
Crafts from improvised materials for the playground. How to make a children's town in the country with your own hands. What to consider during construction


As you know, almost all little kids love to play pranks, and fool around in the most inappropriate places for such fun, which greatly complicate the life of adults.

Therefore, so that the kids do not interfere with important matters or allow them to relax peacefully, you will need to take care of their comfort.

The role of the playground in the development of the child

Deciding to equip a playground in your summer cottage, you thereby allow the child to fully feel parental care and love.

Believe me, the child will not only be happy with such a surprise, but grateful. Own personal space will help develop the child's intuition, sociability, teach you to better understand your peers, play in the company.

In addition, the child will become more independent, will not disturb the parents over trifles.

And at that time, mom will be able to calmly do household chores, without worrying that the child is wandering down the street unattended or playing in an abandoned yard, where you can stumble upon dishonorable people or get hurt on sharp objects, broken bottles.

A playground on the backyard territory is really very cool, especially since not only children can play there in companies, it will be interesting for parents too.

When decorating a playground in the country with your own hands, you don’t need to think about perfection, just surrender to instincts and personal childhood memories.

Probably, every adult in childhood built different huts and rope "bungee", made simple and "climbs" on a tree.

In order to build a playground with your own hands, it is enough to translate your own children's ideas into reality, and use ordinary improvised means as a material.

How to choose and prepare a site

Before equipping the site, you need to think about where it should be located.

So, the area allocated for children's games should be located as close as possible to the house, of course, if the kids are small and require constant parental control.

For older children, the territory can be arranged in a sporty style and located at some distance from the house.

It is good if children can not only play in the sandbox or ride on a swing, but also play outdoor games. True, this will require a large area.

Choosing a place for a playground is a paramount task

If there is a garden near the house, then it is possible to equip a children's area in it, where the kids will play hide and seek, "catch" and other similar games.

When starting to arrange a children's area, it is better to first ask the children what they would like to see on their territory than to play.

You can invite your child to build a hut out of willow twigs, a special bike trail and the same "bungee" and much more. Let the child decide what he likes to play with.

You don’t need to make a platform for the style of a summer cottage, the main thing is that it be bright, colorful and cheerful. For the idea, you can take your favorite fairy tale of the baby. In addition to giving a sense of fairy tale and magic, the playground should be safe and comfortable for any games.

Since children spend more time in the yard in summer, part of the children's area should be hidden in partial shade. If it doesn't work, then make a homemade canopy from a durable fabric awning or install a large, bright umbrella.

If the playground is set up for very young children, then it should be perfectly visible from the window of the house, and there should not be reservoirs, a well or a pond in the area nearby.

You will also need to smooth out elevation differences as much as possible, in uneven areas.

The site must be protected from wind and drafts. To do this, you can plant green vegetation.

In addition, not a very good place for arranging a children's zone is a lowland, a constantly blown or cold area.

Safety is key

To keep the playground safe should be surrounded only by plants that do not have thorns, you need to constantly pull out nettles, which can spare the child.

Also, among the vegetation there should not be poisonous plants, sea buckthorn, wild rose, castor bean, bittersweet nightshade and other similar vegetation.

Such safety measures will help to avoid dangerous injuries, burns, blisters. If, nevertheless, some plant cannot be removed from the flower bed, then you need to carefully monitor the small child when he grows up to tell what danger lies in the plant.

All elements that will be located on the playground must be strong and reliable, without sharp corners and protruding bolts.

All joints must be thoroughly cleaned. After everything is done, the site is ready, it will be necessary to fully check the condition of the swing and similar structures once every six months.

Children's slides must be equipped with protective elements. And most importantly, do not forget to decorate all the details with bright and cheerful colors.

Popular schemes and drawings of playgrounds

The play area for the child can be made in a variety of ways. For the little ones, a small sandbox is perfect.

Here, the child can prepare shortbread culinary masterpieces, such as those of mom or grandmother, thereby developing fine motor skills.

After some time, large castles will be built in the sandbox, special molds will be filled, the child will even show his writing abilities. Small swings are also perfect, over time, you can build a larger structure.

