
Dedicated to the day of the defender of the fatherland. Defender of the Fatherland Day: the history of the holiday, poems. The history of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day


Elena Kitaeva

Project dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Project type: short

Project objectives:

To expand, generalize and systematize the knowledge of preschoolers about the Russian Army and public holiday"Defender of the Fatherland Day";

Cause a desire to be like strong, brave, brave warriors, their dads;

To introduce and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about military professions;

To cultivate respect, gratitude for people, defenders of the Motherland;

Develop cognitive activity, creativity, communication skills.

Project goals:

Raising moral and patriotic feelings in children preschool age;

Involving parents of pupils in active participation in the project.

Project participants:

Children of the senior group;


Parents of pupils;

Musical director.

Project stages:

I. Preparatory - creating a problem.

II. Organizational - development of an action plan.

III. Practical - project implementation.

IV. The final one is the results of the work on the project.

Social and communicative development Role-playing games "We are sailors", "Military parade", "Pilots"

Didactic games“What a sailor, border guard, pilot needs” (pick up a picture); "Whose military uniform"

Creation of a mini-museum Military equipment»

Creation of the wall newspaper "We are proud of our dads"

cognitive development Examination of illustrations and posters "Military equipment", "Our Army"

Speech development Conversations “Why do we need the Army”, “Where did my dad serve”, “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Military professions”

Guessing riddles about the military.

Reading fiction: A. Markusha “I am a soldier and you are a soldier”, A. Belyaev “I want to be a military sailor”, N. Nikolsky “What tankers can do”, S. Mikhalkov "We are also military"

Memorizing poems, preparing for the holiday.

Artistic and aesthetic development Painting: "Portrait of the Pope".

Paper construction:"Airplanes", "Ships".

Application: manufacturing greeting cards for dads and grandpas.

Teamwork:"Military equipment"

Listening to songs:"Katyusha", "Military March" by G. Sviridov.

Song learning"Dad can", " brave soldiers» sl. T. Volgina, music. Fillipenko; "Let's serve in the Army"

Physical developmentConversation"How to Become Strong"

Outdoor games"Snipers", "Sharpshooter", "Who is faster", "Obstacle Course"

End product of the project.

1. Joint leisure "Our Army is strong, it protects the world"

2. Exhibition teamwork"Our Army"

3. Exhibition of works "Portrait of the Pope"

4. Wall newspaper "We are proud of our dads"

5. Organization of a mini-museum of military equipment.

Related publications:

On February 19, our group hosted the Gentleman Show holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. My "Bees" diligently prepared.

Concert dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" Children enter the hall. Vedas. 1: Hello holiday! Hello holiday! Boys and Dads Day! Everyone.

"Bogatyr Rhymes". Holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day The purpose of the holiday: to promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships; introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

"We are all sailors." Holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day Goals and objectives: Purpose: To form children's ideas about the Russian army, about the soldiers who protect our Motherland Tasks: To involve.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day"I WANT THE BOYS TO SERVE IN THE ARMY!" The hall is decorated with flags, balls. Flag on the central wall Russian Federation. There is music, children.

Sports and music festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day Form: sports and music festival. Venue: Music Hall. Participants: children, parents, teachers. Goals: 1. Fix submissions.

February 20 passed sports holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Children and parents of the group "Kuvshinka" took part in the holidays.

Sports and entertainment event dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day "Forward, boys!"

Target: improvement of physical education, development of physical culture and sports. This event was developed for children of senior preschool age and may be useful in the work of kindergarten teachers, instructors in physical culture.
Equipment and materials: decals - circles of red and of blue color; skittles, hoops, large rubber balls”, 2 plastic baskets, tennis balls, 2 brooms, 2 scoops, 2 buckets, small pieces of paper; 2 drawing paper, paper flowers, petals, glue; cards with military ranks.

Event progress:

To the music, the girls enter the hall and sit on the chairs. Then, marching proudly, the boys enter. They march around the music hall with marching steps and also sit down.
1 girl: Another snowball sparkles in winter,
The creak of the sleigh is still sharp,
But every morning the song of the tit
It becomes softer and longer.
2 girl: So, February is almost over.
More and more often we hear cheerful drops.
And the river ice is not so strong now,
And we are not afraid of a snow blizzard
3 girl: The sun beam makes us laugh and teases,
We are having fun this morning.
Winter gives us a ringing holiday,
What holiday, kids?
4 girl: The holiday of all our Soldiers -
That's what this day means!
Day of brave defenders
Yes, and just all the guys!
After all, each of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!
Host: We congratulate all men
With such a wonderful day "men's"!
Rich life pictures!
Happy, difficult, long roads
We wish you all!
Host: Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a special holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 23, all of Russia will congratulate men - your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army. Show presentation
1st child: Russian warrior saves
home country peace and glory.
He is on duty, and our people
Proud of the army by right.
2nd child: The army's birthday is today.
She is not stronger in the world.
Hello defenders of the people.
Russian army.
3rd child: For everything we have now.
For our every happy hour
Thank you brave soldiers
That defended the world once.
The song "We walk like soldiers" is performed

Host: How proudly the words sound: "Defender of the Fatherland"! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready to defend our Motherland and us at any moment. Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and courageous.
Let's now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts, we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.

