
Thumb sucking in babies 3 months. The child is sucking his thumb. Let's forget about the problem forever


Pregnancy is a magical period. Future mom with excitement follows every movement of the crumbs, rejoices at the new stages of its development, strictly evaluates its diet. But with the birth of a baby, many believe that it's time to relax a little. Far from it. Not only that, the mother's body continues to supply the baby with everything necessary for growth and development (now not through the placenta, but through breast milk), so the child also begins to grow very quickly, which means that his needs for nutrients increase every day. There is one more important point: the body of a newborn child must independently take care of heat exchange, respiration, metabolism, that is, it consumes additional energy. This means that a woman's diet should be as varied as possible, and today we will talk about what kind of fish can nursing mothers have.

Individual reaction comes first

We are all different, which means that there can be no definite answer to this question. If the mother during pregnancy calmly ate all varieties of fish (which is very desirable), without experiencing allergic reactions and any discomfort from the digestive system, then even after the birth of the baby, you can not worry too much about this. However, most nutritionists and pediatricians agree that in the first three months after giving birth, you should eliminate any fish from your diet. It is by this age that the baby's digestive system finally matures, colic disappears. Now it is important to figure out what kind of fish lactating mothers can use, and which one should refrain from for now.

Fish: pros and cons

Fish is rich in fats and amino acids, vitamins and proteins. It should be emphasized that these elements are absorbed in the body very easily. By eating fish 3-4 times a week, you fully meet the need for protein, that is, it is an alternative to meat. Do not forget about the wonderful fish oil, which will be useful both for the recovery after the birth of the mother, and for the growth and development of the child himself. However, despite all the beneficial properties, one should not eat only fish, and even more so eat it indiscriminately.

What harm can a fish do to mother and child? The only thing that can be said about this is that it is a fairly strong allergen. That is, first of all, you need to figure out what kind of fish can nursing mothers, and only then decide at what age and in what quantity to include it in the diet.

Planning your diet

Of course, children need fish and seafood for normal growth as well as for the formation of the skeleton. However, you should first of all pay attention to the characteristics of your own body. If during pregnancy a woman constantly ate fish, then after the birth of the baby, you can continue in the same spirit, only more attention should be paid to the choice of its varieties. However, if during the period of gestation of the baby you did not eat a single piece of fish, this does not mean that you cannot continue to eat it. But in this case, the question of what kind of fish can nursing mothers have is even more acute. And you can introduce it into the diet only in small portions, constantly observing the reaction of your crumbs. A complete withdrawal from fish dishes can be advised by a doctor if the child is prone to severe allergic reactions. In this case, fish is introduced into the diet much later, when complementary feeding begins.

Choosing a fish

First of all, you need to give preference to the most familiar varieties. Most often for our country, fish with breastfeeding river or low-fat marine is recommended. An excess of Omega 3 is an increased risk of allergic reactions, which you do not need at all now. If you decide to try fish for the first time after giving birth, then it is best if it is pollock, hake, pike perch, cod, carp and herring. These are varieties with white meat. If your choice is exclusively, then give preference to such species as trout, bream, burbot and pike. This fish contains a minimum of allergens and is easily digestible. Once again, we emphasize that it is very important how you prepare it. Any fish is fried in about 15 minutes, and during this time all nutrients are destroyed. At the same time, the same amount of time for steaming allows you to keep them in their original form.

Cooking fish

Certainly it is valuable and useful product, which is very important for every crumb. However, breastfeeding fish must be selected very carefully. It is not only the variety that matters, but also the quality, as well as the method of preparation. Choose only trusted suppliers and fresh, beautiful product... In order for the fish to retain all the beneficial qualities when defrosting, do this with a salty solution. The most useful is boiled, stewed or steamed fish. It may not be as tasty as fried foods, but in your case, the benefits are more important. Salted fish is also undesirable.

