
Why is there dark skin on the elbows. What to do and how to treat rough elbows? What to do if the elbows are black and rough


Hello dear readers. Dry skin on the elbows is quite common. It, sometimes, does not even cause any discomfort to its owners, as it has already become familiar to them. But, with the onset of the warm season, the owners of such a not entirely pleasant phenomenon, which is often attributed to the cosmetic features of the body, are increasingly beginning to pay attention to the fact that the skin has acquired an unpleasant appearance, “dried up”, for some it even cracked, because in winter the skin was not given due and such much-needed attention. Can elbows be considered a mirror of the state of the body? Definitely, to some extent, yes. But, only an experienced doctor can determine what is wrong with you. As practice shows, most doctors do not pay any attention to the elbows of those who come to them with certain complaints, or simply for a medical examination.

But in vain! Although, modern official medicine has a lot of flaws. It's not about that now. Back to the topic: rough elbows are an indicator of certain malfunctions in the body, as well as a cosmetic defect.

Is it possible to do something with him to correct the situation in his favor? Naturally - you can. After all, hopeless situations, as is known from the words of the hero of one notorious animated film, simply do not happen!

So, in order to freely wear clothes with short sleeves, you will need careful care, but before that you need to find out the cause.

Without finding out the reason, it will be extremely difficult to achieve at least such a positive result, and in some cases it is simply impossible!

The main causes of rough elbows

Majority medical workers Those who diagnose certain diseases state with confidence that small skin problems are often a loud signal of serious problems that arise in the body. Timely identification of the cause becomes an important impetus to eliminate the problem.

Vitamin A and E deficiency. The most common cause of rough skin on your elbows may be insufficient amounts of vitamins such as groups A and E.

Avitaminosis. In other words, there is a consequence of beriberi, which is also the cause of hair loss, their fragility and section, dry skin of the face - this is also a frequent consequence of a lack of vitamins.

Modern representatives of the “weaker sex” (namely, they have problems with roughness of the elbows most often) often work at computers, while there is a natural load on the elbows and the skin around them.

Lack of care. In such cases, it is necessary to take care not only of the skin of the hands, but also of the capricious skin on the elbows. Hand skin care is necessary systematically all year round, and not occasionally.

Job disruption endocrine system. Another reason is the failure of the endocrine system and hormonal background. If, in combination with dry elbows, symptoms such as weight gain, nervous irritation, sweating, fatigue and constant drowsiness are observed, then this is a rather alarming sign. For example, it may indicate the development of diabetes.

Thus, we can first state the fact that the causes of this problem can be divided, conditionally, into external and internal.

External - those that affect the body from the outside. For example, in addition to physical pressure on the elbows due to the peculiarities of the daily workflow, this can include features of the external environment in which the body is constantly located: air humidity, intensity sun rays(a very important factor!), environmental conditions and so on.

We figured out the external causes of rough elbows, but what are internal ones?

Internal causes - those that are due to the state of the organism itself, its organs and their systems. These include certain violations in their work, the same deficiency of vitamins and mineral salts, and other similar reasons.

But you should not be afraid of anything, the main thing is to know what to do and how to treat rough and. There are many different means for this, including folk ones.

Various pathological causes

Finding out the causes of dry skin of the elbows, it is necessary to understand that this is not always a problem that can be quickly corrected with the help of simple manipulations.

Unfortunately, this is sometimes a sign of serious pathological changes in the body, the treatment of which must be started immediately.


These problems include hypothyroidism. As you know, the work of the endocrine system is responsible for the condition of the skin, therefore, if the thyroid gland does not work to its fullest, it is the skin that makes itself felt, first of all.

The metabolic rate drops, skin recovery also becomes unstable and slow: regeneration processes in it lag behind the normal physiological cycle.

In this case, first of all, it is necessary to pass an analysis for the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, abbreviated as TSH. Insufficient production of the hormone thyroxine by the thyroid gland leads to an unsatisfactory skin condition.


If the nutrition of skin cells is disturbed, its condition also changes, and the cause of this can be a dangerous disease - diabetes mellitus.

It is worth noting that the skin, during this illness, becomes not only dry and flaky, but also easily injured and poorly healing. All this leads to inflammation, damage and prolonged healing of wounds. The skin of people with diabetes mellitus roughens not only on the elbows and heels, but sometimes even on the palms.


