
Environmental education project for children “Birch is our tree. from our work "


Lesson topic:"Who lives where, where what grows" (park)

Patter of the day:"Sasha knocked bumps with a stick."

The purpose of the lesson: updating and supplementing children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the park.

Equipment and materials: children's drawings on the theme "My tree"; images of various trees, leaves and flowers, fruits growing on them, brought by children and selected by a teacher; tables for recording the results of counting trees, pencils.

Preliminary work

Observation "My tree". From the very beginning of spring, each child observes a specific tree. Children can already tell a lot about their trees, give them detailed description... Children know if the trees are blooming now, for which they are observing, how their flowers look, whether leaves have appeared, what happens first: flowers blooming or leaves?

We will invite the children, with the help of their parents or a teacher, to draw their trees, prepare a story about them.

Reading. V. Zotov "Forest Mosaic", D. Kaigorodov "Gifts of a Tree", "How Many Years Does a Tree Live?" "The Wisdom of a Tree", "Life of a Tree", "Someone Laughs, Someone Has Tears", "The Artist and the Maple", "Mischievous Maple", "Magic Mountain Ash", "Pansies", N. Osipov "Underground Anchors", M. Skrebtsova “How lightning met an oak tree”, “Talkative birch tree”, “Little birch tree”, “Golden tree”, “Lipkin's gifts”, “Aspen and the breeze”, “Kind bird cherry tree”, “Snowflake dress”, “Ivushkin's gift”, “ The Miracle Tree "," Inner Beauty "," Magic Leaves "," The Spirits of Spring "," Medunitsa and the Bumblebee "," Goose Onion ", Y. Dmitriev" How the Oaks Settle ", S. Shkolnikova" Poplar Down ".

Work on drawings. Consider plants growing in parks, highlighting trees, shrubs, grasses among them. During the walk, we will find the distinctive features of these groups of plants. Note that the tree has one powerful trunk, and the bush has several thin trunks growing from a common root.

We will help children learn poems about plants and animals - the inhabitants of the park.

Part I. Invitation to a holiday

Goals: using the ability to compose a story from a drawing; development of speech (use of hypothesis constructions).

Work on the drawing "Mysterious letter"... The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that someone has sent a letter. The envelope contains a drawing. It depicts children and a teacher. They go to the park. There they are greeted by trees, birds and insects.

Based on the questions or on their own, the children will “read” the letter. Let's discuss who sent us this letter and why?

Does the teacher suggest that someone is inviting us to visit? Which of the inhabitants of the park sent this letter?

Educational task... Find out who lives and what grows in the park.

Stories based on the picture "My tree". Children who watched the trees in the park tell their stories. They "report" what is happening to their trees now. Perhaps they are blooming, or leaves are appearing on them, or rooks have twisted nests on their branches, etc.

We will read to the children about those trees that have not yet fallen into the sphere of interests of our young observers.

Reading. N. Sladkov "Willow Feast". Children need to listen carefully and try to find the answer to the questions: what insects can we meet in the park? Where should you look for them?

“The willow blossomed - guests from all sides. Bushes and trees are still bare, gray; the willow among them is like a bouquet, but not simple, but golden. Each new lamb is a downy yellow chicken: it sits and glows. If you touch your finger, your finger will turn yellow. You click - the golden smoke will steam up. You smell honey.

Guests hurry to the feast. The bumblebee flew in - clumsy, hairy like a bear. He kicked up, turned around, smeared all over with pollen.

Ants came running: lean, fast, hungry. They pounced on the pollen, and their bellies swelled like barrels. Just look, the rims on the stomachs will burst.

Mosquitoes flew in: a handful of legs, wings fluttering. Tiny helicopters. Some beetles are swarming. The flies are buzzing. The butterflies spread their wings. A hornet on mica wings is striped, angry and hungry like a tiger.

Everyone is buzzing and in a hurry: the willow will turn green - the feast is over. Will turn green, lost among the green bushes. Go find her then!

And now - like a golden bouquet ”.

An outdoor game for the development of attention "Now a tree, now a bush, now a grass." Children walk along the "path" lined with jump ropes. If the teacher pronounces the name of the tree, they need to raise their hands up, stand on their toes, stretch. If the name of the bush sounds, children stretch their arms forward, then spread them far to the sides. Hearing the name of a herbaceous plant, children need to sit down and move on "like a goose step".

