
Do-it-yourself valentine card made of paper. We make paper valentines with our own hands. Beaded valentine

Breast cancer

New Year and Christmas celebrations will fly by quickly, and a little over a month later, another wonderful winter holiday will come - Valentine's Day. And all representatives of this category will puzzle over gifts, come up with romantic surprises, and look for instructions on how to make a valentine. However, the cards themselves usually remain undeservedly forgotten - they are bought ready-made, often at the last moment (). But making valentines with your own hands from paper is quite simple - it will not take much time, and your loved one will receive a postcard filled with the warmth of the giver and one of a kind - like himself.

A simple instruction on how to make a valentine with your own hands

Of course, the basic shape of any valentine is the heart. So there is no question about the form, but then you need to know exactly how to make a valentine. If you can draw and are sure that you can draw the perfect heart, all you need is paper and a pencil. If not, then a template should be added to them.

So, to get a blank that is used to make beautiful valentines, you need to use nail scissors - with their help it is easy to make a neat cut, and then cut out the heart completely. After that, you will only have to choose nice paper for your valentine, put your blank on it, trace around with a pencil and cut out. With how to make a valentine at this stage, everything is clear. When such a cute and neat paper valentine's heart is ready, you need to decorate it.

There are many options for using such hearts. But how do you make a Valentine's card amazing with them? You can cut out more of them and fix them on a cardboard blank, you can decorate with buttons (to which you can attach a beautifully cut strip of paper with recognition), or you can even create a whole picture out of them - everything is in your hands. In fact, you can attach almost anything to the heart that comes under your hand.

We use a picture: how to make an interesting valentine out of paper

Knowing how to make a lovely Valentine's Day card doesn't have to be a pencil and brush genius. It is so simple that even a child can do it. For drawing, it is difficult to choose a base of any light color, including white.

So, first, on such a heart, you need to draw different patterns that you know how - curls, an uncomplicated ornament, flowers and similar cute things. Then you need to decide how to make the valentine unique. To do this, you need to take the most common paints and carefully paint over some of the charms depicted. The result is a unique postcard created with your hands and imagination. It's amazing how easy it is to make a Valentine! You can give it not only to your soul mate, but also to other loved ones - friends, family and even colleagues.

And if you want to amuse your loved ones and make them think, write “XO” on the heart several times. You yourself do not know what this means? It's very simple: "kiss (X) and hug (O)". Here's how to make a paper valentine card mysterious and funny.

Original do-it-yourself valentines made of paper: a stamp in hand!

You can also use a rubber stamp to make a pretty heart-shaped paper card for Valentine's Day. A lot is possible with it, but how can you make a Valentine's card?

There are many different stamps on sale now, which differ in both size and shape of impressions, so finding one that matches your idea will not be difficult. If you still didn't manage to do it, do it yourself, it's as easy as making a Valentine's card later. A stationery knife, a wine stopper, a little patience - and your exclusive die is ready. Now it remains to find out how to make a valentine with your own hands and with its help. Draw a simple image on the cork, for example ... a heart. Then carefully cut it along the contour. stationery knife, and for coloring it is best to use gouache: apply it on a sponge, press your stamp into the sponge and try to leave an impression on paper. Happened? Now you can make wonderful beautiful valentines!

For her, you will need a blank for a postcard (a ready-made version or just a sheet of cardboard folded in half), best of all - a light color, a template with a cut out heart and a small piece of masking tape. With these materials, you can start making paper valentines. With the help of the latter, you need to attach a template to your workpiece, and then fill the entire surface of the heart with prints - it will be more interesting if you use several colors, for example, shades of red from burgundy to pale pink. With a palette like this, you can decide how to make your valentine card more romantic or passionate.

The next step is to be patient and let the paint dry. Then the template is removed as neatly as it was attached, and it remains only to add the most sincere words of recognition to the unique product. As you can see, making valentines with your own hands out of paper is very interesting.

How to make a do-it-yourself valentine using toilet paper

Another interesting option for using a homemade stamp will be very well big postcard- sheet of whatman paper. Curious about how to make a Valentine's card out of this size paper? In fact, everything is simple. For the stamp, in this case, an ordinary toilet paper cylinder is used - it needs to be bent in the shape of a heart, secured with tape and dipped in paint - this is how a lot of original hearts with congratulations, confessions and just warm words to the beloved person will appear on the sheet of whatman paper. So, we learned how to make a valentine card with our own hands and several in simple ways... If you are confident in your abilities, you can try to do more subtle and painstaking work.