The wooden house will especially appeal to the boys who will play hide and seek or the military headquarters there. Although there are girls in the house interesting activity. There is no material for the house, build a hut with your own hands.

Various sports facilities are more suitable for children school age. You can equip the site with a bicycle track, a zone for playing volleyball or football.

In summer, when the sun shines very strongly, you can put up a small pool and a tent near it. There are many options for the layout of the playground and interesting elements for its design.

Here the main thing is to surrender to fantasy and not forget about the safety of the child.

Drawings, diagrams and ready-made options for playgrounds made of wood and other improvised materials that are suitable for DIY construction in the photo selection below:

The sandbox is a must-have for children's fantasies

So, the main thing is that there is a sandbox on the playground. It can be played by both the smallest and larger children, even schoolchildren.

Moreover, it is not at all difficult to build such a structure, and not much material is required at all.

So let's get started. Where the sandbox should be, you need to remove the soil to a depth of about 30 centimeters, then a recess is made in the center of the structure, the bottom of which will need to be covered with drainage material, you can take crushed stone or pebbles.

The diagram shows a sandbox built from 10 not very thick boards, the length of which is 1.8 m. To build the sides, you will need two boards on each side.

To fasten them, you need to cut the grooves according to the drawing. For reliability and strength at the ends of the structure, you will need to install 30 centimeter bars.

The boards that remain need to be attached to the sides in a horizontal position, so you get a comfortable bench for the child or a shelf for his sand products. To complete appearance the sandbox will need to be decorated with bright colors.

The slide is the main element for entertainment

It is not bad to mount a slide on the playground.

Of course, it will not be very easy to make such a design, but in order to see sparks of happiness and fun in the eyes of a child, I think it is worth trying.

So, first of all, you need to prepare the boards. It is necessary to process the wooden surface well, carefully clean it from splinters and rough places.

The safety of children playing on the slide depends on the quality of the work performed.

Therefore, the wood is not only well cleaned, but painted with high-quality paint or varnish, the nails must be carefully driven in so that they do not crawl out during the operation of the structure.

And of course, you will need to think about how to cover the site so that the landing from the hill is as safe as possible.

Lawn grass, well-sifted sand, artificial material based on synthetic materials.

If the slide is intended for children from 6 years old, then in addition it can be equipped with ladders of different heights, horizontal bars, etc.

Can you imagine a playground without a swing, of course not. It will be easier to build such a structure than a slide.

The main thing is to follow the drawing and everything will work out. According to the drawing, the swing should have a height of 3.5 m. For the strength of the support, you need to deepen it into the ground by 50-70 cm, and then pour it with concrete.

Six 5 * 5 bars are taken as load-bearing elements. Work must begin from the connection on both sides of the swing bars-racks with the help of bolts. Thus, the supports will be sufficiently reinforced and durable. From above, they also need to be connected with a beam.

The nests will need to be prepared as shown in the drawing. The ladder that needs to be made on the side can serve not only for maintenance of the structure, but also for children's fun.

It is very easy to equip a children's area, the main thing is to know the interests of the child and have a wild imagination.

As a rule, the main element is a sandbox, especially since it is very simple to equip it. This will require only a few boards.

You can pour sand into a large rubber wheel from a tractor.

If there are extra thick logs in the yard, for example, for the firebox of a stove that they did not have time to chop, then you can make a sandbox of such a strange material, and then decorate the logs with all the colors of the rainbow.

The second main element of the children's area is the swing. For their manufacture, durable material is required. You can install ready-made swing options or homemade ones.

In extreme heat, the child will not be able to play in the sun all the time, and they will refuse to sit in the house. To make your kid's leisure colorful, place a pool for him in the children's area.

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will want to dig a real reservoir on purpose, and it is dangerous for a child. But here, exactly, is what the little rascals need.

You can buy ready-made or try to make it yourself. If there are no wooden boards, strong rods are quite suitable. Thus, a decorative hut is obtained.

Little children love to sculpt from plasticine, play with children's dishes. Therefore, for them it is possible to build a special table of large logs on the site.