Part II. "Clues grow in the park, clues live there!"

Goals: development of the ability to solve riddles of various types using new information.

Let's check if we have memorized all the important information about the plants in the park. Children are offered riddles about trees, birds and insects that can be found in the park, and color images of its inhabitants.

Not caring about the weather

She walks in a white sundress,

And one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (Birch.)

Like a snow globe is white

In the spring she bloomed

A delicate scent exuded.

And when the time has come

At once she became

All black from the berry. (Bird cherry.)

I got out of the crumble barrel,

I started up the roots and grew

I have become tall and powerful,

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed the wild boars and squirrels -

Nothing that the fruit is my crayon. (Oak)

Here is the plant in front of us.

He has, look, my friend,

Dad - with red earrings

Mom - with a white beard! (Poplar.)

Even at night the ant

Will not miss your house:

Path-path until dawn

Lights are illuminated.

On large pillars in a row

White lamps are hanging. (Lilies of the valley.)

Thin stem near the path.

At the end of it there are earrings.

There are leaves on the ground -

Small burdocks.

He is a loyal friend to the guys.

Heals wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain.)


Flies over the lawn

Will bother over a flower -

He will share the medic. (Bee.)

In the fall it will be hammered into the gap,

And in the spring it will buzz, wake up. (Insect: fly, beetle.)

From the branch to the path

From the grass to the blade

Spring jumps

Green back. (Grasshopper.)

Winged fashionista

The dress is striped.

Growth, albeit a tiny one,

If it bites, it will be bad. (Wasp.)

A flashlight is burning on a blade of grass,

He says to his acquaintances:

"Come to me for seagulls" -

And the night light does not extinguish all night. (Firefly.)

He goes to the flower.

Fueled with fuel:

Thin hose-proboscis

Climbs into a flower.

The best fuel is

Floral sweet juice!

Having marked the exact route

From sunny lands

Flies to the land of flowers

Hairy fat ... (bumblebee).

Look at the fellows:

Cheerful and brisk

Dragged from all corners

Construction material.

Here one stumbled suddenly

Under a heavy burden

And a friend hurries to help -

The people here are good!

Without work, for the life of me

Can't live ... (ant).

She flies easily from the flower.

As soon as spring blooms.

Two wings - two petals

Itself is like a flower. (Butterfly.)

Greenish back,

Yellowish tummy,

Little black hat

And a strip of scarf. (Tit.)

Black, nimble,

Shouts: "Krak!"

The worms are the enemy. (Rook.)

In the spring in the trees

The village was built.

As the wind begins -

The trees keep swaying.

The trees are swaying

And with them the village. (Bird nests, e.g. rookery.)

There is a merry house on the pole

With a small round window.

So that the children fall asleep

The house is shaking in the wind.

Father sings on the porch -

He is both a pilot and a singer. (Birdhouse and starling.)

Like birds in spring care -

Hunting for worms and beetles.

Well done guys are waiting for dinner -

Yellow-mouthed ... (chicks).

The result of the lesson. Let's note the successes of the children, we focus their attention on the fact that they got most of the information themselves, watching their trees. We will also highlight interesting joint work of children and parents, as well as independently completed tasks.

Now you can go to the park. We have gifts with us - wonderful poems and ... chalk diluted in water.

Follow-up work

How beautiful it is in the park in spring! How well trees, bushes, grasses, birds, animals and insects live together here. Walking through the park, we will find familiar plants and animals, and get to know other inhabitants of the park. We will read them poems prepared especially for a visit.

We will invite children to take an active part in whitewashing trees, to protect them from pests and too hot sun.

