
What a business board looks like. DIY business board - how a board is made for development. Tips and easy steps to create a whiteboard for kids. What is better to choose when making a business board for a boy


As soon as children become more active and begin to master the world, their curiosity knows no bounds. Often, such a craving for the exploration of space adds gray hair to the parents, when the child reaches for sockets in the apartment, switches, scissors, knives and other dangerous objects. To satisfy children's curiosity and keep the child busy with a useful business, you can make a business board with your own hands, it is also known as a development board. Such a bright and interesting toy will captivate the kid for a long time, it is completely safe and allows developing hand motor skills.

Children's development board with a clock - an owl

This is an educational toy, which is a small wooden, plywood or cardboard base with many small items. For the game, locks, doors, latches, lacing, various buttons, sockets, small puzzles, abacus, switches, buttons with fabric loops, etc. are used. The more objects of various colors and purpose, the more fun it is for the kid to study them. Fiddling with small details is not only an exciting process for children, active finger work develops fine motor skills of the hands, in addition, such entertainment is useful for general development.

Children's development board with various objects

A development board, bought in a store or made by yourself, may differ in material, size, number of parts and color scheme. For the manufacture of this educational subject, it is advised to use materials of different texture. Each of the elements presented on the board will give the kid new ideas about the world around him.

Children's development board with a board for drawing

At what age can you play with the touch board?

The development board begins to interest the baby from about 8 months. By this time, the child already knows how to sit and focus on the process. However, until the age of one, it is not recommended to use hard boards, at first it is worth playing with soft parts made of fabric and thick felt (when buying felt sheets, you should pay attention to their thickness, it is better to take at least 1.5 or 2 mm). All items are attached to the base using a Velcro system and buttons.

Children's development board with switches and bulbs

The types of parts differ depending on the age of the child. So, it is more interesting for a one-year-old baby to pull the handles, opening windows and doors with locks, behind which there are images of animals, to press buttons, etc. But older children (3-4 years old) will find it more interesting to look for numbers and letters, open locks and solve simple puzzles ...

Children's development board with phones

What items to choose

A number of companies engaged in the production of educational boards accept orders for the manufacture of such toys according to individual measurements. However, the development board is simple enough to be made by hand.

Children's development board with numbers and a board for drawing
Children's development board with houses

The main thing is to decide in advance what needs to be placed on it:

  • buttons with loops;
  • hooks for clothes;
  • doors with locks;
  • small bulbs;
  • switches;
  • sockets;
  • abacus;
  • tumblers;
  • buttons or telephone dial;
  • remote controller;
  • lace-up eyelets to help you learn to tie your shoes;
  • coils, etc.

The choice and quantity depends on the age of the child. The older it is, the more complex details can be present on the game panel.

Children's development board with a phone
Children's development board with various interesting objects

How to make a business board safe

Even if you do not take your eyes off the child while playing, the development board itself (its elements and materials) must be safe.

  1. The finished board should be well secured so as not to accidentally fall on the baby's head during particularly intense play.
  2. When choosing a base for your game panel, keep it smooth and free from chipping. Corners and sharp projections must be rounded off by yourself or closed with special plugs or soft material.
  3. Each detachable part should be tied to the panel with a strong cord so that the baby does not accidentally drag it into his mouth and swallow.
  4. As soon as you attach all the components to the board, be sure to check if they are securely fixed. Small child shouldn't rip them off, even with all the effort.
  5. If the toy contains glowing parts, they should only be powered by batteries.
  6. A development board, purchased or custom-built, can be safe. But the number of elements depends only on the age of the playing children and their personal inclinations.

Children's development board with a compass

What is needed for a business board

To make a simple model, you will need:

  • small door hinges (4 pcs.);
  • doorknobs compact size (4 pcs.);
  • latches (2 pcs.);
  • hook constipation;
  • constipation with a chain;
  • a small colored lock with eyelets (4 pcs.) and keys;
  • chain (1 m);
  • revolving door handle;
  • magnets for doors and windows;
  • switches;
  • power socket;
  • small lamp powered by batteries;
  • call with batteries;
  • telephone circle;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners for the frame;
  • plywood sheet of the required size;
  • remnants of the laminate;
  • wooden boards.

To make the development board last longer, choose metal door handles instead of wooden ones, and to keep the doors with locks even, each of them must be fastened to two hinges. To prevent the ringtone from being too loud, it can be additionally wrapped in soft material - felt or foam rubber. For the safety of the child, the socket must be attached to the base without a plug, otherwise the child will also consider real sockets connected to the mains as a toy.

Children's development board with numbers and bulbs

What tools will you need

For the manufacture of children's business board in addition to the foundation and many cognitive elements, you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • nippers;
  • screwdriver.

