
Ecological education of preschoolers through the game. Game activity in the environmental education of older preschoolers The role of play activity in the environmental education of preschoolers


« Education of ecological culture of children preschool age through play activities

“The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of Nature with an unlimited wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind. V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Human interaction with nature is extremely actual problem modernity. Every year its sound becomes stronger, too much damage has been done to wildlife.

Ecology is the science of the relationship between plant and animal organisms and with each other. environment. IN theoretical foundations environmental education of preschoolers, presented in various psychological and pedagogical studies (I.A. Khaidurova, P.G. Samorukova, S.N. Nikolaeva, N.A. Ryzhova, A.V. a period for the consciously correct attitude of children to nature, the development of elementary natural knowledge about animate and inanimate nature, the education of an elementary sense of responsibility for all living things and practical activities in nature, which is an indicator of the degree of ecological culture of children.

Nature is our land, the land that grows and feeds us. Love for nature is a great feeling. It helps a person to become kinder, fairer, more generous, more honest, more responsible. In order for a child to learn to understand nature, understand its beauty, read its language, protect its wealth, it is necessary to form the ecological orientation of the personality from preschool childhood, since during this period the foundation is laid, a conscious attitude to the surrounding reality, vivid emotional impressions are accumulated that remain in the memory of a person for all life. Mastering ecological knowledge, the child learns about the inseparable connection of a living organism with the external environment, learns to lead a healthy lifestyle, and also forms an aesthetic perception of nature and the ethics of human interaction with the world.

Environmental education has an integrative character, promotes the development of thinking, creativity, speech, erudition, emotional sphere, moral education - the formation of personality. And environmental knowledge becomes the basis of environmental education, which is closely related to the development of the child's emotions, the ability to sympathize, be surprised, empathize, take care of living organisms, perceive them as brothers in nature, be able to see the beauty of the world around

(and a single flower, a drop of dew, a small spider), with the ability to understand that human health depends on the state of the environment. Ecological culture is a value attitude to nature, which is based on elementary natural history knowledge and determines the motives for the actions and behavior of children and adults in nature.

S.N. Nikolaeva believes that the formation of the principles of ecological culture - "this is the formation of consciously - right attitude to nature in all its diversity, to people who protect and create it on the basis of its wealth of material and spiritual values.

Ecological education of preschool children involves:

Education of a humane attitude towards nature;

Formation of a system of ecological knowledge and ideas;

Development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it);

Participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for, protect and protect nature. (1-slide)

At preschool age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude towards the environment, forms the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual, which are manifested in the interactions of the child with nature and his behavior in nature. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to form ecological knowledge in children, norms and rules of interaction with nature, foster empathy for it, activity in solving the formation of children's ecological culture and literacy, the ability to live in harmony with nature. It is important to make this process interesting and exciting for children; to teach and educate - playing in an entertaining way, which is achieved by certain game actions.

A.M. Gorky wrote: "The game is the way for children to learn about the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change."

The knowledge about ecology obtained by children through play activities influences the acquisition, clarification and consolidation of knowledge about nature and the environment, and also contributes to the formation of a careful and attentive attitude towards objects of "living" and "inanimate" nature. It is in the game that moral skills of behavior in nature are formed in children. Ecological games are used in the formation of children's ecological culture.

Ecological games are a form of ecological education and upbringing of ecological culture, based on the deployment of children's play activities, stimulating a high level of motivation and interest in nature. (2-slide)

Ecological games can be included in all regime moments based on the age group for the development of the child's personality and his ecological consciousness, clarifying and reinforcing knowledge about animate and inanimate nature.

Playing with children, it is necessary to form the initial systems of value orientations, the perception of oneself as part of nature, the relationship between man and nature. To develop children's ability to know the natural world. To teach elementary norms of behavior in nature, to form the skills of rational nature management in Everyday life. Cultivate a humane attitude towards living organisms. (3-slide)

To do this, the educator himself needs to own the methodology of environmental education, be the bearer of environmental culture, he must be able to live in harmony with nature, because children are observant and attentive to the words and actions of an adult and imitate them.

The game as a method of environmental education is a game specially organized by the educator and introduced into the process of learning about nature and interacting with it.

When selecting ecological games the following requirements must be observed: (slide No. 4)

a) games must be selected taking into account the patterns of development of children and those tasks of environmental education that are solved at this age stage;

b) the game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice already acquired environmental knowledge and stimulate the assimilation of new ones;

c) the content of the game should not contradict the ecological knowledge formed in the process of other activities;

d) game actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature;

e) in games it is necessary to solve not only the tasks of environmental education, but they must also provide a solution to the general problems of the upbringing and development of a preschool child;

f) it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with previous and subsequent games in order to predict a new step forward in the development of children.

Classification of games.

1. According to specific characteristics, creative games and games with rules are distinguished. They, in turn, are divided into subgroups:

Games with rules:

didactic; desktop printed; mobile; verbal.

Creative Games:

plot - role-playing; theatrical; construction. (slide 5)

2. According to the thematic distribution of content, games are divided into themes: "Wildlife" and "Inanimate nature".

3. According to the form of organization, there are:

Independent play activity of the child;

Joint game activity with the teacher (under the guidance of an adult).

4. According to the direction of actions, they are divided into: - sensory-motor; - subject;

Games with reincarnation (imitation); - social; - competitive.

In order for the game to become exciting, accessible and exciting, it is necessary to take into account didactic principles: - accessibility, repetition and gradualness of actions. (slide number 6)

Children love to play, so they are happy to respond to the offer of an adult to play. And while playing, under the skillful guidance of an adult, a child develops ecological knowledge and culture. The largest group is didactic games: their essence lies in the fact that children solve mental problems proposed to them in an entertaining way, find solutions themselves, while overcoming certain difficulties. Didactic games are effective tool environmental education, which makes it possible to assimilate environmental concepts, arouse interest in nature and develop a value attitude towards it, form motives and practical skills of a culture of behavior in nature (slide No. 7)

Didactic games are games with rules, and according to the nature of the material used, they are divided into subject, desktop - printed and verbal

For their implementation, it is necessary to use various methods and techniques:

Game (surprise moments, riddles, counting rhymes, competition elements);

Verbal (conversation to clarify knowledge, explain the rules, analysis of activities, etc.);

Visual (toys, pictures, illustrations, objects of natural material, animal hats, showing game actions). (slide number 8)

A task younger age- to lay the first landmarks in the world of nature, in the world of plants and animals, as living beings, to provide an understanding of the initial relationships in nature, an understanding of one or two conditions for their life. So, kids can be offered games-assignments. Toddlers love to do things with things. For example: Little Bear loves turnips, you need to collect them in his basket, and Bunny needs to collect carrots. In the game, kids reinforce the names of vegetables, the ability to distinguish them and give sensory characteristics, to know natural phenomena in the games “Blow on a snowflake”, “Sing a song of the wind”; the names of the trees - in the games "From which tree is the leaf?", "One, two, three - run to the tree."

Leading activities in environmental education younger preschoolers are repeatedly repeated sensory examination of objects. objects of nature and practical manipulation with them. In the younger and middle groups, subject games are widely used using various items nature: these are leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc. In object games, ideas about the properties and qualities of objects are clarified, concretized and enriched. They enable children to operate with objects of nature, compare them, note changes in individual external signs, where children need to be given simple tasks - games: “Find a flower (leaf) of the same color”, “Bring a yellow leaf (vegetable, fruit)”, “Find a pair”, “ Miraculous Pouch»; with the help of a fairy-tale hero, you can play games: “Autumn or winter forest"," Bear's house. The teacher plays the game with the children, tells one rule along the way and immediately implements it; when playing again, it clarifies or supplements the rules of the game and tries in the future for the children to play themselves, but manages from the outside, directing the game. IN junior groups most often pick up pictures depicting flowers, vegetables, fruits. Tasks-games and didactic games contribute to the formation of sensory skills, develop observation and memory. In ecological didactic games, children clarify and expand their ideas about nature, plants, animals and ecology in general. Each game has rules, a game plan, which determine the nature and method of action, organize the relationship of children in the game.

At senior preschool age, it is necessary to use games that contain the possibility of obtaining knowledge in the process of playing, in solving the problems posed by the game. The knowledge gained in games becomes an incentive for the study of natural

phenomena and processes: children with great interest and attention will look closely at nature.