The smoothest path to the Universe is through the thicket. John Muir

Trees are poems that the earth writes in the sky. We knock them down and turn them into paper so that we can write our emptiness on it. Kahlil Gibran

Trees are like people, and they also love the company of their own kind. Loneliness is preferred by only a few. Jens Jensen

It's amazing that we see trees and are no longer surprised by them. Ralph Emerson

None of us humans manage our lives as skillfully as - unless, of course, you count the nine months preceding the first breath. Bernard Show

I like trees: in my opinion, they know how to put up with living conditions better than others. Willa Cutter

The coals are ready in an instant, the forest grows over the years. Seneca

The suburbs are where the developer uprooted and paved the streets and gave them the names of the trees. Bill Vaughan

Planting a tree is the most unselfish of all human actions. It is a purer act of faith than having children. Thornton Wilder

It is always good among the trees, unlike people. David Mitchell

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots go into the earth, down, into darkness and depth - towards evil. Friedrich Nietzsche

Man was created to go forward and higher ... There can be no prosperity when everyone lies under beautiful trees and does nothing more. Maksim Gorky

A life without love is like a tree without flowers and fruits. Kahlil Gibran

As the fruit of the tree, life is sweetest before the beginning of withering. Nikolay Karamzin

Our lives are like islands in the ocean or in the forest, whose roots are entwined in the depths of the earth. William james

The genealogical tree is just like a living tree. If not fed continuously, it will dry out. Boris Shapiro

The grafted tree resembles a "lured politician". Both are developing in the right direction. Boris Shapiro

A tree that has been growing for years is cut down in a minute. Silovan Ramishvili

Grafting on a tree changes the result. Silovan Ramishvili

A tree without roots and roots without a tree cannot live. Silovan Ramishvili

If people return to live in trees, they will start building machine-gun nests there. Yuri Bazylev

Trees don't grow up to the sky. Henri Fayol

Apparently, the desert exists for this, so that people rejoice in the trees. Paulo Coelho

Only when the cold comes does it become clear that the pines and cypresses are the last to lose their dress. Confucius

A mighty oak tree will not grow in a greenhouse. Unknown author

ACORN is a club at the beginning of a career. Unknown author

A tree is not only branches and leaves, but also the shadow under the tree and the sky through them. Andrey Bitov

In order for a tree to love harmony on earth, do not look at the twisting roots underground. Eduard Asadov

A tree is planted by one person, and thousands of people rest in its shade. Baurzhan Toyhibekov

The storm does not damage small trees, but when it breaks, it uproots them. John Damascene

A tree, no matter how powerful and strong its roots are, can be uprooted in an hour, but it takes years for it to bear fruit. Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi

Every unfulfilled promise is a waterless cloud, an unsharpened saber, and a barren tree. Muhammad ibn Ali As-Samarkandi

Someone knocks on wood out of superstition, and someone from kindred feelings. Pavel Sharpp

They say that for life it is imperative to plant a tree. In fact, this is not enough - there must be more planted trees than felled ones. Sergey Fedin

Excessive rest - laziness; redundant tree "rr-times" - and a stump! Arsen Asov

The young oak tree withered from grief, but now, to the joy of the old man, he is a staff. Arsen Asov

Pine forest - Brother, of course, - Elnik ... Arsen Asov

The wife wants a big money tree,
and I have more paper money! (wooden) Mikhail Kamakin

If trees were as intelligent as people, their concern for their neighbors would be reduced to an eternal question - how to cut down other trees in order to get to know them better by stump! Vitaly Vlasenko

A person knows how to make thousands of things from oak wood, but no one will be able to make a miracle of nature - an acorn. Georgy Alexandrov

People all over the world are wiping their asses with beautiful trees. Jack Kerouac

Forests teach man to understand the beautiful. Anton Chekhov

Patience does not grow on every tree. Thomas Fuller

Whoever chops off the branch on which he sits has not yet descended from the tree. Vladimir Kolechitsky

Digging to the roots do not destroy the tree. Stas Yankovsky

The forest does not take care of every tree. Georgy Alexandrov

Love is not eternal, but it gives a new evergreen tree of life. Georgy Alexandrov

If our man is given freedom of movement, he will again climb a tree and begin to dream of civilization! Sergey Myrdin

This is the duty of a real person: to protect everyone, as a tree protects a traveler from the scorching sun, and to work so that many people enjoy what he will achieve, just as a fertile tree bears fruit. Tamil Katren

Gullibility attracts deception, like a lone tree in a field attracts lightning. Yuri Tatarkin

Gullibility is a frail sapling of the lush tree of faith. Yuri Tatarkin

Character is like a tree, and reputation is its shadow. We care about the shadow, but we really have to think about the tree. Abraham Lincoln

A person is always proud that he has inscribed his name somewhere, at least on the bark of a tree, and is always surprised when he no longer finds it. Alexander Dumas (son)

Words are like leaves: a tree that produces too many of them bears very little fruit. Alexander Pop

If they tell me that tomorrow the end of the world will come, then even today I would plant a tree. Martin Luther

Two unfortunate people in friendship are like two weak trees, which, leaning on one another, can more easily resist storms and all violent winds. Kozma Prutkov

In modern conditions project training is considered as developing, based on the sequential implementation of complex educational projects with information pauses for the assimilation of basic theoretical knowledge.

