
Growth standards: how to understand that the child's body is developing correctly? Why a person grows The age of cessation of growth in girls


Girls grow up very fast, but sooner or later everything comes to an end, including the growth process. In order not to miss this important biological process, to help it and manage growth, you need to know to what age girls grow, because then this question will by and large no longer make sense.

How old do girls grow?

At the earliest, almost infancy, girls grow especially fast. When they become girls, their height in length ends by 16-17 years . Yes, it is in length, because growth can also be in breadth, and it usually goes in the fall - the body prepares nutrients for the winter. Growth in length usually occurs in girls and girls in the summer, so by the summer you need to be ready to grow well.

Prepare for periodic summer growth up in the spring. First of all, you need to establish a metabolism and proper nutrition.

To accelerate growth, you can regularly hang on a bar. It can be easily installed on the wall of the house. For growth, it is not necessary to pull up, you can just hang. In this case, the spine straightens and stretches, thus avoiding its curvature and increasing your height.

If you are over 17 years old, then do not despair. Gradual, small growth, continues for some time, up to 25 years . For example, if your height at 23 is 170 centimeters, then at 25 years old it can become 172 centimeters, and without effort. And if you help this process, then you can grow even more, if you, of course, need it.

How old do girls grow? Up to 17 years, weak growth continues until 25 years.

If the girl is tall

If a girl’s height is already very large, above 175 centimeters, then in no case should she be complex and try to reduce her height. Such attempts usually lead to a curvature of the spine. A curved spine compresses all the internal organs and leads to many diseases, not to mention difficult pregnancy.

Table of normal growth of girls

Age (years)Height (cm)
5 110,7
5,5 114,5
6 118,0
6,5 121,7
7 125,0
8 131,0
9 136,7
10 142,5
11 148,6
12 155,1
13 160,3
14 164,2
15 167,0
16 169,0
17 170,0

Here are the average growth rates. Do not be discouraged if your height is a little more or a little less than in this table at your age.

There are currently more than 7 billion people living on our planet. Each person has his own height, most people have an average height, but there are short and tall people. Why are people of different heights? Why a person grows and what affects a person's growth - let's try to figure it out in this article.

The growth of a person in each century changes in the direction of increase. The conditions and quality of life of a person, his well-being, nutrition are improving, and humanity is growing faster and becoming higher than its predecessors. Nowadays, in Russia, the average height for men is 176 cm, and for women 164 cm. The higher the welfare of the country, the greater the average height of its inhabitants: for example, among the inhabitants of Norway, the average height is 183 cm. Peoples with short stature are also known - a tribe of pygmies, where the tallest man has a height below 150 cm and tall - African tribe Tutsi - average height 1.76 cm.

Each person is born with his own height. With what length of body a person will be born depends on his prenatal development. If the pregnancy is unfavorable, the nutrition and development of the fetus is disturbed, then a child with a shorter body length is born.

The average height of a newborn child is from 45 cm to 56 cm. In the first months of life, a person grows more intensively than in other periods of his life. The childhood years of a person are marked by a faster growth rate. Periods from 11-13 years for girls and 12-14 for boys are marked by very rapid growth. Then the growth rate of the body gradually slows down and by the age of 25 a person stops growing, but many people grow until the age of 40, and for some, growth continues to increase throughout life - this growth is associated with disruption of the endocrine system, as well as stopping growth in childhood.

Why does a person grow and when does growth stop?

The endocrine system (thyroid gland, thymus gland, sex glands and pituitary gland) is responsible for the growth of the human body.
The pituitary gland produces growth hormone (somatotropin hormone), which is responsible for bone growth, if a person has large feet, long legs and arms, then his pituitary gland is working in an enhanced mode. If the function of the pituitary gland is weakened, or the growth hormone is produced in insufficient quantities or is completely absent, then the person grows slowly and is characterized by short stature, or growth stops altogether.

What is needed in order to have more growth hormone in the body? It is known that somotropin (growth hormone) is most actively produced one to two hours after falling asleep, which means that in order to have as much growth hormone as possible, you need to get enough sleep.