For example, in d / and: “Who lives where?” it is proposed to give knowledge that the spread of living organisms in certain territories is not accidental, but natural, and is due to the presence of necessary and the absence of unacceptable conditions for them. Children, distributing animals in certain natural areas, exercise in the appearance of voluntary attention, knowledge about the habitat of living organisms is consolidated. The most relevant games are: “Domestic and wild animals”, “What grows in the field?” (In the garden, in the garden, in the forest”, “What plant is missing?”, “Kids on a branch”, “When does this happen? ". "Seasons", "Take care of nature", "Aibolit's ecological basket", "Tops and roots", "Whose children are on a branch", "Confusion", "Find a tree or a bush according to the description", "Live chains", " Zoological dining room", "Flower shop", etc. .

The management of didactic games, especially introducing children to new games at an older age, requires thoughtful work from the educator in the process of preparing and conducting them. The teacher clearly and emotionally introduces the content and rules of the game to the children, plays with the children for the first time in order to consolidate knowledge. Then he offers to play on his own. At the same time, at first, he monitors the actions, and later acts as an arbiter in controversial situations. However, not all games require the active participation of the educator. Often you can limit yourself to explaining the rules of the game before it starts, especially in the preparatory group, where children already play on their own and teach each other, monitor the correct implementation of the rules of the game of their comrades and are able not only to name the phenomena, but reveal in detail its cause, explain the sequence of development, and the time to think about the decision and the answer is reduced.

The specificity of the didactics of these games implies a gradual complication from group to group, implies their variability. Educational games of nature and ecological content are used to clarify, consolidate, generalize and systematize environmental knowledge, which help to see the integrity of the ecosystem, understand their role and adults in the ability to protect nature and live in harmony with it. So, in the younger group, acquaintance with wild and domestic animals takes place in didactic games, such as “Name who it is?”, “Depict an animal”, “Recognize by voice” and others; in the middle - in games like "Guess who lives where?", "Help the animal", "Big and small", "Paired pictures", etc.

At senior preschool age, ideas about natural phenomena in inanimate and living nature expand, children establish a relationship between them. Of course, children receive all this knowledge in the classroom, during observations, in conversations, and they consolidate this knowledge in games.

Older children successfully cope with the following games: "Zoo", "Logic chains", "Think of a riddle about the animal", "Recognize by smell". “What tree is a leaf from?”, “Find what I will describe”, “Journey to Africa”, “Spread the animals around the Earth”, “Star Zoo”. Through such games, you can arouse children's interest in plants and animals, reveal their properties, their essence - this is one of the ways to cultivate a kind and caring attitude towards them: do not pick flowers, do not harm birds, insects, etc. Often children use their acquired knowledge in their independent games. For example, the children played "Family", and they seemed to be walking in the park and saw a bird that was lying on the road; one of the girls picked it up and began to regret it, and the other offered to take the bird to the doctor and treat it. Conducting the game "Plants in different time years”, children learn the relationship between plants and animals, and playing the game “Birds” consolidate knowledge about migratory and wintering birds, which need to be fed in winter, build feeders. IN preparatory groups games of ecological content arise on the initiative of the children themselves.

An extensive group consists of desktop - printed games, which make it possible to systematize children's knowledge about plants, animals, natural phenomena; to form the ability to restore the image of an object by word. Games are accompanied by a word or pictures or a combination of them. (Slide number 9)

You can name the following games - for younger groups: "Kids", "Vegetables and Fruits", "Plants", "Pick up the leaves"; for the elders, these are games of lotto and dominoes: “Zoological Lotto”, “Botanical Lotto”, “Four Seasons”, “Berries and Fruits”; puzzles, split pictures, folding cubes depicting objects or plots are popular.

For the development of attention, it is advisable to use word games with children of older preschool age, which intensively develop thinking: flexibility and dynamism of ideas, the ability to attract and use knowledge, the ability to compare and combine objects according to a variety of characteristics, develop attention, speed of reaction and develop memory, thinking and children's speech.

They are held in order to consolidate knowledge about the functions and actions of certain objects, to generalize and systematize knowledge. (Slide number 10)

They develop attention, ingenuity, speed of reaction, coherent speech and form ecological knowledge and culture. These games can brighten up leisure, a walk in the rain, forced waiting. For example, word games: "Who flies, runs, jumps." "In water, air, on earth." “Necessary – no need! “, “Fruit basket”, “Tell the last”, “Does it happen or not?”, “Why does it happen?” and etc.

In the older groups, in addition to the classic didactic games, games are used - suggestions, games - riddles, games - conversations, games - assignments. When choosing games of ecological content, it is necessary to think over the purpose and didactic task, determine the place and role of the game in the system of environmental education and upbringing, design the game and determine the degree of participation of the educator and all children in it, think over the involvement of inactive children in the game. In the process of conducting these games, it is necessary to encourage the invention and initiative of children, to note a positive attitude to each other and to the phenomena and events reflected in the game. Of great importance is the collective analysis of the game, where the children, together with the teacher, evaluate the speed and quality of performing game actions with children, mutual assistance in the game, and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Games - sentences: ("what would be ..."). A task is set before the children and a situation is created that requires reflection on the subsequent action. For example: “What would happen if the water disappeared”, “What would you do if you saw a broken branch (a small kitten on the street, a chick that fell out of the nest). This includes the game: "Finish the sentence." The teacher says the beginning of the phrase, and the children come up with a continuation: “The squirrel stores food in the fall, because ...,“ In the spring, leaves grow on trees, and in winter ..., “Birds can fly, because ...”, “Flowers dry out, because ...” etc. These questions activate thinking, logic, develop ecological knowledge and bring up an ecological culture of behavior in nature.

Games are puzzles. The basis is a test of knowledge, resourcefulness. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions. Toddlers love puzzles about animals. Seniors like to compete, get chips, forfeits, pictures for the correct answer. Games can be different: “What happens in winter?”, “What happens green?”, “Animal domestic or wild?” and etc.

Games are conversations. They are based on communication and interest. benevolence. The game activates the emotional and thought processes.

She brings up the ability to listen to questions and answers, focus on the content, supplement what has been said, and make judgments. For example, playing a game

conversation “What is nature”, you can offer to express your assumptions about what nature is, based on previously acquired knowledge (Exemplary answers of children: these are trees, animals, the sun or nature is everything that breathes). Further, they find out why this or that object is an object of nature. Or the Vitamin Journey game refines the idea of ​​the health benefits of vegetables.

An extensive group of ecological games is also made up of outdoor games that contribute to the emotional perception of nature, to educate ecological culture in an entertaining form, which is achieved by certain game actions and is, as it were, the plots of the game.

In younger groups, simple content is carried out, they consolidate the first grains of knowledge that they receive in observations and in didactic games. Toddlers perform game exercises in the form of imitative and imitative movements and games in which the child reproduces familiar images of animals, birds, insects, trees. flowers, snowflakes, etc. . . These are games like "The mother hen and chickens", "Mice and a cat", "Shaggy dog". "Birds in nests", "Horses", "Mice and a cat", "Who lives where?". Outdoor games of a natural history character are associated with imitation of the habits of animals, their way of life, some of them reflect the phenomena of inanimate nature. Children, imitating actions, imitating sounds, in these games acquire knowledge more deeply, and an emotionally positive attitude contributes to deepening their interest in nature.

List of environmental outdoor games different ages extensive. Older children in the game "Find your leaf" fix the names of trees, which tree has which leaves, develop speed and dexterity; in the "Harvest" game, they learn the classification of vegetables and fruits, and the game is played in the form of competitions, etc. Older children love to play outdoor games: “Migratory birds”, “Monkeys”, “Shepherd and flock”, “Carp and pike”, “Homeless hare”, “Mousetrap”, “Fox in the chicken coop”, “Birds, fish, animals”, “I know”, etc. These games are already more complicated, include several actions and knowledge about the world around. When conducting mobile environmental games, children develop the skills of ecological culture, and they understand that they are a part of nature that must be protected. . It is necessary to use ecological finger games in work with children: “Flower”, “Roots”, “Sun”, “Wind”, “Snowflakes”, etc.

Preschool age is considered the classic age of play. During this period, a special kind of children's game arises and acquires the most developed form, namely, creative games. In a story game, children reproduce events that take place in life or a literary work, so children need to have knowledge about labor and the norms of human behavior in nature.