What to refrain from

We all love to pamper ourselves with tasty things, but when a baby is in our arms, we will have to weigh the intended benefits and harms. In particular, salted fish is not healthy at all. Excess salt is bad for your baby. When choosing a product, it should also be borne in mind that dried, smoked and often hides spoiled goods. As much as you love sushi, this is not the time for exotic treats. It is good if the manufacturer takes salted fish for their preparation, but in the original it should be raw. It may contain organisms that are not at all useful for a nursing mother, and even more so for her child.

Despite the obvious benefits, red fish is not very useful for lactating women. Excess omega-3 fatty acids can be too heavy for a child's body and cause various digestive problems. This is primarily our favorite mackerel, herring and salmon. This includes sea trout, salmon, and some other varieties that contain a lot of fat.

There are a lot of seafood on the shelves today. These are mussels and shellfish, crabs and shrimps. Of course, they are tasty and healthy, but this fully applies to the fresh catch, and not what we usually see on supermarket shelves in the form of preserves. Mom's food should not contain products of such dubious quality. We have described in sufficient detail what is most beneficial for a breastfeeding woman, and what may pose a threat. The choice is yours.

Fish is a valuable product, so the diet of a nursing mother should contain different types dishes. However, not all seafood is allowed during lactation due to possible allergic reactions. It is necessary to figure out whether it is possible to eat red fish while breastfeeding - a very tasty, healthy product.

Benefits of fish for lactation

Oceanic or sea fish has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, blood vessels, nerve cells and heart function. This is especially important for developing organism baby. The benefits of fish are enormous, so different types of fish should be in the human diet. This product, created by nature, contains a large number of trace elements necessary for the functioning of various systems and human organs.

Beneficial features fishes:

  • High availability of fatty acids - Omega-3. This component strengthens cardiovascular system, improves immunity.
  • B vitamins. Active participation in the metabolism of cells and their structures. A source of easily digestible protein.
  • Vitamin D. An essential vitamin for the absorption of calcium, strengthening bone and muscle tissue.
  • Normalization of bowel function, ease of digestion of food (as opposed to meat protein).

According to experts, if a woman did not eat seafood while carrying a baby, it is allowed to be introduced during lactation. Sometimes the taste affects the taste of the milk. Red fish are represented by: salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, salmon. These seafood are allowed with breastfeeding in small quantities.

Dangers of fish when breastfeeding

Despite the usefulness and many positive qualities of this product, there is a risk of allergies. If a young mother previously had a reaction to animal protein, it is worth postponing during lactation with the introduction of new products. These dishes should be eaten in small portions when the child is 6-9 months old.

If the baby is not allergenic and the mother felt great during pregnancy, you can add boiled, steamed or baked fish to the menu. The rest of the dishes are dangerous for the child. The introduction of a new product must be carried out carefully.

Dangerous fish dishes prepared without observing hygiene standards, heat treatment. For example, canned food is prohibited for use by a nursing mother, because chemical components are added to the composition that increase the shelf life of the product. Also, the manufacturer adds oil of unknown origin to the conservation.

Fillets, chopped into small pieces in different fillings, are called preserves. This product contains preservatives, flavors, seasonings. Bones are not removed by hand, but eaten away with solutions.

Perch, pink salmon, dried or dried, do not contain any benefits, but are oversaturated with salt. If the storage conditions are violated, the production technology causes dangerous consequences for the body.

Smoked fish is dangerous when breastfeeding, because smoking does not take place from freshly caught catch, and also not from natural smoke. Manufacturers often use "liquid smoke" based on a chemical concentrate. These substances are deadly for babies who receive milk from their mothers.

Parents should take a responsible attitude to the nutrition, health of their young child, which means that a baby who feeds on breast milk for the first year should only receive benefits.

You need to introduce meals containing protein slowly, in small portions. The first months of breastfeeding, seafood is consumed steamed, stewed or boiled, while retaining the necessary substances. Mom is allowed to consume at first no more than 50 g of the product. Closer to 12 months, the diet is expanded with fish baked under foil.