Moderator: Now we will funny contests to make sure once again that all the boys are already preparing for military service. To make the contests fun and provocative, we will divide the boys into two teams. To do this, we will attach decals to them - red and blue circles, so that everyone can find their team.
Host: As you know, the day for soldiers begins with a rise. They get up, dress quickly, and quickly get into line. Let's try it too.

Relay "Rota, Rise!"
At the command of the presenter: "Company, rise!" the boys get up from their seats and quickly line up in lines, according to the color of the circles.

Host: After breakfast, the soldiers will have various activities: drill and physical training, study of the charter, competitions in strength and dexterity, and much more.

Leading: Cause - time, hour - fun.
Team 1 to the right
Here the second stand!
The competition has begun.
1 competition "We train legs"- go goose step to the finish line, run back.
2 competition "Who is faster?"- crawl along the bellies to the finish line, run back.

3 competition "Crossing". Before you is a river, and you need to cross to the other side. The first participant - swimming (running), holding a ferry (hoop) in his hands, captures the next player, runs back. Remains on the beach. And the second one runs after the third one, and so on.
4 competition "Minefield". Before you is a field with mines (hoops in which there are skittles). You must clear it - hit the hoop with the ball.
Moderator: A soldier must be able to shoot well, hit right on target. I invite new recruits to the shooting range.
5 competition "Sharpshooter"(relay race). All teams are built in two lines.

Host: A plastic basket is placed in front of you at some distance and you are given balls (tennis or similar). Each of you must throw the ball into the basket. Whichever team hits the most number of times wins.
(Each participant throws one time. Throw in pairs - the participant and his opponent).

Host: All the defenders of the country
Today we congratulate.
This dance is without a doubt
It will lift everyone's spirits.
And so, a musical break.

The children are dancing. "White Capless"

6 contest "Clean up the order" (one of the team)
Presenter: Finely torn pieces of paper are scattered on the floor (in two places), the boys are given brooms, scoops and a trash can - for each team. Your task is to quickly collect the garbage. The winner is the representative of the team that quickly removes everything and puts them in a bucket. (The difficulty is that small pieces of paper fly under the scoop and are more difficult to remove. In addition, you can allow the rest of the team to help.)
7 competition "Report to the headquarters." You have to go unnoticed. Apply dexterity and skill. Take turns with the package to crawl through the hoop without hitting the bell; walk on a gymnastic stick; jump over the cube; running back. Then pass the packet to the next one.
Host: Well, our boys did an excellent job with this task. The main thing is that there are no losers today. Now you can relax! Boys, invite your beautiful fans to the Polka dance!
Host: Well done guys! Service is not easy. Soldiers must be strong, agile, hardy. But no matter how difficult it is, it always helps good song.

1st child: Our grandfathers and fathers
They are also good soldiers.
We will grow up with you
We will be in the native army
2nd child: To be the best soldier
It's not enough to be tough
Nothing that is small in stature
But cheerful and daring!
3rd child: Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
Served in the army.
4th child: So, too, a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!
5th child: For me, you are the main one.
Don't let me fall
I am the glorious homeland
Small part.
6th child: I will try to be daring
And I can be cheerful
I will be the best singer
In our company and in the regiment!
Children sing the song "About dad"
Leading: And now the floor is given to our girls.
1st girl: On a February day, a frosty day
Everyone celebrates the holiday.
Girls on this glorious day
The boys are congratulated.
2nd girl: We will not give you flowers -
They are not given to boys.
Girls a lot of kind words
They will leave you in your hearts.
3rd girl: When your brawls.
We look at your fights
We believe: with your preparation
We will always defeat the enemy!
4th girl: Let it bloom under the eye
Bruise purplish blue
Teaching is hard.
The fight will be much easier.
5th girl: Therefore, friends, let's
With all my heart, without further ado
Protect us from all adversity.
But only, chur, without bruises.
6th girl: Listen, boys, us.
Accept congratulations!
We know this day and hour
It's almost your birthday!
7th girl: We wish you forever:
So that life is not shy.
May it be with you forever
Boyish courage!
8th girl: And all the obstacles on the way
Overcome you together!
But first, grow up
And you need to grow up
9th girl: Our pugnacious half
We send our congratulations.
There are reasons for congratulations
Hurray for the defenders of the country!
Girls: Whoa! Hooray! Hooray!
The girls invite the boys to dance. "Katyusha"

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Goals and objectives of the event:

  • To instill patriotism, a sense of civic duty, honor, and self-respect.
  • Develop interest in history of the Fatherland, expand the horizons of students in the field of historical knowledge, cultivate the continuity of national martial traditions.
  • To educate humanism, tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities.
  • Raise the cultural and moral level of students.
  • Preserve the continuity of memory as a moral obligation, a human and historical duty.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, speakers, presentation (app1).