The fundamentals of project-based learning were developed and tested by an American scientist John Dewey (1859-1952).

The main task of education is the actual study of the surrounding life. The educator and the children walk this path together, from project to project. D. Dewey understood the project as gradually becoming more complicated practical tasks planned and performed by children. This is how a new didactic method was developed - the project method.

A high level of search activity is a specific distinction of a person.

The project performed by children, D. Dewey notes, should arouse their enthusiasm, captivate, come from the heart. Then the need for knowledge will be realized and they will be better assimilated. Working on a project, children learn to set a goal, select the means to achieve it, evaluate the consequences, make decisions and take responsibility for them, learn to think, i.e. develop intellectually. Since the project method is a system of gradually becoming more complex practical tasks, there is a continuous restructuring of the child's experience, the deepening of his knowledge and improvement of his skills, such personality qualities as independence, initiative, curiosity, interaction experience, etc. develop.

Thus, we can formulate the main theoretical positions of project learning as follows:

  1. The focus is on the child.
  2. Educational process is built in the logic of activity, which has a personal meaning for the child, which increases his motivation to learn.
  3. The individual pace of work on the project ensures that each child reaches his own level of development.
  4. Deeply conscious assimilation of basic knowledge is ensured through their universal use in different situations.

Projects can be classified on the following grounds:

1. The dominant activity in the project:

  • research project (for example, "Tree", "Birds of Our Land", etc.);
  • practice-oriented (for example, "Party at the gate", etc.);
  • creative (for example, "Flowers in a vase", "Fairy tales on the contrary", etc.);
  • game (for example, role-playing game"Kolobok and his friends", etc.).

2. Subject-content area:

  • monoproject (within one area of ​​knowledge, one section of the program);
  • interdisciplinary (several sections of the program, several areas of knowledge).

3. Nature of contacts:

  • among children of the same group;
  • among children of several groups;
  • among preschool children educational institution, district, etc.

4. Number of project participants:

  • individual;
  • paired;
  • group;
  • collective.

5. Duration of the project:

  • short-term (1 or several sessions - 1-2 weeks);
  • medium-term (1-2 weeks - 1 month);
  • long-term (1 month - six months and longer).

The implementation of project-based learning in practice requires a change in the position of the teacher. From a bearer of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of an educational environment corresponding to the interests, capabilities and needs of children, providing situations of interaction with the world of people (peers, educators, etc.), a partner, a consultant.

When planning the introduction of project-based learning technology into the system of educational work with children, the following should be observed requirements to its use:

  1. The presence of a problem, a task that is significant for children in a research, creative plan.
  2. Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the intended results.
  3. Independent activities of children.
  4. Structuring the content of the project.
  5. The use of research methods ("brainstorming", experiments, experiments, observations, etc.).

Of course, when speaking about the independent activity of children, one should make an allowance for their age. E. Evdokimova highlights three levels of project activity for preschoolers.

1. Imitative-performing (3.5-5 years).

This level is characterized by the child's lack of life experience, an insufficient level of development of intellectual and creative abilities, which does not allow him to fully demonstrate independence in choosing a problem and solving it. An active role belongs to an adult. The child is the customer of the project (through his interests and needs). The implementation of the project by the child takes place at the imitative-performing level. He is fascinated by the process of joint activities with an adult. The kid is attracted to participate in the planning of activities, the implementation of the planned plan. Then comes the joint analysis of the project, the experience of the result. The first attempts of children to solve the problem on their own should be noticed and encouraged: “You quickly came up with it!”, “It's good that you came to the rescue in time!”.

2. Developing (5-6 years old).

By the end of the fifth year of life, children are already accumulating a certain social experience: the experience of communicating with peers, various joint activities; independence, arbitrariness develops; self-control and self-esteem, they are able to adequately assess their own actions and the actions of their peers. Preschoolers accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the result of the activity, independently find the problem that can become the starting point for the project. The help of an adult is insignificant, differentiated.

