
Ecology library event for high school students. Scenario of an environmental event for college students. Contest "Living Letter"


Environmental scenario... A tournament for ecology experts at school.

Development of an event for high school students on ecology.

Connoisseurs tournament.
I. Organizational moment.
II. Introduction.

Against the background of the music "Wanderers", a poem sounds:

We cut wood, we set up landfills,
But who will take everything under protection?
The streams are empty, in the forest there are only sticks.
Think, and what awaits us next?
It's time for humanity to understand
Wealth from nature, taking away,
That the Earth also needs to be protected:
She, like us, is the same - alive!

V last years the word "ecology" sounds more and more often, more and more alarming. If earlier we did not really delve into the meaning of this concept, today we shudder from those horrific facts of criminal persecution and murder of nature, and this means ourselves. This information falls on us every day, hourly, every minute. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, do not in any way correspond to what excludes diseases, lifts our spirits, and gives rise to confidence in the future. Alas, the situation in Russia is so alarming that one wants to shout: "Come to your senses, people, rumors about a global ecological catastrophe are not exaggerated at all!" And in response, silence ...

Poem to the ringing of bells:

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a nature temple
With forests reaching out for hands
To meet the sun and wind.
He is light at any time of the day,
Open to us in heat and cold
Come in here, be a little bit heart
Do not desecrate her shrines!

Today I invite you to hold a tournament for connoisseurs of nature, its protection and conservation. Three teams will participate in our tournament. The jury will judge the correctness of the answers and the performance of the tasks.

III. Main part.
Round 1. Presentation of teams.
We will start our tournament with the presentation of the teams. The emblem will be evaluated, the name must be on environmental theme, presentation of teams. Evaluated on a five-point system.

Round 2. Warm-up.
Each team is given four clues in turn. If the team answered with 1 prompt, it gets 4 points, if with 2 - 3, if with 3 - 2, if with 4 - 1 point. If the team did not answer the question, but another team answered, it gets 1 point.

1. It can live up to 2000 thousand years.
2. In water, the trunk does not rot, but only blackens and becomes stronger.
3. Barrels and parquet are made of it.
4. Pushkin wrote that a mermaid was sitting there. (Oak)

1. It is always green or blue.
2. Stringed musical instruments are made of it.
3. In winter, birds build nests on it and hatch chicks.
4. It is shade-tolerant. It is always dark and damp in such a forest. There are many lichens there. (Spruce)

1. It releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria.
2. From it the best firewood.
3. Many useful things are made from its bark.
4. This is the most beloved Russian tree. (Birch)

1. He has green leaves on top, and velvety and silvery below.
2. It "sucks" negative energy, so it is useful for sick people to stand under it.
3. It populates bets the fastest.
4. Beavers love it and prepare it for the winter. (Aspen)

1. Berries are good to eat with honey, but after frost it tastes good on its own.
2. Many songs have been composed about her.
3. The bark is healthier than berries.
4. She has a relative with shiny black fruits - a small town. (Kalina)

1. The best honey from its flowers.
2. Spoons and bast shoes are made from it.
3. Blooms in summer and is very fragrant.
4. Decoction of flowers is not replaceable for colds. (Linden)

This concludes our warm-up session.

Round 3. The story of Baba - Yaga.

We pass with you to the third round.

The appearance of Baba - Yaga.

B. Ya. Hello, here I am.
B. Where did you come from.
B. Ya. Where did it come from, guess yourself. Now I’ll ask you a riddle.
Its spring and summer
We saw them dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All shirts ripped off.
B. Ya. Of course I came to you from the forest.

Oh, when I remember. Recently, Leshim and I went to a nearby forest for a picnic. We had such a great time.
Q. I have already heard your story and was horrified. What have you done in the forest. Here the guys will be tasked to listen carefully to the story and find what Baba - Yaga and Leshy have done in the forest. Whoever finds more mistakes wins. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.
B. Ya. So so!

With fun music we notified the forest that we had arrived. (Loud music scares away animals and birds). The days were hot, but the heat was not so felt in the forest. A familiar path led us to a birch grove. On the way, we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. We with goblins pulled mushrooms from the ground for distillation. All the mushrooms that we did not know were knocked down with sticks. (You should not pluck and shoot down the mushrooms - the mycelium is destroyed).

Halt. We quickly broke branches and lit a fire. (Dry wood is collected for a fire. In hot and dry weather, fires should not be made.) We made tea in a pot, had a snack and went on. Before leaving, Leshim and I arranged a competition to see who would throw away empty cans and plastic bags next. And what, all the same, microbes will destroy them. (These substances are destroyed for 100-200 years) The burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye. (The coals should be covered with earth or filled with water) in the bushes we found a nest of some bird. They held the warm bluish testicles and put them back. (You should not touch the eggs of birds) The sun rose higher above the horizon. It got hotter and hotter. At the edge of the forest, we found a small hedgehog. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them, maybe it will come in handy. (There is no need to take chicks and animals from the forest) We are already pretty tired. There are quite a few anthills in the forest. Leshy decided to show how formic acid is obtained. He cut off the sticks and began to pierce the whole anthill with them. In a few minutes we were already sucking on the ant sticks with pleasure. (You shouldn't push anything into the nest.)

Gradually the clouds began to run in, it got dark, lightning flashed, thunder rumbled. It started to rain quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hide under it. (It is dangerous to hide under a lone tree during a thunderstorm.) With armfuls of meadow and forest flowers, we returned to our forest. (Meadow and forest flowers should not be picked.) The day passed merrily.

Students' answers.
Q. Now you are B.Ya. I realized what you and Leshim have done.
B. Ya. Oh sure. I'll run to him at once and tell him everything.
Let's have a little rest with you and listen to ditties about ecology:

You and I didn't know before
Environmentally friendly my friend
Now we are studying at school
Everything around became clear.

On the way past us
The cars cannot be held back
Exhaust gases are everywhere
You can't breathe air.

Who will cleanse our rivers?
Who is that kind person?
Is it really the same forever
Will we leave a terrible mark?

Are our children
Will they suffer because of us?
How the whole planet will be
Die on the sly.

Ecology is important
People all need it.
Protect nature correctly,
Fortunately, it is back in fashion.

Jury marks.

TOUR 4. Game of orders.
Find the hidden flower and bird in each given expression. This can be done only by connecting and separating words in a string, but not swapping them. For each correct answer, the team receives an Olin point. Time for the assignment is limited.

1. We will walk along the path past the fence, to you Pierre? (mimosa, bittern)
2. We thought to go for about twenty minutes, but a mistake came out - not less than forty. (chamomile, magpie)
3. I look out the window: I don't want to read or draw. Cozy in the compartment. The night will fly by - and at home. (iris, warbler)
4. We float to the Zhiguli. A thunderstorm over the mountains, the Volga walks in waves. (rose, oriole)
5. Who are you today? I'm a spy today, - Password? - Ooh, shell. (peony, bluethroat)
6. And the puzzles are good. Take it, understand it - this is not a joke to you. (rose hips, ducks)

Play with the audience. Is it true ...
1. Can crocodiles climb trees? (Yes)
2. Snakes can jump up to a meter in height. (Yes)
3. Do Swifts even sleep on the fly? (Yes)
4. Do blue roses only grow in China? (No, they don't exist at all.)
5. Are green potatoes poisonous enough to kill a child? (Yes)
6. Do zebras have striped fleas? (No)
7. Are orchids used to make ice cream? (partly yes)
8. Do butterflies live only one day? (No)
9. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, because he cannot talk.)
10. When is the bird's body temperature higher in winter or summer? (Same all year round)
11. What bird does the number of children in a family depend on? (from the stork)

Checking answers.