It is better not to eat salted fish in the first year of a baby's life, and salted, slightly salted salmon during breastfeeding should be postponed until later. It is important to monitor the baby's skin rash, behavior, and stool disorders. If the introduction of a new product fails, the experiment is repeated after 3-5 months. The exception is the strongest reaction to protein - anaphylactic shock. The pediatrician prescribes a complete rejection of this product, and the mother is recommended special vitamins containing Omega-3. Such an analogue compensates for the deficiency of essential substances by eating fish 1-2 times a week.

What kind of fish is better to choose with guards?

Nutritionists advise starting the introduction with river dwellers such as pike. This type of water contains vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the development nervous system, human bone tissue. Perch contains not a large amount of bones, low calorie. Some types of fish are also useful: bream, burbot and pike perch. Marine and oceanic species contain less bone tissue, the advantage is the loin.

There are special methods for determining the freshness of products on the counter: the scales are shiny and not dry, the eyes are natural, without a white film, gills of red or Pink colour, when you press your finger on the carcass, the dent is restored, and the skin straightens to its original appearance. Only natural smell should be present.

Some species are characterized by moderate fat content of meat, such as pollock. Hake and flounder during breastfeeding are well absorbed by the body. Mackerel is considered very useful, 200 grams of which contains the daily norm of iodine. However, this species is highly allergenic.

Trout is an oily fish when breastfed, just like salmon. During artificial cultivation, the fish, along with nutrition, receives antibacterial drugs and hormones that the baby does not need.

Breastfeeding salmon is beneficial in iodine, selenium, and protein. Vendors color different varieties of red fish for the greatest attraction. It is dangerous for both mother and child to eat. For example, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon during breastfeeding are considered the safest. It is better to buy them frozen.

A woman should plan a menu for the week, be sure to include fish in the diet. You can combine several types, the main thing is to do right choice quality product.

Fish recipes

There are many options for cooking: steamed, stewed, cutlets, steaks, baked or barbecued. The carcass must be gutted, the entrails and bones removed, if necessary, and rinsed thoroughly. A steamer or non-stick frying pan is ideal for cooking.

For example, young mothers do not always know whether salmon can be steamed or in the oven while retaining the maximum amount of trace elements and benefits. There is no need to add spices during cooking because harsh flavors spoil the milk.

For baking salmon or other types you will need: foil, salt, lemon juice and fish. The carcass is thoroughly washed, the smell is checked. Then, the onion is finely chopped. Salmon steaks are laid out on a flat sheet of foil, sprinkled with fresh onions... You can add salt and sprinkle with lemon juice or sunflower oil. The product is sealed in foil and sent to the oven at 150 degrees. During feeding, pink salmon is allowed to be consumed in any form.

In the kitchen, you can fantasize with fish dishes. For example, you can cook dinner for the whole family by adding grated carrots to the top of the salmon. The garnish is served in the form of boiled rice or baked potatoes in milk or water.

To prepare a hodgepodge, you need the main ingredient, for example, pink salmon, pickles, onions, tomatoes, Bay leaf(optional), salt, potatoes and sunflower oil.

The washed carcass or parts of it are placed in cold water. After cooking the broth, finely chopped potatoes and the rest of the ingredients are sent to the pan. Solyanka is brought to readiness and turned off. In order for the pink salmon to give the soup all its taste, it is enough to stand on the stove for 20 minutes.

Steamed fish is cooked in a multicooker or double boiler. You can also boil it in water and leave the broth for the soup.

It is better to introduce red varieties of fish no earlier than three months of breastfeeding, and preferably start with pollock or hake. When choosing a product, the fish should be beautiful in appearance, odorless and sticky mucus. Another aspect of breastfeeding is proper preparation.

While a mother is breastfeeding her baby, her body is a supplier of resources for milk production. Among the products, there are many that are poorly compatible with HS and can cause unwanted reactions in the baby's body. Fish for a nursing mother can. But with reservations.

What is useful for fish with HS

Pediatricians and HS specialists agree: fish is beneficial for breastfeeding. This is explained by the high content of valuable substances with easy digestibility of protein.