3. Creative (6-7 years old).

By the end of the sixth and seventh year of life, all aspects of the child's personality are intensively formed: moral, intellectual, emotional-volitional, effective-practical. The role of an adult is to develop and support the creative activity of children, create conditions that allow them to independently determine the goals and content of future activities, choose ways to work on a project and organize it, and determine the prospects for the development of experience.

The teacher should remember that the projective skills of children can be formed and developed only in their vigorous activity.

Project activities with preschoolers provide for adherence to a certain sequence stages:

  1. The choice of the topic of the project, its type, the number of participants.
  2. Formulation of the problem.
  3. Goal setting.
  4. Thinking about the steps to achieve the goal, forms and working methods, distribution of roles.
  5. Independent work of the project participants according to their tasks.
  6. Interim discussion of the data obtained.
  7. Protection of projects.
  8. Collective discussion, results of external evaluation, conclusions.

The topic and the problem is formed either by the teacher, relying on the interests of the children, and the children accept it; or children with the help of leading questions from an adult.

The conclusion should be emphasized that, despite a fairly large number of "pluses", this technology has a number of significant limitations in use in practice preschool education... It is quite time consuming, requires patience from the teacher, respect for the child, faith in his capabilities. Therefore, the educator should not be forced to introduce the technology of project-based teaching in the work with children. This should be a balanced decision of the teacher himself.

Ecological project "Trees of our site"

The ecological project "The Trees of Our Site" is intended for classes with children in a preparatory group for school. In terms of the number of participants, it is collective, long-term, as it is implemented within 1 month (mid-October-November). Authors - design team kindergarten No. 64: Sakhautdinova Miliya Faizovna - educator of the preparatory group.

Objective of the project: research activities to study the life of trees in relation to its ecosystem; as well as environmental protection.

To form in preschoolers elementary ideas about the life of trees, their relationships in nature.

Study the interactions of a tree with the outside world, identify the benefits and harms of the flora and fauna of the ecosystem during observations and conversations. Investigate the functional features of tree life support systems, their dependence on the season.

Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize. Reflect empirically acquired knowledge in different types activities (visual, mental, play). Study the influence of human activities on the life of a tree.

Ecological project "Trees of our site", develop interest in the representatives of the flora - trees; the acquisition by children of labor skills and skills for caring for living objects; harmoniously form different types of children's attitude to nature (environmental, humane, aesthetic, cognitive).

During the implementation of the project, we pay great attention to the development research activities preschoolers, the regional component, the formation of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and human health. Promotes the development of children's outlook, education of love, respect for the nature of Bashkortostan.

The project includes three stages - preparatory, research and final (generalizing).

Preparatory stage.

Conversations, classes were held, parents were attracted to participate in the project, together with the children they made bird feeders to save them from the invasion of caterpillars. Together with their parents, they created an ecological album "The Trees of Our Site"; cuts of different trees; tree seeds. Together with the children, they created a plan of the site with the object of study: "Ecological trail". In the classroom on visual activities - organized the exhibition "Forest sculptures", "Tree by tree". At the musical lesson - they learned the round dance "Berezonka", the song "Kalinka", listened to the musical and poetic accompaniment by E. Verharn "From the sun's rays ...", E. Kochetkova "Tree", songs "Oak" and "Birch" I. Tokmakova.

Work with children.

Before starting work on the "Trees in Our Site" project, we had a conversation with the children about trees. We found out their ideas about trees, their relationship to them. Offer the children an acquaintance scheme:

  1. What is your tree name?
  2. How tall are you? How tall will you be when you become an adult?
  3. Do you have flowers? What seeds will ripen in the place of your flowers?
  4. Can your seeds be seen or will they be hidden in the fruit?
  5. What is your bark (color, smooth or wrinkled)?

Research phase.

Target: choose the tree that you like the most. Find out what it's called; find out if such trees grow in our forest.

Give the children a task: to get to know your tree - to go up to it, whisper your name, say its name, hug, stroke the bark, listen to what it will answer. Do they know their tree well? Children, like all people, have arms, legs, and other parts of the body. What parts does the tree have? Consider and respond. Why do people need legs, arms; tree - leaves, roots, trunk, bark?