Fashion Cards: How to Make a Valentine Card from Scrapbooking Paper

A little bit more difficult option holiday card for Valentine's Day involves the volume and use of paper for scrapbooking, the very process of choosing which already easily turns into a holiday, and making beautiful valentines out of it is an unmatched pleasure.

You will need a card blank, scrapbooking paper, a shaped hole punch with a heart, glue, double-sided tape, and a sewing machine. So, how to make a valentine in fashionable style? You need to choose one type of paper for the bottom layer of hearts and the most different ones for the top one. As it is already clear from the explanation, the hearts on the card will consist of two layers, so there should be twice as many blanks as you intended to place on your valentines on February 14th.

Using a hole punch, cut out the pretty ones paper hearts- so they get the same size. Then, on the workpiece, carefully mark where they will be located and using adhesive tape, carefully secure the bottom layer in the marked places. But how do you make valentines double-layered? The upper layer of hearts is simply sewn to the lower one on sewing machine... This stage is not so much difficult as painstaking, requiring patience, attentiveness and accuracy.

The same way to make valentines out of paper with your own hands can be used for small postcards - here an interesting result will be obtained by using three or four layers of paper, as well as just valentine hearts without a base.

Since not everyone has a machine, we offer the option of manual stitching of postcards. But how, in this case, to make the valentine neat? For best results, place your workpiece on a soft cloth surface (for example, ironing board or just a tricky rag), and make holes with a needle at an equal distance. When the job is done, all that remains is to fasten the blank with a thread - and the hand-sewn valentine is ready! If you were wondering how to make a valentine with your own hands - here's the answer.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami Valentine

However, a Valentine's Day card doesn't have to be just a heart-shaped one. A very interesting option is kissing lips folded using the origami technique, which are glued to a blank for a postcard. Such ideas for valentines have not yet become widespread, so you will shine with originality. For them you will need colored paper any of the shades of red. Cut a square out of it and fold it in half diagonally so that the colored part is on top. Mentally or using a ruler, divide the bottom edge of the resulting triangle into three parts and fold it to the left so that you get an indent of one third.

But how to make a valentine, if there is no ruler at hand, but trouble with an eye? Fold the sheet into a Z shape and press down lightly. Such is an interesting little secret of how to make an origami valentine if you have a minimum of tools at hand.

Making origami valentines takes patience. After that, gently bend the corners extending beyond the edges of the "envelope" down and inward.

Now you need to unfold the paper and put it up with the non-colored side - half of the process for making the card is complete. To find out how to make valentines with your own hands using this technique to the end, read on. Now you need to start the second part of making an unusual Postcard. Bend the tip of one of the bottom corners first, then fold the rest of the corner inward from both sides.

Do the same with the corner on the opposite side.

Further, according to the instructions on how to make a valentine using the origami technique, turn the sheet over so that the colored side is at the top and fold it with the tips of the "lips" to each other along the folds that remained from the previous folding.

Needless to say - making origami valentines is not easy, but the work is almost finished - it remains to fold the corners inward, and then, also inward, bend the edges of the workpiece. It remains to glue the sponges on the postcard - and you can be sure that no one else will receive this.

If you can't figure out how to make a valentine, don't be upset, you can watch the master class and try again.

Master class: Valentine-origami lips

New trends: valentine quilling for a loved one

But on this, ideas for valentines do not exhaust themselves. Another very interesting technique for the manufacture of volumetric postcards in February 14 - this is quilling. But how to make such a valentine? This original postcard it is easy to make and it will work even for inexperienced needlewomen - you will need a sheet of cardboard, a few simple elements (curls, flowers, etc.), the number of which will depend on the size of the postcard and glue.

The prepared elements (multi-colored or of the same tone), you just need to glue to the workpiece, laying out in the shape of a heart. You can talk a lot about how to make valentines with your own hands using the quilling technique, but it's better to use your imagination, and we'll just give you a few basic ideas.

You can make a heart outline from multi-colored curls and decorate it with flowers inside or outside. You can make a large red heart entirely from curls, or you can make a flower field, in the middle of which you attach a curl heart. You can find several photos of similar postcards and copy them. Such valentines-quilling will be an unusual gift anyway.

Whether you choose one of the proposed options or come up with your own, the card will in any case be unique and every element in it will speak of your feelings.

Master class: how to make the basic elements of quilling part 1

Master class: how to make the basic elements of quilling part 2

How to make a Valentine's card magical? Give your heart with her

Talking to your loved one about your feelings for him is not necessary on a specially designated day. But who knows - perhaps it was on February 14 that the postcard made loving hands, will become a real magical gift, and the words written on it - written from the heart and with a real feeling - will remain in the heart of your half forever. It doesn't matter how the valentine is made - let the card with the heart tell him everything about what you experience when he is near and when he is far away. Love, give and be near!

