
How to understand what a girl likes. What to do if you love a girl? I really love the girl but she doesn't

breast cancer

What if the girl I love loves someone else

  1. If not a hard NO, but cute, then you have every chance! Know that in any relationship, all the more so for a long time, they swear strongly and annoy each other, you just need to get into the moment, start seeing her on the contrary, even if at first even with her boyfriend, let him think that you are a friend and not a rival! keep your friends close and your enemies even closer! constantly loom before her eyes, mine just took me away (I had a fight with a guy and went with a friend to a camp site, he came there and looked after me, was constantly there when we arrived in the city and went and told him in the eyes that he loves me that I deserve a better attitude towards myself, and from a handsome guy he became my husband and I'm glad that I made just such a choice!) So don't give up! Let him know that you are always there, wait as long as you can if you can, of course, let him feel confident on your part, declare your love beautifully, let him know that you love e and don’t be shy about it, just not very often, otherwise you’ll get used to it)))) ) Believe me, you have every chance, girls love compliments, gifts, we need to be loved every day and a lot, and her young man will not give this to her, because the relationship has been long and he is sure that she will not leave, yet how to leave if you try! We women can love only because we are loved!
  2. try to win it back, make beautiful gestures, but if nothing works, then look for another
  3. No matter how trite it may sound, it is best to get distracted and find another object for adoration and love. you can of course try to break this pair, but do you need it? interfere with their feelings. . Everyone has their own way how to survive unrequited love, for example, I went to another city and made friends and found my true love among them.
  4. don't need another, it won't help... stop talking to her... immerse yourself in work or study... hang out with friends... in time everything will pass...
  5. I met the same problem, I liked it, I decided to get to know each other, well, we met and I fell in love, and she lived in my house once when a drunk knocked on her, she opened it, but the guy didn’t sit there for a long time and suddenly something shorted in my head and I tell the guy let's go smoke, we go out, without thinking for a long time, I started to be him in this, I beat him and he crawled home after that, she was offended by me and didn’t talk, but I was persistent and started to apologize, but she didn’t want to listen to me and I wrote on Christina's sheet, I'm sorry and it's all in my heart, I stuck it in her door a little later, she came home, read it and forgave me later, I found out that she draws well and asked me to get a tattoo, she agreed, we began to spend more time together, but then she moved to another house we began to see each other less and then a month later I left for work now I write to her once a week so that she doesn’t forget and not long ago she wrote to me herself that we have unfinished business when you arrive write and I’m going to tell her everything I think I just don't know what to do with it
  6. my friend, the handsome schoolboy, confessed 10 times, I rejected him, but he does not give up. Even though it's annoying, it's still SO CUTE. Don't worry, fight for her. I believe in you
  7. Well, all the boys love me, I don't know who to choose
  8. Bro, the same problem, the same response to recognition, confessed 3 times and in poetic form and this way and that ... I have been in love for a year now, I can’t forget at night I don’t sleep thinking about her ... I see it every day and don’t forget .... My advice to you is just wait. Wait until there is no choice but to love you. If the answer was not NO, but a pretty good one, then you are not very indifferent. Of course, in my case, the girl is not simple, she won’t give up so easily. In short, wait and try to remind yourself at least once a week
  9. Yes, do not kill yourself because you are a person and do not smear snot because you are a man. Find something to do and stop sitting in one place and crying, but life is not given to you in order to die from unrequited love. Try yourself in some business, maybe you will succeed as a person, and with a new occupation, new interests and new acquaintances will come, respectively, you will forget the one that did not reciprocate
  10. She will meet with him. You need to find another. And then the girl you love will understand a lot and may even regret it!
  11. Attention, only TODAY!

    If this principle is violated, people lose the blessing of God. Moreover, for women, the role of a concubine, unlike that of a wife, is degrading. If a young man is not convinced that he loves the girl he is dating, he has no right to use his youth, beauty and beauty. The Lord created men, men and women, not because they are "fun", without any obligation to each other.

    It is important to understand that cohabitation relationships are harmful to both the soul of a man and a woman. The role of a concubine puts a woman in an unnatural situation. First of all, she is not sure about the future. And it is not known what will be the result of this “test”: will she become a wife or will she be left alone, with a wounded soul and a bitter experience of a fake marriage? If the experiment fails, we can only imagine how much suffering, despondency and injustice this woman will endure. And these things are not without consequences for the soul.

To love means to be happy. Do you agree with this statement? Perhaps there are exceptions - for example, "non-standard" love. It's no secret that the existence of same-sex love is just as not new as the existence of "classic" claims. Attitudes towards this phenomenon have changed throughout the development of mankind. The defining values ​​that exist in society, as well as the mentality, have always had a great influence.

Thus, women deliberately destroy their personality. As a result, we are dealing with irresponsible, infantile, malicious men, as well as aggressive women, scandalous and screaming. Check the stability of your relationship, but do not cross the line drawn by God, because it is destructive to the individual. It is impossible to build a family on such a basis.

Why should two young people who love each other register their relationship with the state? Can a stamp affect feelings? Of course, this affects, and this is confirmed by the experience of many generations. Until there is a stamp, you are not a husband and wife; you have no obligation or responsibility to each other. Today you love, not tomorrow, and then you will be divided. We have many examples in this regard in society. Thus, you steal your happiness for yourself, because it cannot be completed outside of the family.