In addition, you can put structures in the children's area in the form of labyrinths and climbing frames:

As well as other equally interesting children's elements:

For the brightness of colors and exoticism, you can install decorative elements from improvised means, in the form of a firebird:

In addition, for greater interest, the sandbox can be made in the form of a sports car, figure eight, oval or other geometric shape.

If a tall and strong tree grows in the yard, you can use it to install a swing. This option will save on material.

Playground layout

If it is nevertheless decided to equip a playground at the summer cottage, then first of all it is necessary to determine what territory can be allocated for it.

After all, not everyone country cottage area large area, medium and small. But, regardless of the area, the area for the site must first be prepared, cleaned of debris and leveled as much as possible if you want to build a high-quality fence between the children's area and flower beds.

On a small site, you will definitely need to install a sandbox, a swing, a house, and a pool for the summer.

If there is space left, it can be equipped with other equally interesting elements, including a small slide, a table for fakes, spring horses or lambs.

For older children, you can build a sports corner by installing labyrinths and climbers from boards and car tires:

To understand in more detail how to equip a playground in the country with your own hands, we suggest watching videos that will help you understand what you will have to face and what can be achieved:

Important Details

When equipping a playground, you need to remember that all the elements that will be installed on it must correspond to the age of the child.

As he grows up, replace children's elements with more interesting ones for the age of the child. After all, if the kid played in the sandbox at the age of three, he is unlikely to need it at the age of 12.

But a swing on a tree or will definitely meet the interests of teenagers. In addition, for a teenager, it will not be superfluous to put a medium-sized trampoline.

It is advisable to coordinate the elements for the children's area with the child. But not to indulge everything, the main thing is to take into account the physical capabilities of the child, his level of development, temperament.

In addition to everything, a lot depends on the financial capabilities of the family, and this fact can also be decisive in choosing elements for the site. But the most important thing is the desire of parents to please their little miracle and see his joyfully shining eyes every day.

Probably not best place on earth, where you can have a good rest with the whole family from the bustle of the city and the annoying noise than your own Vacation home. Here you can forget about everything, enjoy the nature and beauty of the local landscapes, have a good time with your family and close friends. But it's all about us - adults, but what about children, what do they need in order for their vacation to be no less useful, rich and exciting? That's right - a playground for games and entertainment! It is better to make a multifunctional playground in the country on your own. So you will not only save a lot of money, but also be sure that the structure will be quite reliable and truly safe. After all, who, if not parents, should take care of the health of their children.

Do-it-yourself playground from improvised materials (photo)

Since the main and priority requirement for the playground is its safety, the importance of locating the playground away from dangerous places where toddlers can get hurt becomes a top priority for parents. Nothing should threaten and pose a danger to their health.

When playing outdoor games, children completely forget about safety precautions, so before you let them out on the playground, you must absolutely be sure that nothing will happen to them.

Of course, you will not succeed in completely eliminating the risk of accidental injuries, because these are children and no one knows what might come to their mind. But to do everything possible to make their environment as safe as possible, you should try.

When choosing a suitable place to place a playground, remember that your kids, especially young ones, should always be in sight. Therefore, it would be advisable to equip a playground opposite those windows in the house where you are most often.

The remoteness of the site from the house should not be too large, so that in which case you can quickly respond to the problem that has arisen.

DIY children's sandbox (photo)

DIY children's sandbox - good way prove to your kids that their childhood is not indifferent to you. Having shown care and attention to the younger generation back in early age, you will lay a solid foundation for your future relationship.

The simplest and most straightforward way to build a sandbox is an open-type wooden structure in the shape of a square, rhombus, rectangle, etc. You can go even further and make a wooden sandbox with your own hands in the form of a boat or a ship.

A children's sandbox in the form of a ship is a dream for any child, especially boys

Child psychologists say that playing in the sandbox, kids not only develop Creative skills and hand motor skills, but also develop such positive character traits as hard work, perseverance, endurance and restraint.

In addition, it has been proven that the presence of children in the sandbox, at least one hour a day, contributes to the stabilization of their nervous system and stress relief.