For the base, it is better to take strong plywood or wooden boards, from which you can construct a shallow box.

Children's development board with numbers

Step by step instructions

The production of a business board can take from one to two days, depending on the complexity of the work. We suggest using the instructions for assembling a relatively simple model in the form of a box with doors.

  1. Cut the boards for the side pieces and shelves that will be attached to the inside of the product. Sand all parts, including plywood the right size.
  2. Use a pencil to mark the plywood sheet and mark the location of the parts. Carefully draw the places where the largest will be located - doors, telephone dial, switches.
  3. Drill the holes for the hinges.
  4. Using a jigsaw, cut out the holes for the opening elements (doors and windows), the telephone circle, the socket and the bell. The edges should be carefully processed so that they are perfectly smooth.
  5. Attach the boards to the plywood sheet using self-tapping screws and metal corners.
  6. Small laminate strips can be placed under the hinges to keep the hinges flush with the doors.
  7. Attach magnets to one of the side door openings. There should be metal plates on the doors in the same place to fix them closed.
  8. Attach the rest of the hardware (latches, latches, etc.) using self-tapping screws. If they are too long, shorten them with wire cutters.
  9. Hide all electrical elements of the door lock inside a wooden box; there should only be a button on the game panel.
  10. Glue the lamp to the base.
  11. The back side of the box must be closed; for this, attach the laminate panels to it with self-tapping screws.
  12. At the top of the box, you can make a handle for easy carrying of the toy. If the development board is to be hung on the wall, it is worth taking care of the fasteners, for example, the lugs.

Children's development board with sockets
Children's development board with the name of the child

Features of a business board for boys

Of course, the list of parts can be exactly the same and not depend on the gender of the baby. However, most often boys and girls have different interests, so the development board should correspond to them. Boys will be more interested in various technical details - buttons, locks, various mechanisms, etc. The shape of the board can be made in the form of a pirate ship, space station or car. A business board for a boy is often trimmed in more saturated colors, you can use shades of blue and light blue, red, white, gray, green tones, etc.

Children's development board with snaps
Children's development board with clock and calculator

Developing board for girls

The set of elements on the business board is almost indistinguishable from the "boy's" one, but you can pay more attention to various dials, telephone buttons, details with lacing, soft elements, pieces of fabric with buttons, etc. Images of castles, unicorns, fairies, flowers can be used as decor , princesses, etc. The main palette is most often "soft" - it is pink, lilac, turquoise, light green. However, if the girl is more interested in superheroes and loves other colors, do not impose princess games on her, take into account the wishes of the child.

Children's development board with a large car

Toy for the little ones

The educational panel for babies up to 1 year old should be made of soft elements. In fact, it is somewhat reminiscent of a developmental rug, but more voluminous. You can take a soft pillow as a basis or just cover it soft cloth wooden frame. For greater softness, you can additionally use a synthetic winterizer or foam rubber.

Children's development board with a bell

All elements are sewn from fabric or cut from felt. These can be images of animals, leaves of different tree species, fruits, vegetables, geometric shapes, lace-up rings, ribbons, buttons with hinges, etc. Doors and windows are also made of natural fabric or hard felt with locks. The most interesting gizmos can be hidden behind doors that must first be opened.

Children's development board with switches
Children's development board with clock and snaps

Developing board - useful toy for children of both sexes aged 8 months. up to 3-4 years old. It allows you to develop attention, hand motor skills and promotes harmonious development child. Whether purchased in a store or made yourself, the toy must meet quality and safety standards.

Video: An interesting do-it-yourself developmental children's board (business board)

50 photos of ideas for creating a developing board for a child (business board):

You don't have to spend money on expensive toys. Get inspired by photos of biziords for girls and create unique educational boards with your own hands.

Not every parent knows what a business board is. However, anyone who gets acquainted with the idea of ​​this amazing toy must think about how to make it. At the same time, homemade products turn out to be much more interesting than purchased models, because parents know better which elements of the development board their child will like. What is attached to the bodyboards for girls and how to make this developmental?

How to give your business board a girly mood

In the article “- best ideas and instruction ”it has already been said that for children in a year or two, there are no gender differences in interests. Therefore, despite the fact that the toy is intended for a girl, its content should contain "traditional" elements. These are locks with keys, toggle switches, latches, various wheels, etc.

Thematic material:

Decor will help to give the developing board a girly mood.

First, you can focus on the appropriate palette - bright pink, light green or delicate pastel shades... These colors can become the main background or decorate only the main elements.

Secondly, you can play on the general plot of the board - decorate it with fairies, flowers, butterflies and other cute creatures.