Valentine Gloves

A flap will do soft tissue(thin felt or wool, which can be taken from an old hat, sweater or scarf). Cut out two hearts from the fabric and sew to both gloves from the back of your hand, as shown in the photo.

Heart-shaped mini hand warmer

This heating pad can be carried in your pocket. It will warm not only hands in the cold, but also the soul of a loved one. And you need a small woolen rag, scissors, a heart-shaped stencil and a handful of rice or any other not very small cereal. Cut out the heart from the stencil, then sew not completely, leaving a small hole. Pour the rice through the funnel into the heart and then sew. See the photo to make such a valentine with your own hands.

Jar candlesticks

If you are going to create a romantic atmosphere on Valentine's Day, you will, of course, need candles. And live fire can be replaced by LED garlands, which can now be purchased at a discount. "Heart" candlestick jars are made of ordinary glass. First, they need to be thoroughly washed and degreased (wiping, for example, with vinegar), and when they are dry, stick a heart-shaped paper stencil in the center of the jar, and paint the rest with spray paint in a bright red or raspberry shade in two layers. When the paint dries, remove the stencil and place the lit garland inside.

Tea for Two

A trifle - but still nice when ordinary tea is brewed with such love. How to make a valentine with your own hands? You just need to sign the heart cut out of colored paper and glue it to the tea bag.

Pancakes "Red Velvet"

DIY master class on creating edible valentines: add 2 tablespoons to the usual recipe for pancakes. red food coloring and 2 tbsp. cocoa. Mix the dry ingredients separately: flour, soda, baking powder and cocoa, and then crush the butter in a separate bowl, add milk, eggs, a little vanilla and food coloring... Mix, beat with a mixer and cook as usual. Use cookie cutters to shape the pancakes into hearts.

Cherry tomatoes

This is our favorite valentine, which you can make every day! Slice small tomatoes at a 45-degree angle, fold the halves together and use a toothpick to prick.

Romantic breakfast

You can also shape a hard-boiled egg. Using a rubber band and a wooden skewer or Chinese chopsticks, place the freshly boiled egg in the pan and wait 10 minutes. Add red game or a slice of salmon. And, of course, coffee in bed. Who would not appreciate such a surprise.

Pizza for lovers

Delicious pizza is made in the oven in 15 minutes if you buy the right ingredients for it. Buy chilled (not frozen) thin pizza dough. It looks like a sheet rolled up on a roll. Roll it out on a board, cut and shape into a heart. Then apply a layer of special tomato pizza paste. There are very tasty ready-made ones in stores, but you can make the sauce yourself. Grate Mozzarella cheese (there is also a special variety, only for pizza), and on top, add your favorite ingredients: cherry tomatoes, pepperoni or salami sausage, salmon, basil, etc. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and send to the oven heated to 190 degrees , for 15 minutes.

Bird feeders

This valentine can be made together and hung in the nearest yard, in your own garden or city park, as a symbol of your love. You will need: poultry food (sold at any pet store) - 3 glasses, gelatin (about 2 sachets) and cookie cutters (optional). Mix gelatin with cold water (½ cup). Wait a bit for it to absorb the water. Then heat 1 more cups of water in a saucepan and add the diluted mixture to it. Stir and add poultry food. You should get a gruel, which will need to be cooled and wait until it becomes viscous. Place it on oiled foil and shape into a heart. To harden the food quickly, you can put it in the refrigerator for about an hour. It remains to tie a ribbon.

Scrambled eggs in toast

Cut out a large heart in the center of the bread toast (again, you can use a cookie cutter or just good knife). Toast the bread lightly in the toaster, then place in the skillet and gently break the egg into the center of the heart. To prevent the egg from spreading outside the toast, the pan must be well heated. Then everything will work out!

Romantic decor

You can instantly decorate your home for Valentine's Day with a hoop if you place it on the wall (of course, you don't need to drive in nails, the hoop is lightweight and will stick to the tape). Pull a plain fabric over the hoop and make an applique or simply write on the fabric what you would like to say to your loved one. Beautiful valentines do it yourself ready!

And such a panel of prints can be made with the kids for your beloved dad.

valentines-cuffs for coffee

Do you know how to knit? Wonderful. Then you will need no more than half an hour to make such a valentine. She will always be with her: in the car or in the office.

Glazed cookies

For those who love sweets, we suggest making cookies for Valentine's Day. And it’s not scary at all if it doesn’t turn out so beautiful. He will definitely be appreciated.