Pretty simple and fast way designing a playground - make a small sandbox of white quartz sand, after fencing it with ordinary logs

Your task is to make a sandbox, and how to organize the gameplay, the kids will figure it out themselves

A do-it-yourself sandbox from improvised materials is a rather profitable and practical solution that will help not only save the family budget, but also allow you to use those unnecessary things that have been lying idle for a long time in the process of creating a frame.

Children's slides for giving their own hands (photo)

Unlike a sandbox, a children's slide is a more complex DIY design. The difficulty lies not only in the fact that its construction requires a larger amount of building material, but also in the special responsibility for the safety of the structure.

In order for the playground project to meet the most stringent safety requirements, during its construction, many little things and nuances will have to be taken into account:

  • Maximum slide height for children preschool age should not be more than 1 meter; for children over 5 years old, the height can be increased to 2–2.5 meters.
  • The angle of elevation of the stairs should be within 25 ° - 30 ° degrees, the optimal step width is considered to be 20 - 25 cm;
  • The rubber coating of each step will significantly improve traction with the sole and will prevent the sliding process;
  • Reliable, strong railings and balusters will not allow your child to fall from a height if at some point he cannot stand on his feet or slips.

For fast and safe descents from the slide, it is best to use plastic ramps, which are light in weight and have an excellent coefficient of friction. Today, stores specializing in the sale of sports playgrounds will be able to offer you a huge selection of plastic ramps, both in height and in the shape of the structure (straight, helical, wavy).

If you still decide to use natural ones (wood, plywood) for the slope, remember that their surface should be carefully and varnished.

A playground in the country, created at the proper level, will allow you to be sure that while spending time on it, your children are completely safe. Children's slides for summer cottages are a sport, and physical education, as we all know, not only tempers the body and spirit, but also helps your baby develop intellectually correctly.

Therefore, if you want your child to always be healthy, support the necessary sportswear and led healthy lifestyle life, the question of how to make a playground with your own hands should be paramount for parents.

Following simple rules installation for the assembly of wooden structures, you are guaranteed to get a comfortable and absolutely safe playground

A children's slide for a summer residence is not the only thing that you can make with your own hands for a fun-filled holiday for your kids. , trampolines, sports equipment, sandboxes, swings, labyrinths, . Here is just a small list of what you can make yourself with a good tool in your hands, and a number of fresh ideas in your head.

All these things, buildings and structures will be an excellent addition to the appearance of your site, transform its landscape design, and a beautiful playground for active games will give the courtyard a unique entourage and a special style.

Do-it-yourself children's swing for giving (photo)

Going to the dacha to relax and unwind from everyday worries and fuss, we dream of spending this time as comfortably as possible.

That is why we buy expensive, upholstered, and most importantly comfortable furniture for the house. On the street, you can hang a beautiful hammock, where it's so cool to have a cup of coffee or read an interesting book. But alas, you can’t tempt children with such a rest, they need something more than a soft sofa or a boring hammock, they are only interested in swings. And since you did not take care of this issue in advance, you will have to make a swing from improvised materials.

When creating an outdoor children's swing for giving with your own hands, you, as a father, must first of all understand that despite their angelic appearance, they still carry a potential danger. Therefore, as with any issue related to the safety of children, their reliability becomes the main criterion.

Children's tire swing is the easiest and fastest way to please your kids

You can hook a swing for absolutely anything, the main thing is that the support is sufficiently reliable and strong. If these are wooden or metal poles dug into the ground, then their base should be good, if it is a tree standing near the house, you need to hang the swing only on a healthy and thick bough.

A do-it-yourself playground made at your dacha can also serve as an excellent place where you can equip outdoor swings. After all, there is always a strong beam on it, which can easily withstand a small baby.

If your “communication” with a hacksaw, a jigsaw and a plane takes place on “you”, then it will not be difficult for you to make a wooden swing with your own hands. You only need to purchase a suitable rope for a swing, but there will always be a couple of boards on the farm.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the bulk of the outdoor swing for giving, which you can do yourself, requires practically no costs.

DIY treehouse (photo)

Probably many of you in your childhood read a book about an ageless boy Peter Pan from the magical land of Neverland. Everyone remembers his mysterious tree house, which attracted and attracted to itself with its mystery. Every child dreamed of such a tree house.