Same-sex relationships through the eyes of psychologists

In modern psychopathology, same-sex love is a variant of the norm. For example, WHO (World Health Organization) in 1992 canceled the status of such love as "pathological". Also, it would not be superfluous to recall Alfred Kinzie, who was one of the very first researchers of same-sex relationships. He proved that many people at certain periods of their lives had situational same-sex relationships, without considering themselves homosexuals. These studies prove the theory of Z. Freud about the bisexuality of all people without exception.

Extramarital relationships are sinful. This impurity extends to all life in all its aspects. And yes, one way to show your love is to record your attitude towards the state. Take responsibility for your next one and announcing it to everyone today is, unfortunately, an act of heroism. But if you really love, then you won't even think too much about printing. So it is good to marry and live together in joy.

Today it is not fashionable or according to modern times to keep you clean. Many girls are convinced that they have only two options: live without papers or remain old girls. This opinion is wrong. First, righteousness is a special gift from God. The girl, by her nature, was created to be the guardian of righteousness. And this extraordinary quality should be kept as a nod of your head, without indulging in shameless lies.

If we remember antiquity, the times of Ancient Rome, Greece, we will be very surprised at how they treated same-sex love then. After all, this was considered the norm, and even more - a more perfect feeling than traditional relationships.

Is it love?

If we talk about love, it does not matter which one, the terminology should also be touched upon. Looking, for example, in Ozhegov's dictionary, we see the definition of the concept of "love" as "a deep emotional attraction, a heartfelt feeling." Moreover, there is no specification that this feeling should be directed to a person of the opposite sex. Of course, a person has a very complex mental organization, so it is sometimes difficult to explain what exactly determines the cause of attraction to people of the same sex.

Indeed, today it is difficult to maintain cleanliness. It is much easier to indulge in temptation and do "experiments" that destroy the personality. The word "debauchery" comes from "brake", "defeat". Look only at those who have decided to live without papers. After some of these "experiments" girls lose their healthy attitude towards themselves. Then a complex person of inferior quality appears. After such failures, can you try to prove to the girl that it is possible to create a solid family? Indeed, few girls still retain their purity until marriage.

Therefore, if a girl loves a girl, or a young man loves a guy, this should not be considered something immoral, wrong or pathological.

What should relatives and friends do in a “non-standard” situation?

No matter how much we agree with the progressive views of modern psychopathology and the desire for justice, that we are all equal, in any case, if we ourselves encounter a similar situation, we will come into slight confusion (or even not easy - who knows). What should parents do if their daughter has declared that she loves her girlfriend? The topic is complex and even controversial. Russian society treats “non-standard” relations with rejection, having a homophobic position. If your daughter has stated that she is different from the majority, do not panic.

This is why many marriages break down. Modern man runs for pleasure, not thinking about family responsibilities, raising children and family service. What is happening today only testifies to the degradation of society. Men have consumer attitudes towards women. Blame it, ladies, because you loved men too much. The girl should be inaccessible, and then the person will show moral qualities: masculinity, strength of character, diligence, kindness and tenderness. He will become a knight, a defender of purity and feminine righteousness.

Thus, the person will have to win your trust and love, showing the qualities of a real man, not a woman! My friend agreed with the concubine, but her choice does not offer to marry her. What advice can be given in this case? If the young man does not ask the girl to marry, then she will have to talk about it. My advice is to take the courage and calmly tell him that he loves him and that he wants to find a family with him. She should tell her that she has already made her choice and that she expects him to take the position.

Some practical advice:

  • Remember that this is your child first of all, and you are obliged to accept his character traits and preferences (otherwise, why would you have children at all, no one promised that they would meet all your requirements).
  • Don't jump to conclusions, take time to think.
  • Build friendships with your child so that he can trust you and talk about himself (there have been situations when teenagers closed themselves off from rejection by their parents and ended up taking their own lives).
  • Try to analyze your teenager's social circle: if your daughter, for example, has few boy friends, introduce her to a nice guy with similar interests.
  • Do not put an end to your child's personal life - perhaps this is a tribute to fashion, and your daughter is just "playing", she wants to be "not like everyone else." Take a wait-and-see attitude, because often such loves among teenagers are situational in nature, and girls meet guys, starting a serious relationship with them, subsequently marrying.

You never thought that this could happen to you. You always liked guys, and between you and other girls, only friendship could exist. But suddenly you realize that you are seriously in love with a girl. Who is she? Maybe your close friend, colleague or classmate, fitness trainer or even just a casual acquaintance. If you are reading this article, then most likely you are afraid of your feelings, you are afraid to take the first step and be rejected, or maybe even ready to admit that you are abnormal and sick. We hope we can help you a little.

I fell in love with a girl, I want her. This is fine?

If you have never had relationships with people of the same gender and you did not even imagine that you were capable of experiencing feelings for other girls, then, of course, it is not easy for you now. But you have to understand and accept the fact that you are absolutely fine. In the world of sexual desires and addictions, there is no concept of the norm: someone likes only young people, and someone likes the elderly; someone prefers people with Caucasian appearance, and someone prefers Asians; someone chooses people of the opposite sex, and someone chooses his own. You have no reason to reproach yourself for falling in love with a girl.