Dry elbows are a fairly common occurrence with a decrease in the level of red blood cells -. Anemia is not only the cause of dry skin, but a sign of many diseases.

In the case of a reduction in the amount of iron, not only the elbows, but also the knees become dry.


When looking for the problem of dry elbows, you need to remember about autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system creates antibodies from its own cells, such as ichthyosis.

A pathology such as hyperkeratosis is also possible, during which the stratum corneum thickens.

If you have itching, redness in certain places, as well as inflammation of the dermis, this is the first sign that you probably have eczema or psoriasis.

Basic diagnosis of the disease

First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist and an endocrinologist. The cause of the disease is diagnosed with the help of clinical studies.

Results of blood tests and skin tests are needed. With the help of a blood test, it is possible to exclude or confirm diabetes mellitus, anemia, endocrine system problems in a patient.

Health Analytics skin allows to exclude or confirm eczema or psoriasis.

You should pay attention to the position of your hands when working at the table, review the cosmetics that you use.

If you use unnatural low-quality cosmetics for skin care, then this can already become a provoking factor for coarsening of the elbows.

What to do, how to treat rough and rough elbows?

After the research and finding out the causes of dry skin on the elbows, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate these causes.

First of all, exfoliating preparations are used, then - preparations that soften the skin, for example: apply salicylic ointment for exfoliation, and soften the skin with a nourishing cream.

But, this is in the event that the cause of peeling is untimely care for the elbows, uncomfortable clothing or wrong location hands at the desk.

Take vitamins in cycles

When the reason lies in the lack of vitamins, it is necessary to listen to the opinion of dermatologists who advise to eliminate the cause with the help of vitamin complexes.

Vitamins A and E must be drunk in courses (Vetoron drops, as an option). Also, the diet should include a large number of products containing these vitamins.

Visit doctors

Did the doctor endocrinologist tell you that you have a problem with the endocrine system? Listen to individual recommendations and strictly follow them.

After that, begin to soften the skin of the elbows with ointments and creams that are applied to cleansed skin twice a day until a stable remission or full recovery occurs, which will manifest itself externally in improving the cosmetic appearance of the elbows.

Moisturize your skin with creams

If the cause of chapped skin is long-term incorrect and irregular care for it, then everything depends on you: the skin of the hands will have to be moisturized after each wash, to take care of it.

At the same time, funds are applied only massage movements towards the clockwise direction.

If the water-fat balance is disturbed, the skin quickly loses moisture and also becomes rough, flaky and even bumpy.

In this case, it is necessary to stop using soap, because it is it that dries the skin of the whole body very much. Instead of soap, you can use a special foam with a nourishing and moisturizing effect, or a gel.

Use olive oil

Often oils come to the rescue: olive and even more familiar to us - sunflower.

Taking warm oils as a basis, it is possible to do night compresses, baths for 10 minutes, after which it is necessary to rub the skin with a not very rough brush and finish everything by applying a moisturizer to the peeling areas.

Soften your elbows with a potato

Ordinary potatoes will help whiten your elbows and soften them. It needs to be finely grated, the slurry that formed after that, put on the elbow area, wrap it not very tightly with a bandage and leave it for 30 minutes, or longer.

The tool can be used 3 times a week until the onset of a positive effect. Further, as a preventive measure, once a week.

Apple cider vinegar products

Try a natural compress apple cider vinegar. Take 2.5-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ideally homemade).

How to make apple cider vinegar with your own hands at home, we have already considered in our previous ones.

Add the same amount of water to them. Let this solution stand for 5 minutes.

Repeat the procedure every 2 days until a stable positive result is achieved, after which you can change the frequency of using these discs to 1 per week.

Instead of cotton pads you can use sterile gauze or a bandage, depending on the availability of one or another material.

Can children have rough elbows and why?

Rough elbows in children, as well as in adults, are the result of any disease or improper care of the skin of the elbows.

There are several reasons for this, but, most often, it is atopic dermatitis or, in simple terms, diathesis.

To accurately confirm the guesses, you must immediately visit the pediatrician, take tests and follow the doctor's instructions.