Time passed, the children grew up and the majority, an old dream remained a dream. But why not now, after many years, when you already have your own kids, do not make a childhood dream come true. Made so original way An interesting playground will be the perfect addition to your site.

To make a treehouse with your own hands, it is enough to have a simple drawing at hand, a minimum set of carpenter, standard lumber and a reliable assistant, so that in which case he can insure you. After all, the work is to be, albeit at a low, but height.

The most suitable type of wood for building a house with your own hands is oak. Following the oak, there are such strong species as maple, linden, large spruce or pine.

Important! Before starting construction children's house on a tree, it is necessary to properly examine the object for the presence various diseases. If such facts take place, the construction of a building on this tree must be abandoned.

Active games are an integral and necessary part of the life of any child. Therefore, the presence of a good and safe playground on the site is guaranteed to provide your kids with an interesting and varied leisure time in the country.

There is a huge variety good ideas for the design of playgrounds. Projects and drawings will be a great help to you when creating these objects. If you do not have them, do not be discouraged, and even more so, do not give up. Making a playground for your favorite kids is quite easy and fast without them.

Summer is coming, holidays. How to organize leisure for children in nature, in the country, in the countryside? Making our own playground!
In summer, most parents try to take their children out of dusty, gassed cities into nature. If you spend the summer months in the country with your children, then you need to make sure that the summer holidays are not only in their favor, but also in their joy. So that the child does not get bored in the country, make a playground for him with your own hands. It will require very little material investment plus your time and imagination. Be sure to involve the children themselves in the creation of the playground. Firstly, joint work helps to unite the family, strengthen relations between parents and children, and, secondly, the design of the playground is a creative activity that will be useful for the overall development of the child.

Any child will prefer natural materials (for example, wood) to artificial plastic for play. Therefore, we will focus on creating crafts for the playground from natural materials.

Mandatory components of any children's playground are as follows:

- sandbox
- water
- green spaces
- children's playhouse (tent, awning)
- swing
- natural materials for the game (gravel, stones, tree cuts, cones, twigs, plants, etc.)

1. Do-it-yourself playground. DIY sandbox

All children get a lot of joy and pleasure playing with sand. Sand play provides unlimited opportunities for the development of the child. Sand can be used to make cakes, build castles and tunnels, cook "soup" for dolls, it can be transported in cars. Another fun is to dig in various items into the sand and then dig them out. You can sprinkle the beetle with dry sand, and then watch how it gets out of it. On wet sand it is interesting to draw pictures with a stick, write letters.

Making a children's sandbox with your own hands is not difficult at all. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The sandbox should not be in the sun, but at the same time, a too dark, damp place is not suitable for it. If the child is still small, the sandbox should be near the house so that the baby is always in your sight.

You can fence off the sandbox with the help of logs, stumps, boards. If the sandbox is large enough, you can break it into several play areas (see photo below).

To protect from the sun, you can make a canopy.

2. Playgrounds for giving. Pools

Just like with sand, children only like to play with water. The best option is to combine games with water and sand. Make sure that the child always has a source of water next to the sandbox. Even a small bowl of water will suffice.

Of course, any child will be delighted with the pool at their summer cottage.

Another good fun is to hose each other down on a hot summer day. Or you can ask your dad or grandpa to make an outdoor shower out of PVC pipes.

3. Baby playgrounds. playground photo

When creating a playground with your own hands, you cannot do without all kinds of logs, stumps, tree cuts, boards. From the stumps you can make tables and chairs, surround them with a sandbox. Stumps and logs can be used as sports equipment: it is useful for children to learn to walk on them, while maintaining balance. From the saw cuts of trees you will get a nice path.

A child's imagination can turn a simple log into a bridge thrown over an abyss, into an airplane, a car, a horse, etc. Such games with the substitution of objects are very useful for the development of creative thinking in children.

4. Decoration of the playground. Do-it-yourself playground photo

A prerequisite for a good playground is the presence of greenery: trees, shrubs, grass, flowers.

Large trees will protect from the sun on a hot summer day. They are fun to climb.