If the business board is intended for girls, in addition to household items, you can add "women's little things":

  • a mirror (preferably unbreakable, for example, plastic);
  • fake hair for weaving braids and hairpins;
  • dolls that can be changed (buy ready-made wooden sets or cut paper clothes for the drawn "model");
  • a notebook or small drawing board;

  • beautiful daughter shoes with Velcro and laces, which are already small;
  • a centimeter in a tape measure (the tape should be soft so as not to injure the baby when winding up);
  • envelopes with "secrets";
  • snakes, Velcro and other fasteners.

Advice! Clothespins useful for developing motor skills can be played in a mini-dryer, where tiny felt clothes are hung on a rope.

Business board design - master class

To make a developing board for a girl, it is not at all necessary to be a master of carpentry and have a large number of tools. Any dad with a drill, liquid nails and a minimum of details will cope with the work in a couple of hours. Moms, on the other hand, can take on the role of a designer and think over the educational content of the business board.

Comb hedgehog

An ordinary folding comb with a mirror can turn into a real puzzle for a baby. After all, in order to shove the bristles back and close the mirror, you will have to work a lot with your fingers.

Magnetic tablet

Business boards are made from unnecessary things that are in every home. You don't have to buy a tablet for magnets in a store. Any tin box for tea or cookies will play its role.

Its advantage is that you do not need to think about how to process the edges. The lid of the box is already trimmed with piping. It remains only to glue the inner surface with self-adhesive paper and attach the cover to the business board with glue.

Rattling bottle

Young children love to watch objects roll down a pipe or groove and fall. This kind of entertainment can be arranged with a regular yogurt bottle.

Thematic material:

We cut it across so that Bottom part was 1/3. Now you need to process the sharp edges with self-adhesive film or electrical tape and attach with strong threads to the base.

In the game, the child unscrews the lid and pushes in an object of a suitable size. It rolls at an angle and hits the severed bottom of the bottle. The same game can be arranged by attaching a piece of plastic corrugated pipe to the bodyboard.

How to make a business board - inspirational photo ideas

The creation of a development board always begins with the preparation of the foundation and the schematic planning of the parts. Any wood or plywood board is suitable for the base. Its edges must be carefully finished and sanded.

Necessary items can be found at home or bought at a regular hardware store. They are attached to the board with self-tapping screws, a furniture stapler or glue.

You should not completely paint your business board, because varnishes and paints are not best friend for a one-year-old toddler who will definitely taste your homemade product.

Small details can be arranged acrylic paint... But don't overdo it. Color your business board using no more than 3-4 colors, otherwise it will turn out to be too colorful and will scatter the attention of the crumbs. The same goes for the forms.

Snakes and clasps can be played with drawn clothes

A spiky wood roller is a great finger massager

Developing board in a juicy girly palette

As you can see, for a child to grow up developed, it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive toys. Get inspired by biziord photos and create your own unique homemade products!

Busyboardbusy board from English busy- busy and board- board.

All small children love to open cabinets, pans, refrigerators; press buttons from remote control panels; turn on and off lights in all rooms and much more. Why not allow them such entertainment, without fear for their safety? To do this, you can create a development board or a business board for children with your own hands or buy it in a store.

Busyboard- is a development board (stand, module), on which there are many objects (locks, doors, buttons, latches, latches, clothespins and other small "dangers") that the child is usually not allowed to touch.

In addition, the business board can be filled with toys or objects. different shapes, colors and textures: what you can touch, iron, move, press, switch.

All this must be securely fixed on the canvas of the business board so that the game is safe for kids.

Such boards can be purchased at toy stores, purchased to order online, or made by yourself. You can make such a toy yourself in a day or two, and the child will play with it for a long time.

The essence business board is for the child to learn to develop finger motor skills, thinking and logic, and the more different elements are fixed on the business board, the more interesting it will be for the baby. In addition, such a board is a great way to distract the child for a while, thereby giving yourself the opportunity to do something around the house.

Business boards are very popular among parents and children like them very much. And this is no accident. If babies have appeared in your house, then a business board for children is simply necessary for you, we highly recommend making it, you yourself will be surprised how a child can be assiduous and focused.

The benefits of business board development boards

Trains motor skills

Concentrated manipulation of small objects builds motor and sensory coordination skills. Small pen movements will become more confident, firm and sharpened, which is the first step in preparing your hand for writing.

Concentrates attention

A young researcher, studying the structure of mechanisms, learns to combine various techniques and approaches, develops motor memory, and sometimes creative abilities.

Develops imagination

The game board stimulates the child to cognitive activities, promotes the development of imagination and expands the idea of ​​the world around.

What do we have by purchasing BIZEBOARD?