TOUR 5. And we sing.
After a certain time, each team in turn must sing at least 4 lines from the song, which mentions plants, flowers, trees, animals.

TOUR 6. Competition of captains. The flower is seven-flowered.

The captains take turns answering questions. For each correct answer 1 point.
1. Natural resources located in the depths of the earth, which a person uses in the economy? (fossils)
2. Human activities aimed at protecting living and non-living nature? (security0
3. A common substance found on earth in 3 states? (water)
4. the top layer of the earth in which the plants grow? (the soil)
5. A living being actively and consciously influencing living and inanimate nature? (Human)
6. Organisms found in all natural zones that cannot live without light and air? (plants)
7. What is the name of the line that limits the visible part of the earth's surface? (horizon)
8. What device can be used to navigate in any weather? (compass)
9. What is the name of the ability to find the sides of the horizon? (orientation)
10. Which side of the horizon can you find with the noon shadow? (north)

Verification of the song contest.

TOUR 7. Legends.

For a long time we all know
Since the birth of the planet.
They compose all the verses, songs,
But above all was the legend.

Now the teams will receive a task - legends. They must guess what these legends are about.
1. According to legend, these flowers arose from the tears of Eve, expelled together with Adam from the Garden of Eden. The ancestor of the human race cried bitterly, and wherever her tears fell, these flowers bloomed. It was with this flower in his hand that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary on the day of the Annunciation to announce to her the birth of the Son, who will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. This flower was on the banners of the French knights. (lily)

2. Its name comes from the word "dyulbash" - Turkish turban. In the 17th century, these flowers came to Holland. Their bulbs were terribly expensive. In England, they believed that their flowers served as cradles for little elves and children of fairies, whom the wind rocks and lulls in these flower cradles. (Tulip)

3. An ancient Greek legend tells: The god of forests and meadows Pan once met a beautiful river nymph Sirina - a gentle messenger of the morning dawn. And so he admired her gentle grace and beauty that he forgot about everything. Pan decided to talk to Sirina, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran up after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. These bushes are beautiful at night, when it seems that spring itself has plunged into their fragrant sea. They are also good at dawn, when bunches of fur seem to grow from dawn to fog. Lilac.

IV. The final part. Summarizing.

On April 15, within the framework of the Year of Ecology, libraries of the Ustyansky District took part in the All-Russian Library Action "Day of Environmental Knowledge". On this day, various events took place in the libraries at the same time: conversations, creative workshops, environmental lessons, quizzes and much more.

The Day of Environmental Knowledge was held in the Central Regional Library. An information stand was prepared for the readers on which documents on security were posted environment, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, laws, regulations, rights and obligations of citizens. In the sections "Economics" and "Ecodata" interesting facts on this topic are presented. On this Day in the library, for all readers, a review of the books presented at the book exhibitions "Ecological calendar" and "Through the book - love to nature" was conducted. Books make you wonder what each of us needs to do in order to preserve this beauty for future generations. On the day of ecological knowledge, librarians held educational lessons for students of the Ustyansk industrial technical school and students of the Ustyansk children's art school and showed an electronic presentation "Traveling through the pages of the Red Book." They learned about what animals, birds and flowers of the Arkhangelsk region, including the Ustyansky region, are protected by the Red Book, what the Red Book is, why it became necessary to create it, what rare animals, plants exist that have been saved from complete extermination, and which we will never see again. The students tested their environmental knowledge by taking the Ecology and Man online test, where they showed excellent results. And also took part in the quiz "Face to face with nature" and earned prizes. Were prepared memos, which were distributed to all the participants of the action. Also, all those present that day looked at photos of amazing crafts made from garbage and household waste, which attract a lot of attention to this problem.

The librarians of the Stroyevskaya Library invited the children's readers to "My game" on ecology "I will be a friend to nature." The children were asked 30 questions in six categories: “ Folk omens"," Plants of the forest "," Animals of the forest "," Birds of the forest "," Mushroom basket "and" Ecological culture ". At the end of the event, a review of the Svirelka, Toshka and Kº and Svirel magazines was carried out. All participants coped with the tasks and received well-deserved sweet prizes.

In the Soviet library was held ecological game"Make friends with nature." The librarian invited the children to go on a virtual journey through the stations in the forest kingdom. At the first stop "Forest Encyclopedia", it was necessary to determine the description of which trees are in question. The second stop was called Forest Dwellers. The guys guessed riddles and answered the questions of the presentation quiz about the animals that live in our forests. At the next stop “Let's get to know each other”, we watched a presentation about migratory birds and, according to the description, determined the names of the birds, painted the drawings of the birds. And on "Lesnaya Polyanka" they were guessing riddles about flowers and medicinal plants... The trip to the spring forest at the station "Young ecologists" ended. The librarian introduced the Red Data Book of the Arkhangelsk Region, and the children listed the representatives of flora and fauna that they know and are included in the book.
Pupils Correctional school in Kizemskoy library №2 they made a literary and ecological cruise "Travel with a drop of water". The guys tried to find out why we need water. With the help of the presentation, we went down the river and ended up at the bottom of the ocean, were able to get acquainted with the amazing and unusual marine life. In the game "Who is this?" determined who was in front of them: a fish or a plant. And in the game "I Believe - I Don't Believe" they revealed amazing facts about marine life, tried to guess what is actually true and what is fiction. After listening to the poems of B. Zakhoder "What happened to the river", and Fomushkin V.P. "What is more important for nature?" learned that by unwisely spending precious water, we can make a lifeless desert out of our flourishing planet.
The Ploss Library reviewed books from the book exhibition "Ecological Calendar": "The Red Book of the Arkhangelsk Region", the books "Ecology of Russia", "On Environmental Protection", "Forest Animals", "Animals of Water Reservoirs", "Forest Plants", " Forest Pharmacy "and others. The Journey through the Red Book was conducted by the librarian of the Bereznitsa Library for the 4th grade students of the Bereznitsa School. Children took an active part in entertaining games and contests on the topic of ecology. Exhibition of books "Loyalty and Devotion" about cats and dogs, was framed in the Oryol library. The librarian conducted a book review and a pet quiz.
Ecological hour "This amazing planet Earth!" passed in the Ilez library for preschoolers. Children watched the presentation “100 interesting facts about planet Earth ", carefully examined the posters on the theme" Take care of your planet - there is no other similar one! " At the end of the event, the librarian read aloud L. Panasyuk's poem "Our beautiful planet Earth!" At the District Children's Library for Children preschool age the ecological quiz “Animal world. The world of plants ". Children guessed riddles about nature and played the game "Find an extra word."
The All-Russian Library Action "Day of Environmental Knowledge" was attended by 150 readers. During every evening, conversation or quiz, librarians paid attention to environmental problems and, together with readers, tried to find ways to solve them.

  • creating conditions that encourage children to pay attention and care to nature “far and near”, to learn, but not to destroy it;
  • promoting the formation of high moral qualities, love for all living things;
  • awakening of sensory perception of nature, as close to us, but unique beauty, requiring protection from the consequences of human activity
  • Hall decoration: poster: "Man, help me!" - nature asks ”.

    On the stage there is a mock-up of the globe with the rising sun, flowers, butterflies, birds.

    Children's drawings on the theme: “Take care of nature”.

    Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, screen, slide presentations, video clips, soundtracks of “Sounds of nature”, musical synthesizer; costumes of the "heroes" of the holiday.

    Song by E. Krylatov on lyrics by Yu. Entin "How much progress has come".

    (The screen shows footage of the modern industry dumping industrial waste into the environment)

    Teacher: Dear guys! Our planet is in trouble! The culprit of this deadly misfortune is a person, i.e. all of us, you and me.

    Ever since man appeared, he tried to conquer, subjugate nature. What only he did not invent to improve his life!

    He invented deadly poisons to kill insect pests, fertilizers to make crops rich and poison the land, cars he created fill the streets and poison the air with exhaust gases, he cuts down trees, drains swamps, covers the Earth with a layer of debris.

    Look at the poster: “Help me - nature asks. She can't take it anymore.

    Our event is a wake-up call for each of us. Your hearts should respond, and the second graders will tell you what to do.

    After opening remarks the song "Our Land" sounds, music by D. Kabalevsky, words by A. Prihelets.

    1 presenter: If we want to help our planet, our sick nature, we must know the truth about its diseases, no matter how terrible it may be. Today we are embarking on a unique journey through home country, along the beloved edge.

    Children sing a song “Musician - tourist” music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev. Slides of nature in Altai Territory and the Zonal District are shown through a multimedia projector.

    Leading 2: We must remember that a person can do a lot: he is not only a destroyer, he is both a gardener and a doctor. He admires nature. Do you know plants and animals? Let's get a look. Prove it! Guess our riddles.

    (The answers appear on a makeshift screen)

    Grows in the grass Alenka
    In a red shirt.
    Whoever will pass
    Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

    In a dense forest under a tree
    Sprinkled with foliage
    There is a ball of needles
    A lump, but alive. (Hedgehog)

    Green, not a meadow,
    Bela, not snow,
    Curly, not the head. (Birch)

    Master of the forest
    Wakes up in the spring
    And in winter, under the blizzard howl
    He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)

    In the clearing, near the trees,
    The house is built from needles.
    He is not visible behind the grass,
    And there are a million tenants in it. (Anthill)

    From branch to branch
    Fast as a ball
    Rides through the forest
    Red-haired circus performer.
    Here on the fly
    He picked a lump,
    Jumped on the trunk
    And he ran away into the hollow. (Squirrel)

    Mustache muzzle,
    Striped fur coat,
    Washes often
    But he doesn't know water. (Cat)

    Blind during the day, seeing at night,
    The cat catches the mice, not the cat. (Owl)

    Mother, I don't know father
    But I often call it.
    I won't know the children -
    Strangers will come true! (Cuckoo)

    10 student:

    I lowered the curls into the river
    And I was sad about something.
    And what is she sad about
    Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

    1 presenter: Poets and writers have always admired nature, but you will see that trouble lies in wait for nature at every turn.

    Leading 2: The beauty of nature must be protected!

    Near the river, near the cliff
    The willow is crying, the willow is groaning.
    Maybe she feels sorry for someone?
    Maybe she's hot in the sun?
    Maybe someone is naughty
    Did he take it, and offended the willow?
    Is the willow thirsty?
    Should we go and ask?

    Student 2: But people do not pay attention to beauty. In hot countries, wonderful forests disappear - the “lungs of the planet” - the jungle. This is one of the wonders of nature. More than half of the animals, plants and fungi that exist on Earth live here.

    People destroy forests for timber, to pave a road, to plow a field.

    Every day 5 million trees die under the saw.

    Our forests are also dying! Guys! Each of us must plant a tree so that new sprouts help all of humanity breathe easier.

    (During the speech, a presentation about forest clearings around the village, the nearest forest belts, woodlands is shown on the screen)

    Little apple tree
    In my garden
    White - white
    Everything is in bloom.
    I put on a dress
    With a white border.
    Little apple tree
    Make friends with me.

    4 student: But not everyone wants to be friends with nature. Every family throws out something every day. For a year, one inhabitant of the Planet throws out one thousand kilograms of garbage. Thus, it pollutes the air and groundwater.

    Guys! There are specially designated places for rubbish!

      (On the screen are unauthorized dumps of villages, streets)

    5 student (dressed as a mongrel dog):

      Ah, it's bad for the homeless,
      Badly hungry
      So defenseless
      So mongrel!
      Nobody loves us
      Nobody caresses
      No one on the doorstep
      He won't let us in.

      Oh how we suffer
      From the pangs of loneliness!
      And to us
      I want human joy!
      Why be afraid of us?
      For what do they despise?
      Why are children with us
      Play so rarely?

      Ah, it's hard to live
      Without a friend - a master!
      Therefore, we all
      And howl desperately!
      But who will love us

      Not a bit about this
      Will not regret it!

      (Poem by B. Zakhoder).

    6 student: It's not just stray dogs that have a bad life.

      Several years ago, they decided to destroy the wolves so that they would not touch the livestock. The wolves were destroyed, and the number of sick wild animals increased 15 times.

      Wolves also cannot be destroyed, because they are the orderlies of the forest!

    The aspen freezes.
    Trembles in the wind
    Moans in the sun
    Freezes in the heat.
    Give the aspen
    Coats and boots.
    Gotta keep warm
    Poor aspen.

    8 student: Once in China they decided to destroy the sparrows because they pecked grain in the fields. Sparrows were killed, aphids, insects appeared and the fields were destroyed. In nature, everyone is needed!

    Whale spends all his life in the water,
    Although he is not a fish.
    He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,
    For which - thanks to him.
    It would be cramped on land
    From such a huge mascara!

    10 student: Man and reached the sea. To the very horizon, the sea is covered with black lumps of fuel oil the size of a pea and even a potato. The inhabitants of the ocean are dying. And even birds, falling into deadly mud, die. Remember! Poisoned water is death for residents.

    11 student:

    Take your net!
    I'm not a bug!
    I don't want to go into the box
    Exactly ladybug
    Don't pin it on
    Like a stupid booger.
    I'll die of boredom then!
    Get your hands off.
    Take your net!
    Well, what kind of bug am I to you?

    12 student: On one island they decided to destroy mosquitoes. We used pesticides.

    Mosquitoes died, there was nothing for other animals to eat

    1 presenter: Oh, how interesting the life of animals is! How many interesting things you can learn about them! Let's get a look!

    (Belka and Bear come out. Staged by N. Sladkov. “Belka and Bear”).

    (On the screen a forest landscape)

    Hey, Bear! What are you doing at night?

    Me? Yes, I eat!

    And I eat during the day.

    And in the morning?

    I eat too.

    Well, and in the evening?

    And I eat in the evening.

    When won't you eat?

    Yes, when I'm full.

    And when are you full?

    And never….

    (Magpie and the Hare come out. Staging. N. Sladkov. "The Magpie and the Hare").

    (On the screen a forest landscape)

    I wish you, Hare, but fox teeth!

    Uh, Soroka, it's still bad.

    If only you, gray, and wolf legs!

    Uh, Magpie, little happiness.

    Here are you, scythe, and lynx claws!

    Uh, Magpie, what are my fangs and claws!

    My soul is still a hare.

    (Dandelion and Rain come out. Staged by N. Sladkov.)

    (There is a meadow of herbs on the screen)

    Hooray! Guard! Hooray! Guard!

    What's the matter with you Dandelion? Are you sick? Look, all yellow! Why are you shouting “hurray” or “guard”?

    Scream here! My roots are glad to see you. Happy rain, all the "hurray" shout, and the flower

    The "guard" shouts - they are afraid that you will spoil the pollen.