Registration: along the walls there are stands with information about fellow countrymen who participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya, newspapers and students' drawings dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Event scenario

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.(Slide 1)

We welcome all of you in this room for a lesson in "courage" that we have called "The moment between the past and the future." Soon we will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, and on February 15 the whole country celebrates the Day of Internationalist Warriors. And today, sacredly honoring the memory of our grandfathers who won the Great Patriotic War, we will talk about those who had to take up arms in peacetime, fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

2. Against the background of the song “The combatant is awarded the order” performed by M. Muromov slideshow 2 - 10 presentations, reading a poem (Slide 11):

Again a peaceful dawn, silence.
And silently goes around the planet
Spring returned to people!
Life is full of dreams and accomplishments
And beautiful, and difficult is our way!
But a generation that did not know wars,
Don't forget anything.

3. Literary and musical composition.

Presenter 1: There are events whose meaning does not fade from the inexorable run of time and which, after decades, are not erased from people's memory. The memory of these events is timeless - carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation, it survives for centuries. Memory is the link between the past and the future.

Presenter 2: Almost 69 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. Many events took place during that troubled time. The world remembers the unbending courage of the Brest Fortress, Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Kerch, Tula, Smolensk, Murmansk, Stalingrad. But cities become heroes only when their defenders become heroes.

“Father, tell me about the past war,
I asked, playing shoulder straps.
How did you ride a horse in Berlin
With a dashing Cossack squadron.
Taking out an embroidered pouch from his pocket,
rolling a cigarette very quickly,
Father gave me a detailed answer,
How he fought with a fascist pack.
How the Fritz killed a dashing horse,
As he walked through military thunderstorms ...
And for a long time they stood in my eyes
Paternal tears.

Further, materials are given about the Great Patriotic War (slides 12 - 23), about the inhabitants of the area - participants in hostilities, partisan movement, home front workers. The floor is given to the guest of honor - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

“Father, tell me about the last war, -
My son once asked me. -
You were taken from Afghanistan on armor,
You have been presented to the order twice.”
Taking out fragments of grenades from a handkerchief,
Where do I keep them all the time?
I told my son that there is a city of Herat -
Pearl of Afghanistan.
And there, protecting the Afghan people,
We fought to the death with the “spirits”...
He and I commemorated my dead platoon
And they hugged each other tightly.

(Slide 25) Presenter 1: February 15 marked the 23rd anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. This war left a deep imprint in the hearts and souls of people in each of the former Soviet republics: almost 14.5 thousand dead, about 54 thousand wounded, more than 400 people were missing or were captured by the Mujahideen.

(Slide 26) Host 2: The Afghan war... Despite the fact that the attention of the world community is more drawn to other regional armed conflicts, the Afghan problem still remains one of the most acute in the world.

(Slide 27) Student 1: Remembering the service in Afghanistan is difficult, difficult. Few returned to their homeland. We paid dearly for this world. But we must look at this war as part of the historical past and draw useful conclusions.

(Slide 28) Student 2: The guys who passed the test of Afghan probably got something in return. A person who has looked into the face of death and, God forbid, treason, has better learned the price of life, love, friendship. We recognize those who served in Afghanistan not only by order stripes. We recognize them by their calm and firm faces. These are people you can always rely on.

(Slide 29) Host 2:

This is my time.
I don't know better times.
This will is mine.
I do not know the will more freely.
It's driven into the desert
Landing native battalion
And pain in the homeland -
There is no worse and sweeter pain than that.
I don't ask for anything.
And will anything come from the earth?
We are your students.
Lessons are commanded to the heart.
On the dark edge
Where the nomads passed through darkness,
The desert is making noise to me
That my terrible terms will come
Take me until your last breath
My time!
So that my work will serve the rest of the house.
Let it fly sideways, not knowing the feasts, crows,
Crane nests crown native mansions.
And when the sleepless rockfall
And upturned mouths
We'll hit the night
Lighting signal candles
Us love and hope
It will lead you along the black sands,
Leaving our bloody notches on the dunes.
And for a fraction to live and stand in the iron wind,
And for the bitterness of the fields of yellow-eyed Afghanistan,
I will die as a nameless fog on the old border.
Nameless star!
You are in Tambov, forgive me, mom ...

(Slide 31) Presenter 1: Among the Afghan soldiers there are also our countrymen. Our guest....

(Word to the participant of the Afghan war).

(Slide 32) Host 2: The Afghan war was heroic and tragic not only because of the obelisks, it lasted 2.5 times longer than the Great Patriotic War. Not announced by anyone and no one, it requires deep reflection.

Presenter 1: Battles end, but history is eternal. The Afghan war has also gone down in history. But for a long time, the voices of the dead and the living will disturb us all - wars do not pass without a trace.