Sweet "hugs"

Agree, getting just candy as a gift is not interesting. Well, who does not smile and not be moved if sweets are held by such adorable animals, cut out of plain cardboard.

Emotion box

A box with wishes, compliments or just warm words, favorite phrases or the most memorable events in your life. Imagine your health. Tell us how you feel, how you can love and open your heart!

How nice it is to receive on Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14 and is dedicated to Valentine's Day, a small present in the shape of a heart - the so-called "Valentine"! At the time of my youth, such a holiday in Russia was unknown, and we gave gifts exclusively on February 23rd - to boys, and on March 8th - to girls 🙂

But the wonderful holiday of St. Valentine, not tied to any political dates and official celebrations, quickly fell in love with many, and became very popular in our country. Give and receive valentines, notice the symbols of hearts everywhere and plunge into the atmosphere of general light insanity - why not?

An appeal to mothers and grandmothers!

If you are young in soul and body, if you are in love - give and accept signs of attention! If you are young only in soul, and your body no longer wants to fit into the atmosphere of a youthful holiday, spit on his grumbling and take glue and paper in your hands - your body is still capable of this ?! Make a beautiful and unexpected Valentine's Day with your own hands, show your children and grandchildren a master class, prove that there is still “gunpowder on our street”!

And even if in our youth there was no such holiday, but we knew how to make crafts better than the current “generation of computer geniuses”. Pens remember!

Of course, you can buy a ready-made postcard. But is it so pleasant for both the giver and the one who receives the gift? After all, spending efforts, thinking about who you are preparing a gift for, creating a surprise with your own hands, you experience unique feelings of joy and anticipation - and this is the very, unique atmosphere of a REAL HOLIDAY!

Moreover, such a thing as amazing in its capabilities as the World Wide Web offers us many options and ready-made solutions, even in a photo, even in a video, in step by step lessons and master classes, with detailed description and demonstration of the result.

I have prepared just such a selection for you today - choose the most interesting version of the valentine for you and - forward to creative success!

Do-it-yourself valentine-envelope made of paper - we do it with children!

Such funny little animals giving Valentine hearts can be easily and simply made from plain paper, together with the children - I think they will at least not be bored! After all, you can think of and create absolutely any animal - a bear, a kitten, a bunny and even one that no one else has invented before 🙂 Show your imagination in the image and accuracy in work - and you will get a wonderful original valentine in the form of an envelope with a secret message for the holiday February 14, and not only!

What you need to cook:

  • a sheet of cardboard or thick white paper
  • red paper for heart
  • glue
  • colored pencils or markers or paints
  • scissors, ruler, pencil
  1. Take a regular-sized sheet of heavy paper or white cardboard.

  2. Fold in half, fold.
  3. Along the fold, make a cut with scissors - we will get 2 blanks for our valentines.
  4. Place the rectangle as shown in the photo. Using a ruler, use a simple pencil 2.5 cm from the vertical edge to mark two points and connect them with a line.

  5. Do the same on the other side. It turns out, kind of, fields of 2.5 cm wide.
  6. Now on top, set aside in a similar way a line 5 cm from the top edge, putting two dots and connecting them with a line.
  7. Everything above the line will be the face of our character. On the side, you need to outline two semicircles - the paws with which he will hold the envelope. Draw the paws below the horizontal line, departing from it by about 1 cm. Down
  8. Here is such a muzzle and paws of the future dog turned out on the sheet.
  9. We take scissors and carefully cut out all the contours along the lines of the pencil. If you are making a valentine card with children, help them cut out difficult places - as in our example, the ears of a dog.
  10. Lower part bend up - corner to corner. We paint the pencil face with colored felt-tip pens or pencils. You can also make an applique from colored paper - here only your imagination will tell you how best.
  11. Bend the paws over and draw claws on them.
  12. Cut out a heart of any size you like from a piece of red paper and glue it in the center. Be sure to use red - it is so traditionally the custom on Valentine's Day - for some reason, hearts are always red or pink.
  13. Now let's make an imitation of an envelope - draw diagonal lines from the corners to the heart.
  14. Open our valentine's envelope and draw with colored pencil or felt-tip pen lines for the letter inside our gift.
  15. You can draw several hearts - it will be even more interesting. Well, do not forget to write the message itself - after all, any valentine is a confession of Love and Friendship!
  16. Here are such funny animals you can create. Colored parts can be painted or pasted on with an additional layer of paper of the desired color.

Do-it-yourself volumetric valentine from paper - 3D hearts for the holiday of lovers.