But after all I always liked only guys, - you can object. How did it happen that I'm a girl and I want another girl? This is not normal for me! Again, there is no cause for concern. Even if you usually like guys, it doesn't mean that you can't have feelings for a girl. Perhaps you are now asking yourself the question: “If I am a girl and fell in love with a girl, then I am a lesbian?”. Do not rush things and put labels on yourself. Now the most important thing for you is to figure out your feelings for this person, because this is what worries you the most.

You will still have enough time to decide on your sexual orientation - if you need it at all.

In order to help researchers of human nature more accurately determine the sexual orientation of a person, tools such as the Kinsey scale and the Klein grid have been developed. But it's much more important for you right now to get your own feelings and thoughts in order than to find your place on the Kinsey scale. Therefore, let's move on from theory to the answer to the question that concerns you: “I fell in love with a girl, what should I do?”.

What to do if you fell in love with a girl

Now that you have made sure that there is nothing strange and abnormal in your feeling, answering this question should be a little easier. But only a little: after all, falling in love almost always leads to awkwardness, embarrassment and real horror at the thought that the object of desire will find out about our feelings. What can we say about the situation when the fear of being misunderstood, rejected and even ridiculed is added to these ordinary sufferings of lovers - after all, unfortunately, in our society, the attitude towards same-sex love still leaves much to be desired.

Most best advice how to behave, you could give yourself ... if you visited the future and found out how it all ended. We do not know all the details of your life, but still we will try to analyze a few typical situations.

I fell deeply in love with a girl and it seems to me that this is mutual

You notice that the object of your sympathy also shows signs of attention to you. But how do you know if it's exactly what you think? If the relationship between male friends is usually quite restrained, then the girls can afford to hug each other, smack on the cheek, make cute gifts and shower their girlfriends with compliments. Therefore, you are tormented by doubts: does she really reciprocate, or do you take the usual manifestations of friendship for reciprocal love?

As hard as it is to confess your feelings, it's best if you do it now and don't let them eat away at you from the inside.

If the girl you like really has reciprocal feelings for you, then you can quite understand how difficult it is for her right now. Clarifying the situation would be the best solution for both of you. But what if you're wrong and your confession destroys your friendship?

It makes you want to say: if you are dear to someone, this person will never push you away just because you fell in love with him or her. But, alas, different things happen in life, and you yourself, perhaps, would not have behaved quite adequately in the place of the girl you are in love with. Therefore, try to honestly assess your condition today. Does communication with this girl give you only positive emotions - or has friendship turned into endless suffering, because you constantly think that you are not destined to be together? If your falling in love makes you unhappy, then it is wiser to discuss the situation with the girl you like. There is always a risk of destroying friendships, but if you continue to suppress your feelings, at one point your communication may become completely unbearable for you.

Help, I fell in love with a girl and I'm afraid that she will find out about it

Everything becomes much harder if you are sure that there can be no question of any reciprocity. For example, the object of your sympathy has a young man, she is married, or you heard her speak unflatteringly about same-sex relationships. In addition, the situation in your city or in the team to which you both belong can serve as an additional demotivator.

It's very bad that you have to hide your feelings, but when it comes to personal safety and emotional comfort, your decision not to show your affection may be completely justified.

Nevertheless, if you fell in love with a girl unrequitedly, then you don’t need to try to strangle, suppress these feelings in yourself. By doing this, you will only provoke a deterioration in your emotional, and possibly physical condition. Very soon we will write a separate article on how to deal with unrequited feelings. Perhaps it will help you get through this difficult period for you.

If your feelings do not bring you suffering, if the presence of your girlfriend inspires and inspires you, then perhaps the problem is not really as serious as it seems. But if you feel that it’s hard for you to endure your meetings, if you feel dependent and unhappy, then you should talk about this with a loved one or a psychologist.

I fell in love with a girl, but I live with a guy

What to do if you have a boyfriend, you have a strong, long-term relationship ... but you fell in love with a girl? The most obvious answer to this question, of course, is to prioritize. Even in the happiest relationships, it is difficult to avoid temptations in the form of handsome guys, but with a girl it’s a completely different case: after all, this is not an ordinary betrayal, this is something fundamentally new. In addition, it seems to many that going to the left with a person of the same sex is not treason at all. But it's not. Answer yourself a question, only honestly: what will really make you happy? Relationship with the guy you love, or the desire to experiment? Most likely the first. But every situation is unique and we don't know if you are really happy with your boyfriend.

If your relationship is difficult to call healthy, you often quarrel, it is difficult for you to find mutual language, or maybe he gives you unambiguous reasons for jealousy - it is better to stop such a relationship.

Your falling in love is a signal: you are tired of this relationship, you need someone else. A person who understands you; a person with whom it is good and easy. And there is nothing wrong or strange in the fact that it will be a girl.