    So I was at a loss: hurray, guard, hurray, guard!

    (Fox and Hedgehog come out. Staged by N. Sladkov)

    (The edge of the forest is on the screen)

    You are all a hedgehog, good and good-looking, but thorns do not suit you.

    And what, Lisa, I'm ugly with thorns, or what?

    Not that ugly ... ..

    Maybe I'm clumsy with thorns?

    Not that clumsy!

    Well, what am I like with thorns?

    Yes, you are with them, brother, inedible!

    2 presenter: We are traveling with you, but what a journey without rules, a halt without songs and undertakings!

    1 presenter: Each of us dreams of a trusting and devoted friend - a dog. But do we always pay our friend for loyalty with love?

    (The performance of the songs is accompanied by a slide presentation about schoolchildren's pet dogs)

    Song “Don't Tease Dogs”, music by V. Shainsky, to lyrics. A. Lamm

    The song “The Lost Dog”, music by V. Shainsky, to lyrics. A. Lamm

    The song “Everybody knows this” music by S. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin

    Scene "Carlson's Sad Adventures"

    (The screen saver “Kid's room with a view of the courtyard.” The Kid enters)

    Kid: Guys, today Carlson promised to fly to us for a holiday, but he is not and is not. Maybe something happened! Maybe the motor is running low. Or did he overeat sweets and his tummy ached?

    (Knock on the door. Carlos enters with a handkerchief. He coughs, sneezes)

    Baby: Carlson! Finally! Are you sick? And I thought the Carlsons never get sick, they are always so ruddy, moderately well-fed. We'll give you the medicine now. True, it is bitter, but it heals very well.

    (Carries a large bottle-bottle with “Medicine” written on it in large letters).

    Carlson: "Medicine". And even bitter? Have you forgotten that I only recover from jam! Well, as a last resort. From a delicious cake. And from the bitter medicine I can die.

    Kid: Well, okay, don't be upset, there will be jam for you. In the meantime, please tell me what happened to you?

    Carlson: I'll tell you now. Guys, how do you know I live where? That's right, on the Roof. I always have clean air there. And the dirty air makes me sneeze.

    Kid: But where did you get a breath of dirty air? Guys, where is the air polluted in our village?

    Children answer: Right!

    Carlson: Ugh! Finally, I caught my breath, I felt better. While I was flying to you, I even composed poems. Here, listen!

    Who suffocated from the dust,
    Choked on acrid smoke,
    Let's cough and wheeze
    And he will not be able to sing at all.
    No jam will help
    No candy, no cookies.

    Oh, and I got into history! My motor is broken. I flew to the service station. Do you know what it is? Yes, this is a service station; I thought that they would fix it for me there.

    I looked, and there was a sea of ​​cars! There I began to choke! From what do you think?

    Children answer: Right!

    Somehow I caught my breath, I'm flying to you, and here is a garbage dump, and such a suffocating smell comes from it! I thought I couldn't finish it!

    Where have you seen such landfills? Children answer.

    Kid: What should we do, Carlson? How can we breathe?

    Carlson: I've already thought of it! We need to make a huge vacuum cleaner and suck out dust and soot from the pipes.

    Kid: I'll disappoint you, Carlson. Such vacuum cleaners have already been invented. But not everyone uses them.

    Carlson: How can I be now?

    Kid: We came up with and prepared a gift for you. Look! It's a gas mask!

    Carlson: What funny word! Why is it called that?

    Children answer.

    1 student: Don't pick flowers! Let beautiful plants remain in nature!

    And what other rules do you need to know and remember?

    (Carlson puts on a gas mask)

    Well, now I have to walk like that all the time?

    Kid: Carlson! Here's how we can help you! To plant trees.

    They will clean the air like a vacuum cleaner. And you will never sneeze and cough! Shall we plant, guys?

    Carlson: Thank you guys! You are real friends. Now I have to go! Goodbye!

    1 host: The halt is over. We rested, and now let's get down to business. What should we do after the halt?

    (On the screen in the form of prohibitive road signs rules)

    1 student: Don't pick flowers! Let the beauty of the plant remain in nature!

    Student 2: Do not break branches of trees and bushes!

    Student 3: Do not catch wild animals and do not take them home!

    Student 4: Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects!

    Student 5: Don't forget frogs and toads!

    6 student: Do not ruin the bird's nests!

    Student 7: Do not leave trash in the forest, in the meadow, on the shore of a reservoir!

    Song "Wounded Bird" (A girl dressed as Earth appears)

    (Screenshots from programs: "Disasters", "Greenpeace")

    Earth, have mercy! Man, don't ruin me! You cut down the trees, it robs me of moisture! I dry up, Soon I will not be able to give birth to anything: not a seed, not a flower. After all, you cannot live without me!

    (Solemn music. From the depths of the stage they bring out the Red Book. It contains pages: black, red, yellow, green)

    1 student: The Red Book is an international state document where data on rare plants and animals are entered. The Red Book is so called because red is a signal of mortal danger. It is stored in Switzerland.

    Pupil 2: But entering into the Red Book does not mean saving.

    3 student: (enters, takes the Black Page)

    I am the black page of the Red Book. I am a witness to the trouble of our planet. My lists bear the names of those plants and animals that no longer exist on Earth. She's dead! They are killed! They are destroyed by man!

    All together: Take care of nature! Take care of our home - Earth!

    All participants of the event perform the song "You are a man"(music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin)

    (The screen shows shots from the life of the school: planting seedlings on flower beds, working in an arboretum to look after trees, growing vegetables, hiking and excursions to nature).

    Definition of the topic:

    Look young friend

    What's around:

    The sky is light blue

    The sun is shining golden

    The wind plays with leaves

    A cloud floats in the sky.

    Everything you need, year after year

    Nature itself gives us

    And so we all

    We cannot live without water.

    Without plants and animals,

    Without forests, fields and rivers

    Man cannot live.

    So let's save

    Our green natural home

    What do you think is about what this poem is about? Do you know what 2017 is dedicated to? The year is dedicated to ecology. Do you know what Ecology is? Ecology is the science of the relationship between living and non-living nature.

    How beautiful our nature is! She has always attracted the attention of poets and artists. Before us are photographs of different seasons. Each of them is amazingly beautiful and unique (in front of the children there are slides depicting the seasons).

    Autumn attracts us bright color foliage and mushroom aroma.
    Winter gives us the freshness of a frosty day and the beauty of snow-covered trees.
    Spring greets us with the chirping of birds and the first flowers.
    Summer generously gives us warm sunny days.

    Rules of conduct in nature
    - Guys, do you like to visit?

    Let's go with you on a visit to nature. Let's execute interesting tasks... And we will learn something new for ourselves.
    But we must remember that we are visiting and must abide by certain rules.
    - Do you know the basic rules of behavior in the forest?
    First: Don't litter!
    Second: Don't make a noise!
    Third: Do not ruin!

    And our first task is to play "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then all together we say “no”!

    If I come to the woods
    And pick a chamomile? (No)
    If I eat a pie
    And throw away the piece of paper? (No)
    If the bread is a piece
    Will I leave it on the hemp? (Yes)
    If I tie a branch,
    Will I substitute the peg? (Yes)
    If I light a fire
    And I will not extinguish? (No)
    If I mess up a lot
    And I will forget to remove. (No)
    If I clean up the trash,
    Will I drip a jar? (Yes)
    I love my nature
    I'm helping her! (Yes)

    Our next station is called "Forest Mail".