In the role-playing game, children reflect our attitude to the world around us, to nature and consolidate the ability to behave with peers, with loved ones and with people around them, the norms of behavior in nature are fixed and trying on the roles of animals and plants, recreating their actions and states, the child is imbued with a sense of empathy for them, which contributes to the development of the child's ecological


ethics. Two forms of role-playing games can be distinguished: independent and games organized by the educator. In younger groups, a special place is occupied by plot-didactic games, where children perform certain roles. For example, a seller or a buyer in the game “Shop (vegetables or fruits), images of fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip” (for example, Grandfather grew a turnip and brought many more vegetables or fruits), etc. Raising an ecological culture of children in older groups, the main task of the educator is to develop children's creative play imagination, the ability of children to take on various roles for implementation in the game labor activity adults in nature (this is a careful attitude to the environment), and a variety of phenomena in nature (rain, snowfall, storm at sea, strong wind, etc.), the ability to save animals, fish, dolphins, birds. So, in the game "Incident in the forest" - children understand the need to comply with the rules of behavior in the forest, " Ambulance» - careful attitude to plants. The educator needs to lead the game: follow the development of the plot, the performance of roles by children, role-playing relationships; saturate the game with role-playing dialogues and game actions, through which various tasks of environmental education and education of children are carried out. You can use the following role-playing games: "Journey to the Forest", "Ship", "River Patrol", "Forester", "Kindergarten", "Library", "Bookshop".

And in games - dramatizations and through games - improvisations based on the texts of fairy tales, poems, stories, fairy tales ("K Ushinsky" Cockerel with the family", E Charushin "Duck with ducklings", based on the fairy tales "Turnip", "Mitten", "Zayushkina hut ”), children clarify natural phenomena, objects of living and inanimate nature. Dramatization games and theatrical games are also held on the basis of literary works: the plot of the game, the roles, the actions of the characters. Their speech is determined by the text of the works. By offering children new characters or situations in games, educators can also educate children's ecological culture.

At senior preschool age, they use ecological travel games that are designed to enhance the impression, sharpen the observation, ability and desire of children to overcome difficulties. In these games, children like the process of freeing any fairy-tale hero from trouble, as in the game "Journey through the Winter Country" to free Spring from the country of the Snow Queen or get to the seabed, the North Pole. At the same time, act according to the scheme - a map on which points with interesting tasks., which help to consolidate educators' knowledge of children about the signs of winter, to establish relationships in nature.

Another type of creative games are building games with natural material (sand, clay, snow, water, leaves, pebbles, cones, acorns, etc.), where children learn the properties and qualities of materials, develop observation and interest


to nature, improve their sensory experience. In building games, children create various structures, transport, houses, objects, which gradually turn into role-playing ones. A significant place in the life of a child is occupied by games with natural content, which reflect the activities of people in nature. For example, the vivid impressions received by a child from visiting the zoo can be transformed into a game. At first, the child builds a zoo, and the teacher inadvertently joins the child's game and supports it. Involving other children with new activities: bringing animals, needing new cages, including new roles: a veterinarian who will monitor the health of animals; the director who ensures the proper nutrition of animals; a night watchman, as well as visiting the zoo for children and adults, selling books about animals enrich environmental knowledge. Such timely hints push the child to independently search for play techniques, use substitute objects, and also deepen and expand the content of creative play activities and knowledge about the animal world. Children, playing building games with sand, snow, water, learn the properties and qualities of these materials of inanimate nature.

One of the forms of educating the ecological culture of children is leisure activities, fun games, music games and holidays dedicated to the Day of the City and on the themes of nature, where children experience events, empathize with the heroes and phenomena in nature and realize environmental problems that are accessible to their understanding. Introduce competitive games such as: KVN, contests, "Field of Miracles", "Ecological quizzes", intellectual games "Connoisseurs of nature", Save nature, "Bird World", etc. It is necessary to include games to develop an aesthetic perception of nature, which are best done in the natural environment, in contact with natural objects for a more careful attitude to nature, the desire to participate in feasible labor in nature. These are games: "Conversation with trees", "Meeting with plants". As well as games for the formation of the moral and evaluative experience of the behavior of preschoolers in nature, where children learn to find their own solutions, motivate them, and draw conclusions. These are the following games: "Joys and Sorrows", "What is good and what is bad", "Ecological traffic light", "Unusual Journey", "Nature thanks and angry", where children ecologically correctly assess the actions of people in nature, find their own decision in difficult situations and motivate your decisions.

It is possible to teach children to know and love nature, to observe the rules of environmental safety only in collaboration with their parents. Traditional forms must be used ( parent meetings, consultations, conversations, questioning), and non-traditional (business meetings, direct telephone, round table, joint holidays and leisure) for the environmental education of parents, since the moral norms of environmental culture are laid down in the family.


It is necessary to involve parents in participation in exhibitions of drawings and crafts made together with parents, composing ecological fairy tales with children, caring for animals and plants together at home, visiting parks at different times of the year, etc. Knowledge gained by children in kindergarten, should be fixed at home, in the family. The child must understand that man and nature are interconnected, therefore, taking care of nature is taking care of man, his future. Only by joint efforts can we raise environmentally literate children.

In working with preschoolers on the education of environmental culture, an integrated approach should be used, involving the relationship various kinds activities of the child, where a special place belongs to the game for the formation of moral norms and rules of behavior in nature. Indeed, at the stage of preschool childhood, the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture are formed. Ecological games bring a lot of joy to children and contribute to their comprehensive development. In play activities, children learn the rules of behavior in nature, moral standards, disinterested help, empathy and compassion. In the process of games, love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards it, the ability to see that unreasonable interference with nature can lead to serious destruction in nature and ecology are brought up; develop a caring attitude towards her. Games contribute to the formation of motivation for environmental activities: to arouse children's interest and desire to care for, grow, plant, that is, increase and protect our nature. A humane attitude to nature arises in the process of realizing that the world around us is unique and unrepeatable. He needs our care.

Let everything be fine in a person:

And thoughts, and deeds, and soul!

In harmony with nature and with yourself

In the world, so that the kids live,

Educate in children, take care,

Keep the ecology of the soul!

Aishat Tsakaeva
Game activity in the environmental education of preschoolers

a special role in environmental education and education takes a period preschool childhood When the foundations of a person's worldview are laid, his attitude to the world around him is formed. IN preschool age there are significant changes in the cognitive sphere of the child. The figurative nature of thinking, specific to preschool age, is determined by the fact that the child establishes connections and relationships between objects, primarily on the basis of direct impressions.

The presence itself environmental performance does not guarantee environmentally appropriate behavior of the individual. This also requires an appropriate relationship with nature. It determines the nature of the goals of interaction with nature, its motives, the willingness to act from the point of view of environmental feasibility. Already in development environmental representations in children, the formation of an emotional attitude to the plant and animal world takes place.

I think that the most important indicator ecological good manners of elders preschoolers is their participation in activities, which has environmentally oriented character, in the process of which deepen and consolidate environmental representations and an active humane attitude towards nature is manifested. At the same time, it is necessary to explain to children that wildlife does well without human activity She lives by her own laws.

It is believed that natural objects should be taken care of rather in a human-modified environment. environment: in the city, park, and in the conditions preschool institutions - on the site, in a living corner. Therefore, children can help plants and animals living near human: trees of parks, plots, plants of flower beds, starving city birds in winter, i.e. those whose well-being depends on the actions of people.

It is very important that by the time the child enters school, he is mature not only in physical and social relations, but also reached a certain level of mental and emotional-volitional development. The child must master mental operations, be able to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the world around him, be able to plan his own activity and exercise self-control. On this basis, there should be ecological culture of personality aimed at harmonizing the relationship between man and nature.

Quite a big problem for kids. preschool age represents the assimilation of the rules of behavior in nature, as well as such moral norms as responsibility, disinterested help, compassion, and these norms and rules are best assimilated in gaming activity. The child not only plays himself, but also watches the games of other children. Thus, the prerequisites for the formation of conscious behavior in nature and society, self-control over actions and deeds arise, that is, there is a practical development of moral norms and rules of behavior.

However, it must be borne in mind that not every game is ecological in terms of purpose and content. Here are a number of requirements according to which games can be selected for.

Games must be selected taking into account the patterns of development of children and those tasks environmental education which are solved at this age stage.

The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice what they have already learned. environmental knowledge and stimulate the assimilation of new ones.

- Gaming actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature.

Preference is given to those games that allow you to solve not only problems environmental education but also provide a solution to the common problems of the upbringing and development of the child.

For the game to be effective environmental education of preschoolers, it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with previous and subsequent games. This will make it possible to predict what kind of experience the child will rely on, what new step will take place in his development.

Classification of games.

For classification environmental games can be used in various principles:

According to specific characteristics;

By thematic distribution of content;

According to the form of organization and measure of regulation;

Direction of action.

According to specific characteristics, creative games and games with rules are distinguished. They, in turn, are divided into subgroups:

Creative games:




Games with rules:



According to the thematic distribution of content, there is the following classification:

Games on the theme "Nature";

Games on the theme "Inanimate nature".

According to the form of organization and measure of regulation allocate:

Independent child's play activity;

Together with the teacher gaming activity(under the guidance of an adult).