By the way, what has been said above also applies to the situation when married woman fell in love with a girl. Yes, yes, although it is hard to admit, but family relationships sometimes they make us miserable, exhaust us, and in the end become an unbearable burden. And in this case, sympathy for the girl may be an indicator that not everything is in order in your family and, perhaps, for a long time.

The girl fell in love with the girl. How to be?

We hope that our article helped you understand your feelings, prompted the right questions and thoughts. As a conclusion, let's collect everything that we have said above into two small lists. So, what should not be done if you fell in love with a girl:

  • By no means blame yourself. Your feelings are absolutely normal and everything is fine with you!
  • Do not rush to label yourself and question your sexual orientation. You will have plenty of time to deal with this later.
  • Whatever decision you make, do not rely on someone else's opinion. Even if you know that your environment will not accept the love of a girl for a girl, this is not a reason to refuse it.
  • Don't try to silence or suppress your feelings. This will only hurt yourself.
  • You should not look for advice on women's forums or services like Answers. The audience of such resources is unlikely to be able to give you good advice.

And in conclusion - a short list of what to do if you are a girl and you like a girl:

  • Talk frankly with the object of your sympathy - this is the only right step if you are really serious and want a relationship with this girl. No matter how frightening the rejection is, this is the only way you can find out if you should count on reciprocity.
  • Ask for advice from someone close to you who will understand and support you.
  • Let your feelings inspire you to creativity and new achievements. If falling in love brings you only negativity and suffering, it is better to consult a psychologist.
  • Always ask yourself one question: what will make you happy? And do what you think is right.

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Unrequited love is a phenomenon much more frequent than reciprocal feelings. All statistics and books will tell you about it. But how is it that unrequited love breeds a relationship? If you love, but you don't - why does your partner stay with you? Why do people generally form such pairs, and then painfully look for a way out?

How to be in a relationship when you love, but you do not?

You have been together for more than a year and began to feel that your soul mate no longer loves you. Why could this happen?

As unbelievable as it is, it's true. Fights and arguments don't always have to be a sign that a relationship is going through a difficult stage. Any person truly in love with their partner will show their interest and concern through a well-managed contest. In such conflicts, solutions to some problems can also be found by fulfilling obligations.

The fact that a man does the impossible to keep his beloved happy is one of the most obvious signs of the feelings he has for her. Sure, it doesn't involve big gestures and self-denial, but if every now and then your boyfriend or husband decides to postpone or cancel their plans to spend time with you or do something together, you might feel really happy. If someone truly loves you, you will always be their priority.

Reason 1

Perhaps you were never loved, and the relationship was just a reason for something. A person could look for a certain benefit for himself, make a bet (do not think that this only happens in the movies), and finally, he could just be bored.

Sometimes relationships can start out of boredom - you want to have fun, new sensations, fun pastime. And even more so if a person notices that they are in love with him.

Love has the power to turn even the most cowardly on the planet into a brave man who wants to do everything for his partner. That's why lovestruck knights get into trouble so often and aren't afraid to be beaten up in the name of the love they're trying to protect. At the same time, they are able to withstand any kind of inconvenience of being with the woman of their dreams. When men truly love, they know that losing their lover is the worst thing that can happen to them.

When a man loves a woman, everything she does well seems to be her own success. This feeling is very similar to what a mother feels for her little son when he does something for the first time and it looks great. While many couples compete with each other for some very strange reason, the truth is that when what comes into play is a real feeling, a man feels like the king of the world if he can support a triumphant woman who is at your side.

Of course, the best solution is to beware of such situations and not be used, but sometimes you still find yourself in such a mousetrap, skillfully deceived and not knowing what to do next. After all, this is life, things happen.

Reason 2

There was love for you, but it faded away. You all also love, but have not been loved for a long time. What do you do if you love and you don't? Of course, let go. If you still love this person. Gather all your strength, no matter how hard it is, and let him go. He will be happy, believe me, and eventually you will become happy. When all stages of denial, anger and resentment pass, you will wake up one sunny morning and suddenly realize that you did everything right. That they finally found the strength to be happy for the person they once loved.

See you beautiful even on your bad days

Click "next page" to read the rest of the message content. What do you need to do to make a person beautiful in love with you? The answer is: nothing, because true love does not pay attention to appearance. As trite as it sounds, it's a great truth. A man who feels something real for his wife takes every opportunity to show him how charming and handsome he is. So it doesn't matter if you have pimples, feel bloated, you're sick, or you can't recover from congestion: no boy whose feelings are sincere will pay attention to the details of this type.

What do you do when you love and you don't exist anymore?

It is better to uproot unrequited feelings and leave. After all, you may well find someone who will love you! The process of parting with the object of unrequited love will be something like disinfecting a room after an epidemic of a viral disease:

First of all, convince yourself that this person hurt you, treated you cruelly, you do not deserve this. As a conclusion - he has nothing to do in your life;

Consider your family and friends

Although you may not like them that much, the man in love is going to try to make things better and settle down even with your heavier family and friends: and he'll get it just because he cares about you. Knowing how important your family and colleagues are, even if you don't feel comfortable spending time with them, a gentleman truly in love will overcome the damage and try to make a difference. Source: Giphy.

Some actions show when a boy managed to win a woman's heart

Love cannot be hidden, not by a look, not by a word, not just by a caress is more than enough to understand that the person we love loves us.