The thymus gland is directly related to the human gonads. At birth, a person has a large thymus gland, which continues to grow throughout childhood. And when a person goes through puberty, the thymus decreases in size. When the sexual organs are ripe, the thymus stops its work, and the growth of the human body also stops.

If in children's body there is an excess amount of sex hormones, then an early closure of the growth zones occurs and the child stops growing.

By old age, the growth of the human body decreases - this is due to dehydration in the joints and in the spine.

What else affects human growth?

Many factors influence human growth: heredity and chronic diseases, nutrition and material well-being, lifestyle and habits, belonging to a particular race, ethnic group, gender (women are shorter than men), climatic conditions.


The main factor influencing the growth of a person is heredity (parents of small stature and children will be short). What will be the growth of a person, 90% depends on the hereditary factor.

The second factor affecting growth is proper nutrition, which contains a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

An important role is played by the mother's nutrition during pregnancy, if the mother ate right, did not eat junk food, then the growth of the child increases by about 10%.

Food future mother should be high-calorie - at least 1500 kcal per day and contain essential microelements necessary for the development of the fetus, such as iodine, iron, as well as vitamins K, A, D, folic acid, a sufficient amount of protein.

In order for a child to grow better, it is necessary from an early age to teach him to eat right, eating quality foods, fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.

Low-fat dairy products, meat and eggs, poultry and fish, buckwheat porridge, beans, mushrooms, nuts, dried apricots and other protein-rich foods affect growth hormone and contribute to an increase in body length. Foods rich in calcium, zinc, vitamins A, D also help to grow in height.

An important factor influencing human growth is healthy lifestyle life. Engaging in physical education, sports games from childhood has a positive effect on the development and growth of a person, sports such as swimming, volleyball, basketball help to become taller, hanging on the crossbar is also useful, they seem to stretch the body.

The reason for growth retardation can be such a bad habit as smoking in the nursery and adolescence The more cigarettes a teenager smokes, the less he grows or growth may stop altogether.

Nicotine has a detrimental effect on the process of assimilation of vitamins obtained from food, and the lack of vitamins A, B, C, E, D and other nutrients does not allow the bones and spine to increase in length.

Cigarette smoke narrows the blood vessels and the blood cannot carry enough oxygen to the bones, bone tissue suffers from a lack of oxygen and bone growth slows down. Nicotine also reduces the production of somototropin hormone, which also leads to growth retardation.

The bad habits of the expectant mother - smoking, alcoholism affect the growth and development of the fetus, the child is born weakened and with a shorter body length, compared to a child born to a mother who leads a healthy lifestyle.


Serious diseases can be the cause of poor growth internal organs- heart, kidneys and adrenal glands, thyroid gland, respiratory system, bones and musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, chromosomal diseases, frequent viral and colds that weaken the body.

Chronic diseases of the mother, such as anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems affect the growth of the fetus, which means that the child is born with a shorter body length and grows worse.

What to do if the child is not growing well?

If you notice that your baby is not growing well and is far behind the growth of his peers, or looks a few years younger (the child is seven years old, but he looks like a five-year-old child), a complete examination of the child is necessary. medical institutions. If there are any deviations from the norm or disease, they can be easily corrected in childhood.

Victoria Zemskova

The complex about too much growth is often found in children in adolescence. Sometimes parents are also concerned if their child surpasses their peers in growth. However, it is immediately worth noting that this natural process and its artificial stop can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Can a person “early” stop growing, and what are the reasons for being tall? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Why does a person grow?

In the process of growing up, a person who does not have developmental disabilities grows. The speed of this process is influenced by certain hormones, the “main” of which is somatotropin. Its excess or deficiency in the body leads to some disorders, as a result of which a person either does not grow at all, or becomes a "giant".

What factors influence its production?

  • climatic conditions;
  • Lifestyle;
  • nutrition;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • ecological situation.

It is heredity that mainly influences the future growth of a child.