Very beautiful, voluminous valentine card with 3d hearts. The postcard is beautiful, but rather difficult for possible beginners due to the numerous folds and slots - everything must be done carefully, so immediately make sure your hands are clean, do not press the paper with your fingers, but plastic handle scissors or other object. You will have to tinker, but we will definitely cope with you, because we have step by step photos the whole process!

To make it, we need to take:

  • 2 sheets of beautiful red paper for hearts
  • 2 sheets of white cardboard (thick paper) standard size
  • black marker or felt-tip pen for stroking hearts
  • strips with rhinestones on adhesive tape for decoration
  • simple pencil, ruler, scissors, double-sided tape (but you can also use glue)

  1. We fold each sheet of cardboard in half, precisely matching the corners so that there is no distortion.
  2. We will put one cardboard aside, we will work with the second - with the base. Lay the folded sheet with the fold towards you and measure a line 4 cm high, which is 3.5 cm from the edge. We make the same line symmetrically on the other side. We make the incision exactly along these lines.
  3. Now we remove the concept of two-dimensional space from the head and proceed to volumetric 3D modeling - bend the fold between two slots in the other direction. You should get such a design as in the photo below.
    This is the outer side, but from the inner side (open our postcard as you open a book) - this is a step. Did you manage? Wait to rejoice, these are still flowers!
  4. Now we will wrap our step inside the postcard and close it by going to the outside. From the outside, our postcard should look like this. Now we have to do a similar procedure with the inner fold of the card - set aside from the edges of the fold 2 cm inward and 3 cm up.
  5. We make cuts again along the marking lines.
  6. To make it easier to fold the sheet in this place - attach a ruler to the ends of the cuts and wrap the sheet onto a ruler, iron the fold line.

    Now open the postcard again and redirect our fold in the opposite direction - so that again you get a ledge-step on the inside of the postcard.
    Do this on the other side - now we should have 3 steps.
  7. We could have stopped at this stage, but we are not looking for easy ways. Making one more step! Along the inner fold, we again set aside the markings for the last cut - 2 cm from the edge and up.
  8. But we will cut through only one upper fold (and not the entire thickness!).
  9. Thus, we have got another upper small step. Uh, you can exhale, then everything will go much easier!
  10. We take our first cardboard - it will be the outer, front side - we need to attach our "stepped" model to it. It is convenient to do this with the help of double-sided tape, but you can do with ordinary glue - the main thing is not to pour a lot of it so that our valentine does not wrinkle and warp. We glue both parts and get a smooth cover on the outside and a stepped design on the inside of the valentine. Now you need to decorate it with hearts.
  11. Let's make a heart template - best of all 3 different sizes. Two or three large hearts, many medium and two or three small ones.
  12. Let's trace our pencil sketches of hearts with black marker and cut out with scissors.
  13. Now is the time to show your artistic abilities - beautifully and highly artistic, with the taste of a true designer, you need to scatter our hearts on different levels so that it looks beautiful. If you can't trust your taste - do it exactly according to the photo, maybe it will be so good.
    It is very convenient to attach hearts to pieces of double-sided tape, but you can also use glue.

  14. Well, something like this looks like this. Everything already looks smart, but there is no limit to perfection - we will make the last part of the design - we will decorate with stripes of rhinestones.

Here we have such a "heart-strass" splendor! True, there is no room left for text congratulations, but with such an abundance of red hearts, words would probably already be superfluous! What do you think?

"Heart in the palms" is a very simple and quick valentine made of paper. Can be done with children.

What materials are needed:

  • red and White paper
  • glue, pencil, ruler, scissors
  • pink or red pencil (felt-tip pen)
  • needle and thread

  1. We take our (or someone else's!) Hand with a pressed thumb, put it on a piece of paper and circle it. Cut out the stencil of the palm.
  2. We fold thick white paper (or cardboard) in half and lay our stencil on the fold line so that the "little finger" is along this line. We cut everything out to the fold so that the card can be opened like a book.
  3. Cut out identical squares from red, bilaterally colored paper, about 6 cm each side. On one of them, we make a diagonal fold and draw a half heart. This will be our template.
  4. We also bend the rest of the squares, fold them one by one and, attaching a template, cut out the hearts.
  5. Sew the resulting stack of hearts with a fold in the middle on the inside of the fold of our "palms", leave a knot of thread on the side of the hearts. Then we will close it.
  6. Glue the halves of the hearts extreme to the palms with glue.
  7. We also glue together the two halves of the uppermost heart, at the same time hiding the traces of sewing.
  8. We outline the "palms" with a pink felt-tip pen, not forgetting to paint on the details inside - folds and lines on the fingers. Everything! Our voluminous paper valentine is completely ready - you can give your loved one your heart in your palms!