The children have acquaintances: friends, neighbors, and by the tree? Who is running next to them? Growing up next to them? Flies to him? Invite the children to observe the environment of the tree, by reasoning: does the tree like such neighbors? Why?

In the activity class, offer to draw the neighbors of the tree.

Everyone has a family: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, other relatives. And by the tree? Have the children scrutinize the area next to the tree and try to find its family. Then you can draw a family portrait of a tree. Invite the children to find the place where the trunk of the tree is the widest, the narrowest.

Let them stroke the bark, press their cheeks against it. What is it - warm, cold, rough, smooth, hard, wet, dry? Children can smell the bark. If the tree is old, pay attention to the fact that the bark is thick. The bark is like clothing for us: it protects, warms and cools. Have the children hug their tree and try to pull it out of the ground. It turns out? Why not? What keeps the tree in the ground? Are the roots visible? What are they? Thick, hooked, straight, thin, hard, soft? Let the children imagine how they grow in the ground - go into the depths or are located to the sides? In the course of the work carried out to educate preschoolers about trees, about the nature of their native land, we widely used the game. Work was carried out on the basis of a regional component. We tried to reveal the uniqueness and originality of the wealth of our native land.

It was important for us that the children feel joy in their activities. Our project was built on the basis of an integrated approach, using game learning situations, games, research activities. We built our work according to the following system.


Lesson 1. Memorizing the poem by I. Bunin "Leaf fall".

Lesson 2. "The trees of our yard".

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about trees as representatives of the flora of the Earth, their beauty and benefits, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the "green friend", to teach to take care of nature.

Lesson 3. "Autumn drops gold" - excursion to autumn garden.

Target: to expand children's ideas about the characteristic features of autumn, to clarify the ideas about the changes that occur in autumn in the life of trees.

Play activities.

Didactic games:

  1. Compare. Purpose: each child talks about his tree and compares it to another.
  2. "What is superfluous." Purpose: children should identify an extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).
  3. "Name the fruit." Purpose: Children must correctly indicate the fruit of this plant.
  4. "Identify the tree by leaf." Purpose: children should name a tree by leaf.
  5. "Say it differently." Purpose: to name the leaves differently (maple leaf, maple leaf, aspen leaf, etc.).
  6. Find your tree. Purpose: to teach how to find a tree by description.

Observations and research activities.

  1. Acquaintance with sounds in nature, listening to audio recordings with sounds of nature, excursions along the ecological path. Purpose: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions about objects of nature.
  2. Exploring the tree. Purpose: to teach how to identify a tree by color, shape, structure, bark, seeds, fruits.

Artistic and productive activity.

Exhibition:"Forest sculptors", "Tree by tree", "Portrait of a tree family", "Neighbors of a tree", " Autumn birch"- drawing, application:" Decorative panel of autumn leaves ", panel" Tree of Life ", modeling:" Rowan brush ".

Reading fiction:

  1. « Green country"E. Serova. Purpose: to instill love for green brothers and sisters.
  2. “The Wisdom of a Tree” by A. Lopatin. Purpose: to foster respect and love for trees, that a lot can be learned from them.
  3. "Life of a Tree" A. Lopatin. Purpose: to foster respect for trees.
  4. "Lipkin's gifts" A. Lopatin. Purpose: to explain to children that trees have healing properties.

The final, summarizing stage.

The final stage is based on the final lesson: "Trees are our friends." Children consolidated their knowledge about trees, about their beauty and benefits. A respectful attitude towards nature, a desire to preserve and protect nature is cultivated.

The result of the project "Trees of our site" was the generalization of the results of our work. The project allowed children to expand their knowledge about the nature of their native land, about the benefits of trees.

Children received answers to their questions and made recommendations:

  1. All people need to take good care of trees. They are very necessary for everyone.
  2. Know the structure of a tree: root, trunk, branches, leaves.
    Love your land, love nature!

Zhuravkova Tatyana Sergeevna, educator of the highest qualification category MDOBU D / S No. 3 "Yolochka", Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Territory.

Project passport.
Project name: "The trees of our site"

Project participants: educator, children senior group, parents

Direction of the project: cognitive - research, short-term

Areas of the project close to the topic: socialization, communication, artistic creation, speech development

Target audience: targeted at ages 5-6

The aim of the project is to study the life of trees, their relationship in nature, as well as natural conservation activities.