It is unlikely that in a family where parents are tall, a short child grows up. In such a situation, it is pointless to influence the development process.

But when a child reaches a height of, for example, 180 cm at the age of 11, this may indicate a violation in work. endocrine system. In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist.

Anthropological norms

At what age should a person stop growing? According to the generally accepted opinion, a person aged 11 to 14 grows very quickly, and this process stops at about 20-25 years. But in fact, people continue to slowly grow, becoming taller by a few millimeters per year until the age of 40. This is not considered a deviation from the norm, so there can be no real cause for concern.

Having overcome the indicated age limit, growth begins to decrease somewhat. According to doctors, every ten years a person becomes lower by about 10-15 mm. What is it connected with? Of course, there are no processes in the body that are the opposite of growing up. A decrease in height indicates a "shrinkage" of the vertebrae, joints, and cartilaginous tissues.

When do girls and boys stop growing?

During puberty, growth in height in boys and girls occurs differently. When do girls stop growing?

A sharp increase in centimeters in girls is observed in the period from 11 to 14 years. Over the years, the girl can become about 20-25 cm taller. However, by the 15th year of life, the activity of the process decreases, and most girls stop growing, reaching their "final" height. Of course, the girl grows over the next few years, but in most cases this does not promise a solid increase in growth.

Boys in this sense are somewhat behind, since they enter "puberty" a year or two later than girls. At what age does a boy stop growing? While boys can't keep up with girls at puberty, they catch up between the ages of 13 and 20. During this time, the height of the average guy can increase by 45-65 cm.

What is constitutional tallness?

Until how many years a person grows in height, we have already found out, but this does not relieve some people of the complexes caused by tallness.

It is immediately worth noting that stature may be due to constitutional features.

If during the examination the doctor does not find any disturbances in the hormonal background, most likely, the issue of therapeutic intervention will be immediately closed.

Many experts note that girls during puberty often wonder “How can you instantly stop growing at 14?”.

This concern is largely due to "fashion trends". It is believed that a tall girl is less attractive and therefore fragile and petite women are in great demand among the representatives of the opposite sex.

But most doctors are convinced that it is possible to intervene in the process only if the girl's height is 185 cm or more.

In such a situation, a person is prescribed a special hormonal therapy, due to which the production of the corresponding hormones is inhibited. However, hormonal drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor and only after an appropriate examination.

How not to increase in growth?

There are several ways in which you can completely stop the development in height. But some of them are unsafe, while others can only be used under medical supervision.

How can you stop growing fast?

  • hormone therapy. As already noted, hormonal drugs that prevent "increase in centimeters", can be prescribed exclusively by doctors and only after the discovery of any developmental abnormalities. Usually, a drug called ethinyl estradiol is used to stop the process. Its dosage and duration of use is determined only by the endocrinologist;
  • Taking anabolic steroids. It has been proven that children with asthma using steroid-based inhalers were about 4-6 cm shorter than their peers. However, the effectiveness of their use was not considered in the case of use of the drug by adults;
  • Sleep deprivation. Somatotropin is produced mainly in sleep, so insomnia, improper sleep and wakefulness can really affect the future growth of the child;
  • Smoking. There is no direct "evidence" indicating the effect of smoking on the process of development in height. But according to statistics, researchers have determined that children who smoke are slightly lower than peers who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Myths about stunting

People who are constantly looking for an answer to a question “how can you quickly stop growing in height?” often resort to the most ridiculous decisions. Not only do they not affect the increase in centimeters, they also contribute to the deterioration of well-being.

In order not to become a victim of ephemeral ways to reduce or stop growth, consider the most common:

  • exclusion of calcium. Many mistakenly believe that calcium promotes bone development. In fact, it only helps to strengthen bones and teeth, and its deficiency can lead to rickets, lung spasm and convulsions;
  • Carrying heavy loads. If a child begins to carry heavy satchels and bags on his still unstrengthened back, this will more likely lead to problems with posture than to stop development in height;
  • The use of caffeine. A growth retardant in the guise of caffeine can really make a child paranoid or "energizer", but it does not affect centimeters in any way. Of course, if it is taken at night, it is likely that the child will not fall asleep. Thanks to this, somatotropin will not be released into the blood, but the harm from this method will be much more than good.