It is important for a woman to breastfeed her baby to eat right so that she will have enough for milk production. A nursing baby has nowhere to get minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats for growth, except from the mother.

Therefore, the composition of breast milk is more or less constant and depends on the mother's nutrition only in certain parameters. For example, in terms of the composition and amount of vitamins. Everything useful that the nurse did not eat will still get into the milk, but from her body: bones will "share" calcium and phosphorus, muscles - protein, etc. Therefore, nursing mothers need to make the diet rich, thoughtful. Then no one will be deprived.

What fish is rich in, why it should not be excluded from feeding for those who are lactating:

  • Mineral salts. Useful for the growth of bones, calcium, fluorine and phosphorus, for the construction of nervous tissue magnesium and sulfur, helping the proper blood formation, iron, iodine, etc.
  • Vitamins. Especially rich in vitamins A, D and K, PP. But in the first place are vitamins of group B. They help the gastrointestinal tract of the mother and child to work correctly, and the newborn especially needs it.
  • Fish oil during breastfeeding is a rich source of fatty acids that control lipid metabolism, synthesize vitamin F, are responsible for vascular elasticity and protect against cancer. It can be taken naturally or in capsule form.
  • It is rich in enzymes that help digest food. And its protein contains all the essential amino acids, and it is absorbed by the body almost completely.

Precautionary measures

Although fish is useful for a young mother, with HS it is worth adhering to a number of rules in order to protect yourself and the child:

What kind of fish can a nursing mother

During breastfeeding, you have to weigh the pros and cons of your food choices.

Permitted and prohibited varieties

When breastfeeding, you can and should eat different types of fish, but some of them with reservations.

Red fish quite often ends up in markets and shops from farms. It is proved that in terms of content nutrients farmed individuals cannot compete with those caught in the open sea. If the product is not commercial, go around it for now.

The river is quite suitable for a nursing mother, the same noble pike perch. But here, too, there are limitations. For example, a bottom catfish feeds on carrion, everything that is at the bottom. Therefore, it is better to refrain from buying catfish during lactation.

It is very useful to add commercial salmon, chum salmon and other types of noble red fish (in the absence of an allergic reaction in the child) to the diet. Especially if it was hunted in cold waters: the content of healthy fats is an order of magnitude higher. You can identify artificial colors in farm fish: they slightly color the water or oil in which the fish is cooked.

River trout with white tender meat is quite suitable for a nursing mother's menu. True, this freshwater species is readily raised by fish farms.

Low-fat varieties - hake, pollock, cod - are protein suppliers, and it is less likely to cause reactions in the baby and much easier and faster than animal meat is digested by the body. The baby is growing very quickly and by six months it doubles its weight, which means that there should be more protein in the mother's diet, otherwise the body will take it from the woman's muscles. The low calorie content of these types of fish will help mom quickly return to their previous forms.

The champion in protein content is tuna. But wait with it for now: it accumulates toxic mercury. The larger the individual, the more harm from it. This also applies to a relative of tuna - mackerel, although its fat is good for the heart and blood vessels.


It is useful to eat herring, everyone knows that. In it, due to the lack of heat treatment, valuable fats and fat-soluble vitamins are maximally preserved. It would seem that with such a benefit, doctors should specifically prescribe herring when breastfeeding. But is this so unambiguous during the GW period?

Excessive salt retains water in the tissues. Although nursing women should drink more, the circulation of fluid is important in this process, and not its retention in the cells. With an excess of salt, all liquids, including milk, become saltier. Not only is this level of salt harmful to a baby, it can also stagnate in the ducts.


When choosing fish, while breastfeeding, you should refrain from the one that went through the smoke machine. First, smoked fish is salted and then processed long time smoke. It does not undergo heat treatment. The smoke contains combustion products that are far from the most beneficial to health, some are carcinogenic. The carcass, like a sponge, absorbs them, so nutritionists do not recommend smoked meats to anyone, not just young mothers.