Making this valentine is very simple, but you need some gadgets that will need to be prepared. In particular, it is difficult to do without a hole punch - to create the same even holes, and special curly scissors, since cutting all these waves by hand on many parts is not at all interesting and it will not be possible to do exactly - and here the same details and accuracy are important.

We will need:

  • pink and white paper
  • acrylic paints(yellow and white)
  • glue
  • green pencil or felt-tip pen
  • round head pin
  • a piece beautiful tape
  • hole puncher
  • curly scissors

So let's get started!

  1. We "clone" the template of the heart of the size we need to the number of 7 pieces from a sheet of pink paper.

  2. Glue the pink heart onto a larger white sheet.
  3. With the help of curly scissors, we make a beautiful processing of the edge, so that a white wavy outline appears around the pink heart, reminiscent of the processing with braid when sewing.
  4. We need 7 such blanks.
  5. Each heart needs to be decorated with daisies. To do this, take a pin with a round head and, dipping it in yellow paint, draw the middle of the flowers - 3 daisies, as in the photo below. Draw white petals around each center in the same way.
  6. Draw leaves with a green pencil - two for each flower.
  7. We make neat holes in each heart with a hole punch. We pass a piece of the festive ribbon through them.
  8. We tie a bow and cut the edges exactly with sharp scissors.
  9. Our delicate valentine with chamomile mood is ready. It remains on the back of the first heart to inscribe the name of the object of our donation, and on the remaining ones - your wishes, and everything that you would like to convey in words.

An exquisite valentine using the scrapbooking technique - Master class with step-by-step photos.

This is what a closed valentine card looks like.

Turning the paper lever, we open our postcard and there we see a surprise message.

To make this stunningly beautiful and sophisticated valentine, we'll need materials available from art stores or scrapbooking departments (bookstores). There you can always find all the parts, accessories and tools you need. It's good that now all this can be ordered directly through online stores.

What you need to cook:

  • pink and white scrapbooking paper (you can - for watercolors, or other thick paper)
  • half-beads on a sticky base
  • artificial flowers for scrapbooking
  • a piece of braid, a piece of lace
  • split-end rivet - brads (these are studs with a flat flexible forked leg made of soft metal)
  • glue and glue gun (can be replaced with colorless superglue)
  • curly and regular scissors

When everything you need is ready - the very process of creating a valentine heart will not give us any problems - everything is quite simple.

  1. Cut out the shape and size of the heart template from plain white paper.
  2. Cut out a heart out of pink thick paper according to the template.
  3. We tint the edges of the heart with a slightly pink pencil, a darker shade, to visually darken the border.
  4. Cut out a blank from red thick paper with a template applied to it, using curly scissors. Cut out so that the wavy edge protrudes beyond the edge of our template size.
  5. We glue a pink heart onto a red blank with a curly edge.

  6. Cut a rectangle out of red paper and stick it on top of the pink layer.
  7. Now we cut out a slightly smaller rectangle from white paper and glue it onto the red one.
  8. And on the corner we will glue another small red heart. Our blank # 1 is ready.
  9. Now we will transfer the heart template to red paper with a pencil, but we will not cut it out for now. Our task is to make another red heart, slightly smaller than our template. To do this, draw another one by hand inside the pencil outline - a little less. Along it, we will do the cropping. This will be the second blank.
    This is what it should look like when placing the second workpiece on the first.
  10. For the second heart, you need to make a bouquet decoration. Let's start with the ribbon - make two loops and glue them at the base with glue.
  11. We will make one larger loop out of lace and place it at the base, on the bottom layer. Glue this beauty to the heart - place it not in the center, but a little asymmetrically, as shown in the photo below.
  12. Now we need 3 flowers. If there is a stem, cut it to the very root. On a glue gun, attach three flowers to the base of our jewelry, covering the cutting and fastening points of the braid.
  13. We transfer one half-bead to our heart, gluing them along the edge of the heart.
  14. Now we will cut out a "lever" from pink paper - we will cut out a strip of paper in the shape of an arrow, cutting off the corners. We will glue it to the back of our second blank.
  15. Combine both blanks and make a small hole at the base of the heart with a sharp knife.
  16. Take our rivet in your hands and insert with the legs into the hole from the front side.
  17. WITH back side spread the legs of the brads to the sides and press firmly against the paper.
  18. So that these legs do not stand out, we will close them with an applique in the form of a small red heart.
  19. Check how our "mechanism" works - the upper heart should easily move over the lower one, revealing to us a secret message ... Which we still need to manage to write on a small piece of white paper. But that's a completely different story ... 🙂

Valentine card with moving rainbow hearts - Master class on video.