According to the direction of action are divided on the:



Transformation games (imitation);



important developmental value for preschoolers have games with rules - moving, plot-moving, didactic (desktop-printed, verbal, etc.). The central element of such games is the rules, they are the main factor in the developmental impact on children. Rules encourage the child to be active: focus on game task, respond quickly to game situation to obey the circumstances.

Among everything diversity games with rules preschoolers special attention is paid to didactic games. The name itself - didactic - suggests that the purpose of these games is mental development children.

By the nature of the material used, didactic games can be conditionally divided into games with objects, board games and word games.

Object games are games with a folk didactic toy, various natural materials (leaves, seeds). These games contribute to the development of the child's sensory skills, the formation of ideas about various sensory qualities. (color, size, etc.). Board-printed games are aimed at clarifying ideas about the environment, systematizing knowledge, developing memory, thought processes. Board games include lotto, dominoes, split pictures, folding dice, etc. word games develop attention, cleverness, speed of reaction, coherent speech.

To increase the interest of children in the didactic game and natural objects, it is necessary to introduce an element of competition or a problem situation.

To support the desire preschoolers reflect received in didactic games environmental performances and play skills in independent gaming activity, in the group in separate corners posted material for children to organize games environmental content(tablets with depicting natural areas, pictures from plant image, animals, herbariums, etc.). So way, the growing interest is satisfied preschoolers to nature, the previously obtained representations are specified.

Through role-playing games ecological topic to try to evoke an emotional response, to influence the formation of the correct attitude towards objects of the flora and fauna. environmental knowledge, which caused an emotional reaction in children, will soon enter into their independent gaming activity, will become its content than knowledge, the impact of which affects only the intellectual side of the personality preschooler.

In the formation of an emotionally interested attitude towards nature in children, not only didactic and plot-role-playing, but also all other types of games are used.

A large group of games with rules are mobile and mobile-didactic games. They are based on various movements - walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc.

The methodology for conducting outdoor games is similar to the methodology for conducting didactic games and is aimed at gradually developing in children the ability to independently organize these games.

Verbal and didactic games can brighten up leisure, a walk in the rain, forced waiting. It does not require any conditions, equipment. These games are intensively developing thinking: flexibility and dynamism of ideas, the ability to attract and use existing knowledge, the ability to compare and combine objects on a variety of grounds, develop attention, speed of reaction.

The games in riddles-descriptions are very interesting for children - in them they exercise the ability to highlight the characteristic features of an object, call them words, and educate attention.

Creative games include dramatization games and building-constructive games. They have the main features of creative games: the presence of a plan, a combination of role-playing and real actions and relationships and other elements imaginary situation as well as independence and self-organization of children.

We organize dramatization games with children based on literary works: the plot of the game, the roles, the actions of the characters, their speech is determined by the text of the work. The presence of a predetermined plot and roles brings the dramatization game closer to games that have ready-made rules.

Construction and constructive games are a kind of creative game. In them, children reflect their knowledge and impressions of the surrounding objective world, independently do various things, erect buildings, structures, but in a very generalized and schematized form.

In building and constructive games, I teach to replace some objects others: buildings are built from specially created building materials and constructors or from natural materials - sand, snow.

Children also like improvisational games in which they can use movements draw the crown of a tree, gust. Such games are possible only after repeated observations and testing of various movements.

Environmental games allow you to shift the focus from learning preschoolers ready-made knowledge for an independent search for solutions proposed game tasks which contributes to mental development.

So, the game is not only entertainment, but also a method by which young children get to know the world around them. The smaller the children, the more often the game is used as a method educational- educational work with them.

The use of game situations in the process of environmental education of preschoolers in order to form a careful attitude to nature.

author: Pidlubnaya Svetlana Educator MBDOU DS No. 93 Chelyabinsk
Material Description: Experience on the topic: "Using game situations in the process of environmental education of preschoolers in order to form a careful attitude to nature" It will be useful for senior educators, educators, when working with children of middle and older preschool age
Age category: 4-7 years old
Topic: The use of game situations in the process of environmental education of preschoolers in order to form a careful attitude to nature.
The content of the work
Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of using game situations in the environmental education of preschoolers.
1.1. Consideration of the problem of ecological education of preschool children in the psychological and pedagogical literature.
1.2. Game as a method of ecological education.
Summary of chapter 1.
Chapter 2 Experimental work on the use of game situations in the process of environmental education of preschoolers in order to form a careful attitude to nature
2.1 Identification of the level of formation of environmental knowledge among preschoolers (methodology and results of the ascertaining experiment)
2.2. The use of game situations in order to form a careful attitude to nature.

In conditions when the number of regions of ecological
problems, the problem of educating ecological culture among
the younger generation, and indeed the entire population, is becoming especially
The problem of environmental education of a preschooler is one of the fundamental problems of the theory of education and is of paramount importance for educational work.
With the passing of laws Russian Federation"On the Protection of the Environment" and "On Education" created the prerequisites for the legal framework for the formation of a system of environmental education of the population. "Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development" (taking into account the Declaration of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, signed by Russia). Corresponding resolutions of the Government elevate environmental education to the category of paramount state problems. And it is necessary to start environmental education from early preschool age, since at this time the acquired knowledge can later be transformed into strong convictions.
The development of ecological culture begins from early childhood, therefore, the task of ecological training of children becomes especially important.
preschool and primary school age.
Preschool childhood is the initial stage of personality formation, its value orientation in the world around. At this age, the formation of voluntary behavior takes place, intensively develop different forms thinking, ideas about the world around us are rapidly accumulating. Children have a fairly highly developed identification with themselves, they are inquisitive and active, ready to cooperate with the teacher, they perceive his speech well, if it is simple and clear, based on experience and images familiar to them.

All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will. K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of "leading children into nature" in order to tell them everything that was accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development.
The ideas of familiarizing preschoolers with nature were further developed in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education(O. Ioganson, A. A. Bystrov, R. M. Bass, A. M. Stepanova, E. I. Zalkind, E. I. Volkova, E. Gennings, etc.). An important role was played by the work of leading teachers and methodologists, whose focus was the formation of observation as the main method of getting acquainted with the environment, accumulating, clarifying and expanding reliable information about nature (Z. D. Sizenko, S. A. Veretennikova, A. M. Nizova , L. I. Pushnina, M. V. Luchich, A. F. Mazurina, etc.). Studies of modern scientists (I. A. Khaidurova, S. N. Nikolaeva, E. F. Terentyeva, I. S. Freidkin, etc.) devoted to animate and inanimate nature, as the leading regularity was chosen, which the life of any organism obeys , namely the dependence of the existence of plants and animals on the external environment. These works marked the beginning of an ecological approach in familiarizing children with nature.
The technology for the formation of the principles of ecological culture in preschool children is based on the organization of the interaction of preschoolers with the nature of the immediate environment, the knowledge of what grows and lives next to the child. For the purposes of environmental education, objects, phenomena accessible to the child, the essence of which he can learn in the process of children's activity, should be selected.
A wide variety of forms are used to organize work on environmental education of preschoolers. First of all, these are classes during which a system of elementary knowledge is formed in children, and cognitive interest develops. Teaching children in the classroom
carried out with the help of verbal, visual, practical methods. At the same time, observations, viewing filmstrips, conversations, didactic and theatrical games, experiments, and work with natural material are used.
Excursions and walks are an equally important form of organizing environmental education in kindergarten. On excursions, children get acquainted with plants and animals, with the conditions of their life. During walks, phenological observations of individual objects of nature are systematically carried out, and heuristic conversations are organized.
But the leading activity of preschool children is the game, so we use game situations as the main method of environmental education. In the process of the game, the child's attitude to reality is expressed, it allows him to act actively, contributes to his development. For the implementation of environmental education, mobile, didactic, role-playing or theatrical and other types of games are used. For example, during a walk, games are organized: “Fisherman”, “Flowers in a flower bed”, “Birds in the forest”, which allow you to remember the names of fish, birds, plants in a playful way.
The problem of this study is to increase the effectiveness of environmental education of preschoolers through the use of game learning situations. The solution of the problem determined the purpose of the study - to study the influence of ecologized gaming learning situations on the process of environmental education of preschoolers.
The object of the study is the process of using game learning situations in the environmental education of preschool children.
The subject of the research is game learning situations as a means of environmental education of children.
Given the object, subject, goal, we focused on solving the following tasks:
1. Determine the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the content of environmental education;
2. Determine the meaning of the game in the process of environmental education;
3. Develop and test a methodology for using game learning situations in environmental education.
Research hypothesis: we believe that targeted work on the environmental education of children will be successful if a variety of game learning situations are used in the process of this education.
To solve the tasks set in the study, the following research methods were used: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature; diagnosing preschoolers; observation; individual contact with children; experimentation.
The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study is determined by the fact that the study contains the conditions for the use of game learning situations that contribute to the environmental education of children of middle preschool age.
The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that it makes it possible to improve the pedagogical process in the environmental education of children.
Priority in teaching is given not to simple memorization and not mechanical reproduction of knowledge, but to understanding and evaluating what is happening, the joint practical activities of educators and children.
Children receive environmental knowledge and skills not only during
specially organized classes to get acquainted with the surrounding world, walks, excursions, reading books, but also during the organization of environmental game situations.
By mastering this knowledge, the child learns about the features of living and inanimate
nature, about the diversity of living organisms, the relationships between them and with
In preschool institutions, the goal of environmental education should be children's awareness of the joy of communicating with nature, and on this basis - a sense of kindness, humanism, respect for all living things.