  • Feeling safe for your child.
  • More free time.
  • Securing the studied material by means of replacing cards behind the doors.

At what age is a business board suitable for children?

If you decide to give a business board to a child 2-3 years old, then you will make the right choice!

And, having decided to please the little one who has just learned to crawl, but is already actively interested in the work of sockets and switches, with a toy with a bunch of "forbidden" things, you will do it even more correctly.

How younger age the child who is allowed to play everything that "is not allowed" - the earlier the child realizes the principle of these things, and the less the risk that he decides to play with real objects.

Montessori technique

Who is Maria Montessori, every mother knows, for sure, who, while waiting for the crumbs, re-read a mountain of literature, preparing to create an ideal environment for upbringing at home.

Montessori is the first Italian woman to become a doctor.

Maria Montessori was a public figure - a philosopher, teacher and doctor. For a long time she worked in a boarding school for mentally retarded children.

There her famous pedagogical theory was born, which very soon became a program adapted for classes with healthy children.

What is the essence of the Montessori method?

The child is here best educator for myself. The pace of development of each child is individual. The adult's task is not to learn as such, but to follow the rule "help me do it myself."

The development of motor skills and sensory skills, attention and thinking - this is what Montessori education methods are aimed at.

“The knowledge and skills acquired on their own penetrate deeper into consciousness, and turn a person into a truly free one. By shielding children from performing physical activities available to them, it is very easy to harm growing people. Overprotection and unnecessary help can hinder the natural process of the development of children's strength, ”said Montessori.

According to the Montessori method for early development the child needs a special learning environment. The class (room) is divided into zones - practical, motor, educational and sensory, - filled with thematic material. Household and household items are the best tools for understanding the world and reality.

It is not at all necessary to bring the crumbs to a real door in order for him to understand how the heck works. You can just give this item into the hands of the kid and he himself will figure out its functionality. The distinction between the actions of the child and the danger threatening him has pushed the theory of teaching preschoolers to a new level.

A well-known methodologist proposed to transfer improvised household appliances to the stand for study. Thus, children will be able to learn the functionality of every little detail, and parents will no longer fear for their lives.

By moving door chains, cornice rings or a zipper, the child will develop fine motor skills of the fingers and learn the things that interest him.

Neural signals from small fingers will be transmitted to the brain and will enrich the memory of the baby with impressions. Such stimulation has a beneficial effect on the intellectual and physical development crumbs.

Business boards do an excellent job with their main task - the development and involvement of the child in the game.

It is known that the prototype of a modern business board was made back in 1907 by Maria Montessori herself... The methodologist suggested placing on the training stand all sorts of improvised household items that the child will sooner or later face in practice.

At that time, such a board was equipped with the necessary items according to Monterossi: light switches, a socket with a plug, painted shoes with a real lace, a door latch and a door chain. Nowadays, the concept of the board has remained the same, except that the number of items has been added.

Business boards also called:

  • development boards,
  • a board with locks,
  • developmental modules,
  • chests for development,
  • board of Monterossi,
  • entertaining board.

DIY business board. Master Class.

You can save several thousand rubles and clean the pantry of unnecessary things by making a business board yourself.

This will take only a couple of hours, but how much joy it will bring new toy baby!

How to make a business board on your own?

In stores, you can find factory copies of development boards. Taking them as an example, it is quite possible to create a business board with your own hands.

Crafts that come out of the hands of parents will be appreciated by the child more than faceless stamping.

So, you decided to create a development board yourself and now you are thinking about how best to do it.

Stages of creating a business board. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pick a board and decide what you want to place.
  2. Carefully handle the board, you do not want the child to splinter his finger.
  3. Mark on the board where the parts are attached.
  4. Color the board or glue pictures (if you want to make it more attractive).
  5. Attach all items.
  6. Check the fastening yourself carefully.
  7. Secure the board itself.
  8. Show a surprise to your child!

Dimensions, materials

First you need to choose a base. As a rule, for this they take a small piece of plywood, plastic or laminated chipboard. A regular board will be too heavy, and a non-laminated board may instead bring your son or daughter a bunch of splinters.

Small planks, the same plywood or pieces of laminate are used as additional inserts. Sometimes, for a business board, a dense corrugated cardboard is taken as a basis. It will be convenient if you decide to introduce your child to the world of fabrics and sewing accessories.

You need to decide on the size based on how much free space in the room where the business board is supposed to be located. It is also worth taking into account the age of the baby: for a crumb that only crawls, a small board with a couple of three objects is enough (kids cannot play with more than 2-3 toys at once). An older child can build a real stand that can be mounted on the wall or left mobile.