    This station often receives letters from animals and plants asking for advice. You need to listen to them carefully and give an oral answer to them and help them.

    Letter # 1

    They gave Katya a puppy for her birthday. Finally, her dream came true. She has been asking her parents to buy her a puppy for so long. And now she has new friend... Katya played with him every minute, fed him, walked. And then she was presented with a talking doll, Katya remembered the puppy less and less, and when he got sick, she told her mother: "A sick dog has no place in the house, let him live on the street."

    Did the girl do the right thing?

    Letter # 2

    The guys played in the forest. The girls picked bouquets of forest flowers, weaved wreaths on their heads. The boys found an anthill under a tree and began to destroy it with sticks. They were interested in how ants live.

    Letter No. 3

    Oleg and his grandmother were walking in the woods. The boy ran to a forest clearing, stopped and began to beat the flower heads with a twig.

    What are you doing? - asked the grandmother. I drive the bees away, they sting the flowers.

    Grandmother smiled and, calling her grandson to her, told him something. After that, Oleg threw out the twig, shrugging his shoulders in surprise.

    And I didn’t know about it.

    What did grandmother say to her grandson?

    Next station "Birds have arrived »

    We are in the spring forest, which means that birds are arriving. Guys, do you know a lot of birds? Let's check?

    - Does he know only two letters, does he repeat it in his song? (cuckoo)

    - A white-winged bird flies over the sea, sees the fish, grabs it with its beak? (gull)

    - Yellow lumps, children of the mother of the quota? (chickens)

    - Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle)

    - Flies all night - kills mice. And it becomes light - it flies into the hollow to sleep. (owl)

    Ved. Now I will only name the birds, but if I am suddenly mistaken, and you hear something else, then you need to clap.

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Flies and swifts ...

    / Children clap /

    Ved. What's wrong?

    Children. Flies.

    Ved. And who are the flies?

    Children. Insects.

    Ved. You're right. Well, let's continue:

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Storks, crows,

    Jackdaws, pasta! / Clap /

    Ved. Let's start again!

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, martens! / Clap /

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Lapwings, siskins,

    Jackdaws and swifts,

    Mosquitoes, cuckoos. / Clap /

    Birds arrived:

    Doves, tits,

    Lapwings, siskins,

    Jackdaws and swifts,

    Storks, cuckoos,

    Swans, starlings ...

    All of you are great!

    The next station is "Little secrets of nature".

    Everything in the world is interconnected: human life and the life of the forest with its inhabitants. Did you know that ...

    Each owl kills about 1000 rodents in one year alone. Considering that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain per year, it means that one owl saves a ton of bread per year.

    The cuckoo has an extraordinary appetite. She can eat up to 100 caterpillars in an hour. In the forest where the cuckoo lives, appears a large number of insect pests, she cracks down on them within a few days.

    Did you know that:

    The crane lives from 12 to 50 years;

    Squirrel - from 6 to 7 years old;

    Bear - 15 to 20 years old.

    Cuckoo - from 10 to 40 years old;

    Horse - from 20 to 60 years old;

    Elephant - from 70 to 120 years old;

    Competition "Solve the Problem".

    Competition for correct and fast decision tasks. Here you need to listen carefully, quickly count.

    Come out! Who is ready?

    If you know the table

    You will boldly answer the question,

    How many little birds

    Has it arrived at the feeding trough?

    Sparrow pugnacious couple,

    And titmouses are also a couple,

    A pair of blue doves

    And two pairs of bullfinches. (10)

    Gave the ducklings a hedgehog

    8 leather boots,

    Who will answer from the guys

    How many ducklings were there? (4)

    Under the bushes by the river

    May beetles lived:

    Daughter, son, father and mother.

    The bear walked through the forest,

    The bear collected cones.

    I put eight in the basket,

    Then ten, seven more.

    How many of them are there? - we ask.

    Answer, Mishutka, everyone! (8+10+7=25)

    Veda ... Yes, guys, our nature is patient, it forgives a lot of people, but also cries out for our help and protection. What makes us happy in nature? Of course, its beauty, clean air, silence of the forest, the voices of birds and animals, the rustle of foliage, the murmur of a brook. In order for other people to see this beauty, one must learn to communicate with nature.

    Scenario of the ecological evening of arts "Carefully touch the beautiful". High school students.

    Librarian of the 1st category of the Kuban rural library Branch No. 11 MBUK "Perevolotskaya MCBS" Yantsen Elena Gergardovna.
    Purpose: the formation of an ecological culture of the personality of senior schoolchildren through works of art.
    Tasks: education of a humane, careful, caring attitude to the natural world and the surrounding world as a whole;
    the formation of elementary skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment;
    fostering a civic position and a responsible attitude towards humanity and its environment;

    Event progress:

    Lead 1: Someone once said that nature is the best artist, nature is the best composer. And it's hard to argue with that. You understand this when you find yourself alone with her, you hear the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves, the sound of rain and the chirping of a grasshopper. Even complete silence in the bosom of nature turns into a kind of unique symphony. Getting into this atmosphere of sensuality, it is so easy to think about the beautiful.
    Lead 2: It's even easier to create beauty yourself. And this is not surprising - after all, nature gives a huge stream of inspiration and fresh ideas. The only problem is that this truly inexhaustible source can still be exhausted.
    Lead 1: There are fewer and fewer places in the world that are filled with the simplicity and grandeur of natural objects. A creative person understands this like no other. This is why most environmental movements are inextricably linked to creativity. Special genres in art, focused on ecology, have appeared. These are ecological art photography, ecological posters, the expositions from which are collected today by a huge number of people. There is ecological cinema, eco-painting. Ecology has left its mark even in fashion - now, outfits made from natural fabrics, as well as floristry in clothing design, are gaining popularity quite quickly. Today there are many genres of environmental art, and we will talk about them today. Let's start with music.
    Lead 2: This type of creativity is perhaps one of the most sincere. In music we are looking for a way out difficult situation, confidence in the future, a charge of positive energy or long-awaited harmony. One can also draw from the melodies ecological awareness, which is so lacking in modern society. Show business stars are increasingly trying to set their example of a "green" life. The idols of millions raise such important and relevant topics from the stage in front of a million audience.
    Lead 1: For the first time, environmental themes were revealed in music in the 50s and 60s by American hippers. Then this subculture was massive and indicative. The hippers set up whole communes and went to concerts all over the country. The main goal of the hippie movement was to convey to people that they are responsible for Mother Nature. They called themselves "children of flowers", and the style in music - reggae. In their songs, they often raised the theme of protecting the Earth and gratitude to Nature for everything she does for man. Perhaps the most famous hit of hippers in the protection of nature can be called the composition of Kalch Candela "Mother Earth". (The song is playing)

    "Mother Earth"
    Mother earth

    She creates birds and butterflies
    Rivers and mountains
    But you will never know
    What will be her next step.
    You can try
    But asking is useless.
    It's impossible to control
    She goes her own way

    Gives and takes
    She rules everything until the end of time
    She goes her own way

    With every breath
    And with every perfect choice
    We are only walking along its path.
    I feel my strength
    Believing that your soul is alive
    Until the end of time
    I'll carry this faith with me

    One day you will know, my dear:
    You don't have to be afraid
    The end is always the beginning of something.
    And so it will be until the end of time.