Do without the notorious "we will remain friends." Think about it and give yourself a sincere answer - do you really want to remain friends and communicate with the person who used you? That's it;

From the circle of acquaintances and friends, choose exactly those who never approved of your MCH and always disliked him. Try to spend as much time with them as possible. Friends will understand, and it will become much easier for you;

Many times we find someone who finds it difficult to express their emotions through prayers, but does so with actions. As in many cases, we do not know how to interpret. This is one of the signs that a woman has overcome the barrier of wanting a man to love him deeply. When they know a boy, they usually put up a lot of barriers for fear of being sick, try to take care of their heart as much as possible, more when they feel that said person is completely beware.

Women are too expressive, so knowing that they love you will not be difficult. In a look that will be admired and caressed, it will shine more ordinary, and you can read in it the joy that radiates when you see it. Without a doubt, the eyes are the window to the soul. Also, you cannot avoid hugging or touching any part of your body.

And finally, the golden rule of any breakup, if you love, but you don’t: find something to do. Take a break. Do what you have always dreamed of. And often repeat to yourself that he is not worth a drop of beautiful, smart and priceless you;

What to do if you secretly love, but you don't?

If you are not familiar with the object of your adoration, take the initiative in your own hands. Find acquaintances in common with him, ask about him, find out about his hobbies and interests, ask to be introduced to each other. After a formal acquaintance, talk about topics of interest to him. No wonder the saying goes that water does not flow under a lying stone. But, remember, don't be pushy. A man should feel that the whole situation is under his control.

We were told that this should be a person who is responsible for details and attention, especially if he wants to win the heart of a woman. But when she takes the initiative and gives gifts, she is afraid to find out how you are, she sends you messages or calls, no doubt this woman loves you.

He always asks about what is happening to you. When a woman is in love, she tries to get involved in the life of the person she loves and knows everything that happens to her. He listens carefully to everything he wants to tell him, and knows that from his joy, in a certain sense, he will depend on it.

Don't waste your time on this man. Maybe you're just not his type. Each person has his own preferences, and what seems uninteresting to this man will be a gift from heaven for another. Just change the man!

When you ask yourself: “What if I love him, but he doesn’t love me?” it means that you were visited by unrequited love. Unrequited feelings for another person often bring suffering that lasts quite a long time. However, unrequited love has the other side of the coin - it gives you the motivation to become better, to do some work on the mistakes associated with your character, clothing style and manners. Therefore, such a situation can be used to your advantage, but how exactly to change the situation by the other side, we will tell you in our article today.

Our publication will consist of two parts, in the first we will tell you how to change, and in the second we will give examples of how to forget a young man, even if you love him very much.

Part 1. We change ourselves

If you really love him, then you can change, no matter how difficult it may seem. Of course, for starters, you need to find out what type of girls he likes. Be careful: study it; to which girl he shows more attention, and to which less, and how the first type of girls differs from the second. When analyzing girls, use all the data you know (height, weight, age, time of general acquaintance, hair color, character, manners, style of dress, even pay attention to the smell of perfume). The more you know about a guy's preferences, the easier it will be to turn into the girl of his dreams.

Change appearance. Change of appearance is one of the most effective ways attract men, because you may have an angelic soul, a wonderful character and no bad habits, but inconspicuous appearance will not give the opportunity to open up to a man. You can change your makeup to a more expressive one, so that men look back at you, or you can dye your hair in a different color, preferably a radically new one. For example, a blonde who has become a brunette will cause a lot of controversy and discussion. You will be original if your choice falls on the red color, the red-haired beast attracts special attention of men. When choosing a new hair color, you must take into account the fact that the new color should suit you and emphasize your dignity, otherwise you will not be able to draw due attention to your person, but only cause ridicule in your address.

Overweight girls would do well to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters, and how to do it at home, read our yesterday's article: how to lose weight at home quickly!

A change in appearance can be directed not only towards attracting attention, by giving your appearance a brighter look, but sometimes vice versa, you should “simplify” your makeup a little so that a man does not feel embarrassed or ashamed of you being in the same company. If you look like a Barbie doll, and your object of desire does not pay any attention to you, then perhaps he simply considers himself unworthy of you, thinking that you will refuse him 100% if he shows his sympathy for you.

The second point is quite closely intertwined with the appearance of the girl. A change in style, like appearance, can radically change the opinion of others about you. As a rule, in most cases, the change in style should swing towards femininity, sophistication and attention to detail. In the understanding of any man, a woman, first of all, is a weak and tender creature, an angel who should be taken care of, cared for, helped and surrounded by attention. Wearing stilettos, you once again give a man a reason to look after you, for example, when you go down the stairs or get off the car / bus, etc. Again, changing the style, be sure that it suits you. Before showing your beloved man in front of your eyes, ask good friends for advice.

The right style of clothing will emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. If you are the owner beautiful breasts, legs or priests, do not be afraid to emphasize this, especially now when it comes to your future.

Sometimes it is difficult to find the right image that suits you. In such cases, you should contact the stylists. Girlfriends who have good taste will be of little help to you in this matter, because. elementary female jealousy can play here.