On average, the size of a business board, convenient for children from 6 months to a year, is 300x300 mm - 500x700 mm. Children from one year old can be offered a larger toy, but such a size that the child, without leaving the place, can easily reach the desired object (on average - up to 1 m²).

It is better to make a business board from a natural board or a piece of thick plywood. It is not necessary to paint the future stand, it is better to leave it without paint at all, to process it with sandpaper so that the child does not plant splinters.

For fastening, you can use glue and self-tapping screws.

For work, you need to prepare a smooth, polished board of the required size.

You can make a small portable board that the child himself will carry to the right place (30 * 30cm) or a full-fledged business board, which is installed against an empty wall, it can reach dimensions of 100 * 80 cm or more.

By the way, the following sizes are often found on sale: 40 * 40cm, 70 * 50cm, 100 * 80cm, and their prices range from 2500 rubles. up to 6000 rubles

Well, if your house has a suitable board (maybe a door from old furniture) and many elements from the list presented above, then you can save a serious amount of money and arrange all the items the way you want.

If there are no suitable items in your home, we recommend asking around from relatives, friends, or simply buying everything you need in stores. So, the board is selected, the elements are purchased, put all the items on the board, as you see fit, then glue some of the items (light in weight) with the Moment glue, screw the others with a screwdriver. The finished board can be simply placed against the wall or hung on pre-hammered nails.

As you can see, nothing complicated about self-production There is no such board, even if you have not previously held a screwdriver in your hands, you will instantly understand what's what and quickly deal with the task at hand.


The next step will be to analyze your mezzanines and old boxes for the presence of spare parts for furniture and other little things that were once a pity to throw away. If you are an advocate of cleanliness and you cannot find such parts in your home, you can always buy them in a hardware store or hardware store. Moreover, you still have to go there for self-tapping screws for fasteners.

After you have fished out all the future fragments of the development board, try to arrange them and decorate the board. Often for emulation entrance doors small boards are placed on the board on small hinges, which the kid can lock himself on different kinds constipation and locks. A niche can be placed behind such a peculiar door. Then the child will be able to arrange hiding places there, hiding his favorite baby doll or a donated candy.

It doesn't matter if something doesn't fit on the first version of your business board - in the future you can always add these copies to the board if something goes wrong there.

And, finally, the last step is to securely fasten all the fragments with self-tapping screws or nail them down.

Examine the opposite side of the board carefully. The protruding sharp ends of the screws can injure the child, so it will be necessary to process them with an emery or a file.

How to fill the board - parental fantasy will tell you. First of all, you can start from whoever the business board is being prepared for - for a boy or a girl.

Anything that is interesting and safe for the child can be used (no sharp and cutting objects, toxic materials, small, poorly fixed objects).

Material to use

It is best if elements from different materials will be attached to the board:

  • fabrics,
  • metal,
  • plastic,
  • rubber.

This diversifies the range of sensations and does not have time to become boring to the baby.

Most used parts for the business board use:

  • Inoperative socket with plug;
  • Cabinet door handles or door hook;
  • Doorknobs;
  • Lacing;
  • Door knocker;
  • Small computer keyboard;
  • Light switch;
  • Battery operated doorbell;
  • Door chain;
  • Working calculator;
  • Plastic mirror;
  • Yardstick;
  • Compass;
  • Clock with arrows;
  • Door numbers;
  • Keyhole with a key;
  • Bicycle horn;
  • Reflectors (reflectors);
  • Small lock with or without key;
  • Faucet with a valve;
  • Furniture wheel;
  • Abacus;
  • Homemade doors on awnings
  • Chains with large rings;
  • Springy cord from a corded telephone;
  • Pimpled film;
  • Unnecessary children's shoes with a lace;
  • Bell;
  • Magnifier on a string;
  • Large suction cups
  • Door chains, hooks, eyelets;
  • Bars, latches, latches, latches, hooks and padlocks (such as small mailbox locks), bicycle locks;
  • Fanariki, small battery powered lamps;
  • Switches and buttons, it is not at all necessary that they turn on something;
  • All kinds of toggle switches;
  • Old rotary telephone; old remote control or push-button telephone;
  • Spools and laces - with their help you can create interesting lacing;
  • Zippers and buttons;
  • Various castors;
  • Rotary toggle switches
  • Door latches, locks, latches, latches, hinges, handles, curbs and everything that is called door hardware. Something can just serve as a frame for a business board
  • Rollers for construction, massage. Even a thick toilet paper roll will work
  • Lacing. On the basis, they usually draw an image of shoes, rivets are attached to it and the laces are tucked in according to all the rules. Better if you pick up bright colours for this item
  • Fasteners, zippers, Velcro, buttons, hooks and loops. All this can be found in a sewing store and sewn onto durable scraps of fabric, which will then be fixed on the base
  • Bells or similar parts that make sound. Old doorbell or xylophone parts will do
  • Abacus, large rings on a piece of old cornice or simply beads strung on a string. By moving them in different directions, the baby can learn to count.
  • Old telephone dial or keypad from a mobile device
  • Lightning. For simplicity, usually zippers of the "tractor" type are used, you can attach them with good glue or a stapler, and arrange again with a drawing: for example, it can be a jacket or a crocodile, which has a zipper instead of teeth!
  • Pieces of various fabrics
  • Flashlights and lighting. Naturally, the simplest and most understandable for a child
  • Mail locks with keys
  • Buttons, animal eyes and other sewing accessories
  • Panel with buttons from unnecessary electrical appliances
  • Those. it can be anything that can be touched, moved, studied without any threat to life.