    She rules everything until the end of time
    Gives and takes
    She rules everything until the end of time
    She goes her own way
    Lead 2: At about the same time (50-60s), the Soviet Union also began to think about environmental protection. The theme of nature increasingly began to sound in bardic songs. Of course, the bards could not openly speak out with environmental manifestos, since it was generally accepted in the country that there were no problems with the environment. But, despite this, the bardic culture was originally closely associated with nature. It is also called the “campfire song” culture. Therefore, the bards simply could not help but praise the world, its beauty and greatness in their songs. Such music was sensual and soulful, so at least somehow touched the hearts of Soviet people, who practically did not think about the preservation of the environment. Naturally, it is not always possible to call bardic songs propaganda for environmental protection. Probably many of these people did not even set this goal. They simply admired the beauty of nature, sang about forests, fields, rivers. But, nevertheless, the bardic song in the most natural way awakens respect for nature and the desire to protect it. Now we can say with confidence that the bards, like no other in the USSR, and even now, contributed to environmental education... As an example, I suggest listening to Ada Yakusheva's song "I invite you to the woods" (The song is playing)

    I invite you to the woods,
    We haven't been there for so long
    What is hardly remembered
    Their incomparable beauty
    I invite you bye
    They are cozy and green
    We're kneeling there
    Let's drink the water from the spring.
    I will lead you along the path,
    She will remove your fatigue,
    And we'll be young again
    We are on her lead,

    In the evening the pines will sing
    Branches will close over your head
    And it will seem weak to us
    Our strong urban comfort.
    And under the fire is a familiar sound
    I invite you to the clearing,
    Where will we throw between the poplars
    We tablecloth right on the grass
    Here is my sonorous youth
    Lives penetrated by the sun
    Here, maybe we can touch
    To the great mystery of being.
    Lead 1: Undoubtedly, not every bard has set himself the goal of encouraging people to be environmentally responsible. These people just sang about forests and rivers, sunrises and sunsets. They conveyed their admiration for nature through music, thereby awakening in the listener respect for our Earth, a craving for its protection.
    Host 2: A stunning anthem for the protection of nature, an immortal hit performed by well-known musician Michael Jackson - “Earth Song”. (A song is playing. A video clip.)

    Earth Song (Michael Jackson)

    Song of the Earth
    What about dawn?
    What about the rain?
    But what about all that
    What did you promise us?
    But what about the destruction of fields?
    Do we still have time?
    What about everything that you called
    Our common heritage?
    Have you ever noticed
    All the blood we shed?
    Have you ever noticed

    Aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ...

    What have we done with the planet?
    Look what we've done!
    What about the world
    Promised by you to your only son?
    But what about the blooming fields?
    Do we still have time?
    But what about all our common
    Dreams, according to you?
    Have you ever noticed
    All the children the war killed?
    Have you ever noticed
    How does the Earth cry and how the shores cry?

    Aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ...

    I once dreamed
    I've looked beyond the stars
    Now I don't know where we are
    Although I know that we have been carried far ...

    Aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ...
    Aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ...

    Hey, what about yesterday?
    (What about us?)
    But what about the seas?
    (What about us?)
    Heaven is crashing down
    (What about us?)
    I have nothing to even breathe
    (What about us?)
    But what about the bleeding Earth?
    (What about us?)
    Can't we feel her wounds?
    (What about us?)
    But what about the value of nature?
    (ooh ooh)

    This is the bosom of our planet
    (What about us?)
    What about animals?
    (What about us?)
    We've ground the kingdoms to dust
    (What about us?)
    But what about the elephants?
    (What about us?)
    Have we lost their trust?
    (What about us?)
    But what about the screaming whales?
    (What about us?)
    We lay waste to the seas
    (What about us?)
    But what about the forest trails,
    (ooh ooh)

    Scorched in spite of our pleas?
    (What about us?)
    But what about the Holy Land,
    (What about us?)
    Torn apart by dogmas?
    (What about us?)
    But what about an ordinary person?
    (What about us?)
    Can't we leave him alone?
    (What about us?)
    What about dying children?
    (What about us?)
    Can't you hear them cry?
    (What about us?)
    What did we do wrong?
    (ooh ooh)

    Someone tell me why?
    (What about us?)
    What about babies?
    (What about us?)
    What about the days?
    (What about us?)
    But what about all their joy?
    (What about us?)
    But what about the man?
    (What about us?)
    But what about the crying man?
    (What about us?)
    What about Abraham?
    (Who we were)
    And one more time about death
    (ooh ooh)
    Do we give a damn?

    Aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ...

    Lead 1: V modern world the topic of ecology is becoming more and more relevant. Therefore, "green" songs are increasingly appearing in mainstream music. Despite the fact that many compositions are performed in the pop genre, they have an important meaning that every inhabitant of the planet should understand. They call out - “Take care of nature !!! Love your home !!! Take care of the environment !!! " The touchingness of modern environmental clips suggests only one thought - it's time to change something, otherwise very soon futuristic gray pictures will become a common reality. (The song is playing)


    Lyrics: Volta Suslova Music: Oksana Brazhnikov

    More and more I feel the pain of loss
    It is bad with flora and fauna discord.
    And in salads, they say, only nitrates,
    And there are nitrites in every fish.

    In the environment, in the environment
    You can't smell a flower
    You can't swim in the water!
    In the environment, in the environment,
    You can't swim in the water!

    What happened? What has been forgotten? What's broken?
    I understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!
    There is no longer nature on earth,
    And we live in the environment.
    All the more alarming on the planet from year to year!
    And even a mosquito understands:
    Or will we take care of our nature,
    Or fly into the ozone hole!

    What happened? What has been forgotten? What's broken?
    I understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!
    There is no longer nature on earth,
    And we live in the environment.
    People, people, what have you done with the planet?
    They themselves threw themselves from the well-known paths.
    After all, there is no other like this anywhere in the world,
    And nature has no spare parts!

    Lead 2: As you can see, there are environmental songs in various styles of music. We may not like certain performers, but such compositions are unlikely to leave us indifferent. After all, the main goal of "green" songs is to reach out to human hearts, to teach us to treat the environment with care and love.
    Lead 1: Environmental motives could not arise in ancient art for a completely understandable reason - this problem simply did not exist then, and man himself felt like a particle of nature. However, already from the era of the late Renaissance, on the canvases of painters, anxiety for the excessive intrusion of man into nature begins to be guessed. In the nineteenth century, the actual ecological motives emerged.
    The idea of ​​human helplessness before the forces of nature is conveyed in the painting by F.A. Vasiliev "The Thaw". The artist emphasizes the dependence of man on nature, his powerlessness in front of her.

    Lead 2: We see the desolation and neglect of the landscape in II Levitan's painting "Savvinskaya Sloboda in front of Zvenigorod". The results of human activity (dwelling, street) act here as a factor that violates the harmony of nature.

    A sense of vague anxiety was expressed by Levitan in his painting "Vladimirka". The endless distance, in which the road is lost, evokes the feeling that the road is not easy, that something painful for a person is connected with it.

    The painting "At the Pool" continues the theme. Decay, abandonment of the dam, unreliability of passage on slippery logs. The general twilight tone of the canvas, the gloomy evening sky. Disappearing, as if hiding in the bushes, the path. Unkind silence and alarming alertness. The artist deliberately creates the feeling of a "lost place" and the fact that it is the creation of human hands.

    Lead 1: Concern about the future of mankind can be traced in the painting by A. Vasnetsov "Kama". The spaciousness and scope, the power of nature are the fundamental principles of life and a fragment of the ruthless, consumerist intervention of man in it. harmonious world... The artist is alarmed by the destructive consequences of human activity, hence the latent fear that this fragment will be expanded, that the entire Earth will undergo such destruction.