Demonstration of a clip about military operations in Afghanistan against the background of M. Muromov's song "Afghanistan"

"Father, tell me about the last war, -
My grandson is talking to his son. -
After all, you fought in this very Chechnya,
The bandit shot you in the back.”
And my son told his son,
How fell, covering a soldier,
How death cheat helped him
Field medical battalion doctors.
How the battalion commander took him out of the battlefield,
And the forces saved the young ...
Three women, listening, sit silently,
All three are gray for some reason ...

(Slide 34) Host 2: It is difficult to find another state on the planet that had to fight as much in the last millennium as Russia. Out of 537 years from the time of the Battle of Kulikovo until the moment of exit from World War I, our compatriots spent 334 years in battles and campaigns. At the same time, out of 170 war years in the 10th-19th centuries, they fought on their own land, defending themselves from aggression, more than 150, and in the 20th century out of 15 - 9, including the Great Patriotic War. And the military operation of the Russian army and internal troops in Chechnya has not yet been erased from our memory, continues to excite our soul, makes us comprehend what is happening in history today.

Student 3:

I'm looking for a tiny dot on the map,
Watered with lead and blood, a whirlpool.
To insert into a political line
Short name - Bamut.
I close the atlas, I open it again...
I have pain and heaviness in my heart.
So here it is - that fatal point.
Who knew her yesterday? She is Chechnya.

(Slide 35) Student 4: The beginning of the first stage in Chechnya is dated December 31, 1994. Its end is August 1996. And during this period, hostilities first subsided, then flared up again with renewed vigor. The assault on Grozny cost our troops more than 1,000 men killed and 2,500 wounded. Argun, Gudermes, Shali, Samashki were taken. in just one day, losses reached 50 people killed and 250 people wounded.

(Slide 36) Student 5: In war, everyone has their own path and their own destiny, although not everyone manages to choose it on their own. There were those who died with honor and there were those who killed dishonorably. There were winners, there were losers. They were just survivors.

(Slide 37) Host 2: War is a grave disaster for the very essence of the human person. A test that is difficult to even imagine without experiencing it personally.

Presenter 1: Today our guest is a participant in hostilities in Chechnya ...

(Word to the guest).

Student 6:

Everything has its time ... And maybe that's the point
Everything will live. The country will heal the wounds.
And that's why he leaves early
A squad of friends in an unsafe way.

Presenter 2: There were many victories for our troops ...

And on the roads in the gorges, our convoys regularly burned ... At the end of May 1996, they started talking about peace.

Presenter 1: Chechens have returned to peaceful human life. There was light in the houses. Buses ply along the destroyed neighborhoods.

(Slide 38) Host 2: Too mournful price for the world - human lives. The casualties on both sides (military, civilians, militants) amounted to 12.7 thousand people killed, about 15 thousand injured. Over 60 missing...

More than 60,000 residential buildings and administrative buildings, 20 km of railways were completely or partially destroyed.

Presenter 1: Many families of military personnel who died in peacetime live in our region today. Too fresh and deep are the wounds inflicted by the war.

(Slide 39) Presenter 2: The 20th century is often called stormy, tough. So it has become for Russian history. Wars, one way or another, touched every generation: someone fought with weapons in their hands, someone saw off loved ones to the war, someone mourned the dead.

Presenter 1: Today, the task of combating terrorism is relevant for our country. Russia is facing a global crime explosion. Terrorism is familiar to our generation not from history. The scale of casualties and destruction is on the rise.

(Slide 40) Student 7: The massacre in Beslan is a sabotage and terrorist operation, the immediate purpose of which was the public destruction of the maximum number of Russian citizens, and precisely the most defenseless - children and women, and precisely in front of their relatives.

(Slide 41) Student 8: The terrorists persistently demonstrated cruelty. Their actions were clearly planned and prepared. At present, the issue of terrorism is becoming more and more global. What awaits humanity if terrorist attacks follow in other regions of the world?

(Slide 42) Host 2: Years will pass. Much will be forgotten, wounds will heal. There will be poems and songs that tell about the fortitude and courage of the Russian soldier.

Student 9: We, the younger generation, should not forget what our fathers and grandfathers had to endure during the war years. It is necessary to honor the memory of those who did not return from the front and died defending our lives in peacetime.

Host 2:

Let's be silent over the memory of friends,
The ones we won't see again
We will not hear those who, with their whole lives
Together with us, he went into the world to come.
We will be silent not because we
Nothing to say about the departed...
We'll call them by name...
Like alive, living in the present!
Let's be silent to talk about them
Not a cold, indifferent word.
So that they are resurrected even for a moment
With all the sound of a living voice!

Host 1: A moment of silence.

(Slide 43) Presenter 1: I believe that each of us has a duty. Even if we very rarely think about it. Duty to the country, duty to comrades, duty to conscience...

Presenter 2: Debt? And if a person’s heart is not warmed by love for one’s neighbor, for the Motherland, if the heart does not know the warm word “fatherland”? If the conscience is swollen with fat, and they don’t give a damn about relatives ... What to do then?