This list is just a rough guide to what you can use. If you find something else at home that will be useful for the development of your child, add this element to your development board. The main thing is that the new fragment is safe and cannot injure the child in your absence.

Developing boards business board will be as interesting as possible for kids if there are as many fixed objects as possible, and each of them will be able to perform some action. So let's say, when you press the bell button, the child hears a melodic sound, pulling the door chain will feel its sliding, etc.

Busyboard for boys and girls

How to choose the right business board for boys and girls, because the interests of children with early age differ according to gender.

What attracts girls, and what attracts boys, and how to take all this into account when choosing a business board?

Busyboard for boys

What is the ideal business board for boys?

All boys love to twist and fasten something, assemble and disassemble.

On the business board you can attach exactly the boyish details:

  • large nuts and bolts,
  • springs,
  • latches,
  • chains and door hooks,
  • sockets,
  • switches.

Will look good business board for a boy:

  • steering wheel from a children's car;
  • compass;
  • dial and hands from hours;
  • telephone disk;
  • real water tap;
  • small household scales (steelyard), where instead of a hook, fix a ring.

If you wish, if your dad is well versed in electrics, you can build in light bulbs, flashlights that will really turn on, receiving power from securely fastened batteries.

You can equip the board with opening doors that can be locked with real padlocks with keys or a hook.

You can endure business board in a single theme, for example, in nautical... Suitable as filling:

  • toy steering wheel,
  • bell,
  • anchor,
  • compass,
  • pieces of ropes.

Or in automotive business board:

  • fix the steering wheel,
  • unnecessary speedometer,
  • rearview mirror,
  • bolts,
  • levers,
  • wrenches and more.

Correspond business board It should also be in color: it can be blue, light blue or a neutral color: natural wood, gray, green.

Busyboard for girls

How to choose business board for girls?

The main colors that give out a girl's toy are pink, light green, peach, pale lilac, golden; this can be the background itself or the predominant shade of details.

How to equip a board for a girl?

By the fact that she is interested in:

  • beauty,
  • needlework,
  • household worries.

Of course, the following will do:

  • sockets with plugs,
  • locking mechanisms,
  • watch,
  • little abacus,
  • keyboard from the calculator.

And you can also attach all kinds of:

  • hooks,
  • lacing,
  • lightning,
  • buttons,
  • buttons,
  • abacus.

Surely every baby will be delighted with a paper-like doll that you can dress and undress.

It is only better to attach the doll from thick cardboard or - even better - from fiberboard.

It will not be difficult to draw and neatly cut it out, even for people who are far from artistic skill.

You can attach a real clothesline and hang some clothespins; a small mirror is also useful; glued multi-colored envelopes for secrets, fake braids with hairpins and rubber bands, pendants and bells will look good. Girls can also be offered business board in the style of a hairdressing salon:

  • with mirrors,
  • combs,
  • tassels
  • brushes.

Or in the style of a store

  • with real little bills,
  • calculator,
  • toy scales

Ideas for a business board

How to make business board that will captivate the child for a long time? It is enough to show your imagination - and you will be able to create a real masterpiece.

If you have artistic skills, you can paint an untreated tree with different motives, for example, turning it into a forest or seabed, populating it with interesting inhabitants.

It will be interesting if you keep the business board in a single theme. For example, a retro business board with bills, a phone drum, old switches and buttons.


There is no greater joy for a child than playing with objects that adults forbid him to touch for the sake of safety.

WITH business board it’s easy to say “you can” instead of the endless “you can’t”.

In addition, this toy develops fine motor skills, sensory perception, logic and imagination of the baby.

Business boards, or educational boards for children, are very popular today. With their help, you can speed up intellectual development kids. Fine motor skills of the hands, which are developed with the help of such "toys", directly affect the development nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception by the child of the surrounding world.