The fastest and easiest valentine in 2 minutes!

If you “slept” all February and realized only on the 14th, when it’s too late to prepare surprises, and you must give something .. catch the simple way - How to quickly and easily make a Valentine's card out of paper with your own hands in just 2 minutes. This video clip takes exactly so long, and by repeating all the simple steps after it, you will definitely cope!

These are the hearts you can draw yourself or download as ready-made templates.

Download stencils of hearts of different sizes (for cutting out of paper) from the link below - they can be printed on any printer, they are selected for printing, large size.

Tricky question!

PS. Please share in the comments examples of your valentines - what did you give or did yourself, and what did you give you? And, by the way, I have had an unresolved question for a long time - what is more pleasant - to give gifts to yourself or to receive them from other people? What do you think?

On the eve of the most romantic holiday - Valentine's Day - many happy couples deeply thought about how to surprise a loved one and bring him joy and pleasure. Many people also worry about a gift for this wonderful holiday in advance. In a word, it is never too early to ponder a couple of ideas and prepare in advance for this serious and responsible business. After all, this gift has a very important purpose - to show your loved one how much you love him. Well then let's talk a little about best gifts that can be done on Valentine's Day - about gifts made by your loving hands.
DIY valentines - simple, cheap and soulful
Unique and truly expensive gift You can please your loved one if you look at the idea of ​​crafts for Valentine's Day. It really can be anything: paper flowers, hearts from various materials, and much more. Let's try to single out a few ideas from this set.

Valentine's Day Crafts

1. A wonderful way to express your love will be a heart of roses. It can be made with felt. There are a huge number of instructions and recommendations on the Internet that will help you create a paper expression of your love with your own hands. Such a heart can be made not only from felt, but also from some beautiful and dense fabric suitable for the occasion of red, burgundy or Pink colour... Beads or sparkles will perfectly fit into this masterpiece, the main thing is not to overdo it and not make this beautiful little thing a tasteless trinket.
2. A simple but very cute gift will be flowers made of paper, on which words of love will be written. The stem for these flowers can be wire, and the core can be foil.
3. There is another totally excellent Valentine's Day craft idea. Who said that a gift to a loved one and dear person can not
to be soft? On the contrary, such a lovely little thing will give comfort and warmth and will constantly remind you of you. In addition, such gifts can be made not only to your soulmate, but also to mom, grandmother or friends. They will definitely be delighted with such an unusual sign of attention!
4 .What can you do with your own hands? Original soft valentines can be a heart pillow or a needle cushion of the same shape, which will not only look cute and beautiful, but also turn out to be very practical and useful items... Sewing such wonderful gifts is very easy. It is enough just to cut two identical hearts out of a beautiful and, preferably, durable fabric. The size can be anything - according to your taste and wishes. Then these two halves need to be sewn together. It doesn't matter if you are not very good with sewing - uneven stitches will look cute and original, especially if they are made with threads of a color different from the tone of the fabric. When the two halves are almost sewn together, you need to in the remaining hole
stuff cotton wool or fluff, and then finally sew up the pillow. Everything! A soft and cozy reminder of your love is ready! You can make several such small hearts, sew ribbons to them and give them to loved ones, who can use these gizmos as beautiful keychains.
5 .Great DIY valentines will come out of crocheted items. How many different hearts can be knitted with this tool and the whole variety of thread shades! Such a gift can be placed in plain sight - let them know what talents you have! In addition, such small hearts, together with, can be attached to other gifts, making them more elegant and beautiful.
6 More complicated, but therefore more valuable and important, will be a gift in the form of knitted, but already voluminous hearts. Fluffy soft toys will become a very sweet and warm message to your loved one.
7. If you did not like the previous options, and you are still wondering how to make a Valentine's card with your own hands, we will tell you about a few more options. Simple but original valentines can be made using a wire and any thread. The wire must be bent so that it takes the form of the word "love", for example, or any others. Then fasten the thread at the beginning of the word and wrap the entire wire sequentially. Simple but tasteful! A whole phrase made in this way will look especially impressive.

DIY valentine cards

Of course, you can also please your loved ones with handmade valentine cards. The easiest option can be made from a sheet of red, pink or other paper. suitable color... How to make this valentine with your own hands? Very easy. It needs to be bent in half and cut out half of the heart at the fold to get an even and symmetrical heart. So you will have a small postcard in which you can write words of love or a wish.