Presenter 1: Let's put on one scale the ideal that our people have been striving for for centuries, and on the other - laziness, indifference, satiety, in a word, our modern egoism. What will drag? Listen to these verses!

Host 2:

But life will pass, dissipating like smoke.
The dying moment will leave me as a gift
For courage - an example to the young.
And the memory of the remaining cinder
Illuminate a second of being -
The border between life and death
And then only I will be right
To speak on equal terms with immortality.
And standing at the source of purity
And turning to the past and to eternity,
I AM I ask the world of beauty
And for people - sincere cordiality.

Presenter 1: Let our meeting be a kind of monument to everyone who gave us the opportunity to live on this earth, arrange our happiness and carry the baton of goodness, peace, humanism, the baton between the past and the future! ( Presentation of flowers to guests).

(Slide 44) Demonstration of a clip about the Russian army “Our Army”

(Slide 45)

List of used materials

  1. Kolotiy S.V. Literary and musical composition “Between the Past and the Future” / “Lessons of Courage: Methods of organization, scenarios; Grades 5–11”. Compiled by T.M. Kumitskaya, O.E. Zhirenko / M: 5 for knowledge - 2008.
  2. N.I. Eremenko. “ cool watch. Grade 11 ”(Class hour“ Young men of Russia swear) / Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2005.
  3. Internet resources:
  • photographs and drawings of relevant subjects;
  • video “Afghan - 200”;
  • video “My Army”;
  • music files;
  • separate fragments of presentations:

4) “Afghan war 1979–1989. Scenario 2” /unknown author/ (slides 26, 29, 30, 31).

Note. The file with the video “Afghan-200” with the inserted sound file “Mikhail Muromov. Afghanistan".

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

competitive entertainment program dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland (with musical accompaniment) addressed to teachers elementary school and educators to jointly conduct with primary school students and their parents in order to familiarize themselves with the history of the holiday and congratulations.

Target: to introduce students to the history of the holiday and congratulate the future defenders of the Fatherland.

Tasks: to promote the unity of the class team and a positive attitude towards classmates and comrades, the formation of motivation for the active participation of fathers in raising children in the family and the rapprochement of children and parents. Promote development creativity students.
Formation of citizenship and patriotism among students. Raising love for one's motherland.

Equipment: emblems for teams (2 types), certificates, 2 hoops, 2 balls, 2 buckets, 2 sets of letters, chalk, 2 toy tanks (cars), 2 relay sticks, 2 envelopes with proverbs, 2 A3 sheets, 10 stoppers from plastic bottles, balloons by the number of players.

Conduct form: competitive program.

Preparation for the event. During the preparation, children learn poems, choose the names of teams and mottos. The hall is being decorated: flowers, balloons, posters. Invitations for parents are being prepared. Fathers also participate in teams with children. Music and songs are played during the event. At the end of the festival, the jury summarizes the results and awards the winners. 2 teams are participating.

Event progress

Leading. Today our entire country is celebrating a solemn holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. For the first time this holiday appeared in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army. Since then, every year February 23 has been celebrated as Red Army Day. Since 1946 it has become known as the Day Soviet army and the Navy. Now this day of military glory has been preserved. But now this day is called - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Dear defenders of the Fatherland: past, present and future. Accept congratulations on the holiday from everyone who sleeps peacefully every night, works calmly, who does not even think about the litigation of military service and joyfully strolls through the evening streets. Thank you that we can afford all this.

The word "army" comes from the Latin "armo" - "to arm". But the army is not only strong in weapons, it is strong in stamina and courage, intelligence and courage of soldiers.

Our competition program is dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland - those who have defended, who are defending and will continue to defend their Motherland. Protecting the Fatherland is the duty of every person, the honorable duty of every man.

Happy Holidays

(Congratulate the girls.)

Dear my classmate,
I congratulate you
On this wonderful holiday -
Twenty third of February!

February twenty third
We came to congratulate you
And we wish you that in life
Everything was top class.

We wish you guys
Always be healthy.
But get results
Impossible without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy
Every time before meals
Before you sit down at the table
Wash your hands with water.

Increase all successes
Win all victories
Know the lessons of all five,
And don't forget your friends.

Our pugnacious half
We send our congratulations.
There are reasons for congratulations.
Hooray! Defenders of the country.

Leading. Now we need to choose the members of the jury and divide all the boys into two teams.

(Members of the jury are selected - the mothers of the children. The fathers form two teams and compete with the children. Each member of the team receives an emblem.)

Competition - performance

Announcement of team names and mottos. Greeting teams, team captains.

Leading. People say: "A smart fighter is good everywhere." Now we will test the resourcefulness, the mind of our commanders.