Sometimes, for various reasons, trees have to be removed. However, do not cut down the tree to the very root - turn it into an interesting decorative element - a fabulous "house".

The base of large trees is the best place to create "fairy houses". Make it like this fairytale house from any material at hand and pasture will be interesting to every little girl.

Be sure to help the child make his own flower bed, which he will take care of on his own.

Even if you yourself prefer not to plant anything in the country, make sure that the child has his own small garden. Just a couple of beds on which he can grow unpretentious and tasty plants, for example, green peas.

5. Crafts for the playground. Do-it-yourself playground decoration

Decorating playgrounds is an interesting and creative activity. To decorate the playground, do-it-yourself crafts made of wood, tires and plastic bottles are suitable. Here are some ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating crafts for the playground.

6. How to make a playground. Ideas for the playground

When creating a playground with your own hands, be sure to take the child a secluded corner where he can be alone or in the company of his friends, dream, play, read, take a break from you adults, finally. It can be a purchased children's house or tent. And you can make a children's house (tent, tent) with your own hands. Here are some interesting ideas.

Do-it-yourself children's house made of wood

Children's houses for giving. Children's houses tents.

The easiest way to make a children's house with your own hands is to pull a rope between two trees, poles, between a tree and a fence (see photo below) and throw a thin blanket over it. The ends of the bedspread must be tied with ropes to pegs driven into the ground, or pressed with stones.

Children's house with their own hands.

Most interesting way make a children's house for a summer residence - "grow" it on your site. For this, any climbing plants with lush foliage, such as beans, are suitable.

By the same principle, you can "grow" a children's house from sunflowers. Sunflowers are a favorable plant to grow with children. They have large seeds, they grow quickly and are very unpretentious. Plant sunflowers around the perimeter of the circle at a distance of 10 cm from each other. When they grow to 1.5 meters, collect their tops and tie them together - that's the sunflower house ready! Yes, do not forget to leave a place for the entrance when planting plants!

7. Do-it-yourself playground. Wooden playground

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, be sure to make sure that the child has natural materials available for playing: sand, water, large stones, small pebbles, twigs, cones, plants. Games with natural material are of great importance for the development of sensory perception, motor skills, creative thinking of the child, favorably affect the physical and mental health of children.

8. DIY playground ideas.
Concluding our review article "Do-it-yourself playground", we will share with you some more useful ideas for decorating playgrounds.

Plexiglas easel.

Many mothers know how useful coloring games are for young children. But most do not very often allow kids to draw at home, because. after such classes, you have to wash both the child himself and the apartment.

Games in the country in warm weather have one great advantage - a child dressed in panties, no matter how dirty he is, is very easy to wash right on the street, pouring, for example, warm water from a hose. And at the same time, you do not have to worry about the cleanliness of the carpet, furniture, floor. Let the children in the country play enough with dirty materials, with the same paints, for example. An invaluable help will be provided by a homemade Plexiglas easel, which can be washed from the same hose.

It's a good idea to hang a chalkboard on the fence. Do not forget to give the child colored crayons, a bucket of water, a rag

Taking care of the physical development of children, you can make a rope bridge and a bungee for them. And from the old chair you get a comfortable swing.

Good luck with what you set out to do!

It is worth betting that the best place for a reboot is the countryside peace and quiet, in which all family members rest from everyday affairs, fuss. After all, it is here that you can switch to another wave, put your thoughts in order, and just relax mentally.

For a complete harmonious holiday with family, friends, you should not miss one important point- our kids. Their motor, jumping apparatus requires a separate equipped place where they could throw out all their energy, thereby giving their parents a rest.

If there is no such place on the site yet, then there are two ways out:

  • order something by paying a cloud amount of the family budget
  • take your feet in your hands, gather your thoughts, and do a feat for the sake of the kids - to make a playground out of simple materials.

Action plan

Decided to work independently? That is great! First of all, we recommend going in search. Stop! Wait, not on the street, but on the Internet! So, we are looking for all our favorite photos of the playground installed by our own hands to determine in the upcoming work.