How to make a Valentine card out of paper

Paper is a versatile material. From it, you can very simply create a variety of different, dissimilar and generally unique valentines. And most importantly, with your own hands! You already have a question: how to make a Valentine card out of paper? The main thing is to turn on your imagination and give it complete freedom! Then truly magnificent masterpieces will come out from under your hands, which you can proudly present to your loved ones. Paper applications, composite cards, valentines with volumetric elements, cards with a joint photo ... there are no restrictions. You can use beads, beads, sequins, rhinestones, buttons, knitted elements - everything that falls under your creative eye and golden hands!

How to make an origami Valentine

Do you want another wonderful option for making a valentine with your own hands? Introducing origami! This wonderful way of working with paper can create wonderful figurines from ordinary sheets. How to make a paper valentine using origami? There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to find the scheme you like, select the necessary materials - and go ahead, create! With the help of paper origami, you can create such a voluminous and extraordinary valentine that your loved one will simply be speechless!

We have told you about the most simple and uncomplicated options for valentines, which do not require any special knowledge and skills. But you don't have to stop there. You still have so much in stock great options for a DIY gift! You can make heart-shaped chocolates or cookies. You can also make a fragrant heart soap yourself. Such a gift will touch any heart! Do not be afraid to experiment, create, search - and be happy with your loved ones!


Primary School Valentine's Day Crafts

Do-it-yourself paper valentine card.
Master class with step by step photos

Suslova Natalia Viktorovna teacher primary grades MOU SOSH № 7 named. Admiral F. F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: this master class is intended for children from 8 years old, primary school teachers, parents.
Purpose: crafts for Valentine's Day, a gift, work for an exhibition, decoration.
Target: creating a postcard using the kirigami technique.
develop practical skills in working with paper;
to consolidate the skills of handling tools of labor - scissors, paper:
develop artistic taste, Creative skills, fantasy, imagination;
develop fine motor skills hands, eye, spatial imagination;
to form a culture of work: to teach accuracy, the ability to use material carefully and economically, to keep the workplace in order;
to educate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of bringing things to the end;
instill an interest in art, arts and crafts.

Valentine's Day ( Valentine's Day) has long turned into a full-fledged holiday for the majority of Russians. According to statistics, almost 80% of boys and girls under the age of 25 celebrate this fashionable holiday. (Only those unfortunate people who have this moment no pair).
All over the world, February 14 is celebrated as Day of Love: boys and girls, men and women, friends and acquaintances exchange valentines - greeting cards in the shape of hearts. Why not? After all, this is a great reason to wish your friends love and happiness!

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present you a master class on making valentine greeting cards using the kirigami technique.

Material: colored cardboard, carbon paper, scissors, curly scissors, ruler, pencil, stationery knife, curly hole punches.

Step by step description work:
Option 1. To make a valentine card, we need stencils.

Stencils can be printed on colored cardboard. The size can be changed at will.

You can transfer stencils through carbon paper.

Carefully cut the workpieces with scissors or a clerical knife, observing
How to handle cutting tools:
1. Check the tool before use. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened tools.
2. Do not hold the scissors with the ends up, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with a loose hinge.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not go to your comrades during work, do not leave scissors with open blades.
5. Pass the tools only in a closed form, scissors - in rings towards a friend.
6. Place instruments on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Observe the movement and position of the tool blades during operation.
8. Use cutting tools only for their intended purpose.

Two blanks.

On each workpiece, cut out the highlighted inner parts with a clerical knife.

The center lines of the blanks must be pushed through with scissors and a ruler (pierced).

Bend the details in half.

Make cuts along the center line at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge (for the blue workpiece at the top, and for the red workpiece at the bottom) for a gap joint.

Open the blanks. Close the slotted joint on one side first.

Then on the other. The heart is collected! The valentine is ready!

You can trim the edges of the card with curly scissors.

Option 2. Here's a simpler version of your Valentine's Day card.
For manufacturing, we will use a stencil.

The stencil can be printed on colored cardboard or transferred through carbon paper 2 times. (The size can be changed at will). Carefully cut two blanks with scissors.

The center lines of the blanks must be pushed through with scissors and a ruler (pierced). Bend the details in half. Make cuts to the middle of the small heart (on top of one workpiece, bottom of the other) for a gap joint.

Close the slotted joint on one side first.

Then on the other. Valentine's Day is collected!

Decorate postcards with small snowflakes, hearts, flowers made with curly hole punches.

Decoration of 1 option of postcards.

Decoration of 2 variants of a valentine card.