Canned fish made according to Soviet technological requirements should not contain any preservatives, except small amount salt. Long-term storage is ensured by a very high processing temperature of the jars and strict adherence to the requirements for the preparation of raw materials. Such fish can be eaten by nurses without expecting a catch. This is if there is no doubt about the quality of products of specific modern industries. True, in canned food there are no longer so many vitamins, but fish is still rich in mineral salts and protein.


Fried fish is tasty, aromatic and very appetizing. True, the benefits are at least less than steamed or boiled. Fatty acids are destroyed at very high temperatures, and carcinogens are formed in the crust.

But if you do not get carried away with too ruddy crust and alternate different ways cooking, why not.


How to cook fish for a nursing mom

Pediatricians advise refraining from including fish in the menu of a nursing mother in the first month. This is the period when a woman carefully tries new products for the baby, gradually expanding her diet. But with potential allergens (and fish among them) it is better to wait 1-2 months.

In the future, it is important to choose gentle cooking methods. Avoid frying for the first six months, this can undermine normal work your stomach and will do the least good. It is more useful to bake the fish, steam it or boil it. By the way, broth on bones, head and fins contains more minerals than boiled on fish meat. Of course, not everyone is ready to eat boiled fish because of the specific smell. But baked and competently seasoned, the fish will not only preserve its vitamin and mineral wealth as much as possible, but will also surprise you with a pleasant taste and wonderful aroma.

Dr. Komarovsky's opinion:

- The main task of all the tips is to make the life of a nursing mother comfortable. Whatever you ate before pregnancy and childbirth, eat and after. As for the fish, there are only two "buts". The first is to postpone seafood for a start, as these are strong allergens. Long-lived large fish such as tuna and swordfish accumulate mercury. You don't need this!

Children are born to be happy. Each child has a unique development and growth difficulties. There are children who cry a lot, and there are children who flinch at the slightest noise. It happens that a child sucks a finger, and he does it all the time. How many children, so many problems.

At what age does a child begin to suck on his fingers?

Let us dwell on the problem of thumb sucking by children in more detail. Thumb sucking by a toddler gives a lot of anxiety to young mothers. Usually, a baby sucks a thumb at 3 months. There are situations when a baby sucks a thumb at 2 months. And it even happens that infant raises his little hands with difficulty, but immediately puts them in his mouth.

So, you notice that your child is sucking his thumb. Do not raise a tantrum and do not rush to wean him at the same moment. Before answering the question "how to wean a child to suck his thumb", you need to determine the reason why the child sucks his thumb. Once the cause is established, take action. If you ignore this, thumb sucking can become a habit and it will be much more difficult to wean your child off thumb sucking.

Why does the child suck his thumb and what to do about it?

There are many reasons why a child sucks his thumb, and one of them is dissatisfaction with sucking. Give your baby more time to suckle. And do not be afraid that he overextends, natural instinct will prevent this. The same goes for the situation when you feed your baby with artificial formula or milk from a bottle - do not try to pick up the bottle as soon as possible.

If you have not been able to increase the suckling time of the breast or bottle, then use a pacifier. Give a pacifier - it will help wean the child from thumb sucking.... The sucking instinct in children is different, so it happens that already in the maternity hospital, a newborn baby sucks a finger.

If your baby puts a finger or a pen in his mouth before feeding, this is not at all a cause for concern, he is most likely just hungry.

Usually, all babies put their fingers in their mouths at the age of 5–6 months. This is because their teeth begin to grow. If the teeth are cut earlier, it may turn out that the baby is sucking his thumb at 4 months due to the fact that his gums itch. In such a situation, a special tooth comb will help the baby - a rubberized ring with liquid inside. This ring is great for both sucking and scratching the gums. Only use pharmacy combers, do not buy rubber toys on the market for these purposes, made of unknown materials that can harm the child.

Sometimes in order for a child to stop thumb sucking, you just need to spend more time with him, distract him beautiful toys, with your gentle and loving voice, take on the handles, press to yourself.