Competition of captains "Blitz-poll"

  • Defender of Motherland. (warrior, soldier)
  • Solemn passage of troops (parade)
  • Air Fleet(aviation)
  • Answer to password (review)
  • Summer headdress of a soldier (cap)
  • Footwear for winter guard duty (boots)
  • The camera and the machine have it (shutter)
  • Ground troops (infantry)
  • Water Troops (Navy)
  • The name of this firearm begins with a note (revolver, mortar)
  • Boat on a ship (boat)
  • Cook on the ship (cook)
  • Distress signal (SOS)
  • Room on the ship (cabin)
  • Window on the ship (porthole)
  • Which military unit "heats" the living quarters (battery)
  • What is the name of the building in which the soldiers live (barracks)
  • What is the name of the container for cartridges in the machine (magazine)
  • What is the name of a tracked military vehicle (tank)
  • What can be used to protect yourself from poisonous gases (gas mask)
  • What is the name of the shooter who shoots accurately (sniper)
  • What kind of hats do soldiers wear (caps, caps, helmets)

Leading. Another proverb says: "Courage is the strength of the governor."

Competition "Running with hoops"

(Rescue of a team of scouts who were ambushed.)

Put on a hoop, run to the indicated place, run around it and return to the team, quickly pick up the next player ... and so on all team members. Who quickly.

Competition "Shooter"

(2 balls, 2 buckets)

Hit the target with the ball. A soft ball is thrown from a distance of 5-6 m. Everyone makes 1 roll. How many hits, how many points the team gets.

Competition "Know-it-all"

Each team receives a set of identical letters. For example: o, i, i, l, n, s, k. At the signal of the teacher, the teams must collect the word, while using all the letters. The word should not be shouted out, but collected on the floor. In our case, this word is STRETCHER. The maximum number of points is 3.

Competition "Mysteries on a military theme"

A) a turtle is crawling
Steel shirt.
The enemy is in the ravine
And he is where the enemy is. (Tank.)

b) He hums and draws with chalk,
He paints in white
Blue on paper
He draws, he sings.
What is this? (Airplane)

c) He swims bravely on the waves,
without slowing down,
Only the car is buzzing is important.
What's happened? (Steamboat)

d) Watching day and night...
Watch out at sea...

D) I take off without acceleration,
I remember the dragonfly.
Takes flight
Our agile ... (helicopter)
e) There are no clouds on the horizon,
But an umbrella opened up in the sky,
In a few minutes
Dropped ... (parachute)

G) He is ready for fire and battle,
Protecting you and me.
He goes on patrol and into the city,
Will not leave the post ... (soldier)

H) He decides everything in an instant,
He accomplishes a glorious feat
He stands up for honor.
Who is he? That's right... (hero)

Leading. A folk proverb says: "Whoever fights for the Motherland, double strength is given to him." Now our players will demonstrate their strength.

Competition "Fight of roosters"

Two participants, standing on one leg, try to push each other out of the circle. The competition is in a round robin system. Rating - by the number of victories,

Contest "Best Tank Driver"

Participants sit on chairs. On the floor between the legs lies a cord to which a toy tank is tied. On a signal, the players wind the cord onto a stick, trying to bring the fire truck closer to them as quickly as possible. Offset - on time.

Leading. Well, our fighters are ready. We invite them to the parade ground to do morning intellectual exercises.

Contest "Collect a proverb"

Each team is given an envelope in which 4 proverbs on a military theme are cut into words, according to these words, collect all the proverbs in a certain time. Time and correctness score.

Whoever is faithful to the Motherland is exemplary in battle.
The battle is red with courage, and a comrade with friendship.
The courageous one blames himself, and the cowardly blames his comrade.
Know the Russian commandment, do not yawn in battle.

Competition "Collect your will into a fist"

The teams are announced in advance that in the next competition they will need to gather their will into a fist. After that, each participant is given big leaf paper, on which the word "will" is written in large letters. It is necessary to collect this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.

Competition "Desperate Snipers"

A hoop is placed in the middle of the hall. Each participant has five corks from plastic bottles. It is necessary to get into the hoop with a cork from a distance so that it does not pop out. To do this is not so easy. The one with the most plugs left in the hoop wins.

Competition "Depeche"

They are tied to the legs of the participants one at a time. balloon. At the leader's signal, the children try to destroy the opponent's dispatch - to burst the balloon. The task of each participant is to save their dispatches and be the first to reach the headquarters.

Leading. Our competition program is coming to an end. We once again congratulate everyone on the holiday. Thanks to all participants and fans. Thank you for the work of the jury. In the meantime, the jury is counting points, we have another competition - a creative one.

Competition "The most gallant" (music)

The recording of a popular melody is turned on, the boys invite girls, mothers to dance, dance and escort their partners to the place where they were sitting. The jury takes this competition into account for each team.