It's time to change your manners. Sometimes the reason for the lack of necessary attention from a man lies in the wrong manners, which are alien to your chosen one. Here, observations of those girls who impress a guy will especially help you. It may turn out that he doesn’t like too “correct” girls who behave like English ladies, but it may also be the other way around - it’s disgusting for a guy to communicate with girls who are called “boys” in society.

If you don’t clearly understand what manners you should have in order to please the chosen man, then in this case, adhere to the norm in everything: depending on the case, be either vulnerable-feminine or courageous-brave.

When you have changed yourself on all of the above points, but the result is not particularly comforting, and he still does not love you (and even without a hint of it), then more “heavy artillery” comes into play - we change our character. This process is quite lengthy, because. changing yourself is not a matter of minutes, as is the case with appearance or style. Here you will need days, weeks, and maybe months. The difficulty lies, firstly, in the fact that you must know exactly what is missing in your character (perseverance, openness, honesty, constancy, reliability, devotion, etc.). Secondly, you need to have willpower so as not to quit what you started halfway.

If you love your boyfriend, and he began to treat you with coolness, perhaps this is the point in the relationship. Try to return the old feelings, and the first thing you should pay attention to is your character. Having found flaws in it, get rid of them and only then take up your appearance, because a new hairstyle or an updated wardrobe can attract attention again young man who once loved you.

Let's move on to the next, even more radical method of changing a man's feelings for himself. Sometimes the absence of any feelings is connected with the girl’s unwillingness to open up to a man - she is too constrained and inaccessible. This manifests itself in different ways, sometimes a man is forbidden to even hug and kiss a girl (not to mention sex), although they may have been dating for several days / weeks / months. Such principles of girls lead guys to think that they don’t like him, don’t want him, and he’s not interesting as a man. Any feelings can cool down because of such behavior of a girl. Try to be more accessible to this man, give him free rein and maybe then feelings will arise again, as before.

Another, no less frequent case, when a girl allows a man too much, when he feels his power and she allows him everything, always and everywhere. Yes, sometimes such vulgarity attracts the attention of men, but the prolonged “sweetness” quickly becomes cloying. In this case, you should play with your object of desire in the so-called game "Cats, mice!". From now on, a kiss, hugging, and even more so sex, a man will have to earn (catch). It's worth the risk, because in any case, you have nothing to lose, if the feelings have cooled down, then sooner or later he will leave you, but with such a game you can stir up the desire of a man to seek you.

Flirt with his friends. The last piece of advice on how to get feelings back and stop asking yourself the same phrase (What if I love him, but he doesn’t?!) is flirting with his friends and in front of him. Why is this item, as the last resort and it can not be used earlier? Because if the reason lies in the above facts, then you can only aggravate the situation, and not fix it. Because see flirting pretty girl for men it is very jealous, even if it is a strange girl who does not like a bit.

In addition, by flirting, you can show yourself in the perspective in which he has not seen you yet, which can favorably affect the start and development of your relationship.

Part 2. forget it

Unfortunately, not all attempts to ignite love in a man's chest end in success. Sometimes you have to accept the fact that this is not the man with whom you are destined to go through life, which means that you need to forget and let him go. However, do not forget that you should only forget when you have done everything to fall in love with a guy. Otherwise, you may later regret that you didn’t make an attempt, and most importantly, you didn’t change yourself for the better when there was an opportunity and motivation.

So, imagine the situation: nothing helps, your love is unrequited, which means that the fear of separation is creeping closer and closer. What to do?!

The first thing to do now is to speak out, and you need to cry in a vest not only to friends who will understand and support in difficult times, but also to personally talk about relationships with a guy (if you have the courage). Express everything you think about him, tell us about the feelings that you experienced, about the torments that you experienced, and of course about those exploits and achievements that you achieved for him. You can’t keep these thoughts in yourself, because. they will corrode you from the inside, bringing pain and suffering. Having spoken them out loud, and even several times, you will feel great relief, as if a mountain had fallen off your shoulders.

Get advice and support from friends / girlfriends, which will help you look at the world more positively. Tell your friends your reproaches against him, get angry at him, and this will help you realize that a person is simply unworthy of a girl like you. And from now on, you are unlikely to want to remember that you were once crazy about such a guy.

The second step in unrequited love should be the destruction of all things that can remind you of the past: photographs, gifts, postcards and other trifles. Is it difficult to throw away good or expensive things? Not a problem! Stuffed Toys can be given to children, and expensive gifts such as rings or other jewelry made of precious metals- smelt or sell. Be honest with yourself, you should not leave even the smallest things, otherwise they will gnaw at you all your life with unnecessary memories of parting.

Don't pull the rubber. Another very useful advice is not to hope that everything can come to its senses. If you pull with rubber, then the pain of parting will only intensify. This event should end as abruptly as a knife strike on a piece of meat - painful, scary and unpleasant. However, in this scenario, everything will end quickly and painlessly. Go to new stage your life, where there is no place for suffering and tears. And fill this first new sheet of your life with neat and beautiful handwriting ...