The child has grown up, but the problem remains?

If your baby has grown up, and has not stopped sucking his fingers, then he, thus, calms himself, receiving positive emotions. Such a child must be shown to a doctor, because if a child sucks his thumb at 2 or 3 years old, it can be a psychological problem.

In no case should such a child be shamed, scolded or punished, you will further aggravate the situation and lose his trust. The first thing to do is to ensure quiet life a child, not to find out the relationship with him, to make trouble. And most importantly, do not concentrate on this problem yourself, otherwise the child will feel that you are not calm and a confidential conversation with him will not work. Communicate with your child more, walk, play together, talk and listen to him. Do not allow your child to watch "scary" cartoons and films, play computer games that evoke negative emotions. Try to provide the child with only positive emotions, it is better to go with him to the zoo, in puppet show, on the carousel, to the circus.

Let's forget about the problem forever

Nobody knows your child better than you. By showing love and care for your baby, you will once again prove to him that he has no cause for concern. Love him for who he is, be proud of him and soon your problems will be left behind, just be patient.

If you are tired of fighting this problem with the listed methods, still do not resort to "grandmother's advice" and do not try to disaccustom your child to suck his thumb with pepper and mustard. It will only hurt your baby. Seek help from specialists, they will help you in safe and at the same time effective ways.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Last updated article: 02.05.2019

Many parents have noticed the habit of thumb sucking in their child. Why he does this remains a mystery to many. But the harm from this can be significant. In addition to the destruction of the nail plate and the formation of an irregular bite, pathogenic bacteria are introduced into the oral cavity. And they can cause various kinds of infections. It is necessary to understand all the details and find out why the baby sucks. thumb.

We reveal the reasons

It should be noted that the sucking reflex is the main one in a newborn baby. After all, no one lectures him before bringing him to his chest. Of course, they help, they lead, but they do not verbally explain anything. It turns out that this is a natural reflex. With the help of sucking, the baby calms down, it develops digestion, and general development occurs. But when a three-month-old toddler suddenly begins to suck a thumb, this is no longer very good. Let's try to find out why he does this:

  1. Lack of breast milk.
  2. The crumb got bored.
  3. Psychological features.
  4. Teeth are being cut.

Lack of milk

If the baby is breastfed, not supplemented by anything, watch him. How often he asks for food, and whether the breast is released after the feeding process. These are signs that he has enough milk to the full. Perhaps the child eats only the front, the most easily accessible milk, and then does not want to work? Of course, then he does not gorge himself and tries to make up for the feeling of hunger.

Let the baby fill up completely, do not be afraid that he will overeat and he will feel bad. The baby himself knows how much food to eat.

The crumb got bored

Newborns can also get bored of what is happening around them. When they are first born, their area of ​​visibility is no more than 25 centimeters. Every month this indicator increases, and by 3-4 months they are able to distinguish objects at a distance. This period is marked by the first touches of toys. The crumb can get bored from the monotonous picture, refresh the background with new toys, try not to leave him alone for a long time in a lonely crib.

Psychological features

If a child begins to suck a thumb at 2 years old, it signals a lack of attention. This is a period of rapid development, including speech. He has many questions, and when an adult is busy with his own business for a long time, the child begins to make up for this by sucking his fingers.

Often a problem arises due to a change in the usual environment, for example, transfer to a separate room. Therefore, the sooner the toddler gets his own apartment, the easier it will be to get used to. Optimal age: 1.5 - 2 years. Difficulties may arise later.

Teeth being cut

If this is the case, then the little one sucks not only the thumb, but is also able to try to put the whole five in the mouth. This is understandable, a fidget cannot understand what is happening, pain and discomfort arises. This is accompanied by profuse salivation. Sometimes there is loose stools and fever. If these factors occur at the same time, the reason lies in the emergence of new teeth.