Study the interaction of a tree with the outside world
Investigate the functional features of tree life support systems, their dependence on the seasons
To form environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and human health

Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize

Bring up respectful attitude to the surrounding nature, the desire to take care
8. Project questions:
What is your name, tree?
What are your seeds?
How tall will you be when you become an adult?
9. Project resources: informational, methodological
10. Necessary equipment: illustrations, books
11. Relevance: by implementing the project, "The trees of our site", children will develop an interest in representatives of the flora, trees; work skill and ability to care for living objects, formed different approach children to nature (environmental, aesthetic, humane and educational)
12. Expected result: creation of an ecological album together with the parents "The trees of our site", the exhibition "Forest sculptures"

Stages of work on the project:

Stage 1. Preparatory. Duration 1 week.

Stage 2. Basic. Duration 1 week

Target Form of work Result
Expand the children's understanding of the trees growing in the kindergarten area Observation: "What trees grow on our site?" Children got an idea about the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten, their structure, appearance
Teach children to find similarities and differences in tree bark Research activity "Examination, comparison of tree bark"
Teach children to find similarities and differences in tree seeds Research activity "Examining and comparing tree seeds" Children will gain the necessary knowledge through research activities
Learn to compare and compose a story about a tree Didactic games: "Compare" Children learned to compare and compose a short story about a tree
Identify an extra item D. and: "What is superfluous" Children have learned to identify an extra object
Indicate the fruit of the plant D. and: "Name the fruit" Children learned to recognize and name the fruits of plants
Find a tree by description D. and: "Find your tree" Children learned to find a tree by description
Teach children to draw a birch Drawing "Birch" Children learned to draw a birch in different time of the year
Teach children to make panels from autumn leaves Application "panel of autumn leaves" Children learned to make panels from autumn leaves

Stage 3. Final. Duration 3 days

Product Description: Exhibition "Forest Sculptures"
During the project, parents and children were invited to participate in the Forest Sculptures exhibition. The works were made from natural material... Parents and kids showed imagination creative imagination, the ability to take an extraordinary approach to business. Positive emotions were created in children and parents from the impressions received.

1. "Wisdom of a tree" A. Lopatin
2. "Life of a tree" A. Lopatin
3. "Green Country" E. Serov

Appendices 1.

Observation: "What trees grow on our site?"

Observation progress:
1. What is your tree's name? (Hug, stroke the bark. Hear what the tree will answer.)
2. Children, like all people, have arms, legs, and other parts of the body. What parts does the tree have? (Consider and answer.)
3. Why do people need legs and arms? Tree leaves, trunk, bark.
4. Children have acquaintances: friends, neighbors. And by the tree?
5. Who runs, grows next to him, flies to him?
6. Observing the environment of the tree. Determine if the tree likes its neighbors? Why?

Appendix 2.

Research activities:

"Examining, comparing the bark of a tree":
1. Consider which bark is (warm, cold, rough, smooth, hard, wet, dry, thick, thin).
2. Smell the bark.
3. What is tree bark for?

"Examining and Comparing Tree Seeds":
1. What do seeds look like?
2. What tree are these seeds from?

Appendix 3.

Lesson "Trees are our friends".

Software content: to form elementary ideas about the life of trees, their relationship in nature; teach to explore the functional features of the life support systems of the tree, their dependence on the seasons; develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, the ability to analyze, generalize. To foster a respectful attitude towards nature, the desire to preserve and protect nature.

Vocabulary work: on the crown, rough, needles, multiplies, leaf fall, coloring, adaptation, birch grove, aspen grove,

Preliminary work: talking about trees, exploring the tree, memorizing poetry about trees, excursion to the autumn garden, using didactic games; observation, reading fiction, viewing illustrations, paintings, listening to a recording.

Course of the lesson:
-Guys! Today we will go to our site to visit friends.
-Our friends are trees!
-Look, there are a lot of old, tall trees on our site.
-Who will tell me: - "What trees grow on our site?"
(Children: poplar, birch, spruce, mountain ash, maple.)