The hall and foyer are festively decorated. In the foyer there are portraits of outstanding commanders and naval commanders of Russia, heroes of the Patriotic Wars.
Exhibition of children's drawings "Our army is strong!" There are posters on the walls with selections folk proverbs and sayings about the motherland, patriotism, military duty.
On the screen is a video with frames of Russian expanses. Speaker's words.
A young morning is busy over my homeland And hurries across the land, which is full of premonitions of the sun. And to meet the dawn comes out calmly and wisely All
our country is huge in business and concerns.
Before her, the horizon parted higher and wider
Over the span of roads over floods of rivers and forests.
The day flares up - and it becomes brighter in the world,
And the frosty distances ring from human voices. And the high sun is already blazing at its zenith And its rays are quietly falling on the walls of the Kremlin The flag is developing and shining
on eternal granite That great name by which the earth is immortal
In this name is the strength of the mighty brotherhood of peoples,
In it is the hope of the planet, in it, the truth of struggle and labor
The day flares up to shine over the earth always.

On the screen there is a screensaver of the emblem of the Russian army with a festive inscription "Fatherland is the most expensive"

The trumpet signal “Military gathering” sounds, which turns into a military march. Leaders come out.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Presenter 1: On this significant day, according to the established tradition, our people celebrate the great merits of our army to the state.
From generation to generation, Russian soldiers pass on to the legacy of the saints for each soldier concepts - honor, loyalty to the oath, military camaraderie, love in the Fatherland.

Presenter 2: Russian warrior saves
Native country peace and glory. He is on duty and our people are rightfully proud of the army.

Presenter 1: Calmly, let the children grow up
In the Russian sunny homeland -He guards the world and labor. Wonderful work in the name of life.

The song is performed by the folk ensemble Razdolie

(Holiday screensaver on screen)

Presenter 2: Defenders of the Fatherland Day is a special day.
This is a holiday for all those who wear an army uniform, who are called and will always be called the Defender of the Russian Land!
This is an occasion to congratulate all living warriors and honor the memory of the heroes of various battles, past and present.

(The Decree "On the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army" is projected on the screen).

Presenter 1: Defender of the Fatherland Day - celebrated in our country since 1918.
On January 15, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a Decree on the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. (RKKA)
On January 29, a Decree was adopted from the organization of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet. They were created from the most conscious
and organized workers' representatives. (Insert from the museum on local material)
On February 23, 1918, the young Red Army won its first victory.

Presenter 2: In memory of the courageous resistance of the first detachments of the Red Army to the troops of Germany. February 23 became the birthday of the Red Army.
Since 1946, this day has been celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy, and since 1992, as the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

Presenter 1: This is a tribute to all generations of the heroic army. Our great ancestors: Russian squads of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy,
regiments Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov.
(Portraits of famous generals are projected on the screen)

(Insert about the heroes of the Civil War. About Patolichev, Chapaev, Budyonny.)

The stage lights go out. Frames from the film "Officers" are projected on the screen. The song "From the Heroes of Bygone Times" performed by Sergei Gostev sounds.

(Insert about the formation of the army)

Presenter 2: By tradition, everyone is congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia
representatives of the male half of the population, starting from the school bench. And this is probably deep meaning: to sacred military duty
boys need to be trained from childhood. And yet, first of all, this is a holiday of those who defended the Fatherland in the dashing years of trials, served in the Russian
army or serving in it today.

Presenter 1:

The word for congratulations is given ...

Performance The festive headpiece "Cossack Dance" is performed by Dima Dresvyannikov and Dmitry Larichev.

Presenter 2: The Army is a symbol of Freedom, the Army is the Battle Sword, the Daughter of the working people, the Shield from adversity is alive

Host 1: An army of its own warrior,
What was, what will be, and what is
He deserves respect
In the battle for truth and honor.

Presenter 2: Dear defenders of the Fatherland, accept congratulations from the chairman of the district council of people's deputies Georgy Alexandrovich Vavilov


Presenter 2: The feat of the heroes of the Great
Patriotic War, which glorified our army as invincible and legendary.

(The logo of the Victory Salute festival is projected on the screen)

Presenter 1: Today, on this holiday, the All-Russian festival "Salute of Victory" is opening in our district, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in
Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 2: Victory Salute is a traditional festival folk art, which draws into its orbit a multimillion-dollar audience
audience in different regions of the country.

Presenter1: The festival should help the younger generation in the formation of civil and
moral guidelines, patriotic consciousness on the examples of the heroic history of our Motherland. Festival events for the older generation
should give confidence that their life and feat of arms is not forgotten.

Presenter 2: Salute and glory to the anniversary of Forever memorial day! Salute to the Victory that in Berlin the fire trampled down the power of fire

Presenter 1: Salute her big and small
Creators who walked the path alone, Her fighters and generals, Heroes of the fallen and alive!

(Photos of veterans are projected on the screen).

Presenter 2: Our people paid a great price for the victory. Only from our
more than 16 thousand people went to the front. 5,000 never came back. 10 of our countrymen were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Presenter 1:
Host 2:

Veterans do not live noisily, For them the reward is silence. Still buzzes with a ragged fragment In their heart is a hellish war. They remember this at night
That the heat of the soul cannot be extinguished. Out of a hundred, only two front-line soldiers are left to live!