Naturally, one should not forget that the child has rough, rough skin on the elbows may indicate its excessive traumatization. How? Everything is very simple.

Do not forget about the increased activity of little fidgets. Elbows often come into contact with surfaces that can regularly, although not very much, injure them.

Here the skin reacts accordingly, increasing the number of coarsened epidermal cells on its surface, for natural protective purposes. So, until the cause is clarified, there is no need to worry.

Having found out the cause and qualitatively eliminating it, it is necessary to take up the prevention of dry skin.

Scrubs. Exfoliate rough skin on your elbows with scrubs, nourish and hydrate your skin with oils and creams, both off-the-shelf and commercially available.

Oils. Very good positive effect natural remedies based coconut oil. It is deservedly considered one of the best substances in this "field".

Lemon. Turning to traditional medicine you can hear such advice: lubricate the skin with lemon, rice broth, sauerkraut juice, all these methods allow the skin to whiten and, to a certain extent, soften.

home mask. Homemade recipes are almost as good as purchased creams and masks: 1 tsp. fine salt, cream, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice.

Mix everything and apply on the softened skin of the elbows, wrap and leave for 30 minutes. After applying the mask, the skin must be softened with creams.

Many are faced with such a problem as black elbows. "What to do?" - the first question that arises when discovering this shortcoming. But before answering it, you should understand the causes of darkening of the skin, and only then proceed to solve the problem.

Black elbows. Reason for the appearance

There may be several reasons:

    problems in the endocrine system. You can have a condition such as Addison's syndrome, which is a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce the required amount of hormones. Black elbows in this case are a visible sign of illness. Beer syndrome (acute thyroid insufficiency) is a disease that can also lead to discoloration of the skin on the elbows. This disease is popularly called "dirty elbow syndrome". If medical examination found that the disease is the cause of such an aesthetic defect, how and how to solve the problem, an experienced doctor will tell you;

    insufficient amounts of vitamins A and E in the body. In this case, it is necessary to fill the shortage with the help of pharmaceutical preparations or adjust the diet;

    improper care of the skin of the elbows. If this caused the problem, then various scrubs, baths, masks and compresses will help solve it;

    the habit of leaning on the elbows. This leads to a thickening of the epidermis, which over time can cause darkening and roughening of the skin.

How to get rid of black elbows?

    finely grated potatoes will help improve skin condition. Attach the resulting slurry to your elbows, wrap it up and leave it for several hours.


The skin on the elbows is especially prone to dryness and flaking, which is why the phenomenon of black elbows appears. What can be done to avoid such an effect? Nourish and moisturize the skin on the elbows with special creams containing caring additives, or use various vegetable oils.

Take care of your skin systematically and with pleasure, and then the phrase: “I have black elbows, what should I do ?!” will not be relevant to you.

Any self-respecting woman should take care of her whole body. Elbows are no exception. Sometimes the skin on them can darken and become rough. There can be various reasons for this - both serious and not very. First of all, it is important to find out this question. And only then you can begin to eliminate cosmetic defects. If you have dark and rough skin on your elbows, then do not despair. There are many simple homemade recipes that will help get rid of such shortcomings. In our article you will find several effective options.

Causes of darkening and dry elbows

Mechanical damage

First of all, it is worth finding out what is the reason for this condition of the elbows. Most often, mechanical damage occurs. In other words, you just rub the skin, and it becomes rough. Remember if you have a habit of reading lying down, leaning on your hands, sitting at a table with your head propped up, or taking other positions based on your elbows. If there is, then, most likely, it is here that the cause of coarsening and darkening of the skin lies. In this case, it is worth considering one of the recipes below. Regular procedures carried out every 1-2 days will help to quickly solve the problem.

If you do not have such habits, then it is best not to delay a visit to the doctor. Dark and rough skin on the elbows may be a symptom of one of the internal disorders. Then all external measures will have only a short-term effect, and the disease, meanwhile, will continue to progress.


First of all, you should contact a therapist. After the examination, he will be able to give a referral to a particular specialist. Often in this case, there is a malfunction of the thyroid gland or a disease called hypothyroidism. At the same time, metabolic processes slow down, which will certainly affect the condition of the skin. Sometimes darkening signals the onset of the development of various dermatological diseases. If the skin on the elbows is dark and rough, then this can also serve as a warning about diabetes. Another cause is iron deficiency anemia.