Chapter I. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of using game situations in the environmental education of preschoolers.

1.1 Consideration of the problem of environmental education of preschoolers in the psychological and pedagogical literature.
The problem of the relationship between man and nature was reflected long before our century. Back in the 17th century, Jan Amos Comenius drew attention to the natural conformity of all things, i.e. that all processes in human society proceed like the processes of nature. He developed this idea in his work "The Great Didactics". Comenius argued that nature develops according to certain laws, and man is a part of nature, therefore, in his development, man obeys the same general laws of nature. Jan Amos Comenius derived the laws of education and upbringing based on the laws of nature. The book notes that the education of a person with most useful happening in early age. It is at an early age that it is easier for him to instill some useful ideas, to correct shortcomings. And this is proved by the principle of natural conformity. All beings that are born are such that they assimilate everything easier and better at an early age. As you can see, Jan Amos Comenius noticed the very essence of the question of the relationship between nature and man. Already in those days, the teacher had deduced the most important ecological position about the connection between man and nature, about their inseparability from each other.
The pedagogical value of strengthening the humane feelings of the child by means of nature was also emphasized by such great teachers as J.-J. Rousseau (1762), G. Pestalozzi (1781-1787), F. Diesterwerg (1832). For the first time, the Swiss democrat teacher A. Humboldt, and then the French teacher and philosopher J.-J. Rousseau and other educators spoke of educating children in a "sense of nature" as a sense of its ennobling influence on man.
The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky (1861, 1864). Ushinsky noted that the logic of nature is the most accessible and most useful for students. And the logic of nature, as we know, consists in the interconnection, interaction of the components that make up the nature. L.N. Tolstoy considered the self-developing nature of a child to be perfect, in the natural environment he saw ideal conditions for the manifestation of human nature, he saw the ideal way of life in the natural labor cycle of interaction between man and nature.
Outstanding Soviet teachers A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky did not conceive of the organization of a healthy and expedient pedagogical process outside of nature, outside of moral, aesthetic relationships with it. V.A. Sukhomlinsky understood that knowledge and skills alone do not educate. When the traditional consumer attitude to nature changes, beliefs change, the student's activity is built in constant communication with nature and work on the harmonization of the disturbed biosphere. Man is a part of nature: he cannot live outside of it, he cannot violate the laws by which the world around him exists. Only by learning to live in full harmony with nature, we will be able to better understand its secrets, to preserve the most amazing creation of nature - life on earth. The tasks of ecological education are the tasks of creating and implementing an educational model, in which the manifestations of the beginnings of ecological culture are obvious in children preparing to enter school.
Environmental education is one of the main aspects moral education. After all, the upbringing of a child’s careful and caring attitude towards nature develops in him those moral norms that will later become a motive, an incentive for his behavior. The problem of the relationship between man and nature is most studied by V.I. Myasnitevich. His works reveal the dependencies that exist between how a person behaves in relation to the world around him, entering into contacts with it, and what kind of experience of knowing the world a person accumulates.
Kindergarten is one of the first links where the foundations of ecological culture are laid. A great legacy in the field of raising children with the environment was left to us by the outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky. According to him, nature is the basis children's thinking, feelings and creativity. The famous teacher closely connected the attitude of children to objects of nature with the fact that nature is our native land, the land that raised us and feeds us, the land transformed by our labor
1.2 Game as a method of environmental education
A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. It causes a significant change in his psyche. The most famous teacher in our country A.S. Makarenko characterized the role of children's games in the following way: “The game is important in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as work, service in an adult. What a child is at play, so in many respects he will be at work. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place, first of all, in the game.
Teachers and psychologists pay great attention to gaming activity, because it performs a number of important functions in the development of a person's personality.
The game, as an independent children's activity, is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child, it contributes to the development of the experience of human activity. The game, as a form of organization of children's life, is important because it serves the formation of the child's psyche, his personality.
The child's play activity is always generalized because the motive is not a reflection of some particular phenomenon, but the action itself, as a personal relationship.
The game - an alternative to reality, is used to correct the state and behavior of the child. But still, the main function of the game is developing: it increases the intellect, contributes to the sensory perception of the world and the emotional well-being of the child.
The game develops and pleases the child, makes him happy. In the game, the child makes the first discoveries, experiences moments of inspiration. The game develops his imagination, fantasy, and, consequently, the ground is created for the formation of an enterprising, inquisitive personality.
The game among all other activities is of paramount importance in preschool childhood.
Ecological education of children of the fifth year of life must be built on a game basis - with a greater inclusion of various types of games in the pedagogical process.
There are different types of games for childhood. These are mobile games (games with rules), didactic, dramatization games, constructive games. Of particular importance for the development of children aged 2 to 7 years are creative or role-playing games. They are characterized by the following features:
The game is a form of active reflection by the child of the people around him.
A distinctive feature of the game is the very way that the child uses in this activity. The game is carried out by complex actions, and not by separate movements (as, for example, in work, writing, drawing).
The game, like any other human activity, has a social character, so it changes with the change in the historical conditions of people's lives.
The game is a form of creative reflection of reality by the child. While playing, children bring a lot of their own inventions, fantasies, and combinations into their games.
- The game is the operation of knowledge, a means of clarifying and enriching it, the way of exercise, and the development of the cognitive and moral abilities and forces of the child.
- In its expanded form, the game is a collective activity. All participants in the game are in a relationship of cooperation.
It is very important that educators use the elements of the plot as much as possible - role play: an imaginary situation, role-playing actions and dialogues, simple plots in which any toys are played out. In the independent play of preschoolers, these elements are interconnected in a single game process. The researchers proved that at the first stage of children's play activity, the necessary knowledge about the surrounding reality should be formed. The teacher teaches them to carry out game actions with objects, build role-playing relationships, develop the storyline of the game.
The use of a role-playing game in the ecological education of children is based on a number of theoretical positions expressed by well-known researchers, teachers and psychologists. So, according to A. V. Zaporozhets, the game is an emotional activity, and emotions affect not only the level of intellectual development, but also the mental activity of the child, his creative abilities. The inclusion of elements of a role-playing game in the process of forming children's ideas about nature creates emotional background, thanks to which preschoolers quickly learn new material.
It is known how multifaceted the game is, it teaches, develops, educates, socializes, entertains and gives rest. But historically, one of its first tasks is teaching. There is no doubt that the game, almost from the very first moments of its inception, acts as a form of education, as a primary school for reproducing real practical situations in order to master them, in order to develop the necessary human traits, qualities, skills and habits, and develop abilities.
Game learning has the same features as the game:
free developing activity undertaken at the direction of the teacher, but without his dictates and carried out by students at will, with pleasure from the very process of activity;
creative, improvisational, active in nature activity;
emotionally intense, elevated, competitive, competitive activity;
activities taking place within the framework of direct and indirect rules that reflect the content of the game and elements of social experience;
an activity that has an imitation character, in which the professional or social environment of a person's life is modeled.
activity, isolated by the place of action and duration, the framework of space and time.
The most important properties of the game include the fact that in the game and children act as they would act in the most extreme situations, at the limit of overcoming difficulties. Moreover, such a high level of activity is achieved by them, almost always voluntarily, without coercion.
A huge role in educating children in a consciously correct attitude to nature belongs to game situations.
1.3 Game situations as one of the leading methods of environmental education of preschool children.
The initial link in the upbringing of a careful attitude of preschoolers to nature is a system of specific knowledge that reflects the leading laws of wildlife: the diversity of species, their adaptability to the environment, changes in the process of growth and development, life in communities. The possibility of assimilation of such knowledge by children of preschool age has been proven by numerous domestic studies (pedagogical and psychological). The specificity of the knowledge system is its construction on a specific, limited in volume material that is accessible to children's observation, cognition through visual-figurative thinking. These provisions are the criteria for creating a developing ecological environment in a preschool educational institution.
IN joint activities, in all its forms, the attitude of the educator to the object of activity, which is manifested in his interested story, experiences, assessments, explanations and right action. An adult, by his behavior, creates an example of interaction with nature, an indifferent attitude towards it, demonstrates the necessity and significance of everything that happens in front of children. Joint activities of adults and preschoolers can be carried out in any "ecological space" indoors and on the site of the kindergarten.
The main method of ecological education of children is the method of observation. Observation is a method of sensory knowledge of nature. Provides direct contact with nature, living objects, the environment.
Another not unimportant method of ecological education of children is the game, which we will take as the basis for the formation of a careful attitude to nature. In the life of preschool children, play is a leading activity. The game is a peculiar way of assimilation of social experience, peculiar to preschool age. The game is a valuable activity for a preschooler, providing him with a sense of freedom, subordination of things, actions, relationships, allowing him to fully realize himself "here" and "now", achieve a state of complete emotional comfort, become involved in a children's society built on free communication of equals.
N. K. Krupskaya in many articles spoke about the importance of the game for the knowledge of the world, for the moral education of children. "... Amateur imitative play, which helps to master the impressions received, is of great importance, much more than anything else." The same idea is expressed by A.M. Bitter; “Play is the way for children to learn about the world they live in and which they are called to change.”
Thus, the game is an emotional activity: a playing child is in a good mood, active and friendly.
Practitioners have developed the principles, content and methods of environmental education of children, allowing to increase the learning effect of education, which is essentially a didactic game.
The use of didactic games as a means of developing preschool children has its roots far into the past. Thus, the tradition of widespread use of didactic games for the purpose of educating and educating children, established in the folk teacher, was developed in the works of scientists and in the practical activities of many teachers of the past F. Fröbel, M. Mantessori, E.I. Tikheeva, A.I. Sorokina and others. In essence, didactic games occupy a special place in every pedagogical system of preschool education.
In Soviet pedagogy, the system of didactic games was created in the 60s by well-known teachers and psychologists: L.A., Wenger, A.L. Usova, V.N. Avanesova and others.
At present, as in the past, great importance is attached to the didactic game. There is its clear effective impact on the intellect, on the formation of the ecological culture of the growing child, which confirms the experience of many years of practice of working with children, not only in the work of famous teachers, but also in the work of educators in general.
Thus, the didactic game contributes to:
development cognitive abilities; obtaining new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation; in the course of the game they assimilate socially developed means and methods of mental activity; in the process of didactic games, many complex phenomena (including natural phenomena) are divided into simple ones and vice versa, single ones are generalized; consequently, analytical and synthetic activities are carried out; some didactic games do not seem to bring anything new to the knowledge of children, but they are of great benefit in that they teach children to apply existing knowledge in new conditions. In the process of such games, children clarify, consolidate, expand their ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals. At the same time, games contribute to the development of memory, attention, observation; enable children to operate with the objects of nature themselves, to compare them, to note the change in individual external features.
- enrichment of the child's sensory experience, cause a certain emotional attitude to nature, while developing his mental abilities (the ability to compare, enrich, isolate individual features of objects, phenomena, compare them, group, classify objects and phenomena of the world around them according to certain common characteristics, features, express opinions, make inferences).
social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game, knowledge of the relationship between children, adults, objects of animate and inanimate nature takes place, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards camaraderie, learns to be fair, yield if necessary, help in trouble, learns to sympathize and etc.
The effectiveness of introducing children to nature to a large extent depends on their emotional attitude to the teacher who teaches, gives tasks - game (problem) situations, practical interaction with plants and animals. Therefore, the first point that combines two aspects of pedagogy (play and familiarization with nature) is to “immerse” children in their favorite activity and create a favorable emotional background for the perception of “natural” content. The second significant point is connected with the development of children's attitude to nature, which, within the framework of environmental education, is the end result.
Of great importance is the correct choice of pedagogical technologies to accompany the process of appropriation by children of the ecological subculture of childhood. As experience shows, neither slogans nor the best books and films are sufficient to form an active ecological consciousness. It is formed in the process of activity. Today, priority should be given to the technology of environmental education, in which a person acts as a subject of environmental relations. Therefore, we decided that we would revive the heroes of environmental games in creating game situations for the formation of a careful attitude of children to nature and the world around them.
In my work in the classroom, in joint activities, I use many means of environmental education (moving, creative, role-playing, etc. games; I conduct targeted observations with children, heuristic conversations, create search situations, conduct experimental experiments, research with them with elements of a problem situation; we solve entertaining and creative tasks, etc.,), but the most effective means of shaping the ecological culture of children, I think, are didactic games.
Conclusion on the first chapter
Preschool childhood is a very short period in a person's life, only the first six or seven years, but they are of lasting importance. During this period, development is more rapid and rapid than ever.
Thus, during the period of preschool childhood, the formation and development of the ecological culture of children takes place, and provided that this subculture is being formed qualitatively at the moment, the child will love, appreciate and protect the surrounding nature all his life, passing on his knowledge and skills to the next generations.
The main activity of preschool children is a game, during which the spiritual and physical strength of the child develops; his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity. In addition, the game is a peculiar way of assimilation of social experience, characteristic of preschool age. The essence of the game as the leading type of activity lies in the fact that children reflect in it various aspects of life, the characteristics of adult relationships, and clarify their knowledge of the surrounding reality.
A special place is occupied by a kind of game as a didactic one, which is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and independent play activities, and a means of comprehensive education of a child. In didactic games, not only the assimilation of educational knowledge, skills and abilities takes place, but also all the mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and skills develop. This game helps to make the educational material exciting, create a joyful working mood. The skillful use of the didactic game in the educational process facilitates it, because the game activity is familiar to the child, and the positive emotions caused by the game facilitate the learning process.