Presenter 1: Fewer and fewer are those who know about the war firsthand, not from books and films, but living participants, witnesses of that terrible war.
But the more expensive such meetings.

Presenter 2: Today, veterans of the Great Patriotic War are present in this hall.

Presenter 1: Dear veterans, I bow to you for your
unparalleled feat! Accept this song as a gift. (Children give them flowers.)

The song "You survived the soldier" sounds
performed by Sergei Gostev.

(A video about veterans is projected on the screen).

Theatrical picture "On a halt". Frames from the movie "Only Old Men Go to Battle" are projected on the screen.

Music from the repertoire of the Blue Berets group "Sineva" sounds.

Presenter 2: Each generation passes a certain test of strength in its own way. Many trials have befallen the present generation.
From the time of the Great Patriotic War to the present day, our valiant army has taken part in 30 armed conflicts.

Presenter 2: There is no prescription for grief, which marked the day of the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan 20 years ago.

Presenter 1: This war lasted 9 years. The total losses of our country amounted to about 15 thousand people.

Presenter 2: This war did not bypass our countrymen either. 42 people walked along the dusty Afghan roads, 2 of them did not return,
11 people were awarded medals and orders. And today, in connection with the twentieth anniversary of the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, veterans
this war will receive well-deserved rewards. To present the awards, I ask the head of the Gorokhovetsky district, Nadezhda Viktorovna Tokareva, to come up on stage.
(Presenting awards)

splash screen
Presenter 1: Dear warriors, internationalists, accept as a gift a song performed by Pavel Gainov.
The song "Soldier" performed by Pavel Gainov sounds.

Presenter 2: On short haircut The snow of gray hair will fall. You and I, brother, Orders are not needed.
Again in the trenches damp pouring rain pours. Russia again loses its sons and peace.

Presenter 1: Chechnya...
How many untrained boys died in Chechen ambushes. Burned down in tanks, became invalids. Many families mourn
irretrievable losses of loved ones who died on Chechen soil.

Presenter 2: 160 of our countrymen served in the North Caucasian region. 1 person died
Many have been awarded orders and medals.

Presenter 1: Each time gave birth to its own songs, poems, its own heroes.
The events in Afghanistan and Chechnya show that the Russian army is and will be a school for the formation of a real man, a school of courage and heroism.

A video is projected on the screen and the song "Russian Guy" performed by Roman Koryagin sounds.

Quiet music plays. Presenter 2: We owe a lot in this life to you, dear fellow countrymen, to those who walked the roads of the Great Patriotic War, the roads of Afghanistan, Chechnya.

On the screen Eternal flame. Presenter 2: Life. Death. Memory. A life. This is the eternal law of being.
And the memory is not needed by them, the departed. First of all, we need it alive.

Presenter 1: Russian people have always been peaceful inhabitants of the planet.
Spacious and beautiful is our native land. They have always worked diligently on it,
raised children, rejoiced in the sun, extended a hand of friendship to neighbors, but when necessary, courageously stood up on
defending their land from invaders. And there were always officers ahead.

Presenter 2: Officers are always ahead:
And in the attack, and in the festive march. Blazes like a banner in the chest The flame of faith in our Fatherland.
Presenter 1: At all times, officers were a model of decency, nobility and courage. There are many officers present in this hall today.
Among them are reserve officers and very young ones, but they are united by one thing - endless love for the Motherland!

Presenter 2: This song sounds for those who have dedicated themselves to an honorable profession - to protect their native land!
On the screen is a festive screensaver. The song "Officers" performed by Dmitry Manakin sounds.
On the screen is a screensaver of a soldier with a gun.

Presenter 1: Russian warrior saves
peace and glory of his native country. He is on duty and our people are rightfully proud of the army.

Presenter 2: Let the children grow up calmly
In the Russian sunny Fatherland -He guards the world and labor. Wonderful work in the name of life.

Presenter 1: We are proud that the younger generation is growing up worthy
the glory of their fathers and grandfathers. In our region, an important role in
instilling in young people a sense of patriotism and readiness for military service
military-patriotic associations. Currently in educational institutions There are 7 patriotic clubs.

Presenter 2: The work of amateur associations, clubs and sections of a patriotic orientation is organized in cultural and sports institutions.

Presenter 1: On the eve of the holiday, the Resolution of the Head of the Gorokhovets district was adopted

"On the results of the regional competition "Patriots of the Fatherland""
To present well-deserved awards, the head of the district is invited to the stage.
The decision is read. There is an award.

Presenter 2: Probably, someday people will stop fighting.
But it won't happen very soon, apparently. And until the danger of new wars disappears, the peoples inhabiting the earth and
their governments will have to take care of the security of their countries.

Holiday screensaver on screen

Presenter 1: Today, the peace and prosperity of Russia is in your hands. May the honor, nobility and courage of Russian soldiers be with you forever.

Presenter 2: Happy holiday, our dear defenders! Presenter 1: Accept this holiday concert as a gift.