    KAKorovin's painting "The Saray" is filled with a deep philosophical meaning. The sharp contrast between the life of the forest, which expresses the natural power of eternal renewal and does not need a person, and the uselessness of a forgotten, worn out, barn, once erected on the edge of the forest, is striking. The finiteness of human existence, his deeds and the eternity of nature - this is the main idea of ​​the artist.

    Lead 2: Environmental problems of a global scale are studied by contemporary artists very often. Nowadays, an artist is required not only to depict the surrounding reality and document what is happening, but also to be a philosopher, thinker, theorist and an astute critic of what is happening. Then he will be not just a contemporary, of which there are many, but a truly relevant character. Fortunately, the space of the creative environment is much more expanded today. In the world of postmodernism, a lot of opportunities open up before the master.
    Lead 1: Beauty can be found in the most seemingly nondescript things. Contemporary artists can see beauty even in ordinary rubbish! Tom Deininger is without doubt the most creative of all artists who work with creative material such as trash and trash. His landscapes and portraits from afar look like real paintings, painted with paints, but these are all skillfully executed collages that combine a wide variety of objects, everything that only the artist could find at hand.

    Lead 2: Photographer Chris Jordan photographs common objects like bottle caps, light bulbs and aluminum cans and turns them into art, programmatically rearranging them to create one central image. However, it is precisely the small pieces that make up a single piece of art that are so striking and environmentally valuable. For example, his work Plastic Caps (top), created in 2008, depicts 1 million plastic bottle caps. This is the number of caps used in the United States every six hours on flights.

    Lead 1: Through the canvases of artists, one can not only study the current ecological situation, but also the one that was many years ago. In the canvases of ancient masters of painting, one can often come across a real phantasmagoria of colors used to depict the sunrise or sunset: the heavens seem to be ablaze with crimson, copper, scarlet and purple tongues of flame. Atmospheric physicist Professor Christos Zerefos from the Academy of Athens in Greece has taken up the study of this issue.
    Lead 2: He and his colleagues from Greece and Germany argue that the saturation of red in the sky (more precisely, the ratio of red to green) is a reliable indicator of the degree of pollution in the earth's atmosphere. As the color of the sunset is the result of scattering sun rays particles in the air, the darker the red, the more aerosols (tiny particles) in the atmosphere. Previously, they were of exclusively natural origin: dust and smoke were formed due to volcanic eruptions, forest fires or sandstorms.
    Lead 1: Take the 1818 painting by the German romanticist Caspar David Friedrich “Woman. Sunrise". It would seem that what else can be seen here, besides the conventional figure of a woman, a greeting gesture addressed to the still hidden luminary, and a dark ocher-colored sky? But Zerefos sees here a direct connection with the powerful eruption of the Tambor volcano in Indonesia in 1815. For three years after that, particles thrown into the air by the volcano created bright red and orange sunsets throughout Europe.

    Lead 2: No less remarkable are the works of the Russian-Ukrainian artist Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (1841-1910), a master of landscape painting. In the years 1876-1890 he created the painting "Sunset". The sun sinks heavily into a purple veil of clouds, but even a cloudless fragment of the sky glows orange from the inside, like a comet's tail ... Scientists associate the splendor of this landscape with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy in April 1872.

    Lead 1: Another painting by Kuindzhi "Red Sunset" was painted in 1905-1908. Art critics are especially fond of talking about her: such an abundance of red on canvases is not often found! And again the clue lies in the eruptions of Vesuvius, which woke up in October 1902 and then in March 1905 ... Perhaps it was this volcanic activity that became the source of inspiration for the artist, who for decades persistently tried to realize admiration for the sun in "blazing" paintings.

    Lead 2: In total, the researchers analyzed 124 sunsets painted by European artists from 1500 to 2000. During this time, more than 50 large volcanic eruptions have occurred on Earth, and the saturation of the red color on the canvases changed in accordance with these events. In addition, sunsets have consistently gotten redder and redder since the Industrial Revolution - even during periods when volcanoes were dormant. The artists, without even knowing it, compiled a chronicle of anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere.
    Lead 1: Each film movement has its own "pillars". The films that started it all. And although scientists have been talking about climate change and its consequences since the mid-1980s, this topic reached the masses - documentaries (if we can talk about this) in the mid-2000s. So what are these films, after which the conversation about global warming, the problem of garbage, cleanliness and safety of water went beyond laboratories and classrooms? And have you seen the "founding films" of the eco-film movement?
    Which films turned out to be "turning points" for you?
    Directed by Davis Geggenheim, featuring former US Vice President Al Gore. USA, 2006
    Scientists have argued about global warming before this film. But they argued among themselves, in specialized journals and serious conventions, exchanging diagrams and calculations. Al Gore did something amazing - he explained it all in an accessible language. He collected facts, opinions, research results, added beautiful pictures and animation, put in good music (the song for this film won an Oscar), and it got what the American Film Institute called it one of the biggest events of the year.
    The film received another Oscar in the Best Documentary nomination, and Al Gore himself was eventually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for studying the consequences of global climate change caused by human activities and developing measures for their possible prevention."
    Since Inconvenient Truth, environmental documentaries have become an increasingly popular genre. Although the opinions of environmental experts are still divided both for and against Gore's work. (Trailer)
    Lead 1: STORY OF STUFF
    Directed by Annie Leonard. USA, 2007
    This is a twenty-minute cartoon, which has been available online since 2007, including in Russian. The cartoon openly condemns excessive consumerism and gently hints at sustainable development. The film, striking in its simplicity and facts, is shown today in schools, universities, and corporate trainings. The creators estimate that by 2009 the film was shown in 228 countries, where it was watched by more than 12 million people.
    Like any film that exposes a sensitive topic, The History of Things is still controversial. In 2009, The New York Times dedicated the front page to him. In the United States, while in some schools teachers were awarded for showing this film, in others, teachers were accused of "leftist" propaganda and disrespect for American values.
    Added to the "History of Things" was "History plastic bottles"And" A History of Electronic Waste ", and now the project has taken a new direction and talks about water, land, the right to make decisions and democracy. (Trailer)
    Lead 2: HOME
    Directed by Jan Artus-Bertrand, Luc Besson. France, 2009
    Not one list is complete without this film. And yet - this film is one of the few films that even those who are not very involved in the eco-conversation have watched.
    On June 5, 2009, on World Environment Day, the film "Home" was simultaneously shown in open areas in 87 countries of the world. Jan Bertrand, a renowned photographer, shot the entire film from a helicopter. His team flew around 53 countries, showing and talking about how beautiful our planet is from a bird's eye view, and how vulnerable it is to human activity. Some footage was so frank about what states can do with their land that, for example, in India, half of the material was confiscated, in Argentina, the film crew was imprisoned for a week, and in Saudi Arabia and China was simply denied filming. Bertrand himself says that all comments in the film are based on known and available facts and figures. (Trailer)
    Lead 1: The main element. Anthropogenic factor.
    Russia, 2014
    V Lately more and more often there is a scenario of the apocalypse, where the main role will be played not by a natural disaster, but by people. Have people become so powerful that they can destroy an entire planet? Dinosaurs dominated the planet for much longer than humans, but suddenly disappeared under mysterious circumstances. There are many theories, but none can explain what happened to the dinosaurs. In total, dozens of large-scale extinctions have occurred on our planet. In the 21st century, natural processes almost do not appear among the popular versions of the end of the world. Every year it becomes more likely that a person will destroy himself. Scientists have calculated that nuclear power plants can pose a threat to humanity only if all 400 nuclear reactors existing on earth explode at the same time. The likelihood of such a catastrophe is very negligible. The end of the world due to nuclear power is a myth. Now almost the entire periodic table enters the atmosphere. Through the fault of man, the ozone layer of the atmosphere suffers. Physicists have come up with several scenarios for global warming. The worst case scenario implies that the number of factories, cars and waste will continue to grow as it is now. Then by the end of the 21st century the average annual temperature will rise by 4 degrees, and by the end of the 23rd century by 8 degrees. The earth has already entered a regime of rapid change. (Trailer)
    Lead 1: To date, a huge number of animated films have been created and are being created on a wide variety of topics, designed for various age and cultural groups of viewers. Western and domestic animators pay special attention to environmental issues.
    Lead 2: WALL-E
    Directed by Andrew Stanton. USA, 2008
    A sci-fi cartoon that often pops up in your head when you start talking about the future. Here you are and the Earth, on which, due to the huge amount of non-recyclable waste, it is impossible to live, and people who spend 24 hours staring at a tiny screen in front of them can neither walk nor work. A beautiful and funny cartoon that you don't want to become a reality. (Fragment)
    Lead 1:"Princess Mononoke"
    Directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Japan, 1997
    Hayao Miyazaki often raises the topic of ecology in his work. One of the most beloved by the audience and, perhaps, the highest-grossing cartoon by the director "Princess Mononoke" is no exception. Main character Ashitaka finds himself in a mysterious country, where people under the leadership of the evil Lady Eboshi, cutting down the forest and spoiling everything around them, are at war with the inhabitants of the forest: spirits, demons and giant creatures. And only Ashitaka's kind heart and friendship with forest dwellers can save this Magic world... (Fragment)
    Lead 2:"It's not about that at all"
    Director: Alexander Fedulov, 1984
    The Soviet satirical cartoon "This is not about that at all" was originally created for adults. In the center of the plot of the three-minute cartoon is a cow grazing day after day in a garbage dump. Here she eats scraps and garbage, drinks water from the river, into which industrial waste is poured, breathes air with poisonous factory gases. Soon the hostess in a gas mask comes for the cow to take her home and milk it. But what kind of milk can an animal give after such a walk? Instead of a fresh drink, the hostess manages to milk only a can of gasoline. She pours the resulting fuel into her car and leaves on business. The cartoon in an ironic manner reminds people that environmental pollution does not go unnoticed and is fraught with serious, often irreversible consequences. (Fragment)
    Lead 2:
    The nature of dance is in dancing from nature.
    In the wind, the willow is like a ballerina.
    And a man in the wind of lack of freedom
    Pliable like dancing clay.