Ecological culture is one of the most acute problems of our time. Today, ecology is not only the science of the relationship of living organisms with each other and with the environment, it is a worldview. Knowledge about natural objects, phenomena and causal relationships between them, gradually emerging in preschool children, serves as the basis for the development of their understanding of the world as a whole and their attitude towards it. The purposeful expansion and deepening of this knowledge, the development of skills and abilities of practical interaction with nature is the basis for environmental education and upbringing of children.

The goal of environmental education: formation of ecological culture, ecological feelings and ecological activity.

Tasks of environmental education:

  1. Raising love for nature through direct communication with it, the perception of its beauty and diversity.
  2. Formation of knowledge about nature.
  3. The development of empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its preservation.

Justification of the topic.

The topic I have chosen, Play in Ecological Parenting, is important for a number of reasons:

  1. The game is the leading activity of children during preschool childhood, it enriches and develops the personality, therefore it should be as widely used in environmental education as in other areas of education.
  2. The game brings joy to the child, so the knowledge of nature, communication with it, taking place in the background, will be especially effective: the game creates optimal conditions for education and learning.
  3. The game is a way of comprehending the world around us and one's place in it, mastering the models of behavior corresponding to various situations.

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of the game to the development of the child, including the formation of his environmental awareness and environmental culture. While playing, the baby learns the many-sided world of nature, learns to communicate with animals and plants, interact with objects of inanimate nature, learns a complex system of relations with the environment.

In the game, the child is given the opportunity to solve many problems without fatigue, overstrain, emotional breakdowns. Everything happens easily, naturally, with pleasure, and most importantly in a situation of increased interest and joyful excitement.

A rather serious problem for preschool children is the assimilation of the rules of behavior in nature, as well as such moral norms as responsibility, disinterested help, compassion, and these norms are best assimilated in play activities. Trying on the roles of animals and plants in the game, recreating their actions and state, the child gets feelings for them, empathizes with them, which contributes to the development of environmental ethics in children.

So, while playing the game "Wintering Birds", children get acquainted with important ecological patterns: the influence of the amount and availability of food on the behavior and lifestyle of wintering birds; and wintering insects - from the reliability of their shelter in shelters. A child playing the role of a bird must find and collect the required amount of food within a certain time. Such games contribute to the development of ecological thinking, understanding that "everything in nature is interconnected." This method of didactic play allows children to clearly and convincingly demonstrate such environmental patterns, the essence of which is very difficult to explain in another way. Children love to play, they are happy to do a lot, since they turn to familiar games, game plots. Therefore, they gladly respond to offers to play, anticipating the joy of entertainment and not realizing that in fact they will learn. The child really plays and at the same time the learning process is carried out. If younger children are only able to name some animals, recognize them by their appearance, then older children can compare objects of nature, classify according to signs, evaluate the state of an animal, plants, human activities in nature, and recreate the image in parts. Educational games of natural history and ecological content are used primarily to clarify, consolidate, generalize and systematize knowledge.