In addition, business boards accelerate the development of logic and thinking. Do not forget about one more positive effect of the development board. With her help. you can keep the baby busy for a while, during which you can solve your affairs.

For the first time, a children's development board was presented by Maria Montessori in 1907. This Italian was a very famous doctor and teacher. She devoted her whole life to children and came up with a revolutionary methodology for their development.

Busboard: what is it, what is it for, at what age?

The most optimal time to use a bodyboard is 2-4 years old. In general, you can use a children's development board from an age when the baby has already begun to actively move around the room. At this time he was very interested in various "adult" things. He wants to flip a switch, turn knobs and push buttons. The safest for this active baby will make a board and fix on it all sorts of things that interest your baby so much.

A business board is needed when a child becomes interested in taps, switches, buttons and other items.

What to make a business board?

It is best to use natural wood for this purpose. Firstly, this material is the safest for the child. And secondly, all objects interesting for the child can be easily fixed on it.

The only drawback of the tree is its weight. For small children, it is best to fix such a board firmly to the wall. So you can protect it from falling.

What can be fixed on the development board?

In order for the business board to be interesting to the child, fix on it all those things that he likes. It can be:

  • Switches
  • Disk with numbers from an old phone
  • Door chain
  • Clock with hands
  • Lock with a key (key, in order not to get lost, you need to hang it on a chain)
  • Valve with tap
  • Hinged door (you need to do something interesting under it)
  • Furniture wheel
  • Shoe laces
  • Velcro from clothes
  • Bell

This list can be continued for a very long time. It is important to choose such elements with which the child can perform some kind of action. Fixed elements are unlikely to be of interest to a child.

DIY business board for girls step by step: sizes and scheme


Business boards can be made both universal and thematic. The developing board with cosmetic accessories will be very interesting for the girl, doll stuff and accessories that mom often uses.

  1. Let's start with the basics. As mentioned above, it is best to use a tree for this purpose. For these purposes, a ready-made board is suitable, which must be cut into the required dimensions, and the edges and area must be sanded to eliminate the risk of the child getting a splinter. For a lightweight portable business board, a board of 30 x 30 cm is suitable.And for a stationary board mounted on the wall - from 70 x 70 cm.It is not necessary to use square shape boards.
  2. After preliminary processing of the board, it can be opened with varnish or painted in a color close to the girl: peach, pink, light green, etc. But, you can leave the board uncovered.
  3. After the coating dries, the most interesting stage in creating a business board is placing objects of interest to the child on it.

IMPORTANT: Do not rigidly fix objects on the board in advance. Arrange them first as you like and look at it from the outside. Eliminate the flaws and only then fix them "tightly".

On a developing board for girls, you can attach not only buttons, buttons, envelopes with secrets, a doll that can be dressed and undressed, and other "female" things. Your baby will also be interested in purely "male" locks, switches and other items.

DIY business board for a boy step by step: sizes and scheme


Making a development board for boys is as easy as making a board for girls. To do this, we make a board of the required size and prepare it in the same way as a board for girls.

  1. You can choose blue or light blue as the cover for the boys' board. A board painted in camouflage color will look very nice. But, for this you will have to use at least three types of paint.
  2. On the board for boys, you can place bolts and nuts (of course large), latches, wheels from toy cars, etc.
  3. If your kid likes to turn the light on and off, install a lamp on the board (of course, it must have a protective cap and connect it to the switch. The current should be no more than 6 volts. Instead of a switch, you can make an outlet and a plug. When the kid plugs the plug into the outlet, the circuit will close and the lamp will light up.

What else can you fix on the development board for boys?

  • Steering wheel from a children's car
  • Water faucet
  • Compass (for mobile business board)

The boys' development board can be styled to look like a car dashboard. In general, at this age when a child is interested in business boards, there are practically no differences in interests between boys and girls. This rather parents stylize such boards to match what they like. Dad for a boy can make a business board made in a military theme. It all depends on the taste of the parents.

If you have artistic talent, then on the board you can draw the characters of your child's favorite cartoons: Fixikov, Luntik, Smesharikov, etc. They can be hidden behind doors that will be interesting for the child to open.

How to order a business board on Aliexpress?

In the popular online store Aliexpress, you can purchase development boards of various sizes and configurations. For example, such a simple board can be purchased for only 122 rubles.

And with the help of such a board, you can develop in a child not only logic, but also help him remember numbers.

Business board two-sided

A double-sided development board for a child is usually not large sizes... This is understandable. Usually these boards are portable.

Mini board business board

Mini business boards do not exceed 50 x 50 cm in size. Such mobile boards can be taken with you on a trip. They will not take up much space in your luggage. With their help, you can take your child away from home. In terms of their functionality, mini boards are inferior to large business boards. But, they can also develop logical thinking and fine motor skills of the hands of a child.