Hello Matthew.

Lack of growth hormone

The most likely cause of growth arrest in adolescence is a serious illness (infection, bone disease, heart defects) and trauma. If the problem is detected in one or more endocrine glands (adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland), then they immediately give a referral for examination by an endocrinologist. Many of the hormones that the human body produces are involved in growth processes. If an imbalance occurs, one of the glands does not work properly, etc., then this also affects the growth function.

A person's growth is laid down long before his birth - at the genetic level, and with the development of the body, the hormone somatotropin is responsible for the correct growth. It is a hormone from the pituitary gland, a gland located in the brain. This hormone is called the substance of growth in children and adolescents, because. he is responsible for the growth of tubular bones (growth in length).

Despite the fact that the production of growth hormone occurs throughout life, there are phases of its active and passive effects. In children and adolescents, its concentration is maximum, because their bodies develop and need control over this process and hormonal coordination. In older people, the secretion of somatotropin is minimal, and in adolescents who are going through a phase of active growth and puberty, it is maximal.

If the intensive production of growth hormone occurs in adulthood, this leads to the development of serious disorders (facial changes, thickening of the bones, enlargement of the tongue). If suddenly there is a failure in the pituitary gland and the subsequent production of somatotropin, then growth generally stops. The process of stopping growth is especially obvious and noticeable on the example of children and adolescents, because at this age they grow by leaps and bounds.

In society, there is a fairly high proportion of people who, to one degree or another, experience a lack of growth hormone. This actual problem, but many turn a blind eye to it, although a child or adolescent suffering from stunted or stunted growth can be given proper assistance in a timely manner. Short people who do not reach average values ​​in body length experience the oppression and severity of this disorder all their lives (the pathology is called "nanism").

A person must grow in due time - in childhood and adolescence, then it is difficult for the body to help activate these processes. In addition, bones and muscles are already formed in adulthood, and stimulation of the secretion of growth hormone or the appointment of its artificial analogues will lead to deformities and deformities. By the way, if you start hormone replacement therapy, then a person will have to take somatotropin all his life, because the hormone will be responsible for the work of the heart, brain, bone density, muscle structure, etc.

Take urgent action

If the child has really stopped growing and this problem is real, and not contrived by you, then it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations and analyzes that will help establish the cause and prescribe the correct and timely therapy. Moreover, the timeliness of therapy in this matter, as mentioned earlier, is of paramount importance.

Start with an endocrinologist, because most often it is a violation of the function of the pituitary gland that produces growth hormone that causes cessation or impaired growth. Also provide the growing body with a complete balanced diet, proper rest and regular exercise. All this is of great importance in the phases of active growth of the human body.

The problem of nanism is completely solvable and in most cases simply requires timely detection and attention from doctors. Even if the cessation of growth is associated with other factors, then it is realistic to eliminate or minimize them.

Sincerely, Natalia.

When a girl begins to grow up, she compares herself with her friends: they are taller or lower, whether breasts have appeared, whether they are thick. A lot of experiences are connected with this, so we decided to tell you how old girls grow up to, what their parameters depend on.

Physiological processes

Growth is an indicator physical development person. It is influenced by various factors, including:

  • Heredity;
  • Age;
  • Place of residence (conditions: city, village, local ecology).

Somatotropic hormone, which acts on the length of tubular bones in the limbs, is responsible for this process. Its concentration is maximum in childhood, adolescence and in young people, in the elderly it is minimal.

However, the fastest person increases during fetal development. Then the process slows down:

  • The first year of life gives the child an average of 24 cm;
  • The second and third are another 10 cm;
  • From 3 to 7 years old, a person grows by about 6 cm;
  • During the period of sexual changes, 5-7 cm are added per year.