Requirements for games of ecological content.

Games must be selected taking into account the patterns of development of children and those tasks of environmental education that are solved at this age stage. (Appendix 1. Games by age.)

The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice already acquired environmental knowledge and stimulate the assimilation of new ones.

Game actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature. (Appendix 2. Games by season.)

In order for the game to act as an effective means of environmental education for a preschooler, it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with previous and subsequent games. This will make it possible to predict what kind of experience the child will rely on, what new step will take place in his development.

Pedagogical management of games with ecological content.

When choosing the direction of the management of environmental games, one should take into account the fact that the special role of the game in education requires saturation of the entire life activity of children in the group with it. Therefore, I build the pedagogical process of environmental education in such a way that the game is included in all regime moments. It should also take into account its connection with the work of children in nature and learning in the classroom to get acquainted with the environment.

Based on the age characteristics of children, didactic games are selected for each age group that ensure the development of each child, the elements of his environmental consciousness, as well as clarifying and reinforcing knowledge about animate and inanimate nature. The game includes didactic toys, a variety of natural materials, ready-made board-printed games, various lotos, split pictures are used.

I also use outdoor games that combine with solving mental problems. In games such as "Find Your Mate", "Find Your House", children match a house or couple with leaflets attached to them, similar in color or shape to the one I chose. These games are convenient in that they can be played both with a group of children and with a subgroup. (Annex 5)

The direction of the pedagogical management of the work to familiarize children with living and inanimate nature through didactic play.

Creation of subject - game space. Determination of the place of the didactic game in the pedagogical process of familiarization with living and inanimate nature. Pedagogical selection and analysis of didactic games to get acquainted with animate and inanimate nature.
  1. Game environment.
  2. game material.
  3. Objects of nature.
  1. The complication of didactic tasks and the content of games.
  2. The content of various variations of didactic games.
  3. Inclusion of new games.
  1. Connection with the labor of children in nature.
  2. Communication with observation in the corner of nature and on the site.
  3. Linking with activities to familiarize yourself with the environment.

The distribution of games according to the didactic task.

For the convenience of using didactic games to get acquainted with plants and animals, they can be divided into groups according to didactic tasks.

Identification games
plants and animals.

Comparison Games
plants and animals.

Grouping games
plants and animals by
any sign.
(Annex 6)

Formation games
moral positions
child. (Annex 7)

Establishment games
connections and dependencies
in natural phenomena.

The selection and introduction of ecological games into the pedagogical process gradually and consistently expands children's ideas about wildlife, teaches them to use the existing knowledge to solve game problems, develops and improves such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, stimulates cognitive interest.

Games help to slowly and carefully introduce the child into the world of nature, give him the first necessary knowledge about it, arouse interest in its phenomena of change and diversity.


  1. L.M. Potapov. “A popular guide for teachers and parents “For children about nature, ecology in games”. Yaroslavl, 2000
  2. S.N. Nikolaev. "Ecologist in kindergarten" - a program for advanced training of preschool workers. Moscow, 2002
  3. O.A. Voronkevich. "Welcome to Ecology" - perspective plan work on the formation of ecological culture in young children. St. Petersburg, 2003

Game activity in the environmental education of preschoolers

A special role in environmental education and upbringing is occupied by the period of preschool childhood, when the foundations of a person's worldview are laid, his attitude to the world around him is formed. At preschool age, there are significant changes in the cognitive sphere of the child. The figurative nature of thinking, specific to preschool age, is determined by the fact that the child establishes connections and relationships between objects, primarily on the basis of direct impressions.

In itself, the presence of ecological ideas does not guarantee the ecologically expedient behavior of the individual. This also requires an appropriate relationship with nature. It determines the nature of the goals of interaction with nature, its motives, the willingness to act from the point of view of environmental expediency. Already in the process of mastering ecological ideas in children, an emotional attitude to the flora and fauna is formed.

It seems to me that the most important indicator of ecological education of older preschoolers is their participation in activities that are environmentally oriented, in the process of which ecological ideas are deepened and consolidated and an active humane attitude towards nature is manifested. At the same time, it is necessary to explain to children that wildlife does well without human activity, it lives according to its own laws.

I think that natural objects should be taken care of rather in the environment changed by people: in the city, in the park, and in the conditions preschool- on the site, in a living corner. Consequently, children can help plants and animals living next to a person: trees in parks, a site, plants in flower beds, city birds starving in winter, that is, those whose well-being depends on people's actions.

It is very important that by the time the child enters school, he is mature not only physically and socially, but also has reached a certain level of mental and emotional-volitional development. The child must master mental operations, be able to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the world around him, be able to plan his activities and exercise self-control. On this basis, an ecological culture of the individual should be formed, aimed at harmonizing the relationship between man and nature.

A rather serious problem for preschool children is the assimilation of the rules of behavior in nature, as well as such moral norms as responsibility, disinterested help, compassion, and these norms and rules are best assimilated in play activities. The child not only plays himself, but also watches the games of other children. Thus, the prerequisites for the formation of conscious behavior in nature and society, self-control over actions and deeds arise, that is, there is a practical development of moral norms and rules of behavior.

However, it should be borne in mind that not every game is ecological in its goals and content. Here are a number of requirements in accordance with which the selection of games for environmental education of preschoolers can be carried out.

Games must be selected taking into account the patterns of development of children and those tasks of environmental education that are solved at this age stage.

The game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice already acquired environmental knowledge and stimulate the assimilation of new ones.

Game actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature.

Preference is given to those games that allow solving not only the problems of environmental education, but also provide a solution to the general problems of the upbringing and development of the child.

In order for the game to act as an effective means of environmental education for preschoolers, it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with previous and subsequent games. This will make it possible to predict what kind of experience the child will rely on, what new step will take place in his development.

Classification of games.

Various principles can be used to classify ecological games:

According to specific characteristics;

By thematic distribution of content;

According to the form of organization and measure of regulation;

Direction of action.

According to specific characteristicsdistinguish between creative games and games with rules. They, in turn, are divided into subgroups:

Creative Games:




Games with rules:



By thematic distribution of contentthere is the following classification:

Games on the theme "Wildlife";

Games on the theme "Inanimate nature".

According to the form of organization and measure of regulation allocate:

Independent play activity of the child;

Joint play activities with the teacher(under the guidance of an adult).

By direction of action are divided into:



Transformation games(simulation);



Games with rules are of great developmental importance for preschoolers - mobile, plot-moving, didactic(desktop-printed, verbal, etc.). The central element of such games is the rules, they are the main factor in the developmental impact on children. The rules encourage the child to be active: to focus their attention on the game task, to quickly respond to the game situation, to obey the circumstances.

Among the variety of games with rules for preschoolers, I pay special attention to didactic games. The name itself - didactic - suggests that the purpose of these games is the mental development of children.

By the nature of the material used, didactic games can be conditionally divided into games with objects, board games and word games.

Object games are games with a folk didactic toy, various natural materials(leaves, seeds). These games contribute to the development of the child's sensory skills, the formation of ideas about various sensory qualities.(color, size, etc.). Board-printed games are aimed at clarifying ideas about the environment, systematizing knowledge, developing memory, thought processes. Board-printed games include lotto, dominoes, split pictures, folding cubes, etc. Word games develop attention, quick wits, quick response, and coherent speech.

To increase the interest of the children of my group in the didactic game and natural objects, I introduce an element of competition or a problem situation.

In order to support the desire of preschoolers to reflect the environmental ideas and gaming skills obtained in didactic games in independent play activities, in the group in separate corners posted material for organizing children's games of environmental content(tablets depicting natural areas, pictures depicting plants, animals, herbariums, etc.). Thus, the growing interest of preschoolers in nature is satisfied, the previously obtained ideas are concretized.

Through role-playing games environmental theme I try to evoke an emotional response, to influence the formation of the correct attitude towards objects of the plant and animal world. Ecological knowledge that evoked an emotional reaction in children is more likely to enter into their independent play activity and become its content than knowledge, the impact of which affects only the intellectual side of the preschooler's personality.

In the formation of an emotionally interested attitude towards nature in children, I use not only didactic and plot-role-playing, but also all other types of games.

A large group of games with rules are mobile and mobile-didactic games. They are based on a variety of movements - walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc.

The methodology for conducting outdoor games is similar to the methodology for conducting didactic games and is aimed at gradually developing in children the ability to independently organize these games.

With verbal and didactic games I try to brighten up leisure, a walk in the rain, forced waiting. It does not require any conditions, equipment. These games intensively develop thinking: flexibility and dynamism of ideas, the ability to attract and use existing knowledge, the ability to compare and combine objects according to a variety of characteristics, develop attention, speed of reaction.