    But a dance as instant as coffee
    Clay shows the solidity of granite,
    When love is the same as Calvary
    And the memory of the dancing wind is not hidden.
    Lead 1: The birth of dance happened along with the world, while the emergence of all other arts, was the result of human inventions. In this world, everything is in the circle of dance, including atoms, simple molecules and of course living organisms. In other words, everything that relates to animate and inanimate nature. (Dance)
    Lead 2: The first dances of antiquity were far from what is now called this word. They had a completely different meaning. With a variety of movements and gestures, a person conveyed his impressions of the world around him, investing in them his mood, his state of mind.
    Lead 1: But, as it developed, the dance moved further and further away from the fundamental principle of life and acquired a generalized, conventional character, filling with peculiar symbols, signs, codes. The choreography learned to depict the whole in one stroke, in one detail (arms raised above the head and resembling antlers are a symbol of the deer itself); she collected a large fund of vocabulary and drawings, where each movement and construction of the participants on a plane, which initially had a specific function and a meaning understood by everyone (tributaries as a way to awaken the earth from sleep in spring, a circle as a reflection of a solar cult, etc.), then acquired conventionally -generalized character. While learning to convey the signs of the external world, a person at the same time wanted to use dancing means to embody his attitude towards him, his inner world.
    Lead 2: A person tries to express the beauty of nature through dance, to convey to the audience the beauty of a green forest, the sound of waves, the heady scent of summer or the bewitching crunch of snow under a sleigh, to teach them to appreciate the environment in which they live.
    Lead 1: The beauty of nature is also shown in classical ballet. “A choreographer must know nature - both its beauty and its imperfections. This knowledge will always help him determine what exactly should be chosen in it, ”wrote Nover. Further, he pointed out that only knowing life, the choreographer will be able to find for his work that grain of truth that will make it possible to reveal its true features on stage: "Closer to nature, and our works will become beautiful."
    Lead 2: Of the most famous ballets, one can single out "Swan Lake" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The premiere of the ballet took place on March 4, 1877 at the Bolshoi Theater. The first ballet directors were Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov. It is their names that are associated with the staging of the famous "swan" scenes. The prerequisite for writing the ballet was Tchaikovsky's visit to the estate in the Cherkasy region, where he spent a lot of time on the shore of the lake. There the great composer admired the snow-white birds. The Swan Lake ballet is rightfully considered a universally recognized masterpiece of the world ballet school. And the image of the White Swan remains a symbol of Russian ballet even today. (Excerpt from the ballet)
    Lead 1: Contemporary ballet also very often refers to the topic of ecology. Natalia Guslistaya's ballet "Stella" is one of them. The production tells the story of our planet from its inception - the birth of life on Earth, the first people, the first human communities, the destruction of harmony, strife, wars, environmental upheavals ... These global themes are closely intertwined with the tragic story of two lovers - Astrophile and Stella, who are losing each other on Earth and are looking for in other worlds.
    Lead 2: Both the content of the ballet "Stella" and the dance technique itself set the viewer up to think about the connection between man and nature, about love for his planet, about universal happiness that should exist in the life of every person, but many of today's people have lost this feeling. “Life is the most valuable thing, the most beautiful, but the destruction of the environment takes away our health and life, the future of our children and our present. We have to think about it every day, morning and evening. We must talk about this constantly, raise the problem at the highest level and find solutions, ”says Natalya Guslistaya, director of the“ Stella ”ballet. (Excerpt from the ballet)
    Lead 1: Seeing the beauty that nature gives us, feeling that boundless admiration for the simplicity and grandeur of her creations, you involuntarily think - here it is, real art, a masterpiece apotheosis of creative sensuality, to which, probably, any creator strives. When we were in nature, each of us thought that nature is the best artist, nature is the best composer. The singing of birds, the rustle of trees, the chirping of a grasshopper - all this turns into some kind of unique symphony. It is not for nothing that environmental protection movements are almost always inextricably linked with various creative actions - after all, when you think about nature, you involuntarily think about art.
    Lead 2: So that there are no environmental problems in the world, the person inside must be environmentally friendly, preserve a person in himself, a good attitude towards the world around him, and art helps him in this, which we have seen with you today.
    I plucked a flower and it wilted in my hand,
    Caught a beetle - he died in the palm of your hand,
    And the singing of birds in the heavenly "far away"
    Reminded of the bell ringing.
    Heart froze, realizing suddenly
    That the world around is beautiful and fragile
    That he dies from our rough hands,
    That a moment of goodness cannot be overdue
    And perfect fragile glass
    Only from a distance is it possible for us to observe.
    So that for a long time the secret attracted,
    Touch the beautiful carefully.
    Don't pick a flower, and don't catch a beetle
    And do not trample the creature under your feet,
    Admire the beauty from afar
    And beauty will then be with us.
    Olga Romanenko "Beauty"