Business board development board: ideas, examples

If you have not yet decided what to place on the development board, then our examples will help you decide on this.

An excellent development board that each of you can make.

It contains four doors, stylized as houses, latches, lacing, a switch and a socket, with which you can turn on the light of a protected lamp.

It will be interesting for the kid to click on it and listen to the melody. Almost all of the elements of this business board can be bought at a hardware store or found at home.

As for the gears, they can be found in the old constructor. If you don't have such a constructor, replace this element with any other one.

Busyboard: reviews of parents

Alina. Once I was sorting through the closet and found all sorts of unnecessary things there. I already thought of throwing them out, but my husband said that he knew what to do with them. I took away some latches, a socket, a doorbell and a handle. My daughter and I went to our parents, and when we returned, we got an amazing gift. The husband made the business board himself. My daughter liked it so much that they could hardly go to bed.

Kirill. I made a business board myself. I found some of the elements at home, bought something at a furniture and hardware store. My son really liked it. It was not to be torn off the first time. And it develops mentally and gives us a rest.

Video. BiziBord do-it-yourself game development stand


How to make a do-it-yourself business board for girls. Features of the filling and design of a bodyboard for a girl. Inspirational photos.

A business board, or simply a development board, is one of the most essential toys for a child aged 10 months - 4 years. With its help, fine motor skills develop, and therefore various areas of the brain. For the first time, Maria Montessori spoke about business boards, it was presented to the public in 1907.

Initially, only locks were located on the development board. Later, switches, buttons, telephone discs, abacus, lacing and much more were added. Each of the elements is designed to stimulate the development of logic, thinking, fine motor skills and household skills. Today in stores there are many business boards of different sizes and content. They are, immediately worth noting, not cheap. That is why many people make educational boards for children on their own.

Features of the filling and design of a bodyboard for a girl

Boards for boys and girls will of course be different. For little princesses, a design in soft pink or peach tones is best suited. A bright yellow, sunny design will also look good. You can decorate a business board with stickers with princesses, fairies, castles and dolls. Elements on the board can be arranged in any order, or they can make up some storyline for example a kingdom. Girls also like the "natural" theme - flower lawns. A good option is to make a real doll house. True, it will consist not of one, but of several boards connected to each other. Windows can be latched, doors can be locked, and free space can be decorated at personal discretion.

As for filling a business board for a girl, then conditionally all elements can be divided into two blocks: standard and purely "feminine things" .

The first will include:

  • locks and latches: you can attach them for a reason, but on the gates of the castle drawn on the board;
  • switches, toggle switches and sockets with a plug - ideally, after pressing them, a flashlight should light up or a pleasant melody should be played;
  • zippers, buttons, lacing and other fasteners;
  • tablet for drawing;
  • telephone dial, clock with hands, abacus, and so on.

If we talk about "purely female" elements, then you can put on a business board for a girl: a magnetic doll and an envelope with her wardrobe, a jar with a twist-off lid, for example, from a cream, other cosmetic accessories, a plastic mirror, hair and rubber bands, using which you can make a hairstyle, a string for stringing beads, envelopes with secrets.

Step-by-step master class: making a business board for a girl with your own hands

  1. The first thing to start with making a business board is to work out its design and choose the size. The board can be drawn on an album sheet (to scale), or you can simply lay out the elements on a Whatman paper in order to see how the structure will look as a result.
  2. After the design issue is resolved, you can start preparing the elements. In order to "type" everything that needs to be audited in the household household box and visit the department with educational toys in the children's store.
  3. Then you can go to the base. For making a business board, a board or plywood is suitable. The main thing is to carefully sand the edges and the area itself, so that in the future the child does not get hurt and does not get a splinter. By the way, the shape of the base does not have to be square - if you have a jigsaw, you can cut out a cloud or even a real castle.
  4. Once the board is finished, it can be varnished or painted in your chosen color. For girls, delicate shades are ideal: pink, peach or brighter sunny yellow.
  5. After painting, the board must be allowed to dry properly and you can proceed to the final stage - fastening the elements. Before screwing them "tightly", you can simply lay out all the details and once again evaluate how successful the design turned out to be. Perhaps there will be a desire to redo something.
  6. The final step is making the fastening of the board itself. If it is small, portable, then you do not need to hang anything on the wall. If the size is impressive enough, then you need to make sure that the business board does not fall during the game in any case - this way the child can get serious injuries.

That, in general, is all you need to make a developing board for girls. The do-it-yourself business board differs from the one purchased in the store in that the soul is invested in it, and all the wishes of the little princess are taken into account.