The games in riddles-descriptions are very interesting for children - in them they exercise the ability to highlight the characteristic features of an object, call them words, and educate attention.

Creative games include dramatization games and building-constructive games. They have the main features of creative games: the presence of a plan, a combination of role-playing and real actions and relationships and other elements of an imaginary situation, as well as the independence and self-organization of children.

We organize dramatization games with children on the basis of a literary work: the plot of the game, roles, actions of the characters, their speech is determined by the text of the work. The presence of a predetermined plot and roles brings the dramatization game closer to games that have ready-made rules.

Construction and constructive games are a kind of creative game. In them, children reflect their knowledge and impressions of the surrounding objective world, independently do various things, erect buildings, structures, but in a very generalized and schematized form.

In building and constructive games, I teach how to replace some objects with others: buildings are built from specially created building materials and constructors, or from natural materials - sand, snow.

I noticed that children like improvisation games, in which they can depict the crown of a tree, a gust of wind with the help of movements. Such games are possible only after repeated observations and testing of various movements.

Ecological games make it possible to shift the focus from the assimilation of ready-made knowledge by preschoolers to an independent search for solutions to the proposed game tasks, which contributes to mental education. I am trying to create a positive emotional background for the formation of children's aesthetic feelings, using natural objects and their images in games.

So, the game is not only entertainment, but also a method by which young children get to know the world around them. The smaller the children, the more often the game is used as a method of educational work with them.

In didactic games, we often use natural objects of nature.(vegetables, fruits, flowers, stones, seeds, dry fruits), pictures depicting plants and animals, board games and all kinds of toys. Didactic games with the natural material of nature or its images are the main way of sensory education, development cognitive activity. Games are held in the classroom, excursions, walks at a time specially allotted for them.

The games I use in my classes help children learn the qualities of objects and clarify the ideas received in the process of observing nature.

Leading children to the classification of objects on the basis of already existing specific ideas can be helped by didactic games in which you need to combine objects according to a common feature: name what grows in a forest or garden; pick up pictures that reflect some time of the year; collect pictures with images of birds, animals, fish, trees.

Didactic games need to be gradually complicated. So, for example, I first recognize objects by their appearance, then by touch, then by description, and, finally, by answers to the questions posed to the riddle. The most difficult is the combination of objects according to common features and guessing objects by answering questions.

During the didactic game with plants, I set a goal for myself: to cultivate a caring attitude towards them.

In numerous games with sand, water, snow, stones, I introduce children to the quality and properties of natural materials. Walking with children in the forest plantation, I try to draw their attention to knots, dry branches, roots, which in their outlines resemble birds and animals. Gradually, children begin to look at natural material and look for in it similar to familiar objects. This makes them very happy and contributes to the development of observation, imagination.

In games, children repeat what they observed, consolidate their knowledge and acquired skills. Watching the game, I try to provide the children with the necessary items, help to correctly resolve emerging issues, and correct misconceptions. It is very important that the game is not imposed on children, and that they reproduce in it only what they themselves perceived.

Summarizing all the above, we can formulate the following main conclusions: games of ecological content help the child to see the uniqueness and integrity of not only a certain living organism, but also an ecosystem. Realize the impossibility of violating its integrity and originality.

Based on this, in my work with children, I use didactic games of ecological content, which ensure not only the efficiency of preschoolers mastering the ideas about the rules of behavior in nature, but also their observance in real interaction with nature. Control over their observance on my part and on the part of peers helps to prevent the negative actions of children in the natural environment and to educate preschoolers in a conscious attitude to the living.

Cognitive natural history proverbs, sayings, finger games, physical education minutes and games.

Proverbs and sayings about the seasons.


The frost is not great - but the nose turns red.

In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines, but it does not warm.

Snow will inflate - bread will arrive.

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

Snow to the earth-nurse is like a warm casing.


Spring is rich in water.

Whoever is happy to work in the spring will be rich in the fall.

Spring day feeds the whole year.

You sow just right - you will gather a mountain of grain.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies.

Spring and autumn - eight weather per day.


Summer is bad when there is no sun.

Harvest time is precious: there is no peace for anyone here.

Summer gathers and winter eats.

June has come - colorful - there is no end to work.

What you collect in August, you will spend the winter with it.


In the autumn bad weather, seven weathers in the yard.

Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and full.

Autumn day missed - the harvest was lost.

Autumn time is a bird from the yard.

Thunder in September - warm autumn.

October thunder - to a snow-white winter.

Late leaf fall - to a harsh long winter.

When the goose flies away, snow falls.

Proverbs about the forest:

The plant is an ornament of the earth.

Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world.

Walk through the forest - look under your feet.

The forest is not a school, but teaches everyone.

Forest and water - brother and sister.

A lot of forest - do not destroy,

Little forest - take care,

There is no forest - plant.

And the forest makes more noise when there are a lot of trees.

The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

Proverbs about nature:

Protect birds, animals and always help them!

Whoever destroys nature does not love his people.

Who knows how to be kind, he will be able to protect and love nature.

Finger games:

"Let's Plant Flowers"

We'll dig a hole and plant a seed.

The rain will pour, it will grow.

First the stem, then the flower.

Our red flowers spread their petals.

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our red flowers cover their petals

They shake their heads and fall asleep quietly.


Lots of plants all over the place.

Near the river, on the pond, in the meadow and in the garden.

In the spring morning they open their petals.

All petals beauty and nourishment

Together they give roots underground.

Fingers clenched into a fist, tightly pressed to each other, slowly rise up to a height thumb- the plant grows. The back sides of the palms are connected, the fingers are lowered down - the root of the plant.

Physical education minutes:

"Walking in the Forest"

The children were walking in the forest

Watching nature

Looked up at the sun

And their rays warmed.

Butterflies flew

They waved their wings.

A bee sat on the nose.

Look down friends.

We lifted the leaves

They picked up berries in the palm of their hand.

Well we walked!

And a little tired.

"The Frogs"

Two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs.

Washed early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel

paws stomped,

Right, left leaning

And they returned back.

Here is the secret of health.

To all friends - physical education greetings!

Forest rules.

If you came to the forest to walk, to breathe fresh air,

Run, jump and play, just mind you, don't forget

That in the forest you can not make noise, even sing very loudly.

Animals will be frightened - they will run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches. Never forget

Clean up trash from the grass. In vain, flowers should not be torn.

Do not shoot from a slingshot: they come to the forest to rest.

Butterflies let them fly, well, who do they interfere with?

Here you do not need to catch everyone, stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

Nature games.

"Flies, swims, runs"

The teacher shows or names an object of wildlife to the children. Children should depict the way this object moves. For example: at the word "bunny" children begin to run or jump in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.

"I know" (ball game)

Children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names the class of natural objects(animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child who caught the ball says: “I know 5 names of animals” and lists(for example: elk, fox, wolf, hare, deer)and returns the ball to the teacher. The teacher throws the ball to the second child and says: "Birds." The child catches and names 5 birds, etc.

"Air, Earth, Water"(ball game)

The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "magpie". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. To the word "dolphin" the child answers "water", to the word "wolf" - "earth", etc.

Another version of this game is possible: the teacher calls the word "air". The child who caught the ball must name the bird. On the word "earth" - an animal that lives on earth; to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas and oceans.


The educator has in his hands a subject picture depicting an object of living and inanimate nature. Transferring the picture, first the teacher, and then each child in a chain, names one attribute of this object, so as not to repeat. For example: "squirrel" - an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnaws nuts, jumps from branch to branch, etc.

"Choose what you want"

Subject cards are scattered on the table. The teacher names some property or feature, and the children must choose as many objects as possible that have this property. For example: “green” - these can be pictures of a leaf, tree, cucumber, cabbage, grasshopper, etc. Or: "wet" - water, dew, cloud, fog, hoarfrost, etc.

"What it is?"

The teacher thinks of an object of animate or inanimate nature and begins to list its features. If the children guessed it, they guess the next item, if not, then the list of signs increases. For example: an “egg” is oval, white, fragile, often liquid inside, nutritious, can be found in a peasant yard, in a forest, chicks hatch from it.

"In my garden"

Children in a circle call vegetables that can grow in the garden in the garden.(tomato, cucumber, eggplant, carrot, etc.).

Another version of this game is also possible: children have pictures that can depict both vegetables growing in the garden and other objects of living and inanimate nature. For example: plantain, sparrow, etc. The child must justify what these objects are doing in his garden. For example: a sparrow - pecks caterpillars from our cabbage, I left the plantain to be treated, etc.

"Protect the environment"

On the table are pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, the sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: we remove a bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, with a person, with plants, etc.