The first child comes out(reads the poem "The Structure of a Tree" by S.A. Vasiliev):
“The tree is powerful, the tree is strong,
After all, it is anchored in the ground by its roots. Consider it in more detail, see do not be lazy: The trunk is a support for the tree, it runs upward. You touch the hard tree bark. Protects reliably
she is a tree in a forest. Creates coolness under the tree
leaves, They grew out of a bud in the early spring.
Gently touch the leaves on the branches, But with a Christmas tree needle, look, do not prick! "
-And who can list the parts of the tree that are mentioned in the poem? (Child - the tree has roots, trunk, branches, leaves) - What is the tree trunk covered with? (Child - the trunk is covered with bark)
- What does a tree need roots, bark for? (Child - through the roots of the tree
gets food from the ground, the bark protects the trunk of the tree). - Well done!
Correctly named the structure of the tree.

And what is this tree?

The second child comes out:
"The leaves are scattered by a golden blizzard, I'm in the park
I sit and dream about something.
Above the bench, an old maple leaf is spinning And slowly falls on my palm. Autumn maples - round dances,
Both yellow and red in the midst of bad weather. I will find
green drop of color
Like a glimpse of the last summer bygone. "
(S.A. Vasilieva)

Guys! Pay attention to the shape and size of the maple leaves. What are they? (Children are large, star-like leaves, green in summer and autumn ...)
-What color are Maple leaves in the fall? (Children are yellow, red)
-And if the leaf is of two colors, what can it be? (Children are yellow-red,
yellow-green leaf)
-And now what tree have we come to?

The third child comes out:
“A century-old poplar has grown under the window, in the summer it rustles with green foliage. Walking around the city, you will meet his fluff. Hundreds of white flies are flying over the street. "
(S.A. Vasilyeva.)
- Poplar is a tree that grows in the city.
-How can we tell about him what kind of tree it is? (Children: poplar is an urban tree)
-What are trees for in the city? (Children: tree leaves absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Thus, they purify the city air)
-What is the name of the trees on which the needles grow? (Children: conifers.)
-What kind of conifers do you know? (spruce, pine, fir, cedar)

The fourth child comes out:
The houses are high, The floors are innumerable, The spiers are prickly, Under the mighty clouds.
- And what do the people say about the pine?

1 child: "The pine is red there, where it grew up",
-2 child "Every pine tree makes noise in its forest"
-How does a pine tree look like?

(Children: Pine is a tall tree, its trunk is straight, twigs are only on the top of the head. At the bottom, the pine bark is rough and rough, and at the top it is thin. The pine has long and narrow needles, therefore the pine is called a coniferous tree. The needles are arranged in pairs. Pine, reproduces by cones .)
- Well done! They talked a lot about the pine. - Now, let's collect beautiful bouquet from
autumn leaves. (Children collect leaves)
-How many beautiful leaves have been collected!
-And now let's decorate autumn leaves our path. (Ornament)
-What a beautiful path you got!
-Do you like the guys? (children's answers)
-Well, and this beauty, do you recognize? (the teacher points to the birch tree)

Fifth child:
Girlfriends in white dresses From the Russian lands grew. At the edge of the forest, Leaves are braided into braids.
(S.A. Vasilieva)

What color are the leaves on the birch? (Children: golden yellow)
-Which tree leaves color earlier than others?
(Children: by the birch)

Which trees have the longest leaves during leaf fall? (Children: by the birch)
-What does it matter - leaf fall?
(Children: adaptation to winter cold, protection of trees from breakage, emission of unnecessary substances with leaves.)

Now, guess the riddles:
3. In the silence of autumn groves
The rain is pouring golden. (Leaf fall)
4. Grow in the spring,
And fall off in the fall. (Leaves)
5. Falling off the branch
Gold coins. (Leaves)

If birches grow in a grove, what is the name of this grove? (Children: birch grove.)
-And if there are oaks in the grove? (Children: oak grove)
-What other groves are there? (Aspen grove, linden grove)

Invite children to lead round dance "There was a birch tree in the field"... So our lesson is over.
-Birch tells us: “Don't be sad, friends! It's time to sleep and rest. Soon winter will cover us
white snow, and we will fall asleep until spring. And in the spring new leaves will appear on the branches! "
- Until next time! Goodbye!

Invite the children to come up to their favorite tree, hug it, examine it again.