Find another man. One of the most simple ways forget about the past guy - find a new one. Perhaps this may seem like an unbearable burden, because. there will be no desire to build new relationships, mainly because of the fear of being deceived and abandoned again. But this must be overcome! Let friends, acquaintances and caring people help you.

Find hobbies. Hobbies and hobbies will help to forget about unrequited love, however, they must be active and have both physical and mental stress. It can be bowling, tennis, hiking, etc. with friends.

Go on vacation/dacha/to relatives. Another good way to “forget” is to change your place of residence. If you rented an apartment together, and now you are left alone in it, then it is advisable for you to change it, otherwise the memories will swallow you up. If it didn’t come to a relationship, then just move (at least for a while) to another city or country where there will be no common familiar places and people. If it is not possible to do this now, then complete this task in the near future, when you are on vacation or on vacation (if you are still studying). It is not necessary to go to the sea or abroad, you can simply go to the country or live a little with relatives in another city.

When love is gone, it is difficult to think soberly and rationally, but believe me, in a year, you will remember this period with a smile and not even understand why, and most importantly, why you cried, it will be difficult for you to even imagine that there was a place for tears on this occasion in your life, because unrequited love and this man is simply not worth it. Therefore, now it is important for you to accept this event as it is, to forgive this man (who could not love you) and let go of love. Trust fate, which will be favorable to those who trust it.

Contact a psychotherapist. In extremely difficult situations when simple advice does not help and does not work, and your moral well-being does not improve (you often cry, do not want to eat, walk and constantly remember about it, etc.) and you begin to think about the end of your life, urgently seek help from a specialist . The best assistant in this matter will be a psychotherapist who can easily pull you out of this maelstrom of terrible events and unrequited love.

Sex and chocolate. And already by tradition, we will give at the end of our article the most pleasant and effective advice about what to do in a situation if you have become a victim of unrequited love: have sex more often with men who are pleasant, even if you don’t like it, and eat more chocolate. Both will bring you great pleasure, which, at least for a while, will help you forget about problems on the love front.

Perhaps every young person at least once in his life faced with such a question: “Are my feelings mutual?”. Of course, you can ask the girl directly. But what to do if there are too many doubts, but you don’t want to make yourself look stupid?

In this case, the unconscious actions of the girl come to the rescue, which she herself may not notice. But knowing about their existence and being able to read them, you can easily determine whether you really have a chance for reciprocity.

Signs that she loves you

All unconscious actions of a person can be divided into 3 groups: behavior, look, gestures. Let's analyze each separately.


In order to find out if a girl is in love, you need to observe how she behaves. Here are the main signs:

  1. Interest. A girl who is not indifferent is usually very pleased to hear about your affairs. True sign- if a girl tries to ask someone else about you, asks mutual friends about your condition. If a girl is always ready to help you, regardless of her own affairs, then most likely she likes you.
  2. Communication. The girl who likes you will seek communication with you. She would rather talk to you than talk to a friend.

    Pay attention: if a girl stays close to you at all general meetings and tries to speak, this is a sure sign.

  3. self-sacrifice. Do you know that she is terribly afraid of drowning, but she boldly climbs into the boat after you? She definitely likes you.

    A girl in love very often puts the guy's interests in the foreground, forgetting about her own for a while. But remember that the girl will expect the same from you, do not disappoint her.

  4. Gifts. A gift without a reason is a reason to think about the nature of your relationship. This is the most obvious way for a girl to convey that she likes a guy. If you were given a thing handmade, in which a lot of time and effort has been invested, this can be a help for a long, serious relationship.
  5. Jealousy. Caught a look full of displeasure when he spoke to her friend? Helped a sweet stranger on the street, and then you can’t understand what upset her so much? She's just jealous of you. Even if you are not yet in a relationship, a girl in love does not want to share you with others at all.
  6. Care. If you get sick, and she comes to you more often than all the other friends, if she wants to take care of your condition, she definitely likes you. All girls have a maternal instinct that makes them take care of people. But only about the special ones dear to my heart people.
  7. Happiness. There is one more, perhaps the most not obvious sign. But it is also worth paying attention to: a girl in love (even if unrequited so far) looks like a little sun. She rejoices in every little thing, and it seems that nothing can upset her.


  1. You are capable catch her eye on you when you are in a big company? See if this happens often. If at least three or four times during your meeting - you are definitely interesting to the girl, she wants to look at you.
  2. If looking at you the pupils of a woman in love increase, then this is a true physiological sign. But please do not try to see the changes in girls with dark eyes. Even if you succeed, you run the risk of embarrassing or scaring the chosen one.
  3. You looked at the girl and saw how she looked sharply in the other direction? This means that she is in love with you and is embarrassed by this. She wants to look at you, she wants to date you, but she is afraid that you will not reciprocate her feelings.

Sign language

  1. touch.A girl in love will constantly look for touches to the object of feelings, often even unconsciously for herself. She will sit closer to you in a cafe, in all the attractions, in a cinema and in other places. What for? Hoping that at some point your hands will meet.
    If a girl is constantly trying to straighten your hair, slap on your shoulder or remove an invisible speck of dust from you, you can safely confess your feelings to her - and you will surely get reciprocity.
  2. Excitement. For any woman, meeting with objects of sighing is a very exciting event. Looking at her at this moment, you can easily understand if she feels something for you.