Vitamin deficiency

Elbows can become rough and darken also due to a lack of vitamins in the body (primarily A and E), and some minerals. Therefore, it is worth consuming more fresh natural products, and if necessary, take a course of taking complex vitamin preparations.

Elbow leather: becomes rough and dark different reasons; at home, you can restore the skin through the regular use of baths and compresses

Home solutions to the problem

You can proceed to the elimination of external defects only if you have found the main cause of the problem and began to eliminate it. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

soda bath

To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  1. Baking soda - 50 g;
  2. Sea salt or table salt - 100 g;
  3. Neutral liquid soap - 1 tablespoon;
  4. Warm water - 1 l.

Pour warm water into a bowl and dissolve all the listed ingredients in it. Then dip your elbows into the solution and hold them in this position for about 20 minutes.

potato bath

Even easier is the potato bath. All that is needed for her is not to pour out the broth from the boiled potatoes, but to soak her elbows in it. The duration of the procedure is about 15 - 20 minutes.

Bath with ammonia

  1. Ammonia - 1 tsp;
  2. Neutral liquid soap - 1 tsp;
  3. Warm water - 1 l.

Mix everything and dip your elbows in the liquid for 10-15 minutes.

You can regularly bathe only one of these recipes or alternate them. In any case, after the procedure, it is desirable to treat the skin of the elbows with a pumice stone or a grinding stone. This should be done carefully and gently. Finally, you need to apply a nourishing cream.

In addition to baths, compresses can also be made. They are also easy and affordable. In addition, an integrated approach will help solve the problem faster. It is only important to use all these techniques in moderation. For example, do procedures every evening, alternating a bath with a compress until the skin is completely restored. As a rule, the entire course lasts 1 - 2 weeks.

Lemon compresses

The most common lemon will help you soften and brighten your skin. All that is needed is to cut it into thin pieces and apply to problem areas, fixing it with an elastic bandage. Leave the compress for half an hour. After that, simply remove the lemon without rinsing the skin. Then apply moisturizer.

Potato compresses

Instead of lemon, you can use raw potatoes. It also has bleaching and softening properties. Grate it on a fine grater and attach the gruel to the elbows, fixing it with an elastic bandage. Such a composition should be left longer - namely, for an hour and a half. After this time, remove the bandage, if necessary, rinse the skin and lubricate it with cream.

Among other things, if the skin on the elbows is dark and rough, you should take and preventive measures. Drink about 2 liters of clean water a day, eat fruits, after water procedures, use a moisturizer or light natural oil (avocado, grape seed, almond). To put your elbows in order, you will need a minimum of time and money, but it is important to find out and eliminate the root cause of this phenomenon. Watch not only your appearance, but also your health, then everything in the body will be in balance.

If a person finds rough and dark elbows in himself, then such a symptom indicates dysfunction of the internal organs.

If a man, woman or child there was a violation of the metabolic process, then the thickened and dry layer of the epidermis gradually grows, and also increases in volume.

Its upper layer becomes dry, sore, itchy, may crack and peel off. This condition is called keratosis.

Causes What do we have to do?
hereditary factor With a genetic predisposition to excessive dryness of the skin, it is necessary to regularly moisturize it with a nourishing or oily cream.

Brown spots appear in adults and children. Treatment in this case is not effective

Impact of aggressive environment It is important to limit contact with chemicals, soap solutions, which can cause red spots.
Avitaminosis It is necessary to add citrus fruits, apples, sauerkraut, parsley, garlic to the diet. You need to see a doctor who will tell you why black spots appeared on the body
Fungal infection of the skin It is advisable to use topical antifungal drugs. They are applied to rough skin on elbows (cream, lotion, healing powder)
Diabetes The roughness of the elbows occurs due to the disrupted work of the sebaceous glands. It is important to regularly moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream and take medications prescribed by a doctor for diabetes.
Cesari syndrome Advanced form of granuloma mushroom. The skin acquires a red tint, itching and spots appear. To alleviate the condition, photodynamic, radiation, chemical therapy is prescribed.
insufficient care It is necessary to provide nutrition and hydration not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the elbows, regardless of the season. Unpleasant symptoms can also appear on the knees.
Disrupted work of the endocrine system In addition to roughness of the elbows, patients experience increased sweating, fatigue, and drowsiness.