When deciding on the place of construction of the play area, it is worth carefully inspecting the territory in order to exclude cases of injury to children. Of course, it is simply not possible to completely control the movements of children, yet it is quite possible to minimize injuries.

Making our own sandbox

The sandbox is one of the main favorite places for children from 1 to 5 years old to play. An expert shares how to make a playground with his own hands - “For convenience, it is advisable to place it in a place where the child will be under supervision all the time of the game. This is necessary in order to be able to react quickly, to help the child in a given situation.

A popular option is a wooden structure assembled in any of the shapes - a square, a rhombus, a triangle, a circle.

On a note! The smaller the age of the baby - the less corners, sharp endings are needed. Perfect option for safety - round form designs.

In the summertime of the sun, it is very good to come up with a roof to protect your heads from a merciless sunstroke.

Let's return to the types of structures. In addition to wooden structures, the sandbox can be fenced simple boards, tires, plastic bottles.

The main thing is to include a child in yourself, dream up a little, and this idea for decorating a playground will become a bright spot at the place of rest.

Making your own slide is easy!

The main thing to remember is that calculations must be accurate to millimeters so that the design becomes safe entertainment, which does not subsequently carry injuries, etc.

Such constructions will require more material than in the sandbox. In addition to creativity, you should be careful when erecting a gazebo, it must comply with complete safety in use.

For children under 5 years of age, the slide should be 1 meter high. Older than the specified age - no more than 2.5 meters. The angle of the ladder is more convenient to do within the normal range (26-29 degrees).

Take care of the non-slippery surface of the part of the slide to climb. The railing is the main part in the safety of the structure.

As for the descent from the hill itself, experts recommend using plastic forms (straight, wavy, spiral). But, according to many reviews of parents, such material gets very hot in the sun, clothes and hair are very magnetized in a pair, and it clicks with a light current.

On this point, however, reliable, iron structures made of stainless steel remain in preference. However, this is all for an amateur.

Thus, the design of the playground according to the instructions will make a pleasant recreation area even more useful for proper physical development children is not at all difficult.

The result will not keep you waiting, because according to the opinions of psychologists, the sandbox develops fine motor skills of the hands, promotes intellectual thinking, tempers perseverance and diligence.

Tall buildings with various loopholes, ropes, slides will make the child's body stronger, more patient, more athletic. Having built a playground with your own hands, you can safely relax without worrying about the safety of your offspring.

DIY playground photo

Infancy is an amazing time of fairy tales, fun games and exciting adventures. And for us, adults, it is prosperous to make quite a bit of effort, and the dacha, garden or courtyard of a high-rise building will become a favorite place for children's games. Therefore, today we will talk about do-it-yourself playground design options.

The main elements of the playground can be found:

  • sandbox;
  • pond (only in summer time);
  • children's playhouse in the form of tents, awnings and wooden structures;
  • planting bucks;
  • various swings;
  • handmade crafts for games.

All these elements can be used separately or combined with each other.

Playground Design Ideas

I want to plunge only some of the options for decorating the sites from the many acceptable ones. The main thing here is to bring imagination as much as possible or ask the children themselves for advice, and you can safely work miracles.

wooden sandbox

The most common element of the playground is the sandbox. It is present in a wide range of venues. In general, it is difficult to imagine a playground without sand.

Sand is the best play material. It is allowed to sculpt various figures from it, build tunnels and castles, and simply dig and dig a hole.

For the benefit of whom the sandbox needs to choose a suitable location. It should not be too shaded and painfully open. It is better to place it not far from home in order to observe the actions of the child from the window.

What can you make a sandbox with your own hands? by the most simple option Sklifosovsky production of a sandbox from a wooden bar, boards or logs. A large sandbox is dilapidatedly divided into several play areas.

If it so happened that the illiterate sandbox was placed in the shade, then you can make a fabric canopy so that the baby does not bake, take the sun.

Playgrounds for summer cottages with a pond, pool and shower

In the water, children can pass a large number of time. Even very cold, they are not willing to leave them. It is wonderful if the pond is combined with a sandbox. For these purposes, you can use any container that is on the farm (basin or large bucket).

A real pool in which you can swim will bring great joy to any child. It is better to do the pool yourself, and buy it ready-made in the store. For example, inflatable pools are not so fast and expensive.