    A girl in love may have a slight blush on her cheeks and rapid breathing; she will not know where to put her hands and may even answer inappropriately. In order to notice these subtle, almost invisible signs, you need to develop good powers of observation.

  3. flirt. Girls are big coquettes. And it is not surprising that a girl in love with you will flirt with you. Flirting is a sure way to determine sympathy, "test the waters." How do you know if a girl is flirting? A sure sign of flirting is compliments. They can be both direct and veiled "woven" into the conversation.

    Often, flirting, a girl teases, teases you. Do not be offended - this is a sign that she likes you. Of course, provided that the girl does not do this often and only on those topics that you make fun of in yourself.

    An equally important sign of flirting are gestures and movements. If a girl in a conversation “shoots” with her eyes, twists her curls and smiles sweetly - be sure she likes you, and she flirts with you.

  4. rapport. Another sign is that the girl unconsciously “mirrors” your poses. She can keep pace with you, sit in a cafe in the same position, hold her hands in the same way - all this will be a sign of sympathy.
  5. Personal space. If a girl is calm about your intrusions into her personal space, this will also be a sign of her sympathy for you.

    What is an invasion of personal space? This is if you touch her hair or cheek without her permission, if you suddenly bite off a piece of her ice cream, or take a ringing phone out of her purse to give it to her. Did the girl endure it all? She really likes you a lot.

Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

Here are some of the main signs that indicate that a girl does not love you:

  1. If a girl calls you not for the purpose of talking, but only in those cases when she needs something, this may be a sign - she's just using you.

    But feel the difference. If you chatted with a girl for an hour, and in the course of a conversation about books, she asked you to nail the bookshelf, then she is probably just looking for a meeting. And if she, having called, began a conversation with the words “fix”, “borrow” or “buy”, then you are completely indifferent to her.

  2. Young woman tells you about his relationships with guys? So you are only a friend to her, and she is in love with another. If she liked you, she (even when meeting with someone else) would not once again remind you of this.
  3. If you have already met, but the relationship has already deteriorated, and you decided to break it off, look at the girl's reaction. If she is sincerely upset, then she still has feelings for you and everything can be restored. If she doesn't care, then the relationship has become obsolete, and you did the right thing that you decided to break it.

    But if, under the threat of parting, a girl suddenly begins to show such interest in you, which has never been before, this is a reason to think - maybe she is just using you and does not want to lose a source of money or help?

In this video, you can see how a girl in love behaves with examples:

Now you have all the information you need. You just need to look closely at the girl. She will definitely give herself away in a word, gesture or deed.

Psychologists, like no one else, know what to do if you love a girl. Of course, you need to please her and fall in love with yourself. Think it's hard? Nothing like this! Let's do it...

If you love a girl - act

So, there are a number of attractiveness factors that you have to use to awaken the feelings of your girlfriend for you.

  1. Spatial closeness. We fall in love with those whom we often see nearby: at school, at work, in the yard. If you love a girl, make sure that she sees you often. No need to run after her like a boy, just always be there by chance, as if by chance. It's like music: the more often we hear the same song on the radio, the more we like it when we listen to it again. We are strongly attracted to those around us.
  2. similarity. We prefer people who are like us. Don't believe the saying that opposites attract. Numerous studies have been carried out, the results of which indicate that loving friend friend have common basic values, interests, attitudes, intellectual ability. If you love a girl, find common interests, topics for conversation, common activities.
  3. Reciprocity. We like those who like us more. Compliment the girl casually, praise her, smile. People always respond positively to such signs of favor. Studies have confirmed that expressing affection for a person elicits the same response.
  4. Physical attractiveness. This factor is only in fourth place, but good looks really have a powerful influence. Don't get hung up on your natural facial features or build. Just take care of yourself, dress nicely, get a modern haircut, be clean and tidy, make sure that you always smell good and your hair is clean. Be interested in stylish things, girls like it.
  5. Love yourself. Remember very important rule Until you love yourself, no one else will love you! Love yourself, take care of yourself, find positive moments in your appearance, character, activity and start being proud of it. Be confident in yourself to interest a girl.

So what do you do if you love a girl? Consider all these factors of attractiveness, and also do not miss the moment, your chance. No need to wait for the weather by the sea. As soon as you understand that the girl just treats you positively, without negativity, start taking the bull by the horns, take care of her. Give her a flower, write a note, flirt when communicating in the same social networks. If you notice that she instantly replies to your messages, slow down a little and wait 7-10 minutes before texting her a reply. Why is it important not to miss the moment? Because while you are inactive, the other guy may start courting her first and.

What to do if you love a girl, but you do not communicate? It's just dangerous to start caring for her all of a sudden. You need to feel the situation. How to do this, you already know from the attractiveness factors. But still very useful thing- it's friendship with a girl! Oh, how often girls fall in love with their friends of the opposite sex. Use this technique, become a very good friend to her without a hint of love. Share your difficulties with her (girls love to help, solve problems), be always, always there, become best friend. Just do not delay, after a couple of weeks of such close communication, you can gradually begin to flirt, show your feelings. If you wait a moment, you will forever go into the status of "just a friend."