It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, and enrich the diet with vitamins and foods high in iron.

How and how to treat rough elbows?

Before starting treatment, it is important to diagnose the cause of the roughness on the left hand:

  • Need to consult at the dermatologist and endocrinologist (delivery of laboratory tests).
  • Blood test and careful examination of the skin.
  • Confirmation or refutation of the progression of eczema, psoriasis.
  • Examination cosmetics for the expiration date.

After finding the cause it is important to start solving the problem immediately. First you need to purchase products that exfoliate the skin well.

They are combined with the use of moisturizing and softening preparations. The most effective is salicylic ointment. You can apply nourishing creams to the skin.

These funds help with insufficient care for the elbows and the epidermis, if a rough spot appears and the skin begins to dry.

You must first consult with a therapist who will study the indications and possible contraindications.

More often, patients are prescribed vitamins A and E (for example, Aevit). They need to drink the whole course. The daily diet is enriched with fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs.

In case of violation of the endocrine system, drugs are prescribed. The skin is additionally moisturized with an ointment or cream. They need to be applied several times during the day until a complete remission or recovery occurs.

If the water-fat balance is disturbed in the body, then the epidermis quickly loses the necessary moisture, the skin becomes rough and bumpy.

In such a situation, it is important to limit the use of soap and other harsh products. It is replaced with a special foam, which contains oils.

Why is the skin on the elbows dry and flaky?

Often people are faced with the fact that the skin on the elbows peels off, cracks and dries.

There are several important reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Dermatitis. It is chronic, so patients experience intense keratinization of the surface layer of the epidermis.

    The main signs of the disease: excessive itching, swelling, burning sensation.

  2. Allergic reaction for a cosmetic.
  3. Psoriasis. It progresses with strong feelings, disruption of the endocrine system. The skin begins to peel off, redness, excessive itching appear. Dryness appears in different parts of the body.
  4. Hormonal dysfunction. The problem arises with the intensive production of hormones.

Note! Dryness, rashes and cracks on the elbows are not always the result of a serious illness.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon can occur with severe dehydration, constant stress, overwork, swimming in salt water or chlorinated water.

Another unfavorable factors are poor ecology and wearing tight clothes made of coarse fabric.

Causes of goose bumps above the elbow

Goosebumps refers to the appearance of small white bumps that occur not only above the elbow, but also on the shoulders, thighs and under the lower eyelid. This effect is temporary.

Most likely causes- strong emotions during sexual arousal, listening to beautiful music or a feeling of complete satisfaction.

There are situations when the seal in the hair follicles is permanent.

The following factors can be identified that lead to this phenomenon:

  1. emotional stress, feeling of cold. This is the pilomotor reflex, which is controlled by the spinal cord.

    In humans, autonomic peripheral nerve endings are excited, which are responsible for the correct contraction of the muscles in the hair follicles.

  2. Lack of vitamins.
  3. Inadequate nutrition.
  4. Insufficient level of personal hygiene. The upper layer of the epidermis contains keratin.

    If a person monitors the cleanliness of his body, then he regularly peels off. Otherwise, the hair follicle becomes clogged, so the goosebumps appear.

  5. hereditary predisposition. Special treatments help reduce visual imperfections on the skin.

Important! Another effective remedy– vacuum massage.

You do not need to immediately resort to treatment with drugs and medicines to get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

It is important to correctly determine the cause of peeling of the skin on the elbows and, if necessary, consult a doctor. Only he will tell you how to treat the disease and how to eliminate the cause.

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Another reason why it appears dark skin on the elbows, is a disruption in the work of the endocrine system. Only a specialist should deal with such problems. If timely care is taken for the skin of the elbows, the elbows are constantly moisturized, and the skin still remains dark and dry, this is a reason to consult a doctor. He will advise you to do a lot of tests. But this is the only way to identify problems that have arisen in the body.