Parents' mistakes

Many doctors boil down to the opinion that up to a year and a half there is no need to wean the baby from sucking the thumb. It is by 18 months that you can talk and explain with your child. And he must hear you. Even in the womb, the baby begins to get to know his hands. Then the sucking reflex develops. Having been born, the baby reinforces it when they begin to apply it to the chest. In this process, three nerves work: the nasopharyngeal, vagus and ternary. It is they who contribute to the better work of digestion, the mental balance of the baby. So the baby uses sucking not only when he wants to eat. When a newborn finds his hands at 3 months old, and begins to actively explore his fingers with his mouth, the parents sound the alarm. And the advice of grandmothers and experienced neighbors does not give rest. And here are the most common mistakes when moms and dads try to wean their children from sucking pens.

  1. Mustard, aloe juice, special varnishes, hot pepper are used. This is just a fanaticism of a tiny creature. A fragile body can react unexpectedly to such innovations. Trying to organize proper feeding in order to avoid problems with fragile intestines, parents harm him with foods that they smear on their fingers. Imagine, because it will still fall into his mouth and he will swallow it. So this is not the remedy.
  2. Sew mittens to clothes, tie and bandage handles. The child is so small that as soon as the adults grant the amnesty, the problem will return. The crumb is only worn out.
  3. They start screaming and swearing at the baby.

Remember that the child does this unconsciously, do not yell at the child! At the same time, the psyche of the crumbs will be disturbed.

All of the above are power techniques that can only harm an immature little man. You need to act in other ways.

Harm from sucking foreign objects

It is unambiguous that there is no benefit from the fact that the baby sucks her fingers. Yes, it is a soothing treatment. But there are special things for this ritual. And the harm is tangible:

  1. violation of the bite;
  2. curvature of the teeth;
  3. the introduction of harmful microorganisms into the oral cavity;
  4. the danger of degenerating a negative event into a habit;
  5. aesthetic function;
  6. damage to the gums;
  7. deformation of the fingers from a prolonged habit of sucking them.

How to wean from a bad habit

Having figured out why the child sucks his thumb, you can try to wean him from the bad habit.

Remember that intrusive methods are contraindicated. The baby should not feel that he is being pressured. This will aggravate the situation, the child will begin to use the prohibited technique more often to calm down.

  1. If the habit affects the newborn, try increasing the time breastfeeding up to 40 minutes. So the little ones will be able to eat their fill, there is a possibility that the need for thumb sucking will disappear. If the child is on artificial feeding, use a teat on a bottle with a smaller opening. This will increase the feeding time.
  2. In the case when the fidget has already reached one year old and more, games that take up pens can be used. Offer to assemble a constructor or puzzles. Drawing or pasting interesting pictures. Any activity that involves both hands. Gradually, the need to suck will disappear. After all, this has already turned into a habit, and, as you know, they can change.
  3. Some toddlers engage in bad habits while watching cartoons or reading books. give him soft toy to keep the pens busy. There are a number of soft-padded items that use pellets inside. When probing, they are felt. Kids love to wrinkle such things. In addition to getting rid of a negative habit, motor skills will also be trained.
  4. Older girls may be encouraged to visit a manicure specialist. It is unlikely that the little princess wants to destroy the beauty on the nails. This is not about applying bright varnishes, but simply about processing. Application possible special means to protect the nail plate. And the process itself will be to her taste.
  5. Visit to the dentist. A good specialist who has an approach to kids will help convince and wean the baby from sucking. Fortunately, there are special children's dentistry where doctors can and are able to communicate with children.
  6. Emphasis on age. After 2 years, it is allowed to conduct explanatory conversations with the child. He is already able to understand the words of an adult. If you focus on age, that adult children do not do this, a good result is possible. The main thing is not to press and prevent physical methods of influence.
  7. Building more trusting relationships. If a parent becomes angry with a tomboy, this behavior will not bring love. With good relationships, children will begin to listen and understand loved ones.

To wean a tomboy from a bad habit, you need a set of activities carried out on a daily basis. The trip to each child is individual. And the main reason lies in compensation for attention. If you spend more time with your child, it is likely that he will not develop this bad habit.

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