Perhaps the most amusing entertainment on a hot summer day will be dousing with a swim, but not just from a hose, but from an unusual shower that can be made from PVC pipes.

Decorating a playground with wood crafts

I think the most best material favor of whom the design of the playground will be a tree and any wooden crafts. Suitable for these purposes. Ant. you can not use any logs, stumps, boards, etc. You can make children's tables and chairs from wood, use it as protective elements and sports equipment.

Children's imagination is limitless and is able to turn an ordinary log into a bridge over a river, a train, an airplane or a horse. Such a spectacle with the replacement of objects helps to develop the creative thinking of the baby as much as possible.

As an example, I want to express a photo of the arrangement of the playground, maybe someone will take these ideas for themselves to please someone) embodiment.

Decoration of the playground with plants and their decor

Green spaces, such as trees, bushes and flowers, will look very good on the playground.

You can not only climb trees, but also decorate them. Thus, giving an excellent view of the deserted (= sparsely populated) site only, but also the overall design of the site.

Old trees should not be cut down at the root. The best option will turn it into a fabulous house.

For girls, you can make a flower bed, which they will take care of with great pleasure.

In addition, the child is allowed to take a small area under the garden, where he can plant and grow his plants.

Crafts for the playground

Creating crafts for decorating a playground is fun and exciting, especially if the children themselves take part in it.

For the manufacture of crafts, it is possible to exploit wood, old tires, plastic bottles etc.

Cheerful colorful sun

In order for children to have a wild time, you can equip a bright, beautiful and interesting playground for them with your own hands. Having plunged into the immature world of fairy tales and vivid images, you can decorate the place for games with a cheerful colorful sun. Let's put it even on a cloudy day gives a joyful and playful mood. You can make it yourself from scrap materials. Or buy at the gift shop.

The sun can be pinned to the ring of an old net, which was once used to catch butterflies. The gauze bag must be opened, and the rod can be stuck next to the sandbox. For a complete idyll, we add toy cockerels with chickens to the sun. They will pore on thatched perches.

Sculptures for the playground

For the playground, you need to carefully sort the sculptures. We give preference to strong reliable materials and cheerful friendly compositions. Figures made of fragile pale-colored ceramics with gloomy characters are far from the best solution for a playground. Fragile sculptures are best placed in the depths of the garden. And to offer children manufactured products with which they can play, with which they can have fun without the risk of dividing or breaking anything.

For games, children can be offered home-made dolls made of soft materials. As inexpensive option fit little men made from ordinary paint brushes.

Bright doves - Pyramid and Mold.

Young explorers will love the colorful figurines that are easy to make from simple toys. The bright pyramid quickly turns into a colorful boy, whose name is Pyramid.

It is not enough to simply assemble a pyramid, grease its top with a quick-drying glue like “Moment” and root a skein of polypropylene twine of a suitable color on it. A ball of rope will do bright color. Then the eyes are glued, and the hat is put on.

Girl Mold is assembled from a set of multi-colored sand molds in the form of cups. So that the figure does not crumble, the bottoms of the cups are smeared with glue. Glue the head to the top mold, just like the Pyramid. Only the size will be slightly larger. And it is desirable to take a hank of a different color. Over time, we also glue the eyes and put on a wig braided in pigtails. Finishes the look elegant summer hat decorated with a bunch of flowers.

Underdeveloped playground house

It will be nice if you finish a corner on the playground exclusively for your child in the form of a house or a tent, where a naked person can be alone or invite his friends.

I propose to consider one drop of ideas for arranging a children's house with your own hands.

The easiest option is this device of a tent made of a rope and a piece of cloth.

The variant of a house made of plants will be more difficult, but much more interesting.

Playground swing

How not to take into account the swing? Every playground should have swings. Moreover, at least make a swing with your own hands and improvised materials in just a few hours.

For example, if there is an old and unnecessary chair in the house, then you can easily swing a swing from it.

Above, I gave many options for decorating a playground with my own hands. You just have to choose the right one for you and bring it to life. Give your child an incomparable corner on your site.