Sometimes the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone decreases in the body. Such a decrease provokes a slowdown in metabolism, which leads to peeling, darkening of the skin on the elbows, since the epidermis does not renew itself in time.

It happens that the darkening of the elbows can be associated with poorly functioning adrenal glands. Most often, this problem occurs in women. If it is difficult to determine the cause of the unsatisfactory condition of the skin of the elbows, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

The skin of the elbows can also darken due to the fact that at work a person often leans on his elbows.

Each person must make sure that vitamins such as A, D, E are present in the diet. They are considered beauty vitamins that monitor the condition of the skin. This is especially important during the period of beriberi, in the spring, when a person does not receive enough vitamins from food.

But what to do if the skin on the elbows has darkened, flakes and itches. Television shows many ways to take care of different parts of the body. But there is no mention of the skin of the elbows. This problem is easy to help. After all, there are many ways to whiten your elbows and make your skin soft.

First you need to make sure that the dark color of the elbows is not the cause of any serious disease. If there are none, this deficiency can be eliminated with the help of cosmetics.

Elbow baths should be done regularly. They will cleanse and soften the skin. How to make such a bath. Pour warm water into a container. There you need to add a small amount of soda food. Apply a little cream to the skin of the elbows, and then immerse the elbows in water. After they have been in a container of water for a while, the skin should be lightly massaged with a hard washcloth, pumice stone. After the peeling and softening procedure, the elbows must be lubricated with cream.

It is worth using a scrub that you can prepare yourself. To do this, you need to take homemade sour cream, which has a high fat content, mix it with coarse salt. This mixture must be smeared on the skin of the elbows, and then massaged for several minutes. After the procedure is completed, a fat cream should be applied to the elbows.

Great-grandmothers correctly believed that in no case should the elbows lie on the table. And they were right. After all, if the elbows experience stress, their skin will peel off and darken. Each person should watch how he sits at the computer, how he watches TV. The position of the elbows must be constantly monitored.

Not only scrubs can soften the skin of the elbows. You can apply avocado or almond oil to your skin. If this is done every evening, the skin of the elbows will become white and tender.

If you need to go to an event soon, and the skin of your elbows is dark, this problem can be solved with a lemon. The lemon must be cut into thin circles, which are then attached to the elbows. On top of the slices, you need to attach cotton pads and pieces of polyethylene.

All this should be wrapped with an elastic bandage. It can be made easier. Cut the lemon into two parts, and then lower your elbows into halves. After such procedures are done for a couple of weeks, the elbows will acquire a lighter color.

It happens that a lemon may not be suitable, or simply not to your liking. In this case, you need to use apple cider vinegar. To do this, prepare a solution consisting of two tablespoons of water and three of the same spoons of apple cider vinegar. The resulting solution is moistened with cotton pads, and then applied to the elbows. The disks need to be fixed with an elastic bandage and walk like this for about half an hour.

In order to soften the skin of the elbows, starch will also help. To do this, dissolve two teaspoons of starch in water. In the resulting solution, you need to hold your elbows for about 20 minutes.

Do lighter skin elbows can also be done with raw potatoes. To do this, the root crop must be grated on a fine grater. Rub the elbows with gruel, apply polyethylene and wrap with an elastic bandage. This procedure is best done at night. In the morning, the elbows are washed with warm water, and then smeared with cream.

Ammonia will also help lighten the elbows. To do this, add a teaspoon of alcohol to one liter of water and liquid soap. In such a bath, you need to hold your elbows for about 20 minutes.

Along with the procedures that help soften and brighten the skin of the elbows, it is recommended to follow a diet. You need to get used to starting the morning with oatmeal. The fact is that oatmeal cleans the intestines very well. Thanks to this, other useful substances will be well absorbed in the body. For lunch, you can definitely use broths, soups, which are made on a decoction of bones. In food, you need to eat legumes, vegetable salads.

The question of why dark elbows peel off may arise not only in the spring when depression occurs. In summer, when everyone wears revealing outfits, dry skin can significantly spoil the overall look. To avoid this problem, it is worth, for starters, to be examined by a doctor.

If he did not reveal any problems, then you need to use folk methods for lightening the skin of the elbows. It is very important to add food products containing beauty vitamins - A, D, E. By fulfilling these simple requirements, the elbows will always look great!