Since girls age-related changes begin earlier, they overtake boys. It is thanks to this feature that all girls in the 5th grade are usually a head taller. But after 15 years, the guys begin their development and catch up.

Accordingly, the girls finish growing earlier: at 17-18 years old, and the guys at 19-20. Of course, everything is individual, it is impossible to say for sure that this will happen, but the average figures are as follows.

At what age do girls start menstruating?

At some point, the second phase of growth begins - puberty. At this time, the breasts gradually increase, menstruation (regula) appears, the forms become more rounded. The body starts reproductive functions - the main ones in female body. The elongation of the bones at this point slows down, all the attention is on making a girl out of a girl.

This is a very important time: it is necessary to follow the process, since any violation can lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, mothers should know when and what happens approximately:

  1. The first appearance of menstruation occurs at 12 - 14 years, sometimes at 9 - 11. The timing may vary depending on the climate in which you live (if it is hot at 11 - 15 years old, cold - between 13 and 20 years old);
  2. The following discharge may not appear immediately, after 2 or 3 months. This is normal, over time, the cycle will become regular and will be 28 days. However, such a gap perfect option and it doesn't happen to everyone. It is considered normal when the cycle lasts from 20 to 35 days;
  3. The critical days themselves last from 2 to 8 days.

The first menstruation is an exciting event, the girl should know about their arrival, because certain hygiene rules must be observed at this time, dose physical activity.

Deviations from the norm

Often this difficult period deviations may occur because hormonal background still unstable and need to be corrected in time.

What do deviations look like?

  1. early menstruation, at 9 - 11 years old. Often it is caused by hormonal disruptions, excessive stress, neuropsychiatric problems or metabolic disorders. Early sexual development can also be associated with brain pathologies: pituitary tumors, impulse disturbances in the cortex.

The situation requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor, otherwise there is a risk of complications:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • breast cancer;
  • Diabetes.
  1. late menstruation when up to 15 years of discharge did not appear. The reason for this can be both serious pathologies (disturbances in the functions of the pituitary gland or the anatomy of the uterus), and an unhealthy lifestyle (poor nutrition, frequent stress, fluctuations in body weight). No one can say for sure what consequences await a teenager, but this violation increases the risk of developing breast and endometrial cancer, and can also lead to infertility.

IN early age such diseases are corrected, if they are not cured, they will definitely make themselves felt.

Ideal performance

Girls often worry when looking at their girlfriends that they are shorter or taller, narrower or wider, hips are not so round or vice versa. In adolescence, it is too early to do this. Understand that everything is individual and much depends on the constitution, hereditary predisposition. In addition, during puberty, the body will change several times.

The main thing maintain proportions of height and weight. That is, for a short woman it is disastrous to have an impressive weight, but it can also be normal for a taller lady. Below we will give approximate indicators of the “golden mean”, if they are very different for you, then you need to fight it, if not, just control it:


Height (cm)

Weight, kg)

The increase in hips and other parts of the body goes in parallel with the formation of sexual characteristics, up to about 20 years. During this time, you can only observe if there are no other indications. If a girl after 20 years continues to grow, then she needs to understand that she will not grow up, only in width, and then it's time to act.

How to properly raise a girl?

This is not an easy task, how many all sorts of nuances need to be foreseen, to be protected from many dangers. The main thing:

  • Be an attentive, caring parent;
  • Be able to delicately resolve all issues;
  • Be a good example;
  • Cultivate love and respect for yourself.

During puberty, it is important not to lose the trust of a restless wayward teenager. Help hide figure flaws that often worry girls at this age. Learn how to properly take care of yourself, emphasize dignity. Believe me, later your daughter will thank you for your wisdom and patience.

From an early age, watch her character, this will help you find the right threads, and you can keep in touch during a difficult period. Love your child and everything will work out.

We found out to what age girls grow and how they grow up. These processes are interconnected and are the basis of the health of an adult woman, so they need to be controlled, support the child and remember how difficult it was to get older.

Girls development video

In this video, Albina Lobacheva will tell you up to what age girls breasts grow: