise "Get into the circle" to develop the ability to throw bags into a hoop. Exercise game exercise "Through the brook" in maintaining balance, and "Tram" exercise in walking and running in pairs.
Walk Observing a puddle - how did it appear, what is it, where does it disappear, what are they (large, deep, etc.)? Elementary work assignments - collect toys in a basket after a walk. exercise "Dexterous couple" Purpose: to develop dexterity, the ability to perform the exercise in pairs with boys. To foster a desire in children to walk, trying not to get dirty, take good care of their clothes, put their shoes to dry after a walk. Children's games with portable material. Role-playing games at the choice of children. P \ game "Shaggy dog" - learn to move in accordance with the text. Work before bedtime Learning a nursery rhyme: "Voditsa, voditsa, wash my face." Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: to educate the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat carefully, over your plate, wash your hands before and after meals. Evening Finger gymnastics. Walking on ribbed paths. D / N: "Matryoshka". Purpose: exercise in shape correlation. Individual modeling work with Varya, Lisa, Alena, Katya to develop the ability to roll plasticine on the palms, to do - exercise "Treat for a friend" Situational conversation "Say goodbye to a friend." foster a desire in children to say goodbye when they go home. Offer to organize a creative workshop "Make cookies" to continue to acquaint children with plasticine, to develop the ability to roll plasticine in a circular motion between the palms.